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sorenphelps · 2 years ago
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mermay seemed like a good opportunity to revisit the pirate AU i made for last year’s @siriusblackfest Enjoy!
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skindyedblue · 2 years ago
Felt like high time I let braveremus go. I wish the very best and the bravest emus to whoever picks it up after me.
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hillnerd · 2 years ago
I was tagged by @es-capeh over here. Tried to take a selfie but then Gunner was like ‘I want to be involved’ - you can see the moment when he catches my attention and cracks me up
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Hard to get a selfie with him in frame because 1) his head is very big and I am very small and have to fully extend my arm for his head to be in frame 2)The minute I started taking photos he smiled and collapsed for belly rubs
I am tagging @abradystrix @petalstofish @lytefoot @acnelli @floreatcastellumposts @headcanonsandmore @zine-e @vivithefolle @thefandompixie @braveremus @austenpoppy @nagemeikenu @mythologicalmango @withoutcontxt @marvelousmisterscamander @amortentiando
And anyone else who’s feeling like it! Feel free to take a ‘non selfie selfie’ where it’s just a photo of things that are totally YOU - a still life of your life
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begrudginglytumbling · 3 years ago
So you know if you will be updating When All Hope Is Lost? The story drew me in and I am anxious to see where is goes. If it is permanently in the unlikely-to-update I absolutely understand
I had to take a break from writing this one for a bit but I am planning on finishing it. It's all planned out, just waiting for me to find spare moments when I can actually sit down and write. Updates won't be quick in coming unfortunately, but I'm planning to get at least the next chapter out before the end of the year.
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jiangwanyin · 3 years ago
Top 10 protagonists (since you got two for villains/antagonists)?
hiii oh thank you for your service, the balance of the universe is officially restored :]
anakin skywalker
xie lian
wei wuxian
jon snow
ahsoka tano
zhou zishu
daenerys targaryen
han joo won
charles xavier???
ask me my top 5/top 10 anything!
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wilwheaton · 6 years ago
Thank you for sharing your experiences with depression. The past few months have been some of the hardest for me in a very long time, and knowing without a doubt that I'm not alone in this no matter what the depression monster tries to say means more than I have words to express. Thank you for being who you are, Wil. Thank you for caring about others and being a positive presence. I hope you know how valued and loved you are.
It’s so important, and so helpful, to know that we are not going through our mental health struggles alone. We aren’t the only people to feel the heavy lead apron of Depression, or the swarm of anxiety bees around our heads. We aren’t broken, we’re just different from someone who doesn’t share our wonky brain chemistry, and we have each other to help guide us through the fog when stuff gets real challenging.
Please remember that Depression Lies, and that you are sick not weak. We all have bad days, and it’s okay to not be okay.
I’m here for you, and I hope you’ll reach out when you need to, or to just let me know how you’re doing.
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mylordshesacactus · 5 years ago
"My Chief Rabbit has told me to stay and defend this run, and until he says otherwise, I shall stay here." OH MY GOD THLAYLI.
Back at Sandleford, when referring to the Threarah, Thayli had no hesitation in calling him “the Chief Rabbit” even though he didn’t like him or, in fact, respect him all that much.
Hazel, who he swore he’d die before he called Chief?
My Chief Rabbit.
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andillwriteyouatragedy · 5 years ago
You are wonderful and I hope you never, ever forget that. Keep shining, dearheart.
thank you so much!! you are so wonderful for saying this, thank you 🥺💜
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weirdchristmas · 5 years ago
Do you have any Hungarian cards? They would say "Boldog karácsonyt" or something similar.
Yes! And I know I have more. I just don’t have them tagged. But let me look. I’m sure I’ll find more, and I’ll tag you in them.
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padfootdidit · 6 years ago
For the ask meme: spark & laugh
“Well done Evans, he’s a nice catch,” Remus says, eyes sparkling. “Isn’t he James?”
“Uh, yeah, Lamerton’s alright. Head Boy and all that. Fit as well. Make sure he doesn’t squeeze all of the fun out of you,” Potter says, looking everywhere except for Lily’s face.
“Great, thanks.” He looks over his shoulder, as if just noticing the whispering and pointed fingers. “Should we get going? I don’t fancy our d-” He cuts himself off abruptly and Lily has to bite her lip to stop herself from smiling.
“It’s okay, you can call it a date,” she says gently. His face lights up, and he lets out a nervous laugh.
“I just wasn’t sure if – you know. I’m glad we’re on the same page. What I was going to say is that I don’t fancy our date having an audience.”
send me a word and if it’s in my wip i’ll post the sentence
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skindyedblue · 2 years ago
I can feel a bad flare up coming. Damn.
