#bravo company usa
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attackcopterblog · 3 months ago
BCM x Jack Carr Mod 4 Pistol Grip: A Game Changer
Bravo Company USA has debuted the new collaboration BCM Jack Carr Mod 4 pistol grip in both black and FDE variants. Bravo Company USA states “BCM is proud to announce an exclusive collaboration with Jack Carr, NY Time Best Selling Author of The Terminal List, later adapted into a thrilling #1 Amazon Prime Video series. Available now, the BCM Mod 4 Pistol Grip premiers featuring Jack Carr’s…
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justinspoliticalcorner · 2 months ago
Marita Vlachou at The Guardian:
Comcast, the parent company of NBCUniversal, on Wednesday announced the spinoff of many of its cable TV channels, including MSNBC, carrying out a plan the company had hinted at earlier this year. In addition to MSNBC, the portfolio of the newly created company titled “SpinCo” will also comprise CNBC, USA, Oxygen and E!, among other channels, as well as digital assets, including Fandango and Rotten Tomatoes. Those assets made about $7 billion in revenue in the year that ended Sept. 30, the company said in a press release.
Bravo, the NBC broadcast network, the Peacock streaming service, Telemundo as well as the theme parks business and film and television studios will remain part of Comcast. The Wall Street Journal was first to report the transaction was imminent. Mike Cavanagh, the president of Comcast, said the move will enable “both SpinCo and NBCUniversal to play offense in a changing media landscape.” “Taken together, the entirety of NBCUniversal will be on a new growth trajectory, fueled by our world-class content, technology, IP, properties and talent — all working in concert with each other as an integrated media company,” Cavanagh said. Mark Lazarus, the outgoing chair of the NBCUniversal Media Group, will serve as chief executive of the new company. The process is expected to be completed in about a year, the Journal reported earlier.
Comcast spins off nearly all of NBCU’s cable networks, including USA, CNBC, MSNBC, and E!, into a separate spin-off company named SpinCo. NBCUniversal will retain NBC, Telemundo, Bravo, and Peacock as its key assets.
Splitting off CNBC and MSNBC, and possibly USA, from NBCU, is a disastrous decision, mainly due to newsgathering resources being shared (MSNBC and CNBC) and sports coverage (primarily USA, but also some CNBC).
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dilebe06 · 1 month ago
Come nasce un cattivo
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Mi sono fregata da sola. Volevo chiudere quest'anno con un dramino da quattro soldi... un qualcosa di leggero e anche un po' stupido che mi tenesse compagnia per qualche giorno fino all'anno prossimo, quando sarei tornata a bomba con i drama.
Ecco perché Evol sembrava la scelta migliore: 6 episodi di una serie con i supereroi in calzamaglia... ragazzini liceali che combattono il crimine. Roba spensierata per passare il tempo.
O almeno così pensavo.
Visti i primi due episodi, ero così sconcertata da mandare un messaggio a @ili91-efp per tenermi compagnia nella visione e perché i gioiellini ci si passano sempre <3 e per parlane assieme. Il drama meritava infatti molta attenzione.
Evol è una serie dark fantasy - con richiami a The Umbrella Academy, My Hero Academia e The Boys - tratta dal manga omonimo di Atsushi Kaneko e affronta svariati tempi come la corruzione, il disagio mentale, il suicidio, la violenza domestica... ma anche l'accettazione, il razzismo e pure la violenza sessuale. la roba leggera che volevo
La serie segue le vicende di tre adolescenti Nozumi, Akari e Sakura che decidono di togliersi la vita. Il loro tentativo però fallisce e tutti e tre si ritrovano in un ospedale psichiatrico per guarire. Lì oltre a conoscersi, scoprono di avere dei super poteri: Nozumi può creare dei buchi ovunque, Akari riesce a fare delle fiammelle da fiammifero e Sakura può levitare a 5 cm da terra.
Chiaramente, il tentativo di suicidio fa comprendere che questi ragazzi abbiano dei gravi problemi... forti disagi e grandi difficoltà che li hanno portati all'insano gesto. Akari con i suoi tagli nelle braccia e il terrore verso il padre che la vuole riportare a casa, fa scattare nei ragazzi la decisione di fuggire.
Con i loro nuovi poteri, Nozumi e company riescono a scappare dall'ospedale e ricercati da mezza città, si interrogano sulle loro recenti abilità: hanno dei poteri perché sono destinati ad essere degli eroi? Ma questo mondo è degno di essere salvato? Questa gente che in un modo o nell'altro li ha fatti soffrire tanto da spingerli al suicidio, meritano di essere salvati?
Se questa realtà è così marcia... perché non essere invece i cattivi e non distruggere questo mondo?
