#brazilian intelligence agency
Ex-intelligence head warned security official about Jan. 8 riots in Brazil
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Saulo Moura da Cunha, who was head of the Brazilian Agency of Intelligence (Abin) when the January 8 riots took place, told a joint congressional select committee this Tuesday that he personally warned former head of the Institutional Security Office General Gonçalves Dias of the risks of a violent far-right mob storming government buildings in Brasilia. 
“I started to speak to him around 8 am on January 8, and sent him information that I was receiving, including highlighting information about 105 buses that were arriving in Brasília with rioters”, Mr. Cunha told the committee investigating the events of that day. According to him, Mr. Dias replied that he thought “they would get in trouble”.
Later that day, Mr. Cunha called Mr. Dias again, informing that the mob was heading directly to the Ministries Esplanade, and of a rising risk of invasion of public buildings. He said that Abin raised 33 alerts of probable evolution of security risks in the six days leading to the January 8 riots.
Opposition congressmen such as Alexandre Ramagem — head of Abin during the Jair Bolsonaro administration — complained that the Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva government was negligent in managing the evolving situation.
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climatecalling · 1 year
Brazil’s government has begun removing thousands of non-Indigenous people from two native territories in a move that will affect thousands who live in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. The Brazilian intelligence agency ABIN said in a statement that the goal was to return the Apyterewa and Trincheira Bacaja lands in Para state to the original peoples. ... “The presence of strangers on Indigenous land threatens the integrity of the Indigenous [people] and causes other damages, such as the destruction of forests,” the agency said in its statement. It added that about 1,600 families lived illegally in that region with some involved in illegal activities such as cattle raising and gold mining. “They also destroy native vegetation.” ... Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has begun rebuilding environment protection agencies and created eight protected areas for Indigenous people. Soon after the beginning of his administration, his government expelled thousands of goldminers from the massive Yanomami Indigenous territory in the northern state of Roraima. State and federal authorities this year also dislodged landgrabbers from the Alto Rio Guama territory. They threatened forcible expulsion of those settlers failing to leave, and pledged to eliminate access roads and irregular installations. Nearly all of the illegal residents departed voluntarily.
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youngsadlesbian · 2 months
BRAZILIAN CHAOTIC — wanda maximoff.
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pairing: wanda maximoff x reader
summary: wanda watches a video that shows a chaotic and different side of you.
a/n: this is so silly, but i loved writing it. i hope you like it.
word count: 1,5k
warnings: none, just fluff.
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You always dreamed of making it big in the fashion world, and when your agency offered you the chance to work abroad, you knew it was the opportunity of a lifetime. Leaving Brazil was bittersweet, but you were excited about the possibilities that lay ahead. Little did you know that this journey would lead you to Wanda Maximoff.
It was on a rainy night in New York City when you first met Wanda. You had just finished a photo shoot and decided to relax in a cozy little café you had discovered. Wanda, sitting there with a cup of coffee and a book, caught your eye. There was something magnetic about her, and before you knew it, you were sitting across from her, lost in conversation.
Weeks turned into months, and your connection with Wanda deepened. You admired her strength and intelligence, and she was captivated by your vibrant personality and adventurous spirit. Eventually, you went on a first date. And a second. And a third. Soon, you were in a relationship and life felt like a beautiful whirlwind.
One night, while you were preparing dinner in your shared apartment, Wanda was in the living room, watching an interview you had recently given. Your charisma shone on the screen, and she couldn't help but smile proudly. When the interview ended, the next video recommended by the algorithm caught her attention: "Y/N being a chaotic Brazilian for 10 minutes straight."
Curiosity piqued, she clicked on the video. In the introduction, important warnings were mentioned; the content had been taken from some social media platforms you assumed to have lost access to some time ago or posted by your Brazilian friends. The information that relieved Wanda was that there would be English subtitles, which she greatly appreciated as she didn’t understand much Portuguese.
The video began with a very different setting. You were outside a house, surrounded by friends Wanda recognized from your previous mentions. You wore your usual casual outfit: short shorts and an oversized shirt.
Besides the music, what surprised her was a detail: you were doing a "quadradinho" dance move in a very different position than she was used to seeing, all while balancing a beer can on your head.
"Pedro Sampaio, go!" one of your friends joined you, mimicking your movements. And gosh, the way your butt moved was mesmerizing.
The abrupt cut in the video made Wanda realize it was nothing short of surprising. You were always lively, constantly showing this personality in her presence, but there was a difference in seeing you so carefree.
The next video started blurry until your face came into focus. You were in a stadium, probably watching a concert. Your face was streaked with tears as you sang along to a song.
The subtitles explained that the song belonged to a singer named Jão.
The laughter of the person filming made you look at the camera, and Wanda found herself laughing too. You were very emotional, and it was very cute.
"Eu bato o meu carro, aprendo a roubar. Eu arranjo briga, bebo em algum bar. Beijo qualquer boca, eu traço algum plano só pra não lembrar..." The pause didn't prepare her for how you screamed the rest of the lyrics. "Que ainda te amo."
Your friend laughed again and zoomed in on your tear-streaked face.
"Are you okay, friend?" You shook your head, no. "Why?"
"Because this man seems to have based his songs on my life. He is too perfect to be real, Fê."
The video cut off with a shrill scream from you. Wanda was startled and burst into laughter.
Then another video started. It had the same aesthetic as the one where you danced with a friend, but this time she recognized the outfit and setting as a birthday party you had shown her pictures of.
The subtitles explained that you and two of your friends were dancing to a song called 'Desliza e Joga,' and dance you did. Wanda had never seen a butt move as fast as yours.
Then you sat on the ground. Your leg made such an unexpected move that Wanda's mouth fell open.
Your friends cheered, and you kept dancing like there was no tomorrow.
The next video was a bit different from the previous ones. You were sitting on a sidewalk, and Wanda could guess you were completely drunk. She recognized the street; it was just a few blocks from the bar where you used to meet while getting to know each other.
"Y/N, snap out of it!" Your best friend's voice surprised Wanda, and then she remembered that she had been in New York shortly before you and Wanda started dating. "She’s going to call you."
You shook your head and buried your face in your hands.
"She won’t. I was terrible on our first date, and she probably hated me and..." You stopped when your phone vibrated and smiled when you saw who had messaged you. "She said she’s been busy and wants to see me again!"
Oh, you were talking about her. Wanda had indeed disappeared for a few days after your first date because she was on a last-minute mission and didn’t have time to let you know. She showed up days later saying exactly that. She found it cute to have a record of you talking about that day and it broke her heart to see you thinking she hadn’t liked you.
