ahbts · 2 hours
Kinktober day 5: Moonwater(Moonseeker) - Overstimulating || NSFW || Words: 1067 || Tags: Professor Remus - Student Regulus - Desk fuck - Daddy kink - Age gap
“Don’t tell me this is already too much for you, my little star,” Remus smiles around Regulus’ cock, looking up at the younger man from under his lashes. “You came to me. You know what you asked for, and you will endure it, right, love? For me?”
Regulus doesn’t get to answer because Remus has already taken him down his throat again. Remus watches how the boy slams a hand over his mouth and tries to find grip on the desk behind him. “Daddy, I–”
“Hmm,” Remus hums, the vibration of the sound making Regulus gasp for air. He sucks hard once more before popping off the small dick with a satisfied grin. “Come now, you know what you asked for walking in here, you think I’ll make it easy for you, Regulus?”
Coming up from the ground, Remus lets his hands slide over the perfect silk skin of Regulus’ legs until he reaches his university hoodie. “Looking so innocent, the perfect student, but in the meantime,” he pulls the hoodie over Regulus’ head, letting the boy stand completely naked against his desk, “fucking his professors.”
“Professor,” Regulus corrects him, “only one.”
“That’s right, my perfect star,” Remus drawls, placing his hands under Regulus’ thighs and hoisting him up the desk. “I am so lucky.”
Regulus groans when Remus lets his hands trail over Regulus’ chest and graces his nipples with his nails before taking both pink numbs between his fingers and pinching. “So pretty for me,” Remus tells the boy and Regulus throws his head back and pulls his legs up the edge of the desk while Remus rolls the nipples between his fingers.
“Please, Daddy, I need– need–” Regulus pants, the words not coming in coherent sentences and Remus chuckles slightly as Regulus spreads his legs a bit wider.
“I know, baby, I’ll give you what you need,” Remus promises, removing one hand from Regulus’ chest and using it to open his belt buckle, “patience.”
He squats down again, hearing his knees crack as he leans in to lick a stripe over the perfect little hole. Regulus moans, almost too loud, the walls of the offices aren’t that thick, but Remus revels in the idea of someone overhearing them as he licks again, and again. The fingers of his left hand still work Regulus’ nipple, while his tongue works itself inside him and his right-hand finds his own cock. Stroking himself in tandem with his movements makes Remus' arousal rise and he wants to bury himself in the boy so badly.
“Do you think you can be good for me and turn, baby?”
Regulus lets his legs fall to the floor immediately and turns around, his arse perking out and his hands flat on the desk. “Like this, Daddy?”
“Perfect, little star.”
With a bit of effort, Remus gets back to his feet and walks around the desk, opening the drawer to grab the almost empty bottle of lube. “Looks like we’re almost out,” he grins and Regulus lifts his head to meet Remus’ gaze. He smirks too with a shrug.
“Exam stress is getting to me hard.”
“I know, baby,” Remus muses, coming back behind the boy and lubing himself up before putting some on his index and middle finger to insert them into Regulus with a precise push. The boy moans filthy and Remus grins. “Let’s relieve some of that stress shall we?”
“Yes, Daddy, please,” Regulus moans, letting his cheek rest on the desk.
Remus opens him up quickly and replaces his fingers with his stiff cock, thrusting into Regulus with fervour. He leans over and takes Regulus’ cock in his hand, stroking him while thrusting deeply. “That better, little star?”
“Fuck, yes, Daddy,” Regulus moans, his hot breath condensing on the desk. “So much better.”
Remus fucks him thoroughly and it’s not for long that Regulus is crying out that he is coming. Remus is not even nearly there and he lets Regulus catch his breath for a second before he starts moving again. “I think we can go for another one, what about you, baby?”
The gasp coming from Regulus is a mix of excitement and trepidation. Remus laughs and glides his hands over Regulus’ back as he thrusts in again, harsh and quick. “God, you feel so good, baby.”
“Oh, shit, fuck, that’s–” Regulus moans, not getting to say what he thinks because Remus is hitting his prostate and the only thing he can mutter is ‘so good’.
“Yeah, want to feel good baby?”
“Yes, please” Regulus croons, lifting his head slightly. Remus slides out and turns the other around, lifting him up to the desk before thrusting back in. Regulus’ fierce green eyes look up at Remus and he feels the pleasure in his abdomen increase tenfold when the boy smiles at him. “Hi, Daddy.”
The green is gone quickly when Remus leans over him and takes one of Regulus’ nipples in his mouth, biting and sucking at it. Regulus’ eyes close and his head is thrown back in the sensation. Remus can feel his already stiff cock against his abdomen and reaches for it with a last flick of his tongue.
“Hi, baby,” he groans, feeling his orgasm approach while he pumps his fist around Regulus’ hard cock and thrusts so hard that the desk is rocking. “Eyes on me.”
They shoot open and Remus sees the foggy look that has come over Regulus, making the older man smile. “Are you going to come for me again, little star?”
“Daddy, daddy, please, too much, too–” Regulus pants as Remus speeds up his handwork and thrusts with aim to hit Regulus’ prostate. “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!”
White spurs over Remus’ hand but he doesn’t let go, keeping the spent cock warm with his large hand while he fucks himself to his climax. The desk scratches over the floor and Regulus lies on it, spent and a happy, dazed smile on his lips when Remus finds his release. He folds over the other man with a deep groan and a heavy sigh.
It’s silent in the room for a bit, Remus just gathering his wits and Regulus panting from the excursion. There is a hand in Remus’ curls and he smiles from the small act of sweetness from the boy.
