#both of them were loners so they kinda just started talking and became friends
haliaiii · 10 months
fuck romeo and juliet i want what kane and kalani have
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Thank you, have some more 👍👍
Also some misc. facts about them:
- Kain was the captain of the baseball team in highschool, his dream was to become a professional if he didn’t loose his leg
- Kalani did ballroom dancing in highschool with Val
- Kalani works for the government under the Council, her boss is Virgil who’s the Chancellor
- She lives in the capital but comes down to see Kain and the others on every other week on weekends/her days off
- they both like going bowling together with the girls
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herofics · 2 months
OK hear me out? The league of villains with a quirkless reader who is a bad ass fighter just like Rick, Daryl and Negan combined and only one of them started falling in love with her (Spinner)
A/N: I have no clue who any of those people are, so I can’t really base this on any of them, but oh well. I have a lot of WIPs that I need to work on, because I have a couple of requests from like back in May, and I just haven’t gotten around to those. I hope I can get them done in the coming week, but we’ll see
•The league was looking for strong fighters for their cause, and you were a customer/acquaintance of Giran’s so he recommended you
•This was after a lot of the League’s vanguard action squad got caught at the training camp
•Spinner doesn’t really consider his quirk to be anything special, sometimes he even wishes he didn’t have it, because it has caused him a lot of grief in the past
•The fact that you’re quirkless doesn’t particularly bother him, but he doesn’t really care either
•He was a bit worried if you were going to be any good in a fight, but that worry was dispelled quickly after the first time he saw you fight
•All the League and Shigaraki cared about was that you were a good, ruthless fighter, who didn’t have any misgivings about what the League was doing
•So as long as Shigaraki was fine with you joining, Spinner didn’t have any complaints
•You were a bit of a loner just like Spinner, but you and him kind of bonded over video games
•You hadn’t really played much in recent years before you joined the League, while that’s basically all Spinner had been doing before he joined
•Spinner never really had any friends before he joined the League and he was pretty much a shut in NEET
•Your own situation hadn’t been much different, but you had become an active villain a couple of years before joining the League already
•Spinner and you use similar weapons such as swords and knives, but you also have a modified metal bat with spikes
•You both take care of your weapons, sharpening them and cleaning them after each fight
•During those times, the two of you got to talking and you realized you were kinda similar in the way you thought about hero society and your admiration for Stain
•You’d never had to worry about how people perceived you based on your appearance, unlike Spinner
•People with the mutant type quirks are often treated unfairly and straight up like shit, especially if they have bigger mutations such as Spinner’s
•You never treated him differently though, no one in the League really did, which he appreciated a lot
•Spinner ended up developing feelings for you during your time together with the League and you became close
•You were sort of oblivious to how he felt about you until he just told you
•You didn’t really know what to say to him for a long time, so you just stopped talking to him until you figured out what you wanted to say
•You eventually accepted his feelings, but the week between his confession and that happening was nerve-racking for him
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
This is the same josiah anon, if i can request this: Perhaps a yandere Josiah? Thank you!!! I was so happy because you're my favorite writer aaa///
Yandere Josiah x male reader
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Guess who’s not dead. I bought a new game, Knights of the old republic, and I’ve been playing during all my free time forgetting all about writing.
Here’s some good ol Josiah, I’m not sure how good I captured the yandere feel since Josiah in general is just kinda… like that. Not that it matters but I always imagine Josiah with Manlybadassheroes voice.
-          Josiah had never really felt attraction to anyone before, sure he had found people attractive, but most people tended to avoid him or talk to him as little as possible since he’s always been kind of a loner or weirdo.
-          Then you swaggered into the office building on your first day and went around introducing yourself to everyone, and when you caught what Josiah was playing on his computer, instead of scolding him like everyone else you asked him about it in interest.
-          After that the two of you started talking more, and Josiah’s interest in you only grew until it became a borderline obsession. It wasn’t an unusual sight in the office building for Josiah to follow you around like some puppy.
-          Everyone just assumed it was because you were the only person in the building that actually put up with him and all his pranks and lazy behavior. Josiah was like your shadow even when you both had other tasks to do, he was always right behind you, looking over your shoulder.
-          People around the building swore they’d catch Josiah glaring at them from under the shadow of his cap when they spoke to you, but they could never catch him in the act or prove it. It became almost a joke, to prod at Josiah by getting a little too friendly with you and making the other man jealous.
-          Again they all assumed he was jealous because you were his only friend, some even joked Josiah was in love with you.
 -          Josiah’s obsession became so bad it got in the way of his everyday life, especially when one day Damian was scolding Josiah again and you defended him, even lying at times to get Josiah out of trouble.
-          Up until then he had just seen you as his soulmate, now you were more like a god for him to worship, which also meant he didn’t want anyone to taint you and your perfectness, so he stopped hiding his glares or scowls as others got too close.
-          When Josiah one day came in late to work, he caught you and Damian talking and it looked like a heated conversation, especially the pensive expression on the blondes face which turned into a tight scowl as Josiah approached.
-          When Damian told you “Just think about it” before leaving, Josiah couldn’t help the burning jealousy that flared up in his chest, and when he asked in his lazy voice what you two had been talking about and you just said it was nothing, Josiah bit roughly into the inside of his cheek to keep himself from doing or saying anything.
-          The conversation with Damian was because he was worried for you because of Josiah’s behavior, how possessive the man was and how he seemed to always be in your business, he had even seen Josiah take pictures of you or go through your things.
-          You don’t believe him of course, because its no secret Damian doesn’t like Josiah, and Josiah is your friend and is down to earth, so what that he likes to hold your hand a little to tight, or hugs you for a little too long. That’s just how he is.
 -          The first time you invite Josiah over to your place he’s over the moon, you two hang out and play video games, and when you fall asleep against his shoulder he keeps himself as still as the dead as he doesn’t wanna wake you up.
-          It becomes a regular ordeal, you two hanging out at your place. You never really wonder why you don’t go to Josiah’s place, since yours is closer to the office building so it’s a no brainer its your place the two of you hang out.
-          Josiah starts taking some of your things, starting small but growing bolder over time, going from taking tiny knickknacks or stealing your sleep shirt or your toothbrush. You never suspect Josiah and just assume you’ve misplaced it, though you do grow quite sad when you lose your favorite hoodie.
-          The hoodie returns after a while, so you just assume you must have misplaced it or overlooked it. You don’t really realize or question that its folded in a way you don’t fold clothes, or that it smells like Josiah’s laundry detergent and not your own.
-          Josiah had returned the hoodie to you after wearing it himself nonstop in his own apartment, in the beginning it was just so he could feel close to you, until he ended up arching in his bed wearing nothing but your hoodie, pressing another of your shirts close to his nose and inhaling your scent.
-          After that he had to wash it so it wouldn’t be retuned with mysterious stains, and when you didn’t seem to mind that it smelled different or that he had obviously taken it, at least in his opinion, he assumed in his delusional mind that you knew he was the one taking your things and you returned his feelings.
 -          The first time you kiss is during one of your hangouts at your apartment, Josiah had grown even more touchy after he came to his earlier conclusion, hugging you from behind or brushing his hand through your hair.
-          When you win one of your games, you cheer and as if to show off your victory you snatch the cap right off his head and tuck it on yourself.
-          Seeing you wearing his cap makes a mix of love, possessiveness and lust explode inside Josiah’s chest, so when you turn to him to gloat he leans right in and pressed his lips against yours.
-          At first you don’t respond and Josiah feels fear plummet in his stomach because he’s scared he’s ruined it, but when you start kissing him back and wrap your arms around his neck to pull him in closer, Josiah lets himself run wild.
-          He starts devouring you like a starving predator, his hands going up your shirt and his tongue exploring your mouth, both of you moaning and grasping at each other like you need the other to survive.
-          Josiah litters your neck with bites and hickeys, and he grows so weak and whimpery when you leave your own hickeys and bites across his tan neck.
-          He is a mix of possessive and pathetic, in the way that he has his moments when he grabs you so possessively, growls to himself and goes on muttered rants about how you are his and his alone.
-          But then where are times where he’s cuddled into your chest and you run your fingers through his hair or rub his back, and he whines and whimpers, growing teary eyed as he kisses your neck so softly and grasps onto your shirt like he’s scared you’ll disappear.
 -          No one at the office is surprised when they learn you two are dating, they’re actually more surprised that you weren’t dating before.
-          Josiah will now use it as an excuse to hang on you even more, though he never goes too far since this is a workplace and he doesn’t want to get you in trouble. He will kiss your neck and cheek a lot though, or hug you from behind and rub your hips.
-          There will be some of your coworkers who jokingly ask you how you can put up with Josiah of all people, and when you respond that he’s super sweet and perfect for you, he just falls for you even more.
-          What you don’t know is that Josiah has most definitely threatened Damian, when the blonde had tried on a couple of occasions to show you just how creepy or how many red flags Josiah showed.
-          If Damian kept it up it wouldn’t be too surprising for the Blonde to go missing one day, and people will assume he just moved on to another job, that is if Damian’s body isn’t found somewhere in your town.
-          No one suspects Josiah since he’s just a lazy nerd who’s a little too touchy with his boyfriend, but its all blamed on him lacking a lot of social skills that comes from living the life he’s lived until this point.
-          Josiah will also use it as an excuse to be able to comfort you, holding you and kissing you and muttering about how he will keep you safe from whoever killed Damian, though he’s half convinced in his delusional mind that you know he did it and are just playing a role like he is.
-          Now with no threat around Josiah doesn’t feel like he needs to be just as protective as before, and at some point you two most likely move in together since he already spends most of his time in your apartment.
-          He openly steals your clothes now, since its more approved since you’re dating. He is also very obsessed with you wearing his clothes, so if you wanna drive him crazy just do that.
-          He’s a little, or very, crazy, but he loves you very much and would kill god for you if it meant making you smile.
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leejenowrld · 5 months
how did everyone in the main friendship group in ‘in your eyes’ meet?
i’ll start off with yn and sunwoo, the closest people and friends in that group. they’ve been very tight since youth, they’re childhood best friends. they automatically clicked on the first day of pre school and since then they’ve been like this 🤝. they were both just both such loners, shy and anti social. yn is still lowkey the same, she doesn’t like talking or being present, but sunwoo has changed, he’s a lot more outgoing and sociable. sunwoo is insanely popular on campus, probably near jeno’s level of personality. i find sunwoo very interesting and he’s one of my fav characters! i know a lot about him, about what he does, how he is, his beliefs, his relationship with yn… it’s very interesting so if you ever wanna know more about him lmk <3
y/n only met nayoung and eunji in university as they became apartment mates!! thankfully they got along and all became best friends. nayoung and y/n especially, they’re closer with each other than eunji but it’s not malicious at all because they all hang out as a group so many times!!! eunji does chill with the group a lot and does get along with all of them but she also has her other friends!!! sociable queen
eric is sunwoo’s best friend and sunwoo introduced him in the group, and i love him <3 i really love eric, he’s a golden retriever character and such a kind hearted guy, everyone loves him, y/n has the softest spot for him. tbh everyone does. you can’t say no to him, very much the kid of the group and he always gets what he wants lol. eric is also very very interesting!! i kinda made him the comedy relief character but he has another side to him and it’s phew… he is hot
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davyjoneslockr · 1 year
kakyoin for the character ask thing?🙏
(For this ask game)
First impression: Like Narancia, I kinda knew I’d like him before I even got to Stardust Crusaders because my best friend (who got me into JJBA) really liked him. I actually got him a Kakyoin button for his birthday shortly before I started the series. Once I actually reached that part, I was kinda surprised that he started out as a villain, but I really liked his fight with Jotaro, his “redemption” (if you can call Jotaro removing the fleshbud in like 30 seconds a redemption lmao), and how his demeanor contrasted Jotaro’s nicely.
Impression now: Okay you get a senior discount if you remember this, but I actually had a MASSIVE Kakyoin phase a few years back. He very quickly became my favorite character over the course of SDC, and I still can’t listen to Goodbye Nostalgia without crying. He’s not at the forefront of my brain anymore, but I still really like him. He’s a great foil for Jotaro, and he’s so serious yet so strange and off-putting and that’s awesome. I wish we’d gotten more of his backstory sooner, because the idea of a character feeling isolated and unable to connect with others because of a stand (not its ability, but its mere existence) is so so good, but I still thought the flashbacks we got were effective. Honors student art kid who hangs out with his weird green tentacle monster and plays video games and eats cherries in the most unhinged way possible and has a mullet is just a great character concept all around ngl.
Favorite moment: Love all of the Death 13 fight it’s so good. I know people talk about the rest of the Crusaders being OOC, but honestly. I think it works here. Up until that point, Kakyoin sort of acted as a support or in conjunction with someone, usually Jotaro or Polnareff. So to see him isolated and having to figure things out in his own, grappling with questioning his own sanity and fearing the others leaving him, but also needing to take drastic actions in order to save all of them, is so awesome. As much as I love the scenes where Jotaro and Kakyoin have to rely on an unspoken trust in each other, or where Kakyoin and Polnareff have a semi-antagonistic brotherly relationship, I think Kakyoin himself really shines in that fight.
Idea for a story: Ohhh so many. He has so much squandered potential. I’d love to write something about his childhood, particularly his experiences at his old school and his relationship with his parents. And like I said with Polnareff, I want to know more about his time with Dio. Also, just. Everyone lives AU shenanigans. I love thinking about him finishing his high school years with Jotaro and then going off to Florida together for college and. Old Kak makes me cry. Let him be an unhinged middle aged man still getting into wacky stand-related hijinks. I need to write my part 6.5 Jouta au.
Unpopular opinion: Considering how much discourse inexplicably surrounds this guy, I feel like any opinion is an unpopular opinion at this point lol. So this probably isn’t a super unpopular opinion in the grand scheme of things, but whatever. I really like Jotakak. No qualifiers or conditions or anything, I just think it’s a good ship. Loners turned high school sweethearts who move in together probably too soon after graduating, but it works out because they’re the only ones who really get each other, and they grow old together, and they spend their afternoons doing word searches in the newspaper (but actually they just circle every instance of ASS and FART they can find and lose their shit over it). Like. Imagine being their classmate, and this new kid comes to school and he has a massive fight with the resident delinquent, and then they both disappear for a few months, and when they come back they’re best friends. And then you see them at your high school reunion years later and it turns out they moved to Florida and got married. Incredible dynamic imo.
Favorite relationship: Probably obvious at this point, but I love love love the way Jotaro and Kakyoin are foils and crafted to be literal opposites in every way, and yet they fit together so perfectly and their dynamic works so well. And his relationship with Polnareff is just. Chef’s kiss. They’re so weird and they shouldn’t be friends but they are. 20something eccentric flamboyant French man and this weird Japanese teenager who is his best friend. RE the ideas for a story thing, I wonder if they knew each other at all while working for Dio – and how different it must have been for them to see each other when they’re not under the effects of a fleshbud.
Favorite headcanon: He has a habit of running away from home, for both short and extended periods of time. It’s usually to get away from his family and the rest of the world, and to just have some time alone with his sketchbooks and Hierophant Green. He feels it’s a lot easier to deal with loneliness when other people aren’t around to serve as reminders. That – along with the fact that I hc his parents to be… not the worst, but not great – is why it took so long for his family to realize something was off when he disappeared for the last time.
