#Martha Issová
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Martha Issová and Lukáš Příkazký in The Seven Ravens (Sedmero krkavců) 2015, dir. Alice Nellis IMDB
#Czech#čumblr#Czech cinema#Czech film#Martha Issová#Lukáš Příkazký#The Seven Ravens#Sedmero krkavců#Alice Nellis#Božena Němcová#film#film edit#fantasy#fairy tale#comedy#romance#adaptation#Czech literature#2010s#central Europe#European cinema#European film#actor#actress#Czech Republic#Czechia#Czech pop culture#gif#psychotronic film#dailyworldcinema
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This Red Robe is worn on Susanne Bormann as Maid Magdalena in The Goose Girl (2009) and worn again later on Martha Issová as Bohdank in The Seven Ravens (2015)
#recycled costumes#the goose girl#the seven ravens#Sedmero krkavcu#Susanne Bormann#Maid Magdalena#Martha Issová#Bohdank#costume drama#historical drama#reused costume#reused costumes#period drama#perioddramasource#dramasource
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This red/brown robe with pearls in front is worn on Susanne Bormann as Maid Magdalena in The Goose Girl (Die Gänsemagd) 2009 and worn again later on Martha Issová as Bohdank in The Seven Ravens (Sedmero krkavcu) 2015
#recycled costumes#Die Gänsemagd#the goose girl#Sedmero krkavcu#The Seven Ravens 2015#sechs auf einen streich#Susanne Bormann#Maid Magdalena#Martha Issová#Bohdank#costume drama#period drama#reused costume#reused costumes#perioddramasource#dramasource#fairy tales#historical drama
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This red/brown robe with pearls in front is worn on Susanne Bormann as Maid Magdalena in The Goose Girl (Die Gänsemagd) 2009 and worn again later on Martha Issová as Bohdank in The Seven Ravens (Sedmero krkavcu) 2015
#recycled costumes#Sedmero krkavcu#sechs auf einen streich#Die Gänsemagd#Sedmero krkavcu 2015#Susanne Bormann#Maid Magdalena#Martha Issová#Bohdank#historical drama#costume drama#reused costume#reused costumes#dramasource#source: historicalreusedcostumes
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(nevěděl jsem jestli je myšleno Sedmero krkavců z 2015 nebo 1993, ale díky bohu oba hlasy žíznili po Martě Issové :D)
Byl jednou jeden král
Jak (ne)dělat lívance 101
ikona vedle ikony (Werich, Burian, Horníček, Lipský, Kopecký...) a hláška za hláškou (Přiměřeně!, Tajtrdlík!?, Je venku tma?)
Sedmero krkavců
Issová je v tom boží - i bez toho aniž by mluvila jr neuvěřitelně expresivní. Mezilidské vztahy jsou realistické a zábavné a celé je to skvělé načasované bez nějakého roztahování.
- MARTHA ISSOVÁ JAKOŽE PARDON??? Její odhodlání a výkon - Iva Janžurová není groteskně zlá, ale je to opravdová pletichářka - MARTHA ISSOVÁ - její dynamika s princem - příroda - zmínila jsem už Marthu Issovou?
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Kde sledovat celý film „Úsvit“ online zdarma?