“Good session,” Remus muses.
Regulus chuckles as well, finding Remus’ eyes as he cocks his eyebrow. “Same time tomorrow, professor?”
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ahbts · 13 hours
Kinktober day 4: blindfold/sensation play
Jegulus | 1001w | EXPLICIT | @jeguluskinktoberr
James gasps, back arching up instinctively. There’s a chuckle above him, and Regulus sounds close but James doesn’t know how close and it drives him insane. The darkness in front of his eyes makes him all the more aware of Regulus’ hands on his body, their warmth a sharp contrast to the ice cube he’s slowly dragging over James’ skin. It leaves a wet trail on his stomach, the breeze flowing through their cracked window only adding to the cold.
All of James’ senses are heightened now that his sight is taken away. His ears feel sensitive, the sounds of Regulus’ clothes rustling, their curtains gently dragging against the windowsill seeming loud in the absence of any real sound. The badum-badum of his heartbeat thrums against his eardrums, the excited fluttering faster and faster the more Regulus teases him. Every touch feels enlarged, like James can zoom in, every single nerve ending on edge and ready to go as soon as Regulus reaches them. He feels the dryness of his mouth, the drag of cloth against his face. The unforgiving metal of handcuffs against his wrists. It’s dizzying, disorienting. Delicious.
Regulus breathes, slow, measured breaths above James as he methodologically drags the ice cube from left to right over James’ stomach, over his jumping muscles. James can feel it melting, Regulus’ nails scratching his skin slightly as the ice in his hands disintegrates into nothingness. His fingers remain for a second when it’s gone, rubbing the wetness into James’ skin as he squirms in place. They’re at his sternum now, a drop of water sliding down the slope of his chest as Regulus blows a cold breath onto his skin. A choked sound leaves James’ throat, breath catching as the sensation shoots straight to his hot, throbbing cunt.
The fingers leave, and there’s the sound of ice cubes clanging against the glass bowl before Regulus is back, a fresh ice cube dragging over James’ chest. James can feel his nipples harden, anticipation building in his stomach, in his chest, as Regulus gets closer and closer to them. Teasingly, he drags a small circle around James’ nipples, skin sensitive and tight. It feels like he can’t drag a full breath into his chest, lungs frozen in his chest with the cold of his skin.
It’s freezing when the ice finally touches his nipple, toeing the line of painful. Instinctively, James tries to flinch away, but the mattress at his back prevents him from doing so. Regulus chuckles again, and then the ice cube leaves. Before James can process that warm lips close around the skin numb with cold.
It’s overwhelming, the sudden shift from freezing to burning, and a moan tears from his chest. Teeth scrape at his nipple, drawing another moan from his lips. Ice-cold fingers are suddenly at his lower stomach, just a brush but it makes James instinctively snap his legs closed, hands pulling at the handcuffs.
The lips leave his nipple, and cold air washes over the wetness with a breath before Regulus tuts. “Come on, baby. Don’t be like that,” he says, voice low and hot. It’s almost embarrassing, how just that sound makes James’ cunt drool a little more. Almost, because after all these years James can’t find it in himself anymore. Regulus knows, anyways.
The fingers trail down, still cold, and dip down to teasingly run down the crease of his thighs. James gasps, opens his legs to escape it, and then the ice cube is back on his nipple at the same time as cold, cold fingers touch his hard little cock.
A moan, one of those moans which stutters its way out of his chest because he’s simultaneously folding up and getting away. A shiver, legs desperately closing around Regulus’ hand to protect his cunt from the assault. Regulus doesn’t let it deter him. He just chuckles, air cold on James’ wet skin, and starts moving his fingers.
It’s terribly good. His cunt throbbing at the attention it’s finally getting, his cock whining at the cold shock. Luckily Regulus’ fingers are warming quickly, the heat of James’ wetness spreading. It leaves his cunt tingling, so much sensations his nerve endings are firing all wrong. It makes him squirm beneath Regulus’ hands, gasping as a new ice cube is dragged over his skin.
The contrast is too much, the heat building in his core versus the freezing of his skin. His muscles jump, legs tensing and cunt fluttering. Regulus loves to tease him, drag it out for hours as James squirms and whines and begs. But today, it seems like he’s taking a different approach; his fingers work quickly, warm and slippery as they touch James in the ways which make him see stars in the darkness in seconds.
“Fuck - Reg, I - Jesus - I’m close,” James realises, gasps it out as his body trembles. Because God, does Regulus know how to push his buttons.
“Yeah?” Regulus asks, fingers working quickly and dirtily. There’s a feeling building in James, some big overwhelming feeling which makes his chest feel tight, his lungs burn and his eyes squeeze closed so harshly he sees colours dancing in the dark.
“Yeah,” he whines, the word nearly unrecognisable with his lack of breath. His back arches, cunt fluttering and tightening and spasming, legs shaking, arms straining against the handcuffs. God, but it’s too much, that building and building and building until he can’t fucking feel anything but that overwhelming heat between his legs. Sweat mingles with the water on his stomach, everything hot and cold at the same time. He braces himself, feet digging into the mattress, pushing into Regulus’ hand until he doesn’t feel anything but him. He’s so nearly there he can’t think, but there’s something holding him back, something which has him teetering on the edge precariously until he gets -
“So come for me,” Regulus says, cold air washing over James’ stomach, and that’s it.
Shaking violently, James comes so hard his world turns to a kaleidoscope.
