cowlickers · 2 years
I love art like white mothers love naming their sons breadan. But I also hate it like I assume the aforementioned white son hates their name because I can also assume every breadan changes their name because there are no adults named breadan and if you find one. no.you.didn't run away and hide for they are a skin walker
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breadanjellyart · 7 years
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She’s very sensitive when it comes to her breasts so please be nice
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cajunrecipes · 4 years
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My Thursday plans involve baking a loaf of this blueberry streusel quick breadan… My Thursday plans contain baking a loaf of this blueberry streusel fast bread😍after which squirreling away as many berries within the freezer as potential earlier than the season ends!!
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moyamcallister · 5 years
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Venison stew is even better after a few days in the fridge. Filling and hearty on a freezing winter day. . . . #itswhatsforlunch #stew #venisonstew #venison #breadan dbutter #potatoes #carrots #deermeat #winterfood #crave #nofilter #tartantablecloth #tartan (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs6GnpwAChK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=e10c5skil5im
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The door creaks open slowly, revealing a singular piece of American cheese. It shouldn’t be an issue at all, however, the cheese is 6 feet long and has legs. It introduces itself as Chegory, God of the cheese, and orders you to follow him. You cannot deny his greatness and you follow him through the mysterious door and down to your kitchen. There lies two slices of bread, both the same height at Chegory. They are twins, Toasten and Breadan. They stand to greet you and politely pull out a chair. They have come to talk to you about your recent depressive cheese sandwich. You cry
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weewoo186 · 3 years
Green Tea and Milk Bread
An Oikawa fanfic.
Warnings: Language not suitable for all ages
Word count: 2.9k
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“The cool autumn wind brushed your face gently as you walked towards school. Objectively speaking, it was a rather fine day. The clear blue sky let the warm rays of the early morning sun reign down upon your back in warm, loving embrace as it’s accompanied by the hushed chitter chatter of students gossiping about this and that. The school grounds were covered in a blanket of red and gold leaves despite the fact that the autumn season was just beginning, and as you trudge along this blanket, a few leaves would get caught on your shoes every now and then. You shiver a bit.”
 And you felt… absolutely done with life. Because none of that was actually real. You were exhausted, sleep-deprived, and in desperate need of a good drink.
In truth, the cool autumn wind felt like a blizzard upon your face, blowing dirt and small debris to your eyes, practically making you half-blind. The warm rays of the sun felt like burning coals upon your back for there wasn’t a single cloud in sight. The loud noises of gossiping students made you want to commit something unforgivable. And- and the leaves. The leaves would make you trip because you couldn’t even see the damn ground at that point.
You were just one more minor inconvenience away from leaving your bag at the school steps and ditching class for absolutely no reason. You sigh. On days like these, when even the warm and loving sun felt like it had a grudge against you, you’d daydream. You’d look around and observe even the tiniest things life has to offer: small bugs crawling under the shade of a young plant, butterflies waltzing amongst the colorful explosion of the scattered flowers on the school grounds, the birds singing in harmonious melodies... you’d observe anything and everything because otherwise, nothing else might distract you from planning unforgiveable things against the world.
You walk inside the entrance hall and make your way towards your locker, taking note of the class schedule posted on a nearby billboard for all the students to see. You look around a bit and notice how the standard white lights lit up the school corridors in an aggressively bright way as if trying to counter the fact that majority of the students inside looked as if they hadn’t slept in weeks. There were A LOT of different personalities doing random stuff this early in the morning, making you chuckle silently so as not to draw attention to yourself: seniors racing to buy energy drinks from the only vending machine in school, a trio sprinting down the halls trying to mug water bottles and umbrellas from their unsuspecting victims, a group of friends performing a ritual around a circle of candles under the stairs, quietly chanting something about burning down the school- wait, what?
Pretending not to see anything, you turn around and busy yourself with picking a random mothball you found sticking inside your locker door. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a girl... shrieked? You glance around in surprise and recoil in plain annoyance when you saw why. Ah shoot, here we go again.
Oikawa Tooru. Probably one of the most egoistic pricks you’ll ever meet in your life.
