#boys being idiots
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nnnn99999 · 6 months ago
I finished watching ep 1 and 2 of bad buddy series and I love it already. I really want to watch more but it's already super late and I need to go sleep. Here are my thoughts on this series so far.
The production is really good so far.
The music really stands out to me. It is used a lot but doesn't feel overdone. I need to rewatch to be sure if it's as intentional as I think it is, but the music adds context to the scenes which is fun.
This show is so funny. Not in a cringey way either. More like a lighthearted and natural way. Like I found myself genuinely laughing out loud at times.
Pat, Pran and Pa are so adorable.
The baby versions of the characters are so cute oh my motherly heart.
I am really digging the PatPran frenemy dynamics. I need to see more before I elaborate why I like their dynamics so much. I just adore them already.
When I look at Pat I just see a husky.
Pran seems to be the most self aware character so far. I want to see if he will be the first one to notice the dynamic shift as their relationship changes.
Seeing the PatPa sibling dynamic made me appreciate my sister so much. Sure, she often uses the older sister card to make me do stuff, but at least she is not gross. Also she gives me tasks, not chores. Yes Pat I am telling you to stop making Pa do your chores. Justice for younger siblings who have to do chores for their older siblings!
The PatPran fake fighting is so funny. Baby PatPran falling over when their hands are a mile away from each other was so hilarious. The adult version of the fake fighting is actually one of my favorite scenes so far. I need to revisit this when I am done watching the whole thing because I know there's a lot I missed here.
I hate when parents try to indoctrinate their children. Just let them breathe okay? Have your feuds and friends and whatever without dragging your children into it. Also stop putting pressure on your children and let them do what they want. Just give them the freedom to grow. They are their own person, so let them explore themselves on their own. Ugh I'll leave it at that for now but I already have so much more to say about both sets of parents and I can tell its probably going to get worse. Like I know they love their children a lot but ugh. I just know these parents are going to piss me off later on in this show. I just know it.
That one scene where Pat touches Pran's face without washing his hands after peeing was so gross. I know Pat is gross in general but that was too much.
The number of times I went 'boys being idiots' in just 2 eps is astounding. This is the brand of idiocy I have only ever seen within a group of boys. These boys sent me back to my school days. I have seen these exact scenes and conversations happen. Especially the one where Pran's friends tease him about being hit on. I will never forget that tone of voice. Even the getting ready to fight at the drop of a hat is so familiar. The number of times I have seen boys getting all up in each others' faces for the stupidest reasons imaginable are countless. I have never seen boys actually fight in school but I had a guy friend tell me all about their fights outside of school. Then these same boys who were punching each other because one hit the other with a paper bullet launched from a rubber band slingshot(they were having a war in class and I almost got hit multiple times) would hug each other and jump around when the school team won a sports match. Also, their collective IQ seems to magically disappear when they are together and they are left with half a braincell to be shared by the whole group. That's why they become boys being idiots.
OhmNanon are undoubtedly the stars of this show and not just because they are the main characters. They are doing such a great job of selling me their characters. Their scenes together are so fun to watch.
I am going to write a separate post about Ohm Pawat specifically because I already have so much to say about him.
Yeah I think that's about it. Actually there is more but I want to see how some things develop before I comment on those. @airenyah I am so glad I can share this with you. I love it so much already. I totally understand the obsession, I am quickly getting there too. Like I want to rewatch it already. I knew I was going to like bbs considering our mutual love for simm and ha but I really didn't expect to like it so much already. I didn't even watch the trailer, I just jumped into the 1st ep directly. And well I am having a blast!
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darkcrowprincess · 6 months ago
Jegulus and Sirius shenanigans:
James asking Sirius permission to date Regulus and Sirius being all dramatic and silly and doing a bit from the godfather in the gryffindor common room. He even conjures a cat for this moment. Sirius using his lord black voice, "So you've come to me to ask for the hand of my only baby brother." Remus behind them face palming as he watches this while Peter is eating popcorn. James gets into the bit and kneels and acts all dramatic too. Begging to date his lovely brother. Regulus when he finds out about this pranks his brother. Or maybe tells Remus about Sirius feelings for him.