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ahbts · 1 day
Kinktober day 4: Rosekiller - breathplay || NSFW || Words: 706|| Tags: Dom Evan Rosier - Sub Barty Crouch - chocking
“Shit,” Barty pants as his Dom enters him with a harsh thrust. He revels in the feeling of the burn and asks for the pain. It’s something they have done so many times before and Barty always finds the eternal bliss in the idea of giving up total control. 
“Look up, baby,” Evan instructs when Barty has let his eyes trail down to look at the place where Evan is disappearing into him. It’s a sight Barty could never get enough of, the idea of being completely taken by the man he loves so deeply sending shivers up his spine. 
It takes too long. Evan stops his movement when his submissive doesn’t react to his demands, shifting his weight so he has a hand free to spank Evan’s arse. “Do I have to tell you twice?” 
“No, Sir,” Barty reacts quickly, ripping his eyes away from their place of connection, gazing up into Evan’s beautiful light blue eyes. He stretches his neck back when Evan starts moving again and the free hand moves to his neck. Barty can feel his heartbeat quicken as he knows what is about to happen. 
The big hand wraps around his throat, strong fingers digging into the side to find the controlled grip he needs. “No, I didn’t think so,” Evan drawls, pushing down the tiniest bit, putting Barty’s windpipe under pressure. “You want that, baby?” 
Barty doesn’t move when he lets out his last breath of air with a heavy; ‘yes sir’ before Evan pushes pressure on his windpipe and arteries while fucking into him harshly. Barty’s eyes roll back when he feels his head get floaty and light, all sensation in his body heightened and the grip Evan has on his throat being everything he needs. 
When he almost feels like he is close to seeing stars, the pressure eases and he takes in a big breath of air, arching his back, meeting Evan’s thrust with a cant of his hips while he croaks; “Thank you, sir.”
“You’re welcome, baby,” Evan speaks clearly, moving his hand to caresse Barty’s forehead, pushing his hair out of his eyes. “You are so beautiful, struggling for air like that, think you can do it again, precious?” 
“Yes, sir, please,” Barty asks, already stretching his neck, ready to give up all control and have Evan take his life in his hands, literally. The fingers wrap around his throat once more, not easing into it this time but robbing Barty off his breath immediately. He sees stars. 
“Such a pretty doll for me, so pliant and all mine, oh fuck babydoll you gonna make me come,” Evan pounds into him with praises on his lips and his hand making all of Barty’s worries float away. He feels the pleasure build in his spine and knows he is going to come from the tiniest touch. He can’t ask for it, his vocal cords being obscured by the same hand that is denying him a vital life resource. He writhes under his Dom, approaching ecstasy in rapid pace.
Evan’s eyes darken and he nods at Barty, thrusts becoming sloppy but the pressure on his throat as controlled as ever. “Yeah, you going to come for me? Do you need to breathe, baby? Shall I give you back your life?” 
Barty doesn’t answer, only closes his eyes and lets his mouth fall open, not allowed to take in breath yet which makes his lungs burn. The feeling is almost too much for his over-sensitive body but so fucking good. 
“Oh, baby, come for me,” Evan demands, removing his hand and giving barty back his breath before wrapping his hand around his cock and moving twice as Barty let’s go. They fall together and Barty is panting, making up for the air he hadn’t had for a good moment. 
Evan slides out of him and sits up against the headboard to cradle his boyfriend against his chest. “You did amazing, Barty, are you okay? Need anything?” 
A kiss lands in Barty’s hair as he hums in denial. He doesn’t need anything else than for Evan to hold him for the rest of his life. The hand caresses his hair and the lips whisper loving words in his hair. 
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ahbts · 2 days
Kinktober day 3: Marylily - punishment || NSFW || Words: 523 || Tags: paddle spanking - Dom Lily - Sub Mary
Humiliation and shame filled Mary as she lay across her girlfriend's lap, naked, arse on display and her breath stuck in her throat. She doesn’t dare say anything but the rise of her heartbeat must be felt by Lily as it is thrumming so loud Mary can hear it outside her chest. 
The sensation of the leather-clad paddle against her exposed skin makes goosebumps break out all over her body. Mary tries to keep her breathing steady, knowing she has brought this upon herself, asked for it, and revels in the feeling Lily can give her with only one motion of the object, but it’s hard. 
She wants to squirm but knows if she does it will only get worse. So, she just lays still and holds her breath, waiting and feeling. 
“Tell me why you deserve the punishment,” Lily says sharply, the paddle moving to Mary’s other buttcheek. 
“I broke a rule, miss,” Mary tells her in a trembling voice, the adrenaline shooting through her as she anticipates the paddle slap. 
“How many times did you mouth off at me?” 
“Three times, miss,” Mary answers, knowing what is coming. Her heartbeat speeds up as she knows what her Domme will ask of her. She doesn’t like it. She does need it. 
“Count for me, kitten,” Lily tells her, the paddle gone from her arse and Mary closes her eyes as she breathes in, preparing for the blow. It takes longer than she had thought it would, a false sense of safety as the blow doesn’t come. She lets go of her held breath as the smack comes. A hard, unforgiving spank against her arse. 
She wants to cry out, tears coming to her eyes immediately. She bites her lip before croaking out. “One, I’m sorry Miss.”
“Very good,” Lily hums in contentment, rubbing her hand over the freshly hit flesh, kneading it softly before sitting back again and dealing another blow. 
“Two, I’m sorry Miss,” Mary sniffs, the sting burning her skin, endorphins spreading through her body and making her want to whine, apologise more, be a good girl like she should have been. 
“You are so pretty, doing so well,” Lily tells her in a softer tone as her hand rubs the burning skin once more. “You know you deserve this right?”
