#borsalino kizaru x reader
Hi! I'm a huge fan of One Piece and I was wondering (if it's possible) that you can write Yandere HCs for the admirals? I'm a big admiral fan. Thanks!
OMG of course no problem. This is the second time I got requested to write the admirals it is such a fun concept and difficult characters to write, I hope I did them justice for you
Ex Admirals
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☀️Borsalino (Kizaru)☀️
☀️When he first meets his S/O he seems uninterested in them but in reality, he is studying them and watching them. He sees what his S/O is interested in and lures them slowly to him as he finally gains control over them.
☀️He is more passive with his S/O but that is all a ruse for his S/O to feel more comfortable with him. Let them wander around on the island shop but little does his S/O know he is in complete control of the people his S/O talks to, to where his S/O goes.
☀️He will watch his S/O from a safe distance, sitting on the roof watching them as they chat with someone and making sure the conversation is what he had ordered.
☀️He will train his S/O if they listen and don’t wander too far or stick to the route, he has planned for them he will give them gifts and praises but if they don’t listen to him and talk to someone they aren’t supposed to. He will give them cruel silence and indifference till his S/O comes to him.
☀️If his S/O is in danger or unhappy with someone he will capture said person and punish them. Using his power and influence to torture them and such and using the said person’s family and friends till they understood his power.
☄️Issho (Fujitora)☄️
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☄️He first gets interested in his S/O seeing the kindness they have, when their first reaction is to help him when he drops his cane or helping out someone. He starts getting vastly interested in his S/O playing the helpless man.
☄️He starts getting more invested and interested in his S/O the more they are around him and will play the helpless blind man whenever his S/O starts to wander off. He doesn’t like his S/O wandering too far from him as there are dangerous crooks and pirates out there who would take advantage of their kindness.
☄️While he wouldn’t hurt anyone as he does value human life, he isn’t against manipulating his S/O to stay close to him. Or anyone else to keep away from his S/O as his. He is so charming that a lot of innocent people will fall for his charm and help manipulate his S/O.
☄️He never lets off on the innocent blind man. As he holds his S/O to him and never allows them to leave his side. It does come off as a surprise when his S/O finds out how powerful he is it would be already to late for his S/O to get away as everyone around him would manipulate them to stay with Issho.
☄️While he wouldn’t hurt his S/O or innocent it doesn’t mean pirates and other crooks would get his generosity. He is much harsher to pirates that dare hurt his S/O giving them a full extent of his Devil Fruits ability.
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🌳Aramaki (Ryokugyu)🌳
🌳He gets obsessed with his S/O  the first time they meet. It could be his S/O said a certain praise he really enjoyed or how his S/O looks either way his S/O is now very interested in them and he will do everything in his power to capture their heart.
🌳At first he is a bit charming if not a little rude and crude with his words insulting his S/O and belittling them but also belittling people around them and giving himself praises so his S/O understands that he is giving them attention that is what makes them special.
🌳If his S/O isn’t impressed with him, he will put his S/O in danger so he can save them and as a form of gratitude, he would demand his S/O stays with him and go on a date and once again he will turn on the charm till his S/O finally does give in and gives him their heart.
🌳He becomes a bit controlling with his S/O wanting them to have the same practices as him but if his S/O can’t live up to them. He will just have them in his presence all the time even on dangerous missions he will have his S/O tied up and on the side thanks to his Devil Fruit, so his S/O isn’t in danger but he also knows where they are at.
🌳If his S/O thinks about getting away from him or asks anyone for help there will be consequences for their actions and those who do help. He loves his S/O and will do everything in his power to keep them by his side even using his Devil Fruit to keep them up tied up tree branches and roots and always be by his side.
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kobb4ni2 · 9 months
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Just imagine. Sea Serpent! Reader who is EXTREMELY HUGE/TALL. Like this is one piece man everyone is tall a$$ fvck bro, but like in Google it says that a sea serpent is 60.96 metres or 200 feet in my research so uh.. IMAGINE Sea Serpent! Reader who just woke up from a hibernation and already started going attention from the World Government, they try their best to recruit you so they sent the admirals but ohhh boy.
Since Akainu, Kizaru and Kuzan were the first person you've met after a very long time, you picked them up on their coats like how a mother cat picks up their kittens and how they tried their best to get out of your grasp but when you put them on your hands near your BIG BWEEBIES (I LOVE BEWBIES :3 I'm a fucking lesbo) . They really tried their best not to look on your chest (Kizaru is trying his best.) Akainu being the more professional one he tried his best to follow his orders while Kizaru and Kuzan were just basically using the devil fruits around you.
Kizaru could just be in your palms and in a second next to your shoulders, while Aokiji was secretly using the highest temperature he could do so he can see your reaction (kinda kinky ngl). Akainu is out here trying his best not to melt those two. You really tried your best to listen to Akainu's proposal yet you can't when you're out here squishing each of the Admirals cheeks:3
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Let's say you agreed to be in the marines cuz why not? It's been a long time since you felt the thrill of an adventure! And somehow you were already high ranked because of your brutal strength, plus your fishmen karate you could practically control tides. The world government tried their best to not let your presence be known in public cuz bro. YOU ARE BASICALLY A WALKING HISTORY BOOK FOR HOW OLD YOU ARE.
You were immediately given a high ranks as a Vice Admiral, the world government then gave you a house...or beach?...Body of water? I DUNNO but a big place with water that's your home :3. You only spend most of your days, there only being visited by higher ups and the forced isolation were already yandere tendencies to the Admirals + Platonic Yanderes such as Sengoku and Garp.
Corazon and Coby (Sea Serpant! Reader was found way before) were only exeptions to see you, and they were immediately HEAD OVER HEELS. Corazon could not think straight or THINK whenever you're mention in a conversation, he would just immediately day dream. Size difference? I mean yea the only smallest form you can turn is like 20 feet or something BUT IT CAN WORK IT WILL WORK (take that as you can 😈) Sengoku is Corazon number 1 hype man🔥 While Garp is Koby's hype man lol :3
Now if you were lucky enough to even have some kind of freedom but if some kind of MIRACLE you were placed as a Vice Admiral picking up the Warlords when it comes to a serious meeting it would be an interesting sight, let's just say that they went to the meeting not because they were interested in the shit show of a meeting but they do want to see the 200 feet tall Sea Serpent again...
AND QIQBAIA8 And since you were found long before, let's imagine that you were a Rocks Pirate. (I HAVEN'T READ THE MANGA YET SO SORRY IF MY INFORMATIOM OF THE ROCKS PIRATES SUCKS). You were the eye candy of the Rocks Pirate. Big Mom, Kaido, and Newgate would always be 24/7 ON YOUR SIDE, they will one make you join their family one day !!
After many years they are still doing so, Kaido making you marry one of his calamities. The Tobi Ropo even tried some flirty moves on you, but Yamato. Dear lord. Even with or without his father's consent YAMATO. WILL. MARRY. YOU. END. OF. STORY.
