#brain go fucking BRRR
scarlettjemily · 1 month
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Emily looked so good in 2x12, it's taking all the self control in me to not edit every fucking frame of this woman's face
I still have more gif sets in my drafts, please mind your business
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toffeebeantable · 2 years
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Serirei warmth
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soulless-bex · 6 months
was listening to music while driving, as one does, when my brain, the silly little thing goes:
wouldn’t it be funny if dick grayson killed the joker (who stays dead because he deserves to be) for killing jason and goes through a whole breakdown over whether or not jason would approve of what he did, ultimately deciding that no, jason the happy robin would not be happy with his big brother, no matter how strained their relationship may have been before his death, killing a man out of revenge
cue jason as red hood, pre identify reveal, asking nightwing about what happened to the joker (because of course bruce had it covered up, because in his twisted little mind, a vigilante permanently taking out the mass murderer who is singlehandedly the number one cause of death in gotham would break the gothamites’ trust in them). nightwing admits, because since the joker is dead jason doesn’t have a reason to push the dramatics as much, he’s just fucking with the bats and keeping crime alley safe, and jason has his turn at a breakdown because he just found out someone actually avenged him
emotional reunion. everyone is happy. the end.
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dd-writes · 7 months
Hand expressing your tits while you ride me till I'm covered in milk as I breed you again
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ineed-to-sleep · 10 months
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Hate that I found this scene kinda hot
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kultavalo · 4 months
I should honestly go to sleep but CRAFTS
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desitenya · 2 years
i wish i had infinite money because god those huge stuffed animals they sell at walmart for like 100 bucks are the best thing ever
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lvlystars · 8 months
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me after sobbing crying throwing up over my bio exam that's in approximately 7 hours (i don't remember a single thing, i'm regretting my life choices, and i am definitely failing this.)
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syekick-powers · 3 months
honestly. being real. ive looked into a lot of various indie ttrpgs that haven't spoken to me, and i end up just coming back to D&D over and over. and i think i finally fully understand why that is.
D&D is very heavy on rules for what can happen in combat, but fairly light on rules for when it comes to story structure and roleplay. as a result, roleplay scenes feel a bit more natural and flowing, with the only mechanical aspect being the occasional skill check for like, intimidation / deception / persuasion / etc. but then, unlike the roleplay, the things that can be achieved in combat are pretty strictly regulated. this is fun for how i like to roleplay, as someone who used to do a lot of freeform RP--the problem with freeform RP style combat sometimes is that if you're RPing combat with someone who gets really wound up about making their characters always win, it can be really fucking hard to counteract the shit they have their characters pull out of their back pocket. having a VERY clearly defined and strict set of rules for specifically combat makes it so that when combat DOES happen, people can't just Say Shit about what they have their characters do--they have a limited character framework to work in and a limited set of tools that they can work with, and enjoyable combats come from using those tools in that framework creatively, effectively, and excitingly. this makes combat feel like it has genuine stakes, and when done right can be very intense and exciting. and then when you do actual like, character interaction and story building? there's just not a lot of strictly defined rules for what can and can't be done in those realms, both for a player and the DM. there aren't any constraints on the structure of the narrative that the DM presents, which means it's fairly easy to rip out the pre-packaged D&D lore, re-fluff a few things that heavily reference that lore, and just homebrew your own story structure and lore and world and characters and pantheons and the like.
my problem with a lot of indie TTRPGs is that a lot of them are married to either a very specific story structure that the system mandates that you follow, or a very specific pre-made world that the system is mechanically built to form around, and that level of pre-determination doesn't interest me either as a player OR as a GM. like these are fundamental rules in these systems that would gut it if you tore them out and replaced them with something else, which means that if you tried to go against those premade structures/settings, you would basically have to homebrew the entire goddamn thing from scratch anyway. D&D's relative rules-heaviness of combat and rules-lightness of roleplay makes it easier for D&D to provide me the kinds of stories that i actually want to participate in, even if people insist it's not as "flexible" as many people think it is. like. yes. don't run a regency romance game in D&D, obviously. but if ur running a high fantasy type of game focused on adventuring, D&D can be adapted pretty well to a homebrew setting and world with minimal effort.
and tbh, i really think that's why it has the cultural dominance that it does, and why i personally keep engaging with it as a ttrpg even as people yell from all sides to play something else. "just do freeform RP!" ive done freeform RP. it's good for character building and dialogue and intrigue and sex but it fucking sucks when characters have to fight. i fucking hate it when im trying to RP fighting in freeform RP and whatever person im fighting against just keeps fucking kicking my ass no matter what i have my character do because my RP partner is so invested in forcing me to lose or give up that they just pull whatever the hell they can think of out of their back pocket to beat my character into submission. at least with an incredibly well-defined set of rules for how combat works, your opponents are also working in a limited framework with limited tools, so even if they do fucking kick your ass, it doesn't feel completely stupid and arbitrary, and since opponents' attacks are governed by dice rolls almost as much as players' attacks are, the amount of arbitrariness in the combat is not wholly stacked against you unless you're fighting against something that's WAY out of your party's league--and even then, those creatures and people are still going to be bound by their dice rolls as much as you are, they might just have better bonuses and/or fewer penalties to make things a bit more favorable for them. that horrifying fucking monster you're fighting may have an insane bonus to attack, but it could still roll a critical fail when it tries to attack you, just as much as you might roll a critical fail to attack it in turn. everyone operates under the same rules and will have similar limitations placed on them by those rules, and participants have much less leeway to make their characters' combat prowess be whatever the hell they want whenever anything even mildly threatening happens.
