#break is ending boooo
pistachi0art · 6 months
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Orange Dreamsicle meets Bugaboo ft. wip Darnold Pony
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aro-ortega · 8 months
as much as i do want sasja and julia to reconcile and get back together..... idk that it will ever happen..... idk that sasja would be willing to give her that power/trust again, would be willing to give her the opportunity to hurt him again......... but. idk...... maybe if things dont work out with daniel.....
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hecksupremechips · 4 months
The way akishinji and ashbella both have dramatic coma scenes and dramatic shot through the heart scenes like we’ve gotta stop meeting like this 😩
#the klock keeps ticking#theres actually so many similarities between these two pairings which is. probably why theyre my favorite pairings ever#like theres shinji and ashton they are guys with long hair/crabby/trying to be cool but theyre lame/emo/fingerless gloves/repressed#care so so deeply about their friends and break their fucking backs trying to protect them but are terrible with expressing their affection#with words so they come off as uncaring and rude/associates with shady people/buried beneath lies they tell to their friends/hate themselves#plans to die alone because they think they dont matter/bad at sincerity/has it bad like really bad for aki/bella#they love aki/bella for their kindness and sincerity and they feel theyre unworthy of it and that theyre a burden#gets [REDACTED] and held by aki/bella#then the aki isabella similarities are like older sibling who works too hard/stubborn/bad at reading social cues#too good for this world/will punch their friends if needed/bad at self care/emotionally repressed/kinda clumsy and silly#when they find out about shinji/ash trying to get themselves killed they get very angry and emotional and have a big confrontation#lose an important family member despite all their efforts to keep them safe/have trouble understanding their own feelings#especially if those feelings are romantic#and like both couples love to argue and bicker but care for each other so deeply its annoying lol and theres lots of miscommunication#cuz god theyre bad at having feelings and expressing them to each other and theyre long term friends#the coma scenes and the shot through the heart scenes are waaaaay better on the ashbella end though thats a given#since the letter has significantly better writing good god lol#like the emotions are very real and they fuck me up so bad then p3 its like. aki cries for 3 seconds and thats all you get cuz god forbid#a character in this series get to like. be written in a satisfying way lol#the letter just works so much better like akishinji would benefit from those scenes but ashbella needs like no work aksjks#plus ‘this is how it should be’ is a line that i fucking hate cuz of how its treated afterwards meanwhile fucking#‘you are going to die ashton frey. and you are going to die alone’ ‘she got one thing wrong though. i did not die alone’#that shit gets me so bad every single time ITS SO GOOD and such a slap to the face#realizing that youve made a grave error and youre actually loved deeply and matter a lot right as youre dying and feeling relieved#cuz you may be dying. BUT YOU DIDNT DIE ALONE YOU DIED BEING LOVED AND CARED FOR#like idk at least his death is able to mean something for him as a character its still a moment of growth#shinji doesnt learn anything he fully dies believing he deserves it and that everyone will benefit from it#god awful writing right there boooo
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vampyrebellion · 8 months
Wanting lately to make so much sts stuff but college classes giving me 0 motivation for art already 👎🏻
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sandsucks · 8 months
i’ve watched a few good pakistani dramas recently if anyone wants recs i gotchuuu
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piccolos-bigtoe · 1 month
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I’m not really sure,,, how I feel about this to be honest,, but I’m trying new things and that’s what’s important. This isn’t explicitly my sniperscout wildwest thing I surpose but I drew it with that in mind. I have the draft for like the first part halfway thru, all I gotta do is finish it then edit it. I’ll probably post some of my notes here of it sometime.
I fr went so hard on the characterization notes,, I’m proud of myself. I’m gonna draw tomorrow probably and try and do their references and notes and stuffs maybe.
This drawing kind of looks a little sad, I think, but don’t worry scouts not actually sad. The way thag I imagine scout is that he is like, very loud and opinionated on everything, even things he knows nothing about, and is usually pretty ‘honest’ about what he thinks (sometimes the annoying “brutally honest” way where it’s not so much honesty ws it is being an asshole), unless it comes to himself. Like when it comes to himself he’d sort of be a liar, whether it’s how he feels or stuff he’s done because even if he wouldn’t ever admit it he REALLY cares about what people think about him… unconventional emotions get hidden with either smugness or anger, and he boosts his ego with stupid lies about feats he’s pulled. He’s like the kind of guy that talks and jokes a lot as an attempt to hide his feelings woah emo…. 🖤
In contrast Sniper to me would be the type of guy that doesn’t really have a lot to say, but he is truly an honest person about himself and what he feels when he does speak, he’s never been one for socializing so he learned to not really care about how others perceive him to a huge extent. He wears his heart on his sleeve almost but like in a more quiet sort of way. Okay,,, I’m ending my rambling I’m getting really sleepy
I’ve never been a huge opposites attract fan to be honest, but I think the way I set up sniper and scout in my mind works for me.
I’ve been in an art rut lately but I think I am coming out of it, I hope, I took a few days break to like, play video games and read and i think it helped,, I finished my first run of Fallout New Vegas a bit ago (NCR ending), and started a new one. I got a multiple companions mod (the JIP one that adds like, a different interface) and it’s pretty cool. I’m rocking with Boone and Veronica and Arcade and Cass and EDE. I’m debating on who to send to stay back at the lucky 38 cause I feel like I have too many people in my group.. Urgh I like them all though…. Boone is my ride or die fr though.. he stays for sure. Same with EDE.
I played it on very hard + hardcore mode expecting some new game + stuff but all I got was this stupid achievement.. boooo. Whagever it’s okau. I had fun.
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crypticminx · 7 months
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
You couldn’t remember how it happened, but as the long evening after a tiresome day at school lead to you and your boyfriend studying for an upcoming exam, you managed to pass out on his welcoming sofa.
All the copious amounts of knowledge you tried to scramble into your brain, hoping you’d remember it come Monday morning, left you feeling a haze of exhaustion. Thus, resulting in some well deserved shuteye after another week of school.
Like something out of a horror movie, your peaceful sleep was interrupted by the most blood curdling scream that made you jolt up from the sofa, leaving your hair sticking up in unusual places and your eyes wide and alert.
“Y/N,” echoed all across the empty home, sprouting from your boyfriends deep voice. He looked as thrilled as ever to see his lovely girlfriend finally awake, while on the other hand, you looked absolutely mortified with fear.
“What the fuck, Nate??” You yelled back, only a little lower than his scream that startled you. “What was that for?”
You groaned as you heavily sighed with exhaustion, clear that you wanted to rest until nightfall, but Nate seemed rather annoyed to be missing out on spending alone time with you. Rubbing your eyes as they squinted from the bright lights in the living room, you shifted your body back into the sofas warm cushion, crossing your arms to signal that you were not happy.
“Oh, come on,” Nate tried to reason with you, taking a seat beside you as he moved extra close to allow his hand to stroke your bare thigh. You weren’t having it, however, wiggling yourself away from him as he could see the adorable pout forming on your face.
“Babe,” you turned to face him, seeing that irresistible smile that made you blush with rosy cheeks, “you were out for like two hours, you know I hate missing out on any time we can have together.”
You shook your head, hating the fact that he was right. He always had to be the reasonable one it seemed, whether you liked it or not.
“Okay,” you rolled your eyes, hearing a short chuckle from his end, “but you didn’t have to scream at me like a crazy person, you know?”
“I know,” he grinned at you, letting you know he enjoyed waking you up with such a panic. Eventually you’d get back at him, but for now you’d let it slide.
“C’mere,” he opened his arm, letting you glide into his embrace as you laid your body onto his chest, feeling the slow pulse of his heart.
“You gonna make it up to me?”
He pulled you in tighter, letting your head rest just beneath his chin as he lightly kissed the top of your head, inhaling the sweet scent of your hair. Strawberries, he beamed, that was what your silky locks always smelt like and it brought him comfort. His sweet kiss made you feel butterflies in your stomach, such a simple act of adoration always leaving you jittery with love.
“How about we watch a movie, I get to cuddle you for the rest of the night and maybe just maybe-“
You cut him off. You couldn’t see the smug look he had on his face, but you could sense it was there by the eagerness of his tone.
“Maybe what?” You asked him, biting your lip from letting yourself break out in laughter once his hand trailed underneath your loose shirt and onto your chest. The palms of his hands made you feel ticklish, but you kept your calm composure whilst under his touch.
“Maybe I can properly make it up to you in bed?”