You and King got really close after you tell some brief mentions of the Lunarian race back on your days, and that's what bonded you guys, yet everytime he was near you and you started talking about his race, he can only day dream of you with a traditional Lunarian ring (or any courting object), on your hands with....children around you with brown skin, black wings with fire, some has some long tails that suspectedly looks similar to yours...Wait. IS HE THINKING THAT YOU AND HIM CAN RE POPULATE THE WHOLE LUNARIAN RACE WITH A MIX OF YOURS! END HIM NOW!!
While Yamato is out here telling you that you are his Toki to his Oden, (corny, but its Yamato I forgive him :3) and since he's Oden, he must create a family with you! He would thunder bagua anyone's ass if they tried to even break his dream! No more of that!!
And you know the drill YEAA BIG MOM, RAGGH. Big Mom out here making you marry any of her children especially her Sweet Generals, the best for you ♡
You and Katakuri connect when it comes to your sharp teeths, plus Katakuri never felt so small in someone eyes until he met you, the very first time he layed his head on your cheek or your long tail as you sweetly careless him telling him to let go of his stress, he never felt this way..he felt so well treated, he now just Katakuri, the Katakuri that didn't need to hide his sharp teeth, instead loved from you. He never felt this way of submission...
Cracker and Smoothie too felt the same, their mother is a bad one indeed so when they are on your presence they could just relax and be caresses by you while they lay on your chest ♡ (Cracker isn't looking, he swear he isn't 👀)
Whitebeard is the same as those two but more cunning perhaps (in his own way). Both Kaido and Linlin are evil yes. But Whitebeard might be a pirate but he is far from evil, he is an honorable pirate the clashed with the greatest Pirate of all time, he has that (DAWG IN HIM) sense of respect, his opinion and decisions are always noble ones too, so what ever he says must be true and reasonable...right?
Do you like Marco, his first division a healer who would take absolute care about you, or Ace his second division, you would never get bored with him while he is around! Izo? The Samurai who was a follower of the Great Kozuki Oden! He dances so elegant from his homeland! Choose my dear, he just wants you to be apart of his family so badly!!
I can yap about this all day but I got school yall plus I don't really think any of you will like this idea. Also whoever tries to even have sex with Sea Serpent! Reader, their ass would NOT be walking the next day💀👆🔥
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Hide yall ladies/manz Sea Serpent! Reader is in town😞‼️
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shanksbaby · 8 months
Admirals as dads
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he would spoil his child 100 %, and he would buy the best clothes too...like you see his suit and glasses? that man loves show off his wealth, and he would shows off through his child too. I think he would buy them mostly classy clothes, nothing casual or sportive.
he is a man who is very polite, so i guess he would teach his child to be polite too. i don't think he would be stern like sakazuki, but he would teach them through corrections of their speach, like:
"y\n, you have to say please when you ask something. please repeat it now properly"
he wuould tell them with a sweet voice, not wanting his child to feel like he is judging them.
he would be smitten with his child's cuteness, saying "so kawai" and smiling softly at them, probably for that little face that his child manages to get away with almost everything. Almost with everything because I feel like he would love that his child would be polite like him.
100% he would take his child at work and showing them off with all the others admirals, even if he has to meet akainu's irritation. He would carry them on his broad shoulder, and he would let them see all marineford, of course he won't take them to the renuion.
he would fear that his child could become a pirate, even if he never tells anyone. He fears this scenario because he already knows that it would put him in an umfortable position
i don't think he would really attack\hurt them, but he would be really struggle at the beginning since he always have followed the orders.
still, he won't push to become a marine.
oh boy, i think he would be a very stern dad, he wouldn't take care of his child he would TRAIN them, like he would be more a sergent than an actual dad. He would still spend time with his child playing, but he would mostly teaching them to be a marine since birth.
he can't allow his child become an enemy of the law like happened to garp, he would lose respect of himself (we know that sakazuki doesn't like garp much because his child and grandson are both enemy of world government).
probabily he would have a stroke if his child would become a pirate lmao.
he is stil smart enough to know that being too strict would led them to resent them, so he learns to be more lenient with them, letting them getting away with few things, playing with any game the want ( as long as the game isn't too stupid).
i feel like he would be a bit controlling, expecially about friendship that his child has.
he would take his child at work too, to show them the importance of working as marine. He would take them to the training camp, then he would take them to his office; he would take them to a mission too ( not extremly dangerous, he just wants let them know how marine operate)
the most chill dad 100%, he would let and would spur his child to become an indipendent person. He won't teach like sakazuki the importance to be a marine, he would let his child choose his way. Even if they would choose to be a pirate, he would accept them, even if he would be worried about them
he would still protect them even if it's from a far
he won't spoil their child too much, more like he would teach them to be humble, and expecially to be kind towards others. When he see them to act compassionate, even towards an animal, he would be so proud and warm <3
more than pay for very expensive clothes, he spends time with them. He would play whatever game his child wanna play, even if he have to act a bit silly, he would do it. And he would loove nap with them.
he would sleep with his child in a bed full of cushions under a warm blanket cuddling
i know he is a very aloof but i feel like with his child would be really warm and tender, liike i know he would use pet names like "honey, sweety, sweetheart etc"
he won't take them to marineford, he thinks his job is too ruthless for your innocence, but he would take to garp, letting him see you and letting you see how he trained.
he would let you see even smoker, since he's a kind guy even if he looks intimidating.
he won't let you see akainu 100% , even if you asked the answer will be always no.
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dangerouslyknown · 1 year
Hi hello!!!
Could I request hcs for Admirals with fem!s/o who is very small compared to them? Like she is 5'0?
HCs: Admirals having a fem!S/O much smaller compared to them
Thanks for the request! I am slowly getting back into writing again, so my apologies if I am a bit rusty.
Warnings: None
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Borsalino / Kizaru
I have a feeling that your height doesn’t matter to him…. You’re taller? He’s delighted (and a bit amazed). You’re shorter? He’s delighted. You’re around the same height? He’s delighted. But! He can’t deny that he finds your short height adorable.
He’s overall a gentle lover, but… Sometimes he tends to forget that you are much more fragile than him. He would never hurt you on purpose, but sometimes he gets a bit carried away.
He will apologize with lots of affection, like hugs and kisses though!
This man loooves to pick you up in his arms a lot as well. Your weight doesn’t matter either, he just loves to hold you close to him like you’re his bride...
..and he might not say this to you directly, but he absolutely loves to hear when you compliment his strength while he holds you. Then he'll just act all smug about it-
Borsalino being how he is, he would definitely tease you a bit about your height. He’d occasionally just comment on it out of nowhere or do something to get your attention. Like he’d take your hand and place it on his and point out the size difference.
Sakazuki / Akainu
He isn’t the biggest fan of the huge height difference. He does prefer someone more close to his height. He had some concerns, but all the pros and you as a person made him forget the height difference. With time, he learned to “accept” it as he claims, but honestly…
In all truth, he loves how your small size makes him feel. Next to you, he feels more masculine and better about himself. He feels large and muscular. It just makes him so damn proud and boosts his ego and this man is all for it. 
Actually, call him your knight or something. He’d claim it’s childish for you to call him that but he secretly likes it a lot.
