i will post literally anything
895 posts
so welcome to the circus of my emotions and interests
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
apparently native american tribes were in contact with the donner party and offered them food when they saw the colonists were starving and the donner party turned them down and decided to go the whole “cannibalism” route instead. 
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
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me during the end of ep10
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
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Left over Good Omens
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
I like the idea that angels can hear prayers that name them
And there was some effort on Heaven's part to keep Aziraphale's name away from human lips, so Aziraphale gets very few if any prayers. All his work and credit go to Gabriel or Michael. It used to be a bit demotivating, but he's gotten more or less used to it
But Crowley prays to him sometimes, and it comes as a kind of tingle, a kind of echoing confusion of words that he understands only because it is in his nature to do so
The words trickle in, he can feel them in his bones and his heart
Guardian of the Eastern Gate, Keeper of Books, do you hear my prayer?
And Aziraphale sits up to listen better, for this is rare and worthy of attention
I think your phone's off the hook. I'm in the bottle shop, they've got a sale on Chardonnay, are you running low?
Aziraphale glances at his phone, which has fallen off its hook. He glances at the pile of recently emptied bottles of white wine. He tips his head to the side in consideration, then gets up and calls Crowley back
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
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[i.d.: crowley and aziraphale from good omens (2019) sitting on a bench. bernie sanders, from the picture where he is sitting cross legged with a large jacket and brown mittens, is edited to be sitting in between them.]
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
Bounty (Headcanon)
The Mandalorian x Force Sensitive!Reader
Request: “Hi! I saw that you’re taking requests for mando so I was wondering if you could do some headcanons about mando with an artist and force sensitive reader” - @leilei-draws
Summary: Mando doesn’t understand why, along with the baby, he had to kidnap an artist and why she never fought back when he took her away from her home.
Ultimate Masterlist
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-Mando never understood why you had such a massive bounty on your head. You were innocent, pure, he had thought. Who had wanted to capture you?
-you couldn’t even fight. He had just came into your house in the middle of the night whilst you were painting.
-at first, you were shocked. A Mandalorian in your house? But then you saw the bounty puck in his hand. You put your paint brush down and held your arms up, ready to be captured.
-mando was confused. He had thought it was a trick. A bounty this high shouldn’t be this easy.
-as he took you in the ship, you saw a green baby. You didn’t know if it was a pet or his own child.
-the journey back to the person who had set the bounty on your head was quiet. You didn’t speak and neither did he.
-but eventually Mando had to speak. He didn’t understand why they wanted or why you had given up so easy.
-“What’s your game?” He had asked you. You looked at him confusedly. “Why did you not fight back? A bounty that high shouldn’t be this easy.”
-“Too many people have died protecting me,” was the only thing you had said before you both went quiet, the occasional cooing of the baby.
-turns out both you and the baby were bounty. The scientist escorted you both out whilst Mando was examining his gift. But when he watched you and the child go, he felt horrible.
-so he busted you and the baby out. Both of you had wires and tubes injected into you.
-as a gift for his heroic choice, you had painted him a portrait of himself.
-At first, he was shocked. No one had ever gifted him something so thoughtful.
-but he managed to mutter a quiet “Thanks.”
-and it’s been history ever since. Both of you guys travelling whilst Mando protected you and the baby.
-both of you acting as parents towards the child. You changed it’s diapers and fed the child whilst Mando tried to stop the both of you from getting killed by bounty hunters.
-he takes you and the baby to Sorgan
-he sees how happy you are, how the baby is, and realises maybe he should leave you both here.
-I mean, he didn’t want to. He started to develop an attachment towards you and the child. The only type of normality he has ever felt in his life.
-you cried as you watched him leave, giving him a strong hug.
-this takes a while to register in Mando’s mind before he gives you a hug back.
-he had found it so hard not to just take off his helmet and stay. Stay with you and raise the child together.
-and then a shot went off.
-Mando realised people were still after you both.
-but he still didn’t understand why you had a bounty on your head.
-or how you can sense danger from miles away
-“I don’t trust him,” you told Mando as you looked at Torro.
-“It’ll be fine,” he replied back.