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lemonluwrites · 2 years
My One And Only (Is You) - Part One
I want to start by saying first and foremost I DO NOT OWN any of the Yan Bois you see in the story they are taken from other creators (I will post their blog links below) the only thing that is mine is Tim and other original characters so please show the creators some love Please be respectful and kind to the creators they are human too If I miss anything Or forgot to add certain stuff let me know Also Minors DO NOT INTERACT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
My first time posting fanfic AAHHH This Idea came to me one day when I was reading Anon asks about what if MC was the yandere I really liked the idea but I wanted to add my own twist so instead of MC what if they (The Yan Boys) turned a completely innocent person in to a yandere like them and they slowly became obsessed with their own MC this story will of course will be a slow burn type of deal so bare with me I will try my hardest to keep the yan boys as close to there characters as possible but I won't make any promises as I was never good at stuff like that so sorry in advance if the seem OOC
Redacted - @14dayswithyou (For now) Song Used To Help Write This Chapter - Burning Pile By Mother Mother \ Cool Kids By Echosmith Content Warning: Gore | Blood | Violence | Sexual Themes | Physical and Mental Abuse | Manipulation Word count: 1711
Part One - introduction Tim doesn’t like to remember the days before his adoption, before his new parents took him in. Sure, he remembers minor details of his former house and his original name. He will gladly talk to you about the weird stains on the wall that kinda looked like a bunny or how he used to have a cat named tuna. well at least he thought it was his cat. It would come and go whenever it pleased. He liked to assume his kitty was a free spirit that could never be tied down. Those are the things he liked to talk about, the things he rather remember but if asked anything else about his biological parents he would lie and say he doesn’t remember them as he was too young to truly know them His new parents, though well, he couldn’t really lie about that. To say they were slightly better than his bio parents was the best he could say about them. They were rich with a very high reputation in the city they lived almost owning every business in the area. He remembers the first time they paraded him around random strangers coming up to his new parents complimenting them, saying how brave and kind they were for adopting someone like him. He could just scream. The truth of the matter is they didn’t really care about Tim (the new name they gave him) they just wanted to earn brownie points for being kind enough to take a chance on a troubled kid like him. Not surprising to Tim, they didn’t really know what to do with him. Once the novelty wore off, it was like a switch. Everything Tim did bothered them, whether it was as simple as just sitting and doing nothing to how he breathed. Needless to say, Tim was their only child. The best days for Tim were when both of his parents left on business, leaving him alone in the house. Those quiet days where he could be whoever he wanted without the added fear and anxiety were truly bliss. Of course, blissfulness didn’t last long. He eventually was forcefully enrolled in to a private school. Forced to wear an itchy and god awful uniform. He tried his hardest to make friends, but no matter how friendly and kind he was, no one seemed to like him, so he became a loner — a friendly loner, that is. His parents were not thrilled about this. No child of there’s would be some loser, so that’s when they started to pay and blackmail other parents to allow their kids to come and play with Tim. That didn’t help as those kids would mostly just use his toys and gaming consoles without saying a peep to him, although Tim remembers one kid something about them was… different. When they came over, much like the other kids, they went to his gaming consoles. Tim was ready to pass the time in silence when the game booted up almost instantly; the kid became talkative, going on rambling after rambling about the red plummer. Yet that wasn’t what was different about the kid, it was their eyes and how they light up when talking about said topic. A topic they loved. A topic they were passionate about. It was in that moment Tim admired that kid and wanted to see more of that light. A part of him wanted that light. In school, he made it a point to always talk to that kid to be around them, to see them, but sadly, not everything last forever. That kid, much like everyone else in Tim’s life, switched no longer did they have that light in their eyes instead it was replaced with a vapid void that kid became Tim’s first bully that is until a tragic accident occurred they eventually found that kid in sewer tunnel someone had strangled him to death with his own belt he remembers the police questioning him and his other classmates but nothing came from it to this day the case remains unsolved. There are some days Tim wishes he could have been there. Maybe it all could have been prevented. By the time Tim was 19, his parents insisted he go to college and study business so that one day he could take over theirs, but Tim had no desire to inherit anything from them deciding Instead, he packed his stuff and left the city and moved in to a small town and took a job at a dinner being a server. He eventually got an apartment, but due to how expensive the rent was, he put out an ad for roommates. Roommates came and went, none truly staying for long. Now 21, having moved again and no longer working for the dinner, he got another job in an ice cream shop. Quickly, his personality seemed to fit the establishment. His cheery disposition attracted parents and kids alike, making him an ideal worker. Tim adored his job - no, he loved it. The light in people’s eyes as he hands them their treat made him giddy. He really did love the light in people’s eyes. It was during that time he got a new apartment, but much like last time he couldn’t afford rent, so once again he put out an ad for a roommate. This one would not only be permanent, but different from the rest. That is when he met Redacted. The man had a strange sense of style grunge, maybe? He wasn’t sure he has never really met anyone dressed like that. Tim liked it in a way. Redacted wasn’t a very social guy. He mostly stayed in his room and every once in a while came out to eat what Tim made or to use the bathroom, although there were times Tim would hear him leave during the night. Tim figures he works at night. Poor guy must work long hours as he’s mostly gone all night. It’s no wonder he has bags under his eyes and looks like hell because of this, Tim takes care of most of the house chores. He doesn’t really mind as, despite having a job as well, he mostly has too much free time. Too Much time to think and Tim doesn’t like to think. Tim has never entered Redacted’s room since he moved in the last time was when he showed Redacted said room. But why would he enter? I mean, that’s redacted room you never enter someone else’s room without permission. That’s just… rude. But of course sometimes you have to be a little rude just to get things done. It was late at night when Tim woke up another nightmare to add to the books. After a few failed attempts to fall back to sleep, he decided he might as well get a few things done around the house before he goes to work. He made his way to the hallway, his bare feet brushing against the carpet before hitting the solid floor. As he made his way to the kitchen, he stopped by the laundry room, glancing at the dark room noticing how full the laundry basket was. He sighed and thought, might as well since I’m here. He entered the small room and loaded the washer with clothes when he noticed very quickly Redacted had not given him his laundry yet odd as Redacted always made it a point to hand him his clothes curiously he poked his head out of the room and stared at Redacted’s door as it was just a couple of inches away from the laundry room. Tim debated a couple of seconds before making his way to the other’s room. Quietly, he placed his ear against the wooden door, listening intently for any movements or noises that the other was there. Tim knocked lightly, leaving his ear pressed against the door. ”Redacted? you in there?” No response. Tim moved away from the door, glancing down at the golden knob. He took a deep breath as he slowly reach for it. Usually redacted would have the door locked, as this wasn’t the first time Tim tried to open the door. He would always hear it every time he entered his room, which Tim didn’t mind. It was his room. But this time, the door was unlocked. This startled Tim. Did Redacted forget to lock the door? Slowly, Tim poked his head in the darkroom. An odd smell hit him. He moved away from the door and gaged it smelled like something died in there. Now he was even more determent to enter the room. After all, what if Redacted died? once again he approached the door this time fully opening it ”Redacted?” He flicked the lights on, scanning the room. It was a mess of bottles and bags of chips scattered around. In the beginning, he had felt bad due to Redacted not having carpet, but now he was gratefully the room had none. As a matter of fact, he was sure the smell was coming from the rotten food or the copious amount of hair dye fums or maybe both. Carefully, he walked around the room, truly admiring some of the decor. Much like Redacted himself, his room was a grunge like style. Tim couldn’t help but stare in aw at his PC set up. It was truly impressive. On the bed, (despite being a mess) was a red electric guitar. He wonders why Redacted hasn’t played before or maybe he has when Tim isn’t around. Tim noticed pieces of clothing scattered around the floor. He picked them up one by one while also throwing away the bottles and bags. He wasn’t sure if he should fold the other’s bed but he decided not to touch it as he didn’t want to disturb Redacted’s guitar. Now with arms full of clothes, he noticed how some pieces didn’t really match Redacted’s style, although he shouldn’t really judge. After all, maybe Redacted was branching out with his clothing options. Tim was about to turn to leave the room, feeling like he had overstayed his welcome, when he caught sight of the closet. It was slightly ajar. He stared at the closet as curiosity took hold of him again. Shifting the pile of clothes in one arm, he reached out to the door handle and pulled it open.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
HCs for drunk Bruce
Robert Pattinson!Bruce Wayne x fem!reader
Warnings: nsfw is separated from the sfw but it is still there!, using alcohol as a dependent, sex with both parties drunk
Requested; by anon, hey i saw that you did hcs for drunk matt and i was wondering if you’d be willing to do them for battinson also? (with the nsfw stuff too lol 😳) (if you’re not up for like repeat-ish requests that’s perfectly fine tho) ☺️
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
Author’s Note: he is constantly on my mind
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- feel like Alfred sorta didn’t let Bruce drink in the tower as he grows up and he’s a loner anyway
- I don’t really see him going to school with lots of friends if he wasn’t homeschooled
- so he didn’t really hit the alcohol scene till he was 21 and Alfred was like ‘do you wanna drink?...’
- once he figured it out he used it as a bit of a crutch before he became Batman
- then he needed his head clear a lot so he rarely drank
- everyone argued that he was hungover in the morning if they saw him and all the newspapers that saw him said he had a drinking problem
- he did not!
- he thought it was kind of annoying when Alfred told him about it. Like he was protecting the city, actually not drinking his life away :(
- but he can be persuaded to drink more than usual
- he’s pretty lientant about it too like you were just like ‘i think I might have another if that’s okay’ and he just nods quickly
- drunk bruce is a whole thing! A whole thing!
- clumsy but has immaculate reflexes still
- stumbles over his steps but catches a cup that you drop
- loosens up a bit but still, at his core, is a quiet guy
- he doesn’t get talkative when he drinks or anything BUT does get a bit bolder overall
- the few words he says are slightly smoother and a little bit more courageous with his actions
- ‘Do you know how beautiful you are?’
- ‘bruce?’
- ‘you’re so perfect. Mm. perfect.’
- holds your face and stares at you because he doesn’t usually love eye contact but he has the liquid courage to trace your features with his thumb
- your breath hitches
- he isn’t usually this forward so it throws you off guard
- willing to bet he still thinks he needs to be batman
- can’t get the clips and stuff all the way on so he kinda falls over in it
- ‘do you wanna ride the motorcycle?’
- ‘you’re drunk. You can’t drive.’
- ‘that rules about a car. I can’t drive the batmobile. But the motorcycle is different’
- ‘that is absolutely not true?’
- opens up more about it all. Tells you more about his feelings about you and more about what he remembers from his parents
- also tells you about his nights as batman
- he doesn’t usually talk about it when he gets back other than bits and pieces here and there or something to run by you
- but he’s seen and done things he isn't proud of. It all just kinda…spills out
- is a lightweight as well
- falls asleep very soon. He is so tired. All the time.
- that kinda got real so anyway <3
- the line blurs between wanting comfort and wanting to be inside of you <3
- usually starts with him holding you in some way and then you’re kissing and then your shirt is off and then you’re on top of him
- he wants to have his hands on you in a completely codependent and possessive way
- this’ll obviously only happen when you’re both drunk because when he’s wasted you have to just put him to bed
- which he COMPLAINS about
- ‘Bruce I have to do something please just go to bed’
- ‘No.’
- ‘Bruce please. You’re wasted. I will still be here in the morning.’
- ‘No.’
- when you’re both drunk though it’s free reign
- he gets even clumsier which is already a thing in bed. He’s never 100% sure what he’s doing with his body but he learns at a quick pace
- wants to be as close to you as he possibly can
- holds you as close to him as he can, kissing you more than normal
- lots of moaning and being more vocal than he usually is, telling you how much he loves you, how he would die if you ever left, how good you’re making him feel
- he can do senseless sex but absoultey not when he’s drunk
- all of the feelings come out to play and he will hold you into oblivion if he must
- you both usually wake up the next morning with headaches and body aches and tangled in sheets and limbs
- it is kind of blissful though
DC Tag List: @elisaa-shelby, @alexxavicry, @demigirl-with-problems, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @caswinchester2000, @gxrlwithluv, @lov3vivian, @blkwayne, @wandering-poetess, @softiekayy, @navs-bhat
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navybluebitch · 2 years
At Your Service
Eddie Munson x Female!reader
SUMMARY: School freak, Eddie Munson, and loner, Y/N Y/L/N, have gone through school ignoring each other despite both of them being treated as outcasts. Whereas, Eddie enjoyed publicly defying societal standards, Y/N was quiet and preferred to keep to yourself. In fact, she often thought that Eddie’s spiels were overly dramatic and thought he was dumb for being held back. When Y/N starts going through a rough patch she begrudgingly resorts to Eddie, who helps her in more ways than one.
WARNINGS: smutttt, masturbation, P in V sex, using drugs as escapism, mentions of depressive feelings and anxiety (kinda)
Word Count: 9k
A/N: This is set between season 3 and 4 but there are some allusions to season 4 events if that makes sense. This is my first time writing fanfiction so I hope you guys like it! This ended up being way longer than I expected. Also, I’ve never smoked pot or done drugs so I’m not sure how accurate my descriptions of it are. Please feel free to give me any feedback. Enjoy your stay!
You had been with the gang from the beginning. Through the demogorgons, the Russians, and the Mind Flayer. You never seemed to be too affected by it. There was the occasional nightmare, but nothing like now. 
It had been two months since the mall fire. You had lost Jim who was like a father figure for you. When you had moved to Hawkins in third grade, your father had just died. You moved to Hawkins because your dad’s best friend, whom he had met during the war, Jim Hopper, was the sheriff there. Your mother didn’t want to stay where you currently were but she didn’t know where to go. She had a sister, but they didn’t get along. When Jim found out about your dad, he had promised your mother that he would help you guys if you moved to Hawkins, so you did.
Throughout the years, you had begun viewing him as a father figure; he was always there for you when you needed it and since he had lost his own daughter, he became very protective of you. He and your mom also became very good friends; your mom would help him out by cleaning and cooking for him so didn’t have to eat the same thing everyday. They were both also grieving so it became a habit to find them talking in the kitchen at 1:00 AM sharing their grievances, or even just drinking and smoking in silence.
Losing him in the fire was devastating. You didn’t even have a body that you could bury. 
Billy Hargrove had also died. Well, he had sacrificed himself and that made you feel guilty. When the Mind Flayer was going to attack El, you stood between her and it. When Hopper had taken El, you started caring for the girl, helping babysit her while Hopper was working. You knew how much Hopper loved her, how much you loved her, so you couldn’t fathom her dying. However, Billy pushed you aside and he was killed by the Mind Flayer. You didn’t know him well. He was an asshole, yet he became very popular the moment he arrived in Hawkins. You weren’t very popular. Your best friend was Jonathan; he shared your love for photography so you had quickly become friends. So, Hargrove hadn't been the nicest to you. 
However, you couldn’t help the guilt that consumed you knowing that he had died instead of you. What broke your heart the most was the way Max had reacted and the way she had begun to pull herself away from everyone. You liked Max; she was very funny and just like the other kids, you had developed a connection with her. As she started pulling away, so did you. The grief and guilt were too much. On top of that, your best friend and El had moved to California. You couldn’t blame Joyce for her decision, hell, you wished to leave this place as well, but you had hoped El would’ve stayed with you and your mom. 
So many people you loved were gone and all the shit that had happened the past years had been building up inside you like a snowball. You had always kept it inside, insisting you were fine. But you weren't and the paralyzing fear, guilt, and anxiety had catch up to you. You needed an escape.
You entered Family Video for your afternoon shift. Steve and Robin had been working the morning shift. They had insisted you join them, but you declined. During the summer, you had worked with them at Chips Ahoy. You had already grown close to Steve as you were usually left in charge of the kids along with him. You didn’t mind. You found out that Steve was actually a really cool guy and you had grown to love him (and develop a crush on him). You had dated for a few months at the end of senior year. He was your first kiss and your first time. You liked him a lot but you could tell he was still in love with Nancy so you decided to break up with him. It was an amicable break up and if, anything, had made your friendship stronger.
You had grown close to Robin. She was weird and you liked that. You guys had become an inseparable trio, but you’ve been avoiding hanging out with them as much as you can. You loved them, but you felt like you didn’t deserve them. Also, you just wanted to be alone, even if that meant dealing with the intrusive thoughts alone.
You couldn’t feel peace anywhere; you were barely sleeping, every noise sending you into a frenzy. You needed something to make you forget or else you would go crazy. Make you forget running from the demogorgons in the dark forest. Make you forget being stuck in the upside down. Make you forget watching Billy die after he pushed you out of the Mind Flayer’s way. Make you forget burying an empty casket for Jim.
As you were cleaning the counter, you heard the bell ding. You looked up to see Eddie Munson, resident freak AND drug dealer. This was it. He could give you what you wanted, what you so desperately needed. You saw him looking through the horror section, impatiently waiting for him to go to the cash register. 
After what seemed to be the longest 5 minutes of your life, which was saying something considering you have spent 5 minutes running away from monsters, Eddie approached you at the register. 
He had a horror movie and a porno. You rolled your eyes when he handed it to you. He was such a guy after all.
“What? Never seen a guy buy a porno before?” he asked.
“Too many for my liking,” you replied. “It’ll be five dollars.”
As he reached into his pockets you wondered if buying drugs from him was a good idea. You didn’t really do drugs; you had smoked some weed with Steve a couple times but that was it. You were more of a drinker, taking after your mom, but even blacking out couldn’t liberate you from your terrors. Plus, blacking out left you with a killer headache and worse mood. You needed something that would calm you, put your mind somewhere else.
You had planned to buy drugs from the usual guy that Steve bought from, but to your luck he had been busted a week ago. You didn't know any other drug dealers beside Eddie and at this point you didn’t feel like you could go any longer like this, so he would have to do.
“Do you have any weed on you right now,” you blurted. He looked at you with wide eyes before smirking. He rested his forearms on the counter and leaned in closer to you, tilting his head to the side a little. 
“Why do you want it?”
“To smoke,” you said dryly. He rolled his eyes at you. “What else would I want it for Munson. Do you have it or not?”
“I don’t have it on me right now. I have it at my place. When do you get out from work?”
“Nine,” you replied. 
“Come by my place after work. You have a pen and paper?” he asked. You grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and handed it to him. He wrote down his address and gave you the piece of paper back.
"Don’t leave me hanging, sweetheart,” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes and handed him the movies. “Here’s your porno, sir, have a good day.”
As he left the store, you couldn’t help but feel relieved. You would get the weed, maybe something else as well, and you would be fine. Everything would be fine... thanks to Eddie Munson.
After closing the store, you walked to your car and turned on the radio. As you began driving to Eddie’s, the song “Should I Stay or Should I Go” came on. You smiled sadly as your remembered Jonathan and Will. You had been there when Jonathan first showed that song to Will. You had been there when that song was used to help bring the Will you all loved back from the Mind Flayer’s hold. 
Your mind started dragging to being in the upside down. You remembered how scared you were, how much you wanted to leave. But most importantly, you remembered missing your dad, wishing he was there to comfort you. You remember being saved by Jim and him hugging you. You felt a tear slip from your eye and you let it slide down your cheek. 
You started speeding up, wanting to get to Eddie’s as soon as possible. You would be okay. 
Ten minutes later you arrived at a trailer park. You were looking for his trailer when you saw his horribly parked van. You parked next to his van, and as you were looking for your wallet you heard the trailer door open. Eddie was standing there waiting for you. You guess he had heard your car arrive.
“Aww, were you looking out the window waiting for me, Munson,” you teased as you got out of your car.
“Always M’Lady,” he replied, bringing his hands up and clutching his heart, “It felt like centuries passed before I was blessed with your presence once again.”
You walked closer to him and he moved aside so you could go inside. The inside looked just like you expected. It was quite messy, but you kind of liked it. You turned your head and were met with a wall full of mugs. You wondered Eddie collected them or if his uncle did. You didn't know much about Eddie, just stuff you heard around, but you knew he lived with his uncle.
“Soooo, this is my castle,” he stated while motioning around, “the maids are on vacation right now. I know. I know. I’m such generous man, you don’t have to say it.”
“Where’s the butler,” you asked. He looked at you with a frown, “I had to fire him because the last dinner party he planned was a disaster. He had the maids serve steak only, can you believe that?”
You fake gasped, “Oh no, how cheap. Unbelievable!” 
Although you were enjoying the stupid little conversation you were having, you wanted to get what you came for and leave. So before he could start speaking again, you said, “So how much for half an ounce?” 
He seemed a little disappointed that you were putting an end to the playful banter. “I’ll give it to you for 25.” He walked towards the small kitchen table and opened a metal lunchbox. You took the money out from your wallet.
“You know, I’ll give it to you for 20 if you smoke it with me,” he called out from the kitchen. You walked towards him and scoffed.
“Are you trying to buy my company, Munson? That is no way to run a business,” you teased. 
“What can I say? Pleasure trumps business, Miss Y/L/N,” he said smirking. You lightly hit his arm and then pointed at the porno he had bought a few hours earlier that now rested on his kitchen table.
“I think you have enough pleasure,” you grimaced. “By the way, I wouldn’t put that on your kitchen table. You know there’s a lot of guys who have checked that movie out.”
