#jaz from the extraordinaires
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spookytreesandspicytea · 8 months ago
Sometimes I'm such a basic bitch with my favourite characters. Like, they're fan favourites and everyone adores them, and then sometimes my favoruites are so fucking outta pocket they're in the stratosphere.
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drrobobitch · 8 days ago
Pt 2 of me acting like I got asks for this shit
DANGANRONPA Summer Camp au for Sarouma 😼
More Hcs like last time!! Just with Danganronpa S because I love the fact that Kokichi isn’t dead here 😃(general hcs for Sarouma pt 1. Also here’s my oc if you actually want to see what she looks like
I had a few general headcanons for the Danganronpa S but…😛 imma just keep it sarouma for now cuz I don’t want ppl getting too annoyed with me for talking abt them nearly every damn day.
Anyways so I’d imagine Kokichi usually hangs around Gonta, Shuichi and maybe kiibo by default. He usually keeps to his class, and will talk to a few people outside of them.
He love love loves— and adores spending time with Rayna tho!!
He makes sure to spend as much time as he possibly can with her on the trip as he can
“You’re the only non-boring person here so no shit— I wanna spend time with you…”
“…Ouma all I do all day is check the weather…but sure I’ll believe that. Whatever floats your boat.”
Rayna is the Ultimate Meteorologist, she’s a weather girl extraordinaire— or at least thats what Kokichi calls her lol.
She really enjoys the trip, it lets her be out in nature more often. She’s an environmentalist, so she really cares for nature, animals and all that jaz.
Rayna constantly reminds people to pick up their trash— no trash on the beach, that’s her like number 1 rule. It’s really important to her
And because it’s important to Rayna…it’s very important to Kokichi
So Kokichi lowkey starts doing the same thing, and tells people to pick up after themselves like he didn’t just leave a plastic bottle on the ground ten or so minutes ago.
This trip also lets Rayna be out to study the weather more often, like how hurricanes form, tides, clouds, waves, all that stuff she loves it, even if Kokichi says it’s hella boring.
Constantly invites Rayna to get ice cream with him, she always says “maybe later” or “another time” but he’s actually so bummed out not even Gonta buying him ice cream will cheer him up
“Gonta my girlfriend didn’t even want to get Ice cream with me :(“
“…Gonta thought Ouma-kun wouldn’t Ask Sarah-san out till the last day of trip?”
“Shhh— she doesn’t need to know whether or not she’s my girlfriend yet, it’s a surprise!”
“【・_・?】” yea…
However when she finally does say yes, she pays for it (okay fun fact! RAYNA AND JORDAN ARE ABSOLUTELY LOADED— their parents are rich, cuz their mom is like a super famous singer, so lowk…she spoils the shit out of Kokichi)
She actually buys him a lot of things, he feels so bad about it but also…😛 money money money
But he’ll try to limit her and all that.
Rayna and Jordan also often offer to pay for anyones food if they can’t afford it or are hesitant or buying it. It’s what they’re known for atp
It’s sweet but Kokichi reprimands the hell outta her for that 😭😭 and tells Gonta about how annoying it is all the time
“Stop giving other people your money!! You’re supposed to save up for our wedding in the Hamptons”
“ Kokichi Ouma— what the fuck are you talking about!-“
“So…you aren’t gonna marry me you’re calling off the wedding already? :( I already asked Jordan if I could marry you too…”
Yea…something like that. Like I said, he flirts with her a lot and will get bold like this on occasion 😭💀
She lays off on it but Yk her…
She reluctantly went to the beach with kokichi, it was surprisingly chill asf...he did spray her with a water gun like once (as long as she didn’t just get her hair straightened it’s okay because bro…if he did that he’d actually be so fucking dead)
But that was actually it 😭 he didn’t even prank her like he did everyone else,
Will also get Rayna any refreshments or snacks she needs (in which she didn’t ask for 💀, and tells him that she didn’t need them, but thanks him anyways). Best princess treatment you can get from Kokichi btw
He’s such a simp for her like actually— girl doesn’t even have to ask for a drink he just does it for her anyways (I think part of kokichi’s love language is acts of service most definitely!!)
