#bottom eddie munson
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blondeeyeskiller333 · 1 month ago
Eddie definitely LOVESSS his hair being pulled. .
Like imagine Steve ruthlessly thrusting into him, and Eddie begging-crying for his hair wanting to be pulled. LIKE LETS WAKE IT UP
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ladykailitha · 9 months ago
Just having more thinkee thoughts about casually bisexual Steve and Eddie who doesn't have a filter on his mouth, ever. Mature 18+
So they're out at a bar and it's been awhile for Steve and he is just out for a one-night stand. He would like more, sure but tonight is about getting his dick wet.
Robin has already hit the dance floor with their friends, Nancy having managed to drag Jonathan with her.
Steve knocks on the table. "All right, time to find a pussy to put my dick in," he mutters to himself more than Eddie's who's the only one left at their table.
And without thinking Eddie blurts out, "Well if you ever wanted an ass to fuck, give me a call, sweetheart."
And Steve suddenly at Eddie's side faster than he can blink and slots himself between his spread legs.
"That a serious offer, Munson or are you fucking with me?"
Eddie half shrugs. "A little bit of fucking with you with huge dash of wanting you to fuck me."
Steve runs his tongue over his teeth as he thinks it over. "Hmm... if I'm honest I always assumed that if there was fucking you'd be the one giving, not taking."
Eddie just shrugs. "You're not going to hold it against me are ya?"
Steve grins, feral. "You'd like that, huh? Me holding you down, while I fucked you?"
Eddie's brain has completely whited out. Just static.
"I'd drag you to the bathroom," Steve purrs, "but I want to see you under me, hair splayed out on my pillow as fucked into you."
Eddie tries to get up so that they can do just that, but Steve puts his hand on his chest.
"Not so fast, rockstar," Steve says with a sly smile. "If we leave now, our friends would be upset since we just got here. So can you be a good boy for me and wait?"
Eddie gulps and nods. "How long?"
Steve checks his watch. "Is an hour okay?"
Eddie nods again, so Steve pulls his hand and drags him out on the dance floor. The music slows to a love song and Eddie thinks Steve's going to pull away, only he doesn't.
He pulls him closer and they're dancing cheek to cheek.
"I have to tell you," Steve says a little desperate, "if I take you home tonight, that's it--"
"Oh," Eddie says trying to pull away, trying not cry.
"It's you and me as a couple," Steve continues and Eddie just stares at him wide-eyed. "And if that's something you don't want, I'd rather we didn't do anything at all. Because if I got to taste you and not keep you I don't think I'd surv--"
He never finishes that sentence because Eddie is kissing him on the lips as firmly and sincerely as possible.
"Oh!" Steve says brightly. "So that's a yes to the boyfriend thing?"
"Yes, Stevie," Eddie says shaking his head fondly, "it's a yes to the boyfriend thing."
On the other side of the dance floor both Jonathan and Nancy are putting money in Robin's hands.
"Do you think it's just sex or..." Nancy asks.
Robin cackles. "Oh it's definitely sex, but it's a relationship all the way."
Nancy huffed. Not because she didn't believe her, she could see it with her eyes. But if it is a relationship--
They kiss and Nancy sighs, digging out another five dollars and handing it Robin.
"How did you know it would happen tonight?" Jonathan asked after handing Robin his own five dollars.
"Eddie has no filter especially two cocktails in," Robin explained, cocking her head to the side and half shrugging. "And Steve loves to bitch about not getting any lately. So you put the two together..." she smashed her hands together, "and you get at the very least, sex in the bathroom. But this is Steve, the most romantic bastard in all of Indiana if not the whole country, he'd only be willing to have sex with Eddie, if it led to more."
Jonathan and Nancy sighed. They really never should have bet against best friend knowledge.
Later that night when Steve has Eddie right where he wants him, he reaches out and strokes his cheek.
"You're sweet, Stevie," Eddie murmurs, "but if you don't start soon, I may explode!"
Steve laughs and gets to work fucking wildly into Eddie as they both starts spouting inanities and endearments.
Steve grabs Eddie's cock and works him in rhythm to his own thrusts, with Eddie tripping over his words as he holds on dear life.
After they've both come, and they've cleaned up, they'll lie next to each other on Steve's bed.
Eddie gets up on his elbow to look down at Steve, "So boyfriend privileges means shot gun right?"
