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bea-l-t · 5 months ago
I'm not saying I ship it (Renee/Allison is superior and I'll die on that hill), but how come I never see Renee and Kevin getting paired? HEAR ME OUT they could actually be good for each other:
They both came from really abusive and lonely childhoods (unsurprising, they're foxes). But then they both connected with a parent that basically saved their lives.
Kevin is called a dreamer for what he sees in people. Renee has enough faith and hope to make up for the rest of the foxes.
They both care about Andrew AND they both had a little something something with Jean, even if it was allegedly one-sided (Kevin 👀)
Kevin saw Andrew's potential and worked to help him see it as well. Now, he's helping Jean to believe in his own worth away from the nest.
Meanwhile, Renee saw past the monster in Andrew, and she saw past the defeat in Jean
Kevin was the first to notice Neil's crush on Andrew. Renee was the first to notice Andew's crush on Neil. Matchmaking duo amiright??
Renee is good at Exy. I think she gets compared to Andrew, a literal prodigy, way too often. She's good at it, and Kevin definitely sees that.
On the exy note, I actually think that Renee could actually enrich Kevin's perspective on exy. He has such a pure relationship with it already; he cares about having fun and playing fair. Renee not only (probably) shares that sentiment, but she cares about the good it can do. She uses a platform that's known for its violence (and its potential ties to a cult and/or mafia) to run charities.
By the end of the series, Kevin has developed. He's not nearly as dramatic or dependent on others anymore, and I think he's in a position to start forming some healthy relationships. Renee should be with someone who's already done a lot of the growing on their own, and so should Kevin.
That being said, I'm sure that Kevin is always going to worry about being safe to some degree or other. And we all know that Renee is perfectly capable of gutting a man.
IN CONCLUSION would they be super cool or edgy? No, and that's so interesting to me. I think they'd end up being such a kind, even quiet, force of love and hope together.
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idontmindifuforgetme · 1 year ago
Is your url an ACE inhibitor pun? That’s my headcanon when you pop up on my dash
noooo haha it was originally intended to be “stuck in april” (a username w sentimental meaning to me) but a lot of ppl have sent me asks saying they thought it was “stuck in a pril”/an ACE inhibitor pun (for those of u who don’t know, most ACE inhibitors have the suffix -pril). I’m lowly starting to love it as a pre-med biochemistry major SO…. at this point I’m willing to run w either interpretation
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eulcgizeme · 1 year ago
OPEN TO: @proverbialsaints for june MUSE: renin daughtery, forty-two. adopted into rich family with twin brother, viewed as outcasts since returning to town when parents passed. boyd holbrook fc. PLOT: "awake with your memory over me, that's a real fucking legacy to leave."
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The wine glass nearly rolled out of Renin's hand, the maroon staining the sleeve of his button down. Festivities had yet to die down and only seemed to escalate, but evidence of any loss of control and composure was lost to every expensive bottle emptied downstairs. Out against the courtyard, away from the crowd, Renin found better company with June against the summer night. "Everyone in this room is going to remembered, but for all the wrong reasons, " Renin said quietly. "I'm spared only because of the controversy surrounding my inheritance, but it's hardly anything I care for." He retired to the floor, sitting on the marble steps under the canopy of rose vines. "The greatest thing I've ever done is chosen you over everything that drives me away from this town," He admitted. "I want you to be my legacy. What's that going to take?"
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longhaulerbear · 1 year ago
See also:
SIBO ("Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth") is a novel pathology of COVID-19 [1-4]. SIBO is thought to be related to the dysfunction of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) [5], which can be induced by infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus or by the vaccine Spike protein (Spike protein from the COVID-19 vaccines) [6-8]. The RAS is a ubiquitous physiological and hormonal system in the human body, involved in renal, pulmonary, and cardiovascular autonomic functions, and its dysfunction is responsible for COVID-19 diseases [7].