With a permanent smile plastered upon his face, he walked, no, strutted down the entrance hall as if he owned the damned place. His popularity with everyone was phenomenal, to say the least. Waving friendlily at the students trying to get him to notice them, he was immediately surrounded by girls (no surprises there) who decided to crowd him in all directions in desperate attempt to get just a sliver of his attention. You felt a headache forming when Oikawa made his way towards his locker which was just so conveniently a few steps away from yours. As you hurriedly tried to gather your books for the next three periods, one of the girls had somehow, miraculously grabbed his attention.
It was plain to see how she managed to do that though, for she was definitely one of the prettiest girls you’ve seen today. Thick black hair flowing in the most adorable curls down to her petite waist, she looked like she could be a member of the cheerleading squad or something. She had casually striked up a conversation with him and was now giggling flirtatiously with the guy.
 No offense, but is she dense?
Oikawa’s a playboy for Christ’s sake. Trying to win a guy like him was a suicide mission, and one that could potentially lead you to despair at that. You scoff, closing your locker a little bit harder than usual. You catch Oikawa’s glance and try your utter best to remain a neutral expression on your face. Grabbing your books, you make your way to class in a hurry.
Despite the happenings earlier, you couldn’t exactly avoid Oikawa forever. I mean, he was your classmate after all.
School break had just ended, which meant a change in seating arrangements was in order.
The teacher in charge of your class for the morning had entered the classroom with the sleepiest expression on her face, looking as if she, as well, was absolutely done with her life (you nod in approval, relating to her at a spiritual level). She took one look around the class and sighed so heavily that you can’t help but wonder if she’s even alright. Taking out a box, she lazily wiggled her fingers and told the students to write down their names on slips of paper so that the seating arrangements would be random and fair to everyone. And by the time the period was up, you had somehow ended up being in the most ideal position in class. Also known as the middle row; the perfect place to take a nap, relax, sleep and--
 “Eh??? Sensei, surely I can’t be here in the middle row!” Oikawa whines loudly.
 --and chuck Oikawa down the nearest bin.
You look at him beside you and tried not to lose it when you saw that defeated expression on his face. Oikawa desperately tried complimenting the teacher to get on her good side. A few sweet comments on her hair and clothing were thrown carelessly around, but she wasn’t having any of Oikawa’s crap and just waves her arm dismissively.
Mouth agape, he sulks and sits back down on his desk like a puppy who just lost his favorite toy.
Despite the unfortunate circumstances you were placed in, the rest of the day really wasn’t all that bad. It was finally your last period for the day, and you just absentmindedly stared straight at the teacher, lazily taking down notes of whatever she wrote down on the board.
Although you tried your best to ignore your new desk mate, you can’t help but notice how he squinted his eyes to the blackboard as if he couldn’t see a single thing. Curiously, you take a peek at the contents of his notebook and see that he wrote… nothing? You take a look back to his face and notice how he actually looked rather worried.
Even though you personally disliked his character, you can admit that he wasn’t an overall bad person. A bit of a playboy, sure, but that was about it, honestly. You sigh darkly. Despite everything else, he was still a classmate who probably needed a bit help. You weren’t so inhumane that you’d cruelly ignore someone in obvious need of assistance. Just as you were about to tap him on the shoulder, the teacher called his name in a slow, pronounced manner.
“Oikawa… Tooru?” she said. Although Oikawa stood up confidently from his seat, you could see his fist clench a bit tightly on the edge of his desk in silent frustration.
The teacher lightly tapped on the board and patiently asked for an answer to the question they wrote down on the board’s dark surface. A few moments passed until Oikawa just laughed nervously, rubbing his hand behind his head. Feeling a twinge of pity for him, you quietly tore a piece of paper from your notebook and scribbled down the answer in bright, red ink.
“Psst,” you whisper at him.
He glances at your direction, and you subtly slide the piece of paper towards him.
And with that, the teacher nodded in approval and turned to face the board once more.
“So why did you do it?” he asked curiously, as you hurriedly chugged down a can of green tea.
When the whole incident earlier had ended, Oikawa had insisted on buying you a drink. Although you had flatly refused several times using the “I’m a bit busy” and “I have a lot of schoolwork” as excuses, he kept pressing you on his offer, telling you that it wouldn’t even take that long.
This and that happened, and now you’re somehow sitting beside him on the bench near the school’s vending machine.  
