#boyfriend’s awesome ocs
ghostcat404 · 8 months
fans of at @wwweirdtown
I know you exist
I have a question for y’all:
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melz-367 · 29 days
right, so this is odd but I just had the WEIRDEST revelation and went what if I made Michael Yew trans, gave him a massive self-hate arc when he hits puberty and make Jake the best boyfriend ever for just being awesome through it?
so I did.
and I can't be asked to make a proper story out of my random chunks of writing to put on ao3 so I'm posting it here lol
just... don't question where my brain went with this, it's cool, I'm insane
😎 👍🏻
first bit is a lil angsty and cringe bc I havent edited properly but the rest is basically crack and chaos
Jake wasn't all that surprised when he found Michael in their tree, staring at the sky miserably. Instead, he sat beside his boyfriend and joined him in watching the clouds. "What's up?"
Michael sighed heavily, muttering something under his breath that Jake didn't catch. He raised an eyebrow at the son of Apollo, and the archer huffed, covering his face with his hands as he spoke.
Jake paused. "Sorry?"
His boyfriend groaned, rubbing at his eyes and refusing to look at Jake. "I'm maturing."
"Right. And...? Isn't that what everyone does as they get older?"
"No. Well, yes, but like..." He sighed, spitting it out. "My body is maturing and I hate it."
Jake stopped, realisation washing over him. "Oh. So, you're..."
"Menstruating." Michael said through gritted teeth. "And it sucks. It doesn't feel right. Also, hip curvature equally sucks."
He looked at the son of Apollo, faintly befuddled. "Hip curvature?"
Michael groaned, then sat up and pulled his shirt tightly around his waist, and Jake paused as he spotted what the archer had been hiding under loose t-shirts and hoodies.
His boyfriend's hips had indeed curved, forming a slim waist and slight hourglass figure that most girls would die for. Michael, however, looked absolutely miserable about it, seemingly under the impression Jake might be put off or horrified by the change, but the son of Hephaestus just looked at his boyfriend and noted how it accentuated his natural beauty. He gently moved to wrap his arms around the other, carefully pulling the archer into his lap, and found his hands fit just perfectly in his boyfriend's curves, meaning he was easily able to hold the smaller boy, and it felt right. Michael had tears in his eyes, and Jake pulled him closer, resting his head on the other's shoulder as the son of Apollo refused to meet his eyes, staring out into the trees stubbornly.
"I think you're beautiful." He hummed, pressing a kiss to the archer's jaw, and Michael blushed, but still avoided eye contact, seemingly embarrassed as he sniffled quietly. Jake smiled and cupped his boyfriend's chin, turning his face to look at him. "Hey. I don't care that your hips are curvy, or that you're on your period, or any of that shit. Actually, I do care, and I think it makes you even more beautiful. This," He slipped his hands under his boyfriend's shirt, tracing his fingers along his boyfriend's sides and outlining his curvy figure. "Is not something to be ashamed of. I love you for who you are, and that will never change, yeah?"
Michael smiled slightly, then sighed, looking at himself in disgust. "I'm a girl."
"No you're not. And if you are, I'll love you just the same. Doesn't matter to me."
Michael snickered slightly at that. "Are you seriously saying you'd turn bisexual just for me?"
Jake smirked, shrugging. "Yup. I'm yours, no matter what."
His boyfriend looked at him for a minute, then grinned, leaning forwards to kiss him. "I don't deserve you."
"I'm still a boy, though."
He grinned. "Good. Thought so."
Michael snickered, then sighed and looked back down at himself, frowning. "But this still isn't good."
"The bone structure isn't as strong." He said, matter-of-factly, and Jake smirked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"So, it makes you more delicate?"
Michael sighed, rolling his eyes. "Technically, yes."
"Good to know. Guess I'll have to be extra gentle." He grinned, and Michael slapped him lightly, huffing, but there was a smile twitching at the son of Apollo's lips.
"Shut up. I'm not fragile."
"Only to me."
"Shh. I'm fine. See?" He hit himself in the ribs, hard, and Jake paused, grabbing his boyfriend's hands and looking at him, unimpressed.
"Don't hurt yourself."
"I'm fine."
Michael looked at him for a moment, then sighed and nodded, leaning his head on Jake's shoulder. Jake smiled, moving his hands back to the other's waist, secretly loving the feel of his boyfriend's curves, not disgusted in the slightest by the change, and instead enjoyed the way the son of Apollo did feel more delicate, in contrast to his normally hard, stony exterior. Michael was unbelievably strong in some ways, but in others he was much more fragile, particularly mentally, and Jake sometimes had to take the initiative, not that he minded, because in times like this, Michael let himself be taken care of, and the son of Hephaestus enjoyed it.
