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rubia-peregrinart · 2 months ago
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misc bloodborbe but it's just the faves (ft Kate Beaton's classic)
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mishavoltaire · 2 years ago
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sketches of gay people asked from friends!
brador just has his tits out all the time don't worry
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jinxie-117 · 4 months ago
yeah so i finally put out something new again
Holyvicar bullshit this time! Featuring my random Ludwig + Simon + Brador friend group headcanons! But there will be a second chapter and I will resume my regular duties as the Micolaurence brainrot victim so look out for that. I haven't published anything in yonks but hey now we're here. When will chapter 2 be released? Straight up releasing it? Well. Let's justr say. I have exams rn so you have to wait
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katyspersonal · 11 months ago
I accidentally stumbled upon a post you rbbed about canon characters who beat each other up violently and in fanon they violently make out and your tags about alfred and the cainhurst crow have made something in me stir. this is a brilliant pairing how did I never consider this
Oh, damn really now fshgdfdsg This pairing is actually a controversial classic of this fandom, on the level with Ariadella or Bradmon!! I am glad to give you an Insight point on accident hahaha; I believe it's normally called Crowfred, I tend to opt out for Alfeater! Ships where one or both characters aren't named goddamit..
My style of discussions about ships is to offer some more Insights like some dealer but with autism instead of drugs, so.. Two things:
1) Their age and/or timeline gap is uncertain!
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In original Japanese script, Alfred doesn't call himself a "protege" of Master Logarius, which leaves it up to interpretation whether he even met Logarius in person or simply adores him parasocially! Should Bloody Crow come directly from Cainhurst, that'd make him much older than Alfred!
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On the other hand, despite Arianna and Bloody Crow (and Fauxsefka, for that matter) existing, Annalise says that you are the only one consanguineously connected with her! It could come from the effect expiring over time if the person doesn't take her blood, which is what I am using. But at the same time, the Vilebloods we know might actually be descendants of the surviving ones! I've had some analysis on Arianna in this ( x ) post, but the gist of it: since actual noble dresses are silver, but hers is burgundy and coincidentally stretches during pregnancy no problem, her mother might have ran away while pregnant with Arianna!
But why Bloody Crow could not be similar, simply a descendant of the Vilebloods that never met Annalise in person and follows the mental image? Both Alfred and Crow could be caught in the unhealthy quest of admiring a person they've never met, continuing the rituals and the ideas of their ancestors they might not fully grasp, and moreover, continuing the old violent ideological conflict they don't even know the actual roots of or the reasons of continuing. They "gotta" kill each other because... why? Who told them they should? What about their own lives, not lives and honour of their 'ancestors'? It adds a lot of drama, and even makes stopping the war that isn't even their with love of all things more romantic!
At the same time, if one of them IS older and smarter, it opens up a whole other potential for the story. Crow could push the "naive fool" away from the crazy quest, or Alfred could convince Crow that sacrifices for "child of blood" is an evil and cursed thing. ....only if either of them calms their murderous unhinged energy for a second. :') And IF they both hail from the 'OG conflict' (time works strange ways in Yharnam), there is the appeal of simply growing tired from the pointless conflict which already destroyed both sides and they can face it together. Bonus controversy points depending on how many of each others side they've killed yet: Alfred straight up identifies as hunter of Vilebloods, whereas Crow is found in Grand Cathedral and strangely wields Healing Church's gun instead of something from Cainhurst (was he looting the victims or something?)
2) There is an alternative way to go about their story!
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What if you read Alfred's deep resentment towards Annalise "seducing" people not as some hateful propaganda of the Church he's probably parroting, but as an actual precedent of something that happened? What if Bloody Crow wielding a Healing Church weapon IS his? What if the two used to BOTH be with the Healing Church and look for Annalise together, and one time Bloody Crow managed to reach his goal.. only to be completely charmed by Annalise and betray the Healing Church to join the Vilebloods instead, and he is only acting like crow-feathered Hunter of Hunters to have easier access to murdering people rather than beasts! (Djura pls stop trying to intervene let me finish typing the post ffs hfdjfdshsdfh)
So, Alfred IS pretty mad at his friend having chosen to simp instead, but can't blame Crow himself for it. This idea does need to address why then Annalise says you're 'the only one', as well as how would Crow overcome Logarius being an obstacle? @val-of-the-north says that maybe Bloody Crow instead joined via some other surviving Vileblood outside, so what we have. Parasocial? Telepathy? Communication via bell teleports? In either case, I think this is also an alternative idea worth exploring! Less dramatic, but also less controversial? (though would Alfred be a possessive jealous EX then? who knows..)