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Insieme alle vicende dei tre ragazzi, la serie segue anche un vero eroe: Lighting Bolt. Eroe acclamato dal mondo, figlio di eroi e fratello di eroi, quest'uomo che ha il potere di scagliare fulmini come Pikachu, persegue la sua convinzione di essere il salvatore del mondo: colui che è destinato a salvare la Terra dalla grande oscurità che sta arrivando. Peccato che per farlo, lavori sottobanco con il Sindaco della città che usa Pikachu come assassino di fiducia per eliminare persone a lui scomode.
Questa a grandi linee la trama. E' chiaro come qui di roba leggera non ce ne sia manco l'ombra. Anzi. Ho amato la trama e come si sia evoluta lungo tutto l'arco narrativo: colpi di scena, buon ritmo, ambientazione cupa ed a tratti davvero creepy ma soprattutto un ottima evoluzione della storia. Coerente e ben realizzata.
Come scritto nel sottotitolo, questo drama mostra come si "diventa dei villain": prendi un ragazzo abusato e traumatizzato e fagli odiare la realtà che lo ha fatto soffrire. Poi dagli dei super poteri, rabbia, portalo alla disperazione e voilà: ecco il tuo cattivo.
Evol, parla proprio di questo e se all'inizio i ragazzi volevano fare i cattivi ma senza una grandissima convinzione - d'altronde sono liceali e il massimo che hanno fatto è stato fare dei graffiti in giro per la città - nel finale il loro passaggio al lato oscuro è ben delineato e molto logico con la storia raccontata fino a quel punto.
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Ottimi anche i personaggi: Nozumi, il lead di questo drama è un ragazzino molto introverso e chiuso verso gli altri. Almeno al primo sguardo. Una volta che conosce delle persone e si apre con loro, diventa più aperto e solare. E' un bravo ragazzo che vuole l'accettazione da parte degli altri e sentirsi davvero parte del mondo.
Emblematica su questo la scena dell'alieno: Nozumi parlando con la madre ammette di sentirsi un estraneo nel mondo. Un diverso. Tanto più che è gay e il ragazzo che gli piace lo ha anche rifiutato. Questo aumenta la sua alienazione e la sofferenza: chiede infatti scusa alla madre per essere gay e per averla delusa. Per non poterle dare dei nipotini... chiara dunque la sofferenza del ragazzo e da dove derivi il suo dolore.
Poi c'è Sakura che dei tre è stata quella meno esplorata. Dal poco che sappiamo è stata vittima da parte degli altri di attacchi di razzismo e bullismo, tanto che il padre si è impiccato e la madre se ne è andata con un altro uomo. Nella serie dicono che in realtà non si è ammazzata ma è stata uccisa. Qualcuno voleva farla fuori. Ma ad oggi, non si sa ancora nulla di questa storia. Ma infatti non ce la vedevo ad uccidersi!
Sakura è quella decisa e aggressiva del trio. Quella propositiva e attiva, che fa cose e poi pensa a ciò che ha fatto. Anche se può sembrare impetuosa e poco riflessiva, in realtà nasconde un grande cuore ed è molto empatica. Litiga con Akari ma poi, preoccupata per lei, fa di tutto per trovarla e andare a salvarla. Poiché è senza famiglia - e vive proprio in una casa famiglia - credo che Nozumi e Akari siano diventati per lei una sorta di casa.
Ed infine c'è Akari. Pestata e abusata sessualmente dal padre Capo della polizia - la scena dove il genitore si struscia e geme sui vestiti della figlia fermandosi sulle parti intime mi farà avere incubi per settimane cazzo! - che pensa che dentro di lei ci sia Satana, la ragazza è sull'orlo della disperazione e follia. Vede cose che non esistono - o forse esistono davvero e siamo noi spettatori i folli - e vuole solo vedere il mondo bruciare.
Poiché Akari non parla molto non è facilissimo inquadrarla ma dai suoi pensieri e chiacchierate che si è fatta con il coniglio di fumo nero - che ho chiamato Frank in onore del coniglio Frank in Donnie Darko - viene fuori un personaggio remissivo e obbediente che sopporta tacitamente gli abusi almeno finché non conosce gli altri due. Nozumi e Sakura diventano suoi amici e le danno un po' di speranza e gioia, facendole sognare un mondo diverso.
Ma ahimè il sogno sarà di poca durata.
E come con Nozumi sarà la felicità data e poi persa violentemente che la farà cadere nella vera disperazione.
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Inoltre è piaciuto molto anche il personaggio di Lighting Bolt. Ad una certa mi ha fatto quasi tenerezza questa sua ricerca ossessiva di cosa significasse essere un supereroe: si è convinto di essere nato e di avere i poteri per essere il Gesù Cristo del mondo ma d'altra parte era perfettamente consapevole di fare da serial killer personale di un solo uomo, uccidendo persone innocenti. Eroe di cosa?! Cosa significa essere un eroe?!
