#napoleonic roleplay scene lore
Borne frontière/Bords du domaine code translation (spoilers)
(what it says on the tin)
Part 1: Borne frontière. Complete.
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Part 1.5: comment
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it's - easy - to - tell - the - boundary - between - light - and - dark - or - dots - and - dashes - isn't - it - unlike - other - boundary - conditions
(ironically enough, telling the white dots apart from the spaces wasn't easy at all :-))
Part 2: Bords du domaine. Incomplete so far.
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A small blue and white velvet box arrives in Lydia's mail. Inside the box is a star-shaped silver brooch accented with white topazes. It's quite sparkly.
"For your valiant efforts, Mme. Brown. You are much appreciated." -- @your-dandy-king
This realm is a strange place, shifting between times and locations, but none of the domains seem quite as... undecided as Lydia's. There are very little significant landmarks of time or location. Much of the area seems shrouded in mist and is interwoven with winding garden paths and sometimes, if you look back, you'll see a stretch of them that you don't remember - and yet, despite all that, it is not a particularly gloomy place. The colours are just as vibrant as ones on a sunny day. Lydia picks up the package and carries it to the place where she senses her home, humming a melody from her time. She turns back at her doorstep to see the mist disperse and reveal a ravine framed by steep cliffs seemingly right in the place where she walked a moment ago. She supposes it's quite fitting. As she opens the box and reads the note, a sincere smile spreads across her face. She admires the brooch as it sparkles in the rays of the setting sun and then pins it near the heart. Appreciated.
Thank you for your gift and your message, Your Majesty,
I am glad to know this. It has been an honour and I am looking forward to any future meeting time may bring.
With sincerest wishes of good fortune,
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armagnac-army · 9 months
Lᴇ Qᴜᴀʀᴛɪᴇʀ Gᴇ́ɴᴇ́ʀᴀʟ ᴅᴜ Mᴀʀᴇ́ᴄʜᴀʟ Lᴀɴɴᴇs
SALIUT ALL U ASSHOLES ON WHATEVER THE F THIS IS! This is your fucking excellency marshal jean lannes here, duke of montebello, prince of some fuckin place in poland but who can be bothered princing poland that place is full of mud and assholes!!
If you want to pick a fight with me then me and my boys will fuck u right back up, got it? But if youre chill than were chill.
Out Of Character
(( Hello! This is a joke RP ask blog portraying Marshal Jean Lannes (wikipedia link), one of Napoleon Bonaparte's elite military commanders and best friend, played by @cadmusfly because @apurpledust is a bad influence!
This comedic version of Jean Lannes is a loud capslocking ragingly enthusiastic blogger who enjoys sheep and has anger issues. He will not be bothered spelling things correctly. He dislikes the English and royalists, and is fiercely patriotic and protective of his friend Napoleon. The language is extremely anachronistic, slangy and inaccurate.
But he can be serious, sincere and emotional. He is filled with regrets for his marriages, particularly his second which was arranged, and how duty kept him distant from his kids. He's painfully aware that his loyalty to Napoleon brought him to his tragic and painful death. He is bombastic, but he is also filled with melancholic reflection.
While this portrayal is ahem, inspired by history, it is not intended to be accurate or faithful to the actual historical figure. This is just an entertaining parodic fictionalised version, and not meant to be actual analysis, commentary or endorsement.
If you send asks to or tag this blog, you might get an in-character response, probably in all caps! If you follow him, he might reblog your posts.
There is some Worldbuilding Lore behind Lannes' appearance in this afterlife, but it's not required knowledge to interact with him!
So yeah, feel free to send Lannes some asks or interact with him! And i also accept "magic anons" that mess with him magically, though like with asks I reserve the right to delete any or answer them at my leisure.
I also play the grumpy Marshal Jean-de-Dieu Soult at @murillo-enthusiast, who does occasionally appear here sometimes! ))
DIRECTORY OF THE ASSHOLES I INTERACT WITH - tagged with their blog name!!!
OOC Discord Server for the Napoleonic Roleplay Scene
@rapports-de-combat - Posts that get too long are filed here!
#dispatches from the marshal - all of the documentation here
#letters intercepted for the marshal’s eyes - things ive been asked to respond to!
#the adc makes a visual representation of the marshal - drawings of me by the adc!
#the adc makes visual representations - drawings by the adc in general!
#portrait of the marshal - shared pictures of me!
#merino sheeps - pictures of sheeps i like
#accoutrements of the marshal - my old shit
#affairs not of state - Extramarital historically unattested relationships such as “Lannap” >;]
#guest starring the Duke of Dalmatia - For some reason, Marshal Jean-de-Dieu Soult is occasionally present. His communications are in orange and italicised. He now has his own letter column at @murillo-enthusiast.
