#ivan trojan
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aziz-the-fangirl · 5 months ago
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quentinfiletmignon · 1 year ago
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„Prej seš pěknej matla.“ – „S čerty se nebavim.“
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modrapomnenka · 4 months ago
Does it ever drive you crazy...
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...just how fast the night changes
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jakobynebodoopravdy · 5 months ago
Milan Šera x Otto Stehlík momenty v druhém díle Docenta aneb důkaz o tom, že Strach podvědomě píše teplý věci:
• Šera vždycky vozí Stehlíka vlastním autem na místo činu
• Stehlík chce vzít průšvih na sebe, Šera ho nenechá a diví se, jak mohl s tou svojí slušností a férovostí vydržet u policie tak dlouho
• "můžu pro vás něco udělat?" - "můžete, nenechte mě v tom průseru samotnýho"
•poslouchají výslech sami spolu v Šerově kanceláři
•Šerýho úsměv, když Stehlík něco vysvětluje (proud husband)
•když Šera oceňuje Stehlíkovi nápady, ale zní to jako kdyby flirtoval
•celá scéna s teorií o hráčském slangu má skoro rodinnou atmosféru ve stylu: Fousková vysvětluje svým dvěma tátům moderní terminologii
•celá scéna v nemocnici
•kdykoliv jsou Fousková, Stehlík a Šera spolu tak mají family vibe, speciálně ve scéně, kdy se Šera zlobí na Fouskovou, že je neopatrná
•Stehlík podpírající Šeru
Závěrem přikládám návrh, že Ivan Trojan je český James McAvoy, protože vždycky když dostane mužský protějšek, tak to bude teplé. Ámen.
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czgif · 1 year ago
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Jiří Dvořák and Ivan Trojan in Angel of the Lord 2 (Anděl Páně 2) 2016, dir. Jiří Strach IMDB
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littlemarylil · 5 months ago
K druhé sérii Docenta mě napadlo jen tohle...
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hyenisko · 2 years ago
Viděl jste někdo první díl Docenta? Já jen že Stehlík a Šera mají docela ship potenciál, ne?
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dalsimoravskyblog · 2 years ago
dnes byl v televizi druhý díl minisérie Docent s Trojanem v hlavní roli docenta. šéfa mu hraje Vetchý. měli scénu, kde si naštvaně narušili osobní prostor. opakuji. měli scénu, kde si naštvaně narušili osobní prostor. toto není cvičení.
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movie--posters · 1 year ago
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jakobynebodoopravdy · 4 months ago
tohle je skvělý postřeh, škoda, že na to čt nemá koule
V Docentovi II: a co jste měl za motiv abyste napadl tu holku? Tu přece vůbec neznáte
Mé velkomozečné já: počkat počkat počkat. Vyslyšte mě. CO KDYŽ TA STUDENTKA BYLA MILENKOU ROUBÍČKOVÉ?? A NE NĚJAKEJ NÁHODNEJ TÝPEK?? Ta kamarádka přece toho milence nikdy neviděla, tak proč by to nemohla být holka?? No a v tom parku se scházely a manžel na to přišel??
Ale měla jsem vědět, že ČT by nikdy
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mistakeofnature · 2 months ago
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I TOTALLY downloaded the wrong version of this show and also got like 30 trojan horses in the meantime send help (AU belongs to me and @ivan-torre-apologist)
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quentinfiletmignon · 28 days ago
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ANDĚL PÁNĚ 2 (2016)
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modrapomnenka · 5 months ago
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Vážné pro ně potřebujeme to shipovací jméno! Otto, Milan... Motto? Šera, Stehlík... Šerik? Počkat-
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jakobynebodoopravdy · 4 months ago
Postřehy z posledního dílu Docenta
• úvodní scéna implikuje, že Stehlík jel se Šerou do nemocnice a zůstal tam s ním po vyšetření
• Stehlík kryje Šerovi záda, aby nikdo nevěděl, že je v nemocnici, což je cute
• Dvojčata jsou teplá (a vždycky nosí matching shirts)
• chci aby si na mě někdo usmíval jako se na sebe usmívají Šera se Stehlíkem
• "Nechtěl byste si udělat malý výlet?"
