#brand name companies
marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
explaining modern brand names to a Victorian
me: so just like. a word, usually.
Victorian: a word related to the product, or-
me: no just a random word
Victorian: huh. because I'd have thought
me: yeah
Victorian: a word related to the product's alleged best qualities
me: no no it's just any word really. the founder might have some reason behind it, but it only makes sense to them most of the time
Victorian: interesting
Victorian: but definitely misspelled right
me: oh EXTREMELY misspelled
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elftwink · 1 year
to preface this post i am anti-advertising i think we should explode the entire industry but it's sooo funny when you people make posts like "and they don't even work!!" like. sorry to be the bearer of bad news but yes they do. that's why we have to put up with so many despite everyone hating them and thinking its annoying. because they actually work really well and make a shit load of money
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ricketyrackety-24 · 3 months
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probably posted about this already but it don’t matter. you’re going to witness it again.
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sirmanmister · 6 months
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🎶pulled my trigger, now he’s dead~🎶
Introducing my new Courier, Hudson!! Defining traits are cowboy, mama’s boy, and tragic amnesiac.
His mother stitched his name onto his hat, which is the only reason he remembers it in Doc. Mitchell’s office. Believing that his mother was waiting for his pay back home, he sets off to find the platinum chip, not realizing until later, when speaking to Benny (who knew Hudson’s mother, due to the fact she was a gambler) that she had been murdered by the Legion two entire years prior, and Hudson had gotten a job at the Mojave Express so he could gather enough funds to take revenge.
Anyway his story will definitely get more fleshed out as I get further into the game but I’m already having a lot of fun with him! Other fun facts about him: he was a bighorn rancher and tamed one to help him with his deliveries. He finds it in the wastes with the saddle still on and almost shoots it when it runs towards him. He lassoed Benny in the Lucky 38 to keep him from running away and broke his nose cuz he slammed into the floor so hard. And he’s also EXTREMELY susceptible to sunburns, which is why he’s mostly covered head to toe. His mom used to make him radaway salves to help when the UV was too high :’)
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firestorm09890 · 3 months
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...monkey cigs, you say?
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gnc-tits · 7 months
any company that advertises itself as specializing in “transmasc clothing” is so full of shit if any of yall buy jeans for 99 dollars bcoz obviously as a beautiful afab you need clothing accomodating of your voluptuous hips and thighs then im sorry but you are a little poser bitch and an idiot. 99 dollars for jeans like fuck offffffff you cannot convince me that theres not a mens cut of jeans that fits you. 99 dollars. fuck you
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panicsimss · 11 months
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Two more DnD characters that I've made! Dandy-boy the half orc fighter, and Jezebel the halfling. I love them with all my heart <3
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forgetbeam · 1 year
in the same vein as “fandom mums” who are always the most condescending and irritating people imaginable, and people who call themselves freaks and weirdos but are the most normie cunts you’ll ever meet, if you call yourself the “ceo” of a character or ship i will just automatically assume you have the most annoying opinions on them imaginable
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hey can u tell me abt ball point pen history
The first patent for ballpoint pens was granted in 1888. Specifically on the 30th of October, to one John J Loud. It was supposed to be able to write on coarser surfaces that a fountain pen could not.
However, this very first version of a ballpoint pen sucked balls. It was not a design that could not write on paper. At all. Also, the ink tended to either leak (in summer) or freeze (in winter) Mind, I only have one specific source on this model right now but. There's a reason they were yet to be used for a long time. Over the next couple decades, a few people tried to chime in with suggestions for improvement but Loud kept a tight wrap on those patents.
No profit was made from Loud's original version of a ballpoint pen. But, you know, technically it still existed.
Now, early 20th century. Enter László Biró, a newspaper editor who was frustrated about all the smudging ink from fountain pens and his dentist brother-with-chemical-knowledge György. Biró (already seeing the resemblance to some slang here) watched newspapers being printed and dry very, very quickly and went "actually, You Know What".
What they figured out was that to use ink that dries fast in a pen, you need a pen that prevents the ink from drying fast inside of said pen. Therefore, they spent Quite A While figuring out a mechanism to allow inkflow while preventing it from drying and clogging up inside. 1938, they filed for a British patent.
1941, the Biró brothers left Hungary due to its support of Hitler (based) and eventually settled in Argentina, where they founded/developed a new brand of ballpoint pens with their friend Juan Jorge Meyne and filed a new, better patent in 1943.
Now this is where things get messy and my sources differ sliiightly but considerably enough to be confusing.
One the one hand, you have two companies, Eversharp Co and Eberhard Faber Co teaming up to license this Birome pen in the USA.
Around the same time, a bit later, some American fuckhead, also known as Milton Reynolds gets a hold of a Biró pen and gets a whiff of sales money immediately. He goes back to the US and starts his own company. This is Absolutely Not A Copyright Infringement since he's selling an altered copy only loosely based on those Birome pens. Definitely. Absolutely.