Steve bursts out laughing. "Sorry, love," he says shaking his head. "Robin would murder us both."
Eddie cocks his head to the side and then nods. "Yeah, that's fair."
End ~
I don't usually write sub/bottom Eddie, because I picture Steve as a pillow princess all the way, but this wouldn't leave my head. Especially the fucking line. It was too good of a pun not to write, if I'm honest.
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cuips-not-cute · 11 months ago
"What do you wanna do for this one?" Steve asks, gently probing. Eddie's picking up and examining every item on his desk, setting each down with a little huff.
He's restless. Twitchy. It makes Steve want to tie him up so he stops moving around so much, makes him want to fuck him til he's gone all sweet.
"Um," Eddie says, turning a Little League trophy around in his hand. "I'll get back to you on that."
He moves to Steve's closet next. Pulls the doors open with a dramatic sigh.
"One second."
Eddie's disappeared completely. Walked right out the door and down the hall.
Steve rushes after him, spies him rooting around the bathroom sink.
"Ah-ha!" Eddie exclaims, reaching up on his very tip toes to grab something from the shelf above the mirror. He smacks his lips to the thing once he's got it, presenting his finding to Steve.
"A hairbrush?"
"Mhm." Eddie lays it delicately in his palm, curling his fingers around the handle. "This is what I wanna do."
"You want me to...brush your hair?"
Steve's amenable. Eddie's got very nice hair. He just doesn't know how this counts as a tape.
"No," Eddie says, and his eyes have gone all shiny, his voice a little breathless. Steve's pretty sure he get whatever he wants doing this.
"Stevie, I want you to spank me."
"Oh," says Steve, dumbfounded. "Yeah, uh. Okay."
Eddie's hand finds his curled fingers over the hairbrush. He starts to take it back.
"You don't have to," Eddie's saying, tugging sightly. "Like, I'll survive—"
Steve yanks the hairbrush away from Eddie's fumbling grip. Holds it with both of his up by his face.
"No, dude. I'm just thinking."
"Okay," Eddie breathes. It sounds like a whine. He's jammed his hands in his pockets, taken a big step away from Steve.
Steve looks at the brush in his hand. It's the one he uses after showers. It's large and round and plastic, and the bristles are full of his own hair.
He cleans it. Tosses the ball of hair lint in the trash can behind Eddie. Smacks the back of it against his palm.
It stings.
"You sure you'd like this?" Steve asks, flipping the thing experimentally. "It kinda hurts."
Eddie laughs, startled. "Yeah, man, that's like, the point."
He smacks his palm again. Eddie's pupils dilate, his mouth goes slack.
And oh, Steve likes that.
from ch6 of my fic, blinking red light❤️
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steviewashere · 3 months ago
Stoned Steddie Sex 🔞Minors DNI🔞
And now, a little thing I wrote in my notes app last night while I was delirious from medication (rewritten word for word rather than posting a screenshot for those visually impaired):
Dubious consent. But they're into it, I promise they're into it. Steve and Eddie get really stoned Steve gets incredibly horny; starts to casually palm himself through his jeans. Eddie notices and starts servicing himself.
Service Top Steve!!! Sub Steve? He really wants to make Eddie feel good. Grinding/dry humping Eddie's leg until he crests with an orgasm. He's tracing the tips of his fingers over the backside of Eddie's right hand. Eddie directing them to hold hands instead, for Steve to slow down at command (edging???). Uhhh...Steve holding Eddie's head in place so he can kiss/lick over Eddie's face and then leave a hickey on Eddie's jaw. Whiny Steve for sure.
Eddie grazes his hand over Steve's abdomen at one point and Steve moans because it's pleasurable, but also tickles. Ticklish Steve, but it also makes him hornier??? (Kinda like what peeing and orgasming are for women—if you know, you know). Eddie taking Steve's dick out (woah it's big!) and guiding it wherever he wants: the rough denim of his own jeans, against the softness of his palm, the scratchy hair of his happy trail, etc.
Steve orgasms at least three times. Eddie's very smug, orgasms only once—but before he does, he makes Steve kneel half naked on the carpet in front of him and then he comes all over Steve's face. Steve tries his best to lick some of it off, but he pouts because he wanted it all down his throat ("because I can take it, Eds").
Something something...they're not dating yet.