• rande na místě činu, kam jedou jen sami dva a navzájem se podporují ve vymýšlení vyšetřovací teorie
• dvojčata se navzájem oslovují "Daníku" a "Jaroušku"
• scéna s dvojčaty v lese je něco, co jsem ještě v čt neviděla (konverzace vylákání podezřelého: "Pyro není zločin")
• Dan volající IT expertovi: "Ahoj Jiříčku, mám tady takovou mašinku...díky, jsi pusinka"
• Šera a Stehlík vždycky poslouchají výslechy spolu sami v kanceláři (a mají matching modré svršky), navíc mají opět dad energy když jde o Fousovou
• tired dad energy, když Fousové povolí ten vytoužený výslech aneb family bonding
• scéna v zasedačce - gay páry mají stejné barvy
• Šerovo awkward flirtování
• "Tak se třeba někdy stavte, ale moc neotálejte, protože jestli se ta operace nepodaří, tak se brzy zastřelím" - "Ono to dobře dopadne"
• Dvořák s Trojanem mají tension jako vždycky, když jsou vedle sebe na obrazovce
• Fousková se hádá se Stehlíkem: "Takže my tady objasníme případ století a nikdo se to nedozví?!" - "Víte to vy a vím to já. A ještě se to dozví Šera, protože tomu to pomůže určitě"
• dvojčata: "Víš, co jsem naposledy říkal" - "Promiň, nohy ze stolu" - "Tak dneska nemusíš" *položí mu ruku na koleno*
• Stehlík navštěvuje Šeru v nemocnici
• "Pane docente, děkuju...jste frajer" - "Ne, jen učitel" - *Šera odmítavě vrtí hlavou*
• found family - " Tak Monice kupte žvýkačky"
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czgif · 2 years ago
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Ivan Trojan and Juraj Loj in Charlatan (Šarlatán) 2020, dir. Agnieszka Holland IMDB
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hassedah · 1 year ago
how would they react to MC being an older vampire, older even then Neil, being basically the parental figure to them? like, the mc would try to make vladmir feels better, would try to help rapha to deal with grieving and would teach ivan to hunt ?
platonical relationship ykyk :p
MC is an older vampire :
Hi! How are you? I hope you are well! ^^
Here is the headcanon you requested, I hope you enjoy it! ^^
Take care of yourself and have a nice day! ^^
You're one of the original vampires and you're a very old vampire, so old that you were present at the Trojan War and have survived all the wars between vampires since your birth without difficulty. You've travelled the world and met many other supernatural creatures. After your travels, you've looked for a comfortable place to settle down, a quiet little corner away from humans, if possible, but with other vampires because you don't really like solitude and you enjoy communicating with your fellow creatures, especially the younger ones who, unlike the older ones, still marvel at many little things.
You arrived in this manor shortly after Vladimir. The young vampire was already living there with Neil. You didn't understand why the older one, who was injured to boot, was locked up in a dark, damp cellar, as it was clearly not good for his recovery, so you moved him to a room upstairs.
Later you met Aaron, a friend of Vladimir's, the poor guy had nowhere else to go anyway and you certainly wouldn't have let him live outside. You were more than happy for him to join you.
Then Beliath arrived, a very energetic and teasing young man, half incubus. His much sunnier personality made the nights more eventful. He invited one of his friends to join him shortly afterwards, Ethan, he had a difficult character of course, a bit like being in an eternal teenage crisis, but that didn't bother you. You know your young peers well enough to know that they can be quite temperamental.
Then Raphaël came to live with you. The poor vampire seemed as sad as the stones and his false smile didn't really fool you. You were beginning to run out of room though, after all this is a manor, not a castle. So when Aaron brought Ivan back things got a bit complicated. You gave Ivan your old room after converting the cellar into a sort of suite. You knew that with a bit of work you could turn it into a really nice room, and you weren't wrong.