Sleduj Úsvit (2023) – Celý Film CZ Dabing HD Kvalite | Sleduj Filmy Online, Úsvit (2023) – Online Titulky Filmu Dabing CZ, Úsvit (2023) – Sleduj Filmy Online CZ Dabing HD Kvalite, [Bombuj-HD] Úsvit (2023) Film CZ Dabing [Online], [Sledovat-HD] Úsvit (2023) Film Online [CZ Dabing]
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⏩ Sledujte nyní ➲➲ Úsvit (2023) Celý Film
⏩ Sledujte nyní ➲➲ Úsvit (2023) Celý Film
Krimi / Drama Česko / Slovensko, 2023, 117 min
Obsahy Sympaticky moderní je na svou dobu – píše se rok 1937 – přístup mladého ředitele továrny uprostřed rostoucího města baťovského střihu v malebném podhůří majestátních Tater. Ale nenechte se mýlit, protagonistkou je jeho žena Helena (Eliška Křenková). Odhodlaný pohled aspirující lékařky, která se chystá brzy porodit, do vysněné rodinné budoucnosti však náhle zastíní nález mrtvého těla novorozence na dvoře pulzující fabriky. Helenina vrozená empatie, zesílená jiným stavem, se nespokojí s nápadně rychlým vyřešením záhady. Poutavé detektivní drama s progresívním a hluboce lidským pohledem na téma kontroverzní nejen těsně před netušenou válkou, ale i o desítky let později. (MFF Karlovy Vary)
Režie: Matěj Chlupáček Scénář: Miro Šifra Kamera: Martin Douba Hrají: Eliška Křenková, Miloslav König, Milan Ondrík, Marián Mitaš, Luboš Veselý, Martha Issová, Ladislav Hampl, Ján Jackuliak (další profese)
Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak, available on the WHO website and through your national and local public health authority. Most people who become infected experience mild illness and recover, but it can be more severe for others. Take care of your health and protect others by doing the following: Wash your hands frequently Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Why? Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands. Maintain social distancing Maintain at least 1 metre (9 feet) distance between yoursAfter. Almas perdidas and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. Why? When someone coughs or sneezes they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person coughing has the disease. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth Why? Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick. Practice respiratory hygiene Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately. Why? Droplets spread virus. By following good respiratory hygiene you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19.
If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority. Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on the situation in your area. Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. This will also protect you and help prevent spread of viruses and other infections.
Stay informed and follow advice given by your healthcare provider Stay informed on the latest developments about COVID-19. Follow advice given by your healthcare provider, your national and local public health authority or your employer on how to protect yoursAfter. Almas perdidas and others from COVID-19. Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on whether COVID-19 is spreading in your area. They are best placed to advise on what people in your area should be doing to protect.
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❍❍❍ TV FILM ❍❍❍
The first television shows were experimental, sporadic programs that from the 1930s could only be seen at a very short distance from the mast. TV events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the crowning of King George VI. In Britain in 19340 and the famous launch of David Sarnoff at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the United States, the medium grew, but World War II brought development to a halt after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television, and in 1948 the popular Texaco Star Theater radio moved to become the first weekly television variety show that hosted Milton Berle and earned the name “Mr Television” demonstrated The medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment that could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the United States took place on September 4, 1951, when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco on AT & T’s transcontinental cable and microwave relay system was broadcasting to broadcasters in local markets has been.
The first national color show (the 1954 Rose Parade tournament) in the United States took place on January 1, 1954. For the next ten years, most network broadcasts and almost all local broadcasts continued to be broadcast in black and white. A color transition was announced for autumn 1965, in which more than half of all network prime time programs were broadcast in color. The first all-color peak season came just a year later. In 19402, the last holdout of daytime network shows was converted to the first full color network season.
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Ivan Trojan, Václav Neužil, Martha Issová, Klára Melíšková and Pavel Šimčík in a TV series Zkáza Dejvického divadla (2019) dir. by Miroslav Krobot.
Episode 1.3 (Vládci loutek)
#zkáza dejvického divadla#spejbl a hurvínek#ivan trojan#václav neužil#klára melíšková#martha issová#pavel šimčík#miroslav krobot#dejvické divadlo#czech#czech cinema#my gifs
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Teplá solidarita* ve Vytoč mého agenta! Nemůžu tomu uvěřit, ale máme tu opakovačku, Martha Issová podruhé v roli soft butch lesby! Hraje agentku herců, je tak trochu fuckboy a zamiluje se do účetní. Kromě toho taky potkáváme jednu její ex (možná víc, přestala jsem se dívat asi po pátém díle), takže už tu máme 3 lesby! Plus v jednom díle je boj o roli mezi Zlatou Adamovskou a Táňou Medveckou, které hrají samy sebe, vyřešena tím, že budou hrát životní partnerky. Sere mě, že ten film neuvidím... Anyway, když jsem hledala fotku, našla jsem tenhle tumbnail. Enjoy :D.
