#bounty hunter cody
redbean-nom · 6 months
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my cody theory for tbb s3
the legendary "boba fett" is actually like twenty different clones (including the real Boba). anyone at risk of being recognized (usually officers/arcs) can go into bounty hunting as "boba fett". it soon becomes the clone equivalent of like john doe. they share a bounty guild account (bc it uses biometric id and they're close enough to register as the same person).
"boba fett" soon develops a reputation for getting missions done 1) incredibly well and 2) incredibly fast. the fast part is because there are at least eight people all doing different bounties at any given time. the well part is because "boba fett" is an informal collective of escaped clones of particular distinction in battle.
by the time the real Boba is an adult, the "boba fett" clones have built up his bounty hunter credit score so much that he can pretty much take whatever job he wants for max rates.
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
In an AU were Crosshair and Mayday went awol and They live on tattoine with Obi-wan and Cody. All 4 of them are bounty hunters
Cody: Hey can I have a sip of your water
Crosshair: It’s not water.
Obi-wan: Vodka. I like your style.
Crosshair: It’s vinegar.
Cody + Obi-wan: whAt
Crosshair: I said its vinegar.
Mayday: Cross, we talked about this.
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ineffablejaymee · 5 months
that one fanfic i planned, prepared, reaserched for, wrote 2 chapters im very proud of
and then abandoned for 7 months
im a terrible neglectful parent to my baby i promise i will come back some day
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
“cody only has under an hour of screen time in all of star wars” maybe to you he does. to me he's the main character
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squirrelno2 · 1 month
Cody's desertion from the Empire seems short-lived when a bounty hunter catches him and hauls him back - but when the Empire double-crosses the hunter, Cody and this near-stranger end up on the run together. Struggling with the memory of turning on Obi-Wan Kenobi, the last thing Cody wants is to poke at the secrets that marked both him and the bounty hunter for death. Too bad this hunter won't let those secrets lie. (Also they're gay.)
I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I say, knowing anyone following this tumblr can guess. anyway that cody/oc fic I posted a while back is now on ao3, and if you read it here most of it’s familiar but there is bonus content at the end of this chapter! never before seen sad Cody content. if you’re a codywan fan this fic is the closest i’ll probably ever come to writing it, which may seem insulting now (sorry i promise it’s not) but you’ll see why it matters whenever i get to the last chapter. anyway. no promises on update scheduling this is for ME but it’s also for all of you i love you all. and cody. especially i love cody.
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Spider-Jack/Bounty Hunter Cody crossover thought: I often imagine Jack being concerned about Cody being an intergalactic hero. He knows Cody can handle himself, but often worries about the danger Cody puts himself in, especially with Lockdown's influence. Sometimes, there are moments where Jack thinks it would be better for Cody to stop being a bounty hunter. While Cody appreciates the concern, wouldn't like Jack trying to convince him to stop.
(Sorry to bug with my own AU, but this was in my head for a while.)
oh ho hoh oh OH Oh I think that this would be very interesting, mostly because Jack takes that from his mother.
Is also funny because in my AU Cody happens the same but the kid is so strong-headed that if Optimus can't then Jack neither.
I would love to know how would Lockdown feel if, in a possible scenario, Cody decides to go back to Earth and see how things have changed.
Feel free to send more if you want!!
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akilahdrawssometimes · 6 months
Full posts on my a03 :D @/akilahdrawssometimes -
Jysyal sat slumped in the cockpit of the starfighter. Leaning as far back as the tilt lock of the pilot seat would allow. Still clutching onto the fresh wound it continued to pulse hot with pain. Running right into a clone trooper base had been free from the to-do list but the force always had a funny way to give you unnecessary problems. With a shot in her side from their blaster, the bilious scent of her burning flesh flared her senses.
A cauterized wound was the worst pain she had ever experienced by far. The med patch was the only thing preventing her guts from spilling out. The cooling gauze was compressed so tightly, almost squeezing her organs together. The dark red splotch became more abstract as blood seeped through the pale cotton. At that moment everything started to feel blurry.
It was almost like she could see spots.
Or was it shapes?
It was too difficult to think clearly when the only rational thing her brain was screaming at her to take care of first was the growing injury. Her skin felt like it was on fire and slightly sticky from the condensation beads of sweat, her slow shallow breaths grew quicker with the anxious energy of not being able to make a miraculous recovery with the med bey being bare she had already used the last of her myoplexarii on the bounty mission in the outer rim after a three on one with Trandoshands.
