#docent 2023
jakobynebodoopravdy · 11 days
Milan Šera x Otto Stehlík momenty v druhém díle Docenta aneb důkaz o tom, že Strach podvědomě píše teplý věci:
• Šera vždycky vozí Stehlíka vlastním autem na místo činu
• Stehlík chce vzít průšvih na sebe, Šera ho nenechá a diví se, jak mohl s tou svojí slušností a férovostí vydržet u policie tak dlouho
• "můžu pro vás něco udělat?" - "můžete, nenechte mě v tom průseru samotnýho"
•poslouchají výslech sami spolu v Šerově kanceláři
•Šerýho úsměv, když Stehlík něco vysvětluje (proud husband)
•když Šera oceňuje Stehlíkovi nápady, ale zní to jako kdyby flirtoval
•celá scéna s teorií o hráčském slangu má skoro rodinnou atmosféru ve stylu: Fousková vysvětluje svým dvěma tátům moderní terminologii
•celá scéna v nemocnici
•kdykoliv jsou Fousková, Stehlík a Šera spolu tak mají family vibe, speciálně ve scéně, kdy se Šera zlobí na Fouskovou, že je neopatrná
•Stehlík podpírající Šeru
Závěrem přikládám návrh, že Ivan Trojan je český James McAvoy, protože vždycky když dostane mužský protějšek, tak to bude teplé. Ámen.
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modrapomnenka · 11 days
Docent II - Trilobit v akci (S02E02)
(S02E01, S02E02, S02E03)
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autistictortoise · 3 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Docent - Fandom Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Otto Stehlík/Milan Šera, Otto/Milan, Stehlík/Šera, trilobiti Characters: Otto Stehlík, Milan Šera Summary:
Šera se vrátil z nemocnice a Stehlík ho jde navštívit.
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hyenisko · 2 years
Viděl jste někdo první díl Docenta? Já jen že Stehlík a Šera mají docela ship potenciál, ne?
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daily-rayless · 1 year
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I don't know if this character has any sort of name, but it's the cat spirit (?) from Big Fish & Begonia. It's only visible in a few shots in one scene (starting at around 31:30) to guide Chun through the Chamber of Heaven. I have no idea what its deal is, but it seems to be a quiet person who takes their work very seriously. Because it lacks an official name and sort of guides her through a museum or library, I'm calling it the Cat Docent.
Cat Docent is a good animated cat that I think more people should know about.
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holoubek · 2 years
does it ever drive you crazy //just how fast the night changes
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aperint · 1 year
PROFESOR, no maestro por favor
#aperturaintelectual #vmrfaintelectual @victormanrf @Victor M. Reyes Ferriz @vicmanrf @victormrferriz Víctor Manuel Reyes Ferriz
16 DE MAYO DE 2023 PROFESOR, no maestro por favor POR: VÍCTOR MANUEL REYES FERRIZ El día de ayer en nuestro país celebramos el mal llamado “Día del Maestro”; empero, resulta que antes de comenzar a escribir esta colaboración acudí a mi tumbaburros de cabecera que es la RAE y me llevé una gran sorpresa porque resulta que ahora ya está permitido utilizar la palabra maestro y profesor para…
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gvtnoticias · 2 years
UNSL ofrece cursos gratuitos y virtuales para docentes
CAPACITACION DOCENTE. Desde la UNSL anunciaron la apertura de inscripciones para cursos de capacitación docente. Son virtuales, gratuitos a distintos tipos de docentes. Todos los detalles. Los cursos ofrecidos desde la Universidad de San Luis son de carácter virtual, de acceso gratuito y están destinados a educadores de nivel inicial, primario, secundario y superior. Se dictarán a partir del mes…
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pedrvo · 2 years
MINEDU Perú: Cuadro de mérito para contrata docente 2023
MINEDU Perú: Cuadro de mérito para contrata docente 2023
Determinación de Cuadros de Mérito para la Contratación Docente Inicio Fin Actividad 28/12/2022 28/12/2022 Publicación de plazas vacantes para el procedimiento de contratación docente, en el portal institucional del Minedu. 03/01/2023 06/01/2023 Selección, por parte de los postulantes, de la UGEL o DRE de su preferencia en una única región con plazas vacantes en el grupo de inscripción en el…
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ibook4you · 2 years
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Agenda Insegnante 2022 - 2023: Registro del Professore e calendario settimanale per l'anno scolastico 2022-2023
Cerchi un planner scolastico e un calendario docenti per organizzare la tua quotidianità da insegnante? Questo diario stampabile per INSEGNANTI DI ITALIANO 2022-2023 ti aiuta ad organizzare il tuo anno scolastico! Questo pianificatore include biglietti per presenze o appunti, pagine di pianificazioni settimanali, elenco delle classi, calendario di compleanno, tavolo del sedile... In breve, questo planner per insegnanti è completamente pronto per l'uso, il che consente di risparmiare un sacco di tempo e fatica, soprattutto in un momento in cui tutti stanno preparando il proprio calendario 2022-2023 Al suo interno troverete tanti utili organizzatori per annotare: • i riferimenti del vostro istituto • i nomi e le informazioni importanti sui vostri alunni • le date e le ore di riunioni, collegi, interclasse… • l’elenco dei compleanni mese per mese • Planner annuale e mensile • Calendario scolastico 2022/2023 • 144 pagine
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Postřehy z posledního dílu Docenta
• úvodní scéna implikuje, že Stehlík jel se Šerou do nemocnice a zůstal tam s ním po vyšetření
• Stehlík kryje Šerovi záda, aby nikdo nevěděl, že je v nemocnici, což je cute
• Dvojčata jsou teplá (a vždycky nosí matching shirts)
• chci aby si na mě někdo usmíval jako se na sebe usmívají Šera se Stehlíkem
• "Nechtěl byste si udělat malý výlet?"