Your calmness always surprises everyone in the manor, nothing seems to impress you or make you angry. When someone annoys you, you usually just say "Go to your room, you're annoying me" or "Get out of here and don't come back until you're calmer". The surprising thing is that most of the time you manage to get them to obey you.
Vladimir :
Vladimir with Ivan is the one who demands the most attention from you. He can look after himself, of course, but your presence seems to reassure him enormously, so you spend a lot of time with him. The early days were difficult though, both because he could be cold and arrogant, but also because he was terrified of being alone again. As a result, every argument between you ended with a vampire convinced that you were going to abandon him in that horrible mansion. And it was a long time before you managed to reassure him about that. No, you weren't going to leave overnight, yes, you were going to stay with him.
When you arrived, Vladimir seemed like a very sad boy. He was alone in a mansion that was far too big for him (you don't count Neil as company as he hardly spoke to each other and slept a lot). Vladimir was quite thin, with heavy dark circles under his eyes, he always gave you the impression he was about to cry. At best he floated in his clothes, at worst he just looked dirty and worn out. His unhappiness weighed down the atmosphere in any room he passed through, and you spent a lot of time watching him, so worried were you by his constant sadness.
He opened up to you little by little as you talked to him. He told you what had happened to him, his illness, his transformation, his years of wandering, his meetings with Aaron and Raphaël, the death of his mother, his arrival at the manor and the death of the couple he found there. He talked to you mainly about his mother's death and the murder of the former inhabitants of the manor, in fact he was on a loop about it. You must have spent a lot of time reassuring him. Sometimes he was so distressed about the murder of the former residents that he'd wake you up in the middle of the day to tell you that the couple had come back to haunt him.
You ended up letting him sleep with you on certain days when, despite long discussions, he was still far too anxious to go back to bed on his own. You tried lots of things to help him calm down: soft music, plants, books, purify the house, you even bought her a cuddly toy in the hope that it would at least ease her nightmares a little. But it was a long time before he finally started to calm down about it. The arrival of Aaron has made your job a little easier. Vladimir stopped waking you up almost every day and started going to see Aaron instead.
Today, he still follows you around like a duckling that has lost its mother. You're still the first person he comes to for advice, whether on landscaping the garden or on the manor in general. Your approval means a lot to him, and he takes it pretty hard when you disagree with one of his decisions. He's mainly afraid you'll hate him for disagreeing with you, part of him knows it's silly and you're not going to hate him for it, but another part can't help worrying about it.
He also comes to talk to you when he's feeling sad or when he's managed the feat of arguing with several people in the manor in a single night - at times like these, discussions can be lengthy, especially when you have to persuade him to apologise after being unpleasant with someone. You often have to act as an intermediary between him and the others, especially between him and Ethan.
Even though you've assured him on several occasions that you're not planning to leave, he's still afraid of you leaving. When people he doesn't know come to visit you he feels threatened, he's afraid you'll finally decide to leave with them and leave them here. he still needs to be reassured that you regard the members of this manor as your family.
He particularly likes it when you bring him a cup of milk or hot chocolate when he's sad, or when you read to him in the little lounge.
Sometimes you try to persuade him to go out, but it's an uphill battle. He doesn't really feel safe outside the manor and even if you promise that nothing will happen to him he can't really help worrying. However, you sometimes manage to persuade him to go out to the theatre or the opera, he wouldn't feel safe going alone and even if Beliath and Aaron agree to go with him, he doesn't feel right bothering them for that.
Beliath :
Beliath doesn't really need your help in general. He's probably one of the most emotionally stable people in the manor, along with Aaron. He's not really irresponsible, despite what Vladimir is constantly telling you, and he doesn't knowingly put others in danger - in fact, quite the opposite, as he's serious enough to stop Ethan fighting with people at the Moondance or to defend the other members of the manor in the event of a problem. He's a bit reckless at times, of course, but it's nothing really serious or anything you can't sort out easily. After all, you're a very old vampire and you've had far more difficult situations to deal with than a slightly reckless and mischievous vampire.
