#both neil and andrew! it’s not their series anymore
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stardustravens · 7 days ago
The most upsetting part of this book was Neil getting injured on court… I thought he was safe.
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ninyard · 5 months ago
okay this was supposed to be a reply to an ask but it got too long so i give u: my first thoughts on the bonus chapters pt 1 (TFC bonus chapter)
David's chapter
Coach Hernandez had warned him Neil was distressingly single minded about Exy, but surely the fucking Yakuza of all things should have made a dent
Obsessed. I wonder what else Hernandez told him
His hip was years healed
Was this mentioned before? Did he break it? When did he break it? Was he playing pro and it's why he retired/became a coach? Just headcanoning this rn
[Kevin] set the bottle down, looked around for something to clean his mess with, and ended up patting at the puddle with his hand.
Kevin Day I Would Die For You. why is that the cutest thing he's done in the whole series
"What could you be holding on to still that would drive you this far away from her?" "No. Don't ask me that."
gnawing at the cages of my enclosure. this is too much for me. SO many thoughts
[About Abby + the kids crutches] Maybe she was right, or maybe she didn't have enough nightmares to understand. David rubbed a thumb along his knuckles, looking for blood he'd washed off years ago.
"Did you think you were my only lover? He isn't yours, David. You have nothing you need to worry about."
Why did this literally break my fucking heart
Nine years later she was dead
Hello? Am I insane or did anyone think Kevin was WAY younger when she died? This changes SO much for me
"You're not just a Fox," David said, before he could think to stop himself. "You're Kayleigh's son." Kevin's expression fractured as he recoiled. [...] The silence that fell between them was wretched and deep.
i know kevin's head was screaming I'M YOURS TOO and just,,, once again him being older when she died changes SO MUCH. that's his MOM. He's KAYLEIGHS SON. how much did that fucking sentence hurt him? he knows!!!!! and she's not around anymore!!!! throwing up.
Kevin looked so much like her, except Kayleigh had never looked so defeated and afraid. She'd been fierce and vibrant and fearless.
This bonus chapter is NOT good for me because now i need so much more kayleigh content it's unhealthy. like i NEED more of her
When he started thinking about rings he put himself on a plane home.
I know this could be about,,, literally anywhere in the US. but IMAGINE it was Ireland. Imagine he was in Ireland with her. and ALSO???? him wanting to marry her??? like please. dont do this to me
"Coaches have no honor," Kevin said, ragged with renewed heartbreak and despair. [...] "Your word is enough. Just yours."
PUUUUUUKE. too much to unpack.
"They'll be too busy drooling over you to care what you're saying. Works on me every time." Nicky wasn't the only one so easily swayed, but if Nicky and Kevin were both too blind to figure that out David wasn't going to put it together for them.
I know the automatic assumption is Andrew but like,, what if he means Neil. and misread how obsessed neil is with him. Just a thought. But either way what a THING to SAY DAVID
David wasn't a praying man, and he'd never quite decided whether he believed in an afterlife, but for a second he glanced up at the sky in search of Kayleigh's disapproving glower. "I'm sorry," He said, and he went back inside to find a drink of his own.
once again screaming crying throwing up. He cared about her SO much
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film-in-my-soul · 2 months ago
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Fandom: The Sandman | Pairing: Dream/Hob
(Post-It) Notes | 508 | Rated T | softestpunk / @softest-punk
Summary: Hob works as a barista during the day, Dream works in the same venue as a bartender at night. They only see each other briefly during shift changes. They manage to fall in love (via post-it note) anyway.
Five Times Professor Robert Gadling Attended the National Shakespeare Conference (and one time he didn't) | 685 | Rated M | softestpunk / @softest-punk
Summary: Dream learns that Professor Robert Gadling’s friends call him Hob over a drink offered with a friendly smile, and an hour later he finds himself chanting it breathlessly as he bounces in the other man’s lap.
for your love [thief hob stories] by cuubism / @cuubism
3 Part Series | Rated T | Total Words: 3,161
Part 1 Summary: What's a little Crime if it makes your lover happy?
(see more recommendations below!)
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Fandom: Top Gun | Pairing: Hangman/Rooster
restraint | 471 | Rated E | crueltether
Summary: ���What was it you said, Jake? Something about being snug on my perch?��
rave reviews | 562 | Rated G | crueltether
Summary: “I’ve never held a baby before.”
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Fandom: Top Gun | Pairing: Iceman/Maverick
(on this endless ocean) finally lovers know no shame | 499 | Rated E | dalearden
Summary: At this moment Ice’s eyes are like the sea before a storm, and Maverick craves the storm as he always does.
(never hesitating) to become the fated ones | 2,060 | Rated M | dalearden
Summary: Losing everything just seems to be the way of it for him, nothing he can do. Tears won’t change it so he doesn’t spill them.
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Fandom: All For The Game | Pairing: Andrew/Neil
strawberry sweetness and light (doesn't taste like lies) | 6,193 | Rated T | ephemeralsky / @nakasomethingkun
Summary: The third time Nicky asks him about it, he says, “I am already dating someone.” This is a lie. Nicky’s face unfurls like a clearing sky, eyes widening and jaw dropping. “You don’t say! Who is it?” Andrew’s mind flies in a thousand different ways, grasping for an answer, a diversion, another lie. Out of the corner of his eye, he glimpses Neil walking out of the locker room, hair damp and bag slung over his shoulder. “Neil,” Andrew tells Nicky, and Nicky gawps, shocked and famished for more information. “I am dating Neil,” Andrew says.
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Fandom: Captain America | Pairing: Steve/Bucky
ain't nothing punk about that | 6,228 | Rated T | idekman / @hipsterfrankcastle
Summary: Bucky tries not to get involved with high school drama shit. Steve Rogers is just another kid who gets beaten up in corridors. Until he's not.
Accidentally on Purpose | 12,507 | Rated E | nekare & notallbees
Summary: Bucky turns toward him, sliding his hand onto Steve’s hip as he mutters a lazy “G’night” and presses a soft kiss to the corner of Steve’s mouth. It takes him by surprise, and he barely has time to register Bucky’s half-closed eyes and the warmth of whiskey-ripe breath on his lips, before it’s over. After Bucky drunkenly kisses Steve by accident, it just seems to keep on happening, until it's not so much by accident anymore.
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Fandom: Call of Duty | Pairing: Horangi/Konig
leave this fucked up place behind (but i'll know) | 1,001 | Rated E | Anonymous
Summary: He brought his gaze back to the man. The apparently huge man. His eyes were droopy and his stance was slightly more relaxed now, but nothing about the situation had become laid back. Watching more closely, bruises covered every visible inch of his skin.
An Austrian Tries Spicy Foods (Gone Sexual????) | 1,406 | Rated T | WarOnCanon
Summary: König and Horangi are not facing each other. They’re at the bar section of the restaurant, though it’s early enough that no one else is there. Both of them are maskless. It is a dangerous game, one that has taken them a long time to work up to. They don’t look at each other, carefully and deliberately. “How do you take spice?” he asks König, and he’s sure the other can hear his amusement. König is slow when he answers, “Not well.” He knows how to use chopsticks—incorrectly, but Horangi won’t say anything about it—but he is careful and deliberate in his movements. “But I’m . . . willing . . . ”
es sieht mich ja niemand, ausser den spatzen und den eichhörnchen | 2,077 | Rated G | Cypherr
Summary: "Why?" "Was meinst du mit warum?" He hissed. Horangi just raised a brow. "Just give. Me. The. Mask." "No," he said plainly. "You never let me see your face." "Pot kettle black." Horangi tugged down his own like it was nothing to remove that camo fabric. "Now we are even."
hopin' to hit you somewhere vital | 2,296 | Rated E | Anonymous
Summary: “Beast,” Horangi declares, feigning confidence the best he can, “what is your name?” It clicks and pops, before hissing out a response resembling a word: “König.” Horangi racks his brain, sifting through all of his arcane knowledge before he realizes what the name means: King. They call him King. Fuck. Horangi is most definitely in over his head.
A King Becomes a Pet | 2,922 | Rated E | TAFKAmayle / @tafkamayle
Summary: König steals Horangi’s clothes to get off with and Horangi catches him.