Anyway. I don't know what my brain did last night. But I apparently had so many sex ideas for Steve and Eddie to be involved in lmao.
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steddieas-shegoes · 11 months ago
i wanna be your slave
for @subeddieweek day six with the prompt public sex
rated e | 1,596 words | please check ao3 for tags
Day one:  ao3 | tumblr Day two: ao3 | tumblr Day three: ao3 | tumblr Day four: ao3 | tumblr  Day five: ao3 | tumblr
Eddie should have taken the opportunity to run back inside and use the phone that he knew was sitting in the office backstage to call someone before the rain started coming down harder. He should have risked getting stuck inside the heated building instead of getting stuck inside his van that wouldn’t start in the middle of winter.
Rain storms shouldn’t even happen in December. Shouldn’t it all be snow or something?
He groaned and banged his head against the wheel.
The rain continued to pour down, louder and faster, to the point where Eddie could barely even hear himself think.
At least Steve would probably come check here when he realized he wasn’t at the trailer.
He just had to make it through the next 30 minutes or so. The rain might even stop by then.
Eddie hummed to himself, any song he could think of, even one of Corroded Coffin’s newest attempts at an original song. He played with his hair, braiding and unbraiding the same strands over and over to keep his hands busy.
He checked his watch more frequently than was helpful.
Eventually, headlights flashed in his side mirror and he heard the low rumble of another car.
He checked to see that it was Steve before unlocking the door and jumping out.
Steve barely had his car in park before he jumped out of, leaving the car running as he rushed over to pull Eddie against him.
“Shit, baby, I was so worried. What happened?”
For some reason, Eddie felt tears pooling in his eyes.
It was just an issue with the van, and probably a pretty easy repair for Wayne to do tomorrow. It’s not like he got stranded alone for hours getting soaked in the rain. It’s not like Steve forgot about him.
“Oh, baby boy.” Steve’s hands cupped his cheeks and Eddie couldn’t really tell if he had actually started crying or if the rain was falling down his face. “You’re okay. I’ve got you.”
“It won’t start,” Eddie shivered. It may have been a bit warmer than usual for December this week, but it was still barely 40 degrees, and with the ice cold rain falling on them, Eddie knew he’d get sick if he stayed out in it for much longer.
“C’mon, I have the heat on in my car. Let’s get you warm.”
Steve gently guided him into the backseat, surprising him by joining him instead of getting in the driver’s seat to take them home.
“Jacket and shirt off, c’mon,” Steve nudged his jacket off his shoulders and Eddie sniffed as he followed his instructions. “If you take everything off, you’ll get warmer faster.”
“You just want me naked in the backseat of your car, Harrington,” Eddie grumbled, but knew he was right. He managed to get his soaking wet jeans off and left everything in a pile on the floorboards. “Now what?”
Steve reached under his own body and pulled out a towel, unfolding it and gesturing for Eddie to move for a minute so he could lay it out across the seat.
“Were you a Boy Scout or something?” Eddie felt the warmth slowly seeping into his pores, though his hair was still dripping onto his bare shoulders and chest.
“Nah. Just learned to be prepared for anything.” Steve’s hand rested on his knee. “I’m gonna shut off the headlights while we sit here. Just hang tight.”
Eddie was naked in the backseat of Steve’s car in the parking lot of Hawkins High while lightning flashed directly across from them and rain beat the roof of the car.
If he wasn’t living this moment, he never would’ve believed it was possible.
Steve’s hands were warm when they circled Eddie’s wrists, pulling him into Steve’s lap. He’d removed his own clothes sometime in the last minute when Eddie was lost in thought.
“Just gonna stay here for a few minutes while you warm up, okay?”
Eddie nodded.
And then it actually hit him that they were both naked.
No one would be checking on them as long as this storm was happening.
No one would even see their cars in the parking lot with how heavy the rain was right now.
They could do anything they wanted.
As if he could read his mind, Steve huffed a laugh against Eddie’s shoulder. “You’re always so eager to get fucked, aren’t you sweet boy? Even if someone could see.”
“No one will see,” Eddie protested.
“Maybe I want people to see.”
Eddie felt himself getting hard at the thought of them being caught, of Steve Harrington having to explain to Officer Powell why they were both naked in the backseat of his car. Of how many people had probably been fucked in the back of this car, but how none of those people had gotten Steve like this.