He soon found out that the only downside to reassuring the son of Apollo that he loved the way he looked, was when Michael used that to his advantage, and managed to twist Jake into a complete mess, simply by losing a bet.
Michael had reluctantly informed him earlier in the day that he'd managed to lose a bet with Kayla, and she was making him pay the price at campfire. Therefore, Jake was expecting his boyfriend to be forced into playing his guitar during sing-along, or telling bad jokes onstage, or something else the son of Apollo would greatly dislike.
He did not expect him to walk in wearing his sister's clothes.
Michael was dragged into the amphitheater by a giggling Kayla, the son of Apollo wearing skinny jeans, a crop top, and his camp necklace tied around his bow, with only the bronze pendant Jake had given him on show. Jake felt his brain short-circuit as he looked at the other boy, noting how ridiculously good Michael looked in those clothes, with his slim figure and tanned skin shown off brilliantly. Nyssa whistled quietly next to him, nudging her brother in the ribs.
"Kay mentioned she was giving Mikey a glow up as punishment for losing, but I didn't think she'd be able to get him looking that good. Damn, when did he grow into his height like that?"
Jake just stared, completely and utterly entranced by the other boy. Kayla soon spotted him gaping, and nudged her brother, gesturing to Jake and grinning. Michael turned and spotted him, instantly blushing scarlet when he noticed the son of Hephaestus staring at him, and he smirked, winking at the other boy, which absolutely did not help with Jake's current state of mind. Nyssa snickered and poked him.
"Dude, you're basically drooling over him right now, you know that?"
Jake slowly peeled his eyes off his boyfriend, face bright red in embarrassment as he looked away, instead meeting Nyssa's eyes as his sister smirked at him. "I- shut up." He blushed, and Nyssa grinned.
"Wow. You really are a simp."
"Shut up! I just... didn't expect it. He looks good, though."
His sister smirked, looking back at the son of Apollo. "True. Since when did puberty hit him, my gods."
Jake snickered. "About a month ago. He was really upset, got his period and everything."
Nyssa winced. "Poor guy. Confused?"
"Nah, he knew what was going on. Just embarrassed, mostly. Disgusted by himself, which I wasn't okay with, but I think we've sorted it. He had to go to Ellie for period advice, which he was not happy about either."
"Hm. A late bloomer, clearly."
"Apparently so."
"He's grown into it, though. If he was a girl, he could totally pull that figure off. Damn."
"Yup." Jake was staring again, and he knew it. Michael seemed to be finding it endlessly amusing. Nyssa suddenly poked him again.
"Not gonna lie, I don't think you're the only one checking him out." She hummed, nodding to a boy that had slipped through the crowd to sit next to Michael, eyes trained on the son of Apollo's hips and waist. Jake scowled as he sat down beside Michael, much too close for anyone's comfort, and quite clearly started flirting, trying to touch the son of Apollo and wrap an arm around his waist. Michael, however, was not amused in the slightest, and Jake could see him snapping at the other boy and pushing him away. The camper didn't seem to get the hint and kept pushing, until Michael rolled his eyes and pointed to his necklace, then at Jake, who was glaring the guy down, resisting the urge to punch his face into a wall. Michael seemed quite amused by the angry fire blaring in his boyfriend's eyes, and eventually managed to shove the camper away, but Jake could still see far too many eyes on his boyfriend, and it made him grit his teeth. He'd never been a massively jealous person, but right now he was feeling seriously possessive; the urge to walk over, make out with the archer and hold him tightly, clear to everyone that the son of Apollo was his, becoming very strong in the back of his mind.
He just about managed to avoid that until the end of campfire, and then as everyone was packing up, the other boy just grinned at him and disappeared back to cabin seven, leaving Jake fuming as he returned to cabin nine. Jackass.
Jake was sitting against one of the trees bordering the lake, just relaxing and watching some of the younger campers splash around in the water, until he heard a very familiar voice and looked up.
That was his first mistake.
Michael was stood next to him, grinning and leaning against the tree, wearing a similar outfit to the night before with low rise skinny jeans and a slightly cropped shirt. He was still wearing his bronze pendant, with his bow slung over his shoulder, and the son of Apollo looked absolutely amazing. Jake just stared at him for a moment, then shook his head and quickly looked away, training his eyes on one of the trees on the other side of the lake. Michael snickered, flopping down next to him, and Jake groaned internally. This wasn't going to end well for him. Michael just laughed. "Are you ignoring me?"