Tra l'altro non si è manco accorto della psicopaticissima sorella che godeva nel friggere persone: eroina quanto lui, sfogava il suo desiderio di essere riconosciuta al pari del padre e del fratello, friggendo cani e bambini innocenti. E poi daje di targhe " Eroina della città".
Fatta la disamina suoi personaggi, posso dire che mi sono piaciuti tutti. Il modo in cui sono stati scritti, soprattutto. Per ogni disagio, azione assurda o discorso strano, la serie ha costruito bene i suoi personaggi, il modo che si capivano le loro motivazioni e perché agissero o reagissero in tali modi.
Buona anche la performance degli attori, in particolare i giovani: se l'attore di Nozumi ha 23 anni ed ha un curriculum di tutto rispetto con una ventina di drama e ancor più film ed idem l'interprete di Akari - che di anni ne ha 18 - colei che rappresenta Sakura ha solo tre drama nel carrello. Più qualche film. Non sono certo attori di primo pelo ma neanche dei mostri di recitazione. Tuttavia trovo che abbiano fatto un buon lavoro, soprattutto l'attrice di Akari.
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Trovo che sia stata buona anche la regia: Evol ha una narrazione solida e coerente ma non sempre di facile comprensione. Alcune cose vengono infatti lasciate all'interpretazione per aumentare, a parer mio, la poeticità e anche la riflessione dello spettatore. La serie ha infatti molti momenti introspettivi e di critica alla società di oggi: corruzione, alienazione, razzismo, abusi...
Tuttavia la serie non è una palla introspettiva: ci sono molti momenti di tensione e di drammaticità grazie ad una regia che ti tiene sempre un po' sul chi vive e non annoia mai.
Questo grazie anche al comparto visivo e all'ambiente un po' cupo e certe volte angosciante che assieme alla musica azzeccatissima permette allo spettatore di percepire sempre quel filo d'inquietudine che ti tiene incollata allo schermo.
E proprio sull'aspetto visivo devo fare il mio primo appunto: la serie infatti pecca per la poca luminosità. Ok il creepy e l'angoscia ma fammi vedere qualcosa! In alcune scene si percepiva solo uno sfondo nero e le voci sotto ma niente di vedibile. Per fare alcune gif ho dovuto sbiancare le immagini!
L'altro appunto è sul fatto che la serie lascia aperte molte domande di trama ma che difficilmente avremo qualche risposta. Evol infatti, dovrebbe avere più stagioni ma onestamente io non sono fiduciosa che le faranno davvero.
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Ultima cosa circa le tematiche portate avanti dalla serie: Evol fa a pezzi il mito del supereroe e offre una narrazione intensa e provocatoria che esplora le sfumature tra bene e male. Chi è il buono? Chi è il cattivo? ...
Ma parla anche di salute mentale, discriminazione e alienazione. Sonda il disagio mentale e la sofferenza soprattutto degli adolescenti, epoca tragica a parer mio, che molto spesso urlano il proprio tormento a persone che non sanno o non vogliono ascoltare.
Quello che resta è una riflessione su dei ragazzini soli e persi nel mondo - alla fine del drama tutti e tre i personaggi rimangono orfani - che trovano nell'odio e nella distruzione la risposta a tutto il loro dolore.
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Concludendo: una serie sicuramente da vedere. Soprattutto per chi, come me, è un amante delle opere introspettive e piene di spunti di riflessione. Il cast e la regia hanno fatto un ottimo lavoro nel raccontare questa storia contando solo i 6 episodi di questa prima stagione. Sicuramente non la serie leggera e spensierata che pensavo... tuttavia mi ha davvero sorpresa per la sua intensità e riflessività.
Attendendo con forte speranza la seconda stagione...
Voto: 7.9
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dertaglichedan · 2 months ago
Comcast doesn't want its cable TV networks anymore
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Cable networks used to be incredibly valuable. But in the streaming and cord-cutting era, they're in decline.
That's why Comcast is ditching almost all its cable networks into a new stand-alone company.
It would like to persuade other cable-TV owners to join in.
One of the country's biggest cable TV companies doesn't want its cable networks anymore. Would you like them?
That's the pitch Comcast is making Wednesday as it announces plans to split off almost all its cable TV networks into a new company. It's the same pitch Comcast floated as a possibility back in October, and most of the details are the same.
Comcast is set to spin off a new publicly traded company, owned by its existing shareholders. Into the spinco goes every cable network Comcast owns except for Bravo. That means networks like CNBC, MSNBC, USA, along with a few digital assets, including its Fandango movie-ticket service.
It plans to hang on to the rest of its media business, including its NBC broadcast network, Peacock streaming service, Universal film and TV studio, and Universal theme-parks business. And Bravo. (Can't wait for someone smart to explain why Comcast is so attached to Bravo. Maybe it's as simple as "Real Housewives"?)