“Maybe I wanna fuck you so good that you scream my name so loud the people in the neighborhood a mile away hear and call the cops. Maybe I hope someone stops by to check on the cars and sees me so deep inside you they couldn’t possibly separate us.”
Eddie whimpered.
Yeah, he needed Steve to fuck him. Now.
“You’re still wet from when I got my tongue in you earlier, baby,” Steve said as he ran his thumb across his hole, still slick with spit. “But I came prepared tonight.”
Steve held up a small bottle of lube. Was that travel size? Did they seriously make a travel size bottle of lube? And Steve bought it?
Eddie loved him so much.
“Relax for me, baby. Gonna open you up more so you can sit on my cock. Gonna be nice and warm after, okay?” Steve’s lips brushed against his neck, his collarbone, his nipple. His fingers, now coated with lube, rubbed at his entrance.
One finger pushed in, quickly followed by a second one. Steve was good at reading him, knew exactly what he could take and what he needed.
Eddie liked to feel full, even if it had just a hint of too much, just a tiny little twinge of pain.
“Gonna ride my fingers?” Steve cupped the back of his head with his free hand, scratching at his scalp.
Eddie hadn’t even realized he’d been doing it, didn’t notice the way he rose and fell naturally as Steve worked him open. He wasn’t even trying to get more from him, he never had to push really. Steve was eager to give him more before Eddie had to beg.
At least since they started referring to each other as boyfriends, anyway.
A third finger entered him, and Eddie groaned at the stretch.
“Feels good,” Eddie threw his head back, only getting a little frustrated at the way the top of his head brushed against the roof of the car. It wasn’t ideal to be doing this in such a small space, but it was hot.
“Gonna spread you out on my bed next time so I can watch. Love seeing you open up on my fingers,” Steve bit down on his shoulder, both of them moaning as Steve’s fingers worked faster.
“Need you, need you. Please.”
Okay, so maybe he still had to beg a little.
But the moment he asked, Steve’s fingers were being replaced by his leaking cock, pushing in slow enough for Eddie to tell him to stop if he needed a minute.
“Fuck,” Eddie’s head fell onto Steve’s shoulder, putting him at a somewhat awkward angle, but Steve’s cock brushed perfectly against his prostate. “Oh, fuck. Can I come?”
“Now? Already?” Eddie could hear the knowing smirk in Steve’s voice and he wasn’t a fan.
“Yes, now. Already. Please.”
“Come when you want. But I’m not stopping until I’ve filled you up,” Steve said as he moved his hips faster.
True to his word, when Eddie came not even a minute later, shaking apart in Steve’s lap, tears dripping onto his still slightly rain-damp skin, Steve kept thrusting in and out. He didn’t even slow down, just kept the pace that Eddie knew he needed to get off.
The constant pressure against his prostate after he came was almost too much, and definitely would be too much soon. He felt the haze of overstimulation washing over him, let his brain go a bit cloudy as Steve used him to get off.
They didn’t do this very often; Steve was very much against possibly actually hurting Eddie and fucking him after his orgasm usually led to him wincing in pain. But sometimes, when the timing was just right, Eddie would start to float into subspace just when things got a bit less comfortable.
“Color, baby.”
“Green. Feel good.”
“Yeah, you look like you feel good, sweet boy.”
The compliments always made him float faster, make him drift just that bit further away, where he could just be held by Steve and know that he was being taken care of.
The rain seemed to be quieter, but Eddie couldn’t be bothered to move his face from the safety of Steve’s neck right now.
Steve’s hands tightened against his back, pushing him down onto his cock.
Warmth filled him as Steve moaned against his ear.
“So good for me, baby,” Steve whispered, his hips slowing to a stop. “Wish I could stay inside you forever.”
Steve laughed. “I can’t stay inside you, sweet boy. Gotta clean you up and get you home.”
Steve gave him a minute or two, maybe longer, it was hard to tell with his brain checked out.
Day seven: ao3 | tumblr
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bifuriouswaterbender · 7 months ago
Shower Spray
I could be normal about the @steddiemicrofic September prompt shower, or I could write some of the dirtiest smut I've written in months. Frankly I just want to keep going, and perhaps someday I will. For now, here are 399 words that I didn't even edit because that first pass was exactly that, and it felt like a sign. Rated E.