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lelandmylove · 3 months ago
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They're talking shit about you..! @roach-on-dope
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bunnyychi · 5 months ago
Brother Love
Summary: Young!Kaer Morons duelling because they have big egos Warnings: Swearing; Possibly bad descriptions of combat A/N: I need more fanfics of the young witchers, please get out there everyone and do the lords work. Also I know that in canon the story between how Lambert and Aiden met is different but I thought this would be cuter.
“Ugh, just looking at his sly smile makes me wanna punch him in the face”
“Your’s isn’t any better though.”
“The punching isn’t exclusive to him, you know?” 
Geralt’s lips twisted into a grin as he heard the agitated voices of his brethren. He wiped the sweat off his brow after he fastened the Reins of Roach to the post right outside the fortress of Kaer Morhen. “They’re just mad cause I’m better than them- isn’t that right girl?” He patted the horse's mane lovingly before pulling an apple out of the knapsack which was hanging from the saddle and feeding it to the chestnut colored mare.
Having decided that he had eavesdropped enough, Geralt made his way up the stairs and into the large stronghold that he called his home. Even though the entrance hall seemed intimidating at first, he had learned to love the sheer vastness of it all and most of all, it was the people with whom he was sharing this particular space with that made him appreciate it. 
Although the very same people had been gossiping about him just before they heard the massive wooden doors creak as they were shoved open. 
“Your favorite Witcher has returned everyone!” Geralt winked at the two boys sitting at one of the two long tables, Lambert greeting him with a roll of the eyes. 
“Oh please, hold back on the applause Gentlemen! Lest I confuse you with one of the plenty maidens which nearly started brawling at the opportunity to simply share a few words with me!”
In a gesture of feigned modesty, Geralt threw up his arms as he stepped toward the two. 
“I need you to jump out of a window.” Lambert’s face screamed ‘unimpressed’ while he watched Geralt sit down next to him, cockily reaching for his mug of mead and taking a sip as if it was his own.
“Lambert’s just mad ‘cause he embarrassed himself on the contract, don’t worry about it.” 
Eskel smirked, seemingly recounting what had happened earlier today, ignoring the grumbling coming from the boy in front of him.
“What? Fell face first into the mud while trying to dodge a Drowner?” The white haired boy nudged the other with his elbow, taking another swig.
“That happened like when? 5 years ago? Besides, it’s not my fault that these slimy bastards love the swamp..”
Lambert snatched the mug from Geralt's hands, shooting him a challenging look which Eskel immediately recognized. “Oh no, don’t embarrass yourself Lam.” Duels were no novelty among the brothers. Vesemir’s original notion for those was to show the witchers what they lacked and could improve on yet often a simple training session would just result in a power show for the juvenile boys.
Geralt’s gaze wandered from Eskel back to Lambert who was still staring daggers at him. A smile crept to his lips. 
“You wanna go?” 
Lambert took one last swig of the mug before harshly letting it collide with the wooden table beneath him, wiping any excess alcohol off of his mouth. 
“You bet, pretty boy”
A few light hearted quips and glares later, the boys found themselves in the courtyard. The setting sun casting a mesmerizing hue of golden over the land and illuminating their faces.
Eskel stood to the side, sighing before clasping his hands together. He knew he couldn’t change the minds of both of his brothers, the only thing he could do was pray that Vesemir wouldn’t return any time soon or else he wouldn’t hear the end of it. 
“Alright guys!” Eskel raised his voice, something he still wasn’t quite comfortable with. 
“No magic, no grabbing off the actual swords-” Eskel’s gaze wandered from his brothers to the sword stands just a few meters away. 
“These wooden things make me feel like I’m a child..” Lambert mumbled under his breath, turning the wooden sword in his hands.
“And most importantly!” Lambert and Geralt looked expectantly at Eskel, both eager to finally begin.
“No biting and no hair pulling.”
“Aw c’mon, hair pulling is like the only good thing” 
“I’m the only one who has hair, you dork ass loser.”
“Not after I’m done with you!”
Once again, Eskel sighed, shaking his head in disbelief. He really prayed that Vesemir wouldn’t return any time soon. 
“Okay, to make up for the hair pulling:”
His brothers turned to him once again, their interest clearly piqued.
“How about you bet on something?” 
The proposal was instantly met with joy and as Geralt seemed to think hard about what he wanted Lambert to do, the other was quick as always:
“If I win, Geralt has to shave his head.”
“No fucking way.” 
“Yeah way, pretty boy.”
