#borhap x you
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snek-eyes · 2 years ago
Queen instrumentals playing in Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death
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(instrumentals arranged by Eos Counsell)
(insp. / template / BoRhap breakdown)
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georgeweasleyslostearhq · 1 year ago
could you please do a BoRhap request? Where she looks after the guys during recording since her family owns Rockfield Farm and they love her cooking? But the guys (minus Fred who has Mary) all fancy her too?
Pairings: John + Roger + Brian x Fem!reader Summary: ^^ Warnings: none, I don't think Note: I did my best guys, I'm sorry
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a knock came to your door as you finished up breakfast
you left the kitchen and went to the front door
you opened the door to see a blonde with long hair with sunglasses on
he was wearing dark, slightly flared jeans, a yellow v neck shirt underneath a greeny grey jacket with fur
behind him was a short haired brunette with a mustache
he pushed the blonde out of the way and held out his hand
"hi, I'm paul, this is Roger, From Queen" he introduced
of course you knew Queen was coming to your family's farm, it wasn't like you didn't know who they were and wouldn't let them in, it's just that you felt Rogers gaze planted on you and it made you feel a little nervous
"you're not" Roger scoffed quietly
"yes, of course, come in, are the rest here too?" you asked, stepping out of the way to let them in
"they're sorting out their luggage" Roger answered, taking off his glasses
"well, I made breakfast..if you're hungry?" you smiled tightly
"depends what you're serving" Roger smirked and looked you up and down
"pancakes" you responded quickly
"yeah, I could eat"
he followed you to the kitchen and he took a seat, shovelling food onto the plate in front of him and started eating
a few minutes later Roger had finished his plate and went back for seconds
"ah there you are Freddie" Paul spoke up, noticing the other three band members by the door
"we're also here mate" the tall, long curly haired brunette said, seeming annoyed by Paul's presence
"should I show you boys to your rooms?" you wondered, breaking the silence that filled the room
The three boys standing at the door all turned to you
"didn't know the farm came with a pretty lady" the curly Brunette smiled
"oh I'm Y/n. this is my Family's Farm. I live in the building beside this one, I'm just here to show you around"
"are those pancakes for us?" the auburn haired one said
"oh, yes! you can have as many as you want" you pointed to the mountain of pancakes you had made on the counter
"they are delicious" Roger said with a mouthful of food
"well I'm Brian, This is Fred and John and I see you've already met Rog"
"it's a pleasure to meet you guys"
"pleasure's all ours darling" Freddie beamed
"well I'll show you your rooms then" you said taking off your apron and leading them upstairs
"it's probably not what you're used to but your manager said it was perfect to get away from distractions so" you shrugged
you turned to face the boys and see Roger first
"you're in here. mister Taylor" you looked to the first door
"right" he grunted, walking into the room with his heavy luggage
"and that's yours, Mister Mercury" you pointed to the room in the corner to the left
"thank you darling"
"Mister May, yours is right here" pointing to the right side next to the bathroom
Brian walked into the room and you noticed John still standing on the top of the stairs
"oh, sorry. mister Deacon, you're downstairs" he walks back down the stairs and you lead him down to the room.
"I know it's small but it doesn't get nearly as cold as the other rooms" you informed him
"okay..." he frowns as he steps down
"well I'll let you get settled then, i'll show you and the band around when you're ready" you smiled, starting to go up the stairs
"are there still pancakes?" he asked, putting his luggage down on the bed
"oh yeah, they'd probably still be warm too" you answered
he soon started following you up the stairs to the kitchen to find all the other members of the band eating the pancakes
"Rog really didn't lie, these pancakes are delicious" Brian hummed
"we need more syrup" Roger lifted up the empty bottle of maple syrup
"oh..ok" you walked over to the fridge as John took a seat and started eating the food
"here you go" you grinned, putting the syrup on the table in front of them
it's been a few days since they've arrived and much to your surprise, you've seen more of them then you expected
you didn't think you would see much of them, you thought thy would be very busy and you didn't have a problem with that
but Roger, Brian and John all seemed to want you around them
Roger would casually flirt with you
Brian would always start up a conversation or make you help with with a lyric
and John would subtly make eye contact and smile before coming up to you to ask for suggestions
and they would all ask if you could cook them up something when they got hungry and said they liked your cooking, so much so that there would be barely any left for Freddie or you.