Wanda had adored you from the first moment.
Another video started with you and a group of friends at a loud, crowded party. The camera panned to you doing a playful dance with a drink in hand. The subtitles caught a snippet of the conversation.
"Y/N, you're going to spill your drink!" one of your friends laughed.
"I'll just get another one!" you shouted back, grinning widely. Wanda chuckled, seeing how carefree and happy you were.
The next video showed you attempting a popular TikTok dance in your apartment, dressed in a very sexy outfit. The subtitles captured your playful commentary.
"Okay, I have no idea if I'm doing this right," you said, laughing at yourself. But as the music played, you nailed the moves with surprising skill. Wanda watched, captivated by your confidence and energy.
Another video began with you at a different party, clearly tipsy, dancing on a table with a group of friends cheering you on. The subtitles highlighted a funny exchange.
"Y/N, get down from there before you fall!" a friend shouted.
"Never! I'm invincible!" you declared, nearly losing your balance but catching yourself just in time. Wanda laughed out loud, feeling a mix of amusement and affection.
The final video was in a club, you and your friends dancing wildly to the beat. The camera focused on you as you pulled a friend into a dance-off.
"Let's see what you've got!" you challenged, and the friend responded with some impressive moves. You laughed and clapped, then launched into your own routine, which ended with you both collapsing into giggles. Wanda smiled, seeing how much joy you brought to those around you.
As the video continued, a message appeared on the screen: " Plus: some moments where Y/N is completely in love with Wanda Maximoff."
The next clip showed you at a friend's gathering, visibly tipsy and talking about Wanda. The subtitles captured your words.
"She's just so amazing, you know?" you slurred. "Smart, strong, and those eyes... I could get lost in them forever."
Your friends teased you, "You're so in love, Y/N."
"And proud of it!" you replied with a goofy grin.
The following video was you in bed, cuddling a pillow and speaking softly to the camera, clearly in a lovey-dovey mood.
"I miss Wanda so much. She's been on a mission for days, and it feels like forever. I can't wait to hold her again."
The subtitles explained your situation, and Wanda felt a warmth in her chest, knowing how much you missed her.
Another clip showed you at another party, talking to a friend with a drink in hand.
"Have you ever met someone who just makes everything better?" you asked, swaying slightly. "That's Wanda for me. She's... everything."
The friend laughed. "You're totally whipped, Y/N."
"And I love it," you responded with a dreamy smile.
The final video showed you lying on a couch, looking at your phone and giggling.
"Look at this text from Wanda," you said, showing the screen to the camera. "She's so cute. I can't believe she's mine."
The subtitles translated your words, and Wanda felt a blush creeping up her cheeks.
As the video ended, you walked into the room, noticing Wanda engrossed in the screen. She looked up, a mixture of amusement and affection on her face.
"Enjoying the show?" you asked, smiling.
Wanda nodded, her eyes sparkling. "I had no idea you were such a chaotic whirlwind. It's... endearing."
You chuckled, sitting beside her. "There's a lot you don't know about me yet."
"And I'm excited to discover every bit of it," Wanda said softly, taking your hand. "But I have to say, seeing how much you care about me... it means the world."
You leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. "I do care about you, Wanda. More than anything."
She smiled, resting her forehead against yours. "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Wanda," you replied, feeling your heart swell with happiness.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate and UK Prime Minister open the door to arbitrary abuses of power
Michael Shellenberger
Aug 08, 2024
Yesterday I mentioned that Democratic Vice Presidential candidate and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz claimed, “There's no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech and especially around our democracy.” I pointed out that this was simply wrong, and that the First Amendment protects both misinformation and hate speech.
It’s very different in Britain, which allows the police to arrest people for language considered “extreme.” And indeed the government just arrested three people for what they wrote on social media platforms, and it could arrest many more in the coming weeks.
You might not care about this because you don’t live in Britain, or you think social media should not allow the incitement of violence. After all, the ostensible reason for a recent riot was hate speech and misinformation on X.
But we have seen European, Australian, Canadian, and Brazilian governments all demand global censorship of social media platforms, and all of the social media platforms except for Elon Musk’s X have gone along with their demands.
What makes all of this additionally alarming is that we have repeatedly seen military and intelligence agencies, including those from the United States, Britain, and Canada, coordinate their monitoring of social media and sharing of information
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elvisgrace · 2 years
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One last custom video game - I made The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for @tvickiesims as a thank you for her priceless know-how and support, and she wanted to share it with everyone!
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - SFS/Mediafire
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I made a Deltarune custom video game for the magnificent, marvelous, and municifent @mourky as a thank you for all their help, and they've requested that I share it with everyone - and not being content resting on their laurels, @mourky made a Polish version of the Doppelganger Console!
Deltarune -SFS/Mediafire
Doppelganger Console (Polish) - Mega/SFS/Mediafire
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I made a Witcher 3 :The Wild Hunt custom video game for the incomparable @jellymeduza as a thank you for her invaluable help and guidance, which she generously wants to share, on top of which she has made a Polish translation!
Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt (English) - SFS/Mediafire
Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt (Polish) - SFS/Mediafire
Thank you @jellymeduza!!!
@itsyuna is amazing and a total bro, and has made a Brazilian Portugese translation - thank you so very much!
Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt (Brazilian Portugese) - SFS/Mediafire
Like all of my custom games, you will have to first place the display on a community lot it order for your sim to be able to purchase the game and play it on their home gaming system.
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EDIT: @howtoplaymyshuno graciously offered to share a game I made for them for being such a rockstar consultant, Uncle Albert's Magical Album:
The updated GIA television station can be found here:
Thank you @howtoplaymyshuno!
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Ok, I took the Doppelganger Console down to fix some issues I missed, but now it's back, exorcised and improved!
This is a logic skilling object in Practice Mode
Gain enthusiasm is Games in Practice and Play modes
And because I thought it would be cute for children to teach their grandparents how to play video games, I've altered the age limits so that children can offer lessons to or be asked for lessons from the other age groups as long as the child has a higher logic skill than the other sim
I feel like a ginormous asshole for not catching my fubars before posting, and then it taking so long to fix, so as an apology, I've made you four customs video games!
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And I made posters for them using @sushigal007's mesh.
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So, I made these really elaborate movies for the games before I realized that they would be too long for the games themselves, but at that point there was no way I wasn't going to use them. Fuck that noise. So I've created a television station that builds games enthusiasm: The Gaming Intelligence Agency.
