#boyd connors
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nadiamorgan · 2 years ago
location — downtown at the vendors
character — @boyd-connors
She'd more than punished herself for the damage she'd caused, but nothing ever seemed like enough. Even as she watched people fade from her life, had watched her best friend walk out after saying he was done, it still didn't feel like enough. If only to had fuel to the flickering flames of her life, she'd tried to do something big enough to throw off what little balance she had left and she had a bandaged ring finger to prove it. A cover up job turned into a touchup — what kind of person did that? Kept the letter of someone who hated them inked into their skin because it was the last remaining piece they had left? Thumb instinctively brushed over the bandage as she bumped into someone while trying to dodge another. Had she realized who was on the other side of the gentle nudge, she would have taken the shoulder check. A quick scan around him flooded her chest with relief, followed by an inkling of disappointment. Another run in, but no Mattie. "I didn't mean for that to happen. Trust me, if I'd known it was you, I would have just taken my chances." There was no anger in her voice, just a raw coat of defeat as she prepared for the venom that would inevitably be tossed her way.
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zoolitsky-fandom · 9 months ago
Does this happen to anyone else or is it just me
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Haha it’s such a silly coincidence I relate to and project on these characters so much hahaha… WAIT-
(I’m being evaluated in like a year)
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nadiamorgan · 2 years ago
By now, she should have expected some sense of a kickback to roll so easily off his tongue. Was it that he doubted her ability to love, or his ability to be loved? Rather the rush of anger that normally flooded her veins, it was softened by understanding. "Do you remember when we first met? I told you that I wasn't interested in dating and you had this whole charming speech about why I was wrong." She'd hated how addictive his oceanic blues were then, and now? She stole a glance in his direction and felt far too much for a woman he considered the ice queen. "So, I caved. I gave you a chance and it pretty much turned out to be the best thing I'd ever done. I loved you, Boyd. So much more than I ever showed you." Thumb brushed at the initial inked into her skin and with a slow turn, she flashed it towards him, hand unsteady. "This was supposed to be my future. If I didn't... if I never loved you, I would have covered it up a long time ago."
And she hadn't. In fact, the touch up had reminded her of how much a single letter could mean to a person. Everything she'd said had been genuine, not a compelling argument meant to convince him of anything else. She stood in the midst of the shop with bated breath, his voice being the very thing that nearly made her crumble to the ground beneath once more.
He'd tell their daughter about her. He'd give Mattie the chance to know her. That was all the paramedic had asked for and now that the words were promised aloud, she could barely think, let alone speak. "Okay," she nodded, voice weak. "Okay. I think that's fair. Thank you."
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He could almost, for the very first time, believe that she was sorry, that she regretted leaving because it was the wrong thing to do, but he didn't see a world in which he'd ever believe that she had loved him. That would always be a cruel lie she only told to make herself feel better, to try to make her decision seem noble instead of just selfish. "Don't ruin it now by lying again," he said warningly, but there was too much hurt behind it for it to come out with much bite. Because maybe he always knew this was where they'd end up — she'd convince him she was sorry, he'd fold for Mattie's sake, and the only one who'd end up losing in this all was him...
He kept waiting for the day when it would hurt less. Between his father, his sister, and Nadia, he really ought to be more used to it. But the sting never left, and the wound never really healed; all he was left with was doubts about what he had done wrong. He was surprised it wasn't obvious, or that Nadia had the subtly to avoid exploiting that weakness — the way he lashed out like a wounded animal, the way he was so clearly cornered with no means of escape.
He sighed, exhausted as the fight leached out of him. He hated the way it felt like defeat, but he'd put it off as long as he could. "I'll tell her about you. Tell her you're here. Whether she chooses to see you, that's up to her... But Nadia, I swear, no funny business. This isn't a negotiation. If she wants to talk to you, you don't get to see her without me present."
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spookytreesandspicytea · 8 months ago
Sometimes I'm such a basic bitch with my favourite characters. Like, they're fan favourites and everyone adores them, and then sometimes my favoruites are so fucking outta pocket they're in the stratosphere.
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annieqattheperipheral · 10 months ago
awwww!! they made them feel so special after playing in a storage cabinet the last couple of years!! 🥹
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tia-amorosa · 5 months ago
Sunset Died - Sword/Hatch
The Wedding(-Crasher) (Part 2)
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The cake was indeed something special on this day. It was not very sweet, but had a pleasant taste of berries. Emma had boiled them down a while ago and used them for today's occasion. “Really good. I think that's the best today.” Pauline looked over at her plate and grinned, “as quickly as you ate your piece, I think so too, hnhn”.
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While Cyclone and Blair's wedding reception is in full swing, someone elsewhere is frantically making their way to get help. “Shit, why did it have to start now, I thought we still had time…”. Cries of pain could be heard far away.