The hellish sunny morning from earlier had given way to a dark, tranquil state of a rainy afternoon. You looked at the grey clouds forming, and simply enjoyed the intoxicatingly musty smell of rain. Under normal circumstances, the rain would have been more than enough to make you feel at ease, but with Oikawa here sitting beside you, you felt neither calm nor relaxed. Fidgeting a bit, you reply.
“Well, I’m not exactly cruel enough to let down a classmate in need of help, am I?” you laugh nervously.
When Oikawa just stared at you and said nothing, the tension between the both of you became painfully obvious to say the least. Standing up, you buy him a drink (looks kinda like milk?) and hand it to him in attempt to break the awkwardness between you. He looks up and just laughs.
“What’s this?”
“A thank you for the green tea, I guess.”
“Aww, you didn’t need to,”
“Well,” you smile rather awkwardly, “I wanted to?”
Although it was a sad attempt in being friendly, Oikawa didn’t look like he minded at all. He chuckles, carefully opening the drink you bought him, producing a nice and satisfying hiss from the can as a result. You look at him, pondering, when he breathed a sigh of absolute satisfaction. Although the silence between you had come back again, it wasn’t as uncomfortable this time. Relaxed and lulled by the sound of rain (and perhaps Oikawa’s company), your eyes kept fluttering, trying to fight the drowsiness that had accumulated from your obvious lack of rest. You slowly lean against the cold ceramic surface of the wall and drifted off to sleep without a single care in the world.
It’s not the gentle voice of Oikawa that brought you to reality, but rather the slight sway of your hair as it flowed with a sudden gust of wind. Drowsy as ever, you blink as the footsteps of passing students, the silent dripping of the rain, and the sounds of familiar chatter came back to you. You put down the cold tea in your hands, quickly preparing for an apology, but stopped short upon seeing Oikawa smiling, holding his phone’s camera in front of you.
“I apologize, but the expression on your face was rather interesting to see especially since it was coming from a person like you.” He smiled playfully, “Apparently, my hand had just moved on its own.”
You stared blankly, not sure on how to respond. The act was just so… so random that you can’t help but give him a loud snort.
Without a single word being spoken, Oikawa placed a can of green tea in front of you, still cold to the touch, and encouraged you to take it with a single, lazy motion of his hand. He smiled knowingly, aware that a cold batch of green tea was best enjoyed by you when it came fresh out of the machine.
He sat a few inches beside you, and somehow the two of you had ended up just talking.
It first started with you casually telling him about your day. You told him about your grudge towards the sun and your childish plan to take revenge after all the inconveniences it’s caused you. After some time of idle chatter, you realize just how much of a good listener he is. So, you pester him into telling you more about his day for a change.
“Well, here’s the thing…” he started, and everything after that was simply history.
 The cycle of stories had repeated itself several times until the both of you were engaged in a deep conversation about things and whatnot. The two people who sat on the bench couldn’t simply be classified as “you and Oikawa”, but rather, a pair who felt as if they understood each other at that moment more than anyone else in the world did. If any passerby were to look at the direction of the vending machine, they would see two friends, casually telling one another about their day, surrounded by a mountain of empty drinks stacked atop one another.
Time flew by fast, and before the both of you realized it, it was already getting rather late. You had to admit it, but Oikawa wasn’t as bad as a person as you had initially thought. You smiled a bit when you saw how humane he actually was. Casually laughing and teasing you for absolutely no reason just like how a normal friend would.
Apparently, it was just that plain and simple.
The next day, your first period teacher tells you all to partner up for an activity, and Oikawa, being the charismatic and childish person he was, kinda, sorta, not-so-subtly told you about how he’s absolute garbage at the subject.
You gave him a questioning look accompanied with a single motion of your hand that said, “You sure about that? There are a lot more viable options out there.”
In response, he pulls his desk over to yours and scoots beside you as if to say, “Yeah I’m sure”.
You aren’t even a fan of working together, but when it comes it comes to Oikawa, you somehow ended up enjoying the small, fleeting moments you experience with him. You’re just… fascinated with him, the surprisingly wholesome guy whose genuine smile could light up the darkest of nights. There’s truly something in him that other people just don’thave, and when you ponder about it for a little while, you realize it’s because of the fact that he has stars in his eyes. Little, twinkling stars that light up every time he hears about every minor detail that you’d tell him. You’ve never seen those stars light up in anyone else when they talk to you. Maybe it was because of all the people you’ve befriended; he was the only one who was actually willing to listen. It was this realization that caused you to smile like an idiot.