Which in turn left her a bruised bloodied mess R4 had barely been able to recognize her aside from the gruff attitude she constantly wore. Strenuously leaning forward she jammed the starter button and gave a minute for the battery-powered motor to convulse the diesel engine. As it softly clicked to life she flicked the paddle switch and engaged autopilot.
Forcibly slamming back into the pilot's seat with a huff. R4-B9 shuffled into the small space on her motorized threads chirping and beeping as the droid announced her presence.
“ … R4?”
She turned her head to look down at the quippy astromech from the corner of her eye. She had never been so relieved to see such a provoking droid. She swiveled her cone-like head and chirped in curious recognition.
“I need you …” Drawing a long breath through her nostrils she tried to continue the one-sided conversation.
“Rhinnal take us there.”
Figuring the droid would take her stale statement easier than explaining why she was ten shades paler and half-dead in her pilot's seat.
The expressive droid gawked at the harsh monotone of the Togrtua. Sharply chirping and clicking a demand of a nicer plea. With an internal roll of her eyes, Jysyal quipped stalling and spilling her guts across the cockpit floor for the sake of theatrics just for the droid to shut up and enter the coordinates. It seemed like she was already half dead, the nausea and clammy, sweaty skin as the result of her blood loss had already taken a toll on her body.
Capitulating defeat the droid programmed the coordinates into the ship's navicomputer, skipping a beat when the hyperspace ring of their shared X wing began to glow a subtle white. The hyperdrive motors rolled into rhythm as the all-familiar blue tunnel appeared swallowing the ship into the deep outer rim of space.
As the ship continued to be pulled through space a thought came to her mind. ‘Why does blood always smell like iron’ The same metallic, copperish taste filled her mouth as the air infused with the scent of her raw wound. As she dwelled in the pain she could not help but feel ashamed that her torment and discomfort were so minor compared to those of the Jedi order.
While on Jakku a few rotations ago to refuel and restock basic supplies, she got in touch with an old contact who had informed her of the massacre and betrayal of the clone troopers, even her master, the steady anchor of a mentor had fallen. It was too difficult to comprehend at first but the Jedi temple on Auratera had been burning for a long time when she had to see the evidence herself. The charred remains of the five spiral building only drew her further from the truth it was all too much to believe.
The piles of bodies, the smell, broken lightsaber hilts, and torn robes it was all too much at once. The empty libraries and training halls. Broken holocrons and keber crystals. Everyone deserved a proper burial with their lightsabers but Jysyal doubted herself as the one to do it. “I’m sorry.. ’ her voice wavered in turmoil and shame.
I’m sorry I have no right to give you all the proper burial you deserve I was banished I can't do what you all crying out for me to do. She was forced to leave the guilt burning in her stomach to cease and ignore her internal conflict that was the Jedi order and everyone in it.
The tunnel of blue had finally ended and the planet of Rhinnal had finally come into view. Quickly swatting the few stray tears that had fallen Jysyal slouched forward ignoring the way her lekku fell awkwardly in the process. The landing was a bit rougher than what the two of them were used to but given her condition, she hoped the flailing droid and her dramatics would go easy on her and turned to the droid as she did something else caught her eye.
“R4 we're here.”
Her abandoned lightsaber hilt she had tossed across the cockpit days before. The dull brass handle craved with her initials, the blue and gold ribbon looped around a crease in the base to remember an old friend... a dead friend and the familiar grip of her hand almost imprinted into the surface. It was a part of her, a piece of her, her identity was now a constant reminder of the pain of leaving everything behind.
Leaning over into the passenger seat she grabbed the old sheet that would normally be a safety blanket when doing various repairs on the X-Wing and lazily covered it with the grease-stained fabric. And pressed a various set of buttons to unlock the hydraulics of the ship and let down the ramp. The hiss of the hydraulics finally stopped and the standard controls looked fine, the aerator warning light and circuit breaker were in okay condition. Now she could get the medical attention she desperately needed.
If she could even get there.
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omaano · 9 months
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Touchy subject
"The 501st was one of the best legions during the war. I've lost a lot of good men over the years - some of them would have given even you Mandos a run for your credits. And my general... My general was a good man too, but that's enough of that, I thought you were too old for bedtime stories by now."