 He likes having you sit on his lap. He enjoys the closeness and it’s great you fit onto his lap so easily due to your size so it can be done almost everywhere. There’s also something he especially loves  and it’s when you sit on his thigh. But that’s mostly on a more private setting.
It goes without saying that he’s there to help you reach places, but he likes to watch you get creative when trying to reach the high-up cabinets and such. He adores seeing your dedication to the task.
Kuzan / Aokiji
I think he has a preference for shorter women, so your height isn’t a problem at all. Like Borsalino, he isn’t too worried about anything, but he’s a bit more aware and actively worries more about accidentally hurting you. Eventually he relaxes though.
He adores you and thinks you’re sooo cute when you look up to his face from your height. Or do pretty much anything, he can’t help it. 
He is a very caring man, but sometimes it might get a little annoying when he finds almost everything you do cute. He’s too lazy to fight or argue, so he’ll just be there and silently think how you’re pretty cute when you’re angry.
And there’s something that he loves to no limits. When he sees you wearing his shirts or other clothes. The way you look in his clothes, how oversized they are, there’s just… something in that sight, that gets to him. And he loves the way his shirts smell like you after you've wore them.
He loves to keep his hands on your head, stroke your hair and all that stuff when you’re near him. He might even rest his arm on you as you’re so short, but only to get a reaction out of you and then smile at you afterwards and apologize.
Issho / Fujitora
He wouldn’t necessarily mind the big height difference and you being smaller, but he would almost freak out about hurting you by accident. He’d make extra effort to be super gentle with you.
He would be the most protective out of all of these 4 and he would literally help you with anything you ever ask for. He doesn’t tease you about your height, but he might worry sometimes a little bit too much.
He was very cautious the first time you cuddled for example. He was afraid to hug you tightly, because he wasn’t sure if he'd be able to control all his strength.
Once he is comfortable though, you can expect lots of hugs from him. By the way, he gives such excellent, comforting hugs!
Eventually he calms down with his concerns, but he will never NOT put effort to treat you gently like a flower in his hands.
I know for sure he loves to just gently caress your face with his fingers and appreciate you. He also loves to just cup your face with his hands and hold it. It makes his heart melt every time he does this.
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lild00td00t · 1 year
What are the Marine Admirals like when they kiss ?
I just finished Dressrosa and Fujitora has me in a choke hold I’m sorry guys - These men genuinely make me happy, silly light man, Gravity Grandpa, Magma D00d and Ice Cube, they make my little heart go brrrrrrrrrrr <3 Anyways Enjoy! ~
Characters: Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, Fujitora
Akainu | Sakazuki
Chaste Kisses
• Doesn’t do PDA, all of your kisses are private, and only between the two of you
• After a long day he’ll come home, slipping his shoes off and hanging his coat, taking his hat off as he travels deeper into the house while savoring the smell of the dinner you’re currently making
• When he’s in the doorway you share a kiss, a brief, but meaningful one as you listen to him talk about his day, or atleast the parts he’s allowed to talk about
• He’d give your hand kisses when you reach for him, pulling him in for one final kiss before bed
• He mostly kisses your temples, cheeks and lips
• A majority of his cheek and temple kisses are chaste and when he’s in a hurry. But, he takes his time with a kiss on the lips <3
Kizaru | Borsalino
Needy Kisses
• When Kizaru kisses you, you can feel the desire behind it
• His hands travel from your face to your shoulders, gliding down your back to squeeze at your hips, pulling you to press firmly against him
• When you wrap your arms around him and pull him closer he wishes you could stay like this forever.
• He’s so tempted to pick you up and carry you around in his arms so you can’t walk away or break the kiss easily
• When taking breaks from your kissing he rests his chin on the crown of your head, or the crook of your neck while the tips of his fingers glide up to your deltoids then slither back down to your wrists, encasing them in his hands to bring to his lips for soft kisses
• He loves leaving small kisses along your neck and shoulder too, if you ever wear a sleeveless dress or shirt he will kiss up your arms starting from your wrist and ending at your neck, Kizaru is such a flirt <3
• Loves to pepper kisses too, all over your face before you sleep or in the morning, he has moments where he’s so gentle and playful it’s quite sweet
Aokiji | Kuzan
Lazy Kisses
• You mostly have to initiate kisses, unless he’s already up
• The sweetest way to wake him up is by kissing his face, starting from his outter cheek then moving to his lips, you’ll start to see the corners of his mouth twitch before they slightly curl upwards into a languid smile
• If you go to work before him please kiss this man, or he will sulk and ALWAYS bring up the ONE time you didn’t kiss him -
• He loves kissing the tips of your fingers, mostly to hear the small giggles that erupt from you due to how cold his lips are
• He kisses wherever his lips are closest to. If you’re laying down beside him he’ll kiss all over your cheeks and face at the pace of a snail. Once he’s placed a kiss he’ll slowly maneuver to place another, ignoring how frustrated you’re getting with his sluggish movements
• Feel free to pull his head band over his eyes and suprise him with kisses, just don’t be shocked if he leans back on you and won’t let you leave, looks like you’re both having a small nap then..
Fujitora | Issho
Sweet Kisses
• Soft, sweet kisses are his speciality
• It’s never small, impersonal kisses. Instead, passionate, long, and tender ones.
• He doesn’t like when you’re far away, so he pulls you in close. He brushes any hair from your vision, cupping your face gently while his thumbs brush across your cheek bones.
• When he kisses it’s soft and warm, and he is fully present in the moment. He’s pulling you closer and rubbing your back, letting you know that he’s there, and not going anywhere
• When your lips part he pulls you into his chest, only embracing you further, leaving kisses on the top of your head.
• Such a sweet kisser, sometimes you wish you never had to have air so it would never end <3
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aranelp · 1 month
So for Akainu, Kuzan and Kuzaru. How would they deal with realization they got a crush on a pirate? Bonus if pirate likes to annoy them.
Loving a pirate
A/N: It's here hope you like it ✨! Sorry I was busy so it takes me a little bit time to write that! 🫶🫶 Summary : 3 admirals, how they would deal with realization that they got a crush on you, a pirate + You annoy them Characters : Akainu, Kuzan and Kizaru
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At first he doesn't understand why, why he is so obsess toward you.He says to himself that it's just because you are another damn pirate and you annoyed him so much. He always asks to his subordinate where have you been seen the last time, when the Marine know which you are he say that he will deal with that himself. He feels something strange, strange in his chest. And he really doesn't like it. And one day Akainu thinks about it, thinks about why he really doesn't like heard your name on someone lips, why you are always in his mind. And he understands, it was hard to him to admit but he clearly got a crush toward you. Oh damn that pissed him off to find that. He really wants to burn himself, how a marine can love a pirate? Especially HIM. He has a reputation. He was so angry toward himself. Akainu wants to avoid his feelings, but he start acting…weird. So when he can have an occasion to chase you, you will be sure he will be here. For him it's hard because he doesn't really want to… hurt you. Even if his jobs and reputation need to put you in jails. So you clearly see that he doesn't put all of his strength when you have to fight. "Did the great Akainu be weak toward me?" You say to tease him. "Shut your damn mouth!" He bites his cigar with a rough voice and clearly pissed off because of her.
