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fluffywings13 · 3 years ago
@delphi-thefairy here’s a lil something of Kei being the best uncle
Rody knew it was time to leave when dad came home without mom, something shining in the older man’s eyes, a light that didn’t mean anything good, a light that was dangerous, like a match before it lit an explosion. He knew it was time to go when that match was lit and dad started talking about some man named Flect Turn.
In the dark of night, hidden by the shadows, he packed their backpacks full of essentials. Roro sat awake in bed for him, he’d told them the plan some time ago, but Lala had fallen asleep, which put a hindrance on their plans. Still though, he carried through, he pushed through, lifting his baby sister into his arms to carry her as he and his baby brother snuck out of the house. They had no other family in the area to turn to, all of them would return them to dad, and he didn’t want to know what would happen if they were returned to him after trying to run away.
There was mom’s family, but they lived on the other side of the world, Japan was at least a few hours by plane. And that was where their nearest relative was that wouldn’t turn them back over to their dad, Uncle Kei was not a fan of dad, he’d heard him talk to mom about leaving him many many times.
Mom always laughed and brushed him off and see where that got her now.
With his secret savings stash in his pocket, he makes his way down the street towards the bus station, they had just enough for a bus ticket for all three of them, they’d have to be sneaky getting onto the plane.
Lala sleeps the entire way to the airport before she wakes up, yawns widely, and turns to look out the window. She knows of course that they’re running away to Uncle Kei in Japan.
Rody manages to get them through the security fence, spying around carefully for anyone who could stop them, and they slowly make their way through the airfield searching through the planes for the one heading to Jap–”Rody?” Jumping at the sound of his name, he turns, slowly, meeting the confused eyes of his Uncle Kei. “What’re you doing here at this time of night?”
The oldest Soul shuffles his feet and looks down at his brother and sister. “I know this looks bad but it isn’t what it looks like.”
“No, really now.” Keigo crosses his arm. “So you’re not sneaking around an airfield trying to sneak into a pla–”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“Oh,” his uncle purrs, smiling when his younger siblings giggle as the man turns to face them completely, away from the green haired boy, a growling blonde, and an even faced dual haired boy. “But I’m not the one sneaking onto the airfield, I’m allowed to be here.”
Lala skips forward, despite Rody’s best attempts at stopping her, and hugs the hero’s leg. “We’re gonna come live with you Uncle Kei! Are you excited!”
Keigo blinks for a moment, in the shere surprise at that statement, scooping the girl up as he glances over at his oldest nephew. “Is that so?” She nods happily and he nuzzles the five year old affectionately as he turns his attention away from his oldest nephew for a moment to coo at the cutie bird in his arms. “Of course I’m excited.” Then his attention returns to his oldest nephew. “Just a huge surprise is all, Cutie Bird, Uncle Kei didn’t know this.”
Roro hops forward before Rody can stop him and latches onto their Uncle’s leg, fingers curling in the fabric of the pant leg of the hero’s costume. “Rody said you did!”
“He did, did he?” The blonde man stares his oldest Nephew down. “He should have told Uncle Kei so he could’ve gotten you three tickets to Tokyo and from there to Fukuoka. Not to mention a larger hotel room for our stay in Tokyo.”
Lala pouts and leans into his shoulder. “Does that mean we can’t come Uncle Kei?”
“Now, did Uncle Kei say that?” He nuzzles the little Cutie Bird affectionately. “No ma’am, that means Uncle Kei has to rebook a hotel with a pool in it so his Cutie Bird can play and have fun and get three extra plane tickets.”
“Sooo….” The older boy rubs the back of his head. “Does that mean I’m not in trouble?”
“Oh no sir.” Rody grimaces at the look he receives. “Not at all. You good sir are in deep trouble.”
He can’t help himself. “Damn.”
Keigo is quickly reminded of his Niece's fear of heights when the plane disembarks the airport and she starts screaming, wincing at the shriek in his ear, he trades places with his oldest Nephew to sit between him and their younger brother. He distracts Lala with his phone, the five year old takes to it like a tadpole takes to water, she ends up hugging his one hand as he holds his phone up for her to watch Spongebob with his other hand. Roro falls asleep against his bicep and Rody curls up in his seat with Pino sleeping on his head.
He stays awake for as long as he can, standing vigil over them, protecting them as they sleep as any good Uncle would, but he succumbs to the inevitable after such a battle they fought and falls asleep surrounded by his cousins sleeping children. He stays awake until the inevitable exhaustion from what had just transpired in the span of several days overcomes him and he falls asleep surrounded by his soon to be adopted (he’s sure) kids.
“Uncle Kei! Uncle Kei!” He looks over from watching Lala play in the shallow end of the pool at the other youngsters call, Roro latches onto his arm and tugs excitedly. “Throw me again! Please!”
“Of course my little rascal.” He hooks his fingers under his arms and tosses him down further into the deep end of the pool. “I’d be happy to.” He turns back to check on Lala for a moment before turning to check on Rody in the hot tub, the teen was fine on his own, but he entered the pool to keep an eye on the five year old and nine year old in the pool.
They hang out in the pool for a few hours, after the pool had technically closed, the pros of being Hawks in Tokyo before he pulls the adult card and says its time for them to go back to their room.
He and Rody take care of their business while the little ones are in the bathtub getting all cleaned up, and the teen’s puffy eyed when they return in new clean pajamas and the teen trades places with them in the bathroom to clean up. Keigo is the last one to get cleaned up, after making sure Roro and Lala are tucked into their bed all nice and snug.
Him and his oldest Nephew are sharing a bed.
Keigo knows his niece and nephews like he knows the back of his hand, so when Rody hesitantly reaches out for his hand, he snatches that small one and tugs him in closer, into his chest, and curls his arm and wing around him. “Get in here, Robin.”
“Get his tummy, Uncle Kei!” Roro yells mid laughter as he watches his older brother suffer so horribly under their Uncle’s hands. “Get his tummy!”
“Get his tummy?” Keigo turns his attention from his squealing nephew to his giggling nephew. “Trade me a kiss for the tummy?” The younger boy giggles wildly and smacks a kiss to his lips, so, as a man of their word would, he turns back and claws his fingers into his oldest nephew’s belly which makes him squeal with laughter and arch his back into his fingers. “The tummy, as requested from my favorite little Rosefinch.” Lala rests her head against his as she giggles at their older brother's, completely losing himself like a child (that he still was). “Any requests from the adorable little Lovebird?”
“My turn Uncle Kei!”
Chuckling softly, the man nods, sweeping her up with his right arm, dropping her down onto her giggling older brother, and he claws his fingers into her belly. “Your wish is my command, Cutie Bird.”
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fluffywings13 · 3 years ago
Tourist Trap
Got a little somethin' @korathefairy
Carrying a seven and three year old while half asleep from jetlag yourself is no easy task, but Rody manages, lugging his brother and sister forward in his arms with their shared backpack over his shoulders, stepping out of the busy Fukuoka International Airport and into the deep night time city. He doesn’t read Japanese very well, he can speak it just fine, thanks to mom, Roro and Lala are still learning, so finding his way around a city he’s never been to and trying to find his Uncle’s apartment that he’s never personally seen is going to be an experience.
Finding that no one knows anyone by the name Takami Keigo, he switches tactics, and finds that no one knows where Hawks apartment is. Which, now that he thinks about it, is a good choice, it wouldn’t do for the general populous to know where their number two hero lives.
So he switches to asking for directions to Hawks agency, surely the people there would know who Takami Keigo is, how to get to his apartment, or at the very least how to contact him to let him know that his niece and nephews are here and need him to bring them back to his place. Preferably before the oldest falls asleep and drops all three of them onto the cement.
Stumbling down the street, after asking for directions, he pushes the door to the bright hero agency open with his back, Lala stirs and Pino tweets softly to put her back to sleep.
Rody means to make it to the receptionist desk.
But he passes out from exhaustion first.
Rody wakes up alone, in a large plush bed, under warm plush blankets. Yawning widely, he stretches for a moment, Pino chitters next to him on a pillow, and slowly he pushes himself into the sitting position. Looking around, he finds himself in a sparsely furnished bedroom, containing a bed and a desk, really just those two things—no there’s a dresser and flatscreen across from him across from the foot of the bed.
Hearing voices outside the door of the bedroom he resides in, he carefully shoves his blankets away, Pino flies up onto his shoulder, and he pads across the room slowly, cautiously, prey waiting for the predator to snatch it up, or vise versa.
Roro and Lala, he hears his baby siblings on the other side of the door, and another voice, deep but not too much so, his mind whirls and churns for a face and a name to place to that voice—Oh!
Yanking the bedroom door open, he steps out. “Uncle Kei!”
In all his glory, Japan’s Number Two Hero stands there, at the other end of a round table in a pair of basketball shorts, a shirt with a turkey on it, and feathery hair pulled back in a messy bun. Familiar markings and bright gold eyes meet his hazel ones, and a grin flits over both their features, for similar but starkly different reasons.
“Hey kiddo, perfect timing.” He serves his brother and sister a bowl of eggs and a plate of toast. “Breakfast is ready.” Rody makes a face and opens his mouth. “We’ll talk about it later.” Ah, yes, the reason his Uncle undoubtedly got a call at the ass crack of dawn that a teenager bearing an uncanny resemblance to him carrying two young children passed out in the lobby of his Agency, of course they’d come back to talk about that. “In the meantime, come get something to eat, we’ll talk after breakfast.”
Rody nods faintly. “Without—”
Keigo nods firmly. “You and me. I know. I can find something for the rug rats to do while we talk. There’s food. You’re as thin as a stick. Come get food.”
Following breakfast, and the excited chatter of the youngest two Souls being reunited with their favorite (only) Uncle, Keigo sets them up in the living room with a movie, just released, hasn’t even hit theatres yet (Oh the perks of being in the top three) and guides his older nephew into his bedroom for the talk they needed to very much have.
“Okay kid, spill.” The blonde man gestures for the teen to follow him forward and flops down onto his bed, patting the spot next to him, Rody climbs up after a moment’s hesitation, and ducks into the man’s side when he lifts his arm for him to do just that. It’s been years since he last got to….cuddle with someone….he’s not turning down this opportunity. So he lays on is Uncle’s left wing, curled under his left arm, his head resting against his chest. “What made you think coming all the way from Otheon to Japan on your own with a nine year old and five year old was a good idea?”
“I think dad killed mom.” Rody decides there’s no use for preamble and gets directly to the point. “He was working for Flect Turn, Smurf Thanos was what I called him behind dad’s back, anyway, yea, mom’s dead, pretty sure, and dad had something to do with it.”
Keigo makes a face, scratching at his Nephew’s shoulder, frowning lightly. “That’s a hefty accusation to hold over someone, Rody, do you have any solid evidence to point to the truth in your accusation?”
He falls silent for a moment, his throat closing, chest tightening, as his mind rewinds back to the—“Yes. I have pictures.”
“Right.” The Japanese hero nods. “Why didn’t you take this to the authorities in Otheon?”
“Because they wouldn’t care.” Rody turns his head slightly, feeling his Uncles stubble brush over the top of his ear. “They wouldn’t do anything. Not like you would.”
Solidly, that’s true, Keigo knows the kind of city his Cousin and her children (and her shitty husband) lived in. To think, coming all the way to Japan to get justice for your own mother’s murder in a whole other country, it was a sad thought.
“We had no one else to go to, Uncle Kei, and if the authorities heard….” The brunette inhales a moment to steady himself. “They would have separated us and I couldn’t let that happen.”
“Right, they would have, because of course they’d treat it as a missing persons case and not a homicide even if you had photographic evidence of the latter.” The hero moves his hand up to wined his fingers through his nephew’s hair so he can scratch at his scalp. “If they treated it as a homicide case, she’d be assumed dead until actually confirmed and your photographic evidence proven to be unaltered, her Will explicitly states that the custody of any children she has is to be transferred over to one Takami Keigo, otherwise known as Hawks, meaning me.” He hums and rests his chin on his Nephew’s soft hair. “But they wouldn’t do that, it wouldn’t get that far, they wouldn’t even look at it as a missing person’s case, they’d look at it as a sixteen year old taking care of a seven year old and a three year old with no parents in sight and split you three up in the foster system.” Keigo heaves a sigh. “There’s not much I can do, Rodes. I have no ties to Otheon.”
Rody lifts his head at that, meeting his Uncle’s sad gold eyes, his own blown wide in horror. “Uncle Kei—”
“About your mom.” The hero smiles in a soothing manner. “I can open an investigation but I can’t promise results, even with the photographic evidence you have, Otheon isn’t Fukuoka when it comes to it’s Justice System.” He pokes the teen on the nose. “But, I can secure custody of you three so you won’t be separated. You’re father legally abandoned you, thus he has hardly any claim to you in regards to any parental rights, I can scoop those up with no problem, it’ll just take a week or so.”
The brunette nods faintly, turning his head slightly as he continues to nod to himself, before settling back down against his Uncle’s side. “What if he does come back?”
“And think he can stand a chance against me?” Keigo snorts. “It’ll snow in hell before he can beat me in a custody battle for you guys. You’re safe here. You’re not going anywhere.”
One week later, Lala and Roro are enrolled into Fukuoka Public Schools, Rody is enrolled into online schooling because he opted out of in person high school experience, and all three Souls are comfortably and legally under the permanent care of Japan’s Number Two hero.
“Let me see these two toes.” The teen shrieks with laughter, laying belly down on what his Uncle aptly called his nest, a conversation pit filled to the brim with blankets and pillows, cackling brightly as an electric toothbrush is stuck between his toes slowly, one by one. “These last two were always the worst ones.”
Rody’s online classes were in the morning, when his Uncle’s work shift started, his classes ended two hours before his brother and sister were supposed to get home from school, and his Uncle’s hero work ended just ten minutes after his school did, and after a fifteen minute flight home, that left them with at least a little over an hour and a half of time together with just the two of them—the teen squeals loudly, toes clenching tightly as the toothbrush is stuck between his fourth and fifth toe, toes clenching for a moment before wiggling wildly and fanning out, before the cycle repeats itself.
“Oh, these ones are nice.”
Keigo smiles when his nephew squeals loudly into the pillow he’s pressing his face into, his left leg secure under his right leg, laying belly down between his legs, his right foot jerking as much as it can in his hold, utilizing the toothbrush like the pro he is to wreck as much destruction as he possibly can on his poor tickle monster deprived Nephew.
