#bottom table polycule
thatoneacecryptid · 4 months
My favorite thing about Circle of Needle and Thread fics is that basically everyone looked at Marion, Sean and Jean and said, “You know, we could argue over who to ship Marion with, or we could just have fun and ship them all.”
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birb--birb · 11 months
can we also talk about Marion's choices? Choosing to give his reclaimed soul to Jean is so layered in love for both her, Sean, and himself I just- The woman you've fallen in love with is breaking, believing that she too is just another monster in this terrible world. But Marion doesn't let her believe it, he shows her that she still has so much capacity to help, so much capacity for kindness and gentleness still. He shows her that even through all the tragedy and sadness, there can still be good and beauty and while its good to grieve, it's possible to carry on. He made peace with his younger self, apologizing to that young Marion in the garden for the hell he is about to unleash/has already experienced, while also claiming back a major piece of his trauma for himself. Its like he sorta reverse uno'd his trauma, it still exists but he gets to hold it now, not some otherworldly beast that haunted him his entire life. It is in his control now, and he can make peace with it. and Sean.... his most beloved friend, who has been through hell and back and hell again. Marion knew how much pain he was in, the agony and suffering and anger he carried with him. And sometimes you feel you have no other choice than to let go, its the only way Sean felt he would have ever been able to find peace and it sucks it sucks that this is what it came to. But Sean made his decisions, was more than ready to give himself up to keep his mother safe and Marion made a promise, he promised would never let Sean go through anything alone ever again. And he kept it. Marion had so much love to give and I love that Luis followed that to the end.
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do-rey-me · 25 days
oh no im thinking about battle for beyond again
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redriotinggg · 4 months
east blue polycule hitchhiking au that i’ll never write
luffy n zoro meet at a convenience store/gas station. and find out they’re both pretty much stranded with no destination in mind. they team up and use the last of their money to buy snacks and bottom-shelf booze.
enter nami, who steals their wallets while they’re making out by the slushie machine and is pissed to find out they’re broke as hell.
zolu catch her but are ultimately intrigued by the angry red-headed bandit. she ends up coming along with them because they can be her protection if needed and she knows she can outwit them if she needs to get away.
the trio finesse their way onto a bus, where luffy tells nami that her freckles look like stars, and zoro says he knows she’s strong/tough even though she may not look like it. (“don’t let her puny fingers fool you, this woman’s strong”). her heart skips a beat and she wonders when her standards got so low, but she’s happy, so she lets it slide.
the bus takes them to the beach, where they encounter usopp, who’s sitting alone, painting the scenery.
luffy sees him painting and runs over to ask about it, doing so and unabashedly stealing the food from his picnic basket. nami and zoro also come to steal. usopp’s pissed bc wtf??? that��s his food???? but then they compliment his painting and he’s like, “Well it’s bc I’m a descendent of Picasso-” and the trio turns into a quartet.
turns out usopp has a vehicle! (“why do you have a wholeass mini-van at 19 lmao” “shut up it was a hand-me down! and it’s convenient to carry my artwork around”) and has been using it to drive around and think. his one-man roadtrip turns into a three-man-one-woman roadtrip. he feels he should he mad and is a little mad but mostly he’s happy to have new friends. he just hopes they don’t kill him. (“btw guys if you try to murder me, my friend modified me into a killer cyborg so i wouldn’t do that if i were you”)
they come across some guys trying to rob a woman, so luffy n zoro beat em up and nami steals their wallets. they use that money to pay for their dinner at—you guessed it—the baratie.
just like in canon, zolusona terrorize sanji, who’s working tables after being punished by zeff. he’s pissed enough to be impulsive, so he lets the quartet steal him away from the restaurant and back into the van.
they head back to the beach with food and booze stolen from the restaurant, eating, drinking, and having more fun than any of them can remember. shared gazes, amused smiles, whispered secrets. they were all meant to meet. they can feel it.
luffy runs off to skinny dip in the ocean and zoro strips down nude to join him. the other three blush but strip down to the their undies, holding hands as they race to the water. they all laugh and swim and play. it’s fun and intimate, and none of them can ignore the connection they’ve made. can’t ignore the pull they feel for each other, as individuals and as a collective.
exhausted, they lay usopp’s multitude of blankets onto the sand and collapse on top of it, falling asleep curled around each other, only to be rudely awoken by the beach’s lifeguards, who give them the chance to pack up and leave before they call the cops.
“what now?” usopp asks when they pile back into his van. along with the others, his breath catches at the sight of luffy’s wide, dazzling grin. “off to the next adventure, of course!” and so they go. <3
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sharenadraculea · 8 months
The primarchs on a bus
So, the primarchs take a roadtrip, in a doppeldecker-travelbus because I say so:
Lion: He drives the damn thing. Doesn‘t talk to anyone, just stubbornly looking at the road. Very good driver. Either listening to a very disturbing true-crime-podcast or caliban-lovesongs Fulgrim: He and Fulgrim secured the last row on top for themself, so they have a lot of space. Laying down and using Ferrus as a pillow. Occasionally is struck by creative inspiration when looking out the window. Has all his painting supplies with him. Perturabo: pretends to be grumpy but is very excited. He sits at the bottom so he has a proper table to draw on and right next to Magnus. Drinking lot‘s of coffee Jagh: The whole polycule/lovetriangle-thing around Magnus sits at the bottom around one of the tables, so he is there too. Kind of sad that he can‘t take his bike but hanging out with his brothers is fun too. Tries to do some throatsinging to impress Magnus but get‘s glared at by Lion. Leman: Sits opposite of Magnus and tries to do his best to not start a fight. Rob has taken away his Mjod and stops him from taking more from the minibar. His wolves are under the table and he pets them the whole time. Started a fight with Jagh about who get‘s to sit at the window. They switch every few minutes now. Rogal: He sits in the trunk/luggage storage to give emotional support to Konrad. Has built a pillowfort, it‘s very comfy. Appears a few times to sternly talk to people who aren‘t using their seatbelts. Konrad: He‘s a very happy bat right now. He sits in the luggage area, it‘s dark and comfy, Rogal has snacks for days there and gives lot‘s of hugs and headpats. Was very sceptical about going at all, he had some visions. Sang: With his wings it‘s quite klaustrophobic. Also on the bottom floor so he can be next to Lion and Rob. Might be stresseating. Very glad Lemans wolves are there for emotional support. Ends up falling asleep, a lot of cute pictures were made. Ferrus: Currently beeing used as a pillow by Fulgrim. Is prepared and has some books and snacks with him. The two regularly get yelled at to stop making out. Angron: He is watching a movie with a lot of gore and cuddeling with Lorgar. Falls asleep eventually. Everyone is surprised at how calm he is. Turns out he is like some toddlers/babies and sitting in a car/bus calms him down very fast. This knowledge will be used in the future. Roboute: Lion has entrusted him with the minibar. He is vigilantly guarding it, making sure no one get‘s drunk. Drinks a lot of coffee and tries to get some work done. This is made harder by everyone (but especially Sang) Morty: Sits on top, kind of in the middle. Was very nervous but then Vulkan sits a row behind him and just starts talking? And it‘s nice? And he is listening to Morty talking about bugs? He bluescreens. Magnus: Sitting at the bottom, with the rest of the polycule-lovetriangle-thing. He has a lot of fun. A lot of drama happening. Makes out with Leman, Perty and Jagh at least once, Rob threatens to leave him behind on a rest stop. Horus: Can‘t decide where to sit. Switches places every few minutes. Wants to sit next to all his brothers. This was his idea and he is very happy how well it‘s going. Constantly on call with Emps of Malcador to tell them that everything is okay and everyone still alive. Lorgar: Cuddeling with Angron, doesn‘t really want to watch the movie so he listens to a audiobook. Once Angron falls asleep he starts writing on his own book. Vulkan: Sitting behind Morty. He has brought a ton of food and drinks with him and shares with everyone. Very, very happy. One of the few to properlly wear his seatbelt. Corvus: Sits in the overhead bag-storage-space. Probally sleeping, has plenty of birb-food for snacking with them. Alpharius Omegon: everyone feels like they forgot something, but they aren‘t sure what. Don‘t worry tough, the two sit under the chairs and have fun watching the drama. At some point just appear in the seats at the very front on top so they have the best view.
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bluegiragi · 2 years
Oh bestie you can’t just say “they’re all switches (with personal preferences)” and then not drop the details 👀👀 also does this mean you’d ever draw bottom!Ghost and top!Soap??
(nsfw warning: explicit talk about sex)
I think that Ghost, Soap and Konig are pretty flexible in the roles they play within their polycule, but certain traits remain consistent throughout. Also please note that this is all headcanon, and just how I see these three.
Ghost is in a lot of ways just a dominant person. By nature of his past, he enjoys having control, and exerting that control. Which isn't to say he doesn't also enjoy surprises (he's learnt to roll with the punches) but it does mean that I see him as a very focused top and a very domineering bottom. He's definitely more comfortable being the top in almost all situations, but he loves Johnny too much to deny him anything, and I think he'd dangle the prize of getting ridden over Konig like bait. He definitely gets off to the idea of using people for his own pleasure (especially when it comes to Konig, who is so needy and eager to please, without the coy brattiness of Soap). As a top, he really gets off to seeing how much Soap or Konig want him, and takes a lot of pleasure in pushing them to their limits (with consent of course).
Soap is a brat through and through when it comes to Ghost, but Konig brings out the bully in him a little. He likes to tease and flirt and push and pull - the game of it is fun to him and seeing Konig be so plaintively desperate for him in ways that Ghost just isn't does it for him. But Ghost is truly his kryptonite. I love reading fics by whisperwarm and prettyunhinged because they write their dynamic pretty much exactly how I imagine it - just constantly starving for each other, knowing they push each other's buttons that nobody else can. In the same line, captaindominoes is stellar at portraying how they're the only one for each other. Soap is loud as a bottom and a top (he sort of never knows how to shut up) and i think he's open and affectionate as both. And he's got a MASSIVE manhandling kink. He also definitely gets a lot of pleasure from seeing how much he's wanted (he probably tests this out most on Konig though, Ghost can only take so much before his self control runs thin.)