"Should I say to a journalist that the admiral Akainu is weak toward a pirate?" You add "Keep your mouth close you damn pirate" Akainu answer.
Akainu is so much pissed off, because you annoy him and because you are right, he is weak toward you. He was so mad to himself, also because he can't control his feelings, it's a rare thing that he doesn't have control on. This game will continue for a long time, he is chasing you and don't succeed to arrest you, and you will keep annoy him.
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He feels that something was… strange about you, he takes some times to think about it and will quickly understand what's going on. He has a crush on you. It put him in an uncomfortable situation because you are a pirate. But in reality this doesn't really care about that. Its not really a problem for him.So he will start to investigate a little to know just where you are. Sometimes, without telling to someone, like he does not care about the others, he will take his bike and go to a little trip on many islands in case that maybe He will find you. And when each other we will mett back, be sure that you can try to annoying him as much as you want, he will have good repartee. Every time. Be prepared because he DEFINITELY flirt with you. He really does not care if someones seeing him flirting with a pirate. "Seems that you are everywhere I go ? Want an autograph ?" You say to him
"Well, it's hard to keep away my eyes in front of a beautiful woman. I wouldn't' mind' mind for an autograph" He will answer with a smirk on his face.
He finds that amusing, you try to annoy him and him flirting with you. He enjoys this relation. If the other marines see you together and him flirting with you, they will clearly annoy him. Oh god like he really doesn't care, it will make him chuckles.
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It takes him some times, like yes really long moment, to understand that he has a crush on you. At first he was just thinking his mind was on you because like you are a pirate. But he understands because it's more than that. At the beginning he'll be a little annoyed, he can't have feeling toward you. But we can't control feelings, that's what he will said to himself. But after he will clearly be amused by that, even if he knows it would be a one-way love, he doesn't really care. N one will really find his little secret, he is so chill as always and don't really show that much his feelings. You will be his target for annoying and teasing you. So if one day by chance you will be one the same place he will find you quickly.Of course not to arrest you, like he will never do that. Even if you want to annoy him, it will just turn into a game, which will annoy more the other.
"Ohhhh~ where this little thing she will go?"He will say with a big smile.
"Want something the monkey of the Marine? ?" You say, confident.
So a teasing game will start, he has very good repartee, he will laugh a little and slowly to your answer toward him. He likes to play that with you and share this little moment.Even if most of the times you have to exchange some blows. But he knows you are good fighter so you would manage to fight and tease with him. So that would be his way to manage his crush toward you, share some little moment sometimes with teasing, he will observe by the information that he could have in the Marine what did you do.
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underrrated1 · 2 years
Being the Admirals secretary
I think out of all the One Piece characters, the Admirals are some of my favorites (yes, even Akainu. I have a taste for absolutely horrible characters)
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It's stressful, both for you and him.
The work he doesn't finish goes off to you, as well as work he deems unimportant to him.
He makes you go out for everything, he needs a new pack of cigarettes? You. He needs to mediate a situation on another island? You.
He's very short tempered, it's best to just not speak to him other than "yes sir" and other formalities.
Doesn't care for you all that much.
What matters is justice, not your dying mother.
About once a year he'll let you have a day off, but he won't tolerate you being late the next day.
As long as you get your work done, he could care less about what you do.
For some reason he got very heated when Aokiji commented on your looks.
That stupid faint blush you had made him bubble in the worst way.
He had basically banned you from speaking to the other admirals, you were his assistant.
You rarely see him most days, he's always hauled up in his office and while you do sit right outside his office he seemingly never comes out.
The first time you actually met the guy was 2 weeks after you got assigned to working as his secretary.
He had to leave his office to give some paperwork to Sengoku, and didn't even acknowledge you.
It wasn't until he actually got back to his office that he looked at you, sitting there measley while doing paperwork.
The little wave you gave him was a sight to see, not many people offered such a gesture to him.
Again he ignored you though, simply waking into his office.
After a couple months he started piling work up on you more and more, how he had all this paperwork no one will ever know.
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It gets tiresome working under Aokiji, constant comments on your looks (though always positive, but repetitive), and complaints about work he doesn't even do.
You might as well take over his entire job as Admiral with how much you do for him.
Everything he has to do, paperwork, signing off on certain decisions, even going to meetings for him; has been done by you.
You basically have his signature melted into your brain, absent-mindedly signing the papers he was meant too because he literally doesn't care.
He did end up moving your desk into his office, since it was spacious and he likes eye candy.
If you were to enter his office you'd see his stressed secretary surrounded by piles of paperwork and Aokiji peacefully sleeping on the couch.
He met you a couple hours into being assigned to him as a secretary.
After a nice and peaceful nap he went to go get a cup of tea, and thus he met you sitting right outside his office door.
He waved politely, and you did the same with a small smile on your face.
After introductions he was off to get his tea when you stopped him and told him you'd make it for him, being his new secretary and wanting to make a good impression.
That was the first and last time you made anything for him, because shortly after you learned he was a pervert and a dickwad.
He'll make sure to take you with him if he has to go anywhere.
Though he only really uses his bike when traveling so you tend to be really close to him on trips, having to hug his back to stay on.
He has, more than once, asked you to join him for naps.
Immediate rejection, not his first time with that though.
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His work is shared between you two, when he's out you do his work, and when he's there he does his work.
Thankfully his usually in his office so no worries.
Sometimes he doesn't understand what some paperwork means, or thinks he might be missing part of a file, so he goes to you.
He likes the company, so after a week or two he set up a transporter snail that he could call at any time.
Sometimes he talks about the weather, and sometimes he's going over files with you.
Enjoys sitting down with you in his office and sharing a cup of hot chocolate and talking.
You could talk about anything and he'd listen, but don't expect him to understand it all.
He prefers you stay by his office, so he won't take you with him on missions.
He just wants you to be safe, he likes you the most out of the other secretaries he's had.
More times then most, he'll stop everything, even if he's fighting, to pick up his transporter snail that only you know the number to.
You could be asking a simple question like 'hows it going?' and he'd pause everything and end up spending an hour minimum talking to you.
The first time you met him he was actually the one to tell you that you'd be working as his secretary.
He has learned about it and decided it would be a great first introduction.
You almost pissed yourself when Admiral Kizaru appeared behind you during break.
He found you very amusing, tripping over yourself while following him to his office, and how you still trip over yourself even after months of working for him.
Allows you days off whenever you need it, as long as you have a semi-reasonable reason for needing to leave.
With how much you two talk, he basically knows all your family, he enjoys listening while you tell him stories about your childhood (something he didn't really get).
He will absolutely avoid the topic of his life when asked, but will randomly drop small stories from when he was younger.
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He's a very kind man, and a pleasure to work for.
Most of your work is simply reading some paperwork to him and signing certain paperwork for him.
Sure his paperwork can come in braille, and for the longest time before and after you joined he used the braille option.
But the longer he got to know you, the more he realized he loved listening to you.
So he started asking you to read his work for him.
Having nothing else to do, since he usually got his work done and didn't do much otherwise, you agreed and it became the majority of your day.
You also get him tea and something to snack on during the day.
He's such a kind boss, he leaves an impact on you whether you know it or not.