“Rayna you should play water guns with us, c’mon! You can be on my team~” GOD I LOVE HIMMM
they lowkey go everywhere together 😭 like basically, if he’s not with Gonta you bet your ass she’s with Rayna and if he’s not there may be something wrong💀
“Where’s the other one” type shit
He’s actually so annoyed that he had his time taken up by Rayna that he couldn’t uphold his prank quota or whatever the fuck nerdy ass shit he calls it.
Ur the one hanging out with her buddy 😭💀💀 she doesn’t even have to ask to hang out nor go looking for him he’s already there. He will grant her space from time to time ofc but lil bro is actually in love
Rayna cannot swim, Kokichi cannot…do so well 💀. He’s a moderate swimmer but do not let him go in deep water you will lose him
So if they do ‘swim’ they go to the pool!! And that’s probably where you’ll find them most.
He offered to teach Rayna how to swim but…too late because she already took up Shuichi’s offer to teach her since he was already teaching Kiibo as well
Shame on Rayna for agreeing smh
Kokichi is actually so pissy about it, he’ll even tease Shuichi for the entire rest of the day because why tf are you spending time with my gf 😾 (still hasn’t asked her on and actual date meanwhile—)
“Lemme guess, you have a crush on Sarah-chan huh? Wow— checking out your best friends sister, Shumai? I never thought you’d stoop so low~”
“What are you talk about ( •᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ )”
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jaynovz · 4 years ago
3:30 am and I’m so sad from watching some of Black Sails s4 sooooo. Home and Away liveblog time! 1.7525 here we go!
Recap! Last time we found out that Doc Green was under review for a bunch of his patients dying and he was super stressed out about it and Lewis kept fucking smirking in the background and just short of cackling maniacally at this news so it’s uhhhh heavily implied he had something to do with that, esp since we know he was willing to kill Ari to sabotage Doc Green. Anyway Doc Green got drunk, was angry, Lewis’ murdering little shit ass showed up and got DECKED (warranted lol) and then Tori and Doc Green had a fight over assaulting a colleague and she told Lewis he was within his rights to file a report. And then the conniving fucker kept giving Jaz the biggest shittiest grins and was like “YEAH YOU KNOW IT DOC GREEN IS FINISHED HAH SUCCESS” and Jaz was like 🤔👀 maybe my bf has some Issues. 
Also Mac is making an appt to get her smuhsmortion and hasn’t told Ari that she’s pregeranteay and it’s his baby. All caught up!
Anyway I am anticipating some major drama fuckery and I REALLY want to find out if Lewis has actually been murdering patients so, let’s dive right in~
mmm strong arm girl WILLOW IS HERE yisss
oh dear. jaz is trying very hard to de-escalate this and convince Lewis not to file an official report. she still has hope for him 🥺🥺🥺
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this conversation is uhhhh not going well
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poor jaz. crazy boi is on the warpath and there’s no stopping him.
it feels like all willow does is help other ppl solve problems. she’s a saint.
just wanted a cap of these cuties :3
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dean stop bullying ur sis about her smuhsmortion, it’s her decision ok. 
omg dude really you’re not even going to go with her. WEAK.
Jaz trying to reason with batshit lad again
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also he looks very handsome today as he does most days
ohhh shit he just told her to pick a side ohhh boyyy
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honey it’s ALL going wrong
YESS ZIGGY FUCKING GET HIS ASS. She’s tearing Dean a new one about not supporting his sister. YEAH!
willow wingman and problem solver extraordinaire 
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aight she chose Lewis’ side but is she going to regret that??? (likely yes)
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oh shit mac just collapsed! next ep~
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champagnereverie · 6 years ago
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Art by @destinyapostasy​
My turn to talk about my darling disaster vampire after @jessicapendragon​ and @ponylamp​ made it cool!
Full name: Amelia Grace Tucker, Min to her friends. She’s named after her Grandma Amelia who goes by Minnie, and is still Little Minnie to her family. She’s currently operating under the alias Shelby Anne Miller.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Whoever lights the stars in her eyes
Pronouns: She/her
And specific to her
Clan: Mekhet
Bloodline: Brothers of Ypres - ironic name is ironic but she’s a female Brother. So there.
