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koshercosplay · 7 months ago
statler and waldorf aka the two old gay men from the muppets but what if they were old jews following me around and heckling me when I'm late for shabbat
is this anything
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ginger-snap-talkin-nonsense · 2 months ago
Statler: "If your daughter voted for Trump, what would you spend her inheritance on?"
Waldorf: "A new daughter!"
Both: "Dohohohohoho!"
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aokozaki · 1 year ago
Statler and Wardolf but when they both "Dohohohohoho!" the Umineko Witch Cackle gets played over it.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years ago
NGL, I really like the 'yeah you work at my lavish kinky sex parties, but our working relationship is totally normal, respectful and possibly even friendly' dynamic with Evander and those who provide services to said gatherings
Like sure, Yeshe and Coral and The Brewer and The Bouncer have certainly all seen some Very Interesting Things at these parties... but what happens in Evander's gardens, stays in Evander's gardens
...At the same time, I like to think of these characters absolutely talking smack about the canon characters from the sidelines like Statler and Waldorf 😂
Yeshe: "My goodness, I didn't know the good doctor had it in him."
Coral: "Well he sure does have it in him now!"
Both: "Dohohohohoho!"
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tokufan400 · 9 months ago
Statler: Why hasn't the Joker just killed us yet? Waldorf: He says he want's to torutur us. Statler: With thiese jokes, I think he's doing a good job! Both: Dohohohohoho!
Oh God now I'm imagining Statler and Waldorf vs Joker. That poor man wouldn't last five minutes XD
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widowsistersandfriends · 2 years ago
Grocery Store Shenanigans
Summary: You go with Natasha and Yelena to the grocery store after a little convincing. What you thought would be a boring day turned into a day full of laughter and surprises. Natasha x Yelena x teenReader!
Note: This was just an idea that came into my head last night, so I decided to write it out!
Warnings: There is a small part where foods are referenced to in a dirty way
Word Count: 2200
As the newest member of the Avenger family, you were like the little sister that everyone always wanted. You had grown especially close with Natasha and Yelena. They were the perfect big sisters. Always there to protect, and always there to tickle you. It was the perfect combo. 
You were sitting on the couch reading, when Yelena came up and approached you.
“Come on Y/N, Natasha and I are going grocery shopping and you’re coming with us!” Yelena said, smirking at your reaction.
You groaned while facepalming and closing your book.
“Why do I have to go shopping with you guys? It’s not even fun shopping. Why can’t I stay home?” You asked, glaring slightly.
“Because we want to spend time with you, and it’s a great way to annoy you,” Natasha said, entering the room and throwing your coat on you.
You yanked it off in annoyance, messing your hair up, much to their amusement. 
“Stop laughing at me,” you pouted.
“Then get up and fix your hair and put on your coat,” Yelena said, still giggling at your state.
“Make me,” you said, throwing your coat on the ground and standing up to face the blonde. 
“Make you?” Make you go grocery shopping with us? Sure, Y/N!” Yelena said, tackling you back on the couch and calling Natasha over to tickle you to pieces. 
Yelena held your arms over your head while Natasha came over to sit on your waist.
“No no no, please! Don’t do it!” You cried, already squirming and giggling in anticipation. 
Oh it’s too late for that now,” Natasha said, smirking down at you. With that, she spidered her fingers all over your sides and stomach, causing you to burst into giggles.
“Nohohohohoho stahahahahap ihihihi dihihihidn’t dohohohohoho ahahahanythihihing,” you giggled out.
“Except be a brat and practically beg for us to tickle you to pieces,” Yelena said, reaching down with one hand to tickle your underarms.
“HAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE,” you laughed, unable to squirm or get away. 
Natasha was now placing quick pokes over the front of your ribs, a spot she knew you couldn’t stand. Much to her expectation, the words that came out of your mouth were no surprise to her.
“OHOHOKAHAY STAHAHAHAP PLEHEHEHEASE IHIHIHIHI CAHAHANT STAHAHAHAND IHIHIT,” you squealed, shutting your eyes tight and waiting for the torture to be over.
“Are you gonna come grocery shopping with us?” Yelena asked, tickling lightly under your chin.
“YEHEHEHES STAHAHAHAP,” you shouted, as the two older girls ceased their tickling, allowing you to curl up and catch your breath.
“Wow all that over going grocery shopping?” Yelena asked, grinning down at your flushed cheeks. 
You merely rolled your eyes, now too exhausted to even get up, never mind go out and walk around.
“Get up Y/N, or do we have to go for round two?” Natasha threatened, coming over and wiggling her fingers above you.
“AAAAAAHHH NO,” you screamed out, quickly sitting upright while the two girls laughed at your reaction.
“I didn’t even touch you,” Natasha said while giggling.
“Whatever,” you said, putting your coat on and finally getting into the car.
“Kids in the back,” Natasha ordered, looking at both you and Yelena. 
“Hey I’m not a child!” Yelena exclaimed, quickly trying to pull at the front door handle, a split second too late after Natasha locked it with her keys. 
Natasha smirked triumphantly, holding the keys just out of Yelena’s reach.
The blonde began to reach out and grab for the keys to unlock the door, as Natasha laughed and continued holding it out of her reach.
You watched from the side, knowing better than to get involved. Being a teen, you were technically still a child so you weren’t about to start a fight you couldn’t win. 
Faster than light, Natasha reached out to quickly squeeze Yelena’s side, causing the blonde to yelp and pull her arm down.
“You jerk! I’m not letting go of this car handle until you unlock it!” Yelena said, turning her chin up to her sister.
“Oh really?” Natasha questioned, shoving both her hands into Yelena’s armpits, causing the blonde to shriek and pull away.
“OK OK IHIHIHI GIHIHIHIVE,” the blonde yelled, crumpling to the ground.
“Now get up and sit in the back like a good child,” Natasha said, smiling as the blonde griped to herself.
You were already sitting in the back, behind the passenger seat. The blonde entered through the other side, glaring at you as you giggled.
“Wow you gave in faster than I did,” you smirked at her. 
“Shut up,” the blonde responded, while pouting and crossing her arms. 
Natasha now got in and drove you guys to the grocery store. For the most part, you guys chatted about whatever came up. Eventually, it was silent and you started feeling mischievous.
The blonde was looking out the window, so she wasn’t paying attention. You reached over and began to jellyfish her knees. The blonde jerked her leg away, while pushing at your hands. 
“Y/N stop it right now!” Yelena said, trying to contain her giggles. 
“GAH!” You cried out, as the blonde retaliated by jabbing you in the ribs. 
The blonde then went for the kill, sneaking her hand up your shirt to tickle your bare back.
You jerked and squirmed wildly, knowing that she had you beat.
“YELEHEHEHENAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAP,” you whined, not expecting this to be the way it went.
“Never,” the blonde replied, amused at your crazy laughter and violent squirming. 
“Can you two go five minutes without causing chaos?” Natasha asked, as you guys finally arrived at the store.
“I’m free!” You cried, quickly undoing your seatbelt and running away from Yelena.
“That will teach you,” the blonde said, as you huffed.
The three of you walked around various aisles, looking for many items, as the fridge was pretty much empty at this point.
“Let’s go to the mac and cheese aisle,” Yelena suggested.
“There’s no such thing as a mac and cheese aisle,” you argued.
“Why not? It’s the best food on the planet? How could they not dedicate an entire aisle, or even store to it?” Natasha said, sarcastically.
“See?!?! Natasha agrees—,” the blonde stopped quickly, realizing that Natasha was just messing with her.
“YOU!” Yelena shouted, charging at the redhead.
Natasha defended herself easily, knowing all of Yelena’s go-to fight moves.
“No creating a ruckus at the grocery store, little one,” Natasha reminded the blonde. 
You guys continued walking around, as Yelena quickly pulled you aside while in the produce section.
“Let’s get revenge on Natasha. She’s been winning all day and we can’t have that,” Yelena explained.
“But won’t we get in trouble?” You questioned, wondering if maybe Yelena liked being tickled as much as you did.
“It’s fine, it’s two against one. We can beat her,” the blonde assured you.
“Well, okay. But if this thing goes south it’s on you,” you warned the blonde, as she messed up your hair before whispering the plan to you.
“Natasha we need eggplant, lots and lots of eggplant,” Yelena shouted, dumping ten eggplants into the cart.
“Yelena, since when do you eat eggplant?” Natasha said with a quizzical look.
“I love the shape,” Yelena merely said, before running off to find other stuff to put in the cart. 
You came over a few moments later, dropping some watermelons in the cart.
“Mama needs some good melons,” you said, plopping them down.
You avoided eye contact with the redhead, knowing that you would start laughing at any minute.
The redhead shook her head, knowing what you two were up to.
The blonde came back with pickles now, as the redhead snatched the jar from her.
“And since when did you eat pickles?” Natasha asked, raising an eyebrow at the younger girl.
“I like the juice that comes from it,” Yelena said, as if it was obvious.
The blonde tried to take off after that, knowing that Natasha knew what you two were up to. Before she could, the redhead grabbed the back of her sister’s neck, causing the blonde to snort and giggle, while desperately trying to get away.
“Nope, you’re not going anywhere. Not until your little partner comes back,” Natasha said, as Yelena continued to suffer.
You came back with a handful of peaches, seeing the torture that Yelena was going through.
“Y/N sahahahahave mehehehehehe,” Yelena giggled, scrunching her shoulders up while giggling hysterically.
“Y/N, return the peaches back to where they came from. We both know you two don’t eat peaches,” Natasha warned, giving you ‘the look.’
You knew you were already in trouble with Natasha, so putting the peaches back wouldn’t do anything. You decided to have a little more fun before you would be absolutely wrecked.
You put the peaches in the cart, looking straight into Natasha’s eyes.
“These peaches look really juicy, if you know what I mean,” you said, shooting a wink at the redhead.
“That’s it,” Natasha said, grabbing both of you and pinning you two to the ground.
“NO NATASHA NOT IN PUBLIC,” you yelled, not realizing that you were already making a scene.
“Eh, you’ll be fine,” Natasha replied, using one hand for each of your bellies. She shook her hands into your stomachs, causing you two to belly laugh.
“NATAHAHAHAHASHA PLEHEHEHEASE,” you begged, as Yelena was busy trying to kick her sister away.
Natasha just used her hand to squeeze Yelena’s knee, causing the blonde to cackle with laughter. 
Natasha felt bad, as she had already wrecked you earlier, and knew that Yelena was definitely the ringleader of these shenanigans. So she let you up, much to your relief.
“Now Y/N, you come here and help me tickle Yelena to pieces, okay? Unless you want to be tickled again,” Natasha warned, after you had a moment of hesitation.
“Okay fine I’ll help,” you quickly agreed.
“Y/N, don’t you dare!” Yelena cried, as Natasha began to tickle her ribs and you went down to get her feet. At this point, you guys didn’t care who was staring. This was more important than a few weird looks.
“NOHOHOHOHO HAHAHAHAHAHA LEHEHEHET MEHEHEHEE GOHOHOHO,” Yelena cried out, as Natasha just shook her head.
“I know you roped Y/N into going along with your jokes,” Natasha said, as the blonde just scrunched her nose up and continued laughing.
You continued tickling her feet, making sure to get her toes, which earned you a loud scream of laughter. 
Natasha lightly tickled her sides, asking if she had given up yet.
“Yehehehehes plehehehehease nohohohoho mohohohore,” Yelena breathlessly giggled.
“What do you think, Y/N? Should we let her go?” The redhead asked you.
“Y/N ahahaha ihihif you dohohont stahahahap I’ll gehehet you a thousahahahand tihihimes worse!” the blonde barely managed to get out.
“Okay fine, I’ll be nice,” you said, letting the blonde up.
After the blonde caught her breath, you three finally resumed shopping, now getting all the things you needed and nothing extra. Well, maybe a pack of Oreos or two that you and Yelena had snuck in.
The three of you got back into the car, as you were exhausted and now wanted to go straight home.
“Alright, Y/N, we have one more stop to make,” Natasha said, looking in the rearview mirror.
“What? I thought you said we were just going grocery shopping,” you groaned.
“Don’t worry Y/N, I think you’ll like this,” Natasha said smiling. 
You rode in the car with high suspicions, until you guys finally arrived.
“Here we are, Y/N!” Natasha announced.
“The shoe store? For what?” You asked.
“To get the pair of shoes you wanted!” Yelena said, as a big smile spread across your face.
“Really?!?” You exclaimed, quickly getting out of the car.
You three went inside and found the pair of shoes you had been wanting.
“Wow, these are amazing! Thank you guys so much!” You said excitedly.
“Anything for you, little one,” the two sisters said.
You tried on some different pairs, trying to find the right size and color you wanted. Meanwhile, Yelena was up to no good again.
“Natasha, you seem tired, let me massage you,” the blonde said,kneading Natasha’s shoulders. The redhead immediately scrunched up, trying to get away. Yelena knew she hated this, so it was the perfect revenge. 
“YELENA! Sthahahahp ihihihit,” Natasha cried out, squirming out of her sister’s grasp.
“Take your time, Y/N! I still have a lot to do,” Yelena called out. You smiled to yourself and continued looking for the right pair.