Interestingly, RAS also controls renal, pulmonary, and cardiovascular autonomic functions, as well as innate immunity and various microbiota, including the intestinal microbiota. The intestinal microbiota is made up of about 10,000 billion microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, and yeasts) living as specific communities and establishing a powerful symbiosis with our body. About 160 bacterial species have been identified. This microbiota plays a crucial role in digestion, cellular metabolism, and immunity (the intestinal microbiota actively participates in the proper functioning of our immune system). In our opinion, SIBO, the etiology of which is still a mystery, is an intestinal dysbiosis mediated by the dysfunction of the RAS. Dysbiosis is an imbalance of the intestinal microbiota, resulting from a decrease in the number of "good" bacteria or an increase in "bad" bacteria or both
Under normal conditions, the colon of an individual harbors low numbers of aerobic Gram-positive bacteria, while the small intestine contains high numbers of anaerobic Gram-negative bacteria. The aerobic bacteria in the small intestine are beneficial because they participate in the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients (they also allow the production of vitamins K, B8, B9, and B12, as well as short-chain fatty acids, while regulating the absorption of calcium, magnesium, and fatty acids). These bacteria promote the mobility of ingested food in the intestinal tract. The bacterial balance in the small intestine is maintained by the Ileocecal valve (which prevents retrograde translocation of bacteria from the colon to the small intestine), gastric acids (killing microorganisms, including pathogenic bacteria) produced by gastric cells, and the presence of immunoglobulin A in the intestinal tract [10, 11]
SIBO results from the migration of bacteria from the colon to the small intestine, where they excessively multiply (a pullulation of bacteria from the colon into the small intestine). While the function of the small intestine is the absorption of food, the function of the colon is the subsequent fermentation of the non-digestible food residues or wastes produced.
Thus, during SIBO, an early and abnormal fermentation of food is initiated directly in the small intestine by the anaerobic bacteria of the colon, causing more or less severe digestive disorders associated with various potentially highly disabling pathologies
In neurological disorders, intestinal dysbiosis is observed among patients suffering from depression or anxiety, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, and other autistic or bipolar disorders. All of these pathologies are associated with RAS dysfunction (and overactivation of the AT1R receptor)
In the end, cooperation between specialists from different scientific or medical disciplines is desirable for the benefit of patients. Subsequently, there is no doubt that SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, and RAS are at the interface of various disciplines, such as virology, immunology, pharmacology, endocrinology, and physiology.
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user72963 · 2 years ago
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eulcgizeme · 1 year ago
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"I could definitely dream about it, but it hasn't happened yet," Renin taunted, smirk just barely hidden by another sip of the drink in his glass. He wouldn't give into her just yet, as he knew the place he had made for himself between the expectation of his adopted and late parents as well as the rest of their society. "It's hard to sleep when everyone thinks you offed your family, Aubrey. It's just a scandalous rumor, of course, considering nothing's been done about because there isn't anything true in it. It just makes you wonder what you're worth." @stayliquid
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"Hmmm..." She hummed, setting her own drink down to get to her feet. Walking on tip—toes as if she was on a tightrope, if only to prove to herself that she wasn't drunk. Tispy, maybe. "The same thing I could be doing right now." Pausing in front of him, she pointed down at his lap. As if it took her a moment to fully process his words, her head cocked to the side. "Why aren't you sleeping?"
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covid-safer-hotties · 3 months ago
Also preserved in our archive (Daily updates!)
As part of the COVID-19 International Research Team, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, the University of Pittsburgh and Weill Cornell Medicine discovered a novel cause of cytokine storm -; the extreme inflammatory response associated with increased risk of death in COVID-19 infection.
Their findings were reported Nov. 27 in the online issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
In an intensive genomic search for causes of cytokine storm, the research team used autopsy samples obtained from 40 patients who died from COVID-19. They performed genome analysis on samples taken from multiple sites, including the lung, heart, liver, kidney, lymph nodes in the chest that initially filter the virus, and the nasal cavity where the virus enters the body.