Roger was currently helping you make breakfast while Brian and John sat and ate while they discussed songs
"i put my heart and soul into this song" Roger spoke up as they talked about his new song he made
"no one is disputing that" John smiled, lifting up his fork
"and you don't like it because you want your songs on the album" Roger fought
"it's not that Roger" John denied
"then what is it?" the blonde raised his eyebrows as he stopped cutting bread
"I'm in love with my car?" Brian spoke up
you fought back a laugh at the thought of the song
Brian and John both made a questionable face as silence filled the air
"maybe it's not strong enough?" Brian suggested
"what does that even mean 'not strong enough'?" Roger frowned
"I know I'm late. What did I miss?" Freddie came in and poured himself some tea
John straightened his back and looked at the singer "discussing Roger's car song"
"is it strong enough, that's all I'm asking. If I'm on my own here, then i apologise" Brian put his hands up defensively
"how does your new song go, then, hm?" Roger walked over and grabbed Brians lyrics
"you call me sweet.. like I'm some kind of cheese" the drummer read out
you stifled a laugh as you cooked bacon
"it's good" Brian defended, looking at the John who was eating a sausage with a smile and Freddie who was stirring his tea
"wow" Roger sighed sarcastically
"is that-, is that you know- when my hand's on your grease gun..That's very subtle isn't it?" Brian read Rogers back
"it's a metaphor, Brian" Roger argued
"it's just a bit weird Roger, what exactly are you doing with that car?" John spoke, waving his fork around
"what do you think, Y/n?" Roger turned to you, looking for backup
you put the now cooked bacon on a plate and turned to the boys
"don't turn to me, I'm not getting involved" you shook your head
"children please, we could all murder each other but then who would be left to record this album?" Freddie butted in
"statistically speaking, most bands don't fail, they break up" John stated mater-of-a-factly
"why the hell would you say something like that?" Freddie frowned
John shrugged and Freddie turned back to the Blonde
"Roger, there's only room in this band for one hysterical queen" Freddie informed the drummer before walking out
"you know why you're angry, Roger?" Brian began again
"...why?" Roger breathed out
"'cause you know you're song isn't strong enough" the curly headed man repeated
"boys I really don't think you should be-" you started to say but cut off by Roger throwing bacon at Brian's face
"is that strong enough?" Roger questioned
"ok" you mumbled, looking at John, who smiled at you amusingly
Roger pushed off plates and glasses off the table angrily
"what about that?!" he asked before going over to find something else
"Hey!" you yelled at Roger, who grabbed a pot of Coffee
he turned and began to swing it at the two boys before he stopped as they put their hands up
"Not the coffee machine!?" they both yelled
Roger put the coffee machine down and you sighed looking at the mess
"I'll clean this up" he sighed after a moment of silence
"you sure are" you nodded sternly
you sat in the recording room on the couch with John and Roger as Brian got ready to record his guitar
Roger slung his arm around your shoulder as Brian got set up
"so..how about we go get dinner later" he suggested
"pardon?" you wondered
"you, me, i'll take you out to dinner" he repeated
"I highly doubt she'll want to go out with you, Roger, she's too good for you" John sighed
"and what? you're better?" the drummer scoffed, looking over you to the auburn headed bassist
John stared at Roger for a moment
"how's katie? last time we saw her was right before we left to come here" the Deacon wondered
"shut it mate" Roger groaned
your thoughts were cut short as Brian started playing
you focused on the music but felt John's gaze on you, you slowly turned your head to see him staring at you, smiling
"so, do you have a boyfriend?" Roger asked
"I don't see how that's any of your business" you crossed your arms, looking back at Brian, who's still playing his solo
"what if I want to ask you out?" he shrugged
"how come you're the one that gets to ask her out?" John leans forward to argue with Roger
"because I can" the Taylor boy smirked
"Roger, do you have to be such a man whore?" John questioned, his accent become more defined and thick
"I think you're just jealous you don't get women chasing after you" Roger huffed, leaning back on the couch, seeming to be not fazed
"ah yes, because all i need is women to make me feel better about myself, all i need and want is women around me to fill a void of unfulfillment" John rolled his eyes
"oh yeah? let's see who she wants more then" Roger raises his eyebrows as he took off his glasses to look at you
John frowned "you can't pressure her into choosing either of us...that's not how relationships work, Roger"
Roger stifled a laugh "who said I wanted a relationship"
"my point exactly"
"all i'm saying" is that she's probably looking for somebody to love and i'm right here" Roger raised his hands in defense
"what makes you think she wants someone?" John glared
"children, children. leave the poor girl alone, she doesn't want either of you" Freddie butted in
you found yourself wondering how it came to this, two members of the band Queen almost practically fighting for your, to be with you
it made sense about Roger, seeing all of those tabloids of him with new girls around his shoulder almost every week
but John? he didn't really seem the type
you tuned out of the argument and soon wondered when Brian came back into the room as you looked up to find him sitting with Freddie
"I think whatever happens, it's up to her, you shouldn't be trying to force something she does not want" John fought
"what are you guys fighting about?"