Din just tried to figure out what the colour of the clones' armor paint meant, and why he's never heard Rex mention his CO during all the wartime stories and lectures; whereas he's already got to meet Wolffe and his general and even heard Cody mention his every once in a blue moon. (Special thanks to @witchydom for helping with the "dialogue" :3)
The rest of my Star Wars meets Hades AU project is here
I'll take a bit of your time to give a bit of an explanation why I decided to put Rex in Skelly's spot:
During a playthrough when I was looking for screenshots to use as backgrounds the first thing that greeted me was Zagreus calling Skelly "Captain" upon entering the armoury, or whatever that chamber is called. And that really decided it, let's be honest. Rex is Captain, and that is the Captain's spot. End of story.
Reading "still got it" by qigiined even before I got into watching TCW was such a personality defining experience (seriously, this fic lives forever rent free in my brain), that I really had no other option but to put the few clones that I'm willing to work into this AU somewhere around home base (the covert) - so you can guess where Cody and Wolffe are situated. Or will be, hopefully soon enough. Rex needs to be able to hang out with Cody, that's just how it is. (Rebels and TBB canon who?)
Rex deserves to teach some uppity Mando bounty hunters and other warriors who think too much of themselves a few lessons in humility and some crafty tricks. I think it would be very good for him.
As a throwaway note since we are already under the read more section, I've been thinking about sigils and keepsakes (trinkets) and cthonic companions (I know that over a year ago I inaccurately but very self indulgently designed one for Din, Boba and Cobb, that is not the point now) and while Cody can have one shaped like Boga, and Wolffe can obviously get a stuffed loth wolf (and Bo-Katan a very squishy owl)... I have no idea what shaped companion Rex could have. If anyone has any suggestions and would love to share it with me, I'd be very grateful!
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moriaarts · 29 days
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An older piece where a pair of bounty hunters get employed to transport Boil and Wooley to Ryloth post orders 66!au style. But turns out the guys they hired? Are Obi-wan and Cody. And the guy that hired them? Is crys
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
More for the bounty hunter AU
more to be explained later!
Luke: *sneaks in through the window*
Cody, turning in his chair and flicking the light on: You want to tell me where you've been all night?
Luke: Uh I- I was with Mayday
Mayday, turning his chair: Wanna try again?
Luke: okay fine i was with Boba
Boba, perched on top of the bookcase: strike three bitch
Luke: Tech?
Tech, emerging from the potted plant in the corner: keep digging that hole, buddy
Luke: yeah well, does Briggs know where you guys are?
Briggs, dropping from the ceiling: Don't even try it
Anakin: Beru and Owen are always out late!
The fridge and freezer doors open, revealing a very cold Beru and Owen: You can't pin this on us!
Luke: Least I came back, I haven't seen Din all day!
Din, riding in doing a wheelie on a speeder bike: Speeder Patrol coming in!!
Luke: okay but Crosshair isn't here either! Why am I getting in trouble?!
Crosshair, perched next to Mayday: hey asshole
Luke: What about Fox???
Fox, muffled beneath the floorboards: Nice try, motherfucker
Luke: Okay, but what about Obi-wan?!
Obi-wan, slurping a juice box next to Cody: Think again
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I really like the specific niche of star wars fans that are just obsessed with clones (like myself) bc I swear, we are the most avoidant group of ppl the galaxy has ever fcking met.
what do you mean Hardcase died on Umbara? he looks fine to me?
Fives? Died? girl when? last I remember he was choking the life out of chancellor palpatine
Waxer, dead because of Krell? not if you don't look at it he's not
Ponds? killed by a bounty hunter? I'd like to see her try, Mace would kill her
99 will never die, fight me
Tup? are u crazy, I saw him yesterday, we hugged it out
THE ENTIRE 332 COMPANY? We are literally having drinks with them right now, what are you on about?
Jesse has never hurt a soul in his life, he is the goodest boy in blue, he would never raise a pistol to Ahsoka, stop talking okay??
Cody? kill obi wan? someone's been drinking the funny juice huh?
order 66 who? never heard of her, leave me alone, no I mean it. go away. stop. STOP, LEAVE!!
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astheforcewillsit · 6 days
In which the Kaminoans provide a miseducated version of what and who the Jedi are, and the clones realize that at their core, the Jedi are religious monks.
Cultural misunderstands are bound to ensue due to this.
(based of the scene where Obi-wan and Anakin bow to Echo and Fives after they join the 501st)
(original ao3 link)
The first time Obi-Wan bows to Cody, he does so low and Infront of the men. All of the men. It is not a simple incline of his head. It is a slow, low dip.
Ancient practiced movements, just as Qui-Gon had taught him.
They had had saved his life. Again And he is truly grateful. He is still unused to a war like this. His very essence as a Jedi protests his involvement in it.