He scrunched his face. “Why would you say that,” he whined. He handed you the bag of weed. “You smoke before... or do you need a tutorial, which I’m more than willing to give you.”
“I know how to smoke, Munson.” His offer was kind of tempting, but you just wanted to be in your room alone, smoking and listening to music. “Thanks, but I’ll have to pass on that tutorial.”
You turned around and started walking towards the door. He beat you to the door and opened it for you. “Here, M’lady. My door is always open for you.” 
As you walked by him, the smell of weed consumed your senses and you finally noticed how his eyes were a bit red. He was high. The red tinge in his eyes made them so much more alluring. 
You walked down the steps towards your car. As you opened your door, you turned to see him standing there. You waved a little goodbye, which he returned with a two handed wave and a bow. He was so dramatic. You always found that annoying at school. You felt that he was similar to that Jason guy that was a year below you. They were on opposite ends of the social spectrum, but their theatric antics were similar.
However, you could admit that Eddie was charismatic. He had a kind of charm and you realized how much of a fresh breath of air it was. Although you loved your friends, it seemed they had been cautious around you these past months since the accident. You couldn’t blame them; you had changed and it was noticeable. Some days you were very irritable. 
When you arrived at your house, it was already 10:30 pm. You had driven slower this time, hoping you would find your mother asleep. You had a good relationship with your mother. However, she was quite overprotective of you and would constantly ask you if you were okay. You loved that she cared for you, but it was overwhelming sometimes. You also didn’t want to worry her.
When you opened the door, you saw that your mother was asleep on the couch. You quietly closed the door and walked towards her. You covered her with the nearest blanket you could find and went upstairs. Once you got to your room, you took off your work clothes and put on an oversized t-shirt. You sat on the floor with your back against your bed. You grabbed your walkman and put your favorite cassette on.
You messily rolled your joint and began smoking it. The smoke filling your lungs and you felt yourself relaxing. The combination of the loud music in your ears and the weed made it hard for your thoughts to take over. As you finished smoking, you could feel yourself on cloud 9. With the thoughts buried in the back of your head, you were able to focus on...different emotions. 
Your mind started drifting to Eddie Munson. You remembered the way his hands looked when giving you the bag of weed. His ring clad fingers were slender and your mind drifted to how they would feel. The way they could wrap around your throat, or trace your spine as he bent you over the table. Wait. 
Your eyes flew open and you started laughing. Were you seriously thinking about Eddie Munson that way? 
“Wowwww, this weed is pretty strong,” you said to yourself. You closed your eyes again and once again, your mind started drifting to Eddie. You had never been in such close proximity to him even though you had known him since middle school. Well, unless you count sophomore year when you were both in the principal’s office; you were receiving an award and he had been caught ditching class, again. No wonder he hasn’t graduated.  
You had to admit he was pretty good-looking, though. He had those wide brown eyes. You wondered how they would look up at you as his head was buried between your thighs. Almost involuntarily, your hand began descending your body, slipping underneath your underwear. Your fingers ran up and down your slit, collecting your wetness. Fuck, I really need to get laid, you thought. 
The last person you had sex with was Andrew Brown. He was a regular at Scoops Ahoy and he had asked you out on date. You dated for a month. The sex was okay, definitely not as good as your previous partner, Steve, but it did the job. 
But now, as your fingers slowly circled your clit, all you could think about was Eddie Munson. The smell of weed permeating in your room reminding you of the way he smelled, making you imagine that he was there with you. You imagined that it was his fingers slipping in and out of you, making you squirm as he kissed your neck.
As you increased your speed, all you could think of was Eddie doing the same thing you were doing right now. Was he watching the porno and masturbating? You could imagine him sitting on his couch, head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut, as he pumped his dick with his fist. Slowly at first, but more desperate as he neared his orgasm. You could imagine him thrusting up into his fist, eager to cum. The thought of him cumming all over hand and shirt had you increasing your speed; pumping your fingers in and out your cunt faster. You brought your other hand down to rub your clit once again. Your breathing becoming more erratic. The thought of him moaning as he came was the final straw for you. You came undone on your fingers, a softly whispered “Eddie” leaving your lips. 
Unbeknownst to you, a similar scene to the one your mind had conjured up had unfolded three miles away from your house. Eddie had, in fact, been watching the porno. He had been sitting on the couch, his hand wrapped around his cock, pre cum leaking out of the tip. His mind had drifted to your encounter earlier that night. He hadn’t meant to think about you as he jerked off, but the girl in the porno looked a little too similar to you. The same hair color and the same eyes. The cadence of her voice the same as yours. As the girl in the movie got on her knees and took the guy’s cock in her mouth, Eddie had closed his eyes and imagined you were on your knees in front of him. His hands gathering your hair into a ponytail, your eyes looking up at him while your mouth was stuffed with his dick. He leaned over a little and spit on his cock and began pumping his hand faster. He threw his head back, pleasure overwhelming his senses. 
“Does that feel good,” said the actress, but by the time it reached Eddie’s ear, your voice had replaced hers. He gave a small nod. He began thinking back to the way your shirt hugged your tits, the way your thighs looked in your jeans. He remembered the way your plump lips looked as you replied to his comments. As he got closer to his orgasm, he began thrusting up into his fist, wishing it your pussy as you rode him. He wondered how tight and warm you would feel around his dick, your tits bouncing in his face. That was enough to send him over the edge. He came all over his hand and shirt, your name falling out of his mouth in a soft whine. 
Three days later, you were working the morning shift at Family Video. Steve and Robin were also working the shift. Now that you were getting high before each shift, it felt like everything was back to normal. Your trio dynamic began feeling like it used to when you worked at Chips Ahoy. However, you only had a little bit of weed left. You weren't the best at rolling joints, so you went through them pretty fast. You had been smoking two each night to keep the bad thoughts away. You were thinking of going to see Eddie after your shift; it was a Saturday so he was probably home. 
The thought of seeing him was a bit daunting. After the night you touched yourself to the thought of him, he’s all you could think of. But, you knew that fucking him would be a bad idea. He’s your dealer now and he’s Eddie “The Freak” Munson. Although the Eddie in your scenario gave you a mind blowing and much needed orgasm, the real Eddie wouldn’t. He was probably a virgin and like every other guy, only concerned with his own pleasure. You weren’t going to be the girl to pop his cherry. 
Four hours into your shift, your boss made an appearance. You had only met him once when you started the job. He was never around so it caught you three by surprise when he arrived, especially since you and Robin were on the counter playing tic tac toe while Steve was in the romance section flirting, or possibly making out, with a girl named Claire. You and Robin quickly jumped of the counter and began making yourselves busy. You began wiping down the counters and Robin pretended to organize the clearance section in the front of the store.
“Hey champs,” your boss, Robert, said, “Just popping in to see how sales are going.”
“Hello, sir, sales are good, it’s a bit slow but good overall,” you said with a forced smile. 
“Well, maybe if you two dolls looked a little more cheerful sales would be a bit better, don’t you think?” he said while looking between you and Robin.
You both gave a small nod and you knew that Robin was thinking the same thing you were, what a douche. 
An hour later, Robert was still in the store. He had pulled up a chair and was sitting in the register counter, and to your luck he had assigned you the register. He just kept talking and talking pure nonsense and if you didn’t need the job, you would’ve quit right on the spot. 
Steve and Robin were both helping clients out when the door bell rang. You looked up and saw none other than Eddie Munson with the two movies he had rented the other day. He had already seen the porno. Your made up scenario came back to your mind and you wondered if maybe it had happened. As he walked he looked right at you and smiled.
“Y/L/N, long time no see, madame.”
"Welcome to Family Video, how can I help you,” you said with a tight lipped smile. Eddie looked confused so you gestured to your boss with your eyes, hoping Eddie would get the hint. A loom of realization seemed to cross his face and he gave a little nod.
“Helloooooo, I’m here to return these two movies. I gotta say, between you and me, this porno was the best one yet that I’ve seen,” he said lowering his voice as to pretend like he’s trying to be discreet, but high enough that your boss would still hear. You stifled a laugh when your boss started choking on his water. 
“You alright there, sir?” said Eddie in a falsely polite voice. “Was I a but crude for you liking? My sincerest apologies,” he said, bringing his hand up to his heart, “but you really do have the best pornos.”
Your boss looked so uncomfortable and in that moment you were so thankful for Eddie. “Thank you. On behalf of Family Video I am glad that your viewing experience was successful,” you say to Eddie.
“Oh, it very much was,” he says winking at you and the image of him cumming is once again planted in your mind.
“Is there anything else I can help you with,” you say, trying your best to ignore the pink of his lips and the way his hands look when he brings them up to his face, pretending to ponder your question.
“Yes, actually, could you be a dear and help me choose a movie. I was thinking porno, obviously, but with a little more romance. I’m a romantic, what can I say.”
“Sure thing follow me.” Eddie waited for you to exit the counter before following you. As you led him to the adult section, which was kind of weird considering it’s called Family Video, he couldn’t help but stare at your ass. He looked up when you turned around to make sure that he was following you. He hoped you hadn’t seen him checking you out, but you did and honestly you liked it. 
When you got to the adult section, you let out a soft laugh, “Oh god, did you see his face?”
Eddie started laughing too. “He looks like such a prick,” he said.
“Oh you have no idea. He’s been sitting there with me for the past hour and I think he’s spent like 40 minutes staring at my boobs and the other 20 minutes talking about how successful he is.” You both laughed harder. 
After you gained control of yourselves, you said, “I was actually hoping to see you-”
“Miss me already?” he interrupted with a smirk, leaning against the shelves.
“You wish, Munson. Actually, I wanted to buy more weed. I wasn’t sure if I should just show up at your trailer or ask you beforehand,” you said leaning against the opposite shelf, facing him.
“I brought some in my car this time. What time do you get off work today?”
You looked at your wrist, but remembered you had forgotten to wear your watch. The store clock was too far away for you to distinguish the time.
“It’s 1:30,” said Eddie realizing what you were looking for. 
“I get out in 30 minutes. Should I just go to your place?”
“I’ll wait,” he says with a cheeky smile, “anything for my best client.”
“Best client already, huh,” you say pushing yourself away from the shelf and walking the short distance between you two. Once you’re right in front of him, he also pushes himself off the shelf, staring into your eyes. His lips look so inviting that you just want to reach up and kiss him.
“I’ll meet you at your car,” you whisper unintentionally. The close proximity making it easy for him to hear what you said. “Don’t get too anxious.”
“I can’t make any promises,” he says, eyes flicking to your lips for a second. You hear footsteps approaching on your right so yo quickly step back. 
“This is our full collection of movies right now. Do you see any-” you begin to say but stop as you see Steve and Robin appear. They look between you and Eddie with a confused look on their faces. Eddie looks at them and then looks back at you. You flick your eyes to the door, hoping he’ll get the hint and leave.
“Okay, well I’m going to head out, I guess,” he says starting to walk backwards. He bumps into a shelf, knocking over a few DVDs. He tries to pick them up but you stop him, “It’s okay I'll take care of it,” you say grabbing the DVD from his hands, your fingers softly grazing his. He give a little nod and leaves the store.
You turn to look at Steve and Robin and you see that they were looking at you even more confused you than before. “What?,” you ask while bending over to pick the remaining DVDs off the floor. 
“What was that?,” they both asked at the same time. “Were you talking to the Freak Munson,” asked Steve in disbelief.
“I was talking to a customer, okay? I’m just doing my job. By the way, did douchebert leave already?” you ask trying to change the subject away from Eddie. You know you weren't doing anything wrong, you were just buying weed from a guy and that guy just happened to be school’s freak. It’s not a big deal. However, you knew Steve and Robin would make a big deal out of it and if they asked any further questions, you may or may not end up babbling about your lustful thoughts.
“Ugh, yes he left like 10 minutes ago, finally!” exclaimed Robin, “He going off about teenagers being off the rails or something like that.” He had left because of Eddie. That made you smile inside. As you were putting the last DVD on the shelf, Robin snatched it from your hands and started talking about how you guys should watch it with her to pass time until the end of your shift. She pretty much ran to the register while you and Steve walked slowly behind. 
“Hey, so you and Munson,” he started. 
“There’s no me and Munson, Steve,” you said annoyed. 
“I’m just saying, you guys looked a little close there,” he said bringing his hands up in the air. You stopped walking and he halted, too.
“Look, just because you want to fuck every girl that comes in here doesn’t mean I want to fuck every guy that comes in.”
“Okay, okay,” he said pouting a little, “you don’t have to be so mean.”
“I’m not mean, I’m just telling the truth,” you shrug. You place your arm around his shoulder, “Come on let’s go watch the movie or else Robin is gonna kill us.”
Thirty minutes into the movie, you say your goodbyes, despite much protest from both Steve and Robin, and head out. They still had an hour left until their shift ended. 
You walked outside to the parking lot, but didn’t see Eddie’s van. Had her gotten tired of waiting and left? You start walking behind Family Video to where your car is. You usually use the back door but this time you had gone out the front because of Eddie. When you reach the back parking lot, you see Eddie’s van parked there, but you couldn’t see Eddie in the driver’s seat. As you started walking towards the van, someone jumped out from behind Steve’s car making you jump. 
“Hey Princess,” said Eddie with smile. 
You brought your hand up to your chest,” Jesus Christ Eddie.” You slapped his shoulder, “You fucking scared me. I thought you had left.”
“Me, leave? I said I was gonna wait for you,” he said.
“I know but I didn’t see you,” you said walking towards his van, him following you. As you approached the van, you slowed down to let him lead. He walked towards the back and opened the doors. You saw the same metal lunch box that he had taken the weed out when you were at his trailer. 
“Half ounce again?,” he said looking at you.
“Ummm, I think ounce would be better.” He looked at you and chuckled.
“You know, you went through that half ounce pretty fast,” he said, “I wasn’t expecting you to come back for more until at least a week.”
“Yeah, I didn’t either,” you said looking straight ahead, “I’m not the best at rolling joints so I think that may be the problem.”
“I could teach you,” he says as he sits down in his van, “that way you won’t be going through them too fast. Although, that would mean I would see you less which-”
The small smile you had on your face while listening to Eddie slowly disappeared as a strange noise reached your ears. It sounded like...a clock? It didn't make any sense but you could hear it getting closer. What creeped you out the most was how familiar it sounded. You’ve heard countless of clocks, yet this one had a strangely distinct sound that-
You froze. A cold shiver running up your spine. Everything seemed to slow down as you identified the sound. It was the same sound you had periodically heard while you were in the upside down. You closed your eyes and shook your head, trying to rid yourself of the memories that were flooding your brain. When you opened you eyes, you were expecting to see the head full of shaggy hair, Eddie’s brown eyes underneath, but instead you were met with a deserted parking lot. The only car there was Eddie’s van, but his lively presence was replaced with thick, intertwined vines. The sunny sky was now bleeding red, a sickening cloud of fog making it difficult to breathe comfortably. 
No no no no, this couldn’t be. You couldn’t be there. Not again, please. It was getting harder for you to breathe. The ticking sound seemed to grow louder and it was accompanied by screams. Billy. You turned in circles trying to figure out where the sounds were coming from, but they were coming from every direction. 
“Y/N,” a deep voice said tauntingly, “why did you let him die? You should’ve died. You were a coward. It is all your fault.”
The word dead seemed to reverberate all around you. You covered your ears, falling to your knees. There was too much noise: the clock, Billy screaming, the voice taunting you. 
“Stop,” you yelled, “please stop.” You were sobbing, rocking back and forth, pressing your hands harder against your ears. The attempts were futile, the noise around you far too loud to be diminished by your mere hands. You felt like you were going crazy. How could this be happening? How had you ended up in the Upside Down? El had closed the gates. This had to be a nightmare, your mind playing a bad trick on itself.
In the midst of the chaos, you heard a voice calling your name. It wasn’t the same taunting, sneering voice that was shaming you. It was a worried and slightly panicked voice. 
“Y/N!...Y/N!...Y/N!,” it shouted. It was Eddie. You looked around trying to find his voice. It was so fragile compared to the other noises, but it was there. With all the energy you could muster, you got up. You rubbed your blurry eyes, trying to find Eddie. Had he somehow been sucked into the Upside Down? You walked closer to the back of the van and his voice intensified, but he was nowhere in sight. You remembered he had been sitting inside the van, so you crawled inside, trying to avoid the slimy vines that decorated the interior. 
Once you got inside, his voice seemed to be right in your ear. You felt yourself shaking but you weren’t sure what was making you shake. You heard one final “Y/N!” before you felt yourself falling, closing your eyes out of fear.
A few seconds later, you felt hands on your shoulders, cars driving, and birds chirping. 
“Y/N, can you hear me? What’s wrong,” you heard Eddie say, his voice a few inches away from your face.
You opened your eyes, albeit reluctantly, fearing that this might be some sort of trick and you were still in the Upside Down. You were met with Eddie’s concerned face; his mouth in a small frown, his eyes searching your face. Seeing his face made you feel relieved, so much so that you felt like crying. You were so scared and confused and you had just experienced something that you had been actively avoiding. You were smoking to forget all this and yet you had just had the most vivid experience of the one place you hated the most.
“I’m okay,” you said, your voice quavering a little, “I’m good.” Eddie looked at you unconvinced.
“You were in this like trance for five minutes. You couldn’t hear me and your eyes were closed. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine. I guess I’m just tired. I worked the closing shift last night and I had the opening shift this morning,” you partially lied. You knew Eddie could tell that you weren’t all that fine, but he didn’t say anything else and just nodded. 
“Okay... well can you come inside the van so I can give you the weed? Just in case cops are driving around.” You nod and walk the few steps toward the van, your legs wobbling a little and your mind drifting to how you had just done this not even 5 minutes ago. You climb in the back of his van and he closes the doors. 
“Here’s your ounce,” he says passing you the bag, “and my offers still stand you know?”
“What offer,” you say confused before you vaguely remember what he had been talking about before you had been transported to the Upside Down, “Oh actually I’ll take you up on that.”
“Really?,” he asks surprised. You shake your head yes. You didn't;’t know what had happened to you a few moments earlier. All you knew was that you did not want to go there again and Eddie’s voice had been the one to get you out of there. Although it may sound selfish, you figured that maybe by being near him you wouldn’t have that vision again, or he would bring you back if you did. It was fucked up, you realized, because what if something went wrong? What if he couldn’t bring you back and something bad happened? Something supernatural? You could only hope it didn’t happen, and at this point, you would take your chances.
