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I went to a conference at Harvard this weekend and didn’t do anything terribly stupid in front of all the Ivy Leaguers
mother freaking harvard!!! so. proud. of. you. this is amazing!!!!
tell me about an amazing thing that has happened to you or that you’ve made happen lately
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@braveremus: As someone who also studied medicine I very much relate. I hope finals go well for you lovey 💜💜💜
@kindclaws: You can do it! 🎓🌡️💉👷
@levins18: Good luck babeeeeeeee
@eleanor-sheleanor: Good luck! I'm in the same boat! (finals not medicine)
thank you to all of you!! ❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖 you’re so sweet ily 💖 (and good luck to everyone who has finals!!)
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Even though it's cold as hell in Philly today, I was able to shovel out my car and had lunch with a good friend! Today's a good day :)
yay, glad you’re having a good day :) thanks for sharing 💕
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Top 10 Female Characters
Rules: Name your top 10 favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag some people!
I was tagged by: @thejilyship
Ginny Weasley- Harry Potter
Arya Stark- Game of Thrones
Ahsoka Tano- Star Wars The Clone Wars
Rosa Diaz- Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Polly Shelby- Peaky Blinders
Ziva David- NCIS
Kalinda Sharma- The Good Wife
Katara- Avatar: The Last Airbender
Natasha Rominoff/Black Widow- Marvel
Pam Beasley- The Office
Tagging: @elanev91 @levins18 @scaredofrobots @petals-to-fish @beks21 @frustratedpoetwrites @siriuslysnuffles @youreyesinstarsabove @shining-jul-of-hope @ofmermaidsandmarauders and anyone else who wants to participate!
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It’s game time!
Thanks for the tag @petergrantkavinsky ! I love these :)
Rule: Tag people you would like to get to know better or catch up with.
Top three ships in any order: Hinny (Harry Potter), Marecal (Red Queen), & Lara x Aren (The Bridge Kingdom)
Last song: Save Me by Nicki Minaj
Last movie: The Spy Who Dumped Me
Currently reading: We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal
Currently watching: Survivor!! (but what i am legitimately watching rn is multiple soccer games at once)
Currently eating: nothing :(
Food I’m craving: sour patch kids
I’m tagging: @ilikebigbooks-and-icannotlie & @levins18 & anyone else who wants to do it!
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Tagged by @beaubcxton Love you and miss you!!
rules: bold all the aesthetics that you relate to
side a - the city
glittering lights, yawning skyscrapers, broken glass shards, street gangs, hip hop music, late night strolls, blinking stars, sleek cars, flickering neon signs, glittery earrings, small tattoos, empty subways, dark eyeshadow, snapping cameras, cozy apartments, fried churros, silver necklaces, dyed hair, ripped jeans, bright lipstick, dazzling smiles.
side b - the book nerd
large glasses, steaming hot chocolate, thick books, lofi music, hot pastries, soft smiles, large sweaters, libraries, small flowers, melting candles, sweetened coffee, messy hair buns, soft pillows, fairy lights, vanilla scents
side c - the stereotypical girl
soft pinks, mini skirts, crop tops, romantic fantasies, love songs, strawberry milkshakes, lipgloss, high ponytails, candy hearts, nail polish, starbucks coffee, clear skies, hoop earrings, excited ramblings, stuttering heartbeats, rose bouquets, soft blushes
side d - the stereotypical boy
arcade games, graphic t-shirts, baseball caps, chocolate milkshakes, messy rooms, acoustic guitars, chocolate chip cookies, multi-colored bruises, rap music, nightly escapades, stolen glances, pencil-drumming, chocolate milk boxes, low hums
side e - the nature hippie
mini plants, cloud-watching, star gazing, damp forests, sandy beaches, ocean waves, wildflowers, hiking, iced lemon tea, gardening, hippie music,buttered toast, birds chirping, multi-coloured leaves, evening sunlight, fruit cups, sundresses
side f - the rebel
cherry lollipops, devil hand signs, grape flavoured bubble gum, rock music, killer boots, dark make-up, horror movies, denim jackets, switchblades, handguns, stargazing on rooftops, glowing cigarettes, large headphones, skull rings, converse shoes, graffiti murals, glowing moonlight, rose thorns, fishnet stockings
side g - the winter
busy cafes, oversized hoodies, drizzling rain, small snowflakes, marshmallows in hot chocolate, loose hair, sad music, reading a book, blanket forts, frozen lakes, crackling fireplaces, old movies