Konig is such a submissive and I can't wait to get to the actual nsfw part of this comic miniseries so I can start showing that, but I also think his feral' mode is interesting. I think it only comes out in flashes of confidence so things like crazed quick fucks post-mission while he's coming down from an adrenaline rush would be on the table. Fighting Ghost also gets him going (to his own partial mortification). Something about him just gets under his skin, in a way that irritates, intimidates and turns him on in no specific order. Part of it is probably the fact that he views Ghost as a superior in almost all senses - he definitely has a massive praise/degradation kink (i think he gets off to both honestly). And on average, Soap is sweeter on him while Ghost never really lets him forget who's top dog (which is fine with him). Konig and Ghost definitely butt heads sometimes and I won't lie, a sly hatefuck after a botched assignment isn't exactly out of the question, but I think at the end of the day Konig craves his approval, in one way or another. As for Soap, in contrast to Ghost, Soap is Konig's VERY assertive boy next door, but what if the boy next door also had a box of handcuffs (and other things) hiding under the bed. They're honestly just very sweet together - they're both very attentive and vocal and honestly I think Ghost would get off to just watching them.
I don't know if this answered your question but I just wrote like way too much on these three (and yes I'd definitely consider drawing top!soap and bottom!ghost at some point)
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
🎂Happy Birthday Gavin🎂
Rating:🔞 Explicit-sexual content🔥 Fandom:💙Detroit Become Human💙 Ships: Hankconvin900, Nines x Gavin x Hank x Connor Tags: Birthday sex, blow jobs, multiple orgasms, bukkake, Bottom Gavin, M/M/M/M, DBH polycule, PWP- plot what plot/porn without plot, Daddy kink, sir kink, degradation/humiliation kink, unsafe sex A/N: this took me all day, please give it some love🤝💙
Of all the places to be, on his least favorite day of the year, he has to be at phcking work, sitting through yet another PR meeting about ‘Accepting Androids in the workplace.’
The revolution last November changed the world, and now, 10 or so months later, things are just starting to balance back out. And that he thinks has more to do with two Androids in particular, who were able to reach Gavin in a way even Hank, his longtime friend and partner couldn't. 
He sure didn't make it easy. Gavin never makes anything easy. But they persisted. And now he’s moved back into Anderson's house, he’s work partners with Nines, and he, Nines, Connor, and Hank are in the weirdest, most unpredicted polycule he's ever been a part of. 
It's been great, at least the last couple of months have been. Like he said, he didn't make the transition easy. But once they found the key to getting Gavin to open up, everything just kinda spilled out. Then it was easier. Because the shit Gavin was actually mad about finally came out, and he learned Connor and Nines weren’t really that bad of dudes. Annoying, yeah, but hey, so was he.
They also helped introduce Gavin to some of the best sex he’s ever had. Turns out, having two high-stamina Androids as fuck buddies had its advantages. The pair opened him and Hank up to a world of new kink opportunities that had the additional side effect of bringing them all closer together as a result. Which he guesses is good too. He’s certainly happier than he’s been- 
Nines bumps his shoulder, and Gavin only notices now he’s drooling. He wipes his mouth quickly with the back of his hand before clearing his throat. No one in the large lecture hall outside of Nines caught the action, which Gavin was grateful for. His phone lit up with a silent message from the Android just a moment later. 
{Bored Gavin? Or daydreaming again?} 1:43 PM
Gavin chuckles quietly before slipping his phone under the table. They were all adult officers, looking at their phones wasn’t disallowed, but Gavin was trying to be polite with how much he was actively not paying attention. 
[I can think of at least 15 things I’d rather be doing with my time than this…] 1:44 PM
{This is a required seminar for all officers} 1:44 PM
[Yeah, I know, but it’s not like I’m gonna give Androids any trouble anymore.] 1:44 PM 
[Even if I tried, you’d kill me before I got half a sentence out.] 1:44 PM
Gavin sent the message and waited for Nines to read it. A growing warmth bloomed in his gut when the side of Nines' mouth turned up in amusement. 
{You're correct, I would.} 1:45 PM
Gavin assumes it would be left at that, and starts to try and pay attention. Until another message popped up. 
{Only a little bit longer now. We will be leaving for the day after this.} 1:47 PM
That surprised Gavin.
[As much as I’m pro ditching work, don’t think Fowler’s gonna go for it.] 1:47 PM
Nines' face remained stoic and emotionless, giving nothing away.  
{The request for PTO has been entered and accepted for months.} 1:48 PM
Gavin’s mouth dropped open. Because he sure as hell didn't put in the request. He prefers to work on his birthday. Helps him avoid thinking about it. About Cole. About everything. 
Nines sent another message. 
{Just because you refuse to acknowledge the day doesn’t mean it ceases to exist Gavin.} 1:48 PM
Gavin flushed red and flipped his phone over on the desk. He was done talking about this. He had purposely avoided telling Nines and Connor when it was for this reason. Though in hindsight, it was kind of stupid to think two supercomputers didn't have access to something as mundane as his birthday, but still. Hank knew how he felt about it. He’s made it crystal clear. 
He didn't say anything to Nines for the rest of the meeting. 
It was a quiet and un-phcking-comfortable 36 minutes. 
“GAVIN, WAIT!” Nines is shouting after him, but he doesn't want to talk about it. 
“I PHCKING HATE SUPRISE PARTIES,” he shouts back instead. He’s so edgy by the time he reaches his car he drops his keys twice, and Nines catches up to him… 
“Gavin, I know how you feel about your birthday-” Nines starts, but Gavin doesn't let him finish. 
Gavin acts before he considers all ramifications and grabs Nines by his jacket. He sees red. He shoves Nines until his back hits the four-door. 
“No! You don’t know shit,” he insists furiously. 
When Nines' face exposes genuine shock and his LED flashes red does Gavin remember that he's a mushy, mortal, sack of bones who just physically, stupidly, assaulted a top-of-the-line Police Bot. Who ya know, also happened to be his partner and nonconventional boyfriend. He should definitely let go. Why can’t he let go?
“Let go of me Gavin,” Nines insists calmly, LED back to a steady and less homicidal, cyan. 
Gavin does. Immediately grateful Nines chose mercy and both his wrists were still intact. He straightens his own clothes before unlocking his car. 
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I’m not asking you to. Just, to keep an open mind. We have spent a fair bit of time setting this up for you.”
“Who’s we?”
Nines opens the passenger side and slides into the seat without answering. 
Gavin’s teeth clench but he yanks himself into the driver's seat. When he pulls on his seatbelt, Nines finally answers. 
“Connor, Hank, and I.”
That admission has a fair bit of Gavin’s anxiety melting off his shoulders and leveling out his temper. 
“Just you guys,” he clarifies as he turns the engine over. 
“Yes. Unless you want to extend the invite to others.”
Gavin shook his head. 
“Not really.” 
Gavin didn't trust anyone else like he trusted them. 
When they pull up to Hank’s house Sumo rushes out to greet them. 
“Hey buddy.” 
The comfort of Hank’s dog helps ease more of the discomfort Gavin is feeling as he walks up to unknowns in the house. Nines doesn't rush him inside, so he takes an extra minute, waiting until he can breathe without wheezing before heading inside. 
The rest of his anxious reservations melt upon opening the door. 
“Yes,” Nines confirms. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner. I was bound to secrecy. Connor threatened fratricide.”
“I did,” Connor smiles, sitting completely naked on the living room couch, with Hank between his legs. “Welcome home, Gavin.” 
“Phck me,” Gavin pants, because it's suddenly way too hot in here and he swears his jeans just shrank.
“That was the plan,” Nines confirms amusedly, and his hand finds Gavin’s low back. “Shall we join them?”
Gavin’s having trouble making his mouth form words so he nods. The drool is back in full force,  because there really is no prettier sight than a naked Hank Anderson, on his knees sucking cock. 
While Connor continues to use Hank’s throat, Nines is opening Gavin up on his fingers over the loveseat. It gets easier and quicker every time they do this, but it's becoming increasingly obvious to Gavin that Nines is taking his time on purpose tonight. 
“Please Sir,” Gavin asks, pushing his ass back against the long slender digits. He needs so much more than just two fingers inside him.  
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing that,” Nines hums and it makes Gavin weak. 
“I’ll say whatever the phck you want as long as you don’t stop touching me.”
Nines rewards him with another slick finger, pumping gently in and out with the others. Gavin relaxes even further in the Android’s grasp.
“Why aren't you obedient like this more often? You’d get what you want faster.”
“It’s no fun being good all the time,” Gavin laughs, a little breathless from the sudden increase in speed. “Ask Connor.”
Connor looks up from Hank, who currently has all of Connor’s cock in his throat. The brunette grins and slips his hand into the older man’s silver hair, holding Hank’s face in place.  
“He’s right,” Connor shrugs. To emphasize his point, he pushes Hank down further, waiting until the last possible moment before pulling Hank back by his hair so he could breathe. 
The sputtering sound Hank made upon removal was gorgeous; wet, gasping, and needy as he tries to keep any part of Connor’s cock in his mouth while he takes some much-needed breaths. 
Gavin’s cock spits more fluid. It’s so phcking hot. They are so phcking hot. He could watch that shit on a loop forever. 
“I think that's enough Connor,” Nines says a moment later, and both Connor and Hank are up and moving without a fuss, walking towards the bedroom.
Gavin is confused why they aren't following. Nines pushes in another finger and twists them until Gavin squeaks, holding him right where he wants him as Gavin catches his breath. When he has, Nines takes his chin and kisses him, forcing the air right back out. 
Nines chuckles and the heat sends goosebumps rippling down Gavin’s right side. 
“Ready for the next part of your present?” 
Gavin groans. “Oh hell yes.” 
Four fingers are not enough of a stretch to fully ready himself for Hank’s monster cock, but with a lot of lube and stimulation pretty much everywhere else and Gavin’s too pleasantly distracted to notice any pain upon entry. 
