#boyfail main character
honeysticksz · 2 months
Guys I am actually not okay. I read Robert Louis Stevenson's "The Body Snatcher" a month ago and it's been creeping up on me more prominently. The thing is. that no one knows what in the world I'm on about. Even Tumblr has so little for this short story.
I cannot stress this enough PLEASE read The Body Snatcher. It's like. only 20-something pages in total. It's less than 30 pages, come on guys. And the quotes from that book?? My favourite by the way is:
" 'My dear fellow,' said Macfarlane, 'what a boy you are! What harm HAS come to you? What harm CAN come to you if you hold your tongue? Why, man, do you know what this life is? There are two squads of us - the lions and the lambs. If you're a lamb, you'll come to lie upon these tables like Gray or Jane Galbraith; if you're a lion, you'll live and drive a horse like me, like K-, like all the world with any wit or courage. You're staggered at the first. But look at K-! My dear fellow, you're clever, you have pluck. I like you, and K- likes you. You were born to lead the hunt; and I tell you, on my honour and my experience of life, three days from now you'll laugh at all these scarecrows like a High School boy at a farce.' "
"What a boy you are!" just made me laugh tbh. I'll start saying that in my day-to-day life now. But pleasepleaseplease. It's such a good story.
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grzybjek · 1 month
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A collage I made for one of the characters from my newest story. His name is Kundel by the way hes an absolute manfail and a menace
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tarohonii · 9 months
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/gives you yet another out of context artpiece ab my eleceed ocs/
All details are tentative as of now, but male is Jung Saewon. 26 year old member of Baekdu. The female is Mun Soyoung, 32 year old temporary AMC of sorts of Baekdu. Soyoung dabbles in a lot of outsourcing and making deals with more sketchier parties to give Baekdu the upperhand that only ends up injuring Suman in the process.
BTW Saewon is being unnecessarily dramatic and angsty in his head but on the outside this is how he's acting five seconds later:
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unwrathful · 5 months
i like to think xanxus is in no way related to vongola (including the second). like yes tsuna is kind of a nepo baby now and vongola is pretty much engaging in eugenics BUT here me out. xanxus not having any Special Blood but still being peak and becoming head of varia, the fan favourite choice for decimo, and getting the vongola ring on his hand at the end of the battle is more meaningful than if he did have Special Blood.
on the other hand you have tsuna, boyfail extraordinare who despite his Special Blood is still struggling to score anything on a test. it's a nice contrast to have but also just shows that Special Blood is not and should not be the deciding factor in anything, and tsuna is only becoming decimo because everyone else who thinks the Special Blood is important said so. tsuna doesn't even seem to be on board with this whole Special Blood nonsense but since everyone he cares about would die if xanxus won he's kinda stuck lmao
it just annoys me when series have that Special Blood nonsense in it to justify everything OP about a main character. i just like that tsuna's Special Blood turned him into a mafia smoke alarm occasionally but otherwise did nothing else
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sirwow · 2 months
Hi wally!
Since you asked me about paian, let me ask you about loghail! What parts of them in canon did you like and how did you end up with your interpretation of them in rdcc :0?
Also as a bonus you can also use this as an opportunity to ramble about hinode and lucia because idr if you've rambled abt them on tumblr much :]
Ooh loghail… Iv got a lot of thoughts about them after reading way too much into how they act. Get ready for autism blast
First Logan. One of the main things that I kinda stuck to when it came to giving him more personality then just “boyfail” is the fact despite us seeing him fail at least 3 times in game and like another 2 in the Middlesea comics, he never gives up. He’s very determined to do something even if it takes him a lot longer then others to do it. It’s why I like to imagine in the baseball arc he was far far from the best player but still stuck to it because his star Lucky was giving him a chance and who was he to turn that down?
Logan also is very much the stereotypical boy character on purpose so I kinda ended up embracing that fact. He’s made special by the fact he’s just a normal dude stuck in a hospital with way weirder things and has to figure out how to navigate that. Makes friends with a random samurai, sneaks into the cafe to vent to the other most normal person, talks to birds. He’s trying his bestest and I love him for that.
