❣ Sunny - She/He - MINOR - Genderfluid - 🎧✩°。⋆⸜ Gyaru/J-Fashion Lover ❀I love music and para para! ❀
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How to incorporate gyaru into your daily life!
Hi hi! It's Sunny back at it again :D Here's the post I promised you guys!
I think every baby gal has asked themselves atleast once "How do i incorporate gyaru into my daily life? or I have atleast LOL. So here are some ideas/tips on how to slowly incorporate gyaru into your lifestyle!
I found that perfecting my makeup helped me do it more often! This sounds confusing but I find that knowing how long my makeup takes helps me make time to do my makeup. And it allows me to do gyaru makeup more often because I have a set makeup tutorial that I always follow!

This sounds weird but it was recommended to me by my friend. Buy cute underwear or socks! I find that wearing cure undergarments like that really help me channel that gyaru energy and it just helps add to my confidence. I kinda look at it like the phrase "If you look good you feel good". Just having cute things like that help me feel cute and confident enough to do gyaru.

Decorate some items in your room! Buy some cute sticky gems from Joannes or Daiso and stick them on anything you can find! Like makeup brushes, jewelry containers, hair brushes, mirrors, and even phone cases! You can never have too much glittery and sparkly things :D

Buy things with animal prints! Zebra and cheetah print items give off gyaru vibes and they make your room look adorbs! For example I have a hello kitty jewelry stand with hot pink and zebra print and it's one of my prized possessions. If you look at gyaru room inspos on Pinterest there are tons of inspo photos, most of which include zebra and leopard print things.

Here's a few ways that are more on the social side :) Talk with other gals! There are many discord servers for gyarus (cough Tiara Gyarusa discord server cough) In these servers you can connect and chat with other gals and even get tips to be a better gal :D Blogging is another thing that can help! That is actually why I started to blog, I wanted to be able to help other gals that struggle with fitting in and starting gyaru.
Some visual things you can do to your apperance to incorporate gyaru into your lifestyle is tan (not necessary), do para para or just listen to the music! That would include Eurobeat, trance, techno, rap, and jpop! (This is an amazing gyaru playlist for y'all! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/00p6NMfQL1tIlnXRkuUWa4?si=0675d5d3766c4203)

I don't wanna make this post too long so this is where I'll end it! I hope you guys like these tips and remember that even if you don't do these things you're still as gyaru as every other gal ;) Have a good day gals! This is Sunny signing off for the evening ✌🏽
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Misconceptions about gyaru
Hey guys! I know that I said I was done for today but I couldn't resist making one final post tonight. Don't worry! I've already finished the post I promised you guys and it is scheduled to post at noon tomorrow. But for now let's get into the topic of this post.
There are many misconceptions about gyaru and I'm here to sort of clear up some of these! So let's get startedddd
"Gyaru was never inspired by black people. It was inspired by bay watch"
This is VERY untrue. If you watch Haruka on tiktok or youtube you would know she has a mom who used to be a gyaru. And in a video with Haruka's mom she stated that gyaru was never inspired by bay watch and most of the inspiration was from black people and their style. There is even a gyaru substyle called "B-Kei" that is DIRECTLY inspired by protective hairstyles, hip hop and rap music, and street fashion.
(The picture below is Haruka!! Her tiktok username is otknoharuka and her and her mom were on cybr.grl’s channel!)

