whoreibleperson · 2 years
Darkness At The Heart Of My Love
We went and saw Ghost this week. Had a great time at the concert!
We both got T-Shirts (and ended up both wearing them to dinner tonight). Our friends thought it was cutesy, but he can't get mad at me because I had mine on first :P But this song came on last night while listening to spotify on the way home from dinner. We ended up parking in the driveway and listening to it all the way through because it was just hitting that musical spot. I was sitting there thinking about how it'd be a wonderful first dance song at a wedding, and letting my mind drift on it. To be honest I was thinking about a first dance with him, and how I... I want it so bad. Mid thought he goes "you know, this song would be great for a first dance at a wedding."
And of course I go "get out of my head!" but really I was thinking about how much... how much I love him. How I'm head over heels for him. How it doesn't matter what we label this, he's become this amazing rock in my life, someone I can't see myself without. Every day I think about him. Every day I mention him to someone. I can't imagine my life without his presence in it. He makes me feel calm and at ease without trying. He considers me. He cares about me. I... I dunno. At this point I'm just rambling about what he means to me. Our other friends tease us about how we act like a couple. Other people assume we're a couple. I want to be a couple.
I worry that maybe this is all there is. Maybe this is all I can get from him. And if that's the case I'll take it, but I wish it wasn't the case. I want to build a life with him. I want to be by his side always.
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borrelia · 1 year
and awww I asked the gal at the front desk to write me an appointment reminder card and she wrote him down as Spongey ♥
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anitalianfrie · 8 months
so, after trials and tribulations and many many insults thrown the way of bad quality vhs, i proudly present you: the translation of the video of vale's eighteen birthday!
when there were long pauses between the dialogue, i put the timestamp before it. my comments are between [] .
video and translation under the cut :)
Vale (VO): the “Valentino Rossi production” presents, in collaboration with the idiots of Tavullia, this epic footage. 
Vale(VO): Valentino Rossi, the man, the rider, the moron, turns eighteen 
Vale(VO): there’s a new name in the register of the Carabinieri [cops] of Tavullia, it’s him, Valentino Rossi, the kid with a man’s body and the IQ of a boiled zucchini. He gets from his father a great shaft and the brain of the chicken he used to keep on a leash. Valentino Rossi, the man, the rider, the moron, when he gets interviewed he says about himself “I’m Valentino Rossi” and then he loses his focus. He doesn’t like to define himself a nepo baby because he doesn’t know what it means. The one who merges the spirit of a rider with the hair of a folk drummer. Everybody seeks him, everybody calls him, but once they get to talk with him they mourn the loss of the answering machine. 
Vale(VO): contacted by the Philip Morris International for a contract of billions, he declines the offer because he doesn’t smoke. Valentino Rossi, he rocks! And the Aprilia makes a wheelie. 
Vale(VO): the next one will be his second year of competing in the world championship, but he still thinks he’s riding on a minibike, and he’s perpetually desolated because after the chequered flag he can’t find the turtle on his helmet. Nowadays, he’s the only rider paid by the Japanese to stay with Aprilia. Let’s enter his kingdom, his home, thing that sometimes he can’t do because he topples over in his ape car in the parking lot below. 
Boy1: Marshall 
Boy2: Oh, let me look at the video 
Boy1: Marshall 
Boy2: C’mon, get out of there 
Boy1: Marshall. What then? 
Vale: How are you? 
Boy2: Nice, with the Marshall starting 
Vale: Cosmic 
[i have honestly no clue what this conversation is supposed to mean. It might be an inside joke, or they could be taking about an actual marshal of the Carabinieri] 
Int: Valentino Rossi, how does it feel to be eighteen? 
Vale: eh, how does it feel... eighteen years old, it’s an important age, we’ve all become a bit older, I have – rather than we have – gotten more mature compared to when i was younger, you don’t do the things you used to anymore, we’re all way calmer, basically now is... now it’s time to leave the fun behind and to get serious 
Vale(behind the camera): Come on! Super risky! 
Vale: Do it here! 
Vale: Go again! 
Vale: Now it’s sure [unintelligible] get down! 