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rudjedet · 6 years ago
braveremus replied to your post: caligulasreign replied to your post: ...
It’s worth adding, people with chronic pain still have to fight tooth and nail to get long term pain management. Doctors are concerned that if they give refills, even for very valid reasons, they’ll lose their medical license due to the opiate crisis getting more coverage. So people who don’t need a month’s worth of medication get it, and those who need more than NSAIDs and a prayer far too often don’t. The entire health care system is completely fucked
I figured that might be the case, because somehow I never hear US women with endometriosis say their GP drowned them in fucking vicodin. Honestly, in comparison to y’alls healthcare “system” (defined as loosely as is humanly possible) having to battle my gaslighting GP for three months before I got a motherfucking vitamin shot is a walk in the park. 
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likeawildthing · 6 years ago
Crack fic, if they lived, and slow burn?
crack fic weirdest thing you’ve ever seen at 2 in the morning?
I will say that I have been the weirdest thing that someone else has seen at 2 in the morning, maybe? there was a creepy guy named steve who never interacted with the campers but randomly lived on-site at the summer camp i worked at? he didn’t even work there. he was definitely our boo radley. 
anyway one day my friend and i were trading my mattress with a disused one, but we made it a mission impossible type of thing and dressed in camo and painted our faces and arms in camo so they blended in? which, no one fucking cared if we changed the mattresses? but it was Fun. ANYWAY, one day steve drove into camp at 2 in the morning, dead hot summer night, to find two girls dressed head to toe in black emerging from the woods carrying a mattress over their heads.
if they lived  meanest thing an author has ever done to you personally, and how do you plan to exact revenge?
building a world with amazing backstory and deep side characters with expansive, interesting histories and instead focusing energies on an unhealthy, abusive-tendencies self-insert love triangle and glitter.
hating twilight eternally
slow burn best fictional slow burn couple and what makes it great? 
benson & stabler for life and if you need an explanation i don’t know what to tell you
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naireides · 6 years ago
@braveremus:  As someone who also studied medicine I very much relate. I hope finals go well for you lovey 💜💜💜
@kindclaws: You can do it! 🎓🌡️💉👷
@levins18:  Good luck babeeeeeeee
@eleanor-sheleanor:  Good luck! I'm in the same boat! (finals not medicine)
thank you to all of you!! ❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖 you’re so sweet ily 💖 (and good luck to everyone who has finals!!)
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jiangwanyin · 3 years ago
Top 5 favorite moments in MDZS/The Untamed?
oh my god only five are you kidding me?? okayokay i'm going to do my best to narrow it down and thank you so much for asking 💖
also vicky if you're reading this look away because this is going to be spoilery!!!!!!
lan sizhui reveal and everything leading up to it ESPECIALLY the scene in episode 45 with wen ning my beloved it always makes me cry but in a very good way and it's been a while since i read mdzs so i think i'll stick to scenes from the untamed but it was definitely my favourite part in the book too
‘the feeling of sticking to the single log bridge till it's dark is indeed not bad’ scene also my beloved sobbing everything about that scene is just peak romance!!! the fucking tenderness and devotion on their faces as they look at each other is unparalleled
jiang cheng rabbit time simply because i love him and i love rabbits :) also the ‘as an upright gentleman it's embarrassing for you to hold rabbits’ will never not be hilarious
wei wuxian reciting the lan sect rules at the wen indoctrination.... need i say more?
as painful it is i can't not include the golden core reveal scene everything about it is so beautiful and so gut-wrenching. the beauty of lotus pier. lan wangji holding wwx in his arms. zidian. the pride on wen ning's face as he talks about the best doctor in the wen clan of qishan, wen qing. the tears rolling down lwj's face. the flashbacks. the fucking regret and disbelief on jiang cheng's face. i'm literally going to start crying just thinking about it. cinema at its finest truly 🙏
this is missing SO many moments i love i think if i wanted to list all my favourites i'd end up with a list of thirty scenes at the very least but here you go with some of the most scenes of all time as far as i'm concerned!!!
ask me my top 5/top 10 anything!
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hatepotion · 6 years ago
@fleamontpotter replied to your post “someone said “Ronan staring out the window” on the tags of my last...”
i could tell!! it's got really nice lighting you did great
@braveremus replied to your post “someone said “Ronan staring out the window” on the tags of my last...”
I could tell it was a fridge :) the lighting and his body language showed that  really clearly!
thank you, you kind reassuring souls
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