Connor has his mouth and is kissing him filthily and with teeth while Nines has his hand around his cock, pumping Gavin closer and closer to the edge. That plastic bastard Nines knows how sensitive the skin around his piercings is, so his fingers stay there, playing with the slick mess of his tip and pushing his thumb across his piercings until Gavin cries. Hank’s own thrusts inside his body start slow, but every time one of the Androids pulls a ple2ased sound out of him, Hank’s next thrust is harder, deeper, or faster. Like they were competing to see who could get him to bust first. 
Nines’ fingers catch his piercings, tugging against the head and Gavin whines, desperate and needy. Connor’s tongue pushes deep into his throat, chasing the sound and Hank pulls Gavin’s hips flush against his own. The next two dozen snaps are pointed and so perfect they turn his legs to jelly. 
"Daddy-” he whimpers, resting his forehead against Connor’s while he attempts to catch his breath through the powerful thrusts. “Please."
Hank’s hand comes down on his ass cheek hard and the sound echoes perfectly off the walls. 
“Again,” Gavin groans. Hank delivers another slap as hard as the first one. Gavin’s cock spits more fluid into Nines’ hand. "Fuck, again." Gavin is sobbing. His prostate is under repeated abuse and every thrust of Hank’s cock is so much to take he feels delirious on pleasure. Connor swallows down his every moan, biting into his neck when he wants to hear him cry and Gavin loves the feeling of being strung out on them.  
"Getting close already baby," Hank chuckles knowingly and Gavin doesn’t have an ounce of energy left to feel shame. 
"Pleaaase," Gavin begs, because the ache in his core is driving him feral. He needs it. Nines has finally stopped touching his dick but it doesn't matter, he’s gonna cum no matter what. 
"Get up then, I don't think Nines or Connor can see how wet your cock is."
Gavin doesn't have time to think of a retort because he's being pulled up against Hank’s chest that next minute. The new position allows the final few inches to slip in and break Gavin's brain. 
"Ph-ck, oh god, yes, Daddy-” Gavin whimpers, quieter than a whisper. 
“There you go,” Hank praises before taking Gavin’s cock into his hand, “you boys see that?”  
"Sloppy mess, as per usual," Nines agrees and Gavin thrashes as that degradation sends a powerful wave of arousal down his spine.  
"He's absolutely gorgeous," Connor whispers. His eyes are still on Gavin, taking in every inch of his exposed and vulnerable form and making Gavin feel all kinds of ways. 
"Hear that Sweetheart?" Hank praises, and Gavin is too lust-drunk to do anything but feel and whine. 
"Can I- come on, please-"
"Yeah baby, go ahead, let us see you.”
Gavin whines as his long overdue orgasm punches out of him, rocketing his body down and then immediately away from the enormous cock inside him. It hurts to be full, but he doesn't want to be empty either. Where he stopped and where Hank’s holding him is perfect. 
Nines and Connor’s eyes haven’t left his cock which is pumping white all over his stomach and the carpet below. He wants to stay here forever. It aches in his balls just the way he likes. Relaxes his muscles and releases so much tension. Clears his mind, and makes him feel light, high, and floaty. 
Until Hank starts thrusting again and Gavin desperately needs a break. Just for a second. 
“Hank,” Gavin whines, because his prostate is so sensitive. 
“I got ya baby, don’t worry.” 
Hank pulls out slow, kissing down the back of Gavin’s neck because knows his body and his sounds better than anyone.
“Thank you,” he gasps, and he’s melting right back into that warm floaty place.  
“Course,” Hank chuckles warmly, “can’t break our fuck toy before the twins even get a full turn with ya.”
“Phck,” Gavin gasps, more cum dribbles out of the sensitive tip of his spent cock and he barely has the energy to moan. He wants it though. Even if it’ll wipe him out for the next two days, he wants it. 
Nines and Connor each return to his side. Connor hands him a glass of water and he’s so grateful he could cry. 
When they get back at it again, Hank elects to watch the next round from his armchair. Gavin is in the center of their Cali king mattress, naked on his knees with his arms behind his back. They’ve caged his cock, because Gavin doesn't want to cum again just yet. 
Nines and Connor are standing at the foot of the bed. They haven’t started touching him yet either, which is as agonizingly frustrating as it is intimidating. Probably because they just kept looking at him, obviously communicating telepathically because both of their LEDs were flashing. 
It’s been like this for a while, not even Hank is putting up a fuss about the lack of action. Gavin begins to wonder just how long they have been planning this. 
When something in Connor’s eyes changes and he flushes blue Gavin starts to squirm under the gaze. It moves the plug in his ass, lining it up a little better with his still-sensitive prostate. He moans before doing it again. 
Evidently, that's enough of a rule break to receive the wrath of Nines' glacial stare.
“Didn't say you could move slut. Flip over, onto your stomach. Now.”
Gavin tries to hold back his pleased grin as he does what Nines instructs. He didn't hate getting punished, it was so much better than not being touched at all. 
When Gavin is comfortable on his stomach, Nines grabs his hips and pulls him backward, until his legs fall over the edge of the mattress.  
“You’ll appreciate the angle better,” Nines explains and Gavin is sure he’s right. His fingers then move between Gavin’s ass cheeks, finding the plug and pulling it free. Some of Hank’s release came out with it and dripped down Gavin’s caged balls. Hank and Connor both gasped their appreciation.
“Phck,” Gavin pants and Nines chuckles before slipping two fingers inside him.  
“Feeling impatient?”
“What do you think?” Gavin sasses and Nines pulls his fingers out. Gavin is pushing back to try and follow them but Nines’ steel grip on his hip has him halted in place. Pleasure burns hot in his gut. “Please, Sir, please fuck me?”
“Yes. but I’m not gonna cum inside you.”
“What? Why not?” Gavin whined, surprising everyone but Nines. 
Nines spanks him hard, harder than Hank and it has Gavin bucking against the mattress just from sheer force. The sting that follows is blissful, and Gavin relaxes onto his chest. “‘Sorry Sir,” he hums and Nines smiles. Though he can't see it from this angle.
“Because I’m going to paint you with it instead.”
That has Gavin groaning along with the full-body shudder the suggestion caused. Evidently Hank had let the twins in on that particular kink of his. He’d be mad, if it didn't make him so phcking hot to imagine it. 
“Is that alright?” Nines asks and Gavin realizes he didn't speak.
“Phck yeah,” Gavin pants.
“Sir please…” Gavin begs again for who knows how many times now. Nines and Connor have been edging him for close to an hour now. His cock is still trapped in the cage and the floor below is puddling with Gavin’s precum. 
Nines and Connor’s matched assaults with their cocks paired with Hank’s filthy praises have brought him to the absolute edge but never over and it's killing him. Gavin’s been reduced to a shaking, whimpering, pathetic pile, just begging to be destroyed and they still won’t do it. 
“What was that Gavin? Did you say something?” Nines asks cheekily, pulling Gavin’s hips down, the tip of the android's cock pressed against Gavin’s prostate which throbs it's so sore now.  
“Sir, Connor, please.”
“What do you need Gavin?” Connor asks, voice so much gentler than his younger, meaner brothers. 
“Cum on me, and then let me cum for you. Please, I can’t take any more.”
“Hmm, I suppose you have suffered enough,” Nines chuckles. 
Connor’s hand leads Gavin’s mouth back onto his cock while Nines' hands are busy between Gavin’s legs. He hears the blissful sounds of the lock tumblers and then the cage is falling free. 
“Thank you, phck, thank you,” Gavin pulls off to gasp, because his dick is quickly filling, and Nines has him flipped over, back onto the center of the mattress. 
“Hank, did you still want to record this?” Connor asks Hank and Gavin feels another pull of arousal in his gut. 
“Better hurry,” Gavin warns and is rewarded with the first taste of Nines' orgasm on his tongue. It tasted like nothing, well not nothing, he tasted like flavorless, water-based lube. With every pump of Nines’ hand, Gavin is coated with a warm slick release. Every drop that landed on his cock has him bucking up, eager to cum. Too eager actually. “Phck,” Gavin pants, gripping the base of his cock to keep the orgasm back. Connor still had his turn to take after all. 
The brunette in question gained his attention now. He straddled Gavin and the detective was excited for the up close and personal view. 
“Pump it,” Connor orders and Gavin drops his own cock in favor of mono-focusing on Connors. He loves watching Connor cum. Loves how expressive his dumb, pretty face is when he’s toppling over the edge into oblivion. 
Connor’s eyebrows bunch together, signaling he is about to shoot and the words are falling out of Gavin’s mouth before he can stop them. 
“Mark your claim Con.”
Connor’s head falls back and his cock is still in Gavin’s hand. Cum is spurting across Gavin’s chest, under his chin, and pooling around the base of his cock, making everything so much wetter. Gavin is surprised he hasn’t cum yet. 
When Connor finally recovers from his orgasm, he’s moving. Not far, just enough to line up his hole with Gavin’s cock and sit on it.  
“Phck!” Gavin curses.
“Say my name, I love when you beg it,” Connor groans, tightening around his cock and rocking against him. 
Gavin chokes on his gasp, he thrusts into Connor hard. These androids drove him fuckin’ crazy.
“Connor,” he says, cock near bursting. 
“Yes Detective?” Connor chuckles, hot, wet, and secret in his ear and that's it. Gavin can’t hold back anymore. 
“Connor, phck, phck-” he’s cumming. Hard because he’s been edged for so damn long. Because each of them has thoroughly scratched each of his kinks. His hips thrust up against Connor’s ass as he rode out the waves of his orgasm. Connor pulled him forward until he could kiss him. Gavin kisses him back.
“So, how did you like your birthday gift?” Connor asked. 
Gavin turned to where the Android was currently curled up against him post-sex and smirked. Nines was on his opposite side. Hank was snoring behind Connor, his arm draped across the android's hip and hand interlocked with Gavin’s. Gavin didn't blame Hank for passing out, nor was he mad. He was seconds away from falling asleep himself. Gavin nods to answer Connor’s question.  