For the record: Comcast says it thinks the cable networks it is ditching can be successful on their own. The new company "will be ideally positioned for success and highly attractive to investors, content creators, distributors and potential partners," CEO Brian Roberts said in a statement. That "partners" reference is important — Comcast has also floated the idea of folding in other companies' cable networks into the spinoff, which would theoretically give it more heft and negotiating power with advertisers and pay-TV distributors.
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wildmonkeysects · 1 year ago
War Profiteers
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Remember President Dwight “Ike” Eisenhower, who after green-lighting the overthrow of Iran’s democracy in 1953 at the behest of petrochemical corporations, had a change of heart and warned about the Military Industrial Complex? Here are the top 100 USA Military Industrial Complex “defense” contractors, all corporate welfare queens mooching off the public, who have blood on their hands in Palestine and elsewhere:
Action Target
ADT Corporation
Advanced Armament Corporation
Aerospace Corporation
AM General
American Petroleum Institute
Argon ST
Astronautics Corporation of America
Aurora Flight Sciences
Axon Enterprise
United Kingdom BAE Systems
BAE Systems Inc
Ball Corporation
Ball Aerospace & Technologies
Barrett Firearms Manufacturing
Battelle Memorial Institute
Berico Technologies
Boeing Defense, Space & Security
Booz Allen Hamilton
Boston Dynamics
Bravo Strategic
Carlyle Group
Carnegie Mellon University
Colt Defense
The Columbia Group
Computer Sciences Corporation
Concurrent Technologies Corporation
CSRA (IT services company)
Cubic Corporation
Omega Training Group
DeciBel Research
Dillon Aero
Dine Development Corporation
Draper Laboratories
DRS Technologies
Edison Welding Institute
[Israei]l Elbit Systems
M7 Aerospace
United Kingdom/Military contractor Ernst & Young
Evergreen International Aviation
Fluor Corporation
Force Protection Inc
Foster Wheeler
Franklin Armoury
General Atomics
General Dynamics
Bath Iron Works
General Dynamics Electric Boat
General Electric Military Jet Engines Division
Halliburton Corporation
Health Net
Humana Inc.
Huntington Ingalls Industries
Hybricon Corporation
Insight Technology
International Resources Group
ITT Exelis
Jacobs Engineering Group
JANUS Research Group
Johns Hopkins University
Kaman Aircraft
Kearfott Corporation
Knight's Armament Company
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions
L3Harris Technologies
[France] Lafayette Praetorian Group
Lake Shore Systems
Lewis Machine & Tool Company
Lockheed Martin
Gyrocam Systems
LRAD Corporation
ManTech International
Maxar Technologies
Mission Essential Personnel
Natel Electronic Manufacturing Services
Navistar Defense
Northrop Grumman
Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
Northrop Grumman Ship Systems
Northrop Grumman Technical Services
Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems
Oceaneering International
Olin Corporation; also see John M. Olin and John M. Olin Foundation
Oshkosh Corporation
Perot Systems
Picatinny Arsenal
Pinnacle Armor
Precision Castparts Corporation
Raytheon Technologies
Collins Aerospace
Rockwell Collins
Goodrich Corporation
Pratt & Whitney
Raytheon Intelligence & Space
Raytheon Missiles & Defense
Raytheon BBN
Remington Arms
Rock Island Arsenal
Roundhill Group
Saab Sensis
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
Sierra Nevada Corporation
Smith & Wesson
Smith Enterprise (SEI)
Springfield Armory
SRI International
Stewart & Stevenson
Swift Engineering
Tactical Air Support
Teledyne FLIR
AAI Corporation
Bell Helicopter Textron
TriWest Healthcare Alliance
U.S. Ordnance
Verizon Communications
Vinnell Corporation
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
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aitoolswhitehattoolbox · 8 days ago
Company DescriptionWe create world-class content, which we distribute across our portfolio of film, television, and streaming, and bring to life through our theme parks and consumer experiences. We own and operate leading entertainment and news brands, including NBC, NBC News, MSNBC, CNBC, NBC Sports, Telemundo, NBC Local Stations, Bravo, USA Network, and Peacock, our premium ad-supported…
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bllsbailey · 2 months ago
Comcast Makes the Decision to Leave Behind Its Sinking Ship MSNBC, Rats and All
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Just ahead of the election, media conglomerate Comcast-Universal hinted that it was looking into the prospect of either putting up for sale or spinning off its cable television division. The clutch of channels it owns includes a number of cable mainstays, such as CNBC, The USA Network, E!, SyFy, and The Golf Channel, as well as Oprah Winfrey’s lightly regarded Oxygen. The most prominent — and most controversial — name on the list has to be MSNBC.
This was a position you could almost have sympathy over, given the state of cable television these days. Cord-cutting has not only been trending, it has accelerated at a rate that it is by now an outright cultural shift, and the prospects are dim. NBC-U is not facing a buyer’s market but one in which there might be no interest. As a result, it announced today that it would divest the cable division into its own entity. 