Capture the Red Flags | 7,876 | Rated E | DeathMetalHarpsichord
Summary: "See something you like?" König seemed to shrink, folding in on himself with a shake of his head. "No." "Wow, alright." Horangi grinned, well aware of the way the scar tissue pulled it into a leer. "Fuckin' rude."
Safe(house) | WC | Rated E | alexwritesart / @alexwritesart
Summary: After a mission goes wrong, König is sent to a safehouse to shelter in place until the coast is clear. In order to satisfy mutual benefactors, another team sends one of theirs to meet him to take the information he fought for to bring back to their contact. He didn't expect Horangi to be the one they send.
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bea-l-t · 5 months ago
I'm not saying I ship it (Renee/Allison is superior and I'll die on that hill), but how come I never see Renee and Kevin getting paired? HEAR ME OUT they could actually be good for each other:
They both came from really abusive and lonely childhoods (unsurprising, they're foxes). But then they both connected with a parent that basically saved their lives.
Kevin is called a dreamer for what he sees in people. Renee has enough faith and hope to make up for the rest of the foxes.
They both care about Andrew AND they both had a little something something with Jean, even if it was allegedly one-sided (Kevin 👀)
Kevin saw Andrew's potential and worked to help him see it as well. Now, he's helping Jean to believe in his own worth away from the nest.
Meanwhile, Renee saw past the monster in Andrew, and she saw past the defeat in Jean
Kevin was the first to notice Neil's crush on Andrew. Renee was the first to notice Andew's crush on Neil. Matchmaking duo amiright??
Renee is good at Exy. I think she gets compared to Andrew, a literal prodigy, way too often. She's good at it, and Kevin definitely sees that.
On the exy note, I actually think that Renee could actually enrich Kevin's perspective on exy. He has such a pure relationship with it already; he cares about having fun and playing fair. Renee not only (probably) shares that sentiment, but she cares about the good it can do. She uses a platform that's known for its violence (and its potential ties to a cult and/or mafia) to run charities.
By the end of the series, Kevin has developed. He's not nearly as dramatic or dependent on others anymore, and I think he's in a position to start forming some healthy relationships. Renee should be with someone who's already done a lot of the growing on their own, and so should Kevin.
That being said, I'm sure that Kevin is always going to worry about being safe to some degree or other. And we all know that Renee is perfectly capable of gutting a man.
IN CONCLUSION would they be super cool or edgy? No, and that's so interesting to me. I think they'd end up being such a kind, even quiet, force of love and hope together.
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orange-foxes · 4 months ago
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🤜🤛 Deadly Affections by NikNak22 (12k)
Neil Josten is not soft- has never been in fact. But when an unintended comment from one of the Foxes throws Neil for a loop, he finds himself reminding them why no one should think of him in that way. But why is Andrew suddenly so distant? And what happens when all of these reminders of his past start to catch up with him? Aka: all the times Neil proved he was a badass, and Andrew reminds him he's an idiot.
🤜🤛 thorn in my skin by ephemeralsky (6k)
These days, both of them are able to sleep on the same bed without any weapons underneath their pillows and on their person, and Andrew is not sure what he wants to do with this knowledge. They have poured years into forging their armors, and now they are stripping them, piece by tattered piece. (or: the five weapons Neil has at his disposal + the one weapon he wields without knowing it)
🤜🤛 The Nameless Monster by kanekicure (108k)
Nathaniel Wesninski wants nothing more than to see his father dead and buried. But when his father promises him the title of The Butcher, Nathaniel quickly realizes that his destiny of following in his father's footsteps is closer than ever before. So of course, when he gets forced to go undercover for the Baltimore police, he starts seeing what living could truly be. - Andrew Minyard is a newly recruited police officer for the worst precinct in Baltimore, who is dedicated on hunting down the notorious Butcher and his unnamed underling. But when Neil Josten is thrown into his midst as his civilian consultant; he starts to realize some things don't quite appear as they seem.
🤜🤛 Walk a Little Lighter by jjmash (5k)
Five times Neil Josten took care of shit, and the one time he didn't have to. *** Wymack looks between Neil’s overly-innocent expression and the spot on the floor where Jack is curled into the fetal position. “Uh huh. You gonna tell me he did that to himself?” Neil crosses his arms. “It’s entirely possible.”
🤜🤛 the ash is in our clothes by Klanceyschmancy (12k)
A continuation of the Neil and Aaron fight, Aaron walks in on Andreil and things blow up. Aaron still doesn’t trust Neil, he probably never will, but he’s learning to trust Andrew. With the help of both katelyn and surprisingly, Neil, he learns to talk to Andrew and let him in. One step at a time. Aaron and Neil fight. Katelyn and Aaron talk. Andrew and Aaron talk. Aaron and Neil talk. Matt and Neil talk. A lot of talking goes on. In this fic. Hashing things out. And then Neil’s pov of being walked in on and how Andrew and Neil deal with it.
🤜🤛 pieces of me line the pavement (my blood soaks the cracks in the road) by CuteLittleMousie (8k, series)
Andrew had no doubt that if he’d killed Drake of his own accord, with his own weapons, watching the blood flow wouldn’t have been nearly as sweet. Sharing that was vulnerable. It was dangerous. But then again, so was Neil. --- or; andrew and neil meet while neil is still on the run. it changes nothing and it changes everything.
🤜🤛 Armies by nekojita (342k)
Upon Mary Hatford's death, Nathaniel Wesninski makes the call to his uncle Stuart rather than continuing on the run and ending up in Milport, Nevada. Upon graduating university, Andrew Minyard turns down all offers of a professional Exy career and muddles through a 'normal' life, until the boredom and inanity of it all wears him down and he accepts an offer of a break to spend some time with his cousin Nicky in Stuttgart, Germany. There he meets Abram Hatford, a handsome and broken young man who has more in common with Andrew than he suspects, and nothing's normal anymore.
🤜🤛 Neil Josten's Guide to Not Giving a Shit by Savagetoyolo (31k)
Neil Josten sighed as he looked at the black sky. His cigarette burned down to the filter as he took one drag out of it after letting it burn. He didn't want the nicotine, only the familier ache in his heart that came with the smell. The ghost of death and unfairness creeps up on him. Aka the one where Neil is a baddass but also kind of tired and just done with life and people. And Kevin's shit. The Moriyama's are dicks who Neil isn't afraid of and he killed his father before he went to Millport. I suck at summaries lol A lot of it is taken from canon, all unchanged content credit goes to Nora Sakavic
🤜🤛 it takes two (but you and i are one) by kairospy (14k)
Sometimes, not often — not enough for it to be concerning — he felt too much like him. Andrew noticed the very moment Nathaniel walked into the locker room. :*:*: Nathaniel Wesninski had been dormant for too long.