Eddie suspected if he turned around and looked in the mirror, he'd be flush halfway down his body from how hard he was blushing. Then again, if he did that and saw the full effect, Eddie knew he'd chicken out immediately. Especially when he could hear Steve lumbering up the stairs, not a care in the world, not a clue that Eddie had put himself in crisis.
As soon as he'd heard Steve enter the house, Eddie had turned on the water and gotten himself into position. He'd pressed his forearms against the tiny shower ledge and thrust his ass out behind him, legs open wide in invitation. His dick had jumped to attention standing here waiting, but now that he was actually arranged here and adrenaline seemed to be the only thing keeping him upright, his excitement had begun to flag.
Steve needed to hurry the fuck up.
The bedroom door opened. Eddie pressed his forehead against the tile and squeezed his eyes shut in anticipation.
"Eddie?" Steve called. "Why'd you decide to take a shower now? Something happen while I was at--" The door swung open. "--work…"
Eddie forced himself to stay perfectly still, though he could feel his muscles quivering. No going back now.
"What's all this?" Steve asked quietly, so quiet that Eddie didn't think the question was for him.
He jumped but managed to hold position as Steve stroked a hand down his back and squeezed his ass. Eddie had presented himself in tantalizing positions before, but he'd never laid himself out against a wall spread eagle like this.
"All for me?" Steve asked in his ear.
Eddie nodded, shivering as he felt the now wet press of clothing against his back. Steve hadn't even bothered to undress before climbing into the spray.
"Even this?"
Eddie's breath hitched as he felt Steve fingering at the jewel shining between his cheeks. "Especially that," he rasped.
"What a good boy," Steve purred. He wrapped one arm around Eddie's waist as he slowly played with the plug. "Don't move, baby."
Eddie nodded, swallowing a whine as Steve's hand moved away long enough for the unzipping of his pants to ring out in the small space. He resumed, pressing the plug in and out a few times before removing it completely.
Steve paused momentarily before reaching around until it hovered next to Eddie's mouth. "Hold this for me?"
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delicatebaby777 · 2 months ago
I just hope this woman is having a wonderful day omg. .
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wheneverfeasible · 5 months ago
I think the greatest thing I’m proud of is calling Eddie Munson “master in the streets, puppet in the sheets” on a reply to another post and everyone including OP getting a kick out of it.
*in the tone of Captain Holt* VALIDATIOOOOOON!!
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meatmutt-nsfw · 7 months ago
just wanted to make a post that highlights my nsfw AO3 works from 2023-present:
• 2 Minutes to Midnight | Eddie Munson [bottom!Eddie X top!m!reader]
• Patrol Visits | Dick Grayson [Gotham Knights!bottom!Dick X top!m!reader]
• He is Kinda Girly | Leon Kennedy [RE2!bottom!Leon X straight?m!reader]
• Ten Seconds to Love | Eddie Munson [dom!Eddie X jock!reader]
• Devil's Child | Eddie Munson [bottom!Eddie X college student!m!top!reader]
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blondeeyeskiller333 · 26 days ago
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honeygloomed · 8 months ago
in the wings
“Steve Harrington is a simple man. He likes sports and beer and grilling when it’s too hot to wear a shirt. Fast cars and nice shoes. Pretty boys. One in particular.”
: ̗̀➛ steve harrington x eddie munson
: ̗̀➛ explicit
: ̗̀➛ 2.3k words & completed
: ̗̀➛ dom steve harrington, sub eddie munson, top steve harrington, bottom eddie munson, bdsm, blindfolds, spanking, objectification, established relationship, porn what plot/porn without plot
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cuips-not-cute · 1 year ago
“Spit in my mouth,” Eddie says. They can’t kiss but maybe he can still taste.
“What?” Steve looks truly bewildered. “Spit in your—“
“Please?” Eddie says, too deep now to recover. “If it’s too freaky then, like—“
“No,” Steve considers, looks him up and down. “’S not freaky, you little weirdo. Freaky was you suckin’ on my underwear. This is just plain gross.”
Eddie’s cheeks burn a bright shade of red. He can see the flush on his nose, even, and then he stops looking there because Steve laughs at how his eyes have gone crossed.
“Forget it,” Eddie says, feeling a bit sick with how nicely shame wraps around him, heavy like a downy blanket. “Was a dumb idea.”
