#borne frontière
theodoreangelos · 2 years
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Boundary stone between Lower Austria and Upper Austria on the Bohemian Forest Road B38 before Schönberg, Mühlviertel Grenzstein zwischen Niederösterreich und Oberösterreich bei der Böhmerwaldstraße B38 vor Schönberg, Mühlviertel Borne frontière entre la Basse-Autriche et la Haute-Autriche près de la route de la forêt de Bohême B38 avant Schönberg, Mühlviertel Пограничный камень между Нижней Австрией и Верхней Австрией на Дороге Богемского леса Б38 перед Шёнбергом, Мюльфиртель Hraniční kámen mezi Dolním a Horním Rakouskem na tzv. Šumavské silnici B38 před Schönbergem, Mühlviertel
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mariacallous · 14 days
Enormous floods have once again engulfed much of South Sudan, as record water levels in Lake Victoria flow downstream through the Nile. More than 700,000 people have been affected. Hundreds of thousands of people there were already forced from their homes by huge floods a few years ago and were yet to return before this new threat emerged.
Now, there are concerns that these displaced communities may never be able to return to their lands. While weather extremes regularly displace whole communities in other parts of the world, this could be the first permanent mass displacement due to climate change.
In the Sudd region of South Sudan, the Nile passes through a vast network of smaller rivers, swamps, and floodplains. It’s one of the world’s largest wetlands. Flood levels vary significantly from year to year, mostly caused by fluctuations in water levels in Lake Victoria and controlled releases from the dam in Uganda where the lake empties into the Nile.
The Sudd’s unique geography means that floods there are very different than elsewhere. Most floodwater cannot freely drain back into the main channel of the White Nile, and water struggles to infiltrate the floodplain’s clay and silt soil. This means flooding persists for a long time, often only receding as the water evaporates.
People Can No Longer Cope
The communities who live in the Sudd, including the Dinka, Nuer, Anyuak, and Shilluk, are well adapted to the usual ebb and flow of seasonal flooding. Herders move their cattle to higher ground as flood waters rise, while earthen walls made of compressed mud protect houses and infrastructure. During the flooding season, fishing sustains local communities. When floods subside, crops like groundnuts, okra, pumpkins, sorghum, and other vegetables are planted.
However, the record water levels and long duration of recent flooding have stretched these indigenous coping mechanisms. The protracted state of conflict in the country has further reduced their ability to cope. Community elders who spoke to our colleagues at the medical humanitarian aid charity Médecins Sans Frontières said that fear of conflict and violence inhibited them from moving to regions of safe ground they had found during a period of major flooding in the early 1960s.
Around 2.6 million people were displaced in South Sudan between 2020 and 2022 alone, a result of both conflict and violence (1 million) and flooding (1.5 million). In practice, the two are interlinked, as flooding has caused displaced herders to come into conflict with resident farmers over land.
Stagnant floodwater also leads to a rise in water-borne infections like cholera and hepatitis E, snakebites, and vector-borne diseases like malaria. As people become malnourished, these diseases become more dangerous. Malnutrition is already a big problem, especially for the 800,000 or so people who have fled into South Sudan from Sudan following the start of a separate conflict there in April 2023.
Many people are housed in internal displacement camps like at Bentiu, where close to 100,000 people reside. Bentiu is now an island in the floodwaters, protected by embankments that require continued maintenance. As such there are concerns about the long-term future and sustainability of the camp.
The new record levels in Lake Victoria this May raised the alarm over potential unprecedented flooding in the country this year. The two and a half months it takes for floodwaters to make their way downstream to South Sudan provides an early-warning system for communities and humanitarian agencies to prepare. However, forecast models are not able to accurately predict if the embankments at camps like Bentiu will hold.
Will People Ever Return?
Evacuating the camp may be inevitable, some say, because floods seem to be getting worse, likely linked to deforestation and anthropogenic climate change. However, while there is a clear upward trend to lake levels across East Africa, including Lake Victoria, this could also be due to the way water and land is being managed, as well as changes to precipitation.
Though there have been increases in the rainfall during the region’s short rains in October, November, and December, that’s balanced out by decreases in the rainfall season between March and May.
However, climate models indicate increases in precipitation in the catchment, as well as more frequent positive phases of the Indian Ocean Dipole (a weather phenomenon similar to El Niño in the Pacific), which caused the record rainfall in 2020 and 2023. With floods taking a long time to recede, even small increases in the frequency of these positive dipole phases, and small increases in rainfall, could lead to the Sudd wetlands growing—permanently.
Decisionmakers in a country affected by conflict are used to uncertain futures, but they will also need to consider a scenario in which an irreversible expansion of the Sudd wetlands could make the displacement permanent. Where these communities could be relocated is another question entirely.