side h - the summer
tank tops, lemonade, sunny days, dripping popsicles, short haircuts, tinted sunglasses, cotton candy, amusement parks, traveling, blasting music on the car radio, wagging dog tails, large sunflowers, snow cones
side i - the autumn
pumpkin lattes, warm bakeries, warm colours, hair braids, soft sweaters, colourful leaves, purring cats, dark chocolate bars, romance movies, soft music, zentangling, vintage cameras
side j - the spring
floral scents, peach tea, mint shampoo, tinkling laughter, video cassettes, colourful paintings, excited smiles, lollipop sticks, blooming flowers, melting snow, action movies, singing in the shower
I’m tagging @neutralmediocre @dandelion-enthusiast @bi-padfootpan @pearipatetic @damn-magpie-feathers-everwhere @alrightsnaps @still-watching @dragonforsale @levins18 @quadpen @jecikapecika @boycastle
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Dear @jilyawards2018 ,
Why wasn’t @levins18 included in any noms???
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The lovely @itssoweirdyoureher tagged me in this even though I am so late to all the tag things. Thank you for not forgetting I exist, I love you!
Rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people
coffee or tea (don't drink either)
early bird or night owl (100%)
chocolate or vanilla (it really depends on what actual dessert/food)
spring or fall
silver or gold
pop or alternative (BUT OF COURSE)
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks
mountains or fields
thunderstorm or lightning
egyptian or greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
eyes or lips
witch or fairy
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macaroons or eclairs (neither)
typewritten or handwritten letters
secret garden or secret library (OMG, can you imagine?!)
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
london or paris (to be fair, I have spent only 2 days in London, but I love Paris)
vincent van gogh or claude monet
denim AND leather (though in terms of jackets, leather hands down) <–what Melina said 2
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaid or siren
masquerade ball or cocktail party
I'm tagging @levins18 @frustratedpoet1979 @carolynn1735 @sweetcrxvings @tevescomoungirasol
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We, the undersigned, hereby demand the following from @levins18 and @beks21 in order to address grievances litigated on Tumblr dot com, on this day, 12th of December, in the year of our lord, 2017.
The execution of these demands shall commence forthwith in accordance with those guidelines articulated in the Squid Squad Constitution, hereby known as SSC, I.IV.136-139. We, the aggrieved party, have additional guidelines that must be met in order to sufficiently redress the infringement on our happiness (see SSC II.XI.170-212).
Each party shall comply in all respects with all applicable legal requirements governing the duties, obligations, and business practices of that party and shall obtain any permits or licenses necessary for its operations. Neither party shall take any action in violation of any applicable legal requirement that could result in liability being imposed on the other party.
Neither party shall be held responsible for any delay or failure in performance of any part of this agreement to the extent such delay or failure is caused by fire, flood, explosion, war, embargo, government requirement, civil or military authority, act of God, or other similar causes beyond its control and without the fault or negligence of the delayed or non-performing party. The affected party will notify the other party in writing within ten (10) days after the beginning of any such cause that would affect its performance. Notwithstanding, if a party's performance is delayed for a period exceeding thirty (30) days from the date the other party receives notice under this paragraph, the non-affected party will have the right, without any liability to the other party, to terminate this agreement.
Neither party shall have the right to assign or subcontract any of its obligations or duties under this agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the Squid Squad, LLC, without reference to any conflicts of law provisions.
The terms of this Agreement shall control over any conflicting terms in any referenced agreement or document.
Whereby, @elanev91 and @scaredofrobots have been irresponsibly and offensively called dramatic by the aforementioned parties and have suffered mental and emotional despair at their hands- the following must be done to reconcile.