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writtenicarus · 2 years ago
AFTG Headcanon Series [4] Kevin
part 1, part 2, part 3 part 4, part 5
Okay first of all let's start off by saying this man is so much more then vodka and goddamn exy, seriously
The fandom and the foxes never take his trauma and issues seriously and it hurts me to the core so much
A year after he told Wymack he was his father he started getting him Father's Day cards, he was extremely embarrassed at first and ran away but Wymack found him after and hugged him
Eventually sees Bee about his drinking problems, he tries very hard to work on it but it's still quite tough and he relapses several times
Trials to call Jeremy and Jean once every two weeks to check in on them, see how they're doing, he's trying to build friendships
Still gets upset on both Riko's birthday and the anniversary of his death but, again, it's another thing he's working on
Is able to set boundaries with Andrew, he doesn't trust him as much as he used to after what happened on the bus trying to figure out where Neil was but he's at peace with it, he doesn't feel bad. Andrew fucked up, he's allowed to distance himself
Finds new friends that take the same classes as him
Starts truly coming out of the shell he was forced into throughout his teenage years and is able to discover who he is as a person
Gets really close with Neil by the end of Neil's second year at Palmetto and he values Neil's opinions on everything
Doodler!!! This man will absently draw on anything without noticing including the people around him
Doesn't like hugs from just anyone but if he does trust you will hug you for hours
Is not really the type to get sick but when he does he takes absolutely no time off to feel better, he just pushes himself until he breaks and moves on
Silently judges people whenever he leaves the house
Idk why but I could see him being really really interested in marine biology
Writes a book at some point in his life - whether it's about exy or whatever he does eventually and it does really well
Can tie his shoelaces at an alarming pace because he used to being forced onto the court as soon as possible, but also because he can't wait
I'd like to say he eventually Coaches his own team, but I don't think he would, I think he would play until he couldn't no longer and opt for a quieter life (perhaps pursuing marine biology)
Misses his mom oh so very much
Hates any form of hot drink unless it's extremely black coffee or tea with ONE sugar
Is trying to get out of the funk he's in when it comes to food, he is trying to learn that not all foods are bad and will kill him just because they're not fruit or vegetables
Afraid of dying and drowning (why he works so hard on being a strong swimmer)
Can't sleep fully in the dark, he got used to it early on but after being at Palmetto and getting used to the life around him, if he ever was put in a dark room it triggers a lot of flashbacks for him
Always helps Abby with dinner when the foxes go to her house, she will never be Kayleigh but he eventually sees her as a motherly figure
Overall, I think his recovery and development as a person starts with him realising he doesn't have to box himself up anymore
Part of why he cared so much for Exy was because it was all he had
Now he has so much more
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dayurno · 5 months ago
sorryyyy for bringing some type of discourse to your inbox but I just giggle whenever anyone brings up the fact that nora soad andrews a misogynist and their only argument is the fact that he's friends with renee and dating neil who said women are the strongest ppl i know, like i don't personally think he's a misogynist, but i feel like there has to be better arguments for it😭
maybe it's bc the fandom gets on my nerves so I'm more sensitive to any attempts a defanging and making characters more palatable bc I'm not a fan of the widespread fanon versions of the characters also it's sad I feel like the fandom made some sort of progress where discussions were being had about the problems in the series and now after tsc came out it feels like we're back to where the author can do no wrong and it's hard to criticise anything
what do you think about tsc being a triology, I feel like two books can hopefully give Jeremy the depth he needs i remember you found him a bit flat as well when you read the book, I see a lot of people saying he needs to have a mean side or a traumatic past but I feel like a kind, nice character can be interesting without those things and not every kind character needs to have this secret mean side anyway, personally I groaned out loud when I found out it was a triology bc that would mean the fandom would be alive for longer and it's so crazy out of any book fandom I've ever been in for some reason the aftg fandom feels the most obnoxious maybe it's bc the books deal with heavier topics close to the heart so there's more feelings involved🤔the only book fandom who has pissed me off a comparable amount would be asoiaf but that's a whole different thing
I really do try and be happy I'm not even in the fandom anymore and I've never followed aftg twitter accounts and I don't even check the tags I just go on certain blogs but i still see things it's horrible💔like I can't believeeee we're still discussing if Kevins a coward or not and how selfish he is for leaving the nest like we've already argued about this to death on tumblr back in like 2016 now it's the same thing again💔
LOL i understand honestly so many of these discussions are repackaged wide-spread 2015 opinions which don’t reflect the original text that it’s hard to do anything except use the we have this thread every week comrade image and let it go. andrew being misogynistic is not even hard to come to terms with considering it’s not an interpretation or a headcanon it’s the author’s own words and will for the character incorporated into canon. there are things to disagree with nora sakavic for, but ultimately there is a difference between disagreeing with the author and willfully ignoring the intention with which a character was written
& i didn’t really care much for the news, i think the lack of planning and the rushed way the books are coming along are grating on both the author and the fandom, but i don’t blame her for wanting to get this done and over with. it will show more insight on jeremy hopefully, but unfortunately i already don’t care 😭 i think the route tsc took was in general uninteresting and pedestrian enough to not warrant a second thought, and i’m not particularly interested in any plotline beyond what pertains to kevin and the ravens. what surprised me really is the total lack of impact tsc had on the fandom, which is to say, i think it was so in line with the same 3-5 headcanons passed around the last 10 years that it has genuinely done nothing for anyone aside from the people who were already very invested in jean and/or jeremy. it feels like a different fandom from aftg altogether, which i’m happy about if only because it keeps us all locked in different cages, but it still baffles me to see people dedicate so much thought to a book whose characters bar jean are, as of now, the very definition of Nothing burger. all in all the answer to that question and most questions pertaining to tsc is Who cares. because literally who cares
LMFAO staying away from aftg twt is really good for you & honestly all of us. it’s still so funny to me that not even nora sakavic herself wanted to touch that mess. mentally ill white suburbanite teenage shut-in echo chamber ass fandom
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leedee013 · 8 months ago
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ILU have fun!!!!
AFTG ask game
all my answers are going to be under the "read more" because hoo boy.
When did you first read aftg?
I first read AFTG by listening to the first audiobook while riding around the bus and trains in Germany, then Seth died, I immediately needed to finish the series, and then I read the entire series in less than 48 hours rifp.
2. All For The Game or The Sunshine Court?
All For the Game. The Sunshine Court is about my son, Jean, but also... because he's my son I have a lot of points where I simply like what I wrote better! and a fair number of complaints with TSC, since a lot of the way Jean's trauma rears its head is far less realistic than how Neil's trauma rears its head.
3. Favourite scene(s)?
I won't lie, one of my favorite scenes is when Neil gets back from his father's home and the Foxes all sleep on the floor together. I'm a huge sucker for found family and hurt/comfort and MAN that scene ticked off all my boxes. It's the one that I'll actually go back every now and then to reread. Wymack's joke about "Wesninski" and that feeling of finally having a family gets to me literally every time. And blah blah yeah I also really love the mentality of Andrew dragging Wymack behind him as he crashes through everything just so he can get back to Neil's side.
4. If you could choose to make one fictional place from the books real, which one?
That place they go to when they get ice cream/milkshakes before going to Eden's Twilight! It sounds amazing
5. A character you think deserves to be more present in the books?
Hngh this is difficult because I do believe that, at least as far as AFTG goes (aka excluding TSC) the characters are all as present as they need to be. Neil is very tunnel-visioned, and I think that it's a solid amount of screentime for each character, so to say. Like my first thought was Seth, but it wouldn't have fit Neil's character for Seth to haunt him at all. Therefore, I think overall I'd liked to have seen more of Jean for purely selfish reasons. Also more Renee!
6. A non-canon ship you love?
Jean/Renee, Jean/Jeremy, Jean/Kevin, Renee/Riko, and then any mix and match of those characters in throuples/quoples/poly ships! I'm also a big fan of Dan/Renee because woooo enemies to lovers?
7. A part of the extra content you whole-heartedly agree with
Andreil never say "I love you" or get married. Also that Dan gets to take over the Foxes when Wymack retires. Also Sir and King but like. Who doesn't agree with that.
8. A crackship/crackships you've come to love
Rinee (Riko/Renee), I adore it so much okay. I love the healing energy of it all and also the way that Renee attracts the most strange and unhinged people to her.
9. Underrated aftg fanartist / fic writer (tag them!)(link if they're not on tumblr)
well obviously @capcavan @jtl-fics and @emry-stars-art can never be OVERrated. But I think the true underrated AFTG fanartist is @noomyart <3
10. A villain you think is fucking hot
well. uh. villain I guess would be Nathan. Antagonist? Riko
11. A side character you love and/or appreciate
NICKY, I love him so much. Also Renee. And Dan. And Matt. I'm so mad I can't just say Jean anymore since he's not really a side character anymore GAH
12. Favourite narrative foil?
I adore the Riko/Neil narrative foil. Both the sons that were not wanted, both having their lives attached to Exy and using it as a way to solidify their freedom/independence, while Neil had someone who tried to save him and Riko could only ever try to save himself.
13. Favourite narrative symbolism?
In general my favorite narrative symbolism are the keys; how they unlock opportunities for Neil; how they are signs of trust that others put in him; how they are something I don't think he ever thought he'd have (solidity/a home). I also love how much symbolism they hold for him, as well.
14. A character you would actually get along with in real life
Nicky (we'd bond over escaping our parents by running to Germany and using each other as an excuse to practice German) or Matt (because he's chill he's fun and he reminds me a lot of some of my actual friends from college).