No more.
He has a tickle monster to torment him now.
The man’s been taking the task up daily since the beginning of the week.
He hums when the teen pounds his fists into the pillows around his head, trying to yank his foot free, which only makes him tighten his grip, curl a feather around his ankle so he can curl a finger around the big toe to keep him from clenching them up and running his toothbrush over the backs of all five toes as punishment for trying to yank his foot free.
The boy screams and squeals, fingers curling tightly in the pillows his fists had been pounding against only moments prior, as he lifts his head to plead for the mercy they both knew he was not going to get from one of the Great Takami Tickle Monsters.
One of them.
No one could out Tickle Monster Great Uncle Kettie.
No one.
Rody has been on the receiving end of Great Uncle Kettie’s torturous side before, he’d take Uncle Kei over Great Uncle Ket any day, even if Uncle Kei was a close second.
Keigo looks up when fingers curl around his feet and laughs when his Nephew tries to push himself forward with them, and drops his toothbrush, spidering his fingers up the back of leg, his calf, spends a moment under his knee, before meeting his thigh and kneading in deeply. The teen’s laughter raises in octave and he kicks now that he’s not holding onto his ankle.
That’s fine, he just moves over to his left thigh, the left leg still trapped under his right leg. “That’s right my little Robin, let me hear it, let me hear that adorable laugh. Coochie coochie coo, Baby Robin.”
“Uhuhuhuhuhuncle Keheheheheei! Uhuhuhuuncle Keheheheheheei pleheheheheheheease! Ihihihihihiit’d sohohohohoo bahhahahahhhahahahahaad!” (Uncle Kei! Uncle Kei please! It’s so bad!) Rody pounds his fists against the pillows once more, Pino, the traitor, chittering happily above his head. “Nohohohohot thehehehehheheere!!! Nohohohohot thehehehehehere! Plehehehehehheheease!” (Not there! Not there! Please!)
The hero lifts his leg and the boy is real quick in yanking his leg free, finally able to pull himself away, rolling over into his side as he giggles deliriously. Pino, the constant companion traitor, tweets wildly, and Rody glares at her as he get’s his giggling under control.
“C’mere.” Fingers curl around his ankles and tug him down, back between his Uncle’s legs, fingers massage his hips gently. “That’s better. So serious all the time. I’m not gonna let it continue to slide mister. I’ll tickle torture you how ever many times I need to in order to fix that.” Keigo grins at his smiling Nephew. “And you like it.”
Rody gasps indignantly. “Do not!”
“Mhmm.” The man looks up to his quirk companion. “Pino?” The little bird tweets and hops, flapping her little wings excitedly, and the avian man nods as he turns his attention back to his Nephew. “Wanna try again?”
“I hate you Pino.” The brunette glares at his companion. “I hate you.” The little bird chirps sadly and folds in on herself. “Okay, okay, I don’t hate you, stop being so pitiful.” He turns his attention to his amused Uncle and makes a face up at him. “I do hate you though.”
“Is that someone—” The hero forgoes the gentle massage on his Nephew’s hips in favor of poking around his belly lightly. “Asking me to continue torturing him by telling lies?” Keigo shakes his head down at his giggling nephew. “Say you love me.” Rody shakes his head and bats at his Uncle’s fingers poking playfully around his belly, at least they were—okay there they go sneaking up under his shirt! “Tell me you love me.” The teen squeals and arches his back when ten fingers claw into his belly viciously. “Say you love me, Robin.” To his credit, he does try and get the words out, he really does, but he’s laughing much too hard to say much of anything in all actuality. “You can’t can you? Your tummy is just too ticklish, isn’t it? It sure is, yes sir, it sure is.” Fingers knead into his lower belly and he cackles brightly. “Unfortunately for you, I’m not stopping until you say you love me and I can hear and understand it.” It takes him a whooping ten minutes to get the words out in a way that appeases his torturous Uncle and the tickle claws finally pull away, leaving him a panting mess, something Rody doesn’t mind being, he liked these moments he got to have with his Uncle. “I knew you loved me the entire time.”
Throwing his hands up, the brunette teenager groans as he covers his face with his hands but smiles into his palms. “I do love you Uncle Kei.”
“I know you do.” The winged man chirps. “I’m a man that’s hard not to love.”
“Uncle Kei you just ruined it!”
“Rody!” Those witnessing Hawks landing roughly just beyond the Medics and Police line in the aftermath of the USF are immensely confused, especially when he starts calling out a name, and heads turn one way and the other in an attempt to spot whoever was special enough to garner the Number Two Hero’s attention. “Rody where are you!”
Officers and medics move out of the winged man’s way as he comes running through, just barely remembering to tuck his wings into his back to avoid smacking people, looking between faces for someone, the one he’s calling for. “Uncle Kei!” Heads turn at the responding call, watching the noodle haired boy who’d joined their class as a guest run forward, his bird companion tweeting and chirping, slamming into the winged man as he curls around him tightly. “Uncle Kei it was so scary!”
“It’s okay, little Robin, everything’s okay.” Hawks curls around the boy in turn, an arm around his back, a hand around the back of his head. “You’re safe now. Uncle Kei’s here. I got you.” They hold onto each other for a long moment before the man pushes him back slightly. “Are you okay? Do you have any injuries? Did you get hurt?”
“I’m okay, Uncle Kei.” Rody steps back into the man’s arms, curling around him again, just wanting to feel safe for the time being. While they were still here. Until they get home. “I promise I’m okay.”
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fluffywings13 · 3 years ago
At The Last Second
Kudos goes to @korathefairy for this piece as all the kudos go to them for every Uncle Keigo piece!
Deku had said he was meeting his friends, Endeavor, and Hawks at the airport. Hawks. The winged man was going to be there. Hawks.
Rody can’t remember having moved that fast in a long time, stuffing random objects in a bag, dragging his baby brother and sister out of their trailer, rushing to get to the airport before the plane took off.
Which brings them to where they are now, running from airport security after having jumped and dashed through the check point. There was no telling if dad was coming back, mom definitely wasn’t, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to be there if the old man did turn up. And if he didn’t want to be there then he sure as hell didn’t want Roro and Lala to be there.
The brunette teen yelps when his legs just suddenly give out under him, a paralysis quirk, handy, Roro and Lala yelp with him as they’re tugged back at his sudden fall. “Go!” He pushes them forward as the footsteps of the approaching security officers get louder and louder. “Go! Uncle Kei! Remember! Big red wings! Roro you’re in charge! Find Uncle Kei!”
His baby brother looks hesitant but nods, tugging their sister up with him, disappearing into the crowd of persons.
Hawks was minding his own, surfing through his twitter feed, half listening to the gaggle of teenagers around him and Endeavor attempt to draw his unwilling son into a pitiful conversation. He was in the process of commenting on a post when a body slams into his legs from behind, little fingers curl tightly in his feathers, and he nearly drops his phone.
“Uncle Kei!”
Uncle Kei? He wasn’t an Uncle—Wait—No—“Roro?” Turning quickly, hissing at the feathers that are torn from his wing as he spins around, staring down into young hazel eyes, a little girl and a little boy holding onto his legs for dear life. “Roro? Lala?”
“Uncle Kei!” Lala tugs on his jacket. “They took Rody! You have to save him!”
“On it chickling!” Uncle Kei was in charge now, not Takami Keigo, not Hawks, Uncle Kei was at the wheel. He’d explain later, to the inquisitive eyes and deep voice verbalizing all of their confusion. “Uncle Kei’s got it!” Sweeping the five and nine year old up into his arms, he strides forward, meeting the security officers midway at the entrance to the gate. Ten little fingers curl in the shoulders of his jacket, and he flares his wings slightly unconsciously when the two men reach out to take his precious little niece and nephew from him. The two fledglings whimper fearfully and heated little faces press into the sides of his neck. “There’s a third one. Looks like them. But older. Where is he?”
“Sir they entered illegally—”
“They’re my family.” Now it’s Hawks at the wheel. “It wouldn’t look good for the ones in charge to be known as the ones who kept Japan’s Number Two Hero away from his family, you don’t want that image over you, do you?” He takes pleasure in the way their faces pale and his little bundles of joy giggle at his threat. “That’s what I thought.”
And Uncle Kei takes back command when the two men promise to return with the oldest boy as they turn and disappear, as he turns his attention to the two nestlings on his arms. “You’re both so light, do you eat? Are you eating enough? Imma have to fatten you up a bit. Chicks shouldn’t be this light.” He turns back to the others as he stealthily manages to get a few of his feathers up the kiddies shirts and they shriek with giggles as they flutter over their bellies for a few moments. “So that way I can play with chubby chick tummies like Uncle Kei used to do before your mommy went away.”
“Missed you Uncle Kei!” Lala throws her arms around his neck as Roro curls his fingers in the feathers of his right wing, he nuzzles the little girl lightly, and pulls his right wing in closer for the little boy. “Missed you a lot!”
Uncle Kei keeps command of the mothership as the third Soul appears, the oldest of the brunettes, familiar little chick on his shoulder. Rody Soul doesn’t utter a word as he steps away from the two security guards who came to get him from that room, his eyes look between Lala and Roro as he steps into the hero, pressing his face into his chest. Keigo would curl his arms around him if he hadn’t had them full already with two other baby birds, so he settles on curling his wings around them and brushing his lips over his oldest nephew’s forehead. “Hey Chickadee.”
“Uncle Kei…..” Rody finally finds the strength to lift his arms, curling them around his Uncle’s neck with Lala’s, and just holds on, fingers curling around the collar of the man’s jacket. “Can we come back home with you?” Tired hazel eyes finally meet concerned gold when the teen pulls back slightly. “Please Uncle Kei?”
Keigo eyes him with concern, the bags under his eyes, the way he’s seemingly asleep dead on his feet but managing to continue standing, and nods as he nuzzles the teen hanging onto him. “Of course you can, chickadee, all three of my fledglings can come back home with me.”
“Rody?” Red wings uncurl from around them, and the four turn at the other teen’s call, concerned curious emerald eyes meet theirs. “You’re okay?”
“Yea Deku.” Rody smiles lazily as he leans into his Uncle’s chest. “I’m just fine.”
“You’re okay?” Keigo interjects himself immediately. “What’s he mean? Why wouldn’t you be okay? Did something happen?”
Rody makes a hand gesture when his Uncle’s eyes leave him and return to the hero student, Deku does not read the room, and spills. “He got stabbed.”
“You got what!” Lala and Roro yelp and shriek with giggles when they’re snatched up out of their Uncle’s arms by a dozen feathers or so as the man himself reaches out for the boy in front of him. “Where? How bad is it? Was it treated?” Rody fights his mother hen Uncle off as best as he can, batting at his hands, twisting and turning as he tries to dance out of his reach, until he inadvertently gives his injury away when fingers ghost over his side and he flinches. “Ha! Found it!” The teenager decides his struggle isn’t worth it as the man lifts the side of his shirt to examine the bandaged wound, humming and tsking under his breath as he pokes and prods at it gently. “It doesn’t seem so bad, more so that it’s been tended to appropriately but we’ll take a better look at it when we get home.”
“Uncle Kei…..” Rody just can’t handle having an adult fretting over him at the moment and flops forward, his Uncle is a true G, and is ready to catch him in his arms when he flops forward against him. “Stop being such a worrywart.”
The man chuckles, pressing a kiss to the top of his nephew’s head. “I can’t help it, Robin, you of all people need someone to mother hen over you, just let it happen, because I’m going mother hen all three of you so hard, I know who’s been taking care of things in your mom’s disappearance and your dad’s extra curriculars.” He scratches at the back of the boy’s head. “Which also means you’re gonna catch some Z’s on the plane back.”
Keigo turns, resting his chin on his oldest Nephew’s head to watch his youngest Nephew and little Neice giggle as they hover beside them thanks to his feathers. “Isn’t that right, baby birds?”
Lala giggles and reaches out to catch one of his feathers. “Yep!”
“Hawks is your Uncle!” Rody hums into his Uncle’s chest at Deku’s exclamation, he’s at peace, he’s in a good place, fingers massaging the back of his neck gently are just the right thing he needs to start relieving the tension and pressure he’s been carrying since he was ten and dad took mom out for a day trip and she didn’t come back and dad started leaving for days on end. “That’s so cool! Why didn’t you say so!”
Keigo holds a finger up to his lips when his two baby chicks giggle at their older brother’s lack of response as he’s dozing off against their Uncle’s chest. “Sshhh he’s falling asleep.”
“Hawks.” The winged hero ignores the older man behind him as he carefully scoops his teenage Nephew up into his arms, humming under his breath to keep him dozing against his shoulder. Little Robin, still just as adorable now as he was when he was a baby Robin and Keigo turns to face the older hero. “Who are these children?” Bless his heart. Endeavor was trying. “Do you know them?”
Dumb question, let it go Kei, you’ve got a baby bird dozing off against your shoulder. “For sure, these are my Nephews, Roro and Rody, and my adorable little Neice Lala. My cousin’s kids.” He sends them all a stern glare. “Now sshhh, my little Robin’s falling asleep, he needs it, don’t wake him up.” That reminds him as he turns to the woman at the desk. “I need three extra tickets for Tokyo to Fukuoka.” The woman at the desk nods and starts typing on her computer, not asking any questions, and he turns to his baby birds, completely ignoring the other hero and herolings around him, his nephew sleeping (Rody will later deny this fact but Roro and Lala will disagree) in his arms and grins up at the little ones hovering in the air. “Remember our famous hide and seek games?” Lala and Roro giggle wildly and he smiles. “Oh yea, you remember.”
Keigo easily carries his sleeping nephew onto the plane and his feathers carry his youngest niece and nephew with him, heading for their seats, up front, their seating arrangements changed at the last minute to accommodate the extra persons coming with him (and the fact that Hawks refused to let them sit next to anyone else and especially complete strangers—especially Roro and Lala considering the obvious) and sends most of his feathers into the backpack hanging off his shoulder so he can sit, and rests his sleeping nephew across his lap.
Rody stirs, Pino cheeps softly in an attempt to get him back to sleep, Keigo coos at the little bird and hums, brushing his fingers through his Nephew’s long hair that was let down when he was undoubtedly manhandled into a room out of the public’s view. The teen settles back down after a few moments, his quirk companion quietens down.