So most of the cable networks will be bundled together into a new entity (with the curious omission being Bravo, which NBC-U will see remaining under its umbrella) as well as the cinema-based digital outlet Rotten Tomatoes and the movie ticketing/streaming service Fandango. A number of NBC executives will pilot this new entity, which will begin its separate existence in the new year.
The cable channels are reported by Ben Mullin to still be profitable, but the fortunes for this sector are looking dim, and the long-term prospects are expected to be a drag on the company. NBC-U will retain the broadcast division, as this is still considered a revenue stream, entirely due to sports, which dominate viewership these days. Last year, of the top 100 watched broadcasts, we see how dependent they are: 93 were NFL games, four were NCAA games, and the other three were special event broadcasts. The first scheduled programming you see was ranked 136th for the year.
Since that prior announcement by NBC-U, the prospects for its left-wing news channel have only become worse, with the Donald Trump victory taking things to new lows. First, there was the revelation that Al Sharpton pocketed a tidy sum from the lavish-spending Kamala Harris campaign, where the bad reverend was granted $500,000, and he repaid Kamala when he delivered a tongue-bath interview on October 20. This is a severe breach of journalism ethics, and the network heads have not addressed this payola scandal in any fashion.
Then, since the election, MSNBC has seen its ratings collapse. The days immediately following the result saw the network lose more than 50 percent of its audience, and things only deteriorated from there. The following week, they plunged to depths not seen in decades, with the recent returns showing no recovery. Then came the big admission.
On the flagship program “Morning Joe,” the wedded co-hosts came out to announce that over the weekend, a meeting with Donald Trump was arranged, as they had turned supplicants and visited him at Mar-a-Lago. This was met with all manner of negative feedback from their fanbase, others at the network, and even some names attached to the show. The revulsion was such that the program saw immediate viewer reactions within the hour.
What this spinoff plan means for the prospects of MSNBC remains in a fog. Will there be cost-cutting and salaries trimmed or even firing of talent taking place? Does this lead to a shift in focus to a more balanced approach, or will the on-air pundits be freed from a corporate mandate and allowed to spout off even more? And what about the connective tissue it currently enjoys with the NBC News division — will the relationship remain tight, or will there be a distancing seen from the parent network?
Whichever the case, it is clear that changes will emerge. It is also obvious that changes are desperately needed, but it is a mystery if corrective action will be taken.
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deadlinecom · 2 months ago
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jobkash · 4 months ago
Telemundo Area de la Bahia 48 News Internship – Fall 2024, San Jose, CA
Company DescriptionWe create world-class content, which we distribute across our portfolio of film, television, and streaming, and bring to life through our theme parks and consumer experiences. We own and operate leading entertainment and news brands, including NBC, NBC News, MSNBC, CNBC, NBC Sports, Telemundo, NBC Local Stations, Bravo, USA Network, and Peacock, our premium ad-supported…
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laresearchette · 5 months ago
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
DISNEY + STAR AFTER BAYWATCH: MOMENT IN THE SUN (all episodes) AGATHA ALL ALONG (two-episode premiere @9pm ET/6pm PT) AMERICAN SPORTS STORY: AARON HERNANDEZ (two-episode premiere @10am ET/7am PT) TELL ME LIES (Season 2, new episodes)
2024 FIFA WOMEN'S U20 WORLD CUP (TSN3) 5:18pm: USA vs. Korea DPR
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 6:30pm: Dodgers vs. Marlins (SN) 7:30pm: Jays vs. Rangers (SN Now) 7:30pm: Pirates vs. Cardinals (TSN3/TSN5) 9:30pm: Padres vs. Mariners (SN1) 9:30pm: Yankees vs. Mariners
BACK TO ROOTS (APTN) 7:00pm: Perry and Chef Denia do a visual hunt for elk; chef Denia shows Perry where she forages wild raspberries; Perry makes a raspberry mimosa mocktail for them to enjoy as they discuss ingredients and upcoming recipes.
MLS SOCCER (TSN/TSN4) 7:30pm: Toronto FC vs. Columbus (TSN/TSN4) 10:30pm: LAFC vs. Austin
THE PASSIONATE EYE (CBC) 8:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): YINTAH: Freda Huson, a Wet'suwet'en leader, faces down the federal government, multinational oil companies and an armed police invasion, as she leads her nation in a struggle to protect their territory from gas and oil pipelines.
SECRET HISTORY (APTN) 9:00pm: A young Mohawk woman defies adversity to become Canada's first Indigenous nurse; stationed on France's front lines, her spirit, compassion and selflessness inspire strength and salvation.
DON’T EVEN (Crave) 9:00pm/9:30pm: Uncle Sizzle's employee of the month, Harley, is celebrated at a staff party where Mickey is unusually supportive; Violet and Showboat go all out to get into the battle of the bands; things go off the rails when Cousin Cheryl meets her hero. In Episode Two, Violet steps into the limelight at the battle of the bands and stares down at a difficult fork in the road; Harley's misadventure with Mickey Carp leads to an unexpected outcome.
