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haitilegends · 9 months ago
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À la Mémoire de JEAN BENJAMIN
Repose en Paix
Nous adressons nos plus sincères condoléances à la famille, aux amis et aux admirateurs de Jean Jacques Benjamin, un musicien de l'ombre dont la lumière a brillé intensément dans les domaines de la musique et de la culture haïtienne. Né le 14 septembre 1931, Jean Benjamin n'était pas seulement un chanteur, mais aussi un pianiste et compositeur profond. Son décès le 2 mai 2024 nous a laissé un vide qui ne pourra jamais être comblé, mais son héritage résonnera à jamais à travers sa musique et les vies qu'il a touchées.
La voix de Jean était un phare d'inspiration et de joie pour un groupe élite de mélomanes, portant la riche histoire et l'esprit vibrant d'Haïti à travers les générations et les frontières. En tant que chanteur principal pour l'Orchestre Riviera Hotel sous la direction du Maestro Edner Guignard dans les années 1950, aux côtés de légendes telles que le regretté Guy Durosier, Jean Benjamin a mis en avant l'essence de la musique Big Band haïtienne, captivant les cœurs et les âmes avec des standards de Boléro haïtien jazzy et des compositions originales.
Ses mélodies, de la poignante: "Gisèle" dédiée à sa première épouse à l'émouvante: "L'amour", sont des trésors intemporels qui continuent d'inspirer et d'élever. L'art de Jean était un pont, reliant le passé au présent, la tradition à l'innovation. Sa musique, immortalisée par des enregistrements et des performances, reste un témoignage de son talent extraordinaire et de sa passion inébranlable pour son art.
Nous sommes reconnaissants pour les souvenirs, la musique et l'héritage que Jean Jacques Benjamin laisse derrière lui.
À son frère—Dr Rodrigue Benjamin et Famille
À ses enfants—Ylder Benjamin, Esmeralda Benjamin Laraque, Claudette Benjamin, Jean Jacques junior Benjamin, Grevy Benjamin, Esther Benjamin.
Aux petits-enfants—Marcus Benjamin, Laurent Laraque, Sebastian Laraque, Christopher C. Raymonvil ; et un arrière-petit-fils ;
À ses neveux et nièces—Jean René Foureau et famile; Hervé et Ketly Foureau Dorsinville; Marlene Benjamin et famille; Caroline Benjamin Fleurimont et famille;
Franklyn Benjamin Jr et famille; Frankline Benjamin et famille; Nadine Benjamin et famille; Gregoire Benjamin et famille; Sandra Benjamin et famille; Patrice Benjamin et famille
À — Gilbert Laraque, Robert-Charlot Raymonvil et toute la famille élargie
Aux amis proches —Serge Morel, Leopold Molière aka Yoyo,
nos pensées vous accompagnent en cette période difficile. Puissiez-vous trouver du réconfort dans le fait que l'esprit de Jean continue de vivre à travers sa musique et les innombrables vies qu'il a touchées. Sa vie a été bien vécue, et ses contributions à la musique et à la culture continueront d'être célébrées pour les générations à venir.
Repose en paix, Jean Benjamin, une véritable légende dont les mélodies résonneront à jamais dans le cœur de ceux qui ont eu le privilège de vivre votre art.
In Loving Memory of JEAN BENJAMIN
Rest in Peace
We extend our deepest condolences to the family, friends, and admirers of Jean Jacques Benjamin, an unsung music man whose light shone brightly in the realms of Haitian music and culture. Born on September 14, 1931, Jean Benjamin was not just a singer, but a profound pianist and composer. His passing on May 2, 2024, has left us with a void that can never be filled, but his legacy will forever resonate through his music and the lives he touched.
Jean's voice was a beacon of inspiration and joy for an elite group of melomanes, carrying the rich history and vibrant spirit of Haiti across generations and borders. As a premier vocalist for Orchestra Riviera Hotel under the direction of Maestro Edner Guignard in the 1950s, alongside legends like the late Guy Durosier, Jean Benjamin brought the essence of Haitian Big Band music to the forefront, captivating hearts and souls with jazzy Haitian Bolero Standards and original compositions.