They zeroed in on some 50 upregulated immune genes in the samples obtained from nasal swabs and followed through in the genomics for the autopsy tissues.
Stephen Baylin, M.D., Virginia and D.K. Ludwig Professor for Cancer Research and co-senior author, and first author Michael Topper, Ph.D., Evelyn Grollman Glick Scholar and instructor in oncology, were
familiar with many of the genes as part of the inflammasome, a protein signaling network they helped define that is activated to rid the body of virus or bacteria-infected cells.
"Some of the same genes involved in overactivation of the inflammasome appear to be key immune gene regulators of the hyperinflammatory process that leads to a new view of how these subsequently activate the "cytokine storm syndrome" and severely damage multiple tissues, says Topper.
The genes should turn on and off, Baylin explains, but when they stay on, it results in cytokine storm, the very severe inflammation that can be lethal to patients with COVID.
Essentially, immune genes in the nasal cavity, where the virus enters, send signals downstream through a system called renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) to initiate cytokine storm.
RAAS, a hormone system that normally turns on and off to help regulate blood pressure, body fluids and electrolytes, is the spark that pushes the immune response into overdrive, the researchers found, compromising the infection-fighting function of lymph nodes and causing severe damage to the lungs, kidneys, heart, liver and other organs.
The researchers also believe their findings may have implications for long COVID, a chronic condition following COVID-19 infection that is characterized by a wide range of symptoms, including fever, fatigue, coughing, chest pain, heart palpitations, headaches, joint and muscle pain, gastrointestinal issues and more. This is a focus of ongoing research, Topper and Baylin say.
In addition to Baylin and Topper, other researchers participating in the investigation are co-first author Joseph W. Guarnieri and co-corresponding authors with Baylin: Afshin Behesti (leader of COVIRT) and Douglas C. Wallace, Simon Pollett, Deanne Taylor, Eve Syrkin Wurtele, Robert E. Schwartz, Christopher E. Mason, Jeffrey A. Haltom, Amy Chadburn, Henry Cope, Justin Frere, Julia An, Alain Borczuk, Saloni Sinha, JangKeun Kim, Jiwoon Park, Daniel Butler, Cem Meydan, Jonathan Foox, Yaron Bram, Stephanie A. Richard, Nusrat J. Epsi, Brian Agan, Josh G. Chenoweth, Mark P. Simons, David Tribble, Timothy Burgess, Clifton Dalgard, Mark T. Heise, Nathaniel J. Moorman, Victoria K. Baxter, Emily A. Madden, Sharon A. Taft-Benz, Elizabeth J. Anderson, Wes A. Sanders, Rebekah J. Dickmander, Katherine Beigel, Gabrielle A. Widjaja, Kevin A. Janssen, Timothy Lie, Deborah G. Murdock, Alessia Angelin, Yentli E. Soto Albrecht, Arnold Z. Olali, Zimu Cen, Joseph Dybas, Waldemar Priebe, Mark R. Emmett, Sonja M. Best, Maya Kelsey Johnson, Nidia S. Trovao, Kevin B. Clark, Victoria Zaksas, Robert Meller, Peter Grabham, Jonathan C. Schisler, and Pedro M. Moraes-Vieira.
This researach was supported by the Division of Intramural Research, NIAID, NIH grant to Sonja Best, and DOD W81XWH-21-1-0128 grant awarded to Douglas Wallace, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grant INV-046722 awarded to Douglas Wallace, Adelson Medical Research Foundation, Hodson Scholar Foundation, Glick scholar awards and Samuel Waxman Research Foundation awarded to Stephen Baylin from the Defense Health Program (HU00012020067 and HU00012120103), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (HU00011920111), and the USU RESPONSE award (HU00012020070).
Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine
Journal reference: Topper, M. J., et al. (2024). Lethal COVID-19 associates with RAAS-induced inflammation for multiple organ damage including mediastinal lymph nodes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2401968121.