He just didn’t know that it would be you refraining him from getting any sleep for the rest of the night, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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theemissuniverse · 1 year
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if you haven’t read the story, go check it out. This is based on that story
Pop Goes the Weasel
(Y/N) will rip out her opponent’s intestines. She will then spark the intestines, making the whole head explode. Mileena will pop up behind her. She will then feed the intestines to Mileena
Shock Value
(Y/N) will kick her opponent’s stomach out. She will then use her whole body to go through the hole where the stomach is at and shock the entire body, making the whole body explode
Electric Chair
(Y/N) will shock her opponents entire body until they fall to the ground dead
(Y/N) will kick her opponents head off with lightning
DTE Bill
(Y/N) will rip her opponent’s arm off and use that arm to shock the entire body
“That was shocking”
“You weren’t even trying”
“Team loser”
“I’m not breaking a sweat”
“I bet you’re seeing stars”
The Chosen One
Shockingly Awesome
Mileena’s Girltoy
Earthrealm’s Best
(Y/N) VS (Y/N)
#1 (Y/N) : Am I this good looking every timeline?
#2 (Y/N) : Of course
#2 (Y/N) : No way I end up with Mileena in your timeline
#1 (Y/N) : Way
#2 (Y/N) : Let’s see if you can beat your elder
#1 (Y/N) : Oh you’re going down!
#1 (Y/N) : How does it feel to be a literal God?
#2 (Y/N) : Oh honey, you’re missing out
#1 (Y/N) : Is our brother always a stick in a mud even as a god?
#2 (Y/N) : Yes. Very much so
Ashrah : Tell Kung Lao that I am spoken for
(Y/N) : Aw. Just give my bestie a chance, Ash
(Y/N) : So do you and Syzoth do it with the “monster” face on or…
Ashrah : I advise you to stop talking
(Y/N) : My ego isn’t that big
Ashrah : Big enough to be insufferable
(Y/N) : I can’t believe you and lizard dude are together
Ashrah : He makes me feel that I am good
(Y/N) : Sorry I had to kick your boyfriends ass
Ashrah : You will be
(Y/N) : A tarkatan and lightning rod walk into a bar…
Baraka : What is the punchline to this joke?
Baraka : I prefer Raiden over you
(Y/N) : Boooo! You whore
Baraka : You are lucky you get to live in harmony with Mileena
(Y/N) : I cherish it everyday, Baraka
(Y/N) : Is it really that bad? The Tarkat?
Baraka : It is the worst thing imaginable
(Y/N) : You don’t look like a “good guy”
Baraka : There are no “good guys” in war
(Y/N) : *gags* I see you haven’t taken my advice on the toothpaste
General Shao : Enough of your talk
General Shao : I should’ve killed you when I had the chance
(Y/N) : Ha! You never had a chance
General Shao : I’ve had it with you Earthrealmers
(Y/N) : If you’re tired of losing just say that
(Y/N) : Let’s remember who won the tournament
General Shao : You won’t win this time
General Shao : I will kill you and everyone you’ve ever met
(Y/N) : You got too much time on your hands
Geras : I’ve studied you for many years, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : Then you know you can’t beat me
Geras : Your God counterpart is most impressive
(Y/N) : I’m impressive all the time, Geras
Geras : I cannot reveal anymore information than I have already from previous timelines
(Y/N) : Oh come on! Was Mileena really that obsessive over me?
Geras : I have been training several of your lifetimes
(Y/N) : Which means it’s just going to be even more embarrassing when you lose
(Y/N) : Will Mileena become the beast she was in previous timelines?
Geras : With you by her side I believe not
(Y/N) : You are one ugly motherfu-
Havik : Silence!
(Y/N) : It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s -
Havik : Stop!
(Y/N) : You’re so easy to mess with
Havik : You can never “mess” with me, Earthrealmer
Havik : They call you the “chosen one”?
(Y/N) : Let me show you why
Havik : You bore me
(Y/N) : Stop flirting with my girlfriend, asswipe
Johnny Cage : Sorry! Sorry! But have you seen her? Kinda hard not to
(Y/N) : *imitating Johnny* You got Caged!
Johnny Cage : Hey! You sound just like me
(Y/N) : I don’t see why people compare me to you
Johnny Cage : Kinda hard to compare to perfection like me
Johnny Cage : This is the part where you fall down
(Y/N) : Why? One of your movies about to play?
Johnny Cage : *deep voice* (Y/N) wins
(Y/N) : *plays along with the deep voice* Flawless victory
(Y/N) : So a blind man and a lightning rod walk into a bar-
Kenshi : I am not hearing this joke again
(Y/N) : On the bright side - you can get the handicap parking spot
Kenshi : That’s your idea of a bright side?
(Y/N) : You think you can beat me Ken-doll?
Kenshi : Raiden was right. You do have the worst nicknames
(Y/N) : I was gonna say “I’ll be the last person you’ll ever see” but…
Kenshi : *laughs hysterically*
Kenshi : I’ve been looking forward to this battle
(Y/N) : Looking forward? You’re blind
Kitana : Looking for a challenge, (Y/N)?
(Y/N) : Yes but you will do, princess
(Y/N) : I think my brother has a crush on you
Kitana : While sweet - I have no time for “crushes”
Kitana : If you hurt my sister it will be the last thing you do
(Y/N) : Does that mean I’m invited to the family cookout?
Kitana : I do not know what my sister sees in you, Earthrealmer
(Y/N) : A pizzazz of a personality? A sexy lighting rod? Someone that isn’t a pain in the ass?
(Y/N) : No offense but if I could beat Mileena, I definitely can beat you
Kitana : Are you challenging me?
Kung Lao : *singing* Mileena and (Y/N) sitting in a tree-
(Y/N) : I will shock you to death
(Y/N) : Please! Please! Please! Please-
Kung Lao : You are not getting my hat (Y/N)!
(Y/N) : Okay fifty bucks for the hat
Kung Lao : No!
Kung Lao : I should’ve been the chosen one
(Y/N) : You couldn’t even beat me
Kung Lao : How did you end up pulling an Empress?
(Y/N) : The same way I pulled all the girls that dumped you
Li Mei : Tell Raiden he’ll get nowhere near Kitana
(Y/N) : Who told you about that?
Li Mei : I actually find you amusing
(Y/N) : *fake cries* I’ve always wanted your approval
Li Mei : Do you ever run out of jokes?
(Y/N) : Yes but when shit hits the fan I steal some from Johnny Cage
Li Mei : You and Mileena are beautiful together
(Y/N) : Finally! An Outworlder that doesn’t hate our relationship
Li Mei : I challenge you, Earthrealmer
(Y/N) : Be prepared to lose then, cupcake
(Y/N) : Just be honest and say you like me more than my brother
Liu Kang : I find you more amusing
(Y/N) : Are you the reason Mileena and I are together?
Liu Kang : The two of you chose to be together at free will
(Y/N) : Being the chosen one is exhausting
Liu Kang : It is not a task for the weak
Liu Kang : I will now demonstrate why you sanded those floors
(Y/N) : I really am the karate kid
(Y/N) : Raiden came close to winning
Liu Kang : All the more reason to keep practicing
Mileena : My love
(Y/N) : I love it when you call me that
(Y/N) : What were you and Tanya doing behind the palace last night?
Mileena : I only have eyes for you, darling. Not her
Mileena : It doesn’t bother you that Cage flirts with me?
(Y/N) : He’s not even in your league. I’m not concerned at all
Mileena : I can’t help but want to taste your bones
(Y/N) : I should not be this turned on right now
Mileena : Your brother is annoyingly humble
(Y/N) : Glad someone can share my pain
Nitara : My people will come from the shadows and we will -
(Y/N) : By the gods, If I want to hear someone monologue, I’ll put on a Johnny Cage movie
Nitara : My hunger craves you
(Y/N) : Uhhh I’m taken
(Y/N) : Am I suppose to be scared of a vampire?
Nitara : Very
(Y/N) : Ugh. Your voice is like nails on a chalkboard
Nitara : It will be the last thing you hear
Nitara : Down on your knees!
(Y/N) : The only woman I go down on is my girlfriend
(Y/N) : Let’s get our Kung Fu Hustle on Rai-dawg
Raiden : *sighs* By the Elder Gods I hate that nickname
(Y/N) : I saw you giving Kitana the googly eyes
Raiden : Am I really that obvious sister?