He lets you take days off if you say you need to, he's not dependent on you.
He's been doing his own work for a long time, he knows how to take care of himself.
Enjoys having lunch with you, especially if you eat foods that aren't usually seen around the place, maybe a dish from your culture.
He likes the smell, and when you let him have a bite, he likes trying new things.
God knows how many times he's asked you to get soba with him.
You first met him a day or so after settling into your desk.
You had already started paperwork set to the side for you and he was going out to get Soba.
Seeing him step out of his office, you offered him a 'good evening' and he smiled back in return.
He didn't jump, he knew you were going to be there, he felt your presence.
He found it to be a kind one, and still thinks so to this day.
Usually takes you with him when he's sent away, he knows you the most and enjoys a friend by his side.
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He's also a bit of a pain to work directly under.
His morals and sense of justice are the same as Fleet Admiral Akainu's, and his attitude is the same.
More than often he pushes his paperwork to you, he doesn't want to sit at a desk and sign paperwork, he wants to be out in the field.
When you asked him for the first, and last, time to sign something, he took a sticky note and wrote his signature on it then gave it to you.
After a bit of practice you got his signature down to a T.
Unlike Akainu, he does care how you spend your day.
He wants you by your desk, and by his side, 24/7.
That saying, he always takes you with him when he leaves.
He doesn't care if you're currently working on a very important file, he needs to get a new pack of cigarettes and you're coming with him.
And yes, you do join in and sit with him during meetings.
Most of the time you'll just sit by the wall on a spare chair and take notes while he barely listens.
When you first met him it was actually on a marine ship heading out to another island.
He was trying not to pay attention to you, but you just kept following him around and not saying anything.
Eventually he got fed up and asked you what your problem was.
He scared the Fuck out of you.
When you explained that you were his secretary he calmed down a little, so you weren't a creep that was good.
He didn't pay you much attention after that, just simply acknowledged your existence and left it at that.
The first time you left his side was when you had to go deliver papers to someone else on sight.
He had his back turned towards you, but he knew you were gone the moment you left.
He pretended not to care but he damn well did.
After you got back he told you to not ever leave his side.
That also means no days off for you.
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d34d6eat · 1 year
been thinking about a pining Kizaru. him trying to get closer to someone he has a huge crush on. he knows it's kinda weird that you're so much younger than him but he can't help it. he figures out your schedule so he can sort of trail behind you. Kizaru keeps his shades on so he feels inconspicuous when peeking around corners to catch a glimpse of you. he might even strike up a conversation after "accidentally overhearing" you talk to a friend about a new interest. he can't stop thinking about you!!! your smiling face creeps into his mind while he's sitting at his desk. Kizaru gets distracted and starts doodling his and your initials in a heart on official paper work.
after a few weeks of constantly thinking of you, he goes out on a limb and decides to ask you out to dinner. surprisingly you accept, and after work you eat with him. he is absolutely ecstatic when you ask to head to his place after eating. the two of you spend hours talking over expensive white wine. you give him your number and ask him to promise to call you in the morning. he agrees with no hesitation, brushing his hand against yours.
as you both get up to leave, you pull him down by his loose tie and give him a kiss. he is shocked but he reciprocates it, wrapping an arm around your waist. the admiral deepens the kiss, practically fucking your throat with his skillful tongue. you pull away from him with a whimper, smoothing your shirt. you thank him for the wonderful evening and tell him to meet up with you when he gets to work if he's able to. after your shy departure Kizaru wastes no time heading to his bedroom. he recites your name as if it were a prayer, palming himself under his pants. oh he just can't wait to get his hands on you tomorrow morning.
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i wrote way more than i intended to but i felt the need to conclude it on a bit of a spicy note with a win for Kizaru~~~ 💛✨
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peachy-dove · 5 months
Okay yall hear me out Kizaru x fem reader x sakazuki, stay with me now
Sweet reader just trying to do her job but they're constantly flirting with her until they have her bent over the back of her cart stuffing her until she's full and squirting all over the ground.
She becomes they're personal caddie to fuck whenever they like🤧💕
The pay and dick is worth it all!
This is the pic that sent me into a spiral I saw an innocent pic and turned into a whore
I just love the idea of rich kizaru and akainu
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theviceadmiralswife · 5 months
Taking care of Kizaru after Egghead Island
Salute recruits and soldiers to this warm Wensdday ⚓️🌊⚓️🌊⚓️🌊⚓️🌊⚓️🌊
Right I did my little rant yesterday so this post is all about saving our most pervy and adorable admiral Kizaru from the darkness that's breaking his heart. I want you 🫵 dear reader safe Kizaru from major depression and show him some much needed love. Sorry, this is a looong post.
Taking care of Kizaru after Egghead
• pick him up from his battleship, go straight to him, take his hand, and pull him along. It makes him crack a tiny smug smirk seeing you take so brazenly in charge
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•pull him home , where you got everything prepared and ready to spoil the yellow admiral for an entire unforgettable weekend with all the things he loves and desires
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•if he asks you what your up to ignore him , you know he doesn't like being ignored, just don't push that button too hard. Give him an occasional smile or blow him a kiss, it's worth keeping him in suspense a little bit, it makes the impact of your surprise at home much more significant to him.
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• spa treatment at home. An all inclusive tailored hot bath and spa massage and pampering. Kizaru will love it when you dress in a sexy short kimono, and undress him admiring his exquisite physic. He's even more thrilled when you give him a guasha face massage or suck on his toes. This admiral will melt at your level of dedication to pampering his tired body
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• a bottle of extravagant wine, after such a thorough spa treatment having a moment of silence and snuggles on the sofa and a glass of red wine 🍷 is another piece of heaven to Kizaru especially with your small body in his lap, curled up under a fluffy duvet, with candles spread out across the room and the fireplace going, you are sure to win another piece of this man's heart. Kizaru chuckles mischievously at you getting tipsy of the red wine it makes you too adorable to him.
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* play his teasing game. Big plus if you play right into his hands with him teasing you, if it's his flirty words or if Kizaru nibbles innocently on your neck... just to bury his finger in your wet pussy.. followed by his trademark ~oooh~, and few lewd whispers like he has just discovered what a pussy is...fingering you fast ...or maybe one finger or 3 in your cunt... go along with it..let Kizaru tease you and be reactive as possible he loves that.
• cook a romantic dinner for him, present him with a selection of his favourite... Miso soup, as side dish a healthy apple fennel salad with ginger, while you tell him its your job to make sure he gets his daily 5. And a homemade banana ice cream with a hot chocolate sauce as dessert will have Kizaru drool at you, as much as he is drooling at the food with lust.
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•while you two dine show off after a while your naughty side. Use your foot to rub his crotch under the table to arouse him. Wink at him, wiggle your shoulders at Kizaru showing your décolleté a bit. This is sure to guarantee Kizaru having a rock hard boner, it riles up his excitement and he hardly can wait until after eating he gets his fingers to grope you all over
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• lure him to the bedroom with your body swaying and dancing and as soon as he sits at the edge of the bed perform a little striptease and lap dance. Bet you Kizaru sits there moaning "~ooh~ " cause he is so smitten with what you do for him. Have a luxurious smelling body oil ready and some other props such as a whip, smack your booty ,let Kizaru stare how you oil up your body and caress your sensitive spots. Let him in on that action, but fair warning if you bump your ass against him Kizaru will ram his cock in that tight butt hole of yours.