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ekman · 1 year
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La notion de frontière est indissociable de celle de civilisation. La frontière, c’est la souveraineté et la souveraineté, c’est l’outil de la destinée. Y renoncer, c’est faire de la nation un pays, voire une province, ou même une simple région. Le projet mondialiste ne s’est jamais exprimé aussi clairement qu’aujourd’hui, qui fait mesurer à chacun les conséquences catastrophiques du traité de Maastricht. Ouvrir les territoires de notre vieux continent à toutes les marchandises et à tous les colons, c'est renoncer à notre identité, c’est à dire à notre Histoire, à notre culture, à notre art de vivre.  Plus avant, le communisme a tenté cette aventure en brandissant l’image sacrée du Prolétaire, unique, universel et dictateur par essence. Il a cerclé les nations de pseudos frontières et les a décorées de constitutions de papier. Toutes les contestations conduisaient au néant barbelé. Dans le même esprit, le nazisme, au prétexte d’un reich en expansion perpétuelle, a tenté l’aventure de l’Histoire en portant la race en étendard – concept ô combien fumeux et fragile. Pour finir, le Juif vénal et le Mongol bestial ont eu raison des rêves absurdes d’une germanité illusoire. Les Américains ont eu la bonne idée de réunir ces deux fléaux en une seule organisation, l’Union Européenne, pauvre serpillère tissée et passée aux mains d'une Allemagne dominatrice, au détriment d’une vassalité hétérogène ayant à subir la transmutation du marxisme en “néo-féminisme”, en “genrisme”, en “wokisme”... en socialisme pour tout dire. La frontière est également mentale et protège des fléaux modernes en gardant vive la flamme de la tradition. Elle oppose la réflexion et le temps long à la fulgurance des ambitions ravageuses, les cordages spirituels à la déliquescence des mœurs, l’éthique virile à l’immoralité libérale. Cette frontière-là n’est pas moins menacée que la vieille borne en pierre qui séparait notre monde du reste du monde. La franchir, c’était partir à l’aventure. Aujourd’hui qu’elle a disparu, c’est l’aventure qui entre en nous, sauvage, barbare, mortelle. J.-M. M.
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haitilegends · 5 months
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À la Mémoire de JEAN BENJAMIN
Repose en Paix
Nous adressons nos plus sincères condoléances à la famille, aux amis et aux admirateurs de Jean Jacques Benjamin, un musicien de l'ombre dont la lumière a brillé intensément dans les domaines de la musique et de la culture haïtienne. Né le 14 septembre 1931, Jean Benjamin n'était pas seulement un chanteur, mais aussi un pianiste et compositeur profond. Son décès le 2 mai 2024 nous a laissé un vide qui ne pourra jamais être comblé, mais son héritage résonnera à jamais à travers sa musique et les vies qu'il a touchées.
La voix de Jean était un phare d'inspiration et de joie pour un groupe élite de mélomanes, portant la riche histoire et l'esprit vibrant d'Haïti à travers les générations et les frontières. En tant que chanteur principal pour l'Orchestre Riviera Hotel sous la direction du Maestro Edner Guignard dans les années 1950, aux côtés de légendes telles que le regretté Guy Durosier, Jean Benjamin a mis en avant l'essence de la musique Big Band haïtienne, captivant les cœurs et les âmes avec des standards de Boléro haïtien jazzy et des compositions originales.
Ses mélodies, de la poignante: "Gisèle" dédiée à sa première épouse à l'émouvante: "L'amour", sont des trésors intemporels qui continuent d'inspirer et d'élever. L'art de Jean était un pont, reliant le passé au présent, la tradition à l'innovation. Sa musique, immortalisée par des enregistrements et des performances, reste un témoignage de son talent extraordinaire et de sa passion inébranlable pour son art.
Nous sommes reconnaissants pour les souvenirs, la musique et l'héritage que Jean Jacques Benjamin laisse derrière lui.
À son frère—Dr Rodrigue Benjamin et Famille
À ses enfants—Ylder Benjamin, Esmeralda Benjamin Laraque, Claudette Benjamin, Jean Jacques junior Benjamin, Grevy Benjamin, Esther Benjamin.
Aux petits-enfants—Marcus Benjamin, Laurent Laraque, Sebastian Laraque, Christopher C. Raymonvil ; et un arrière-petit-fils ;
À ses neveux et nièces—Jean René Foureau et famile; Hervé et Ketly Foureau Dorsinville; Marlene Benjamin et famille; Caroline Benjamin Fleurimont et famille;
Franklyn Benjamin Jr et famille; Frankline Benjamin et famille; Nadine Benjamin et famille; Gregoire Benjamin et famille; Sandra Benjamin et famille; Patrice Benjamin et famille
À — Gilbert Laraque, Robert-Charlot Raymonvil et toute la famille élargie
Aux amis proches —Serge Morel, Leopold Molière aka Yoyo,
nos pensées vous accompagnent en cette période difficile. Puissiez-vous trouver du réconfort dans le fait que l'esprit de Jean continue de vivre à travers sa musique et les innombrables vies qu'il a touchées. Sa vie a été bien vécue, et ses contributions à la musique et à la culture continueront d'être célébrées pour les générations à venir.
Repose en paix, Jean Benjamin, une véritable légende dont les mélodies résonneront à jamais dans le cœur de ceux qui ont eu le privilège de vivre votre art.