NEW YORK HOMICIDE (Lifetime Canada) 10:00pm: Realtor to the stars Linda Stein is found bludgeoned to death in her apartment, but her larger-than-life personality meant Linda made enemies as well as admirers; with evidence from the crime scene, only painstaking sleuthing can identify her killer.
HOW (NOT) TO GET RID OF A BODY (Investigation Discovery) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): A young Ohio man vanishes without a trace, detectives embark on an investigation involving a love triangle, drugs and murder.
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attackcopterblog · 2 months ago
Revolutionary BCM Mod 4 Grip: Improved Control and Comfort
Bravo Company USA has launched the new BCM Grip Mod 4 in both black and FDE colorways. Bravo Company USA states “An update to the classic A1 and A2 design, the BCM Mod 4 Pistol Grip employs a new form factor with a reduced angle and a new ultra-tactile grip texture that enable more exacting fire control ergonomics and operation. In tandem with improved weapons manipulation techniques that…
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justinspoliticalcorner · 3 months ago
Todd Spangler at Variety:
Comcast, amid the upheaval in the TV biz caused by cord-cutting, is considering spinning off NBCUniversal‘s portfolio of cable networks into a new publicly traded company. Comcast president Mike Cavanagh announced the exploratory plans on the conglomerate’s Q3 2024 earnings call. NBCU’s cable networks include Oxygen True Crime, Bravo, MSNBC, CNBC, USA Network, E!, Syfy, Universal Kids and Spanish-language channel Universo.
“As you know, we chose not to participate in the M&A process around Paramount in the earlier part of this year, but we would consider partnerships in streaming despite their complexities, and like many of our peers in media, we are experiencing the effects of the transition in our video businesses, and have been studying the best path forward for these assets,” he said. Cavanagh continued, “To that end, we are now exploring whether creating a new well-capitalized company owned by our shareholders and comprised of our strong portfolio of cable networks would position them to take advantage of opportunities in the changing media landscape and create value for our shareholders. We are not ready to talk about any specifics yet, but we’ll be back to you as and when we reach firm conclusions.”
Cavanagh said the hypothetical spinoff would include cable TV networks and not NBC’s broadcast operations. He indicated Comcast is still early in the process of doing the due diligence about such a transaction.
NBCU’s cable networks could be spun off separately from the broadcast channel NBC and Peacock.
See Also:
THR: Comcast Says It May Spin Off Cable Networks and Seek a Streaming Partner Amid TV Business Tumult
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otiskeene · 5 months ago
Top 5 Firewall Security Management Software Of 2024
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It wasn't easy for Agent J and Agent K to deploy the Arc Net Shield—it took a lot of hard work, determination, and perseverance. But in the end, it was all worth it. That shield played a crucial role in protecting Earth from alien threats that could have wiped out the entire planet. Confused?
We’re referencing the third installment of the "Men in Black" series, where Will Smith’s Agent J had to travel back in time to set up a safeguard that would prevent an attack in his original timeline. The Arc Net Shield, provided by a helpful alien, was essential in shielding Earth from other malevolent aliens.
Businesses also have access to similar technology, though (unfortunately) it’s not of alien origin. This technology can be implemented across both software and hardware assets to guard against digital threats. Can you guess what it is?
Yes, it's Firewall Security Management Software, which enables businesses to configure, monitor, and control a range of firewalls from one unified platform, providing real-time protection against potential cyberattacks.
If you're in search of your own "Arc Net Shield," keep reading to discover the top 5 Firewall Security Management Software options for 2024!
Do you enjoy camping? Even if you don’t, you probably know that campers always bring a functional tent, right?
These tents offer shelter and protection from natural elements like rain, dust, and direct sunlight. But perhaps their most critical function is keeping mosquitoes and other bugs out. Not only does this help campers sleep better and avoid frustration, but it also protects them from insect bites that could lead to diseases and health issues.
Think of Firewall Security Management Software as a camping tent for your business. It shields your enterprise from major and minor disasters alike, preventing the harmful effects of such threats.
These platforms act as a central hub for configuring, deploying, and monitoring multiple firewalls across an entire enterprise in real-time. If a threat does manage to get through, these platforms help mitigate security issues, with the ultimate goal of maintaining robust network security.
Last year, we explored the top 5 Firewall Security Management Software options for 2023. Now, let's take a look at the top 5 Firewall Security Management Software of 2024!
Top 5 Firewall Security Management Software of 2024
Businesses utilize Firewall Security Management Software to centralize the monitoring and configuration of both real and virtual firewalls. This technology also tracks real-time events to detect potential threats, sending alerts for policy changes or vulnerabilities. With this solution, businesses can address security issues and simplify the management of multiple firewalls, ensuring the security of their network.