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The atmosphere at the party was quite relaxed. Someone had switched on their smartphone and played a playlist. It was a colorful mix, including some slow tracks. You had to take advantage of that. “I've been practicing a bit more"/ ”really? Well then show me if you've become a good dancer, hnhn”.
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As Boyd's wife was still busy with the cake, he asked Emma for a short dance. He wanted to use the moment to thank her for taking such good care of his daughter during this difficult time. “Thank you, but it was a matter of course for me to look after her. She's like a sister to me"/ ‘hnhn, that makes me happy’.
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Let loose and enjoy the rest of the day. That was actually the plan. Pauline said goodbye and went home, while Xander had to finish the dance with Morgana. It was a nice get-together - until the peace and quiet was interrupted.
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A few moments later. Nick Alto stormed with quick steps towards the barn where the party was taking place. He knew there was an event here today, but he had to find a place where there were a lot of people. “My God, Mr. Alto, what…"/ ”Is Dr. Wolff here? I need to see her urgently!”
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And at the same time, the commotion began when some of the guests saw him. “What are you doing here, huh? You don't show your face for ages and then…”, but Nick immediately defended himself. “I don't have time to explain right now, I need Dr. Wolff!"/ ‘I'm here…’. Morgana came running out of the background and saw that he was quite out of breath. “What happened?”.
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Susan was surprised and annoyed at the same time. “That he's showing up here today, of all days, at our daughter's wedding"/ ‘Well, it seems to be something important… Look at him, he's a mess, what's going on there?’. Morgana supported Nick for a moment until he could catch his breath. “Now tell me, what happened?"/ ‘He should tell us why first…’/ ”Quiet, damn it!”...
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After the confusion of everyone's chatter died down, Nick continued, panting slightly. “I know everything is getting out of hand here at the moment, but I need your help now, Dr. … Vita, she's gone into labor, too early actually, and she's in tremendous pain, please, help us!” / ‘What??’.
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“Your wife… is pregnant?”. Everyone in the room was visibly surprised and also a little shocked. No one had noticed anything yet. How could they, she hadn't been out for months. “I… I know you must all have lots of questions and I'll answer them eventually, but please… Something's not right…”. Morgan's head was foggy for a moment, but then the doctor in her came out. “I'm coming…”.
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Even the bride and groom had not expected such an event on this day. “Phew. That was a very surprising wedding crasher“/”indeed. Did any of you notice anything? That Vita is pregnant?"/ ‘No. I haven't seen her once since we got back here’/ ”I wonder why she's been keeping her pregnancy a secret all this time? She might be older, but that's no reason to hide."/ Blair shook his head. “Anyway, the party's over. Let's go home.”
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End of this Part
@greenplumbboblover 😊
Poses by: @poses-by-bee, @natalia-auditore (mika's pain)
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ingridlczano · 2 years ago
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"Yeah." Looking back on what happened, Ingrid wasn't sure whether to be worried or annoyed. It had been years since anyone who knew her mom came asking for her, so that only made her think that something was up. "No idea. He said he knew her back in the day, so that could only mean one thing. He spoke Spanish and tried to give me attitude but I sent him away. It was so fucking weird."
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"Yeah." Looking back on what happened, Ingrid wasn't sure whether to be worried or annoyed. It had been years since anyone who knew her mom came asking for her, so that only made her think that something was up. "No idea. He said he knew her back in the day, so that could only mean one thing. He spoke Spanish and tried to give me attitude but I sent him away. It was so fucking weird."
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badmovieihave · 11 months ago
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Bad movie I have 4 Film Favorites Final Destination Collection It has Final Destination 2000, Final Destination 2 (2003), Final Destination 3 (2006) and The Final Destination 4 (2009)
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rhaenizziettie · 1 year ago
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hsinliuvega · 1 year ago
in afterimage ann takes boyd out to lunch to explain and apologize for her role in their relationship imploding, and she hears the way he talks about hsin and their relationship and takes the time to tell him how unhinged he sounds and how truly messed up he is for thinking that way, despite how much they mutually dislike each other. and i desperately wish i could have that scene from her pov cuz i cant imagine she was consciously aware of this but a part of her must have been acutely aware that the age gap btwn her and emilio is only 2 years greater than the one btwn boyd and hsin, and boyd is only 5-6 yrs older than she was when she was with emilio. do you think she thought about what she would have heard at that time in her life? and would that have made her feel further disgusted with herself, with him, with the situation? she knows hsin isnt emilio, just like she isnt her father, her sister, and boyd isnt his mother. but, maybe the poison drips through!
i think their mutual dislike of each other is the only thing that stops ann and boyd from noticing just how similar they are in personality, life experience, etc, but i also think that they dislike each other because they are so similar, its like staring at a mirror that only shows your flaws
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narixyang · 2 years ago
continued from here for @boyd-connors
The question wasn't one Nari was expecting, catching her completely off guard for a moment. There was an obvious lift to her brows, mouth open just slightly ajar before she corrected and found her voice back again. "Honestly, it's...not as complicated as I thought it would be to talk to them about it. I just tell them the truth," she admitted with a shrug. It wasn't an easy truth, but she felt that she owed at least that to the boys. She'd been there when it happened, had been sitting right next to her sister when the car crashed, and somehow she was the one that walked away alive. If she couldn't at least honor their memory with a bit of honesty for their kids, the guilt would have more than consumed her by that point. "They ask questions a lot and I don't see any reason to lie or hide any of the truth. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it gives them some sense of peace. But, at the end of the day, they know they can trust me to be honest with them about anything and I think...that has to count for something. Not that I have a fucking clue what I'm doing."