In Loving Memory of JEAN BENJAMIN
Rest in Peace
We extend our deepest condolences to the family, friends, and admirers of Jean Jacques Benjamin, an unsung music man whose light shone brightly in the realms of Haitian music and culture. Born on September 14, 1931, Jean Benjamin was not just a singer, but a profound pianist and composer. His passing on May 2, 2024, has left us with a void that can never be filled, but his legacy will forever resonate through his music and the lives he touched.
Jean's voice was a beacon of inspiration and joy for an elite group of melomanes, carrying the rich history and vibrant spirit of Haiti across generations and borders. As a premier vocalist for Orchestra Riviera Hotel under the direction of Maestro Edner Guignard in the 1950s, alongside legends like the late Guy Durosier, Jean Benjamin brought the essence of Haitian Big Band music to the forefront, captivating hearts and souls with jazzy Haitian Bolero Standards and original compositions.
His melodies, from the poignant "Gisèle" dedicated to his first wife to the stirring "L'amour," are timeless treasures that continue to inspire and uplift. Jean's artistry was a bridge, connecting the past with the present, tradition with innovation. His music, immortalized by recordings and performances, remains a testament to his extraordinary talent and his unwavering passion for his craft.
We are grateful for the memories, the music, and the legacy Jean Jacques Benjamin leaves behind.
To his brother—Dr Rodrigue Benjamin et Famille
To his children—Ylder Benjamin, Esmeralda Benjamin Laraque, Claudette Benjamin, Jean Jacques junior Benjamin, Grevy Benjamin, Esther Benjamin.
His grandchildren—Marcus Benjamin, Laurent Laraque, Sebastian Laraque, Christopher C. Raymonvil; and one great-grandchild.
To his nephews and nieces—Jean René Foureau et famile; Hervé et Ketly Foureau Dorsinville; Marlene Benjamin et famille; Caroline Benjamin Fleurimont et famille;
Franklyn Benjamin Jr et famille; Frankline Benjamin et famille; Nadine Benjamin et famille; Gregoire Benjamin et famille; Sandra Benjamin et famille; Patrice Benjamin et famille
To —Gilbert Laraque, Robert-Charlot Raymonvil and the entire extended family.
To his close friends:—Serge Morel, Leopold Molière aka Yoyo,
our thoughts are with you during this difficult time. May you find comfort in the knowledge that Jean's spirit lives on through his music and the countless lives he touched. His was a life well-lived, and his contributions to music and culture will continue to be celebrated for generations to come.
Rest in peace, Jean Benjamin, a true legend whose melodies will forever echo in the hearts of those who had the privilege to experience your artistry.
Sandra Gabriel Lmt
From Jean Benjamin with Love!
Voici quelques musiques supplémentaires.
Grevy Newton Benjamin
Explore # 👈🏾
#Vocalist #HaitianPianist
#Chanteur #PianisteHaïtien #Compositeur #auteurcompositeurinterprète
#EdnerGuignard #Gisèle
#Composer #singersongwriter
#EdnerGuignard #Gisèle
#Haītilegends #SGLmt #collage by Sandra Gabriel Haitilegends
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leleaulait · 1 year
Ce soir on dodo à Umeå en Suède 🌛 on est d'accord ça fait nom d'île paradisiaque non ?
Le gérant de l'hôtel est adorable, il nous a dit mille fois "bienvenue en suède, vous êtes là bienvenue chez nous !!" et il nous a offert le goûter si on voulait, en plus du petit déj, et quand on lui a dit qu'on ne pouvait pas se brancher aux bornes pour la voiture, il a proposé direct de télécharger l'appli et de payer la recharge pour nous (oui évidemment qu'on allait le rembourser après, mais juste de le proposer je trouve ça adorable)
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On a eu beaucoup de neige en Suède ❄️,plus qu'en Norvège ! Vous remarquerez sur la photo que le Ikea a été construit juste derrière la frontière quand même !!