Yelena was now full on wrecking her sister, and her laughter could be heard throughout the store. The second hand embarrassment got to you, so you quickly found the right pair and got it.
You quickly got them to leave the store, as watching someone being tickled was way more embarrassing for you. You thanked them again for the shoes and you three went home to rest. What you thought was going to be a boring day turned out to be a day full of laughs and a nice little surprise at the end. You couldn’t have asked for better big sisters.
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fluffywings13 · 4 years ago
Of Predators And Prey
This is for @wolfiegirl625-2 I hope you like it my friend!
“Well, well, well, what have we here?” Keigo lands on the roof top lightly, a bounce in his step as he walks towards the edge of the building, hopping down onto the fire escape platform. “Could it be that the pesky little vigilante we’ve been chasing for the last thirteen months was fouled up by something as innocent as a misstep on a fire escape platform?”
The teen, they suspected it was a teen by his height and mannerisms, they knew by now that the pesky vigilante was a male, is dangling upside down, ankle caught in the bars of the fire escape platform, well and truly stuck and, oddly enough, barefoot.
“Where’re your boots, mouse?” He plops down by that foot, crossing his legs in front of him, resting his elbows on his knees, and chin on his hands. “You shouldn’t be running around barefoot, that’s a dangerous game to play.”
“I lost’em.” The captured vigilante gripes softly, pushing at the underside of the grate platform with his free foot, huffing when his predicament doesn’t change in the slightest. “Be my hero and help me out?”
“I dunno, squirt, you’ve been a right pain in my ass for the last year and some change. Maybe this is the universe finally letting me get my revenge.” Keigo grins slightly as he reaches over his left shoulder, pulling his wing around slightly, and plucks a small feather free. “Who am I to pass up the universe presenting me with my cold hard revenge.” He strokes the tip of the feather over the length of the boy’s sole and grins wider when the teenager shrieks. “Did you just shriek? Am I wrong or does this pesky little vigilante have a ticklish lil footsie here for the taking?”
“No! I don’t! Help me fucking down!” The cat themed vigilante kicks at the underside of the platform with his free foot. “This ain’t funny birdbrain!”
“I’m not the one who’s laughing.” Hawks teases as he threads his feather between the pests second and third toes. “That’s you.” He saws his feather back and forth and the teen squeals with laughter, toes wiggling wildly, other foot kicking at the platform desperately. “Someone’s got some ticklish toesies.”
“I dohohoho nohohohot! Eeeee ahahahahhahahahha stohohohhohoop!” (I do not! Stop!) The vigilante’s captured foot jerks slightly but doesn’t budge any more then that. “Hahahahahahawks! Stohohohohoop! Whyhyhyhyhyhyhy!” (Hawks! Stop! Why!)
“Why?” The hero scratches at the pad of the teen’s big toe with the quill tip of the feather. “Because this predator likes to play with his prey before he eats it.” He reaches over his shoulder for a feather from his right wing, and scratches at the arch of the foot before him with the quills of both feathers, smiling when the pesky vigilante squeals with laughter. “Who knew our troublesome little baby bird has such ticklish footsies and toesies. If I’d known this all that time ago, I bet I’d have been able to get you to turn yourself in, easy peesy.”
“Stohohohop! Nohohot thehehehere! Nohohot thehehe tohohoes!” (Stop! Not there! Not the toes!) the teen squeals when the two feathers thread between his last four toes. “Noohohohoho! Plehehehease!”
“Please what?” The teen wants to growl at the amusement on the hero’s voice. “Please tickle my little toesies?” Keigo moves his feathers back and forth between the teens toes and grins when he squeals and cackles. “With pleasure.”
“Nohohoho! Thahahats nohohohot whahahahahat I meheheheeaahahahant!” (No! That’s not what I mean!) those toes wiggle wildly. “Gehehehet thehehehem ohohohout! Plehehehehease geheheheet thehehehem ohohohout!” (Get them out! Please get them out!)
“I’ll tell you what.” Hawks intones lightly, mercifully pulling his feathers out from between the ticklish vigilante’s toes, and flicks them over the teen’s sole instead. “We’ll do our interrogation here, you answer my questions, and I’ll stay away from your ticklish little toesies, but you get stubborn or refuse to answer, those ticklish toesies get the feathers, capiche?”
It takes them youth a minute or two to get his breathing under control before he growls. “I don’t fucking—eeieieaiaahahahahahhahaahhahaa nohohoho plehehehehease! Ohohohohohokahahhay! Ohohokay! I’ll dohohohohoho ihihihit! Nohohot thehehehe tohohoes!” (No please! Okay! Okay! I’ll do it! Not the toes!)
“That’s cute, you thought I was honestly asking.” The hero curls his index finger around the youths big toe and pulls it back, brushing his feathers over the pads of all five toes and the teen squeals brightly, bubbly boisterous laughter filling the alleyway. “No, I meant, I’m going to interrogate you, you be anything less then forthcoming, and these little toesies are going to face the feathers.”
Their pesky vigilante giggles when he pulls his feather back and he sees him nod through the openings in the platform grate. “Ohohokay! Ohohokay! Juhuhust nohohot thehehe tohohoes! (Okay! Okay! Just not the toes!)
“Good choice. You answer my questions and these toesie woesies are safe.” Hawks fishes in his pocket for a voice recorder, presses the record button, and sets it down next to him. “First question; what’s your name?”
“Why do—eeieieahahahahahahahahahhaa nohohoho Ihihihi’ll sahahahahay ihihihi wihihihill! Nohohot theheheehe feheheheather! Nohohohot theheheehe tohohohoes!” (No I’ll say I will! Not the feather! Not the toes!)
The hero grins. “Then you better give me your name.”
The teen giggles wildly for a few minutes before getting his breathing under control. “Midoriya Izuku.”
Don’t ever let it be said that Keigo never decides to be an asshole sometimes (those toesies were just too good to pass up) as he grins. “Next question; what’s my favorite color?”
“I don’t fucking know—eieieeahahahhahaahhahaha ahahahahhahaahahhahaa nohohoho thihihihis ihihihisnt fahahahair! Hohohow ahahahaham ihihihi suhuhuhuposed tohoho knohohohohow thahahahat! Gehehehet thehehehem ohohohout! Nohohohot thehehehere! Nohohohot thehehehe tohohohoes!” (No this isn’t fair! How am I supposed to know that! Get them out! Not there! Not the toes!)
Hawks stretches his legs out, no ceasing his torturing of those little toesies in the slightest, in fact he threads another feather between the last two untouched toes and smiles when the pesky youth—Midoriya Izuku—squeals with laughter as his toes wiggle again. “Better start guessing then.”
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trashyswitch · 5 years ago
Chase’s Wake Up Call
Chase is feeling off. He’s too bored to think of anything to do, too sad to do anything, and too tired to attempt anything. All he wants to do, is sleep all day.
But Jackie, is not going to allow a gloomy Chase to walk around (more like sleep around) the house all day! Chase needs a wake up call! And Jackie knows just what to do!
Chase walked into the living room, slumped over with a blanket on his back. He walked up to the nearest couch, and collapsed onto it. Chase was in a weird funk. He was bored, tired and sad at the same time. He couldn’t think of anything to do, which made him sad. He considered going for a walk, but he was tired. He considered drinking some whiskey to get the sadness away, but the relief wouldn’t last. He needed a serious pick me up.
He was laying on his stomach with his face smooched into the cushions, and a blanket on his back. So, he didn’t realize that Jackie had flown above him, and noticed his funk. He flew himself down to Chase’s field of view.
“You don’t look good buddy.” Jackie commented.
“I’m not.” Chase mumbled in the cushions. Jackie went into a sitting position and floated down beside him.
“What’s making you blue?” Jackie asked.
“I don’t know.” Chase mumbled. Jackie lifted an eyebrow.
“Well, something’s gotta be bringing you down.” Jackie stated.
Chase mentally rolled his eyes and shifted his head.
“Why don’t you go for a walk? You tend to go for walks whenever you feel gloomy.” Jackie suggested.
“I’m tired.” Chase replied.
Jackie lifted both eyebrows in surprise. This is one serious funk... “Do you want me to get you some ice cream? We have some in the freezer.” Jackie suggested. Chase thought about it, but shrugged his shoulders. At this point, he didn’t care.
“Oh! What about some coffee?” Jackie suggested.
Chase lifted an eyebrow. A coffee? At 2 o’clock in the afternoon? Why bother? All Chase felt like doing right now, was sleeping the day away.
“I just wanna sleep.” Chase mumbled. Jackie’s face fell, but he shrugged it off.
“Okay. Whatever you say. Have a good sleep.” Jackie replied, before flying away.
A few hours later:
Jackie came to check up on his tired friend. He looked at the couch, to see a sleeping Chase, but with the blanket knocked off him. He must’ve been kicking or moving in his sleep, to lose his blanket like that. He seemed so comfortable. He must’ve been beyond exhausted to be sleeping this long. But, Jackie decided that enough was enough. It was time for him to wake up.
He flew over top of the sleeping body, and thought of how he was gonna wake him up. He thought of just shaking him awake, but that would’ve been boring. He wanted something fun! He thought about using a pillow. That seemed like the better choice. He grabbed a decorative pillow that was nearby, and readied the pillow behind his back. But, just as he was about to throw it at the man, a tiny feather (probably from the pillow) came floating down in front of him. Jackie paused his plan and watched the feather float to the ground. When the tiny feather touched the hardwood floor, a lightbulb went off above his head.
Placing the pillow back where it was, he quietly flew to the arts and crafts closet and opened the door. He looked around in the different bins and craft items, and came across a ziplock bag of multicoloured feathers from the dollar store. He grabbed a wide purple fluffy feather, and a narrow yellow stiff feather. Then, he put the bin back, and few over to the couch once again. He looked Chase up and down, to figure out where he wanted to try the feathers first. While looking down, he couldn’t help but notice that Chase’s feet were bare. That single sight had sparked some intense mischief inside of him.
So, he flew to the end of the couch, and put away the purple feather. He lowered his feather to the sole of his left foot, and waited for the touchdown. When he felt the tip touch the sole, he quickly fluttered it back and forth.
Chase pulled his foot away and paused his breathing for a second. Jackie pulled his feather back and covered his mouth to keep himself from laughing. After a couple seconds of suspenseful waiting, Chase relaxed his feet and started breathing again. Jackie slowly uncovered his mouth and reached his feather back onto his foot. Once it touched, he fluttered it back and forth again.
This time, Chase let out a squeak and pulled his feet back once again. Jackie looked up, and noticed Chase was trying to squeeze his eyes shut, and stop the little smile showing up on his lips. Growing more and more determined to wake him up, Jackie decided to go all out. He grabbed Chase’s foot, and fluttered the feather back and forth on his sole.
Chase let out a high pitched squeal. “Hehehehey! Whahahahahat are yohohohou dohohohohohoing?” Chase asked through his laughter.
“I’m waking you! Wakey-wakey, sleepyhead!” Jackie cooed, moving the feather to Chase’s inner arch.
“GAHahahahahahaha! Wait! Plehehehease! Hahahahaha!” Chase yelled, kicking his free foot as he curled into a ball.
“Please? Please what?” Jackie asked.
“Tihihihihickle mehehehehehehe!” Chase pleaded.
“Oooh! Please tickle me! Why, I’d LOVE to tickle you!” Jackie teased, dropping the feather and using his fingernails to tickle Chase’s feet more.
“I’m sorry, what was that? That wasn’t what you meant?” Jackie asked. Chase shook his head hysterically.
“No? No as in ‘No, that’s not what I meant’? Or no as in ‘No! That’s wrong’? Please be more specific.” Jackie asked curiously.
“FORMER! THEHEHEHE FOHOHOHOHORMER!” Chase replied frantically.
Jackie gasped. “Oooooh! I think I get it! You didn’t mean this much tickles...” Jackie started. Chase would’ve let out a sigh of relief if he wasn’t laughing right now. “You meant EVEN MORE TICKLES!” Jackie proclaimed. Chase’s eyes practically bounced right out of his skull.
Jackie lifted his eyebrows in pure surprise.
“Huh...And I was considering going easy on you...Welp, that’s thrown out the window now. Get ready for the climax!” Jackie declared, wiggling his fingers teasingly and flying upwards. Chase watched Jackie carefully, ready to strike when the moment hit. But suddenly, when Jackie dived his entire body down to attack, Chase yelped and curled into a cowardly ball. Chase’s eyes were shut, and his teeth were clenched. He was ready.
But...nothing happened. Realizing this, Chase opened one of the eyes, and saw a face full of Jackie with his hood. Jackie gave Chase a big smile, and dug his fingers into his stomach.
“EEEEEKK! AAAhahahahahahaha!” Chase laughed, turning onto his back and swinging his arms every which way. Jackie stopped his fingers for a second, and dug his fingers into Chase’s hips next.
“OH NOOOOOHOHOHOOHO! JAHAHAHAHAHACKIEEE!” Chase called through his intensified laughter. Suddenly, the tickling stopped, and some more tickling had started again: on his feet once more. Jackie had flown away, grabbed both feet and spidered them with tons of tickles.
“For the love of gahahahahahahad! Too much! Tohohohohoo muhuhuhuhuch!” Chase warned through his bouncy laughter.