(Y/N) : Come on! Double date with me and Mileena and get Kitana
Raiden : I don’t think she feels the same way, (Y/N)
Raiden : I am surprised a woman like Empress Mileena is willing to put up with you
(Y/N) : Haha so funny
(Y/N) : I will now show you why I am the chosen one
Raiden : Making a big mistake, sister
Rain : I deserve your respect
(Y/N) : You deserve my foot in your ass
Rain : Repulsive Earthrealmer
(Y/N) : That’s a little racist
Rain : You and your girlfriend will suffer
(Y/N) : Whatever you say Mississippi River
Rain : You’re worse than Johnny Cage
(Y/N) : That’s gotta be the worst insult
(Y/N) : Where’s the lifeguard when you need him?
Rain : Every time I’m around you - I get annoyed
Reiko : You beating me was just luck
(Y/N) : That’s a odd replacement for the word “embarrassing”
Reiko : You should have not been able to beat General Shao
(Y/N) : You can get up from your knees Reiko. Lord knows they’re tired from you sucking
Reiko : Ready to face Outworld’s greatest soldier?
(Y/N) : Give me a date and time when he’ll be here and I’ll gladly face him
Reiko : I will fight you until my last breath
(Y/N) : So you’re prepared to die in a span of under five minutes?
Reiko : You and the Empress will fall!
(Y/N) : Speaking from experience?
(Y/N) : Yes. I’m here. Hold the applause
Reptile : I advise you to stop talking to imaginary friends
(Y/N) : So do you and Ashrah “do it” with the monster face on
Reptile : What kind of idiotic question is that?
Reptile : Should I start calling you Empress (Y/N)?
(Y/N) : *laughs evil* Yes. Bow down before me
(Y/N) : Okay be honest. Who’s better? Me or Raiden?
Reptile : You do not want me to answer that
Reptile : I was thinking you and Cage were going to get together
(Y/N) : I think I’d rather kill myself, thanks
(Y/N) : *dramatic deep voice* GET OVER HERE!
Scorpion : It was funny the first time, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : *dramatic deep voice* GET OVER HERE!
Scorpion : You’ve been saying that for an hour
(Y/N) : Sorry Bi-Han turned out to be an ass
Scorpion : I am too
(Y/N) : If I win, you have to let me use your weapons
Scorpion : They are not a toy, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : For the record, I think you’re hotter than Bi-Han
Scorpion : Was that a pun?
Sindel : I don’t think you’re good enough for my daughter
(Y/N) : Damn. What did I do?
Sindel : If you hurt Mileena - you will pay
(Y/N) : I would never, Empress
(Y/N) : I think “Empress (Y/N)” has a nice ring to it
Sindel : *laughs hysterically* By the gods- no
(Y/N) : *imitating Sindel* Who’s your queen?
Sindel : Do you imitate everyone?
Sindel : You don’t act like a chosen one
(Y/N) : I’m rebranding
(Y/N) : *gags* And I thought General Shao needed toothpaste
Shang Tsung : He was right. You are annoying
Shang Tsung : Your girlfriend will do well for an experiment
(Y/N) : Do all Outworlders have a death wish?
(Y/N) : *dramatic deep voice* Your soul is mine!
Shang Tsung : I sound nothing like that
(Y/N) : I beat your Titan’s ass
Shang Tsung : You won’t beat mine
(Y/N) : Quan Chi is basically your sidekick. Why do all villains get sidekicks?
Shang Tsung : Is Raiden not yours?
Smoke : Where there is smoke there is fire!
(Y/N) : Do you have anymore lines than this?
(Y/N) : *dramatic voice* Where there is smoke there is fire
Smoke : You’re right. That does sound annoying
Smoke : I anticipate a difficult fight
(Y/N) : That makes one of us
(Y/N) : Hey Smokey Bear
Smoke : You and Johnny both call me that
(Y/N) : Don’t tell anyone but you’re my favorite
Smoke : Me? Really?
Sub-Zero : I will destroy Raiden
(Y/N) : You touch him and you’re dead
(Y/N) : What’s up frosty the snowman?
Sub-Zero : Your time!
Sub-Zero : Liu Kang made a mistake picking you for champion
(Y/N) : He made a mistake trusting you
Sub-Zero : We are no longer allies
(Y/N) : Aww. So sad I’m not invited to your birthday party anymore
Sub-Zero : Raiden is more worthy than you
(Y/N) : Who are you? My mother?
Tanya : You and Mileena won’t last
(Y/N) : Just keep being a good little bodyguard and be quiet
Tanya : Mileena deserves better
(Y/N) : And who’s a better fit? You?
Tanya : I don’t like you
(Y/N) : We’ll that’s one way to greet someone
(Y/N) : Admit that you got a thing for my girlfriend and I’ll go easy on you
Tanya : Your ego holds no bounds
Tanya : I’ll be right there when you break my Empress’s heart
(Y/N) : You’re delusional
General Shao : I will have your sister’s head
Raiden : Funny you say that considering she beat you
Liu Kang : I wish you and (Y/N) the best
Mileena : How kind of you Lord Liu Kang. Now I’ll feel bad after I beat you
Johnny Cage : What’s (Y/N) got that I haven’t got?
Kung Lao : A personality not at all like sanding paper?
Kung Lao : Tell (Y/N) to give me my hat back!
Raiden : There is no convincing that woman
Kitana : If your sister hurts mine, I will raise war
Raiden : I could say the same to you, princess
Kitana : Your sister says that you’re nterested in me
Raiden : *sighs* I’m going to kill her
Kung Lao : *sings* Mileena and (Y/N) sitting in a tree-
Mileena : I will tear off your limbs!
Kung Lao : All this for the hat?!
Mileena : Whatever my lover desires, she’ll get
Tanya : I do not believe (Y/N) is a good fit for you, Empress
Mileena : Worry about your own, Tanya
Mileena : (Y/N) and I love each other, mother
Sindel : I feared for that
Mileena : Please go easy on (Y/N), mother
Sindel : She must prove that she is worthy of my daughter
Kitana : I normally don’t question you sister but really (Y/N)?
Mileena : You should stick to not questioning me
Mileena : Go near (Y/N) and you will perish!
Reiko : As if you can beat me
Tanya : Your sister is annoying
Raiden : Hey! Only I get to call her annoying
General Shao : You will fall, Earthrealmer
Kung Lao : Ugh. (Y/N) was right. You do need toothpaste
Being The Chosen One has it perks. I mean, defeating Titans has gotta be my number one greatest achievement. But it also had its faults. I couldn’t help but try to be perfect. I felt as though Lord Liu Kang depended on me. If I had fallen short one time, we’d all be doomed.
I couldn’t handle the constant pressure anymore. Not only that but I felt like nobody appreciated the hard work I put in. So, I challenged my brother Raiden to a fight. If he were to win - he’d become Earthrealm’s champion.
We fought. I made it look like I was trying but really I wasn’t. He had me onto the floor, lightning in hand. I conceded.
Liu Kang was proud that Raiden had defeated me. It was a win for all of us. Raiden got what he truly wanted. To be the hero. While I got to be on the sidelines.
My beautiful Empress girlfriend Mileena, made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. She wanted to marry me. Marrying her however, would make me leave defense of Earthrealm and Outworld would be my new home.
I couldn’t say no. I wanted Mileena more than anything. So, I said yes.
Guess I’m Empress (Y/N) now. Hey, kinda has a nice ring to it.
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aayakashii · 6 hours
❤️17 fluffy towa please!!
i LOVEE your fics so muchh keep up the good work!! :D
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17❤️ An upside-down "Spider-Man" kiss
21❤️ wildcard
This is very short but I hope you guys like it! It's not proof read, so forgive any grammar mistakes ;w;
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You braced yourself as you approached the pathway that led straight to your dorm, holding the straps of your backpack tightly. You breathed deeply and steeled your resolve, gathering all the courage you had in you.
That night, you were going to put an end to that. That night, you wouldn’t get spooked. That night, in fact, you planned to act on your revenge plan once and for all.
You would NOT let Towa jump at you from the tree branches and startle you out of your skin like he had been doing for the past week.
It started innocent, it truly did. The first time he just wanted to show you the tree he loved so much – the one with dimming colored lights.
But apparently, your reaction was so interesting, that Towa simply couldn't have enough of it and what was supposed to be one silly little prank, soon became almost a daily routine.
“Boo!” Towa dropped from the tree, legs firmly holding him on the branch as his upper body was upside down and dangling in front of you.
“WAAH!” you jumped in place, almost colliding with his face.
“Hehehe! Dandelion, your reactions are so cute. I love them!” he said, blushing furiously as all the blood from his body went straight to his head while he dangled in front of you like a Christmas tree ornament.
You tried very hard to look him in his eyes instead of the exposed skin of his tummy. He had a mole right next to his belly button and it took all your self-control not to touch it nor pinch that apparently soft skin.