Vale (after the guy “jumps” with the bike): You need, you need the feeler gauge to measure how high he jumped! We measure it with gauge! (laughs) 
Boy: even the wheels! 
Boy: vale? 
Vale: eh? 
Boy: turn it off 
Boy: incredibly- 
Vale: wait, wait- okay, now go, a comment on this sensational jump- super high, a jump out of this world, done by Michele 
Boy: incredibly, the wheels touched the ground even on the [unintelligible] 
Michele: that’s thanks to the suspensions, really... optimal, that let me- 
Vale: a question Michi, wait- 
Michele: -all this speed, and... 
Vale: I’m zooming on you... but how did you do it? 
Michele: Oh God, i don’t- 
Vale: fucking hell, it was sensational, a- 
Michele: the good thing is- 
Vale: -mind-blowing jump 
Michele: did you see how i got down? 
Vale: ah- fuck, no 
Michele: you didn’t see it? 
Vale: it was out of the thingy, out of the lens and.... now we try the calibre and we measure [unintelligible] 
Voices: Whooo, let’s go!  
Vale: show off!! 
Vale: now we will show you a trick, that even Orfei [name of a famous circus]- Orfei came to Tavullia and asked us to perform it. Look. It’s on the verge of the unpredictable 
Boy1: Oh god 
Boy2: another Panda 
Boy2: three motor scooters, incredible, incredible! 
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stranger-theory · 7 months
Expand on current narrative that means byler? Because biased based theories aren’t a narrative I could argue a whole theory that Joyce and Karen want to get down and dirty with time and screenshots and easily led “narrative”
Although i'm not as articulate or as expert in expressing my opinions on this as I would like, i'm willing to try my best to explain to anyone who will politely listen.
Quick note: Using "bias" would mean that I treat Byler with higher status, and that I don't listen to any Mileven perspective, even if it's objectively the right one. Both ships have a shot, I just lean to the Byler side, but that doesn't mean i'll never listen to a Mileven. I'm more than open to hear why that perspective makes sense to them.
That being said, the first thing I would like to say is that technically, yes. You could argue that Karen and Joyce would be into something like that. But it's obviously not anything like Byler, specifically considering that there isn't a love triangle situation going on between Joyce, Karen, and Hopper.
Again, you are correct in the sense that these are simply theories, and anything can be the outcome at the end of the day, but it's more likely for Byler to happen than Joyce/Karen. The relationship between Mike and Will has been explored far more than an example like that. By that comparison, Byler's chance skyrockets.
-Karen/Joyce haven't had scenes with [tender, emotional music playing],
-Karen/Joyce haven't had the most obvious queer coding,
-Karen/Joyce haven't been confirmed by the Duffers that one has been canonically in love with the other through the whole show,
-Karen/Joyce don't have a famous love triangle where people debate wether or not Joyce wants to leave Hopper for Karen,
-Karen/Joyce aren't being promoted along with the other couples in posters or general media for the show,
-Karen/Joyce are not in a similar situation to Byler.
Now that we've established which is more likely, let's remove the comparison, and talk of Byler generally.
I've always said: there's always a ship for anything. So it isn't really a surprise that there were big Byler stans back in 2016, and I can't count that as proof. What's bigger proof to me is how many people have become stans now. There's such a large community of Bylers on tumblr who genuinely believe they'll end up together, and they're dedicated fans. I've seen this show sixteen times, and the past six watches have given me confidence that they stand a good chance. Their story makes sense to me in a lot of ways, mainly being the general idea for the love triangle.
Let me explain the Byler plot through my lens.
Imagine this: Two best friends since kindergarten. One day, Boy1 meets Girl. Their friend group keeps insisting that they like each other, so Boy1 gives in and says, "Why not? It's all part of growing up anyway, right?". Boy2 becomes jealous and sad that Boy1 is pushing him away for Girl. What Boy2 doesn't know is that Boy1 and Girl aren't the happy couple he thinks they are. Boy1 feels unfulfilled in this relationship, and he feels strange about his friend. In hopes that these feelings leave, he pushes Boy2 further away. Because of obvious tension, Girl confronts Boy1 about why he can't say "I love you". And it's simple. He can't say what he doesn't mean. Friends don't lie. Girl and Boy1 know they aren't in love, but for the sake of normality, they pretend. (Next is my idea of after canon) They eventually talk about everything, and feel at peace. They become best friends who want nothing more. Boy1 grows more comfortable with his feelings for Boy2, and they even flirt sometimes. Something dangerous has returned to their small town, and stress is high. Through this stress, their bond is even closer, and they confess the years of feelings they have. Maybe a smooch?? Who knows. They're secret for a bit, but when they tell people, everyone is happy for them. Boys who've been pining for years, but couldn't say anything about it because of heteronormativity(rip), finally have their happy end.
