AJ Constantine
231 posts
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ajconstantine · 1 day ago
Good Omens Sweet Spicy Spring Collab Pilatesandpinot teaser.
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Our next sneak peak for the Good Omens Sweet Spicy Spring collaboration is from Pilatesandpinot!
Spring’s dessert contest promises plenty of sweets, but nothing is as tempting as Azira herself. A curvaceous vampire with a taste for indulgence, she knows exactly how to lure Crowley in—with lingering kisses, shared treats, and a touch of mischief. And for werewolf Crowley, some of her cravings have nothing to do with the full moon.
“Oh, this is delightful,” Azira sighed, laying down on the bed. Yet again, she clashed with the monochrome shades in Crowley’s room, but Crowley simply watched as that gorgeous, curvaceous vampire splayed out on the bed and patted the space beside her. “Bring those treats over for me, Crowley dear,” she said. Crowley gulped, still clutching the box of leftover treats from the tearoom and sat herself on the bed with Azira. She propped her head on a hand with her elbow on the mattress and let her dress ride up a bit to show her mid-upper thigh. She opened the box and plucked up a pink macaron that had chocolate filling and smelled like raspberries. Azira watched as Crowley placed it partly in her mouth but left another part sticking out. “Wily old werewolf,” Azira snorted. She leaned forward and took a bite from the macaron, giggling at each other as they chewed their halves. Crowley didn’t want to admit, but those frilly little macarons were tasty, between the rich chocolate filling that had bits of raspberry jam in the center as well as the delicate, fruity crumble of the biscuits. There was a small bit of filling on the corner of Azira’s mouth, so Crowley lightly kissed it away, though that didn’t stop Azira from sneaking another kiss.
More to come on March 23rd!
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ajconstantine · 3 days ago
Good Omens Sweet Spicy Spring Collab TawnyOwl Teaser
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Our next sneak peak for the Good Omens Sweet Spicy Spring collaboration is from TawnyOwl!
Step into a fantasy world of chimeras, where spring brings new beginnings—and unexpected connections. Aziraphale and Crowley meet in a breeding program, but despite the unusual circumstances, they discover that sweetness can go hand in hand with spice.
That's why you're here, you know?” It was hard to follow the tangents of Crowley's brain, so Aziraphale just shook his head. “Cubs.” Crowley rested her chin on her paws, looking at him with a brittle expression. “There aren't many chimera left in the wild.” Aziraphale wanted to ask what The Wild was, he'd heard Anathema use it sometimes when she brought the other acolytes round. His thoughts were rather overrun by cubs though. “Cubs?” “You. Me. Cubs.” That was rather a lot to take in. A strange warm feeling was spreading through Aziraphale. It was not quite pleasant and very squirmy.  “Oh. that's. I mean. Not that I hadn't thought.” Even before he'd met Crowley, he'd considered what it would be like to mate, to have an outlet for the changing urges his body had started demanding of him. It suddenly felt like every one of those was splashed across his face. It made his skin hot. “Only maybe in the future,” Aziraphale added hastily. “When we knew each other better. Do you want cubs?” He began licking his paws so he wouldn't have to look at Crowley's patient amusement. “You're the first one that's asked." Crowley stretched, flicking out her leathery wings as her spine bowed. The move tried to be nonchalant and unconcerned, but Aziraphale knew her too well to be fooled now. “Well, they couldn't have been very polite.” “They weren't.” She stretched again and got up. “Either of them. I soon set them straight.” Aziraphale was very glad of that for a number of chivalrous, and rather less chivalrous reasons that he didn't want to inspect to closely. “I bet you did. You're terrifying.” “Aren't I? So, you wanted to fly?” Crowley landed on the ground next to him, her tail twitching against his nose as she stalked past. “Yes!” Crowley glanced back over her shoulder. “Come on then.”
Read more of the story on April 16th!