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Doppelganger Console: SFS/Mediafire
@tvickiesims is a goddess and made a Russian version! SFS
Animal Crossing: SFS/Mediafire
Bizarre Jelly 5: SFS/Mediafire
Hero's Duty: SFS/Mediafire
Problem Solverz: SFS/Mediafire
Gaming Intelligence Agency Television Station: SFS/Mediafire
The biggest monster thank you to @jellymeduza, @howtoplaymyshuno, @tvickiesims, and @mourky - I couldn't have done it without you, you are fantastic, and I am hardcore heart emoji-ing in your direction
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fatehbaz · 5 months
Hal Langfur's Adrift on an Inland Sea: Misinformation and the Limits of Empire in the Brazilian Backlands sheds valuable light on spaces and processes in the history of colonial Brazil that have been overlooked and understudied, namely those taking place in internal frontier zones - the sertões, or backlands, between and beyond the enclaves governed by Portuguese rule, unstable and unincorporated spaces [...]. Langfur argues that [...] Lisbon made increasingly assertive efforts to survey and establish control over isolated zones after 1750 but that these failed such that the Portuguese imperial state found itself “adrift on an inland sea.” [...]
[T]he axis on which this enterprise fails is information. People made up the infrastructures of communication and data transmission that the Portuguese Empire endeavored to construct and deploy in order to render its domains governable and ever more profitable, but these people had purposes of their own.
The probing tentacles of imperial intelligence gathering met instead with the confusion of rumors, distortions, inflated claims, conflicting reports, disputed facts, and fantasies. [...]
[Langfur] bring[s] into the conversation [...] accounts of several forays between 1750 and 1820 into the backlands of Minas Gerais [...]. These took place against the exhaustion of the mineral deposits that had fueled the gold rush decades earlier in Minas Gerais and the crown’s relentless pursuit of new deposits that could keep up the flow of alluvial wealth. While these projects foundered, ultimately, new forms of extraction in the form of slave-based export agriculture (coffee) would take their place. [...] [T]he first expedition was led by an ambitious merchant named Inácio Correia Pamplona in the late 1760s who commissioned a scribe to record a diary and compose poems praising his attempts to find gold and subdue Indians and thus extend the empire’s territorial dominion. While Pamplona’s actual accomplishments fell short of the Herculean feats described [...], he was able to cash in his narrative for favors and privileges that made him one of the largest landholders in the captaincy. [...]
The third [expedition] involved José Vieira Couto, a crown-appointed mineralogist, who was appointed to use his scientific expertise to investigate reports of diamond strikes in Western Minas Gerais, particularly of a famed free Black prospector known as Isidoro de Amorim Pereira [...]. The hoped-for diamonds never materialized but Couto [...] deployed a discourse of scientific rigor in an attempt to recast his mission and produce knowledge that would allow the crown to absorb and exploit the territory. [...] Wied established himself as an authority with unrivaled knowledge of Botocudo peoples for an international reading public; his accounts [...] presented the Botocuda as exotic primitives, incommensurable with “civilized society,” [...].
If these expeditions [...] did not accomplish what the colonial state intended, this was, Langfur argues, a result of the capacity of diverse inland actors to divert, co-opt, and deceive authorities. [...] [Langfur's study] turns on an emphasis of the unacknowledged agency of a variety of marginalized peoples who acted as knowledge brokers: indigenous communities, both enslaved and free Afro-Brazilians, itinerant poor, and others deemed vagabonds and criminals: “the Indigeneous inhabitants separating the colony’s burgeoning capital from its mining heartland retained considerable say over the crown’s ability to impose its sovereign dominion. They largely determined what could be known, what remained a mystery, what could be accomplished, and what was beyond reach in this strategic mountainous expanse” (p. 150).
These frontier informants generated an “informational alchemy,” a mix of fantasy, fabrication, concealment, and contradictory reports [...].
How much information does an empire really require to run? Aren’t fantasies and lies always part of its infrastructures? Is all misinformation of a kind, or what specific misinformation carries with it not only the limits but also failures of empire? Put differently: How to judge the value and distribution of information versus that of representation in the running of an empire? What does the category of information itself conceal? [...] [A] horizon of intelligibility [...] is ultimately given by the Portuguese colonial state, so that the work of the information brokers is both possibly overstated and yet curiously limited, measured always in the terms set out by colonizing projects. [...] [I]n what ways [...] [do] such limits continue to bleed through once absorbed into the fabric of writing, determining the very grid of intelligibility?
All text above by: Adriana Johnson. "Review of Langfur, Hal. Adrift on an Inland Sea: Misinformation and the Limits of Empire in the Brazilian Backlands". H-Environment, H-Net Reviews. February 2024. Published by H-Net online at: h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=59701. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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usafphantom2 · 1 month
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USAF B-2 bomber demonstrates ability to neutralize low-cost maritime threats
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 08/09/2024 - 16:00 in Military
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The U.S. Air Force (USAF) stealth bomber B-2 Spirit recently demonstrated a low-cost, air-released method to neutralize surface vessels during a QUICKSINK test in the Gulf of Mexico, near Eglin Air Base, Florida.
This capability is a response to an urgent need to quickly neutralize maritime threats in large expanses of the ocean around the world, USAF said in an official statement. No other details have been provided.
The QUICKSINK test, conducted in partnership with the U.S. Navy, involved a B-2 Spirit stealth bomber delivering the new capability as part of the second RIMPAC SINKEX exercise in July. The demonstration marks a fundamental advance in the naval warfare capabilities of the U.S. Air Force, highlighting a collaboration between the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), the U.S. Navy and industry partners.
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"This technology ensures that the United States can defend its interests, maintain freedom of action and take the initiative in large maritime areas," said Colonel Matthew Caspers, Director of the AFRL Ammunition Board.
The AFRL Ammunition Board, based at Eglin Air Base, is involved in an ongoing Marine Weapons Program together with the U.S. Navy.
The tests take place amid the increase in Iran-backed Houthi attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea. The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) reported that from December 2023 to mid-February 2024, container transport in the region decreased by 90%. Despite U.S. and European countermeasures, including Operation Prosperity Guardian and the European Union's ASPIDES mission, the Houthis carried out more than 43 attacks between November 19 and March 23, resulting in increased security costs and insurance premiums.
Tags: AFRLMilitary AviationB-2 SpiritUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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globalvoices · 5 months
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mariacallous · 2 years
A series of indictment documents and information from Russia’s data markets show that Moscow’s pretext for recalling a spy behind bars in Brazil appears not only implausible, but impossible, Bellingcat can reveal. When the blond 36–year old man carrying a Brazilian passport in the name of Victor Muller Ferreira landed at São Paulo airport in April 2022, he was immediately taken away by Brazilian security service officers. He tried to argue that he was, in fact, just as Brazilian as they, and that he could not comprehend why the Dutch authorities had told the Brazilians that he was in fact Sergey Cherkasov, a deep-cover spy of Russia’s GRU foreign military intelligence agency who had attempted to infiltrate the International Criminal Court at the Hague as an intern.