“Hey, do have anything stronger than weed?,” you ask quietly. He looks at you with the same surprised look he had given you when you first asked him for weed.
“I do,” he says, “What are you looking for exactly?”
“Anything,” you say looking him in the eye. 
“I have something at my house that I think you’ll like. Can you come over?”
“Yeah, I’ll follow you back,” you say. You both get out of his van; he walks toward the driver’s seat and you walk towards your car. You get in and immediately turn on the radio. “Crazy Train” by Ozzy Osbourne begins playing on the radio and you turn it up. You close your eyes and lean your head against the steering wheel. You feel like screaming and hitting something. Ozzy’s voice all you can hear. 
With great difficulty you raise your head up and look in your rearview mirror. Eddie’s van is nowhere in sight so you guess he had already left. You back out of your parking spot and start driving to his trailer.
Ten minutes later you arrive. He was waiting for you outside against his van. You step out of your car, your bag in hand. He walks forward and opens the trailer door. You walk in mumbling a small “thanks”. 
“Make yourself at home, mademoiselle,” he says, “I’ll be right back.” He disappears into his room and you sit on the recliner that’s near the window. You look around the trailer. It’s a mess. There’s wrappers and dishes everywhere. You suppose neither Eddie nor his uncle are the cleanliest. His uncle probably works all day and doesn’t have time to clean and Eddie, well, he probably just has other things he’d rather do. Your house wasn't the cleanest either, most of the time. Your mother would always be too tired from work so you offered to take care of the cleaning. However, you would come home late from work or you were just too exhausted to do anything so sometimes the dishes piled up and dust collected on every surface. 
You wondered what had happened to his parents? Had they died? You started feeling bad for Eddie; in the short time that you had gotten to known him you had realized that he was not a bad person. You along with everyone else misjudged him. 
He came back with a little box and a smile on his face.
“Okay, here is the magic E,” he said holding up a little bag with pills inside. “You just pop one in your mouth and let it do its magic.”
He walked closer to you with a pill in hand. You opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out, prompting him to put it in your mouth. His eyes widened a little, but he obeyed, placing the pill on your tongue. You closed your mouth, feeling the pill dissolving. You saw Eddie popping a pill into his mouth as well, his eyes never leaving yours. You looked down, seeing a bulge in his crotch.
Oh my god, you though, had that..turned him on? There was no way he wasn’t a virgin. He saw your eyes looking down and he blushed realizing what you were looking at. He turned around and walked towards the kitchen, opening the fridge. He came back with two beers and handed one to you. You took a big swig, grimacing at the bitter taste. You weren’t much of a beer girl, you preferred vodka or tequila. 
“How long does it take for this to kick in,” you said breaking the silence.  “Just any minute now,” he said looking at his watch. Almost as if on cue, you began feeling it. Your body and mind felt lighter in a way, making you relax. You could feel Eddie’s eyes on you.
“So, are you gonna show me how to roll a blunt or are you just gonna keep staring at me,” you tell him taking another sip of your beer.
He gives you a small laugh and nods his head. You get the bag of weed out from your bag and throw it to him. He catches it with one hand and starts walking back to his room. He comes back with some paper squares and sits on the floor in front of you. 
“Enlighten me, Munson.”
He takes some weed out of the bag and begins placing it on the paper. “The art to rolling a blunt is being gentle, really gentle. You have to make sure to get an even amount across the paper. Then, when you start rolling it, make it as tight as possible.”
All you could focus on was the way his fingers looked like as he rolled the joint. The veins on his hands and the rings making his hands so alluring. When he fhad rolled the joint, he brought it up to his mouth and licked a stripe right across the length of the paper. He was looking up at you as he did that and god did that turn you on. You felt chest rising up and down as you imagined his tongue somewhere else. 
He reached into his front pocket and pulled a lighter out. He lit up the joint and took a drag. 
“And that is how you successfully roll a joint,” he said blowing the smoke out, “don’t try this at home kids.”
You extended your hand and he passed you the joint. You put your mouth around it, inhaling. The smoke filling your lungs before exhaling it. Once again, Eddie was looking at you, but his eyes were now focused on your mouth. He could feel his pants tightening. He wondered how good your mouth would feel around his cock. 
You could tell he was aroused as were you, but you knew he wouldn’t do anything about it, so you took it upon yourself to tease him. Before you could give this any more thought, you found yourself saying, “You know, the other night I couldn’t help but think about you.”
You saw his cheeks go red and that brought a smirk to your face. He was so easily flustered. 
“Yeah? Was it good things?”
“Oh, I’d say they were very good,” you say. You finish your beer and place it front of the recliner. You move to sit on the floor so he scoots back a little. 
“Have you thought about me,” you ask, your voice low. You really hope he says yes or else this is gonna be awkward. He nods a little looking at the ground. You groan internally. The image of him stroking his cock to you sending heat straight to your core. You want him really bad.
“Do you wanna fuck,” you blurt out. Your eyes widening a bit at the the same time he looks at you. Did you really just say that? He’s gonna think you're a whore just asking guys to fuck. Oh god. I mean you were asking a sort of random guy to fuck. 
“Yeah,” he says, “that would be...yeah.” He takes another drag. You both just it there, staring at each other. He licks his lips and you’re done. You lean forward and grab his face with both hands, smashing your lips against his. He seems taken aback for a moment, but soon he starts kissing back slower. Your lips are aggressive against his, your experience ce compared to his inexperience shining through. You pull back. 
“Have you ever had sex,” you ask and he rapidly nods his head yes. You don’t believe him, but instead of saying anything you just lean forward again. You kiss him slower this time, helping him ease into it a bit. His lips are soft against yours, his hands by his side; one holding the blunt and the other one trying to clear the surrounding area. You move to straddle his hips, your legs resting on each side of his thighs. You remove your hands from his face and bring them down to his hands. You take the blunt away from his hand and place it on top of the box he had brought out earlier. With both his hands free, you bring them to your hips. 
He gets the hint and firmly grips your hips, giving them a little squeeze. The action makes you buck against him, grinding against his crotch. He lets out a little whine into the kiss which makes you even wetter. You break from the kiss and start kissing his jaw. is breathing becomes more erratic as you start sucking on his neck, leaving a hickey. 
His hands move to your ass, pushing you forward so you could grind on him. Your hips start to grind against his crotch, soft moans escaping you both. You increase your speed and grind down harder, your jeans making it harder for you to feel it. This time he starts leaving sloppy, wet kisses on your jaw. His kisses becoming sloppier as he travels down your neck and as you increase your pace. You tug on his hair when he begins sucking on your pulse point, your action eliciting a moan from him.
“I don’t think I’ll last long if you keep grinding on me like this,” he says through ragged breaths. You nod absentmindedly and slow your pace. 
“Do you have a condom,” you say and he nods.
“They’re in my room.”
Begrudgingly you stop grinding on him and get off his lap. He stands up first and extends his hand which you take. He begins walking to his room, but you halt, bending over to pick the blunt off the box. You take a drag as you walk towards his room. He rummages through his drawer for what seems like eternity.
While he does that, you get rid of your shirt, throwing it at Eddie. He looks towards you, eyes widening as he sees your chest. Your breasts spilling out of the top of your bra.
“Hurry up, Eddie.” He turns back around, digging through the mess in his drawer.
“Aha, here it is,” he says. You lay down on his bed, pants unbuttoned. He walks around towards the foot of bed, staring at you. He licks his lips and removes his shirt. You prop yourself on your forearms, admiring the tattoos on his chest. You use your finger to beckon him towards you and he complies. 
Careful not to crush you, he gets on top of you. With one arm he props himself up and with the other he begins to softly caress your side. You capture his lips with yours, roughly kissing him. He was being too gentle. You didn’t want sweet sex. You wanted it rough. You wanted his teeth scraping your neck, his hands tugging on your hair, his cock buried so deep that it hurt.
You lowered your hands to his crotch and began unbuckling his belt. You unbuttoned his pants and tried tugging them off. Eddie broke the kiss to stand up. He slid his pants down. You could see his cock straining against his boxers.
You stood up so you were face to face with Eddie. You turned around and pushed on his shoulders so he sat down on the edge of the bed. He looked so hot; his hair was even more disheveled, his cheeks flush red, his chest heaving up and down, his eyes a bit hooded. You kicked your shoes off your feet and dragged your pants down your legs. You were left in your bra and underwear. You wanted Eddie inside of you, but you wanted to tease him a little. You reached behind you and unclasped your bra, sliding the straps down your arms. 
Eddie looked starstruck as he stared at your chest. Licking his lips, he reaches out to touch your tits. The cold of his rings contrasting your heated skin. He begins kneading your tits, moving forward to wrap his mouth around your nipple. You throw your head back and tangle your left hand in his hair as he starts flicking your nipples with his tongue. The sensation shooting to your core. You could feel the wetness pooling in your panties, your clit begging to be touched. 
You slide your right hand down your stomach and under the band of your underwear. You gather some of your wetness and use it to rub your clit, moaning at the combination of your fingers and Eddie’s mouth. Eddie looks down at your hand, realizing what you’re doing. He pulls away from your tits and grabs your right wrist.
“Let me,” he whispers and you nod, unable to speak. He slides your underwear down your legs and you step out of it. He stands up and turns you around, laying you down on his bed. He gets on the bed and lies on his side. He looks into your eyes as he lowers his hand to your cunt. He drags two fingers up and down your slit before he starts circling your clit. He begins rubbing it gently, unsure if he’s doing thee right thing. His touch send electricity through your body and you give out a soft moan. 
This reassures him that he is doing the right thing so he begins to increase his speed. You bite your lip, trying to keep your moans down. He leans in to kiss you, his mouth swallowing your sounds.
When he pulls back he says, “Don’t be mean, let me hear how good I’m making you feel.” You nod and let yourself moan. You could feel his dick throbbing against your thigh. You brought your hand up and put it inside his boxers. You wrapped your hand around his painfully hard cock, hearing him inhale sharply as you did so. You started stroking his dick at the same pace he was rubbling your clit. 
He started giving out small moans and whimpers, the sounds encouraging you to go faster. As you felt yourself nearing your orgasm, you stopped stroking him, removing your hands from his boxers and removing his hand from your cunt. 
“I want to cum while you’re inside me,” you tell him and he nods. 
He lays down and pulls his boxers down, his dick springing free. You could feel that he was big as you were stroking him, but seeing his dick you realize just how long it is. You knew it was gonna hurt in the best way. 
“I want to ride you,” you whisper. He scoots back so his back is against his headboard. You reach out to his nightstand for the condom. You tear it open and put it on him. You straddle his hips and look into his eyes. You line yourself up with dick, feeling his tip against your entrance. He draws in a sharp breath and you can’t wait for the noises he’ll make once he’s inside you. 
You slowly start sinking onto him. His dick stretching you out deliciously. You can’t help but smirk as he closes his eyes and throws his head back, the pleasure too much for him. Once you bottom out, you stay still for a second, trying to adjust to his size and giving him time to adjust to the feeling of your walls around him. 
Once he opens his eyes again, you begin to move. Slowly, you raise your hips up before bringing them back down, moaning at the same time as Eddie. You keep repeating the movement, slowly increasing your speed. Every time you lowered yourself, you could Eddie’s tip hitting your sweet spot. You weren’t sure if it was Eddie, the drugs, or a combination of both that was making every feeling ten times more intense.
As you felt your orgasm drawing closer, you began to move faster, gripping onto Eddie’s shoulders for support. You were gripping so hard that you wouldn’t be surprised if he had finger shaped bruises tomorrow. All you could hear were your moans intertwined with Eddies’, the sound of you thighs slapping against his, and the occasional squeak of his bed. 
Eddie began thrusting his hips up, meeting your own movements. You could tell he was close by the way his thrusts were urgent and sloppy. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he says through moans. 
“Me too,” you say leaning in to kiss him.
He thrusts up into you hard as you lower yourself onto him and you’re done. You feel his dick twitch inside you, his cum spilling into the condom. You feel the knot that had formed in your core become undone, a warmth spreading throughout your body. Your hips stutter as you continue riding him through your orgasms. He whines against your lips as his dick becomes overstimulated. You stop your movements, resting your head on his shoulder. 
You stay in that position for a few minutes, trying to calm your breathing. As the adrenaline subsides, you feel for your thighs burning from the exertion. You give Eddie one last kiss on his neck and roll of his lap. You lay down on your back next to him. He takes the condom off, tying it up and throwing it in the trash can that’s next to his bed. He lays down as well, turning on his side to face you. Your eyes are closed, chest sweaty.
He looks at you with a small smile on his face. You look so beautiful. You open your eyes and find him looking at you. You raise your eyebrow, “What?”
"Nothing,” he says, “so we can do this again, right?”
You give him a small laugh and nod, “Yes, definitely. You ready?”
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angelsdevils · 2 years
Reiner x Reader
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Title: Secrets 1.3 Fluff
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It was your first day attending the Training Corps and you had felt so out of place. Of course, it was everyone’s first day for the 104th corp. You looked around and saw people already starting to form friendships. You weren’t exactly one to go out of your way to meet people, but if you did you soon became outgoing. You stood there, keeping to yourself before you felt someone tap your shoulder. 
You looked up to see two guys standing beside you, one that was extremely tall and kinda lanky with short, dark hair and brown eyes. He looked really shy and was looking down avoiding eye contact with you. You then looked to the other guy who was a bit shorter, but more muscular and had short blonde hair and hazel eyes. He was kinda cute, but you would have never said that out loud.
“Uh, hi?” You said with a raised eyebrow. 
“I am Reiner, and this is Bertholdt. It’s nice to meet you, what is your name?”
“(Y/N)... can I help you?” You asked and they sweatdropped. 
“Just noticed you were by yourself, figured someone should approach you,” Reiner said and you blew your hair out of your face. 
“Is that so?” You felt his eyes on you, looking you up and down. You then took a step closer to doing the same to him. 
“Are you sure you just didn’t want to talk to a pretty girl? So to make it seem less suspicious you dragged your friend here to the third wheel?” You asked, Reiner blinked. He had a light blush on his cheeks but he grinned slightly.
“That’s exactly what he did, can I go now?” Bertholdt asked with a blush. 
“(Yes/No).” You and Reiner said. You said no, and he said yes.
“You can’t drop your friend off on me. He may be some weirdo, that may take advantage of me.”
“Hey!” Reiner said defensively but relaxed when he realized you were teasing. You held your stomach and laughed slightly. Both males relaxed realizing the entire time you were messing with them.
“Rude, had me thinking you were stuck up,” Reiner said and you nudged him.
“Nah, just wanted to see your reaction. It was great,” you said. Reiner shook his head but smiled. 
“Well, do you want to join our group? Seems like that's normal considering everyone is already standing in theirs.” Reiner said, and you looked around.
“Thanks, but don’t need to pity the loner.” 
“Haha, very funny.” He said and you shook your head with a smile.
“She is going to be a handful like you are Reiner,” Bertholdt said, and Reiner looked at his friend with a pout.
“I am not a handful.”
“I am easier to deal with, I am sure.” You told Bertholdt and he decided to join in nodding.
“You are right, you could probably help me keep him out of trouble.” 
“I am offended, you have known me longer,” Reiner said and you nudged him with your hip laughing. 
“I knew it, troublemaker. Alright, I will join the little group you got going on,” Reiner beamed at that. He looked down at you before humming.
“I just hope you aren’t just another pretty face.” 
“Awe, you think I am pretty? Thank you, you are quite handsome,” you said back. Bertholdt shook his head.
“Hey, I am going to go look for Annie. I feel like a third wheel now.” Bert said and Reiner nodded as he watched his friend leave. 
~End Flashback~
That was a year ago you both started as flirting but best friends nonetheless. The flirting only got worse from there, and neither of you noticed. Bertholdt and Annie would tell Reiner that he should ask you out but he could never do that. He was too nervous about losing his friendship with you. 
Right now he was in his room waiting for you, it became a tradition for you to go directly to his room after a day of training or a mission. He soon heard your soft knocks, and he sat on the bed. 
“Come in.” You walked in and went straight to his bed, you were about to flop down when he suddenly pulled you into his lap.
“Hey, I wanted to lay down.” 
“And I wanted to cuddle, so shut up.” 
“I don’t wanna cuddle you.” 
“Fine, leave me room.” He said and you rolled your eyes with a smile as he pulled you down. 
“Gotta let me go first.” 
“Never. You are soft and I would rather cuddle you.” You looked at him with a glare, though you were smiling. You both enjoyed teasing each other before he finally tightened his arms around your waist.
“Fine, you are warm anyway. So I don’t hate it too much.” 
“Tsk, you are stuck up.” 
“What? Me? Never, oh wait, do you think I am still just a pretty face?” You asked and he looked at you. 
“No, you made me eat my words that day when we were paired to spar.”
“Good, as long as you know I can kick your ass any day of the week.”
Reiner snorted slightly and you felt offended so you sat up. You shot him a playful glare and crossed your arms.
“What was that?” You asked.
“You kick my ass? I went easy on you because you are a girl. Wouldn’t want to leave bruises on you.” He said flexing his muscles. You squinted slightly, before rolling your eyes. Bertholdt has more muscle than you and that’s saying something.
“Hey!” Bertholdt yelled from outside of the door, you and Reiner looked at the door and then each other before laughing. 
“Sorry! I didn’t mean it… I mean I did wait…” 
“Smooth (Y/N)... smooth,” Reiner said and you could hear him mumble.
“Just go back to making out with each other!” 
“You go make out with Annie.” You and Reiner said.
“Why am I in this?”
“Oh shit.” You both said, and Reiner was quick to lock the door.��
“Annie is gonna kick our asses, and Bert…” You whispered and Reiner nodded. You both heard their footsteps fade away and Reiner's facepalmed.
“Has he still not confessed to Annie?” You asked and he shook his head.
“He is way too shy.”
“That’s cute, maybe you should take some pointers from him.” You said before tossing a pillow at his face. He got hit and you laughed before he tackled you to the bed. You let a surprised scream out, but he covered your mouth with his hand. 
“Shh, Levi will kill us if we are too loud.” Reiner grinned and you slapped at his chest trying to push him off. He removed his hand, and you groaned. 