You put a hand over your racing heart and sighed, shutting your eyes tightly.
“Towa! This is the fourth time in, like, seven days! You're gonna give me a heart attack!”
He quickly sat upright on the branch again and leapt down, walking leisurely towards you as if he didn't just show insane core strength and aerobic prowess.
“I can't help it, you're so cute. I like seeing you surprised.”
You pursed your lips in a thin line. There it was. His flirting. You still weren't used to it after all that time.
“Well it's not that fun for me, you know… I get scared.”
Towa pouted, giving you his killer puppy eyes.
“Awww… but I like it.” He shrugged, completely ignoring your complaints, and grabbed your hand. “Now let's go see the tree!”
It was basically a new routine you'd have to be prepared for at that point: Towa would spook you, grab your hand and pull you towards the tree. Then you two would hug it and lay down to watch the stars until he'd begin to fluster you whenever he hovered a little bit too close for comfort from your lips. And your poor heart would beat faster and faster once again.
You just had to give your frazzled nerves a break.
So, you had planned to knock him off his feet and surprise him just as much.
The problem was, you didn't know when he would show up.
Two days had passed since your last spook and you've been bracing yourself ever since. The anticipation was causing you so much anxiety that you feared this would be his biggest fright yet, since you had been on edge all along.
You walked slowly, giving yourself a pep talk in your mind about how he'd be just as surprised (and probably delighted) with your idea as you were spooked every single time he dropped from one of those trees. You also hoped that would give him time to arrive and act on his little prank.
As you kept on walking, you heard leaves shuffling on the tree a few steps in front of you. It was either him or some of the many cats that lived on campus. You crossed your fingers and moved forward, hoping it was him, so you'd be done with your anxiety.
And sure enough, after you took a few steps, a familiar mop of lavender hair dropped down in front of you.
“GAAAH!!” you yelled, your voice going up pitches you've never reached before.
“Hahaha!! Dandelion! You yelled so loud today! That was so cute!” Towa reached out his arms towards you and placed them on your shoulders as he giggled uncontrollably, closing his eyes and scrunching his nose, finding your distress absolutely hilarious.
You took a few deep breaths, trying to calm your heart down as much as you could, as you stared straight into his eyes.
At your silence, Towa stopped giggling and opened his eyes. He tilted his head once he saw how serious you looked while you quietly observed him.
“Hm? What's wrong, Dandelion? Did you get too scared?”
You exhaled slowly through your mouth and stepped closer, awkwardly placing your hands on his cheeks. He just tilted his head again, to the other side that time, clearly curious about your weird actions.
“What are you doing, Dandelion? Are you still sc–”
You interrupted his question by hastily crashing your lips on his – his upside-down position making for the weirdest kiss you have ever given in your life. You didn't know what to do nor where to move, so you just held his face tenderly and placed your lips against his as comfortably as you could.
Once you broke the kiss, you breathed deeply once again, heart still racing but mildly satisfied to see his mouth agape and eyes wide open.
“N-now I've surprised you too.” you mumbled, furrowing your eyebrows and pouting.
Towa blinked at your words and, in half a second, he had gotten down the tree and stood straight in front of you.
His cheeks were still flushed while a small smile began tugging at the corner of his lips. His hands rested comfortably on your neck and he leaned forward, brushing the tip of his nose against yours.
“Can you do that again, Dandelion?” he whispered, voice full of glee.
You gulped before nodding and placing a small peck on his red lips.
Towa licked his lips, eyes closed as if he was savoring the taste of your mouth on his, and you felt a shiver run down your spine while you observed his actions.
He opened his eyes, iris barely visible around his dilated pupils.
“Again.” he whispered, and you complied, lips resting a little longer on his.
“Again.” and you ran your hands through his hair, bringing him closer.
“Again.” he said, diving back into a kiss before you could even register he had whispered that word once more.
“Again. Again… Again, again, again” he kept on whispering, placing a kiss on your lips for every word he repeated.
You turned into a flustered mess in his hands and your heart drummed loudly while he held you tightly and flush against his body, suffocating you with his kisses.
But, this time, you definitely weren't complaining.
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"Disturbance on 4th and Walker."
Steve looks down at his ice cream cone and sighs.
"Boooo," Eddie yells. "We were just starting to have fun do you need to get that?"
"Eddie I'm Chief I have to get them all." He reaches for his radio. "Max how important is that call?"
Her voice comes through the speaker. "Not the greatest threat level. Get your knitting needles ready."
"Oh boy," he looks over at Eddie. "Wanna come with?"
He perks up, "really?!"
They're laughing as they walk down the alley. Holding hands.
"That was crazy Stevie. Is it always like this?"
"Do I normally have to break apart little old ladies threatening to stab each other with knitting needles? No."
They're still laughing. A little breathless now. They're leaning into each other. Eddie keeps staring at his lips. They're slowly moving closer.
"This shouldn't happen." Steve says, leaning in closer to Eddie. Eddie's hands are pulling the collar of his jacket until he's pressing Eddie into the wall. Leg between Eddie's. Steve's hand immediately going to Eddie's face while Eddie's hand moves to Steve's waist.
"Isn't that the fun part?" Eddie whispers. If he tilts his head a little up their lips would touch. "It doesn't matter if we should or shouldn't all that matters is that we want it. Do you want it Stevie? I do."
Steve can't take it any longer he rushes up and engulfs Eddie in a messy kiss. Their mouths move perfectly together and Steve can't get enough. He only pulls back a little when Eddie let's out a soft moan.
"No no no," he's trying to pull Steve back in. "Moan means continue not stoooop" he whines.
Steve laughs a little.
"It'd look bad for the chief to get caught doing public indecency."
"Oh baby," Eddie purrs, "you haven't even seen indecency."
A shiver runs down Steve's spine.
"Your house is closer let's go." He grabs Eddie's hand and runs down the street as fast as he can. Eddie cackling behind him.
"Eager huh?"
"For you? Always."
It goes on for two weeks. Steve is so in love it hurts.
He knows it has to end. He's doing what's best for Eddie. Eddie could be in danger. Eddie could get sick of waiting at home spending late nights waiting for Steve to come home. Eddie could get sick of Steve's constant need for reassurance. He could despise everything Steve's done for him and just be playing along.
A part of Steve knows he can't get hurt again. That he could spiral and put his job and his friendships in danger. A part of Steve is doing this for Steve.
He believes he's doing what's best for Eddie.
He stops by Eddie's on the way home. Steve sees him eating a pizza and laughing at the TV.
"Hey sweetheart what's up?"
Steve wants to cry. Eddie's pizza slice has pulled cheese everywhere. It's gross and Steve thinks he's adorable. Oh god. He is crying.
"Baby hey, what's going on honey?" Eddie scrambles over to him. Quickly wiping his face.
Steve tries to keep his composure. Tries to savor this moment as much as he can.
"I've been selfish Eddie."
"Oh? Good. You deserve to be selfish."
"No I, I've kept you for too long. I've been selfish with you."
"What? Baby I don't understand-"
"We need to end it Eddie. This is not safe for you. I shouldn't have done this."
"Steve." Eddie's voice is like steel. "Are you breaking up with me? I know we haven't even put a label on things but that's what this is right? A break up?"
"You know why-"
"Obviously I don't. I thought things were good. I thought we were happy. What did I do?"
"Nothing. Never."
"So tell me Steve! Why!?"
"I-I can't-I'm sorry," he turns towards the door and tries to block out Eddie's screaming. Pleading. Asking him to come back.
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shibaraki · 1 year
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synopsis: love casts it’s own net, and there’s only one man who can cut you free of this one.
tags: GN reader, childhood friends to lovers, ORCA employee cove, mer reader, ocean pollution (boooo) reader caught in a net, reunions, sooooo much fluff, developing relationship, happy hopeful ending
wc: 2.2K
↳ for the mermay collab hosted by the teahouse server ↰
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The rain gives itself unto the sea. Each fragment becomes one with the tide that laps weakly at your body. With your tail curled, fins entangled in an old ghost net, you give into fatigue and rest upon the wet primrose sand. This net is unlike ones you’ve dealt with before. It is garish blue and tough, cutting uncomfortably into your fluke. Rope could be easily severed but this new material is stubborn, and painful.
A gust of wind dances through the marram grass. You breathe deeply, listening to the percussion of the waves, eyes trained on the secluded beach and drawn to any small movement. Something about this place calls to you in a way you cannot explain. That thought makes known a memory in the back of your mind which evades your grasp each time you seek it.