You knew straight away when he arrived that he was an incubus. This was mainly due to his behaviour towards the other members of the manor: he was always a bit flirtatious, even when his aim wasn't to be flirtatious at all. However, seeing him try to hide it from you was far too amusing for you to tell the others. He didn't seem to want to hurt the other boys in the manor either so you let him. What's more, this only concerned Beliath, and as Aaron didn't feel it necessary to tell you straight away that he was a werewolf, you don't see why Beliath should be forced to reveal his true nature to others.
When they found out, you had to ease the tension between them. Vladimir had taken it into his head to blame Beliath, and Aaron didn't react any better, reproaching him for not revealing that he was an incubus immediately. You had to have a long talk with both of them to make them understand that their reaction was inappropriate, given that Aaron only revealed his werewolf nature to Vladimir and no one blamed him.
You quickly become attached to him. Beliath is always in a good mood, rather like a child or an adolescent. There's not much that seems to wipe the smile off his face, and it's a real pleasure to chat with him when other people's worries are monopolising your mind.
He often comes to see you to try and understand his housemates' reactions better. Even though he tries not to show it, he's become very attached to them (more than an incubus should, according to his sister) and their friendship is something he treasures and doesn't want to spoil. Because he hasn't lived much with humans, he doesn't always understand what it is about his behaviour that upsets Aaron, Raphael, Ivan or Vladimir, especially as Ethan never complains about him. So he comes to you for advice, which he then tries to apply with varying degrees of success. The biggest difficulties he encounters are with Vladimir, he doesn't know what he's doing wrong, but he always ends up offending the aristocrat in one way or another, he really appreciates you explaining to him what Vladimir has taken the wrong way in the discussion.
You let him give you manicures; he loves doing that because it gives him a good excuse to chat to you. After all, he's not going to give you a manicure without talking to you. More often than not, he'll tell you all the gossip he's picked up at the Moondance. But when you're really alone, he mostly talks about the other members of the manor. He's much more concerned about them than his carefree appearance would lead you to believe. It's with you that he discusses his ideas for trying to get Raphael and Vladimir out of the manor.
He also loves it when you go shopping with him (Ethan sometimes goes with him, but the doctor only complains about how long it takes him to choose and try on new clothes and never gives her opinion on her outfits). You sometimes spend several hours shopping, and on more than one occasion you've had to stop him from going way over Vladimir's shopping budget. But you buy him one of the shirts he wanted anyway, you know he's got more than a dozen just like it, but it makes him so happy you can't resist.
Ivan :
Ivan is, along with Vladimir, the one who demands the most of your attention, but he's still young, so the fact that he often needs your help with things that other people think are simple or obvious doesn't surprise you. You also have the advantage of having been around a lot of young vampires, which makes it easier to get on with them. It's not the first time you've had to reassure someone about the upheaval in their daily life caused by becoming a vampire, after all, you've done it many times and you know what to say to reassure them.
You quickly found that the boys were far too brutal with the young man. As you know, young vampires are generally very fragile psychologically, after all, the transformation into a vampire is a big change, even a traumatic one for many, and for Ivan, who has no idea what happened to him before Aaron found him and transformed him, this is even more the case. What's more, someone so young can't do things as well as Aaron, who has passed the 600 year mark. Ivan still has a lot to learn, whether it's about vampires or about life in general - he's barely out of his teens, after all.
After a few weeks of letting the others interact with the young man, you decided to take matters into your own hands. You started by going with Ivan to hunt in Aaron's place, mainly to see if it was as bad as the boys were telling you. And it wasn't nearly as bad as you'd been told. Ivan had great difficulty managing himself, of course, but all young vampires have more or less difficulty, and for Ivan it was mainly due to the fact that his hunts were too far apart in time and to his constant fear of making a mistake and disappointing Aaron.
The fact that he has trouble mastering his vampire powers doesn't surprise you either. After all, he lives safely in the manor, so there's no vital need for him to master them in order to defend himself. In fact, in a way it's a good thing, because it means that times are a lot calmer than when you were born. You've lived through several wars between former vampires, and back then, the least combative young vampires died very early on. It was dangerous to be a young vampire and those who didn't die in battle were often traumatised for years by war and violence. You're pretty happy Ivan doesn't have to go through this.