But he moves only by the will of the Force, and it has brought him to such a moment like this.
Before he completes his gratitude, he is stunned by a collective gasp amongst the men and an arm on his shoulder. The Force tells him it is one of the younger men.
There's a sharp reprimand from Cody, and the arm is off, though the Force is still disturbed
(The touch had not bothered Obi-Wan, in between droids and separatist leaders, it has been the kindest touch he's had all week.
It doesn't bother him, the touch of the clones. He enjoys their presence. Though he can feel the fear palatable through the Force. He hopes that one day they'll be less terrified of him. That they will know him for the human he is. Force knows the damage the Kaminoans have done to the reputation of the Jedi Order.)
Cody steps up as Obi-Wan rises--clearly the action disturbed the peace.
"Sir, I-"
"Clearly I have done something to offend you." He straightens himself, "I apologize."
Cody looks scandalized. This is not going well.
He hesitates. His Commander is still a Labyrinth. He looks at the face of Jango Fett everyday, though he sees none of the darkness clouded in those eyes. With Cody, it's almost fear.
"Sir, there is no need to apologize to us. it's just..."
"it's a sign that we've done wrong and have to ask for forgiveness, usually done by subordinates--cadets to the Kaminoans or the bounty hunters that trained us. When you did that, well...it looked like you thought you did something wrong, that maybe you were asking for forgiveness or was ashamed," another clone (Boil, Obi-Wan reminds himself, the "shiny" who touched him) supplies with some distaste, "doesn't mean the same for you sir?"
Obi-Wan could confuse them, because technically Jedi do bow for forgiveness too. But not in shame, never. He decides to keep it beginner level friendly today.
"I am expressing gratitude. You saved my life," Obi-Wan responds as if it is the most obvious thing, "Though If I have done anything wrong, it has simply been confusing you all. I will not bow if it makes you all comfortable."
His culture is important to him. It his his blood and his soul, but these men are not here with him of their own accord. These men are making sacrifices just by being alive, Obi-Wan could stand to be more like them. Though his heart pulls at the thought of abandoning something so natural to him.
"No sir, that is not necessary," Cody seems to relax in front of him. His anxiety has dissolved into gentle waves in the Force, and instead Obi-Wan senses a small bit of curiosity.
It reverberates through the company.
"Should we..."
"Oh Force no, if bowing has been negative to you please do not do it on my account. And I will alter it," he makes an example, inclining his head just slightly and putting a hand to his chest, praying he doesn't offend, "I am grateful to you all, and I endeavor to show it."
"Only what you're comfortable with, your culture is sacred to you, I know this," he adds, "and if you never tell me anything, I will be okay with that."
"Can you...can we learn more. The kaminoans didn't tell us you did that, they didn't tell us you were...priest--"
"Monks," Obi-wan corrects and smiles at the clone who asked, Waxer the Force tells him, "And I will till you all you want to know about the Jedi, if you feel comfortable telling me about who you are."
There's reluctance in the Force. They may not be Mandalorians, but they carry the secrecy of their beliefs with them. He doesn't blame them. They have so little that belongs to them, the clones. Why give what scarcity they own away to the man who they were handed to on a silver platter.
The Force radiates skepticism, but also trust.
Good, the gap is slowly bridging.
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squirrelno2 · 7 months
I have written a fun little Cody/OC meet-cute, by which I mean Cody and a bounty hunter beat each other up in the middle of a marketplace as a prelude to a very weird road trip. This snippet will be expanded on slowly and randomly and eventually posted on AO3, but for now below the cut you can find: murder! mildly homoerotic grappling! desperate rationalizations of cognitive dissonance!
Leaving the Empire should have been harder. It should have felt like the end of all things. Cody could feel the back of his head pulsing whenever he considered it, everything the Kaminoans had told them and everything he knew about the Empire and the Republic and his duty vying for dominance over Cody’s own crazy impulses.
But the Empire wasn’t the Republic. And Cody wasn’t fighting anymore. Not properly. He told himself, when the headache got to be too much, that he was only searching for a way to serve better. To be the clone commander he’d been before – before.
The headache would ease. He would keep moving. He wouldn’t think of his former general.
It would all begin again the next day, but he was Cody. He could survive a headache, after everything else he’d lived through.
He bartered for passage on a dozen different ships of varying levels of legality – traders here, smugglers there, always people who’d never needed to know a clone’s face. With clones being phased out altogether, he managed to convince himself the danger was almost totally past. Nobody would care about a clone on the streets.