• rande na místě činu, kam jedou jen sami dva a navzájem se podporují ve vymýšlení vyšetřovací teorie
• dvojčata se navzájem oslovují "Daníku" a "Jaroušku"
• scéna s dvojčaty v lese je něco, co jsem ještě v čt neviděla (konverzace vylákání podezřelého: "Pyro není zločin")
• Dan volající IT expertovi: "Ahoj Jiříčku, mám tady takovou mašinku...díky, jsi pusinka"
• Šera a Stehlík vždycky poslouchají výslechy spolu sami v kanceláři (a mají matching modré svršky), navíc mají opět dad energy když jde o Fousovou
• tired dad energy, když Fousové povolí ten vytoužený výslech aneb family bonding
• scéna v zasedačce - gay páry mají stejné barvy
• Šerovo awkward flirtování
• "Tak se třeba někdy stavte, ale moc neotálejte, protože jestli se ta operace nepodaří, tak se brzy zastřelím" - "Ono to dobře dopadne"
• Dvořák s Trojanem mají tension jako vždycky, když jsou vedle sebe na obrazovce
• Fousková se hádá se Stehlíkem: "Takže my tady objasníme případ století a nikdo se to nedozví?!" - "Víte to vy a vím to já. A ještě se to dozví Šera, protože tomu to pomůže určitě"
• dvojčata: "Víš, co jsem naposledy říkal" - "Promiň, nohy ze stolu" - "Tak dneska nemusíš" *položí mu ruku na koleno*
• Stehlík navštěvuje Šeru v nemocnici
• "Pane docente, děkuju...jste frajer" - "Ne, jen učitel" - *Šera odmítavě vrtí hlavou*
• found family - " Tak Monice kupte žvýkačky"
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modrapomnenka · 18 days
Docent II - Sladká odměna (S02E01)
(S02E01, S02E02, S02E03)
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A jako malý bonus tihle dva, protože samozřejmě...
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blueiscoool · 6 months
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The Marble Head of Apollo Unearthed in Greece
The excavation, carried out by a group of students of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the archaeological site of Philippi Kavala, brought to light important findings. Among other things, they discovered a rare head of Apollo dating back to the 2nd or early 3rd century AD.
The statue dates back to the 2nd or early 3rd century AD and it probably adorned an ancient fountain.
Natalia Poulos, Professor of Byzantine Archaeology, led the excavation, which included fifteen students from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (11 undergraduates, 2 master’s, and 2 PhD candidates), Assistant Docent Anastasios Tantsis, and Professor Emeritus of Byzantine Archaeology Aristotle Mendzo.
Archaeologists say, this year the excavation continued east of the southern main road (decumanus) at the point where it meets the northern axis of the city (the so-called “Egnatia”). The continuation of the marble-paved road was revealed, on the surface of which a coin (bronze phyllis) of the emperor Leo VI (886-912) was found, which helps to determine the duration of the road’s use. At the point where the two streets converge, a widening (square) seems to have been formed, dominated by a richly decorated building.
Archaeologists say evidence from last year’s excavations leads them to assume it was a fountain. The findings of this year’s research confirm this view and help them better understand its shape and function.
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The research of 2022 brought to light part of the rich decoration of the fountain with the most impressive statue depicting Hercules as a boy with a young body.
The recent excavation (2023) revealed the head of another statue: it belongs to a figure of an ageneous man with a rich crown topped by a laurel leaf wreath. This beautiful head seems to belong to a statue of the god Apollo. Like the statue of Hercules, it dates from the 2nd or early 3rd century AD and probably adorned the fountain, which took its final form in the 8th to 9th centuries.
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In classical Greek and Roman religion and mythology, Apollo is one of the Olympian gods. He is revered as a god of poetry, the Sun and light, healing and illness, music and dance, truth and prophecy, and archery, among other things.