That's a dramatic run down of how I see their relationship going. Again, you don't have to agree, but since you asked, that's how I see it. There are also other things that aren't in the show itself, that I find interesting. They constantly promote Byler along with Jancy, Lumax, and Jopper, meanwhile El always has her own posters/pictures. They use a song between Lumax for a Byler scene (we know how important music is). Mike's top Spotify song is "Smalltown Boy", a song about being gay in a smalltown and wanting to run away so you can be out. There's also "Are Friends Electric?" in the playlist (I think the title explains itself). Honestly there's a lot his playlist says, but those are my top picks for kinda fruity.
ANYWAY, i'm sorry that this was a bit long, i'm just not one who's very good at explaining what I mean with fewer words. I hope you understand better why I see them becoming a thing, and why I wouldn't say it's an unfair bias. I think both have a chance, but this is my take on why this makes more sense to me. Thank you for asking! This took me way too long to write, but I hope it helped.
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ajyetagain · 7 months
i had started doing these on my old blog but lets start it up again (because im dedicated to this list)
shit i heard in the halls at school
(pt 1)
*male voice* "THATS MY TITTY AMBER"
boy1: *runs at the other* "ImMa gEtCha ImMa gEtcHa"
boy2: *panicked noises and running away"
"I have a headache and life if meaningless but at least I finished my geometry homework'
"well sorry I don't want my first kiss to be with nasty-ass mcmono"
"would you cut off your balls? *then again, more intense* but would you cut off your balls???"
"hey *random boy* what's your opinion on boobs?"
"do you wanna try my shoe on?"
"now *that's* a DM to send to your girlfriend"
"thanos corn dog"
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coffee-master · 7 months
Mr Shadow is the saddest and cutest thing I have seen on tumblr today. So Lloyd wasn’t completely alone 🥹 Was Lloyds time at Darkly somewhat different or was it still bad like in the show ? I would like to think that his dad helped him a bit (if you can call teaching him how to bully the other kids back *helping*)
Lloyd's start at school wasn't the easiest. The students teased him at first, because for a Lord Garmadon's son, he wasn't evil at all, but actually nice.
But everyting changed one day...
Lloyd: *is lying down on the ground amd drawing*
[Suddenly some boys come to the room]
Lloyd excited: Hey, wanna join?
Boy1: *suddenly snatches the picture from him*
Lloyd: Hey! *tries to get it back, but the other boys stop him*
Boy1 looks at the drawing: Really a family drawing??
Boy2: And you're supposed to be Lord Garmadon's son?
Boy3: Are you even evil??
Boy4: I've never seen him doing anyting bad at all..
Lloyd: Give it back! That's for mom-!
Boy1: Oh, really?? And what are you gonna do about it?!
Boy3: *pushes Lloyd against the wall, so that he hits himself*
Lloyd: Auch!
Boys: *start laughing*
Lloyd: *gets up angry and ready to fight*
Boy2: OH, someone is ang- *looks confused*
[Unexpectedly the shadow behind Lloyd begins to grow on the wall and take on a terrible shape]
Boys: *look terrified*
'The Shadow': *starts threatening to scare the boys to death*
Boys: *definitelly need therapy in the future*
Boy1: You know what? Take it! *throws the drawing at Lloyd* Let's go!
Boys: *rapidly leave the room*
Lloyd very confused by their reaction: *turns around reflexively, but everything seems normal*
Lloyd: Huh..
And since that day Llody was never bullied again in the school.. And later made even some 'friends'.
