#ivan trojan
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aziz-the-fangirl · 6 months ago
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quentinfiletmignon · 1 year ago
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„Prej seš pěknej matla.“ – „S čerty se nebavim.“
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modrapomnenka · 6 months ago
Does it ever drive you crazy...
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...just how fast the night changes
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jakobynebodoopravdy · 6 months ago
Milan Šera x Otto Stehlík momenty v druhém díle Docenta aneb důkaz o tom, že Strach podvědomě píše teplý věci:
• Šera vždycky vozí Stehlíka vlastním autem na místo činu
• Stehlík chce vzít průšvih na sebe, Šera ho nenechá a diví se, jak mohl s tou svojí slušností a férovostí vydržet u policie tak dlouho
• "můžu pro vás něco udělat?" - "můžete, nenechte mě v tom průseru samotnýho"
•poslouchají výslech sami spolu v Šerově kanceláři
•Šerýho úsměv, když Stehlík něco vysvětluje (proud husband)
•když Šera oceňuje Stehlíkovi nápady, ale zní to jako kdyby flirtoval
•celá scéna s teorií o hráčském slangu má skoro rodinnou atmosféru ve stylu: Fousková vysvětluje svým dvěma tátům moderní terminologii
•celá scéna v nemocnici
•kdykoliv jsou Fousková, Stehlík a Šera spolu tak mají family vibe, speciálně ve scéně, kdy se Šera zlobí na Fouskovou, že je neopatrná
•Stehlík podpírající Šeru
Závěrem přikládám návrh, že Ivan Trojan je český James McAvoy, protože vždycky když dostane mužský protějšek, tak to bude teplé. Ámen.
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czgif · 1 year ago
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Jiří Dvořák and Ivan Trojan in Angel of the Lord 2 (Anděl Páně 2) 2016, dir. Jiří Strach IMDB
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littlemarylil · 6 months ago
K druhé sérii Docenta mě napadlo jen tohle...
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movie--posters · 1 year ago
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jakobynebodoopravdy · 6 months ago
tohle je skvělý postřeh, škoda, že na to čt nemá koule
V Docentovi II: a co jste měl za motiv abyste napadl tu holku? Tu přece vůbec neznáte
Mé velkomozečné já: počkat počkat počkat. Vyslyšte mě. CO KDYŽ TA STUDENTKA BYLA MILENKOU ROUBÍČKOVÉ?? A NE NĚJAKEJ NÁHODNEJ TÝPEK?? Ta kamarádka přece toho milence nikdy neviděla, tak proč by to nemohla být holka?? No a v tom parku se scházely a manžel na to přišel??
Ale měla jsem vědět, že ČT by nikdy
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mistakeofnature · 3 months ago
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I TOTALLY downloaded the wrong version of this show and also got like 30 trojan horses in the meantime send help (AU belongs to me and @ivan-torre-apologist)
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coldsaturn · 7 days ago
Getting close to dinner+movie time here and I'm sweating because I'll have to stop reading for a few hours
Also we start with the 4th of July and idk man the cover with the fireworks is giving me ominous vibes. Either something very good or very bad is gonna happen here. We're 21% down the book, we're due for the first pinch point/no return point of arc I in the outline.
“You don’t know your own birthday?” Jeremy asked.
Can Jean say one little thing without sounding like the most helpless little meow meow
“‘Hope your teammate gets acquitted, XOXO’?” Cat suggested as she pushed away from the calendar. “Word online is Aaron waived his right to a jury, but I can’t track those rumors back to a credible source yet. Risky business, trusting your verdict to a single man, but it’s probably for the best considering the Foxes’ reputation. Who could they trust to be fair?”
asdghakdsjfhghkasjd Aaron my baby the trial omg
When on-screen Jeremy missed a shot he really shouldn’t have, Jean turned to stare at him. He looked so genuinely scandalized Jeremy couldn’t help but laugh. “Sorry. He and I have history, so I was distracted by our conversation.” More specifically, Ivan Faser had been listing everything he’d let Jeremy do to him if Jeremy came by his hotel room after the match. Jeremy attempted a solemn look and crossed his heart. “Won’t happen again, scout’s honor.”
I thought andreil slowburn was painful but now I realize it was pure and innocent because they were only locked on each other from start to finish. This is a new level of hell
“But most of the time you are very good.” ​It wasn’t the words that set his heart tripping; Jeremy had heard variations of the same compliment for years from teammates and strangers alike. It was the heavy satisfaction in his tone that put a needy heat in Jeremy’s stomach.
Attention everyone, Jeremy responds to "good boy" said in a french accent send tweet
Laila sent Jeremy a sidelong look and said, “Oh, surely this won’t backfire on you at all.”
I need Jean to have his own bike like yesterday
“There are four.” He couldn’t mean people when there were seven faces in the portrait, except he did: “Cat said you only had three.”
So that's where Jean will have someone bridge the gap toward him, rather than him stepping out of his life into trojan unknown territory
Jean considered that, then slowly tapped his fingers to his thumb in turn: one, two, three, four.
He smiled, slow and bright, and said, “I like him, Jeremy. Let’s keep him forever.”