“Easily, best birthday I’ve ever had.”
Nines hums pleasantly whereas Connor smiles like Gavin hung the fucking moon. 
Gavin nods. 
“Yeah Tin Man, really.”
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
was wondering if u have any headcanons of like. the polycule but specifically how rudy interacts w all of them or like. kinda his dynamic w everyone? (sfw or nsfw beggars can’t be choosers)
I'll keep this confined to the tf141+los vaqueros polycule. (I'm gonna skip out on Alejandro since I've got ten billion Aledolfo posts and I don’t feel like it would change much in the case of the polycule)
They're both bottoms but Rudy can be dominant when he wants and Soap can bottom from the top
Neither have kinky sex with each other unless theres a third person (usually Gaz) and then they are both FREAKS
They hang out a lot without the others because they’re also friends
Neither go to the other for comfort because they both acknowledge the other useless in that situation
Loves cuddling together
Both go to cool interactive science things together
Soap teaches Rodolfo how to draw
I feel like both are kinky on their own but sex is vanilla for them, together
Very romantic dynamic since Price is kind of a sap and Rodolfo likes being doted on
Price looks older than he is and Rudy looks younger than he is so they end up getting weird looks in public but both think they’re funny
Rodolfo cooks for Price when it’s just them and Price loves it so much. He’s the only one allowed to crowd Rodolfo when he cooks because he’s not going to try to randomly grab a bite or feel him up.
Price flirted with Rodolfo a lot before they all got together it definitely riled a few of the others up because that old man has game
Ghost is kind of awkward around him at first because Rodolfo is kind of sassy and he likes that but he doesn’t know how to handle him without being an asshole like he can be to the others
However, once he realizes that all Rodolfo is going to do is fire back, it is on
Both are hella fucking mean to each other but it’s affectionate
They have mostly rough sex that comes from being mean to each other
Both can handle the other’s self destructive tendencies, since they tend to be self destructive in similar ways
Ghost really picks up Spanish, so one day, Rodolfo yells at him in Spanish and Ghost just yells at him back. Rodolfo goes starstruck and they almost immediately fuck wherever they are.
Poor Alejandro because when they have arguments, they say very sexual things and he’s just sitting there with his head on the table like guys please
He gets so flustered around Rodolfo and Rodolfo think it’s absolutely adorable
He likes giving little gifts so he randomly finds things that remind him of Rudy and gives them to him
Rodolfo loves to just randomly say things to Gaz in Spanish and watch him get all hot and bothered. He once ordered a pizza in Spanish. Gaz obviously didn’t know but he was flustered nonetheless
Rodolfo does eventually teach him Spanish and he finds he is weirdly attracted to Gaz trying so hard to learn Spanish
Rodolfo loves to tease him and rile him up and then leave him to find someone else to give him what he needs
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mrssimply · 5 months
Santino topping John WOWOWOW
How often does it happen? And how does Santino get John into that mood? Or does John kinda want it just because he feels like it? :3
An interesting question I asked myself more or less recently (I made a mention of Santino topping John in The Burning of Rome, as you know ;)).
Here is how I see it: first, I have to say it's rare for me to write couples that don't switch position. That's clearly due to my own experience, but I know some people prefer one or the other, and Santino clearly has a preference for bottoming in my head.
So I would answer it like this: it's not John who needs to be in the mood, it's Santino.
John is by default in the mood for everything his partner(s) might want, be it Helen, Caine, Koji (yes, thanks to Koda, it's now a HC they had a little polycule back in their youth) or of course, Santino. His own desire often takes a backseat to the desire of his parner(s): nothing gets him off harder than giving pleasure, or responding to his partner(s)' want.
I think we also have to separate top/bottom from dominant/submissive, or from driving/following. In my head, John is a follower. He's not a leader in anyway, and if he happens to create movement around him, it's accidental, or collateral, nearly never conscious. I always loved how... surprised he was by the consequences of his actions (Him refusing to honor the Marker => Santino blowing his house up, then later of course being excomunicado, later again having the whole High Table on his ass and he's like "I've never asked for any of this" and I'm like "John, my man, did you stop for one second to think about the chain of events you were setting into motion?". Many characters tell him variations of that: Winston, Koji, the Elders, Gianna...). In a way, he's very passive in his own narrative: his thought process is very forward and simple (that doesn't mean he isn't intelligent, it means he doesn't care about complexities and the big picture). In that way, I feel like he's very "in the moment" and very attuned to what people feel, even if he often lacks the words to express it.
So back to sex: John responds to the desire of his partner first and foremost in my head. So he's basically always potentially in the mood to top or bottom, it doesn't depend on him, it depends on his partner a lot. That doesn't mean he can't have wants and desires of his own, but to me he's very attuned to the mood of his potential partners, and even unconsciously he'll give them what they want.
It also means that to me, he's more submissive than dominant, but then again, if his partner requires dominance, he'll do it in a heartbeat, and he'll like it.
Santino, on the other hand, is a pillow princess, and a brat. He loves to be whorshipped and conquered, you gotta earn the right to put your hands on him, it's a privilege and he intends for his partner(s) understand that very clearly before he let them kiss his toes.
He will take on a more active and leading role because he loves to test his partners. It's really a way for him to ensure they're worthy of him. Of course he's a control freak, letting go is the ultimate gift he can offer to a partner, but they need to work for it painstakingly. Every game he plays with John in my fics is just him being a scared little boy in need of reassurance. Being pampered, held, and taken is how he feels safe and loved, even if it hurts.
He also understands perfectly how receiving can mean being on top: the control it gives him, the way he can use his body as a weapon of submission. To him, it's not a matter of position, it's a matter of controling the mindset of his partner, and hiding behind a screen.
And finally, I'll answer the question: it doesn't happen often because to him, topping is giving. It's putting the need and desire of his partner first, and not his own, it's taking care, and not being taken care of (again, it's how I think he views it, it's in no way an absolute truth). For the mood to strike he would have to be in a very safe place, with a partner he trusts entierly, in a moment he feels confident enough and good enough to give. A moment where the bottomless pit of want that exists by his heart is somewhat filled. A fragment of time where he has enough selflove to pass an opportunity to receive the devotion he expects of his partners, and for once, to give some of that devotion to his lovers.
And that is very rare.
ALRIGHT, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, I'll gladly take more questions if you're ready to read entire essays that probably lack cohesion but whatever, I'll stand my ground xD.
Thank you so much for the ask, this was really fun!
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penig · 2 years
So, and so. September 29th, and the worst is upon the Daily Dracula reader; we have hit rock bottom and can now push off from despair and start the ascent.
For most people, I suppose, That Scene is Arthur staking Lucy, but for me it’s a tiny bit earlier. When I hear the word “Dracula” the image that leaps into my mind is not the evil count himself in any of his canon guises or film portrayals, but the thing using Lucy’s body, on the cemetery path, clutching an unconscious child with its blood on her mouth.
At that point, the worst thing is undeniable, it cannot be avoided anymore; but the mere fact of seeing the worst means that the uncertainty and nameless dread are past. It will not get worse than this; it cannot get worse than this; now even those who never heard of the undead before tonight are over the hump of incredulity, know what they’re up against, and have access to van Helsing’s knowledge of how to defeat it.
Now also comes Mina, keeping her head even when it’s in a whirl, with her organizational skills and her clear focus on getting the ducks in a row and clearing the decks for action; and in her wake Jonathan, able at last to acknowledge what happened to him and do his bit to turn the tables on his tormentor. We have a team now. We have the information in hand to form and carry out a plan. We can now go on the attack and take that bastard down.
And ultimately, it is Lucy who makes it possible. She could not fight him off herself, though she fought gamely; but she is the one who assembled the team around her, by being Lucy. Her attachment to Mina is the only link between Jonathan and the rest, and she is the one who attracted the men we call the polycule and retained them all even after singling out one. We joke about it, but even within the modern framework of polyamory this is not an easy thing to do. She inspired in them, in van Helsing, and in Mina a rare and selfless love that survives the horror and makes it possible to look at it, to face it, in order first to save and then to avenge her.
Mina, of course, also has a husband to avenge, and is a rare lover herself. Mina is an extraordinary woman even in her ordinary life. We have seen Jonathan rise to the extraordinary in dire circumstances, and I do not think he and Mina could pair so well if he had not always had that extraordinary strain latent within him. The polycule and van Helsing - excuse me - are in most ways fairly ordinary Victorian men.
Yes, even van Helsing. Their quirks make some of them unusual, certainly, but those are only quirks and contain as much weakness as strength. Lucy has drawn out of them a degree and depth of love that raises them above their normal level and makes the team possible. Their weaknesses and the limitations of their Victorian training will still hinder them - you will still want to choke them more than once before the end - but the love Lucy gave them bestowed on them a strength they could not have achieved on their own.
To a modern reader this seems a distastefully passive, Victorian, hidebound strength. We want strength that is active, direct, and overt and seldom recognize any other kind. But the Victorian mistake was not in valuing this sort of strength, but in assigning it to women and allowing us no other kind of strength; labeling the strength to endure and to inspire “feminine” and the strength to attack and to triumph “masculine” and to build a wall between the two spheres. It is our mistake to ditch the “feminine” strength altogether, to mistake it for weakness and scorn those who have it instead of the other. Yet you need them both to defeat evil.
It is the person who achieves both kinds - Jonathan - who survived the Count and brought the key strategic information out of Transylvania, after all.
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the-mad-closet · 7 months
(I forgot to say this before, but obv age up pls) NSFW ABCs for the Ninja Steel POLYCULE <3 I love them dearly
For some reason, I'm in an NSFW mood tonight and I feel like tackling this monster. Thank you for being specific about them being aged up!
A - Aftercare
So much aftercare. Like, SO much aftercare. Sometimes if he's feeling up to it, Preston will just magic the mess away, but usually it's all physical touch and cleaning each other up. Sometimes they'll take turns in the shower cleaning each other up, sometimes the one who was treated the roughest is treated to a bubble bath. Sometimes it's all they can do not to fall asleep on each other.
