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kittenadventurous · 2 years ago
think i'm gonna try identifying as a girl on here for a while, switch to she/her, see how it fits and feels... worst outcome, i still learn more about myself! ^-^
...maybe i'll end up changing my blog name too...
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kittenadventurous · 1 year ago
i'm constantly split on this.
on the one hand, i hate the idea of being a second choice. it's very often ended in me being dropped at the first sign of trouble. and god it has hurt my self-worth so much to never be someone's *first* choice. i yearn desperately for a relationship where they are as dedicated to me as i am to them. though admittedly i can be more dedicated than most people would be comfy with.
on the other hand though, i love love. i love falling for people, and flirting, and playing. and i don't want to restrict that.
i suppose i want to have an anchor. someone(s) to be perfectly matched with and dedicated to... but then also still flirt and play with and date others, before always coming back to my core.
If i’m not your first choice I don’t wanna be a choice at all
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tehkuning · 5 years ago
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Korean Food inimah. Tapi masih di Indonesiah.
Photo by me, many years ago.
Ada Jjangmyun,mie dengan saus kedelai hitam, makanan khas korea untuk yang sedang patah hati katanya. Dilengkapi dengan ayam goreng tepung,pangsit goreng dan mentimun segar ditengahnya. Tersaji didalam mangkuk putih berukuran sedang, final plating yang cukup rupawan;seperti seolah menunjukkan inilah sentuhan dari sang ahlinya.
Pada piring kotak warna putih yang datar ada olahan daging ayam, entah bagaimana memasaknya tapi ini sejenis makanan pedas,yang berwarna coklat dengan tekstur seperti saus itu memang terasa cukup pedas,kemudian untuk pelengkap terdapat sejenis karbo yakni beberapa potongan kentang, juga irisan bawang bombay yang masih kentara. Final plating tidak terlalu ribet, irisan tomat, mentimun dan selada dengan ukuran yang disesuaikan satu sama lainnya, lalu ditambahkan mayonnaise warna oranye sebagai dressing. Sebutan untuk masakan ini...mmm... Aku lupa haha. Tapi kalogasalah mah bulgogi. Cmiiw. Ohya untuk oalahan ayam ini akan dimakan bersamaan dengan nasi putih yang ada didalam small bowl ituya.
Dan yang terakhir makanan khas korea yang sangat familiar ditelinga kita, kimchi sawi putih. Dengan harga yang sangat ramah--limariburupiah kami memesan menu kimchi yang tersaji pada piring hijau kecil nan menggemaskan. Jika aku boleh berasumsi, ketika makan kimchi ini rasanya seperti sedang makan asinan khas jawabarat haha. Sawi segar dan jenis sayuran lain seperti wortel dan lobak ada disana. Kimchi yang ini cenderung berair, sedangkan yang aku liat pada beberapa series drama korea kimchi tidak berair. Honestly lidah jowo aku merasa tidak cocok untuk makanan ini,mungkin kimchi korea yang 'sesungguhnya' lebih menariq rasanya, Semoga oneday berkesempatan mencoba yaaaa. Hahaa.
Bersyukur bisa menemukan tempat makan yang menyediakan menu makanan korea,bahkan juga makanan jepang dan america. Kedai Dlavina namanya. Terletak diantara lingkungan kampus terkenal di Purwokerto, jensud university. Tepatnya ada di seberang masjid Fatimatuzzahra atau Mafaza. Tempatnya sangat nyaman,lantai bawah untuk meja kursi, dan lantai atas hanya terdapat meja saja karena pelanggan dipersilahkan duduk dilantai yang ber-karpet, dijamin tidak akan kedinginan hoho. Selain itu desain interior nya juga diupayakan seperti suasana negeri bermusim empat, terdapat hiasan pohon sakura dan hiasan dinding yang mendukung. Ohya ada yang menarique, layaknya pagar yang dipenuhi gembok cinta seperti namsaan tower di Seoul Korea sana, Kedai Dlavina menyediakan semacam pagar namun kali ini dipenuhi dengan kertas POST IT atau sticky notes berwarna-warni yang terlihat meriah. Pada beberapa kertas yang berhasil aku baca, isinya tentang harapan-harapan tertentu, curahan hati, pesan kesan, reviu terkait makanan disana ataupun hal-hal lucu dan menyenangkan lainnya yang ditulis oleh para pelanggan.