Now, let’s dive into the list of the top 5 Firewall Security Management Software of 2024, presented in random order.
Tool 1: Sophos Firewall
Sophos was established in 1985 and was acquired by Thoma Bravo, one of the world's largest software investors, in 2020 for $3.9 billion. Sophos is headquartered in Abingdon, England, and has over 4,000 employees across 30 global offices. Thoma Bravo, headquartered in Chicago, USA, has 200+ employees in 5 offices worldwide and investments in 78 companies across various industries.
Returning to our list this year, Sophos Firewall allows users to consolidate and simplify their network protection efforts through an integrated and extensible platform. It offers automatic threat detection and response, industry-leading protection and performance, secure remote work capabilities, and more, all managed from a single console. The firewall adapts to your network, so your network doesn’t have to adapt to it.
Sophos Firewall can also be deployed via its central cloud management platform, enabling businesses to manage all Sophos products, including group firewall management, at no additional cost. Users can maintain firewall data logs in the cloud, use flexible reporting tools for network analysis and visualization, and easily deploy new Sophos Firewalls.
Tool 2: FortiGate NGFW
Founded in 2000, Fortinet is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, USA. It is a publicly traded company on the Nasdaq, with a market capitalization of $14.6 billion and over 10,000 employees across more than 50 offices worldwide. Fortinet is also a founding member of the Centre for Cybersecurity and is listed among the 500 largest market capitalization companies.
New to our list this year, Fortinet’s FortiGate Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) offers up to 36 times better performance with over 500 ecosystem integrations. Known as the world’s most deployed network firewall, this platform provides comprehensive visibility and security. Its AI and ML-driven enterprise networking convergence seamlessly scales across various locations, from remote offices and branches to campuses, data centers, and cloud environments.
Fortinet features FortiGuard Labs, offering users AI-powered threat intelligence supported by millions of global network sensors monitoring worldwide attack surfaces, along with FortiGuard Outbreak Alerts to keep users informed. FortiGuard disseminates the latest threat intelligence through podcasts, blog posts, news articles, videos, and detailed reports. The platform also collaborates with other threat intelligence organizations to provide global information for users.
Tool 3: Palo Alto Networks
Established in 2005, Palo Alto Networks is headquartered in Santa Clara, California, USA. The company employs over 12,000 people across 75 offices worldwide. With over 85,000 customers, including 95% of the Fortune 100, Palo Alto Networks has earned numerous accolades, including being named a Network Security Leader nine times, a Cloud Security Leader seven times, and a SecOps Leader five times.
Making a return to our list, Palo Alto Networks brings its next-generation firewall, an AI and ML-powered, cloud-based network security platform. Palo Alto’s Firewall Security Management Software allows users to leverage deep learning in real time to stop unknown zero-day attacks and detect the most elusive threats, going beyond traditional signature-based detections. The platform provides visibility across IoT and other connected devices, revealing key details.
Palo Alto’s platform protects businesses of all sizes and complexities through a unified network security architecture. Its VM-Series offers a strong and simple virtualized ML-powered NGFW with best-in-class security, cloud speed, agility, and scale, suitable for public clouds, private clouds, virtual branches, and critical infrastructure. Additionally, the CN-Series enables firewalls for containers, while the PA-Series provides hardware firewalls.
Tool 4: Check Point Next Generation Firewalls
Founded in 1993, Check Point is headquartered in Redwood City, California, USA. The company employs over 6,000 people globally, with more than 15 offices worldwide. With over 100,000 customers in 60+ countries, Check Point has 200+ technology partners and 6,000+ channel partners. The company was featured on Fast Company’s 2024 World-Changing Ideas List for its Infinity ThreatCloud AI.
Returning to our list, Check Point Next Generation Firewalls (NGFWs) offer high-performance, AI-powered, cloud-delivered firewalls. With one of the highest-rated threat prevention solutions, this platform provides seamless scalability and unified policy management, securing enterprises of all sizes. Leveraging 50+ AI engines and real-time global threat intelligence, it offers intelligent firewall clustering, automatic load balancing, 99.999% resiliency, and a 99.8% block rate against zero-day attacks.
Check Point delivers the industry’s highest block rate and sets the gold standard for security policy management. It enables businesses to scale their network security with up to 1 Tbps throughput while Check Point’s Quantum Firewalls and Security Gateways provide comprehensive network security, including remote access VPN, SASE, SD-WAN, while defending against IoT, DDoS, and Zero-Day attacks.
Tool 5: Barracuda CloudGen Firewall
Founded in 2003, Barracuda Networks Inc. employs over 1,000 people across 10 global offices, with its headquarters in Campbell, California, USA. The company serves more than 200,000 customers globally and has over 5,000 channel partners worldwide. Barracuda was named to CRN’s 2024 Security 100 list and was recognized as a Leader in G2’s Spring 2024 report for its Cloud-to-Cloud Backup.