I want you to know though: I am actually kinda indifferent towards this ship by 'default', but while typing this reply I was going a little 😳 and thinking this is actually pretty great...? So, I've accidentally made YOU interested in it, and by YOUR interest, you've made ME interested in it- What is going onnnn dshhfdshdsf THIS IS TOO FUNNY HELP
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P.S.: It is a no brainer that similar thinking applies to Ariadella in many parts! Adella only murders Arianna if she "dirtied" Hunter's blood for like three times, but in all cases, there is hope to look past fanatical brainwashing / glory and honour of ancestors respectively.. The way I see it, the message Miyazaki put here (and WOULD put here, considering his track record) is more "both sides were corrupt as fuck leeching on Yharnam in their own ways and this war was always pointless" than "church bad vampires good" fdsjhhdfs They all can talk..... this contradiction is so meaningless, ESPECIALLY if you are only continuing the ways of your ancestors before you had a choice to develop your own world-view. god. just talk, guys/girls....
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citysnib-new-media · 5 years ago
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Sunset on Bradmon #sunset #urbancolour #stevetheartist😀 @smun.creativecorner @visualartistfound @thewillowcommunity @visit_niagara @photoplacegallery @photographerfocus @sgi_canada #citysnibphotos #Thankyou #artistoninstagram #visualart #artistforlife #smun #ocaalumni #moment #myvision #photography #seasons #digitalart #love #happiness #buddhism #canadian #plewssteve #ontario #niagara #lightroom #aoca #canont7i #ptsd #fortoday #artists_worldly 😄🍁📷 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7BgBsunAvz/?igshid=yolk0i8che2x
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jinxie-117 · 5 months ago
new toxic yaoi guys. your guy's a bradmon shipper now
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katyspersonal · 2 years ago
I genuinely had no idea how to call Rom x Ebrietas ship and your Spiderietas idea is really neat. Sorry if that's a weird question but do you have some other names for the ships that aren't really named by the fandom?
Oh, thanks! Yeah uhhh, "creative" names usually happen from the fact that actual characters names might not clash well at all... Normally I just clash names where they share a letter, but at times there is no shared one as well, or a character is not named..
So yeah I will just share names I am using:
Spiderietas - Rom x Ebrietas, obviously! Because Rom is a spider.
Iosedgar - Iosefka x Edgar. Another rareship, based on the fact that there is her blood vial in Nightmare of Mensis! I had an alternative version that it was a parting gift (?) from Iosefka to Edgar, and just recently some anon had the same idea, which prompted me to name the ship!
Crownalise - Bloody Crow x Annalise! This name is coined by @heraldofcrow actually, since Crow doesn't have canon name and you'd have to improvise, but it is cute as it has word 'crown' in it xd I also used to call King x Annalise ship cainnalise... Because king of Cainhurst and Annalise, and because of some headcanon regarding taking name/title of 'Cain' upon marriage, dating back to an important member of the dynasty named that, but my headcanons since then changed from THE first Cain being Yharnam's (sacrificial) spouse in cursed marriage ritual, to being her brother that had to continue the bloodline since Mergo literally fused with Yharnam's womb, sooo.. Yeah, I am not SURE if this name still works. I might cope with it being related to the castle rather than the person Cain, so that's up in the air!
Djurally - Djura x Djura's Ally. Again, that NPC has no name, he is literally titled 'Djura's Ally, so same thing x)
Assasimon - Using it for Brador x Simon. I did hear variant 'bradmon', but I think the "creative" one just works for me better. I'd usually use both in the tags, actually!
Simoonlight - Simon x Ludwig, another "had to use my imagination" moment because I swear Simon's name works sooooo awfully with most of the names ;-; I heard variant 'bowblade', but it really doesn't satisfy me because it is literally Simon's weapon's name dsjhfhds It is a personal nitpick and you should not use my silly replacement and instead should just use 'bowblade' like a normal person xd
Hunterriet - Hunter x Henriett! Aka wasted potential of the character on From's side in my opinion
Yahargura - okay, this ship 10000% doesn't exist, like, no chance in Hell. I totes made this shit up 😎 But basically, a Yahar'gul hunter we find in Underground Cells - same place where Yamamura and Gratia are at, is not Antal. He uses Church's pick too, but he has completely different data otherwise! I have this whole story in my head, with how Yamamura is a summon in Yahar'gul, and how there is already a defector Antal - that maybe it was another defector friend that helped him to escape! So Yamamura, Simon, Gratia and this hunter basically formed the YOU MEDDLING KIDS team to close in on Church's darkest secrets! So yeah, it is one the ships possible within the team (and my preferred one). There are also simamura (Simon x Yamamura) and gratimon (Gratia x Simon). See, Simon's name is so inconvenient! He makes ship names sound like Dig1mon names -_-"
Romaria - Rom x Maria. It is closer to a crackships than to a rareship, and was based off my old joke about how Willem x Rom is similar to Gehrmaria but with magic aesthetic instead of warrior one dhfdhs Granted, it is not that similar (for one I am CALLING status and age difference between Rom and Willem to be much bigger), but somewhere deep in my mind there are unborn shitposts mostly based off Willem and Gehrman getting cucked I am thinking maybe willemoonside for Willem x Rom (awful and cursed) since she is in the Moonside Lake as a spider.., because I am NOT calling it 'romushroom'. NOPE.