Study link: www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2401968121
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samthecookielord · 8 months ago
Artfight Batch 3: Attacks #13-18
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Aurelia ( @pokezyp )
Beetle ( @starsmidnighttrial )
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Pumpkit ( @soweli-musi )
Renin ( @aviondraws )
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Magpie ( @cockatricegutz )
Lavey ( purpieishere )
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dq9 · 2 years ago
^^ he is thinking about My Boy our buddy renin
thinking about Blorbo From Ari's Mind
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nemenyiarnold · 8 months ago
szerinted ooc Arnold a 8. kötetben?
nagyon örülök a kérdésednek!!! munkában láttam, és elkezdtem szinte remegni hogy válaszoljak haha.
a hitetlenkedésemet teljes mértékig felfüggesztettem a válaszom erejéig, szeretném a canon szöveget teljesen face value-ként venni ezért nem fogok semmilyen fajta találgatást vagy teóriát belefoglalni sem a kiadás mögöttes részéről, sem leiner személyes véleményéről. bár lehetséges, hogy arnoldot azért kezelték ilyen rosszul mert túl szoros versenyben volt cortezzel nincs semmilyen megerősítés arról, hogy ez egy figyelembe vett szempont volt amikor akár elsősorban kiírta arnoldot, nemhogy a személyiség átalakulásánál.
bár próbálok canon hű maradni és az alapján válaszolni, azért szeretném a személyes véleményemmel egybefonni, ami bár nem szerepel a könyvben, az alapján tudom leginkább értelmezni a történetet.
kicsit hosszú lesz, előre is elnézésedet kérem
nyolcas kötet arnoldnak az a legnagyobb baja, hogy volt egy teljesen off screen karakter arkja amit sosem fogunk olyan részletesen megtudni, mert reni egy rossz barát. szerintem nyolcas kötet arnoldnak van a legtöbb olyan tulajdonsága az utolsó három kötetből, amik legjobban emlékeztetnek pre-francia arnoldra.
ez lehet eléggé unpopular opinion, de szerintem teljesen indokoltan és szinte realisztikusan viselkedik, csak reni nem fordul felé fele annyi empátiával sem, mint cortez vagy akár ricsi felé. az utolsó kedves dolog amit reni tett érte, hogy nem tagadta, hogy járnak. sajnos azt viszont inkább reni passzív személyiségének tudnám be, mintsem jóindulatának.
a legrosszabb tulajdonsága és egyben legérdekesebb része a naplóregényeknek, hogy a narrátor elfogult és nem tud mindent. én ezt élvezem a zsánerben, magában, viszont szerintem sokszor amikor az szjg-ről van szó, a kritikákban nagyon ritkán szokták aktívan észben tartani, hogy minden, amit látunk és tudunk az már átment egy szűrőn - renin.
az első négy kötetben, arnold egy kivételesen okos személyként van felállítva, kortársait messze felül múló empátiával viszont bár nem mondanám hogy a jóindulata kondicionális, inkább azt, hogy ő is tudja magáról ezeket. ez nem egy rossz dolog magában. a legtöbb jóindulata és segítsége reni (és virág) felé irányul, de nem azért, mert van egy mögöttes agendája, hanem mert ők az egyetlen barátai. azért nem tudom viszont rossz embernek gondolni, mert néha betekintést nyerünk abba, hogy hogyan viselkedik olyanokkal, akiket nem kedvel, viszont bajban van. gondolok itt amikor cortez nagymamája kórházba került, és arnold személyesen adta át corteznek, hogy jobbulást kíván neki vagy esetleg hasonlóan, amikor cortezzel az osztályközepén vitatkoznának reniről, viszont nem kívánta rá, hogy úgy valljon szerelmet véletlenül, amit megbánna a pillanat hevében.
mindemellett arnold makacs, mert ritkán kell átértelmeznie első meglátásait.