“Okay you have thirty seconds to find a hiding spot, and if you get found,” all three Souls smile, the youngest two giggle, they were working on the oldest ones giggles, when he wiggles his fingers at them. “You face the tickle monster.”
Keigo turns, covering his eyes with his hands, and starts counting out loud. Listening to the youngest two giggle as they dart off, he knows the boy tries to hold them back, but he picks up on his oldest nephews muffled giggles as he darts away for his own hiding spot.
Thirty seconds later he’s off on the hunt.
He comes across Roro first, the nine year old hiding under the bed, his bed, and he makes a show of walking around the room before pausing at the foot of the bed just to let the anxiety build. The giggles grow as the anticipation builds, and just when they reach their peak, he snags him out from under his bed with his feathers.
“Found you Ro!” The nine year old squeals with laughter when he claws his fingers into his chubby tummy, little hands batting at his, which inadvertently lets his little top fall down and expose his chubby tummy. “That means I get a minute with this tummy!”
One minute later he’s letting the giggling boy down onto his feet, watching him giggle as he darts off to find another hiding spot, and shakes his head fondly as he turns to exit the nine year old’s room in search of his other two targets.
Keigo finds his adorable little Neice next, hiding in the closet with the linens, they make eye contact and she giggles adorably as he leans forward against the shelf she’s huddled up on. “Hey little cutie bird.”
Lala giggles into her little hand. “Hi Tickle Monster.”
Stealthily, he reaches out for one of those itty bitty bare feet, and scratches the sole with his talon, which makes her giggle harder. “You know what happens now?”
“Uh….” The five year old tilts her head cutely. “I get cuddles?”
Oh, and if this little cutie bird doesn’t have him wrapped around her adorable little finger, there goes the Tickle Monster right out the door and in his place arrives the just as infamous Cuddle Monster. “This little cutie bird gets cuddles?” He smiles softly when she nods. “Well get down here so the Cuddle Monster can deliver.” Lala giggles and uncurls, crawling across the shelf to drop down into his arms, and he coos at her, cradling her close. “The Cuddle Monster missed his little Cutie Bird.”
The little brunette five year old coos softly and kisses his cheek. “I missed you too Uncle Kei.”
“Aww La, don’t you know how to melt this old man’s heart.” Keigo nuzzles her affectionately. “You got me wrapped around that adorable little finger, you know that?”
She giggles adorably. “I know Uncle Kei.”
“Well good.” He peppers her face with kisses until she’d nice and giggly before setting her down on her feet. “You go on and find another hiding spot while I search for your big brother. He’s got a meeting with the Tickle Monster coming his way.”
Watching her go in search of another hiding spot, he finds himself with the task of finding his oldest nephew, no easy feat mind you, Rody’s good at not being found when he doesn’t want to be found.
He finds him though, he’s a predator, a hunter, and this hunter always finds his prey.
Curling his arms back behind him, Keigo watches his feathers drag his oldest Nephew out of the vent above his head, shrieking and cackling as he’s playfully assaulted by a number of feathers. Over his neck, under his shirt over his belly, flicking over his soles, between his toes.
If anyone needs a good laugh it’s his little Robin.
Keigo’s joined first by his youngest nephew and niece, Roro and Lala creeping into his bedroom late into the night of a crisp Autumn Thursday, the two children sniffling about something he has no knowledge of, which only serves to make his mama hen senses tingle because he needs to know what has his beloved fledglings so distraught so he can make it better.
“U—Uncle K—Kei?” A little finger pokes his cheek. “Are—Are you s—sleeping?” Little Roro’s voice is so small and it breaks his heart. “U—Uncle Kei?”
“Yea?” Sitting up, he scoops the nestlings up onto his bed with his feathers, and they crawl up into his lap. Lala doesn’t speak, sniffling into her stuffed bunny, a gift he’d given her when he realized they left her real bunny back at their home in Otheon, she took to it like a fish takes to water. “What’s the matter fledglings, what can Uncle Kei do to make it better?”
Roro sniffles and leans into his shoulder. “We had a dream about mommy.”
That’s not a good introduction to the root cause of the problem. “What about mommy?”
“Daddy was so mad, Uncle Kei, he was mad at mommy because we had quirks and we weren’t right, and mommy was crying and—”
“He’s talking about the day mom left and didn’t come back.” He lifts his gaze from his little Neice and Nephew and meets the oldests stony eyes. “Dad said she left on her own. But we all know that’s not true. Dad did something, we’re sure of it, but we were too poor to do an investigation, and couldn’t prove anything. We weren’t even allowed to talk about her after that day.” Rody looks over to Pino on his shoulder, silent at the moment, no need to express an emotion he was portraying willingly. “She’s either dead and buried in a shallow grave or worse…”
Keigo stares at his oldest Nephew for a long moment before looking back to the two youngest in his lap. “Well, we’re gonna find out what happened to mommy, first thing in the morning, I’ll start us an investigation, we’ll find her.” Dead or alive.
Deep down, in his gut, his soul, he already knew what happened to her. It wasn’t because of any confirmation or knowledge with proven fact, but intuition. She was gone. Miko was gone and she wasn’t coming back. She loved her three kids, she loved them more then life itself, for her to leave them supposedly willingly with their so called father was a bunch of horse shit. She sent him enough photos of them that he’d been able to make himself four photo albums.
He knew her fate already but wouldn’t say anything to the younglings until it was confirmed.
So he nods to himself, and to the kids, lifting his eyes back to meet his Nephew Rody’s. “Come on squirt, we’ll all sleep here tonight, family cuddle pile.”
Keigo lies awake for a long time after that, Lala draped over his chest sleeping contentedly and peacefully, Roro sleeping curled around his left arm, holding on tight, Rody sleeping under his right arm, over his right wing. His mind drifting to his surely deceased Cousin and their near daily phone calls, trying to remember if there was any possible hidden warning to possible foul play in her near future in their conversations.
He finds out what happened to his Cousin Miko two weeks later, sees the photographic evidence, and decides then and there, staring down at the photos in horror at what his cousin had been reduced to, that he’s not going to show them to his adopted kids, Neice and Nephews. They’re too gruesome, and he doesn’t mean to be as harsh as he was when Rody argues with him about his right to see what they’d found, he doesn’t mean to snap and threaten him with a trip over his lap right then and there if he didn’t cool it, but there was no way in high heaven he was letting them see their mom in the way she was found.
Instead they make a shrine, which they know they only do in the event of a loved one’s passing and pay their respects. Roro and Lala don’t quite understand, well, Lala doesn’t, but she knows as they make the shrine that mommy’s not coming back ever. Rody falls silent and the arguing stops as he helps them build their memorial shrine for their mom who was confirmed to never be coming back for them and it wasn’t a decision made by her hand.
Keigo later holds his oldest Nephew as he breaks down with the knowledge that the last thing he said to his mom was ‘see you later mom’ and if he had known he wouldn’t, he would have said so much more. Pino cheeping and crying and tweeting on his shoulder in her own distress, he coos and chirps at the little birdie as he curls around his oldest nephew, hiding him from the world in his moment of…..not weakness, no…..in his moment of expressed grief.
“Hey Uncle Kei?” With Lala and Roro off at school and the teenager opting into online schooling because he was a homebody and didn’t want to change out of his pajama pants for him to go to class (and if Keigo, a great A+ Uncle, didn’t feel that in his soul), Rody lays himself down over his Uncle’s lap despite the fact he was clearly doing something on his phone, and lays there for a long moment. “Uncle Keeiiiii?”
Keigo chuckles softly. “Yes Rodes?”
“I’m bored.”
“Well.” The hero pokes at his nephew’s belly. “This tummy is in prime position for me to provide some entertainment.”
Rody realizes the conundrum he’s wormed his way into. “Wait wait wait!”
“No no, I’ll provide some entertainment for my dearest beloved Nephew.” Keigo pulls the boy’s hands away. “If you don’t move while I’m playing with this tummy all ready for me to play with I’ll let you go on a training mission with Deku and his friends.”
The brunette entertains the offer. “And if I don’t?”
The winged man hums. “I adjust our position and blow raspberries into this tummy for two minutes consecutively.”
Rody contemplates this and nods, forcing his arms to rest at his sides firmly, and nods with an expression of grim concentration. “Deal.”
“Great!” Keigo tugs his nephews shirt up in preparation. “You’re not gonna last a second.”
“I got this.”
He cracks his fingers teasingly. “You think so?”
His teenage nephew nods firmly. “Positive.”
“You’re forgetting something little Robin.” Keigo flexes his fingers. “I’ve known you all your life.” And positions his fingers above the spot he knows will break the boy. “I know exactly where to go to win.”
“I’m gonna win.”
“Really?” The hero claws his fingers over the center of his nephew’s belly, Rody admittedly, yes, he will admit to it (his Uncle wiggles his fingers at him threateningly when he says he won’t—he’s not ashamed to say he’s incredibly ticklish and his Uncle is an incredible tickle monster—all is well), squeals brightly as he arches his back into the fingers clawing in just right, wiggling just the right speed, clawing in just the right depth, vibrating in just the right location. His hands come flying up, fingers curling around his Uncle’s wrists, cackling brightly as he tries to turn up onto his side in an attempt to get away from those fingers (or at least get them away from that spot). “I thought you said you were going to win, Rodes.”
“Uhuhuhuhuuncle Kehehehehehheei! Nohohohoho! Nohohohot thehehehehehehehere!” (Uncle Kei! No! Not there!)
“Not the tummy?” Keigo tugs the boy back into his lap, the teen’s back pressing against his stomach, still clawing in over the center of his Nephew’s tummy. “Not right here? Is this a bad spot? You lost by the way so this tummy’s in for two minutes of raspberries at some point.” He keeps one hand there and lifts the other to wiggle his index finger in the dip of his oldest Nephew’s side. “How about here instead, is this better?”
Pino tweets and hops as her companion squeals again and squirms, kicking his legs wildly, regretting accepting his Uncle’s challenge, because the man is right, he has known him all his life, he does know just the right buttons to push. “Nohhohohohoho! Nohohohot theheheheheheheere eieieiehehehehehehether!! Uhuhuhuhuuhuhuncle Kehehehehehehehei pleehehehhehehehease!”
“But I thought you were bored? As the best Uncle, I can’t let me beloved little Rody be bored, that wouldn’t be something a good Uncle would do.” He curls his arm around the boy’s waist to keep him in place and spiders his fingers up and down the remainder of his exposed side. “And I’m nothing if not a great Uncle. Ask Roro, he got me a mug that says ‘Worlds Best Uncle’ and I cherish it.” He walks his fingers up his wiggling and kicking Nephew’s side and under his shirt, for that middle rib, that one in particular, that one is the best, and makes the teen squeal again. “Did you think I forgot about this rib, this one right here, I have a great memory Rodes, I know about this rib, remember when you were just a little baby bird and Uncle Kei would hold you up and nibble on this little rib right here.”
“Ihihihihi’m nohohohohot ahahahahahahananymohohohore! Ihihihihihi’m nohohohohot!” (I’m not anymore! I’m not!) Rody bats at his Uncle’s hands, torn between trying to tug the hand out from under the side of his shirt or trying to pry the arm from around his waist, but eventually gives in to his fate. “Nohohhoho mohohohore! Nohohohohohore mohohohohohore! Uhuhuhuuncle Kehehehehheeiii!” (No more! No more! Uncle Kei!”
Chuckling, the hero pinches his Nephew’s rib once, and lets him go. Rody flops over onto his belly, face pressed into the pillow on his Uncle’s other side, panting lightly as he giggles softly at the residual tingles from such a brutal tickle attack. A large warm hand rubs his back. “You can still go with Deku.”
“Thahanks Uncle Kei.”
Lala and Roro dart off for their room when the four of them enter the apartment, their Uncle’s ire was enough to send them to safety, even if his ire was directed at their older brother and not them, they wanted to make themselves scarce.
Rody shoves his hands in his pockets and slouches, meeting his Uncle’s harsh glare with a gaze of indifference, Pino was a traitor though, portraying his nervousness for the adult in his life to see in her own way. “So, I guess I’ll just go—”
“Be quiet, Rody.” He blinks in surprise at the man’s snap, his harsh snap, and straightens out of his position of nonchalance as the man steps forward. Keigo stands directly in front of his oldest nephew, anger palpable, rolling off his shoulders, each individual feather, in waves. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t get my belt and wallop you good.”
That threat, the teen perceives it as a threat, makes him blink and rear back in shock. He’s never seen his Uncle Kei this angry in all that he’s known him, granted when he’s see the man he was only visiting, he’d never actually lived with him before now, but still. His shock quickly morphs into submission, perhaps a bit of fear, if his Uncle’s rapidly changing expression is to go by, as he curls into himself and Pino falls silent on his shoulder.
It’s the quirk manifestation of his Nephew’s emotions falling completely still and silent that startles him the most. “Rody?” Keigo reaches out in concern and immediately pulls back when the boy, rather noticeably, flinches back from him. “Robin?” Hopefully the nickname, the one given out of love, will bring the boy back to him and they can muster through this new apparent grim discovery, Keigo is ashamed of himself that he knows so little about the life his nephews and niece lived after contact with his Cousin stopped and he received a Restraining Order from his…Cousin in-law….And its something he intends to rectify immediately. “Robin talk to me. Was it something I said? It had to be, that’s a stupid question, of course it was something I said. Robin talk to me. Let me help.” When he reaches out this time, the boy doesn’t flinch away, Pino, bless her, tweets at him encouragingly, at him, not Rody, at him. “Robin?”
Rody rubs at the back of his head slightly, curling in on himself. “Well, dad would—” That’s it, that’s all he needs to hear in order to know where this is going, that’s all he needs. “He would—”
“Shh, I understand.” Carefully, his hand travels up around the back of his nephew’s neck, and pulls him forward, into his arms, his chest, and he holds him close. “I will never do that to you, Rody. To you or the baby birds. Never. I won’t even say it, never again, I’m so sorry little one, I didn’t know.”