“I didn’t say that,” Steve’s fingers pinch, two sticky ones and a thumb, tugging at the skin of his nipple. They pinch and they pull, hard, and Eddie’s mouth drops open in a yelp, dick twitching against the meat of Steve’s ass and that’s when Steve, beautiful, clever Steve, takes his opportunity.
He spits.
from chapter 5 of my fic, blinking red light. click for subby eddie and angsty, sexy videotapes❤️
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steddie-luvr · 2 years ago
just thinking about how steve loves eating eddie’s pussy.
like most of the time, he doesn’t need to physically get off. just making eddie writhe and squirm and sob beneath him makes him happy.
he loves licking and kissing and slurping him, loves leaving finger-shaped bruises on his inner thighs and hips.
he loves hearing eddie’s whimpers and whines and groans and moans, loves hearing him cry out in absolute pleasure because of him.
he could eat him for hours if eddie would let him. loves when his pussy gets so wet and messy and sloppy with cum and spit and slick. he loves seeing his pussy get puffy and red from overuse.
eddie loves looking down between his thighs and seeing steve get lost in the pleasure of eating him. his eyes closed, mouth delving into the heat between his legs. he loves seeing how it physically affects him — face flushed, pupils blown wide, hard cock trapped in his pants.
yet, he never focuses on his own pleasure. it’s always about eddie and wanting to please him with his mouth, himself being a second thought.
most of the time, he grinds his hips into the mattress as he goes down on eddie, the mere thought and action of pleasing him and slurping him getting him off.
eddie winds his hands into steve’s hair, pushing his face even more into his pussy, — if that’s even possible — grinding his clit on the tip of steve’s nose. it’s always so good.
steve will moan and hum into his cunt, tongue laving up slick and spit and sweat and cum. he loves the taste of eddie, always has. loves making eye contact with eddie above him, loves seeing his face as he watches him eating him up like the last fucking supper.
if he could die between eddie’s legs, he would. he can’t find a better way to die. eddie’s addicting and he can concur that eddie feels the exact same way about him.
eddie loves when steve overstimulates him, makes him cum over and over and over. loves when his muscles are overused, skin sweat-slick, tear tracks on his face, thighs and legs shaking.
while steve just keeps going — eating. almost as if his mouth and face is sewn in between his legs.
after each time eddie cums, steve kisses all around his inner thighs and pubic bone, hands caressing him before making his way back to his priority.
after about the second or third time of steve eating him out for over an hour, eddie finally understood why all the girls of Hawkins were so head over heels for this man — why and how his reputation came to be.
it’s beautiful, really. both of them wanting the other to feel loved and cared for, wanting the other to feel euphoric.
Tags: @astrayeddie @eiddets @ineffableoutpost @stupid4steddie @steddie-steddie @steddiestains @munsonsleftnut
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klausinamarink · 11 months ago
Recapturing The Sunset
written for @subeddieweek | day 2: first times
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“What should we do now?”
Eddie almost jumped in his seat. Steve was still staring out to the horizon. It was dark now, save for the faint blue colors at the bottom. More stars poked through, almost in resemblance to Steve’s moles. Eddie still couldn’t forget the abrupt dryness in his mouth when Steve had stood up and taken off his sweater at Lover’s Lake, his muscled and mole-decorated back exposed to Eddie’s homosexual eyes like the queer metal gods wanted to give Eddie a good moment in his life before the Upside Down advanced on him.
Eddie coughed in a vain attempt to distract himself from his mental tangent and the sudden discomfort in his jeans.
“Uhh,” he said smartly. 
read on ao3!
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delicatebaby777 · 2 months ago
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notobviouskass · 1 year ago
So I was thinking about something like Eddie appears barely conscious, crawling out of the upside down through Steve’s pool. Steve sees him because he can't sleep and is walking around his house when he hears the noise. Obviously Steve heals him and takes care of him daily, in the process they become a couple because Eddie is very cute and Steve is not blind. When Eddie is fine, Steve has become so possessive and is so scared of what they (the people and others) might do to Eddie that he doesn't tell anyone that he is alive (not even the party) and doesn't let him leave his house. And when he asks for leaving and Steve says “no” he looks at him with his big Bambi eyes like “ok but then don’t leave” and obviously Steve stays because Eddie is pretty and hot and sexy and funny and a lot of things but mostly Eddie is his dirty little secret.
I’m sorry but I really think of Eddie like a precious bottom material and someone please write this so I don’t have to.
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