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(i'm not at all like two days after you posted this, what?)
But I want to see your WIPS for the ask game as well!
(bonus challenge : make me cry?)
I have reached the conclusion that I am sleep deprived, emotionally exhausted, and far too indecisive to make decisions right now, so I simply shall not make any more. Therefore, enjoy many, many snippets of many WIPs. Don't say I didn't warn you about the consequences of throwing down the gauntlet and giving me a bonus challenge.
I realized I have a lot more WIPs in my google drive than I realized, and I really have written a lot of angsty pieces, or at the very least moody ones. I need to stop torturing my muses.
Anywho, here are some summaries of some WIPS, some chunks of angst, and some fun romance (one vaguely spicy and others are just pure romance)
🌀 - Summary of a WIP:
I'm going to give you a few because gods forbid I ever make a decision:
A selection of stories detailing the evolution of an OC, Sairiniel, who is a Dúnedan and Aragorn from the time they met through to possibly the end of their lives (I am still trying to find a natural endpoint). The story's beginning revolves around the growth of Sairiniel and her learning how to lead and govern a nation, as well as the trials and tribulations of two soldiers falling in love and creating a life together. As the third age comes to a close and the fourth age begins, the focus shifts to court politics - and possibly some espionage.
A snapshot of Aragorn beginning to govern a broken and war torn nation, and all the insecurities it entails. (and me playing with writing in present tense, which is highly uncomfortable)
Trauma and its scars show up in the most unexpected places and times, and it never wears the same face twice. Shadows of a king’s struggles show their face in the real world and in a real life. No one life will mirror another, fictional or real, but the parallels may form a clearer picture.
🌧️ - Angst:
My dear Star, you have thrown down the gauntlet. Make you cry. Well then, let's see if I can oblige your request. You once again will get multiple snippets
Fic 1: Boromir x Reader -
He had never believed in the tales of old - Gandalf’s teachings. Faramir did. He believed in Eru and the Valar and the Eldar. Boromir never bought it. If they existed, then where were they? Even if they did exist, they clearly had no cares for the Men of the West. He had gone door to door to nearly every door in Minas Tirith to inform mothers, fathers, sisters, wives, and children of one of his troop’s deaths. He could list the doors he hadn’t knocked upon at this point. No, there was nothing and nobody watching over Middle Earth, not if the world could be this cruel. Now, though? Now he prayed to each and every Valar, to Eru himself, if they could just help him. Just this once. Take him instead. He had always planned to die in battle. Take him. Not you. If there had to be a trade, then take him. With shaking hands, he stripped off your helm and pressed his blood coated and fouled fingers to your pulse. There, on your neck ,there was just the faintest thrum of a pulse. The faintest evidence of your life. Boromir choked back a sob.
Bile burned his throat. His eyes swam. The soldiers around him shifted uneasily. Each piece of armor removed showed more wounds at the joints between the metal and bruises underneath. None as gruesome as your chest or side, but each cut and bruise pained him nearly as much as if it had been inflicted unto himself. Would that he could take them from you. This time Boromir heard himself scream hoarsely, “Healer, damn you! I need a healer! Or a litter!” Feet scuffled away. “Hang in there, my love,” he whispered and pushed a piece of hair away from your face. “Please, I will never ask anything more of you, if you just hang on.”
Fic 2: Aragorn x Sairiniel
All around Aragon were the dead bodies of men, orcs, horses, trolls, and mumakils. He turned about trying to find a place to search next when his eyes locked on a spot ahead of him. There was a circle of dead Easterlings with one soldier at the center of them all. Their rayment was simple: all gray and simple except for a star on their chest. Aragorn’s heart sank. That simple gray uniform was drenched in enough blood that their tunic and cloak were dyed maroon. And they weren’t moving. The waterskin hit the ground, and he ran. His legs shook and tears welled in his eyes, but he ran with all of his strength. With one final vaulting stride, he cleared the Easterlings. There she was. Sairiniel’s helm had fallen from her head at some point in the fight, or maybe she had thrown it off in reckless desperation to see more clearly. She had often claimed it made her vision of the battlefield worse. He had even seen her throw it at an orc to daze them before. Sairiniel’s delight when it worked had made Aragorn smile for weeks despite the lecture on recklessness he gave her following the incident. The lecture had been futile, and he had known it would be even before he started talking. Sairiniel had never been renowned for her caution. No, she was well known for her cunning and bravery - that often resulted in rather reckless stunts that were only tolerated and revered because they worked consistently. He didn’t even know he had screamed. The sound seemed to come from far away, and he only realized it was him when he had to gasp for air. He didn’t realize he was falling until his knees stung on impact. He didn’t know he had begun to weep until his vision swam with tears. All he knew was Sairiniel wasn't opening her eyes, and there was so much blood. Too much blood, and a giant hole in the side of her uniform. Her mail should have blocked most blows, but it was far from impenetrable. Aragorn wept and pulled her to his lap. When she made no sound and did not move, he leaned down and kissed her brow. “Meleth nîn,” he whimpered and cradled her to him.