Yes let's /cries into hands
Jeremy flicked him a worried look, but Jean’s transfixed gaze was on the fireworks crackling to life above them. Surprised, not afraid, Jeremy decided, but he couldn’t look away again. He watched colored lights dance off sun-reddened cheeks until Jean finally caught him at it. Gold peonies reflected in Jean’s eyes as he turned a curious look on Jeremy.
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Jean’s lips grazed his cheekbone as Jean turned his head,
You don't understand, my kindle page ended at "but didn't get a chance to ask" so I literally got jumpscared by the fatal combination of words "jean's lips" and I threw away my reader
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livingasaghost · 16 hours ago
hello i love your takes so i wanted to ask for your thoughts on jerejean’s development in tgr?
oh my god this made my whole week im obsessed with you
i think there’s a few ways to answer this - mostly because the jerejean of it all depends on the two halves of the whole. obviously.
(i am soooo sorry this is literally an essay)
spoilers below!
at first glance, jean is the one who needs the most healing, so for most of book one you are so focused on his trauma and his grief and his healing that you almost (i said almost, bear with me) overlook jeremy’s mysterious past. so stepping into book two we had a good idea of what jean’s been through and where he needs to go to make changes and start the actual healing process. yes he has friends now, yes he has a team and coaches to support him, yes his abusers are dropping like flies, but healing is a CHOICE for jean and he spends most of book two battling that internal struggle of whether or not he deserves to make that choice. i’m so invested in jean’s character because it isn’t easy for him to accept his worth, and every victory is an uphill battle for him. whether he realizes it or not, he is fighting for his life, and it takes him most of book two to finally come to terms with that. and HE DOES!!! his arc isn’t over yet by the end of book two, but he’s made so much progress that he can admit he didn’t deserve the abuse, he can admit that he LOVES people and wants to protect them and wants to keep loving them, and he can admit that he needs help to step into his healing. he starts taking therapy seriously. he allows other people to care for him. he’s taking steps now that will make book three infinitely easier on him because he’s finally made that choice to heal. all he has to do now is accept the love and joy and peace that’s coming to him.
and if jean were the (only) main character, that would be it. book three would be a happy silly time where he learns how to garden and falls in love and rebuilds his home with cat and laila and wins finals and fixes his relationship with kevin. hooray! but that is not what nora set out to do. it’s a classic bait and switch. mr captain of the sunshine court himself is the one who can’t heal. mr im so happy and kind and positive all the time is the one who is still actively being abused.
the reason book two is so compelling is that we see the narrative switch happen. jean starts the book fresh off grayson’s abuse and jeremy starts the book ready to help him through that. but then we watch jean get closer and closer to accepting what he really deserves (what he wants) and all that time, jeremy is being driven deeper and deeper into abuse. his mother keeps imposing boundaries on him. we learn more details about jeremy’s freshman year, about his past sexual exploits, about his PRESENT sexual exploits with people who do not respect or care about him. we watch jeremy’s family beat him into the ground while jean is lifted up by kevin and andrew and rhemann and the trojans and jeremy himself. but jeremy refuses to let anybody save him. he doesn’t think he needs it, doesn’t think he deserves it, doesn’t think it’s even possible to be saved. by the time the fire hits the house, jean has decided he doesn’t care what he loses as long as his people are safe…but jeremy is NOT safe and his mother and step-father are doing everything to keep him away from the people who WOULD save him. and all the while, jeremy and jean are so caught up in trauma and grief and abuse that they refuse to even acknowledge the elephant in the room.
that jean knows jeremy’s favorite color, that he’s always aware of his brown eyes on him, that he would beat bryson and ivan and anybody else to a bloody pulp if it meant that jeremy was safe. that jeremy is possessive of jean when he looks at other people, that jeremy is actively seeking out a marseilles french tutor simply because it would help him communicate with jean, that jean is exactly his type.
we knew there was mutual attraction in book one, and it really ramps up in book two, but these two traumatized people are still nowhere near acknowledging that attraction. and in book two it’s grown into more than attraction. it’s a mutual understanding, a witnessing, a protectiveness that transcends friendship or sex - these two people are mirrors that refuse to look at each other lest they see themselves reflected back at them. jeremy cannot look at jean too long or he’ll start to realize that he doesn’t deserve his family’s abuse. jean cannot look at jeremy too long or he’ll start to realize that even after all his sexual abuse he’s allowed to act on attraction, he’s allowed to love someone romantically. and the two of them are caught in a deadlock until one of them breaks.
and at this point…i think jean is going to act before jeremy, if only because he has to. jeremy himself states in tgr that regardless of how attracted he is to jean, he is conscious of jean’s specific trauma, that jeremy can’t ask that of him no matter how much both of them want it. but more than that, jean is miles ahead of jeremy in his healing. he’s made the choice, he’s acknowledged he deserves better, he’s working towards overcoming all the abuse that was done to him, and who was there for all of that healing? jeremy. who is his safe space? jeremy. who is his partner? jeremy. but jeremy still can’t look his shame in the face. he can’t deal with his grief and his mistakes, but more than that, there’s still a part of him that thinks he deserves the abuse in payment for all the things his actions caused. as IF this whole thing didn’t start with bryson! as IF it’s his fault his family is PREJUDICED and SELFISH! as IF he wouldn’t still deserve to be loved, regardless of what he did.