Waktu itu kami datang berdua,aku bersama seorang perempuan tangguh yang kusayang,Mba Hanafianti. Sebenarnya kami seumuran,satu sekolah dan seangkatan, pernah sekelas malahan. Tapi akunya senyaman itu manggil belio 'mbahana' haha. Mba Hana adalah sosok perempuan tangguh yang aku kagumi, ia yang selalu berpegang pada prinsipnya, seseorang yang tidak lelah berjuang; memperjuangkan mimpi-mimpinya dengan mengerahkan segala ikhtiar terbaik yang dipunya. Seseorang yang telah berhasil memahami dirinya sendiri, tentang apa inginnya, apa yang harus dilakukan olehnya. Seseorang yang senang berbagi sekaligus mengayomi seperti seorang kakak perempuan,bagiku. Saat ini Mbahana menjalani hari-harinya di Jogja, Allah beri amanah untuk mbahana berkuliah di salah satu kampus terbaik di Daerah Istimewa itu. Kota yang awalnya dihindari mbahana untuk dijadikan tempat perantauan. Katanya sih karena ada seseorang, tapi entah siapa kujuga taktau haha.
Ngomong-ngomong, aku udah pernah main sekali ke kosan mbahana di Jogja dong, sebenarnya kami telah berjanji untuk saling berkunjung ke kota perantauan masing-masing. Namun baru aku yang kesampaian mengunjungi mbahana. Berawal dari spontanitas karena memang lagi ada hari libur tanpa kuliah, akhirnya setelah berdiskusi dan mempertimbangkan beberapa hal, berangkatlah aku seorang diri ke Jogja. Naik kereta prameks dari stasiun Solo Balapan menuju stasiun Tugu Yogyakarta. Mengikuti tips dari Mbak Nuryanti yang pernah juga membawaku ke Jogja bersamanya beberapa waktu yang lampau,Alhamdulillah akunya berhasil mendapatkan tempat duduk ditengah penumpang yang berdesakkan didalam kereta Prameks. Mengingatnya membuatku tertawa e wkekek.
Singkat cerita,aku menghabiskan satu malam di Jogja, di ruangan kamar kosan mbahana yang berada di lantai dua. Berbincang bersama mbahana memang selalu menyenangkan, ditemani nasi goreng porsi jumbo yang dibeli di warung depan kosan. Ngobrolin apa aja, mulai dari ceritanya mbahana yang saat ini cukup disibukkan untuk mengajar les adik-adik sekolah dasar sampai bahas tentang pernikahan hahaha. Tapi kalau ngobrol sama mbahana mah jangan harap obrolan pernikahan yang bersifat melankoliz yak wkwkw.
Waktu itu kata mbahana belum terlintas dipikirannya terkait pernikahan, mbahana masih ingin menggapai mimpi-mimpinya dulu,masih banyak yang ingin dilakukan,masih banyak soal yang harus diselesaikan dalam posisinya sebagai seorang individu, maka ketika nanti sudah saatnya akan menikah kata mbahana dari diri sendiri harus yang sudah benar-benar siap,dimana kondisi segala sesuatunya harus udah settle,entah itu keuangan, mental, mindset dan lain lain. Jangan sampai nikah cuma karena pengen-pengen doang, khawatirnya pernikahan yang terjalin bisa mudah goyah, jangan sampai anak-anak merasakan kondisi-kondisi tak stabil yang mungkin saja terjadi apabila ayah ibuk nya ternyata masih belum selesai dengan dirinya sendiri namun memilih jalan pernikahan. Sebenarnya bukan dalam rangka menunda-nunda pernikahan, tapi sebagai bagian dari ikhtiar untuk mempersiapkan pernikahan yang semakin kokoh,katanya.