"No." Jake replied, continuing to stare at the trees. "Just not looking."
"Why?" He could hear Michael's grin in his voice, and he knew the other boy knew exactly what he was doing to Jake. Asshole.
"Because I can't have a conversation with you if I can't think straight. Literally."
Michael snickered, shuffling up so they were shoulder to shoulder, and Jake sighed heavily as the other boy spoke, smirking. "Do you like it?"
He huffed. "Too much, along with half of camp." He grumbled, and Michael snickered again.
"Unbelievably jealous. I was about ready to punch that guy last night."
He snorted. "Wasn't the nicest guy, I'll be honest. Bit touchy."
"Looked it."
"You wanted to kill him, didn't you?"
"Just a bit. Gods, I don't know what the fuck you've done to me, but I completely stopped working last night. You melted my brain into a puddle of sappy thoughts."
Michael laughed at that, but Jake had noticed a new camper, roughly their age, quite clearly checking Michael out with a smirk. He muttered something to his buddy, and then they were both staring at the son of Apollo and oh, Jake felt the possessive urges return. He just about managed to keep a cap on it, but Michael saw right through him and snickered, nudging the son of Hephaestus teasingly. "You alright there, Tool Boy?"
"No." He growled.
"And why's that?"
"Because there's about five other people checking you out here, and it's pissing me off."
"What are you going to do about it?"
He turned and saw the son of Apollo grinning at him innocently, and Jake sighed heavily, knowing the archer had got his way quite easily here, but he couldn't bring himself to care too much.
"Jackass." He muttered as he leant forwards, and Michael laughed as they kissed. It wasn't as long as Jake would have liked, considering there were about ten little kids in view, but it certainly did the job as Jake spotted several shocked or annoyed looks when they pulled away, much to his amusement. Michael snickered, and the son of Hephaestus hummed, gently grabbing the smaller boy and pulling him onto his lap before he could protest. Michael smirked, leaning back to look at him as Jake wound his arms around the archer's waist protectively, and Jake shrugged, smiling.
"Someone feeling a bit possessive?" The son of Apollo teased, grinning, and Jake hummed, watching the guys that had been checking Michael out huff and walk away, rolling their eyes. Good.
"Possibly. You're absolutely fucking beautiful." He murmured, resting his head on the smaller boy's shoulder, and Michael blushed brightly, but smiled.
"Does that mean I should borrow my sister's clothes more often?" He smirked, and Jake huffed.
"If you want me worked up into a complete mess on a daily basis." He grumbled, moving his hands to hold his boyfriend's waist, rubbing his thumbs along the other's sides and tracing his curves. "I'm glad you're embracing this, though."
Michael shrugged, humming and leaning into the son of Hephaestus' touch. "I thought over what you said. And then Carly walked in when I was changing and completely
freaked and made me play dress up with her and Kayla."
Jake snickered. "You enjoyed it, didn't you?"
"Hm." He shrugged. "Carly supposedly figured out what my best colour is or some shit. And apparently Kayla had wanted to put me in a bunch of random different outfits for a while now, so she loved it."
Jake smirked. On the one hand, it was hard to imagine Michael willingly playing dress up with his sisters, but on the other hand he knew the son of Apollo would do anything to see his siblings smile, so it wasn't all that surprising. "And what did Carly say your best colour was?"
"Green, apparently."
"Do you even own anything green?"
"Nope. I have no idea how she figured that out, but she made me wear a green shirt and... yeah, I kinda see her point."
Jake raised an eyebrow at that. Michael was never one to ever think he looked good in anything, particularly with his history with his body, but if he thought he looked decent in green... That was interesting. He wondered what magic Carly had done to make the son of Apollo like wearing something.
"Interesting. Is that another thing that's likely to make my brain fry?"
Michael snickered. "Yeah, probably."
"I'm happy you think it looks good on you." He grinned, pressing a kiss to the smaller boy's jaw, and Michael blushed.
"Shut up."
"Nope." He smirked, pressing another kiss to his boyfriend's jawline. "You're beautiful, and perfect, and amazing, and I'm the luckiest person ever because I get to date you and those losers don't."
Michael blushed brightly, his ears tinting red, and Jake grinned, amused by the reaction. Michael rolled his eyes, but kissed him anyway. "You're such a sap."
"You love it."
"Shut up."
Jake frowned as he walked past the Apollo table at breakfast, noting Michael wasn't there, and looked at Lee in confusion. The older son of Apollo grimaced.
"He's back in the cabin. Not feeling well."
