#❝ filed under — boyd connors.
ediewelscr · 1 year
❝ at the burger joint with @boyd-connors —
Edie's eyes narrowed on what she'd deemed 'her table' at the terminally greasy joint, for a moment uncertain, but— yep. The guy currently occupying the booth and the one who'd squeezed her car in last minute, at the last hour no less, were one and the same.
"I wanna be annoyed that you've already claimed the back corner spot with the best view of the room, but," all things considered, "I guess I can let it slide."
A crooked grin popped onto her lips. Then she wagered whether the empty seat opposite him meant he was alone or just waiting on a friend. "Do you mind some company? I figure the least I can do is pay for your food and a milkshake considering you all but saved my ass the other night."
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casfonsecasantcs · 2 years
❝ at the apartment with @boyd-connors —
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“— all I’m sayin’ is that we’ll find a way to make it work. Whatever she needs, whenever she needs it, we’ll figure it out, yeah? Everything is going to be fine.” And despite what her manic mixing seemed to imply, Cassia truly believed it. She had not choice but to believe it. 
When Boyd came home with a wad of wrinkled pamphlets in his hand, the words ‘hearing loss’ on his lips, she hadn’t known what to think. But now, now that she’d had time to mull it over (thrice) and come up with a game plan, she was hellbent and determined to see them past this hurdle, too.
If the school’s suspicions were right - if Mattie’s slip in grades and focus really was an auditory issue - they’d get her the help she needed. End of.
“Here.” Having just popped her latest batch of cupcakes in the oven, Cas crossed the short distance of their too cramped kitchen and shoved a batter covered spoon in Boyd’s face, keeping with tradition. Around a second, equally coated spoon she mumbled, “Have you set up any appointments for testing yet?”
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Detroit: Become Human Connor x OC [14]
A/n: This is a story with my OC from my Falcon of Detroit story, Phoebe Falcon. This was something I was going to add in the story, but omitted it and decided to turn it into a one shot. I hope you all enjoy! Love you all!!!
Fun Fact= All the names I've used as secondary characters in this book are the names of marching band members I knew in high school.
~Phoebe's POV~
"Mother of all that is holy, please, shove the largest cactus on this earth up Gavin's ass!" I shouted from the break room. I stirred the sugar and milk in my coffee to make it more flavorful as insult after insult clouded my mind. I refused to say them out loud because of the vulgarity behind most of them. It took all my strength to bite my tongue as I walked back to my desk. I forced a smile as my colleagues eyed me strangely from hearing my outburst only minutes ago. 
I placed the cup on my desk before grabbing the case file beside it and slamming it down. Since it was only paper, it didn't create an obnoxious noise and I groaned. Peering over at the working Hank, I grab his attention. "Hey, Hank, do you have a book I can borrow?"
"Uh, yeah." He opens his top drawer and pulls out a book.
Not caring what the title of the novel was, I slam it on my desk. The ear-piercing noise, once again, caused everyone's gaze to fall on me. The sound was enough to quench my dramatic need and I sighed in relief. I handed the book back to a confused Hank with a satisfied smile. "Thank you for the book."
"All you wanted it for was to slam it down on your desk?"
"Yep. I needed to announce my frustration to the entire station. You can thank Gavin for being the catalyst to my irritation."
"What happened this time?"
"Pricky Dicky believes an android is behind the murder of the man we found slaughtered at the diner," I groan.
"Why the fuck would he think that? We found nothing that leads to a deviant or a rogue being the one behind the murder."
"Not to mention, there were traces of blood underneath the victim's nails that didn't belong to him. Connor helped me identify whose blood it was."
"Whoa, hold up! How come this is the first time I'm hearing this?" Hank questioned with his hands slightly raised.
"Phoebe wishes to keep the evidence under wraps," Connor said as he walked over and sat down in the chair in front of my desk.
Hank raised a brow. "And why's that?"
"She believes someone in the station works with the assailant," the android replies.
"That's a pretty bold accusation, Phee," the man comments.
"Just don't tell anyone, Hank. Someone in this office knows the man we're looking for," I stated.
The Lieutenant leaned across his desk, resting his hands on the surface. "What's our suspect's name?"
"Sanjay Boyd. He's a thirty-two-year-old construction worker who works for Skyline Contractors. Connor and I will be paying him a visit in a couple of hours," I answer just above a whisper.
Hank returned to his chair and reclined back in it. "Gotcha. My lips are sealed."
"Once I return, I'm rubbing it all in Reed's face and shoving my foot up his ass for being an ass!"
Hank smiled in pure enjoyment. "I'll bring popcorn so I can enjoy the show even more."
"Save me some because I'm gonna savor every second of seeing his stupid expression after learning he was wrong. I might even buy some candy on the way back."
"Bring some tequila, too. I'm gonna need a drink to wash down the popcorn."
"I'll make sure it's strawberry tequila."