You do, however, spend time trying to teach him to use his vampire powers properly. Even if he doesn't need them vitally at the moment, knowing how to master them could save his life one day. You explain things gently and go at his pace, so as not to rush him.
It's not always easy to train Ivan, of course, because he's so lacking in self-confidence and always feels like he's making mistakes or doing something stupid, but your constant encouragement helps him gain confidence in his abilities enormously and he progresses much faster with you, probably because you never forget to assure him that you're proud of the effort he's making, even when he fails. He's so happy to feel seen and encouraged by you that he always feels sad when it's not you who accompanies him to training.
Ivan also likes to spend time with you when you're not training him. He'll show you the comics he's reading and tell you the stories of his favourite characters, so much so that you'll know some of them by heart without even having read a single comic about them. He often even asks you to go to the cinema with him to see the latest Marvel film (which sometimes leads to arguments with Ethan, who wants you to go and see the DC films with him).
He'll also show you his favourite video games and he'll be even happier if you agree to play with him, whether you know how to play video games or not. He doesn't mind teaching you how to play some of his games, even if you die several times in a row.
He always comes to you when he's been burnt by the sun while sneaking out during the day. He's far too scared of being shouted at by Aaron or Vladimir to go and see them, and even though he knows you're likely to argue with him, he also knows you won't call him stupid or unconscious, which makes him feel much better.
Aaron :
Aaron generally manages very well on his own. He doesn't ask for much attention from you, as he's lived alone for a long time. However, you do spend a lot of time together, mostly talking about the other members of the manor, what they're doing, how they're doing or what you could do to make them better or happier. Sometimes it makes you feel slightly like single parents at a support meeting.
Underneath his muscles and gruff façade, you quickly realised that Aaron was someone who was very protective of the members of the manor. He takes very badly any threats that might approach them and watches over the safety of the group in the manner of a she-wolf protecting her cubs, which means he gets on quite well with you given that you also seem to want to protect the members of the manor.
Aaron never thought he'd find someone living with Vladimir when he arrived at the manor, well, he's not going to complain given the anguish the younger man seemed to be in it seemed rather positive that you were living with him to look after him. Even though he didn't say it in front of Vladimir so as not to embarrass him, he thanked you for taking care of the aristocrat. He was a little worried about him when Vladimir decided to go off on his own.
You mainly help Aaron to manage the other members of the manor, and it's quite nice for him to have someone to lean on to deal with any problems they may encounter. However, you sometimes have conflicts when you have to deal with problems. Aaron is often too blunt for your liking, and while you don't doubt that this works very well on some people, you know that it doesn't work on everyone and that bluntness tends to put people on edge and on the defensive.
You had to tell him several times to be less rough with Ethan, and fortunately Beliath ended up stepping in to look after the younger boy because Aaron and Ethan would have ended up fighting. Then you had to tell him to ease up on Ivan and to be less direct with Vladimir and Raphaël.
In a way you understand Aaron's point of view, he's lived through wars between former vampires and he's had to adapt to survive. You know that his periods in history still affect him, having spoken to him about them on several occasions, and that his reactions to the others stem mainly from a desire to see them hardened so that they can survive in case he isn't there to protect them. You try to help him break out of this way of thinking, but it's rather complicated for him, who has spent most of his life surviving rather than living.
It's quite rare that you talk about anything other than the boys and the security of the manor, but sometimes you simply accompany him into the forest to walk together. These are pleasant moments when Aaron talks to you about the poetry he writes or the few memories he has of his mother and his life in the village before he became a mercenary. He really enjoys spending his quiet time with you; he doesn't really have the opportunity to talk to others about what's affecting him, as his main concern is their safety. It does him a lot of good to know that you're there to listen to him.