His melodies, from the poignant "Gisèle" dedicated to his first wife to the stirring "L'amour," are timeless treasures that continue to inspire and uplift. Jean's artistry was a bridge, connecting the past with the present, tradition with innovation. His music, immortalized by recordings and performances, remains a testament to his extraordinary talent and his unwavering passion for his craft.
We are grateful for the memories, the music, and the legacy Jean Jacques Benjamin leaves behind.
To his brother—Dr Rodrigue Benjamin et Famille
To his children—Ylder Benjamin, Esmeralda Benjamin Laraque, Claudette Benjamin, Jean Jacques junior Benjamin, Grevy Benjamin, Esther Benjamin.
His grandchildren—Marcus Benjamin, Laurent Laraque, Sebastian Laraque, Christopher C. Raymonvil; and one great-grandchild.
To his nephews and nieces—Jean René Foureau et famile; Hervé et Ketly Foureau Dorsinville; Marlene Benjamin et famille; Caroline Benjamin Fleurimont et famille;
Franklyn Benjamin Jr et famille; Frankline Benjamin et famille; Nadine Benjamin et famille; Gregoire Benjamin et famille; Sandra Benjamin et famille; Patrice Benjamin et famille
To —Gilbert Laraque, Robert-Charlot Raymonvil and the entire extended family.
To his close friends:—Serge Morel, Leopold Molière aka Yoyo,
our thoughts are with you during this difficult time. May you find comfort in the knowledge that Jean's spirit lives on through his music and the countless lives he touched. His was a life well-lived, and his contributions to music and culture will continue to be celebrated for generations to come.
Rest in peace, Jean Benjamin, a true legend whose melodies will forever echo in the hearts of those who had the privilege to experience your artistry.
Sandra Gabriel Lmt
From Jean Benjamin with Love!
Voici quelques musiques supplémentaires.
Grevy Newton Benjamin
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#Vocalist #HaitianPianist
#Chanteur #PianisteHaïtien #Compositeur #auteurcompositeurinterprète
#EdnerGuignard #Gisèle
#Composer #singersongwriter
#EdnerGuignard #Gisèle
#Haītilegends #SGLmt #collage by Sandra Gabriel Haitilegends
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haitilegends · 1 year ago
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PIERRE QUALO, a significant figure in the Haitian Air Force, was once hailed as Haiti's hero. He earned this title by swimming a mile and a half from the coast to save a fellow pilot, Gerard Dufanal, whose plane had crashed into the sea. Interestingly, their bond deepened when they married two sisters from the Mews family, and their friendship remained strong until the end of their lives.
Rest in Peace 🙏🏾
Gary Qualo
Jean Sébastien Quallo
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#RescueMission #UnbreakableBond #MewsFamily
#military #Hero
#Haitian #Haiti #Ayiti
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haitilegends · 6 months ago
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Sunday, January 28, 1940 – Sunday, June 9, 2024
By Régine Roumain (daughter)
André Pierre Romain was born on Sunday, January 28, 1940, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti to the late Fannie Privert and Turenne Romain. He has one surviving brother– Camile Romain. He is preceded in death by siblings: Renée, Marthe, Solanges, Emmanuel, Viviane and Junique.
André spent his youth in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and emigrated to the United States as a young man in his twenties. He was a brilliant artist who in his lifetime made groundbreaking Kompa jazz music with "Ibo Combo" in Haiti and abroad. He was a vocalist, guitarist, pianist, conga player, and dedicated band member. From his extensive 8 track tapes, albums, cassettes, CDs, and video collection, anyone who knew him would get to know his love of music and would invariably be introduced to new sounds of talented artists from around the world. André’s interests and talent in the arts also led him to learn photography and wood sculpting. André’s home became his art studio and his family was gifted with learning the importance of regular practice as an important tool in striving for excellence.
Affectionately known as “Papi,” André was a man in a constant state of evolution and growth. He clearly understood his human limitations and still strived toward greatness each day. He was kind, loving, intellectually curious, and simultaneously a prolific student and sage teacher. He was a self-taught man and positively influenced so many with his wisdom, ingenuity, and humor.