Three boxes each of twinings English Breakfast tea (signed by either Elizabeth II or @petalstofish our other queen
One half gallon each of gin
Socks with deer on them
Hand knitted scarfs by beks in the correct house colors with fringe. Each section of color should be at least six inches long made of genuine alpaca yarn (https://www.yarn.com/categories/alpaca-yarn colors 10, Gold and 16, Burgundy and 28, Navy, 39, Coffee Bean)
An Anastasia AU Of at least 23 chapters. With at least 14,000 commas and 13,000 dashes
The Soccer fic which must be at least 12,000 words and contain paragraphs with commas and dashes and at least one sentence written in Spanish.
To admit that Ravenclaw and Gryffindor are the superior houses
To admit you are more dramatic than us (evidence cited in document 13c)
To never call us dramatic again because that is false and fake news and you’re just spreading lies and hate
Love, respect and snacks.
Optional items: PET SQUID, The Mysterious Butter Fic
These demands must be met by the time we finally get a female president or by the time JK apologizes for creating Snape apologists- whichever comes first.
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This is all because @alrightginger told @doyouknowasquadofsquids about a fender-bender she witnessed, and while she requested that @petalstofish and @elanev91 write it for Jily, I said I would write it for Hinny, so here we are. @scaredofrobots and @levins18, now you’re tagged too. Enjoy.
Read on Ao3 or FF.net
Harry is running late. It’s just one of those days when everything takes longer than it normally does - getting out of bed, brewing tea, finding his left shoe - and by the time Harry climbs into his car, he has only half a chance of beating his boss to the office.
And now, of all days, there is a train on the tracks, blocking his route. The blinking red light on the sign seems to taunt him as he waits in a line of cars. These freight trains only come through once or twice a month, the logical part of his brain reminds him. True, but it bloody feels like the trains just know when he is late. Bugger the trains, he thinks a bit angrily.
When the train finally passes and the red-and-white beam raises, Harry accelerates just a bit too fast and hits the car in front of him. “Damn, damn, damn!” he exclaims, hitting his steering wheel in frustration. He does not have time for this today, and now Kingsley is really going to chew him out for being late. He sees the car in front of him signal and pull off to the side of the road, and Harry follows, trying to convince himself that at least a fender-bender is a valid excuse for his tardiness, but he knows Kingsley won’t buy it.
He’s reaching across the passenger seat, groping for his insurance information in the dash, when the driver exits the other car. And Harry forgets how to breathe.
She, the driver, is gorgeous.
Long red hair falls down her back, almost reaching the top of her high-waisted jeans. She’s wearing sunglasses and a faded v-neck tee shirt, and Harry can see freckles on her face and down her neck. Her lips are set in a firm line, and she is looking at him. Harry feels his stomach drop. She’s looking at him! She’s pushing her sunglasses up onto her head and is staring pointedly at him, and then he remembers that he ran into her car and she’s probably waiting for him to get out and apologize.
He fumbles the dash, raises one hand to wave or motion at her - he can’t seem to decide how to move, and he thinks with a cringe that he looks like the bloody Queen of England doing one of her parade waves - and finally his fingers close on his insurance papers.
His seatbelt twists around him like poison ivy, and Harry feels the driver’s gaze on him like a laser beam. He knows he looks like he’s never been in a car before, and his cheeks flush red as he finally climbs out. One hand flies to his hair as he approaches her.
“Er, hi,” he says, rather lamely. She arches an eyebrow at him, and he sticks out his hand awkwardly. “I’m sorry. I mean, I’m Harry. I mean, I’m also sorry. I’m late for work and I hit the gas pedal too hard, and then I hit you, and are you alright? God I hope you’re alright.” He forces himself to stop talking, and his hand drops back down to his side. He sucks in a breath, because this girl is even more gorgeous up close, and he’s just made a fool of himself.
She looks at him, looks him up and down, really, and finally reaches into her back pocket. “It’s fine,” she says, and her voice is smooth, cool like whiskey on ice. A shiver runs down Harry’s spine.