As Bellingcat reported at the time, his cover story was full of holes. Brazil’s Federal Court quickly sent him off to jail for fifteen years after he was convicted on charges of fraudulently obtaining and abusing Brazilian identity documents. But now Moscow wants him back. 
Shortly after his conviction, Cherkasov’s story took an unexpected direction. In July 2022, Russian investigative bodies approached Brazilian authorities requesting the extradition of the jailed Russian, who they admitted was Sergey Cherkasov. However Russian authorities claimed Cherkasov was not a deep-cover GRU spy but a hardened criminal on the run from Russian justice, who ran a heroin smuggling ring in Russia in the early 2010s. To back up this claim, the Russian authorities provided Brazil with dozens of pages of indictment documentation and forensic affidavits alleging Sergey Cherkasov was part of a crime group that smuggled drugs from Afghanistan via Tajikistan and sold them to gangs in Russia between 2011 and 2013. Sergey Cherkasov reportedly confessed to these crimes and requested to be transferred to Russia. As BBC Brazil has noted, it is implausible that this is a genuine demand given that the crime for which he is wanted in Russia would require him to serve out a longer sentence (20 years) than he would have to endure for his fraudulent documents in Brazil (where Cherkasov has been sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment). 
Copies of the Russian charging documents were submitted to Brazilian courts and obtained independently by our investigative partners VG (Norway) and RecordTV (Brazil) who shared them with Bellingcat and The Insider. A detailed review of the documents show glaring inconsistencies in the Russian claims. Moreover, this version of events also clashes with travel data obtained independently by Bellingcat from Russia’s black data markets that show Cherkasov travelled to Russia under his own name several times after he was supposedly wanted on criminal charges. These drug trafficking charges only appeared in Cherkasov’s criminal record after he had been deported to Brazil and his cover blown — nearly a decade after Cherkasov was supposedly implicated in the drug smuggling ring.
Attempts by Russia’s intelligence services to recover their failed agents abroad by fabricating criminal charges against them — thus competing with other countries for their custody — is not a new phenomenon, and has been unsuccessfully pursued in the past. If Brazil’s Supreme Federal Court approves the extradition, it will then be up to the President of Brazil to authorise it. Brazil’s lame duck President Jair Bolsonaro remains in office until January 1 and so is in a position to make a consequential decision for Brazil-Russia relations before his successor Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva takes office. 
Russia’s Indictment Claims
Russia initially addressed Brazil’s Justice Minister with an extradition request on 27 June 2022, just under three months after Cherkasov’s arrest and a month after his sentencing in Brazil.
The request, signed by Russia’s Deputy Chief Prosecutor Pyotr Gorodov, alleges that Cherkasov was indicted by a Moscow district court on 24 June 2022 (three days before the letter was sent) on charges of trade in narcotics as part of an organised crime group. The letter assures Brazilian authorities that Cherkasov, once extradited, will not be prosecuted on political grounds and will be extended the full protection of Russian law, and if convicted will serve out his sentence in a Russian penitentiary institution.
Attached to the extradition request letter is a 20-page indictment document signed by the chief of the Russian Interior Ministry’s narcotics investigative unit. The indictment alleges that Cherkasov “no earlier than June 2011, while being in Moscow, accepted a proposal to become part of an organised crime group trading in narcotics in Russia”. Cherkasov’s role is succinctly described in the first paragraph of the document as overseeing the delivery of heroin from Moscow to other members of the group based in Lipetsk, a city in central Russia. 
Following this introduction, the indictment exhaustively narrates a complicated drug smuggling operation involving multiple legs and crossing several borders from Afghanistan to Russia. The charging papers introduce several other individuals whose role in the drug smuggling operation  is set out in minute detail, including their exact locations on certain dates, telephone numbers used and even locations of dead drops and safehouses. The individuals mentioned in this indictment do indeed correspond to suspects named in Russian judicial documents and activist websites, which outline details of the case. These websites mention that these individuals were charged in 2015  and found guilty in 2017 of running a drug smuggling ring matching the one described in Cherkasov’s indictment. Crucially, Cherkasov’s name does not appear in the text of the appelate court decision on this case found on the Moscow Regional Court’s website, nor on the case entry on the website of the first instance court of the same jurisdiction. None of the three lawyers who had worked on this case and were approached by Bellingcat’s reporting partner The Insider for comment could recall a person of the name Cherkasov in connection with the case materials. 
Thus the criminal case itself does appear to have existed. Cherkasov’s role in it, however, appears more doubtful. The 20-page indictment document provided to Brazilian authorities is accompanied by a summons sheet, which typically contains the signature of the charged person. In this case, the summons was signed by a lawyer assigned to Cherkasov, with the handwritten note “The indicted person Sergey Cherkasov did not appear, without a valid reason.”
The “valid reason”, of course, being that Cherkasov was in a Brazilian jail after his cover had been blown.
Contradictions Accumulate
There is no evidence that Cherkasov was a suspect in Russia prior to his arrest and conviction in Brazil. The timing of the Russian charges being laid against Cherkasov, the inconsistencies in their retelling of the criminal case and the request for his extradition gives an impression that Russian authorities could have attached Sergey Cherkasov’s name to an existing, decade-old criminal case involving a drug smuggling ring. Furthermore, travel data seems to support this; it shows that Cherkasov was not even in Russia at the time of the alleged criminal activities.
While the indictment document is very specific about the timeline of activities of the convicted members of the drug ring, it provides only a few data points about when Cherkasov allegedly committed his crimes.
The introduction to the indictment alleges that Cherkasov started working with the organised criminals “no later than 2011”.
Yet later in the indictment two mutually contradictory paragraphs can be found referring to events that took place in August 2013.
In the first paragraph on page 23, Russian prosecutors claim that members of the crime ring — but not Cherkasov — were arrested on 10 August 2013, following which Cherkasov and a co-conspirator with the surname Sandalov delivered a kilogramme of heroin to Lipetsk.
However, in a subsequent description of the same events on page 25, Cherkasov is reported to have been arrested on 10 August 2013, which allegedly prevented him from committing the crime of delivering a kilogramme of heroin to Lipetsk. This inconsistency leaves the impression that Cherkasov’s name was retroactively — and apparently without due care — inserted into a previously consistent prosecutorial narrative.