That made Jake frown. Michael rarely got sick- and never that badly either- it was a side effect of being the son of the god of sickness, so either Lee was lying, or his boyfriend was embarrassed and hadn't given his brother the true reason for why he was staying inside.
Jake popped in the Apollo cabin after breakfast to check on him, and found Michael curled up in a pile of blankets on his bed, holding his stomach and looking absolutely miserable. Jake walked over and carefully climbed the ladder, sitting next to the archer, and Michael looked at him for a minute, then sighed. "I'm fine, don't worry."
Jake raised an eyebrow. "If you were fine, you'd be outside. What's up?"
Michael huffed. "It's just- ugh." He winced, leaning forward slightly and wrapping his arms tighter around his waist in pain. Jake looked at him in concern.
"What is it? Why are you...?"
His boyfriend groaned quietly, head now on his knees as he rocked back and forth slightly.
"Nothing. Just..." He sighed. "Cramps."
"What, like stomach cramps, or- oh." Understanding dawned on the son of Hephaestus, and Michael groaned again, nodding.
"Yeah, fucking period cramps. Shit."
"Really bad. I couldn't walk earlier. Lee did a scan and told me there wasn't much he could do, I just have to wait it out. Fuck-" He groaned again, cursing. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."
Jake winced, then looked around the cabin, searching for something. He hummed when he spotted what he was looking for, climbing down off the bed and walking over to grab a beanbag stuffed parrot. He wasn't sure whose it was, but he knew it was microwaveable, and that's all that mattered. He walked over to the small microwave they kept in the corner of cabin seven, used for reheating things or making hot packs for injuries, and plopped the parrot inside, pressing start. Michael looked at him in confusion.
"What are you doing?"
He shrugged. "Nyssa uses a hot water bottle to combat hers. Figured a parrot might work the same."
Michael raised an eyebrow. "You're microwaving Carly's parrot?"
"Mhm. The bean filled ones are like hot packs, just covered in fluff. Harls has a dragon one that Niss steals every so often."
The microwave beeped, and he pulled the parrot out, now very warm, and walked back over to Michael's bed, climbing up and flopping down next to the son of Apollo, passing him the parrot.
"Try it."
Michael looked at it. "What, I just hold it?" Jake smirked.
"No, you put it where it hurts, dummy."
"Oh. Right."
Michael took the parrot and placed it just below his stomach, curling back up again and humming happily. Jake smiled. "Better?"
"Yeah, actually. Thanks."
"Anytime. I am gonna get you a beanbag animal now, though. I don't want Carly to kill me for stealing hers."
Michael rolled his eyes. "I can get one myself, you know."
Jake smirked. "Where's the fun in that?"
Michael elbowed him and he snickered, then looked up as the door to the Apollo cabin opened and the rest of Michael's siblings walked in, not even noticing Jake and Michael until Sam turned and spotted them, grinning and placing his hands on his hips. "Mason. Are you trying to make a move on my brother?"
Michael rolled his eyes as Jake blushed. "No, dumbass."
"Oh, really?" Carly grinned. Jake smiled.
"I borrowed your parrot for Michael's cramps, hope you don't mind."
She looked at him for a minute, then smirked. "Ah, you're here on boyfriend duties. I see. It's fine, I use it for that anyway."
Michael huffed, and Ellie smiled, walking over and reaching up to ruffle his hair teasingly.
"Feeling better than earlier?"
He sighed. "Ish."
"Are they like, a stomach ache, or more like someone stabbing you?" Austin asked casually, flopping backwards onto his bed, and Lee suddenly grinned, moving to rummage through a cupboard in the back of the cabin.
"Why don't you try it?"
Kayla looked at him. "Sorry?"
"We have a machine that replicates the pain of a period cramp, because I convinced Chiron it could be useful for teaching people about why they are a valid excuse to skip on things."
Jake snorted. "To teach the Ares cabin, you mean?" Lee shrugged and Ellie hummed.
"Not Clarisse. She gets them bad."
Lee suddenly pulled a box out of the cupboard, blowing the dust off and smiling. "There it is. It has different settings, so why don't we get the people that experience them to put up their normal setting for the rest of us to try?"
Carly smirked. "Sure. I'll go first."
Lee explained how it worked; putting a pair of pads just below your stomach under your shirt and turning the knob up a notch at a time to reach the average pain scale. Carly hummed and placed the pads below her stomach, then turned the dial up slightly. She continued for a few notches until she started wincing, then stopped. "Five."
Kayla snatched it next, placing the pads on herself instead and turning up the dial until it hit her average and she winced. "Yeah, five."