#guest starring that floppy haired son of a bitch - For another reason, sometimes Marshal Bessières is also present.
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heraldofzaun · 3 years
✌ ✔ ✘ for the mun memes?
Roleplay related mun memes!
✌ : Fondest role-play memory, between muses?
Hmm... I generally have a really hard time picking a “favorite” of anything, because I find it difficult to concretely rank things like that. So I’ll just give a few.
I’ve really enjoyed a lot of the writing between myself and a friend who played Orianna and Corin. This was mostly offsite, though, so I can’t show you it. But we had this modern AU where Viktor was a newer employee at Corin’s prosthesis lab, and it was really nice to write a more settled-down/normal Viktor with a supportive group of coworkers.
We also wrote a good deal of Creator AU content, which I still think of fondly even though I think I’ve tired myself out on Creator for a while. It was great fun to write just a real shithead of a Viktor... I think my favorite scene from there is him and my friend’s OC having some real good villain-hero banter, although Viktor - even as a power-hungry militaristic megalomaniac - still is not great at banter.
I’ve also greatly enjoyed writing with @sheriff-caitlyn over the past year! Again, mostly offsite, but bits of it creep onto tumblr upon occasion. (Ever wonder why Viktor’s been exchanging the occasional gift with her?) I think my favorite here is Caitlyn giving Viktor a small lavender plant (their backstory is long and complicated, but all you have to know is that they care for each other very much even though neither of them can be seen in the other’s city-state) to take care of, because he appreciated that she brought him dried lavender on one of the times she snuck over to visit him. She has a matching plant and it’s just very... It gets me in my heart, y’know. Viktor does his best to keep it healthy.
✔ : What drew you to the character you currently play? What types of characters are you generally drawn to?
I’ve been an unrepentant Viktor fan since about 2014, which means that yes, I did play him when Augment: Death was a thing. (I stopped playing before they removed his Hex Core from the game and gave him that VFX update that I find horrid, so I can’t say that I’ve played all iterations of Viktor... But I played the ones that I liked, so.)
I think I liked him at the outset for a couple of reasons, although it’s been a while... I’m not sure if I have him to thank for my love of sci-fi, or if I liked it before and it’s just increased ever since. But a lot of the stuff in his 2014 lore resonated with me, for better or for worse, and I also just thought his design was fascinating. I didn’t write him at the time - well, I briefly wrote his Full Machine counterpart about a year down the line - and I’m kind of glad I didn’t. I think it’s only in these past few years that I’ve been able to write him with the complexity and gravity he deserves.
I think I tend to like a variety of characters, although the ones I write are a subset of that? I’m not too great at self-analysis in this case, but I think I tend to like characters with a lot of internal conflict and struggle or characters who are perceived in vastly different ways by the various people around them. Sci-fi and fantasy elements are also a big win. (Maybe “tortured/flawed/struggling idealist” would be a good descriptor for some of the characters?) Also villains, sometimes. Also autistic-coded/relatable characters. I’ll include a non-comprehensive of characters I like below, and bold the ones I’m currently trying to write.
Viktor, Jayce, Caitlyn, Orianna, Blitzcrank, Annie, Janna (these last two are a case of I Can Fix Them Disease so they’re pretty AU), I have a few other League characters I like but this list is long already, Anarky from DC Comics, I have mixed feelings about the Riddler’s recent portrayals but I like Hush-era, Reformed PI, and BTAS Riddler, Clara from Pathologic (the first one, haven’t played 2) but also Daniil and Artemy to a lesser extent, Doctor Doom but when in a competent writer’s hands (I like Triumph and Torment), R. Daneel Olivaw (and Lije Baley) from Asimov’s Robots series, Erik from Phantom of the Opera (the original book), Sherlock Holmes (original stories and Jeremy Brett’s performances, Elementary is growing on me quite rapidly as well), Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin from the original Man from U.N.C.L.E. TV show not the reboot, Spock, Data, Odo, Garak, and Julian Bashir from various flavors of Star Trek.
There’s more but I feel like this probably gives you a nice and clear insight into my psyche, so I’m going to stop now.
✘ : Any head canons you’d like to imply on your character but know they wouldn’t fit?
I don't think so? Whether this is because I try to limit myself to realistic speculations about Viktor or because I just apply anything to him, I don't know.
I guess I have a few edge-case headcanons that don't really show up often, like Viktor being a competent artist but solely for technology or repetitive patterns. He can sketch prosthesis concepts and draw blueprints just fine, but can't really draw anything... alive. (Without it looking more like an anatomical text drawing than anything else, that is.)
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