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radioroxx · 5 months
hello there boy1 aka the little bitchling who kept reposting that stupid uty image i made . how does the main cast take care of robo-clover's bits and bobs...like repairing them and what not... (i asked you this personally but thats literally besides the point youre gaslighting me)
i loooooove the uty image u made i giggle at it everyday
EHE YEAH WE HAVE talked about this before <3 but my thoughts…
for the first little while after clover gets brought back in their new body, i think they would depend veery heavily on alphys for repairs and such. shes the expert, and they’re all trying to be oh so cautious at first, so it makes sense. buut it does prove to be a bit of a hassle when you have a kid who,, maybe doesn’t fully realize how easy it is to damage this body??
martlet would be the first of the squad to try looking into robotics, if only the basics / anything that applies to clovers body. alphys would still be in charge of anything maaajor ofc but yeah.
ceroba and star are shit with technology and can only really understand on aaa below basic level AJFLF they try their best but all that,, too complicated for them (star finds it easier to admit tho)
i do think at the very least though, they’d know some of the more essential stuff. what clover can/cant eat (‘digesting’ magic is their power source, ive decided), what might damage them, how to take care of their parts… etc
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thecheesetyrant · 6 months
Yo it's my favorite gray boy1!!1!+!+!!+!!!1!1
Tumblr media
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sobeksewerrat · 4 months
Her gece ağlayan üzgün bir çocuk istemiyorum.
Kötü bir çocuk istemiyorum, o sadece dövüşmek istiyor.
Ana kuzusu istemiyorum,
Kendine ev hanımı arayan. Güzel bir erkek istemiyorum,
İçi çirkin olan.
Sert bir çocuk istemiyorum
Çünkü onun aşkı zayıf.
F*ck boy1 istemiyorum
O sadece kandıracak.
Aşık bir çocuk istemiyorum,
Sonsuzluk hakkında konuşan
Birlikte bir gece bile geçirmemişken.
Playboy istemiyorum
Sadece oynamak istiyorum
O çok şanslı, o benim
Evet, beni sevdiğini biliyorum.
Eğer onun kalbini kırarsam, eğlenmek için bir tane daha alırım.
Bütün kızlar söylüyor
Hiçbir şey bir oyuncak oğlandan daha iyi değildir
Eğer kaba bir çocuksa, onu sustururum
Eğer o bir kankacı çocuksa onu kovarım.
O or**pu çocuğuysa, ben de or**pu olmalıyım oğlum
Ve eğer ortalığı karıştırırsa
O zaman onunla takılacağım
Ev oğlanı
Playboy istemiyorum
Sadece oynamak istiyorum
O çok şanslı, o benim
Evet, beni sevdiğini biliyorum.
Eğer onun kalbini kırarsam, eğlenmek için bir tane daha alırım.
Bütün kızlar söylüyor
Hiçbir şey bir oyuncak oğlandan daha iyi değildir.
Hiçbir şey daha iyi değil, hiçbir şey daha iyi değil
Bir oyuncak oğlandan daha
Hiçbir şey daha iyi değil, hiçbir şey daha iyi değil
Bir oyuncak oğlandan daha
Hiçbir şey daha iyi değil, hiçbir şey daha iyi değil
Bir oyuncak oğlandan daha
Bütün kızlar söylüyor
Hiçbir şey daha iyi değil bir
@that-fruitier-emo this is yours
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the-stage-manager · 8 months
Here he is, his name is Urzire. He is (was) a pirate.
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(Look at how pretty he is in these blue robes. He's so tranquil UwU)
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He is a tiefling charletan bard, college of swords, former pirate captain. He fell in love with Astarion while committing scams. Unfortunately he has a condition where he only gets the Brain CellTM during the full moon (dumb of ass)
He was actually born 150ish years before the events of BG3, in a small village. His parents were farmers and he has 8 siblings and is the second youngest. He was 5 when his younger brother was born, and made it his life's mission to protect him. His parents were farmers and, unfortunately, their village was razed when Urzire was 15. He lost his entire family, and was captured and sold as a slave.
For the next seven years, he labored deep beneath the surface of the earth mining for coal and rare minerals. At one point, he and a handful of others were trapped in a cave in, where they were stuck for over three weeks waiting for rescue. So... Yeah. He's not a big fan of the Underdark. Or the caves.