Lambert blew the white haired one a kiss, winking at him with a mischievous look in his eyes. The image of a bald Geralt seemingly enough to motivate him. 
“Geralt, you got anything in mind?” 
He absentmindedly scratched his chin (partly to emphasize the faint facial hair which the others weren’t able to grow yet. 
“If i win..” he began dramatically, leaving a pause in which he intensely stared at the boy across from him. 
“Lambert has to ask Aiden to accompany him for an entire day of contracts.” 
The grin which Geralt was wearing on his face was dirtier than if he actually fell into horse feces.
It was no secret that there had been something happening in Lambert's mind when they had that school exchange two years ago. Aiden was a fellow witcher from the school of the cat and while Eskel went to said school for about six months, Aiden had stayed in Kaer Morhen with Geralt and Lambert, training alongside them. 
The subject of whether or not Lambert fancied the boy had become good teasing material for Geralt and Eskel and yet, the youngest at least tried to seem nonchalant about it but apparently this time, Geralt's bargain was of another caliber. 
Lambert's face twisted for just a split second and there was an unfamiliar redness that lightly tinted his cheeks. One that a regular human wouldn’t have noticed, his brothers were anything but regular though, to his dismay. 
“Tz, why would that be a problem?” 
Lambert couldn’t get more unlucky with the way his voice cracked right when spoke. It only took one exchange of looks between the white haired boy and the brunette standing to the side for them to erupt into laughter. 
“What the fuck is your problem? I don’t see an issue!” 
After about two minutes of continuous laughter, Eskel wiped a tear from his eye, trying to regulate his breathing while Geralt mockingly repeated the voice crack.
“Alright, okay!” 
Geralt took one last shaky breath, readying himself for the duel in which he would give his all. The image of Lambert nervously asking someone out while he could watch with a self satisfied grin filled him with the determination to win. 
“Ready, Set, GO!”
Within milliseconds, their swords collided. Both of them change sides, their eyes locked in an intense game of guessing. Either one anticipating or better, waiting for the other to make a move. 
Just as Geralt had thought, Lambert took a small step forward, switching the weight from one foot to the other, raising his sword, trying to go for a strike which Geralt hurriedly parried.
Another strike, this time from above. Geralt took a few small steps back, making sure he kept himself steady.
As his sword collided with that of his youngest brother, he saw an opportunity. It was destined to fail but if he was quick enough he could strike him fast enough for him to become panicked. 
With one determined push, the white haired boy set to attack:
This time Geralt went for a lower stab while simultaneously blocking another attempt at a slash from Lambert. Swiftly, Geralt jumped to the side, giving him an advantage:
He struck again. This time, Lambert barely managed to block with the sword guard. 
The splinters were flying from the wooden weapons, Eskel had already taken multiple steps back so as to not get any more injuries to his face than he already had. 
Suddenly, Lambert went for a stab that Geralt just managed to jump away from. 
Both of them were beginning to become aggressive which meant that he had to be even more careful and regain a sense of calmness. 
It was a risky attempt but in his rush, Geralt decided to go for a broad slash, one that almost landed were it not for Lambert's quick reflexes. The younger one jumped backwards.
Now it seemed like Lambert had also noticed his impatience, the two boys were now standing across from each other, circling and watching. 
“I can’t wait to watch you talk to Aiden..” Geralt winked at him. Although he was talking, his attention was fully focused on the movement of his opponent. 
“Shut up dude.” Lambert wasn’t fazed by Geralt's attempt of distraction, guess he had to pull out the big ones, he thought. 
“Oh Aiden, it seems that my horse isn’t fit enough to be ridden..” The white haired mocked in a higher voice, another smile on his lips as he could hear Eskel cackling in the background. 
He closely studied Lambert's grip, ever so slightly tightening, his pulse quickening by just a smidgen. 
“You wouldn’t mind if I rode with you and held onto you and your strong, muscled biceps, would you?” 
Ah, there it was, Geralt thought as he parried a wave of slashes, pushing down the blade of his now agitated brother. 
He went for a stab and although it didn’t land, he was now in a position to win.
Geralt went for another slash, which Lambert parried but led him to believe he had an opening. 
The strike from above was dodged swiftly as Geralt ducked underneath the arm of the other and struck a fatal blow to the other ones side.
“You suck.” 
Geralt put a hand on the shoulder of Lambert who was just staring at the ground now, his sword falling to his side. 