-turns out it wasn’t fine.
-“I don’t trust them,” you told Mando when he told you he was going in the mission with a bunch of mercenaries. “They’re going to betray you.”
-“I don’t trust them either but it’ll be fine, it’s just one job.”
-turns out it wasn’t all fine.
-“Why do you have such a big bounty on your head,” Mando asks you one day as you’re travelling back to where ever Carl told you to meet.
-“I don’t know,” you lied. You wanted to keep it a secret. Everyone who knew about your secret died and you didn’t want Mando to end up the same.
-until one day you, Mando, Cara and Carl get cornered by Storm Troopers.
-Mando holds onto your hand tightly, rubbing circles on your hand.
-you were shocked as Mando was never affectionate, even if it was just a little hand holding. You were always the one who had to be the first person to hug him.
-you both deep down cared about each other, but it was an unspoken thing. Both of you scared of rejection. Scared to lose each other.
-but then you realised that with the amount of stormtroopers surrounding you, both of you might not make it.
-you couldn’t keep it a secret anymore. If you did, Mando would die. Everyone would die. It was now or never.
-so you looked at him, a single tear streaming down your face. You grabbed his helmet, making him face you. You placed your forehead against his, giving him a small smile.
-“I love you,” you whispered to him.
-this had Mando distracted for a secound and in that secound you let go of his hand and quickly bolted outside.
-“No!” You heard Mando yell behind you, but you didn’t listen. You kept running.
-you jumped over the window ledge and into the field.
-Mando was quick behind your tail, desperate to stop you from being captured.
-at least that’s what he thought your game plan was. But it wasn’t.
-he watched as you lift both your arms up, choking the storm troopers standing near the front.
-they all collapsed and the troopers in the back were ready to shoot at you before you lifted your arms once again, letting out a scream as you felt pain consume your body.
-this was too much for your body to handle. You felt the energy draining from your body. But you couldn’t stop. You kept thinking about Mando and the baby. You had to protect them.
-you lifted them all up before chucking them back down forcefully to the floor, knocking them unconscious.
-Mando watched in awe as he realised you had the same powers as the baby.
-and that you had also managed to wipe out dozens of troopers within minutes.
-you lifted your finger up to your nose, feeling blood coming out. You then turned around to look at Mando.
-Mando saw your eyes wanting to close so he quickly ran over to you before you could fall and hit the floor.
-he caught you as you went limp in his arms.
-He then brushed away your hair, staring at your delicate features.
-“I love you too.”
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
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Please reblog, this is so important.
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
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— boss! nanamin ft. secretary reader + unprofessional desk fun
a/n: i didn’t only play cyberpunk while i was away. i put in some work too. also i finally caught up on 2 eps of jjk and it ignited my love for this man times infinity so here u go
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it wasn’t fair.
no scratch that—life had been incredibly gracious towards you. offering you a stable job that gave you the ability to provide for yourself; even splurge on occasion. it came with a nice office, supportive co-workers and a kind but reserved boss who had recently let go of a few inhibitions.
“locked doors aren’t  soundproof.”
Keep reading
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
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Bnha Animals +
Aizawa/ Panther, Eri/ Goat, Nejire/ Gazelle, Mirio/ Golden Retriever, Tamaki/ Snow Leopard, Fatgum/ Blakiston Fish Owl, Sir Nighteye/Cat. 
Spinner/ Gecko, Kurogiri/ Elk, Shigaraki/ Rat, Dabi/ Cat, Twice/ Pitbull, Toga/ Vampire Bat, All might/Bald Eagle, All for one/Andean Condor.
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
Furuba characters as John Mulaney quotes
Idk if this has been done before, but this has been sitting in my notes for weeks
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God creating the Zodiac
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That one old servant lady
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
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It’s okay, Yuu-chan is here
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
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If you can’t reblog this, unfollow me now.
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
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a pic for the anon which i very selfishly turned to something about la la land
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
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Tie 👔 💙❤️
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
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SKZ family AU 👶🍼✨
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aconstantmood · 4 years ago
Evenings with Ennoshita
Summary: After moving in with Ennoshita, you spend dinners and baths catching up. How else do you like to spend your evenings with Ennoshita?