He secured his freedom after seven years and found work as a sailor. Though TBH he wasn't very good at the whole "honesty" and "not stealing" thing and he was a within like three months. It was a real quick turn around.
He met Astarion in a bar—Astarion, at this point, was only eighty years or so into his slavery, so he was, admittedly, in a different mindset. A little more desperate, a little less jaded, just starting to lose hope. They met at a ball Cazador dragged his spawn to; Astarion claimed to be a magistrate, Urzire claimed to also be a magistrate, and they then proceeded to seduce each other. Astarion wanted a victim for Cazador, and Urzire wanted a victim to hold as ransom. Unfortunately neither succeeded but, by sheer happenstance, they met up again in a bar months later.
Look, it's the perfect meet-cute: boy meets boy, boy1 confesses to being a vampire, boy2 confesses to having a hostage in the basement that needs to die so "I guess I wouldn't mind so terribly much if you happened to steal her away to eat..." Look, they both think they're manipulating each other, okay? Astarion thinks he's putting on a sob story to gain a powerful ally, Urzire thinks he's doing favors for a powerful vampire who will be in his debt. UNFORTUNATELY THEY BOTH CATCH FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER.
Honestly, who could have seen it coming?
The truth is revealed, they fall in love, Urzire makes plans to kill Cazador, he also reunites with his long-lost little brother (who is married and has. Tiny baby eee!) It's all very lovely and nice.
Except then it goes to shit.
His ship sinks, and he washes ashore on a tiny island in the Feywilds, because the fey who rules the island, Callipso, fell in love with him and wants to make him her husband. He resists as best he can, but Urzire is trapped with her, and she's a fey. She charms him, and takes what she wants, even though he doesn't want to give it. Every time they are intimate, he loses a piece of himself—literally. His skin turns grey, he loses his ability to play the violin, to sing, to do much of anything, and he's losing his memories. After 12 months, Callipso finally releases him and when he washes up on the shore back in the mortal plane, he barely remembers who he even is. All he knows is that he's in love with somebody, and they're suffering, and he has to find them.
He wanders aimlessly around the city, like a zombie, before a Nautoloid appears out of nowhere and BAHM! Tadpoled.
Except, here's the thing: time passes differently in the Feywilds. While only 12 months passed for Urzire, 120 years passed in the mortal plane.
And Urzire has no idea. In fact, when he meets Astarion, he doesn't recognize him, his memories are too fractured. But Astarion looks at Urzire and sees the ghost of a man who abandoned him, who betrayed him, who left him to rot for over a century. He doesn't believe it at first. But once he realizes... It's bad. He bites the Tiefling that night with 100% the intention to drink him dry. But Urzire seems completely in the dark and that throws him off.
They fall in love slowly. Urzire continues to show Astarion relentless compassion and, at first, the vampire wants none of it. But slowly, he warms up to it. He pieces the story together from the bits and pieces Urzire tells around the campfire—the Tiefling was just as trapped as he was, in many ways. He's still bitter... But it fades. He falls in love.
By the time they reach Baldur's Gate, Uzire still doesn't recognize him, but he's fallen in love, and he feels guilty about it—after all, he loves somebody back in the city, somebody who needs him.
Astarion tries to hint at the reality of the situation but doesn't have the courage to tell him outright. So when they reach the city and Urzire realizes how much time has passed... It's a doozy.
But it gets worse. Remember that bit where Urzire reunited with his long lost little brother, who is married and has a child? Well, when Urzire disappeared, Astarion didn't handle it well. He hoped for a long, long time but eventually gave up and his hope died and became rage. He took his anger out on Urzire's brother by stealing their young child in the dead of night (Astarion had been invited into the home, he had been Urzire's partner after all) and presenting him to Cazador to be eaten.
It's a secret that Astarion intended on taking with him to his grave. Until... They arrive in Cazador's palace and three guesses who's in that cell with the rest of the malnourished spawn? That's right. It's the little boy. Urzire doesn't actually recognize him, he'd only been a baby when he saw him last, as Calliope fried his memories pretty badly. In fact, Astarion doesn't even realize he's in there because he's too emotionally charged after the confrontation with Sebastian.