• oh while your lap dancing , grinding against his body and oil it up give Kizaru a full body massage with any part of your body, Kizaru especially loves your butt cheeks in his face..or your boobs squashing against his shoulders and don't forget to use your skilled hands to service your admirals throbbing cock
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• tell Kizaru you have ditched your contraception place his hands on your womb and let him know your fertile and about to make him the happiest of daddy's, in every way...he loves it so much his smug lewd grin grows from ear to ear and he giggles like the kinky player he is, but he genuinely loves that idea of being a dad
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• submit to Kizaru fully, Egghead Island was frustrating to him so he is inclined to take his anger out on you, an angry deep throat fuck will take the edge off for him, your gagging sounds an tears will quench his frustration off what happened on Egghead
• after taking off the edge Kizaru will return to his slow paced, teasing style of sex. For now! So best is to be ahead of him and surprise Kizaru with a basket of brand-new sextoys and the kamasutra book and a dice to play games. Trust me he will make sure to try every position with you that weekend , he be your loyal husband making love to you sweet as honey, your fiery passionate lover having sex with you to reach new heights and your master domineering you and to fuck you unapologetically.
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• unwanted interruption... because Sakazuki wants a report he will call Kizaru on his transponder snail, and Kizaru aloof as he can be takes the while he fucks your dripping cunt and...he ain't stopping. Best course of action is to take that transponder snail and let Sakazuki hear how Kizaru currently ravishes your pussy, making loud squelchy noises and Kizaru coos in the background. Tell Sakazuki between moans , panting and your screams for Kizarus cock, that Sakazuki has to wait till Monday For his report or joins them for a threesome before chucking that transponder snail out of the open window, Kizaru will smack your ass for such sassy attitude and probably insert another toy into your second hole.( Kizaru leaves the window open on purpose so everyone in Marineford hears how he fucks you senseless)
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Hello there fellow, Hope you doing well:) ,I was hoping i could request all the admirals x reader headcanons please? Just any headcanon in generally:)
Thanks so much ❤❤💕💕 ,Love ya!!!
Hello fellow friend, I am doing fine, I hope you don’t mind that I broke this into two parts. I had a hard time figuring out if you wanted former admirals or current and went on a first date.
Ex admirals
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☀️Borsalino (Kizaru)☀️
☀️He asked Reader out just out blue, it happened during lunchtime. He was watching Reader eat their lunch and share a conversation about their day when he blurts it out, of course reader is a bit surprised but agrees to the date
☀️He is more than likely on time for the date and dressed up without his admiral jacket but still wearing a pinstripe suit and some sort of hat. He did try for this date, and he does hope for Reader to have a pleasant time.
☀️He really didn’t put much thought into the date as he took them to watch Rakugo (Traditional Japanese Comedy) show. Something he finds pure enjoyment in watching is the simplicity of it and enjoys the strange humor from it. He will chuckle amused arms crossed at the jokes and glance at Reader from the corner of his eyes to see if they also enjoyed the strange humor.
☀️After he will take Reader out to eat at an expensive restaurant where the food will be to the Reader's liking and wine mixing well with whatever the Reader chooses. The conversation is simple about work and such before he casually admits how much he likes Reader and explains why for the date.
☀️After the date ends him and Reader will go walking till they reach Reader's house where he will once again casually ask Reader for another date and propose the idea of them in a relationship.
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☄️Issho (Fujitora)☄️
☄️Reader will have to ask him out on date, as Fujitora is often very much will not make the first move, worried about abusing his power or making Reader feel guilty. He will say yes as he finds the idea of dating Reader amusing before asking for details on the date.
☄️He isn’t a man that requires a lot, of planning for a date as he would enjoy the simple things in life. A walk around the park, or a simple dinner at a restaurant that was always recommended but never had a chance to visit. Or even going to the casino to gamble a few bucks away.
☄️He will trust Reader with whatever choice they made for the date. He would still wear his kimono as it would go well with everything plus, he doesn’t have a large option of clothing but it would be made of the best material.
☄️He likes the Reader a lot due to them having the same morals and wanting to protect innocent citizens. He has noticed Reader’s kind heart talking about how they strayed from a mission from time to time to help a child find a lost pet or helping a couple rekindle their love, or even protect the weak from some bullies. He finds all those aspects of them charming and remarks on them wishing everyone in the marines had the same value.
☄️The date would end with him taking Reader back home as they continue their conversation about improving the Marines. He will give a gentle pat on the Reader's head ending the date before he would ask Reader for another date this time he will plan everything for the Reader and surprise them.
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🌳Aramaki (Ryokgyu)🌳
🌳It happens during Training when he first asks Reader out, it is more almost a demand as he is watching Reader finish their training and dabbing their face with a towel. He isn’t sure why but just watching Reader he wanted to ask them out, of course he comes out charismatic and charming it is hard to say no.
🌳He is very much attracted to Reader and will often make remarks to the Reader while they are working out training. Hence why it isn’t a surprise when he does ask Reader out. He often pushes Reader hard or have them stay longer to improve on their skill in battle just because he wouldn’t want Reader to be hurt or damaged during battle. He would have little time to save them.
🌳The date itself is a bit more extravagant than all the other admirals as he shows off what power and money can do. It is fancy restaurants, or the best casinos that he thinks Reader will enjoy as he himself enjoys, if Reader isn’t to impressed a nice little nature walk is the next best thing he will thinking about.
🌳He will talk to the reader about how he enjoys battle, or his last battle. He talks about his political view about power. And how as Marines they have a job to ahold justice. He very much will take justice into his own hands on his own date if he sees something that displeases them but also impresses Reader.
🌳After the date ends, he will walk Reader home before leaning in leaving a kiss on their lips. He would feel satisfied with the date and would ask Reader out for another date, he is very intimidating but yet he is still full of charisma and charm it is hard to say no so Reader will agree while he kisses Reader again thus ending the night.
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kobb4ni2 · 8 months
Honestly, would love to see One Piece characters simping for Serpent reader, bc I am too LMAOOO I love this character OR like, Serpent reader dropping some insane lore randomly and everyone's like "ayoo what the-"
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TW: Mild suggestiveness, kidnapping and blackmailing
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Since Sea Serpent! Reader is practically hundreds of even thousand of years old, she has a lot of information, but not a lot a lot (I want Sea Serpent! Reader not to be that powerful/knowledgeable) I mean Sea Serpent! Reader only traveled the whole world ONCE before she went to hibernation.
BUT Sea Serpent! Reader lived during the viod century with Joyboy so that alone makes her an enemy or a top secret to the World Government, that’s why she’s under deep surveillance at the Marine base, Imu-sama and the Gorosei would visit her at her costumized room, remember Shirahoshi’s room? Yea that but much more bigger.