Ellie was an eight, and Michael said that apparently he'd reached a break in his cramps, so he'd give it a go. The son of Apollo scrunched his face up as he turned the dial, flitting straight past five and eight, up to ten. There were fifteen notches on the scale, and Ellie stared at him as he grimaced in pain, taking the pads off quickly. “Ten.”
He winced. “Yeah.”
Austin wandered over, picking it up off Michael’s bunk and walking over to Lee. “Can I try?”
Lee smiled at him, gesturing for his little brother to sit beside him on the bed as he talked him through it. Austin made it to a four, and he winced, looking at Kayla.
“Yeah, I see your point.”
She hummed, nodding, and Ash grabbed the machine next, him and Sam sitting on Sam’s bunk and messing with it for a bit. Ash made it to seven, grimacing, and Sam looked at Jake quickly. “Do you want to go next?”
Michael snickered. “Give it to Jake last in case he blows it up.”
Jake looked at him. “Seriously? I’m not that bad.”
“Jake, I’m surprised you haven’t seriously injured yourself yet with the amount of things you’ve accidentally blown up this month.”
Ash snorted, passing the device to Sam. “Just take it while they argue like an old married couple.”
“Michael, he’s not wrong.” Kayla grinned, and Michael rolled his eyes, flipping his sister off and ignoring Lee’s dirty look at the action. Sam made it to eight, and Will got to six, then it was passed to Jake. He frowned as he turned it on, quickly noticing a problem with the electronics, and the rest of the room snickered as he pulled a screwdriver and a pair of pliers out of his pocket and quickly started fixing the problem, because it would annoy him if he didn’t. Michael grinned, taking advantage of his distraction, and flicked the dial straight up to ten. Jake yelped, doubling over in pain, and a small explosion occurred, blowing up the device. He sighed heavily and sat back up after a moment, glaring daggers at his boyfriend, who smiled back innocently, nodding to the machine.
“I think there’s something else for you to fix now.”
Jake huffed, swatting him on the head. “Jackass.”
“I thought you weren’t allowed to do that for me because you have no responsibility over me?” He smirked, ignoring the rest of Michael’s siblings laughing at the blown up device while Lee raised an eyebrow at the son of Hephaestus. Carly snorted.
“You’ve basically become an extra sibling at this point, you’re in here that often. Plus,” She grinned. “Brother in law counts, doesn’t it?”
Both Michael and Jake immediately blushed scarlet, and Michael waved his hands at his sister, scowling. “Slow down a bit, for fuck’s sake.”
“Fuck off!”
Kayla snickered. “Dibs on first speech at their wedding.”
Jake groaned as Will snickered. “Oh, come on-”
“When’s the date? Gotta get my suit ready.”
“Will, I will pin you to an archery target.”
“You can’t even move right now.”
“Won’t fucking stop me.”
“Piss off Lee!”
“Fine, but I’m walking you down the aisle.”
“Lee!” Jake groaned again, ignoring Lee’s teasing smirk. “Don’t encourage them! We’re fifteen and sixteen!”
“Oh yeah, you’re a pervert.” Carly nodded. “Preying on someone younger than you.”
Michael burst into laughter as Jake looked at the daughter of Apollo. “Carly, what the heck? I’m five months older, not fifteen years.”
“You never know.”
He scoffed. “You never know- yes, because I look like I’m thirty, clearly.” Michael was in fits of laughter, and Jake huffed, picking up the device and hopping off his boyfriend’s bunk, walking out the cabin and rolling his eyes at the teasing smirks. “Goodbye, I’m going to fix your machine. Michael, you better eat lunch.”
“Ooh, Mikey, you’ve been called out for starving.”
“Starving?? Bitch, how many meals do you think I’ve missed?”
Jake snickered as he closed the door behind him, listening to the group bicker between themselves. Some things never changed.
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nyenylon · 28 days
Doodles... Doodles 100...
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@artsycloudysleepy.. remembered to tag you for once
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sheila--e · 2 months
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Never posted my stupid 40 year old man here I think. His name is Ace, everyone say hi Ace :)
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evilmagician430 · 6 months
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my new comic about boys who are friends (part 1)
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milolovesbmc · 6 months
When you make an oc and suddenly your boyfriend is literally in love with him so now you have to draw him even more
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wizardships · 1 month
get fucking ready you guys. tomorrow it's fitz friday
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gorillaxyz · 7 months
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spookberry · 2 years
Whos skid? (And claire)
an old oc! I actually first came up with Skid in middle school, though they are Wildly different from that first iteration lol. The general idea is that Skid is a 2000 year old human made demon ie they come from earth. Which makes them a loophole case where humans aren't legally allowed to boot them from the planet.