But after Cazador is dead, and they're climbing up the stairs to leave the palace, the realization hits Astarion in the chest like a fucking freight train. To his credit (perhaps he's only able to do it because he's already so emotionally numb), he tells Urzire and they go find the little boy, and Urzire insists on taking him back to camp.
He and Astarion do stay partners, even though their relationship is a little bit strained for a while after, understandably so. But they work it out, and Urzire goes on to adopt his nephew. Instead of living in the underground with the spawn after the game, he and Astarion and the boy immediately head to Waterdeep with Gale (because they are homeless lol) to start researchih cures for vampirism. Which they eventually find! Because it really isn't all that hard to cure vampirism in DnD.
So that's it. That's the story of my son.
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dreamcast-official · 1 year
just got a porn bot with the url "real-boy1" and like. i dont think youre a real boy sorry. pinnocchio lookin ass
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delayed-affection · 2 years
Made for Revenge
Outerbanks x reader
Navigation   Season one 
John B. And his friends set out to find the treasure linked to his dad's disappearance. Will they be able to find the treasure or will they die trying.
The first scene refers to everyone as boy1, 2, 3 and girl1, 2. The bold writing is John B’s narration/thoughts. However, the story is written in 3rd person (He, She, they, it).
Character info
The readers character uses she/her pronouns in this story. There's nothing that describes what she looks like. Hot, pretty, and other adjectives will be thrown around though. The reader's sexuality is not mentioned, meaningless flirting is bound to happen.
In season one she is 16/17 and in season two she's 17/18. She is both a Kook and a Pogue. Her mom is Pogue while her dad is a Kook, though they are not together they try their best to give her a perfect life. She spends most of her time on the cut with her friends but makes sure to spend time with her dad on figure eight.
She's nice to almost everyone but smacks the boys around from time to time. She'll make sure everyone around her is okay before she takes care of herself. Even though she has little to no money problems she'll pick up shifts with Kie at The Wreck or help Pope with his dads work when she can.
 She was/is on the softball team on behalf of her father. It was that or golf and she wasn't going full kook. When she's not at practice or a game she's down at the water shredding the waves.
All rights to the Pates, I do not own any of the characters or the story.
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ficreadergirl · 2 years
*In a bar with boys matched with our girls* Steph: So boys... What're you doing for living? Boy1: We're students in Gotham Collage. What about you two? 😊 Steph: We're studying in private collage. 😉 Boy2: So... We're matched ms Y/N. 😊 Y/N: Yes. We're. 😄 Boy2: I've never seen you before in app. You're new, right? Y/N: Yes. Is it too obvious? 😄 Boy2: I don't know. It's my first match too. 😅 Steph: Wow! You babes are perfect for each other! 😏 *from not so far away Jason & Cass watching girls* Jason: Did she say "perfect"??? 😠 Cass: Yes she did. 😠 Steph: So boys, what're we doing after here? 😏 Boy1: We can split as two group, huh? 😃 Boy2: Yes, right? What about you Y/N? Y/N: Yes. It'd be nice. 😄 Jason & Cass: 😡 Steph: We could go to your place boys? 😉 Cass: She knows we're following them. What do we do? Jason: So she's trying to make me take an action? Steph: *winks to Cass & Jason* 😘 Jason & Cass: 😡 Damn it! We're busted!
For other chapters click here
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stillafanofsonic · 1 year
Lunch time at school...
Boy1; Hey, you know those aliens officer Whipple adopted? Boy2; Yeah? Boy1; Well, the white one is super gullible. Watch this. Hey, Silver! Silver; Huh? What? Boy1; Did you know that if you plant a corndog, you can grow more corndogs? Silver; Really? Boy1; Yeah, just make sure the stick is up out of the ground, or it won't work. Silver; *vigorously nods in agreement*
Later, after school...
Boy1, watching Silver plant frozen corndogs in his yard from across the street; See? What did I tell ya? That kid will believe anything. Boy2; Wow, you're right! But we should use this power for good. He is a cop's kid after all.