She produces her insurance information and pulls out her phone. “Shall we just take pictures of each other’s info and let the insurance companies sort it out?” she suggests, and Harry nods, not trusting himself to speak again. His mouth feels dry, and he hopes his hands aren’t sweating enough to make him drop his phone.
She snaps a picture of his insurance card, then holds out her own for Harry. As he peers down at his phone, his eyes catch on her name: Ginevra M Weasley.
“Ginevra,” he says to himself, then immediately hopes she didn’t hear him.
As established, though, today is not Harry’s day.
“What?” Ginevra asks him, rather sharply. She jerks her hand just a bit, then seems to remember that he’s taking a picture.
“Uh, sorry, I was just, I mean I, erm, I…” Harry searches for an explanation that doesn’t make him look like a creep. Ginevra doesn’t say anything, just waits for him to continue. One hand goes to her hip, and she looks like a fierce attorney Harry has seen on tv, confident and cocky and ready for anything.
He steels himself. “Your name,” he finally blurts. “I was just reading your name. It’s, uh, nice,” he adds lamely, and he ducks his gaze, but not before he sees her face soften a bit.
“Oh,” she says, softer now. “Thanks. I go by Ginny.”
“Ginny,” Harry repeats. The name slips from his mouth easily, and suddenly Harry wants nothing more than to say this name again and again.
“And you’re Harry, you said?” Ginny asks. “I know you introduced yourself, sorta.” She laughs, though not unkindly.
Harry grins sheepishly. “Yeah, sorry about that. I was a bit of a mess, wasn’t I? It’s my first accident.”
“Oh, so you’re an MVA virgin!” Ginny claps her hands, grinning, and Harry lets out a shaky laugh. “A what?!”
“MVA - motor-vehicle accident,” Ginny explains, still grinning. “As you can see, I’m a bit of an MVA professional.” She gestures to her car, covered in nicks and dents, and Harry laughs.
“Well, since you’re the experienced one, care to give me some insight as to what happens now?” Harry asks. He slips his insurance information into his pocket, then realizes he has no idea what to do with this newly-free hand.
Ginny tilts her head and regards him for a moment. She looks him up and down, then checks the time on her phone. She seems to be deciding something, because she looks back at Harry, then nods to herself.
“How about this,” she says, sliding her phone into her pocket. “Clearly my car has not been damaged any worse than what I’ve already done, and since your record is clean so far, I have an idea.” She bites her lip for half a second, and Harry’s heart pounds.
“Go on then,” he prompts her, as much to hear her idea as to force his mind away from her mouth.
She grins at him. “How about instead of involving insurance, you take me to dinner tonight?” Her hand is back on her hip, confidence personified, and there is no way in hell that Harry can say no.
“Sure,” he says eagerly, blushing but not caring that he sounds like a teenager. Ginny is still smiling at him, and she reaches for his phone, raising an eyebrow when she’s able to unlock it, and types quickly. When she hands it back, Harry sees a text sent to a new contact.
Dinner tonight? the text reads, sent to Ginny Best Driver Ever Weasley
Harry looks up at her in surprise, and she winks at him.
“Thought this way you could show your mates that you asked me out after running into me.” She pulls her own phone out of her pocket. “Oh, look, I’ve got a text. Some handsome man just asked me out.” She types a bit more, then puts her phone back in her pocket. Harry’s phone vibrates in his hand as Ginny starts backing towards her car.
A bit overwhelmed, Harry opens his mouth to say something, anything, anything that will explain the whirlwind he just experienced, but Ginny opens her car door and says, “check your phone,” before sliding into her car.
Harry looks down. The message on his screen reads, Pick me up at 7, Harry Worst Driver Ever Potter.
Harry grins. This day may have started off as a mess, but he’s pretty sure it’s going to end as a smashing success.
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Quarantine Asks
Thanks for the tag @elanev91 hope you are doing alright xoxo
Tagging: @thejilyship @shining-jul-of-hope @youreyesinstarsabove @frustratedpoetwrites @ofmermaidsandmarauders @levins18 @scaredofrobots @beks21 @petals-to-fish @siriuslysnuffles
Are you staying home from work/home?