They were sort of magically enslaved by this evil witch for a couple centuries up until meeting Claire. Claire had this deadly illness that was slowly eating away at her and so the two made this deal where Skid basically gets to live and care for Claire's body for as long as it takes to find a cure for her illness, keeping Claire in a sort of stasis all the while, so she isn't actively aging or growing nor is her illness getting worse. What did skid get out of this deal? A way out of their contract with the evil murder witch. It's a win win.
Also a big part of the story is this back and forth that angels and demons have over who has the right to colonize earth, basically lol. And Angels currently have the upper hand as they ran a smear campaign against demons ages ago and used capitalism to start putting down roots, such as this Really Important organization that's employed by (though not ran by) the government in order to deal with supernatural and magical issues.
Skid likes playing detective though and as a part of their "community service" they wind up as a lackey for said Angel organization. Along the way they happen to adopt a lot of down on their luck magic orphans(sometimes literally other times its more emotionally).
And also there's some fun little twists and turns with Skid's past coming back to haunt them. And one day I'll turn this into a comic or something, hopefully,, one day,,,,
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have some fun lil skid drawings ft Eliza(skid's adopted daughter) as a baby and also some plot relevant Angel characters
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rayray-razorblade · 4 months
they boyfriensd evar..........
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dog-bonezzzz · 6 months
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Gonna start postin our art to try n gain some confidence- even if its not that good. Ta start, I present our OC for a danganronpa (rewrite) rp. We dont like danganronpa that much n avoid the community like the plague, but this rp is really fun and is purposely made to avoid the problems with the og media :-). Her name is Darui Acha (She/Her), she could probably have a better name but her name is purposely the way it is lol. She's the ultimate streamer but she also counts rlly well as ultimate girlfail. because she so girlfail. Being a big internet gal does shit ta ya.
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medi-melancholy · 2 years
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fangan rp with friends has reached the halfway point but at what fucking cost
i’m making the end of chapter screens + made the class lineup, pixel art, and also death portraits!! it’s fun getting to draw everyone’s characters and work with them all on ideas for portraits, but also o u c h
yes there’s a goose in the class no we don’t question it anymore
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astastories · 1 year
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Just two old drawings of one of my OC troll characters 
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ghostcat404 · 3 months
if anyone remembers what i like to call “the boyfriend tags”….updated them to fit current situation
they are now the qpp tags and I will be using them
I know that it’s likely no one really cares but…eh
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reallyromealone · 5 months
Title: and they were roommates
Fandom: none
Characters: vampire (oc?)
Fic type: story
Pairings: vampire x male reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, nsfw, biting, blood sucking, dubious consent, blow jobs
Notes:ok so it's not an OC really? But it kind of is? It's a vampire but like not a specific dude and he doesn't have a name or any description
"Aight, streams done" (name)s roommate said coming out of his room, dressed in comfortable clothes as (name) put in a pullover sweater "let's get this shopping done!" (Name) Said back with enthusiasm as he stretched, (name) was thankful his roommate and him had the same sleep schedule, (name) worked online as an editor and his roommate was a twitch streamer, usually up all hours of the night streaming.
Though tonight he started early so that the two could get grocery shopping done, thankfully they lived close to a 24 hour grocery store "I'm gonna get me some pop tarts" (name) said getting into the passenger seat of his roommates car and the other snorted "eat too many and you will become one"
"That would be awesome, I would be delicious" (name) said, missing the look his roommate gave, a flash of red passing over his eyes as he began driving.
The two had been roommates for two years now and (name) wouldn't lie... He was down bad for his roommate, he was always so cool and mysterious-- "dude! They have the barbieque sauce!" Well most of the time, after streams he was always a little more goofy, less like his online persona.
Though... He wasn't expecting this.
"Sorry... Fuck... I thought I had more in reserve..." His roommate mumbled as he pinned him to the bed, shaking slightly as he kissed (name)s neck feverishly "what..." (Name) Gasped as he felt something puncture his neck and a whine left his lips as his roommates hands held (name)s wrists against his bed.
He was so tired, having gone to bed after the grocery shop and he knew his roommate was fidgety but... "Sorry..." He whispered as he removed his fangs and licked (name) neck clean before pulling back, guilt washing over his face before feeling... "Oh" he said and (name) followed his eyes to realize that while getting bitten by his roommate (name) popped a boner and looked back up to meet his roommates gaze flustered and embarrassed "I- uh..."