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flamen1801 · 3 months
As promised, the post is about military settlements! (Sorry that it took a long time, I just have a difficult period right now)
The idea of this institution did not belong to Count Arakcheev. According to N.K. Schilder, the idea of the expediency of military settlements in Russia came to the emperor after reading an article by General Servan: "Sur les forces frontières des états" ("On the border forces of states"). The article was translated into Russian by Prince Volkonsky, and white margins remained against the text for the emperor's handwritten notes. Alexander I, seeing how much the treasury was suffering from the constant increase in our armed forces and the first wars with Napoleon, decided to reduce the cost of maintaining troops by transferring part of the army, namely infantry and cavalry, to the peasants. The troops deployed among them were supposed to help them in their free time, work in the fields and at home and, in turn, teach the peasants military life, discipline and drill commands. So the idea was born to make it easier for Russia to maintain its numerous troops and at the same time introduce military training for the male population, so that recruits in the event of war could be sent directly to the active armed forces, without wasting time and effort on preliminary and initial training. The decree on military colonies, issued in 1825, explicitly defines the purpose of their creation: "gradual reduction, and then complete cessation of recruitment." Undoubtedly, the idea is tempting, but it is only partially feasible, and even when the sedentary troops are not too concerned about the minutiae of combat service and help the peasant in his field work. It really helps. One feature of Alexander I was particularly pronounced here - his speculative way of thinking; it would be good to turn both pawns and soldiers into mechanical figures and reorganize some instead of others. Hence, it is clear why Alexander I, despite the rather menacing warnings about complete failure and the obvious lack of sympathy initially expressed by all his closest associates, did not want to abandon his venture. Speaking about the initiative of Emperor Alexander in the organization of military colonies, he should note that Admiral N. S. Mordvinov in early 1810 proposed the creation of "estates for regiments." In the army regulations, this statesman, who, by the way, was famous for his honesty and independence of judgment, saw the only real way to reduce the cost of maintaining the army. Mordvinov even wrote a special note justifying the need for military settlements, and submitted it to Alexander I. In general, the practice of deploying troops in peacetime among the population, which is responsible for providing them with material support, existed in the Middle Ages in European countries. At the end of the XVII century, Sweden introduced a system of distributing troops among taxpayers for their maintenance. Tsar Peter decided to apply the Swedish experience in Russia. Assuming to make peace with Sweden in 1709-1710, he simultaneously thought about how to deal with his army, which would be inactive if the war ended. And in the end, he came up with the idea is not to disband the troops, but to place them all over the country among the population that will provide for their maintenance. With such a device, it was possible to do without an extensive network of intermediary organizations in the process of supplying the army with food and, thus, save significant financial resources from settling in the pockets of intermediaries.
(The second part is coming soon, unfortunately everything does not fit)
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J’adore la journée de mon anniversaire de naissance…
J’en profite toujours à chaque année pour faire un bilan de ma vie, le temps passé, le temps présent et le temps à venir.
Je suis né un 28 juin, à la même date qu’Elon Musk…
Le jour de mon anniversaire, j’aime vivre entouré de mes passions, certaines dans la réalité, d’autres par la pensée et le rêve.
Au final, la vie est un voyage et la frontière entre la réalité et l’imaginaire est un simple fil, que ce soient pour les accomplissement et les échecs; les joies et les peines; les audaces et les peurs; ou les espoirs et les regrets.
D'ailleurs mes expériences de vie m'ont appris que le voyage de la vie ne se déroule jamais comme prévu...J'évalue que 90% de mes choix de vie vont se terminés en simple souvenir et anecdotes oubliés avec le temps. Il reste donc un 10% qui est deviendra important avec le passage du temps.
Bon été 2024, et merci de vos bons voeux d’anniversaire à mon égard...
NOTE: J’ai reçu un cadeau magnifique de Donald Trump qui m’a offert un débat historique et mémorable sur CNN. Je suis un homme heureux!
#anniversary #party #elonmusk #donaldtrump #taylorswift #traviskelce #mickey
I love my birthday...
I always use it every year to take stock of my life, time past, time present, and time to come.
I was born on June 28, the same date as Elon Musk...
On my birthday, I like to live surrounded by my passions, some in reality, others through thought and dreams.
At the end of the day, life is a journey, and the boundary between reality and imagination is a fine line, whether it's for achievements and failures; joys and sorrows; daring and fears; or hopes and regrets.
My life experiences have taught me that life's journey never goes according to plan... I estimate that 90% of my life choices will end up as simple memories and anecdotes forgotten over time. That leaves a 10% that will become important with the passage of time.
Happy summer 2024, and thank you for your birthday wishes to me...
NOTE: I received a wonderful gift from Donald Trump, who gave me a historic and memorable debate on CNN. I'm a happy man!
. www.lestudio1.com
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tagged !
tagged par @annahmiraculousmillenium hier j'ai perdu le moment
When was the last time you cried: ... Okay, hier, devant l'une des battle. devant toutes les premières battle que je trouvais si belles. Ouais, j'ai un peu honte d'avoir perdu mon eau alors que les fremens et Dune m'en ont donné respect. Mais, c'était beau. J'ai aimé voir ces chanteurs donner tout, pour un moment dont ils ne retirent rien. Et la beauté dans le spectacle du spectacle. Un sentiment indicible. Je dirais, au moins 23 larmes.
Do you have kids: Ô yes, presque comme les doigts de la main.
What sports do you play/have you played: Aïkido. Ceux d'avant n'étaient pas importants. J'ai trouvé dans l'aïkido une sorte de béquille qui a déséquilibrée ma croyance en un monde simple.
Do you use sarcasme: un peu trop, j'aime pas du tout ça chez moi.
Whats the first thing you notice about people: people are, people beautifull, people aveugle, people absent, people triste, people dye
Whats your eyes color: vert comme l'eau d'une feuille de Lotus
Scary movie or happy ending: en alternance ?
Any talents? : une certaine empathie avec les empathes
Where were you born: Abidjan
What are your hobbies: lecture, écriture, aïkido, regarder le vent léger dans le temps qui passe ?