i know some people are nervous that jerejean isn’t romantic/sexual endgame because nora has a complex history with them as a ship and as characters, but this book has cemented their partnership in my mind. i do think if/when they start making moves in book three it will look unconventional - because all the ships and characters in AFTG are unconventional - but there is a queerness there that cannot be denied. not when there’s so much attraction, so much yearning, so much care between the two of them. like i’m sorry, but you cannot end a book with THE RULES HAVE CHANGED (ignore jean’s inner monologue, that bitch is still healing) and not expect me to believe that they’re destined to be together.
bonus for those who want it: here’s a playlist of taylor songs that are also jerejean
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lazy--lillies · 1 month ago
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How much of my mother has my mother left in me? How much of my father am I destined to become? Will it wash out in the water, or is it always blood?
-In the Blood, John Mayer
On Piper and her journey throughout The Lost Hero
The Birth of Venus (Sandro Botticelli), The Iliad - Book 3 (Homer), The Lost Hero (Rick Riordan), My 1980s and Other Essays (Wayne Koestenbaum), Cherokee Masks (source cited below), The Art Lover (Carole Maso), Journal Entry (Anne Sexton), The Lost Hero (Rick Riordan), Thumb (Dad), The Horse, The Wheel, and Language (David W. Anthony), The Lost Hero (Rick Riordan), The Iliad (Homer), Helen of Troy (Evelyn De Morgan), The Oresteia (Anne Carson), Reviving Ophelia (Mary Pipher), Remembrance of Things Past (Michael Proust), The Lost Hero (Rick Riordan), The Birth of Aphrodite (Ivan Aivazovsky), What My Mother and I Don't Talk About (Michele Filgate), The Trojan Woman (Euripides), All About Love: New Visions (Bell Hooks), The Lost Hero (Rick Riordan), Unknown, Mother With Child (Cherokee Art - sourced below), The Lost Hero (Rick Riordan), An Oresteia (Anne Carson), Unknown, Helen of Troy (Frederick Augustus Sandys), Hermetic Definition (H.D./Hilda Doolittle)
Link to the Cherokee art I used for this (the artists they showcase are so talented please check them out guys - they don't add artist names on the website from what I could find but if you see where those are listed please let me know as I'd love to credit them):
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quentinfiletmignon · 2 months ago
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ANDĚL PÁNĚ 2 (2016)
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modrapomnenka · 6 months ago
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Vážné pro ně potřebujeme to shipovací jméno! Otto, Milan... Motto? Šera, Stehlík... Šerik? Počkat-
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jakobynebodoopravdy · 6 months ago
Postřehy z posledního dílu Docenta
• úvodní scéna implikuje, že Stehlík jel se Šerou do nemocnice a zůstal tam s ním po vyšetření
• Stehlík kryje Šerovi záda, aby nikdo nevěděl, že je v nemocnici, což je cute
• Dvojčata jsou teplá (a vždycky nosí matching shirts)
• chci aby si na mě někdo usmíval jako se na sebe usmívají Šera se Stehlíkem
• "Nechtěl byste si udělat malý výlet?"
• rande na místě činu, kam jedou jen sami dva a navzájem se podporují ve vymýšlení vyšetřovací teorie
• dvojčata se navzájem oslovují "Daníku" a "Jaroušku"
• scéna s dvojčaty v lese je něco, co jsem ještě v čt neviděla (konverzace vylákání podezřelého: "Pyro není zločin")
• Dan volající IT expertovi: "Ahoj Jiříčku, mám tady takovou mašinku...díky, jsi pusinka"
• Šera a Stehlík vždycky poslouchají výslechy spolu sami v kanceláři (a mají matching modré svršky), navíc mají opět dad energy když jde o Fousovou
• tired dad energy, když Fousové povolí ten vytoužený výslech aneb family bonding
• scéna v zasedačce - gay páry mají stejné barvy
• Šerovo awkward flirtování
• "Tak se třeba někdy stavte, ale moc neotálejte, protože jestli se ta operace nepodaří, tak se brzy zastřelím" - "Ono to dobře dopadne"
• Dvořák s Trojanem mají tension jako vždycky, když jsou vedle sebe na obrazovce
• Fousková se hádá se Stehlíkem: "Takže my tady objasníme případ století a nikdo se to nedozví?!" - "Víte to vy a vím to já. A ještě se to dozví Šera, protože tomu to pomůže určitě"
• dvojčata: "Víš, co jsem naposledy říkal" - "Promiň, nohy ze stolu" - "Tak dneska nemusíš" *položí mu ruku na koleno*
• Stehlík navštěvuje Šeru v nemocnici
• "Pane docente, děkuju...jste frajer" - "Ne, jen učitel" - *Šera odmítavě vrtí hlavou*
• found family - " Tak Monice kupte žvýkačky"
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