On page 25 where it is reported that Cherkasov was arrested, a detailed list of each arrest made is provided — including name, time, and place — but details for Cherkasov are not mentioned at all. And in a press release of the Moscow city prosecutor from 2015, when the original indictment was submitted into the Russian court, the other members of the crime ring are listed, but Cherkasov is not.  The Russian indictment also asserts that Cherkasov conducted his criminal activity from “no later than July 2011 until his supposed arrest in August 2013.”
However, travel data from Russia’s data brokers show that Cherkasov could not have been in Russia during the period when he is accused of committing these crimes. In fact he was working at a travel agency in Brazil.
An extract from Russia’s comprehensive Magistral police system, which tracks a person’s movements on any public transport, shows that the last domestic trip by Cherkasov in 2011 was on 23 January 2011 when he flew from his hometown of Kaliningrad to Moscow. The database extract then has a gap until 29 June 2015, when Cherkasov reappears in Russia and travels from Moscow to Kaliningrad.
This gap is consistent with the travel and work data on Cherkasov’s alter ego, Victor Muller Ferreira. As previously reported by Bellingcat, Victor’s resume was posted online and it showed that he began work at a travel agency in Brazil in March 2011, shortly after his latest sighting in Russia pursuant to Magistral travel data. Bellingcat attempted to contact the former owner of this Rio de Janeiro-based travel agency, which closed its doors in 2013, to ask about Cherkasov’s employment, but had not received a response by the time of publication. The alleged timeline of Cherkasov’s criminal activity is contradicted by the conspicuous absence of any travel data for him during the incriminating period 2011-2013 and by his presence in Brazil at that time.
Wanted or not?
The Russian allegations of Cherkasov being a wanted person in Russia are also contradicted by his multiple trips to Russia — and extensive travel within the country — in the period long after his alleged criminal activity took place and as recently as December 2021.
According to Magistral data, Cherkasov came back to Russia multiple times in 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020 and 2021, each time crisscrossing the country between Kaliningrad, Moscow, Belgorod, Samara and several remote places under his own name and apparently without concern that he may be wanted by authorities.
The fact that Cherkasov became a “wanted man” in Russia only after his conviction in Brazil can also be confirmed by reviewing Russian criminal record data. An analysis of leaked offline databases of prior criminal records aggregated in Russian research tools such as Himera-Search show that Cherkasov was not on any search lists prior to 2022.
However, a current extract from his criminal record, obtained from Russia’s data market, confirms that Cherkasov became a person of interest in the drug case for the first time on 22 June 2022 — just one day before Russia’s deputy general prosecutor wrote a 25-page indictment document and sent it to Brazil to request Cherkasov’s extradition. In addition, the criminal record states that the crime Cherkasov was charged with was perpetrated on 17 July 2013 — a date on which travel and other records show he could not have been in Russia.
Moreover, on page 72 of the same indictment, a Moscow police major Tutkhanian instructs Russia’s Interior Ministry to instruct Interpol to issue an international search warrant for Cherkasov on the aforementioned charges. This instruction is dated 23 June 2022 — just two days after Cherkasov’s criminal record shows that he became a person of interest in the drug case.
At the time of writing Cherkasov cannot be found on Interpol’s public database of wanted persons. Interpol has not responded to Bellingcat’s questions as to the circumstances of Russia’s request concerning him.
A History of Bogus Charges
Sergey Cherkasov’s photograph and description can now be found on the “wanted” page of Russia’s Interior Ministry website.
He is not the only person currently on that site who was arrested in another country and whom Russia is trying to recover based on old criminal charges.
Another person is Artem Uss, the son of a Siberian governor. Uss is in detention in Italy, and was arrested in October 2022 pursuant to a US indictment against him over procurement of US military technology and Venezuelan oil in circumvention of sanctions. In response to the US extradition requests for Artem Uss, Russian authorities launched their own criminal proceedings against him, claiming he was guilty of money-laundering in Russia. As in the case with Cherkasov, the first entry into Uss’s Russian criminal record appeared after his arrest in Italy.
In the past, Russia has also tried to use competitive extradition requests to recover its captured spies. In 2017, Turkey detained a person whom authorities there suspected of being complicit in the murder of a Chechen asylum seeker there. French authorities requested that person’s extradition to France due to suspicion of his involvement in the poison-plant murder of Russian emigre and whistle-blower Alexander Pereplichny in 2012.
However, Russia immediately requested the extradition of the detainee, claiming he was an organised crime figure wanted by Russia via Interpol, Valid Lurarkhmaev. Turkey indeed handed over that person to Russia as part of a prisoner swap. However, as Bellingcat wrote in a previous investigation, the person Turkey had arrested — and handed over to Russia — was not Valid Lurakhmaev, but in fact an assassin in the employ of the security service FSB, by the name of Alexander Fedin.
Bellingcat’s Brazilian reporting partner RecordTV reached out to the Russian Embassy, Brazil’s Federal Police, Federal Prosecutor’s Office and Cherkasov’s defence lawyers for comment about the nature of the criminal charges against him but received no response by the time of publication.
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dikshithseo13 · 4 months
ALL You need to Know about the ISO 42001 Certification
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What is an ISO 42001 Certificate?
ISO 42001 Certification in Cambodia -Establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continuously upgrading an Artificial Intelligence Management System (AIMS) inside an enterprise are outlined in the international standard ISO/IEC 42001.
The world's first AI management system standard, ISO/IEC 42001, satisfies this requirement. AI technology governance and management requirements are outlined in the internationally recognized ISO/IEC 42001 standard.
What are the merits of ISO 42001 Certification?
Improved Operational Efficiency: By standardizing protocols and streamlining operational processes, Brazilian businesses can improve operational efficiency and save expenses by obtaining ISO 42001 Certification. Its consistency guarantees more seamless and effective operations for enterprises.
Increased Market Competitiveness: Brazilian companies can stand out from rivals by obtaining ISO 42001 Certification, which demonstrates their dedication to excellent management practices. This certification functions as a quality seal of approval, opening doors to new markets both locally and globally.
Risk management: Frameworks for recognizing, evaluating, and reducing risks related to company operations are provided by ISO 42001. For businesses in Brazil, this translates to increased readiness and adaptability in the face of technological, environmental, and economic difficulties, protecting resources and goodwill.
Regulatory Compliance:  ISO 42001 Implementation in Brazil can make sure they comply with particular legal and regulatory requirements by aligning with ISO 42001 standards. In addition to building confidence among stakeholders and regulatory agencies, this proactive approach to compliance helps avoid penalties and fines.
Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Businesses that use ISO 42001 put in place procedures that reliably satisfy clients' requirements and raise the caliber of their services. This results in higher client satisfaction and repeat business in Brazil, where customer loyalty and trust are crucial.
How much does the ISO 42001 certification Cost?
The ISO 42001 Certification cost will vary on several reasons like size, complexity of operations, kind of organization, and certification body selected can all affect ISO 42001 cost in Lebanon. The total cost of ISO 42001 in Lebanon certifying for organizations is determined by the certifying body chosen and the scope of its services, in addition to pricing factors specific to the industry.
How does the ISO 42001 Certification Audit Work?
Gap Analysis: To begin with, B2BCERT thoroughly analyzes the gaps between the Omani company's current management practices and ISO 42001 standards. Before the start of the primary audit procedure, this stage aids in identifying areas of inadequacy and chances for improvement.
Preparation and documents: Companies need to collect and organize all pertinent documentation to demonstrate that they are following ISO 42001's guidelines. This deals with the management system's procedures, policies, and practices. B2BCERT assists  with the evaluation process to ensure that these documents are complete and compliant.
First Certification Audit (Stage 1): B2BCERT conducts the Stage 1 ISO 42001 Audit in Oman to evaluate the organization's preparedness for the comprehensive compliance audit. The primary goal of this preliminary audit is to determine whether the management system complies with ISO 42001 standards and was designed correctly.
Certification Audit (Stage 2): This type of audit is more in-depth and includes a thorough assessment of the management system's operational effectiveness. By ISO 42001, B2BCERT auditors confirm that the system is being actively used and producing the desired results.
Certification Issuance and Follow-Up: B2BCERT will bestow the ISO 42001 Certification onto the business upon fulfillment of all prerequisites. To guarantee continued compliance and management system improvement, periodic surveillance audits are conducted after this.
Where to obtain the ISO 42001 Certification services? Working with B2BCERT, a respectable consulting company with a wealth of international expertise, is advised to achieve ISO 42001 Certification Services in Algeria. The experts at B2BCERT can help you navigate the complexities of the ISO 42001 certification process because they are a widely recognized global provider of auditing, consulting, and validation services. Please email [email protected] with any questions or to request assistance with ISO 42001 Certification.
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Lula reduces military influence over intelligence agency
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President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Thursday moved Brazil’s intelligence agency from under the military-run Institutional Security Office (GSI) to the purview of the Office of the Chief of Staff, in another effort to demilitarize strategic areas of the government.
The Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin) was created in 1999, and remained under the GSI’s umbrella until 2015. That year, during President Dilma Rousseff’s second term, the agency was briefly moved to the Government Secretariat before President Michel Temer returned it to the GSI’s control in 2016.
Removing the agency from the purview of the military-led GSI has been a longstanding demand among Abin’s staff. Back in 2005, during the beginning of the Mensalão cash-for-votes scandal, Abin agents openly accused General Jorge Armando Félix, then head of the GSI, of withholding information from President Lula that they had obtained about corruption in state-owned postal company Correios.
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newstfionline · 6 months
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Poll: Most Americans say religion’s influence is waning, and half think that’s bad (Religion News Service) As the U.S. continues to debate the fusion of faith and politics, a sweeping new survey reports that most American adults have a positive view of religion’s role in public life but believe its influence is waning. The development appears to unsettle at least half of the country, with growing concern among an array of religious Americans that their beliefs are in conflict with mainstream American culture. That’s according to a new survey unveiled on Friday (March 14) by Pew Research. Greg Smith, associate director of research at Pew Research Center, pointed to findings such as 80% of U.S. adults saying religion’s role in American life is shrinking—as high as it’s ever been in Pew surveys—and 49% of U.S. adults say religion losing that influence is a bad thing. What’s more, he noted that 48% of U.S. adults say there’s “a great deal” of or “some” conflict between their religious beliefs and mainstream American culture, an increase from 42% in 2020. The number of Americans who see themselves as a minority group because of their religious beliefs has increased as well, rising from 24% in 2020 to 29% this year.
NIH probe of ‘Havana syndrome’ finds no sign of brain injuries (NYT) Repeated scans of patients suffering from the mysterious ailment commonly known as “Havana syndrome” found no significant evidence of brain injury, according to an ongoing investigation by the National Institutes of Health. Two studies, published Monday in JAMA, found few significant differences in a range of cognitive and physical tests among more than 80 patients who had been stationed in Cuba, Austria, China and other locations compared with a control group of people with similar job descriptions. The new findings are poised to reignite the controversy over this now-global medical mystery, which sparked a rash of inconclusive investigations, roiled the State Department and Central Intelligence Agency and heightened tensions between the United States and Cuba. The researchers emphasized that the patients who volunteered for the study, which began in 2018, do have severe symptoms that can be debilitating.
Gangs unleash new attacks on upscale areas in Haiti’s capital (AP) Gangs attacked two upscale neighborhoods in Haiti’s capital early Monday in a rampage that left at least a dozen people dead in surrounding areas. Gunmen looted homes in the communities of Laboule and Thomassin before sunrise, forcing residents to flee as some called radio stations pleading for police. The neighborhoods had remained largely peaceful despite a surge in violent gang attacks across Port-au-Prince that began on Feb. 29. An Associated Press photographer saw the bodies of at least 12 men strewn on the streets of Pétionville, located just below the mountainous communities of Laboule and Thomassin.
Police: Bolsonaro forged vaccine card before U.S. visit (Washington Post) Brazilian police have accused former president Jair Bolsonaro of fraud and criminal association, authorities said Tuesday morning, alleging that he colluded with others to fabricate his vaccination card shortly before entering the United States in late 2022. Days before Bolsonaro left the presidential palace in 2022 after losing to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in a historically divisive election, false information was entered into a health ministry ledger to issue fake vaccine cards for Bolsonaro and his daughter, police say. Days later, Bolsonaro decamped for the United States, which at the time granted entry to foreigners only if they were vaccinated. If convicted of the alleged crimes, Bolsonaro could face years in prison.
Without realising it, Britain has become a nation of immigrants (Economist) In 2013 Lifespring Church moved from the suburbs into a former cinema near the centre of Reading. At the time, its congregation was small and not varied. “We moved in as a white middle-class church,” says Neville Hollands, a senior pastor. These days Lifespring has members born in more than 40 countries. Immigration has transformed Lifespring Church, Reading and Britain itself. The 2021 census of England and Wales showed that 10m people, one-sixth of the population, were born outside the United Kingdom. That was a higher share than in America or any large European country except Germany. The proportion is almost certainly higher today. The fact is that, asylum excepted, Britain handles immigration very well. The country manages to attract people from a large and ever-growing range of countries. Although the popular image of a migrant is a desperate young man floating across the English Channel, Britain’s foreign-born residents are frequently middle-class and slightly more female than male. They quickly get up to speed economically, and their children do strikingly well in school.