Fic 3: Aragorn x Arwen
A trembling hand grasps the edge of the desk. Aragorn rises to unsteady feet only to collapse into his chair and face his cluttered desk once more. Only the light of the moon illuminates the papers before him now. His notes from earlier mock him. They hold more riddles than when he first sat down, and very few answers. Just as he reaches for his flint, there is a quiet knock at the door. It opens a crack, and Arwen slips into the room. For just a moment, the room is flooded with the light of the hallway, and then only her candle remains. “Estel, vanimelda, will you not return to our chambers?” There is no reproach in her words, only tenderness and concern. Aragorn responds by ducking his head to obscure his face. He knows without looking, and despite the fact that he cannot hear her skirt around the mess covering his floor, that she will kneel beside him. Just as he expects, her smooth hands grasp his. They begin the familiar dance. Aragorn leans to the side and rests his head upon hers until the tears stream down his cheeks. Once they drip down onto Arwen, she guides him to the ground next to her, and her embrace envelops him. He need not tell her what plagues his mind tonight. It does not matter. He knows there will be time for that later. For this moment, he simply lets himself rest in her arms. He has no obligation to make a decision or take charge. She guides his movements. Aragorn has no notion of time, but eventually he hears Arwen counting, and he matches his breathing to it. The tears subside. Each time he loses the rhythm, she picks it up again. Time and time again, he tries. “There you go, mêleth,” she says when he can finally look at her. He wasn’t sure when, but at some point Arwen had adjusted her hold to place two fingers on the pulse in his wrist. “How about we sit a moment?”
💧 - Romantic and/or spicy:
Vague spicy:
When they woke far too few hours after finally falling asleep, it was in a tangle of limbs and with sheets haphazardly thrown atop them. Sairiniel had bite marks and bruises covering her chest just below where they would be visible beneath any of her court appropriate clothing, and a single stray bruise behind her ear that - thankfully - could be hidden if she wore her hair down for the day. It would not be the first time her maids had to style her hair creatively for such a reason. Aragorn was equally covered in bite and scratch marks; however, Sairiniel had always been more skilled in keeping his in places that were discrete.
Romance (ish? Warriors in love?)
He watched her move through the crowd of orcs with deadly precision and grace. Lithe and surefooted, she looked like she was dancing with her red hair flowing behind her, and if it weren’t for the screams left in her wake, it would be easy to believe she was. Her shortsword and dagger moved through the air like extensions of her arms. Each movement lethal. Block, cross parry, riposte, slash, pivot and start with a new combatant. Merciless. She left a trail of corpses as she moved. Aragorn had just a moment to watch before he drew his blade to the ready. Just a moment to fall in love all over again. Grim faced as he was, he grinned as the first orcs closed the gap to come just in range of his sword. When Sairiniel broke through the last of the enemies, she would double back and take up her spot beside him. Just as he had for years, Aragorn would fight beside his fiery warrior, but first he held the line while she danced.