Jackie kept on tickling a certain place on his body for a few seconds, before switching things up and trying a new spot. It was like Jackie was teleporting in and out from every angle he could, covering different areas of skin with tickles. With this new method of tickling, Chase’s laughter bounced from hard to soft, from cackles to giggles, from sudden squeals to unexpected snorts, and from normal pitched to high pitched. It was odd being able to hear all the sounds Chase’s voice could make. They were bits and pieces, but it was adorable!
“What’s this? A ticklish neck? How unusual? Perhaps I could put my glorious facial hair to good use?”
“Ooooh! I see some ticklish little ribsies! Let’s see: How many ribs are there in the human body? I could ask Henrik, but I’m afraid he’s busy! So, we’ll have to find out ourself!”
“Is this what I think it is? You’ve seen it here folks! Mr. Brody here, has ticklish armpits! It would be a shame if someone were to expose such secretive information.”
“Would you take a look at this belly button! So small! So deep!...and so ticklish! Aaaa coochy-coochy-coo! Aaaa coochy-coochy-coochy-coochy-coo!......Aaaaaaaa coochy-coochy-coochy-coochy-coochy-coochy-coochy-coochy-coo!”
And the teasing! Dear god the teasing! It was killing Chase!
Meanwhile, Jackie had took a mental note of the spot that made his favourite laugh: the titters, giggles and snorts. You’re probably wondering: what’s a titter? Well, it’s another word for a ‘short, half suppressed laugh’. That’s right people! Chase would let out suppressed laughs, snort in between, and burst into giggles! Who knew such an adorable laugh existed?! Certainly not Jackie. Jackie had come back to the feet for a bit, before trying out the back of his knee. This was the moment Jackie just about died from cuteness overload. It was like seeing a newborn puppy whimper for the first time!
For the final spot, Jackie wanted to try out the back of the knee and get that adorable laugh one more time. Using the yellow feather, he fluttered it back and forth on the back of his knee.
“Pffffff! *snort* Hehehehehehehe! Plehehehehehease! *Snort* I’m behehehegging yohohohou!” Chase pleaded, ground pounding the couch and shaking his head wildly. By now, Chase’s hair had gone messy, his hat was on the floor, and his shirt had remained risen up from Jackie’s tickle session on the belly button.
“Okay, okay, okay. I’ll stop.” Jackie heartened, slowing his feather, placing it onto the couch’s arm chair and flying away from him to give him space. Chase laid on the couch in the fetal position, letting out the leftover giggles that were trapped in his lungs. His hair was messy and standing up in a few places, and he had a wobbly smile that wouldn’t go away no matter what he did.
“You feeling better?” Jackie asked, floating closer.
Chase turned to Jackie and smiled wider. “Yes, thank you. Though, I lost my hat.” Chase said, looking around the couch.
Jackie looked down, and found the hat on the ground. He picked it up, dusted it off and reached it out for Chase.
“Thanks...” Chase said, grabbing both the hat and his arm along with it. Confused, Jackie was gonna say something. But he ended up being interrupted by his own yelp, as Chase pulled his arm towards him and locked him into his arms.
“Your turn!” Chase announced confidently, holding Jackie in his arms.
“What?! I did this to wake you up! I’m already awake!” Jackie argued.
“Good! That means you’re ready for this then!” Chase clarified, digging his fingers into Jackie’s bottom ribs.
“BAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! CHAHAHAHAHASE! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Jackie exploded,squirming back and forth like a mad man and throwing his head back against Chase’s shoulder.
“My my my! What ticklish ribs you have! It would be a shame if a bad guy were to find out this secretive information.” Chase teased, smirking at his evil words.
Jackie yelped at the threat. “NOHOHOHOHO! PLEHEHEHEASE DOHOHOHOHOHON’T! DON’T TEHEHEHELL THEHEHEHEM!” Jackie begged, squirming growing more and more frantic.
“Oh don’t you worry, damsel in distress: I’ll keep your secret.” Chase replied, winking before digging his fingers into Jackie’s hips.
Jackie let out an ear piercing squeal, and bursted out into high pitched giggles.
“Goodness gracious! You’ve got some deep hips! I’d better dig a little deeper! zzzZZZZZZZZ! ZZZZZZZZZ! ZZZ! ZZZ! ZZZ! zzzzZZZZZZzzzz!” Chase teased, making electric drilling noises as he dug both fingers deeper and out of Jackie’s hips.
“EEEEEEEEKK! COME OHOHOHOHON! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!” Jackie pleaded desperately as he squirmed wildly.
“I’m almost done drilling! I just need to make the circles a little bigger! Alright?” Chase explained, before digging deeper and drawing circles with his fingers.
Jackie threw his head back and gasped, before letting out an ear-piercing scream. “YAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! CHAHAHAHAHAHAHASE!” Jackie screamed.
“Whaaaat? Is it too much? I thought a strong superhero like you could handle this?” Chase teased with an evil smirk.
“Oh! You CAN handle it? That’s great! Cause there’s a one more spot I want to try before I stop.” Chase replied, removing his fingers before picking him up bridal style.
With Jackie safely secured in his arms, Chase lowered Jackie onto the couch and quickly grabbed his feet.
“W-Wait! Not...my feet...please...I’ll go...insane...” Jackie begged through his breaths. Chase ignored him at first, focusing on removing the red socks off his feet.
Chase glanced up at the man, and started to feel a bit bad. So, he decided to take pity on him. He looked around, and noticed the yellow feather from earlier, lying on the floor. He picked it up, and showed the superhero.
“Look what I found?” Chase asked, spinning the feather in a mesmerizing manner.
Jackie gulped, and felt his face darken into a darker shade of red.
“Any last words?” Chase asked, lowering the feather closer and closer to the left foot.
Jackie’s giggling got worse, the closer the feather came. Waiting for the touchdown was torture in and of itself, let alone the tickling that was gonna go with it. Jackie kept his mouth shut as he stared nervously at the feather.
“Well in that case, let’s get on with it!” Chase declared, fluttering the feather against Jackie’s soles.
Jackie let out an insane amount of titters and giggles. When Chase moved the feather to the inner arch, Jackie just about lost it! He threw his head back and let out long fits of cackles. Squirming wildly, he kicked his feet and practically eradicated the couch with his fists alone. Chase’s jaw dropped. Who knew a superhero could express such reckless behaviour?
“Wow! Who knew a superhero could hold such aggression?” Chase teased.
Jackie would’ve replied, but his laughter was stopping him! He couldn’t reply, he couldn’t push away, he couldn’t even tickle back! Chase was just out of reach! The only thing he could do, was laugh and laugh and laugh. And he...actually loved it! He loved being in this position!
“Okay. How about these tiny toesies? Are they ticklish, by any chance?” Chase asked in a baby voice as he examined his toes up close.
Jackie looked away from the man, his face a deep scarlet hue.
Instead of asking again, he answered his own question by fluttering the feather under his toes.
Jackie let out another squeal, and burst out into hysterical laughter. Jackie couldn’t take much more. But, he couldn’t tell him. So, he rolled towards the end of the couch, and allowed himself to fall off. In a single second, Chase’s smirk has slid off his face. He jumped over to help him.
“You okay? I’m sorry if I took it too far.” Chase apologized guiltily. Jackie waved his hands and let a weak smile grow onto his lips.
“It’s...okay...I just wanted you...to feel better...If that involves me...being tickled...as well...than I’ll allow it...” Jackie replied through shallow and quick breaths.
Chase’s body lightened up. “Okay. Good. Thank you.” Chase said, hugging his sweaty friend.
Jackie smirked and gave Chase’s ribs a little tickle. “No problem.” He replied.
“Hehehehey! Nohohoho mohohohore!” Chase laughed, leaning his forehead against Jackie’s shoulder and lightly squirming back and forth.
“Hmm...nah.” Jackie replied before digging his fingers into Chase’s armpits.
“BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Chase exploded, throwing his head back happily.
Jackie decided to take the upper hand on the tickle fight once more.
“Do I have your permission to give you a raspberry?” Jackie asked.
“Whahahahat?!” Chase replied through his laughter, confused and shocked at such a weird question.
“Can I give you a raspberry?” Jackie asked.
“We hahahahave no rahahahasbeheherries ihihin the house!” Chase exclaimed. Jackie rolled his eyes.
“No! Not that kind of raspberry, silly! This kind of raspberry!” Jackie clarified, before blowing a big raspberry onto Chase’s neck.
“AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HOHOHOHOHOLY SHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Chase screamed, completely unprepared for the strange sensation.
Jackie gave him a break, to let him properly talk. As the man took control of his giggles once more, his eyes widened at a sudden realization.
“I used to do that to my child all the time! I didn’t know it was called a raspberry!” Chase exclaimed.
“Really?!” Jackie replied, surprised that such a person could do something without being educated by it...actually, never mind. People do things without knowing about it all the time!
“Ya! Well, I guess an old man like me learns something new everyday...” Chase decided. Suddenly, Chase thought of something. “Wait a sec...how did you know what it was called?” Chase asked.
“Oh my god...I’ve known about that silly form of torture since I was a kid myself. My parents were ruthless ticklers.” Jackie explained.
Chase thought of an evil little thing to ask... “How would you feel about a blast to the past?” Chase asked.
Jackie lifted one eyebrow. “How so?” Jackie asked. Before Jackie could properly think, Chase had wrapped his arms around him, bent down, lifted his shirt, and was taking in a big puff of air.
“Oh GOD! NO, DON’T YOU-“ Jackie shouted, before feeling the rippling feeling of a raspberry against his belly button of all places. Jackie just about lost it. It had been so long since he felt the familiar tickly feeling! The last thing Jackie thought before going mad from laughter, was:
I hope no one walks in and sees this...
11 notes · View notes
krat395 · 8 years ago
Frisk and Chara’s First Tickle Fight
This is the prequel to “Asriel Dreemurr, the Ticklish “Kid”. In that story, Frisk and Chara mentioned that they had a tickle fight three days prior to tickling their brother. Frisk and Chara had their tickle fight on the same day M.K. (Monster Kid) got mercilessly tickled by Undyne in “WORTH IT!!!” and this story is will explain Frisk and Chara’s day in much more detail as well some history of the tickle fights Chara and Asriel had when two of them were younger. Enjoy! :)
Undertale© Toby Fox.
It is a Wednesday at Toriel’s house and it has been raining all day. The power has also been blinking all day. Frisk and Chara have just been sitting around playing games on their phones since they can’t play outside. This also happens to be a day that Frisk and Chara do not have school. They are enrolled in their mother’s elementary school (which includes sixth grade) and all of the students get a day off every other Wednesday as well as a late start every other Monday. It is definitely not spectacular weather for a day off from school.
Chara: I’m very bored Frisk. There’s nothing to do but just sit around and play on our phones.
Frisk: I’m sure we can find something else to do Chara. It’s too bad we can’t play outside due to the bad weather.
Toriel: *Knocks on the door*
Chara: Come in.
Toriel: Greetings my children. How have you two been handling this weather?
Chara: Not well Mom. There just isn’t much to do today since it’s raining.
Toriel: Oh I’m sure you the two you can find something to do. In the meantime, Dr. Gaster is going to be coming over soon.
Frisk: Really?
Chara: Why’s that?
Toriel: *lies to Frisk and Chara* He’s thinking about becoming a college professor and he’d like me to give him some advice on how to be a successful teacher. I’d like to take some time to conduct a mock interview for him since I believe he’s very eligible to teach at a college/university.
Frisk: Gaster wants to be a teacher?
Chara: That’s awesome!
Toriel: It’s a possibility. He doesn’t know for sure yet. But if he does decide to become a professor, it’ll be good for him. After all, he’s great with kids.
Gaster is actually coming over for a different reason. Toriel doesn’t want her daughters knowing the real reason for his presence, so she decided to lie and tell them that he wants advice from her when actually, she’s the one who wants advice from him about something very personal.
Toriel told Frisk and Chara that she will be conducting a mock interview for Gaster, and she conducts many of her interviews at her house for all of the candidates she finds eligible to work at her elementary school. Toriel then told Frisk and Chara that she and Gaster will be in the basement and that she doesn’t want any interruptions unless it’s an emergency. In the meantime, Toriel decided to stay upstairs and spend time with Frisk and Chara a little longer before Gaster shows up, all while keeping a personal secret from the two of them.
About fifteen minutes later, Gaster showed up at the front door and rang the doorbell and Toriel was about to go downstairs to let him in.
Toriel: Well my children, that’s Dr. Gaster at the front door. I better go let him in. You two behave now.
Frisk: We will Mom.
Toriel: *leaves room and closes door*
Frisk: So Chara, what do you want to do?
Chara: Might as well just keep playing games on our phones. There’s nothing better to do.
Frisk: Are you sure? We could… give each makeovers!
Chara: *sarcastic laugh* You’re joking right?
Frisk: Of course I am silly! I hate those things!
Chara: *joking… kind of* Oh good. Cause if you weren’t, I think I would’ve punched you.
Frisk: Oh you. *smiles and boops Chara’s nose*
After playing on the phones for ten minutes, Frisk noticed that Chara was still bored. Frisk then thought of something that Chara may or may not enjoy. Either way, Frisk was curious.