Frustrated, you poke a claw-tipped finger through the net and trace a line in the sand. You try to ignore the dull throb around your hips. Being tangled and contorted as you are has you restless, the urge to spread your fins and swim buzzing under your skin. Fighting the snare more would do no good. Struggle and you’d hurt yourself more.
Had the day been warm you might’ve found yourself in a little more trouble. At least the rain would keep the humans from the beach.
Or so you thought.
Fear seizes your body. In the distance, a bipedal figure walks along the shore. You press yourself low to the sand. The sound of your heart beats loud in your ears, now tucked flat to your head. Unperturbed by the thin rainfall the human keeps his gaze on the waves wearing only a pair of shorts and a thin white shirt, smiling softly as they crawl to kiss his ankles. He is tall and sun steeped, hair like seafoam laid flat to his forehead and cheeks. Markings decorate his arm like refracted light on the ocean floor.
Can you take me with you?
The memory is fleeting. A young child’s forlorn voice. Dusk had spread her fingers across an empty beach. A pink sky. Pink, like the hard shell wrapped around his arm.
Would you take me? the voice repeats. There are no other kids here. I don’t want to stay…
Your gills flutter, venting the air as you exhale shakily. The human is closer now. His gentle face twists with displeasure when a food wrapper rolls in on the next wave, littering the sand. You watch him huff, mouth downturned as he snatches it up. It kindles a little hope in you—
And it reminds you of a lonely human boy you met years ago when you were but a guppy yourself. His name… you liked it a lot. What was it…?
Your pod had migrated because the old nursery grounds were destroyed by fishing boats. Metal machinery and nets that stretched for miles dragged along the seabed. Sunset Bird proved to be a perfect place to wait out the mating season. You spent most of your time on the surface, playing in tide pools and sunning yourself in the grasses, kept company by little Cove Holden.
The human’s movements freeze abruptly a few feet away. In that instant your eyes meet; his own widen, expression flowering in surprise, hands fisted tightly at his sides and shaking.
You stare at one another. Time seems to have slowed to a stop. Over the pitter patter of rain you think you hear your name. Again, confident this time, as the human breaks out into a sprint. Sand kicks into the air. You flinch, inhaling sharply as the distance is immediately crossed and he is falling to his knees at your side.
“Oh my god. Oh my god,” he’s mumbling frantically under his breath, hands outstretched to hover over the lines of plastic knotted around your lower half. “It’s you. It’s really you. You’re hurt—” he jolts and begins patting at his short pockets, pulling out something small. A sharp blade folds out from within the case. You shrink, a reflexive whine building in your throat.
The human holds his breath. He swallows. You see his throat bob, ribs expand and deflate, calming the tremors in his limbs. “I’m sorry,” voice lowered into gentle reassurance, he tries to show you a tremulous smile. “I—I’m going to use this knife to cut the net away. Is that okay?”
You consider the sincere warmth in his gaze and nod as it washes over you. His smile widens. Telegraphing his movements piece by piece he cuts into the net, careful not to snag the frayed scales around your fins.
“I’m so sorry. We comb the shoreline as much as we can for litter but…”
A blush steadily spreads across his cheeks as your focus drifts back to him. Blue eyes flicker back and forth, around your face and back, pointedly avoiding your bare chest. Your nerves settle at that familiarity. The Cove you remember had been small, nervous and lost, but when he smiled he brought the sun with him. This Cove is so big, so at home in his body, and just as beautiful.
Tucking his fingers under the final line Cove slips the blade beneath and cuts you free. You feel the pressure alleviate. He gasps an awed sound as your fins fan out, almost sentient in how they stretch toward the cloud covered sky.
Turning on your hips, you sit upright and bend to rub the thin membranes between your finger and thumb. A wave rushes up and douses you in fresh sea water, soothing the ache. “You can’t help what the tide brings in,” you reassured, chewing the inside of your cheek. You glance toward him as he discards the net with a frown, “Thank you… Cove”.
Cove tenses, emotions flowing into him like a babbling brook. “Wow,” the word came out in a whisper. Then, even quieter, “You remember me.”
“Of course I do,” your voice is fragile as your throat adjusts to spoken words. It’s been a long time since you needed to use it. You smile gingerly, aware of the heat emanating from his body; longing brushes you like a thick fog. “You were my first friend, after all”.
Cove grins, misty eyes squinting. “You were mine too,” he tugs a necklace from beneath his shirt collar. Hung in the middle of his chest is a shark tooth. Serrated crown narrow and pointed, root uneven where it cusps, hale as the day you found it.
“You kept it!”
Suddenly coloured with embarrassment his hands return to his lap and he gives a nervous laugh. “I did. I could never forget you. When you didn’t come back the year after, I…” his features tighten as he restlessly fiddles the hem of his shirt. The fabric stretches thin. “I really thought I made it all up”.
Guilt crept in. You let it bleed through and soften your apology. “I’m really sorry, Cove. I wanted to come back, but—do you remember that big oil spill? A little further South?” Cove tilts his head, grimacing in recognition. You nod, “I couldn’t come this way for a while”.
You notice then that the rain has stopped; clumps of dry sand stuck to your hips and petrichor hung in the briney air. Cove is impervious to it all. “I understand,” he mumbled, giving you a meaningful look before his eyes darted back to the tides.
Tension seeped from his shoulders and you felt yourself relax in turn, instinctively leaning toward his warmth. He sucks in a breath. Any worries are put to rest by the soft intent in his eyes that belied his excitement. Emboldened, you reach up to tuck a wayward curl around the shell of his ear.
Cove quakes, jaw trembling where you linger. He makes a sound and only later do you realize it was your name. “You look so different now,” you murmur, trying to be delicate, lest you fracture the pleasant atmosphere and scare him away. “I almost didn’t recognise you”.
Your human glows ripe like an algae bloom. He leans into the cradle and touches your elbows, offering silent encouragement. “Oh. In—in a good way?” he asked, self conscious.
A grin splits your lips. Your other hand rises, cupping his face in your palms, amazed at the heat under his skin. “In a good way,” you echo an affirmative. Your gaze falls to his forearms. One a shock of blue, the pattern of the sea. The other is bare aside from a thin white scar. “And your strange pink wrapping is gone, now”.
“Ah, that’s right,” eyes softening in the late afternoon light, Cove’s lips thin into a small smile. You mourn for a moment when he releases you to trace the scar. “Yeah. I haven’t needed that for a long time. It’s all healed up”.
Overturning his arm he shows you the scar in full, winding from his inner wrist to the crook of his elbow. The tendons flex as his fingers move. You mirror his actions and follow the path with your fingertip. Bumps rise on his skin. You’d forgotten how reactive his body could be. “That’s good,” you reply, a little breathless. Brightening, then, when you remember, “This means you can swim now!”
“Yeah! I can surf, too. If you want we could paddle out further so it’s safer—for you?”
Cove taught you about surfing that first summer. Humans take boards into the ocean that can remain buoyed on the surface to ride the waves. Sometimes for sport, but mostly for fun. Visions of Cove finally alongside you in the water flood your thoughts. In your enthusiasm you push into his space and he tips back into the sand, bracing on his elbows. “Now?” you ask, practically draped over his lap.
A strangled noise gets caught in his throat. “Close,” he whispers, blinking rapidly. The red blush on his cheeks crawls down his neck to his chest, splotchy and honest. Sudden realisation appears to snap him out of his reverie. “I can’t today,” he hesitates, expression falling. Your mouth is inexplicably dry as his full lips jut into a pout. “I need to get back soon. If I don’t they’ll send someone to get me and I don’t want anyone else to see you”.
You stifle a wince when your fins flutter and fan out on display. Your body is just as honest as his. Deflecting quickly you tease, “Ah. Want me all to yourself again?”
Rather than fluster Cove’s features harden. “Yes,” he bursts, nodding firmly. You stare at him in wonder, and watch in silence as his mind races to catch up with his mouth. He clears his throat, shrinking back apologetically. Over the gentle sifting sand as a wave recedes he murmurs, “Sorry. I mean, I do want you to myself. But—”
“Cove,” his rambling stops at the fond intonation of his name. You dip forward until your nose bumps his cheek. You leave a kiss there, on the warm swell. “It’s fine. I feel the same”.
You’re close enough to feel his shaky exhale. Voice an octave higher, he squeaks, “You do?”
“I do,” you nod, reclining to give him some space and smile when he breathes a little easier. “I’ve waited to see you this long, I can wait a little longer”.