Boromir the brave, Boromir Captain of the White Tower, Boromir the Fool in Love:
Even when both of you fell silent, Boromir found it hard to keep his eyes on the sights beyond. His beloved city was ever its most beautiful at this hour. With some frequency he would come to the end of the cliff to take in exactly this sight, and it could hold him mesmerized until he found himself standing in the dark. On this night, his eyes kept drifting back to you. The way the light played off your hair, and the way the color of your eyes changed with the shifting shades of the sky were far more beautiful and captivating than the vista before him. You smiled, one of pride. Boromir followed your gaze: Osgiliath. The Jewel of Gondor. The city you won back together. “I wish you did not have to leave so soon.” Boromir’s voice was so quiet that it was hardly more than a whisper and a breeze could have blown the words away. “In a way, I do too, but I take pride in being a Ranger. It is something for which my heart has long yearned.” The sights beyond held your gaze for another moment, and you turned from them to face Boromir. “Is that all you heart years for?” His eyes were full of hope and fear in equal measure. Your heart raced, you could hear it pounding in your ears. Seeing your eyes widen, Boromir took a deep breath. He slid slightly closer. His hands itched to reach for yours, but he kept them at his side. “I do not expect you to feel as I do, but that is how my heart feels for you. My heart wishes for you, it has for a long while now - and I have simply been foolish to not realize it sooner. I could have told you months ago, if I had only recognized my feelings. Forgive me for making you wait this long.” He had said it. It was not even close to anything he had practiced, but it was the truth. Once he fell silent, Boromir searched your eyes for any indication of what you were feeling, but all he saw was shock on your face. Then you took a long, slow breath. Ever so gently, you laid one hand on his. “Before I answer, there is something I must know: are you willing to continue yearning for me, to watch the horizon from these walls for my return?” “If the walls are too close in this city, then I would never dream of caging you behind them. I have spent years watching the horizon for the return of one Ranger. I can watch it all the closer, awaiting the return of two, so long as you promise to come home to me.” “That I shall do, for my heart years for you also. I yearned to return to this city as I never have while I was away these last few months. Truly, for the first time, I longed to return, but not because of this city. Because of you, Boromir.”
#asks#ask game#lotr#lord of the rings#aragorn#boromor#Aragorn x reader#aragorn x y/n#boromir x reader#boromir x you#boromir x y/n#lotr fanfic#lotr fanfiction#my writing#wip ask games
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What's today's Susan/Boromir mood
Regency au where Boromir is the handsome son of an Irish lord who is in town for parliament and Susan, recently orphaned, has moved in with her aunt and uncle in London.* They meet in the park and Boromir is immediately enchanted by her but she's GRIEVING he can't start calling on her without any indication she likes him! That would be unbearably rude! Meanwhile Susan is like "why on earth would he try his suit when there's such a difference between our stations... Sure he crossed the street to talk to me one time but that doesn't mean anything." Because she's grieving.
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somewhere between Rivendell and the Misity mountains
Boromoir: Ranger... theres no sauce on your pasta
Aragorn: (shrugging)
Boromor: You just gonna mainline your spaghetti, no sauce or nothing!?!
Aragorn: theres garlic and oil on it
Boromir: just garlic and oil!
Aragorn: (nods)
Boromir: Our ancestors are look down and doing this 🤌 at you right now
Aragorn: Yeah i read a thing or two about our ancestors
Aragorn: they are likely looking up at us
#the rest of the fellowship is just like 👀#lotr#fellowship of the ring#incorrect lord of the rings quotes#incorrect tolkien quotes#aragorn#boromir#regional differences#italian numenorians???#source: therealsamalkhatib
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what do you mean? i like all LOTR characters equally, i definitely don't love one of them boromore than the others
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Boromor is there too, incredibly confused but happy.
breaking up a close knit group and community of friends and sending them their separate ways 4ever is one of my least favorite tropes and I’m glad jrr tolkien could relate. he tried staying strong but just had to throw in the fact that samwise set sail for the undying lands when rosie died and that legolas smuggled gimli in. ty king
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Hunting Monsters
Hunting Monsters by the black rose
For the BnHA Fantasy (Reverse) Bang 2023!
Famous tales told of the Royal Knight Endeavor couldn't capture the excitement of seeing him in person! Or so thinks one young boy Hiroshi Tameda.
After a fall from grace, the royal knight Endeavor tries to pick up the pieces of his life - as the protector of a remote village. But, soon after his arrival in the small, quiet town, the innkeeper's son insists their new guardian investigate rumors of a monster. The goat-stealing chimera reportedly dwells near the border between the Kingdom of Boromor and the Scarlet Firelands.