"who gets to take this beautiful lady out" Roger smirked, nodding towards you
"who says either of you get to?" Brian spoke in a confused manner
"oh don't tell me you want her too?" Roger groaned
"what's so wrong about that?" the guitarist questioned
"I'm gonna go" you sighed, getting up
"are you still going to make us pasta tonight?" John perked up
you chuckled "I think you all need a break from my cooking"
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Hello my beloved Maggie. Please tag me in anything, everything you write, even if you decide to revive the BoRap fandom, whatever. I want to read it. 💜
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HOTD x BoRhap crossover fic coming soon 😂😂
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laminy · 1 year ago
Thank you for the tag @merriell-allesandro-shelton!!
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
How many works do you have on ao3?
Apparently 74! I'm not sure how that's possible but okay! Not what I was expecting. That's like twice as many as I thought.
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
The works that I have posted on AO3 are for Bohemian Rhapsody Actor RPF, BoRhap/Queen, Ted Lasso, 13 Reasons Why, Teen Wolf, 6 Underground, Midsomer Murders, and Shazam. Pre-AO3, I wrote in a lot of other ones. Hypothetically, I write for Gran Turismo, but I've never finished any of those fics lol.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. I'm breathing in the chemicals (Teen Wolf) 2. and you know you don't have to go (Ted Lasso) 3. Fear and Self-Loathing in Beacon Hill (Teen Wolf) 4. you're the sunflower (Ted Lasso) 5. into the blue and sunny morn' (BoRhap Actor RPF)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, absolutely! I appreciate when people comment and I like the interaction.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I try not to have angsty endings! All my angst is sprinkled throughout the story (maybe more than sprinkled lol) and then they get a happy ending.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Since most of my fics have happy endings, I don't know what the happiest of the happy endings would be. Probably a fic in the ITBASM-universe, because I tried to make them all very happy (they deserved it).
Do you get hate on fics?
I did get a couple hateful anons on here in my day but they didn't stick around. Thankfully I've avoided much of that (knock on wood).
Do you write smut?
I do, I do. All M/M, though for my original NaNo story I'm apparently going to be attempting M/F and idk how that's gonna go lol.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've written two 6 Underground x Midsomer Murders crossovers because Ben and Gwil.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of! I hope not.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I'm also not sure I'm aware of any.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not! I'll be honest that I really don't know how it works and I'm kind of a solitary creature in that regard. so, I don't know that it would be my vibe.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Everrrrrr? Oh my gosh I don't know if I could pick. According to my AO3 bookmarks, apparently it's Joe/Nicky from The Old Guard but I don't think so (and for the most part I avoid that fandom these days). I don't know, ever???? I still can't decide. I'm too finicky. I will say that a ship that I will always love and I go forever without reading and then I'll be in that mood again is Eggsy/Harry from Kingsman. Like, they're the old stalwart.
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Probably those Gran Turismo fics I mentioned above.
What are your writing strengths?
I would say dialogue but I don't know if anyone would agree. I find it the most fun, so I enjoy it.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't know how to describe what people look like, because 99.9 of stuff I write is fanfic and readers already know what those characters look like, so that whenever I attempt anything original, I don't know how to naturally include some idea of "this person has brown eyes and is very tall." I see it done so badly sometimes and I just try to avoid that.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have done it before sparingly. Different languages, I know fics I've done have included French, Spanish, Dutch, German, and Arabic. For most of them, I use Google Translate. for the Arabic, I watched YouTube and tried non-Google Translate sources. for the French, some of it I knew myself and wrote it as I know it (I am not fluent in French). I would never write an entire fic in another language but I think including other languages is fun and rounds out the characters.
First fandom you wrote for?