Frisk: Chara, I notice that you’re still bored. I wanna see you happy.
Chara: I am happy Frisk.
Frisk: Come on. Where’s that smile of yours? *sits on Chara’s bed with her*
Chara: Frisk?
Frisk: There’s something I wanna know about you Chara.
Chara: And what would that be?
Frisk: Are you… TICKLISH!? *starts tickling Chara*
Chara: Heehheheeheheehehhehehehee. Frihihiihihiihiihsk.
Frisk really wanted to make Chara happy and she thought that tickling her was the best way to do it. Frisk tickled Chara’s sides, causing her to immediately giggle.
Chara: Heheheheheeehehehehehe.
Frisk: There’s that smile I was looking for.
Frisk could tell Chara was having fun and after one minute, she decided to take things up a notch. Frisk moved her hands up to Chara’s underarms causing her to giggle even more. This time, her giggling was a bit louder.
Chara: Heehehehehehehehehehhehehee. Ohhohoho cohohohohome on Frihihihhihihsk.
Frisk: That’s right. Keep giggling Chara!
After two more minutes of tickling, Chara finally decided to tickle Frisk back.
Chara: *Starts tickling Frisk*
Frisk: Heheheheheheheeehehehehehheehhe.
Chara tickled Frisk’s neck, causing her to giggle and after one minute, Chara decided to crank it up a bit by shifting to Frisk’s sides.
Frisk: Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahaah!
Chara: Ooh, looks like you’re more ticklish than me Frisk! Hehehe!
Unlike Chara, Frisk was laughing rather than giggling. It appears that Frisk is more ticklish than Chara. After two minutes, Chara moved her hands to Frisk’s underarms and caused her to laugh really hard. Frisk then jolted backwards on the bed and she’s now lying on her back. Toriel and Gaster are currently in the basement and are unable to hear Frisk and Chara upstairs on the second floor of the house. Both of them are completely unaware that the two girls are having a tickle fight.
Chara: Tickle, tickle, tickle!
Frisk went nuts as Chara tickled her underarms.  She made a few attempts to tickle Chara back, but to no avail. Frisk really likes having her underarms tickled even though they’re quite sensitive. After laughing her head off for four minutes, the power blinked and it caught Chara off guard in the process. Frisk used to her advantage to make another attempt to try and tickle Chara and was at last successful.
Chara: Heheheheehehhehehehheheheheheeheehee.
Frisk and Chara switched postions, with Chara now lying on the bed and Frisk kneeling towards her. Frisk tickled Chara’s tummy and she giggled again. It appears that Chara is not as ticklish as Frisk would like her to be, but that’s not going to stop Frisk from tickling her though. Frisk is determined to find out exactly where Chara is the most ticklish. After tickling her tummy for two minutes, Frisk then scribbled her fingers all along Chara’s ribs.
Chara: Hehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheeehehheehehee. Is thhahahaht the behehehehest you cahhahahahan dohohohohoho?
Frisk got a bit more of a reaction from tickling Chara’s ribs but it wasn’t enough. After one minute, Chara managed to escape and Frisk chased after her. Chara then tackled Frisk and held her down the best she could. Both girls were now on the floor.
Chara: I’m gonna count your ribs Frisk! Hehehe! Let’s see how ticklish these ribs are!
Chara then tickled Frisk’s ribs, counting each of them slowly one by one causing Frisk to frantically laugh and squirm.
Chara: One, two, three.
Frisk: Hahahahahahahahahahahahah!
Chara: Frisk, you made me lose count! I have to start over!
Frisk: Chahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahra!
Chara: One, two, three, four, five.
Frisk: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Chara: Frisk, you’re moving around too much! I can’t remember where I left off. So I’ll just start over again, hehehe!
Frisk: Nohohohoohhhohohohoohhoohohoho!
The highest number of ribs Chara managed to count was 11 and that happens to be new record for Frisk, beating her previous record of 8. After three minutes, the power blinked again and it once again distracted Chara. Frisk used this to her advantage again and finally broke free from Chara’s grasp, pinned her down, and then scribbled her fingers all over her neck. Frisk was excited when she got a different reaction from Chara.
Chara: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahaahah!
Frisk: There’s the laughter I was looking for!
It turns out that Chara’s neck is quite ticklish since she was laughing rather than giggling. However, her laughter wasn’t quite as loud as Frisk’s. Frisk still believes Chara has more sweet spots, which she is planning on finding soon. After tickling Chara’s neck for three minutes, Chara reached for Frisk’s tummy and Frisk immediately screamed with laughter upon contact and fell over next to Chara.
Chara:  Oh ho! I just made you snort! I think I just found your most ticklish spot so far!
Chara then crawled on top of Frisk as she continued tickling her tummy. Frisk’s tummy is extremely sensitive and for a while, she didn’t even make an effort to fight back. She just laid there and took it. After about three minutes, she made a few attempts to fight back but was very unsuccessful and she continued laughing her guts out.
Chara: You know you love it Frisk!
Chara: Nope!
After five more minutes, Frisk finally managed to reach for Chara’s neck and tickled her once again. Frisk pinned her down again and then moved her hands to Chara’s thighs, which happen to be ticklish just like her neck. Frisk tickled Chara’s thighs for thirty seconds.
Chara: Hahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahahaa!
Frisk: Let’s see if your knees are ticklish!
Chara: Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahhahahahahah!! Nohohoohohhoooohohohoohooohohhoohoohhohoo!! Nohahahahahahahhahat my knehehehehehehhehehehehehehehees!!
Frisk: This just keeps getting better!
Frisk has found Chara’s very ticklish areas, which are her knees. Chara’s knees are very ticklish and she was laughing harder than before. Frisk couldn’t ask for a better day. She’s having a blast tickling her sister and she still believes that Chara might just have one more sweet spot. After tickling Chara’s knees for two and a half minutes, Frisk then made an effort to go after her feet. Chara noticed this and immediately worked up enough energy to prevent Frisk from tickling her feet. The power blinked again, but this time in Chara’s favor. Chara then pushed Frisk to the floor, grabbed her ankles, and started tickling her socked feet.
Frisk: Hahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa!!
Chara: *removes Frisk’s socks after ten seconds*
Frisk was sent into laughing fit the moment Chara tickled her bare feet. Frisk’s feet aren’t as ticklish as her tummy, but they’re still pretty damn ticklish and Frisk was lying on the floor and laughing like crazy.
Chara: This is what you get Frisk!
Chara scribbled her fingers all over her sister’s bare feet. Frisk’s feet are only slightly less ticklish than her tummy and for an entire minute, Chara was finding out exactly where to tickle Frisk so she could get the best laughs possible out of her. First, she tickled in between Frisk’s toes.
Chara: *tickles in between Frisk’s toes*
Chara: *tickles Frisk’s toes*
Chara: *tickles Frisk’s balls*
Chara: *tickles Frisk’s arches*
Chara: Ooh, you’re laughing even harder. But let’s see what happens if I tickle you right… here! *digs one finger into Frisk’s right heel*
Chara: Oh ho! I just found your sweet spots Frisk! Heels huh? I thought that the spaces in between your toes would be the most ticklish! Oh well. Hehehe.
Frisk’s heels are extremely sensitive and they’re the most ticklish areas of her feet. They’re so ticklish that she screamed with hysterical laughter and started snorting and Chara loved every second of it. She enjoyed it so much that she decided to focus entirely on her heels for the next three minutes.
Chara: I’m afraid I can’t do that Frisk! Sorry! Hehehe.
After the three minutes were up, Frisk was getting very squirmy. Chara then noticed that she had a hairbrush on her nightstand. The hairbrush was a few feet away from her and Frisk. Chara did not want to stop the tickling anytime soon, so she decided to drag Frisk along the floor as she reached for her hairbrush.
Chara: *grabs the hairbrush and uses it to tickle Frisk’s feet*
Frisk thrashed around all over the floor while Chara scrubbed her feet with the hairbrush. The brush tickled more than Chara’s fingers and Frisk was laughing even harder, especially when Chara scrubbed her heels. After four minutes, Chara was struggling to hold on to Frisk’s ankles and it wasn’t too long until the power blinked yet again. Frisk then escaped from Chara’s grasp and jumped towards her. Chara put up one hell of fight in an effort to make sure Frisk didn’t reach her feet. Chara would constantly poke Frisk’s torso, causing her to giggle maniacally since she’s extremely ticklish.
Frisk: Hehehehheheheheheheheehehehehehehehee!! Charahahahahaahahhaaha!!
Chara: You are not going to tickle my feet Frisk! I can’t allow that!
Frisk then fell to the floor and continued giggling like a lunatic.
Frisk: Heheheheheheheheheheheheeheheheeehehe!!
Chara: *lifts Frisk’s shirt and scribbles her fingers all along her tummy*
Frisk spent the next few minutes giggling like a lunatic from all of Chara’s pokes and screaming with laughter every time Chara tickled her underarms and tummy. Frisk was filled with so much determination to tickle Chara’s feet and would stop at nothing until the job was done. After laughing, giggling, and batting at her Chara’s hands for a few more minutes, Frisk finally managed to overpower her sister and grab her left ankle. She then removed Chara’s sock and tickled her foot.
Frisk has just found Chara’s most ticklish spot. Chara screamed with so much hysterical laughter the moment Frisk tickled her foot and she lunged backwards with Frisk still holding onto her ankle. Chara was lying on her back and she pounded her fists and thrashed around all over the floor. Chara’s feet are extremely ticklish and Frisk is able to tickle Chara’s feet just by gently poking them. Every inch of Chara’s feet is slightly more ticklish than Frisk’s heels. That was why Chara did everything she could to prevent Frisk from reaching her feet.  
Frisk: I just knew you had to be extremely ticklish somewhere Chara! So that’s why you went completely out of your way to prevent me from reaching your feet!
Frisk was quite determined to keep her sister as steady as possible. After thirty seconds, she grabbed Chara’s right ankle, removed her other sock, and began tickling both of her feet. Frisk then positioned herself over Chara’s legs. She had her back facing towards Chara and she trapped her legs so she couldn’t kick them all over the place. Chara screamed with even more hysterical laughter once Frisk trapped her legs. Although her movement was limited, Chara rapidly and frantically wiggled her feet as Frisk tickled them. Frisk tickled every inch of Chara’s feet and found that there wasn’t a single area that was more ticklish than others. Chara’s toes, balls, arches, heels, and tops of her feet are all equally ticklish.
Frisk: Your laughter! I love it! You have such low sensitivity everywhere else, but your feet… are ULTRA TICKLISH!!
Chara made very little effort to fight back. Her feet are insanely ticklish and it was extremely difficult for her. Frisk had her feet facing towards Chara and every once in a while, Chara made a few successful attempts to sit up and briefly tickle Frisk’s soles in an attempt to try to escape. Frisk laughed every time Chara tickled her soles, but it wasn’t effective enough to make her stop and Chara continued falling back to the floor constantly laughing like a lunatic. The power even blinked once again and Chara wasn’t even able to use that to her advantage as Frisk tickled every inch of her insanely ticklish feet for six minutes. Chara was crying and could barely speak because she was laughing so hard due to how ticklish her feet are. Since Frisk’s back is facing towards Chara, she was completely unaware that Chara was crying. Frisk then noticed the hairbrush on the floor next to her bed. It was right within her reach and she wanted to tickle Chara’s feet with it. Frisk then reached for the hairbrush with her left hand as she continued to tickle Chara’s feet with her right hand.
Frisk: Payback time Chara! *Tickles her feet with the hairbrush*
Chara completely lost it when Frisk used the brush to tickle her feet and she cried even more. Frisk was still completely unaware that Chara was crying and continued tickling all over her feet with the brush. For six minutes, Frisk tickled every inch of Chara’s soles and toes with the brush. Chara didn’t even try to fight back and was a laughing mess. The hairbrush tickled much more than Frisk’s fingers and Chara had constant streams of tears running down her face.
Frisk: I think it’s pretty safe to say I won the tickle fight Chara! *looks back at Chara* Oh my god Chara! You’re crying! I’m so sorry! I had no idea! Why didn’t you tell me?!
Frisk immediately stopped tickling Chara once she finally noticed that she was crying due to laughing so hard.
Frisk: I’m so sorry Chara! I didn’t mean to take it that far! Please say something!
Chara: *breathing heavily* It’s ok Frisk. I was having fun. That’s why I didn’t tell you I was crying.
Frisk: I’m just glad you’re ok! *hugs Chara* Don’t scare me like that!
Chara: Sorry about that. Anyway, congratulations Frisk. You won the tickle fight. It was so much fun!
Frisk: It sure was! By the way, why did you want to tickle my feet with a hairbrush? I found that quite unusual.
Chara: It’s a long story Frisk. I’ll tell you later.
Frisk: Ok Chara.
Chara: *hugs Frisk* Thank you Frisk. I really needed this.
Chara told Frisk that she enjoyed having a tickle fight with her. Chara thought she was getting too old for ticking but after having a tickle fight with Frisk, she discovered that she could enjoy it at any age. It reminded her of when she used to have tickle fights with Asriel a long time ago. Toriel and Asgore also used to tickle both Chara and Asriel a long time ago, often in playful and creative ways. It reminded her of much simpler times and it helped take her mind off of Toriel and Asgore still being apart.