*ve stejném seriálu je i postava gaye, ale toho si odložím do druhého vlákna
Teplá česká televize, část I: Lesby
aneb přehled LG postav, které jsem v poslední době zaznamenala v českých seriálech nebo filmech (LG, protože buďme upřímní, česká produkce se zmohla zatím na jednu T postavu a žádná další písmenka beztak neexistujou *konec sarkasmu*).
Lesby v Ulici! Děkuju tomu člověku tady, který na tento šokující jev upozornil. Viděla jsem s nimi jeden díl a vůbec nevím, o co jde, ale jsou to staré lesby a jednu z nich hraje skutečná lesba. Dobře ty, Novo.
(tuto fotku jsem našla u článku s titulkem “Nová posila Ulice je homosexuální šedesátnice” a víc jsem si asi ani nemohla přát)
Lesba ve Vodníkovi! Detektivní mini série od Jedničky, celkem slušná sama o sobě nám dala lesbu Zuzanu Stivínovou, která dokonce není zapšklá a sama, ale je zapšklá a má partnerku. Jako spoiler podporující můj argument, že jde o dobrou reprezentaci, prozradím, že dokonce ani nespáchala tu vraždu!
Lesba v Trpaslíkovi! Opět Jednička, ale myslím si, že hůř. Přirozeně je to tělocvikářka, přirozeně je celá divná a nepřátelská… Ale upřímně to může být i tím, že není můj typ (bacha! tento erudovaný článek není nezaujatý).
Lesbický import ve Skleněném pokoji! Uvedu to osobní anekdotou… Šla jsem na ten film s mamkou, protože se jí líbila ta kniha, do malého kina. S námi tam až na několik výjimek byli jenom samí občané 70+. Já jsem netušila, co bude, ani jsem neviděla žádné fotky nebo upoutávky. A pak najednou snad deset minut po začátku filmu jedna hlavní hrdinka strká prsty pod spodní prádlo druhé hlavní hrdinky. Moje pocity v celém vylíčeném kontextu byly nepopsatelné. Po skončení filmu mě má rodička informovala, že v knize nic tak lesbického nebylo. Smutné. Zajímalo by mě, co na to všichni ti důchodci…
Jestli jste v poslední době (třeba poslední 3 roky?) viděli nějaké další lesby, hodně to do reblogu i s fotkou, ať se informace šíří ;). Howgh.
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Martha Issová as Kate Bush performing "Wuthering Heights" in Your Face Sounds Familiar (Tvoje tvář má známý hlas) S03E02 2017, TV, IMDB - YT
#Czech#čumblr#Your Face Sounds Familiar#Tvoje tvář má známý hlas#Martha Issová#Kate Bush#TV#TV edit#TV show#Czech TV show#actress#Wuthering Heights#cover version#2010s#central Europe#european TV#campy#Czech Republic#Czechia#gif#comedy#music#Czech pop culture
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Neužil: Martho, můžeme spolu mluvit, jedna desítka k druhé?
Martha: Já jsem jedenáctka, ale pokračuj.