Probably shockingly, it was Friends. A friend and I wrote it together in the fifth grade. Handwrote it, actually. We had a notebook that we passed back and forth.
Favorite fic you've written?
Overall, every ITBASM fic because it's like, my universe, my world, my characters, and it covered so much time (and space, ha). I don't know that I could pick an individual fic.
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maleksrami · 1 year ago
I saw Dune 2 for the third time tonight with my best friend, and my favorite part of going to movies with folks is always chatting in the parking lot together after. it was so cold but we just kept chatting and laughing!! it’s supposed to start blizzarding here in a few hours. have you watched any good movies lately? what’s the weather like for you rn? I love you infinitely
hello my darling love angel baby kyla 🥰
i miss loving a movie so much that i have to go see it in the theater more than once. it’s been so long since i did. i think since borhap. what is it with parking lots!! that makes me miss being a teenager and just hanging out in parking lots with my friends while we waited for our rides after we hung out at the mall. i’m so nostalgic now. stay warm!! it’s been rainy here today 🌧️
it’s been a long time since i watched a new movie, but lately i’ve been watching some good documentaries! i watched “100 years of warner bros.” on hbo max the other night while i baked cookies. and i also recently watched “the imagineering story” on disney+ all about the disney parks and attractions. and the recent “quiet on set” series everyone has been talking about too, which obviously wasn’t as fun of a subject, but very insightful and thought provoking, albeit disturbing and upsetting. i shall be on the hunt for something much lighter to watch next time. oh wait, there’s a new doc series coming out on amazon prime next week made by j-hope of bts about his love for dance! i’m looking forward to it a lot x
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bitchysoulwasteland · 1 year ago
Please feel free to send in any requests you have for the following:
TGM (beau cyclone Simpson, Pete maverick Mitchell, all of the dagger squad.)
Top Gun 1986 (mav, goose, iceman, viper etc)
Marvel (Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, Loki Laufeyson, Doctor Stephen Strange etc.)
The Hobbit & LOTR (Thranduil, Kili etc)
Queen (Band) x reader (I write for all of the members so request if you would like)
Borhap (I write for ALL of the cast and the characters including Lucy and Mary if you wish)
Also, I do write fem character x fem!reader fox’s so feel free to ask for those too.
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chappell-roans · 1 year ago
What are some of the biggest Oscar flukes in your opinion?
Coda 💀 but besides that...
Best Picture: I think Chicago is a bizarre Best Picture winner but I really like that movie so I support it (I love hot people!!!) and Marty 1955 kinda too because it's a very idk... small movie but in a good way. Crash winning over Brokeback Mountain is my roman empire tho. (Stupid silly vaguely sexist meme but it’s true.) Also The Life of Emile Zola winning over A Star is Born in 1936? Lmao. Some other forgotten movies that have been eclipsed by more modern faves like How Green is My Valley over Citizen Kane lmaooo. It's still wild to me that Midnight Cowboy won but imo it was very deserved, it's still an excellent movie. Dances with Wolves over Goodfellas kinda wild, same with Forrest Gump over Shawshank Redemption. And now I'm scrolling through a list and: Shakespeare in Love over either Saving Private Ryan or The Thin Red Line? Seriously?
This is going to get long so I'm putting the rest of the categories under a cut so come along for the madness if you want but I got way too into this lmao, hopefully this is answering your question tho.
Best Actor:
Paul Newman should've won for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
1967 is an insane year I truly don't know how voters chose like look at this we have some all-time great actors at arguably their very best and most iconic here...
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and you didn't ask but once again I think Al Pacino deserved it for Dog Day Afternoon! (Then he got it for Scent of a Woman when maybe Denzel should've gotten it for Malcolm X. But I digress.) Tom Hanks winning back to back years is maybe one of the bigger flukes?????? Especially 1994........ come on. I also find Nicholson winning for As Good as it Gets to be a fluke because I kinda hate that movie and he's not that great in it. But! Again! I digress! Imo Heath Ledger should've won for Brokeback Mountain because PSH could've won basically any other year because Capote is good but not great but here we are in the Oscars biopic or nada era sigh.
Anyone else should've won in 2017.
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And I forgot about BoRhap. Let's not talk about that fluke. Same with Joker lowkey and I just I wanna redo all the Oscars now ifsdnlkzm. (Give it to him for 2017 and You Were Never Really Here!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD.)