Frisk: Hey you’re right Chara. I was having so much fun that I barely thought about Mom and Asgore. And Asriel’s ticklish?
Chara: Oh god yeah! He’s more ticklish than you!
Frisk: Oh my god, really?! I don’t believe you!
Chara: Well it’s true! I’m gonna tell you about the day I first tickled Asriel! It’s a great story!
Chara and Asriel used to have many tickle fights when they were younger. Asriel is insanely ticklish and Chara won practically every time. Asriel may have his physical strength, but Chara knew exactly where to tickle him so he couldn’t fight back too much. Before tickle fights, the two of them used to playfully wrestle. Chara was the one who suggested that they should wrestle and once Asriel got the hang of it, he would beat her every time. And just to be clear, this was actual playful wrestling, and it wasn’t anywhere close to being as violent as Undyne’s famous “snow wrestling.”
On one particular day when Chara and Asriel were wrestling, Chara was determined to finally beat her brother to the point that she would try just about anything. Chara did everything she could to try and get a victory against her brother until she accidentally poked Asriel’s tummy, causing him to immediately burst into laughter. Chara was surprised by what she discovered and he burst into laughter again after poking him a few more times. After that, she tackled him to the ground and tickled him everywhere she got a reaction. He didn’t fight back too much and she tickled him all over his sides, underarms, neck, ribs, tummy, legs, and feet. She eventually discovered that the spaces in between his toes were his most sensitive areas (That was why that was the first area Chara went for when she tickled Frisk’s feet earlier). It wasn’t really much of a tickle fight because it was very one-sided. On that day, Chara found out that Asriel was insanely ticklish and it was one of the best days of her life. She just loved hearing every second of her brother’s adorable laughter. She loved it so much that she didn’t want to stop tickling him and Asgore and Toriel actually had to step in and pull Chara off of Asriel. From that day on, Chara and Asriel would have many tickle fights and Asriel would practically lose to Chara every time. Even though Asriel lost tickle fights about 98% of the time, he almost always had just as much fun as Chara. But as the two of them got older, they had less and less tickle fights. The two of them thought they were getting too old for tickle fights and it wasn’t too much longer until they stopped completely. After having a tickle fight with Frisk, Chara hopes that she can start having tickle fights with Asriel again.
Frisk: That was a really cute story Chara. It makes me want to tickle Asriel!
Chara: Frisk! We’ve gotta tickle Asriel some time! We just have to!
Chara then told Frisk that she thinks that they will have to tie Asriel up if they wind up tickling him some time. Two of the reasons Chara lost the tickle fight against Frisk are because Frisk is less ticklish than Asriel, and Chara was also a bit rusty because it had been so long since she had a tickle fight with someone. It also didn’t help that the power kept blinking off and on since it almost always gave Frisk an advantage. Chara believes that it is more than likely that Asriel has gotten stronger since the last time the two of them had a tickle fight and she doesn’t want Asriel trying to escape from them. Another reason Chara thinks they should tie Asriel up is because she knows it’s the only way they’ll be able to get him to hold still and she REALLY wants Frisk to see how ticklish he is. Frisk believes that she is the most ticklish individual she knows, which is she has an incredibly hard time believing that someone is more ticklish than her. Even hearing Chara’s story about tickling Asriel for the first time wasn’t enough to convince Frisk that he’s more ticklish than her. Chara promises that they will make it up to Asriel afterwards and that they’ll give him lots of breaks too. Chara once tickled Asriel until he passed out and giving him lots of breaks will prevent that from happening.
Chara: I know it doesn’t sound very nice Frisk but I promise we’ll make it up to him afterwards.
Frisk: I can’t believe you made Asriel pass out Chara!
Chara: Yeah, that wasn’t one of my best days. I was sobbing so much because I thought I killed him! You have no idea how relieved I was when I found out he was ok!
Chara loved tickling Asriel so much that she would tickle him every chance she got and at the time, didn’t even care if he wasn’t in the mood to be tickled. Chara, who was eight years old at the time, used to be an incredibly vicious tickler and she got REALLY carried away on two occasions, both of which ended with negative results. The first time Chara got too carried away, Asriel accidentally bruised Chara’s nose trying to escape from her clutches. This incident was an eye opener for Asriel and this was when he learned to be gentler around others. The second time Chara got too carried away ended with Asriel passing out. Chara felt so terrible after she caused Asriel to pass out and she actually thought that she killed him. It was this incident where she finally learned her lesson.
Frisk: You were 8 years old Chara. You didn’t know any better.
Chara: Yeah. Both Asriel and I learned from those two incidents. When Asriel bruised my nose, I actually lied to Mom and Dad by telling them that I fell so Asriel wouldn’t get in trouble. We were just two crazy kids. We didn’t know any better.
Frisk: Well it’s all in the past now Chara.
Chara: You’ve said it. That’s what I love about you Frisk. You always appreciate everything that’s going on right now instead of thinking about what happened in the past.
Frisk: I appreciate you saying that Chara. I just wish Mom and Asgore were back together though.
Chara: Yeah, me too Frisk.
Toriel: *knocks on door*
Chara and Frisk: Come in
Toriel: My children, I didn’t want to say anything until I was absolutely sure. But here it is… I’m going to spend Saturday night with your father. Not on a date, but as friends.
Chara and Frisk: *tearing up*
Chara: Mom, that’s wonderful! *gives Toriel a hug*
Frisk: That’s the best news I’ve heard all day! *gives Toriel a hug*
Asgore had called the previous night asking Toriel to spend the following Saturday with him. The real reason Gaster came over is because Toriel was very debating on whether or not to actually go through with it and she wanted some advice from a very close friend. Before Gaster disappeared a long time ago, he was incredibly close friends with Toriel and Asgore. All of the monsters, especially Toriel, Asgore, Sans, and Papyrus are incredibly happy that Gaster, Chara, and Asriel came back into their lives and were all given second chances. Gaster knows that Asgore is trying his absolute hardest to make up for all of his negative actions in the past and after a lengthy period of time, Gaster was ultimately able to convince Toriel to see Asgore the following Saturday. Gaster used psychology to his advantage and one of the things he did was constantly ask Toriel, “Do you still love Asgore?” Frisk and Chara don’t know it, but Gaster played a very large role in this entire operation.
Frisk and Chara were so happy to hear the wonderful news. They were so happy that they wound up crying tears of joy. Toriel then told the two of them that Asgore will bring Asriel to her house on Saturday and that she will be asking Sans watch the three of them.
Toriel: Chara, I know you kids don’t exactly need a babysitter. But after losing you and Asriel a long time ago, I worry. Plus, it will be good for Sans to spend some time with the three of you.
Chara: I completely understand Mom. And don’t worry, Frisk, Asriel, and I love spending time with Sans. It’ll be fun!
Toriel: Wonderful. By the way, Dr. Gaster is still here. I’m sure he’d like to see the two of you before he leaves.
Chara: We’d love to see Dr. Gaster Mom!
Frisk: We’ll be right down.
Toriel: Sound great my children. *closes door*
Chara: Frisk, we are so gonna tickle Asriel this Saturday. All we have to now is come up with a plan.
Frisk: Oh man! I’m so excited! I can’t wait to find out exactly how ticklish Asriel is!
Chara: Shhh. Settle down Frisk. I don’t exactly want Mom hearing about any of this.
Frisk: Oh right. Sorry.
Chara: It’s ok Frisk. Let’s go downstairs.
Frisk and Chara then went downstairs to see their mother and Gaster. Toriel insisted that Gaster should stay and have dinner with them. It was the least she could do for him after everything he did for her. With Toriel gone the following Saturday, this will give Frisk and Chara the perfect opportunity to tie up and tickle Asriel. Although Sans will be at the house, he always falls asleep whenever he watches the kids and he’s a very heavy sleeper, meaning that they’ll be able to carry out their plan as intended. While Chara was having dinner with Frisk, Toriel, and Gaster, she received a text from M.K. (Monster Kid) asking her if it’s ok if he can come over on Saturday while Toriel and Asgore are away.
Chara: *reads M.K.’s text quietly to herself* Um… Frisk? Can I speak with you privately for a minute? May we be excused for a minute Mom?
Toriel: Of course my children.
Chara: Frisk. M.K. wants to come over on Saturday. We’re planning on tickling Asriel that day. What am I going to tell him?
Frisk: It’s perfectly fine if he comes over Chara. He’ll help us. M.K. loves starting tickle fights just as much as I do. He and I actually had a tickle fight last week. Trust me; he won’t refuse if he knows that tickling is involved. In fact, he’ll even tie Asriel up for us.
Chara was surprised and also incredibly happy to hear this news. She didn’t know that M.K. enjoyed tickling so much and hearing what Frisk had to say, she was more than willing to let him help them tickle Asriel next Saturday. The two of them then went back to the dinner table after speaking privately with one another.
In the meantime, the two girls spent some additional time with both their mother and Gaster before he took off for the night. After Gaster left, they spent a little more time with their mother before going back upstairs to their bedroom. The two girls then spent some time discussing their plan to tickle Asriel on Saturday and they will have to find a time to tell M.K. about their plan. Frisk, Chara, and Asriel don’t get to see M.K. as much as they’d like to at school since he isn’t in the same grade as them. Even if he was in the same grade as them, their plan to tickle Asriel isn’t exactly something to talk about at school, so they’ll just tell him to video chat with them some time after school on either Thursday or Friday. After discussing their plan, Frisk and Chara decided to play a little while longer before going to bed.
Frisk: Hey Chara.
Chara: Yes Frisk.
Frisk: Is there something you’d like to do before we go to bed?
Chara: I’m so glad you asked Frisk. I actually do have something in mind.
Frisk: And what would that be?
Chara then walked over to Frisk’s bed, held her arms up in the air and shouted…
Chara: REVENGE!! *tickles Frisk’s tummy*
Chara: You didn’t think I was gonna let you get by without me getting revenge did you?
Chara: I never said I didn’t. I just wanna hear that cute laugh of yours one last time you precious cinnamon bun. Hehehe. *moves her hands to Frisk’s underarms*
Chara: Oh you know you love it! I just want to hear you say it!
Chara: I’m waiting Frisk. I’ve got all night.
Chara: See, that wasn’t so hard. And because you love it so much, I’m going to tickle you even more!
Chara: You are just so cute when you laugh! You’re such a cinnamon bun!
Chara: Even when you laugh your guts out, you still try being flirty!
Chara: And apparently you quote movies as well.
Chara then spent the next seven minutes tickling her sister as a bit of playful revenge for beating her in the tickle fight earlier and Frisk just laid there and let Chara tickle her until it was time to go to bed. Unknown to Frisk and Chara, Toriel actually saw what they were doing and just smiled and watched them briefly before heading to her bedroom. As soon as Chara finished tickling her sister, the two of them then turned in for the night, anxiously waiting for next Saturday to get here. Chara then said to herself…
Chara: Asriel… You’re next!
12 notes · View notes
intheticklecloset · 3 years ago
Dr. Stone Coffee Shots #41-50
A collection of the Dr. Stone sentence starters I’ve done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories. Many are SenGen.
41) Lee Gen, Ler Senku
“Quit moving so much,” Senku grumbled, grasping Gen’s wrists to hold him still. “Calm down. I’m trying to help you.”
“Senku, why is it so—”
“Don’t finish that sentence.” The scientist couldn’t help but eye his partner a little bit, rolling his eyes with a tiny blush. “You should be asking why you chose this costume, of all things.”
“What?” Gen looked at him over his shoulder. “Because you like it. Why else?”
Senku huffed as he finally got the skirt up over his partner’s hips. “Like it? It’s a dress.”
“It’s a maid outfit,” Gen corrected haughtily, “and I know for a fact you were ogling me when I tried it on as a joke. If I hadn’t left my phone in my jeans pocket, I would have absolutely taken a picture of you.”
“And then I would have confiscated your phone for a week,” Senku muttered.
“But you wouldn’t have made me delete the photo?”
“That was implied, genius.”
Gen smirked, shimmying in the costume the tiniest bit. “You know you want me~”
And then the skirt detached from the blouse.
“Arms up!” Senku cried, grasping at the material before it could rip any further. “If you were going to humiliate the both of us this way, why didn’t you at least get something that wasn’t the cheapest, thinnest fabric on the planet?”
Gen’s wiggling eyebrows were all the answer he needed.
“Right.” The scientist rolled his eyes. “Fine, hold still. I’ll try to pin it in place or something.”
As Senku fiddled with the ripped fabric, trying to get it to stay in place without hitching up any higher than it already was, Gen kept his arms up and out to the sides for him to work easier. The younger man was grateful for the diligence, but there were still occasional twitches – sometimes even light snickers.
“Don’t mock me,” he grumbled. “I’m doing the best I can here. I’m a scientist, not a seamstress.”
Gen giggled even harder at that.
Senku glared, then grinned wickedly. “You know what? Forget it.”
“What – ah! Senku!” Gen cried in surprise when he was suddenly tackled onto the bed and pinned there face down. “What are you – eeeep! Nohohohohohoho!”
“This costume was all for me anyway, right?” Senku challenged, tickling his partner’s ribs and sides from behind teasingly. “Well, let’s skip to the part where you take it off again.”