"Only Japanese people can do gyaru"
A lot of non gals say this but this is incorrect. Everyone can be gyaru! I stated this in my first post but anyone of any gender, size, and race can be gyaru. One very popular gyarusa 'Black Diamond' is known for their big group and how they impacted the gyaru style and how others saw gyaru. One of their main goals was expanding gyaru to different countries! Many members have said that anyone can be gyaru. Their whole thing was basically "world domination" because they wanted to spread the message of gal and wanted others to embrace and join this unique style.
"Gyaru is asian fishing"
SOOOO many people assume that gyaru is asian fishing because it's a Japanese fashion subculture. Asian fishing is where someone pretends to be asian and does makeup to make themselves look asian. Gyaru ISNT this. There is a difference between asian fishing makeup and gyaru makeup. With gyaru makeup, if there's a droop the droop goes down and extends downwards. With asian fishing makeup the eyeliner extends the eye outwards and makes the person appear to have slanted and small eyes. As you can see in the image below the asian fishing makeup elongates and slants the eye while dolly makeup widens the eye and makes it appear bigger.
"Anything besides Yamanba isn't gyaru"
This could never be so far from the truth. In fact during the 90's when gyaru first started Yamanbas and Manbas weren't even considered gyarus by other gals at the time. It was later in the 2000's when people started to call Yamanbas gyarus and now Yamanba/Manba is a gyaru substyle. People will automatically assume that anyone who isn't wearing big lashes and white makeup on their eyelids isn't gyaru. But many gyaru substyles require soft dolly makeup such as Agejo and Himegyaru/Himekaji where the focus is more on the clothes and hair than the makeup. Unlike styles like Kurogyaru, Manba, Yamanba, Ganguro, and Gonguro where the main focus of the style is the dramatic makeup and deep tans.
"If you don't tan you aren't gyaru"
While many gyaru substyles do require tanning many other substyles don't require tanning! And some styles like Yamanba/Manba which heavily rely on the tan and makeup have substyles specifically for people who don't want to or can't tan but still wear Yamanba makeup. Not tanning doesn't make you any less gyaru :)
That's it for today lovelies! Atleast until my next post lol. But i hope this blog post helped clear up any confusion about gyaru! If you guys still have any questions I would be happy to answer them :D For now I shall bid you gals farewell. This is Sunny signing off!!
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Should you join a gyarusa? + Tips and Tricks for auditions
Hey gals! I know this isnt the post I promised you guys but I'm working on it I promise! I've just been going through some writing block but I'm back now :D
So, the question that every gal asks themselves...
"Should I join a gyarusa?"
And the answer to that question is...I don't know!
Everyones gyaru journey is different and unique to themselves. Every gal is trying to find their style and perfect their makeup. And while doing this many gals might make mistakes. Which is totally ok! I know that I've made a lot of mistakes myself. One of them being joining a gyarusa after only being a gal for 1 and a half months.
When I was doing my research on gyaru I saw all of these gyaru's in gyarusa's and I felt left out. So I joined a gyarusa. And the members of that gyarusa were lovely and welcomed me! However I wasn't ready to be in a gyarusa and I ended up leaving. I then took some time to myself and experimented as a gal. Then I decided to join another gyarusa! I love that gyarusa with all of my heart! They are so welcoming to baby gals and the leader and all the members are so so so nice! (Go follow them on insta and tiktok!! They're called Mango Galsa) I however did end up leaving that galsa for mental health reasons. I am now in a different gyarusa and I'm very glad that I get to be in a group with so many creative people!
So back to the question. Should you join a gyarusa? From my experience I would recommend waiting to join a gyarusa. Like I said everyones gyaru journey is different and you may be ready to interact with the community while others aren't. Many gals don't say this but sometimes the community can be very toxic at times. If you aren't in a gyarusa that's totally fine! Tons of gals never end up joining one and that's alright. It doesn't make you any less gyaru :)
Let's get on to the tips and tricks for gyarusa auditions 😈
Tip 1: Be Honest
Being honest is one of the most important things when auditioning! Answer questions truthfully. For example, if the gyarusa is 16+ and the leader asks you how old you are and you're under 16 say your actual age. Sometimes age limits are for a reason and there will always be other gyarusas that are for your age!
Tip 2: Mention your skills
If the gyarusa you're auditioning for is very present on social media they may ask what you can contribute to the gyarusa. Like if you know how to make deco nails you could teach other gals how to! It could really be anything! Good cheap makeup for beginners, nail supplys, para para tutorials, gyaru history, or how to gyaruify random things. There are a bunch of things that I'm sure you gals are good at! So never be afraid to put your skills out there for the world to see :D
Tip 3: Wear your gyaru make during the interview
Some gyarusas will require you to wear makeup during your interview. This is actually pretty common and nothing to be worried about. If you're sending in your application you'll also probably be required to send pics of you in gal. This may be because the members want to get a sense of your style.
Tip 4: Be nice and have energy
I've seen many gals make this mistake but always be nice to the people who are interviewing you!!! Gyarusas will look for people who are nice and people who will fit in well with the other members. Also be happy and interested when you're being interveiwed. If you are being dismissive and giving short answers you aren't very likely to be accepted. Have energy and be sure to give good answers that point out your skills and qualities.
Well that's all the tips I've got for right now! I wish you all luck with your auditions! And remember, not being in a gyarusa doesn't make you less gal. You're allowed to do your own thing :) Have a good day and I'll talk to you guys later.
This is Sunny signing off for the night :D
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It’s almost Spring and I’m getting really tired of this dreary weather. I’m ready for flowers, though not ready for pollen but what can you do about that?
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Please help me pick my next topic T-T
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✧༺♥༻∞ Hello everyone!! My name is Sunny :D ✧༺♥༻∞
I love gyaru and J-Fashion and since today (June 9th) is my gyaru anniversary I decided today would be the perfect day to make my first post. For this post I will answer some commonly asked questions about gyaru!
Q: Can I be a gyaru if I dont tan?
A: Of course! Certain styles like kurogyaru and manba do have styles that are non tanned such as Shiro gyaru which means "white gal" That just means that you don't tan but you still do makeup from styles such as manba/yamanba!.
Q: Can I be gyaru if I don't wear makeup?
A: This is a very common question in the gyaru community. This is debate is actually one of the many reasons why I distance myself from the community. I believe that gyaru is a lifestyle and mindset. For certain styles you may need to wear makeup. Like manba/kurogyaru/ganguro are makeup based substyles. But other styles like Amekaji and Himegyaru/Himekaji are more based on clothing. For example, my main style is kurogyaru but I don't do the makeup very often because of my mental/physical health. However I wear clothes that I feel are very "kurogyaru" and I live by the mindset of "Be wild Be Sexy" Some older gals however believe that you must wear makeup 24/7. So I think that at some point you should do the makeup at least every once in a while because throughout a lot of eras of gyaru the eye makeup has been pretty crucial to the whole look.