a hatos kötetben az arnold aki visszatér, sértett, és jogosan. reni, az egyetlen közeli barátja, arnold iskolai bullyjával kezd el járni. persze ezen reni nem gondolkodik el mélységében, de szerintem is ez egy eléggé kérdéses cselekedet, hiszen ez a fajta közeli, szoros barátság nem egyoldalú volt. sőt,volt, hogy reninek nagyobb szüksége volt arnoldra, mint fordítva. ha arnold őszintén örült volna annak, hogy reni azzal az emberrel jár, aki két évig aktívan megpróbálta legalább egy kicsit rosszabbá tenni az életét, a végefelé már-már fizikai zaklatássá fajulva - én sem lennék boldog lol. illetve, role reversal, ha arnold, akármilyen ooc is, de egy gondolatig engedjük meg, mondjuk vikivel kezdett volna járni a négyes kötetben...?
a legrosszabb, hogy arnold ezeket mind mondja, csak reni nem hajlandó átérezni. arnold még így is próbálja menteni amit lehet, kicsit visszalépni az emocionális túltelített vitától de reni inkább kiszalad a teázóból.
bár van egy half hearted apology, reni azért megjegyzi magában, hogy ez egy vízválasztó interakció volt.
a hetes kötetben arnold a leggyerekesebb, viszont én elfogult vagyok, és szerintem nagyon aranyos. reniért megteszi, hogy megnézi a keringőt, az év elsőfele utáni csúfos mosolyszünetet követően, viszont a szalagavató talán túl nehéz lenne, így főpróbára jönne - itt érünk el oda, ami teljes mértékig személyes vélemény.
szerintem arnoldnak akkor van a legtöbb értelme, mint karakter, ha meleg.
erről pár éve elkezdtem írni egy kifejezetten hosszú elemzést, akár esszének is mondhatni, de nem jutottam a végére, viszont nagy vonalakban szeretném alátámasztani, miért gondolom így.
arnold nagyon sok klasszikusan, szinte akár sztereotipikusan meleg vonással rendelkezik. nem sportol, humán központú. kortársai többször kinevetik satnya fizikumát, reni is igazat ad nekik benne. csak lány barátai vannak, anyukájával közeli a kapcsolata. szeret főzni, múzeumba és galériába járni, legkedvencebb bandája a beatles, ami a világ első heartthrob boy band-ja. mielőtt bárki úgy érezné, van bennem valamiféle rosszindulat-féle is - én leszbikus vagyok, nem a homofóbia motiválja, hogy így felsoroljam pont ezeket a tulajdonságait. inkább azt szerettem volna kiemelni, hogy mintha burkoltan, de megerősítve lenne. talán már csak úgy tudott volna leiner nagyobbat kacsintani (ha ezt tudatosan írja) ha arnoldnak a jobb füle ki van lyukasztva.
arról, hogy a crush-a renin hogy fér bele ebbe az olvasatba, később szeretnék beszélni, mert már így is eléggé hosszú ez a poszt haha.
arnold arra hivatkozva jön a főpróbára, hogy a barátnője, chloé vele tölti itthon az ünnepeket, és nem férne vele a volt gimis osztálytársának a szalagavatója (arnold egyik barátnőjét sem látjuk, csak elmondja, hogy van. az, hogy esetleg egy másik fiúról lenne szó, vagy csak kitalálta, hogy van - már olyan sok feltételezésnél járunk, itt már rád bízom, melyiket gondolnád hihetőbbnek, amennyiben a meleg arnold olvasatot elfogadod) ami szerintem egy teljesen helytálló indok, viszont reni és a 12. b nem hiszik el, hogy valakit ne érdekelne a szalagavatójuk. lol.
talán itt, a hetedik kötetben a legrosszabb arnold élete éppen, ezért kicsit ingerlékenyebb, mint eddig bármikor és talán nekem itt volt legszokatlanabb.