“Get off, you are too heavy.”
“With muscle…”
“With fat…” 
“Why you…” he started to tickle you nonstop and you gasped and began laughing. You squirm underneath his hold, and you try to push him off. 
“G-Get off please!”
“Say I have muscles and I will stop.” 
“Never.” You said, laughing harder. You felt your face turn red, and it was starting to hurt to laugh. You swapped at him, but he used his full weight to keep you in place. He was relentless with his wandering hands, so you eventually cave.
“Alright, alright. Uncle, uncle. I give you muscles. You aren’t fat.” You said laughing and he stopped but refused to get off of you. Your laughter still filled the room, but it slowly started to die down. Once your laughter stopped, you smacked Reiner’s arm. 
“No,” he said. He then laid his head on your chest and you blinked. You smiled slightly and tangled your hands into his blonde hair. 
“Finally, I get my cuddles.” He mumbled and you laughed.
“Sorry, sorry.” He wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed his face into your chest. 
“Oi, watch it. Don’t get any ideas.” 
“I am not, it’s just soft. I could fall asleep like this.” 
“Can we cuddle like this from now on?” 
“I guess, as long as you don’t put your full weight on me.” He looked up at you and you smiled as you stroked his hair. He went back to burying his face into you before closing his eyes. 
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted etc. I do not own the character, but I own the plots to these stories.
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Okay wait so obviously I know that love is a process, a growth, a journey—
—but having said that, at what point do you think Mulder realized he was in love with Scully, and vice versa?
(heyo I still have your other ask sitting in my inbox whoops I should go answer that-- 💖)
ok so there's that bit in an episode in s6 where Scully talks about the best relationships being rooted in friendship, and how sometimes it's like a switch flicks and suddenly the person who's only ever been a friend is the only person you can see yourself spending your life with (I'm paraphrasing of course) and I think that for MSR that's a little bit true?
there was definitely some young, innocent attraction between them right off the bat i think but that's all it was and it didn't matter that much. for the first couple of seasons they really are basically just platonic besties, and I love that actually. getting to see them grow into this very genuine, innocent friendship is SO SWEET, especially since they're both a little bit of loners, and particularly Mulder doesn't seem to have ever had a real true friend in that way.
I would say that Mulder kinda started being "in love" with Scully sometime around their initial separation/her abduction but he didn't really *realize* that's what it was for a while. I think something started to shift right at the beginning of season 4 — their conversation in "Home," remember, you can sort of see him have this moment of Realization that they could be something more, but the moment passes pretty quickly and doesn't really get revisited. but my take is that like, yes, something did change with that conversation (they were both pretty much openly discussing their future/s and the implications of wanting something more are... definitely there) but it didn't really fully cement itself until... I usually say around Never Again/Memento Mori tbh. like, that's when Mulder really truly fully became conscious that He Is In Love With Scully
like... he's desperate not to lose her and he has to reconsider all those feelings after *ahem* Philadelphia (and the incomplete "this is my life" / "yeah but it's-" exchange, which is... very emotionally loaded tbh) and her diagnosis and everything that happens in Memento Mori — there's a reason for that deleted kiss scene from there, bc they've both kinda realized fully for the first time how much they love each other, and maybe that's not entirely fully formed yet, but it's there. and at the end of the day, after everything that's happened and with everything that's coming, Mulder can't even try to ignore the fact that he's in love with her.
(an aside: you know the song You Are In Love by Taylor Swift? bc it's VERY much an MSR song, especially the line that goes "One night, he wakes/ strange look on his face/ pauses, then says/ 'you're my best friend'/ and you knew what it was/ he is in love". seems slightly relevant to this conversation tbh)
as for Scully, I think it happened a lot more gradually for her; it's harder to pin down. I kinda want to say that she already has feelings for him by Colony/End Game but that doesn't really become... really anything until Pusher, and maybe Wetwired (her greatest fear is him betraying her, the one person she trusts most turning out to have hurt her — she has to face how much he means to her and how much a betrayal like that terrifies her.) she's given her life and her loyalty to him and that's a BIG DEAL for someone with the kind of attachment issues she has.
again I do have to mention that conversation at the beginning of Home, bc that's sorta a big deal. they're literally talking about having a family, practically saying "I'm here if you want me" you know? and not to like... fixate on season 4 or anything lol, but I do think that a lot changed then, just by nature of having to consider her own mortality??
like... i mean, i said it last night for that ask game (which i need to go rb again shsjsj): Small Potatoes has... a lot of issues. it's downright problematic tbh. but it DOES do a lot to show us where Scully is at emotionally/mentally toward her relationship with Mulder — she does want more than what they have!! she can't actually make the move herself bc she won't hurt him that way, but she would have let him kiss her! she is in love and she wants, on some level, to be pursued, you know?
and DEFINITELY by the last batch of episodes in the cancer arc: Elegy/Demons/Gethsemane/the Reduxes, she's FULLY and PAINFULLY aware that she's in love with him, to the point that it's practically destroying her.
it's definitely mutual by Gethsemane/the Reduxes — Scully sheds more tears at the idea of his death (even though she knows it's a ruse) than she does at her own, and I think for a minute Mulder really did look at his gun and go "what if" bc he doesn't want to live without her (esp. after that discussion of how it's his quest that led them to this point). and like, in Redux II Mulder about collapses when he sees her unconscious, and from then on he can't stop touching her, won't stop kissing her face and her hands and every single time I swear Scully has this look in her eyes like she's hoping or begging for him to really kiss her, like on the lips. and I know I've mentioned before when she says he should let her take the fall for killing that guy, and his devastated smile and when he says "you know I can't do that" feels like there's an unspoken "because I love you" attached to it; and when Scully replies "you have to" it sounds like she's silently saying the same, "because I love you".
so yeah, I went off on some rabbit trails there lol but TL;DR: for Mulder he was in love with her by/around the time of her abduction but only consciously realized it after Never Again, for Scully she was in love by Colony/End Game, started slowly becoming aware of it around Wetwired, and fully realized around Memento Mori (but it wasn't totally cemented until Small Potatoes). and for both of them, something did start to change and a vague awareness formed around Home.
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artichow · 2 years
alright so I really would like to see if ever thought about Gingka and Nile as friends. I started shipping them as a joke bc of how popular KyoGin and KyoNile were, but as I was doing that I realized, they would work pretty nice together. And slowly it became my favorite rare pair and currently one of my strongest brainrots. But I'm not asking you about romantic headcannons, but for platonic headcannons. I just think they would be kinda neat.
But I also know not many people think about these two specifically, so if you don't have anything yet, just come up with something on the spot or take your time. Either way, I would just love more people thinking about a friendship or more between the two
Thank you for your time :D
I mean I really like both of these characters like a lot!! So them interacting more would be so so cool :D
okay okay I have some:
Nile paints Gingka’s nails and vice versa but Gingka always moves around too much and messed the nail polish before it dries, he kinda feels bad about it. Nile thinks it’s funny and repaints them, eventually only Gingka does Nile’s nails, but neither feels bad, instead Nile plays around with Gingka’s hair
my hc for both is that Nile is trans-masc non-binary and Gingka is agender, maybe Gingka would tell Nile during their second meeting that he was the most gender blader he ever met and that it was pog (come on, Gingka would say stuffs like that don’t lie) Nile almost tears up cause with all these other bladers, that’s saying a lot
They watch bad movies together and trash talk them, Nile more that Gingka. The later often ends up hooked on the story and doesn’t say much after 10 minutes, but likes hearing Nile’s commentary, it adds to the experience. They both secretly enjoy the movie in the end :)
They share receipes from their respective countries and villages, and send each other snacks sometimes. Nile became really found of a japanese candy and everytime Gingka has one he send him a picture of it with “sucks to be you” attached to it
But i’m thinking because it’s Gingka maybe he sends him a bag of it right afterwards as a surprise
They have a lot of respect for each other, sometimes they get on each other’s nerves, because one can be a little too idealist while the other is more pragmatic and analytical. Gingka’s the type to playfully annoy someone they’re close to and get falsely offended when someone does the same. Nile lets out zingers and witty one liners with a very calm attitude, he’d have a field-day with Gingka’s antics. Also now that I think of it they could both nerd out so much over beyblade omg they could be the new team of beyblade commentators going after Blader DJ’s job.
I’m thinking that at first Nile didn’t really want to befriend Gingka? He’s kind of a loner to begin with, but Gingka has this effect on people that makes them want to be close to him (i like the idea that it’s both a blessing and a curse for this emotional honesty troubled boy). They’re really good friends and understand each other very well, Nile has this quality to understand people quite easily and has a lot of emotional intelligence. Sometimes he doesn’t know how to act with people but he knows how to give them space in those moments and whenever they need it. So it’s really perfect for Gingka, we all know this boy has some issues with intimacy and expressing his feelings. But he tries to work through it and his friends all came to understand it. Nile did very quickly and their friendship and banter always felt natural. Nile was confortable to open up to Gingka and be more playful and close very quickly
Gingka sends Nile pictures of stuffs that fit his aesthetic he sees during his day on and about with just the caption “you” or “it’s you” and the pic is like a t-shirt with a drawing of eyes on it or a bird on the sidwalk with funny lines on its feathers
Nile has a pet, idk yet if it’s a hamster or a cat? and Gingka’s the godfather :) in fact Kyoya is too, and Benkei, and Demure, and
He told everyone of his friends they were godfathers of the thing and no one knows they’ve been banboozled. Madoka is in the know and expects a big catastrophy and an explosion of bey battles once they find out. Nile likes bringing little bits of chaos in people’s lives
Also not really related to Gingka but how cool would it have been if Nile became a legendary blader?? more opportunity to explore his character, someone we know from another season, not a random new guy (sorry to those men) and and?? Anubius and Horuseus !! come on!!
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fieryhonesty · 4 years
“Eyy, finally I decided to finish my little apology to our boys. Continuation of the “Friend”. This time it’s Diluc and Kaeya! (N-No I’m not lazy to make separate post for them... that’s not it...). Also my wrist is kinda weird lately so to give it a small practice but not overshoot it I wrote these~”
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Words: 453 Genre: fluff, gn!reader
Diluc is a loner. He might tolerate or handle people around him. After all, it would be weird if he couldn't. Considering he is working at his tavern and there are many different patrons every day. And also probably meets with various people simply due to being the Winery owner. 
But whenever he is done with his socialization he will hide from the public. Let out a tired sigh and be himself for a while. Just being Diluc, a young gentleman with a soft spot for his companion. He adores and cherishes those moments. Silently spending a few minutes just with the hawk which sometimes seeks him in the middle of the day. 
At first you didn't understand why Diluc wears a thick coat and gloves. After seeing the bird land on his arm. All you could do is say 'ah' in realization. 
Once Diluc is done with bonding with his hawk he will let it fly away. Observe how it flies high to the sky. Then going to you and spend time together. You got used to it by now and you don't really mind. In fact you are happy for Diluc. As when you can't be there for him, to let his mind rest from his daily life. The bird will do.
Diluc admits it's not the same as embracing you and nuzzling into your neck. But it's sufficient enough until you are done with your things and return back to the Winery.
Sometimes when the hawk seeks Diluc in the middle of the day and you are present. Not only you are able to witness the love between the owner and his pet. But you are encouraged to pet the hawk. At first you were scared it will actually hurt you. But Diluc assured you nothing bad will happen. 
The hawk was avoiding you at first, balancing at Diluc's arm. It was shy to somebody else's touch. Just like its owner, huh?
At some point it lets you touch it's head. Gently pat it, to your surprise it nuzzled into your hand to give it more pats. You giggled and looked at Diluc who smiled. Why the whole time you were thinking the hawk is literally a smaller version of Diluc. Hesitant at first, shy and avoiding and then melting into your touch.
Maybe if you give it enough time it will sometimes seek you too. Better start carrying thick clothes. You wouldn't want to get hurt by its talons which is kind of unavoidable. Just think of it, talking to somebody and suddenly hearing the hawk. Extending your hand and it will land, require a bit of attention and then fly away. Surely your conversing buddy will be shocked!
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Once again I got inspired a bit. But I guess with Diluc it’s obvious what kind of pet he would have. Either his hawk or another turtle like when he was a kid (does this make Kaeya also had the turtle as his pet? or was the turtle before Kaeya was adopted? hmm) 👀 ngl I also had turtles when I was kid. They are so cute 💗
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Words: 483 Genre: fluff, gn!reader
Unlike the other two (Diluc and Xiao) he doesn't really “own” a pet. Nor something seeks his presence. He says he is too busy with his work for the Knights and adoring you. But as you know him, he is probably hiding something.
However when you find out about his occasional feeding sessions of wild foxes at borders with Dragonspine. He has hardly any words for explanation. He is embarrassed as he promised to himself to not really lie to his partner. Unless it's some harmless prank or secret party. He loves you too much for it. 
Sure, he keeps many things for himself. To keep you safe. But he also shares a lot of minor secrets with you. Like how else would you know about secret meeting spots for Treasure Hoarders. Being able to break their illegal plans or know some gossip about certain local merchant who is avoiding taxes. All thanks to your Kaeya.
But now you have caught him in the middle of feeding. The foxes ran away even before you appeared from behind the bushes. He knew about your presence but he had no words to explain. This was the reason why he sometimes came home late. Always giving you an apologetic look. You thought he might be cheating on you. Well cheating with bunch of wild foxes.
You are not sure if it was a mistake or not following him here. As you were extremely curious why would he want to meet up with somebody outside of the city. Well in the end you find out your man is just a big liar and softie. You're gonna act as if you are upset, pressuring him to the corner and feel sorry. He could have told you he was feeding secretly wild animals and you would be fine. Instead of making you worried over nothing. 
At that moment Kaeya realizes his innocent lie actually wasn't so innocent. Next time he will have to think twice before saying or doing anything. But truth to be told he felt a little embarrassed for admitting his fox feeding. He knows he can't have one as a pet, otherwise he would take one home. Spoil it with love just like he does with you.
You can be sure he will try his best to make up for his mistake. Buying you your favorite snack or something else you'd like. Maybe later on if you insist he will share his secret how he became friends with the foxes. Feeding them together, observe from a healthy distance how the berries and meat are slowly disappearing into their tiny tummies. 
Admit it. You like foxes especially now when you can feed them with your beloved. But he better doesn't cause some misunderstanding like this ever again. Would be silly to get into a fight just because he can't admit his soft spot for wild animals.
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I swear finding a pic of Kaeya with some animal was an art itself. From the beginning I was thinking of either a wild wolf (sounds more like Razor being adopted by him but whatever) or a wild fox. I’m so happy somebody actually drew it! I love it~ but I also found so many pics which I’m not sure if search was trolling me. “Kaeya with pet” google search: did you mean Kaeya with cat ears? or Diluc? or both of them?! Now I’m craving for some cat boy Kae or Lulu but idk what to do with it, so yeah. 
Again, if anyone happens to know (or you are) the artist, tell them “I love you and your work”. If you are not ok with me having your art here, hit me up I will remove them 😔
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comingtothetree23 · 4 years
Protecting The Heart (Rewritten)
Paring: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 8.7K
Summary: (Y/n)’s new friend seems fishy, especially since girls’ hearts are being taken. Will Peter and the Avenger save (Y/n) from heartbreak? Literally!
Warnings: Poorly written fight scenes, Idea from Monster High, Swearing, mentions of Sex.
Happy Valentines day!
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"Wait, wait wait..." Peter waved a hand to stop you from continuing, "You're telling me this 'old friend' of yours wanted to hang out with you after the world discovered you were an avenger?" You gave him a shrug as you two wait for the meeting to start.
"I mean...yeah?I know it sounds weird but I haven't seen him since I was ten." You looked away for a second, "He was my best friend growing up." Peter frowned as he knew what that meant. You were that loner in class, no friends, no one to talk to....until Peter came into your life. He opened his mouth to say something but then...
“Oh ‘Best Friend’ Sorry Pete you’ve been replaced,” Tony stated as he entered the room, also entering the conversation. everyone turned to look at you and Peter. You quickly turn to look over at him with a smirk.
“If anything Pete replaced him.” You nudged Peter’s shoulder while he just rolled his eyes, “Are you mad? if so, don’t be me and you are way closer than me and Arther ever been.” You gave him your smile he thought was just adorable, you thought the same thing about his smile.
"You two are inseparable," Nat smirked as she took a sip of her drink. You gave her a look Peter couldn't describe and certainly didn't know what it meant.
“Hopefully the guys not mad might get revenge on Parker,” Sam smirked at Peter as you scoffed at that. Arther was the nicest guy ever…Even if he never tried to reach out to you until you became an official Avenger.
“Arther not like that,”
“You don’t know, You haven’t seen since you were ten? Six years can change someone.” Sam warned, making you roll your eyes and pout a little. Arther was your best friend, your only friend for a while there. That had to make him a good person, not judging you before meeting you. 
"Let's just start the meeting." You murmur as you try hiding your face. Peter frowned and intertwined his fingers with yours making you smile. 
"Okay crew, We were sent about this case that seems below our paid rite if you ask me." Tony started standing in front of a projection, "F.R.I.D.A.Y can you do the honors?"
"Yes, Boss.”
You listened to the A.I with a bored expression, it’s the same thing. Pictures came on screen making your eyes wide and sit up straighter as you stare in horror.
“14 Teenage girls were found dead in their homes.” Everyone stared at the screen where they showed some of the crime scenes, “The bodies are only missing one thing, their hearts.” your eyes widen even more at that, “All the bodies were found in their own houses, no sign of struggle or breaking and entering.” The next thing F.R.I.D.A.Y says making your heart race, "All the girls are in the age range 15-18 in this area.“ You didn’t fail to notice everyone’s eyes move over to you.
"Any leads?" Steve wondered as more and more pictures are shown on the screen of the girls. 
"There are no leads." 
"No leads, no evidence?” You mumbled before looking over at Peter, who was looking down in thought.
“That’s impossible. There’s no way you can’t leave evidence at a crime scene.” Peter spoke up before leaning his head on his hand, “This makes no sense,”
 "I’m pretty sure people have left crime scenes without making evidence.“ You leaned back in your seats while in deep thought. 
"Technically, no. You can’t have a crime scene without evidence. Practically, yes. You can have a crime scene without evidence.” Tony explained to you all, making you all look at him confused.