Yes I am at home. PA is on stay at home orders and no work for me cause my job is non essential.
If you’re staying home, who’s with you?
I’m home with my parents and my sisters, my dog and my brother comes around sometimes.
Are you a homebody?
Yes so honestly this thing isn’t killing me. I sorta miss having the ability to go and do whatever whenever even though I rarely do that. I think I just miss going to work honestly even though it’s just a part time job.
What movies have you watched recently? What shows?
No movies that I can remember. TV shows I’ve started watching is Star Wars The Clone Wars. I’ve become obsessed, it’s so good I love it. Me and my sisters are watching the early seasons of Law and Order SVU. I’m trying to wait till school is over to start a new TV show so I don’t get distracted.
An event you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
No major events this year thank god. When I started college, this year was supposed to be the year I graduate but I’m behind on classes so I have another year and a half till graduation. A couple of my friends turned 21 during the pandemic so we can’t go out to celebrate which sucks. My brother turns 21 in June and we were gonna go to the shore for a week but it doesn’t look like that’s gonna happen which sucks.
What music are you listening to?
I haven’t really been listening to music. I started to listen to a Harry Potter podcast called Potterless this semester on my drives to school so I’ve been listening to that every now and then. I highly recommend listening to it cause it’s awesome. Here’s the link to the website if you want to listen. It’s also on apple podcasts app and I think Spotify and it’s free on the website too!
What are you reading?
I want to start a book but again school is still going and the only books I should be reading are my textbooks so, I’ll start a book when school is done. Send book recs my way if you have them. I am reading fics though cause you can’t not read fan fiction 🤷♀️
What are you doing for self care?
I actually just completed a 30 day yoga challenge and I’m gonna continue doing it cause it’s exercise and I do like doing it. It’s actually relaxing. I do try to stick to a schedule. No alarm for the morning but I’m up by 11 every day. I’ll do my morning things and then do yoga and then do homework and that’s pretty much my day seven days a week lol. Send self care tips my way if you want too! Here’s the link to the yoga page that I did. She’s amazing and there are so many different videos she has done!
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10 Female Characters Tag
So, I’ve been tagged by @safifonhasstrel and @bluebreezebuzz .. thank you so much! (ps I really had to think about this it was so hard)
- Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
- Sansa Stark (GoT)
- Ginny Weasley (HP)
- Aelin Galathynius (ToG)
- Mara Dyer (Unbecoming of Mara Dyer)
- Mare Barrow (Red Queen)
- Diana (Wonder Woman)
- Safiya fon Hasstrel (Witchlands)
- Zelie Adebola (Children of Blood and Bone)
- Nina Zenik (SoC)
Wow that was hard... also these are not in order bc I would literally be working on this for hours if that were the case. Of course there are so many more amazing female characters I want to include them all.
I’m tagging @lilyharvord @inopinion @greek-praetor @victoria8719 @levins18 @lanaencre
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Just a random appreciation post, so scroll on by if you aren’t a fan of gratuitous word vomits!
So, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone on this site for putting a smile on my face every day! It’s been a stressful year, and you all really helped me through it! So, thank you! I love you guys and just wanted to make sure you knew that you have someone in your corner; someone who appreciates the art/stories/jokes/shitposts/edits/worlds that you create.
@writing-prompt-s @petalstofish @elanev91 @levins18 @beks21 @scaredofrobots @lesbiansassemble @gryffindormischief @annadesu @pearipatetic @galacticpasta @askthepaladin @askmaccready @askhancock @ya-boi-rm @beckiboos @asknotdeacon @askprestongarvey @askcurie @askportergage @blvnk-art @jean-and-ali-liveblogs @superbanana92 @supernaturalwiki @thelaziestgeek
#thank you guys#i love you all#sorry if i left anyone out#just got off a six hour plane ride and am definitely more than a little jet-lagged#sappy post#appreciation
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I HAVE THE BEST FRIENDS IN THE WORLD @beks21 @petalstofish @levins18 that can’t sign a card And @elanev91
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Y'all everytime I see something witchy, I just think about @levins18. Every single time. Am I a truthteller? SEER?
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