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ajconstantine · 6 days ago
Another delightful teaser from the Sweet Spicy Spring collaboration! Look at Crowley’s tongue hanging out over a tantalizing bit of exposed forearm.
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Coming Soon! Running on Empty: Fill Me Up, a Good Omens AU
I am excited to participate in the Good Omens Sweet Spicy Spring Collaboration with my latest human AU, Running on Empty: Fill Me Up. Coming to AO3 on March 26, 2025.
“Well, um…” Think. He did not want to let this man walk away. He rubbed the back of his neck as he continued, “I’m, uh, looking for a new mechanic for the Bentley. I wonder if you know someone who, um, specializes in older cars.” He wasn’t. He had a phenomenal mechanic who also happened to be his best friend, but he couldn’t think of anything else he and this angel possibly had in common besides owning extremely old automobiles. 
The man’s already-bright face lit up even more, making Crowley appreciative for his sunglasses. The radiance of this man’s smile would definitely trigger a migraine without them. “Yes, as a matter of fact, I do,” he said, looking down at the cuff of his shirt. “He’s a wonderful fellow.” With his attention still focused on his wrist, he slipped the button on his cuff free from its hole. “I don’t remember the name of the shop, but I have the information at home.” He rolled up the sleeve to expose a muscular forearm covered in blond hair that Crowley wanted to run his fingers through. Or maybe his tongue. “If you give me your phone number, I can text the information later today.”
Visit the AO3 collection Sweet_Spicy_Spring_2025 to see all the creations.  Posting starts on March 20, 2025.
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ajconstantine · 6 days ago
Good Omens Sweet Spicy Spring Collab Teaser
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Our next teaser for the Good Omens Sweet Spicy Spring collaboration is from MM2022! It’s Paris Fashion Week in spring, and guess who’s turning heads on the catwalk? That’s right—Aziraphale and Crowley! Sparks fly with fashion in this glamorous, divine and devilishly stylish tale.
Crowley met his angel the day he Fell. He was not even being his usual dramatic self when saying this, no—a fall on the runway during Paris Fashion Week was indeed a capital-F Fall. Or, at least, it would have been, if it were not for the angel… The first half of Morningstar’s spring/summer 2025 show “Straight from Heaven” was shocking in how mundane it appeared. The glossy runway was lit with scorching white light, not a speck of shadow in sight. The backdrop offered the only splash of color—a huge screen showing the bird’s eye view of the most iconic landmarks in the world, arranged into an improbable skyline. The Shard, the Empire State Building, and the Pyramids were all visible at once, with the Eiffel Tower slowly drifting into view. Conventionally handsome models, stiff and unsmiling, paraded corporate couture in hues of very light grey with golden accents. Crowley was no exception. With his silvery-grey tracksuit over a dove-white turtleneck, a pale golden scarf knotted loosely around his neck, he blended with the rest of the models seamlessly, like one bee among the beehive. It was not his worst look ever—that distinction belonged to the one that came with a fake moustache—but it was just as bland as the others. He could almost hear the fashion journalists in the first row composing scathing reviews titled “Fifty shades of pale” or maybe “Boring as Heaven”. He grinned to himself as he rushed to change. Just you wait.
Read more of the story on April 9th!
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ajconstantine · 8 days ago
This is a fabulous opportunity to bid on a charity auction for having a fanfic custom bound into a physical book!
Brunheiffer's FTH 2025 Bookbinding
Here's a link to my 2025 Fandom Trumps Hate Auction Stall on dreamwidth, and here's crossing my fingers everything works. I'm offering your choice of a fandom binds with several caveats:
*If you’re not the author, you have to have the author’s permission!
You must have a screenshot of the fic author giving permission, or a screenshot of their blanket permission statement if they have one.
*It must have a happy ending, because I can’t typeset without reading and can’t handle a tragedy right now.
*Word count between 25,000-150,000
I’ll bind a series or collection of works so long as the total word count is <150,000
*It can be any rating, but if it is Explicit you must sign the age statement in the bidding form attesting that you are over 18.