“It’s okay, Uncle Kei.” It wasn’t okay but they both mutually agreed to pretend it was for their own sakes. “It’s in the past. I know….I know you would never….” Rody turns his head to press his ear against his Uncle’s chest, listening to his heart beat, a comforting thumping rhythm. “I don’t know why—”
“Because you’re conditioned to, that’s why.” Keigo whispers gently. “I’ll never say it, never again, I swear on my honor, on my name, never again.” He scratches soothingly at the back of his oldest nephew’s head. “You’re grounded. Two weeks. Only one hour of Electronic time and an early bed time. Two weeks.”
The brunette smiles into his Uncle’s chest, as he turns back to press his face into it, and nods. “Got it Uncle Kei.”
“Good.” Keigo smiles above his nephew’s head, bowing his head slightly, leaning in towards the side of the youth’s neck. “Just think of it as more quality time with your dear old Uncle, aye, you and me.” The teen shakes from repressed giggles as his breath blows against the skin of the side of his neck, trying to scrunch up for protection, only to find the man is too close for it to do much of anything in regards for protection. “More quality time with the big bad tickle monster.” Rody shrieks, a new sound, not new to the man’s ears, but to anyone and everyone else including his younger brother and sister, shrieks with laughter when his Uncle buries his face in the side of his neck and starts off with pressing in rapid fire kisses before turning to nibbling and small raspberries. He shoves at the mans chest, tries to lean away, but the arms curled around him tighten around him, the hand curled around the back of his head keeps him from getting all that far away. At least two minutes passes and he feels himself growing weak at the knees at the relentless tickle torture to the side of his neck, when his Uncle chuckles against his neck, which makes him squeal (oh god! He squealed with Roro and Lala home!) and the hero scoops him up off his feet. “A round with the evil tickle monster is gonna start off this two week grounding.”
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fluffywings13 · 4 years ago
Five Seconds
This is for @wolfiegirl625-2
I hope you like it friend! Sorry it took so long to get out!
Izuku’s learned many things in his time as Hawks assistant.
One, the man is weak to jump scares, seriously, hide behind a corner and jump out and yell ‘BOO’ and the man would shriek like a little girl on Christmas morning.
Two, the man is terrified of spiders, he’d been going through old files once and pointed at a spider (no bigger then his pinky nail mind you) and the hero shrieked and jumped out of his chair, literally, he lifted himself completely from the ground.
Three, the man was convinced that, A) Izuku was going to get himself killed before he reached twenty-one, and B) Izuku would cause him to go gray prematurely, and C) Both.
Four, the man is a brutal tickle monster who took pleasure in watching him suffer (even if he did enjoy it) and went out of his way to take him down.
And, five, the man gave the best cuddles. A+++++ grade cuddles. He’s talking wing blanket, head scratches, nuzzles, the whole enchilada.
Izuku has also learned that when he hears “You have five seconds to run” you skiddoodle skidaddle your self outta there.
Which is where we find him now, running through the halls in the hero’s agency, the man chasing after him shouting for those they pass to catch him (which was cheating but he’ll digress that he probably deserves it), as fake blood drips down his face.
He pranked his boss.
That’s right, he pranked him, how you might ask, he pretended to be dead. Was super convincing too, the man admitted so many things to him while he thought he was dying in his arms. It was cruel, but hilarious at the same time, so, in his opinion, ten outta ten.
Bursting through the Agency’s front doors, he takes a sharp right and dives into the crowded sidewalk, weaving between people, bumping shoulders with some of them, and cackles when he hears his hero swear up a storm when he loses sight of him. It’s a brief moment, before he feels the calculating predatorial eyes on his back, and the sound of boots smacking the pavement as the chase is restarted.
It takes about ten minutes before he hears Keigo say—“Wait, I can fly.” Which makes him cackle again because the winged hero forgot he could fly.
Ducking under the hands that reach out for him, he makes another sharp right into an alley, hears the man yelp as he almost flies into a fire escape, and the strong beats of his wings as he corrects himself.
Izuku screams when hands curl under his arms and the ground drops out from under him, kicking his feet, not so much out of terror of the fact he was just whisked off the ground, but by the fact that he knows what comes next. He kicks the man in the shin when they land on the balcony to his office, the hero yelps and lets go instinctively, and Izuku darts forward, for the door, shrieking when he’s swooped off his feet by a flurry of red feathers, and carried back to the hero who’s mercy he’s left at.
Keigo grins at him, hands on his hips, and leans forward when they’re face to face. “You had your fun, you little shit, now it’s my turn.”
“Come on man, can’t we talk about this?” The greenette pleads as he’s dangle upside down. “It really wasn’t so bad, was it?”
The hero pinches his nose and he yelps. “You made me think you were legitimately dying, it is that bad, you’re in for it this time, Eyas, you got me good, I’ll admit, and now it’s my turn to return the favor.” He turns around, gesturing for him over his shoulder, and the feathers follow after him as he steps around his desk for the oasis in the back, Izuku struggles, kicking out and flailing his arms, yelping when the feathers give out, and he drops unceremoniously into the work nest. “This is gonna be good.” He struggles again when the hero flops down into the nest with him, the feathers keep him from moving all too much, hands catch his ankles and guide them back around behind the man and he yelps when he’s tugged forward, legs resting over the hero’s thighs as he’s settled between his legs. “It’s been forever since you pranked me, remember how bad it was last time, need a reminder maybe?”
“No! Nononono!” The teen shakes his head frantically. “I don’t! It was a lapse in judgement!”
“It sure was.” Keigo nods as he pushes his shirt up to uncover his belly. “A huge lapse in judgement.” He raises his hands and the teen giggles frantically as the man’s talons grow out, he’s got a few bad spots, but all around, the talons, anywhere with the talons, was the worst. “One I’ll make sure you regret.”
Izuku sucks in his belly when the hero rests his talons on it, on his lower belly, giggling frantically despite the lack of movement, the talons are the worst, one thousand percent the worst. He shrieks with giggles when they start to scratch lightly, soft feather light scratching, and it’s enough that it drives him insane, as he giggles crazily and yanks at his arms restrained by a number of feathers. “Kehehehehei nohohohoho! Nohohohohot thehehehehee tahahahahhaalons! Ihihihihi’m sohohohohorry!” (Kei no! Not the talons! I’m sorry!”
“Not as sorry as you’re gonna be.” Keigo scratches up the boys belly slowly, nothing harsh, nothing over the top, just light scratching with his talons, and the teen’s already dying, not even a minute into his revenge, and the boy’s already gone. “By the time I’m done with you, you’re not gonna be able to stop from giggling at the mere thought of pranking me again.” He rests at the teen’s lower ribs, scratching lightly, tracing small circles with his index finger talons, and the teen shrieks and squirms, arching to one side, then the other, and arching his back as he presses his chin to his chest. The man scratches over to his sides, and spiders down slowly, before heading back up again, down once more, up again, and down. “Coochie coochie coo, cutie bird.”
The teen squirms from side to side, like a little worm, giggling and shrieking, and shaking his head.
“Wanna play the spider game?”
“Nohoho! Nohhohhohoho pleheheheheease!” (No! No please!) Izuku shrieks and squeals at the mention of that game. “Noohohohohot thehehehehee spiihihihiiider gahahahahhaaame! Pleheheheheease!” (Not the spider game! Please!)
“The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.” He spiders his talons up the teen’s sides lightly and scratches lightly at his lower ribs, smiling at the way he shrieks with giggles and struggles against his feathers, shaking his head fondly as he spiders his talons back down. “Down came the rain and washed the spider out.” The man scratches at the boy’s hip bones with his thumb talons and the teen squeals brightly. “Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.” Keigo spiders his talons back up the teen’s side and the boy shrieks, biting his lip against his giggles, before bursting. “And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.” He scratches back over his ribs and slowly down his belly, pausing in the middle, scratching at the sides of his tummy. “This is just the warm up, Eyas, we haven’t even gotten to the real punishment and you’re already losing it.”
Izuku is very much aware of this, sir, you don’t need to tell him.
“Okay, I’ve played nice for long enough, let’s get our hands a little dirty now.” The teen shakes his head pleadingly when the hero changes positions, laying over top of him, shrinking his talons for this next part. “Now comes the real punishment.”
He squeals and cackles when ten fingers claw into his left side, twisting up, the hero’s braces his left forearm around his back, and those ten fingers move over to claw into his right side as he squeals with laughter and feels a sense of instant regret. “Keheheheheheeieieieiaiaaahahahhahahahahaha aahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha nohhohohohohohohohoho! Pleheheheheheheheeeease! Eieieaiaiaahahahahahahahahhahahahaahaaa aahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaa aaaahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaaa!” (Kei no! Please!) He falls limply against the arm curled down his back as the hero claws his fingers over his side, up and down, deep and sharp, and he howls, cackling madly, before the arm around his back moves and he makes the mistake of twisting up again, allowing those ten fingers to claw into his left side uninhibited again. “Nohohohohohoo! Eeieieiaaiaahahahahahahahahhahahahaa pleheheheheheease! Pleheheheheheease! Eeaiaiaiahahahahahahhahahahaa ahahahahahahahahhahahahahaa Keheheheheheheheei! Nohohohohoho mohohohohoore! Nohohohohoho mohohohohohore!” (No! Please! Please! Kei! No more! No more!)
“Why not? Does my little cutie bird have ticklish sides?” Keigo smiles at the kid’s bright squeals. “You sure do, cutie bird, you sure do.” He lets the boy fall back onto his back and rests his fingers on his belly. “Now it’s time for this tummy.” The hero pokes around the teen’s belly. “Oh, I’m gonna get this tummy something bad, real good.”
The hero takes a deep breath and bows his head. “Eeieiaiaaiahahahahahahhahahahaa!” Izuku squeals before the man even touches him, watching his blonde head closely, and squeals again when he tilts to the side. “Eeieaiaiahahahahahahahahahahaha!” And again when he tilts to the other side. “Eeieiaiaahahahahahahahahhahhaaha Keheheheheei!” (Kei!) The hero’s just enjoying himself at this point. “Eeieiaiaiaaahahahhahahahahahaa!” He bows his head over his belly button and he squeals louder. “EIEIAIAAIAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA NOHOHOHHHOHOHO!” (NO!) Keigo blows out lightly over his belly button and he squeals as he arches his back into the man’s lips, to which he curls his arms under him, takes another breath and finally blows the raspberry he’s been teasing him with. “EEIEIAIAIAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA AAHAHAHAHAHHEHEHEAIEAIAAIAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA NOHOHOHOHOHOOOHOOO KEHEHEHEHEEIIEIEIEIEAEAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHO MOHOHOHOHOREEIEEIAIAEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IHIHIHIHIHIHI’M SOHOHOHOHORRYYY EIEAIAIAIAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAA NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHEHEERREEIEIEIAIAEAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA NOHOHOHOHOHOT TTHEHEHEIEEIAIAIAIAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!” (No Kei! No more! I’m sorry! Not there not there!)
“Oh,” the hero rubs his nose over his belly and the smile is evident in his voice. “You’re getting at least a dozen raspberries, at least.” He presses a kiss to his belly button and the teen shrieks. “Over this button alone.”
The teenage assistant continues to squeal with laughter as the hero continues blowing raspberries over his belly button, struggling desperately against the feathers holding his arms in place, it takes a few minutes of button raspberries before he starts screaming for help, which makes the man laugh into his belly, which makes him squeal again.
“No one’s coming to help you, little bird.” Keigo turns his head slightly. “It’s just you and me.”
“Keheheheei plehehehehease! I cahahahahan’t! I cahahahahan’t tahahahaake ihihihit!” (Kei please! I can’t! I can’t take it!) Izuku pleads through his giggles. “Nohohoho mohohohore! Ihihihit tihihihickles! Ihihihit tihihihickles sohohoho bahahahad! Nohohoho mohohohore raahahahahhaspberries!” (No more! It tickles! It tickles so bad! No more raspberries!)
“No more?” He wiggles a finger in the teen’s belly button and the boy squeals with laughter once more, squirming from side to side, arching his back into it, tears finally falling from his eyes. “Fine, fine, no more raspberries, but you get six minutes of this before I’m done.” Was it a tad mean, yes, yes it was, but so was making him think that the kid he was so incredibly fond of, his little baby bird, was dying and dead. “You better think twice before you decide you’re gonna prank me like this again.”
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fluffywings13 · 4 years ago
A flamingo and a Hawk
“You sure you don’t wanna talk?” The small informant bites his lip in an attempt to keep his giggling to himself at the fingers poking his sides, the hero grinning down at him both fond and amused, one of the very few he’d actually taken the time to form a relationship with, he valued the relationships he had, he knew that if he ever needed help or needed an assist out of a tight spot, he had people he could rely on, and he shakes his head. “All I need is what I came here for, we don’t need to do this, I for one don’t take enjoyment out of torturing kids, okay, no, I do kind of enjoy torturing you, I can’t lie.”
Flamingo, the informant, known by this particular hero as Izuku, bites his lip harder when the hero jabs a finger into his lower side, and squeaks as he jolts slightly. “Nohoho!” He reaches down for the man’s hands quickly. “Plehehease!”
“All you have to do is tell me what I wanna hear,” despite the kids grip on his hands, it doesn’t stop him from wiggling his fingers in his sides lightly, making the youth shriek softly and bite his lip again. “You know what you have to do to stop this.” Keigo, known by others in the world Izuku lives in as Hawks, smiles down at him, wiggling a finger just above his hips. “I can do this all afternoon, I got nothing goin’ on, I have absolutely no qualms when it comes to torturing you.”
“Yohohohou dihihihidn’t pahahahay!” The kid shrieks through giggles when fingers curl around his waist and thumbs press into his hips. “Nohoho! Pleehehehease! Nohohohot thehehehehere!”
“I don’t pay you for my intel.” He massages his thumbs into the boy’s hips lightly, squeaky giggles earned, and smiles at him. “My payment is me not torturing you to death.”
“I ohoohohohonly tahahahake cahahahhash oohohohor fahahahavors!” Izuku, also known as the informant Flamingo, shrieks when the thumbs on his hip dig in sharply. “Wahahahahhaait! Nohohoohohoo! Yohohohou gehehehehet whahahahat yohohohohou pahahahhaay fohohohohor!”
“Okay, alright, don’t say I didn’t give you a chance.” He squeals when the hero starts kneading his thumbs into his hips. “Torture it is.”