“You fought well though, don’t worry.”
The youngest patted Geralt's hand on his shoulder and wiped the sweat off of his brow. 
“Guess Aiden will be a lucky man next time we visit… Ouch what the fuck you asshole?” 
And there it was, the hair pulling. 
“Eskel! Do something!” Geralt struggled to remove Lambert's hand from the tight grip he had on his roots, his scalp burning already. 
“The duel is over, the rules aren’t set anymore!” 
“Yeah you heard him! No rules anymore you cheap Amor!” 
“Just what is going on here?” 
Nothing froze the boys up as effectively as the authoritative voice of a certain mentor. 
Geralt let out a sigh of relief as the deathgrip on his hair was removed. 
“Stand straight you three!” 
Almost like they were the most obedient soldiers in the army, all three of them lined up, statues as straight as if they had been hammered into stone. 
“Eskel, just what the fuck have these two done?”
Vesemir seemed more fed up than anything rubbing the bridge of his nose in disbelief. 
Lambert and Geralt shot Eskel a pleading look, he could just rat them out, tell the truth about why they started the duel. 
Eskel sighed once again. “We thought it would be a good idea to train a bit more, we wanted to show you that we could be unsupervised and still work on our abilities.” 
Alright, both Geralt and Lambert thought, they would take over all of Eskel’s chores for the month. 
“Well that is noble.. And how’d that work out?” 
Vesemir narrowed his eyes at the few strands of white hair that clung to Lambert's glove, who just gave him a sheepish look in return. 
“Well,” Lambert began. “We simply wanted to emulate all different kinds of situations, like what if someone grabbed you by your hair in the middle of a fight?” He wanted to emphasize his point by putting his hand on Geralt's head once again, yet the older one just flinched at the gesture, shooting him a look that would definitely kill if Lambert hadn’t been his brother.
Vesemir looked unimpressed but eventually just signaled the boys to follow him inside. 
As Lambert and Geralt ran past Eskel and Vesemir to take over Eskel’s dinner duty, they heard Vesemir call out to them:
“And by the way Lambert.”
The boy turned around to the old Witcher.
“Eskel is way better at lying than you are.”
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graphicabyss · 4 months ago
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I kinda wanna smell it too now...
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judasisgayriot · 11 months ago
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chaoticke-rambles · 2 months ago
I've convinced three people now to watch Dead Boy Detectives and every single one of them has texted me after the first episode like "It's sweet how Charles is clearly so in love with Edwin!"
The only person who has not clocked this boy's obvious bisexual crush remains Charles Rowland himself.
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emi-the-gremlin · 3 months ago
My favorite post confession Edwin, is the one that’s happy and comfortable with their relationship, and therefore uses his newfound understanding/acceptance of himself, to ruthlessly and shamelessly fluster Charles any chance he gets.
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somewhereincairparavel · 5 months ago
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I think I've already made a post about this MONTHS ago but the valgrace nation wasn't as active back then so the post didn't reach that far, but I'm reviving this now, to say that it's canon jason and leo played mario party six on chiron's gaming room together :>
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coloursflyaway · 9 months ago
As much as I love (and understand) everyone being wild about Edwin in Port Townsend, you can't tell me that clients don't fall in love with Charles left and right, too.
Have you seen the boy?
The softest, warmest brown eyes you could imagine, surrounded by the longest lashes. A nose so regal it would make Greek sculptors cry with joy. Cheekbones so sharp you could cut a diamond on them. Curls you want to card your fingers through and never stop again. A smile so brillant it could replace the sun.
I'm sure there's an army of people just swooning over Charles back in England.
And Edwin? Edwin would have hated that ever since it happened the first time, but now he knows why it hurts that much when someone calls Charles babe or luv or darling and I am pretty sure that that would make it so much worse.
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landedinpayne · 9 months ago
broke: payneland is unrequited
woke: charles or edwin fell first & the other fell harder
bespoke: charles fell first (without realizing), edwin fell harder, then once charles figures out what he’s feeling he falls again even HARDER
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nnnn99999 · 6 months ago
I love the music.
Pat continues to prove that he is, in fact, a husky.
PatPran are such idiots. I love them.
Product placement done right.
Fun fact about me nobody asked for-I tend to notice people's appearances only after I start to like them in some way. Now that I am really starting to like Nanon I noticed how cute his dimples are. I don't need to talk about Ohm. He had me down with his Pat walk.