Barring Gary Oldman again, what a good category. Riz Ahmed gave my favorite performance of the awards season but wild that Chadwick didn't win. (And Steven Yeun could've won for Burning. BUT ANYWAY.)
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And let's also not talk about The Whale and also not about that fact that fucking horny posting aside, Paul Mescal gave my favorite performance of 2022 that I've seen.
Best Actress:
Gloria Swanson should've won.
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I think everything that As Good As It Gets won was a fluke bc again. Movie kinda sucks. Sharon Stone should've won for Casino. This has just become a bitch session! I'm just getting surprised my favs didn't win. Same w Shirley MacLaine not winning for The Apartment. Sandra Bullock winning for The Blind Side of all things is bullshit but whatever. Frances McDormand winning for Nomadland is kinda random af, same w Jessica Chastain but good for her.
Bitch session over i can't do this anymorenldfkmz
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whatstruthgottodowithit · 2 years ago
hi, my name is Charlotte and I like to request a queen fic. It's going to be a roger taylor x reader. And I will let you decide what the fic will be about.
Hi lovely! Unfortunately my requests are closed at the minute 💕
But I do have several Queen/BoRhap Fics that can be found here
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walking-true-to-style · 5 years ago
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I don’t care how ooc this is I have been laughing at this joke for 10 minutes
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not-another-fangirl74 · 6 years ago
Not enough (Joe Mazzello x reader)
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Summary: Uni it’s been tough and you started to feel stressed about it and the future but luckily to have an understanding boyfriend (I’m still learning how to do summaries).
A/N: this is angst with a fluffy end.
Warnings: cursing, allusions of anxiety and depression not directly mentioned, if you are going through something similar please reach out some help (I’m always open to talk if you want).
It started slowly, nobody noticed, not even you. First you just skipped that dinner with your best friend you told her you were just tired cause it was true...well mostly, part of you felt very tired and at the same time wanted to sleep for like 10 hours but you didn’t do that and you couldn't get yourself to sleep so instead you stay in with your boyfriend Joe chatting till he fell asleep.
After that you didn’t go to your pottery classes, You loved to go to them every Wednesday but instead, you preferred stayed at home again, doing anything like reading, cooking, studying or whatever kept your mind busy and away from all the bad thoughts that been creeping on your head lately and not thinking at all. As the night went on it was more difficult, your mind kept working nonstop even if you closed your eyes harder-like that would be any help-you couldn't sleep so you just stayed there trying to not move a lot so you wouldn't wake up your boyfriend.
Weeks passed by and you went to Lou’s birthday party, he was a good friend from UNI it was from your group of close friends. So it was natural for you to go to the party and honestly that day you weren't feeling bad. You were having a good time until they started to talk about UNI it was at this moment when you started to feel overwhelmed and felt like your body and mind separated from itself, your body was there but again your mind was in another place, you felt your throat getting dry, your hands were shaking and your heart pounded faster. You weren't sure how long it has been since you zoned out but then when you were capable of brought yourself back to the conversation all of them were talking about their perfect lives and perfect grades what they planned to do after UNI. It seemed like all of them have it all figured out, on the other hand, you didn’t, you weren’t sure of where you were going to work, fuck you didn’t even know in what were you going to specialize yet…so you stayed there quiet and nodding your head from time to time so no one will notice the amount of shit going on your mind and how stressed you were.
Then you started to miss your classes You could not concentrate at all it was like your body was there, but you weren’t really there, your mind was off and overthinking everything you did and said.
Not long after you started to compare your grades to your friends, they all have succeeded in their exams and you barely made it... why it was so hard for you? You kept getting low grades and felt like you were failing. Even when you spend the night studying, why did they do so good? Why it seems so easy for them? Were you dumb? you felt like you didn’t know anything at all. It's not like you didn’t like what you were studying... heck you love it but at this moment you didn’t see yourself finishing so you wondered what will happen if you just quit.
Your bed was your safe place now and not attending classes was easier now that your boyfriend was in another country working on some movie or was he just doing interviews? Maybe he was visiting a friend, you couldn't… so now you were lying on your side facing the wall, tired to even move a finger, haven't ate or sleep either, you couldn’t remember when was the last time that you showered or what day it was, the sound of the phone startled you a little but you didn’t even attempt to reach it. Whoever it was got the message and after a while stopped calling.