B - Body part
Okay, so for Brody, everyone mutually agrees that his hands and arms are his best asset. He's strong from years on an alien spaceship, what can they say?
Preston's in the same boat, but it's his ass. He's a bottom, they can't help it.
Calvin - Hayley and Sarah fight over if it's his mouth or his thighs. Brody and Levi both like his wrists. Preston's never said his favorite part of Calvin and he'll be taking that secret to his grave (it's his chest)
For Hayley, Sarah likes her shoulders. Calvin likes her hips. Levi goes for broke and says it's her breasts. Brody also goes for broke and says it's her ass. Preston lovingly says it's her eyes.
Sarah, in the same boat as Body and Preston, gets the same answer from everyone - her boobs. Again, they can't help it.
Levi gets the answer of his fingers from Sarah and Hayley (it's because he plays guitar), his arms from Calvin, and his neck from Preston
C - Cum
Like I said in a previous prompt, Preston doesn't like the mess, it makes him anxious. They others tend to use condoms around him when they play with him. Brody and Levi have both been in worse places, so neither mind the mess. They'll be just as happy with the mess on them as they would be with it staining a towel. Calvin also doesn't mind it, but he prefer to take it down his throat. Hayley and Sarah both have no issues with anything to do with cum, just not in their hair.
D - Dirty secret
Sarah's is tame, she just likes anal sex. Hayley's is that she wears lingerie and butt plugs to work. Levi wants to have sex on stage one night. Preston wants to get railed wearing a skirt. Calvin kinda likes pet play. Brody's entire sex life is out on the table for anyone to see. He has no secrets.
E - Experience
Brody and Preston are the least experienced of the bunch. Sarah follows, then Calvin and Hayley, and finally Levi. For Brody and Preston, they both literally dove headfirst into the deep end of the dating pool. Sarah's had a little experience with men, mostly high school fooling around. Calvin and Hayley have been dating since sophomore year, of course they've fooled around together. Levi's a world-famous singer, he's definitely gotten some. His experience is with both male and female partners.
F - Favorite position
Brody likes to be able to see his partners and know they're having a good time. He's been around the Warrior Dome, where most monsters took what they wanted and damn the consequences. Levi's the same way, just without the trauma. Sarah and Hayley agree that 69'ing reigns supreme. Calvin doesn't really care, and Preston likes it from behind.
G - Goofy
They're all a mixture of serious and goofy. They're young adults, you know, of course they are. Calvin is absolutely the goofiest, though.
H - Hair
The boys are neat and well groomed, Preston is completely hairless, and the girls. Well, neither is exactly a girly-girl, but Sarah does keep herself cut short
I - Intimacy
I think these guys might be among the most romantic of the Rangers. Because like... idk, that's just the vibes
J - Jack off
Yes. Just yes. Calvin and Preston are usually assisted though. Look me in the eyes and tell me those boys aren't bottoms.
K - Kink
Okay, let's go down the list.
Brody: Breathplay
Preston: Manhandling
Calvin: Pet play
Hayley: cunnilingus
Sarah: electricity
Levi: exhibitionism
L - Location
One is the heir to a powerful company, one is going to create a powerful company, one is a world-famous singer, and one has aspirations to be an actress. Yeah, these guys don't get out of the house often when it comes to sex. Though bathrooms are good for a quicky as long as no one's watching
M - Motivation
Honestly, some days? You can just tap them and they're ready and raring to go. They're in their twenties and allosexual, it's kinda expected in a way. That being said, please see the above list of kinks.
N - No
Daddy kink, anything that's like actually painful, and Preston's magic. That last one isn't because of anything Preston's done, they've just all mutually agreed that magic has been used against them too often for them to feel comfortable with it in this kind of setting.
O - Oral
Hayley and Sarah both love it, giving and receiving. Preston doesn't like giving, Levi doesn't like receiving, and Brody and Calvin don't care either way.
P - Pace
Depends on how they're feeling at the time - could be hard and fast, could be slow and easy
Q - Quickie
Brody, Calvin, Hayley, and Sarah all have the same attitude of: they don't mind, they're up for anywhere and any time. Preston and Levi don't mind as long as they aren't busy
R - Risk
They're all up for some risk, but not a lot of it. Like toying with one of them under the table is one thing, but full-on shoving a hand down the pants is another. If it's in public, it's a no for anything obvious.
S - Stanima
Calvin's got the least, and, shockingly, Preston's got the most. The rest all fall somewhere in between.
T - Toys
They've got a collective toybox. Some of the toys are specific to be used on one person only. Those are usually color-coded.
U - Unfair
Hayley and Sarah are both mischievous and conniving, happy to tease anytime they can get away with it. Hayley personal favorite is right before Preston's about to talk out the door to go to a meeting with the shareholders. Sarah's is when Levi's late for a concert.
V - Volume
Shocking absolutely no one, Levi is the loudest in volume. Hayley is a close second.
W - Wild card
If one of them puts on their ninja garb or a maid outfit (anything with a uniform), the others descend like a pack of wolves.
X - X-ray
They've all got some scars from their time as Rangers. There's a particularly wicked one from Brody's left shoulder to his right hip that he says he picked up on the Warrior Dome when he was twelve.
Y - Yearning
They're all in their twenties and have healthy sex-lives. Their sex drives are high.
Z - Zzz
Again, depends on how they're feeling that night. Sometimes it's immediate for all of them, sometimes it takes them a while. All depends!
@estel-eruantien Thank you!!
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elegantmadness · 1 year
Eternal RP Search
As the title indicates, I'm pretty much always on the lookout for some new RP partners! Please keep reading if you might be interested! c;
Basic Info:
I'm (old af) 33 now, so I'm only looking to write with partners 18+. This is non-negotiable.
I default to third person past tense; I'm happy to switch to present tense if that's your preference, but I won't write in first or second person for RP purposes. In the same vein, I can't write with a partner who uses first or second person. Sorry guys!
Expect there to be some NSFW content; I don't fade to black. That said, I'm happy with smut-focused threads or plot-focused ones with NSFW as more of a side feature. Please let me know your limits so I don't step on any toes! Also expect at least some mention/discussion of kinks.
I'll write over email, in gdocs, or on discord. Please do not ask me to join your server/group RP or to RP here on tumblr.
My post length tends to fluctuate from 4+ paragraphs to novella, though I'll never give you fewer than 4 paragraphs. I cannot tolerate one-liners or super short paragraphs; I absolutely want someone who can give me at least 4 paragraphs per character.
My posting frequency can, admittedly, be a little sporadic, though I won't make you wait more than a few days for a reply. Ideally, I'd like a partner who can offer something similar -- 3-5 posts per week. I don't generally do rapid-fire, and if posts get slower than once per week I start to lose motivation.
I tend to prefer m// and m/f pairs, though in certain circumstances I'd be happy to double with f//. I'm also happy to include trans, nb, and characters that otherwise fall outside of the binary.
I will not exclusively write tops for your bottoms, men for your women, or canon characters for your original characters. I am, however, happy to double/triple/write casts/write poly so we can each write what we like.
Here I'll list all the fandoms I'd be interested in writing; I'm going to keep the info bare-bones to avoid making this post any longer than it already is, but I'll also add in a gdoc link with more comprehensive info. Characters in red are ones I wish to write; if no one's in red, I'm fine with writing any.
Final Fantasy VII (Crisis Core-focused)
I'm only interested in writing/writing with canon characters. Doubling is absolutely on the table, but please note I have zero interest in writing Clerith, Cloti, or Zerith; otherwise, please don't be offended if I have no interest in a pairing you offer.
I could also be potentially interested in including characters from other Final Fantasy games (Squall, for instance, or Lightning). I'm familiar with 7, 8, 10 + 10-2, 12, and 13 (but not 13's sequels).
AGSZC (Angeal | Genesis | Sephiroth | Zack | Cloud polycule)
AGS (Angeal | Genesis | Sephiroth polycule)
SZC (Sephiroth | Zack | Cloud polycule)
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
I'm also familiar with Three Hopes, though, admittedly, I'm not hunting for pairings with Shez or Arval. You're welcome to ask about them if you'd like to double, though! I'm only interested in writing/writing with canon characters.
Characters I'm absolutely not looking to write/write with: Bernadetta, Annette, Marianne, Rhea, Flayn, Hanneman, Constance, Manuela, Petra, Mercedes, Hilda, Ignatz, Raphael, Ingrid, Seteth, Lysithea, Caspar, Hapi, Monica, Leonie, Alois, Cyril
Sylvain/Felix (I'm willing to play Sylvain if you want to play more than one Sylvix thread)
Hubert/Ferdinand (I'm willing to play Hubert if you want to play more than one Ferdibert thread)
Yuri/Sylvain (I might be inclined to play Sylvain depending on the plot)
Dimitri/m! or f!Byleth
Star Trek
I'm familiar with TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, AOS, PIC, and PRO. I'm personally looking to write an original character opposite a canon, and while I'm happy to double up I'm fine if you want a canon/canon pair or canon/oc in return.
Please note that I have no real interest in writing characters from TOS/AOS or PRO. I'm also less-than-enthusiastic about PIC, so I'd really like to stay away from those storylines.
I would, however, thoroughly enjoy a more complete crossover of TNG/DS9/VOY (or any of the two).
Please do not ask me to write Chakotay/Seven of Nine.
Julian Bashir/f!OC
I've played through everyone's routes, though I'll probably want to reacquaint myself with whomever you ask for since it's admittedly been a while.
I'm shamelessly asking for poly here, but please don't be alarmed that I'm asking for 4 -- I don't imagine they'll all be played in the same scene often if at all ^^; I will happily write any of the other LIs in return, however!
f!OC/Sanosuke | Saito | Souji | Hijikata
The Wayhaven Chronicles
What I'm looking for here is a little hard to explain, so please bear with me! While I'm not averse to simple doubling, I'd really enjoy a poly or polycule situation with the male love interests (Adam, Nate, Mason, & Felix).