As an avid believer of love over time, I am thriving.
"Your girly voice doesn't suit that big body" I beg to disagree. I think that voice suits him perfectly.
Boys being idiots. This just might become my slogan for this show.
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kroovv · 2 years ago
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Darcy got a new look 🥺✨
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c-hrona · 2 years ago
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The Lovers
(but make it a gif).
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therealcallmekd · 1 year ago
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I have not seen a SINGLE person try to draw a head canon design for Sonny... what... why.... where are my people where are you. cmon..
Other design under cut: Spooky Ghost guy,,,
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And ghost Sonny too.... I'm so normal about miserable men.
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Ooooo You want to listen to me talk about my theories and other bs about this game,,, oooooo yes GUH PLEASE
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leviraaaaaa · 5 months ago
–Where the waves fade–
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"Isn't this enough exploring? We're way too far."
"Hush," You threw your hand in an airy wave, indicating him to be quiet. "We're not that far, I can still hear Hange from here."
You continued to walk, paying no mind to the streak of grumbles and mumbled curses he let out under his breath. This was the first ever time here at the sea, and you were way too entranced by it. Not to mention, Levi is Levi and he'll complain no matter what you do so you learnt long ago to just shut up and let him sulk.
You looked sideways, where the endless blue went on, waves crashing just besides your feet. Sometimes, particularly large waves washed over your feet, the water trickling over your shoes. You could feel the sand slipping way underneath, just barely enough to make you slightly unstable. It was windy, the air making your hair fly everywhere, you could taste the saltiness.
You had separated yourself from the small chaotic group, letting yourself stray away, following where the wind goes. You walked alongside the beach, sand had slipped through your boots somehow, making it uncomfortable but you didn't really care. If you're gonna see the sea might as well experience it too.
It felt good.
Like freedom.
Though clearly, Levi did not share the same point of view.
"God knows what Hange is doing, can you for fucks sake, turn around?" He called out, glancing warily from you to the back, where you could just barely see the top of the heads of Hange and the others, conflicted on whether it was safe to leave them there on their own but also hesitant to leave you as well. His shoulders were tense, even the experience of seeing something as miraculous as the sea couldn't relax him a little.
"I didn't ask you to follow me, Levi." You sighed, looking over your shoulder to meet the eyes of the man who was grumpily walking behind you. "Go back, I'll be fine."
"Yeah sure." He scowled. "I leave and then you drown."
You only rolled your eyes, not bothering to respond.
"Where the hell are you going anyways? You don't know shit around here, it's not safe."
"I dont know. I'm just walking." You halted, turning around. "Levi." You said.
"Walk with me."
"I am."
"No, you're walking behind me, come and walk beside me." You gestured him forward. "It's okay, I won't shove you down the water."
He gave you a wary look that clearly said I don't trust you but he fastened his pace anyway, until he was beside you. He glanced down at your soggy and sand covered boots, making a repulsed expression. "You ruined your fucking shoes."
You followed his glance, looking down. "True." You smiled. Then you leaned down, hooking your fingers through the edge and took your boots off, one after the other. You threw them both somewhere behind you carelessly. Levi stared at you horrified.
"What are you doing?" He asked blankly.
"Taking my shoes off?" You mumbled, digging your heels in the sand. It felt ticklish and weird, but so soft too. "Now, there's no shoes to ruin."
"You're disgusting."
"It's just sand Levi."
"It's disgusting."
"Come on, it feels good."
"If you're trying to convince me to do the same you've gone insane.”
Safe to say, you paid no heed to him. Instead, tiptoeing over the sand carefully, you started edging towards the water. The waves crashed hard, trickling water through your toes and almost making you lose your balance but you felt glee.
“There could be like a million fucking things in there,” Levi was complaining gruffly, “We don't know shit about this place. And all of you are acting like children. Hey, are you even listeni—”
“Levi, I'm gonna run in.”
But he didn't even get to finish his sentence and you were already running, squealing loudly when the wind hit you hard, the water splashing around you high with every clumsy and wild step you took and in a second you were drenched. “Oh my god!” You let out an excited laugh when a big wave crashed against your ankle, almost tipping you off. You twirled, giggling. “Oh my god!"
“Are you sure you're not gonna come in?” You yelled at him loudly, barely audible through the loud wind.