He was a man who smiled often and devotedly uplifted the tenets of his Christian faith as a Jehovah’s Witness. He believed above all things, that we should have "intense love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins" (1 Peter 4:8). Brother Romain will be greatly missed by members of the Laurel and Bryans Road congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
André was a man greatly in love with his wife Gladys and remained devoted to her for 55 years until his untimely passing. Together they were entrepreneurs and supported themselves and their family through independent and creative means.
In the later years of his life, André became a strong advocate for healthy lifestyles and would promote daily walking and grounding as restorative healing to everyone that he met. At the time of his passing at 84 years of age, he was walking over 17,000 steps (7.7 miles) regularly. His commitment to well-being, and holistic healing through plant-based, whole foods was an inspiration to all who knew and loved him.
André is survived by his children - Dudchen Romain, Patrick Edouard, Iman Shabazz (née Ingrid Regis), Régine Romain, and Natacha Romain. He was blessed to have 10 grandchildren: Stephanie, Yekini, Rachide, Tanika, Tiffani, Julien, Prince Aziz, Rahman, Aishah and Ngozi. He was further blessed to have 3 great-grandchildren: Alexa, Anika and Yonathan. He also had a sweet connection with Maximus, his canine “grandpup.”
André is loved and will be greatly missed by members of the Naar, Pierre, Bruno, Dumorné, Critchlow, Anderson, Paul, Pratt, and Wedderburn families, his daughter-in-law Ketzia Edouard and lifetime friends Alix Pascal and Antoine Bruno.
The voice of André Romain is immortalized through his music, which is still played in Haiti today. He leaves his family a tremendous legacy of his goodwill, artistry and faith.
THANK YOU – **The Family of André Romain**
We wish to express genuine, heartfelt gratitude for the many kind and beautiful expressions of sympathy, support and love during our time of bereavement. We sincerely appreciate each act of kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity shared during this time.
***A special thank you to Milton Leblanc ML Leblanc and family of haitiprogres.com for publishing my father's obituary in Kreyòl. Mesi anpil to Vikings Merceron and Atibon Legba for the translation.***
🎥 "Andre Romain _Fleur D'amour" on YouTube
🎥 Andre Romain_ Baisers pour Haiti" on YouTube
🎥 Ibo Combo - La vie musicien (Haïti)"
Dear Régine and Family,
On behalf of Haiti Legends, I extend our heartfelt condolences on the passing of André Pierre Romain. His contributions to Haitian music and the arts have profoundly impacted our culture. We hope you find solace in your cherished memories and the legacy he leaves behind. Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time. 🕊🙏🏾🕊
Sandra Gabriel Lmt
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haitilegends · 2 years ago
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haitilegends · 2 years ago
Watch "Fabrice Rouzier - L'UNIVERSEL, CREATEUR du Mouvement TWOUBADOU" on YouTube
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haitilegends · 1 year ago
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CONGRATULATIONS TO CLAUDINE GAY on her inauguration as Harvard University's first Haitian-American president and second woman leader!
“I stand before you today humbled by the prospect of leading Harvard, emboldened by the trust you have placed in me, and energized by your own commitment to this singular institution and to the common cause of higher education” ~ Claudine Gay
Continue Reading:
Courage to be Harvard - Harvard University President (Speech)
As it Happened: Harvard President Claudine Gay’s Inauguration | News | The Harvard Crimson
Livestreams - Harvard University
(Video Snippet)
🎥 "Claudine Gay inaugurated as Harvard's first Black president"
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#ClaudineGay 👈🏿
Harvard University’s 30th president
#Haiti #Haïti #Ayiti #USA
#MagaliRegis https://youtu.be/iSkeIWDRIqE
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haitilegends · 2 years ago
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▌. 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐮 . ▌
C'est lors de cet événement qu'elle attira l'attention du médecin Jean-Baptiste Mirambeau, qui par son témoignage lui permit d'entrer dans l'histoire. Elle devint ensuite un élément clé de la succession d'événements qui mena à l'indépendance d'Haïti en 1804.