*I will pay for shipping inside the USA. If it’s outside the US, I’ll split the cost 50/50 so please check rates first. It’s expensive.
Fandoms included: Good Omens, Star Trek (any iteration), Marvel (any iteration), Sherlock Holmes (any iteration), The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings
A few different items:
Good Omens fans, would you like your very own misprint edition of the fanfic series Lift Me Up, O Lord, by @copperplatebeech? Or Starstuff by @themoonmothwrites and @cassieoh? When I originally typeset Lift Me Up, it was as Lift Me Up, Oh Lord. Copper has graciously allowed me to auction it off, listed as Oh Lord Misprint Edition. Starstuff, the pages went a little off with the art, so there's an odd empty page and the_moonmoth was also gracious enough to allow an auction for it.
My other offerings are custom works you can bid on below. The highest bidder will donate directly to the charity and send me a screenshot of the receipt. Then I’ll make your book.
tl;dr I’ll make one fanbinding of one fanfic of your choice (with the author’s permission). There are three custom auctions, so three opportunities to bid on a book. And two ready-made, Lift Me Up, Oh Lord pictured here.
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You can see examples of my work here on my tumblr under #my binds
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ajconstantine · 8 days ago
Good Omens Sweet Spicy Spring Collab
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Celebrate spring with a collaboration of talented creators sharing Good Omens-inspired works for Sweet Spicy Spring, a themed event that will start posting on AO3 on the Spring Equinox, March 20th!
Tantalizing tidbits will be shared in the lead-up to the event—get ready for a Sweet Spicy Spring celebration!
Visit the AO3 collection Sweet_Spicy_Spring_2025 to see the creations.
Tagging as many of the creators I can who are are participating in the collab: @cassieoh @littleweezel @animeangelriku @on1occasionfork @gaiaseyes451 @heretic1103 @mageofthepeople @mirjana-gn-blog @moderndayklutz @musegnome @mybelovedismine @nieded @hakunahistata @shadowfang44 @snae-b @spectrallydistracted @tawnyontumblr @janara7 @leviosally
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ajconstantine · 22 days ago
A love letter to the Good Omens fandom
Today is my Ficaversary! 🎉 I'm celebrating five years of writing fanfic and swan diving headfirst into the Good Omens fandom!
This community has brought me an unexpected and immeasurable joy over the past five years. During the pandemic, it was a lifeline—offering support, creativity, and stories of love and hope in dark times. It gave me a space to pour out the endless stream of stories in my head and to fall desperately in love with writing itself.
Writing has become a passion—and writing fanfic has provided an amazing built-in community that has helped me hone my craft, collaborate with incredible writers, artists, and betas, and find a space where we cheer each other on, share our creations, and happily geek out over our favorite characters and themes.
And interacting with readers? Oh my goodness. It’s an incredible gift. Of course I love the cheers and wahoo’s—who wouldn’t? But beyond that, there have been moments when a reader has shared that they were going through a difficult time and that reading one of my stories helped them feel better. Whether it provided a simple distraction or a source of comfort, knowing that something I wrote could make even a small positive difference in someone’s life is both humbling and deeply meaningful.
For me, my love of this fandom has always been about more than just the original creators. The messages of Good Omens—of love against all odds, of acceptance in all its forms, of standing up against injustice—have grown beyond a single person. They’ve been shaped and carried forward by the fans, by the stories we tell, and by the way we support and uplift each other.
I fully understand and respect those who feel they need to step away from this space. But for me, the heart of this fandom is us—the community, the connections, and the stories that remind us why love, in all its forms, is worth celebrating. In times like these, I believe it’s more important than ever to stand together and uphold those themes—to champion love, acceptance, and resilience in the face of adversity.
Here’s to five years of writing, and to all the joy, creativity, and friendship this fandom has given me. ❤️
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ajconstantine · 22 days ago
Seeing a story of mine in print is a wonderous thing, and seeing it hand-bound by a lovely person out of the kindness of their heart is incredible.