Begitulah postingan kali ini selesai.
Semoga ada hal baik yang bisa diambil.
Maafkan aku yang sudah menghadirkan a boring stuff macam ini disini.
Dari makanan korea, sampai cerita tentang mbahana. Hahaha.
Inilah akhir dari sesi blebbering malam ini.
see ay next day
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loredanad · 6 years ago
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I hate myself lol 5:00 🕔 #live #love #life #girlofinstagram #pleasure #ilovemywork #ilovemyjob #eveninthenight #idonails #tired #boringstuff #ihavetodothis #instamood #picoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/ByT_tc8CJV9/?igshid=1qu6bop3q1a6l
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enchantingexcursions · 6 years ago
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Kiddo headed off on their senior trip or tagging along with family friends? Or are you going away on an adults only vacay?? If your children are not yet 18, make sure they have the proper forms!!! This includes consent to travel and consent for medical treatment at a minimum. Additional needs will be based on destination and method of travel (cruise, airline, etc) #besmart #travel #romanticgetaway #seniortrip #springbreak #vacay #traveltips #thursdaythoughts #smart #travelsafe #parenting #mamas #kids #familyfirst #vacaymode #go #boringstuff #necessaires https://www.instagram.com/p/BvRMlTfnvU_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=oxqmy6gendzs
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floating-moons · 4 years ago
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orum · 5 years ago
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My website will be offline for a little while as it is moving to a more secure and stable host after being hacked several times this month Please stay tuned, it will be back once I have time to migrate in 2020. www.oerum.org #hacked #boringstuff #serviceannouncement #www.oerum.org https://www.instagram.com/p/B5yh_mWBMtM/?igshid=cd4blmus92ef
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kittenadventurous · 1 year ago
today i am yearning, and lonely, and needy. possibly even sorrowful, and insecure, and hopeless about my romantic future. apologies/warnings for sad posts throughout the day
hopefully the mood will go away, but we'll see. there is a strong desire to dive headfirst into a depressive spiral which tbh i am having a hard time resisting...
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kittenadventurous · 2 years ago
i'm so so tired of trying to be hopeful and vulnerable and open and loving. so many people have told me how wonderful i am, but no one has actually chosen me and stuck around. being second-favorite has been a theme in my life. and even if that means i'm very loved by many people, it still somehow just feels so hollow and lonely.
i truly believe that a lot of what gets labeled as “yearning” on here is actually deep & profound & excruciating loneliness & i really think we would have more productive discussions about it if we could just call a spade a spade
like loneliness is an incredibly serious mood state that has major implications for your physical & mental health & the pain it causes is far more intense than simple “yearning.” a deep, agonizing longing for human connection is actually a really really big deal
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urukyra · 6 years ago
Post launch reflection: Goodest Boi
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1: What aspect did I enjoy working on the most and what was it about that aspect that I enjoyed?
I thoroughly enjoyed learning. For this game: my goal was to try new things, so I challenged myself to grab every opportunity. I wanted to learn to
Use audio in Unity; so that was my main role in Goodest Boi.
Lift my C# coding; so I made myself open the script editor and experiment.
Internalise what I learn; so I what I learned on Goodest Boi I used in at home in my Min’atoa game.
Try new programmes and plugins for the first time; such as Audition and Audacity, ProBuilder, Scene Fusion, OBS, and TextMesh Pro.
Build social media profile through devlogs on various platforms for the first time.
Tbh I most enjoyed the art, even though I had no art role in this game; so I found it a bit frustrating to sit on the sidelines. Whatever I did, I quickly added texture, colour and decorative assets. My prototype Probuilder whiteboxes were all coloured and decorated. For me adding ambience made it a lot more fun to test gameplay. I was pleased to mock up the game to a playtestable state in less than a day, and looking quite cool. I loved putting my own art touches on the UI, trying to make it tasteful in layout and palette, and match the rest of the art style. Art is in itself pleasurable. 