But they hadn’t been released from duty yet, and it was a rude awakening when the man Cody tried to sell his holdout blaster to for just a few more credits decided instead to blackmail Cody for all he had.
“I know the Empire would love to have one of their favourite investments back,” the man said, leaning forward into Cody’s space. He was taller than Cody, with a brutal grip on his wrist and breath that smelled of a local vinegar-soaked fish dish. Cody eyed his blaster. He could figure out another way of getting the credits he needed to get to his potential contact. He wasn’t letting go of that blaster again.
“You’ll want to let go of me,” Cody intoned dully. He gave his wrist a half-hearted tug. He hadn’t wanted to draw attention to himself. Not that he had any faith in the Empire caring about their “investment,” not the way this woefully out-of-date local did, but he knew he’d be in for a painful punishment if the Empire got him back. High-ranking deserters brought that out of people.
“I don’t think I –“
Cody rolled his eyes and yanked, pulling the surprised human past him and sending him to the floor with a kick to the knee. He flailed, releasing Cody, and Cody snatched up his blaster and fired a single clean shot at the man’s head. The pawn shop was quiet again.
Cody was used to droids. They didn’t bleed. He’d shot organic beings before – Umbara, for one. He’d fired on Sith. He’d fired on his traitor general.
But the headache was back. Cody remembered he hadn’t eaten. Had he had any water today?
“Shouldn’t have gone after a trained soldier,” he muttered, annoyed at the pang of guilt he felt. The man was an untrained civilian with eyes bigger than his blaster maybe, but he’d been a threat. Cody ended threats.
Threats to the Empire? His brain felt like a traitor. He wasn’t if it was betraying him or the Empire or the Republic, but it was betraying somebody. Cody holstered his blaster and turned away. Someone would come in, soon enough. He needed to leave. Preferably the planet.
Unfortunately, it was some kind of holiday here on this backwater planet, and the civilians were out in droves. Cody ducked his head as he pushed through the crowd. He just had to get back to the ship he’d come in on. The crew may not have liked or trusted him, but they were criminal enough they couldn’t turn him in without risking scrutiny of their own, and they let him work off debts instead of paying in credits he didn’t have. He liked those things in an ally, right now. It was all he had.
Someone caught at his wrist.
“Hey,” said a low, rumbling voice. Cody glanced up into the grey-furred face of a Cathar. “Don’t I know you?”
“No,” Cody said, twisting his hand free of the stranger’s grasp. “Sorry. I’m late.”
“No, no, you owe me twenty credits!” the Cathar said loudly, turning heads.
“You have me confused for someone else,” Cody hissed. Was there another clone out here? Could that be why he’d been recognised?
“Believe me, I don’t,” the stranger said. They leaned in closer, whispering into Cody’s ear. “So come with me, Commander Cody, or these fine people will think you’re guilty of much worse than an overdue gambling debt.”
Cody punched the Cathar in the face. The stranger grabbed their nose, swearing in a language Cody didn’t know, and raised their other hand. Cody shoved it away, trying to plant his foot in the stranger’s gut, only for the stranger to seize his ankle and twist. Cody hit the ground before he knew it. He wheezed, but that didn’t stop him from tossing the stranger over him. They both panted for a second.
“You’re good,” the Cathar said.
“You gonna let me go?” Cody gasped, feeling his ribs gingerly. He curled to his side slowly, hoping to get the upper hand in a way that wouldn’t tip the stranger off.
The stranger chuckled breathlessly.
They both rolled up onto their knees at the same time. Cody grappled the stranger, who rolled them over until they hit a wall. Space had cleared around them. Most locals were standing far back for safety. Some, to Cody’s dismay, seemed to be recording for the HoloNet.
“Would you just go down already!” said the stranger, digging their fingers into Cody’s hair and trying to slam his head against the wall. Cody bucked his hips, throwing the stranger off.
“Who are you? What do you want?” he snapped, pinning the stranger to the ground. They had a blaster, Cody realised. He was probably lucky the stranger was as prone to hand-to-hand as Cody was. Cody didn’t think about the man he’d already shot today.
“To do my job,” the stranger said. “You’re a wanted man, Commander. I assume you know why.”
“I did my duty,” Cody said. He didn’t know if that was true. Except leaving – that was his duty, most of all. “I’m done with the Empire.”
The Cathar grinned, a cocky, lopsided thing that made Cody want to smack the smug look from their face. “They’re not done with you,” they said. They hooked their leg over Cody and rolled them over one last time, finally drawing their blaster. Cody tried to push it away, but he was too slow; one burst of light later, he was out.