In the case of a polycule, however, I wouldn't want to focus on the romantic/sexual side of things between the boys, though I like the idea of the intimacy and closeness it potentially lends itself to the RP. In such an instance I would absolutely love to write an MC or OC, but I'll happily discuss it and compromise so we're both content!
I know it hasn't been released yet -- and won't be for quite some time -- but I love the idea of playing in the world. I absolutely want to include all the LIs, and like above would be happy to indulge in poly, simple doubling, or a polycule (to be completely honest, I'm most interested in the polycule here).
I'd even be happy to focus only on the canon characters and not include OCs at all, but I'm glad to include them too. I just really want the opportunity to explore the boys and the world better.
That's pretty much it for fandoms I'm actively searching for, though you're welcome to check my gdoc for more information and for other fandoms I'd potentially be interested in! (Persona 5's in there, as well as some other IF titles and otome!)
If you're interested or have any questions, please feel free to reach out either here on tumblr (through a DM is preferred, tho asks are okay too) or on discord (Resoan#4408). Hope to hear from some of you soon!
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audhdwitch · 1 year
all of the fucking housing spells i've been casting
(a lot of these happened around the same time but i don't remember exactly which order any of this happened. remember: always write down your process when it's fresh in your mind. except for when you're going to be homeless in 3 weeks and don't have the spoons and are just trying to fucking make it)
using "equal opportunity" symbol as nexus point in most spells
lighting candles, burning lavender oil in common spaces and dedicating household chores to hestia
set up semi-permanent altar space in the cavern under my loft bed. dedicated an offering bowl to hestia, offered some trinkets including a key necklace that i started wearing out to showings.
get discriminated against a LOT at showings lmao. absolutely no one wants to house a group of visibly disabled and/or queer polycule of kids that look like they're college freshmen at the oldest.
asked each housemate to donate something to the offering bowl; burned lavender oil and did a tarot spread about our prospects. verdict: final stretch. almost there.
start trying to remember to dedicate a small offering tray of food to hestia whenever i have the spoons to make food for myself. got to have dinner/tea with hestia a couple of times. she makes me feel unmasked. i don't feel any pressure to make myself Look Presentable before her; she is most pleased with me when i am unmasked and feeling safe and comfortable in my own space.
start trying to build hestia playlist. having trouble finding the right vibe; am somewhat drawn to classical music that reminds me of summer camp.
set up temporary altar on dining room table when housemates cook and we get to have dinner together. burn candles and leave offering to invite hestia's presence
created name sigils for housemates with consent. can't decide on a sigil for myself; using my signature seems to work just fine.
started carving name sigils into side taper candles with nexus sigil on bottom. have done this multiple times; have had burned some candles "dry" and others dressed with either peppermint* (luck, prosperity, abundance) OR lavender oil (home, hestia)
started researching crystal grids + sacred geometry. math is hard.
A has a job lined up but it won't start for a while and they're trying to get a better one in the meantime. give up on applying to "equal opportunity" but still absolutely predatory property management company that will gladly take the fee for your application for properties that you won't qualify for, and that you shouldn't bother applying to anyway, and will keep taking your money as long as you're stupid enough to keep trying
established spell parameters. i was definitely the least specific about the time frame; i mostly had the non-specific "before the end of september" floating around in my head even though our lease ends on the 17th. i did consciously decide to not specify further, hoping that by relinquishing a stricter timeline we could perhaps exchange for snagging something within our budget.
took a walk down to the beach and drew sigils (A drew one that I didn't see, and i drew the nexus sigil + name sigils) in secluded areas of sand where the rising tide would wash it away under the light of the recent super blue moon. the ocean is bio-luminescent this time of year in our area; we stood and watched the electric waves crashing onto the shore as the tide crept up.
started gathering materials for crystal grid and research more correspondences. research is not really helping me much tbh; eventually i gave up looking up how-to's and started more going based off vibes. i know literally everyone says so but it really IS better to do things in a way that make sense for your brain. if it doesn't resonate with you, disregard it.
created name sigils for pets. sketched rough approximation of configuration and started experimenting with crystal positioning. got housemates to identify which areas they could use the most assistance in (finances, stress, focus, etc). including the pets really balances the whole thing out tbh.
A applied for a better paying job that it really wants. assigned crystals for financial stability/prosperity at their request.
spent literally hours painstakingly building the final version of crystal grid configuration in image editing software. could i have probably found something that would have fit the bill? probably. i didn't do that tho. i built the whole damn thing myself lol.
family spotify plan got cancelled. rip, can't afford premium myself until we have a fucking house.
brainstorming for spell jar to use as a "battery" in the center of the crystal grid. initially conceived it as a sweetening jar to make landlords
broke up with bf. having a weird time of it. it was the right decision but i feel so bad about it. also, now that i'm no longer worrying about my relationship, i have more time to worry about being homeless.
collected dandelion puff and started drying some leaves in my space
we visit some university resources about housing and ebt.
had A rubber duck for me/got A's opinion on crystal positioning/grid balancing. am somewhat concerned about the grid overdoing it bc this is definitely the most complicated spell i've done to date; some worry based on the fact that i've been using crystals for financial prosperity/stability for M in grid brainstorming and after we got back from uni resource center M got a call from the county saying their ebt was deducted for working more hours in the summer. honestly kind of a huge blow to them; they've been recovering from top surgery and haven't been able to work for almost a month, so this is going to cut our grocery budget quite a bit.
and also... A got the job!!! great news - we can start including its offer letter with hours/ in our packet.
i do some tarot readings abt my life trajectory. oof. i have disorganized attachment style and hella ptsd. additionally, it looks like it's time for a career change; i apply for a part-time position i got an email notification for the other day.
initially was considering burning tea lights on top of the spell jar to burn off excess energy and avoid it collapsing in on itself. if feels ready to implement.
spell jar giving me trouble. yes, sweetening landlords' perceptions of us would probably help. we have been applying to places and writing personal statements and building The Packet to hopefully appeal to them, but places get snatched up in seconds here so we mostly just need to get lucky and be in the right place at the right time. also, ants are a problem and i'm a little weary of using honey (i don't have a whole lot of ingredients at my disposal)
i do, however, have a lot of bee pollen. that might work. pollen is more associated with hard work than honey (which i associate more with reward) and we just need shit to finally pay off.
at a client's house and had a slow day on the craigslist rental listings grind and was trying to burn off extra nervousness by checking the complexes we'd signed up for email notifications for. lo and behold - a single unit available, fits all our criteria and they only require we make 2x rent (almost unheard of in our area). got in touch with my housemates to start trying to apply NOW bc the way their website works, it's literally first come first serve - the second an application is submitted, the listing is marked unavailable again until the applicant completes the approval process (at which point the listing will go back up on their website).
we managed to be on the apartment complex website in the 20 minutes between the listing going live and the time email notifications went out about its availability. A submitted their app first and we called first thing the next morning to confirm that they received it - they have. we're in the system.
okay. we all submitted on friday - too late to be approved same-day, but we'll hear back from them on monday. it's the waiting game now.
try to go home to finalize the crystal grid in a more formal ritual like i'd been planning. doesn't work out; i can do it at my client's house, though. it's not ideal and i think the grid would possibly be more effective if it were housed in the place we all currently live, but that's fine. i feel safe enough in the client's house (they are so kind to me, it's like sleeping over and grandma and grandpa's)
finally established crystal grid with emphases on luck, endurance, financial stability, and a minor glamour to make us more appealing to property managers. used "hard work paying off" spell jar as battery. i suspect the crystals on top of the spell jar don't hurt us but they do feel somewhat superfluous in the context of the grid. may donate them to hestia's bowl instead; the garnet was hers already. was initially going to burn candles dressed w peppermint oil but decided on lavender oil instead.
starting to feel like "liked songs" on shuffle is perfectly acceptable to dedicate to hestia; after all, she's most comfortable when i'm most comfortable.
i actually think i'm going to burn more carved and dressed candles to charge it; i feel the hematite balances out the grid enough that i'm not risking overloading. could also be feeling more balanced bc it's not at home feeding off all four of our energies, just mine? plus it feels good to do something while we wait.
please. please. please.
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quinntessentiant · 3 months
It's that time of week again!!
Previously on The Rising (ie The Mutant Campaign; ie The Mutant Polycule):
The gang left London to go to Cambridge to give Ripley a chance to talk to his mum about how tf he managed to become a literal alien if he was born and raised as a human, and ask about discrepancies in his memories. Namely those related to his childhood as well as finding out who put the barrier in his mind to separate him from The Hive Mind.
Of course we had to take a train there but seeing as we were currently being hunted down by an American government-run superhero team we had to take some careful measures, like casting Seeming on our group. (I made sure to give Ripley a hat that says "Women love me, Fish fear me, I am Fish" Because his alien features are aquatic and because I'm hilarious.)
We had, at this point, expected cops. and as predicted, they were everywhere at the train station. But worse than that, was the fact that there was one of the superheroes at the station. The one who "has a nack for finding people" and also happens to be Anatolia's cousin. who was the whole reason there was a manhunt against us.
Then, of course, there were these floating surveillance balls that were reminiscent of Sentinel's eyes. We just had to avoid them at all costs and hope that they didn't know that magic exists. Because if they saw through Seeming, we were fucked.
Thankfully, we successfully made it through to buy tickets and get on the train to Cambridge.
We went to Yippee Noodle Bar to regroup and watch the Press Conference thingy where they showed our pictures and explained that the people the American hero team was searching for were not dangerous. They named all of us except for one. Which is weird because Marion is the one who is literally (falsely) wanted by the American Government for being a terrorist.
Once again falsely. The one on the team who made that announcement, Justice/Caroline, was supposed to be our friend.
We suspect that she was very much getting brainwashed and experimented on by her evil psychopath mother, Blanche. (All my homies hate Blanche)
We get to cambridge, watch the conference, then we decide to let Ripley talk to his mum alone at first. Ash, Ana, and Marion head to a nearby park while Ottie waits outside the house within mind/emotion reading range in case Ripley needs us to gtfo or come inside.