“You’re still so…” there’s that quivering smile again, blue eyes gleaming, face hemmed by unruly seafoam. Steeling himself, Cove rises to his feet and brushes the sand from his knees. “Then I promise I’ll be here tomorrow”.
“Good,” the tide crawls further, crashing against your hips. Foam fizzles along your tail. It calls you back to the currents. Cove watches you pivot onto your belly, turning to follow the next wave out. “I promise, too. I’ll be somewhere around here. Just call out to me, alright?”
“Okay,” he grasps the shark tooth necklace, rolling it between his thumb and finger, dithering on the shoreline with the net that had snared you tucked under his arm. Louder as the distance grows, he plucks up the courage to yell, “I missed you”.
You think of that second summer, when your elders told you the pod could not go back to Sunset Beach. How you had darted away to hide in the kelp forest, curled into yourself where you buried into the sand, stubbornly refusing to move. That grief had dulled significantly over the years yet a single encounter with Cove unearthed all those feelings without ceremony. Lying there, dormant and waiting.
Bobbing above the surface you cup your hands around your mouth, you shout unabashedly, “I missed you too!”
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ceilingfan5 · 1 year
it's gotta be arcade carpet, I will start a fight and I do not care if I win that fight, even though I will win that fight. I want to draw blood, and Taako
"I hate him," Taako says, with feeling. "I hate him so bad. I want him to be naught but purple viscera traumatizing onlookers. You get me? Like, am I being clear enough?" He dips his pretzel passionately into the communal cheese and gets that succulent plastic nacho sauce all over the tray and his hand. He scowls and sucks his fingers loose and Kravitz thinks, not for the first time, him, huh? This is where I've laid my affections?
"For sure," Kravitz says calmly instead. He slides Taako a napkin.
"His strategies are garbage from a toilet, he has no flair, he cheats, I fucking know he does, I don't know how but I Know he does-" Taako huffs and chews his pretzel. Kravitz props his head up on his hand, looking at the jewelry store behind them, and the poster in the jewelry store with the deliriously happy gay couple, and he like, knows, okay, he knows all the diamond things and the capitalism things and the marriage things. And targeted advertising and rainbow bank icons. But listen. What if, is the thing.
"You could find another place to play?" Kravitz suggests, already knowing the answer. But Taako is in a ranting mood, and wants to get the magma out of his system. Kravitz is happy to divert the flow. It's certainly more interesting than going back to work in fourteen minutes.
"Obviously I'm not going to run, Krav," Taako scoffs, mouth still full. Nasty <3. Kravitz has it bad. It might be infectious, how bad he has it. Limbs falling off. In twenty years they'll be like how did the zombie apocalypse start? And no one will answer, because everyone will be gone of zombieism. The end. "I'd rather kill him."
"Noo," Kravitz says, laughing. "Really?"
"Yeah, really!" Taako almost manages a straight face. Usually he's so good at locking it down. Perfect stupid asshole. "I'd kill him good. I'd uh, I'd. Uh. If he beats me at Dance Party Castle again, I'm gonna start a fight."
"A fight? With what, your beefy fists?" Kravitz laughs. He knows Taako could hold his own in a scrap. But also.
"I will start a fight!" Taako declares, maybe a bit too loudly, but the empty food court just echoes dimly about it. "I will start a fight, and I don't care if I win, but I will win. I will win that fight. I wanna draw blood."
"Blood on the dance floor?"
"Boooo!" Taako breaks up into giggles. "Blood on the arcade carpet!"
"Oh no! Think of the blacklights!"
"Think of the Jenkins meat getting fed into the- what's the- Polybius!"
"You said Jenkins meat out loud with your mouth and now you have to go to the Phantom Zone forever." Kravitz shakes his head so sadly. What a loss. Taako cracks up.
"Noooo, I wasn't thinking!"
"That's it, you never think." Kravitz folds his arms, and gets cheese sauce on his suit jacket. "Wait, aw, fuck…"
"Are you sure you don't want to watch me defeat Dance Party Castle one mo gain?" Taako teases. He slides the nakins back over. What a loss!!!
"Only if there's an arcade massacre."
"Beb, I'd commit all kinds of crimes for you."
"Murder?" Kravitz pretends his cheeks aren't heating up, even after all this time. The classic Ken doll of a dude proposing to the slightly more racially ambiguous Ken doll in the glossy jewelry store ad almost winks at him.
"What about tax evasion?"
"Peasy, even."
"We got 'im, boys! Lock him up!"
And as Taako pretends to get dogpiled by a number of invisible undercover tax assassins, he has at least gotten less righteously incandescent about the fucker ruining his favorite thing. So Kravitz wins.
Just not at Dance Party Castle.
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randomgentlefolk · 8 months
Oh thank goodness Frederick has a cat-like flexibility. No but fr tho. The fact that he can fit in small places and just, fold his body??? He's a cat.
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OH I AM SO DOWN TO GWEN, AURELIA, THE POSSUM, AND THE RAT PROTECTING FREDERICK LET'S GOOOOO. Also The possum and Gwen's sharp teeth and Aurelia's spit? Heck yeah. AND THEN AURELIA PROTECTING GWEN!! I'm so glad she had a redemption arc :')
OH. OH. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS. Do you understand the amount of time I've been thinking about Frederick throwing a book at his bullies and Leland to the point I want to draw it but give up midway due to unable to draw anatomy of a person throwing a book? Yeah. And Frederick calling Leland a doofus LOLLLL.
Curtis not being able to see shit but still defending the aid kit station pretty well? That's what I call true skill. I mean he's really fighting multiple soldiers with armor and spear, and he's winning. But man his hand tho. I'm guessing those are from splinter and maybe some sorta swelling from holding the broom too long (idk how to describe it) or smth? Those has got to hurt...
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HAHAHAHHAHAH I can't believe I didn't expect she would say that LMAO. Also she looks so goofy in the second image HAHA.
Nah the commander really went for Laverne too... Did Leland even agree on that?
Omg....Lorena catching Suzie....Lorzanna....
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Leland's strength continues to terrify me. He just broke stair railing that seems to be made from marble, WITH HIS BARE HAND. I swear the Pastel palace is gonna need LOTS of renovation after all of these end.
"You don't decide what you want" oh bull I say, bull. Boooo Leland rotten tomatoes rotten tomatoes boooo nobody likes you go home boooo rotten tomatoes.
Eugh I'm surprised Frederick hasn't broken AT LEAST a bone with how much he got slammed and thrown hardly. The door broke bro the door broke. His spine...
Now that I think about it never have i ever with syrah would probably be wild XD
Okay at this point I am the most glad that frederick told cpc because otherwise many bad things would happen...
Wait a minute. What happened to spider Prez? I can't seem to remember...Did she pass out after breaking the door?
Wait so the Plaidypus isn't the royal plaid army?? Wait cause I'm kinda confused now :') if someone can explain it to me that would be great.
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Shit, Frederick fr need a doctor asap. All those tossing around, the dusts, nah...
Okay this is sad and all but Syrah with the long nose made me giggle.
THANK YOU PRINCEL-WHOSE-NAME-HASN'T-BEEN-REVEALD!! Blaine really missed like ¾ of the war lmao.
I swear cpc is responsible for me learning new vocabularies daily.
OH??? BLAINE?? BLAINE??? I don't, I really don't know how to start.
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First of all, there's a new meaning to this. So what I'm getting here, Blaine wants to be at the top because if he gets all the attention, Lance and Frederick won't be in trouble because he thought Leland wouldn't notice him much then. I suppose what's in Blaine's mind is, it's better to be neglected by your shitty parents rather than being noticed and verbally/physically abused by them?
Okay, I'm starting to get it. I'm the youngest sibling so I don't know if I'm getting it correctly, but this is what I get: "I will take all the abuse from our father so you, my younger brothers, can live a happy life without being notices by him."
Older siblings, amirite?
So, Blaine has been trying to protect his brothers but because Frederick keeps upsetting Leland and then making him proud, Blaine's plan keeps on being in shambles?
One thing I'm confused about though. Hear me out, Blaine most likely has golden child syndrome right? So how do we draw a line between which act is because wanting to succeed due to believing that's all his worth, and which act is from protecting his brothers?
Oh but he still owes Frederick and Lance lots of apologies though. Don't think I can forget what you said to Frederick in the dungeon, Blaine. That chapter broke me. To Lance, well, to be honest I don't exactly know what he should apologize about, but I feel like Blaine still has to? Sorry, I'm not making sense. Maybe apologize due to not talking to Lance and Frederick about his plan?? Oh man someone help me–
Imagine this tho: Blaine apologizing to Lance and Frederick for letting them get hurt by father, but then Isolde came and assured him that what Leland do isn't his fault. Haha I love to analyze this guy's mental health.