I may or may not be making squeaking noises of joy that will have my cat looking for the mouse to pounce on.
Test copy of the very sweet and festive Dickens Fair by @ajconstantine I have never been to a Dickens Fair, but now I really want to. If you need a little Christmas spirit in the midst of the current nightmare, it’s a lovely getaway
It’s now officially Binderary!
E, 50,071
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ajconstantine · 1 month ago
You are given a word - share one sentence/excerpt from your WIP(s) that starts with each letter of that word.
Thanks to @leviosallyfor the tag! ���� In honor of the Sweet Spicy Spring Collab, I'm tagging folks in the collab to choose a word--either SWEET or SPICY or SPRING. I chose SPICY. 😍 This is an excerpt from chapter 2 of my WIP, The Allure of Correction.
S: Some truths were best kept permanently locked behind his lips. 
P: Please know that I have never felt for anyone the way I do for you. When I think of you, my heart feels as though it might overflow.
I:  It had brought Crowley happiness such as he had never known.
C: Crowley had never thought of himself as a man prone to sentimental gestures. Yet here he was, carefully arranging daffodils into a bouquet simply because the Viscount had once casually mentioned that they were his favorite flower.
Y:  You’re a vision. Stay just like that for me while I get ready. (Search tip: Google Docs has a marvelous search function where you can search by a single capital letter.)
Tagging folks from the Sweet and Spicy Spring collab: @cassieoh @littleweezel @animeangelriku @on1occasionfork @gaiaseyes451 @heretic1103 @janara7-blog @mageofthepeople @mirjana-gn-blog @moderndayklutz @musegnome @mybelovedismine @nieded @hakunahistata @shadowfang44 @snae-b @spectrallydistracted @tawnyontumblr
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ajconstantine · 1 month ago
You are given a word - share one sentence/excerpt from your WIP(s) that starts with each letter of that word.
Thanks to @leviosallyfor the tag! 💜 In honor of the Sweet Spicy Spring Collab, I'm tagging folks in the collab to choose a word--either SWEET or SPICY or SPRING. I chose SPICY. 😍 This is an excerpt from chapter 2 of my WIP, The Allure of Correction.
S: Some truths were best kept permanently locked behind his lips. 
P: “Please know that I have never felt for anyone the way I do for you. When I think of you, my heart feels as though it might overflow.”
I:  It had brought Crowley happiness such as he had never known.
C: Crowley had never thought of himself as a man prone to sentimental gestures. Yet here he was, carefully arranging daffodils into a bouquet simply because the Viscount had once casually mentioned that they were his favorite flower.
Y:  “You’re a vision. Stay just like that for me while I get ready.” (Search tip: Google Docs has a marvelous search function where you can search by a single capital letter.)
Tagging folks from the Sweet and Spicy Spring collab: @cassieoh @littleweezel @animeangelriku @on1occasionfork @gaiaseyes451 @heretic1103 @janara7-blog @mageofthepeople @mirjana-gn-blog @moderndayklutz @musegnome @mybelovedismine @nieded @hakunahistata @shadowfang44 @snae-b @spectrallydistracted @tawnyontumblr
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ajconstantine · 1 month ago
Muppet flailing over here that @outrageousring5655 created a podfic for my story Caramel Delight! They have a lovely voice and a talent for telling a story in a way that brings it to life. Go get in your ears!
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Podfic for Caramel Delight
Hey, could anyone else use an adorable, angst free, meet cute as a distraction right now?
Surely I'm not the only one.
I'm thrilled to present to you my podfic for this fantastic story by @ajconstantine. It's warm! It's funny! It's sweet and horny and delightful and I strongly encourage you all to go check it out as soon as possible.
Also, thanks to @anotherwellkeptsecret for the absolutely stunning original art for this fic that I added text to for the podfic cover.