"Screw that fruity shit. I want plain, strong, burn-your-throat tequila. I need something to kick my ass so I can pass out."
"Then, I'll pick up the whoop-ass tequila you love so much. And, I'll throw in a taxi so you can get home after you pass out in the parking lot."
"What—you aren't gonna chauffeur me, Phee?" Hank asked in disbelief. "I ain't spending a penny on a taxi."
"Then you'll be spending the night in the parking lot. I'll make sure to drag you under a tree so no one will hit you when they arrive in the morning."
"You're turning my ass into a speed bump, eh?"
"You know it!" I took a sip of my coffee, noting I had put too much sugar in it but not caring one bit. "So, what will it be—become the first ever human speed bump or call for a taxi?"
Hank grumbles in disbelief. "I'll fucking call for a damn taxi..."
-A Few Hours Later-
Connor and I arrived at Boyd's apartment. The building desperately needed attendance as the old wallpaper was peeling off the walls and the floors were filthy. An odor wafted through the halls, earning a gag from me. "Ugh, smells awful in here."
I pinched my nose as Connor knocked on Boyd's door. We received no answer and the two of us exchanged glances. Trying once again, the android knocked louder. "Sanjay Boyd?"
"We're entering in style. Break it down, Connor," I ordered. The android nodded and kicked in the door. The wooded obstacle broke off its henges, crashing on the floor. "I didn't mean to literally break it."
"Apologies, Phoebe," Connor simply replies.
"Don't apologize to me. You murdered an innocent door!" I tease, placing a hand on his arm with a smirk. "Anyway, let's find our suspect." Connor nodded and we stepped over the broken door and into the pigsty of an apartment. Beer bottles, cigarette butts, and clothes were scattered across the floor and every piece of furniture in sight. The smell was more putrid in the apartment than the hallway.
Connor suddenly grabbed my arm, stopping my body entirely. "Be careful of where you step."
I glanced down and saw what Connor was talking about. Shattered glass was near our feet, creating a trail that led to the bathroom. The android stepped in front of me, preventing me from entering the bathroom. "Connor?"
"Stay here," he said in a low voice. I did as I was told and watched as the android entered the bathroom. When he disappeared around the corner, I heard a gunshot and groaning.
My eyes widened as our suspect ran from the bathroom, pressing a hand to his side. Blood trickled through his fingers as he dashed out of the apartment. I quickly take chase and follow him down the hall. He called the rusty elevator and I pulled out my gun. Before he could escape, I disengaged the safety on my pistol and shot hit in the leg. Boyd fell, screaming at the top of his lungs from the pain.
I holstered my gun just as Connor caught up. While he dealt with Boyd, I contacted the station for someone to take him off our hands. I sigh in relief as Boyd was passed out from the pain and Connor laid his body against the wall beside the elevator. "Thank the Lord he finally stopped screaming."
"Mr. Boyd will need his injury to be tended to, Phoebe," Connor spoke up.
"Yeah, I'll have the officer who's on their way to collect him take Sanjay to the hospital. Bastard doesn't deserve an ambulance after killing an innocent man who was about to become a father. He deserves to die, but I'll give him a chance to fight."
Glancing up, I saw the elevator was descending to the lobby. A wave of uneasiness washed over me as I watched the red numbers change. "Connor, may you check the apartment for evidence?"
From the android's expression, I knew he picked up on my anxiety. "Phoebe—"
Silently, Connor nodded and headed back to Boyd's apartment. Just as he turned the corner, the elevator opened to reveal Officer Santora. "Where's the suspect?" She asked.
I nodded to her left. "Right there, Santora. Could you take him to the hospital?"
"Right away, Detective Falcon." She bent down next to Sanjay and whispered something in his ear. I tilted my head in confusion, curious as to what the officer was telling the unconscious murderer. Officer Santora stood up tall, quickly drawing her pistol and aiming it at me. "Place your gun on the ground."
"So, you're the one in cahoots with Boyd. Not surprised at all," I said, removing the pistol from my hip and placing it on the cool tile beneath our feet.
"How'd you figure it out?" She asked, gun aimed at my head.
"You were the officer to report the murder at the diner with witnesses all around. Some of them told me of your strange behavior and how you kept your eyes on Mr. Foster, our victim."
"You couldn't have deduced it was me just from that, Detective. What else gave me away?"
"I checked patrols of that night and saw you were supposed to be stationed in downtown, not the southern outskirts of the city. I connected the pieces and learned of your relationship with Sanjay."
"And you're the only one who knows it's me?" She questioned.
"Yes. I kept it to myself so Hank and Connor wouldn't try confronting you. I just needed to find Sanjay and knew you'd end up crawling to his side if someone was on his trail."
"Speaking of that damn android, where is it?" She demanded sternly.
I sighed. "Not here. I told him to secure the perimeter in case Sanjay tried to escape."