Putin extends rule in preordained Russian election (AP) President Vladimir Putin extended his reign over Russia in a landslide election whose outcome was never in doubt, declaring his determination Monday to advance deeper into Ukraine and dangling new threats against the West. Putin has led Russia as president or prime minister since December 1999. At the end of his fifth term, he would be the longest-serving Russian leader since Catherine the Great, who ruled during the 18th century. Emboldened by his sweeping victory, Putin said he planned to carve out a buffer zone in Ukraine to protect Russia from cross-border shelling and attacks. Asked if an open clash could erupt between Russia and NATO, Putin responded curtly by saying: “Everything is possible in today’s world.” He added, “It’s clear to everyone that it will put us a step away from full-scale World War III.”
Afghanistan’s Long, Punishing Drought (NYT) They awake in the mornings to find another family has left. Half of one village, the entirety of the next have departed in the years since the water dried up—in search of jobs, of food, of any means of survival. Those who remain pick apart the abandoned homes and burn the bits for firewood. Several years of punishing drought has displaced entire swaths of Afghanistan, one of the nations most vulnerable to climate change, leaving millions of children malnourished and plunging already impoverished families into deeper desperation. And there is no relief in sight.
Sri Lankan Astrologers (Guardian) The government of Sri Lanka backs a group of 42 astrologers through their cultural affairs ministry, and a key job for them is to unanimously agree on the best date for new year rituals. Well, for the first time, the astrologers are split, and while a majority backed the dawn of the Sinhala and Tamil new year on the 13th of April, a number of dissenters argue that that day is wrong and will lead to disaster. Astrologers possess legit political power in the country; a former president once called a snap election based on the advice of an astrologer (he lost), and over a decade ago an astrologer was arrested after forecasting that the president would be ousted by his prime minister.
Many hospitals in China stop newborn delivery services as birth rate drops (Reuters) Many hospitals in China have stopped offering newborn delivery services this year, state-backed news outlet Daily Economic News reported, with industry experts warning of an “obstetric winter” due to declining demand amid a record drop in new births. Hospitals in various provinces including in eastern Zhejiang and southern Jiangxi have in the past two months announced that they will close their obstetric departments, according to notices viewed by Reuters. The closures come as Chinese policymakers grapple with how to boost young couples’ desire to have children as authorities face a growing demographic headache of a rapidly ageing society.
Killing in Handan (Foreign Policy) The killing of a 13-year-old boy in the small Chinese city of Handan has caused outrage and concern. Three other so-called left-behind children, or those who are left in the care of grandparents or other relatives when their parents move to the city for work, were arrested for the crime. The suspects are likely to be tried under legislation introduced last year that lowers the age of criminal responsibility to 12 years old (from 14) in some cases. The motive for the killing is unclear. Left-behind children are often seen as lacking parental discipline, and truancy is widespread. Although tuition is free up to age 16 in China, schools in rural provinces lag behind their urban counterparts, producing dropout rates as high as 40 percent in some areas—and leading to an educational crisis.
Hostage families cling to hope (BBC) An estimated 130 people taken hostage during the 7 October attacks remain in Gaza. Israel believes at least 30 of them are already dead. Their relatives—along with those captives who have already been released—are trapped in an anguishing wait. Every morning when Rachel Goldberg-Polin wakes, she writes a number on a piece of tape and sticks it to her clothing. It’s the number of days since her son Hersh was taken hostage—she says stolen—by Hamas. When we meet in Jerusalem that number is 155. On the morning of 7 October, she turned on her phone to find two messages from Hersh. The first said: “I love you.” The second sent immediately afterwards read: “I’m sorry.” She called—no answer. “It rang and rang,” she says. “I wrote ‘Are you okay? Let me know you are okay.’ None of those (messages) were ever seen.” The last image of the 23-year-old is in a Hamas video. He is being loaded on to a pickup truck, surrounded by gunmen. His left arm has been blown off. Rachel says she is always worried, scared, and doubtful. But hope, she says, “is mandatory”. “I believe it and I have to believe it, that he will come back to us.”
Israel’s war on Hamas brings famine to Gaza (Washington Post) The warnings were being sounded for weeks. The United Nations, international relief organizations and some foreign governments voiced their fears over the ongoing humanitarian calamity in the Gaza Strip. Those warnings reached a crescendo Monday with the release of new report that found that 1.1 million people in Gaza—roughly half the beleaguered territory’s population—are expected to face catastrophic levels of hunger and starvation between now and July. What makes this calamity all the more stunning is that it’s entirely the product of human decisions: Gaza’s civilian population is starving because of an Israeli siege, not an earthquake, extended drought or other natural disasters that have blighted parts of the world subject to famine. “This is the highest number of people facing catastrophic hunger ever recorded by the Integrated Food Security Classification system—anywhere, anytime,” U.N. Secretary General António Guterres said in a news briefing Monday. Martin Griffiths, the U.N.’s top humanitarian official, said more than 1 million people are at risk because they have been cut off from aid, markets have been collapsed and fields destroyed. “The international community should hang its head in shame for failing to stop this.”
At least 100 villagers are kidnapped in the latest mass abduction in northern Nigeria (AP) Armed gangs attacked two villages in Nigeria’s northwest over the weekend and seized at least 100 people from their homes, residents and a state official told The Associated Press on Monday, in the latest mass abduction in the region. The gunmen attacked communities in Kaduna state’s Kajuru council area on Saturday and Sunday, said Usman Dallami Stingo, who represents Kajuru in the state legislature. Kaduna state is where nearly 300 schoolchildren were abducted less than two weeks ago. The latest kidnappings, like the previous one, have been blamed on bandit groups known for mass killings and kidnappings in Nigeria’s northwestern and central regions.