“Aha! So you dohohohohoho lihihihihike it!” Gen sounded triumphant even through his giggles, and it annoyed the scientist so much he flipped him over, straddled him, and dug into his underarms instead. “GAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHOHO!! NO I’M SOHOHOHOHOHORRY!! SENKU!!”
Senku chuckled. “You are ten billion percent going to pay for that, mentalist~”
42) Lee Senku, Ler Gen
Senku knew how to handle a lot of things, but one thing he could never quite seem to get a grasp on was the way Gen’s incredibly soft, loving kisses affected him.
Gen held his hand gently, bringing it to his lips to brush a kiss along his fingertips, then his knuckles, then the back of his hand and the palm of it, gradually working his way down as he untied the bindings Senku always kept around his wrists – a clear indicator that he intended to move on to something more very soon.
Senku shivered, so overwhelmed he didn’t know what to do. Gen’s breath along his increasingly bare wrist sent tingling sensations down his arm that made his entire body freeze, something in him dying to rise up in response to it. He bit his lip at first, but keeping his involuntary smile at bay was impossible, and when Gen fluttered his eyes open to look at him with an adoring gaze, the mentalist smiled right back at him, making butterflies explode in the scientist’s stomach.
Gen didn’t say a word. He didn’t need to. The bindings came loose entirely and fell to the floor between them, and his kisses descended downwards even more, so gentle against the skin of Senku’s wrist and so incredibly effective.
Senku brought his free hand up to cover his mouth, trying to hide his smile and keep his giggles at bay. A myriad of emotions were warring inside of him. His heart raced at the feeling of the mentalist’s lips on his skin but he couldn’t stop shivering at how much it made him want to laugh, and he loved Gen so much but he was infuriating and devious and the most caring man he’d ever known and—
 The further Gen traveled the more he lost the battle until the mentalist gently scratched his nails along the inside of the scientist’s wrist and finally drew a muffled snicker out of him.
Gen chuckled. “Ticklish, Senku?”
“Shut up,” Senku grumbled around another giggle, feeling heat flood his cheeks and ears, which he knew would only encourage Gen further.
Sure enough, the mentalist wasted no time in pushing him down to the floor, pinning him down and capturing both arms at once as he comfortably sat on his waist, rapidly switching between kissing and blowing on Senku’s wrists until the scientist was a dark red mess of giggles and weak protests and pleas for him to show mercy and just move on already.
Gen loved tickling Senku to pieces. But he loved watching him come undone at the softest of kisses even more…
43) Lee Senku, Ler Gen
Senku really should have known something was up with the way Chrome kept glancing over his shoulder and trying not to smile, but the last thing he’d expected to be behind him was the wicked mentalist Asagiri Gen.
He was in the midst of explaining how to build a relatively simple item to Chrome so that the brunette could then relay it to Kaseki. From the way his friend kept getting distracted he assumed Ruri must be behind him, or perhaps Suika and the rest of the kids playing around. He didn’t much care, so long as Chrome absorbed what he was saying, which it was obvious he was still doing.
So it caught him by complete surprise when he suddenly felt something extremely ticklish press against his neck from behind, drawing out a startled shriek, which he was instantly embarrassed to have let loose so freely.
Chrome nearly doubled over in laughter, but before Senku could get after him or Gen – because obviously it was Gen – or both, the mentalist switched positions and kissed his neck on the other side this time, making him giggle involuntarily.
“Mentalist, stop—” Senku protested, bringing his hand up to shove him away, but that’s when Gen squeezed his now open side and drew a bark of laughter from the scientist. “Stohohohop!”
“Oh, don’t let me interrupt,” Gen teased into his ear, tickling his sides gently and still kissing his neck. “Do go on. You were explaining something to dear Chrome, weren’t you, Senku-chan?”
“You blahahahasted mentalist – AIEE!!” Senku’s hands flew down to desperately pry at Gen’s tickling fingers while twisting his head away as frantic laughter burst from him beyond his control. He could feel Gen’s lips on his earlobe now, and dear god if it didn’t tickle like crazy!
Chrome finally recovered from his own laughing fit and shook his head with a fond smile. “Get a room, you two,” he teased affectionately, casually moving around them to rejoin Kaseki and explain what Senku had just explained to him, leaving the lovebirds to their playing around.
He figured he had the gist of what he needed anyway.
44) Lee Senku, Ler Gen
“You’re not ticklish? Then you won’t mind if I tickle you, right?”
Senku swallowed, gritted his teeth, and glared at his boyfriend, who lay smirking beside him in the bed they shared. “Gen. Do not.”
“Why are you worried?” Gen teased, slowly sliding a hand over his chest with a wink. “If you’re not ticklish, it shouldn’t bother you if I try, right?”
The two-toned man curled his fingers into the space between his underarm and ribs, and Senku jolted.
“Fine,” he hissed. “Fine, I’m ticklish. Just don’t—”
Gen was straddling and tickling him relentlessly in an instant, ignoring the protests his boyfriend spewed at him.
Senku’s eyes shot wide open, laughter bursting out of him before he even knew where it was coming from. “Gen! Nohohohohohohoho!” He clamped his arms to his sides and tried pushing him away. “Stohohohohohohop! Dohohohohohon’t!”
“You dirty little liar~” Gen chuckled, raking his nails down Senku’s ribs to squeeze his sides. “You are ticklish!”
As if to prove his point, Senku screeched and bucked his hips, laughter turning hysterical with every touch along his sides. “STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Gen giggled. “Ooh, good spot, huh?”
“GEHEHEHEHEHEHEN!!” Senku pleaded, feeling heat flood his cheeks. Was he blushing?! “S-STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! PLEASE, STOP!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
“Aww, but I like hearing you laugh, Senku~”
In a blind frenzy, Senku started swatting at him, swinging his arms around to try and make any kind of contact to get his evil boyfriend to stop. Laughter poured out of him despite himself. “PLEASE, GEHEHEHEHEHEN!! PLEASE!! PLEASE, I’LL DOHOHOHOHO ANYTHIHIHIHIHING!!”
Finally, the mentalist slowed to a halt. He smirked. “Anything?”
“Y-Yes! Anything, just…” Senku giggled, taking the opportunity to grab his wrists and shove them safely away from his sides. “Just…stop.”
Gen quirked a brow, observing him carefully. Despite his words and his actions, Senku didn’t look distressed in the slightest. He didn’t look excited, either, though – simply resigned, as though he’d already accepted that he might be thrown into uncontrollable fits of laughter again at any moment. The idea sent a thrill through the mentalist.
“Anything, hmm? All right, then…” Gen gently pulled his arms out of Senku’s grasp and brushed some stray hair from his face. “Tell me you love me?”
Senku grinned. “And here I thought you were about to demand something impossible.”
45) Lee Ukyo, Ler Chrome
“I’ll tickle it out of you.”
“Uh-huh – wha-huh?!” Ukyo stammered, so shocked by the threat that he couldn’t even form a coherent reply. He immediately backed away from Chrome, holding his hands out in front of him defensively. “Waitwaitwait – you don’t need to resort to such drastic measures—”
“You gonna talk on your own, then?” Chrome smirked, wiggling his fingers teasingly.
Ukyo couldn’t help but break in to a huge smile reflexively, already fighting back giggles. “No! Don’t – please don’t – I’m so ticklish, Chome!”
Chrome laughed, watching as his friend continued to get more and more flustered with every step he took until he’d finally backed himself into a wall, eyes going wide. The brunette wiggled his fingers even faster. Ukyo slid down the wall and curled up on the ground, arms shaking as he held them out protectively, giggling already.
“I haven’t even touched you yet!” Chrome teased, kneeling in front of him, wiggling his fingers in the air above Ukyo’s knees, then his torso when the white-haired man fell over entirely. “Your fight or flight response is terrible. You’re just laying down and letting me come for you!”
“Plehehehehease!” Ukyo cackled, already pink in the cheeks, the anticipation of Chrome getting closer and closer enough to drive him into a ticklish panic. He squirmed, wrapping his arms around his ribs. “Chrohohohome!”
“Last chance, Ukyo,” Chrome said, wiggling just above his most ticklish spot. “You gonna tell me why you’ve been so secretive lately?”
Ukyo whined through his helpless laughter, shaking his head, and finally Chrome descended, gently pinching and prodding his open belly, the light touch enough to send the archer into fits of loud, hysterical laughter. He really was the most ticklish person the brunette had ever known. “You did this to yourself, my friend. Just remember that.”
Ukyo screamed when Chrome finally straddled him, keeping him pinned in place, easily tickling through his meager defenses and turning the older man into a helpless mess of screeching, pleading laughter and – eventually – all kinds of spilled secrets.
46) Lee Senku, Ler Gen
“Admit you’re adorable and this all stops,” Gen teased, smiling at Senku’s unstoppable giggle fit. He gently raked his nails up and down the scientist’s bare calves, sitting on his ankles to keep him from wiggling or kicking.
Senku squealed into the grass, grasping fistfuls of it in his ticklish haze, ears and cheeks a beautiful bright red as he blushed. “Stohohohohohohop! It really tihihihihihihickles, mentalist!”
“Does it~?” Gen chuckled, continuing his slow, torturous pace. “I couldn’t tell~”
“Lehehehehehehet me go! I hahahahahave work to dohohohohohoho!”
“Like I said, once you admit you’re adorable I’ll be happy to let you continue on your way.”
Senku whined, trying to push himself up or roll over or something to relieve the maddening sensations, but his limbs were too shaky and he collapsed back onto the ground face-first, giggles turning so desperate he started to wheeze.
Gen though it was the most adorable thing in the universe.
“Aww, can’t take a little light tickling, Senku-chan~?” he snickered, loving his partner more and more with every squeak, every helpless gesture, every shade of red painting his ears and neck and cheeks. Senku was so adorable it was unfair.
“Plehehehehehehease stohohohohohohop,” Senku begged, sounding resigned and tired and happy all at the same time. “Plehehehehehehease, mentalist!”
“You know what you have to do. If you’re stalling this much you must be enjoying yourself, right, dear Senku?”
“Gehehehehehehehen!” Senku shrieked when Gen traveled further up to the backs of his knees, his flailing becoming more frantic, giggles turning to laughter. “Nononono plehehehehehehease! Stohohohohohohop it! It tihihihihihickles so bad! Gen!”
“Hmm, that’s too bad~” Gen giggled, beaming from ear to ear.
Finally Senku clenched his fists and gave up, laughing and begging, “Okahahahahay, fine, I’m…a-adohohohohohorable…” He was so red he looked like a strawberry, and Gen was loving every second of it. “Blahahahahahasted mentalist, please, lehehehehehet me go alreadyehehehehehe!”
Gen giggled, relented, and flopped down to lay on top of the breathless scientist, kissing his cheek when Senku turned to glare at him. “There you go. Was that so hard?”
Senku groaned.
Gen kissed him again.
47) Lee Gen, Ler Chrome
“Ha! Take that, Gen!” Chrome laughed, thoroughly satisfied when he got the mentalist to burst out laughing with wiggling fingers along his hip, using his other arm to keep Gen from running off. “Maybe next time you’ll think twice before pranking me!”
“Ahahahahahaha! Wohohohohohorth it!” Gen squealed, squirming in Chrome’s grip, arms flailing uselessly. “Your fahahahahahahace was pricelehehehehehess!”
“Oh, was it, now?” Chrome growled playfully, tilting his head down to brush his wet hair along the back of Gen’s neck. “How’s this, then? Not so fun when you’re the one getting wet, is it?”
Just a few moments before, Chrome had been foraging in the forest when all of a sudden, a splash of cold water had descended from above, despite it being a warm, sunny day. He’d screamed in surprise, dropping everything he’d gathered so far, and heard distinct, cackling laughter from a tree above him.
At first Gen had refused to come down and get his punishment, but when Chrome started to climb up after him it spurred the mentalist into action. Unfortunately for him, the brunette had an entire lifetime of living in and around forests on his side, and he caught up to the prankster easily.
And now Gen was laughing his head off, trying desperately to free himself from Chrome’s grip, freezing water dripping down his spine thanks to the younger man’s antics. He swore even the tiniest droplets felt ticklish in this situation.
“Plehehehehehease, Chrohohohohome!” Gen begged, giggling so hard he could barely think straight. “I gehehehehehet it! I wohohohohon’t do it agahahahahain! Please!”
Chrome laughed. “Don’t lie to me. I know you’d do it again in a heartbeat, even knowing this would be waiting for you on the other side.”
Gen had to admit, Chrome had him pegged. Still, he tried to plead his case. “Okahahahay fine, I wohohohohould do it again, but plehehehehease! Please stohohohohop; it reheheheheheally tickles!”
Chrome hummed thoughtfully, gave Gen one last good, hard tickling up and down his ribs, and finally let him go. By the time he was done they were both gasping for breath and chuckling quietly. “Now I’m all wet and cold, you jerk. And I dropped everything I’d been gathering today!”
“I’ll h-help retrieve your items,” Gen managed, straightening, still grinning. “You’re ruthless when you want to be, Chrome. Maybe I’ll wait a little longer before pranking you again.”
“Because you’re going to,” Chrome replied with a smirk. “Obviously.”