Do you have any pets: 3 chats
How tall are you: :-) 180 on my ID // 179.5 envron
Favorite subject in school: Biologie, mais j'ai fait des maths, puis des maths et des maths, pour ne pas devenir prof de bio au lycée
Dream job: je cherche toujours
So now tag other people:
@ame-haine délicate humaine, @clochardscelestes que j'adore comme nom, @desinteresse forcément, @et-si-je-reve-tant-pis parce qu'en rêve toujours, @e642 qu'à la peau à fleurt, @insociablementcompliquee c'est cool, @cat973 qui en a bien l'étoffe, @mollymooon au delà d'une frontière, @tetarteauxmyrtilles qu'apprends le french @luc3 qui Clash, @woyzeeck un peu d'ombre, @quandvientlapluie en corp et @stalgivc @needtobeused92 @plaidetchocolatchaud @margocooper @classe-ass @perduedansmatete @darrianborland @kattiekatworld @katiebaite @solarainyhctiw @au-rythme-de-mes-pensees @zab0tushka @taylorsnow-dclmnc @hysar @pastelpaillette et ceux que je like que j'ai pas en tête
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redwoodwv-hq · 7 months
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Name: Frank Austing-Thompson Age: 44 Town Occupation: Trauma Surgeon / Gardener Previous Occupation: Trauma Surgeon Redwood Resident Length: Newly Arrived Faceclaim: James McAvoy
Bullet Points:
2 years ago, as an anniversary gift, Frank found in a mall a box of Legos , and gave that to Harry
The first responder trauma is not only heavy, but also truly a beacon and attracted people even if they wanted to remain discreet. Thus, Harry has put some dark bed sheet over it they found so his husband was safer during their travels
While being snarky, Frank is never pushy with his patients and tries not to dismiss what they are saying because he knows that people know their bodies better than a doctor sometimes
Frank sticks to triage, he will not waste resources on a lost cause, even if it means breaking his vow
Frank likes to knit, according to him it’s a good gymnastic for his hands
Frank grew up in a Christian household and while he was not the most active in his faith, he carries a medallion of Saints Cosmas and Damien, the patron saints of doctors and surgeons. He also found himself talking to God more these past years.
Born and raised in Philadelphia, Frank is the oldest child of Angela and Jack Austing. They were a bit older when they got him, and cherished him to the point that his brat personality came out. The advantage of older parents however was that he got what he wanted, had a good education, did sports and extracurricular activities. His youth was quite uneventful and rhythmed by the usual up and downs of life. That was until his mom was killed in a hit and run. He was with her in the car and survived. They never really found the driver who had a stolen car. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nonetheless, it changed his optic on life. He was only 14 and now alone with his father. His mom left a hole in the house and their life. Grief had a weird effect on Frank who suffered from survivor guilt for years. He just did not understand how he could survive and his mom not. When he got the reports of her care, he read them for hours. He would have the answer to it much later when entering the field, yet it did not make him feel better. Slowly, life came back with its discoveries and experiments. All while not being a burden to his father. He graduated but instead of starting college right away, he decided to become a butcher. His father and friends questioned his sanity for months as he pursued that career, they thought Frank was joking. He wasn’t. He did that for 3 months without giving any explanation then applied for a college to start his medical studies.
It became clear that he wanted to go into surgery yet gave himself the time to go through each service to see what was really interesting him. In the end it was between general and trauma. He decided by flipping a coin. Trauma it was. He finished his residency and went on a mission with Medecin sans Frontières. He realized just how spoiled they were in the US and learned to take care of people with nothing, not even lights. It humbled him. As he came back, fate would have him try a new place: a library-bar. That’s where he met Harry. They clicked and months later they would become a couple. After a third mission with MSF, when Frank almost did not make it because the notion of not attacking medical stations was a guideline not everyone was following, Harry proposed to Frank. That was 7 years ago. Their marriage was a Lego-themed. It wasn’t something big, but something that was worth it to be seen and witnessed. Frank promised to take a break from MSF missions, especially in the regions the next missions were heading, even if his heart wanted to go. He agreed to settle, not knowing what would be ahead.
He was on shift when the first injured came in. First, they thought it may be a terrorist attack, then they realized that people were panicking. It did not happen in a night; the world did catch fire over time. He knew something was wrong when he witnessed one of his nurses being bitten. Frank picked up a first response trauma bag and left the hospital straight for his husband. They’ve made a plan.
That plan lead them away from Philadelphia, they avoided big crowds, bunkered down in secure locations moved around. They met people, helped people, escaped from people, they survived, grieved people along the way. The bag was problematic and helpful. Eventually a year ago, they met a small mobile group. They were good people, and they also had some animals. Among them a donkey that would become the carrier of their belongings. The group explained that they were looking for a gated community rumored to be somewhere in West Virginia, but they did not know where. Timing would have it that they would first cross the Daybreakers path shortly after the Ranch attack. They were cut from that group, fled with the donkey, and randomly stumbled on Redwood. Was this the community their group was talking about? They did not know, but they seemed organized enough to join.
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alain-keler · 9 months
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Journal du vendredi 5 janvier 2024.