Because for you, that was more than enough.
You scooted over to him in small, giddy and happy movements. You can’t help but smile, for how long has it been since you’ve talked to someone who wanted to talk to you in return? Oikawa looks at you questioningly, asking “What is it? Did something happen?” in genuine curiosity with a soft expression painted upon his face. You look at him and simply brush it off, saying that his eyes must’ve been playing tricks on him.
When working together with a friend, it’s almost always expected that a bit of playfulness would be injected into the daily dose of idle conversation. So, after much bickering and forehead-flicking, the two of you quieted down and decided to simply accompany each other in silence. Oikawa, with his neat handwriting, was listing down notes and bits of information from the textbooks while you helped him plan the format that the both of you were going to use. From time to time, you’d see his face light up a bit when your hand would accidentally brush his, as if he was simply relieved that the two of you were working together.
You both worked in perfect harmony despite a few occasional accidents when you’d bump into each other and mumble a small apology here and there. Whenever you see him struggling with doing two things at the same time, you’d wordlessly help him with one of those things before he can even refuse, and if he sees you having a hard time with something he knows he can help with, he’d say “wait, come here” and just does it for you without even sparing you a single glance.
After some time, both of you had eventually finished the activity. And in one single go at that. Oikawa lets out a heavy sigh of relief as he stretched his muscles, turning his face towards yours with a bright smile.
“Hey wait, have I ever told you when…”
And for the rest of the period, Oikawa simply told you about bits and pieces of information that really did have no significance at face value. But that didn’t matter now, did it? For there was no rhyme or reason at that point. He simply felt like telling you things. You, on the other hand, had no rhyme or reason to accompany him. You simply felt like listening. It didn’t need to be any more complicated than that.
“Hey, hey, did I ever tell you when Iwa-chan tripped during a match back in high school? It was pretty hilarious, but don’t tell him I said that.”
As Oikawa’s eyes lit up when recalling those nostalgic memories, you can’t help but notice how absolutely happy he looked. His smile would slowly widen with each random memory he recalled, and his voice became more playful at every flick and tease he gave you…
You realize just how important that single, genuine smile of his came to be. That precious and fragile expression radiated the purest form of happiness you’ve seen all day, plain for all to see.
Tags: @sunarent, @perruvianily
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itscyanne · 3 years
A man who is a formidable fighter, his humor destroys him.',
'everything-is-fine-until-he-poo-in-his-leather-shorts', '
“It’s that all what you’ve got, half-brother?”, Breandan Forsythe, bragged. Man armored all in black, on his head was an antler helm. He wielded his hakdomiutrium steel sword’s edge, glimmered as it moved up and swept down clanging through Rhaegor Snow’s sword, with his mail shirts over brown leather and steel caps with stag crests. Rhaegor didn’t mind his brother’s braggadocios, he continues to fought him. Another went wallop through his chest. “No more, don’t hit me, I yield! “, he shrilled. “On your feet, brother.”, Breandan called with a smirking smile. “I hope tomorrow you’ll do better”. He was the best swordsman in their country, heir to the throne, a formidable fighter in duels and he fought wars to protect their country from foreign invaders.
He went to Rachdale, a rich city and once they invaded but they didn’t succeed, it was dark country town with numerous small houses and structures spread around a valley floor. He looks his appearance on the water. “You’re the best swordsman who ever lived”, he mumbled. The water smiles back. He flexes his arms and wield his sword and dances, swift and sudden. Upon hearing something moving under the bushes he halts. “Come out whoever you are, This instance!“, he demands. A man appeared with his mail shirts over boiled leather and steel caps with stag crests, It’s Rhaegor. “Bloody hell, you scared the hell out of me!”, Breandan sighed. “Inya kukwaem dita, kasla kala tanga-tanga itta?”, said Rhaegor. “I’m just sword dancing, bastard!”, he replied. “Come, we’ll have a drink, bastard”.
