little-rat-man · 2 months
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Some Illustrierter Beobachter finds
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Hitler and Martin Bormann at the Obersalzberg, Bavaria, Germany
German vintage postcard
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immaculatasknight · 2 years
Business is good
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er1chartmann · 6 months
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These are some facts and curiosities about Blondi, Hitler's dog
Blondi was given to the Führer by Martin Bormann in 1941.
By all accounts, Hitler was very fond of Blondi and often kept her by his side, while Hitler's secretary, Traudl Junge, later stated that Eva Braun detested her and sometimes kicked her.
An officer declared «I sometimes had the impression that the outcome of the Russian campaign depended more on Blondi than on the German general staff»
She stayed with Hitler even after he moved to the Führerbunker, where he allowed her to sleep in his bedroom, during the fall of Berlin
In April 1945 she gave birth to five puppies, with the German shepherd of the architect Gerdy Troost.
In his final days the Führer became "emotionally dependent" on Blondi, risking his life to take her for daily walks outside the bunker.
Before killing himself, Hitler ordered one of his personal doctors, Dr. Haase to test on Blondi the cyanide pills that he would need for suicide.
Wikipedia: Blondi
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mefiless25 · 9 months
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Oh! Woman!
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Emma Bormann - Bosporus (ca. 1930)
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lovethesparrow · 1 month
get it cause hes fat..
⚠️im not fatph*bic i love Hermann Göring!!⚠️
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smilekit-001 · 4 months
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deutschland-im-krieg · 8 months
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An Arado Ar 96 (not this one) was the last plane flown out of Berlin in WW2. The great Hanna Reitsch was the pilot and her passenger was Robert Ritter von Greim. Greim was ordered to Berlin and Hanna flew him in through Russian fire in a Fieseler Fi 156 Storch (Stork) on 26.4.45.
The plane was hit and damaged but she landed it safely. Hitler then promoted von Greim to Generalfeldmarshal and new chief of the by now non existent Luftwaffe. This situation was masterminded by Martin Bormann, who convinced Hitler that Reichsmarshall Hermann Göring was a traitor and had him arrested and dismissed.
Reitsch pleaded with Hitler to allow her to fly him out of Berlin but the Führer refused. Reitsch wanted to stay with Hitler in the Führerbunker. However, Hitler ordered her to leave on 29.4.45. As the Fi 156 Storch she flew in was too damaged to fly out, the Arado Ar 96 was the last flyable plane available in Berlin to fly out. For more, see my Facebook group - Eagles Of The Reich
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ciaheyhimm · 2 years
Honest Reactions to "I want a baby"
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Do I feel bad after creating this? No, but I'm planning to do more of them because I LOVE making these.
Please take this as a joke.
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reusedrobescostumes · 14 days
This Red Robe is worn on Susanne Bormann as Maid Magdalena in The Goose Girl (2009) and worn again later on Martha Issová as Bohdank in The Seven Ravens (2015)
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immaculatasknight · 2 years
The dirty business of war
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er1chartmann · 8 months
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This is Martin Bormann, the Almighty God of Obersalzberg, timeline:
1900: He was born.
1902: His younger brother, Albert, was born.
1903: His father died.
1914: The First World War began.
1918: The First World War ended.
1922: He joined the  Freikorps Roßbach.
1924: He was sentenced to a year in prison as an accomplice of Rudolf Hoss in the murder of Walther Kadow.
1927: He joined the Nazi Party.
1928: He became a member of the Supreme Command of the SS. His tenure lasted until 1930.
1928: He became the party's regional press officer and business manager
1929: He married the 19 years old Gerda Buch.
1930: His first son, Adolf Bormann, was born.
1931: His first daughter, Ilse Bormann, was born.
1933: Adolf Hitler was appointed Reich Chancellor.
1933: He became Reichsleiter.
1933: He became a member of the Reichstag.
1933: His second daughter, Irmgard, was born.
1933: He became personal secretary of Rudolf Hess.
1934: His second son, Rudolf Bormann, was born.
1936: His third son, Heinrich Bormann, was born.
1938: The Kehlsteinhaus, known as the "Eagle's Nest", was completed.
1938: His third daughter, Eva Bormann, was born
1938: By special order of Himmler, Bormann was granted SS number 555 to reflect his Alter Kämpfer (Old Fighter) status.
1939: The Second World War began.
1940: His fourth daughter, Gerda Bormann, was born.
1941: Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland.
1941: He was appointed Chief of the Chancellery of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
1941: He issued a circular addressed to the gauleiters, the local officials of the Nazi party, in which, without any ambiguity, he sanctioned the absolute irreconcilability between National Socialism and Christianity.
1942: He signed the decree which prescribed that "the definitive elimination of the Jews from the territories of Greater Germany can no longer be carried out through emigration but through the ruthless use of force in the special camps of the East".
1942: His fourth son, Fred Bormann, was born.
1943: He was officially appointed Hitler's personal secretary.
1943: His fifth son, Volker Bormann, was born
1944: He signed the decree which said that jurisdiction over all prisoners of war was handed over to Himmler and the SS.
1945: The Second World War ended.
1945: He (officially) died.
Wikipedia: Martin Bormann
Military Wiki: Martin Bormann
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mefiless25 · 1 year
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At what point in my life did I decide that the visualization of pain, rage and despair is a half-dead horse? However, I like her.
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pulquedeguayaba · 1 year
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Obsessed with this review in Spanish of Tor Bormann-Larsen's biography on Amundsen.
Basically it goes like this:
"God, it took me months to finish this book!!! Not because it was badly written. I think it's the most objective biography of this gentleman who called himself a polar adventurer just for having the title. An immature dude that, besides having delusions of grandeur, fancied himself the one and best polar explorer. The way this guy was able to sell his ideas and get people to sponsor all his enterprises that he believed had exclusive rights to left me with a bitter taste. He betrayed his mentors, friends, and family. He did all sorts of scams. Only hooking up with married women. Nowadays, no one would pay for even his bus ticket. In the end, he tries to play victim once again, dragging with him 5 more people. A clown till the end. This is nothing but a reminder that how a person, aside from the glory, fame and the capitalization of such a significant enterprise as scientific exploration, isn't better than a regular person that leads a quiet life contributing to society. They all hide their skeletons in their closet. But this guy, I can conclude, while he had the ability to survive the polar weather, for activities as equally as complex, like human relationships and science, was fucking useless. I have had enough of this wanker...a fucking disappointment".
It's so rare to come across reviews of polar exploration books in Spanish cos most of them aren't translated* so really caught my eye. Also she shits on Roald SO hard but still gives the book a 4 star review 😆
*More than willing and able to fill that gap btw 🙋
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lovethesparrow · 7 days
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saved the best for last
pretty self-explanatory. ive been wanting to bormann post for a while but i hate him too much. i hate the way he threw göring « under the bus » but also im starting to enjoy reading more about him.
hmm.. maybe ill start bormann posting. no promises tho :))
—————————————————————————————————————i do not support or condone n*zi/f*cist ideologies!
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