“Yes, Miss,” Mary tells Lily, squirming a little in anticipation of the last blow. She feels the paddle lift from her arse and immediately come down once again the last and hardest blow. Mary can’t stop the cry coming from her mouth as she speaks the words she needs to. 
“Three, I’m sorry Miss.” 
“There, do you think that will teach you?” Lily asks before she leans down and kisses the burning flesh sweetly, her hand travelling to Mary’s curls and scratching her head as Mary loves. She lets out a soft sniffle while Lily caresses her body in a way that makes her feel so loved she wants to curl up in a ball and bury himself against Lily’s chest.
“Yes, Miss,” Mary croaks, letting her head hang in defeat, her body on fire but her brain numb.
0 notes
ahbts · 2 days
Kinktober day 3: prongsfoot - Jealous || NSFW || Words: 957 || Tags: Jealous Sirius - blowjob - needy Sirius
“Why did you want to go with him?” Sirius asks petulantly, throwing his shirt over his head on the ground of their dorm room. James tries to keep it together when he is faced with the tattooed back of his best friend. A back he really wants to touch and kiss and just hold against his chest all night. “I mean, of all people,” Sirius continues, pulling off his trousers and sending a small spike of panic down James’ back, “you had to go for my brother?” 
James tries to aim for nonchalance when he lays down on his bed, toeing off his shoes, letting them fall to the ground and making Sirius turn to him. “Why not, he’s hot.” 
“I am hotter,” Sirius counters, crossing his arms in front of him. 
James would be the last person to deny that statement. Sirius is the best-looking man James knows and the one he has harboured an unrequited crush for ever since they met on the first day of college. “But I can’t shag you,” James counters, hoping with every nerve that statement wasn’t true. 
A tick in Sirius’ yaw makes James’ eyebrows knit together. Sirius is just watching him, his eyes roaming over his face as if he is looking for something. The alcohol in James’ blood from the party they had just left in a hurry makes his head foggy and James doesn’t see the shift in Sirius’ demeanour when he rolls onto his back. 
“Why not?” 
His blood turns into fire and his stomach turns at that question, making him sit back up and come face to face with Sirius who has sat himself down on the edge of James’ bed. He is very close, so close James could kiss him if he just leaned in a bit more. 
“I’m not sure–” 
“Why not?” Sirius repeats, putting his leg up on the bed, and letting it rest against James’ left side. “Why can’t you shag me?” 
James swallows and flicks his eyes between Sirius’, looking for the joke in his question. There is none, he is being absolutely serious for once in his life. James’ mouth dries as he opens his mouth to speak. “Do you want me to?” 
“I don’t want you to shag my brother if I can’t have you,” Sirius answers, not answering the question. There is a nudge of a sock-clad foot against James’ waist and a shiver travels up his spine. “I can’t, right?” 
James is shaking his head before he knows what he is doing. They’re drunk, they’re young and a one-night stand might douse his incessant feelings towards his best friend. Acting on the bravery that overcomes him in the moment James surges forward, wrapping his hand around Sirius’ neck, weaving his fingers into his hair and pressing his lips to the soft pink cushions he has been dreaming about for a long time. 
There is a surprised gasp but Sirius reacts immediately, moving forward, lifting up to his knees and straddling James full-heartedly. Taking his face between his hands to kiss him more deeply, their tongues tangling in a tango of passion and heat. James feels like he’s on fire when Sirius grinds down on him and he moans into his best friend's mouth. 
The sound encourages Sirius to help James out of his shirt and they break their contact for the small moment needed to get the piecing of clothing over James’ head. 
“Don’t flirt with my brother again, James,” Sirius says, lowly and his eyes blaze dangerously. 
“Is this just about Regulus then?” 
“No,” Sirius answers, “I have wanted you for so long, please take me.”
There is not anything more James needs to hear to flip them around and finally touch the man in the ways he has craved to do, claiming his skin with bruising kisses and giving him pleasure by removing the remaining clothing before latching onto Sirius' perked nipple. 
“God, James, fuck me, please don’t drag it out,” Sirius pants. “I need you inside of me right fucking now.” 
“God, you’re so dramatic,” James smirks, pulling his hair back and kissing his neck, leaving a trail of kisses and biting down Sirius’ stomach until he reaches his cock and licked over it, tasting the taste he had been wondering about. It is amazing, making his head spin and his mouth curl into a big smile before he wraps it around the length completely. 
“Fuck, James, just–” 
James sucks harder and helps Sirius move his hips up so he can fuck his mouth with fervour. His own arousal grinds against the hard college dorm bed mattress, making him moan around Sirius’ cock. 
Hands in his hair, encourage James to go quicker. The cries falling from Sirius’ mouth push him to make the man fall apart. He starts chanting a string of french before the warning comes. “James, if you want to fuck me you should stop now, or I–” 
James doesn’t stop, he takes the man down his throat and squeezes his hips in encouragement. The cock in his mouth fattens, he can taste the precome on his tongue and is eager to taste all of Sirius. He releases with a cry and James swallows down the heavenly taste of his best friend. 
He comes up to meet Sirius’ blissed-out expression, kissing him softly and wiping the hair from his forehead. “You okay?” 
“‘m great,” Sirius mumbles, opening his eyes. Liquid silver meeting chocolate brown and they just stare at each other for a good moment, taking in what just happened. 
Sirius clears his throat and chuckles softly. “Do you want me to suck you?” 
“We have time,” James smiles, hope blooming in his chest when Sirius flashes him a bright smile.