They went to a tavern, from the outside it looks depressing, broken and unfriendly. Hard wooden planks and hard wooden beams make up most of the building’s outer structure. It’s tough to see through the high windows, but the lifelessness from within can be felt outside. “One barrel of beer, for me and two mugs for my half brother!”, Breandan shouted. “Make it fast!”. The steward gets his order as fast as he can. “Here’s your order, sire!”, steward stuttered. He guzzled the strong black beer till he’s satisfied. “Who’s here’s going to challenge me on a combat, eh?”, he bragged. He pointed his sword to everyone. “You!?”, he shouted. “I challenge you two in a combat”. He pointed his sword to Ser Mo Lang and Ser Ko Lang, who are drunk. “I don’t fight a combat with a foolish arrogant man like you!”, Ser Ko Lang replied. “I want war!”. People inside the tavern were chattering can’t believe what they’ve encountered. “No! What are you doing? Father will be mad”, Rhaegor urged. “Bastard, this is the time to take another step on conquering this country!”, Breandan whispered. “We’ve lost two thousand men, when we invaded this country”, Rhaegor replied. Breandan didn’t mind his half brother, he knew that they have powerful allies to conquer the country. “In the morning, then!”, Breandan declared. “Let’s go, bastard”.
“This is what I am waiting for, son”, the king exclaimed. “Send a raven to all our vassals”. They were all preparing for the strategy for the siege, they have seven hundred archers, one thousand and one cavalry and two thousand warriors. The bells seem loud, clanging from the tower. People yammering, moving through inside their houses. The sky was filled with darkness, horses snorting and men were chattering. “Prepare to charge!”, the warden yelled. “Cavalry charged!”. Swords clanging, blood spurted through the ground. Men were snarling and squealing as the ground became greasy with gore. Breandan shows his ability, decapitate his enemy who’s near him. “Archers, knock your arrows!”, Rhaegor called. “Wait, I don’t tend to kill our army! Now, loose!”. A storm of arrows whizzed and fizzed through the battleground. Men were screaming and screeching as the ground became slippery with sludge. Blood and internal organs spread around the battlefield. Rachdale’s army were retreating. “We surrender!”, Ser Ko Lang screamed. “Retreat! Retreat!”. They ran fast as their blood spurts. “We were defeated, Why we didn’t talked about truce!, Pakalaing ka met gamin”, Ser Mo Lang argued.
Everyone was happy of their victory. The sound of music spilled through their room. Men were chattering and mimicking about how their enemies being killed. “Everyone, Thank you for helping us taking the Rachdale, I owe you all and for that let’s have a toast”, Breandan smirked. “Enjoy all the foods we’ve prepared!”. They enjoyed the roasted chicken with savory gravy, delicious pumpkin soup and sparkling malt wine. Breadan seems hungry, and for the mean time he ate two of the roasted chicken. “Kayat ko pay, nagimas kaimimas jay balasang ijay Rachdale!”, he laughed and get another chicken. The woman he’s referring was there crying in her robe. Laughter continues all around the room. Breadan eyes were widen with fear. Rhaegor fingers curl around his neck, pressing, closing. His face begins to turn into a sickening color as his sight start to close in on him. He clawed his fingers at his hands uselessly and used his last breath to scream for help. His mouth bloated with strips of roasted chicken. “He’s chocking, help!”, Rhaegor cried. All the soldiers were panicked. The king were frightened and leads to death. Rhaegor cried and strangled himself to death because he knew that he’ll be the king and he doesn’t want the throne. The room is filled with grief and sorrow.
Their bodies were burned inside their own old wooden casket.
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pastel-rights · 4 years
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Quick Rose doodle
Also, yes, I finally came up with full names for the OG and Current squads!