He looked down at the water, warily stepping away and casting them a suspicious glare crept closer to his boots with every wave.
He thinks. He doesn't like water. Water is unpredictable. Water is chaotic. Water is not something he can control and he doesn't like things he can't control.
But he looked at you again and all denial seemed to leave him.
The expanse of blue stretched far beyond where his eye could see. The sea was mesmerizing, timeless. But so were you.
So were you.
And for a second, Levi's head was blank.
He wasn't watching the sea anymore. All he could see was you. You, with that radiant smile of yours, in the endless blue with your hair wet and flying around everywhere, water dripping down your face. The ocean glittered, and even from here, he could see the water drops that clung to your lashes, the sheen on your lips. The flowy white blouse you wore was now completely drenched, the fabric stuck to your skin. Far in the horizon, the sun was lower, just about to set. It was sending its last few bright rays and it hit you, painting the most dazzling scene he'd ever seen.
He could hear your laughter, high and sweet, creating a beautiful harmony as the wind howled alongside, the sea roaring with every crash.
You looked unreal.
Temptations. He knew. He knew he should know better. But when had he ever known better when it came to you?
You were you and he was only just a man.
He was only a man.
Slowly, he lowered down, his fingers moving swiftly to untie the laces of his boots. He rolled up his pants and his sleeves. Then slower, even slower, he took a step.
The joy of you was beyond words. You could hardly keep your happiness contained, glowing in excitement when you saw him cautiously edging in the water with the grumpiest face. You were almost bouncing. “See?” You exclaimed happily, grinning at him. “It's not so bad right?”
When you reach out your hand, he takes it. He lets you guide him through the cold water lapping at his feet. “It's fucking freezing.” He scoffed, goosebumps rising on his skin. The sand felt weird underneath, it made him feel unstable, like something kept shifting out of his feet and he was floating.
As if on cue, a big wave crashed, kicking the balance from your feet. You'd already been swaying, unused to the constantly shifting water and the soft ground. As the water rushed past you, you almost tipped over
“Oh fuck—” The curse escaped you as you felt your feet lose it's hold and you leaned forward. But Levi was quicker, his arms grabbing onto your waist before you fell face first, stabilizing you. You shot an apologetic grin towards him, holding on his arms to regain your balance. He did not look impressed.
“I warned you.” He said flatly. “I'm not gonna fish you out if you fall and drown and die.”
“You just did though.”
“Keep talking and that'll change.” But his grip tightened around you.
You didn't push further. You've already pushed your luck far beyond when you'd managed to get him into the water. If you pushed further, chances were he'd drag you out of here. Nope, you'll take what you get.
The two of you stood like that for a while. The chilly water licked at your knees, rushing up to meet you as you just let the rhythm of the waves brush over you, the horizon stretching out into infinity. The salty air filled your lungs as you shared this unspoken moment—a glimpse of something bigger, a freedom so rare in your world that neither of you knew how long it would last.
“It's beautiful, isn't it?” You said softly, gaze set on the horizon. The setting sun gleamed off of your eyes.
Is it? He wondered as he looked at you. You were watching the ocean with the widest eyes, like you'd been entranced by it.
The ocean was beautiful. In its own strange way. There was this vastness about it, endlessly stretching blue. But he could hardly be aware of what was before him when you were beside him.
You're beautiful, is what he wants to say.
It's something in your eyes, he thought. The certain spark only you've ever had. There was an entire ocean in your eyes. There was an entire universe in your eyes. He wanted to tell you he had already seen everything beautiful there was to see. He doesn't need the fucking ocean or the mountains or the stars, everything you're always being sappy about. He had the fate to look at you.
He doesn't say any of it though. He doesn't have the guts too.
Instead, he slides his fingers through yours. You look surprised, but you don't pull away. He almost stop breathing when your hold tightened.
He didn't know what you were thinking and he didn't want to know. He hoped you think it's because he doesn't want you to fall or to trip. He hoped you wouldn't feel the rush of blood in his ears that howled louder than the wind ever could. He hoped you didn't see the look on his face or hear the heart that was slamming against his chest.
He hoped that you would never find out. But he was so, so scared. So scared as the sun set and the light was leaving the world, with the waves washing away, that if he doesn't hold on to you, you'd slip through his fingers. You'd fade. You'd disappear like every good thing he's ever had in his life.
So he held on.
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