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ahbts · 3 days
Tumblr media
jegulily is actually so powerful
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ahbts · 3 days
Kinktober day 2: Starcest - Begging || NSFW || Words: 1019 || Tags: dead dove: incest - Top Regulus - Bottom Sirius - art room
“Reggie, please,” Sirius whines, leaning their hands on their brother's knees. The canvas in front of Regulus is still empty and he can’t bring himself to draw. When he had asked Sirius to sit for him he hadn’t expected them to be so clingy. They had agreed to stop this forbidden thing they had between them. They couldn’t continue, it’s wrong and taboo. 
Regulus loves his sibling. It’s an easy fact of life. He will do anything for them, walk through the fires of hell, keep them safe, fuck them when they asked to because Regulus had desired it with a deeper need than he had admitted to himself and Sirius had needed it. 
Regulus loves his sibling, but they agreed and he will keep to his agreement. “Siri, just sit and look pretty.” 
“You think I’m pretty?” Sirius drawls, scooting their chair even closer and reaching for the shirt that hangs loosely around Regulus’ shoulder. They pushes it down slowly and leans in to kiss the exposed skin. “Oh, Reggie, you’re too sweet to me.” 
“Sirius,” Regulus admonishes but contradicts his tone by moving his head to the right and exposing his neck to Sirius. “I thought we agreed.”
“You demanded,” Sirius mumbles against their brother's skin. “I like tasting the forbidden fruit.” Sirius looks up, smiling at Regulus with the same smile as his own. “Please, Reggie, I miss you.” They lean in slowly, taking Regulus’ lip in their mouth and biting down softly, pulling away and taking Regulus’ lips with them before slowly letting go. 
Regulus sighs, knowing he will cave. He had missed them too, it had been two months and maybe, unconsciously, he had asked his sibling to the art room so they could have this moment together. 
Soft lips close around his bottom lip, sucking very gently before a tongue licks into his mouth carefully, slipping in and out languidly. “I know you want me, Reggie,” Sirius whispers, licking into his mouth once more, nibbling on his bottom lip before moving back the tiniest bit so they can look their brother in the eyes. “Don’t deny yourself, little star, you can have me. Please, Reggie.”
Closing his eyes for a moment, Regulus tries to breathe and keep his head on his shoulders while his sibling trails a hand higher up his leg, sharp nails digging through the fabric of his pants. Something in him snaps and he grabs the underside of Sirius’ chair, dragging it as close to him as he can. Sirius grins widely and throws their legs over Regulus’ legs, almost sitting in his lap as they put their hands on either of Regulus’ cheeks and dive in to snog him senselessly. They rut their own hard erection against Regulus and a low groan leaves his mouth. 
“Up,” Regulus demands, pushing Sirius off him who goes willingly, a joyous wiggle in their hips when Regulus grabs onto them and turns them around. With quick hands, Regulus lifts the cloth he had made his sibling wear –the Roman-style one that made Sirius look like a godly figure– and unzips his own too-tight pants quickly. A hand in Sirius’ hair directs them to bend over the back of the settee they should have been sitting on. 
“Oh, Reggie, please, yes, please, please,” Sirius mumbles in a blissed-out voice when Regulus spits on his own hand, slicking himself up as he pumps his already hard cock. 
“Yeah, how bad do you want it, Siri?” Regulus asks, moving the hand from Sirius’ hair to their mouth for him to suck his fingers. Sirius tries to answer but the moment they open their mouth Regulus pushes two fingers inside. The feeling of suction makes him groan as he remembers how good that tongue can feel in other places. 
“Good, so good,” he tells Sirius before retracting his fingers and circling Sirius’ tight ring of muscle. “Tell me you want it, you want me.” 
“I want you,” Sirius echoes, bending their hips and pointing their arse up at their brother, asking for the pressure. “Please, Reggie, please, fuck me, I’ll be so good and sit still for you, I promise, please, please.”
Who is Regulus to deny such beautiful begging? His first finger slips in, then his second following quickly, he holds his free hand in front of Sirius’ mouth again. “Spit for me,” he instructs, Sirius obeying immediately. 
He spreads the spit on himself generously before retracting his fingers and wrapping Sirius’ hair around his hand and wrist. “You’re gonna be good and moan for me, Siri baby?” 
“Yes, so good, I will,” Sirius tells their brother in a whining voice. “Take me, Reggie, I’ve missed you too much.” 
Regulus wonders if he will ever get someone as tight, as pliant and good as his sibling. Sirius may have been born first but Regulus just knows he was born to his sibling’s needs, followed them into the world to care for them, perfectly fitting with them. He is reminded of this once again when he thrusts into Sirius with love and devotion, hitting all the right places and making Sirius moan in ultimate pleasure. 
Wrapping his hand around Sirius’ cock, he bows over his sibling to talk straight into his ear. “You are so good, so beautiful and you are mine as I am yours. We were made for each other and I will never give you up again,” he tells them, thrusting hard and deep, making the settee move under them. “Come for me, give me your love, Siri.” 
“Oh, Reggie, fuck, yes, please,” Sirius moans, spilling all over Regulus’ hand and the fabric of the sofa while their hole flutters and Regulus comes undone as well. He takes a minute before removing himself and zipping up his pants. He pushes Sirius down, making them splay out on the settee before resuming his place on the stool behind the canvas. “Sit, look pretty for me,” Regulus demands and Sirius nods, spreading their legs wide to put their dripping hole on display with a devil's smirk. Regulus rolls his eyes but starts painting all of it.