Après les accords de paix entre Menahem Begin et Anouar El Sadat en 1982, l'intégralité du Sinaï occupé par Israël depuis la guerre des 6 jours en 1967 fut rendu aux égyptiens le samedi 25 avril 1982. Des villes comme Rafah furent coupées en deux. Sur la photo d'aujourd'hui on voit des enfants palestiniens s'amuser sur une borne marquant la frontière, quelques jours avant le 25 avril.  Des colons israéliens quittèrent Yamit et d'autres colonies du Sinaï pour s'installer à Gaza, jusqu'à leur évacuation en août 2005, racontée dans ce journal.
 Lundi dernier des propos provocateurs de deux ministres du gouvernement dirigé par Benjamin Netanyahou appelant au départ des palestiniens de Gaza rajoutaient à la confusion de la situation actuelle.  
 "Itamar Ben Gvir, ministre de la sécurité nationale et chef du parti d’extrême droite procolons Force juive, avait appelé lundi à un retour de colons juifs à Gaza, après la guerre en cours, et à « encourager »la population palestinienne à émigrer, au lendemain d’un appel similaire de Bezalel Smotrich. Le ministre des finances et chef du parti Sionisme religieux, qui fait partie de la coalition gouvernementale au pouvoir, a, lui, préconisé dimanche un retour de colons juifs dans la bande de Gaza après la guerre, estimant que la population palestinienne de ce territoire devrait être « encouragée » à émigrer vers d’autres pays".*
 J'espère que tout ceci n'ira pas plus loin. Ce serait une grande catastrophe, d'abord pour les palestiniens qui souffrent déjà énormément de cette guerre qui n'épargne pas les civils, mais aussi pour les israéliens, et tous les juifs du monde déjà en proie à une montée de l'antisémitisme que rien ne semble pouvoir arrêter, boucs émissaires d'une situation qu'ils ne contrôlent pas. 
Réveille-toi Yitzhak Rabin, ils sont devenus fous !
* Le Monde: https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2024/01/03/guerre-israel-hamas-l-union-europeenne-condamne-les-propos-de-ministres-israeliens-ayant-appele-les-palestiniens-a-quitter-gaza_6208917_3210.html
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lesgenouxdanslegif · 2 years
Jasmin Paris était à ça (on fait un petit écart entre le pouce et l’index) de devenir la première femme à terminer la Barkley. Très proche d’accéder au 5ème et dernier tour, Jasmin a en effet déchiré 9 pages sur les 13 demandées lors du 4ème tour. Oui, cette dernière phrase fait très Kamoulox. Jasmin, a deux parents mathématiciens. Son papa est d’ailleurs connu pour ses travaux sur l'indécidabilité en arithmétique de Peano, le raisonnement incertain et la logique inductive. Voilà. Jasmin est vétérinaire et a une fille qu’elle a d’ailleurs allaitée alors qu’elle faisait de la chapelure avec la concurrence lors de la Spine Race 2019, course de 430 bornes dans des conditions répugnantes entre Manchester et la frontière avec l’Ecosse. Jasmin aime marcher très longtemps, les chevaux, épuiser la concurrence et regarder de loin l’agitation médiatique à son sujet. Jasmin n’est pas du genre à fanfaronner sur les réseaux et faire son auto-promo. Jasmin terminera la Barkley, c’est écrit dans un bouquin dont elle arrachera la page.
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Photo Alexis Berg
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preparedpublic · 2 years
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« Quant à la façon dont je suis arrivé ici, elle a été accidentée et rafraîchie de temps en temps par la saison. Sur la ligne droite des Ardennes en Suisse, voulant rejoindre, de Remiremont, la correspondance allemande à Wesserling, il m'a fallu passer les Vosges ; d'abord en diligence, puis à pied, aucune diligence ne pouvant plus circuler dans cinquante centimètres de neige en moyenne et par une tourmente signalée. » 
(Lettre d’Arthur Rimbaud à sa famille, Gênes, le 17 novembre 1878)
À quel endroit Arthur Rimbaud a-t-il franchi les Vosges ? Combien de kilomètres a-t-il parcouru « par une tourmente signalée » ?
La ligne ferrovière Mulhouse-Thann est ouverte en 1839. En 1863, la prolongation de Thann à Wesserling rapproche les voyageurs du col de Bussang, qui n’est plus qu’à 9 km. Ces deux communes situées sur le flanc alsacien des Vosges, deviennent allemandes après la guerre de 1870. Le col de Bussang devient un poste frontière et le restera jusqu'en 1918. 
Il se trouve dans la partie sud du tracé de la nouvelle frontière franco-allemande, issue du traité de paix de Francfort (10 mai 1871). Cette ligne plantée de 4056 bornes, valide la cession du Haut-Rhin, du Bas-Rhin et de la Moselle à l’empire allemand. Elle descend le long du bassin lorrain, rejoint la crête des Vosges, qu'elle suit du nord au sud, traverse le Territoire de Belfort pour atteindre la Suisse. Le col de Bussang se situe à environ 50 km à vol d’oiseau de la Suisse, au niveau de la borne frontière n°3100.