The kid pushes at his arms desperately, shrieking with laughter, he feels his left leg shift under him slightly. “Nohohohoho! Kehehehheei! Nohohohoho plehehehehhease! Aaahahahahhahahahhahha aaahhahahahahhahahahahhahahaa eehehehhehahahhhahahahahahahahhahaha aaahhahahahahhahahahahahhahaa Keehehehheheheheei nohohohohohot thehehehehheere nohohohohot thehehehehheere! Plehehehehease! I’ll gihihihihiive ihihihihit! I’ll gihihihihive ihihihihit!”
“You better,” the hero moves up to wiggle his fingers in the informants lower belly. “But, I’m not stopping now, you had your chance, you chose torture.”
“Nohohoohoho! Thahahahahaat’s nohohohoot fahahahahair!” Izuku cries between fits of laughter, trying to grab the man’s hands, and failing miserably. “Aaaaahahhahahahahahhahahahaha aaahahhahahahahahhahahaha aeeehehehhahahahahahahahahhaa Kehehehheheei nohohohohoho! Plehehehehehease nohohohohoho! Aahahahahahahhahahahahahaha aaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaa whyhyhyhyhyy ahahahhahahare yohohohohou sohohohoho mehehehehheean tohohohoho meehehehehehhehe!”
“Because, you’re stubborn,” Keigo laughs softly at the kids childlike laughter, the most renowned informant in the business, someone no one has the balls to double cross, is adorable when you get him like this. “And, we have to do this every time. Not that I mind, I like you like this, acting like a kid, you’re not so fearsome when you know the right buttons to push.” He slowly spiders his fingers up the kid’s sides, and the boy squeaks, clamping his arms down firmly, he manages to get in though, kid’s good, but he’s better, they’ve gone through this more than a few times. “Isn’t it just your luck that I know all the right buttons to push.”
Fingers claw in above his ribs and he squeals brightly, clamping his arms down instinctively, and arches his back. “Eeeehehhehehheahhahahahahahahhhahahaha aaahahahahhahahahhahahahahahaha nohohohohohohoho gehehehehehehehehet ohohohohout gehehehehehet ohohohooout! Aaahahahahahahahahahhaha aaaahahahahhahahahahahahahhaa nohohohohot thehehehehehehere plehehehehehheease nohohohohot theheheheheheheheere! Kehehehehei plehehehehheheease! Aaahahahahahhahahahhahahaa I’ll gihihihihihiive yohohohou ehehehehheeverything fohohohohor freehehehehheheee! Stoohohohohohohohop eeieiiiaiaaahahahahhahahhahahahhaa aahaahahahahahahhahahahahaaa! Plehehehehehheease nohohohohot theheheheheere!” He hums softly. “You’re going to give me everything for free either way. Sometimes you need to be reminded that you are, which is cool, I can keep reminding you, I have no problem with that.” He pauses on the right, but keeps it up on the left, and the kid continues to shriek with laughter, managing to curl up on his side lightly, fingers curl around his forearm and push, then he digs back in on the right, and the informant squeals and falls back onto his back. “You’re adorable, you know that, you’re adorable.” He nods when the teen shakes his head. “Yea, you are, you’re adorable.”
Izuku can’t form words, he’s laughing too much, too hard, but he does curl his fingers around the hero’s forearms and push, desperately, he needs to get him away from that spot, he needs to. “Kehehehehheei stohohohohop! Stohohohohop plehehehehheease! Eeehehehheaahahahahahahhahahahaa aahaahahahhahahahaahhahaha aaahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahaaha pleehehehehehehehease nohoohohoot thehehehehehehere plehehehehheheeease! Aaaahhaahahahhaahhahahaa aaahahahahahahahahahah aaaahahahahahahahhahahaaa geehehehehheheheet ohohoohout gehehehehheet ohohohohohohout! Plehehehehheheease! Eeieiaeiiaaiahahahahahahhahahahhahaa aaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaa! Nohoohohohohot thehehehehere! I hahahahhave sohohohohohomethihihihhiing tohohohohoho saahahahhahahahaay! Kehehehehheei I hahahahahhaave sohohohohomethihihihing tohohohohoho tehehehheheell yohohohohou!”
“Oh yea,” he stops his attack, letting the kid pant to catch his breath, and smiles up at him when the kid smiles down at him. “What do you have to tell me?”
The teen giggles for a moment, which is adorable, this kid, his pseudonym’s Flamingo, one of the most fearsome informants in the business, one no one wanted to double cross, heroes or villains, was adorable.
He gets his giggling under control, somewhat, and grins. “You’re a jackass.”
“Oh, ho ho, you’re just asking for it now, aren’t you?” The kid’s eyes widen, instant regret, when the hero pushes the side of his shirt up. “Just for that, I’m gonna eat your side.”
“No! Kei, wait! I take it ba—” He’s cut off mid-sentence by a squeal when the hero buries his face in his side and starts nibbling. “Eeieiaeiaiaaaahhahahahahahahahahahaha aahhahahahhahahhahahahahahhahaa nohohohohohohohoho Ihihihihihi’m sohohohohoorry! Ihihihihihi’m sohohohohohoho sohohohohohohorry! Aaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaa eieieaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaa pfff—ahahahahhahahahahahhahahaha! Stohoohohohohohhoop! Plehehehehhehehheease! Nohohohohohot thahahahahahahaate! Nohohohohohot thahahahahhahaat! Plehehehehehheease Kehehehehehheei plehehehehehheheease!” Izuku leans away, arching to the other side, giggling wildly, looking down at the hero, he doesn’t follow. He shrieks when fingers wiggle into his other side, and jumps away, back into his original position, and the man buries his face back in his side, nibbling anew. “Kehehehehehheei nohohohohohohohoo! Eeieiaieiaiaaahhahahahahahahhaha aaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahaa nohohohohoot thahahahahahhahaat! Stohohohohohohop ahahahaahahahahahahhaa! Nohohohohohot thahahhahahahat!” The teen squeals again when fingers curl around his ribs on the other side and the blonde moves up to nibble softly at his lowest rib, pounding his fist in the mattress once, he arches his back, and begs, the only hero who can make Flamingo beg for anything, is Hawks, before throwing his hand down, curling his fingers around his friend’s hand, and pushes at it desperately. “Pleheheheheheheease! Pleehehehehheheease Kehehehehehheheei! Iihihihihihihi’m sohohohohohorry! Plehehehehheheease! Nohohohohohot thaahahhaahhahahat! Ihihihihihihihi gohohohohot sohohohohohohomethihihhihihihing tohohohoho sahahahaahhaay! Kehehehehehheei Iihihiihihihihihi hahhahahahhahahaave tohohohohoho tehehehehheheelll yohohhohohou sohohohohomethihihihihing!”
Keigo laughs and pulls away from his ribs, straightening himself out, meeting the boy’s glowing emerald eyes. “You do?” The informant nods, giggling softly, panting slightly. “If you call me another mean name, I’m gonna eat your other side.” That makes the kid burst into hysterical giggles, throwing his arm down, pressing it firmly against his untortured side. “What do you have to tell me?”
It takes a few minutes for the small teen to get his giggling under control, to catch his breath, before he can get the words out. “Okay, don’t tell anyone, I got a reputation to uphold and all that, swear you won’t say anything.” The man wiggles a finger in the dip of his side, and he bursts into a fit of giggles. “I haven’t told anyone about this, have I?” Izuku shakes his head, and the finger stops wiggling in his side. “Okay, okay, I trust you, okay, god I’m not good at this,” the hero waits patiently. “Okay, I can do this, okay—” The teen covers his face with his hands. “CanIcallyoupapabird?”
The winged hero tilts his head and chuckles softly. “One more time, little guy, I didn’t quite catch that.”
“Oh my god, okay!” He throws his hands down and his face burns red. “Can I…..Can I call you papa bird?”
Keigo smiles at him and lifts himself, leaning forward to press their foreheads together, and they stare into each other’s eyes. “Only if I can call you baby bird.”
Izuku grins. “You have a deal.”
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fluffywings13 · 3 years ago
In Breach Of An Order
For my Bestie @korathefairy 
Bestie I told you! Everyone tagged to you!
“Good job Pino.”
Rody praises his companion as he jumps over the edge of the fire escape, so caught up, he doesn’t realize that he’s not the only one on the edge of the building until he runs smack dab right into them. Pino tweets fearfully, terrified, as he drops the brief case full of jewels and waves his arms around as he starts to fall back.
“Hey!” The teen goes rigid at the voice, that voice, he hasn’t heard that voice since the day mom and dad went out and only one of them came back. “Careful fledgling.”
Large strong hands grasp his biceps and pull him away from the edge of the building, soft feathers already up under his shirt to pull him away from the edge just in case, ready to catch him if he does fall. The warm hands are there for a moment, the soft feathers brushing over his skin, before both are gone. Rody blinks once, twice, eyes staring into the gold eyes of the man he hasn’t seen since he was a kid.
Rody shrinks, folding into himself, Pino tweeting sorrowfully on his left shoulder. “U—Uncle Kei?”
“Hey little one.” Keigo, not Hawks, despite his persona get-up, he was Keigo this time around. “It’s been a while hasn’t it.”
“Uncle Kei….” It takes a couple of minutes for his mind to catch up with his mouth, Rody would like to ask you for a moment, to cut him some slack. “Uncle Kei.” There we go, brain has reloaded, elation at the fact his favorite Uncle is standing before him sinks in as it should, and the brunette launches himself at him, throwing himself into the man’s arms, curling around him tightly. “Uncle Kei!”
“Hey little bird.” Keigo smiles softly, it’s a small sad smile, the last time he’d seen his oldest nephew in person was when he was seven, Roro was three, and little Lala was still a hatchling. “I’m sorry I haven’t come to see you guys.” He pets a hand down the back of his nephews head. “It wasn’t for lack of trying, I promise.”
“I know.” Rody takes a moment, face pressing into his uncles strong chest, before turning his head, lifting his gaze, meeting his eyes. “I know dad put out a restraining order against you after mom left.” He turns back into the man’s chest, tucking himself under his chin, Pino chirps excitedly, and he smiles, repressing the giggles that have long since disappeared from this earth when his uncle chirps back, tucking himself under the man’s chin. “I’m sorry Uncle Kei.”
“Hey, Robin, while I disapprove of the fact you’re playing a part in that heist, I know you wouldn’t do it for no real reason.” The hero scratches at the back of his nephews head. “We’ll talk about it later because, despite your obvious pure intentions, there still has to be consequences.”
“I know Uncle Kei.” Rody does not sniffle, ignore his Uncle’s knowing glance and Pino’s completely incorrect tweeting, because he does not sniffle and his eyes do not water and tears definitely may not have been shed because here his uncle is, right the fuck here. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too little bird.” The man brushes a kiss over his nephews temple. “Uncle Kei’s here now, I’ll take care of everything, the first thing we’ll do is return these jewels to the store your cohorts stole them from.”
“Uncle Kei!” The two semi twin voices of the youngest Souls fill the front yard as the winged man lands, his nephew on his back, Deku cradled in his arms, he sets the hero student down with enough time to prepare himself to catch the two bundles of Baby Birds barreling at him. “You’re here!”
Deku was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that Hawks had followed him in hopes of finding his family he hasn’t seen in years and for that purpose only. Oh, and the fact that the thief he was chasing was the number two hero’s nephew. And trying to not feel like he was intruding on what should be a private moment.
Keigo laughs, bouncing the two youngsters on his arms. “Uncle Kei sure is here little ones!”
“Are you staying this time Uncle Kei?” Roro asks softly, tugging on a strand of his uncles feathery ash blonde hair, trying to seem like he wasn’t as hopeful as he was feeling. “You’re not gonna disappear again, right?”
“Yea, Uncle Kei.” Lala whispers. “Go away like mommy did.”
“Nah hatchlings.” Keigo nuzzles them both until they’re both giggling little cutie birds. “Uncle Kei’s not going anywhere.” He had his suspicions about what happened to his Cousin but he would never voice them in front of the youngster hanging off his back and the youngest youngsters in his arms. “In fact, you’re coming home with Uncle Kei after this whole thing is taken care of.”
It’s kind of sad, in a way, that none of them make any protest in wanting to stay with their father.
“You’re grounded.” Rody rolls his eyes. “Don’t roll your eyes at me Mister!” It’s hard to take his Uncle seriously with bandages wrapped around his temple like a headband, Roro sitting on his shoulders, and swinging Lala with his right hand. “Getting yourself involved with Flect. I otta turn you around and roast your backside, you little troublemaker.”
Keigo grins at him when the teen smiles. “Oh please, Uncle Kei, you’d see one tear and start fretting like a total mother hen.”
“Was that a bird pun I just heard?”
The brunette teen’s eyes widen. “Oh my god!”
“No taking it back!”
Roro and Lala giggle at them and their playful argument in regards to the unintentional bird pun their older brother just made and how elated it made their uncle.
“Watch it, buster.” The winged man pinches at the big toe of his nephew’s left foot, enough so that the teen squeaks and tugs his foot away, it makes his Uncle smile. “I can use my feathers for more then just weaponry, like on toes, they can be quite dastardly on toes, and if I remember correctly a certain little bird with a chick on his shoulder had himself some sensitive toes.”
The two youngest Souls giggle at the way their older brother’s face pales and his eyes widen. “You don’t remember nothing!”
“No, no, I distinctly remember something about the toes and how they couldn’t stand my feathers.” Keigo takes the feather Roro plucked from his left wing and holds it out to his oldest nephew’s left foot playfully. “We could investigate this memory if you want. I see some toes that need to be dusted off anyways. Two birds with one stone, er, feather.”
Rody makes a face at the horrible dad joke worthy bird pun. “That was a horrible pun.”
His Uncle’s grin turns a tad bit more feral at his insult. “Roro, Lala, wanna see Uncle Kei make your big brother squeal like a little baby bird?”
He loves his baby brother and sister, he really does, but in the moment that they giggle and nod, he decides that it’s fine if he hates them for a matter of five minutes while red feathers envelope him in a swarm and he actually gets the opportunity to feel like the kid he still is and forgot he was until a responsible adult (in the form of Uncle Kei no less) showed up to take over the head of the household position for him.