Listen Here
If audio isn't your thing, do yourself a favor and check out the original fic. It's so delightful and it will bring a smile to your face.
Read Original Here
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ajconstantine · 2 months ago
Oo, such an impressive collection of hand bound books! So honored to be included with so many fanfic writer giants!
2024 Bookbinding Review
Total Books Bound (2024): 136
Author Gifts: 47
Personal binds: 52
Other Gifts: 37
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Links listed below:
Stories to brighten up your day, by @hotcrosspigeon
Leaves of Grass, by @laurashapiro-noreally
Selected Works by @julietk
Close Enough to Human, volumes 1 & 2 by @noodlefrog-omens
Bittersweet Omens by @heavenslittlehellion and IgneousFrizzle
You’re My Best Friend, volumes 1 & 2 by @theladydrgn and @sylwritesstuff
Selected Works by @ashfae
Bless the Fallen by @mordellestories
Aristocats’ Class and a Street Cat’s Style by @skimmingmilk and @sylwritesstuff
Petrichor & Parchment and Selected Works by @katnoggin
Let Me Love You and gladly ride the waves of life by @theladydrgn and @sylwritesstuff
Acts of Service by @stillseekwill
Of Espionage and Prophecy (or How to Accidentally, but Wholly, Fall in Love With a Soho Bookseller) by @rocksaltandroll
Love, and other Ineffable Things volumes 1 & 2 @ineffablepenguin and firenzia
Magnesium and Oil by quaid_poppinjack
Sunday’s Child by @theladydrgn and @sylwritesstuff
Dragon’s Heart and The Serpent and the Angel by @slow-burn-sally
Though Heaven Bar the Way by  @books-and-omens
Strange Moons volumes 1 & 2 by @racketghost
If Not Now, When by @ineffablefool
Greater Than Our Suffering by @theladydrgn and @sylwritesstuff
in the house we remain by @commodorecliche
Bleating Hearts volumes 1-3 by @hkblack
Being Gentle by @sodiumazideandothertoxins
Be Still My Soul, volumes 1 & 2 by @mirjam-writes
Always You by @theladydrgn and @sylwritesstuff
Terminus by @emotional-support-demon-crowley
The Longest Night by @charlottemadison42
and tell me who is victor and Selected Works by @ripeteeth
A Christmas Collection featuring stories by @entanglednow and WorseOmens
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ajconstantine · 2 months ago
Aww, my story Caramel Delight got recommended! Love that, I and look forward to reading the other recommendations on this list!
Good Omens - December reads part #2- fanfics recs 🤓🩷🎄
I ´ve decided to write a short summary each month about the books i read. I need this to let go of the stories, its a nice way of saying good-bye to them and to spread the love to the authors and to you. 🩷
I only read finished stories and rarely one-shots. You will find no WIPs in here, as i really like to dive deep into the plot and i keep losing track of WIPs. Also you will only find happy or at least hopeful endings here - i couldn´t handle anything else.
Also i try to find every author here on tumblr to link-to, but sadly some times i am out of luck. If you happen to know them, please tell them, write to me in the comments or DM me and i will update the post!
Ratings in ()
Multichapter Fanfics
Devour (E) by @tastymoves
Human AU. Ok, look here. I started with That´s what happens when you sign on the line - thinking it is a completed fic of 4 chapters. Turns out it actually stops kind of midst-story, because its a whole series. So i had to keep going through and read all the other (10!) fics to get the whole series, right? Crowley is in search of a professional dom and Aziraphale is not whom he would have chosen but very much who he needs. The stories are mostly about them having sessions in one or another way, their relational development is only a background-telling. Consists of 10 fics with timeline and another 10 oneshots with no clear timeline. Smut:Plot-Ratio = 90:10!
The Angel´s Gambit (T) by @dragonfire42
Crowley questions his angel, why he has a chessgame put up in his shop. So Aziraphale tells him, that he plays chess with Death. And why. A tale through their shared history. And an explanation, just to why Crowley slept as much as he did.