The Gorosei knows that Sea Serpent! Reader has a chokehold on them and so with that the Gorosei managed to keep Sea Serpent! Reader on a leash by blackmailing her, they know how strong Sea Serpent! Reader is so the best they can struck upon is her heart for those she saved they will use anything especially a buster call.
With those scenario in hand, the higher Marines would be the only ones she could see, which makes the Marine have more obsessive levels because of how much time they spend with her.
Akainu always reminding Sea Serpent! Reader that she’s on a leash and if she ever tries to do something funny the buster call is ready to be rung. Akainu doesn’t even need to kidnap her, she’s already kidnapped because of the higher ups.
Aokiji before, would also visit you, he’d try his best to warm up on him, but underneath that calming attitude he has, a deep desire to keep you and make you ONLY dependent on him, can really escape with your tail is covered in ice, you’d be much more easier to freeze for how much water you need because of you natural habitat. But after he left the Marines, the whole world already knows about he which pisses him, and the way that the whole Blackbeard crew wants you on their crew in every drunken conversation makes him break the glass that he was holding, his captain is even worst Teach would ask details about you, and when he has to answer it, he would see the dark intent in Teach’s eyes.
Kizaru in the other hand, is somehow like Aokiji, he is very lax indeed but he also needs you to be his, he would visit you almost daily, if he’s in a mission he’d call you, that’s why he’s always late to meetings because of how much time passes when he’s with you, Kizaru too is ruthless he would try to see if you can also get hurt by his light. Kizaru is a complicated one to read so you would never see what he would say or do whenever he calls or visit you at your room aka prison cell.
Fujitora knows how he’s the only Marine you trust, he doesn’t care if it’s because of pity or what but he loves it, he knows how bad being greedy is and he knew first hand, he saw many people full of greed, those people are one of the many reason why he blinded himself, but he can’t help it, he can’t help but be infatuated by you, your voice, smell, touch alone makes him want to be with you even longer, if he can turn back to time, he would met you first then blind himself so the last thing he would ever see is you on your glory.
Lucci is very much like Akainu, he would remind you how much people they could end if you ever slip one unwanted information out your lips, the lips that Lucci desperate wants to be bruised by his rough lips, he want your hand to soft touch his whole his tattered one tremble with pleasure while he’s underneath you…
Kaku is the same coin with Lucci, he’s was not born like an assassin like Lucci but grew up to be like one, he always make bullshit excuse to visit you and he knows that you always have your guard up when it comes to CP0 and that’s where his sweet talking goes into play, he’s always play like he had no other choice but be an assassin and those cruel oh days when he had nothing to eat because of Lucci being better when it comes to a competition. Kaku just needs comfort from you so why not hug him? Just ignore that he’s in a complete love struck when he gets a sniff of your fair [colored] skin.
Oh how much you make the top dogs of the Marine putty and yearning for you…
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shanksbaby · 10 months
Hello can you do admirals with a s/o who can't get mad, not exactly like kuzan cuz he could still have disagreements, but I mean you could throw a brick at them and they would just get it treated, and then be like don't do that again or sum-
btw love the writing keep it up👍
the request are closed but since i like this prompt so much, i decided to write anyway, thank you for the kind words!
Admirals with a difficult to anger S\0
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you two are very similar. In fact, no one has ever seen Kizaru angry, or actually feel any negative emotion, he always wears the same smirk. And even though he sometimes seems sadistic in dealing with the pirates he doesn't show anger like Sakazuki.
literally the most peaceful couple in the world
joking aside, I feel like colliding with Kizaru or Kizaru colliding with you are very rare events. It's more likely that Kizaru gets mad at you for something, although as soon as he sees your little face looking at him with that calm look he forgets all his anger.
but these events are rare, you never get angry and Kizaru is too lazy to start an argument with you, among other things with a person who has never raised his voice with anyone.
and even when he gets angry with you, the yellow monkey can at most show a face of frustration, but he will never raise his voice at you (in reality he has never done this with anyone), if the topic involves him excessively he may change tone of voice (he doesn't raise it but simply stops dragging the words)
I think you are one of the few, if not the only person to calm his anger. But in the beginning it wasn't always like this… the first time he got pissed at you and saw you looking at him with that innocent look while asking him to please stop because he was attracting attention, he thought you were teasing him.
then he started to understand that you couldn't get angry, he doesn't know how you do it, especially when the world is full of idiots and incompetents.
at first he looked at you as if you were an alien, sometimes he tried to force you to get angry, for example by shouting at you for silly things at work, but nothing seemed to trigger your anger so he gave up feeling defeated. You are one of the few people who managed to surprise him.
when you see him get angry you always try to calm him down (also because you are worried about his physical well-being). Sometimes you succeed, other times you just end up making the situation worse. But you never get angry with him, so much so that the marines think you are some kind of divine gift.
as Jinbei said, Aokiji is a man who rarely shows his passion. Generally he never gets angry either, he is much more laid back (similar to Borsalino). So arguments with him are very rare, also because he really doesn't have the energy to argue, especially with you.
he was surprised when after a guy spilled a drink on you only for you to refuse him and you just looked at him and told him he shouldn't have done that…I mean, he got mad about you and you, on the other hand, didn't Did you show the slightest sign of anger?
so, just like Sakazuki, he tried to whet your anger, through for example jokes like throwing you in the pool or ruin your food, but nothing. All you did was ask him to never do that again because you didn't like these pranks.
the rare times he gets angry with you and raises his voice (we know that in fact he can be loud sometimes), he immediately feels guilty when he looks into your eyes. You are too cute to be mad. Then she immediately apologizes and tries to make up for what he has done through gifts or bringing you coffee.
I am sorry if it's short but sadly i am in session + i have to go at the university for the laboratories
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itskarlsefni · 1 year
Coloring for Aokiji, Akainu and Kizaru [One Piece Manga, Chapter 550]
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lild00td00t · 1 year
I loved your headcanons of the Strawhats with a shy s/o!! Are you able to do headcanons of the admirals with a shy s/o? I enjoy how you write them!
Marine Admirals with a Shy!S/O
I LOVE HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN REQUESTING THE ADMIRALS! THEY MAKE MY HEART SOOOOAAAARR ! ~ Anyhow please enjoy, I’m SO happy this series makes you happy, I’m thrilled to be making something you like <3 Thank you for being here!
Characters: Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, Fujitora, Sengoku
Akainu | Sakazuki
• I feel Akainu would get frustrated sometimes, especially if you have problems with people walking over you or being slow taking time with a response
• He doesn’t have a problem being assertive, he screams confidence and has no problem getting what he wants (demands). So if you’re a shy person that needs someone to be a mouth piece he’s more than willing to be in control and help you
• He would definitely teach you how to be more assertive and bold, though he’s not patient he still wants to you to do things on your own despite his preference for being in control
• He wouldn’t order for you, or make calls, he simply wants you to learn to do it on your own, and his methods are that of a birds. Push it out of a nest and hope it flies, if not, oh well :( however, if he’s not in a terrible mood he’ll order his food first, and want you to mimic his body language and mannerisms in order to get better
• If you find yourself becoming frustrated or scared he will tell you to simply take a moment to prepare yourself, I imagine he would watch you write out a script and tell you if it’s good or not, and he’d monitor how you deliver it
• If you need comfort after messing up he’ll simply give you a pat on the shoulder with a “practice more, it gets easier when you do. “
• Id give him a 6/10 just because I don’t imagine him being the best with someone shy, but at the same time with his controlling nature he manages
Kizaru | Borsalino
• God help you, this man will tease you non stop
• “ ooohh can you repeat that my love ? I didn’t heaaar youu ~ “
• In all seriousness, he simply fawns over how shy you are, and finds it endearing. He’s always pinching your cheeks and rubbing your head, you’re simply adorable to him
• He would do anything for you, including ordering for you and making calls on your behalf, yknow how you always have your mom go with you to doctors appointments? Kizaru is now your mom, and will gladly hold your hand while you get a shot but that’s a story for another imagine- don’t expect him to not tease you though
• 10/10, he’d take great care of someone shy !