Gen winked. “Obviously.”
48) Lee Ukyo, Ler Chrome
“Can I tickle you?” Chrome asked sheepishly, glancing at Ukyo out of the corner of his eye.
Ukyo immediately curled up in a protective ball, grinning nervously just from the threat of it. “W-What? Why?”
“Because it’s fun, and your laugh is the best thing ever.”
“What…?” Ukyo shook his head. “I…I don’t know. You know how ticklish I am—”
“I’ll be gentle,” Chrome promised, folding his hands in a pleading gesture. “Please?”
Ukyo blushed. Growing up he’d had lots of friends tickle him because they thought it was funny how ticklish he was, but he’d never had someone ask for permission first before. He wasn’t sure how to respond. “I…um, I guess…? You just – you have to stop when I tell you to, okay?”
Chrome’s face brightened. “Absolutely!” He formed his fingers into claws and wiggled them teasingly. “Here I come~”
Ukyo flushed with embarrassment at the giggles already escaping him, at the way his body shivered and jerked out of the way just from having those fingers hover near his ticklish spots, not actually touching yet.
His friend seemed to be getting a kick out of it. “Dude, I haven’t even started yet!”
“I knohohohohow!” Ukyo cackled, squirming away from Chrome’s fingers before they’d even touched down. “Agh, I c-cahahahan’t help it!”
“You’re so ticklish you don’t even need me to touch you to feel it!” Chrome laughed, finally closing the distance and darting forward as though to attack, making the archer shriek in anticipation. Rather than actually touch him, however, he merely wiggled his fingers crazily just centimeters above his ribs and sides, grinning wickedly. “Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
Ukyo wasn’t even aware that he wasn’t being touched. He could still feel the sensations shooting through his body, and he squirmed and laughed just as hard as if he were actually being tickled, cheeks pink with embarrassment and mirth. “Ehehehehehehehe! Chrohohohohohohome! S-Stohohohohohop!”
“Stop? But I haven’t even started,” Chrome chuckled. He watched with satisfaction as Ukyo went to grab his hands and push them away, only to realize there were no hands on him. The archer turned and stared at the brunette in shock. Chrome pulled his hands away and wiggled his fingers in Ukyo’s line of sight. “You’re so ticklish you’re even air ticklish!”
Ukyo crumbled into another round of helpless giggles as Chrome approached him yet again. But whether he actually tickled him or just continued to hover over his spots, the archer had no idea. It didn’t make any difference to him; it tickled like crazy either way.
49) Lee Gen, Ler Senku
“Can you tickle me?”
The words were so quiet Senku almost didn’t hear them. As it was, it took a few moments for his brain to register them and react, so that by the time he actually looked over at his boyfriend Gen looked like he was crushed, thinking he’d been ignored.
“You want me to tickle you?” Senku asked, already bookmarking his page and setting the textbook aside.
Gen hid behind his throw pillow, but nodded.
Senku chuckled, shifting his weight so he was sitting on the couch facing his partner, his back against the armrest. “Come here then, giggles.”
“Don’t call me that,” Gen mumbled, scooting over to be wrapped up in Senku’s arms anyway. “It’s embarrassing.”
“Nah, it’s scientifically accurate.” Senku wrapped his arms around Gen from behind, pulling his chest to his stomach and gently kissing the back of his neck. “Are you comfortable?”
“Okay. You know the safe word, right?”
Gen clutched the pillow to his face even tighter, so flustered he was red as a tomato already. He nodded again. In the next moment he was giggling softly into the fabric, holding it close as he tried to sit still with Senku’s fingers scribbling all over his belly.
“There you go, mentalist,” Senku hummed encouragingly, smiling as well. He knew his boyfriend loved being tickled but was also embarrassed about it, hence why he was hiding behind a throw pillow right now. Eventually he’d work up to getting Gen to remove it so he could see his beautiful blushing face, but for the moment, he just wanted to make sure he felt safe. “Just relax. Let all the giggles out.”
“Sehehehehehenku…” Gen whined into his shield.
“T-Thahahahank you.”
Senku’s heart flipped in his chest. He groaned and pulled Gen even closer, worming up into his underarms, murmuring in his ear as his partner finally began to laugh for real. “You’ve got to stop being so adorable. You’ll be the death of me one day, I swear. But…” He kissed the back of his neck again, holding him close and tickling softly, lovingly. “…you’re ten billion percent welcome, my dear.”
50) Lee Chrome, Ler Tsukasa
Chrome was staring at Tsukasa, who was watching him with a predatory grin on his face that the blossoming scientist didn’t like at all.
“Don’t look at me all high and mighty like that,” Chrome snapped, though he still took a nervous step back as the much taller, bigger man began to approach him. “S-Stay away!”
“Well, this is quite the discovery,” Tsukasa chuckled in a low, rumbling kind of way that sent shivers down the brunette’s spine. “Does Kinro know about this? You’d make a great addition to the village guard with reflexes like that.”
“Quit teasing me!” Chrome practically yelled, face flushing dark red. He hugged himself defensively. “I can’t help it!”
“I know,” Tsukasa replied, his voice and eyes gentler now, though he never stopped closing in on the smaller man. “And I’m not trying to be mean. I actually think it’s kind of endearing.”
Chrome suddenly felt cornered. He let out a tiny whine. “Please don’t. It’s embarrassing.”
“I’m curious to see if you could actually land a punch on me,” Tsukasa replied before gently grasping Chrome by the ribs and curling his fingers in to tickle him.
Chrome’s whole body spasmed and he let out a barking laugh, arms shooting down to try and protect himself in the split second before he started flailing wildly, unable to control his body’s movements with each electrifying tickle. “S-Stop! Nohohoho! I’m g-gohohohonna huhuhuhurt you if you don’t stohohohohop!”
Tsukasa chuckled again. “I’d like to see you try.”
Soon the scientist was a mess of squeaky, whiny laughter, his body squirming and kicking and punching all on its own as his natural desire to defend himself overrode any other thought process. Tsukasa – skilled in combat as he was – dodged each flailing limb easily, breaking through Chrome’s meager defenses with no problem at all, tickling his ribs and belly and armpits in rapid succession. He even managed to squeeze a thigh or knee here and there as well. It was amusing to watch Senku’s student completely lose his composure like this.
“Stahahahahahahap! Plehehehehease, stop, plehehehehease! I’m seheheheherious!” Chrome begged, laughing so hard he was almost wheezing. “I cahahahahan’t tahahahahahake it! Tsukasaaaaaaa!”
Tsukasa slowed to a halt as asked, realizing his friend truly couldn’t hold out much longer. He grinned and ruffled his hair playfully. “Well, you couldn’t manage to hit me, but I still think an untrained fighter would have no chance against you.”
Chrome pushed him away, trying to cover up his residual giggles. “No enemy is going to randomly tickle me in the middle of a fight, you dork!”
Tsukasa poked his ribs one last time, enjoying the squeak he got in response. “Perhaps not, but if we ever end up on opposing sides again, I will not hesitate to tickle you into submission.”
“Shut up,” Chrome muttered, but he was smiling.
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intheticklecloset · 4 years ago
My Hero Academia Sentence Starters #31-40
A collection of the MHA sentence starters I’ve done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
31) Lee Uraraka, Ler Iida
“What’s happening? Why are you laughing?” Iida asked, more than a little confused. All he’d done was reach to brush some hair from Uraraka’s face and push it behind her ear, but all of a sudden she’d burst into giggles and scrunched up her shoulders, twisting away.
“Y-You tickled me,” she said, rubbing the spot behind her ear to get rid of the feeling, turning to look at him with a sheepish smile. “I’m, uh…really ticklish around my neck and ears.”
Iida blinked, surprised, but then he smiled. “You’re ticklish, then?” he asked, reaching forward to gently squeeze her sides. “What about here?”
“Eeek! Iida!” Uraraka giggled again, curling up defensively. “Nohohohohoho!”
“Or here?” He moved to her ribs. “Here?” Down to her hips. “Or even better – what about here?” He reached down to gently scribble along her bare soles, causing her to squeal and kick at him, which he expertly dodged. “Seems you’re ticklish everywhere, my dear.”
She giggled, pushing at him. “You’re mean.”
“Mean? Me? Perish the thought!” Iida then grabbed her and pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her securely and tickling her sides as he declared, “I am a beacon of justice and hope! I cannot be mean; it goes against my very nature!”
“Ehehehehehehehehe! Iida!”
“Your words wound me. I would never do anything mean to you or anyone else.” Iida grinned, holding her closer with every struggle. “I must insist you take that back.”
“Okahahahahahay, I tahahahahake it back!” Uraraka giggled, sagging in relief when he finally let up on his gentle assault. “That’s no fair. I’m really ticklish, and you know it.”
“I most certainly do now,” he replied, grinning. “Thank you for that most valuable information, my dear~”
32) Lee Deku, Ler Bakugou
“Is that a challenge?” Bakugou snapped, whirling on Deku.
Deku’s eyes widened. “W-What? No! Nonono!” He backpedaled quickly, holding up his hands in defense. “You can make me laugh – you can make anyone laugh! Wait!” Bakugou had grabbed onto his wrists and pinned them together, reaching for Deku’s ribs. “Wahahahahahait! Nohohohoho, I’m sohohohohorry!”
“You don’t think I can make people laugh, huh? I’m not funny enough for you?” Bakugou demanded, though his tone was more playful now. “Well, you’re laughing, so I must be doing something right!”
“You’re cheheheheheheating!”
“Oho – cheating, am I?”
“No – NO!! NAHAHAHAHAHHAHA KAHAHAHAHACCHAN!!” Deku squealed struggling against Bakugou with everything he had when the blonde pressed his thumb into the hollow of his hip, kneading deep and drawing out the most ticklish sensations and laughter from him. “PLEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
“Who’s laughing now, huh, Deku? Call me a cheater…” Bakugou grinned at the wail of ticklish distress he pulled from his childhood friend. “…and you’ll suffer for it!”
“NAHAHAHAHAHA I’M SOHOHOHOHORRY!! PLEASE, I GIHIHIHIHIHIVE!!” Deku screeched, laughing so hard he was having trouble breathing. His face was turning a dark shade of red. “KAHAHAHAHAHACCHAN!!”
Finally, Bakugou decided he’d had enough and let him go. Deku collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath, still giggling slightly.
“So,” the blonde said teasingly, cracking his knuckles. “Feel like telling me I can’t make you laugh again?”
33) Lee Shigaraki, Ler Dabi
“But now you’re smiling, aren’t you?”
Shigaraki hated that he couldn’t hide his face. He tried to pull his arms down, but Dabi held them firmly above his head, smirking. “S-Shut up, y-yohohou idiot…”
Dabi winked at him, scribbling lightly over his belly, just enough to get a genuine smile from his boss. “Don’t tell me you’re not enjoying this. You haven’t asked me to stop yet.”
“Shut up, I sahahaid.” Shigaraki twisted his head to the side. “D-Dohohon’t mahahake fun of me.”
“Make fun? Who’s making fun?” Dabi shot his hand down to Shigaraki’s thigh, which he knew was a bad spot, grinning when the blue-haired boy arched his back and let out a yell of wild, screechy laughter. “Now this is fun!”
“STAHAHAHAHAP!!” Shigaraki cried, twisting and writhing but going nowhere fast. He laughed freely and uncontrollably as Dabi continued to squeeze his death spot over and over and over again. “DAHAHAHAHABI YOU IHIHIHIHIDIOT!! KNOHOHOHOHOCK IT OFF!!”
“Say please~”
Dabi shrugged, settling himself on his boss’ knees so he couldn’t kick at all, then finding the spot where his thigh met his hip and drilling in with relentless precision.
Shigaraki laughed so hard he went silent for several moments. When he finally got his breath back, he screamed, “PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! PLEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! DABI!!”
And at last Dabi relented, grinning down at Shigaraki as he gasped for air and let out a few residual giggles. “Have fun?”
Shigaraki blushed, turning his face away again, but he couldn’t hide his smile. “I said shut up.”
34) Lee Deku, Ler Shinsou
“Just because I haven’t tickled you all day doesn’t mean you have to pout,” Shinsou said, not taking his eyes from his book as Deku huffed and rolled over to turn his back on him. “I can still see you pouting. We share a bed.”
“Just leave me alone,” Deku mumbled. “If you’re not going to tickle me then just shut up and read.”
There was a long pause. “What did you say to me?”
Deku’s heart leapt. He hadn’t thought about it when he said the words, but the warning tone in Shinsou’s voice was more than enough motivation for him to say it again. He did his best to hide his hopeful smile. “I said shut up and read.”
“‘Shut up,’ huh?” Shinsou shifted, and Deku’s heart raced, and soon the smaller boy was lying flat on his back with his boyfriend looming over him, wrists pinned firmly to the mattress on either side of his head. “‘Shut up?’”
“Y-Yeah,” Deku managed, feeling emboldened by Shinsou’s sudden shift into his more dominant side. “You know. Close your mouth. Quit talking. Stay quiet.”
Shinsou settled himself on Deku’s thighs. “Why don’t you stay quiet,” he said in a low tone, “and I’ll tickle you until you’re begging me for mercy.”