Morgan Pages (Sketch)
Morgan Pages (Sketch)
Anthony Times (Tony)
Rose Petals (Shrignold)
Lilith Rodrigues (Special One)
Cassidy Meldrum (Colin, though they call him Cass instead)
Scott Slice (Steak)
Melanie Slice (Spinach)
Breadan Slice (Bread Boy, me at it with the bread puns again)
Felix Slice (Fridge)
Avery, Carmel, and Brooke Slice (Monster Cans)
Lexi Arin (Larry, though they call him Lexi instead)
The Current names are:
Heathers Davides (Sketch)
Anthony Solstice (Tony)
Steph Rose (Shrignold)
Sally Rodrigues (Special One)
Cass Wires (Colin)
Steven Chops (Steak)
Stella Chops (Spinach Can)
Franklin Chops (Fridge)
Breadly Chops (Bread Boy)
Addison, Benjamin and Carmen Chops (Monster Cans)
Laurence Lawrence (Larry)
So if you see me refer to someone by their actual name, here’s a handy lil chart-
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spoooky-bee · 3 years
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Hi bee! It’s bread anon, I don’t have any bread puns today but I do have a picture of some cat-shaped bread that I thought was too purrfect to not show you. I hope u like it! Have a good day 👋
Hi BreadAn!!!!! Ohmygosh!!!! Look at them!!! They're so nice!!!! I appreciate this v much ty! I don't know if I have any cat puns but I do have these bun-nies I found while I was coming up with bread puns :D (It’s the yeast I could do. Also! A toast to the new year! May it be filled to the brim with endless bread/bread themed puns)
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breadan-blog · 7 years
i honestly have no idea what i'm doing here
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stefymoon · 5 years
Chapters: 16/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes, Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Allison Argent, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Laura Hale, Cora Hale, Talia Hale, Papa Hale, Sheriff Stilinski, Melissa McCall, Breadan Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Derek, Omega Stiles Stilinski, Alpha Scott, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski are Soulmates, Stiles is bullied, Bullying, Bully Derek Hale, Scott is a Bad Friend, mentions of mpreg, Mpreg, Alive Hale Family, POV Stiles, POV Derek, Knotting, Claiming, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Scott becomes a better friend, Derek becomes less of an ass hole, Hate to Love, Slow Build, Stiles is a loner, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Bullied Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Universe - No Hale Fire, Neglected Stiles Stilinski, Jock Derek Hale, Getting Together, School Shootings, Hostage Situations, Terrorism, Implied/Referenced Terrorism, Gore, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language Summary:
Stiles would have never guessed that the star player of the lacrosse team and presumably the hottest guy in school who everyone wanted a piece of and one of his most hated bullies would turn out to be his soulmate.
Derek would never have dreamed that fate would be so cruel to pair him up with a freak like Stilinski.
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corasohn · 7 years
Ok uhhhh before I go off to laptop world again for 48hrs or less maybe... @jaehyunlesbian Mia I hope you're having a good day as well and I just noticed u changed ur icon w t f was this because I said I'd call Jaehyun stans whitebreadists or breadanators?????
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bhadpodcast · 7 years
listening to your podcast and the one thing that always bugged me when Breadan tossed the gun at Stiles made no sense like really your gonna tell me the son of a sheriff that he doesn't know how to handle a gun
Oh yeah, we railed about that when it happened.  Just a mess. 
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untitled-4ever-blog · 6 years
Falling for the stars
Chapter 3
The party is at her boyfriend Caiden house, since his parents are on vacation says Mia. All of his jock friends are their, let's make this easy, all the hot, cool kids are here. Mia’s going to be a senior in high school this year, so she has to impress people by wearing makeup and heels, and that hole shabang. Including this knowledge from her, i am wearing the mother lode of high wasted ripped jeans, a plain white  crop top t-shirt with a mini leather jacket. Wonderful. She's wearing a maroon mini skirt big block heels and a black cropped tank top.
“Hey, look who it is. After all these years she’s still as hot as ever babe.” The only person that's still trying to hit on me and calls everyone babe is Jude.
“Hey, looks who still has a crush on Olivia after all these years. The one, the only ‘JUDE” Everyone screams the last part, but my other bestie from 8th grade is via, better known as Victoria. She always starts the cool stuff.
“Yep i’m in the zone.” I come back sarcastically back at her, she's the Queen of sarcasm if i remember right. “And people still remember me” Another thing is, Jude used to be my boyfriend, till he cheated on my with Alexis in 7th grade.Who still to this day are “just friends” that make out all the time.
Jude walks over to me, he died his hair. It's a deep brown, shaved on the side, fans into his eyes. His eyes are as the color of the ocean, deep and focused. I don’t understand why i never looked at him this way, recognizing thing that were new and old.