"You're lying! I didn't see it when I entered the building!"
"There's more to this building besides the front. It's got three other sides. Y'know, like a square—four sides in all." I drew a square in the air using my finger.
"You're a smart ass, alright," she scoffs.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Connor using the shadows of the hallway to his advantage and stealthily approaching Officer Santora. She was solely focused on me, completely oblivious of the android who was sneaking up on her. "If you kill me, the entire police force will know who pulled the trigger."
"Not unless I spout a lie and tell them you were killed by the suspect as he was escaping."
"Nice try, but Connor will know the truth and androids are programmed not to lie, especially an advanced prototype like him. Admit it—you've been caught, Julie."
"If I kill you now, there will be plenty of time to escape," the woman responds.
"Then, pull the trigger." Julie stepped closer, her index finger resting on the trigger. Staring at her hands, I saw they were shaking. She bit her bottom lip, eyes full of hesitation. I smirked at her, causing the officer to halt her advance. "You can't pull it."
"Yes, I can!" She bellows.
"If you could, you would've already shot me between the eyes."
Before Julie could say anything else, Connor knocked the pistol out of her hand and delivered a blow to the back of her neck. The officer collapsed to the floor, unconscious. I leaned against the wall behind me and stared up at the ceiling with a sigh. "You have impeccable timing, Robocop."
Connor glanced at me, our eyes locking. "Are you hurt, Phoebe?"
"Nope. Perfectly fine. Thank you, Connor."
I contacted another patrol and they arrived a few minutes later. They took Boyd to the hospital while Connor and I handcuffed Julie and drove her to the station.
-Detroit Police Department-
Two officers escorted Julie to a cell after taking her off our hands. Connor and I headed to my desk with an eager Hank awaiting us. "Saw you made an arrest, Phee."
"More like Connor made one. I'd be dead if he wasn't there," I said.
"It was due to your planning that I was able to apprehend Officer Santora," Connor stated.
"Well, that's two suspects down. Did you get the booze and candy?" Hank questioned.
"No. We couldn't exactly go to the store with a suspect handcuffed in the back seat, Hank," I huff.
Hank groaned in disbelief. "Guess I'll just pour some vodka into my coffee. Never tried the combination before."
"Y'know, Jeffrey is gonna get pissed if he sees you drinking on the job."
"That's why I'm sneaking it into the coffee. He won't notice." Hank pulled out a flask from his desk drawer and headed to the break room.
I shook my head with a smile before turning my attention to Connor. "How 'bout a movie night? I notice you've been skimming through my DVDs at my place since we watched Batman together a few months ago. Anything catch your eye?"  
"There was one," Connor replies.
"Then, let's call it a day and watch a movie!" We left the station and headed to my house.
While I placed my things down, Connor waltzed over to my DVD collection and pulled out the movie that had caught his eye. The android handed the case over and I read the masterpiece he chose.
"You picked a beautiful masterpiece, indeed!" I popped the DVD out of its case and plopped it into the DVD player. Connor sat down on the couch and I grabbed the remote before sitting next to him. I grabbed and hugged a pillow, leaning my head on Connor's shoulder as the movie started.
Just as when we watched Batman, Connor's eyes were glued to the screen, filled with a spectrum of emotions. As the iconic shower scene unfolded on the screen, I stole a glance at Connor. From the corner of my eye, I saw Connor's own eyes widen as Marion was stabbed repeatedly. Blood washed down the drain as the woman screamed at the top of her lungs.
-An Hour Later-
After the credits of Alfred Hitchcock's masterpiece rolled, I smiled from ear to ear. "How'd you like it, Connor?"
"Very intriguing, Phoebe."
"We should do this every Friday night," I spoke my thoughts.
"Yes, we should," Connor smiled at me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "It's a date!"
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casfonsecasantcs · 2 years
❝ their apartment, with @boyd-connors —
A few days? A week? A month? A year? Exactly how long was Cas supposed to sit around and wait for Boyd to break the news, pretending all the while she didn't already know his ex was practically right next door?
For some reason she thought it wouldn't be long. For some reason she expected to go home the same night she ran into Mattie's biological mom and hear a confession breach his lips. Turns out she'd been wrong.
By that point she'd lost track of the days since their fateful collision at the coffee shop, but she hadn't missed all the little opportunities Boyd had to break his silence and... didn't.
She was almost certain keeping the peace for Matilda's sake was the only reason she hadn't blown a gasket yet. Except now their blissfully ignorant little buffer was nowhere to be found, and the more they sat there at the table, making small talk in between bites of their meal, the more she felt her patience unravel.
"So where is Mattie tonight?" Approaching the subject with a deceptive measure of nonchalance she speared a piece of carrot with her fork. "At a friends house?" There was a pause brimming with the bitter tang of accusation. "— or is she sleeping over at Nadia's?"
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