Artwork by @theeinkibus
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Artist in residence (E) by @caedmon
Human AU. Crowley is a famous glasblower and has a 1 year residency at the Ineffable Museum. Aziraphale is a shy preservationist with a secret crush on Crowley. They meet and the rest is ineffable. Besides the typical plot there is a great part dedicated to dealing with anxiety and neurodiversity. This was very informative for me and i will have to take a deeper dive on ND too.
Most funny quote: "Pardon me, sir, but I think you might have lost your halo." 😇😅
Seriously, @caedmon is an incredible writer, everything they put out there is just a safe read. Go ahead and if you like her work just hit the subscribe-button to be on the safe side.
Beyond Understanding and Incapable of Being Put Into Words (E) by @beet-feet
After the end of S2, Crowley stays in the bookshop - more or less just to keep him occupied. When Aziraphale shows up months later, they talk - but not only. And it has consequences ... A little bit of angst, a little bit of smut and a little bit of plot - nicely put together. Mind the tags!
Most funny quote: "Someone help me, there are two of them, he thought to himself as he stood in the doorway to the kitchen shaking his head." 😅
Call me, my Dear (E) by @MimiRay
AU, though not only human. Aziraphale is a priest in a small town. One dark night on his way home he stumbles upon a starved and frozen creature and takes it in. Unbeknownst to him, Crowley is an incubus - a demon that feeds on sex. At least usually. But the priest has a secret on his own, too. As the walls are quite thin, it doesn´t take Crowley long to detect it.
A soft and hot and somehow still tender story.
Most touching quote: "Immortal or not, he was, after all, a human at heart." 🩷
Drive me to the moon (E) by @captainblou
Human AU, Crowley is a rally driver and Aziraphale is a professional dancer. For a charity event they get to drive a rally together. Wouldn´t be any problem, if they would like each other. Which they don´t. Enemies to friends to lovers-story you really can dive in to. 🤓 What i really liked about it: Crowley has a vulv🩷 but wears a binder and goes by he/him. Gave me a lot to think.
Caramel delight (E) by @ajconstantine
Human AU. Crowley is happy, when his shitty neighbours finally move. He is even more happy, when he sees his new neighbour moving in. It is only polite to welcome him with a glass of homemade caramel sauce, right? Or to show him the best restaurants nearby or how to cook the sauce himself. Lucky for him, Aziraphale has an other strength than cooking ... 😅
I just tumbled upon this author but will definitely read more of her/him/them!
All i need, darling, is a life in your shape (G) by @mortuarybees
Set after S1, the angel and the demon find themselves spending more an more time together. But what does it mean? Aziraphale wonders.
A nice and possibly acurate story about them getting together. Christmas and only-one-bed-trope included! 🎄😅
Remember us just like this forever (E) by @HazelSage
A while after they saved the world, the demon wants a baby. Aziraphale books a holiday at a beautiful resort for them. Sun, Sand and S🍆. More tender than expected!
So that´s the next 9 fanfics and makes 22 so far this month. I don´t like it when the list gets too long, therefore i will post a part #3.
My lovely co-readers, GO-lovers and ineffable loves - have a wonderfull christmas-time! Keep your hearts and minds safe🎄🩷🤗
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ajconstantine · 2 months ago
Writer's Meme, 2024 Edition
I've been tagged by @levoiosally
How many works do you have on AO3?
15. Which doesn’t seem like a lot, but most are multi-chapters, and one of them is 200,000 words long, which it the equivalent of about 40 one-shots. 😁
What’s your total word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? All Good Omens fics:
Winged Awakening (Angel/ demon, wing grooming)
Cinders Bound by Golden Crown (Omegaverse Cinderella AU)
Caramel Delight (Human neighbors AU)
Temple of the Muses (Human Victorian courtesan AU)
In Love We Rise (Angel/ demon, established relationship, exploring the progression of said relationship)
Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
Absolutely. I love engaging with my readers.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
I always write happy endings because that’s what I love to read. 😍 That doesn’t mean my stories are free of angst, though—I’ve certainly written stories filled with tension and heartbreak. For me, one of the joys of writing lies in creating something that evokes emotion—whether it’s joy, sadness, longing, or triumph. Making readers truly feel something is, in my eyes, the ultimate achievement for a writer.