Rody’s left panting, after the feathers retreat back to the avian’s wings, giggling under his breath a tad deliriously, and curls up on himself in case of any sneak attacks. He knows his Uncle Kei, he knows all too well that Uncle Kei is known for sneak attacks, giving you a false sense of security, thinking the tickle torture was done, before he comes in for round two.
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fluffywings13 · 3 years ago
So I started a thing, where Kei has a side profession as a pro Ler and has custody of his nephews and niece and when Rody brings home a grade less then a B he gets absolutely wrecked for it.
I don’t take criticism without crying!
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fluffywings13 · 4 years ago
Training Troubles
Izuku jumps forward first, making to strike him in the center, and his boss easily side steps his incoming attack, smacking him on the bottom with the flat of his sword lightly, leaving the teen feeling flustered and rubbing at his stinging bottom.
“You’re too eager.” Keigo turns, twirling his feather sword in his hand skillfully. “You’re not focusing on the weak side.”
“You’re just better then me!” He gripes. “You’ve had more practice!”
“Be that as it may,” the hero shakes his head lightly. “You’re still too eager. You need to focus on your opponents weakside, mine is the left, my right hand is my dominant hand, my left is my weakside. You can’t always just jump into it, you have to be more strategic then that,” he lowers his position. “Again.”
Izuku falls into a similar position, his muscles on a hair line trigger, and he jumps forward again. This time he aims for the left, just like the man had said, but his attack is met on equal standing and parlayed, the hero circles their swords around, and disarms him in one foul move, and kicks his foot out from under him, sending him falling backwards onto the matt under them.
“I could see which direction you were going, your foot twitched to the right before you jumped forward, that’s a giveaway.”
“This is useless!” He just flops back onto the matt, letting his arms fall outwards, glaring up at the ceiling above them. “You’re just better than I am! I’m never going to get one on you!”
“I’ve had more training, nestling, yes, but you’ve got skill in your own right.” Keigo returns the long feathers to his wings. “You’d be better at this if you weren’t so unfocused.” He crosses his arms loosely and nudges him in the side with his toes. “You’re too flustered. You need to calm down. You’ll get the upper hand if you focus on it.”
“I’m not flustered!”
“Oh, you most certainly are, fledgling,” he points a finger down at him. “That snark right there is the only evidence I need to know you are. You need to take a deep breath and calm down.”
The boy throws a hand up at him. “That’s easy for you to say!”
Keigo smiles. “Do you need help calming down?”
“I don’t need help with anything!”
“I’ll help you calm down.” Izuku glares at the man as he comes to loom over him, feet parted at his hips, and comes to kneel over top of him. “I’ve been wanting to test this out anyways, no better opportunity then right now.”
Izuku tilts his head to the side. “Test what out?”
His hero smiles at him playfully. "If you're ticklish or not."
His eyes widen quickly, and he shakes his head, squirming under him for freedom, but his fingers curl around his sides and he falls still. "Sure, I believe that." There's sarcasm dripping from his tone as he speaks this false assurance. "If you're not ticklish, then this won't bother you in the slightest."
Izuku's eyes widen comically, and he bursts into a fit of laughter, when he spiders his fingers up his sides quickly. Keigo smiles down at him, fond amusement shining in his eyes at the display, and he stills his fingers if only for a moment. "You little liar." He squirms and laughs when he spiders his fingers back down his sides just as quickly. "You know what I do to little liars, like you?"
He giggles at the tingly sensations shooting up and down his sides, despite the man's fingers being still. "Nohohoho."
The hero chuckles in playful evilness and settles down onto his knees, straddling his hips with his legs, and leans over him just a bit more. "I give them a good tickle torture." And spiders his fingers up and down his sides quickly. Izuku shrieks, bursting into bright laughter, and squirms under his restraint around his waist. The little space between his hero's legs and his hips allows him to twist and turn, up onto his right side, but it does nothing to inhibit the hero. He simply accommodates the new position by wiggling ten fingers into his left side, it brings forth another shriek, and he squirms under him like a worm, batting at his hands desperately. "You want me to focus on your left, you wiggly little birdy, I can do that for you." His fingers circled around, moving passed each other up and down, wiggling in the back of his side, he arches his back in ticklish agony, and then down the side of his tummy. The fingers scribbling down his tummy brings another shriek and bright bubbly laughter erupts from him. "Oh, ho, does someone have a ticklish little tummy?" He claws his hand into his tummy, and he squeals brightly, his boss laughs at his ticklish misery, and vibrates his fingers into his tummy deeper. "We'll have to check that out next, then, it needs some loving." Izuku shrieks, even when the hands pull away from his side and tummy, when fingers curl around his left wrist. "What about under here?" he lifts his arm with ease, holding it above his head, and pokes a finger of his free hand into the hollow of his underarm. Izuku shrieks again, tugging at his arm, trying to pull it from his grasp and slam it back down. "Oh, someone has ticklish little armpits too."
Keigo smiles at the mess he's making of his only little assistant son, wiggling his finger into his hollow a bit deeper, chuckling in amusement when he squeals brightly and tugs desperately on his captured arm. "I'm only using one finger and you're a mess." He stills his wiggling finger, sticking a second one into the ticklish little underarm. "What happens if we introduce another?" He wiggles both fingers around and Izuku squeals again and wiggles under him some more, arching his back lightly, he reaches around with his other hand desperately as he tries to grad his two fingers. "This is precious." He lets go of his wrist and shoots his hands back down to his sides, digging into the muscle meanly, and his kid arches his back again as he shrieks in laughter. "Tickle, tickle, tickle, hatchling."
The hero grins and takes it in stride. "Yes, little guy, how can I assist you?"
"Tihihihickles! Tihihihiickles!"
"I know it does, baby bird, that's what I'm trying to do."
Izuku manages to turn back onto his back, dislodging his fingers from his side, and gulps in mouthfuls of air, residual giggles making his belly quiver. He chuckles at him, lifting his hands above his belly, and wiggles his fingers slowly. "Time for some tummy torture now?" The young assistant's eyes shoot to his fingers and his giggles intensify, he takes a deep shaky breath as he sucks in his belly, trying to keep it away from his hero's wiggling fingers as much as he can. His fingers press into his belly, and his breath hitches, in the bubble of air he holds in his mouth. Keigo chuckles in playful cruelty and looms over him, peering down into his bright, shining eyes. “Are you ready for it?" A few giggles escape his clamped lips and he shakes his head quickly. "I have years of tummy torture to catch up on." He drums his fingers against the sides of his belly, and more and more giggles escape him, a tight smile spreading over his clenched lips. "Don't hold those adorable little giggles away from me, now, I love them." He wiggles his fingers into the quivering belly under him and the giggles increase in volume. "I said to let me hear those giggles, you stubborn little thing." He claws his fingers into the slight pudge of baby fat and the boy throws his head back and squeals in laughter. "That's much better."
He scribbles his fingers in a circle, his assistant laughing like crazy, throws his hips this and that, bucking himself as best as he can off the soft grass under him, he can feel his legs kicking behind him. He pinches at the pudge of baby fat and Izuku shrieks, with every single pinch, and then claws his fingers back in again, and he screams in laughter once more, batting weakly at his hands. He leans over him, digging his fingers in sharply, and he screams under his torture, throwing his head back again as he clenches his eyes shut. "That's it, laugh, hatchling, laugh your little heart out. Coochie, coochie, coo."
"Dahaha! Daahahhaddy! Dahahahaadddyyy! Behehehehelly! Beheheheelly!"
"What about your belly?"
"HUhuhuhuhurts! Huhuhurts!"
He stops suddenly, and his son's chest heaves for breath, and he tugs his tunic upwards to reveal the shaking pale belly from underneath. "You're little belly hurts, I can fix that." Fingers curl into his hair when he shoots down and starts pressing kisses all over the belly surface, blowing a raspberry here and there, tugging at his hair desperately. Behind him, his legs kick wildly, his laughter falling silent as he throws his head back, and Izuku feels his eyes burn with unshed tears.
He's never laughed this much in his lifetime, it feels liberating, his hero's playful torture is brutal, but it's fun at the same time. All he can do is laugh and laugh and laugh, jolting with every raspberry, screaming with laughter, silent bouts of it intermixed when he nibbles playfully at his slight baby pudge.
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fluffywings13 · 3 years ago
Mid 🍜 Thought
Imagine this in your cranium.
Rody having incredibly ticklish feet, toes in particular, and when they’re home alone Uncle Kei just holding him down and torturing them with his feathers just to get his nephew to let go and act like the child he still technically is.
Meanwhile: Rody is dying. Please get these feathers out from between his toes. Uncle Kei is trying to murder him. Someone call the boys in blue. hawks is attempting to murder an innocent child—NOT THERE NO NOT THERE!
@korathefairy sorry i forgot the tag lol
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fluffywings13 · 4 years ago
Testing The Waters
“Uh,” Keigo looks up from his computer at the sound of his ‘sixteen’ year old assistants voice (he uses that word very lightly, he knows, for a fact, that Midoriya Izuku is not sixteen, he’s many things, but one not to look into his employees backgrounds before hiring them is not one) and smiles at the soft spoken timid teenager. “You wanted to see me sir?”
“Yea, I did,” he turns away from his computer completely and leans forward against his desk. “What’ve I told you about calling me ‘sir’?”
“Uh…Ummm…..” Izuku rubs the back of his neck. “Not to….”
“Right,” the hero nods. “What did I tell you to call me?”
The teen shuffles uneasily. “K—Keigo….You told me to call you Keigo.”
“Very good,” he pushes his chair back and stands, tucking his hands in his hoodie pocket, it was a slow day, no patrol, so his costume wasn’t necessary, hoodie and joggers was just fine, he even kicked off his shoes, if he’s gonna be stuck sitting at his desk all do competing paperwork he’d been putting off for the last two and a half weeks, he was gonna do it comfy style. “I’ll let it go this one time, but if it happens again, there’ll be consequences.” He eyes the teen when he shuffles and nods meekly, looking down at his hightops, and sighs in concern. “Come on, we got something we need to check out.”
Izuku looks up in time to see the hero turn, gesturing for him to follow him, and he darts around the man’s desk to keep up with his strides. “Check what out, s—” Keigo glances over at him. “Keigo?”
“Well, I’ve never had a personal assistant before, you were a special case, everyone here is sixteen years or older—”
“I am sixteen!”
Keigo pauses and he jolts to a stop to avoid running into the man’s back, looking up with wide eyes when the hero turns to look down at him, a particular expression over his features. “I look into everyone who submits an application for employment at my agency, everyone, I know more about you then you think I do Midoriya Izuku, I know you’re not sixteen. I know you’re actually fourteen and still in Junior High School, I know your school record is undoubtedly doctored, the claims made in there don’t match up to what I’ve seen you do here, I know more then you think I do.”
He swallows. “W—Why’d you hire me, t—then?”
“Because you interest me, I was curious as to why a fourteen year old would lie about his age on a job application for a heroes agency, then I grew to like you, so I kept you around.” The hero eyes him carefully. “Why do you think I made your schedule they way it is, school’s more important then a job at this time, so I adjusted your schedule to accommodate your school schedule.” The man turns back around and gestures him forward. “Anyway, we’re here to see if you have what it takes to be my personal assistant, you and me, we’re gonna be spending a lot of time together, so you’re also gonna have to serve as my entertainment when I’m bored, and a bored me is a dangerous me, so you need to know what I’m capable of when bored.”
Izuku looks around when they step into a room behind the hero’s office, it’s nearly baron, there’s a large conversation pit in the middle of the floor filled with pillows and blankets, a large television hanging on the wall in front of it, and large ceiling to floor windows behind it, the entire wall is made up of windows. That’s it, a blanket and pillow filled conversation pit and a large flatscreen hanging on the wall is the only furniture in the room. “Uuhhh…..”
“I call this my oasis.” Keigo gestures around. “It’s where I go if I need time away but can’t leave the office, I call that,” he points at the conversation pit. “My nest away from the nest. I come in here and sleep after a long patrol, or to recover for a bit after a villain fight or do paperwork and watch tv. You’re welcome to use my oasis too.” A shiver runs down his spine at the kind of grin his boss sends him. “Now, we’re gonna test if you can handle being my entertainment when I need to be entertained.”
“Wha—HEY!” Izuku shrieks and yelps when he’s scooped up off his feet, cradled in the man’s arms, and carried across the room only to be dropped down into the nest. “What’re you—”
He yelps when Keigo jumps down with him and curls up slightly. “Best get comfortable, we’re gonna be here for a while, we gotta see if you can handle me when I’m bored out of my mind.” Izuku watches the man make himself comfortable at his feet and reach out for his left foot, resting his left leg over his right leg, and slowly unties his shoe strings. “Gotta get this out of our way.” The teen raises an eyebrow when the hero tosses his shoe over his shoulder and slowly pulls his sock off, throwing it over his shoulder like he had his hightop. “Okay, now I need,” he tugs on his foot when Keigo reaches over his shoulder for a feather, the fingers around his ankle tighten considerably as he tugs on his foot, and his eyes widen when the hero curls his legs around his calf, securing his foot in place, and maintaining his inability to pull it back.
“Hey wait! No!” He can’t help but giggle, his mind finally making the realization as to what’s going to happen, and tugs on his foot desperately. “Not the feet!”
Keigo ignores him, curling a finger around his big toe as he pulls it back, and threads his feather between the fourth and fifth toe. “Insert it like so.” The hero’s young assistant (plaything, let’s be honest, the teens really in for it as his little personal assistant) giggles harder, wiggling his foot again, shaking his head. “And, begin.”
Izuku squeals when the feather starts brushing between his toes, cackling brightly as he falls back and curls his arms around his belly, twisting his foot around desperately. “Eeieaiiaaiaaahahahahahahahahhahaahaa KEIGO! Nohohohohoho! Not the toes! Nohhohohot thehehehehee tohohohohoes! Aaahahahahahahahahahhahaaa get it out! Pleheheheheease! Get it out! Not thehehehe toes!” He inevitably goes ignored by the hero engrossed in his foot and the torture he intends to inflict on it, so he lays there, squealing with laughter and pleading for mercy.