Now as for Hailey due to how Iv written her in CC there’s a lot more to say and dig into. First thing that most people might disagree with but what makes CC Hailey well CC Hailey is she is. Really apathetic n aloof and she is probably subconsciously aware of that fact. She can’t wrap her head around why Logan is so wishy washy (it’s called 14yr crippling anxiety sweetie), ditches him with no other words in 3-1n, doesn’t really catch onto Cole having a crush himself, tells Logan to go outside more and get off his phone as a passing joke. There’s probably a few I’m forgetting but yeah. But it’s clear she does care even if she can’t show it in the subtle ways. She makes the baseball team outfits, stitches bears for everyone in the comics, is very patient for Logan despite the wishy washyness.
Though this aloof nature also plays into her being A hypocrite and unintentionally a jerk. Again with all the Logan stuff above n the fact she doesn’t wanna confess just because she feels entitled to Logan doing it as we can tell from the pre-4-4 dialogue. All of this together combined with the blatant “why is there a teenager alone on a train” moment kinda is why I gave her the rough home she has in CC. Her behavior is indicative of normalizing toxic behavior, fear of losing stuff again, and having extreme independence for a 13-15yr. Going alone across the desert in a train at that age is not normal behavior nor is just talking to random strangers. lovingly. So alas she’s got the bad home life that’s forced her to be dependent on herself- giving her sass and a bit of a high horse but low empathy and unfamiliarity with normal social ques. Also probably some autism in there lol
As for them as a couple there’s not too much else then me wanting to see them improve for the better. Logan growing a spine for himself at the mistreatment and Hailey stopping being so flippant with everything in their relationship. They’re still working off each other through the unknown and strange situations they’re thrown in and love each other more for sticking by.
Now then I’m probably just going to do Lucia alone because while I love you Hino there’s still a lot of writing that needs to happen in that area hehe. Consider this the kid trio explaining.
So Lucia, she’s only got one level to work with and there’s really not much we get from it other then she’s a talented artist for her age (same range as Logan n Hailey) and she’s into video games because of the end text. Therefore I made everything about her up based off vibes alone.
As a result Lucia in CC is an overachiever, straight A student with very well off hardworking parents. Her father a famous Middlesea architect and her mother a entomologist (bug scientist). Lucia however is also generally the victim of her own made stress and why she’s in the hospital sometimes for both anxiety and a racing heart. (And why she’s got both SVT type beats and overlapping classics). Was always a loner kid more interested in the recess bugs and books then ever playing but still kept a keen eye on all the drama going on. One day when Logan hid behind her from bullies during recess she scared them off with a handful of bugs. He didn’t seem too scared of them and he was quiet so Lucia let him stick around till Logan n Lucia became a bit attached to each other’s sides as the weird lonely kid best friends.
Opinion on Hailey is a nice friendly surface level but at the core their personalities clash hard. Lucia doesn’t get how she can be so apathetic and unaware sometimes when she herself notices every little social cue she can almost obsessively. Her not being the greatest to Logan also makes Lucia iffy but remains cordial and friendly to try and understand her better. Though being again, 14 there’s some things she just doesn’t know enough about to notice.
So yeah that’s the basic tldr on these three and Hinode will have to wait another day for if someone asks about all the characters families sob. Thank you so much for the ask the brain rot sure is rotting <33
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ripley8punchingbag · 6 months
Can I say something? Dune is one of the only things where you can’t make the main character trans willy-nilly. You end up with two ideas:
- Lady Jessica specifically went against what the Bene Gesserit wanted because she loved her husband so much and everything STILL worked out, so now Girl Paul has to marry Feyd and nothing cool happens
- Lady Jessica did as told but now she’s dealing with the fact that the Bene Gesserit are transphobic and she has a dumb boyfail son
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jiveysprial · 26 days
Longpost. Watching Mario movie and need to get this out.
Autism ahead.
I hate the voice for Mario. 0/10 that's not My Mario. Luigi's voice was fine. BUT HIS PERSONALITY
What have you done to my Luigi. My poor boy.