Do you write crossovers?
Heh, sort of. I wrote a Good Omens/ Cinderella crossover, and I wrote an Our Flag Means Death crossover set in an Omegaverse Good Omens universe that I created in a previous story.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Hm. Not hate, exactly. I have occasionally received unkind comments. I firmly believe in the power of the delete comment button, use it as needed, and move on.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! I love writing romance, and for me, crafting spicy scenes is a deeply satisfying way to conclude to the romance arc. It’s also its own unique challenge—typically my goal is to write scenes with emotion and flavor rather than simply a play-by-play of actions, so that it’s more in the realm of erotica than porn.  
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really. I participated in a collab where each writer took turns writing a handful of paragraphs for a fic, which isn’t quite what I think of as co-writing. I’d be open to trying out co-writing with someone who has a similar writing style.
What's your all-time favourite ship?
Good Omens and Aziraphale/Crowley, hands down. I've been writing this pairing since 2020 and am still not the least bit tired of it. 😊
What are your writing strengths?
Hmm… I’m not sure, really. I know the areas I’ve gotten better at, which are things like not jumping around POV like a jackrabbit on steroids, minimizing speech tags, reducing filtering, and showing not telling. All things I’m still working on improving.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably describing the setting/ scenery around the characters.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Good Omens!
What's your favourite fic you've written?
Temple of the Muses. It’s my longest fic, I poured my heart and soul into it for well over a year, and I think it has my best romance story arc.
What are your writing goals for the next year?
Writing a second chapter for my one-shot The Allure of Correction, and then finally tackling and completing one of my multi-chapter WIP's that's been unfinished for ages. Which is either an Aladdin or a pirate AU.
Tagging other folks if they'd like to share their answers to these questions; it's fun. 😁 @mirjam-writes @miraworos @d20owlbear @musegnome
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ajconstantine · 2 months ago
I’m absolutely thrilled to share that my Good Omens story Teach Me Your Lessons, Teach Me Your Touch has been recorded as a podfic by the talented OutrageousRing! I’m beyond flattered that they took the time to bring it to life in audio form. They have a lovely voice, so go get it in your ears!
As part of the process, I decided to revisit the story before they recorded it. What was meant to be a bit of polishing quickly turned into a complete re-write (despite my best efforts to avoid spending many, many hours working on it, ha). Since this story was one of my earlier works, I’ve learned so much about writing over time, so now it feels like a brand-new piece. 😘
Effervescent thanks @outrageousring5655! I'm utterly delighted. 😍
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More Holiday podfics for your enjoyment! Listen, am I posting this early? Sure, if you abide by modern conventions like calendars and when I said I would do things. But, I'm finished with this lovely project early and I can't wait to share it, so I won't!
Listen Here
This was my first podfic of a work by @ajconstantine and I hope it won't be my last! I adore this story, it's sweet and beautiful and features the fulfillment of long held desires. What more could one possibly ask for? If reading isn't your thing, please do yourself a favor and go read the original fic. It's so lovely and will make you feel better.
Thanks so much to @goodomensafterdark and @cemeteryangel725, @thegaromask @seekingjoy7 and @shipper-of-all-things for listening to me talk about this and for your support and encouragement.
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ajconstantine · 3 months ago
Aww, I always adore it when as story I wrote is recommended, thank you! I had fun looking up the Victorian language of flowers for Temple of the Muses-- it doesn't play a large role in the story, but it does make an appearance.
hi :D big fan of what y'all are doing here, it looks like a lot of work/time <2
I was looking for fics that involve the language of flowers, since i haven't found a lot
thanks :D
I'm sure we've recommendations fics like this before, but can I cannot find the posts. Oh well, here are some for you...