Après la proclamation de l'indépendance d'Haïti, Dessalines nomma Toya Duchesse impériale en 1805, pour la récompenser de sa contribution à la cause. Malheureusement, elle succomba peu de temps après à une maladie, mais sa mémoire perdura à travers les siècles.
Aujourd'hui, Toya représente la résistance des femmes à l'époque de la révolution d'Haïti. Elle incarne la force et le courage de celles qui, malgré leur condition d'esclave, ont lutté pour leur liberté et leur dignité. C'est pour cette raison qu'une fondation locale a été créée en son nom pour soutenir l'émancipation des filles en Haïti.
De plus, depuis mai 2022, une maison du parc départemental Georges-Valbon à La Courneuve (Seine-Saint-Denis) porte son nom, perpétuant ainsi son souvenir et son héritage. La vie de Toya est une source d'inspiration pour de nombreuses personnes, et sa contribution à l'histoire d'Haïti est inoubliable.
ѕнαяє∂ b̷y̷ r̾c̾r̾
Robert Charlot NuVice
Meet the warrior woman from Dahomey who trained Haitian revolutionary hero Dessalines / SamePassage
#HaitianHistory #Haiti
#Dahomey #Africa
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haitilegends · 3 months ago
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Join us in celebrating the incredible Eddy François An iconic singer-songwriter, guitarist, bassist, performer and activist!
Today, we honor one of the most iconic voices in Haitian music history. Happy Birthday, Eddy! Here’s to many more years of inspiring music and creativity!
Boukan Ginen - Compass Records
#EddyFrancois 👈🏽
#guitarist #JouARive
#Rasin #Vodou #VodouRock
#racine #HaitianMusic
#HumanRights #activist
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haitilegends · 1 year ago
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CONGRATULATIONS, EDEN BERANDOIVE, on becoming a signed model with ELITE NYC! We Wish you abundant blessings on this exciting new chapter!
By Eden Berandoive
"Good things come to those who work hard every day. So excited to finally share this incredible news with you, I am officially a signed model and with non other than @elitenyc One of my favorite agencies that I manifested for. If you know my story you know After miss Universe Haiti I decided to leave my family to move here with nothing, but only a big heart and even bigger dreams to become a professional model, so I worked towards it everyday to make that dream a reality. Little Eden from Aquin, Haiti is signed with one of the biggest modeling agencies in the world, somebody pinch me. Wow !!! I am so excited for this new journey. In the process please remember to surround yourself with good people, because it wouldn’t have been possible without my support system. I love and appreciate you.❤️🙏🏾Please please don’t give up on your dreams. You want it work for it, because hard work truly pays off . "
Link in comments.
Haitian Creole:
"FELISITASYON, EDEN BERANDOIVE, pou ou vin yon modèl ki genyen kontra ak ELITE NYC! Nou swete w anpil benediksyon nan chapit sa a ki ekzitan! HAITI⭐LEGENDS
FÉLICITATIONS, EDEN BERANDOIVE, d'être devenue un mannequin signée avec ELITE NYC! Nous te souhaitons d'abondantes bénédictions dans ce nouveau chapitre passionnant! HAITI⭐LEGENDS
"FELICITACIONES, EDEN BERANDOIVE, por convertirte en una modelo firmada con ELITE NYC! ¡Deseamos abundantes bendiciones en este emocionante nuevo capítulo!
Explore on our Facebook page hashtags 👈🏿
#SignedModel #EliteModel
#HardWorkPaysOff #ModelingCareer
#FromHaitiWithLove #BelieveInYourself #ManifestingDreams #MissUniverseHaiti
#HaitilegendsCongratulations #Congratulations
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haitilegends · 1 year ago
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Bar Crawl Radio
@WSCG 🎧🎙🎵
Season 8, Ep. 200
Flashback Friday, July 7, 2023
"One of our regular gigs is the West Side Community Garden Summer Concerts. The final offering of 2023 featured the luscious sounds of Afro-Haitian Jazz performed by Mozayik – led by drummer Gashford Guillaume – who has performed with Haitian superstars -- Emeline Michel and Beethova Obas. And at festivals in Amsterdam, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Haiti, Cuba, St, Lucia, Martinique and many cities around the U.S.