Y/N? are you home?- Joe called, what was he doing here?- Y/N? Why is so dark here?- he asked entering the room, you couldn’t see him on your current position- hey sweetie- he kissed your cheek and you felt the bed deepen beside you- Hi Joe- you tried to sound fine but your voice failed- what's wrong babe?-he asked-. I.I.I don’t know- your said feeling some tears pooling at your eyes- can you turn around?-he pleaded- please?- you didn’t move- please look at me honey-you gave up and turn around- Hi beautiful-he smiled at you so warmly and with that action you started to cry- it’s okay babe I got you-he said embracing you, he didn’t ask anything and let you cry yourself out, you appreciated it, you weren’t good talking about feelings and stuff, very different from Joe now that you thought about it you both were so different he was extroverted, loud, funny and loving... but you? you were far from that, right now you weren't sure what he saw in you.
Neither you nor Joe move for a whole hour or so, he just held you and whispered calming words to you and finally you stopped sobbing- come on, lets get you a bath- he got up from the bed and extending his hand for you- Joe noo- you whined- I’m too tired to move- he took you in his arms-then I’ll take you there- he put you down on the bathroom counter and got the bath ready, the water started to fill the tub, he put some bubbles and when it was full and tempered he started to take off your clothes carefully, you felt exposed it’s not like you haven’t seen each other naked but this was different, you were vulnerable and incapable of doing anything. Then he helps you stand up and guide you to the bathtub-how is it?-he asked you- It’s perfect, thanks Joe-you replied- okay then I’ll make you something to eat-you were about to say you weren’t hungry but he spoke first-don’t say you aren’t hungry you’re going to eat something-he commanded- I bet you haven’t eaten in a while, now stay there and when I’m done I’ll help you wash yourself- he kissed your forehead and left, when he was gone you being to cry again, Joe was so good with you, so sweet and understanding what did you do to deserve him? You’ll never know but you were so grateful for him-I’m back- he interrupted your thoughts and got close to you, he knelt down beside the tub and wiped your tears away afterward he started to wash your hair ever so gently working his fingers on your scalp massaging, shampooing Joe was so cautious to not pull your hair after that he wash your body with a sponge when he finished he helped you out and took you back to the room and got you dressed Joe sits you down on the bed and untangled your hair with a brush and then proceeds to dry it with a hairdryer and when it’s done he tugged you in again and gave you a cup of tea and a peanut butter & jelly sandwich- now eat- he ordered and you ate half of the sandwich. He lay beside you looking at the ceiling – your friend texted me the other day told me you weren’t attending your classes anymore and asked me if we were traveling or something, so I called and texted you but you didn’t answer so I thought something had happened or worse that you were going to leave me- he tried to laugh at this but it didn’t happen so he played with his fingers- so I took a plane as soon as I could-he paused- can you please tell me what’s going on on your mind?- tears were falling down silently down your face- I..I’m just… I am just tired of everything���.I'm sad and I feel like I’m stuck, my grades are getting low…and I can't help but feel like a failure. It’s not like I don’t like what I’m doing I just feel like I’m not enough at anything and I feel a huge knot on my throat and in my stomach and I feel alone even when I’m around of people that I know care about me but I just feel bad- you tried to explain- I just don't know if I’m good enough, I see all my friends doing well and I am not, and it sucks- he got closer to you and turn around to face you while you keep your eyes on the ceiling-Babe, why didn't you tell me you felt this way, you know I'm always here and you can talk to me-he said and you look at him- I didn't want to bother you with this and when I noticed it was bad it was too late and I was already drowning-you said- you can always talk to me I don't want you to think that you are bothering me- he took your hand in his- I think its normal to feel that from time to time but it doesn’t mean you are not enough or a failiure, I used to feel like that and started to doubt myself and questioned if I was good at my job but I couldn’t quit. So I talked to my mum about it and she told me to make a list of my strengths and weaknesses and write down the reasons why I love my work and it helped me a lot and gave me the motivation to keep going, we can do the same with you if you want. I’ll even help you prepared to your finals we’ll make flashcards, and I’ll quiz you till you know everything and you are going to kill on your tests so don’t give up, I know how much you love what you are studying, and if you keep feeling down we can get help, maybe therapy If you like, I’ll support whatever you want to do always but never push me away again, okay?-you were a sobbing mess but this was different it wasn't because you were feeling sad it was cause you felt so loved and supported by your boyfriend so you hug him and he hugged you back- thanks-you said and you put your head on his chest and played with your hands on his chest-God Joe, I love you so much- you look at him and he stares you back, he put your hair behind your ear and you kissed him- I love you too Babe- you didn't need to say anything else, you just held each other till you finally fell asleep, you didn't know what was going to happen but you did not feel alone anymore and that was enough.