15. A character you love but would deck in real life
Neil lmao
16. How did you even get here?? How did you discover AFTG?
I was browsing the Banana Fish tag and saw a post that was like "hey! do you wish that you had a series that was everything you loved about Banana Fish but with way more of Eiji pole-vaulting? then you should check out All for the Game for its mafia-infused sports anime vibes! and huzzah I haven't gotten off the hook yet
17. Would you play exy?
I feel like I'd be pretty good at it if I'd put my mind to it. It seems like fun and also I'm a bit of a masochist so I think the rougher plays would be really fun!
18. A fancast you will never let go of
Tbh I don't really have a fancast for any of the characters
19. A fancast you love that is super silly
I did see a guy the other day who made me double take and go KEVIN???? in my head if that counts
20. Which character would be the last to die in a actual zombie apocalypse?
Probably Renee tbh because she's unsuspecting, can broker peace between people who are fighting, and has absolutely no issue wielding and using knives in fights.
21. Would andrew minyard have beef with you?
Idk I feel like we'd vibe really well but wouldn't necessarily be close. He might get annoyed at how go-with-the-flow I am, though
22. Hyperspecific aro and or ace kevin headcanon?
I enjoy these headcanons and seeing people write them but I personally don't ever write him as either aro or ace. All the power to those who do though <3
23. Something you are very sure will happen in TSC2
Trojans win and 2. Jean meets the Foxes again before/after a game and it's emotional
24. Nicky or Allison? (Character wise and personality wise seperate)
I'm biased but Nicky. I relate way too hard to his story to not be biased here. But also I relate heavily to Allison and love her as well. I think she's also a lot more underappreciated out of the two, and gets a lot of unfair hate.
25. You're now only allowed to ship Kevin with one person (1) who is it?
man you're really out here discriminating against me and my poly ship here /t, but if it's only one person then I'd say Jean because again, I'm biased.
26. A 2000s song any one/ship/group of character would listen to
I feel like Andrew would secretly adore Lady Gaga's Poker Face and know all the lyrics even if he'd never sing along.
27. A detail or element from an older draft you would've loved to see in the final draft
LMAO so. I'm personally a fan of the version where Riko shot Kevin because Neil dodged/Kevin dove in front of him. I don't think I would have swapped the ending that we got for it instead, but I did think that it would have been an interesting change.
Also Riko and Kevin with longer hair
28. If you had to kill a fox. (Seth doesnt count.)
Aaron, because oh boy that poor medical student is probably already begging for some anvil to drop on him from the heavens
Question 29 for jean! Name a favorite Jean dialogue/quote
All of them because Jean is my favorite but also I think I'm going to go with "I will endure. I will endure. I will endure" because it's the first one I found while flipping through my copy of TSC and skimming for lines I thought were powerful. A classic is "Did a week away from the court damage your ball-battered brain?" (TSC 24), though. And then of course, as a Jeanee fan, the entire conversation between Jean and Renee on pages 68-69 where they talk about finding the joy in small things in life and taking a chance on himself and and
anyway hello thank you for coming to my TED talk
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burningfairytales · 8 months ago
Just saw your answer. Can I ask, why do you love Haikyuu, All for the Game, and Throne of Glass? I think those 3 media are unique (because they're so different from each other) and I love to read your writings.
Hey! :)
Of course you can ask!
I know, they're all super different; it's weird.
Starting with Throne of Glass - I love the growth of the whole book series a a whole? In both the characters but also the writing itself.
You can really tell that SJM was young when she started writing it, and I think it's fun to see how her writing evolves with time.
(Fun fact - I couldn't finish the first one when I picked it up the first time. I thought it was horrible. I gave it another chance after reading ACOTAR though, and everyone is right: It does get so much better. Now I think it's cool to compare the writing in the first book to the writing in the last one.)
I like the storyline, and I LOVE the characters. I think every single character is well-rounded. They're flawed and they all learn and grow.
I also have to say that by now, I prefer ToG to ACOTAR because, well. The first three books were great! After that it felt like they solely existed for smut purposes. Not that there's anything wrong with that - it's just not my cup of tea.
In Throne of Glass you did have some scenes that bordered on spice, but it felt fitting. Like it was there for a reason - a natural continuation of the characters becoming intimate with each other both physically and mentally. It didn't feel like there was smut just for the sake of it being there, if that makes sense?
In general I just felt like the characters and their interactions and relationships felt very natural to me.
As for All for the Game - I mean.
I was part of the fandom when we were still 20 people and a cardboard cutout, you know? There were very few of us, but we loved those books fiercely. And as there was barely any fan-content out there at the time, we had to go out and make it ourselves.
I met some people in that time that I will never forget - people I wish all the happiness in the world for, even if we don't talk anymore.
I also met one of my best friends through those books. Now imagine - this was almost ten years ago, and this year, she officiated my wedding.
So those books will always, always be special to me.
As for the story itself - I had no idea what I was about to read at the time. Someone on tumblr recommended them to me and she generally had great taste, so I tried them. I mean, if she had told me I was about to read "Sports Manga Goes to America And Also The Mafia Shows Up" it might have stayed on my to-read list forever.
It does sound pretty ridiculous.
But this whole theme of all these damaged kids coming together and having to figure things out together, and helping each other heal?
That kinda gets me everytime, and Nora did it especially well.
It was like, never once was an issue talked about like it meant nothing. People tend to handle trauma like it comes with an expiration date, you know? Like there is just a certain point after which you're expected to be over it.
Well, some things you don't get over. Ever. And they get easier to deal with, with the right tools. And the right people. But that doesn't make them lesser-than. I think that's a theme that just spoke to me.
Also, I mean, the whole relationship between Neil and Andrew. I mean. Yeah. Perfection.
As for Haikyuu - which is perhaps my oddest choice, and also my latest obsession...
I went into expecting nothing. I knew it was a sports anime that people talked about a few years ago, and I always meant to check it out, but never got around to it.
And then it was on Netflix, and I thought, hey, y'know what, I haven't watched any good animes lately.
Look, I didn't go into it expecting to cry because Hinata managed to receive a stupid ball. I didn't expect to cry because of "thanks for getting me into volleyball."
I may have expected crying about "It's time I became an ace. Period." if I'd known it was coming, but I DIDN'T SO THERE'S THAT.
Thing is, I cannot, for the live of me, think of a single character I don't like. There are characters I really wanted to not like (I'm so sorry Tendo, you deserved better) and characters I am still midly annoyed by (look as hilarious as that snake guy was he was just in too many scenes, okay. I had the same problem with him that I had with the one guy from Laketown in The Hobbit 3. You know which one I'm talking about. Like three main characters DIED and you didn't get to mourn them because apparently an executive decision was made to underminde that tragedy by forcing a guy to wear a dress and expect the audience to laugh at that.
It's been years. I am still bitter.)
But yes, I just love every single character so, so much. They're all so intricate with their own desires and flaws and dreams and ways of thinking. I rarely even liked a main character as much as I love Hinata.
I love the relationship each team displays among its members. I love their dynamics. I love the dynamics the teams have amongst each other.
Ah - another scene that had me choking back tears. Daichi's and Kuroo's hug. I mean. After all those "I'm going to break your hand"-handshakes?? Yeah, there were tears.
Haikyuu might not have the depth that for example Throne of Glass has when it comes to its plot, but that's not necessary - it wins in other aspects.
I'm telling you that when I'm having a Bad Day (capital letters necessary), Haikyuu is a show that will cheer me up. Sometimes it doesn't need much. Sometimes a few dorks with a volleyball will do. It's just a very feel-good show - or a feel-good manga series of course.
So I guess, maybe these three things aren't completely different - they all overlap in the part that matters most to me: people finding each other. Strangers becoming a team, a family, and choosing to help each other through life.
Found family, man. That will never not get me.