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ahbts · 3 days
Kinktober day 2: Rosekiller - Vampire || NSFW || Words: 1827|| Tags: Vampire Barty - Human Evan - blood
The music is loud in Evan’s ear, all around him are people dancing, close together and sweating from every pore. Evan is moving to the sound, his body moving on its own accord with the bass vibrating in his bones. There are hands on his hips, guiding his movements as Evan loses himself in the rhythm. 
He lost James long ago, to some dark-haired stranger in a mesh top and leather skirt who had winked one time and his friend was making excuses to follow the man into the crowd. Evan doesn’t mind. The house is big but there are people everywhere and the combination of drugs and alcohol running through his body are making his head spin in the best way possible. 
When he opens his eyes for a second the world around him is in multicolour, purple, blue, green and red blurring his vision, making it spin and resulting in a manic laugh falling from his mouth. He wants to close his eyes again, lose himself in the euphoria but there is a man in front of him and all of a sudden Evan can’t look away. His eyes are stuck on the most electric blue he has ever seen. All other colours fall away and there is only that blue, as bright as a lightning bolt shooting through the night sky. They are beyond gorgeous. 
The man smiles lovely and lowers his head a bit so his mouth is aligned with Evan’s ear. “You are beyond gorgeous.” 
Oh, he had said that out loud. Evan doesn’t know what is going on but his whole body feels like it’s on fire, a sweat breaking out and the only thing he can think about is how amazing the man smells. a mixture of cologne, sweat and a distinguished scent Evan can’t place.
There are hands on his hips, lips on his neck and the outlining of a hard cock against his own rapid-filling one. There is no way the man isn’t feeling the clear sign of his arousal and Evan’s head is in such a ‘not-caring-about-anything’ mode that he bucks his hips forward, his hands on the man’s arse to pull him even closer. 
“Eager boy,” the man chuckles low and Evan’s head spins from the warmth of his voice. 
“I have no idea who I even am but all I know is that you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” Evan tells him, leaning back to look at the man again. He has to look. Pale skin, almost luminescent under the lights of the room and when he lowers his eyes to the man’s lips he can see the plumpness in them from the man biting down on the pink cushions. 
“Why thank you,” he says, smiling back and revealing pearl white teeth, his canines a bit more pointy than normal canines. Almost like fangs. Evan looks back up to the man’s eyes and the electric blue is gone, the lightning colour that had intrigued him morphed into something darker. “Want to get out of here, pretty boy?” 
Something in the back of Evan’s mind is screaming at him not to, shake his head and get away from the man, but his body is already moving, following the man out the door and up a staircase. He is walking backwards, but with a grace that Evan has never seen before. How the man is not tripping over his own feet is a mystery to Evan but they reach the landing of the first floor and without looking the man reaches behind him, turning the nob and taking hold of Evan’s shirt to drag him inside. 
“I’m Barty by the way,” he smiles, grinning more likely, before Evan is pushed against the door and Barty is caching him in with his hands. “And I have never wanted someone more than I want you.”    
“Then take me,” Evan answers automatically, his whole body standing behind the words. 
Barty doesn’t wait a second after the verbal encouragement and surges forward to kiss Evan, hard and deep, his tongue licking into his mouth with a fire Evan had never encountered before. He moans when the pointy canines find his lip, first from pleasure but there is pain when Barty bites a bit too hard and he draws blood. 
Evan expects the man to lean back, apologise and take a moment to insect his lip. To his utter surprise, he is pushed up to the door even more forcefully, their crotches sliding together with delicious friction while Barty sucked the blood from his lip. 
Okay, bloodkink is something people have. Evan isn’t going to shame people for their kinks but when Barty lets go and moves his sharp canines over Evan’s pulse point with purpose Evan’s breath hitches and his foggy mind clears considerably. 
“Are you–” he doesn’t even know what he wants to ask but brings his fingers to Barty’s hair to pull the man back from his neck. His intoxicated state clears when he is met with deep crimson eyes. “What are you?” 
The question should have come out in a terrified tremble but Evan recognises the curiosity in his voice and lifts one simple brow when Barty smirks. 
“Not what I asked,” Evan drawls when Barty tries to move into his neck again. He holds his hair and a soft whine comes from the beautiful creature in front of him. Barty probably is strong enough to free himself but he doesn’t, just staring at Evan with the salacious grin.
Evan studies the man, his bloodred eyes, the smooth pale skin, the longed canines. He feels the strain on his hand from the strength of the man and the elegance and speed with which Evan had been ushered into the room. It clicks in his brain and he should be scared, should go running, but everything Evan has ever read about vampires always turned out in either romance or mindblowing sex and both he wouldn’t mind. 
“You’re a vampire, aren’t you?”
“Very good,” Barty’s grin turns into a smile and he leans back a little, creating space between his and Evan’s body. He mourns the loss of the pressure against him and tries to move back in but Barty is moving. Like lightning speed the man –vampire– is across the room and on the bed. He rakes his hand through his shoulder length hair, revealing the streaks of red underneath the black that match the colour of his eyes had a moment ago. They seem to be back to blue now. “But you don’t seem scared?”
He is right. Evan isn’t scared. The rush in his blood is excitement, adrinaline, curiosity. “Never interesting ever happens to me,” he shrugs, sauntering over to the bed in a deliberate slow walk, sinking down and crawling over the man. “Why would I be scared of an interesting creature I thought only to be true in fantasy.” 
It’s a flash, one millisecond and Evan is on his back, Barty pushing him down, grinning his fangs on display. “I could kill you.”
“But you won’t.” 