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acciotwinz · 3 years ago
Long Distance ~ R. T.
Roger can't sleep and calls a random number left of a napkin. He expected to find someone to help tire him out. He never thought he'd find love.
[Reposting and major editing of an old fic I had posted on an old blog & crossed posted on ao3]
Warnings: SMUT, +18 ONLY - MINORS DNI; swearing & cursing; unclear timeline (lmao); Brian is a bit of a douche. It's a long ass one, over 20K words. Read at your own risk!
Sometimes, being a rockstar isn’t all it’s cooped up to be.
Especially when on a world tour because it really has a way of derailing one’s internal clock. It’s the reason Roger can’t sleep. He had been hopeful that between the jet lag, the excitement of being back in his own bed, the hectic rehearsal and recording schedule as well as the copious amounts of alcohol he’d consumed at the local dive bar with his mates would be enough to tire him out. Apparently, he’s very mistaken.
He'd done what he usually does: counts sheep, lays in the dark, read the really boring book Brian has suggested. Nothing seems to be working this time around.
For what feels like the thousandth time, Roger turns over in his bed. He almost misses those rock-hard mattresses and non-existent pillows in the hotels around the world. He groans, casting his eyes to the red numbers glowing in the dark room. It’s nearing 1.30am and as much as his body is begging for sleep, his mind wouldn't shut off.
Throwing the light blanket to the side, Roger swings his legs off the bed. There’s no point in laying around, letting his frustration build. He eyes his discarded jacket, deciding that a quick smoke might help him relax just enough to be able to finally fall asleep. Stretching his arms above his head, his back cracks and with a loud sigh, quickly followed by a loud yawn, he lazily crosses his bedroom to reach the jacket he left by the door, fishing his half-empty pack of cigarettes from the pocket. As he rummages around the pockets for his lighter, a crumpled piece of paper flutters to the ground.
With furrowed brows and cigarette dangling from his lips, Roger picks it up from the ground. After having found the lighter, Roger starts walking towards his bed. Lighting the cigarette, he takes a deep drag, letting his lungs fill with nicotine, immediately giving him a sense of calm.
Feeling more relaxed, Roger clamps his teeth gently around the filter, using his now free hands to uncurl the piece of paper. Once he sees the hastily scrawled digits, his lips stretch into a massive grin.
Taking another drag and flicking the ash into the empty ash-tray on his bedside table, he tries to recall when the number was slipped into his pocket. It had to be from earlier that evening as the number had the London area code and he hasn’t worn the jacket on tour as he’d forgotten it at home. However, no matter how hard he thought back to his evening, no specific girl sprang to mind. There had been quite a few that came to chat him and the lads up, but none of them stood out. He doesn’t even remember being particularly flirty with anyone of them.
Roger casts another quick glance at the clock. It’s still early enough that if the girl really was out at the dive bar with them, she’s probably getting home now as he left much earlier than regular, hoping that the jetlag and general exhaustion would lead to a good night sleep.
Deciding that the woman had clearly hoped for a call from him, Roger picks up the receiver and dials the number. Making himself comfortable, he waits for someone to pick up.
It rings much more than he thought it would and he debates if maybe he shouldn’t be calling this late, if it’s better to try again during working hours.
Suddenly, the phone stops ringing, and there is a very groggy and angry voice coming through the line, “Someone better be dead.”
Rogers chuckles. “Well, hello to you too love”.
In response, he only hears a groan and it sounds so deep that he questions if he’s actually speaking to a girl.
“Who is this? And why on earth are you ringing my flat at...” there’s a small pause, as the person on the other line is clearly reaching for something “1.17 in the bloody morning?!”
Roger cringes, closing his eyes as guilt floods his body. He really shouldn’t have called but he really isn’t great at making decisions when tired and slightly inebriated. “I’m sorry, love. Thought you’d want me to call as soon as I found your number.” He hates that he can’t recall a name or even a face.