In 2000 Gashford and others started “Mozayik” – which is committed to the #Haitian jazz genre. I sat down with Gashford – about a week after the concert to talk about Haitian Jazz and its link to the Haitian culture at Gebhards Beer Culture Bar on the UWS."
Alan Winson - Co-Host BCR Podcasts
Mozayik Haitian jazz
"We had such a great time performing at the West Side Community Garden this past Sunday for Father's Day! The garden and those that attended were a gem! A must to visit!:
Mozayik Haitian jazz
Gashford Guillaume 🥁
Eddy Bourjolly 🎸
Gene Torres 🎸
Ted Cruz 🎹
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haitilegends · 2 years ago
Gaëlle Bien-Aimé (@gaellebienaime) • Instagram ...
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haitilegends · 2 years ago
Garry Pierre-Pierre, Author at The Haitian Times
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haitilegends · 2 years ago
Repost @basquiatkingpleasure
#ReadAllAboutIt 🗞️👑 With just a few days left to see @BasquiatKingPleasure, we're looking back on some of our favorite features from our time in New York!
"The intimate family element combined with the scope of Basquiat’s glowing, gone-too-soon talent creates an emotional impact that’s hard to shake." - @NYTimes
Link in bio to book your tickets before we close on January 1st 🎟️
Tickets - Jean-Michel Basquiat: King Pleasure
#KingPleasure #Basquiat #JeanMichelBasquiat #ArtExhibit
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haitilegends · 2 years ago
Une perte immense pour la communauté Artistique.
Repose en Paix Michaël Benjamin ''Mikaben National''!
27 juin 1981 - 15 Octobre 2022.
Chanteur, Auteur, Compositeur Haïtien.
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#Mikaben #Mikaben509 💔💜🙏🏽 There are no words.... This one is tough to wrap my brain around. Heartfelt 💔 condolences to the family and friends of Mikaben. He was a devoted husband, family man, singer-songwriter, rapper, musician and producer. He was an activist,
Who regularly participated in many important causes. He loved his country and his song for Haiti has become a 2nd anthem. My heart breaks for his wife, his children, his family, as well as the MANY musicians he actively worked with, on countless projects over the years. ....(gulp..😢) At 41... wow. Thank you Mikaben. You will be missed.🙏🏽🕊💜🕊🙏🏾
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haitilegends · 2 years ago
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Louis Berrouët:
L'Intrusion de la Poésie dans le Langage Pictural des Oeuvres du Grand Peintre Hervé Lebreton (French Edition)
Par Sabrina Lebreton
Mesdames et messieurs,
c'est avec une grande fierté que je propose ce magnifique livre recueillant les sublimes poèmes de Louis Berrouet ainsi que les grandes œuvres picturales de mon père Hervé Lebreton.
C'est une tendre lecture teintée d'amour, de romantisme et de sensualité où la femme, héroïne de tous les temps, tient la vedette.
La symbiose des deux artistes offre un spectacle littéraire majestueux à travers 43 toiles et poèmes.
Pour vous procurer le livre, je vous réfère à Louis Berrouet en lui écrivant en privé. Bonne lecture à tous ❤️❤️❤️
Louis Berrouët - Biographie:
"Étant le cinquième enfant d’une famille de dix , gamin turbulent et bagarreur, rien ne laissait pressentir chez moi, un poète en gestation.Cette fougue qui s’exprimait par une très forte vitalité physique, cachait en réalité une âme sensible qui cherchait sa voie.
D’une part, élevé par un Père qui , sous un air sévère, savait prodiguer une réelle affection
et d’autre par, par une Mère dont la voix a bercé mon enfance des airs les plus populaires de lachanson française et de la musique classique , cette fée du foyer nous a transmis sa sensibilité et et le goût du beau.
Dès mon plus jeune âge , j’éprouvais un attrait particulier pource la lecture et je faisais la fierté de la famille quand je ramenais le prix d’excellence épinglé sur mon uniforme du dimanche après la messe dominicale à laquelle j’assistais avec mes autres camarades de classe des frères de l’instruction chrétienne de Jacmel , cette ville prodigieuse qui a forgé mon enfance.