“Why wouldn’t I?” 
“Because I can’t die without knowing how mind-blowing sex with a vampire can be,” Evan grins, dragging Barty down and working quickly to get his clothes off while he kisses him again, wanting to be eaten whole by the vampire. “Is it as hot as in the movies?” 
Barty grins, moving his teeth to Evan’s neck and nipping at it, making the smallest nick in his skin. “Even more so.”
They kiss and bite and there are nails and bruising hands everywhere. Evan is panting quickly, his cock weeping against his skin when Barty moves down and looks up from between his legs. “I need to know your name to moan it, darling,” the man whispers before licking up Evan’s cock. 
“E-Evan,” he stuttered in a gasp. 
“Evan,” Barty whispers, the name sounding like velvet from his mouth. “Evan, if I tell you I want to suck you dry in all ways possible what would you say?”
“Yes, please,” Evan groans, bucking his hips up to meet Barty’s grinning mouth, the fangs gracing his cock, making it jump in anticipation. 
“Excellent,” Barty grins, winking his teeth into Evan’s thigh and sucking hard. Evan’s head spins from the lack of blood and something intoxicating that might be coming from Barty but he is not sure. He just wants to touch himself and at the same time please Barty. 
A hand finds his cock and starts working it while the sucking on his thigh continues. He moans loudly and begs for more as Barty moves his mouth to the other leg. “Barty, please, I want you, want to feel you.” 
He looks down, finding the deep red eyes staring up at him, blood around his lips and Evan had never before seen something so beautiful. There is a wind and a flash, Barty is gone and back again in two seconds, lube in hand. 
“Open wide for me, puppet,” Barty drawls and Evan’s legs fall open to give access to the man to slide two of his fingers into him. He is opened up quickly and when Barty comes up to hang over him Evan throws his head back exposing his neck for the vampire to latch onto his artery. “Oh, look at you,” he drawls, kissing Evan before he moves back down his neck, “so eager for me, so good. You taste so good, I hope I can stop when I have to.” 
There is a kiss against Evan’s neck, his heart is thundering when he feels Barty pushing into him. “Forgive me if I can’t, Evan,” he whispers against Evan’s neck before his teeth sink in and the sharp pain of punctuating skin shoots through Evan. It’s glorious. 
They move together, Barty sucking his neck dry while he works hard to pump him full. Loud moans fill the room and Evan is floating, his head feels light and his eyes roll back more with every thrust. Barty is so strong and Evan is holding onto his hair, shoulders, and hips, for his life, literally. 
“Barty, fuck, please, I–” he stutters, moaning uncontrollably when he feels his consciousness slipping away. Barty picks up his pace even more, powerfully thrusting into Evan to chase his climax. He hits the right spot inside Evan over and over and when the thrusts get sloppier a hand reaches between them, wrapping around Evan and undoing him completely.
He comes with a soft whimper, unable to produce more sound than that. He feels Barty letting go of his neck faintly but the world is a fuzz and he knows he is going to pass out. There is a cloth against his skin and another voice floating into the room.
“Jesus Barty, did you kill him?”
The last thing Evan thinks before he blacks out is; that if he is dying he would die a very happy man.
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ahbts · 4 days
It’s sad that Remus and Sirius never felt comfortable coming out to JKR.
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ahbts · 4 days
Kinktober day 1: wolfstar - orgasm denial || NSFW || Words: 893|| Tags: top Remus - bottom Sirius - begging
Sirius is whining and reaching, wanting to feel Remus even closer to him, but the man is tauntingly slow with his thrusts. The glide inside takes an eternity and when Remus is almost hitting Sirius’ prostate he is leaning back, denying the blissful sight of stars Sirius sees when he is stimulated to the best of Remus’ capability. 
“Remus, please, fuck me harder,” Sirius whines, his face in the pillow almost not letting the sound through. Sirius felt the drool that had pulled on the spot where his mouth had been biting the pillow before while Remus took his time, enjoying himself with Sirius’ please. 
“You shouldn’t have provoked me, Pads,” Remus tells him, dragging a finger from Sirius’ neck over his spine to the crack of his arse where he pulls his cheeks apart and watches himself sink into the other man. “This is what you get when you don’t have enough patience, Love.” 
Sirius groans when Remus slides in a gain, the lube has almost dried, that’s how long they have been here. Sirius is honestly surprised that Remus is still not looking close to his end, his thrusts –or more glides– controlled and timed very precisely to the way Sirius is pushing back against him. 
“‘m sorry, moons,” Sirius tells him as he suppresses another whine crawling up his throat. Remus doesn’t seem to hear him as he just continues his slow torture. Sirius’ head is spinning from the lack of stimulation for his cock, he needs to come so bad, wants to come so hard, but he needs something, anything, from his boyfriend to get there. 
“I don’t think you mean that, Sirius,” Remus tells him, letting go of his cheeks and placing his hands on Sirius’ hips so he can keep him up from the bed. Sirius’ cock has no opportunity to get any type of friction this way and he can cry from the bone-deep need he is feeling. “Because you have apologised before and still you come here, demanding for me to fuck you raw and if I tell you to wait one damn minute so I can finish my page,” Remus drawls, slamming into Sirius harshly, pulling out and doing it again three times as he speaks; “You ignore me.” 
“Rem– Remus, oh god, yes,” Sirius moans loudly, throwing his head back for Remus to grab. He does, winding the long strands of black around his wrist. 
“Now, you are going to be a good boy and wait,” Remus tells him, punctuating his statement with a deep thrust that hits Sirius’ prostate. He can cry from the pleasure he feels building in his stomach from the thrust. “Are you going to be good Sirius?” 