Birthplace: Seattle, WA
Human: Min’s parents are Nate Tucker, MD & Grace Tucker, MD, a cardiothoracic surgeon and OBGYN, respectively. They alternate sabbaticals to volunteer with Doctors without Borders. Her grandma, Big Minnie, was a dancer in her day and was forever trying to get her introverted granddaughter to come out of her shell. Much to the chagrin of her doctor son and daughter-in-law, she also smokes cigars and drinks mint juleps and claims they’re good for the constitution. They’re the family that passes each other in the doorway through the week but always connects for a big Sunday dinner. Well, at least they did, before a number of things including a couple rounds of death and time travel.
Vampire: This is...a little complicated. Her sire is cockney thief extraordinaire Andrew Leighton, but she hates that S-word because it invokes a paternal relationship which is...weird, considering their erstwhile romantic involvement. Naturally, her coterie thinks Daddy jokes are hilarious. Thanks to a general naivety and, in game-mechanics terms, an exceptionally high humanity, Min is the sappy type who genuinely believes her friends are her family. She's adopted the disaster humans Connor keeps for his herd and is basically the House Mom, cooking dinners and trying to get the kids to go to school. It’s an uphill battle.
Job(s): Ostensibly, “Shelby Ann” works at Radio Shack. It’s a perfect cover and lets her purloin electronic components to help build her surveillance network. 
Phobias:  Doppelgangers. -_- Having one try to kill and become you will do that to a girl. She’s got a pretty unfriendly relationship with mirrors, too. Oh, and she doesn’t like large crowds or public speaking.
Guilty pleasures: What good is eternal life if you can’t enjoy some comfort food everyone once in a while??? 
Hobbies: She still loves computer programming and can’t wait until technology catches up to her skill level. The technology in 1994 is prehistoric. She also loves building robots, especially BattleBots. Lenore does not appreciate it.
Morality alignment: Neutral Good - she likes everybody unless given a good reason why she shouldn’t.
Sins: lust / gluttony / pride / envy / wrath / sloth
Virtues:  charity / diligence / kindness / patience / justice
Hope is her virtue. She believes in mercy, fairness and the inherent goodness of people, which is a bit of a challenge for an undead monster who has to poison people to drink their blood, but a little cognitive dissonance never hurt anyone.
T H I S   O R   T H A T
introvert / extrovert / in between
organized / disorganized / in between
close-minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / restless / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / un-empathetic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in between  
hard-working / lazy / in between
Min is an achiever, a perfectionist, and puts a ton of pressure on herself. She can’t stand being idle, and she has an intense drive to oversee and control her environment. She wants more than anything to protect everyone, and she always considers it a personal failure if she can’t.
OTP: Sure, there’s some baggage, but her always and forever is her sire, Drew Leighton. Just because he accidentally killed her because she’s a dead ringer for the unfaithful ex-fiancee who erased his memory and scrambled his brains doesn’t mean they can’t work past that. In Min’s mind, a lesser man would’ve left her to die and let his mistake die with her, but since he saved her, stayed with her, took care of her and loved her, he’s Min’s hero and she would literally do anything for him, including losing her soul. She’s already done it once! 
Acceptable/Other ships: Minore (Lenore/Min) is the quintessential odd couple, but Lenore has been Min’s guiding light ever since coming to the past and losing...well, everything Min ever knew. Min admires Lenore and tries to be more like her, even though she usually ends up even more awkward than before. Alyx/Min is proof that Min does have a wild side, buried deep, deep down under layers of anxiety and pedantry. And Min/Owen...oh, these two. The naive neophyte too modern for the world and the ancient elder just trying to find a place in it. All she wants to do is make him happy or at least ease his sadness, and all he wants to do is protect her from it. They can never, ever be, but I love them so much.
BroTP: Jazdia/Min. Min is constantly in awe of Jaz’s self-confidence and self-assuredness, and is very happy to play sidekick for the coterie’s leader! Sure, they’ve had their differences (which are usually about Drew), but Jaz has always helped Min find her way through the dark places of the Requiem. Jaz was even the one who taught her how to feed herself when she didn’t know how!
NOTP: Sure, everybody loves twins, but Annie x Min is never going to happen. Maybe it’s the fact that they both love the same man, or maybe the fact that Annie has tried to steal Min’s soul and become both of them, or maybe it’s the nasty gossip that she spread about Min before ever even meeting her...maybe it’s the time Min spent trapped in the Mirror Realm thanks to Annie. All good reasons. 
@destinyapostasy @tel-abelas-mofo TAG! You’re it!
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