Yurimposter - Yurie/Julie x Imposter Iosefka. Really have had it with unnamed characters... :( Yuriedgar for her and Edgar, of course. And impostedgar for the remaining pair, though I've never seen anyone ship it?
Yurimian - Yurie x Damian. It was my very first BB ship, along with @val-of-the-north, based on the idea that both of these characters are, actually, "failed" members of their respective institutions. Since then my vision of both characters had changed so much that I find it hard to feel the same way about this ship now, but there is just still.. something. Besides Val still loves this ship, so I am not allowed to 100% disown it xD
I also simply use yurom for Yurie x Rom, although I personally consistently refer to her as Julie (a more accurate translation of her name). I tried to have something creative, like for example 'vacurie' (vacious + yurie), but I didn't like anything so I just clashing names here!
Bradorence - Brador x Laurence, my beloved. If there is secretly a "fancy" name that is used instead, let me know! This ship basically doesn't exist so I cannot be sure on whether there is accepted name for it yet or not?
Romicolash - Rom x Micolash, I use it together with 'micorom' because I just like this name for the ship better.
Kosmicolash - Micolash x Kos, obviously, and Abductor Parents for Micolash x Wet Nurse because I honestly don't know what word to come up with BUT they do have a kidnapped infant xdddd
Djurman - Djura x Gehrman! Talked about this one, lotta parallels with Maria, lotta reasons to theorise Djura was his first Dreaming Hunter; and I think the only one that worked with him for him for more than one night.
Swordsmelia - Amelia/Emilia x Cleric Beast from the bridge! That beast drops Swords Hunter badge, basically a toned-down version of the badge of Ludwig's Holy Blades, so I presume it used to be one of the clerics who are also... well, swordsmen... Badge's description says so. Chiemilia is an alternative that I probably will use instead tbh, coming from chief + Emilia (it is a more proper translation of her name), since with that badge it is ALSO how you buy Hunter's Chief Emblem, so likely that cleric beast is now in the status Ludwig used to be... okay, this paragraph is just turning into 'why you should care about Cleric Beast of the bridge, lol sdhfdsdf. In fact, if there is already a name, I'd like to know, but I have not seen this ship often...? Like, at all? I've seen Laurence x Amelia more often than this, actually! (that I call amence, as hysterical as this name containing word 'amen' is lol.) Again, I saw these ships, but I never saw a name for either, even once? help
Adolline - Adeline x Doll! There are like 5 ways to justify how it could happen, so I will just leave it be here.
Mariador - Maria x Brador. If someone ever actually ships it please kick me, I am not proactive on this ship but it could be pretty fun I think xd
Maria x Ludwig genuinely has me puzzled, because mariudwig doesn't sound all that bad, but I also WANT to "get creative" xd Cainhudwig is as punny as I like em, but mariudwig sounds better? Honestly, I think with this one I am okay just calling it this..?
Nightmaresearch - this one is also silly, and comes from the fact that BOTH characters in it are unnamed. It is how I called a ship of those female Church hunters (black and white) that you have to fight before entering Research Hall. I also have a variant knightmaresearch when Maria is involved, because she is a Knight, so it becomes double pun.. I saw this "ship" with all three girls usually in pr0n context in Japanese sources, but also I once saw the white girl and Maria legitimately shipped. Basically, 'nightmare' is replaced with 'knightmare' whether it is Maria with both or only one of these girls. If Hell freezes over, sky falls on Earth, BB gets ported on PC and these hunters become popular enough to discern the ship names better, I might reconsider, but so far it works!
Micoed for Micolash x Edgar, damicolash for Damian x Micolash and edgamian for Edgar x Damian. Nuff said. Edgamialash for all three.
Forgotentacles - Forgotten Madman x Madman's Escort. xd I know this name is hysterical, but it makes sense because they both wear robes wrapped with coiled tentacles, and use Augur.... :') xd Again - when both characters are not named lmao bottomtext.
Despairing - both of Desperate Hunters / Hunters of Despair / whatever shipped.