In contrast, I found the coding frustrating for long periods, then immensely satisfying when I got it to work. Coding has lower lows but higher highs, and is more like solving a puzzle, which I enjoy, but in a different way - it uses a completely different part of my brain. Coding is more ‘behind the scenes’. Its satisfying to get it working well for the player, and a player who knows what they are looking for will notice it, but it is less immediately apparent than the art and harder to blog about visually.
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2: What might I do to continue getting better at what I enjoyed?
I’ll keep leaping into new programmes, watching tutorials and trying new things, because most of the things I tried were quickly gratifying. It’s a matter of reminding myself I can do it, even if it doesn’t seem so at first.
I’ll keep opening up Visual Studio and trying out different things in scripting; daily practice will give results. Again, it helps to tell myself I can do this, it will just take time and effort. There are a lot of people out there to learn from and heaps of code and tutorials online..
Because I’ll keep decorating whatever I do, I will make a point of learning about colour palettes, graphic design, Photoshop and Illustrator. Get over myself and draw with the tablet, eventually it will get as good as my pen and paint..
Another step is to improve the assets I make for my devlogs. I haven’t made gifs, and gifs attract the eye and can explain things really well.
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3: What did and didn't pan out how I thought it would. What might I do to address this in future projects?
The team didn’t use version control for this project. Next time I would communicate how we could effectively operate version control. I like really appreciate the functionality of GitKraken. Agreeing checks and balances and operating practices would give the team confidence that it would work without losing or overwriting work.
We lost time when the Master version was not in the shared folder and the team member was absent;, it doubled up work to get something working in a different version then transfer it across via prefabs or assets.
We used Agile processes initially, using Trello and sprints, but that fell away later. Having a strong, decisive product manager was highly effective for product quality, and team productivity. We had definite standards and goals to work to. On the other hand for me at least it was demotivating to be excluded from the decision making, and sometimes I had spare resource that wasn’t being used.
We mostly worked on our own allotted tasks, and brought them all together near the end. I pushed to bring the various pieces together earlier to ensure we were all on the same page, and that helped my own work a lot.
The prototyping was excellent for the audio at least. The initial maze I built, very simple on paper, when walking through it, was way too complex. The simple game layout surprisingly, was enough. The prototypes enabled quite a bit of testing and improvement.
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heavenly-demon · 6 years ago
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the-trashbin · 4 years ago
if you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself (or your book/oc) and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not!
(1) I collect Chuck Taylor Converse shoes and caps of the rainbow color (ROYGBV)
(2) I used to like looking up at the stars each night, when I lived in PHI. There aren’t any stars where I’m from so I’ve stopped.
(3) Recently, I’ve started to re-read books which I read before my teenage years and am trying to differentiate my perception towards the book as an adult. #BoringStuff HAHA
Thanks for the ask @dowot
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mrchris21-blog · 6 years ago
Lol #mood #noonecares #workharder @alexhormozi signed up - doing #boringstuff #tidalwaves #coming #commit or #quit let’s roll Commit nation! (at Commit FIT) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPd-YohP3i/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1k9xi0es10km2
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tashas-face · 8 years ago
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Brush bathtime! . . #bbloggers #beauty #makeup #makeupbrushes #makeuptools #boringstuff #japonesque #brownbeauty #tashasface
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ihavereallylonghair-blog1 · 8 years ago
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So, I bought a Kaiba starter deck and gave all of my other cards to my friend, in which he made a deck out of and we've been dueling for a week. He's surrendered every time...hasn't won yet. I mean, at least accept your defeat and give me the satisfaction of watching your LP drop to 0, dude.
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floating-moons · 8 years ago
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Feeling cute kinda day
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