Here's the thing: Riplye hasn't seen or spoken to his mum in years. Its all very complicated and traumatic mostly because of his dad. Just... so much about his dad. Bottom line, he was a piece of shit.
Ripley also looks insanely different from how he used to at the start of the campaign. He used to look human with purple hair and now he's got black sclera eyes, greyed-out skin, white hair, gills, and when he wants to, tentacles. He's rad as hell. (also obviously I dropped Seeming at this point. Our lovely DM let me drop it only for Ripley so the rest of us were still disguised until I dropped it completely. Thanks Charley!! <3)
He's let inside and the place is wrecked. Turns out, Justice (ie Caroline as we know her), has already paid her a little visit. the coffee table was bisected via laser eyes and the floor was singed and shit and she apparently even decided to rummage through Ripley's room, threatening Ripley's mum and demanding to know where he is. (they hadn't spoken in years at this point so thankfully she wasn't lying when she said she didn't know.)
And yet, his mum still let him in, knowing that she'd be even less safe now.
His mum turns out to be rad as hell. She did not immediately call the police on us. (We were worried that was going to happen) The Alien aspect was an experimental parasite thing that was split in 1/2 by some wacked out scientists (one of which is dead but we definitely talked to him a couple days ago so fuck) and then given to Ripley, who was terminally ill. His mum just wanted to save her baby and she was desperate.
We all came into the house after getting the Okay from Ripley and Ottie (Ottie absolutely watched as Marion was pushing Ash on the swing and Ash decided to jump off at the wrong moment and promptly face-planted into the grass.)
We all talk to his mum some more, she makes us tea, we tall her a bit about what we've been up to, tell her she should probably think about leaving this area for a bit since Justice had already found her, and then we learn about a childhood friend who had been erased from Rilpey's memories who lives a few doors down.
Obviously Ripley was curious about her since there had to have been a reason she was erased in the first place so he was going to talk to her. Went so far as to stand outside the house to see if she was even home and then-
A voice spoke.
"Are you sure you want to ruin that girl's life?"
And it was the bitch who erased her from his memory.
Who turned out to be Loki, who we've definitely met and interacted with before.
Who is also responsible for Ottie's memory loss as well as the disappearance of her mum who is lost somewhere in time.
We pick up today's session right there. With Loki revealed, and standing in Ripley's mum's doorway.
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wwewomenimagines · 2 years
Don't Touch What's Ours
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Ever since Liv and Rhea went public with their relationship, the response was nothing but positive from the fans and their fellow superstars. 
Although they felt great, they couldn't help but think that they were missing something, or someone. 
That someone came to them in the form of Y/N Y/L/N. Y/N was a part of the road crew. She was a technician who helped do the sound systems and pyro for all the shows. 
Not only was Y/N extremely attractive (superstar's words not hers), Y/N was also extremely shy. She usually kept to herself, putting her headphones in and doing her job. 
The female superstars had taken notice that whenever one of them, no matter who it was, tried to talk to Y/N, they would get extremely flushed and start stuttering.
So, once they figured this out, they all decided to play around with it, constantly flirting with Y/N, touching her and what not. Liv and Rhea had gotten wind of the shenanigans in craft services one day. 
"I'm just saying. If I wasn't engaged to Corey, I would climb Y/N like a tree." Zelina chuckled. "If I wasn't married, I would be right there with you girl." Liv looked at Rhea confused. "Who is Y/N and why would you guys climb her like a tree?"
Carmella looked up at the blondes. "Oh. Hey guys. We were just taking about that crew tech Y/N." Liv looked confused. "Who?" Zelina spoke up. "She is on the road crew. She's super fucking hot. Like, godly hot. But she's super shy and she gets super flustered around us." 
Rhea's eyebrow raised. "She gets flustered?" Carmella nodded. "Yeah. If you wanna see for yourselves, go talk to her. I'm certain she won't be able to get one word out."
Y/N was tangled in wires when Liv and Rhea found her. The pair smiled and made themselves known. Y/N, startled, hit her head on the bottom of the announce table. Groaning, she crawled out from table. 
Once she figured out who was calling for her, her cheeks turned a dark red. "Oh. Uh. Hi. Did you ladies need something?" Liv giggled at the girl's nervousness before abruptly stopping and looking at the girl fully. 
Y/N was fit. She wasn't "Rhea jacked" but she was up there. She had tattoos up and down her arms, almost as tall as Rhea. Liv choked on her spit. Rhea had an almost similar reaction. "Jesus." 
Y/N blushed even harder. "Well, if you ladies don't need anything, I will be on my way." Liv quickly spoke. "Wait, no! We wanted to talk to you." Y/N stuttered. "T-to me?" Rhea nodded. "Yeah! We wanted to get to know everyone's favorite tech!" Y/N chuckled nervously. "What do you mean everyone's favorite tech?" "You've made quite the noise in the locker room. Everyone is talking about how cute you are. We wanted to come see if the rumor was true and we can confirm that it is." 
Y/N almost choked on her spit. Not only do the female superstars in the back think she's cute, but the two she had been crushing on for what seems like forever think so too? She couldn't get a coherent word out and it got even worse when Liv put her hand on her arm. 
"Are you okay, babe?" It was at that point Y/N realized that today was going to die. Rhea cupped her cheek. "Y/N? Still with us?" Yup. She's was gonna die. 
In a less than graceful way, Y/N tripped over her own feet and sprinted away from the two, mumbling about fixing wires somewhere in the depths of backstage. Liv looked at Rhea. "I want that one." Rhea chuckled and kissed her girlfriend's head. "Me too." 
The constant flirting and touches would continue for about a month before Liv and Rhea decided to ask Y/N out. Y/N, of course, accepted and the three had been a polycule for about two months before their first big roadblock. 
Liv and Rhea had won the belts at Mania and were currently walking around as champs. They couldn't feel better. Two people who thought they needed to suffer were Natalya and Shayna Baszler.
Y/N was backstage talking to Kofi Kingston, Carmella, and Corey Graves when they struck. Natalya took a chair to Y/N's back as the girl instantly dropped to the ground groaning in pain. 
Shayna began whaling on Y/N landing punch after punch as the girl tried her best to block them. Natalya slipped Y/N's arm into the chair before stomping on it. 
A snap was heard before Y/N let out a bloodcurdling scream. Rapid footsteps were heard before a hand gently caressed Y/N's hair. 
"Y/N! Baby we're here! You're gonna be okay!" Y/N opened her eyes to see a worried Liv looking down at her and an angry Rhea chasing Natalya and Shayna away. "Hey, there's my girl. Come on. Let's get you to medical."
Once the trainers had concluded that Y/N's arm was indeed broken, she had to go to the hospital. Unfortunately for her, her girlfriends still had a match against the two women who attacked her so they couldn't take her. 
Luckily for her, Carmella and Corey were more than happy to take her while Liv and Rhea finished up. Reluctantly, the two went out to their match as Y/N headed to the hospital. 
It was a clean break. Not that it was any less painful but there would be no surgery. Y/N sighed in relief at the news as the doctor went to prep to give her a cast. 
Carmella, who was checking her phone, laughed out loud and handed her phone to Y/N. "Looks like your girls did a number." Y/N looked at her confused before looking down at the phone. 
WWE: Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley have SNAPPED! The two attacked Natalya and Shayna Baszler before the match started, ruling the pair unable to compete. 
Y/N's eyes went wide. She didn't want them to attack them back. She didn't want them to get in trouble. She handed the phone back to Carmella as the doctor came back with the supplies to cast her arm. 
Once the cast was on and papers were signed, Y/N was free to go. Carmella went to text Liv to tell them that they were heading back to the hotel but Y/N stopped her. "It's fine. I'll just meet up with them there." 
They made it back to the hotel and Y/N thanked Corey and Carmella for taking her before they went their respective ways. Y/N went to the room she was sharing with Liv and Rhea before making a decision. 
She gathered her things, booked an Uber and a flight before leaving the hotel. She wasn't about to be the reason her girlfriends were risking their careers. 
Liv and Rhea made it back to the hotel after showering and getting reprimanded at the arena. It wasn't their fault they let their anger get the best of them. They are just protective over what is theirs. 
"God all I wanna do is just get in bed and snuggle with Y/N." Rhea laughed at her girlfriend's neediness. "Me too babe. Although, you might have to wait. I haven't gotten a text from Carmella that they have left from the hospital."
Liv groaned before leaning on the taller girl. They both made their way to their room, sliding the key in and sleepily walked in only to find the room empty besides their things. 
"Where's Y/N's stuff?" Rhea looked confused. "I don't know." Liv began to worry. "What if something is seriously wrong with her?" Rhea pulled Liv into her embrace. "Let's call Carmella and see what's going on okay? I'm sure everything is fine."
Everything was not fine. 
Carmella had told them that she left Y/N in the room two hours before Liv and Rhea got back to the hotel. So now, both girls were panicking because Y/N wasn't answering her phone. 
They had asked other superstars if they had seen the girl and all of them said no. They went "last resort" and went down to the front desk. 
The woman working told them that she thinks she might have seen Y/N leave. Whoever she saw had a cast on and the girls instantly knew it was their girl.
They decided to talk to Carmella next. That's when they learned how their girlfriend felt. 
"Yeah. She kept talking about how you guys were gonna get so mad that she was the reason you guys got fired."
Liv and Rhea's hearts broke. They had told her time and time again that she mattered to them more than their careers. It killed them to know that their girlfriend was probably blaming herself.
Liv spoke up. "Do you have any idea on where she might've gone?" Carmella shook her head. "No. Maybe I'll try to call her and try to see where she went." 
Carmella dialed Y/N's number and hoped that she answered. 
After talking to Y/N, the girl not knowing Carmella was with Liv and Rhea, they found out that Y/N flew home. And not the home she shared with Rhea and Liv, her hometown. 