"Sorry for biting you, I thought I had more reserve" he said getting closer and (name) fidgeted and looked away "I get it if you wanna move out, that was pretty shitty of me to do" his vampire roommate said and (name) bit his lip shyly "I feel this... Is a dumb Segway to tell you I have feelings for you" (name)s voice trembled slightly, this is now how he imagined confessing and god-- what if he didn't like him back and he looked like an idiot--" I like you too, guess I can do this then.." slightly cold lips touched his own, soft and plush as fangs gently scraped his lips as they began kissing slowly and a soft moan left (name)s lips.
"How are you feeling today though... Haven't taken from a person in a while..." His roommate fretted as he looked over (name) and his wound "I'm a bit dizzy.... But I'm ok..." He whispered as his roommate gently pecked his lips as comfort before adjusting so (name) could sit up "so... What happened?" (Name) Asked as he grabbed his pillow and covered his still present erection as his roommates boyfriend? Sighed "well... You know how you said you would be a delicious pop tart?"
"Well that + me having a crush on you + being semi hungry..."
"Oh... Oh!" (Name) Quickly connected and things started making more sense "so the mini fridge..."
"You're handling this way better than I expected" the vampire said softly and a tad bit nervous "well... It explains a LOT" (name) shrugged before wincing slightly as he was just bitten "and I mean you're still my roommate... So are we like... Boyfriend or...?" (Name) Asked nervously as he played with the pillow in his lap "only if you want to be" his roommate said softly and (name) nodded "yeah... I would really like that" (name) said happily and his boyfriend moved to kiss him.
"And I promise not to bite you again" his roommate said as he set (name) on the couch, the two moving to the living room after a nice makeout session in (name)s room, the human having a dizzy spell so it was time for a cookie and orange juice.
"But what if I wanted you to do it again?" (Name) Said shifting nervously as the other set the food and drink down, (name) watched as the cogs turned in his head and then the realization clicked "oh? You like it when I bite you?" He asked as he watched the other eat his cookie "I mean... You did give me a boner" (name) said, his erection just now going down as the other hummed "alright but... I promise not to take it often, don't want you unconscious"
Their lives went on normally save for a few new additions like making out basically everywhere in the apartment and sharing a bed as both found they were fairly clingy with cuddles.
"O-oh..." (Name) Whined as he felt the other lift his shirt to nip at his chest, fangs scraping lightly across his nipple before sucking and biting, his other hand tugging at the other nipple as (name) sat in his lap stroking their erect cocks together as they both let out soft breaths and moans "fuck..." Did sucking blood somehow a god at sucking his chest? God his dick sucking game must be legendary...
"You know you're mumbling right?" His boyfriend looked up at him and (name) grew flustered as the other went close to his ear "and my dick sucking game is unmatched" before licking the shell of his ear, kissing down and heaving hickeys as he went and pushed (name) down so that he was laying on their bed, his boyfriends hands firmly on his hips as he took (name)s cock in one go, hollowing out his cheeks as he began sucking slow and hard.
His tongue rubbed the base of his cock as his fangs just barely scraped the sides, the actions causing (name)s eyes to roll back and thankfully the vampire had his hands on the others hips as (name)s hips began jerking to chase the vacuum that was his boyfriends mouth.
"S-shit-- I'm gonna..!" (Name) Came down his throat as his toes curled and knees buckled, the vampire drinking every drop with a hazy expression before pulling off "you wanna go all the way? It's ok if you don't wanna" he soothed as (name) shook, sweating as he felt the other kiss his forehead "maybe... Tomorrow night... We could?" He asked and the vampire chuckled "yeah baby, I'll make it real special for ya" his voice though teasing, his eyes said something different.
And (name) couldn't wait for tomorrow.
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zepskies · 22 days
August Fic Recs
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Hey, friends!
I got inspired by the awesome monthly rec posts that @winchestergirl2 and @deanwinchesterswitch put together, and decided to try this out. I might not do this every month, but we'll see! lol I now realize how much time and effort this takes, so to you guys who do this on the regular, I salute you! 🫡 😂
Note: If the author provided a summary, I'll include it. If not, and if it's untitled, I'll include the first line of the story. If it's a series and the author provided a series masterlist link in the chapter post, I'll also include it. MINORS BEWARE: a lot of this is 18+ content!
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Dean Winchester x Reader:
@mxltifxnd0m -
Cute Glasses
Boyfriend Headcanons
@dewwinchester -
Stitches Summary: Dean texts you for help, and you drop everything for him.
@dean-winchester-is-a-warrior -
Things Learned and Unlearned | Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15 Summary: Y/N has spent her life trying to outrun her mother's reputation. When she meets the rich and successful playboy, Dean Winchester, how quickly can he get her to stop running?