I hope he goes to therapy after this is all over. The plaid princes really need a lot of therapy. Actually the whole plaid family need therapy.
Okay say goodbye to my professionalism for awhile.
Frederick looks so amazed and I won't blame him cause I WOULD TO. IF I WAS ABOUT TO DIE, And someone suddenly came to save me, then proceed to throw the bad guy and himself out of the window by breaking the window and letting the damn sun rise view come in. I. I would look like that.
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Blaine looking at the sunrise and realizing the true meaning of life and contemplating what he has done. I love him so much you got this bro.
Also Blaine turns out to be strong! I remember headcanons of him being the weakest out of the three. I mean that could still happen, but the fact that he carried Leland in which who knows how much he weights, and threw him out of the window. Damn.
But they're still falling though, that's not good. I doubt Blaine will die for that matter. It would be wasteful. He barely had his redemption arc. I'm thinking either he uses Leland to break his fall, or Nell's premonition about the tent save him. But the forest is a little far though... Oh! Or maybe, because the pastel kingdom is full of hills, they would fall and roll down towards the tent! That's a possibility!
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That's it for now. See ya next chapter!
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts. Please actually tell me your thought on this because I NEED answers and theories. Also psychology analization will actually make me go insanely happy)
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killa-trav · 3 months
things i did today- BIRTHDAY WEEKEND EDITION!!!
i genuinely had the best bday n weekend ever so let's break down what happened:
friday- mum made me roast chicken pasta w roasted vegetables it was SOOOOO good and i had ice cream after which was also AMAZING
saturday- mum made me scrambled eggs with avocado it was YUMMYYYYY and me and her went to manchester for some window shopping (i ended up buying some trackies) and we went to some malaysian coffee place that does malaysian sweet buns which was FUCKING AMAZING, best iced coffee ive ever had
sunday- my older brother came home for the day and mum made pancakes and it was amazing i LOVE pancakes SOOOOOO much and then i had my birthday cake which mum made, it was chocolate cake it was the BEST ever and in the evening we went out for dinner with my cousins aunt n uncle which was alright, food wasn't the best n i don't really get along w these cousins but it's my dad's brother so yeh there's that (and they gave me n my twin bro bday money so that was nice)
monday- my twin brother and i went to manchester cos he wanted new shoes but i ended up getting new shoes lol which was an impulsive purchase and now im obsessed w these shoes. we went to this place called salt and pepper for lunch BEST FOOD EVER
and that was it, the 21st bday celebrations are over which boooo but now i'm counting down the days until i'm 22
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greetings-humans · 4 months
Hi! I saw your Suo martial art anaylisis and it is such an interesting analysis!!
I know Nothing™ about martial arts, so bear with me for a moment if I make any stupid questions 🥲 but I'm truly curious!!
Would it do any difference whether the arm or the elbow was grabbed (and/or stopped(?)) before one another 🤔? Ex.: the first manga panel, we see how Suo takes hold of Kanuma's elbow (?), would it be enough strength (withou fucking up your joints aksbakd) to swiftly divert the punch?
If it would, I wonder if the animation was trying to convey the movement more slowly and ended up chunky, but honestly, because the fist is the first thing in the manga panel, we can safely assume that was what happened first (in which case, rip joints).
Uhm, minimal spoilers (I am at 88 rn) it seems like Satoru Nii is learning about what not to do™ in martial arts because I don't think Suo has tried to pull that out since so... Maybe Satoru Nii didn't know or learned about it later and it was too late to change previous chapters (we creators have a vice with cool poses without thinking about realism aksbkadb) but implemented the changes later.
Anyways sorry for the ramble!!! Thank you for the analysis, it was very cool 🥰
omg hiii! i hope this hasn't been sitting in my asks for too long. now let's get started!
first of all, curiosity is like the best thing ever. it's wonderful, it's awesome, and im happy to help so don't worry about stupid questions!
"Would it do any difference whether the arm or the elbow was grabbed (and/or stopped(?)) before one another 🤔?"
well, what you grab first is usually what's closest, so not really? if you're doing it properly then it's fine. you don't really want to hold on to your opponent, tbh, unless you're a lot stronger and you know they can't break the hold, so you can/want to prove a point.
usually, the tactic is
1) deflect incoming hit by grabbing (the grabbing isn't mandatory, tho, you can simply deflect. ppl tend to grab when they want to stay close, usually to attack back, so keep that in mind)
2) hit as much as you're planning on
3) let go & depending on the context, run or wait for the opponent's next move. in a mock fight in a dojo, you don't really want to run for the hills, lmao, but in a street fight, i don't see why you shouldn't run like a bat out of hell.
(for reference, after this point there are minor plot spoilers for up until ep 4/ch 8 and spoilers suo's fighting style which you first see at ep 5/ch11-12)
"Ex.: the first manga panel, we see how Suo takes hold of Kanuma's elbow (?), would it be enough strength (withou fucking up your joints aksbakd) to swiftly divert the punch?"
i'm not really sure what panel you're talking about, cause suo largely deals with wrists and punches, not elbows/elbowing, especially in his fight with kanuma. but assuming suo at some point in his fight with kanuma grabbed kanuma's elbow here's my commentary.
scenario 1: kanuma starts with a punch, suo tries to get his elbow.
first of all, boooo!!! if someone is about to punch you, suo, darling, then how did you end up not deflecting the punch and going for the elbow? 0/10. if you have an incoming punch, your first thought is to deal with the incoming punch. don't make it hard on yourself. just slide to the side and knock away the punch with your forearm or your open palm. This doesn't really require any crazy amount of strength. Of course, the more built you are the easier it is, and if you have any issues with your muscles or nerves, it'll hurt more, but that's the basic disclaimer always (or at least, near-always) there in martial arts.
scenario 2: kanuma attempts to elbow suo, who goes for said elbow
okay, look, grabbing the point/tip of the elbow with his hand would hurt more than doing what I recommend and it's just so unnecessary. so assuming, that kanuma tried to punch suo and suo like deflected/ducked/moved away/wtv. and then kanuma used the punching arm that's extended to elbow suo. here's what suo should be doing right about then. he should be putting his hand(s) up to stop the elbow. his forearm(s) (blocking with forearms is super recommended, it's the greatest!) should end up on kanuma's bicep. and then suo should just side-step in a deflection (suo likes them, and so do I) and then keep the fight going (or alternatively, he could sucker punch kanuma in the face cause they would be very close in the sequence I'm describing!).**
"If it would, I wonder if the animation was trying to convey the movement more slowly and ended up chunky, but honestly, because the fist is the first thing in the manga panel, we can safely assume that was what happened first (in which case, rip joints)."
Now, since i'm not really sure what scene you're talking about i can't comment much here. What I can tell you is that, I agree in general. The animators are trying to make it look smooth, cool, and impressive in slow-mo, but without some research, they obviously ended up making a bunch of mistakes. The technique is easily seen in slow-mo, but they don't know the proper technique(s) so yeah, ofc it had me ranting lol.
"Uhm, minimal spoilers (I am at 88 rn) it seems like Satoru Nii is learning about what not to do™ in martial arts because I don't think Suo has tried to pull that out since so... Maybe Satoru Nii didn't know or learned about it later and it was too late to change previous chapters (we creators have a vice with cool poses without thinking about realism aksbkadb) but implemented the changes later."
Don't worry about spoilers, I'm at chapter 144, lol. So I can safely tell you that he doesn't get that much better, unfortunately😭😭😭
He avoids some super blatant mistakes like the palm thing with suo, from what I remember, but he's drawn other iffy moves. And like, it's not his fault that he doesn't know! I'd just appreciate it if he looked into martial arts a bit before making a whole-ass manga about it, from where I'm standing😭
I do love it that they look cool generally, like I'm a writer so I also write unrealistic stuff for the coolness factor. this just doesn't look cool to me when they're doing the weirdest stuff ever when fighting--
anyways,,,, sorry i ranted back at you!! i just wanted to address everything! hope this answers your questions!!
and hey hmu in the asks with thoughts on the manga, if you want! i'd love to talk about it with more people<33 (no pressure tho!!) [this stands for anyone rll lol]
**honorable mention to my bsf @fifteenth-entity who had to get up and help me choreograph a fake fight sequence to figure out the details of kanuma & suo's moves (noel: i have excellent elbows) (dee: he really does, super pointy, glad they weren't actually hitting me)
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Heey, back again with Chapter 6 :) Nothing too major goin on here, really. Nothing actually important happens until later. @itsberrydreemurstuff, @bibooby, and @laegume, I saved you all seats. (Also, @andyssilly, thought I might tag you in case you don't see this.)