"So, no struggle or breaking and entering?" You looked at the screen seeing the girl's bodies with a hole in their chest, making you shutter, "T-That can't be right." 
“ We'll figure that out later." Nat spoke up, "Me, Steve, and Tony will go to some of the crime scenes.” She looked over at Steve and Tony, "Sam and Bucky you go talk to the girl’s parents…“ You stopped listening to her as you thought of the girls, having their hearts ripped out sounded extremely painful. You hated that you couldn’t have helped them in time.
” Peter, you will continue to do your patrols but keep an eye out for anything suspicious.“ You frowned as you looked at Nat, she was stoned-face, like she usually was.
"Nat, what about me?" you question as she turned and look at you. You and Nat became close friends right as you joined the avengers. Nat seemed to think for a moment before speaking up.
"...You will join Peter-"
"Nat you can't be serious."
"She's a target!" Nat raised a hand to silence the crowd.
"You will join Peter but if anything serious happens you will stay in the tower where it's safe. Alright." You looked at her and she had a look you knew she was right. You hesitantly nodded as she gives you a tiny smile, "Alright team, head out."
Who made her in charge?” 
“Yea, I though I was the leader.” Steven frowned.
"Pete, C'mon let me go." You grunted as you tried to walk. It was hard since Peter was acting like a koala and hugging you tightly, not letting you go, "I have plans!" 
"Cancel them!" Peter yelled tucking his face in your neck, "It’s dangerous out there! You could be hurt.” 
"Is it about those girls? Pete, I have training I'll be fine!" You tried to argue but Peter started putting more of his weight on you, making you fall.
"We're on the floor now." You tried crossing your arms but Peter tightened his arms around you and now it kinda hurts. Peter didn't seem to care you guys were on the floor since he snuggled his face into your hair. You closed your eyes with a sigh as you messed with his curls.
"And then I said- Why in hell are you two on the floor!?" Sam asked as he and Bucky entered in the living room to see you two on the floor.
"Pete's being a baby and isn't letting me go meet up with Arthur." You explained as you stare up at the two men standing above you.
"Oh, makes sense." they shrugged and walked over to sit on the couch, completely ignoring you two on the floor.
"What!? No! Help me! Pete!" You yelled as you started to struggle in Peter's arms, which honestly didn't do anything for you since he's supa strong.
"Outta Luck, (L/n)," Bucky smirks as he sits back and watched some dumb movie. You groaned loudly as you finally stop struggling.
"You guys suck!"
"We know."
You sat there for a moment staring at the ceiling thinking about how you could get out. You looked over at Peter to see his eyes were closed and face tucked into your neck, breath tickling your neck. Your wide widen as an idea came into your head.
"...you can come with me. If it makes you feel better." You watched for his reaction, He opened his eyes and looked at you confused, "You can come with me to meet Arthur. I’m sure he won’t mind.” You shrugged as you looked back up at Peter, who was thinking the idea over.
"W-would you mind?" Came his shy voice making you smile a little. Peter was always kind and never wanted you to feel uncomfortable, which you loved.
"Of course, I don't want you worrying all day." You brushed your hand through his curls, making him sigh contently, "Even if everything would be okay."
"You don't know that, (Y/n)." peter frowned as he stared into your eyes, "It took us until 14 girls to realize this man is out there. He knows what he's doing." You frowned as you realized he's right.
"That's why I want you to come with." You look down at him and gives him a sweet smile, "To protect me if anything happens." Peter smiled and snuggled into your again and sighed contently when you messaged his temple.
"Yeah sounds great." His smile got bigger as you hummed a tune he knew you listened to a lot in your room. He could of stayed like that forever but it all ended when you spoke up.
"uhh, Pete, we're gonna be late if we don't leave now." Peter sighed softly as he slowly uncurled himself from you and stood up, helping you up, "Thanks, now let's go." You linked your arm through his as you two walked out of the tower, Sam and Bucky watching.
“There’s gonna be a fight.”
“(Y/n)!” You looked over at a teenage boy waving over at you, you looked at the boy confused. The boy has short dyed black hair, green pricing eyes and he is wearing a fancy shirt for being in a small town cafe. 
“Do you know him?” Peter asks as he takes your hand and told it tight. You didn't bother to take your hand away from his since you know Peter is not letting go.
"I... don't know." You tilted your head as you got a good look at him, "He doesn't look familiar at all! Not even a little." You explained causing Peter to tighten his hold on your hand. 
“(Y/n), it’s me, Arthur!” Your eyes met his and you imminently recognized him. He always had those green eyes You smile and wave at him, You drag Peter over at the table as you both sat down.
"Arthur, That's you? You look so different." Maybe it was just your memories messing up but he looked so different. You smile as you put two hands on the table. 
"It's me darlin', You haven't changed a bit." He smiles at you but this smile wasn't like Peter's. Peter's smile was cute and calming making you feel safe while Arthur’s was bone-chilling and seemed more like a smirk, "Who's your friend." Arthur frowned as he looked at Peter. You put a hand on Peter's shoulder as you explain.
“This is Peter Parker, he’s my really good friend. He’s one of Tony Stark’s interns. That’s how we met." That, That was a lie. You two meet way before his internship and right after Arthur left school. Peter sent you a look trying not to show his confusion.
“Tony Stark, That’s mighty impressive.” he lean his chin on his hands as he smirks, “What do you do there, Peter?” Peter frowns and tries to reach for your hand as his Peter tingle screeched 'Danger’ at him. Your hands were on the table and he didn't want to be a bother, He already forced himself here. 
“Oh, you know…” He laughs nervously, “Bring him his coffee, helps him with his inventions sometimes…The normal intern stuff.” He looked over at you with panicked eyes which you did notice and subtly nodded his way.
“Ain’t that interesting,” Arthur smirked at Peter before looking over at you. He gave you a look that when you two were little would make your heart melt but now you felt nothing. You gave him a smile as Peter watched your interaction. 
'Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger!'      
“So Arthur, How are you? Are you doing anything?” You moved the topic away from Peter and the Stark internship. You smiled at him, wanting to know more about him.
“I’m doing just fine, darlin'. Thank you for asking." He gently took your hand and placed a gentle kiss on your knuckle with that same cocky smirk, “I’ve been moving School to School recently.”
"Wait? Really? is that why you left years ago?" You leaned forward as you question him. You were devastated when he just left without a word. You always wondered what happened to him.
“Afraid so, None of the places really captivated me.” You and Peter share a confused glance before looking back at Arthur, “But this place is just lovely.”
“It’s New York,"  Peter spoke up looking around the small cafe you three were in. New York was nice but the people here could be... uh not nice.
"And I’ve always wanted to live in New York.” Arthur quickly shuts Peter down, sending him a look that made his senses scream, “And then I discovered that you lived here, darling.” Arthur took a hold of your hand, Peter's sense screamed, “And I was over the moon!" 
"Oh, I’m not that great.” You laugh gently and took your hand away from Arthur’s, “I bore people really easily." 
"That’s not true, (Y/n).” Peter spoke up, making both you and Arther look at him, “You are amazing to be around! Your fun, smart and weirdly obsessed about TikTok." 
"They're funny and you know it!”
“Don’t forget that you are beautiful, darling. Oh, I have something for you.” He handed you some flowers. You looked at them in shock as you felt a weird feeling.
“Oh, Thank you, Arthur.” You give him a fake smile as you place it gently behind you, “They beautiful." You noticed a small note in the flowers.
"Like you, There's a little poem a wrote for you In there.” You nodded at him with a tight smile. You didn't think about it when Arthur puts on some sunglasses and frowned deeply at you. 
"I would have gotten more but I was so excited to see you again I couldn't wait." Arthur leaned forward a bit, completely ignoring Peter as you and Arthur stare at each other.
There was something about his eyes that made you stare at them. You didn't even notice when yours and Peter's phones went off at the same time. It was when Peter shook your shoulders did you look away. 
"(Y/n), it's work. we gotta go." Peter explained making you nod toward him. You put a hand on your forehead before shaking it lightly, you feel lightheaded for some reason."
“Hey, Sorry Arthur.” You pointed behind you, “We both got to go, See you later?" 
"Of course, Darlin'. I’ll see you real soon.” He smirked which made you shiver as he gently took your hand and put a kiss on it. 
“Bye Arthur.” You stood up, took Peter’s hand, and left the cafe. Arthur's eyes never left your figure as you two walked down the streets toward the Avengers tower.
“You don’t like him, Do you?” You ask as you and Peter sat on a roof, looking for any crime. You wore your super-suit while Peter was in his Spider-suit. You kick your feet out as you waited for his answer.
“…Did he seem weird to you?” He avoided the question, he didn’t want to answer your question, which answered your question.
“Well, He’s always been… a little weird.” You sighed as you kick your foot a little more, “but…” You quickly shook your head and layed down to look at the stars.
"But… He kinda made me uncomfortable,” you confessed as you avoided Peter’s eyes to look at the stars. What made you uncomfortable was it seemed like he wanted one thing from you.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Peter asks in a soft voice, making you look over at him. You let out a sigh as he layed down next to you and you both stared at the sky.
“It’s just… he never reached out to me before I became an Avenger and I didn’t really mind. It’s just when he started giving me flowers acting all romantic toward me. I just don’t like him like that anymore and we literally just got back in touch.” You knew Peter was looking at you through his mask but you continued, “As I said earlier, We were never really that close.”
“Why don’t you tell him to stop?” Peter asks you making you let out a long sigh.
“I will don’t worry. I’m just in a mood. I’m just worried about the girls.” Peter gave you a nod as you continues, “Having their hearts ripped out, must be so painful I can’t even imagine.” You felt tears sting your eyes. You felt a hand touch your shoulder and you look over at Peter.
“Hey, Don’t worry. We’ll find the person who did this.” Peter gently pulled off his mask to show you his face, he knows how much just seeing his face calms you down, “You’ll be fine.”
“I’m not worried about me! I’m worried for other girls out there.” you looked over at Peter and gave him a look, “I just want people to be safe. Like how I was.” You avoided Peters’s gaze as you turned your head away from him. You suddenly felt a gloved hand on your chin and Peter moved your head to face him as he gave you an adorable smile
“Don’t worry you will, (Y/n).” He gave you another smile that made you smile. You look away for a moment before leaning in and giving him a peck on the lips and quickly pulling away.
Peter stares at you for a moment before cupping your cheeks, giving you a soft gentle kiss on the lips. You smile into the kiss as you return the kiss. It was gentle and full of love, Love that made you so happy you met Peter Parker. You two pulled away but kept your foreheads touching.
“How was that?” Peter shyly asks, trying to catch his breath. You let out a soft laugh as you gently pinch one of his rosy cheeks
"Peter, there’s a bank robbery far east from here,” Karen explains to him, not realizing she's kinda ruining an important moment.
“Duty calls.” You giggle before placing a kiss on his nose. You stand up and jumps off the building and making a portal to the crime scene.
Leaving Peter watching you with a daze smiley look before shaking his head and putting his mask off and chases after you.
“You learn anything new from the case?”  you entered the kitchen to see the group. Peter had his arm around your waist. Ever since last night, you weren’t willing to let go of each other.
“No, there’s nothing at the crime scene. No fingerprints, no bloostains-” Steve started, looking over at Nat as he explains. He had bags under his eyes showing he wasn't sleeping.
”- No nothing! We found nothing!“
"How… How are the bodies?” Peter spoke up quietly, not wanting to upset you but this was something you all needed to know. especially since you could be a target.
“The only thing found was a hole in their chest, where the heart was.” Nat sighed not looking at any of you, “Sam and Bucky are starting to interview the parents. Hopefully, they’ll find something.”
“They will don’t worry.” You detached yourself from Peter and walked over to Nat, putting a hand on her shoulder, “We’ll find them. We always do.” You finished with a smile making Nat look you. 
“So, You and Parker?” She smirks, You blush as you smile giddily at her with a quick nod of your head, “Guess that old friend of yours wasn’t that fun, huh?”
“He was… Eh." 
"Eh, That bad huh?” Nat took a sip of her drink with a raised brow. 
“He wasn’t bad it’s just he was being all romantic like he were in a novel.” You sigh dramatically, "Two lovers torn apart but they find a way to each other and live happily ever after blah blah blah.“ 
"You know what he wants right?” Nat asks you as you look up at her sighing and nodding.
“Yeah, Yeah, I do.” you look down sadly, “I really wanted to be his friend again but I guess that’s not what he wants from me." 
"Who cares? You’re a badass Avenger who can handle herself. You should be proud and happy, Your finally with Peter. Everyone knows you two wanted that for a while now.” You let out a laugh at that.
“Yea, I really did.” You look over at Peter, who was suddenly on the ceiling because of peppermint, “I’m really lucky.” You gave him a soft smile which Peter noticed and gave one back.
“Hey Arthur, Can we talk?” You walked over to Arthur, you two stood in a soccer field at an old park. There weren't that many people around you surprisingly. 
“Of course, Darling. I got you something,” He pulled out a necklace that looked really pretty, some force was raising your arm to take it but you forced it down, coughing.
“That’s why I'm here to talk.” He paused looking confused, like this never happened before, “The gifts and things are nice and all but it makes me uncomfortable. I don't think of you like that.” Arthur looked at you for a moment before his face hardens, making you panic, “We can still hang out! I just want you to know.” You wave your hands in the air, not trying to be mean.
"It's that boy, isn't it?"
“Parker? His name was I'm assuming I didn't care enough to remember.” He shrugged walked closer to You, you kept a brave face as he leaned down, "You know, I was surprised when I saw you walking into that little old cafe holding some random boy hand." 
“Dude, This isn't really your business." You put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him away gently as you try walking past him, "I don't owe you anything! Goodbye Arthur." A hand gripped your wrist, making you stop walking. 
"But it is my business.” He pulled you back and pinned you to a tree, making you look at him, “Your love-life is my business. Which is why I know it’s Parker.” You glare at him as he takes his hand off your chin.
“What are you talking about?” You look at him with a glare before rolling your eyes, “Let me guess you want one thing from me. I wonder if I can guess what it is.” you made a motion with your hands before Arthur pins them again, making your roll your eyes.
“I do want something from you but it’s not what your thinking.” You look up at him confused as he takes his sunglasses off showing his piercing green eyes, “I want your heart.” Your eyes widen as your blood runs cold, “But I kinda like your suggestion. I think I just might do that too." 
"Get off of me." You growl lowly, Arthur looks at you almost smugly.
"What was that Darlin'?"
"Get off of me!" You yelled as you kicked him in the stomach, pushing him off of you. He stumbled a bit before standing up straight and staring at you almost bored, "You kill those girls!"
“Killer? Now I’m offended, I don’t kill them.” He starts to walk over to you, you held up your fist ready to fight, “No need for a fight. I’m not going to hurt you.”
"I bet you said that to those girls!" You lunged at him making both of you fall as you punch him, over and over again, "14! That's how many girls were hurt because of you!" 
"And I only got caught now." He smirks at you, making you see red. You pull out some handcuffs and cuffs his wrists before standing up and taking a couple of steps away, "and what are you going to do with me?" You scoffed as you crossed your arms. 
“I’m bringing you to Avengers tower to bring you in. So, you won’t hurt any other poor girl, You heartless-fuck!” You raised an arm and opened a portal to your room in the Avengers tower. You walk over and picks him up walking toward the portal.
“Wait!” He yelled making you stop and look at him, “Can you do one last thing for me, darling?" 
"Hell no, after everything you don't get anything." You growl before you felt him grab your wrist, making you glance at him. You did a double-take as you notice the handcuffs were off.
"H-How?" You shuddered as he stood up and walked toward you with a smirk. Once again you couldn't look away from his green eyes, just like the cafe. 
"You think you're the only girl that caught on?" He chuckled as your back met a tree, "dated an officer's daughter, That was a challenge." He suddenly grabbed both of your wrists and pinned them to the tree and leaned closer to you, "But you're much more of a challenge, Darlin'."
His eyes started glowing pink before you felt your cheeks heat up while your heart started beating faster. It got worst as you tried looking away but Arthur cupped your cheek, making you stare at him. 
“I will have your heart, darling. It’s too special not to.” You tried shaking your head as you tried...Wait, why were you struggling? Arthur’s your friend, he wouldn't do anything bad. You gave a small smile as you leaned into his hand, making him smirk.
"There you go, (Y/n). Just give in, I'll make you feel loved." That was the last thing he said to you. You stare up at your best friend with a smile, eyes glowing pink. You let out a small giggle that Arthur smirked at. 
“(Y/n), (Y/n), Where are you!? (Y/N)!” Peter howled as he walked the streets of New York, people gave him weird looks but he didn’t care. Ever since you left that morning his Peter Tingle has been going crazy. He knew it had something to do with you. he shook his head as he tried not to think about what could have happened to you.
'Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger!' 
He sighed before he saw a glance of your (H/c) leaving a shopping store and entering an ice cream shop.
"(Y/n)!" He ran inside the shop and looks around for you. It was until he saw you and Arthur sitting down on a booth. He started walking toward you two. As he did, his senses were screaming at him louder and louder.
'Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger!' 
“(Y/n), where have you been!? I’ve been looking all over for you?” Peter scolded but froze when he saw you. You were holding onto Arthur's arm as you leaned into him. You looked up at Peter but showed no emotion what-so-ever. Usually, when you saw him you screamed a hello at him, no matter where you were, "(Y/n)?"
You looked at him a little bit more before looking at Arthur with a confused glance. Peter frowned as he looks at your appearance, You were more dresses up than usual and even wore a necklace he never saw before. When you looked back at him He noticed your eyes were blank, something he was no used to.
“Can I Help you, sir?” Arthur answered for you, something you hated. Peter frowned as you didn't look mad you actually looked relieved, he also wondered why Arthur was wearing sunglasses, inside a building.
“I’m not talking to you, I’m talking to (Y/n)!” Peter snapped taking a hold of your shoulder, shaking you a bit, “(Y/n), The Avengers are worried about you. You haven't been answering my text, you're worrying us.” You tilt your head in confusion at him.
“I’m sorry, I’ve just been having the time of my life with Arthur.” You giggled as you laid your head on Arthur's head, making him smirk at Peter. Your voice sounded off as you ran your hands on his chest, “I just lost track of time.”  Peter watched you with a frown, weren't you two together?