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reddamselette · 14 days ago
with the trojan war, it was caused by paris abducting helen as aphrodite promised helen to paris when paris chose her as the fairest and gifted the golden apple to her. helen and paris eloped (courtesy of aphrodite's influence and eros' arrows) after that and menelaus (along with agamemnon) assembled a large army of achaen leaders and then went on the ten years of the war.
anyway so who's helen? i would say in the og series, it's kevin. kevin who was technically stolen away from eau and stayed with the foxes despite the fact that if he stayed, it would bring about riko's wrath on everyone. kevin, in a way, is and was the person many people were fighting over to rescue or keep or take away depending how u look at it. to rescue? easy. from riko. to be free from the ravens. to keep? the foxes, of course. with the deal he shared with andrew, the contract with wymack, everything with neil, they weren't ever letting him go. to take away? riko and tetsuji which is so self-explanatory.
in the tsc series though? jean is helen this time around. jean who was rescued by renee but also stolen away from eau and stayed with the foxes as well to recover then flew to california to join the trojans. unlike kevin, where people wanted him for his skill and his determination to exy; jean is wanted (by the ravens) for his position in the perfect court even though it doesn't even mean anything anymore. they just want the power they sort of believe jean has. this time, jean no longer at eau means the ravens are the ones who opened their gates for the trojan horse (which could be considered renee) and just like troy, the nest was forced to close—effectively falling.
kevin and jean are helen in their respective stories as the reasons why people fight over them differs drastically and can range to several things. and i like to think since the ravens are the trojans in this case, their downfall started with riko's death but i also believe that it was truly pushed into place the moment renee stepped foot onto that campus. therefore, renee is our trojan horse.
obviously this does NOT include any sort of theories because i won't lie—i actually don't theorize much on books like that. i mean i do but i like to throw it up in the air and let the wind decide.
this rant does, however, include my reasoning as to why both kevin and jean are helen of sparta.
has anyone done analysis of the trojans in ancient history & myths and used it to make theories abt tsc 2 & 3 bc i just started thinking abt it and need to peel that apart rn all i remember is trojan horse and i cannot imagine that is relevant in any way. is kevin or jean helen of troy in this instance send help
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the-chicken-or-the-banana · 4 years ago
andreil and goodbye kisses (pt. 8) ft. wymack (+ a bonus)
part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 || i'm actually feeling kinda sad that this is the last part but also my brain can't come up with more ideas lmao
wymack stands by the fact that he doesn't get paid enough to deal with andrew and neil's shit (both as separate idiots and together)
but he does care for all his foxes, despite all the... difficulties that surround them
and honestly? one of the biggest struggles he faces is how absolutely thick-headed and oblivious the foxes can be regarding andrew and neil's relationship
truly, the heart-eyes neil constantly gave andrew were so obvious, he's not sure how everyone missed them before
but because he's so observant, he doesn't fail to notice how the older foxes keep giving strange looks to neil whenever he leaves andrew's side now
wymack doesn't get in the way of his foxes' personal lives. but if they start causing disturbances on the court, it's his job as coach to get to the bottom of these issues
(okay, maybe he and dan catch up on the so-called "drama" in the team every few weeks but it's for completely exy-related business. ahem. of course)
one day, wymack corners neil and lets him know that he and dan were to meet in his office after practice to talk through some logistics for the winter banquet
neil agrees, and practice goes smoothly (or, as smoothly as it can go with the foxes)
but after practice is... interesting
wymack swears he had no ulterior motives planned with the meeting; it really was supposed to be a genuine discussion
but the outcome of it was certainly unexpected
he and dan both know to wait for neil, that he doesn't like changing in front of anyone
so they wait. and wait. and wait.
it gets to the point where it's nearly 45 minutes after practice and surely neil should be done at this point, no?
wymack gets up, fully prepared to break down the door to make sure neil is okay when suddenly it slams open
neil tumbles out hand-in-hand with andrew, with matching flushed faces and ruffled hair
wymack sighs
dan outright snorts, and neil's head jerks up and his eyes widen when he notices dan and wymack
but before he can say anything, dan stands up and grins at andrew
"fucking neil again, huh?"
neil chokes on a cough and wymack turns to dan with a groan when he notices the mischievous glint in her eye, almost like that was an... inside joke?
with minyard?
wymack is very confused
andrew just scowls at dan. "i will knife you and make it look like an accident"
neil is still recovering from his coughing bout, so wymack turns back to the stabby midget ready to reprimand him
"i'm not scared of you anymore, remember andrew?" dan's eyes are still bright as she tries not to laugh
"shut up, both of you" wymack interrupts their weird jokes conversation whatever gruffly. "neil, do you remember why we're here?"
"huh? OH. oh shit. drew, i'm supposed to be talking with them about some winter banquet stuff"
andrew considers this. "how long?" wymack tells him about an hour, and andrew nods and turns to neil. "i'll stay"
neil just rolls his eyes. "you have a paper due tomorrow that you haven't even started yet. go do that, i'll be fine"
wymack sighs. he's been doing a lot of that lately. "minyard, go finish your homework or i swear to god, i'll make you run three marathons next week"
andrew glares but mutters out a "fine." he goes to leave but neil tugs him back by the wrist
neil then proceeds to kiss andrew on the nose and gives him the most bashful smile wymack has ever seen on the kid's face
neil's happy. it's a christmas miracle! and it's not even christmas yet!
and that kiss... really, it was the last thing he expected out of neil and andrew but he's happy at how comfortable they've grown around each other
and okay, it was a little adorable
(not that he'd ever say that to their faces, of course)
andrew ends up stumbling out of the court with the reddest face wymack's seen as neil turns back to him and dan
"right" he says sheepishly. "banquet?"
abby doesn't believe it when david tells her about the nose kiss
she knows that neil has a heart of gold, she knows that andrew has so much capacity to feel
but a nose kiss? she doesn't think andrew would agree to that
so when her older foxes come over one night after a tiring, but successful, game, she decides she needs to see this for herself
after a hearty dinner, all the kids are sitting in the living room, with andrew and neil talking quietly in the back corner of the room.
"neil!" abby calls, and everyone in the room quiets to look at her. "sweetheart, could you help me bring out the dessert?"
nicky immediately jumps up from beside her, saying how he could help if she needed it
"no no, it's alright, i was hoping to talk to neil, if that's okay? it might take a little while"
neil looks extremely worried at this and abby almost feels guilty.
he glances at andrew and then he leans down so quickly that abby nearly misses it
neil kisses andrew on the nose.
abby barely notices andrew's bright blush, nor does she register neil moving towards her
she just feels so proud of her foxes for coming so far in a world that keeps trying to beat them down
it's a sentimental moment, which is completely ruined by kevin's woop and nicky's yell of glee
"fuck you hemmick. fuck you"
neil looks at them wildly. "you guys were betting on us? i didn't think you would..."
matt sighs and slings an arm around his friend. "oh neil, do you still really think that low of us? we bet on everything"
JSKHKKSJ OK IT'S FINALLY DONE i already miss this series but it has been a fun time :) my asks are always open if y'all have anything specific you want me to write !
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altruistic-meme · 3 years ago
AFTG fic recs
Hi all! I just wanted to share some of my all-time favorite fanfics for aftg, for no real reason other than I want more people to read them and send their love to the authors :) 
Under a readmore because it got. A little long. But please enjoy!
Dangerous Habits by LovelyLittleGrim ( @lovelylittlegrim )
Andrew has run into problems while on undercover jobs before. None of those problems were anything like the troublesome runaway that is one Nathaniel Wesninski
Aka: the fic where Andrew is undercover as a hitman for hire and Neil is the guy who hires him. Things get complicated from there.
Undercover Andrew? BAMF Neil? Hitman AU?? Absolutely. I’m in love. The story is just *chef kisses*
Chapters: 8/9
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, past rape/non-con, Drake Spear (who is his own warning), Butcher Neil, 
Negotiations by elesary ( @elesary )
This is what Andrew Minyard knows: his brother is dead, killed by a petty Raven prince who has never learned to keep his hands off of Andrew's things. His brother's daughters are his responsibility, a job that is made infinitely harder when their shitty grandparents want custody. Nathaniel Wesninski is a liar, but he might be the only way to avenge Aaron and protect his nieces. All Andrew has to do is watch Nathaniels - Neil's- back as he carves out his own life and identity from everyone who thinks they own him.
Andrew has always been good at upholding his end of the bargain, has he finally found someone willing to uphold theirs?
This fic has got me fucked up, honestly. I’m emotional over it. It’s fantastic.
Chapters: 11/?
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, attempted sexual assault, Butcher Neil,
the upper hand by plantelty ( @plantelty  )
Shortly after losing his mother, Neil arrives in the small town of Palmetto, South Carolina, alone in the world and with an impossible plan to carry through.
At the age of eighteen, Andrew ends up helping a boy stage his own death.