így amikor a nyolcas kötetben látjuk, már egy kellemesebb mixét látjuk pre-francia és post-6 arnoldnak. (az ötös kötetben alig pár sorig van jelen, az is eléggé in align a negyedik kötettel). flegma, de képes alábbhagyni az egójából annyira, hogy segítséget kérjen. cortezzel nem jön ki még így se, néha hallani is hogy keserű szájízzel éli meg mindig renitez kapcsolatát, viszont nem tartja magában, hogy tudna egy lakást. cortez felé is nyit a maga tesze-tosza módján, el tudom képzelni, hogy franciaországban nem volt senki, akivel rendszeresen beszélt volna, így az ember-képességei kicsit berozsdásodtak, viszont a sorozat végére neki is van egy organikusabb lezárása a szent johannával, képes elbúcsúzni renitől és lezárni magában a kodependens 14-15 éves énjét.
viselkedne-e, mondjuk, hármas kötet arnold úgy, ahogy nyolcas kötet arnold? nem, nem valószínű. el tudom e képzelni, hogy nyolcas és hármas kötet arnold ugyanaz a karakter? igen, de meg nem bocsájtott sérelmem, hogy nekem kell ennyi lyukat befoltozni.
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cat-esper · 5 months ago
Sundial Fates sounds so interesting! What's your favorite thing about it? (Please feel free to go off, I love when writers ramble about their stories!)
Aaaaaah thanks for the ask!
Man, I don't even know where to start lmao, this series has been rotting in my brain for 15 years. I guess it would start with my absolute disaster of a cast. We've got Tristán, chronic daydreamer who's in way over his head, Christina, who doesn't start fights but will end them, and Wade, who thinks he's tough but after 10 books still has no idea how he ended up in this mess. Then there's Cato who suffered so much cultural whiplash going from first century AD to 25th century to 19th century that nothing fazes him anymore (not to mention the alien voice in his head). Claudius (or maybe Claude idk anymore) who just wanted to invent a time machine and save his brother who ended up breaking reality at some point (??? plot points are changing but he basically started this whole mess). Ssrenthir, Lord of Mora who watched his entire planet explode and is now willing to commit genocide to protect his people. Renin, who blames Ssrenthir for his moon getting caught in said explosion. The Other Wade, who also doesn't know how he ended up in this mess but is very angry about it. And then there's Lasky, who does whatever the hell he wants. None of them want to be here, but since they are, they're going to make it everyone else's problem.
This is my barely marketable, pulp sci-fi fun project inspired by watching too much Sliders and Brisco Country Jr. These characters will get into old fashioned wild west shootouts. They will also go to the moon. They will meet dinosaur people. Some of them will get better. Some of them will get worse. Put any two of them in a room together and it's a toss up whether they'll team up to escape the room or start a fight. I love them all and really look forward to diving back into this story (even though it's not my main focus atm, they're always rotating in my head).
So, uh, yeah, I guess that's my favorite bit, haha. Thanks again for the ask XD
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The pathophysiology of hypertension
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Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a complex medical condition affecting a significant proportion of the global population. Despite its prevalence, there remains uncertainty regarding its pathophysiology, with essential hypertension constituting a substantial portion where no single identifiable cause is found. This comprehensive discussion aims to delve into the physiological mechanisms involved in the development of hypertension, exploring factors such as cardiac output, peripheral resistance, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, the autonomic nervous system, endothelial dysfunction, genetic factors, and intrauterine influences.
Cardiac Output and Peripheral Resistance
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Maintaining normal blood pressure relies on the delicate balance between cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance. Essential hypertension often involves a normal cardiac output but elevated peripheral resistance, primarily determined by small arterioles. The role of smooth muscle cells, calcium concentration, and structural changes in arteriolar vessel walls contribute to the irreversible rise in peripheral resistance.