Alfeather - Alfred x Crow, but it's been like two years since I've lost liking for this ship, sorry.. Too much hassle with how not only Alfred's questline should never progress, but he also should have been a total looser that never actually found and harmed a single Vileblood in his life- because Crow would never forgive that. I just prefer to let Alfred be eeeeeviiiiiil rather than "preserve" him from actually doing something for the sake of a ship I do not even main xd
Okaaaay..... That's all I have to offer for now- Again, maybe there are secret corners of the fandom I haven't seen that named some of these already and I am just being goofy, just hit me up if something comes up! I also absolutely cannot come up with a name for Maria x Bloody Crow... I was thinking Astral Crowtower, but maybe a better name is yet to come to me. (besides I do not main this ship either) Thank you for an ask! And honestly sorry for (most likely) frying your brain with the puns 💀💀💀
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katyspersonal · 3 years ago
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I like it here a lot, actually
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katyspersonal · 2 years ago
8, 12 & 14 for the Soulsborne asks !
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sdjdfs Noooo don't worry you are fine! xD But yeah, number 14 is about what game got me into series. Bloodborne not only got me into series though, but also was my first experience with PS4. And my REASON to finally buy PS4.
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
8. Do you have any fond coop memories? Does a specific moment stand out to you?
I do not know if helper NPCs summons count as co-op, because I never played a Soulsborne game online, and probably never will. Online just doesn't work and I gave up trying to fix it. :s
IF summons of NPCs count though, I will say, my fondest memory was the only, and I mean the ONLY time when Damian actually arrived BEFORE I got killed by Rom! fsdjfhs There is a glitch that makes him appear all TOO late every time, I love to joke that that time he finally overcame his arachnophobia fjhfhds xD
12. Are there any ships you enjoy? 
In perspective, I am able to enjoy any ship, given I find the right angle to look from, right interpretation, etc. Even if ship is random. Or cursed. I mean I disliked Bradmon at first, and now look!
I will, HOWEVER, use this ask to mention the 🅱️loodborne ships that I like but apparently that "do not exist", hahaha!
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Maria x Ludwig (hey, they unintentionally side with the same deity, too!)
Henriett x Iosefka (wow that went WELL...)
Edgar x Rom (Mico's enablers unite!)
Archibald x Micolash (mad scientists that never shut up!)
Valtr x Djura (thing of the past, I feel like Djura was the one to take Valtr under his wing after his... interesting arrival)
Patches x Rom (mfw it actually makes sense)
Simon x Yamamura (Gratia keeps helping them, because without her they will die from fueling each other's depression)
Damian x Yurie (people that didn't fit in with their respective factions)
Izzy x Ludwig (more cursed than Bradmon by large margin)
Rom x Adeline (is this even a ship? more like besties, and reserved for an AU where both lived longer)
Rom x Maria (Maria's type of a woman but one she doesn't feel so guilty with? that might help)
Patches x Chester (whatever happened with Chester that threw him into DS verse was something they discovered with Patches together and I will DIE on this hill)
Damian x Rom (short-lasted but happy)
Laurence x Logarius (cleric and swordsman but EVIL version!)
Okay this list was longer in my mind. I will stop having such a strong Rom brainrot and focus on other characters, I promise :'(
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katyspersonal · 2 years ago
I’ll ask about my dearest boi, Bloody Crow of Cainhurst for the character bingo!! (Btw those flower pics gave me a huge seratonin boost <3)
I am glad you liked the pictures! And I am glad I remembered that meme was a thing. Alright, let's see-
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This is a complicated one! And now I realise this meme slightly lacks important options (such as, 'fandom doesn't explore this character nearly enough'). So yeah, I picked 'wasted potential' because there are just not enough interactions explored with him, besides Alfred or Eileen! Like... there are Maria, and Annalise, and many other people! And 'they got done dirty by creators' because they did not give him a unique face data, and kept generic one ;-; I should have rounded the same for Eileen though. At least Elden Ring seems like they learned their mistakes and started to actually give ALL characters unique datas.
(I still believe that the pretty guard on one of the portraits in Cainhurst IS him though, also he totally has eyeshadow and paints his nails. xD)
I am not a big fan of their ship with Alfred though :s However, Ariadella and Bradmon/Assasimon likewise fall for the 'oh one of them wants to kill another? THAT MEANS THEY'RE FUCKIN-' fandom trope and I disliked both at first, but I ended up finding interpretation of Bradmon that I do enjoy, and I can see how Arianna and Adella could be the kind of opposites that end up benefiting each other under better circumstances, so maybe Alfred and Crow likewise has an angle I can get behind with? But currently, and by default, it feels strange for me to ship the blood queen simp with the guy that wishes her (and her whole clan) death.
Crow gives off a very strong vibe of cruel character though hahaha! Blood Dregs are said to be found in blood-drunk hunters, so he just used Eileen for easier access, doing honorable mission of Hunters of Hunters dirty like this? Calculative, too. I would not put it past the guy to be some sort of awful mastermind - it is just a 'vibe' we get from him killing Eileen (one of the most beloved characters) and being a very relentless hostile NPC, but it works, alright? Some impressions are just so apparent @_@'
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