Deku couldn’t stand the anticipation. His eyes grew wide with excitement when Shinsou finally let go of his wrists to rest his hands on his hips.
“Oh, and one more thing. Keep your arms up.”
With that, Shinsou drilled his thumbs into Deku’s hip bones, and Deku threw his head back and fisted his hands in his hair and kicked frantically and laughed and laughed until he was positive he’d have no voice the next morning.
35) Lee Bakugou, Ler Todoroki
“I would never expect you to be so giggly.”
“Shuhuhuhuhut up, Icy-Hohohohot.”
“I mean, seriously, you’re actually giggling. I’m barely even touching you.” Todoroki smirked. “I thought you’d have more resistance than that.”
“S-Shut up ahahahand wreck mehehehe already!”
“Wreck you?”
Bakugou would not hide his face. He wouldn’t. Screw Icy-Hot and his self-satisfied smirk. Screw those cold fingers tracing his bottom ribs so fricking teasingly. He arched his back, trying to get more of the feeling, but Todoroki merely removed his hands entirely, and Bakugou had to bite back a snarky retort. Or a whine.
“What’s the magic word, Katsuki?” Todoroki asked sweetly, batting his eyes.
“Ugh.” Bakugou would not hide his face, but he had no problem closing his eyes to block out that look from his way-too-confident partner. “Please, dang it.”
“Hmm…” There was a long pause, and just when Bakugou opened his eyes again, Todoroki’s fingers descended, pinching up and down his ribcage with deadly precision. “That’ll do for now.”
“Ehehehehehehehe! F-Frihihihicking cahahahahareful!” Bakugou half-demanded, half-pleaded. He gripped his headboard to keep himself from fighting back. “T-Thahahahat spot is—”
“Bad?” Todoroki smirked. He honed in on the blonde’s top ribs where his sweet spot was, smiling as his boyfriend’s efforts to keep his arms up got a million times harder. “Does it tickle so, so bad? What are you going to do? Stop me?”
“Plehehehehehease!” Bakugou said it without resistance this time, twisting his head to the side. “Dohohohohon’t tehehehehease me like thahahahahat!”
“Oh, but I have to, you see.” Todoroki settled himself on Bakugou’s hips and suddenly dug into both sweet spots with everything he had, chuckling along with his partner as he finally shot his arms down and burst into loud, screaming laughter. “You’re far too cute not to play with!”
36) Lee Todoroki, Ler Kaminari
“You – you cahahahahahan’t use your quihihihihihirk!” Torodoki giggled helplessly as the tickle-shocks lit up his nervous system. “Thahahahat’s so not fahahahahahair!”
Denki smirked, gently shocking Todoroki’s sides with his quirk, tickling him more than if he were to use his fingers, but not so much that the overly ticklish boy was screaming for mercy. “You can’t tell me you don’t like it.”
“I dohohohoho, but stihihihihill!”
“Then how am I not being fair?”
“Behehehecause I lihihihike it too muhuhuhuhuch!”
Denki laughed, switching from his tickle shocks to sporadic poking. “There? Is that better? Do you like it better when I’m quick and random and tickly like this?”
Todoroki’s face was so red he looked like a cherry. “Plehehehehehehease!”
“Well? I’m waiting for an answer.” Denki quickly scribbled in his underarm, enjoying the loud yelp he got, followed by Todoroki shooting his arm down defensively. “Better tell me which you like more, or I’ll have to tickle it out of you~”
“Dohohohohoho it!” Todoroki replied through his giggles, surprising the electric hero.
“Do it? You want me to tickle it out of you?” When his giggly friend nodded, Denki laughed and straddled him, shoving both hands into his armpits and igniting his tickle shocks again. “You asked for it. Better talk, Shoto.”
But Todoroki was busy – busy laughing freely and openly, in obvious ticklish distress but also obviously loving every second. Denki smiled warmly at him. Well, if harder tickles were what he wanted…
37) Lee Kaminari, Ler Jirou
“So…are you gonna apologize?”
Denki swallowed nervously, looking up at Jirou’s face looming over him. Under any other circumstances, he might find this more fun than it was, but right now…
“Y-Yeah,” he managed. “I will.”
She waited.
He was silent.
“Well?” she asked.
He smirked. “You gotta work for it, babe.”
Jirou’s eyes darkened while her lips quirked upward. She pinned both of his wrists to the grass and extended her earphone jacks, hovering them threateningly above his underarms.
“Oh, no,” she said teasingly. “I have to work for it, babe.” Then she allowed her jacks to wiggle in his underarms, making him sputter and giggle immediately, squirming under her strong hold.
“Nonono, okay, okahahahahay, I’m sohohohohorry,” he pleaded, smile and giggles as bright as the sun. “Plehehehehehease, no tihihihihihickling!”
“Aw, but that was too easy, Denks,” she mock-whined, moving her jacks up to his neck, watching in amusement as he tried and failed to scrunch his shoulders. “I thought you said I had to work for it.”
“I’m sohohohohohorry! Plehehehehease, Jirou!”
“Oh, well.” She shrugged, removing her jacks and digging into his ribs with both hands, smirking as he shot his arms down to try and push her away but only succeeded in rolling around helplessly beneath her touch. “You’ve just given me a great excuse to tickle you to tears, regardless.”
“Nohohohohoho! Plehehehehehease!”
“Please what?”
“Don’t what?”
“Tihihihihihihickle me!”
“Tickle you?” Jirou giggled, leaning down to kiss his neck in tandem with her squeezing his sides. “If you want me to, babe~”
38) Lee Tokoyami, Ler Sero
“Oooh, is this a bad spot?”
Tokoyami gripped his wrists but couldn’t find the strength to push those wiggling fingers away from his ribs. He cackled and cawed out his laughter, both mortified and intrigued by the sounds coming out of his own mouth. “S-Sero, you f-fiehehehend, you’ll pahahahay for this!”
“Oh? I don’t see Dark Shadow defending you,” Sero teased, keeping up his relentless digging, beyond satisfied to have made such a stoic person break down into giggles. “Where is he? Hmm?”
“C-Cohohohohoward!” Tokoyami managed, giving up the battle, knowing he’d already lost. Giggles poured out of him more freely, alternating between human laughter and birdlike squawks and chirps. “Hehehehe’s a cohohohohoward!”
Dark Shadow remained silent on the matter.
Sero grinned, deciding to experiment further by going up into Tokoyami’s underarms. His reactions remained steady, but his legs kicked out behind Sero desperately.
“Plehehease,” he begged, trying to push him away. “Stohohohohop, I cahahahahan’t stahahand being tihihickled!”
Sero hummed playfully. “No? Why not? Too sensitive?”
“Oh, are you, now?” the tape hero chuckled, but gradually stopped his tickling and got off of his classmate. “All right, all right. Don’t want to overdo it.”
Tokoyami recovered with astonishing speed. “Dark Shadow!”
“On it!” Dark Shadow exploded from his hiding place, lunging for Sero and pinning him down much in the way Tokoyami had been moments before.
Tokoyami loomed over him, a wicked smirk on his face. “Well, now…let’s see how well you can handle my revenge.”
39) Lee Kirishima, Ler Todoroki
“I don’t know…you think you can take it?” Todoroki asked, frowning down at Kirishima, who lay on his bed with his arms above his head.
Kiri flashed him a confident smirk. “Obviously, or I wouldn’t suggest it. Come on, Shoto. Bring it on.”
Todoroki hesitated.
Kiri frowned. “Unless it makes you uncomfortable, of course. You don’t have to.”
“It’s not that. I’m willing to do it, I just…” Todoroki rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t want to push you too hard.”
“That’s what safe words are for.”
Right. Todoroki nodded, reaching up to grab Kiri’s wrists just long enough to create ice shackles to bind him to the headboard. Then he scooted back and leaned his head down to Kiri’s bare stomach and ribs, looking up at him one more time. “You sure?”
“One-hundred percent.”
“All right.” Todoroki’s hesitation faded and he smirked, taking a big breath and blowing a raspberry along his bottom ribs, followed immediately by nibbling.
Kiri shrieked with laughter, squirming but going nowhere fast, and his reactions only boosted Todoroki’s confidence to do it again, and again, and again.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE!!” Kiri finally begged, tears springing to his eyes. “OH, GOHOHOD, PLEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
“You asked for this,” the icy-hot hero reminded him. “And if you really wanted me to stop, you’d be saying our safe word. So…” He blew another raspberry, then nibbled, then another raspberry, then more nibbles. All the while Kirishima tossed his head back and screamed with laughter, struggling against the ice shackles to no avail. After about ten rounds of this, Todoroki paused to check in. “You doing okay?”
“It tihihihihihihihickles so bad,” Kiri whined, but he was beaming and obviously excited. “Dohohohohoho it again!”
Todoroki was happy to oblige.
40) Lee Deku, Ler Shinsou
“How are you so good at this?” Shinsou asked incredulously, staring at the stack of five books on top of Deku’s head, remaining perfectly balanced as he moved about the room. “Did you go to charm school or something?”
Deku giggled. “No. I’ve just got skills, mate.”
Shinsou groaned. “You did not just.”
“I just.”
“You are so cringe-worthy sometimes,” Shinsou muttered, smirking as Deku turned his back to walk back across the room. In a flash, he grabbed his partner around the waist and pulled him to his chest, ignoring the thump of the books as they fell in a heap on the floor. He wasted no time in digging his fingers into Deku’s sides.
“Wha – ahahahahaha hehehehehehey!” Deku squealed, giggling crazily, pushing himself further back into Shinsou’s tickly embrace. “No fahahahahahahair!”
“No? You’re not trying to get away~”
“You knohohohohohow I lohohohohove it when you tihihihickle me!”
Shinsou chuckled. “I do.” He reached down to scoop up Deku bridal style, carrying him over to the bed and plopping him onto it, quickly going back to scribbling along his sides and ribs. Lesser spots, he knew, but he wasn’t in the mood to make his partner scream for mercy. He just wanted to hear his happy giggles for a while. “You love it when I tickle, tickle, tickle this little tummy of yours~”
“Ehehehehehehe!” Deku giggled and blushed furiously, but he nodded all the same.
“And your cute little ribcage I can play like a xylophone.” Shinsou tweaked his ribs, then moved up to his underarms, tracing lightly, drawing more panicked giggles from Deku. “And these cute, ticklish little hollows here~”
“Toshiehehehehehe,” Deku whined, but he was loving the attention. “Plehehehehease…”
“Oh, and let’s not forget…” Shinsou leaned down, brushing his lips over another sensitive spot. “…about this adorable, ticklish neck of yours.”
“Ehehehehehehe~” Deku squealed with happy giggles, then finally reached up to wrap his arms around Shinsou’s neck, pulling him in for a kiss. “You tickle me pink, Toshi.”
Shinsou groaned again, but laughed all the same. He hugged Deku close. “And I will every time.”
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intheticklecloset · 4 years ago
maybe denki and todoroki? “you cant use your quirk thats so not fair!” please 😌
“You – you cahahahahahan’t use your quihihihihihirk!” Torodoki giggled helplessly as the tickle-shocks lit up his nervous system. “Thahahahat’s so not fahahahahahair!”
Denki smirked, gently shocking Todoroki’s sides with his quirk, tickling him more than if he were to use his fingers, but not so much that the overly ticklish boy was screaming for mercy. “You can’t tell me you don’t like it.”
“I dohohohoho, but stihihihihill!”
“Then how am I not being fair?”
“Behehehecause I lihihihike it too muhuhuhuhuch!”
Denki laughed, switching from his tickle shocks to sporadic poking. “There? Is that better? Do you like it better when I’m quick and random and tickly like this?”
Todoroki’s face was so red he looked like a cherry. “Plehehehehehehease!”
“Well? I’m waiting for an answer.” Denki quickly scribbled in his underarm, enjoying the loud yelp he got, followed by Todoroki shooting his arm down defensively. “Better tell me which you like more, or I’ll have to tickle it out of you~”
“Dohohohohoho it!” Todoroki replied through his giggles, surprising the electric hero.
“Do it? You want me to tickle it out of you?” When his giggly friend nodded, Denki laughed and straddled him, shoving both hands into his armpits and igniting his tickle shocks again. “You asked for it. Better talk, Shoto.”
But Todoroki was busy – busy laughing freely and openly, in obvious ticklish distress but also obviously loving every second. Denki smiled warmly at him. Well, if harder tickles were what he wanted…
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luasworkshop · 2 years ago
Coral: “Amazing his range of skills, wasn’t he in a play recently?”
Yeshe: “No but I hear he’s comming soon!”
Both: “Dohohohohoho!”
NGL, I really like the 'yeah you work at my lavish kinky sex parties, but our working relationship is totally normal, respectful and possibly even friendly' dynamic with Evander and those who provide services to said gatherings
Like sure, Yeshe and Coral and The Brewer and The Bouncer have certainly all seen some Very Interesting Things at these parties... but what happens in Evander's gardens, stays in Evander's gardens
...At the same time, I like to think of these characters absolutely talking smack about the canon characters from the sidelines like Statler and Waldorf 😂
Yeshe: "My goodness, I didn't know the good doctor had it in him."
Coral: "Well he sure does have it in him now!"
Both: "Dohohohohoho!"
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