He gulps for air when the feather’s pulled out from between his toes. “Thahahahahank yohohohohou! Thahahahahank youhohhohohou!” And squeals again when the feather is threaded between his next two toes. “Eeeiaiaeiaiaiaiaiahahaahhahahaa no! Aahahahahahhahahahahaaa aiaieiiaieeaiaahahahahahaahahaha not again! Not again! Eeieiaiaaiaaahhahahhahaahhaahhaaa! Keiiiigo! Keeeeiiiii! No! Eeieiiaiaiaiaiaaahahhaahahaha aahahahahahhahahahahahaha noooo! Not the toes! Plehehehehease not the toes!”
“Not the toes, huh?” The hero teases softly, pausing for a moment so they can talk, and smiles at the young teen’s frantic breathless giggling. “Why not the toes, you got a whole other foot of toes for me to play with.”
“Not the toes! Please!” Izuku pants softly. “It tickles! Not the toes!”
“It tickles, huh?” He starts brushing the feather back and forth again and the teen squeals with laughter once more. “This tickles? You got ticklish toes?”
Keigo smiles when the teen nods frantically, curling his arms around his belly tightly as he arches his back, and Izuku tugs desperately. “Yehehehehhees! Tihihihhickes! Tickles! Pleheheheheease nohohohot thehehehee tohohohohoes! Not the toes!”
“Aww.” He threads his feather between the next two toes and starts up again, smiling at the teen’s squealing laughter, looking down at his wiggling foot. “But I like the toes. They’re fun. You want me to have fun, don’t you?” The hero brushes the ends and pads of the teen’s toes with the tip of his feather, smiling at the way his laughter rises in pitch, and the teen rolls up onto his side. “I told you that you’d have to serve as my entertainment when I’m bored and this is immensely entertaining.”
Izuku squeals madly, twisting from side to side, twisting and tugging at his foot, screaming desperately when the man pulls his toes back and flicks his feather underneath them, arching his back again as he throws his head back.
“My, my, I didn’t expect your little piggies to be this ticklish.” Keigo pushes the teen’s toes down and flicks his feather over top of them. “This is just too good. I’ll have to store this useful knowledge for later use if you decide to stay. I’m for sure coming after these toes again if you do, I can’t not, it’s just too good an opportunity to pass up.”
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fluffywings13 · 4 years ago
The Master of Death
“Come on, Tweedy, I’m a very busy man! It’s time to go!”
“Man, huh, you’re no man, you’re a boy! A little fledgling! A little itty bitty baby bird!”
Both hero and reaper glower at each other, one because he’s not ready to die and the other because he was just called a child.
“You’re stalling! Come on man, no one wants to die, but it’s a fact of life! Quit making my job so unnecessarily difficult!”
“I am not! I’m just making a point!” Takami Keigo crosses his arms. “Let’s make a deal, huh, does that interest you?”
The grim reaper, he introduced himself as Izuku, huffs petulantly and nods. “Fine, sure, why not.”
He grins. “Okay, here me out, you and me, wrestling match, no quirks, no cosmic powers, just man to boy (Izuku narrows his eyes), if I win I get to live on a full life and if you win I come quietly and willingly.”
Izuku hums in interest. “Okay Tweedy.” Tossing his scythe aside, he stretches his limbs out, and nods. “I got rid of my weapon.” The deity gestures at his wings. “You get rid of yours.” He nods when the hero sheds enough feathers that his wings shrink considerably. “Mano e mano, no powers, bring it on.”
The reaper has little time to prepare for when the man just suddenly springs forward, tackling him back into what he aptly calls his nest. The ageless child (he begrudgingly concedes to that defeat) grunts when he lands on his back, shrieking in surprise when fingers claw into his right side, his right arm secured above his head by the mans other hand. “Hehehey! Wahahait! Nohohoho tihihihickling!” (Hey! Wait! No tickling!)
“Why not?” The hero asks lightly, smiling when the immortal teen squeals as he spiders his finger up and down his side. “You’re not ticklish are you? Big bad Death defeated by a little tickling?” The horseman shakes his head when the man spiders his fingers up to his armpit. “How about under here?”
Izuku growls and bucks. “You’re cheating!”
“Am not!” The human (avian?) growls back mockingly. “We only agreed to no powers, we didn’t say anything about tickling.” They stare at each other when the immortal boy smacks the hero across the face, unblinking, silent as the night, staring at one another. “You’re going to regret that.” Is the only warning he gets before the man tugs the cuff of his sleeve down with his free hand and buries his face in his bare armpit, blowing a deep harsh raspberry that drives the ageless youth up the wall.
The reaper squeals loudly and cackles when the raspberries don’t stop, kicking his feet wildly behind the human overpowering him (how embarrassing—he was never going to hear the end of this from the other horsemen), pushing desperately at the man’s head with his other hand. Drilling his heels into the pillows under him when the mortal starts nibbling playfully, screaming with laughter, he shakes his head and struggles to pull his captive arm free.
Fingers dig in when the winged hero sits up, and he squeals still, throwing his head back as he cackles loudly.
“I can’t believe you’re so easily defeated, it’s only one hand, one armpit, that’s it!” Keigo crows in amusement as he adjusts his position. “Let’s try this way.” Sitting on the immortal teen’s hands, he slips his fingers down under the cuffs of his shirt and claws his index fingers into both of his hollows, wiggling them deeply and viciously. “You ready to admit defeat kiddo?”
“Nohohohohoho!” The Grim Reaper squeals as he kicks and tugs on his arms. “Nehehehehever!”
“Then we’ll stay here, just like this, until you do.” The hero shrugs. “I got nowhere to be and these armpits aren’t going anywhere either.”
Izuku takes maybe two minutes of the human scratching at his armpits with his talons before he admits defeat, begging for mercy, to which the mortal teases him about, and he finds himself under attack by a number of feathers fluttering all over his body.
He regrets coming for this one.
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fluffywings13 · 4 years ago
Of Predators And Prey
This is for @wolfiegirl625-2 I hope you like it my friend!
“Well, well, well, what have we here?” Keigo lands on the roof top lightly, a bounce in his step as he walks towards the edge of the building, hopping down onto the fire escape platform. “Could it be that the pesky little vigilante we’ve been chasing for the last thirteen months was fouled up by something as innocent as a misstep on a fire escape platform?”
The teen, they suspected it was a teen by his height and mannerisms, they knew by now that the pesky vigilante was a male, is dangling upside down, ankle caught in the bars of the fire escape platform, well and truly stuck and, oddly enough, barefoot.
“Where’re your boots, mouse?” He plops down by that foot, crossing his legs in front of him, resting his elbows on his knees, and chin on his hands. “You shouldn’t be running around barefoot, that’s a dangerous game to play.”
“I lost’em.” The captured vigilante gripes softly, pushing at the underside of the grate platform with his free foot, huffing when his predicament doesn’t change in the slightest. “Be my hero and help me out?”
“I dunno, squirt, you’ve been a right pain in my ass for the last year and some change. Maybe this is the universe finally letting me get my revenge.” Keigo grins slightly as he reaches over his left shoulder, pulling his wing around slightly, and plucks a small feather free. “Who am I to pass up the universe presenting me with my cold hard revenge.” He strokes the tip of the feather over the length of the boy’s sole and grins wider when the teenager shrieks. “Did you just shriek? Am I wrong or does this pesky little vigilante have a ticklish lil footsie here for the taking?”
“No! I don’t! Help me fucking down!” The cat themed vigilante kicks at the underside of the platform with his free foot. “This ain’t funny birdbrain!”
“I’m not the one who’s laughing.” Hawks teases as he threads his feather between the pests second and third toes. “That’s you.” He saws his feather back and forth and the teen squeals with laughter, toes wiggling wildly, other foot kicking at the platform desperately. “Someone’s got some ticklish toesies.”
“I dohohoho nohohohot! Eeeee ahahahahhahahahha stohohohhohoop!” (I do not! Stop!) The vigilante’s captured foot jerks slightly but doesn’t budge any more then that. “Hahahahahahawks! Stohohohohoop! Whyhyhyhyhyhyhy!” (Hawks! Stop! Why!)
“Why?” The hero scratches at the pad of the teen’s big toe with the quill tip of the feather. “Because this predator likes to play with his prey before he eats it.” He reaches over his shoulder for a feather from his right wing, and scratches at the arch of the foot before him with the quills of both feathers, smiling when the pesky vigilante squeals with laughter. “Who knew our troublesome little baby bird has such ticklish footsies and toesies. If I’d known this all that time ago, I bet I’d have been able to get you to turn yourself in, easy peesy.”
“Stohohohop! Nohohot thehehehere! Nohohot thehehe tohohoes!” (Stop! Not there! Not the toes!) the teen squeals when the two feathers thread between his last four toes. “Noohohohoho! Plehehehease!”
“Please what?” The teen wants to growl at the amusement on the hero’s voice. “Please tickle my little toesies?” Keigo moves his feathers back and forth between the teens toes and grins when he squeals and cackles. “With pleasure.”
“Nohohoho! Thahahats nohohohot whahahahahat I meheheheeaahahahant!” (No! That’s not what I mean!) those toes wiggle wildly. “Gehehehet thehehehem ohohohout! Plehehehehease geheheheet thehehehem ohohohout!” (Get them out! Please get them out!)
“I’ll tell you what.” Hawks intones lightly, mercifully pulling his feathers out from between the ticklish vigilante’s toes, and flicks them over the teen’s sole instead. “We’ll do our interrogation here, you answer my questions, and I’ll stay away from your ticklish little toesies, but you get stubborn or refuse to answer, those ticklish toesies get the feathers, capiche?”
It takes them youth a minute or two to get his breathing under control before he growls. “I don’t fucking—eeieieaiaahahahahahhahaahhahaa nohohoho plehehehehease! Ohohohohohokahahhay! Ohohokay! I’ll dohohohohoho ihihihit! Nohohot thehehehe tohohoes!” (No please! Okay! Okay! I’ll do it! Not the toes!)
“That’s cute, you thought I was honestly asking.” The hero curls his index finger around the youths big toe and pulls it back, brushing his feathers over the pads of all five toes and the teen squeals brightly, bubbly boisterous laughter filling the alleyway. “No, I meant, I’m going to interrogate you, you be anything less then forthcoming, and these little toesies are going to face the feathers.”
Their pesky vigilante giggles when he pulls his feather back and he sees him nod through the openings in the platform grate. “Ohohokay! Ohohokay! Juhuhust nohohot thehehe tohohoes! (Okay! Okay! Just not the toes!)
“Good choice. You answer my questions and these toesie woesies are safe.” Hawks fishes in his pocket for a voice recorder, presses the record button, and sets it down next to him. “First question; what’s your name?”
“Why do—eeieieahahahahahahahahahhaa nohohoho Ihihihi’ll sahahahahay ihihihi wihihihill! Nohohot theheheehe feheheheather! Nohohohot theheheehe tohohohoes!” (No I’ll say I will! Not the feather! Not the toes!)
The hero grins. “Then you better give me your name.”
The teen giggles wildly for a few minutes before getting his breathing under control. “Midoriya Izuku.”
Don’t ever let it be said that Keigo never decides to be an asshole sometimes (those toesies were just too good to pass up) as he grins. “Next question; what’s my favorite color?”
“I don’t fucking know—eieieeahahahhahaahhahaha ahahahahhahaahahhahaa nohohoho thihihihis ihihihisnt fahahahair! Hohohow ahahahaham ihihihi suhuhuhuposed tohoho knohohohohow thahahahat! Gehehehet thehehehem ohohohout! Nohohohot thehehehere! Nohohohot thehehehe tohohohoes!” (No this isn’t fair! How am I supposed to know that! Get them out! Not there! Not the toes!)
Hawks stretches his legs out, no ceasing his torturing of those little toesies in the slightest, in fact he threads another feather between the last two untouched toes and smiles when the pesky youth—Midoriya Izuku—squeals with laughter as his toes wiggle again. “Better start guessing then.”
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fluffywings13 · 3 years ago
After 🍜 Thought
Consider this in your craniums kids (and @korathefairy )
Rody giving Uncle Kei one too many heart attacks with his parkour skills and the man just stringing him up with his feathers and tickle torturing his feet as punishment. I imagine since he’s so light on his feet that our favorite birdie child would have incredibly ticklish feet and that’s something good old Uncle Kei knows and information he utilizes.
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fluffywings13 · 4 years ago
Unwinding After A Long Day
It has been the longest week of my life.” The teen giggles lightly at the fingers poking his sides. “The. Longest. Week. Of. My. Life.” He smiles at the giggly teen. “There’s nothing better then being able to come home and torture your kid.”
“Kehehehei! Nohohoho! Yohohohour nohohohot suhuhuhuhupposed tohohohoho tohohohorture yohohohhohohour kihiihihihihids!”
Izuku’s eyes widen when the poking stops and his shirts slowly lifted. “You know,” he immediately shakes his head. “Some parents eat their young.” He squeals brightly when the hero buries his face in his side and starts nibbling gently, twisting wildly, but finds himself inevitably stuck in place when the man curls his hands around his waist to keep him from moving. “Eieieiaiaiaiaaahahahahahhaahaha aaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaa aahaahahahahahahahahahaa appfpfffffaaahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahaaa nohohohohohohohohoho nohohohohohohohoo Kehehehehehheei plehehehehehehheeease! Aaahahahahahahahahaahahahaa eeiiiaaiaahahahahahahahahahhahaa aaahahahhahahahahahahhahaaha stohohohohohoop plehehehehehehheease! Nohohohohoohot thahahahahahahahahaat pleehehehehheease nohohohohot thahahahahahahat!”
He cackles, pushing desperately at the hands curled around his waist, alternating one hand between one of the hero’s hands and his head, and squeals again, arching his back, when he nibbles up to his lowest ribs, and curls the fingers of both hands through his feathery blonde hair as he pushes desperately at his head. “Nohohohohoho eeieiaiaiaahahahahahahahhahahaha aaahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahaa nohohohohohoho plehehehehehehheeease Kehehehehehheei nohohohohohot theheheheheheheheere! Plehehehehehhease nohohohohoot theheheheheheheere! Aaahahhahahahaahahahahhaha eieieaiaiaahahahahahahahahahaha pfffffaahahahahahahahahhaa aahahhahahahahahahhahahahaa Kehehehehheheei plehehehehhehheease! Nohohohoot thahahahahahahat nohohohohoot thehehehehehehere! Thehehehehehere’s bahahahahhahaad!”