Just creating non problems for the main cast to have Conflict is my biggest pet peeve !!
I get it its """funny"". It would've been funnier if the dog wasn't even menacing and Luigi was just THAT scared of a harmless dog he panics and messes up
LIKE THATD BE FUNNY!! BUT NO. No we have weirdly sentient dog mess it up.
I will admit. I liked the family scene, it was done pretty well imo.
How they discover the magic pipe is, kinda fun. Don't remember if they resolve the Water Crisis later or not, but I'll see !!
(Typing this as I watch, btw. Live posting, but on tumble)
The Between when they're going through the pipe... confuses me? Why did they end up in two different places if they went through the same pipe. Mario logic isn't logicing!!
It would've been better if they went through different pipes.
I LOVEEE THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM THo i love how beautiful and inviting they made it.
Wish they weren't a coward and used toads real voice, but hey, the one they did wasn't that bad?? And got across the point while not being annoying (imo)
The dry bones bit was fun, and I like how the darklands trees are square like and windy
Is.. hitting golden blocks like. Toads jobs??
Love the platforming in mushroom kingdom. Really silly and cute, love the references.
Princess peach is where I'm going to judge the hardest. She is my bugaboo wifey.
I like how she's portrayed as powerful. I wish they utilized her power more.
LOVE that she woops Mario's ass immediately.
I also like that she's got a rapunzel like personality? Immediately can tell she's been sheltered and same girly same
The obstacle course is a really fun bit, however, feels very drawn out and like we could've gotten more screentime doing other things than watching Mario boyfail again and again. There's a lot at stake and they're just... doing this. Can't he learn on the job???
Mario hating mushroom bit bad. Maybe they could've executed it better?? Idk just felt like a haha wouldn't it be funny if rather than an interesting character trait
If I hear I Need a Hero used in any context that isn't Shrek 2 ever again I'm exploding.
I like how they animated Mario's denim.
LOVINg how awkward peach is with social interaction she's actually me fr.
LOVEEE jack blacks character voice for bowser!!! Works really really well for his personality!!
I wish Mario had more personality than Typical Main Character of the Post 2010s era.
Fire flower field is suuuper cute I can't lie, plus I like peaches backstory !! I wish we understood WHY they crowned her princess tho...
Mixed feelings on the doomstar, probably wishing it was written better and had a Lil more impact than doomsday Debbie downer that sounds Cutie
The Kong Kart thing is like. Really cool actually. There's lives at stake but hey, take on me is playing it's time for a fun montage anyway
Wishing Kong Country had more military significance tho with how they ralk about their army, idk
The colloseum is a really fun idea tho. Love a good gladiator motif.
Dk and Mario acting kind of... kind of.......... kind of....... some fruity scents coming from the subtext
It's giving repressed homosexuality with DK
The Mario Kart scenes are so fun. I have to admit that.
Where. Does each side keep getting information so fast. There needs to be just like, one character that explains that. A traitor or something cmon
From bowswers pov I understand. He's toxic and insecure.
But everyone else??? It gets !! Really annoying !!
My girl peach rejecting them both at the end of oddesy.
Not.not Jonah and the whale nOOOOOOOO
I guess. She needed to warn her people. Or whatever
I like that most of the toads have sheep mentality. It's very interesting to me
Bowswers delulu ass is so funny to me
I don't like how damsel Luigi is. He's capable of things too!! Fuck you !!
NOT THE DK MARIO BEING GAY AGAIN?? hello?? They're so much gayer than I remember ??
Dk and Mario having more chemistry than a vinegar and baking soda
The music tries too hard to add motifs and it ends up sounding oddly forced.
Damn can't believe they killed Luigi (comedic lie)
What Has Mario Done.
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snoopsdoopsoops · 5 months
Exorcisms 4 Sale is a horror comedy comic about a man chosen to close the Gates of Hell, but instead wants to become a successful businessman. I think people would really enjoy this comic because of how silly it is and because of how the main character is a dumb boyfail.
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