Renin-Angiotensin System
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The renin-angiotensin system plays a crucial role in blood pressure regulation. Renin, released in response to various stimuli, initiates the conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin I, which is then converted to the vasoconstrictor angiotensin II. This system also stimulates aldosterone release, promoting sodium and water retention. While the circulating system may not be directly responsible for essential hypertension, local renin-angiotensin systems in organs like the kidney, heart, and arterial tree gain significance in regulating regional blood flow.
Autonomic Nervous System
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Sympathetic nervous system stimulation affects arteriolar constriction and dilation, playing a pivotal role in maintaining normal blood pressure. Although the exact role of epinephrine and norepinephrine in hypertension etiology remains unclear, drugs blocking the sympathetic nervous system demonstrate therapeutic efficacy.
Endothelial Dysfunction
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Vascular endothelial cells, producing vasoactive agents like nitric oxide and endothelin, play a key role in cardiovascular regulation. Endothelial dysfunction, implicated in essential hypertension, involves impaired production of nitric oxide. This dysfunction, once established, becomes irreversible, highlighting its primary nature in hypertension.
Vasoactive Substances
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Various vasoactive substances, such as bradykinin, endothelin, atrial natriuretic peptide, and ouabain, influence sodium transport and vascular tone. These substances contribute to the delicate balance in maintaining normal blood pressure.
Genetic Factors
Genetic predisposition significantly contributes to hypertension, with specific mutations linked to disorders like Liddle’s syndrome, glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism, and others. The intricate interplay of multiple genes makes it challenging to pinpoint individual contributions.
Intrauterine Influences
Fetal influences, particularly birth weight, emerge as determinants of adult blood pressure. The Barker hypothesis suggests a link between low birth weight, metabolic abnormalities, and hypertension in later life. However, the role of genetic factors in this relationship requires further exploration.
Diastolic Dysfunction
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Hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy leads to impaired diastolic relaxation, affecting ventricular input during exercise. This dysfunction contributes to increased atrial pressure, pulmonary congestion, atrial fibrillation, and potential complications like pulmonary edema.
In conclusion, understanding the pathophysiology of hypertension involves a multifaceted exploration of various physiological mechanisms. While essential hypertension remains a complex and often multifactorial condition, advancements in research shed light on factors such as cardiac output, peripheral resistance, the renin-angiotensin system, the autonomic nervous system, endothelial dysfunction, genetic influences, and intrauterine factors. A comprehensive understanding of these elements is crucial for developing effective therapeutic strategies and preventive measures against the global burden of hypertension.
We hope this helps in improving our comprehension of the Hypertension condition. All the best in your journey in the medical field.
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renin-matabichos · 8 months ago
renin matabichos q haces reblogueando una terf😷
si lo decis x mi ultimo post no se si ese tipo es feminista, creo que es solo católico
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circesnames · 1 year ago
here's some names that you might not have known are hebrew 🧿
- missed this place, so i'm back and not letting myself leave again :) circe out
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miyokomadness · 10 months ago
Theres gonna be a little delay for the next chapter, so i wanted to give you guys a sneak peak on whats gonna happen!
“So, why the hell were your flocks sent out during a Storm?” I ask again, Gregory and Mae sitting on the couch.
“We wanted a head start on Challenge Week!” Gregory groaned. My eyes widen and a snarl appears on my face.
“Are you kidding me, are you actually kidding me!” I yelled. “You don’t fly during storms! That is the first thing taught at every Academy! Even full fledged Angels don’t! And if we do, it’s because of an emergency, and we travel in groups!” 
“But we were being safe!” Mae argued, raising her voice. 
“No you were not!” I snap back. “You didn’t even have flight leathers on! Those are designed to be waterproof. You would have died.”
“Listen to me here and now, flying is no ‘game.’ You do not get to jump around like you are on top of the world. And with no Renin, you’re defenseless if anybody wants to attack you!”
“Big talk for someone who lost theirs in an idiotic leap!” Gregory fires back.
A moment of shock overtakes me before I start again. “I did what I had to do to save my friends.” I growl.
“It was suicide!”