Aokiji | Kuzan
• He’s definitely drawn to you. Whether it be your quiet nature, or your bashful exterior around others, you’ve gained his attention
• You’re both quiet around each other, over time you’ve learned to communicate with just looks alone, it’s quite humorous
• Aokiji is lazy. Like, this is a known fact, do NOT expect him to make phone calls or even order, because he can’t even get his own work done on time -
• He supports from afar, so if you need reassurance, the most you’d get is a pat on the back and a “ you’ve got this baby “ * insert eye roll here*
• He won’t tolerate people walking over you though and at that point WILL urge you to say something
• Aokiji does his best to show you that he’s supportive, the problem is, he didn’t fear people in a way that you do, so he doesn’t particularly understand why you do better in some situations then others-
• Definitely voices how proud he is of you though, he always praises you <3
• id give him a 7/10 with a shy partner
Fujitora | Issho
• The absolute sweetest of all the admirals, he already loves when you hold his arm when you walk, so if you feel nervous, link arms with him, guide him, he’ll gladly follow and make you feel so safe
• Is ALWAYS patient with you and memorizes your orders, if you want him to order first or for both of you he’ll gladly do so with no complaints. While you order he’ll have his hand rubbing up and down your back or simply on your back to show his support <3
• He always sticks up for you and reassures you that being shy/quiet is perfectly fine, but letting people walk over you because of your failure to voice your opinions or requests is not, he lets you know that what you have to say is important, just like anyone else
• He, like Kizaru, finds you simply adorable and cannot resist squishing your face and kissing you when you’ve done something successful, he’s so over the moon and beyond proud of you !
• 10/10 with a shy partner <3<3<3
• Sengoku would do pretty good with a shy S/O, I think he would love having someone to definitely balance him out personality wise
• Garp brings out his goofy/childish side, and you bring out his calm and collected side
• your quiet/shy nature makes him feel like he has to provide and stick up for you, it gives him a protective feeling over you, he’d be a mouth piece if needed but he doesn’t want to undermine you
• Much like Akainu, he likes to be in charge, so ordering the food or making calls is definitely up his alley much to your relief, though if you want to try he’d be more than happy to help you !
• his goat is your emotional support animal
• In all seriousness though Sengoku can be very supportive and loving, he never lets anyone talk over you and definitely lightens your mood with jokes if you’re feeling nervous or overwhelmed
• I’d give him a 9/10 with a shy S/O
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aranelp · 1 month
Hi!Can I ask hedkanon Akaina, Aokiji, Borsalino about their Marine daughter, who cannot find a husband and suffers a lot because of this, and all because of the devil's fruit, which allows her to control all kinds of insects, but now insects live in her body like in a house (Like Shino Aburame from the anime Naruto) and this fact scares off all potential husbands. Thanks ♡♡
The 3 admirals
A/N: Hiiii ✨Here it is ! I hope you will like it ! 🩵
Summary - Headcanon: Your the marine daughter of one of the admiral (all seperatly), you can't find a husband because of your devil's fruit that allows you to control insect. But now insect live in you. Pairing : Akainu, Aokiji and Kizaru.
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He feels guilty, because it was him that give you this devil fruit to be more powerfull.
You are HIS daughter, even if he is a rough persona he cares a LOT about you. You are his dear daughter.
And he won't let anyone make you suffer. When a man cause you to cry he will ask you if he can kill him.
At first he was rude to you, saying that it's your fault you have to control more your power. But when he see how much you suffer, oh god it was a heartbreaking for him.
He is very busy but will do effort to help you with your quest to find someone. If one a his subordinated seems to be someone of trust for him, Akainu will ask them they are scared of insects and tactless if they want to date you. It's inappropriate but Akainu now that when you will find someone, maybe your smile will raising up on your face.
His office is always open for you. Akainu will not let someone come in his office if you are with him. Disturb must goes away.
Really good listener.He will do his best to take all your pain.
He is really proud of you and will always reminds you by some affections.
Truly think that all the pretender that are scare of you is completely a asshole.
Seeing you cry is so much and heartbreak for him, in a plus he can't really help you, he feels so helpless, a strange feeling for him. Be sure girl that he would do his best to comfort you.Sometimes clumsily but forgive him He tries to doing his best.
He will try get info about your demon fruits to help you.
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When he learns you are suffering, YOU are is priority. He really wouldn't care about his work ( If one day he cares about it…).So he will do everything he can. It takes that so seriously and want to help you to find someone.
Be prepared you will go to shopping with him and he will become your personnel coach. He is si invested, maybe sometimes too much. He takes this role more seriously than his job. Sometimes you have to calm him down.
Sometimes he will give you some important words to help you. He will try some activities with you take the make you think about something else. But if the activity is doing'move't move much to you can be sure that he will fall asleep, whatever the effort takes. Pardon him.
Reassure you with some kind world and give you little cute names.
He will tell you that he is proud of you and who you are.
He knows you are an independent, but he also now that you want to be loved by someone, try to reassure you that you can be loved and one day you will find the one. He will tell to you some of his past and his past relations, like funny anecdotes. He doesn't really about the fact that you have insects with you, like it is what are you and he accepts it.
He wants you to relax about the question to find someone, chill out and that you are young like have your life in front of you. So relax, you day you will find a husband that accept you and love you for whom you are, despite your powers.
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So sorry by your that, you suffer that much because you can't find a husband, at the begging he can't understand why the fact that you can't find a husband makes you suffer so much. But he will understand with time your feelings. Because of course for him, affairs of hearts are little matters.
He will help you as he want to find a solution for this problem. He would do whatever you want, new clothes? You will have it, go to a restaurant ? Have it too.
He doesn't understand why people can be scare of you because of your power. Like for him these insects are really cute. He finds that really adorable.
A lot of reassurance. Kizaru really care about you, after all you are his little monkey.
He takes plenty time to make sure that you self-confidence is still here. Talk with you a lot, he is you psychologist. He wants to make sure that your suffering is getting low. He wants to have on his shoulder you pain to help you.
Like to play with the insects.
He will remind you plenty times that he is here for you and put your demon fruit into perspective. He doesn't want you to be not comfortable with yourself, and theses insects is a part of you. It's a part of your beauty. So yes one day someone will understand and accept it.
Kizaru buy you lot of present, even if you don't ask for nothing, want to see you smile.
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