“What’s up with you?” Peter asks, hurt clear on his face. He really thought you two were together, yeah you never said you were but he kinda thought since, "This isn't like you." he shook his head.
"No idea what you're talking about." You didn't even look at him. Peter frowned as you waved your hand away, "We'll talk later, I'll be home later."
"How late?"
"Later." You finally looked at him and held a look that made him nod and walk away. He frowned as he thought before something confused him. Why were your eyes pink?
"No, she was acting so weird!" Peter ranted as he paced around the living room. He was calling Ned through F.R.I.D.A.Y no realizing the Avengers were also in the room, listening, "She wasn't even looking at me. I-I really thought..."
"Peter, maybe she's just cuddly with him. They were friends before you two were." Ned says softly, not wanting his friend to be hurt, "She never said you two broke up."
"We were never together. We just kissed and cuddled." Peter explained softly, falling into the couch and covering his eyes, "I just assumed we were together but I guess not."
"Ask her if she gets back." Ned suggested, "she said you'll talk when she gets back so talk." 
"Okay, I gotta go my mom's calling me. See you at school." Ned hung up leaving Peter sitting on the couch in pain. The Avengers all look at each other before going back to the case, but still listening in.
"I'm home." You called as you carried bags on clothes, flowers braided into your hair, "Hey..." You murmur as you try walking past him but Peter quickly walked in front of you cornering you.
"Can you move, please? I gotta get to my room." You smiled as you tried walking past him but Peter grabbed your wrist gently, making you stop and stare at him.
"(Y/n), we gotta talk," Peter says making you stare at him before shrugging and sitting down on the couch. Peter stares at you for a moment before sitting next to you.
"What do you want to talk about." You asked softly as you stare at him confused. Peter stared at you for a moment before sighing and deciding to just man up.
"What's going on with you and Arthur?" He questioned causing the Avengers to sit up and stare at you two unnoticed. 
"What? You don't know?" You laughed slightly causing Peter to fear what you are going to tell him, "We're dating, it's official." You stood up and clapped excitedly, Peter's heart broke. The Avengers stare at you in shock before starting at each other.
"No... that can't be true," Peter spoke up making you turn to look at him confused, "(Y/n) you are not acting like yourself. You can tell me if something happened." You stare at him like he was crazy.
"Nothing going on! If anything, I feel better than ever!" You giggle as you sigh dreamily, "Arthur bought me this dress and others. But this one is my favorite so I wore it just for him, He loved it so much." 
"Something is wrong!" Peter stood up and grabbed your shoulders, shaking you a bit. 
"What do you mean? Nothing is wrong." You walked out of Peter grip and put your hand on your hips, you looks at him confused as he got angry, "Why are you so angry?"
“You just don’t kiss people for fun! You don’t kiss someone just to throw them away the next day and run away off to someone you didn’t talk to in 6 years.” Peter snapped as he stared at you you frowned as you stare at him confused.
"Peter, we never kissed." You started softly, making Peter's heartbreak even more, "I have no idea what you're talking about." Peter stared at you as you looked at him confused. His heart broke as you never called him Peter you only called him Pete.
“You're not making any sense!" 
"I don't know what you tell you." You put a hand on your chest offended, "We never kissed, I don't want to make you upset but we're partners but that's all."  The worst part of this was that you weren't yelling you were being sincere with him.
Peter frowned as he turned his back to you, he stared one last glance at You. He looked into your strangely blank eyes and he swore he saw that they were still pink instead of your normal eye color. Your face softens as you reach for him.
"Pete..." Your eyes glowed pink as your face hardens as you storm to your room. Peter sat on the couch and tried to calm himself down, the Avengers stared at him before Nat stands up.
"I'll talk to her." 
"(Y/n)," Nat spoke firmly when she opened your door, You changed into your pajamas. Your shoulders tense before you slowly turned to face her with a blank face, "What was that?" She took steps toward you.
"Whatever are you talking about?" You gave her a look and she gave one right back at you. Nat studied your face for a moment, it was blank and your voice sounded flat.
"(Y/n), You know what I'm talking about. Don't try to lie to me, you know how I am." Nat frowned at you as you continue to stare at her, "You really hurt Peter, I don't know what's been going on but..."
"Pete?" You tilt your head in confusion as you stare at her. Your eyes glowed bright pink as you stared at her, Nat narrowed her eyes as she memorized the pink.
"Peter Parker, your teammate, ring a bell?" Your eyes move around the room as you think, you seem to be confused, "The teammate you just had a nasty fight with?" You move your head up, confused.
"Fight? I didn't have a fight recently..." You bite your finger as you think, "Come to think of it... I don't know an Peter Parker." Nat's eyes narrowed as she took a step toward you.
"Who's your best friend?" 
"My best friend?" you chuckled, "My best friend is Arthur, well now he's my boyfriend. I've been waiting for ages for this." You gushed as you giggle lightly, Nat notes mentally that your eyes are glowing a brighter pink.
"How long have you been friends for?" Nat questioned, It sounds like your memories have been affected but she needed to know much more. If she was correct then you were in deep trouble.
"We've been friends since diapers. Gosh, I can't believe it's been like 8 years since we met!" you clapped as you jumped a bit, making Nat frown as she thinks.
8 years? Nat clearly remembers you saying you haven't seen him in 6 years. She looks up to see you tapping away at your phone, You looked up when you felt her eyes.
"Sorry, it's Arthur. We have a date tomorrow." You chuckle sheepishly as you rub the back of your neck. Nat glared at the phone for a moment before smiling.
"Don't worry, (N/n). Enjoy your date." And before you could say anything, Nat left. You watched your doorway, your eyes fading to your regular eye color before your phone went off, eyes returning pink.
"Hey, Baby..."
"Something is clearly wrong with (Y/n)," Nat explains as she sits down at the table. the others all looked up from their research, Sam, and Bucky explaining what they found.
"Nat, now's not really the right time..." Steve motioned toward Peter who was eating a buttload of cereal. Nat stared at Peter with a look of sympathy before looking at Steve
"She's next." which caused everyone to sit up straight.
"What do you mean she's next?" Steve asks causing Natasha to give him a look before sitting down and staring at the papers scattered around.
"Well, it seems that (Y/n) has never met a Peter Parker in her life." That caused Peter to look at her as she continued, "She claims her best friend of 8 years is that Arthur guy that she hasn't seen in 6 years. How long has she been acting like this?" She asked looking over at Peter who seemed to be thinking.
"Uhh since she left this morning." Nat looked at him thinking before grabbing a paper and inspecting it.
"And who was she with?"
"uh, I don't know this morning but when I found her she was with Arthur," Peter explained as he started to connect the dots. He could have slapped himself, how could he be so stupid!? He was support to Protect you!
"Has her eyes been different lately." She looked around the table as they thought about it.
"I haven' really looked at her eyes."
"How the fuck would I know?"
"Yea," Peter started causing them to look at him, "I thought I was going crazy but I swear her eyes has been turning pink or something?" his shoulders sagged as his guilt started eating him up, "I didn't think about it." 
"She's next." Natasha frowned as she glared at the papers from the Parents of the girls who were attacked, "It seems like this was one person doing. Anyone wanna guess who?"
"Arthur..." Peter practically growled making Sam and Steve stared at him, Nat nodded gravely as she puts the papers down on the table, "That sneaky son of..." 
"Okay, I have a plan but we need Wanda." Peter looked at her confused, Wanda? yea he heard of her but how can she help them? Sam and Steve seem to understand what Natasha meant by that, "And we need it to happen soon." 
"Anyone has a way to contact Wanda?" Natasha looks at the two males in front of her, Ignoring Peter's. Sam shrugged while Steve looked a little nervous, it was until they heard footsteps coming.
"What do you mean you have something special for me tomorrow?" Your voice rang through the halls, making them all snap their attention on you as you ignored them, "Aw, Arthur you shouldn't have! I can't wait!" 
Peter frown deepens as he watched you closely, something special? His eyes widen as he realizes what that meant for you as you were oblivious to your fate.
"I wish I could do something for you." You paused listening to Arthur’s answer.
"How about a gala?" Nat spoke up making you look over at her confused, "Tony's having a gala tomorrow and I think that could be fun." You looked over at her before beaming.
"We're having a gala tomorrow?" Peter asks as he was completely ingored.
"You hear that babe!?" Babe? Peter wanted to throw up, "C'mon it could be fun and you could still show me your surprise." There was a pause before your frowned, "What no?...oka-" You were cut off as suddenly Natasha took your phone and held it to her ear.
"Hello, Arthur? Yes, it's Black Widow listen you are being invited to Tony Stark’s gala how could you not want to go?" Nat's face was blank as she listened to his response, "Romantic? You want it to be Romantic who do you think people go to galas? For fun? No, it's to be nice to their partner. If you don't go your missing a chance of a lifetime." There was a long pause before Natasha smirks, "Okay, Nice doing business with you."
"Thank you, Nat." You smile as you held onto your phone before placing it to your ear, "I can't wait! We need to plan what to wear..." your voice faded as you left for your room.
"....That sucked." Peter pouted as took another bite of his food. Nat looked serious as she looks at the group again.
"We need Wanda here by tomorrow. Tell Tony what's happening." Sam and Steve nodded as they both went in different directions. Peter watched them leave with a confused frown.
"Peter." Nat knelt to watch Peter, "We need you there tomorrow to help, and don't worry, We'll get (Y/n) back." Natasha patted his back before standing up and getting ready for a gala.
"This still sucks." Peter huffed crossing his arms as he watched you in your stunning dress walking with Arthur. Arthur smirked as you clung to his arm.
"I know Pete, I can't believe how weirdly dresses he is." Tony raised a brow before taking a sip of his drink. Nat rolled her eyes when she walked over with Wanda, who looked confused.
"I'm sorry what's going on?" she asked looking around the group, waiting for an answer. Peter made the mistake of looking back at you to see Arthur dipping your down in a dance he slammed his eyes shut.
"That case that we got assained, we know who it is and who's next," Natasha explains to Wanda before subtly motioning toward you and Arthur. Wanda looks over at you and Arthur with red eyes for a moment before her eyes widening, "What did you see?"
"We need to return her memories now." She explains before turning her back to Arthur and whispers, "He's close to ....finishing his mission." 
"Which is?"
"When he controls the girls he can see how much love they have for him in their hearts." She starts, voice quiet and grim, "Once their heart is full of love for him he steals it and turns it into his own personal trophy. (Y/n)'s heart is to complete his collection." No one said anything for a good while.
"What!?" Peter yelled causing the others to shush him, "How the hell do you make a heart a trophy!?" He raised a hand to grip and pull at his hair, something he does when he's nervous.
"He finds a way." was Wanda's only response before Steve speaks up.
"So what can we do?" Wanda looks at Steve for a moment before turning to Peter and nudging him.
"I have an idea but I'll need your help, Peter." Wanda gives him a smile as Peter looks at her like she was crazy, which is a possibility.
"Why do you need my help?" Peter asked which made Wanda smile at him.
"You'll see." 
"Hey um, (Y/n)?" You hear a voice say, you turn around slowly to see that boy standing there. What was his name again Pablo? Pedro? Patrick?, "Can we talk?" You tilted your head slightly in confusion.
"Can't you see we're dancing here?" Arthur cut you off and practically growling at the boy in front of you. He held your hands tightly and held them to his chest, you just stared at the boy, "She made her choice, you see? I don't even see why you try?" He chuckled darkly, "A boy like you could never make a girl like (Y/n) happy." the boy just frowned before shaking his head before pressing a hand to his ear.
That's when everything around you went dark, the boy...Preston? No not now! the boy and Arthur are both gone. You looked around to see a playground? That..that's not what you expected but you continued to look around.
You stopped when you saw a little girl, oh wait she was you. It was you when you were little, you were laughing and playing with a younger Arthur you smiled at no matter how much change you can always count on Arthur. You walked closer to hear the conversation that was happening.
"You're moving? Well..." You frowned, Arthur never moved away? She paused for a moment before smiling happily at Arthur, "That's okay, we'll...we'll have our mommy's talk. We would still be able to see each other!" You smiled as she held his hands and intertwined their fingers. Arthur looked at their fingers before shaking his head.
"I'm sorry (Y/n) but no, we can't talk." What? No, no this is when you convince him to stay or something because he never moved away. Maybe he moved for like a year but most he must have came back, "We can't talk when I'm away but I'll come back for you." 
"Why can't we talk when you're gone?" she pouted as you watch closely Arthur stared at your younger self's face before smirking lightly and cupping your cheek.
"You're right, we should talk. Every Saturday we'll talk and it'll be like I never left." She smiled and hugged Arthur tightly as he hugged her back. You smiled to yourself, that's how you stayed in touch when he was apparently gone.
"It's all coming together." You nodded to yourself and went to walk off, find a way out of here. You stopped as you noticed something and stopped and watched with a frown.
It was you sitting on your mother's kitchen counter, the clock says 9:45 AM. You were sitting on the counter next to the kitchen phone, kicking your feet with a smile. You watched as the clock turned to 3:12 PM and you made a tiny portal and was barely able to jump through to the other side of the room before staring at the phone. 
Suddenly It was nighttime and You were holding the phone to your ear pressing random numbers as the clock read 1:30 AM. Your younger self was crying before someone came in.
Your eyes widen as you stared at your mother in the doorway, you haven't seen her since...since...
"(Y/n)? What are you doing up still?" Your mother asks as she takes the phone away from you and where it belongs. You walked closer to her, you felt the need to see her again, hug her again.
"A-Arthur hasn't called me. He said he w-would call me every Saturday." Your younger self sniffled before your mother took her in her arms and hugging the life out of her, "I-I thought he wanted to-to see me again." 
"oh, (Y/n), I'm so sorry." Your mother's voice dropped in a whisper, "I'm so sorry." You stood there not knowing one she was apologizing for. 
The world moved around you to see you walking through school by yourself, friendless. You watched as you walked into school every day with no friends, people avoiding you and talking behind your back. You watched as your younger self would cry to herself alone, you watched as your life reached a low when you lost your mother. You watched yourself falling deeper until something happened one day.
"Watch out!" A voice called before you watched as your younger self jumped into someone. You walked closer to see it was...it was that boy from the party! well, he was younger but it was still him. Awe, he wore glasses and they looked huge on him.
"I am so sorry, I didn't see you there! I should have been watching where I was going it's my fault I am so sor-" The boy rambled before getting cut off by your laugh. 
"No, no, it's fine. I wasn't watching either." You looked down to see your papers all over the place, you knelt down to pick them up and smiled when you saw the boy was doing the same thing. When you both got all the papers the boy handed you the papers and you held out your hand with a smile, "Hi, my name is (Y/n) (L/n)." The boy stared at your hand for a moment before shaking your hand with a shy smile.
"Peter Parker, n-nice to meet you." Your younger self smiled as you took a moment to drop his hand. 
"Nice to meet you, Peter Parker. I feel like we'll be great friends." the people in front of you drifted away as you stood there in shock. Peter Parker, that was his name. Your eyes widen as a gasp left your lips.
"Peter Parker" You whisper to yourself as the memories all come back to you. Getting to know Peter, Befriending Ned and M.J, Meeting the Avengers, Becoming a family, Peter becoming Spider-man, falling in Love.
Pink faded to your normal eye color as your memories show all around you. You frowned as you realized Arthur wasn't your soulmate, he wasn't your friend, he was your enemy. When you thought of your soulmate it wasn't Arthur you were thinking about...
It was Peter.
You open your eyes to see you're back at the gala,  you turn to see Peter staring at you with the Avengers around him. You turn and look at Arthur who was holding your waist. You looked at Arthur to see him staring at you like an object before looking back at Peter who was watching, waiting to see how you were. Staring at you with love in his eyes.
"Pete?" You whisper out as you felt tears in your eyes, "Peter!" You pushed Arthur away and ran over to Peter and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"(Y/n)!" Peter picked you up and spun you around while laughing before gently putting you down. Peter nuzzled his face in your neck and inhaling your scent, something he missed doing. He pulled away and stared at you in the eyes and holding your shoulders, "(Y/n), I-is it really you? Are you back?" 
"I'm back, I'm me again Pete." You let out a wet laugh as Peter smiled and cupped your cheeks and presses a love to your lips. You smile into the kiss before kissing him back. You two pulled away when you need air, pressing your foreheads together.
"I missed doing that," Peter whispered so lowly only you could have heard. You gave him a smile and another peck on the lips before cupping his cheeks.
"Welcome back, lovebirds," Tony yelled before the group ran over and gave you the biggest hug you've ever had.
"You little shit, you scared us half to death!"
"If you do that again I will kill you slowly." 
"I'm sorry to do that but it was the only way to get you back!"
"It's good to see you again, kid." 
"We missed you so much!" You heard what they were saying even if they were overlapping. You let out some tears as you hugged them all tightly. You forgot how many people care about you, you swore you'll make sure you'll never forget that again.
"I know, I'm sorry I left." You moved your face to the monster himself, Arthur, "It won't happen again." and you detached yourself from the group to walk over to Arthur.
"What... just happened here?" Arthur looks around the group confusion showing in his eyes. You stood there with stone-cold gaze as you glare at him.
"Something you wouldn't know, true love." You lifted your chin and narrow your eyes at him as he watched you with shock all over his face. He stared before chuckling to himself making you glower.
"You think that's true love? Only I know what true love is and I gave that to you." He walked closer to you, trying to make you stand down but you won't, "And you threw that all away. You'll never know what true love feels like." 
"No, what you gave me wasn't true love. Even if it was..." You gripped the necklace that he gave you days ago, "Your love stinks." You ripped it off your neck and threw it to the ground. You start walking toward him as he slowly backs away.
"You think I'll let you catch me, No one would even suspect me." He smirks making you smirk as you motion to the people behind you.
"Yeah, no one, No one except for The Avengers." You smirk as you snapped your fingers, "I think we found our criminal. Take him away." 
"With pleasure," Natasha smirks and walks toward Arthur before handcuffing him and taking him away, Steve following suit. You only relax as Arthur leaves the room. You turn around to see Peter walking toward you.
"Hey." You smiled at him, memories of you two when you were little flash around you.
"Hi." Peter smiled shyly at you before taking your hand and planting a small kiss on it. You let out a laugh before you wrap your arm around Peter's shoulder. 