New to our list, Barracuda CloudGen Firewall provides robust protection for on-premises, multi-cloud, and hybrid networks. It offers multi-layered security to combat advanced threats, ransomware, and zero-day threats through its cloud-hosted advanced threat protection platform. Leveraging a global threat intelligence network fed by millions of data collection points, the platform ensures businesses are protected against the latest threats. It also offers actionable insights for seamless network connectivity through reports and analyses.
Barracuda CloudGen Firewall delivers next-generation firewall technologies that provide real-time network protection against a broad range of cyber risks, including SQL injections, cross-site scripting, DDoS attacks, trojans, viruses, worms, spyware, and more. Barracuda’s Firewall Control Center helps businesses manage complex and distributed networks, deploy new locations quickly, and reduce network security risks through automation.
Firewall Security Management Software enables businesses to monitor and configure both real and virtual firewalls from a single interface. These platforms detect potential attacks by tracking real-time events and providing alerts, guiding users to policy changes and vulnerabilities. The goal is to manage multiple firewalls centrally, strengthening network security and integrity.
Remember, each business has unique firewall management needs, so be sure to choose a tool that fits your specific requirements.
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celebritydecks · 1 year ago
Major League Cricket: Igniting Future of Cricket in the USA
Cricket is a popular sport in many parts of the world, but it has not yet reached its full potential in the United States. The introduction of Major League Cricket (MLC) is set to change that.
How MLC is Igniting the Future of Cricket in the USA
Major league cricket is igniting the future of cricket in the USA in a number of ways.
First, the league is bringing together some of the biggest names in cricket to play in the USA. This will help to raise the profile of the sport in the country and attract new fans. Big players like Martin Guptill (New Zealand), Rilee Rossouw (South Africa), Jason Roy (England), Sunil Narine (West Indies), Andre Russell (West Indies), Devon Conway (New Zealand), Dwayne Bravo (West Indies), Mitchell Santner (New Zealand), Nicholas Pooran (West Indies), Rashid Khan (Afghanistan), Kieron Pollard (West Indies), Trent Boult (New Zealand), Kagiso Rabada (South Africa), Matthew Wade (Australia), Aaron Finch (Australia), Marcus Stoinis (Australia), Quinton de Kock (South Africa), Heinrich Klaasen (South Africa), Shimron Hetmyer (West Indies),Dasun Shanaka (Sri Lanka), Mitchell Marsh (Australia), Anrich Nortje (South Africa) etc.
Second, MLC is investing heavily in marketing and promotion. The league is working to reach out to new audiences and introduce them to the excitement of cricket.
Third, MLC is creating a world-class cricket infrastructure in the USA. The league is building new stadiums and training facilities that will help to grow the sport in the country. In May 2022, Major League Cricket announced it had acquired funds of $120 million and much more after.
As a result of these efforts, MLC is manage to make a major impact on cricket in the USA. The league has the potential to transform the sport in the country and make it a major force in American sports industry.
Introduction: Major League Cricket
Major League Cricket (MLC) is an American professional Twenty20 cricket league. It started play on July 13, 2023, with six teams representing significant American cities and was run by American Cricket Enterprises (ACE) under a single-entity format only.
Major League Cricket’s inaugural season was played over three weeks in July 2023, with games at Grand Prairie Stadium in Grand Prairie, Texas, and Church Street Park in Morrisville, North Carolina.
In 2018, USA Cricket sought partners to launch a domestic T20 league by 2021, with the aim of engaging existing fans, growing new ones and developing cricketing infrastructure across the country. In 2019, USA Cricket accepted a $1 billion investment from American Cricket Enterprises (ACE) to support the league and the U.S. national teams. American Cricket Enterprises (ACE), a group of investors led by Satyan Gajwani and Vineet Jain of The Times Group and Sameer Mehta and Vijay Srinivasan of Willow TV will handle commercial activities for T20I and ODI matches hosted by the United States.
In October 2020, USA Cricket announced that it would launch Major League Cricket in 2022, as part of its “foundational plan” for 2020–23. The following month, the IPL’s Kolkata Knight Riders (co-owned by Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan) announced that they would invest in American Cricket Enterprises (ACE), the company behind Major League Cricket.
Minor League Cricket Youth and Major League Cricket Youth leagues, coupled with an MLC Jr. Championship and player development program would serve as a development structure for younger players to advance toward Major League Cricket and the national squad. These leagues were announced by the MLC in February 2021. Major League Cricket’s debut was postponed to 2023 in May owing to COVID-19 and to give more time to build facilities.
It was announced in November 2022 that the inaugural MLC season will take place at Grand Prairie Stadium from July 13–30, 2023. Six franchises will play 15 league matches in a single round-robin format during the competition, followed by a four-match play-off phase.
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aitoolswhitehattoolbox · 8 days ago
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shyde1950things · 2 years ago
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