Uh, before I start our little performance, I have a few lil things I'd like to say reaaal quick. The first is thaaaat... *brp bada brp brp brp boooo (that was a trumpet noise if you couldn't tell)* I have a tag for the fic now! I tagged all the chapters under the title "Where the Stars Don't Shine", so if you type it into my lil thing, it should come up! I'll probably pin a post with a the chapters linked eventually, I just keep forgetting to do it. And the second thing is slightly less important, but thought I might put it here anyways. Guys, I post polls sometimes that help me make decisions on things regarding the chapters. Nothing major, of course, just small tidbits and whatnot, but I'd really appreciate it if more people could vote on those. It's cool though, I don't mind.
Anyways, that's all for now, I guess! Soooo...
On with the show!
Word Count: 1,514
The day thankfully passes by without much issue, though truthfully you were in a daze for most of it. All you remember is the lights being unusually bright (you thought nothing of it) and a puppet show. Sun hadn’t spoken to you since your wake-up, which was a bit of a relief.
Cleaning had been a bit slower on your end. You think Sun had mentioned it at some point, though you could be mistaken. You know for a fact that he told you not to bring your pills to work on account of the kids getting access to them after you took one to ease the sharp throbbing in your head that had not let up after your nap. Strangely, you felt worse afterwards. You were sorely tempted to put in your earbuds, if only to block out that awful buzzing. You refrained, however; you really didn’t need Sun chastising you for the third time today.
You said good night, getting no response, and left. You don’t remember getting home, but you do remember trying to find something to eat in your nearly bare pantry. You found some eggs and semi-decent bread, made french toast, and passed out.
The pounding is not evaded today, either. Your head feels like it’s stuffed with cotton, and it takes effort to keep your eyes open. You splash some water  on your face as a temporary fix, drink a bit of cough medicine to fight back your sore throat, and head to work.
You head straight for the desk, not bothering to say good morning to the animatronic in charge this time. Your bag hits the floor with a hard thunk, and you open it. You hope you thought to pack a lunch earlier, though you seriously doubt it with your frazzled state. 
Evidently, the source of the noise is actually a brick. You’re not even sure how you managed it, but it does explain why it felt so heavy to lug around. You assume it’s Moon’s work and think little else of it, placing it off to the side before Sun spots it and accuses you of vandalism or burglary or something. 
From the things you actually packed, most are your typical. Laptop, two books instead of one, earbuds, keys, your phone, and a second set of clothes. No lunch, though you weren’t expecting that one. You do find a granola bar instead, and tuck it in your pocket for safekeeping. Maybe you could eat it on the break you never used.
 You interest yourself in the books you brought. You’d already read (book) from cover to cover a dozen times over, but one more couldn’t hurt. The other was one of your additions for the children, and something you were hoping Moon would approve of as well. You hadn’t seen a copy of Brambly Hedge anywhere, but you’d love’d it when you were growing up. They’d liked the Peter Rabbit copy you’d put in, so with any luck, this one would garner a similar reaction.
You remind yourself to bring something for your coworker some other time. Moon may be a prick, but he seemed to get pretty bored when the children fell asleep. Perhaps something to keep him occupied would help, and maybe even get him off your back when the lights cut. What kind of books would he like, though? He’d stolen one of your Sherlock Holmes novels in your first month of work, and you’d caught him peeking over your shoulder on several different occasions when you’d brought your gothic horrors and dystopians, which also tended to mysteriously disappear. You couldn’t just walk up to him and ask, though. Asking either of them for something hardly ever went well.
You brush off the thought and remind yourself to actually request some funding for an idea you’d gotten some time back. The Daycare, action packed and entertaining as it was, didn’t really have much reading material outside of little kiddie books featuring corporate’s mascots, and while you weren’t opposed to donating your old children’s books, some newer ones would probably be more appealing. You’d noticed that Moon also seemed to enjoy the greater variety. He tended to gravitate towards classics and fables for naptime, though you made sure to only plant a few at a time do as not to arouse suspicion. You were pretty sure they thought it was the higher-ups’ doing, and you weren’t going to be the one to correct them. 
You whip around, scanning the Daycare for any sign of the animatronic before taking off with the book in hand, shelving it among the other books you’d brought. You walk back to the desk, feeling almost proud of yourself, until a voice pipes up behind you. “Friieeend, what are you dooing?” 
For the record, despite what the security cameras captured, you did not screech and trip over nothing. 
You flip over and jump back up onto your feet, hastily responding to fend off any conclusion he’d make about this. “Who’s doing something? Me? No, I’m not doing anything, nothing at all.”
Yeah, that didn’t sound suspicious at aaaall, nice going.
Sun’s faceplate turns, static grin growing wider with each click. “Reeeally now? Because it seems to me like you were trying to sneak something from the shelf.”
Great. Now he thinks you’re a thief.
You shake your head frantically, crossing your arms to further prove a point. “No, no I’m not, promise.” Yeah, that’ll help, Y/N, way to seem like a criminal.
His face reverts to its normal position, and you think you’re in the clear (until) he speaks up again. “Glad to be wrong then! Still, I think I’d rather be safe than sorry. You wouldn’t mind if I checked, would you?”
This smug little- You shoot him a strained smile and a thumbs-up that does not display your panic in any way. “Nnnnnnope, go right ahead!”
His own smile stretches. He stoops down to your height and surveys the shelf, default smile forming an unreadable expression that you’re not sure you want to uncover the meaning of. He speaks after a few moments. “This wasn’t here earlier.” He taps the spine of the newly added Brambly Hedge on the shelf for emphasis.
You swallow, arms locked at your sides. You question whether you’d prefer him accusing you of thievery or stupidity. 
He pulls it out and flips through the pages, gaze snapping back to you quizzically.
“How did it get here?” He muses out loud, putting you on the spot with a look that makes you freeze.
Your brain races to find an acceptable response other than the actual truth, and lying will only get you in more trouble. 
You pause. Moon can’t know. 
“Is Moon listening?” you probe.
He pauses, rays doing a half-spin before he responds, “Not at the moment.”
You seriously doubt that, but it’ll have to do. 
You’re so screwed. 
You fiddle with the hem of your shirt, rushing what you want to say at speeds that leave your lungs gasping as you stumble over your words. “I noticed the older kidsandsometimesMoon get bored so I thought I could bring some booksforthemfromhome but I haven’t asked management forper-permissionyetIwasgonnadothatintoday’sreportsorryandthekidsreallylikedperterrabbitsoithoughtmaybethey’dlikethisonetoopleasedon’ttellmoonormanagementIcan’tlosethisjob.” 
Your eyes are tightly screwed shut by the end of your tirade, hands clenched into fists. You peek an eye open to find Sun not in front of you, but on the other side of the room.
Yep, you are so dead when naptime rolls around.
Sun was at a sort of standstill with this new information. You were the one responsible for those books mysteriously piling up on their shelves, out of your own pocket, and you hadn’t thought to ask management? 
He hadn’t been lying when he told you Moon was absent: his brother was never active when Sun was out, preferring to stay offline unless called upon. 
He should tell Moon. This was probably something he’d want to know, something that could possibly get you fired. 
He paused. Would it get you fired? On one hand, you were required to report everything, including any changes you requested. On the other, you were the one paying for said changes, which meant the company didn’t have to do it themselves. If anything, they’d probably just issue you off with a warning and make you pay for everything.
Besides, while the Daycare was practically perfect in his humble opinion, he did have to admit he appreciated the new additions, and he wasn’t going to refuse the benefits, even if they were from you. 
Sun had a feeling his brother wouldn’t agree.
Another lightbulb flickered on in his head. You’d bought the books. He wondered what else you’d brought under the guise of management. 
He sighed, conflicted. You were right, the kids did like Peter Rabbit, along with every other book you’d brought in.
He supposed he could keep this little revelation to himself. Not for you, he reasoned, but for the kids. And speaking of the kids, a handful of them were already entering through the doors now, signaling the start of the day.
Aaaaand that's a wrap! Hope that was up to standard :) Y/N seems to be getting a little worse, hehehe...and I suuure hope Moon doesn't find out about all this, that would make for an interesting confrontation...But yeah, the Assistant's basically been funding most of the stuff for the Daycare at this point. They buy groceries when Management forgets to, restocks for emergency supplies and cleaning stuff, and buys new things for the kids sometimes.
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