Just two fucked up boys learning to trust each other during the course of a summer, but also: multiple references to songs, twinyard angst (Nicky tries his best), The Plotting of Neil Josten's Gruesome Demise, and shit hitting the fan in a variety of ugly ways!
The cliffhanger has got me on the edge of my seat, but it is 100% worth the read and the wait for the last chapter!! 
Chapters: 10/11
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Canon typical violence, 
The Butcher’s House by Fire_Bear ( @fire-bear )
Andrew thought something was odd with the house the Foxes had to move into after their Athletes' House had been burnt down. He just wasn't prepared for what was actually wrong with it.
For this was a house full of monsters.
Ghost story! Ghost story! Ghost story! I literally think about this fic every other day, it’s fantastic. 
Chapters: 6/?
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: character death (major or minor is unclear), injuries, 
Promise of an Unbroken Boy by elesary ( @elesary​ )
Neil is caught by the police with Mary's burning body and is sent to juvie in Oakland where he is assigned to share a cell with one Andrew Doe, who promises him Exy, if only Neil will tell him all of his secrets. With no access to tinted contacts and hair dye, he agrees, it's only a matter of time until he's killed after all. What does he have to lose?
But Andrew's found someone who knows what a promise means, and he'll be damned if he lets that go without a fight.
Ngl this is definitely in my very top favorites -- I LOVE the idea of Neil and Andrew meeting pre-series, and this fic just BLEW my expectations for that plotline out of the waters
Chapters: 14/?
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, Underage, attempted rape/non-con, canon-typical violence, 
The Nameless Monster by kanekicure ( @kanekicure )
Nathaniel Wesninski wants nothing more than to see his father dead and buried. But when his father promises him the title of The Butcher, Nathaniel quickly realizes that his destiny of following in his father's footsteps is closer than ever before.
So of course, when he gets forced to go undercover for the Baltimore police, he starts seeing what living could truly be.
Andrew Minyard is a newly recruited police officer for the worst precinct in Baltimore, who is dedicated on hunting down the notorious Butcher and his unnamed underling. But when Neil Josten is thrown into his midst as his civilian consultant; he starts to realize some things don't quite appear as they seem.
I love the story telling -- the secret identities, the plotting, everything.
Chapters: 14/14
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, Butcher Neil, implied/referenced rape/non-con, implied/referenced child abuse, implied/referenced slef-harm (I believe there is a scene that is somewhat detailed on this subject), some characters also get drugged at one point, 
that’s just something people say by nanatsuyu ( @theoctopusnods )
Neil makes the mistake of stealing the wrong car. Andrew makes the mistake of offering a ride to a liar. They both make the mistake of turning the whole affair into a road trip ‘home.’
Gonna be honest; the summary does not give a big idea as to what is in store and i am SO GLAD I gave this one a try so i’m telling you that you will be too
Chapters: 24/24
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse, panic attacks (somewhat grahic descriptions of)
The Story After You by kanekicure ( @kanekicure )
Andrew Minyard does not understand how Riko Moriyama landed Neil Wesninski.
How the snot-nosed, small dick, rich brat, second son of the Moriyama family who also just so happened to own the largest EXY gear and merchandiser company in the world “RAVEN” - had landed smart mouthed, quick witted, stupidly blue eyed Wesninski, was beyond him. Well, unless Wesninski was a gold digger, but Andrew doubted it.
Or; how Andrew Minyard says he doesn't get into messy situations, until he meets Neil and suddenly he is in the most messiest possible situation ever imagined in his life - oh and also, he might be becoming a homewrecker.
Ok I am behind bc I haven’t read the final chapter of this but!! I love the story, it’s very emotional and moving, and I love the characterization in it.
Chapters: 10/10
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Abusive Riko/Neil, abusive relationship, implied/referenced rape/non-con, implied/reference child abuse, implied/referenced self-harm, graphic depictions of violence, some descriptions of injuries/scarring, 
This Complicated Life by 5a5b5p5 ( @andrewsbutterflyknife )
“This is exactly why I don’t want you and Andrew to meet,” Aaron says grumpily. “You two would get along far too well.”
Neil grins. “I just like pissing you off,” he says, “It’s not my fault your brother does such a good job at it.”
Neil doesn’t expect much from his Sophomore year of college, but when he becomes a waiter at the Palmetto Bistro, his life gets a whole lot more interesting. As it turns out, maintaining friendships new and old as well as navigating an interesting relationship with the head chef of the restaurant—who just so happens to be his best friend’s twin brother—is a lot more complicated than he’d thought it would be.
A much more light-hearted fic than most of the others! Includes a secret relationship, and also chef Andrew >>
Chapters: 10/10
Rating: Mature
When I Fade, Keep Me in Your Memory by demesh 
Neil Josten has a secret: he can flicker out of existence.
He can vanish with the turn of a thought; click his fingers, and suddenly he’s not there anymore. Invisible and untouchable, he becomes a living ghost.
Having promised his mother never to let his ability go, Neil teeters the line between faded and real, a person and an echo. He can’t risk getting hurt.
But then, one day, someone sees him when they shouldn’t be able to.
 A (flower-shop) AU about how a faded and lonely Neil finds it in him to become someone real.
Another fic that I need to catch up on ;; but anyway it’s amazing and I love Neil’s ability in it, it’s so well explained and well-written about
Chapters: 12/12
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: mentions of past abuse, panic attacks
12 Ways to Woo a Minyard by NikNak22 ( @knickknacksandallthat )
Neil is a math nerd who, by a stroke of dumb luck, falls into a group of friends that are the closest thing to family he’s ever had. So, when he tells them about his new mysterious crush, he shouldn’t be surprised how immediately they come up with a plan to help win them over. One they insist that if Neil follows it, he’ll have them falling for him in no time. But things don’t always go to plan – or do they?
Nicky wants to set him up with someone else. Matt and Jeremy are confused but supportive. Allison and Seth offer lewd suggestions, while Dan does her best to keep everyone in line. Jean and Renee know something, Aaron doesn’t really care, and Kevin just wants Neil to join the lacrosse team.
But one thing’s for certain – whether Neil’s successful or not, everyone’s got money riding on this.
The romance-trope-filled fanfic of my dreams. Sometimes you just need a fic of pure joy -- this is that fic. 
Chapters: 14/14
Rating: Mature
finders keepers by moonix ( @annawrites ​ )
Andrew meets Nathaniel through a scavenger hunt app. As their team takes part in a hunt that sends each of them to creepy, abandoned places alone to solve clues and gain points, Andrew and Nathaniel begin a little treasure hunt of their own. The anonymity of getting to know each other in small increments, never meeting face-to-face, allows them a level of intimacy neither are used to. Meanwhile Renee’s friend Neil is acting weird whenever Andrew shows up…
This was one of the first fics I read for aftg!! And BOY what a great start!! All of the little pieces and parts that work together, and just the scavenger hunt itself is fantastic! (I also REALLY wanna know if there is an app like this out there because I would be down to do that)
Chapters: 8/8
Rating: Mature
Warnings: (these all come from the author:) “mentions of historical abuse in a mental asylum, mentions of suicide, mentions of murder and kidnapping, morbid facts, creepy abandoned places including a haunted house at a theme park with disturbing rooms, special appearance of a creepy clown doll, fatphobia and some introspection on body image/complicated relationship with food, mention of self harm scars”
Scared to Live (But I’m Scared to Die) by Major_816 ( @major816 )
Neil Josten goes to the Nest for Andrew, but he stays for a lot more.
"I'm sorry Coach," he muttered.
"For what kid?" Wymack shifted. "You've got to give me something to work with here."
Wymack watched the thin traces of sorrow as paper exchanged hands and he was looking down at a contract with the Edgar Allan Raven's.
"I signed them Coach, I'm sorry."
The one where Neil doesn't come back from Winter Break.
It is VERY dark, and is one of very few fics that I have actually been almost unable to read one of the scenes, so DEFINITELY pay attention to the warnings -- both these, and the ones provided for each individual chapter. I did go through the fic to collect as many warnings as I could find in the chapter warnings, but be sure to take care of yourself.