Dans le sens Vosges-Alsace, Rimbaud monte dans le train à Épinal pour en descendre à Remiremont, le terminus, à 35 kilomètres du col. La diligence le conduit à Bussang, en longeant la Moselle sur 31 km. C’est la dernière commune française avant la montée vers le col où cette rivière prend sa source. C’est donc là que Rimbaud entame très certainement son périple « dans 50 cm de neige en moyenne et par une tourmente signalée. » 
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Après 4 km de marche, il atteint la douane française, à l’entrée ouest du tunnel construit sous le col de Bussang. Sur la carte postale, le photographe est perché à son sommet. Les douaniers français sont au premier plan, leur guérite en rondins à droite. À la sortie du tunnel, du côté alsacien, Rimbaud passe le poste frontière allemand et montre ses papiers. Derrière les  gendarmes à casque à pointe, on aperçoit un poteau frontière allemand que Rimbaud n'a pas pu voir, ce modèle datant de 1889. Celui qu’il a pu voir est moins spectaculaire.
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Rimbaud entre dans une Alsace allemande. La guerre de 1870 a joué un rôle essentiel dans son parcours de poète, peut-être aussi dans sa décision de partir loin de son pays. Le poète qui a fréquenté la Commune, qui a écrit l’un des plus beaux poèmes de la langue française en hommage à un soldat mort en 1870, est le bref témoin d’une déchirure territoriale qui a coûté la vie à 200 000 hommes. En traversant les provinces perdues, il foule une terre étrangère, une utopie dérisoire, un lieu qui n’existe pas sinon dans le cerveau de l’empereur Guillaume Ier, du chancelier Bismarck et du général Moltke. 
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Encore 9 km de marche et Rimbaud atteint la « correspondance allemande à Wesserling ». Il aura donc marché 13 km. Le train quitte la vallée de Thann, atteint bientôt Mülhausen (Mulhouse). Il fait quelques pas dans cette ancienne république protestante longtemps rattachée à la Suisse, aperçoit le Klapperstein, figure grimaçante que les condamnés pour médisance devaient porter autour du cou. Il se réchauffe au café Moll, où il écoute parler un dialecte étrange. Par la vitrine, il contemple le triangle rare d'une jolie place des années 1820, encadrée d'arcades qui encerclent un jardin. Puis il monte dans le train pour Bâle. On le retrouvera bientôt à Chypre, puis en Abyssinie.
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bluestrawberrys · 2 years
Palestine aid:
https://gofund.me/85e54139 - Asmaa Ayyad and her family, there are 8 people in her family including children and they are currently 31,000 euros away from their goal.
https://gofund.me/d1029b1b - Najah Al-Haila, her husband and four children, they are in desperate need of donations.
https://gofund.me/19e0f69f - Mahmoud Baalou, his parents and sister are trying to evacuate, both his parents are diabetic and cannot receive the medical care they need in Gaza.
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spottys-rathole · 2 years
Hey :)
Normal text : English/Anglais Bold Italic : French/Français
Hello, I'm Spotty (I use she/they pronouns with a preference to "they/them") I decided to finally give a chance to this site though I've been using it for years as some anonymous consumer and art enjoyer, this is my very first post Salut, Je m'appelle Spotty (mes pronoms sont "elle/ael" n'importe quel accords me vont mais j'ai une préférence pour "ael" + accords en -æ) J'ai décidé d'enfin laisser sa chance à ce site même si j'ai lurké dans l'ombre dessus depuis maintenant plusieurs années, ceci est bien mon premier poste. My first language is French, though I've spent my whole internet life speaking English I have yet to decide which language I want to use on Tumblr, because I'm not looking to reach wider international audience though I guess it would make it more accessible. Guess it'll depend which fandom I'm gonna be posting about Ma langue natale est le Français et même si j'ai passé ma vie sur internet à parler Anglais je ne suis pas sûr.e de quel langue utiliser sur Tumblr, je ne cherche pas vraiment à me faire connaître au delà des frontières mais j'imagine que cela rendrai mes postes plus accessibles. J'imagine que ça dépendra du fandom sur lequel je posterai I am struggling with getting used to this site btw bare with me :') Je suis pas douæ jsp me servir de ce site donc donnez-moi deux sec :') I started posting on DeviantArt 7 years ago under the username "LightSapphire" before switching to "MlleNugget" J'ai commencé à poster sur DeviantArt il y a 7 ans sous le pseudo "LightSapphire" avant de changer pour "MlleNugget"
And I have been illustrating a furry webcomic called "Loupta Ombra" along with my good friend OngakuK about our shared OCs, uploading a page every single week for 6 years straight and ongoing J'illustre un webcomic furry intitulé "Loupta Ombra" avec ma bonne amie OngakuK sur nos OCs partagés, j'ai uploadé une page chaque semaine pendant 6 ans d'affilés et on ne s'arrête pas
I was born as an artist within the "Warrior Cats" fandom and I grew up animating for "M.A.Ps" (Multi Animator Projects) and been participating for a couple of years now under the username "Spotty McNugget" Je suis née en tant qu'artiste au sein du fandom "La Guerre des Clans", et j'ai grandi en tant qu'animateurice en participant à de nombreux "M.A.P." (Multi Animator Projects) depuis mes années collèges sous le pseudonyme "Spotty McNugget"
As of today I am a 3D art student, specializing in animation and concept art, I won't upload much of my 3D work as I am keeping it for the profesionnal world but you may eventually find some fanwork on my blog if I ever feel like it Au moment où j'écris ceci je suis étudiant en 3D spécialisé en anim et concept, je ne pense pas poster beaucoup de trucs en 3D vu que je garde tout ça pour le monde pro mais sait-on jamais l'envie me prendra peut être de faire quelques fanarts en 3D Hope I said all I had to say, hope I'll stay, see you soon maybe J'espère avoir tout dit, j'espère rester, à bientôt peut être
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Borne frontière/Bords du domaine code translation (spoilers)
(what it says on the tin)
Part 1: Borne frontière. Complete.