Philip II, King of Macedon, founded the ancient city of Philippi in 356 BC on the site of the Thasian colony of Crenides near the Aegean Sea. The archaeological site was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2016 for its outstanding Roman architecture, urban layout as a smaller reflection of Rome itself, and significance in early Christianity.
By Oguz Buyukyildirim.
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discordantwords · 9 months
fic recs - november & december 2023
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As we close out the year, here are some of the (completed) fics that I've read and enjoyed over the last couple of months. I feel so incredibly lucky to be a part of this fandom. Look at all these fics! What an embarrassment of riches!
4 Times Sherlock Proposed, & One Time John Returned the Favour by PipMer
5 Times Rosie Gets Into Trouble & 1 Time She Doesn't by Jaye Harriet
A Case of You by Silvergirl
A Midnight Clear by Khorazir
A Poison Garden, a Prize-Winning Leek, & a Corpse in the Maris Pipers by mydogwatson
A Wedding on Christmas Eve by PoppyAlexander
All Too Familiar by weeesi
Armour Plastique by 796116311389
Cold Inside by LoloLolly
December Moments by Lock_John_Silver
do not stand at my grave by rachelindeed
Don't You Mind by Goldt_39
His Very Last Vow by bozuri
Home by vitruvianwatson
Home is Where the Human Skull Is by theclosetenby
Locked Room by Calais_Reno
Lost Along the Coast by JRow
moon earth sun by orphicsun
Nothing Gold Can Stay by Raina_at
Nothing to Celebrate by discordantwords (self rec!)
Point Zero One Percent by amaruuk
Pretty Paper by stopthat
Relapse and Redemption by JennLynn77
Scream! by johnwatso
smoke signals by simplyclockwork
Stages of Grief by IwillbeReichenbach
The Adventure of the Reluctant Docent by mydogwatson
The Marked Man of the Emperor Dragonfly by Jaye Harriet (heed the tags on this one, MCD, not a happy ending)
The Skin Over My Heart by standbygo
The Way Home by Calais_Reno
The Wizard of Baker Street by Calais_Reno
Three Impossible Things by Snowfilly1
What If... by johnwatso
What should I do but tend by Ibbyliv
Wrapped Tight by CopperBeech
Yorkshire by lurikko
As always, be sure check the tags before diving in. If you've read something fantastic over the last couple of months that I've missed here, please send me some recs. Happy reading! :)
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generalevannacci · 5 months
Donatella Di Cesare
Il prossimo 15 maggio dovrò presentarmi davanti al Tribunale di Roma, perché sono stata querelata per diffamazione aggravata da Francesco Lollobrigida, Ministro dell’agricoltura e della sovranità alimentare, esponente di FdI, cognato della premier Meloni. I fatti risalgono a un anno fa – 18 aprile 2023 – quando Lollobrigida in un intervento pubblico disse: “non possiamo arrenderci alla sostituzione etnica”. La sera dello stesso giorno, nel corso del talkshow DiMartedì, interpellata dal conduttore, ho commentato: “la sostituzione etnica è un mito complottistico”, “è il cuore dell’hitlerismo”. Nella mia argomentazione, sottolineando la pericolosità di principi ispirati alla purezza etnica e riferendomi al ministro, ho aggiunto: “credo che le parole del ministro non possano essere prese per uno scivolone, perché ha parlato da Gauleiter, da governatore neohitleriano”. Non ho detto “è”, ma “ha parlato da”: si è trattato non di un’equazione, bensì di un paragone, una similitudine storica. “La teoria della sostituzione è un mito neonazista secondo il quale i bianchi vengono sostituiti dai non bianchi”, è quello che si legge nel sito del governo https://www.governo.it/it/dipartimenti/coordinatore-nazionale-la-lotta-contro-lantisemitismo/noantisemitismo-def-grandesostituzione.
È inconcepibile che in un paese democratico un ministro trascini in tribunale una filosofa, una privata cittadina, per questioni sulle quali si dovrebbe aprire un confronto democratico. Rifiutare il dibattito vuol dire stigmatizzare l’avversario politico, considerarlo un nemico da trattare con misure punitive.
E’ palese la sproporzione tra un ministro, con tutto il suo potere e una docente che deve difendersi da sola, con i propri mezzi. Non ho l’appoggio di nessun partito, nessun giornale, nessun gruppo di potere politico o editoriale, nessuna tribù. In compenso ricevo ogni giorno la solidarietà di moltissimi di voi. E colgo l’occasione per ringraziarvi per le lettere, i messaggi, le parole di stima e incoraggiamento.
Cercando di legittimarsi nel contesto europeo e internazionale, questa destra ha bisogno di mutare il proprio volto pubblico tacitando chi ne sottolinea la provenienza storica.
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ISSUE 743: hoof docent
24 june 2023
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