Raphaël :
You spend a lot of time looking after Raphaël. He doesn't need you as much as Vladimir and Ivan, but you can't leave him alone. He's one of the most sensitive people in the manor and what seems harmless to others often seems horrible or catastrophic to him. You spend a lot of time reassuring him or making sure he doesn't stay alone with his dark thoughts for too long. This can be quite unsettling, even for you, as he seems capable of crying over even the smallest things and you sometimes find it very hard to reassure him when he goes into a spiral of anxiety.
You accompanied Vladimir to England to fetch him (Beliath would have gone with him if you hadn't been able to), and fortunately so, because Vladimir probably wouldn't have been able to come back if he'd gone on his own. Raphaël was frighteningly thin, lived in a flat that looked more like a dump than a house and was barely strong enough to get around on his own. You had to go hunting for him so he could get some food. And he also spent a lot of time sleeping or talking about his ex. During the journey to Raphaël's house, Vladimir confided in you that he was absolutely determined to go there because Raphaël had not replied to any of his letters and he was afraid that something had happened to him.
It took you twice as long to get back to the manor as it did to get to Raphaël's house, and you even carried his things for most of the way because the vampire wasn't strong enough to do it alone.
In the beginning, you spent a lot of time with him and he was almost never alone as Vladimir and Aaron were with him when you weren't around. Beliath and Ethan also took care of him, whether by buying him books or sweets when the incubus learned that Raphaël had a certain appetite for sweets.
When you spent time with Raphaël, he usually talked about Margarita, especially at the beginning. He was all over the place on the subject and never missed an opportunity to sing the praises of the vampire, repeating over and over again all her many qualities.
You find it a little hard to like his 'wonderful' Margarita, even though you don't want to tell him so. In any case, Aaron shares your opinion on the subject. You've always been taught that it's very dangerous for humans to associate with vampires, especially over the long term and you find it hard not to resent this woman for having consorted with two humans without regard for their safety. Raphaël is the perfect example of why vampires prefer not to do it, humans are too sensitive to your charm, even when you're not trying to charm them, and apart from vampire hunters few are able to resist it. So you're not really surprised that he's having so much trouble mourning this vampire even though he himself is a vampire and she has been dead for decades.
Now that Raphaël is feeling better, he talks to you less about Margarita and a bit more about art and the books he reads. He often comes to see you to see if you've read a book he's enjoyed and to get your opinion on the subject.
You also often accompany him outside the manor. Raphaël hardly ever leaves the manor unless someone accompanies him. He doesn't really feel safe outside because of all the cars and the hustle and bustle of modern life. More often than not, you'll take him to the theatre or the opera, and he loves going. Sometimes you manage to persuade him to go to the cinema, but it's always to see romantic comedies. He also likes it when you take him to the museum, Vladimir never feels safe enough to go with him and although Aaron and Beliath agree to go with him, he knows they're not interested.
Ethan :
He's not the easiest boy in the manor to get along with and sometimes you just want to send him to his room like a child having a tantrum. You can't do it, but the idea has crossed your mind so many times it's almost amusing.
He had a bit of trouble believing you at first when you told him your age. In fact, even making an effort and knowing that vampires exist, he can't understand how you could have been biologically alive for so long. He asked Beliath several times if it was really possible and if you weren't making fun of them.
You easily became attached to him, even if your relationship was a little complicated at first. After all, Ethan didn't trust anyone but Beliath and was constantly on the defensive with everyone. You must have made a lot of effort to get him to trust you and start talking to you without being mocking or aggressive.
But your efforts paid off in the end, not least because you stood up for him when Aaron got angry with Ethan. He started to talk to you a bit more often and, above all, a bit more calmly. You also got closer to him by agreeing to play chess with him, which he was quite happy about given that not many people agree to play chess with him ( and especially few people manage to win at chess against him, because despite what Vladimir and Raphaël say, Ethan doesn't cheat at chess).
It took you a long time before he confided in you about his past. At the beginning, when he started to trust you, you had as much information as Beliath. So you knew at least enough to know how to react in a crisis. Now you're the only person who knows everything about his past, even Beliath doesn't know everything.