#sye's babbles#i also think that people who holler about 'forcing D&D to tell unfitting stories' are seriously overestimating how many ppl actually do tha#like. D&D has certain aspects of how it works that are pretty useful building blocks!#i like the idea of the six ability scores and the skill system!#im not super fond of how magic works in D&D though#which is why one of my projects of trying to homebrew my own TTRPG game was like#taking some of D&D's fundamental building blocks and then remaking the magic system how i personally wanted it to work#because there are certain elements of D&D i do LIKE a LOT!#and i dont think there's anything wrong with borrowing some of those elements to build off of when you're making a homebrew system#like i understand the desire to encourage people to play something other than D&D#but some of us have looked into the systems you're recommending and just.... didn't like them!#like a lot of the time the shit people recommend are not what i am looking for in a TTRPG#and a lot of people seem to misunderstand that#the basic idea of Adventuring as presented in D&D is a fun baseline to work with!!!#and while i understand some people might be more interested in trying out other story structures or genres......#i like the genre trappings of D&D and adventuring and doing quests and shit like that.#i really do enjoy it as a genre of storytelling on its own.#i get that some people want to do horror or other shit like that#but please understand that i just want to toss 3-6 gay little dudes me n my friends create into a group#and watch them battle monsters and solve problems and buy magic items and shit.#stop assuming that everyone who plays D&D only does so because they dont know any better#i play D&D because i enjoy it!!! ive been playing TTRPG since i was in middle school and i've enjoyed it this entire time!!!!#if you wanna play other indie RPGs thats totally fine but ive seen other systems and they just dont interest me#and it's NOT because i am inexperienced with TTRPG in general#the first ever TTRPG i played wasn't even IN D&D it was in BESM#my formative TTRPG experience was NOT D&D and i still choose to engage with it because it makes my brain go brrr while other systems do not#[old man voice] get off my fucking porch and let me enjoy my day
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whump-queen · 2 years
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pretty boy void drawn for me by @hidden-dreamland 🥰🥰
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rahabs · 11 months
Holy shit! Doom spiral.
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sy-dragon · 8 months
In the middle of the night: Ooooooo! New fanfic idea! New Art idea! Start writing! Start Drawing! Start reblogging!
During the day: *cricket noises* Yeah, I'm just gonna watch videos and listen to music.
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positivelyghastly · 1 year
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More Sister Stolas for your dash
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999-roses · 2 years
anyone else get periods of like. idk intense weepiness like the world is just so massively suffocatingly beautiful? humans struggling through history (history including the present) and the horrors are so real and sometimes we've turned on the ones closest to us but we [humanity at large] didn't give up. or the vast symphonic cacophony of human languages, spectrums of expression like a ray of light striking an opal, scattering into innumerable dazzling scintillations, but in this sea of delightful chaos, I can speak to you. and across the confines of language we reach out to express to connect to spark and see the spark in the Others, across cultures across time we will build bridges aashdahdhahhhhhh infrastructure and architecture is so cool this glorious experiment of life on life on life and all its expressions will continue and hopefully will continue even when I'm gone.. well, it must coalesce because the threat of nuclear war and annihilation means ALL humans lose. eons of love cannot end here. the ultimate tragedy of the last link of a broken chain
or maybe i just got off my sleep schedule and insomnia/staying awake wayy too long swerves my brain into mania-lite zone send help someone force me to sleep. why am i crying about the ability to see colors.
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halscafe · 2 years
here's a thought that has hit me in this late hour:
in "what you deserve" from the cataclysm plot, as vega and vindemiator/gavin wait for FL to get the hard drive in, they communicate with avior via some type of walkie-talkie. however, vega is speaking telepathically as avior and vindemiator/gavin are speaking verbally.
my thought (or i guess observation) is as follows: how the hell is vega getting his telepathic thoughts through to avior??
the range of d(a)emon telepathic communication has never been mentioned, but i imagine there has to be some kind of limit. and if there is a limit, is the demonic trio here using some type of magical walkie-talkie that allows the waves(?) of the telepathy to be transmitted through?
this is all assuming that avior isn't in close proximity to vega and vindemiator/gavin, so there's that also (・з・)
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malhare-archive · 2 years
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I think about the way William Afton is described/characterized in The Silver Eyes a lot
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