“It kept people safe!” I scream. “Your attempt was nothing short of a death shot that would have lost us two of our most valuable assets to this war! Not to mention the death of two of my siblings!” 
sweetie if you see this know that gregory is going to be the bonnie of my fic. like dna trauma is passed is down in this fam lol
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mcatmemoranda · 11 months ago
Doing review questions.
Hyperkalemia is a known side effect of ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers such as olmesartan. The risk of hyperkalemia is increased with chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, moderately severe to severe heart failure, NSAID use, and older adults. Chlorthalidone and hydrochlorothiazide can cause hypokalemia.
In men who are diagnosed with hypogonadism with symptoms of testosterone deficiency and unequivocally and consistently low serum testosterone concentrations, further evaluation with FSH and LH levels is advised as the initial workup to distinguish between primary and secondary hypogonadism. If secondary hypogonadism is indicated by low or inappropriately normal FSH and LH levels, prolactin and serum iron levels and measurement of total iron binding capacity are recommended to determine secondary causes of hypogonadism, with possible further evaluation to include other pituitary hormone levels and MRI of the pituitary. If primary hypogonadism is found, karyotyping may be indicated for Klinefelter’s syndrome.
Daily use of polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution has been found to be more effective than lactulose, senna, or magnesium hydroxide in head-to-head studies. Evidence does not support the use of fiber supplements in the treatment of functional constipation. No adverse effects were reported with PEG therapy at any dosing regimen. Low-dose regimens of PEG are 0.3 g/kg/day and high-dose regimens are up to 1.0–1.5 g/kg/day. Ref: Tabbers MM, DiLorenzo C, Berger MY, et al: Evaluation and treatment of functional constipation in infants and children: Evidence-based recommendations from ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2014;58(2):258-274. 2) Gordon M, MacDonald JK, Parker CE, et al: Osmotic and stimulant laxatives for the management of childhood constipation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016;(8):CD009118. 3) Lauters R, Saguil A: Laxatives for the management of childhood constipation. Am Fam Physician 2017;96(7):433-434
Primary hyperaldosteronism should be suspected as a cause for hypertension if a patient has a spontaneously low potassium level or persistent hypertension despite the use of three or more antihypertensive medications, including a diuretic. This can be evaluated by checking a serum renin activity level and a serum aldosterone concentration and determining the aldosterone/renin ratio. Primary hyperaldosteronism typically presents with a very low serum renin activity level and an elevated serum aldosterone concentration. A 24-hour urine collection for 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) would be used to evaluate for a neuroendocrine tumor, which can present as chronic flushing and diarrhea. Cortisol levels can be checked if Cushing syndrome is suspected. Hypertension can be present in Cushing syndrome, but it is typically associated with other signs such as obesity and an elevated blood glucose level due to insulin resistance.
Psychogenic tremor is characterized by an abrupt onset, spontaneous remission, changing characteristics, and extinction with distraction. Cerebellar tremor is an intention tremor with ipsilateral involvement on the side of the lesion. Neurologic testing will reveal past-pointing on finger-to-nose testing. CT or MRI of the head is the diagnostic test of choice. Parkinsonian tremor is noted at rest, is asymmetric, and decreases with voluntary movement. Bradykinesia, rigidity, and postural instability are generally noted. For atypical presentations a single-photon emission CT or positron emission tomography may help with the diagnosis. One of the treatment options is carbidopa/levodopa. Patients who have essential tremor have symmetric, fine tremors that may involve the hands, wrists, head, voice, or lower extremities. This may improve with ingestion of small amounts of alcohol. There is no specific diagnostic test but the tremor is treated with propranolol or primidone. Enhanced physiologic tremor is a postural tremor of low amplitude exacerbated by medication. There is usually a history of caffeine use or anxiety.
Ref: Crawford P, Zimmerman EE: Tremor: Sorting through the differential diagnosis. Am Fam Physician 2018;97(3):180-186.
I got 100% on the first quiz! :)
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