Honeysuckle and White Jasmine by HolyCatsAndRabbits (E)
While on a bad blind date at a coffee shop, bookshop owner Aziraphale meets a gorgeous red-haired barista. Also Aziraphale knows flower language and he's not afraid to use it. So now Aziraphale was going on a date with someone Tracy knew. Since Tracy had arranged it, Aziraphale let her pick the place as well: Double Double, a new coffee shop. Tracy had promised that the shop was lovely and had a selection of rich desserts, which was honestly the part that had convinced Aziraphale. Aziraphale’s one bit of defiance was the flowers. He had a book or two in his shop on flower language, and he’d decided that the bouquet was going to be the sweetener for the day (besides the dessert), the spoonful of sugar that helped the medicine go down. Yellow carnations: Disdain, disappointment, rejection. Red snapdragon: Deception. Purple columbine: foolishness. White candytuft: indifference. And finally butterfly weed, a bright little orange cluster flower, which meant Let me go! Armed with his passive-aggressive (but quite lovely smelling) bouquet, Aziraphale took a cab to Double Double.
i am just the (new invention) by littlesnowpea (T)
A list of hobbies Crowley has picked up over the past 6000 years: -gardening -cooking -fashion -pining for Aziraphale -making YouTube videos A list of hobbies Aziraphale has picked up over the past 6000 years: -reading -book restoration -music -pining for Crowley -commenting on Crowley’s YouTube videos When Aziraphale starts giving Crowley flowers, Crowley takes to his YouTube channel to discuss the meaning behind it, where Aziraphale comments encouragement to confess his feelings – under an alias, of course. There is absolutely no way any of this could ever go wrong.
The Language of Flowers by GreenGlitchBitch (T)
“We can communicate through flowers! It’s being talked about in Britain. Hasn’t quite caught on yet, so we wouldn’t be too suspicious” Aziraphale said. Basically, Crowley and Aziraphale are in love throughout the ages, and in order to keep their respective head offices from knowing, they use flowers to send each other messages.
you took my soul and wiped it clean by staringatstars (G)
On a summer afternoon, a stranger in a cream-colored vest and coat walked into Crowley's flower shop with a rather odd request: "What sort of floral arrangement would you make for one whom you love very much, even whilst knowing they could never feel the same?"
Pressed Flowers by TheNoctambulist (T)
A romance between two business owners of London's SoHo. Anthony Crowley, proud owner of Eden (Producer of Fine Flowers and Bouquets since 2008), didn't expect to find love in his life. Ever. He had his plants, and what more could a florist want? But when Aziraphale Fell, a slightly fussy, altogether chaotic bookshop owner wanders into his shop looking for a bouquet, he begins to question what he really wants at all.
Pray For Us, Icarus by Atalan (Series, G-T)
For three centuries, Crowley has been reincarnated over and over as a human with no memory of his past. Aziraphale has tried to find a way to restore him to his true self, but all he seems to do is hurt them both. This time, he only means to steal a brief moment when he walks into Crowley's flower shop. But Crowley can't let it go...
- Mod D
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ajconstantine · 4 months ago
Oh goodness, my writerly heart just goes pitter pat with joy when readers share how much they enjoyed my Good Omens AU Temple of the Muses.
I poured my heart and soul into that story and am quite proud of it.
Anyone looking for a superbly researched, historically rich, heart achingly romantic, page turner of a character journey between courtesan Crowley and Earl Aziraphale Fell? Just finished this and it was FANTASTIC by @ajconstantine.
It's got rags to riches! it's got victorian london! it's got social commentry and historically accurate events! it's part set in a Parisien brothel! it's got people putting raw ginger up their bums! It also has declarations of feelings that will make your heart ache and it's inexplicably under-kudosed. I recommend everyone get to it asap.
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