Chapters: 36/36
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: rape/non-con elements, implied/referenced rape/non-con, discussions of rape/non-con, canon-typical violence, graphic descritions, physical abuse, panic attacks, descriptions of injuries (often graphic), psychological warfare, dissociating, psychological torture, physical torture, use of knives, alcoholism/alcohol abuse, pain-induced delirium, rape/non-con, emotional self-separation, suicidal ideation/thoughts of suicide, emotional distress (which sums up the whole fic and also me while reading it), handcuffs/chains used as restraints, referenced/implied abuse towards animals, vomitting, begging, excessive use of painkillers, drowning, waterboarding, physical restraint, mutilation of an animal, mild hallucinations, non-con drugging, sleep deprivation, starvation, humiliation, the Butcher, 
Also one of the first fics I read and 100% my absolute favorite fic!!! Which is adfjhsd a little worrying, considering, but it is what it is. Anyway. This fic absolutely wrecked me, and while it is technically complete, there is a sequel in the works! So! But I am so so excited for the sequel, and I am working on rereading this. It’s amazing. 1000/10.
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skeetusmcyeetus · 4 years ago
I’ve making headcanons about all of my hyper fixations for a while now and just dumping them on my friends so I’m gonna also dump them here.
If you’re into All For the Game , My Hero Academia, ATLA, The Raven Cycle stay fuckn tuned my doods bc I have a loooot of stuff rattling around my empty skull.
Not all of these are 100% mine some of them are already pretty popular and I’m expanding on them or I heard something similar and edited it to my own tastes
I’ll separate them by series,,,
Theres like one canon that’s mildly nsfw
TW: drug abuse
pro hero kirishima’s Red Riot™️ merch is insanely size inclusive bc he wants fatgum to be able to wear the hoodie that kiri’s pr team sent him but that’s not all,,
If he wasn’t super gay and in love with Bakugou he’d be very Into BBWs so again his merch is super size inclusive bc he wants everyone to be able to wear it
The company that makes the merch also takes requests for special made merch for people who’s quirks interfere with a “normal” size or dimension
ALSO ,,,,this man(kiri) is built like a fuckn MACK TRUCK OKAY he is 6’7” and cannot fit through doorways without ducking and turning a little to the side ,,, he is broad And still wears no shirt™️ ,,, this being said ,, bakugou is still around 5’8” and pretty slim don’t get me wrong he’s extremely strong and toned but he’s not huge,, it makes flying easier if he stays a little lighter ,,,,,,, the point is,, sometimes kiri will pick up bakugou with one arm and bakugou can’t even pretend to hate it anymore
Also,,,, fatgum has to use special pens and keyboards because of how big his hands are,,, he’s literally 8’2” I won’t take criticism on this
Fatgum actually loves wearing red riot and sun eater merch
Allmight and Inko start dating and one day when they’re out someone comments on how much all might “looks like a skeleton” and she absolutley lets loose on them for being so vapid and shallow and how “he’s risked his life to save people like you more times than you have ever even thought about being helpful in your life and it would serve you well to treat someone who’d die for you without even knowing you with more respect”
All might had to gently pull her away bc the guy was crying and she wasn’t anywhere near finished with him
Midnight is Asexual and aggressively pretends to be horny on main™️ because for one, it works with her quirk and two, nothing sells better than sex especially when you’re a woman.
Bakugou and kirishima use sign language to talk shit at Public events
Dabi is addicted to painkillers because he’s been on them his entire life,, he wakes up with the shakes and sometimes toga has to help him take his meds in the morning because he’s already in withdrawal
Tensei was the first one to realize that iida was autistic and immediately did copious amounts of research on ASD and how to be a good brother to him
sokka grows his hair as long as Zuko’s (except the sides obvi) and sometimes he’ll wear his hair in the fire nation top knot and zuko loses it every time
Azula gets help and now sometimes when she wakes up with the sun after a night of fitful sleep she goes to the courtyard to have tea with iroh. They never talk, but then again they never need to.
Sometimes after a hard day sokka falls asleep in the bathtub and wakes up to zuko warming the water back up and washing his hair for him
Suki lounges in zukos throne while zuko gets worked up about stuff and paces all around the room
Mai is on the ace spectrum
When sokka and zuko visit the southern water tribe zuko will firebend for the all of the kids in the village,,, they love him so much and sometimes sokka gets a little teary eyed watching him
Sokka braids zukos hair water tribe style and it’s the hottest thing maybe ever
Zuko takes sokka on shopping sprees pretty frequently and sokka fuckn loves it
One time someone has the nerve to call sokka “the fire lords sugar baby” and sokka just flips his ponytail over his shoulder Ariana style and says “and what about it?”
The Raven cycle
Ronan has 100% killed Robert Parrish in his dreams and when he wakes up to see Adam next to him he almost immediately wants to go back to sleep and do it again for all the pain he’s caused Adam
Gansey is oblivious to the fact that he is indeed shredded,, when he gets really worked up he moves his arms a l o t like rolls up his sleeves, crosses and uncrosses his arms and The gang’s favorite is when he puts his hands on his head and subconsciously flexes,,,, literally entire gangsey will group swoon at him and he genuinely thinks they are marvelling at his passion for whatever he’s worked up about
Ronan watched broke back mountain once when he was like 16 and now all he can think about is being a gay cowboy ,,,
Adam will read people’s tarot wrong if theyre douchebags
Don’t you think it’s funny that the ganseys don’t have any straight children?
Blue has a T-shirt from each member of the gangsey (except Noah,, rip Noah) and shes created a terrible Franken-T-shirt by ripping them up and sewing them all back together in an extremely ugly patch work thing
Adam talks in Latin in his sleep and it really freaks his roommate out,, like a lot,, not to mention the fact that Adam already creeps him out to begin with bc he’s got that other vibe that comes from being tied to cabeswater and lindenmere ,, 6 out of 7 days his roommate is convinced that he’s a witch or a fairy or something
Ronan teaches opal how to bake and opal burns everything on purpose
Neil has definitely killed multiple people to survive
Neil’s mom definitely made him kill someone at least twice to make sure he could kill to survive on his own if they got separated
he probably definitely still has nightmares about each one
Matt and Dan both had a crush on Neil for like 30 seconds and absolutely talked to each other about him
Ppl always talk about how hot it is to crush a watermelon with your thighs,,,, Andrew could do it with his arms
Aarons ass is so flat and Andrew has an absolute dumptruck
Kevin started out as one of those annoying “obsessed with WWII” history guys and now he’s actually very into queer history and will rant about the lavender scare for an hour if you let him
The foxes lounge room(?) has a dart board with riko’s face on it to this day,, they literally have a drawer full of copies the same image of riko and every time one gets worn out they put a new one up. It’s more of an inside joke now but wymack still hates that little puke even though he’s dead so it stays up
Post-canon Neil gets drunk and teaches the team how to steal a car by hot wiring Matt’s truck
Matt does drag for halloween one year and Dan liked it a little too much *cough cough* she pegged him while he was still in drag
Someone once asked Renee if she was “saving herself for marriage like a good Christian girl should” and Allison knocked them out cold and stepped over the body
Neil calls Aaron ugly to his face literally any chance he gets (I feel like this one might be canon but I actually don’t know What’s real anymore)
Andrew Unironically wears a pink apron that says “kiss the cook” that Nicky got him for Christmas when he bakes
Okay I think that’s it ? For now?? Let me know if y’all want more,,,,, I’ll separate them next time I just really had to dump these and I didn’t want to make multiple posts.
I made this at 5:30 in the morning sorry if it’s riddled with typos and errors.
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monstersanonymous · 4 years ago
The Foxes, (maybe after they graduate or Neils sophomore or something), realized they all PULL. And thus began the series of betswho could get the most people to flirt with them.
they end up at a mall for a team outing
it’s dan and nicky that notice and they’re not getting stares because of who they are, but rather what they look like
and the bet is born. they call it “The Fox Pull” Neil isn’t betting, but he’s participating because Matt bet way too much money on him and he doesn’t want to let him down
It’s Broken down like this
Dan: $200
Matt: $150
Allison: $300
Kevin: $300
Neil: $250
Andrew: $50 (that’s just Renee)
Renee: $200
Aaron: $100 “why did you bet on me” “you have my face, youre objectively attractive” “never say that again”
They spilt into pairs (for safety and just incase someone tries to come on too strong)
Group 1: Matt and Nicky. Matt gets three people and has to turn them down gently, but two of them still give him their social media to be friends. Nicky gets four, and takes the numbers and photos with two of them.