Notes: Traditional Japanese baths include a shower area (that has a stool) and a short but deep bathtub. One showers first before soaking in the tub. (wc:  815) Lowkey inspired by Little Karasuno Things by Kris (haikyuudreaming)
Ennoshita x fem!reader genre: lowkey smut, fluff, domestic,
When Chikara Ennoshita steps into the shower, you look away to give him a semblance of privacy.
“How was work at the hospital?” you lean forward to ask him while you lounge in the tub.
He sits on the shower stool, running the shower head through his body. The gentle hum of the water fills your ears. Finding a home in the suburb allowed the two of you to buy a house with a bathroom that could fit a reasonably-sized shower area and a tub for your nightly ofuro or a Japanese bath.
“Not so bad,” he smiles mildly, “The patients that showed up today were showing signs of improvement. Felt nice to see their work get somewhere.”
When his arms are raised, you study his defined back and biceps. He notices how you’ve been looking and takes it as a sign to let his gaze lingers at you. You’d think you’d be used to his gaze by the now, but you still resist the urge to blush sometimes.
“It’s your work too, Chikara. Give yourself some credit.” you lean back into the tub.
“I’m here to help, but if they don’t put in the work physically and emotionally, my guidance will be useless.” he murmurs humbly. He often defers from praise.
Before he starts shampooing himself, you point towards a new bottle of shampoo, “I got you your shampoo on the way home.”
Ennoshita chuckles, “Alright! Alright, I’ll stop using your stash.”
When you come back to the bathroom and sink area twenty minutes later, he is bent over the washing machine, loading in another batch of laundry. He looks up and his eyes widen at what you are wearing. A glint flickers in his eyes before his usual thoughtful expression resumes.
“The last time you wore that shift dress was on our wedding night. You’re out of pajamas.” he observes, “Mmm…maybe I should’ve done a load yesterday.”
Ennoshita is the type of man who prepared dinner on nights you don’t feel like cooking and did the laundry even if it was your turn to do so.
“I forgot about my turn, sorry.” you apologize.  
“I’m not complaining,” he tilts his head to give you a smile.
You place your hands on his chest and dip your forehead into his collarbone. He puts his arms around you. Both of you stay still for a few minutes. His hands do not linger anywhere they do not have permission on and instead he rubs your back. You sigh in contentment. You sometimes wonder how he could spend all day helping people and come home still ready to spoil you.
“You’re a little clingy today,” he smirks. He liked the pressure and warmth of your body on his.
“And?” you reply, pulling away to look him in the eye.
“Nothing, I’m just saying. I don’t mind it.” he says, giving you a peck on your cheek, “Who says that romance dies after marriage?”
You run his hands up and down your body, letting him explore your curves and bumps. You feel his hands wander up your dress and you gasp a bit when he presses his fingers inside of you.
“Seriously? In the laundry room?” you ask.
In response, Ennoshita sweeps you off your feet and brings you over to your shared bed. He crawls on top of you and starts planting kisses along your neck and collarbone. You bury your nose in his hair. His shampoo is a common enough scent, but it is his scent. And you missed it every night he didn’t smell that way.  
You run your fingers through his cropped hair as he gently presses a kiss onto your lips. The bed shifts as he lays down beside you and he wraps his arms around your waist.
“I like the smell of your hair tonight.” you murmur. You can feel him pull up the covers on the both of you. You wrap your arms around his neck.
“Because it means I’ve stopped using yours?” he grins cheekily, his face so close to yours. His hands gently slide down the straps of your shift down and you could feel his hands exploring your chest. You moan in pleasure as he softly grinds himself against you.
“Because I don’t like it when you smell like me. I like it better when you smell like you.” you say, sleepily smiling and pressing your lips into the crook of his neck. You tug his shirt up lightly. He stops you and gets off the bed.
Ennoshita turns out the light before he crawls into the bed again. You wait for him to settle in beside you before you close your eyes. The scent of his shampoo still lingers in his hair. It’s how you know that he’s by your side when the room grows dark.
“You can’t be going to sleep just yet.” he hums.
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