“I believe that my beautiful olive needs a hug from a not so distant lover” I don’t know why but i kind of want to kiss him, even though he is a handsome pig, that does whatever he wants when he wants. I do hug him back. “So, hows high school” I do wish i could go to high school, read with friends, be a cheerleader, stand in a lunch line, have art and gym-
“My olive, it marcialis. I known you are sick and whatever but you have to meet this girl. Not like that though, she wants to be a cheerleader and she's only a sophomore, she is really quite. Please”
“I think i would love helping a girl out, but don’t flip like i used to Jude. but i’ll try.”So he tells me i could join a group at school thats open to outsiders too and help with cheerleaders and gymnasts, and I say okay.
The Girls name is Millie white. She Short, Skinny, and has red hair pulled in to a french braids. She's stunning. Not that i like girls or anything, but model pretty. She's at JO levels to but only on Level 4, it's not bad just thought she was higher.That's all. Out Of the blue Jude starts talking.
“So my olive, do you wanna go on a date, maybe.”
I am so stunned i don’t know what to say. Jude is unpredictable, handsome, confused, amazing, Crazy, and just him.
Out of nowhere i say yes.I said yes. Yes.
“Really?”He sounds like he might explode.
“I Said yes, where should we go? Central park, The Empire State Building, Times Square…” i Just keep ramblings until he say Central Park. we’ll row, eat at the boat house and walk around. That romantic stuff.
“Sounds perfect.” He moves so close to my face, i thinks he's gonna kiss me and forget everything until a hard sturdy hand pulls me away. Its isn't Alexis she’s to skinny, It's not my mom or dad, definitely not Via or Mia. Huh rimes. The hand turns me to the person who is my boyfriend who i broke up with because thing weren’t working with us and my cancer.
“What the hell are you doing. You break up with one person, and four years later kissing another.”
“That's the thing Brendan, Four years later. God, What's wrong with me kissing people, but you can have a girlfriend. Thats messed up dude.”I don’t believe i said that, to the most wanted boy in the school. Best jock in the school. Everyone wanted him for anything.
“Whatever. I used to believe you could never get, with your cancer. But now you personally, your screwed.” i don’t believe he just said that to me. The used to be beautiful girl. The everything girl. The goody girl, people loved me.
“Dude, do you know what you just said.” Now people are gathering, at least half of the people are yelling “Fight, Fight, Fight’
“Please stop.” no one listens like always, the good girls never matter.
“Do you want my fist all the way down your throat. Because i Don’t care for a few broken fingers to get you to shut up!” I do believe Jude would do this, it normal for him. Now i scream with all my lungs stop but doesn’t work but i did hear Jude say stupid Jock i think.
“ what did you say.” Is the last thing Brendan says before he takes a swing at Judes face. After that i start to scream, not just some little kid. Like someone i love is getting hurt badly scream, i don’t know if I consider Jude as My love, but i don’t care.
Caidens rushes over with Mia, after Jude hit Breadans jaw.
He pull them apart and yells at both of them, but Judes lip is bleeding so as me i want to kiss and hug him and ask if he is. I do one of those things which is kiss him. Breadans in shock, as i pull away Jude wispears “My olive, my only love.” and kisses me as Mia and me pull away and leave. And I never will forget that date.
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stefymoon · 6 years
Chapters: 13/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes, Lydia Martin/Jackson Whittemore Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Allison Argent, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Laura Hale, Cora Hale, Talia Hale, Papa Hale, Sheriff Stilinski, Melissa McCall, Breadan Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Derek, Omega Stiles Stilinski, Alpha Scott, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski are Soulmates, Stiles is bullied, Bullying, Bully Derek Hale, Scott is a Bad Friend, mentions of mpreg, Mpreg, Alive Hale Family, POV Stiles, POV Derek, Knotting, Claiming, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Scott becomes a better friend, Derek becomes less of an ass hole, Hate to Love, Slow Build, Stiles is a loner, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Bullied Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Universe - No Hale Fire, Neglected Stiles Stilinski, Jock Derek Hale Summary:
Stiles would have never guessed that the star player of the lacrosse team and presumably the hottest guy in school who everyone wanted a piece of and one of his most hated bullies would turn out to be his soulmate.
Derek would never have dreamed that fate would be so cruel to pair him up with a freak like Stilinski.
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