“So good, yes, promise, so, so good,” Sirius brambles, his neck aching from the strain but feeling so good. “Fuck me, Moony please.” 
“Don’t you dare come,” Remus warns him before tightening the grip on his hair with one hand and the other steady around Sirius’ hip. He moves punishingly, his thrusts hard and deep, making Sirius cry out from sensation and pleasure. He wants to tumble of the edge immediately, holding on to his sanity for dear life by biting his lip and letting out a string of ‘oh god, oh god, oh god’ with a strained voice. 
When he hears Remus staring to groan he is done for. His eyes close and the grip on his hair disappears making him fall into the mattress with his chest, his arse still promptly up in the air. The hand that had been in his hair comes around his other hip, the large hands almost wrapping around his entire waist as he gets dragged backwards to meet Remus’ thrust in the best way. 
“Fuck, pads, you feel so good, such a good boy,” Remus groans as his thrusts get sloppy but not less hard. Sirius feels his own pleasure building and his cock is pulsing under him, leaking with precum so much that it almost looks like he has already come. 
“Moony, I need–”
“Don’t you dare, Sirius,” Remus warns him, not stopping his moving. “Not until I tell you.” The dark tone in his voice makes Sirius roll back his eyes and he is sweating from the exertion. 
Remus comes with a grunt, folding himself over Sirius’ back but he doesn’t tell Sirius he is allowed to come. Sirius can feel it thrumming, his cock pulsing so violently he doesn’t know if he can hold on for much longer. And then Remus is gone. The cold air hits his back as he feels the bed dip beside him and he turns his head with difficulty to see Remus light a fag, taking a long drag and blowing the smoke at Sirius. 
“What the hell, Moons!” Sirius cries out, falling onto his stomach but the contact with the bed is not enough, nearly, but just not. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” Remus smirks, inhaling more smoke and enjoying his postcoital satisfaction as he watches Sirius be in agony. “I will tell you when you can come.”
He rolls off the bed and stretches before ducking and grabbing his underwear from the floor. “I’m going to have a shower, and don’t even think about touching yourself.” 
Sirius’ mouth stays open, still in shock as he sees the bathroom door close behind Remus.
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ahbts · 4 days
Kinktober day 1: Lily Evans - masturbation || NSFW || Words: 523 || Tags: Mastrubration - self-love - stress relieve - nipple stimulation
With the weary feeling of study still in her bones, Lily flings herself on her bed back in her room. It has only been the first week but lectures are already killing her and there is so much work to do already. 
She had been warned that the last year of medicine studies would be the most exhausting, but Lily had honestly not thought it would be this gruelling. The springs of her too-small bed dig into her back as she shifts to get her phone from her pocket. 
Most of her messages are asking her to come out and do stuff but there is nothing that Lily wants to do more than put on Netflix and just stare at the screen endlessly, but she is even too tired to pull herself up and get her laptop. 
With closed eyes, her full body relaxes and the tingle between her legs makes goosebumps trickle up her body. It’s a nudge from her own body to treat herself after a long first week back. Her hands start wondering, following the patterns she has known to find pleasing ever since discovering her own body. 
Her hand disappears under her shirt easily, and she palms her left breast through the fabric of the practical bra she is wearing. She has no one to look good for anyway and she will not endure a lecture with an unpractical pretty bra when she won’t need to feel pretty. 
She just needs to feel good. 
With a subtle motion, he throws off her shirt and bra, falling back on the bed and licking her thumb before rubbing it over her quickly hardening nipple. Biting her lip she undoes the button of her pants and wriggles from them. 
Her right hand trails over her stomach finding her clit easily. Rubbing over it with precise motion she makes herself wet and fluttering, the muscles in her stomach clenching from the stimulation. 
Rolling her right nipple between her fingers she dips her middle finger into the warming pool of wetness to gather some of the fluid to her finger so she can glide over her clit more easily. The sensation makes her bite her lip harder and a soft moan comes from her lip as she arches her back and rubs a little faster. 
The fingers around her nipple let go and she shifts them to the other side, paying attention to her neglected breast. The pinch of her nail feels better than anything she might have done to herself and it makes her hand between her legs speed up as well. 
It’s not for long that Lily feels herself near the edge of eternal bliss and she takes her finger away from her clit, avoiding direct contact by folding the other lips over the sensitive nub. With slow, circular motions she gets herself to the finish where she falls into pleasure with a soft groan, her whole body relaxing and her mind going blissfully still. She lays still for a couple of moments, enjoying the silence of her room and the knowledge she doesn’t need anyone else than herself to feel amazing.
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ahbts · 4 days
Hiya! I will post kinktober fics on this blog throughout October. There are obviously all 18+ so minors dni.
Most of the fics will have a BDSM dynamic so take this as a warning. I will add tags to the fics so you can pick your poison. Don't like it, don't read it.
Feel free to ask me anything or make fic requests/headcanons!
Hope you have fun with my braindrables!
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ahbts · 24 days
Sirius: If you want my advice—
Harry: No offence, Sirius, but you’re the last person we want relationship advice from.
Draco: Yeah, you thought your husband was the traitor.
Sirius: In my defence, he also thought I was the traitor.
Remus: It’s true. We’re on the same wavelength like that.
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ahbts · 24 days
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ahbts · 28 days
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ahbts · 28 days
Remus Lupin đŸ€
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ahbts · 28 days
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read it platonically read it romantically idc, just appreciate our beautiful boys <3
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