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eightbitpale · 3 months
I just rewatched the rako hardeen arc and it once again hits me how incredibly fucked up that was. Like good lord what were they thinking
And I say this not in a Jedi critical way per se but more in a Jedi flabbergasted way??
Bc clearly at SOME POINT the council had a conversation about what to do about the whole chancellor-assassination-plot thing, and what i want to know is whose pitch was “hey Kenobi what if we hire a bounty hunter to shoot you off a roof in front of your padawan and grandpadawan, then we hold a fake funeral for you (to which we will invite your ex/our political rival, and also not Cody) and then we use the machine from the 1997 Action Thriller Face/Off starring Nick Cage and John Travolta to violently transmutate you into the aforementioned bounty hunter (whom we will have in the meantime arrested) then after a brief stay in Supermax Spaceprison you can infiltrate Count Dooku’s secret team-building saw trap cube (designed by famed criminal mastermind Stabbada Badguyman) in order to save the galaxy. Do you. Do you think you’d be up for that”
And obi-wan, fresh off Zyggeria and about halfway through the worst year of his life is just like
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stealthetrees · 4 months
Mand’alor Fox the Sith Slayer
Commander Fox choosing to start a war with the Pike syndicate AND Crimson Dawn at the same time is not a decision he concisely makes, but after some politicians tell him not to get involved with organized crime cause that’s CorSec’s responsibility, well…
The problem is not that he’s fighting an actual war in the lower levels, the problem is that Darth Maul takes over Crimson Dawn and takes it personally that some clone thinks he can just kill everyone. Because that’s what the Corries do. It’s not like they can arrest them, cause the rich people who are funding them will just get them out of jail cause the government is so corrupt.
Maul dosnt really care about the syndicate until Fox manages to remove every member from Coruscant. He’s feeling petty and spiteful so Maul sends his brother Savage to kill Fox and “teach those clones a lesson”. It backfires horribly when Fox kills Savage with a slug thrower and claims his lightsaber when he challenged the sith to a duel. It goes like this:
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Maul keeps sending bounty hunters and assassins after Fox, including Boba Fett, who gets adopted instead of arrested. The tension keeps escalating to the point that rumors spread about Commander Fox being invincible that cause Maul to start obsessing over him to the point that he hates Fox more than Obi-wan.
The whole thing culminates in Fox going to Mandalore after he kills Palpatine to rescue some of his kids who got kidnapped to lure him there. Fox ends the fight by beheading Maul with the Darksaber instead of Savage’s saber (which he has been using since he claimed it) and the Mandalorians who are present declare him Mand’alor the Sith Slayer.
He decides that ruling a planet could help him finish his to-do list and starts reorganizing the government. Fox lets Saturn Kryze out of jail and offers her a position cause she was the leader for so long and she has valuable knowledge. She’s really bitter about being overthrown by a Sith and replaced by a soldier, and she takes every opportunity to remind Fox of her Pasifistic ideals.
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Mand’alor Fox offers an alliance with the Galactic Republic as will as citizenship to all the clones. This, as well as his role in ending the war by killing Palpatine earns him the undying loyalty of the entire Grand Army of the Republic. Fox takes them and conquers Kamino in the name of Mandalore, justifying it by explaining that they are the largest slave exporters in the galaxy, even more than Zygaria, which is up next on the chopping block.
The first time Cody, Wolffe, Bly, and Ponds see their batch mate after thinking he’s dead for nearly three years is when he’s executing Nala Se.
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
My [completed] CodyWan Fic Masterlist
This is going to be a very long list of all my favorite CodyWan fics that are completed. Later on today or tomorrow I'll make another list for all of the CodyWan fics I enjoy that are currently ongoing/incomplete (because we, in fandom, need to start supporting authors during the writing process instead of only after, but that's a whole other post).
The fics are gonna be separated by Modern AU, Canon-Divergent/Canon-ish, Crack, and Canon But a Little to the Left. Full Disclaimer: this is going to be a very long list, so the triggers and descriptions will be brief--make sure you read the tags and warnings before reading!
I don't know who these authors are on tumblr, so I can't tag them, but I recommend that you guys tag them if you recognize them--because they deserve all the love <3 and I think, especially now, we need to let fic authors know that we appreciate them.