Every Fucking Time Summary: You want to help Dean, but he knows you can't.
@talltalesandbedtimestories -
Just a Little Spice Summary: Dean likes to spice things up, but it would be nice if he didn’t have to put his life in danger in the process.
@luci-in-trenchcoats -
Oh, Baby Summary: When Dean is cursed on a hunt and turned into a baby, the reader has to take care of him along with Sam. Dean however, is a bit more adult than they might realize…
A Shirtless Winchester
Imagine...Breaking Dean Out of Jail
@zeppelinlvr -
"Better?" "Much" Summary: waking up next to Dean and getting ready with him.
@ohsc -
Help You
@rizlowwritessortof -
Sweet Escape - Part 1, Part 2 Summary: What happens when a friend jokingly does a spell at your birthday party to bring your cardboard standup of Dean Winchester to life?
@deans-queen -
Stolen Moments Summary: Y/N finds herself unable to resist capturing a rare, peaceful moment of Dean Winchester sleeping in a motel room. But when Dean wakes up and catches her in the act, what starts as an innocent photo op quickly turns into an intimate encounter.
Sweet Distractions Summary: Reader (Y/N) is at the bunker, working on an essay for her Child Development class. When Dean comes to check on her, his bad-boy charm quickly becomes a distraction she can’t resist, no matter how hard she tries.
@tofics -
Let There Be Light Summary: You, Dean and Sam are fighting America's monsters together. Coming from a long line of hunters, you fit right in with the Winchester boys, despite having been raised entirely different from the two. Where you were brought up with love and care, John raised Sam and Dean with rules and obedience. Seeing what Dean does for the world, you decide it's time that he gets his own share of love...
@jackles010378 -
A Sweet Treat Summary: Dean gets a little excited when Y/N makes his favourite treat.
Dean Winchester x OC:
@rizlowwritessortof -
Remember Me - Part 4
@spnbabe67 -
Girls, Girls, Girls Summary: While on a witch hunt Dean gets hit with a spell. Later at the hotel, Dean feels the effects of the spell and Tori has to help him through it.
It Takes Two Summary: Dean and Tori get roped into doing a pregnancy yoga session and he reminisces on how he found out she was pregnant. (Dean's POV)
Comfortember Day 7: Sick As A Dog Summary: When Dean wakes up sick, it's up to Tori to make him feel better again.
Comfortember 2023 Master List
The Broken Heart Trilogy Master List
Sam Winchester x Reader:
@ohsc -
Untitled Drabble - "She wouldn't stop giggling."
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The Boys
Soldier Boy x Reader:
@kaleldobrev -
Yes Ma'am (Soldier Boy x Plus-size!Reader) Summary: Macho Man Ben never thought he’d ever take orders from a woman; but now he does so with a smile (aka Ben is whipped and he doesn’t care).
After Everything Summary: You and Ben have a heart-to-heart.
@artyandink -
The Art of Heresy - Prequel, Chapter 1, Chapter 2 Summary: Modern day, 2022, and you have no clue what’s going on. You knew what you went through. You knew it was real, but why were there people trying to convince you that everything that happened to you wasn’t real. Hell, you called bullshit. But you get your chance to fight back when you get a call at your door.
Billy Butcher x Reader:
@lady-z-writes -
Untitled Drabble - "Butcher stumbles in the office. Haggard, nothing new."
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Russell Shaw x Reader:
@impala-dreamer -
Don't Mention It
@luci-in-trenchcoats -
M.I.A. Summary: When Colter Shaw calls the reader for help on a job, she thinks nothing of helping out. Only he never shows up and Colter may have just become the latest disappearance in this small town. It’s up to her and Russell to work together to find him before his case goes cold like all the others before…
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Various characters portrayed by Jensen Ackles and/or crossovers:
@deanbrainrotwritings -
Jacklesverse Bingo 2023 Masterlist
@justagirlinafandomworld -
Stranded - SPN/The Boys crossover: Soldier Boy & Reader, with a mention of Dean.
@lamentationsofalonelypotato -
It's Not a Big Deal - SPN/The Boys crossover: Soldier Boy x Reader, with a side helping of Dean. Summary: Dean's in for a rude awakening when he finds out exactly what you did when you got stranded in another universe.
@artyandink -
Nature's Beauty Summary: You have stretch marks. How would the boys react to that?
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Chicago Med
Will Halstead x Reader:
@deanstead -
5 Times You Held Back + 1 Time You Didn't Have To Summary: Five times you held back, and the one time you didn’t have to.
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Wow, I read a lot this month! 😂 I hope you enjoy these lovely writers and their stories as much as I did. 💜
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