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Part 1.5: comment
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it's - easy - to - tell - the - boundary - between - light - and - dark - or - dots - and - dashes - isn't - it - unlike - other - boundary - conditions
(ironically enough, telling the white dots apart from the spaces wasn't easy at all :-))
Part 2: Bords du domaine. Incomplete so far.
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frankxausting · 7 months
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Age— 44 ( Dec 4 - Sagitterius) Originally from—  Philadelphia , Pennsylvania community — arrived march 2043 Previous job— trauma surgeon - MSF volunteer Community job— surgeon / gardener Living Arrangements — bungalow near the community center/clinic Family — parents (dead) , Harry Thompson (husband)
Born and raised in Philadelphia, Frank is the oldest child of Angela and Jack Austing. They were a bit older when they got him, and cherished him to the point that his brat personality came out. The advantage of older parents however was that he got what he wanted, had a good education, did sports and extracurricular activities. His youth was quite uneventful and rhythmed by the usual up and downs of life. That was until his mom was killed in a hit and run. He was with her in the car and survived. They never really found the driver who had a stolen car. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nonetheless, it changed his optic on life. He was only 14 and now alone with his father. His mom left a hole in the house and their life. Grief had a weird effect on Frank who suffered from survivor guilt for years. He just did not understand how he could survive and his mom not. When he got the reports of her care, he read them for hours. He would have the answer to it much later when entering the field, yet it did not make him feel better. Slowly, life came back with its discoveries and experiments. All while not being a burden to his father. He graduated but instead of starting college right away, he decided to become a butcher. His father and friends questioned his sanity for months as he pursued that career, they thought Frank was joking. He wasn’t. He did that for 3 months without giving any explanation then applied for a college to start his medical studies.
It became clear that he wanted to go into surgery yet gave himself the time to go through each service to see what was really interesting him. In the end it was between general and trauma. He decided by flipping a coin. Trauma it was. He finished his residency and went on a mission with Medecin sans Frontières. He realized just how spoiled they were in the US and learned to take care of people with nothing, not even lights. It humbled him. As he came back, fate would have him try a new place: a library-bar. That’s where he met Harry. They clicked and months later they would become a couple. After a third mission with MSF, when Frank almost did not make it because the notion of not attacking medical stations was a guideline not everyone was following, Harry proposed to Frank. That was 7 years ago. Their marriage was a Lego-themed. It wasn’t something big, but something that was worth it to be seen and witnessed. Frank promised to take a break from MSF missions, especially in the regions the next missions were heading, even if his heart wanted to go. He agreed to settle, not knowing what would be ahead.
He was on shift when the first injured came in. First, they thought it may be a terrorist attack, then they realized that people were panicking. It did not happen in a night; the world did catch fire over time. He knew something was wrong when he witnessed one of his nurses being bitten. Frank picked up a first response trauma bag and left the hospital straight for his husband. They’ve made a plan.
That plan lead them away from Philadelphia, they avoided big crowds, bunkered down in secure locations moved around. They met people, helped people, escaped from people, they survived, grieved people along the way. The bag was problematic and helpful. Eventually a year ago, they met a small mobile group. They were good people, and they also had some animals. Among them a donkey that would become the carrier of their belongings. The group explained that they were looking for a gated community rumored to be somewhere in West Virginia, but they did not know where. Timing would have it that they would first cross the Daybreakers path shortly after the Ranch attack. They were cut from that group, fled with the donkey, and randomly stumbled on Redwood. Was this the community their group was talking about? They did not know, but they seemed organized enough to join.
• 2 years ago, as an anniversary gift, Frank found in a mall a box of Legos , and gave that to Harry
• The first responder trauma is not only heavy, but also truly a beacon and attracted people even if they wanted to remain discreet. Thus, Harry has put some dark bed sheet over it they found so his husband was safer during their travels
• While being snarky, Frank is never pushy with his patients and tries not to dismiss what they are saying because he knows that people know their bodies better than a doctor sometimes
• Frank sticks to triage, he will not waste resources on a lost cause, even if it means breaking his vow
• Frank likes to knit, according to him it’s a good gymnastic for his hands
• Frank grew up in a Christian household and while he was not the most active in his faith, he carries a medallion of Saints Cosmas and Damien, the patron saints of doctors and surgeons. He also found himself talking to God more these past years.
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