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yhwhrulz · 8 months
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swldx · 8 months
BBC 0419 26 Jan 2024
12095Khz 0359 26 JAN 2024 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55434. English, ID@0359z pips and newsroom preview. @0401z World News anchored by David Harper. Alabama has executed convicted murderer Kenneth Eugene Smith with nitrogen gas, the first time the method of capital punishment has been used in the US. Smith, 58, lost two final appeals to the Supreme Court and one to a federal appeals court, arguing the execution was a cruel and unusual punishment. US Central Intelligence Agency director William Burns and his Israeli counterpart will meet with Qatari officials in coming days for talks on a second potential Gaza hostage deal. The military rulers of Mali have ended a major peace deal with Tuareg separatist rebels in the north of the country, government spokesperson Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga said in a televised statement on Thursday. The 2015 Algiers Accord brought stability to the north of the country as jihadist violence was on the rise. The military took control of Mali following two coups in 2020 and 2021. Federal police agents have raided the home and offices of Brazil’s spy chief under the former president Jair Bolsonaro as part of an investigation into the alleged illegal monitoring of thousands of people, including two supreme court judges and a key ally of the current president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Brazilian airline Gol on Thursday said it is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the United States, the latest in a series of debt restructurings for a carrier hit by a fall in traffic due to COVID and delays in Boeing deliveries. Britain has suspended talks on a free trade deal with Canada amid unhappiness on both sides about the lack of access to agricultural markets. Nasa's Ingenuity Mars helicopter, which made history by achieving the first powered flight on another world, has suffered mission-ending damage. In a statement, Nasa said the aircraft was forced to perform an "emergency landing" that damaged its rotors. @0406z "The Newsroom" begins. Backyard fence antenna w/MFJ-1020C active antenna (used as a preamplifier/preselector), Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2159.
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chattoools · 1 year
Unleash the Power of AI with Chat GPT Demo
Are you ready to witness the future of AI-driven conversations? Look no further than Chat GPT Demo, an innovative tool that has taken the world by storm. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the key features, application, benefits, and advantages of Chat GPT Demo in various languages. Whether you're a business owner seeking to enhance customer interactions or an individual curious about the AI revolution, this tool has something transformative to offer.
Overview of Chat GPT Demo
Chat GPT Demo is a cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) tool developed by OpenAI. At its core, it is powered by GPT-3.5, one of the most advanced language models in existence. This tool is designed to facilitate natural, human-like conversations between users and AI, making it an invaluable asset in several industries and use cases.
Key Features and Functionalities
Natural Language Understanding: Chat GPT Demo excels at understanding and generating human language. It can interpret and respond to text input in a way that feels remarkably human.
Multi-Language Support: With Chat GPT Demo, language barriers are a thing of the past. It offers support for multiple languages, including Arabic, French, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, German, Italian, Romanian, Finnish, Ukrainian, and Brazilian Portuguese.
Seamless Integration: Businesses can seamlessly integrate Chat GPT Demo into their websites, applications, or customer support systems. It can be customized to suit specific needs.
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Unique Selling Points
Multilingual Capabilities: Chat GPT Demo's support for multiple languages sets it apart from many other AI conversational tools. It caters to a global audience, making it suitable for businesses with an international reach.
Human-Like Responses: The tool's ability to generate responses that closely resemble human conversations enhances user engagement and satisfaction.
Customization: Chat GPT Demo is highly customizable, allowing businesses to tailor it to their unique requirements and branding.
Application & Use Cases
Customer Support and Engagement
One of the most significant applications of Chat GPT Demo is in customer support and engagement. Imagine a scenario where customers can get instant responses to their queries, 24/7, in their preferred language. This is precisely what Chat GPT Demo offers.
Real-World Example: A multinational e-commerce company implemented Chat GPT Demo on its website to assist customers with product-related questions and issues. The AI tool significantly reduced response times and improved customer satisfaction.
Content Generation
Content creation can be a time-consuming process, but Chat GPT Demo can help streamline it. Writers and content creators can use the tool to generate ideas, draft articles, and even brainstorm creative concepts.
Real-World Example: A digital marketing agency used Chat GPT Demo to generate blog post outlines. The AI-generated ideas helped writers save time and produce high-quality content more efficiently.
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Learning a new language is challenging, but Chat GPT Demo can make it more accessible and engaging. Language learners can practice their conversational skills with the AI, receiving instant feedback.
Real-World Example: An online language learning platform incorporated Chat GPT Demo to provide users with conversation partners in various languages. Learners reported increased confidence and fluency.
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Chat GPT Demo can assist businesses in processing and analyzing large volumes of text data, extracting valuable insights, and making data-driven decisions.
Real-World Example: A market research firm used Chat GPT Demo to analyze customer feedback from social media. The AI tool helped identify trends and sentiments, guiding the company's product development strategies.
Benefits and Advantages
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Implementing Chat GPT Demo can lead to a significant improvement in the customer experience. Customers receive prompt and accurate responses, leading to higher satisfaction levels and increased trust in your brand.
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As your business grows, Chat GPT Demo can scale with you. It's a versatile tool that can adapt to changing requirements and increasing user demands.
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In a world that's increasingly embracing AI and automation, Chat GPT Demo stands out as a versatile, multilingual, and highly effective tool. Its applications span across industries, making it an indispensable asset for businesses and individuals alike.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Russia still has 27 Tu-22M bombers in airworthiness conditions, said Ukrainian leader
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 08/24/2023 - 1:00 p.m. in Military, War Zones
After recent drone attacks on Russian airfields in Soltsy and Shaykovka, Moscow now has no more than 27 Tu-22M3 operational strategic bombers at its disposal, said the head of Ukrainian Defense Intelligence.
Kyrylo Budanov said in an interview with RFE/RL on August 23 that a total of 436 Russian aircraft are involved in the military campaign against Ukraine.
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"That's a lot; but if you ask how many of them are Tu-22, it will be just a few," he said.
"They had about 31 Tu-22 in operation, now - 29, and two less that will need repairs, that is, 27. Therefore, there are not many who can really fly."
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A side-by-side comparison of Planet Labs satellite images taken on August 21 (above) and August 16 (below) shows not only the damaged Backfire, but that at least nine others have been moved since then. (Photo: 2023 PLANET LABS INC)
He also reported that as a result of operations in Soltsy and Shaykovka, two aircraft were completely destroyed, while two others were damaged. Budanov noted that the damaged aircraft would eventually be repaired. Russia no longer produces Soviet-era Tu-22 aircraft.
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Tu-22M3 destroyed by a ground attack.
The head of the intelligence agency said that the attacks were carried out by "individuals who performed certain tasks in the territory of the Russian Federation".
On Tuesday, the UK Ministry of Defense said that Russia's claim about a helicopter-type drone hitting Soltsy-2 “adds weight to the assessment that some UAV attacks against Russian military targets are being launched from within Russian territory. It is unlikely that helicopter UAVs will have range to reach Soltsky-2 from outside Russia."
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“This is at least the third successful attack on LRA [Long Range Aviation] airfields, again raising questions about Russia's ability to protect strategic locations within the country,” the UK Ministry of Defense added.
Tags: Military AviationRFSAF - Russian Federation Aerospace Force/Russian Aerospace ForceTupolev Tu-22M3 BackfireWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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