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rachelhargrovearchived · 2 years ago
continued from here @boyd-connors
Rachel couldn't help but laugh a little as Boyd tried to explain how he promised he was safe to be around. "It's okay really. I mean I am pretty sure that I should just be thanking you. You sound like an upstanding guy though. It's all good, promise." She smiled over at her companion as she now felt like she needed to reassure him that she didn't think he was a creep. Getting into the car, she looked at her own car, hoping to be back soon and not having to leave it there for too long. "So how old is your daughter?" Rachel felt like it couldn't hurt to learn more about Boyd if they were going to be stuck with one another for a little while longer.
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atlaswilliams · 2 years ago
He was a coward when it came to commitment. Anyone who knew him well enough knew that. "Patience is a goddamn virtue," he countered smoothly, a barely-there grin hanging off the corner of his mouth. He didn't want to lean into things too much. It felt wrong will all that Boyd had brewing before him. It brag about anything, to cover one's fortunes while they other stirred over their own shoddy luck? It didn't feel right.
In the end, making it down any aisle would have been a feat. "You got connections now? I might take you up on that. To be determined." A part of him wanted to rush into the marriage legally before either of them could figure out a reason not to, but in the end, he loved Kenny and he knew that she loved him too. That was more than enough to settle the nerves coursing through his veins. "The only problem is that I don't know how I'm supposed to have a wedding if my sister and Ken can't get it together for two seconds. They hate one another, man. Like, more than Lucas and I do."
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"Yeah, her and me both," he said lightly, trying his hardest to get into the right spirit. Atlas had finally found the right girl — that was something worth celebrating. Sometimes Boyd wondered if he'd made the right decision not trying to find a partner, someone he felt like he could share his life with. He knew he had Cas, and fuck he'd lose his goddamn mind without her, but it was different being in love, having someone who knew every part of you intimately.
"I think courthouse sounds great, man. Smaller is definitely more romantic. But hey, if you wanna go the other way, I also happen to know a pretty cool wedding planner." He hadn't talked to Dilan since that night they hooked up, but he had no reason to think they weren't still on good terms.
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ediewelscr · 2 years ago
❝ at the burger joint with @boyd-connors —
Edie's eyes narrowed on what she'd deemed 'her table' at the terminally greasy joint, for a moment uncertain, but— yep. The guy currently occupying the booth and the one who'd squeezed her car in last minute, at the last hour no less, were one and the same.
"I wanna be annoyed that you've already claimed the back corner spot with the best view of the room, but," all things considered, "I guess I can let it slide."
A crooked grin popped onto her lips. Then she wagered whether the empty seat opposite him meant he was alone or just waiting on a friend. "Do you mind some company? I figure the least I can do is pay for your food and a milkshake considering you all but saved my ass the other night."
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ingridlczano · 1 year ago
location: deja brew character: @boyd-connors​​ & ingrid.
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Ingrid's eyes lit up with playful amusement as she spotted Boyd's familiar face entering the room. She couldn't help but tease, her tone lighthearted and warm. "Well, well... who's this handsome face?" she quipped, sitting up slightly, her book finding its place on the table. Her gaze locked onto Boyd as she gestured toward the empty chair across from her. "Care to join me, or are you in a rush? Feels like it's been an eternity since I saw you last."
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phoebeyates-archive · 2 years ago
location: the sugar shack
status: closed for @boyd-connors
Although her sugar consumption had gotten slightly better since being employed by Asli, there were still moments when her stress craving for something sweet just couldn't be ignored. It wasn't due to her new job or anything - Aslihan had been extremely nice from the very beginning - but a cryptic text from her mom saying she'd simply 'call soon' and struggling to get the cash together for the money pit of the house had her frantically searching the shelves for the usual Nerd's Ropes, only to find none in their usual little tub, the owner of the store nowhere to be found to see if they were in the back. "Ugh, could this day get any worse?!" Phoebe lamented, her anger getting the better of her for once and kicking the shelf on impulse, cursing when a couple of candies began to rain down, using the hem of her T-Shirt to scoop them back up, turning frantically to see if there were any witnesses, spotting one. "If anyone asks, this was a definite accident, please? I think going down for destruction of public property would be the straw on the camel's back right now."
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