I mean, to be fair, it was in fact different enough to count as its own brand. And it skipped and leaked and did not live up to user expectations. But neither did Eversharp/Faber's pens, and both companies were constantly caught up in their beef that both companies went down like a lead balloon.
Eventually, Parker Pens got out the first proper design that, you know, actually worked as intended (and was, I think, actually licensed to Birome pens), and a little later Bich, then shortened to Bic, made a design that actually offered quite some precision. This was around the 1940s/1950s when ballpoint pens now finally, actually, permanently came in use (Bic around the 60s I believe) and I love them.
Keep in mind, though, I only used three sources, one of those Wikipedia, and picked through slight contradictions to figure out what makes sense and is the most likely, so take this with a grain of salt.
For the initial purposes of my research, however, this was more than sufficient. (I needed to know if I could have a character in the 30s click a pen. Since they were still pretty much not in use back then, she got to twirl a pencil instead. It was one tiny sentence.)
Thank you for asking! It's my favourite piece of niche knowledge to whip out at random and the only one I can support with dates and names, though I did have to read up on my bookmarked pages. I am waiting for the day when I finally play powerpoint karaoke and get the topic of ballpoint pens. Please let this happen, it would be so funny. Uno uno (<- prayer of my friend group).
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mildmayfoxe · 6 months
hey remember when i was like "i should change my domain to milktooth.co to be more professional and clean" and everyone was like "yes" well i just went to my domain website to renew my dot gay and also snap up dot co and guess what. it's already registered to a PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY CLINIC IN CALIFORNIA
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White Fang propaganda. how come all the bad faunus have different skin tones handle trauma in less comfortable ways fight harder against their oppressive system and in turn are more oppressed by the system. meanwhile 80-90% of the good ones are virtually all white with a handful of exceptions and also never. do. anything. about their peoples oppression. BUT THATS OK THOUGH the humans aren’t that bad they’re just scared of the black people. I mean they’re scared of the the Faunus they’re scared of……. the oppressors are scared of the minorities surely both sides are equally bad :)
Shoot me. It’d hurt less
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whetstonefires · 1 year
lululemon (reasonably reputable yoga pants vendor) was for some reason in the Pride parade today, and i got them confused with lularoe (scummy leggings vendor) and was like THAT'S THE WrONG KINd of MLM GUYS
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consumable-clots · 28 days
Wilco. Enterprise
This post gives some worldbuilding information that's relevant to my Alien-verse synthetic OC, Arcade Kento. This company is one that I made up based on information from the Alien RPG core rulebook and various other sources.
About Wilco.
Founded by Akio Kento in 2018, originally under the name 'Wilco. R&D'. The company specialised in metallurgical research and small scale manufacturing of patented industrial alloys. In 2020, the discovery of several new, presently undisclosed, ores allowed Wilco. to become the pioneering developer of super-thermal insulation technology which revolutionised the company's approach to product design.
The company's monopoly on these vital materials has allowed it to secure a seat at the table of technological giants alongside household names such as Weyland Industries and Seegson despite its comparatively small reach. They needed Wilco. to supply the parts for that future plans to build atmospheric generators to terraform their new colony worlds, develop more durable equipment, and more advanced ships to get them there and back. Moreover, Wilco. is also the supplier for the various governments that quickly came to rely on its ores, granting the company and its territories protection against annexation by private entities and any single governing body.
Company overview
Affiliated characters
Arcade Kento - Current CEO
Akio Kento - Founder and former CEO (Deceased)
Gerhart - COO
Overlord - Central AI mainframe
Products and patents
Atmospheric processors
Machine parts
Engineered materials
Head office - Nishi-Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, Earth, Sol-System
Operational HQ - Wilco. owned system outside of human space, precise location undisclosed
Shipping and logistics
Fortress Logistics
Coronis Interstellar Express
Hephaestus Industrial
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bunnyb34r · 1 month
I have the app for our store bc I get my meds through work on my phone and they announce every fucking sale like "$8,000 in SAVINGS!" and show every fucking item and every time I get that push notification I go "you shut your whore mouth and stop telling them ab that" gsgsgdgdg
Then I scour the online ad to make sure I don't have a gazillion sale items on there. Got lucky this time 😏 there's like just baby shit listed and it's two items, I don't even think they're on sale, just like "look what you can buy!" But still shut up stop telling people we have sales 😭 go away
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porciaenjoyer · 1 month
would you pay five million dollars (~3,600,000 usd) for her
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spn2006 · 1 year
as an spn fan its come to my attention that unless you know a thing or two about guns you might be missing out on one of my favourite spn meta-jokes, which is that in the au episode where sam and dean aren’t related, their names are dean smith and sam wesson because smith & wesson is the name of a gun manufacturer. you know what else is the name of a gun manufacturer? winchester
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