Keigo chuckles softly. “Where?” He pinches lightly at the kid’s lowest rib and smiles when he shrieks. “Here?”
“Eeheehehehehehehe yehehehehhees theheheheheheheere! Kehehehehheheei stohohohhoop!” He finds that he can squirm again, and squirm he does, leaning as far away from the pinching fingers as he can, until fingers pinch at his lowest rib on his other side and he jumps back over with a shriek. “Nohohohoho Keheheheheei! Stohohohohop stohohhoohohop! Nohohohohot theheheheheheere! Eeehehehehehehheehe pfffeeeehheheheehehehhehehee nohohohohot theheheheheehere! Stohohohhohohop! Gehehehehehet awahahahahay frohohohohom thehehehehehere!”
The man hums when the boy manages to actually grab his hands, and in turn, buries his face into his belly, forcing him to let go of his hands in favor of pushing at his head. He laughs when he screams when he blows a raspberry into his belly. “Oh my god, baby bird,” Izuku’s still giggling wildly when Keigo lifts his head, and their eyes meet. “This never gets old.” He nods when the boy shakes his head when he curls his fingers around his waist. “Oh, no it doesn’t.” Grinning when he makes him squeal again when he kneads his thumbs into his hips, the teen arches his back, pressing his chin to his chest, before dropping back down, squirming from side to side, anything to get away from the thumbs on his hips. “No it does not.”
“Baahahahahahhahahahahaha aaahhahahahahahahahaha Kehehehehheehei nohohhohohohohohoo nohohohohohohohohoo baahhahahahahahahahahahhaa aahahahahahahhahahahahaha! Nohohohohot thehehehehehehehere nohohohohot theheheheheheheehere!” He pushes at the man’s shoulders desperately. “Kehehehehheei Kehehehehehei pleehehehehheheease aaahahahhahahahahahahahaha pffffaaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaa nohohohohot theheheheheheehere! Aahahahahahahahahhahahaahaa plehehehehehehheease Kehehehehehehei plehehehehehheease!” The hero looks down at his waist, slipping his thumbs under the waist of his joggers, and roams over the skin. “I know it’s really bad, right….here.” He digs his thumbs in the pockets of his hips and the kid screams, throwing his head back as he howls with laughter, fingers clamping around his wrists tightly, but can’t find it within themselves to try and pull his hands away, so they just hold on. “Oh yea, it’s really bad right here.” The teen shakes his head, and he feels his legs shift slightly under him, but he’s thoroughly trapped. “Eeeeiieieaiiaaiaaahahhahahahahahhaa aahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhaahaa nohohohohohoot theehehehehehehehheheheere ohohohohohohooh myhyhyhyhyhy gohohohohohod nohohohohoot theheheheheheheheere! Aaahhahahahahahahhahaa aahahahahahaheaeeaeaahahahahahahhahaa ahahahahahahaanywheeehehehehheheere buhhuhuhuhuhut theheheheheheheere! Kehehehehheheei mohohohohohove! Plehehehehehehease mohohohohohove! Nohohohohot theeheheheheheheheheere! I’m behehehehehheegging yohohohohou plehehehehheease! Mohohohohohove! Ohhohohohohoh myhyhyhyhyhy gohohohohohod plehehehehhease mohohohohove!”
“You want me to move?” He smiles when the boy nods vigorously, squealing again when he does as requested, and claws his fingers in his belly. “How about here, is this okay?”
“Nohohohoho! Ihiihihihit’s nohohohohot! Ihihihit’s nohohohot okahahahhahaay! Plehehehehheease! Nohohohoot thahahahat! Eeieiiaiiaaiaahahahahahahahaha aahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha aahahahahahahahahahahahha Keehehehheheheei stohohohohohop! Stohhohohohohop! Pleehehehehheease! Aaahahahhahahahahahahaha nohohhohohot thahahahahhahahat!” Izuku finds it in himself to try and move the hero’s hands. “If you keep pushing my hands down, it’s going to make me think you want me to go back to those hips, that one special spot in particular.” His pushing immediately stops. “That’s what I thought.” Instead of pushing the evil hands down, he pulls them up, not realizing his error in judgement until the fingers claw into his ribs. “Wahahahahahait nohohhhohohohoho! Ihihihihi mahahahahhaade ahahahahahhaa mihihihihihistake! Aaaaahhahahahahahahahhahaha eeeaeaaaahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahaa aahahahahaahahahahahhahahahahaa nohohohohot thehehehehehere nohohohohot thehehehehehehere! Kehehehehei plehehehehehease! Nohohohhohot theheheheheheheere! Stohohohhohoop aaahahahahhahahahahahahahaa aahahahahahahahhahahaa stohohohoohhop! Whyhyhyhyhyhyy! Whyhyhyhyhy dohohohoho youhuhuhuhuhuhu tahahahhahaake ehehehhehenjoymeeehehehehheent ihihihihiin thihihihihihis!”
Keigo laughs softly, sliding his fingers up over his highest ribs, smiling when he squeals as he claws in. “Because it’s fun. I love torturing you. It’s always super entertaining. And you’re super adorable when you’re laughing.” He kneads his thumbs into the spot above his ribs. “How can I not enjoy it?”
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fluffywings13 · 4 years ago
Bad Karma and Softness
“Um, excuse me, are you Matsumoto Akito?” The dark haired woman looks up from her computer at the young voice that calls out, and she meets the yellow snake eyes of a red haired boy, shark teeth, amber scales crawling up his neck. “I was supposed to meet her?”
“Yea, that’s me, welcome to The Aerie.” She looks down at the calendar on her desk. “You must be Sato Arata, the new student intern, hero name VenomBite?”
The red head nods. “Yea, that’s me.”
“Very good, you’re early.” Matsumoto pushes her chair back and stands, walking out from behind her desk, guiding him forward with a simple gesture. “This way, Hawks is in his office with the baby bird, I’ll show you up.” He nods, following after her, looking around. Not much had changed since he’d come for the tour in middle school, though there was more paintings around, but all in all, it was still the same. Matsumoto pushes the button for the elevator and turns back to him. “You look familiar Sato, have we met before?”
“Probably,” he sweeps a piece of hair behind his ear. “I came in for a tour in middle school. Aldera Junior High.”
“Oh, I remember that, well,” the doors to the elevator open and he follows her inside. “Welcome back. You can call me Akito, if you want, everyone else here does.”
“Thank you, Akito.”
She nods, tapping her fingers against the back of her left hand when she curls his hands together, waiting in silence on the ride up. The elevator comes to a stop, and the doors ding as they open, an elderly brunette woman looks up at them as they walk out. “Hello, Akito.”
“Hey, Shimizu.” Akito gestures to the teen. “Sato, or, I should say, VenomBite, the new student intern.”
“Ah, yes.” The secretary nods and turns, rising from her chair, stepping around her desk. “I’ll let him know you’re here.”
Shimizu disappears inside the hero’s office for a few minutes, he shuffles nervously, looking up when she returns, and nods at the receptionist. “Thank you, Akito, we’ll take him from here.”
The dark haired woman nods and squeezes his shoulder. “Good luck, Sato.”
Shimizu smiles at him and gestures for him to follow her as Akito disappears behind the door of the elevator. “This way, Sato, he’s in his office working on paperwork.”
Sato nods, following her into the hero’s office, looking around curiously, they hadn’t come up this high in their tour last year. He spots a familiar head of green curls and mentally shakes his head, there was no way it could be him; it was just an uncanny resemblance.
But, as he slowly crosses in front of the couch, he catches a glimpse of their face, and his entire world comes to a grinding halt. “Deku?” Green eyes look up at him at the call and he feels something settle in his stomach. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Did you just call my son useless?” Sato jumps in surprise, because Hawks is just suddenly there, as though he teleported, which he’s sure is not a part of his quirk. “Hello?” He blinks when the hero snaps his fingers in his face. “You in there, kid?”
The student intern stares up at the hero. “Did you…Did you just call Deku your son?”
“Mhmm.” The winged hero nods and hums, curling his arms behind his back, leaning forward slightly. “Did you just call my son useless, not once, but twice?” The kid stammers. “You know what, I think I’m going to rescind my internship invitation, and kindly ask you to get off my property.”
Both parent and child watch Shimizu escort the once student intern out, and the greenette laughs when the hero throws his head back and whines, wings drooping dramatically. “Why do I keep getting bad interns!”
The Street Artist snorts softly. “Bad karma.”
“I’ll show you bad karma.”
“You know,” the teenager decides he does not like this tone and slowly raises his gaze from his sketchbook, meeting gold eyes gleaming with mischief, and slowly sets his mechanical pencil down, watching carefully as his dad sets his mug down. “I still have to show you your bad karma.” And, that’s enough, that’s all he has to hear, and he slides of his stool, darting for his room, laughing when he hears Keigo chasing after him, and shrieks when he’s snatched up around the waist. “Not so fast, baby bird!”
“Kehehehei nohohohoho!” He pushes against the man’s grip when they turn in the direction of his room. “Plehehehehheease!”
“Boy, you think I have bad karma,” Izuku shrieks when he’s tossed up onto the bed, and immediately rolls over, trying to scramble away, when fingers curl around his ankles and pull him back down, turning him back over, the hero jumps up over his legs. “Just you wait until you see yours.” He looks down at his kids hips, curling his fingers around his waist, slipping his thumbs under the waist of his pajama pants. “Because yours is so much worse.”
He digs his thumbs in the pockets of his hips and smiles when the boy squeals brightly. “Ohohohohooh myhyhyhyhyhy gohhohohohohod nohohohohohoo eeieieieaiaiaaahahahahahhahahahahahahaa aahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha aaahahahahahhahahahahahaa! Nohohohohot thhehehehehehehhehhere! Gohohohohohod nohohohohot thehehehehehhere plehehehehheease! Aahahahahahhahahahahhaha aaaahahhaahahhahahahahahaa Keheheheheheei nohohohohoot thehehehehehere!” Keigo chuckles softly, kneading his thumbs in, looking up into his kid’s shimmering emerald eyes. “Why, this is the best spot, why wouldn’t I come here?” The teen curls his fingers around the hero’s hands. “Mohohohohohoove! Ohohohohooh myhyhyhyhy gohohohohod mohohohove! Plehehehehheease! Aaahahahahahahhahahahaa mohohohohoove! Keheheheheheei mohohohohohove! Plehheheheheheease! Nohohohohot thehehehehehheere noohohohohohohohot thehehehehhehhere!”
“Okay, okay, I’ll move,” he pokes his fingers up his sides, making him shriek and giggle as he squirms, and Izuku shrieks again when he starts pinching his lowest ribs. “How about here instead?”
“Nohohohoho! Nohohohot thheheheheheheheere ehehehehheeither! Eeieieiiaiaaiaaahahahhahahahahaha aaahahahahhahahahahahahahhahaa nohohohohohot thehehehehehehehere plehehehehehheheease!” The teen tries to push his hands away all the while squirming from side to side. “Dahhahahahahahaaad nohohohohohohho! Plehehehehehease! Dahahahahaad pleehehehehhehehease!”
“Aww, come on, that’s cheating.” He lifts himself up, leaning over the teen, pressing their foreheads together, smiling at the giggling panting teen. “You know how soft I am when you call me that.” The man bows his head when the small teen curls his arms around his neck and lifts himself up, whispering a quick ‘love you dad’ in his ear. Keigo huffs playfully, curling an arm around him as he rolls over, tugging the teen around with him. “You’re such a cheater.”
Izuku giggles softly. “You’re such a softie.”
“Yea, yea,” he rubs his cheek lightly with a finger. “Only for you.”
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fluffywings13 · 4 years ago
Play nice?
“So, are you gonna play nice with my new little intern?” Izuku giggles brightly, scrunching his shoulder up, leaning away from the hero as much as he can, but finds he can only go so far whilst using him as a seat, arms curled around his waist to keep him in place. “Are you, baby bird, are you gonna be a good lil birdie and play nice?”
“Mahahaybe!” The teen bites his lip, scrunching up tightly, and shakes his head. “Papa bird, no!”
“Did you just say ‘maybe’?” Keigo smiles as he slowly moves his hands, tilting his head slightly, curling his fingers around the kid’s ribs. “It was a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question.” He squeezes the boy’s ribs lightly, making his shriek, and throw his arms down. “So, ‘maybe’ wasn’t an option.”
He shrieks with laughter when the hero buries his face in the side of his neck, as he knew he would, and curses himself for being so weak as to allow him the opportunity to do so. “Eeehehhahahahahaahhahhaha pahahahahahaappaaahahahahhaha nohohohohohoho! Gehehehehehet ohohohohhoout! Gehehehehehet ohohohohout! Eeehehheaeahahaahahahahaha aaahahahahahahahahhaha nohohohohhohoho! Plehehehehehehease plehehehehehease! Pfff—aahahahahhahahahaha aahahahahahhahahahahahaha!” He squeals when he blows a soft raspberry into his neck, and starts trying to lean away again, but arms curl around his chest, and he finds himself stuck in place. “Nohohohohoho nohohohohoho stohohohohohop! Eeehhahahahhahahahahaha aahahahhahahahhahhaha pahahahahapapaahahahahahahaa bihihihihired! Plehheehehehehheheease nohohohohohoo! Gehehehehehehet ohohohohout gehehehehet ohohhohohohout!” He inhales deeply. “You need to shave!”
Keigo laughs against his neck, which only makes him giggle again. “I love the way I look, my scruff and all, so I think I’ll pass.” The teen giggles when he presses a light kiss to the side of his neck. “Kehehei stohohohop!” He smiles and presses another light kiss to the side of the boy’s neck. “Say ‘please’, baby bird, use some manners.” Izuku tries to scrunch his shoulder up. “Plehehehease! Prehehetty plehehehease!”
He sighs a giggly sigh of relief when the hero hums and pulls away from his neck, letting him scrunching his shoulder up, just in case. “Fine. But I’m in that kind of mood. So we might come back to this later.” He groans dramatically, his dad laughing softly when he flops forward over the desktop, and a hand rubs at his back. “Just as fair warning.”
“Your warning’s don’t help!”
“That still sounds like a you problem.” The hero grunts when the kid sits up and elbows him in the stomach. “Oh, now you’re just asking for it.”
Izuku shrieks when he’s tugged back, and his parent buries his face back into the side of his neck.
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