#zkáza dejvického divadla#zdd#václav neužil#martha issová#dejvice#org: tumblr#obrození#obrozujem#česky
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The Zookeeper’s Wife (2017) dir. Niki Caro
#The Zookeeper's Wife#Niki Caro#Jessica Chastain#Johan Heldenbergh#Daniel Brühl#Timothy Radford#Efrat Dor#Iddo Goldberg#Shira Haas#Michael McElhatton#Val Maloku#Martha Issová#Daniel Ratimorský#Frederick Preston#Theo Preston#Viktoria Zakharyanova#Goran Kostic#2017#Biography#Drama#History
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tumblr nezná Čtvrtou hvězdu :(
Mladý venkovan Štěpán Koláček (Václav Neužil), který se právě vrátil z pobytu v Anglii, získává místo nočního recepčního v omšelém libeňském hotelu Meteor, kde je již zaměstnán jeho vykutálený strýc František (Ivan Trojan). Štěpán se zamiluje do své kolegyně Pavlíny (Martha Issová), která v hotelu plní roli denní recepční. Vídá ji tím pádem pouze tehdy, když probíhá střídaní směn. Navíc má Štěpán úspěšnějšího soka – je jím Pavlínin partner, skalní fanoušek Sparty a příležitostný milenec hotelové manažerky Terezy (Lenka Krobotová), hotelový údržbář David (David Novotný). Tereza jde tvrdě za svým snem získat pro trojhvězdičkový hotel Meteor hvězdičku čtvrtou. Nijak jí v tom nepomáhá její flegmatický exmanžel Theodor (Martin Myšička), který zastává post ředitele hotelu. Jeho jediným zájmem je totiž zdokonalování se v čínské hře mahjong... (Wikipedie)
Celý seriál je na ivysílání, ale pokud byste za něj mermomocí chtěli platit, najdete ho i na prima+.
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I continue my message. I love Swans and fairy tales about swans. So I love tales as Six Swans, Seven Ravens, Wild Swans? do you love them? I know Czech movie Seven Ravens from Raza, it's very good. You know it? I think it's a popular tale so probably there are also others adaptation. Do you know more? I know all days I ask you something and I hope I don't bother you. I really appreciate too much this website and your knowledge about old stories and European cinema and it's good to discuss with u
Oh, anon, I LOVE the Wild Swans/Six Swans/Seven Ravens type of tale! It has a strong, active heroine, positive relationship between siblings and an engaging romantic subplot (when done right)! (btw: if you enjoy reading fairytale retellings, you might want to check out Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier; it's not an easy read /tw: sexual violence/, but overall very emotionally satisfying)
As for the film adaptations!
THE WILD SWANS (H. Ch. Andersen)/THE SIX SWANS (Brothers Grimm)
To start with H. Ch. Andersen's Wild Swans: there is a made-for-TV Czech adaptation of the same name – The Wild Swans ("Divoké labutě", Czechoslovakia, 1988). It's a part of Fairytale Tree ("Strom pohádek") series, so parts of it are retold by a narrator and parts are acted out. You can watch it on YouTube here. But honestly: it's not very good, you can safely skip this adaptation altogether. And it's so low budget that they never even show the princes as swans, LOL.
Not-Czech alternatives: Märchenperlen series has a pretty great adaptation of Brothers Grimm's Six Swans from 2012 that is very much worth watching if you haven’t already! It's available for streaming on ZDF website and you can watch it with ENG subtitles, I described how to do so here. Although, the automatic subtitles might be a little funny sometimes :).
(I also still remember the Russian animated adaptation from the 60's based on Andersen’s version, I've seen it as a kid on TV and it left a deep impression in me, but I guess you know it already :)).
THE SEVEN RAVENS (Božena Němcová)
Note: Brothers Grimm have a fairytale of the same name but it’s very different from the Czech version collected by Němcová.
There are 3 Czech live-action adaptations of The Seven Ravens:
1) The Seven Ravens (”Sedmero krkavců”, 1967)
You can watch it on YouTube here.
Directed by Ludvík Ráža, this is a made-for-TV film from 60′s, when Czech fairytale TV films were just starting and directors were trying out different ways to make the TV fairytales engaging and atmospheric even with a limited budget. This adaptation definitely does not lack dire atmosphere, but it’s also extremely theatrical/over dramatic, it looks more like a filmed stage play than a fairytale for children. It’s interesting for archival reasons and for its stellar cast, but probably not attractive for foreign fans.