He didn't think he'd talk to you about it at first, but now that you know, he feels better in a way he didn't think possible. There's something really reassuring about knowing that you're there and ready to listen to him talk if he needs to.
Often, he'll come and talk to you when the others are already asleep, to make sure no-one hears what he's saying. You spend a lot of time talking together, he often tells you the same things even though he's trying to understand how he feels about it, he trusts you but he doesn't like to remember his past and he likes the emotions that come with rememberings even less. Knowing that you're there to help him deal with the emotions he's trying to repress is reassuring for him.
To make him happy, you've bought him a mobile phone on the sly. You don't think Ethan's irresponsible enough to put anyone in danger with it, and what's more, your present seems to really please him given the amount of time he spends playing with it. He's nearly been noticed by Vladimir more than a dozen times, but you always manage to divert the aristocrat's attention so that Ethan doesn't get shouted at. Beliath knows too, and he too helps you hide the fact that Ethan has a mobile phone.
In a way, the phone you've bought him is also a way of reassuring yourself. You know that Ethan sometimes hangs out in dangerous neighbourhoods and knowing that he has a phone to call you if there's a problem makes you feel calmer.
You've already had to pick him up from a bar because he was too drunk to walk home alone. The bartender called you because your number was on Ethan's emergency call list. Honestly, you didn't know whether you were annoyed that you had to go across town to pick him up or touched by the fact that your phone number was on his emergency list.
Neil :
Neil is complicated. It took him a long time before he dared to rely on you and trust you. At first, he didn't trust you at all and avoided you. You can understand him, there's been so much war between former vampires that trusting you without thinking things through could be dangerous for him when he's far from healthy. After all, you're even older than he is, and therefore more powerful.
You moved him to one of the bedrooms upstairs after realising that Vladimir had left him to rot in the cellar (you were a little angry with Vladimir for showing so little empathy). Neil is at least grateful to you for that, he really didn't feel able to get around on his own. What's more, every time he woke up in the cellar, he was afraid that the death of the manor's occupants was just a dream and that they would end up coming back to repeat the experiments on him.
It took you a long time to really gain his trust, mainly because he spent a lot of time sleeping at first (well, when he wasn't being woken up by nightmares, each more horrible than the last).
You contacted some witches to get their advice on how to help him heal quickly. They advised you to let him sleep as often as possible, to block the sun's rays completely and to provide him with regular access to fresh blood.
For the nightmares, they sent you a small parcel of plants to burn in the bedroom, which you didn't think would work so well. You're in a good enough position as a former vampire to know that you often end up developing immunity to this kind of plant, so you assume that it's the weakened state in which you found the vampire that cancels out his immunity. You weren't going to complain though, because knowing that he could finally sleep without being constantly woken by nightmares was rather reassuring.
Thanks to your care, he was able to recover quickly and after a year, he could even leave the room without you having to support him to move around. Well, he couldn't go very far, but being able to go alone into the small living room to enjoy the fire in the fireplace already seemed to please him.
Little by little, he has begun to trust you. You look after him without treating him like a fragile little thing, and you help him to become powerful again, even if he feels that it will take him centuries to be the person he was before he was locked up in the cellar.
In the end, he even finds it rather pleasant to be able to count on someone to ensure his safety. He's never really known that: his half-brothers wanted to kill him, his father wanted more or less the same thing, not to mention his stepmothers who would no doubt have loved to see him dead. Then the rulers of neighbouring countries wanted him dead too when he became king, then other vampires during the wars between the ancients. To be able to trust someone is a rare thing for him, and above all a pleasant one.
His character isn't always easy, of course. Neil is a former king, so he can be rather arrogant at times, especially when he speaks to the younger members of the manor in a tone that suggests he thinks they're idiots. You can't persuade him to speak differently to the youngest, despite your insistence.
Now he likes spending time with you. He understands you more easily than the younger members of the manor, you've lived through all the wars between the elders that he's lived through, you know vampires that he also knows and by talking to you he realises that you even lived in certain royal courts at the same time. This allows you to remember some rather amusing anecdotes together.
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