Modern AU
212th Street Coffee by thosewhowanderwithfire 
Cody runs a coffee shop, Obi-Wan comes in frequently with a different members of his friends/family and Cody learns a lot about his crazy life by eavesdropping.
bury me beneath the tree i climbed when i was a child by stormwarnings 
Obi-Wan's family life is messy, to say the least. Cody and his family work as firefighters/EMTs/etc. and Obi-Wan kinda just gets adopted into the family by constantly needing to call the firefighters/EMTs/etc.
Coruscant Story by TyeDyeBoogers
A mafia AU thing where Obi-Wan and Cody are both in different mafia families, but then they date each other pretending to be regular normal people (bc neither of them know they're in the mafia, much less different families), and then a bunch of stuff happens and drama ensues.
TW: Murder, Violence
cradle my name on your tongue by jynx 
Running from an abusive ex, Obi-Wan and Anakin move to a small town where they set up their tattoo and piercing shop. Obi-Wan quickly falls for Cody, the florist across the street, but bad things happen when Obi-Wan's ex just won't give up.
TW: Violence, Abusive Relationship, Drugging, Attempted SA (this doesn't go into detail, but it's still there)
Foreign Affairs by ro_moray 
Obi-Wan and Anakin come to America as foreign ambassadors, Cody is one of their bodyguards. Both Obi-Wan and Cody fall head over heels quickly, and there's some political drama via Maul.
TW: Violence (I think?)
Hey Bartender by Wxlves 
Obi-Wan and Cody both work as bartenders at Dex's, they become FWB, and feelings ensue.
I've Served My Time In Hell by TheSleepingOne (SleepingNebula) 
There's a zombie apocalypse going on and Obi-Wan is repeatedly fucked over by the universe in the form of being forced to spend time around his ex, Cody, and Cody's very protective family.
TW: Violence, Gore
Liminal Beings by ChubbstheFish 
Cody is the lighthouse keeper in a small town with his family. Obi-Wan and his family move into said small town and become close with Cody's family, but it quickly becomes clear that Obi-Wan and his family aren't exactly what they seem--aka human.
Not Denial by spqr 
Obi-Wan is a PI and Cody is the sorry moron who falls head over heels for him after meeting him exactly once.
TW: Violence
Seeker Prospector by brigitttt
Cody is a bounty hunter looking for his father, Obi-Wan is just trying to study dinosaur bones. The two meet, fuck, and then catch feelings.
TW: Violence, Mild Gore (I think)
We’ll Do This Together by MageOfCole 
Obi-Wan and Cody have a one night stand and Cody accidentally gets Obi-Wan pregnant (of the trans variety, not the a/b/o variety). Obi-Wan tries to hide this from Cody and his family, but Obi-Wan's family doesn't know how to mind their own business. Family hijinks ensue.
What…a sleep over? by Wixiany
Cody's family decides to host a party, but he needs to study, so he heads over to Anakin's brother's house to get some peace and quiet. He wasn't ready for how pretty Obi-Wan was.
You Gave Me the World that I Wanted by Legogirl22 
Cody has to take care of his family, so he swears up and down that he won't fall for the cute bookkeeper he keeps seeing. He fails. Miserably.
Canon Divergent/Canon-ish
A Ghost or a Man by smallandangry 
Obi-Wan makes a life for himself on Tatooine, eventually Cody finds him, and the locals get attached to both.
A New Life by cwiptids 
Rex and Echo hear about a clone on Tatooine...guess who they meet and take another guess as to who they're married to.
end of the road by adiduck (book_people)
Obi-Wan and Cody spar before Utapau and make unfulfilled promises.
Glimpse Of Us by fingerstripesofchaos 
Post-Order 66 angst fic, just like...loads of angst. This is not a happy fic at all, it made me cry.
TW: Suicide Mention/Reference
Haven’t Felt Like This My Dear by Bluebellstar
Cody gets a hangover and is a total baby about it, Obi-Wan is very amused.
little white truths by imperiousphasmid 
Obi-Wan gets injured and only family and spouse(s) are allowed to see him...I think you know where this is going.
Made by Walking by piotsa  
After Order 66, Quinlan finds Cody and then Cody finds Obi-Wan.
not dead yet by keylimemagpie (QuickSilverFox3)
✨ smut with emotions ✨
Our children our future (that we didn’t know of) by Feniksiara   
After Order-66 Cody finds out that the Kaminoans decided to use Obi-Wan and Cody's DNA to make Force-sensitive clones...then the Mandalorian dad genes kick in.