Y/N sat on her couch with her arm in her cast watching any old Disney movie she could find on Disney plus. She avoided watching any WWE or checking any social media because she knew she was going to see their faces. 
She wished her parents were here to help her on what to do. They passed away a couple years before she got the job with WWE.  It sucked even more because she was an only child so Liv and Rhea were the main people she went to about life problems. 
*1 week later* 
There was a knock on the door and Y/N got up expecting to see the pizza she had ordered but she got something better. 
It was Liv and Rhea. Both in sweats and t-shirts and tears in their eyes. 
"What are you guys doing here? Don't you have belts to defend?" Liv shot forward into Y/N's arms, making sure not to hit her injured one. "You're more important." Rhea nodded, pulling both girls into her arms. 
"No belt is more important than you. Don't ever think that." Y/N had tears fill her eyes as she finally melted into the women's embrace. Liv buried her head in Y/N's neck. 
"Please don't leave us again. I physically cannot live with out the two of you and I just don't want to live without the two of you. Please don't make me." 
Y/N shushed Liv and held her as tight as she could with her good arm. "Liv, sweetie I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I let my emotions get the best of me and I shouldn't have scared you guys like that. I'm sorry." 
Rhea kissed the top of Y/N's head. "We love you Y/N. Don't forget that." Liv nodded in the girl's neck. 
Rhea ushered everyone to the couch where Liv still refused to let go of Y/N as if the girl were gonna disappear if she did. "Do you have any medicine you need to be taking?" 
Y/N nodded and motioned toward the kitchen. "It's in there. I usually take it before I eat something."  Rhea nodded and went to get the medicine and make some food for the three of them. 
Thirty minutes later, Rhea emerged from the kitchen to get the two girls only to find them snuggled into each other asleep. She smiled at the scene and went to rub Liv's back to wake her up. 
"Liv. Sweetie. Wake up. We have to eat." Liv woke up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Hmmm what?" Rhea chuckled at the girl. "We gotta eat, firecracker." 
After waking Y/N up and making her take her medicine, the three ate the food Rhea made. After dinner, they all got dressed for bed and snuggled up in Y/N's room. 
Liv wouldn't detach from Y/N's side as Rhea got in the other side of the bed. Y/N was drowning in love from the two and she wasn't sure she wanted to be saved. She wouldn't wanna be anywhere else. 
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the-sugar-crash · 3 years
Could you hcs for the damn polycule(including Gavin) and where they find out the FL has sketchbooks dedicated to drawing them but the fl never told them bc they were shy and worried that the polycule wouldn’t like their art? Hope you’re doing ok, take care of yourself :))
Hi! I'm sorry this took a little bit! It was a very long weekend lol, but I'm back at it! (hopefully).
I decided to split this up into categories for each character, but it's still the poly, no matter which section you're reading. I hope you enjoy! (also a bonus underneath the cut)
cw: very brief mention of the 'Kody incident' in Damien's section
Gavin knows first.
He’s lived with the freelancer the longest, and has gone snooping several times since he moved in
Not of any mal intent, he’s just curious
One day he was browsing through one of the bookshelves when he finds a worn out sketchbook shoved onto the bottom shelf
He takes it out and settles onto the couch to look through it
It’s completely filled, mostly with stills of random people or objects
Each picture varies in completeness and type of medium
Some are pages full of colors and details
Others are simple sketches or even some stick figures
But he spends about half an hour looking through the whole book, carefully running his fingers over each stroke or line
As he nears the end of the book, he notices the dates scratched into the corner of each page get closer to the day the two of them had gotten together
And sure enough when he flips the page he’s looking at himself
Several versions of himself actually
The page his just several rough outlines of his face, but the likeness is definitely there
Under the the date at the top of the page is just his name, ‘Gavin’
His heart is fluttering in a way it hasn’t before
He continues turning through the last dozen pages or so
The next couple are a steady mix of other items and quick portraits of the demon
Except for the last page
It’s a full page portrait of his face in colored pencils
He just stares at his still reflection on the paper for a solid 10 minutes
He looks relaxed in the drawing, half smiling as he looks at something out of frame
He thinks about how long it must have taken for them to draw this, and he feels so loved
The amount of effort they poured into the piece was evident, and the thought of it leaves a warm feeling in his stomach
He carefully puts the book back where he found it and considers confronting them about his findings
Not to mention all the jokes he could make about ‘practicing anatomy’
But when they come home that night he decides to stay quite
Now whenever he isn’t feeling well, he’ll wait until his partners are gone, and he’ll just stare at the picture, soaking it in before quietly putting it back on the shelf where it belongs
(Once Damien rearranged the shelf, and both the Freelancer and Gavin panicked)
Huxley comes home late one night after a night practice or an away game and finds the Freelancer asleep at the table, their head lying in what he thinks is an open textbook
Instead he finds a half finished drawing on him an Lasko
It was a scene from a couple of nights ago when everyone was watching a movie together
Lasko and Huxley had been curled up on the couch together when Gavin had taken a picture of the two of them
Gavin later sent it to the group chat later (and Damien denies he saved it to his phone)
He gently slides the sketchbook out from under them to get a better look
He flips the book back a couple of pages, looking through the rest of their artwork
There are several drawings, a different medium on each on each page
But the one that makes him pause is a painted portrait of him
Just like the one of him and Lasko, it’s based on a picture he recognizes
It’s a zoomed in picture of the 5 of them after one of Huxley’s games
The other 4 had come down onto the field to congratulate him when he picked all of them up in a group hug, and one of Huxley’s teammates had snapped a picture
It was one of his favorites and he had used it as his home screen for a couple of months
But instead of it being the full picture with all 5 of them, it was cropped so it was just Huxley’s face, his eyes squeezed shut and a wide smile
He could see each paint stroke on his skin and in his hair, each done with incredible precision
He looks at the painting for a moment longer before gently closing the sketchbook and piling all the Freelancer’s school supplies into their backpack
He picks them up gently off of the dining room chair and carriers them to bed where the rest of his partners are already sleeping soundly
He changes and joins them a moment later, holding all of them close for the rest of the night
He’s seen the doodle before
When they were studying together when they first met, he could see all the small drawings in the margins of their class notes
He never mentioned them, but whenever they came over, he liked to look and see whatever new thing they’ve drawn
(the week after the Kody incident, the margins were bare)
So Damien knows the Freelancer has some artistic skills, but he doesn’t realize the extent of them until he was cleaning up the dining room one day
He was clearing off the table after studying and accidently knocked over a pile of the Freelancer’s textbooks
One landed on the floor face up
He was planning on just closing it and putting it back in the pile, but he noticed something interesting on the page
It was a black and white charcoal portrait of him
The drawing showed of the top half of his body and his head
It was surprisingly vibrant for a greyscale drawing, using the hard contrast to show off the angles of his face
He look at it for another moment, committing it to his memory before putting it back and continuing to clean
Lasko’s was the easiest to find
Everyone was gone and Lasko was home alone. The Freelancer had left a couple minutes prior to grab something real quick
Lasko was grading papers when his pen ran out of ink, so he heads into the shared bedroom to see if he can find a replacement, when instead he finds a drying painting of himself lying on the desk
It was a simple painting, but there was no question it was him
The painting was side profile of Lasko looking out the window of his favorite coffee shop
He had sat at that exact spot hundreds of times, so he wouldn't be surprised if who ever drew it had been able to do it from memory
The watercolor was still wet and glossy, so Lasko dared not touch it in fear of smudging anything
Instead he just admired the work put into it
In the painting, his glasses here tinted so you could only see the bottom half of his face, but he looked happy
Judging by the bag not too far away that he recognizes as the Freelancer’s, and the fact that they were the last one’s home, he guesses they were the ones who drew it
He didn’t know why they hadn’t shown off their painting skills before, but Lasko could understand wanting to hide something important to you, even from the people love you as a way to protect yourself from rejection
Lasko looked back at it one more time before heading back into the main area of the apartment, still thinking about the painting
“Ah fuck, I forgot about my pen!”
None of them tell each other that they know about the Freelancer’s talent
They each think they are the only one to know about it
So they each individually decide to try and encourage them to show off their artwork and gain some confidence
Huxley starts by telling them how cute the doodles in the margin of their notes are
“Wow dude! That looks so sick!”
He’ll ask them to draw little ‘tattoos’ on his skin in marker
Which he’ll immediately show off to anyone who will look
“Hey! Look how cool this is! My partner drew it on me! Isn’t it awesome?”
The rest of the group will take advantage of this opportunity of course
So they each have the Freelancer draw something small of their hand or arm
Damien helps by asking them to draw diagrams on his homework
Idk what magic users would even have diagrams of, but Damien insists that it helps him learn better
And when they’re done he always makes a point of thanking them for their ‘help’
Lasko uses a similar approach
He asks the freelancer for help painting mini figures for his next D&D campaign
“You wouldn’t mind helping me with these, would you? I’d do them myself, but my hands keep shaking”
So they have fun date night together painting mini figures and watching nerdy movies
Lasko makes sure to tell them after the next session how much everyone loved the new figures
It isn’t an immediate change, but as they slowly grow more confident, they’ll start working on their pieces with the others around
They don’t show them off once they’re done, but it’s a good first step
All the boys are so excited, but they don’t want to scare the freelancer off, so they try to keep it to casual compliments
But they all really really really want to just stand there and gush about each piece for 10 minutes
Baby steps
So they stick to small compliments
At least until one anniversary, they each get a large envelope from the freelancer
Inside each is different painting of the 5 of them
So many tears
Damien gets so emotional he has to put his down so he doesn’t accidentally burn it
They all love it so much
Big group hug that ends up on the floor somehow
Lasko hangs his in his office
After that the Freelancer is a lot better at showing off their work, and their partners always make sure to tell them how much they like it
(and one day, after they all get married, the Freelancer paints a large portrait of all of them standing together saying their vows, and they hang it up in their new house where everyone can see it)
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So I kinda wanted to recreate all of them as a fun little surprise, but I got lazy. Also I hate water colors with a passion, so idk why I did Lasko's first
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