But Endeavor believes it's just the child's over-active imagination...
Hiroshi bounced about. His fists bunched together, pretending like he was wielding a sword. "Take that! And that! Oh man, it'd be so cool to be a knight!"
Endeavor growled. "Boy."
"Catch the bad guys! Behead an evil enchantress!" The kid's face turned red as he vibrated from head to toe. "Slay dragons!"
The knight ran a hand over his face. "I need to find your parents."
Words: 5474, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Tameda Hiroshi, Todoroki Shouto, Yaoyorozu Momo
Relationships: Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: Background Relationships, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor-centric, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Faces Consequences, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Magic, Background Todoroki Shouto / Yaoyorozu Momo, Minor Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Endeavor is a King's Knight, Princess Yaoyorozu Momo, Sarcasm, Angst and Humor
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46754980
#AO3 Feed#FanFiction#AO3 Todomomo#♥#Todomomo#Enji Todoroki#Tameda Hiroshi#📚#⚤#R:T#A:Black#Royalty AU#Fantasy AU#Angst
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Hunting Monsters
Hunting Monsters by the black rose
For the BnHA Fantasy (Reverse) Bang 2023!
Famous tales told of the Royal Knight Endeavor couldn't capture the excitement of seeing him in person! Or so thinks one young boy Hiroshi Tameda.
After a fall from grace, the royal knight Endeavor tries to pick up the pieces of his life - as the protector of a remote village. But, soon after his arrival in the small, quiet town, the innkeeper's son insists their new guardian investigate rumors of a monster. The goat-stealing chimera reportedly dwells near the border between the Kingdom of Boromor and the Scarlet Firelands.
But Endeavor believes it's just the child's over-active imagination...
Hiroshi bounced about. His fists bunched together, pretending like he was wielding a sword. "Take that! And that! Oh man, it'd be so cool to be a knight!"
Endeavor growled. "Boy."
"Catch the bad guys! Behead an evil enchantress!" The kid's face turned red as he vibrated from head to toe. "Slay dragons!"
The knight ran a hand over his face. "I need to find your parents."
Words: 5474, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Tameda Hiroshi, Todoroki Shouto, Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: Background Relationships, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor-centric, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Faces Consequences, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Magic, Background Todoroki Shouto / Yaoyorozu Momo, Minor Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Endeavor is a King's Knight, Princess Yaoyorozu Momo, Sarcasm, Angst and Humor
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46754980
#AO3 Feed#FanFiction#AO3 Enji#♡#Enji Todoroki#Tameda Hiroshi#Shouto Todoroki#Momo Yaoyorozu#💢#R:T#A:Black#Royalty AU#Fantasy AU#Angst
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I just finished reading the Fellowship of the Ring. Just. Can I take a hundred year nap now???
Nvm I gotta start The Two Towers tomorrow. Nap must be postponed.
#it took me fucking forever#like two weeks???#lord of the rings#fellowship of the ring#wow Boromor isnt dead yet what#first time reading#im exausted
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I see your vision. I love your vision. Sticks as Gollum
Shadow is clearly Aragorn
Amy could be Gimli OR Eowyn (though after Nimue I'm convinced she could also be Arwen)
Silver is Faramir
You think Sonic is Frodo but he's actually Pippin
I'm still thinking about the other cause I want Knuckles to be Boromor (honor and all that)
yelling into the void. any of y’all fw storybook sonic au where its lotr. see my vision
#the hobbit#shadow the hedgehog#amy rose#sonic the hedgehog#sonic meets lotr#lotr#lord of the rings#sonic storybook series#sonic storybook au#someone please draw fanart of this
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An update on my Boromir WIP (which for a while there was looking semi abandoned, perish the thought! Also I had a lot of one color left over so I decided to freehand a name plate)
#lord of the rings#lotr#my art#boromir#the falls of rauros#art wip#boromir of gondor#boromir ii of gondor#boromor ii#boromir son of denethor#the boat still looks funky but its getting there#haha actually posting some of my art to my art blog#what an idea#i forgot just how green this piece is
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📚~Looking for a multi 💝 chapter fic? Check 📖 this shelf out~
Guarding your heart by @guardianofrivendell