Tel est ce contexte empreint d’émotions fortes et d’amour filial dont ma Mère fut le phare qui m’a dicté cette vénération que j’ai pour la femme et ce sens aiguë de justice que je me suis efforcé d’exprimer dans mes poèmes et réflexions
Dans le clair-obscur du psychisme, il faut réactiver la rêverie comme l’a dit Gaston Bachelard, et le poète devient ce rêveur de mots .je trouve que cette approche est adaptée à ma quête d’une écriture poétique."
Cliquez ici # 👈🏾
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haitilegends · 2 years ago
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Singer/Composer Cécile McLorin Salvant’s New Album, ‘Mélusine, Due March 24 on Nonesuch Records | Nonesuch Records
🎥 "Cécile McLorin Salvant - D'un Feu Secret (Official Video)" on YouTube
Nonesuch Records
Jan 26, 2023
" Cecile McLorin Salvant performs 'D'un secret,' from her new album, 'Mélusine,' due March 24 on Nonesuch Records. Pre-order now at
Cécile McLorin Salvant, vocals
Sullivan Fortner, synths
Video by Amanda Bonaiuto in Brooklyn, NY
Assistance by Kohana Wilson
'Mélusine' features a mix of five originals and interpretations of nine songs, dating as far back as the 12th century, mostly sung in French along with Occitan, English, and Haitian Kreyòl, that tell the folk tale of Mélusine, a woman who turns into a half-snake each Saturday after a childhood curse by her mother. Mélusine agrees to marry Raymondin on the condition that he never see her on Saturdays. He agrees but is later convinced by his brother to break his promise, piercing his wife’s door with a sword and finding her naked in the bath, half snake, half woman. When she catches him spying on her, she turns into a dragon and flies away, only to reappear every time one of her descendants is on their deathbed.
(Michel Lambert, air de cour, 1660)
D'un feu secret je me sens consumer
Sans pouvoir soulager le mal qui me possède;
Je pourrois bien guérir si je cessois d'aymer,
Mais j'ayme mieux le mal que le remède.
Quand je mourrois, pourroit-on me blasmer ?
Qui commence d’aymer , ne doit-il pas poursuivre ?
Quand on sçaura, Philis, que j'ay cessé d'aymer,
On saura bien que j'ay cessé de vivre.
By a secret a fire
I feel myself
I feel myself being consumed
Without being able to relieve the pain that possesses me
I could be cured
If I stopped loving
But I prefer the disease than the remedy
When I die, will they be able to blame me?
The one who begins to love, should he not pursue?
When they know, Mélusine,
That I have ceased loving
They will surely know, that I have ceased living "
Album Cover Notes:
By Cecile McLorin Salvant
My new album, ‘Mélusine,’ will be released March 24 on Nonesuch Records, with the vinyl due May 19. You can pre-order now at https://cecilemclorinsalvant.lnk.to/melusine
1. Est-ce ainsi que les hommes vivent? (Louis Aragon and Léo Ferré)
2. La route enchantée (Charles Trenet)
3. Il m’a vue nue (Pierre Chagnon, Jean Delabre, François Pruvost, Modesto Romero Martínez, and Georges Thenon)
4. Dites moi que je suis belle (E. Deschamps/anonymous, 14th century)
5. Doudou (Cécile McLorin Salvant)
6. Petite musique terrienne (Michel Berger and Luc Plamondon, from the musical Starmania, 1978)
7. Aida (Cécile McLorin Salvant)
8. Mélusine (Cécile McLorin Salvant)
9. Wedo (Cécile McLorin Salvant)
10. D’un feu secret (Michel Lambert, air de cour, 1660)
11. Le temps est assassin (Veronique Sanson)
12. Fenestra (Cécile McLorin Salvant)
13. Domna N'Almucs (Iseut de Capio, female troubadour,12th century, in Occitan)
14. Dame Iseut (Almucs de Castelneau, female troubadour, 12th century, in Occitan and translated to Haitian Creole by Alix Salvant)
Design by @wilkerton & me
Photos by @karoliskaminskas Makeup by @jezzhill Earring by @farisjewelry
Tour Dates!!!!
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#covertunes #preOrder
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