2) The Seven Ravens (”Sedmero krkavců”, 1993)
You can watch it on YouTube here. (The YouTube upload is very low quality, if anyone really wants to watch this movie – without subtitles! – I can send you a download link via private message)
Directed again by Ludvík Ráža, who probably wanted to make a larger budget version of his take from 1967, The Seven Ravens from 1993 is legendary for its dramatic script and creepy villains – seriously, the heroine Bohdanka and her Prince play a second fiddle to the villainous duo of the Prince’s evil sister and her henchman called Hound. Btw - the evil sister is played by Ivana Chýlková who later starred as a titular evil character in The Queen of the Lake I talked about in the previous ask. This film version of the Seven Ravens is not my cup of tea, but it definitely scores points for creepiness!
3) The Seven Ravens (”Sedmero krkavců”, 2015)
Available on Magdalena’s google drive with ENG subtitles here. (please support this amazing blogger, she makes many Czech and Slovak films and fairytales available for foreign fans!)
I still remember that when this film was announced and even when the shooting was taking place, the Czech public in general was rather sceptical about it. After all, director Alice Nellis has never made a fairytale film before. Also, the casting was kind of controversial: Martha Issová, who was 33 yrs old at that time, was considered too old and too “plain” to play a fairytale heroine. Lukáš Příkazký as the Prince was also a surprising choice, as he was also deemed too old and not “manly” enough to star in a fairytale. And while the cast consisted of established actors, there were no big names, no huge stars that would draw the crowds into movie theaters. Many people also expressed the sentiment that it’s “unnecessary” to shoot The Seven Ravens again, when the 1993 version aged so well....
I am saying this to give you some idea how the film was initially not in a favorable position to become a hit and then...it was released to generally positive reviews and became one the best rated Czech fairytale films of the past 20 years. (it has 75% on Czech movie database - that’s a big success for a fairytale film)
Personally, I consider it one of the best Czech fairytale movies of all time and very much worth the watch. Also, I am a fan of Martha Issová and I think she did AMAZING in the main role (she expresses herself non-verbally for like 90% of the film and it’s such a joy to watch)
pictured: Martha Issová as Bohdanka in promotional picture for The Seven Ravens (2015)
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it’s simping for martha issová hours
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Zátopek — Celý film Online (2020) ZDARMA dabing [CZ]
Zátopek — Celý film Online (2020) ZDARMA dabing [CZ]
Zátopek — Celý film Online (2020) ZDARMA dabing [CZ] [Sledujte™] Zátopek Film Online a Zdarma {CZ-SK} Dabing i Titulky (HD)▷ Zátopek celý film (2020-HD) — CZ'film Online
Životopisný / Drama Česko, 2021
DOWNLOAD MOVIES. http://hexxddownload.123mopie.com/cs/movie/653936/za-topek
Režie: David Ondříček Scénář: David Ondříček, Jan P. Muchow, Alice Nellis Kamera: Štěpán Kučera Hudba: Jan P. Muchow, Beata Hlavenková Hrají: Václav Neužil ml., Martha Issová, Robert Mikluš, James Frecheville, Jiří Šimek, Milan Mikulčík, Peter Nádasdi, Štěpán Kozub, Vojtěch Fülep, Richard Fiala, Vavřinec Hradilek, Kryštof Krhovják, Petr Panzenberger, Peter Kočiš, Kevin Michael Clarke, Barbora Bočková, Anna Schmidtmajerová, Milan Cimerák, Filip Březina, Marek Příkazký, Jiří Rendl, Anna Cónová, Vladimír Čapka, Erika Stárková, Jiří Zeman, Jiří Roskot, Jaroslav Pížl, František Večeřa, Pavel Vacek, Radovan Král, Lenka Termerová, Adam Mišík, Oskar Hes, Karel Heřmánek ml., Matyáš Pekárek, Ernesto Čekan, Jaroslav Plesl
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