Group 2: Dan and Neil. Dan gets five people, as does Neil. Dan chats with some of them for a bit, but after Neil has confirmed that they are in fact hitting on him, he iced them out. If Andrew slides his hand into his back pocket and whispers into his ear after, we’ll, that’s non of our business, is it?
Group 3: Renee and Aaron. Renee gets seven people who she talks to politely. After about ten minutes talking to one, they burst into tears and hugged her. When asked later all she said was “it was someone who needed to hear some truths and to receive a hug” Aaron gets three people, the commotion with Renee steals his spotlight a bit. He doesn’t care, the whole thing makes him a little uncomfortable
Group 4: Kevin and Allison. Kevin gets 10, Allison 9. Together, they make quite the intimidating couple, but there are many brave souls. A few people assume they’re dating. Many recognize Kevin, some Allison. There are many on lookers that seem jealous of other’s ability to actually make a move.
Group 5: Andrew. Yes, just Andrew. Both Neil and Renee offered to go back out with him but he just glared. He’s not out there for long. Twelve people approach him. The Foxes (most at least, two, no so much) are shocked. He gets shy stutterers, bold offers, a couple, people try pickup lines, some one straight up says “i think we should go out” and he stares at them and raises and eyebrow like “and why should i care?”
Renee treats them all to dinner
They try to grill Andrew for his secrets, but he’s characteristically quiet. Neil says “it’s the bad boy appeal”
“you don’t get to talk about the bad boy appeal”
“why not”
“Neil you’re a criminal”
“not anymore”
“i think it’s the emo aesthetic”
“can we please stop talking about my brothers sex appeal? i’m trying to eat”
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skunked-up-kicks · 4 years ago
I think the conversation revolving around ableism in AFTG needs to stop sounding like “Allison is ableist” or “Neil is ableist” and more like “Nora Sakavic is ableist and is projecting this onto her media and needs to be held accountable more than any of her fictional characters who don’t exist and can do no real harm”
oof sorry anon gonna have to disagree with you on this one..
i don't think the ableism we see throughtout the series (which isn't limited to just alli and neil, i feel like i have to say) isn't necessarily an indication of what nora believes- you might have to elaborate more to back up what you're saying.
cause i don't think simply having ableist characters in a story means the author must be too, if that's what you're saying? cause aaron and seth are homophobic and nicky is acephobic (feel like i spelt that wrong?) and i don't think nora is either of these things personally. especially not acephobic considering she is aro/ace herself from what i remember.
and besides, the ableism we see against andrew we aren't supposed to agree with. i feel like the narrative is set up to make you sympathetic with andrew- which is what we see happening mostly tbh.
and i think more good evidence against the idea of nora being ableist is that imo the story doesn't treat kevin badly. he comes out winning, and having learnt to use both his right and left hand skillfully despite how many believed he wouldn't. he goes against riko and stands up for himself. maybe i'm wrong but this doesn't feel like to me how an ableist author would treat a disabled character.
could be wrong thou, truthfully, we can't really know 100% for sure either way cause we can't see inside noras head. we can't even talk to her anymore, so we can only speculate i suppose.
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saywhatyouwillbut · 4 years ago
grace's essential aftg fics
hi friends! i made a list of all my favorite aftg (read: andreil) fics to recommend to whoever wants them! all of these are either complete or regularly updating, so no waiting for a chapter that will never come. enjoy, and make sure to leave the authors a comment!
never fallen (from quite this high) by crystalcrow
For most people, a problem is a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful that needs to be dealt with or overcome.
For Andrew Minyard, it’s the word that fits Neil Josten with a capital P.
(or, aftg from andrew’s pov)
Chapters: 43/43, Words: 352140
why i like it: i'm a slut for andrew's pov, so this fic is kind of my everything. bonus points for being an alternate way to reread the series.
Every Time a Bell Rings by fuzzballsheltiepants
Nathaniel has been lost since his mother died. According to the authorities, he died too, in the shootout that killed his father. In reality, he's been dragging himself along from town to town, sleeping on the streets, lacking even a name. He's not sure how he's been surviving, or if it's even worth it anymore.
Andrew has been stuck in the waiting room of the Afterlife, reading the same stupid pamphlets and listening to the same terrible music, ever since he was collateral damage in the car wreck that eliminated his mother. Until he gets a chance to take over the guardianship of one particularly difficult person and possibly earn his wings--if he can keep the idiot alive.
Basically, an It's a Wonderful Life AU featuring our favorite Foxes.
Chapters: 17/17, Words: 56704
why i like it: it's sad, funny, and heartwarming, much like the inspiration.
Fencing with Reality by fuzzballsheltiepants
What do you do when you're bored out of your skull during social distancing and a spider has just taken up residence in your living room? If you're Andrew Minyard, you take up fencing and end up meeting someone who you can't get out of your head - even if you've never actually seen their face.
Chapters: 1/1, Words: 7230
why i like it: pandemic or no pandemic, taking up a new hobby because there's a spider in your house is both hilarious and ridiculously valid.
Magesong by fuzzballsheltiepants
Ten years ago, Neil and his mother fled from his violent Fire mage father, leaving the kingdom of Ravenar and his childhood friends behind. Now alone, his magic stripped from him, Neil finds himself a spoil of war, sold by the new king of Ravenar into marriage with the prince of Palmetto in an attempt to buy peace. Nothing goes quite as he expects: he regains his lost magic, makes new friends, and reconnects with old ones. But even as he starts to form a magical bond with Prince Andrew, a threat lurks on the horizon, and he must stop it before war breaks out again.
Chapters: 13/13, Words: 54753
why i like it: magic! but also the positive arranged marriage. mostly the magic tho.
light fires at night (to push back the void) by inthesea (now archived)
The first time Andrew realizes he wants to hear the words, Neil isn’t even doing anything. He’s just sitting there, staring at the horizon with that stupidly dramatic faraway expression of his, and letting the cigarette burn down between his fingers all the way to the filter — an outrageous waste of good nicotine, if you asked Andrew.
(Or: 20+ times Andrew and Neil say I love you, and one time they say it out loud.)
Chapters: 3/3, Words: 61862
why i like it: a very good development of neil and andrew over the years. it's just satisfying.
The Bachelor of Baltimore by likearecord
Nathaniel Wesninski, the only son of the Butcher of Baltimore, has two options: choose a mob boss to marry for the benefit of the Moriyamas, or meet with an unfortunate accident. He thought he had it worked out. And then Andrew Minyard walked into his life.
Chapters: 5/5, Words: 32235
why i like it: it's a (slightly nicer) look at what neil might have been like if mary had never ran, and while we don't support the mafia, it's interesting to see how the foxes might have fit into that world.
Point Nemo by moonix
Neil meets his favourite Exy player of all time one starry night on a balcony, steals his cigarette lighter, gets asked out on a date... and has to pretend not to be completely, utterly obsessed with Exy in order to keep his interest. Easy. Right?
Chapters: 1/1, Words: 13814
why i like it: cozy winter vibes, chronic pain rep, and neil being absolutely ridiculous. plus, this kevin moment:
“Remember what happened last time you tried to set me up with someone?” Neil said, snapping his fingers at him.
“She wasn’t so bad,” Kevin said mulishly. “How was I supposed to know she was deathly allergic to peanuts?"
Not Nothing by TheRainbowElectric
Five times Neil tells someone that he and Andrew aren’t dating, and one time Andrew uses his words to set the record straight.
Chapters: 1/1, Words: 23148
why i like it: it's a nice, pretty realistic take on neil and andrew's relationship and the way it develops in the aftermath of tkm.
Blame It On My Youth by youreyestheyglow
10 years after the end of The King's Men, Andrew and Neil have decided to foster a kid. They have low expectations for themselves--they're not exactly ideal parenting material--but at the very least, the kid will be safe with them. But neither Andrew nor Neil do temporary very well.
Chapters: 126/?, Words: 1,425,633 (as of 2023-03-05, updates on Sundays)
why i like it: general domestic fluff (with some drama here and there), great character dynamics, and the fact that i laugh out loud at least once each chapter.
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