A modern AU Where Fili is a body guard and is assigned to a girl that knows just how to get under his skin in the best way. Some angst and smut at the end. Modern!Fili x
All Is Fair in Love and Trade by @lathalea
Thorin travels to the Iron Hill’s for negotiations and gets much more then he bargains for when he meets a very stubborn dam. Dose contain smut, NSFW. Thorin x
There Is One They Could Follow (One They Could Call Thain) by @worse0mensand art by @boromorous
Orcs attack the Shire and Bilbo leads all who are willing to follow across Middle Earth to find sanctuary in the Lonely mountain. Baggensheild
The Sons of Durin by KivrinEngle
Bilbo Baggins is a humble grocer, living a simple, quiet life. The police say the Sons of Durin are a crime family. The government has labeled them a group of environmental terrorists. Thorin Oakenshield will tell you that they are simply desperate for a home. But when Bilbo is dragged into the midst of the group as their unwilling burglar, his life will take a turn for the terrifying, and everything he has taken for granted will be torn asunder. Baggensheild
Goddess Of Sex by @blairsanne
When a Greek goddess of sex meets Anders Johnson/Bragi sparks fly. Anders x
Lofn by @blairsanne
Lofn is the goddess of comfort and finds Anders Johnson/Bragi in need. This is a multi chapter fic full of smut, lust and longing. Anders x
#multichapters#multichapter fic#fili#fili durin#modern!fili#thorin#thorin oakenshield#baggensheild#anders#anders johnson#bragi#fili x reader#thorin x oc#anders x oc#thorin x bilbo
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If only for the fact that Eowyn would have bitchslapped him the MOMENT he started his emotional abuse towards Faramir.
And Faramir and Boromor both be like O_O.
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Thanks you for tagging me Mellon! @estel-elrondion
Last song: Habits by Genevieve Stokes
Currently watching: Sherlock (BBC serial)
Currently reading: Before the coffee getz cold/ The fall of Gondolin
Latest obssesion: Writing one shots and horse riding (I am horse girl, ok?)
No pressure tags: @aragornsrockcollection @entishramblings @annoyinglandmagazine @maglorslostsilmaril @boromorous
tagged by @solarluvs @midniteluv
last song: before you - benson boone
currently watching: how i met your father & (rewatching) bridgerton
currently reading: love and other words <3
latest obsession: reading, watching lots of youtube ...
tagging: @runnning-outof-time @zablife @mangchai @thyme-in-a-bubble @vhagarlovebot @fxllfaiiry and anybody else who wants to answer this. <3
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Friggin Shingen’s Divine Ending... it’s like Boromir all over again 😢
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I have too many wips started i should totally NOT post the first chapter of my ‘girl joins the fellowship” fanfic that i’ve been thinking up for years totally NOT. don’t even--i say to myself--DARE to.. Even though it’s one of my FAVORITE stories I’ve come up with--where a princess from Dale goes with Gimli to represent Dale during the council of elrond, impulsively joins the fellowship against the better judgement of like,,, everyone,,, (including herself),, and who becomes a sister to everyone in the fellowship like LITERALLY like she literally calls Gimli “uncle Gimli” she knows Legolas because Mirkwood ain’t that far and they’re both royalty, the hobbits become her bros, and Boromor--BOROMIR!!!--is the big brother/uncle/mentor she never really had before and their friendship and mentorship has such an impact on her life--and she like,,, transforms from the beginning of the story from a naive, innocent and somewhat childish girl to a powerful, confident woman who knows what she wants in the world and gets it while helping turn the tide of the world along with everyone else--yeah.
anyway, i’m really feeling this story tonight cause I used to LOVE ‘girl joins the fellowship’ fics when i was a teen so the concept is not new to me but I enjoy putting my own spin on it :)
#my writing#boromir#honorable mention#also boromir....might live in this story idk i haven't decided#things will have to change probably since there's be a 'tenth walker'#is that what the added character was called?? i've actually forgotten lol#anyway things will change while the end results will be the same#but like i said#I'm not sure if/when boromir dies/lives in this story#i never could decide#also she has NO (NONE) romance with ANYONE in the fellowship. gross.#she is their little sister!!
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best relationship
advice i could give thorin:
refrain from talking
Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

best relationship advice i could give thorin: refrain from talking
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