Standard Operating Procedures by galateaGalvanized
A mission goes wrong and suddenly almost the entire 212th is in love with Obi-Wan...except, it appears, Cody. Y'all know exactly where this is going.
all the world in my arms by biscuityskies 
Obi-Wan has nightmares after Kadavo, then shit goes to hell on a mission, and Cody worries--also Anakin and biscuityskies' OC Hex are little shits.
where the fields are painted gold by biscuityskies
The 212th end up crashing in the forest, so Obi-Wan and Cody get some "camping out in the forest" cuddles and also banter.
night spar by cabezadeperro (minigami) 
Obi-Wan and Cody spar at night, and there is a lot of tension. Not of the fun kind, though.
chain of command by cabezadeperro (minigami) 
Obi-Wan and Cody are undercover and eventually have to find some way to keep the people tracking them from finding them. If you've watched Marvel, you know where this is going.
In the Treetops by ebw_writes499 
After a mission on Kashyyyk everyone needs to go to bed, which they do...all the way up in the trees.
Caretaker by ebw_writes499 
On Tatooine, Cody gets sick and Obi-Wan has to take care of him. Obi-Wan is a worrier.
Love Despite the Distance by ebw_writes499 
After the war, Cody and Rex comm each other to catch up. Also Cody became a senator against his will.
Overworked by ebw_writes499 
Obi-Wan and Cody both had the same idea and that idea was "sneak off to take a nap."
Compartment Syndrome by elwenyere 
After a bad crash, Obi-Wan is knocked out and Cody is injured. Cody carries Obi-Wan through all the danger while reminiscing, certain that he'll be decommissioned after due to his injury.
TW: Mild Gore? (of the "description of injury" variety)
Good Soldiers by elwenyere 
A story about Obi-Wan and Cody throughout the War and after Order 66, with a happy ending.
Don’t Worry It's A Very High Threadcount by goldleaf1066 
Obi-Wan uses a blanket to warm up instead of Cody and Cody is very fussy about it. It gets a little angsty near the end, but things end good.
And Our Faces Toward the Sun by goldleaf1066 
The War ends and Cody and Obi-Wan share a kiss.
I'll Bend Your Light Around Me (A Sunrise At My Back) by goldleaf1066   
A sweet little story about Obi-Wan and Cody throughout the war, with a happy ending!
Stepping In, Stepping Out by goldleaf1066   
Cody and Obi-Wan take turns covering for each other when they oversleep.
With Both Our Hands Around It by goldleaf1066
Obi-Wan and Cody discuss their relationship while also participating in some extracurricular activities.
Crack Fics
Compulsive Honesty by afoundling 
Cody, Obi-Wan, and some of the 212th get dosed with truth serum and just have to let it run its course.
Fools and Idiots by BehindBrokenWindows 
Somehow everyone gets it in their heads that Obi-Wan and Padme are fucking, and Anakin is not happy when he finds out. We all know who he's really fucking.
Operation “who’s kriffing the General” by Sweet_bubbs 
Everyone finds out that Obi-Wan is in a relationship with someone, but they don't know who--but boy do they want to find out.
Resignation in more than one sense by BitterChocolateStars   
Obi-Wan tries to resign, Mace is a little shit (affectionate) and says no, and hijinks ensue.
Time to Celebrate by Kurosaki224   
Kurosaki's OC just wants to talk to his superiors after the war and ends up seeing a lot more than he wants to.
Rex finds out by The_neurodivergent_nerd   
Exactly what it sounds like.
The Trickster by The_neurodivergent_nerd  
A long dead Sith lord has a great sense of humor.
Canon But a Little to the Left
closed together by numbika 
Obi-Wan is blind AU where Obi-Wan and Cody get stuck in an elevator together.
I Got My Head Checked by frostbitebakery   
Sith Obi-Wan AU where Cody falls in love with Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan changes the course of the War because Cody and his brothers make him realize he still has his heart.
TW: Violence, Self Harm (of the "making a sith" variety)
Marriage in Disguise by bjjones   
Oops! Looks like to make peace with Mandalore, the Jedi will just have to send Obi-Wan to get married to Cody, son of Manda'lor Jango Fett. They totally weren't dating before this.
We’ll Meet Again by little_dumpling
Obi-Wan doesn't become a Jedi Knight and instead works in the MediCorps and becomes a doctor, then he ends up meeting Cody on Geonosis.
TW: Medical Gore (I think?)
What came after by galateaGalvanized  http://archiveofourown.org/works/29595831 
Obi-Wan has gone full Sith and is on Mandalore, Cody and the 212th go to get their general.
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