Uh-oh, this won't end well... I don't think they'll just use it for good
Wade, stares at the corndogs in the ground:.... um....
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idsb · 5 months
listing all the beautiful things about London and “you know I love a London boy1!!1!1!1” to “I’m pissed off because I loved this place for so long…. So long London” feels a lot like a knife thank you!
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aceduchessdragoness · 9 months
This was uploaded Nov 29, 2023 by [@]wizard_bisan1
[id: Minor grammar/punctuation changes in Bisan’s English subtitles done by me
 [Playing over footage of smiling children and a quick peek of a man using a shovel]
Child1, in Arabic: Rain leaked into the tent!
Child2, in Arabic: We can’t sleep at all!
The tent collapsed!
[Quick footage of a woman making a sort of flat bread]
I swear life if very difficult!
Bisan, in English, to camera: Winter is coming, people are living in tents, and most of us are homeless; we don’t have homes. So, let’s ask the people – and kids – how (do) they feel about winter.
Girl1, in Arabic, while smiling: We feel cold and rain leaks into our tents at night!
YoungGirl1, in Arabic: We can’t take care of ourselves, at all!
Boy1, in Arabic, half-smiling: Half of us got their houses bombed. We escaped with nothing.
YoungGirl1, in Arabic: Because its Winter, we get sick! So we have to wear warm clothes.
Bisan, in Arabic, to Girl3: Do you like Winter?
YonugGirl2, in Arabic, smiling through the conversation: Kind of.
Bisan: Why?
YoungGirl2: Because at home we can get covered and we don’t get wet! But in the tents, the rain leaks into our tents and we get soaked.
Boy1, while smiling: It’s disastrous. It rained at night and the tent collapsed!
Man1, in Arabic: We keep emptying the tent roof of the rain water all night. What can we do?
Bisan, in Arabic, to YoungBoy1: Are you happy with the Winter time?
YoungBoy1, quietly in Arabic, while half-smiling: No.
Bisan: Has it rained last night?
YoungBoy1: Yes.
Bisan: Why aren’t you happy with Winter?
YoungBoy1: Because we got flooded from the rain water!
Woman, in Arabic, while cooking flat bread along with another woman, and a boy: We are soaked wet! I had to send my sons to my uncle’s house. There is no space for them to sleep! I swear to god, all night, the rains caused holes in the tent roof and we had to keep emptying it out! It is really bad! The mattresses got wet, so I put them outside in the sun. I don’t know what else to do!
Man2, in Arabic, while holding a shovel – in the middle of construction with a couple of men: We got flooded! The tents, the children, the mattresses, we are trying not to get flooded again tonight! God protect us!
Bisan, in Arabic: What are you doing? [pans camera to ground, where they are burying the end of a wooden plank]
Man2: We are strengthening the tent and fixing it.
Bisan, in Arabic, to Boy2: How is Winter with you?
Boy2, in Arabic, as he’s holding a ladder along with Boy3: Not bad!
Bisan: What are you doing? [pans camera over the ladder]Where are you taking the ladder?
Boy3: We are going to build tents!
Boy2: We are going to build tents!
Bisan: You two can build tents?
Boy3: Yes.
Bisan: How do you make sure that rain doesn’t leak into the tent?
Boy3: We place the wood stick in the middle so the water can drain from the sides!
Bisan: You are professionals now. [Boy3 smiles] Good bye!
Bisan, in Arabic, to YoungBoy2: What are you doing?
YoungBoy2, in Arabic, half-smiling: Cutting wood. [He’s chipping away small bits from a piece of what appears to be OSB]
Bisan: Why?
[YoungBoy2 doesn’t answer, and is no longer smiling]
Bisan: Are you cold?
YoungBoy2: [hums in affirmation but subtitles say Yes.]
[Bisan rubs his head]
Bisan: So, what do we want?
Girl2, in Arabic, who is standing besides Girl1: We want a ceasefire,
Girl1: and to go back to our houses and be safe.
Bisan: Hopefully.
Girl2: Hopefully.
Bisan: You both are so beautiful! Mashallah
Girl1 or Girl2: Thanks!
Video captions read: Cease Fire Now /id]
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