Q: Can I be gyaru if I'm plus size?
A: Yes! I happen to be a plus size gyaru. Gyaru is about recognizing yourself and "getting wild and being sexy," not about being a specific size. The most important thing is to feel content with who you are. This holds true for many styles, not just gyaru! Wear the things you love if whatever you're wearing makes you feel bad about yourself. If it does, throw it out right away!

Q: Can I be gyaru if I'm not asian?
A: Yes! Gyaru is meant for everyone, no matter what race you are.

(Btw this person is @citrusmalicious on tiktok! Go follow them! Theyre super cool and I love their content :D)
Q: Can I be gyaru if I don't do gyaru everyday?
A: This question is very complicated. Like i said gyaru is a lifestyle and mindset. If you can't do the makeup all the time I recommend incorporating gyaru into your daily life! You can do this by: buying deco phone cases, buying animal print bags/items, being positive and keeping positive and fun people around you, decorate items in your room with gems or rhinestones, or wear cute decorated nails :D So I would say that you can be gyaru if you don't do the makeup everyday. BUT if you don't do the makeup everyday be sure to atleast try to incorporate it into your daily life!

Q: Can I be gyaru if I do multiple substyles?
A: Yes! There are so many interesting and fun substyles and you most certainly don't have to stick to one.

Q: Can I be gyaru if I'm over 20?
A: Yes! Any age can be gyaru (however i recommend ages 14 and under to be careful when interacting with the community or doing certain styles) There is no age limit to gyaru and there is even a gyaru on instagram who is 50!!

Q: Can I be gyaru if I have colorful hair/short hair?
A: Of course! Many gyaru have bright and colorful hair and wigs! There are many short haired gals as well! There are gyaru hairstyles just for short hair on pinterest :D

In conclusion anyone can be gyaru! It doesn't matter if you have children, your race, your skin color, your age, or your physical attributes! Thats all the questions I can think of so far! If y'all have any more questions don't be afraid to ask. I'll be sure to answer them as fast as I can :D If you have any ideas for my next blog be sure to send them aswell! I really enjoyed making this and I hope you guys have a good day! Be wild and Be Sexy ✌🏽
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