"You saved me." You whispered quietly and for a moment you thought he didn't hear you. You let out a long breathe before giving your hairline a sweet kiss and looking in your eyes.
"I'll always protect you." You give him a smile before cuddling into Peter's side. You both looked at each other with content smiles.
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princekirijo · 3 years
if I may ask, who among the PT does Riku get along with the best? What are their dynamics like? :3
So for the most part Riku does get along with all the thieves. He owes a lot to them and he loves them all like family. Lmao this got long again so readmore. But the tldr is that he gets on best with Ann and Yusuke and the only one he kinda clashes with is Makoto.
As for who he gets along best with easy, Ann and Yusuke (may or may not be influenced by the fact that they are my favs). Yusuke and him have been friends since they started Kosei High together. They were both kinda loners (for different reasons) until one day Yusuke kinda just randomly sat beside Riku and told him he was one of the most aesthetically pleasing students he'd seen 😭 Riku was then like oh cool bro hey you have no lunch take some of mine and they've been besties ever since 💀💀💀. They are super close and a lot of their relationship is Yusuke trying and failing to stop Riku from doing stupid shit (and Ann when she hangs out with them) and Riku trying and failing to stop Yusuke from buying stupid shit.
Ann and him also connected pretty much immediately after they met in the TV station (no romance - I hc Ann as a lesbian - it was more like oh my god you could have been my sibling in another life). After Hatanaka's heart is changed there's a small period (two/three days) where he would have been homeless but because Ann's parents are always away she offers him a place at hers. There they get to talk a lot and they realize that they just really get on. They go on a lot of shopping trips together and cause general mayhem 💀. Seperate they have a few braincells but together? Not a single one in site. They get into trouble all the time either in the real world or the Metaverse 😭. On a more serious note they do have a really strong connection and Ann is the first person Riku actually came clean to about the severity of his abuse and Ann confides in him a lot about what she went through with Kamoshita. And because I'm Shihoann trash Riku absolutely plays wingman for Ann and often ends up third wheeling their dates unintentionally or not 😭
They would be the two he gets on best with. Ryuji is someone he's also super close too because they are both mamas boys and also because Riku's arcana (the Captain Arcana) is a Chariot equivalent in another deck they are kinda similar and have a very similar outlook on things. Haru is a other notable one because they knew each other when they were young teenagers. This is cause they met at some rich ball event and Riku ended up punching some idiot twice their age who was hitting on Haru. They became pretty close but then Haru one day basically told him they couldn't be friends anymore. This was because her father found out and started talking about how Riku would be a good candidate for her because of who he is (kirijo heir). Haru knew her father would try and take advantage of their friendship so she cut him off to protect him :[ Riku was understandably confused but when they meet up as phantom thieves they have a heart to heart about it and they make up.
Futaba is also someone he gets on well with cause she's around the same age as his sister (and also Futaba may end up dating Yuna smddnjdjs). Same with Sumire (again as with Futaba I'm thinking of having her, Futaba and Yuna be dating? Idk I think they'd be cute). He also does get on with Morgana because he likes cats (but respects Morgana not wanting to be called a cat and actually rarely calls him one) but he also gets pretty annoyed by him (especially in a certain arc). Ren/Akira and his relationship does develop further as he progresses his confidant but I don't have a plot for that yet so I don't have too much to say here yet.
Finally Akechi (technically) and Makoto. Akechi is so fucking complicated that I haven't even fully decided on what their relationship will be so I'll have to get back to you on that 😭. Makoto is the only one of the thieves Riku truly butts heads with. Makoto (and this is more due to her writing in fairness) has a tendency to state the obvious and Riku really gets annoyed by that? They have a very petty rivalry going on because they are both intelligent but different about it. Riku's naturally intelligent ig and doesn't need (and chooses not) to study much. He's also loud and tends to get in trouble at school. A LOT. Then you have Makoto who's also naturally intelligent but studies very hard and is ofc student council president. Makoto is jealous of how easy Riku can (seemingly) fit in with others and goes with the flow while Riku is actually jealous of her discipline. He knows that he'll never be student council president because of his record and he's jealous of Makoto because he's always felt like because of who he is he SHOULD be student council president he SHOULD be this perfect student that Makoto seems to be? So they're jealous of each other for very silly reasons. Ultimately as much as they argue they do genuinely care for each other and they see each other as an annoying but endearing older/younger sibling. Also this is reflected in the fact that Pimpernel (Riku's persona) is weak to nuclear attacks lol.
And that's basically it! I could actually write a whole essay on certain dynamics but this is the main jist of it for now. I feel like I've forgotten someone for some reason so whoops if I have 😭
Also as a little bonus fact: each of the thieves he gets on best with actually reflect the arcana of the sees member he gets on best with! For example he's super close to Ann and ofc both Ann and Yukari are the Lovers Arcana. Same with Haru and Mitsuru, Yusuke and Akihiko and also although not mentioned here, Hifumi and Akihiko (Aki representing both the Emperor and Star Arcana). This was actually unintentionally but a cool detail I noticed after coming up with all these dynamics 💀
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korijime · 4 years
— apaixonar
(verb.) to fall in love with someone or something, the act of falling in love
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shigaraki tomura, boku no hero academia
fluff, modern!college!au, social anxiety, slightly sexual jokes, swearing
wc ; one thousand six hundred and fifty nine words
dt ; @t-amajiki
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riyuu says ; ahh, i don’t know what to say here. i started this last night, but i got the idea a really long time ago in one of our conversations. i was really scared about getting his character right and i hope i did it some justice. big thank you to @tokyoghoose for proof-reading!! i’d have cried if the mistakes you pointed out weren’t fixed sbdubdidjd
this is kinda a part of a series..i guess? there’s two more fics coming, so i guess it’s 1/3 of the fics i wrote for gere and 1/6 of all the gifts i made for them in total.
so yes, happy birthday, gere. i love you to the moon and back and i’d do damn near anything for you. i hope you like your gifts. ♡
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“oi, crusty, look over there.”
the ‘crusty’ in question, a pale-faced young man, cast an annoyed glance in the direction of his partner’s finger. he never once listened to what dabi had to say, yet he knew from the tone in his voice that it would be something that had to do with you. and so he looked, and he didn’t regret listening.
he looked past the window of the chemistry lab, past the other annoyances, and towards you, sitting in the grass with your green-haired friend. he looked at you, sitting in the grass with the late morning sunlight engulfing most of your form, casting a makeshift halo over your head. a well-deserved one, at that. subconsciously resting his face onto his gloved hand, he turned completely towards the window, towards you, his experiment long forgotten.
“okay, jesus christ, stop it. you look like a creep.”
and there goes the moment.
his once ‘softened’ eyes and good mood vanished as soon as dabi spoke up again, his form hunching and his face contorting into annoyance once again.
“no, i don’t. you’re the creep.”
“sure, i was the one who sighed when they smiled for the camera, right?”
“shut up. you’re the creep, i’m right.”
of course that bastard was looking at him while he, in dabi’s words, ‘fawned’ over you.
he didn’t. he just knew how to appreciate good things. it didn’t really matter whether or not his cheeks and ears became heaters whenever you’d look at him, it happens to everyone.
“not right. factually incorrect. you’re a dumbass, go ask them out.”
“i’m the dumbass when you’re the one who blew up our project not even two minutes ago? i’m not a mirror, you easy-bake oven.”
and so on and so forth, until the bell finally rang to signal the end of their day.
tomura shigaraki, never one to listen to anything his ‘best friend’ says, never one to hang around anyone except dabi and a few others, was seen moving methodically and quite swiftly through the halls of u.a academy, heading straight towards the small group of third-years standing at the far end of the corridor.
they’d known him for three years, they knew his mannerisms and the way his mind worked. it was only natural that both toga and twice had to fish out five dollars each to hand to a very smug-looking dabi, who only watched with a shit-eating grin as tomura went up to you.
he could feel his friends’ eyes on his back, but it didn’t register in his mind which was currently screaming at him to get the hell out of this situation what were you thinking because now not only you and your friends but a couple of other students and even teachers in the corridor were gawking at the infamous anti-social boy who was looking at his shoes like they were the love of his life and not you.
his stomach twisted and churned painfully, the nausea he felt was nothing compared to the embarrassment and humiliation he felt, the same embarrassment which was painted bright on his face.
maybe he could just pretend he wanted your notes and call it a day and go home and cry—
“aye, you crusty fuck! don’t chicken out now or you’re doing my homework for the next week!”
fuck that fucking blue haired porcupine ass smug-looking son of a bit-
“ne, shigaraki-kun, did you need something?”
he sent his prayers to whatever god was above for sending an actual angel to be standing in front of him and pull him out of his formerly very quickly approaching spiral.
“are you..areyoufreeafterclasses?”
you furrowed your brows and stepped closer to him, ignoring the way tsuyu tried to pull you back. tomura was your friend, or at the very least, your acquaintance, she had no reason to be so wary.
“what was that? i didn’t catch that.”
the construction of the academy and the location of the institute was quite unfortunate, it would have been better suited in one of the islands near florida so that the bermuda triangle could’ve just swallowed it up so he wouldn’t have to be in this situation where he wanted nothing more than to evaporate into fucking water vapour why are you looking at him like THAT-
“are..you free after classes? i need your help with something.”
“oh! yeah, sure! what do you need help with?”
and apparently that was the director’s cue for everyone to go back to minding their own business. the students’ chatters started up again and the ones that had stopped to watch realised they had better things to do than gawk at the college loner asking the pretty one for help. even your friend group stepped back to let the two of you have some semblance of privacy, and tomura had never felt more relieved.
“you’re, uh, in fine arts, right? i have a project on that and i need to know more about it.”
he made the effort to finally look up and he was glad he did. like really, really glad. because the way you were looking at him with the same smile you’d given the camera, your hands clasped together as you leaned towards him, really just made all the embarrassment and humiliation worth it.
“sure! just let me say bye to my friends and we can get going, i know a good cafe near the campus.”
he only nodded and turned at the same time you did, heading towards the shitheads while you headed for your friends.
“would you look at that, crusty-no-balls finally grew some.”
“nice one, tomura! make sure to get their number!”
“toga-chan, they will be studying together, i doubt they’ll have time for that.”
and the rest was tuned out as he leaned on his locker, looking out towards the gates and back at you. he really did that, didn’t he? worked up the guts to ask you out, even if it was under the guise of a study session. which wasn’t a complete lie, what the hell did ‘fine arts’ mean, anyway?
“visual arts! stuff like painting and architecture and theatre, alongside others. i’m pretty sure poetry and prose are on there too.”
“wait, so you’re taking all of that? how.”
it was late afternoon now, around three or four when he had last checked. time wasn’t really important right now, not when he managed to kill two birds with one stone.
he was getting to spend time with you and do his project, added with you talking about your passions as a bonus.
he stopped typing and reached for his drink, which he did not choose because you told him to, thank you very much and fuck off, dabi.
looking back towards the screen, he realised he was almost done with his project, which was a surprise as he was sure he was paying zero attention to the project itself and hundred percent attention to you instead.
could anyone blame him? no.
no, they couldn’t.
they couldn’t blame him for having his attention on you when you went into the fine details of prose and theatre, using hand gestures to try and get across the point which you couldn’t do so with words. apparently you thought he knew sign language. which he did. it was an option, seemed interesting, nothing more nothing less.
is what he told dabi when he asked. but no, the real reason was the one you knew, which was the fact that the shelter he volunteers at has some people who prefer to use sign language, whatever the reason may be. he knew how it felt to be forced into doing something even though you’re comfortable with something else, but you can’t do that something else because it’s not convenient for others.
so yeah, sign language.
he was pretty sure it earned him some brownie points with you, for which he wasn’t complaining.
what he was complaining about, though, was the fact that you thought it’d be a good idea to steal a bite of his pastry while he was lost in thought.
“hey! thief. stop that.”
“no, it looked tasty.”
“okay, and so do you. you don’t see me biting you.”
..the fuck?
what the FUCK did he just-
take your laptop, and your phone, and your bag, and get the hell out.
his mind kept chanting that over and over, and he was listening to it, his clammy hands reaching to close his laptop as he got up but then. stopped.
you were laughing. at him. you were laughing at his major fuck-up.
“ne, ne, tomura-kun. i had no idea you were into that.”
yes, yes, he knows. he knows it’s weird and that it’s a weird thing to say to someone who he has a crush on and-
“honestly, the last time i made a joke like that, deku combusted and iida looked constipated.”
“wh-what was the joke?”
“i’ll show you later!”
he choked.
“show me!?”
“you sure sound excited, tomura-kun.”
the grin on your face did nothing to calm the hundred-mile marathon that both his heart and mind had been running ever since he said that.
what was even happening anymore.
that was the question which kept running through his mind even as he walked you home, thanking you for your help.
“no worries! i’d love to spend more time with you.”
what was happening.
“oh and, i also have an assignment due, do you think you could help me with it?”
“yeah, sure. same cafe?”
“sounds good! i’ll see you friday, then!”
what the fuck was happening.
he’d like to say he didn’t care nor did he think about it, but the way you hugged him goodbye with a promise to see him again left the smallest of smiles on his face which didn’t go away for a while.
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tagged ; @t-amajiki @tokyoghoose @kei7ime @inarizsunarin @tsukkiboii @spicyfoodboi @kakiwrites @lcaita @lnarizakis @kuro0luvr @himichii
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freebooter4ever · 3 years
Hey! Some questions about Snaf in IRL Eugene's book to you and anyone who knows it: Is Snaf described as teasing? Is he hypochondriac/preoccupied with his health? Does he like sweets? Is he somewhat of a loner? Does he sit weirdly folded (maybe just a Rami thing tho) Was he in China for occupation duty? Or are these just fic canon tropes (maybe somewhat based on the tv show) that reoccur in fics?
Okay my disclaimer for this is that it's been a while since I've listened to the memoirs, like at least a year or six months, so apologies if I'm remembering something wrong. Here are links to previous posts about Snafu in the real memoir:
Snafu in With The Old Breed Snafu Singing Bout Wedding Bells Real Eugene Describes Snafu
Quick answers to your questions: No, Shelton isn't as teasing or a hypochondriac, E.B. Sledge doesn't mention him liking sweets particularly, Snafu is described more often as being friendly/around people than being a loner, E.B. Sledge doesn't describe how he sits, Shelton was in China for occupation duty.
Teasing: Snafu does joke about Eugene and smoking, and makes a bet that Eugene would start. He's much more boastful about being right than he is in the tv show, lol. Of course, Snafu never said the words 'taken' and never said anything about new boys and sweating. There was probably more teasing going on than Eugene mentions in the memoir, because Eugene is very sarcastic about Snafu - a lot of the descriptions seem to have a sort of irritated fondness about them. "Give it a rest, Snafu" is 100% believable as something Eugene might have said, even if he never wrote those words exactly. Though it probably would have been about Snafu getting military strategy wrong again.
About the sickness thing: he apparently was very easily seasick, lol! Eugene mentions that every time they go in one of the PT boats, Snafu has to lie down or he'll be sick. Which probably explains why in the tv show Snafu throws up before the landing craft is launched into the water (better to empty his stomach before the seasickness rather than wait). I posted about this on my blog somewhere I think but I don't have an easily accessible link.
Loner: personally, I think Snafu was the sort of "outgoing introvert" type - very gregarious and easily charming, but goes slightly insane when he doesn't get enough alone time. Just going off the descriptions of him from both EB Sledge and Burgin. He doesn't seem to have any trouble making friends, and he and Eugene "Sledgehammer" are close even before Peleliu, which means they became friends on Pavuvu when the rest of the veterans were still in 'hazing' mode. The impression I got was that Snafu was loud, and brash, and utterly without a filter. BUT ( and a very big but ) we know later in life he grew into a very quiet man who never talked much and kept to himself - hence why I'd guess he was pretty introverted deep down. In my fanfic though, I tend to write him as more of an extrovert, mostly because I like to contrast this with Eugene.
I'm pretty sure the physicality of Snafu was all Rami - I would be FASCINATED if Rami were to ever disclose the research he did for this role, but I imagine that info must be very private. He probably was able to talk to people in the real Shelton's life who never got the chance to record what Snafu was actually like. Personally, Snafu's gestures were one of my favorite parts of tv show Snafu - he's his own character purely based on movement alone. The animation geek in me nerds out.
China Occupation: I don't think Snafu is mentioned much other than that he was there. There's a number of nameless characters in stories and some of them I theorize are Snafu with his name omitted because they aren't the most flattering stories, but that's just my guess. Eugene starts hanging out with the intellectual elite of China during this time, and Snafu is most certainly one of the guys more interested in carousing than cultural sites and philosophical discussions over tea. Technically Snafu is one of the veterans with more 'points', so he should have been sent back to the states a few months before Eugene, but if my theory is correct, I think Snafu was one of the ones who kept getting docked points for being thrown in the brig lol. Either way, Eugene does not go home at the same time as either Snafu or Burgin (who would have gone home earlier because he also had more points).
One thing is for sure: Snafu never said anything about "bad germs", that was actually told to Eugene from a real doctor, which honestly kinda makes more sense than what the tv show did. Snafu also is never named as one of the guys who cuts gold teeth out of soldier's bodies. He also never asked Eugene to look into his eyes - the real Shelton actually got malaria or some kind of sickness and that was the only time he was pulled from the front lines for a few weeks. Shelton was never injured in battle. Even when he falls to the ground on the air field, and Eugene picks him back up, he is unscathed. And Shelton asks Eugene to pick up the shrapnel that hit him and Snafu keeps it as a souvenir lol! Oh, he also didn't grow up in New Orleans proper - he grew up in a rural town north of there - which we know because Eugene mentions Snafu getting sent a newspaper from his hometown where the front page has a blurb about Snafu and his deadly 'mortar gun' on Gloucester. A newspaper that all the men teased Snafu about mercilessly, but Snafu was VERY proud of. (I use this as one of my excuses for why I write him so extroverted - Snafu's very open and proud bragging even over something as embarrassing as civilians not understanding what a mortar is....versus Eugene's shy quiet embarrassment about getting sent baby food by his mother to the point of writing a letter home asking his father to ask his mom to stop, when obviously the only reason his mom was sending baby food was because it was easy to pack/store without spoiling)
Hope this helps! ^_^
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