“I am not your ‘love’!” the girl says angrily, “I have absolutely no clue who you are. Or why on earth you are calling me. I certainly did not give you, my number.”
For a moment, nothing is said on either end and Roger decides d to play it cool, act confident and pretend as if he actually remembers exactly who he’s talking to. “I know we didn't spend that much time together but I -”
“Let me stop you before you start,” she interrupts and Roger can hear her shuffle around, most likely sitting up in her own bed. “I have no idea who you think you are but I can guarantee that I did not give you, my number. And before you ask, no, I don’t have any roommates.”
The girl grunts in discomfort, questioning why she’s entertaining this jackass when she can just hang up and disconnect her phone for the night.
“Oh” the syllable is so sound and dejected that she can’t help but feel a bit sorry for him, even though he woke her at an ungodly hour.
She has no know why she speaks again. “You must have made a terrible impression if some random bird decided to leave you a fake number.”
There’s an offended scoff that comes down the line almost makes up for the unwanted wake-up call. “No girl has ever done that to me. Or would need to do it. I’m a catch, thank you very much.”
“Sure you are, big boy.” She says concededly.
“Are you saying that I’m not?”
She snorts, short and derisive, “I’m sorry to break it to you but it seems that the girl who gave you the number didn’t think you were all that special.”
Roger pouts, stubbing out his long-forgotten cigarette, “You don’t sound all that sorry to me.”
“Maybe it’s because I’m not.”
Roger can’t hep the small laugh that bubbles out, “And would you feel inclined to illuminate me on why?”
“Could it be because some random bloke decided to call me at stupid o’clock trying to get in my knickers?”
“You wish,” and even though she’s never seen him before in her life, she knows he’s smirking.
“Are you really telling me that you weren’t calling in hope of a shag?”
Roger shrugs, deciding to lay down and make himself comfortable, “I’m not going to lie and say I would be unhappy if it happened but that wasn’t the main reason I called.”
She bites, “Why did you call?”
“I…” Roger pauses. Why did he call?
“Are you ok?”
Roger blinks, surprised by the sudden care that seems to colour her voice. “What?”
“I just mean…” she sighs, laying back down and glancing at her alarm clock. “It’s late. Or early, depending on how you want to see it. And your voice sounded a bit off. There must be something on your mind if you think that calling a random stranger in the middle of the night is a good idea.”
She really can’t explain the sudden interest in the man. She doesn’t know him but he sounds so sad, and is clearly lonely. It tugs at her heart in all the best and worst ways. Thank you, childhood trauma.
A small, grateful smile forms on Roger’s face and his voice softens noticeably. “You’re very kind, love. I’m just a bit jet lagged.”
She hums in surprise, “That sounds fascinating! Where did you get back from?”
“That, I’m afraid, is only for friends.” He tuts, “And I don’t even know your name.”
She laughs and Roger’s heart does something weird in his chest that he pointedly ignores.
“Touché”, she’s still laughing. “The name’s Y/N.”
“Lovely name for a lovely voice,” he says softly. “I’m Roger.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Roger.”
“The pleasure’s all mine, Y/N.”
There’s a small pause and it would be the perfect moment to hang up but neither seem to want to.
“Well, now that we’re friends, want to share why you’re jetlagged?”
Roger laughs, bringing his free arm behind his neck, “I was in America.”
“Fancy!” She says with a laugh, “What were you doing across the pond?”
“I’m in a band and we were on tour.”
What should have been a one-time thing evolved into something more.
Roger and Y/N find themselves speaking on the phone nearly every day, even when Roger left for tour again.
The first month, it was Roger that called every day. It had started because of a particularly rough day in the studio and remembering the kindness and care in Y/N’s voice, he decided that her friendly voice was what he needed to feel better.
When the second month rolled around, Y/N asked for a way to contact him if she was having a bad day.
And thus, the tradition was born.
It’s been six months now and every time the phone rings, Y/N can’t help the flutter of her heart or the smile on her face. Roger has somehow weaseled his way into her life and she couldn't be more grateful. He’s become her best friend, her confidant, someone she can trust blindly and who would always listen to her and have her back. She feels like she knows Roger better than the people she hands out with daily. They’ve opened up about their lives, their dreams and insecurities. Y/N knows that Roger wants to make it big but he’s afraid that the drugs, the booze and the sex may cloud his mind and stop him from living his dream. He shares how much he loves his band mates but how they tend to get under his skin, especially when writing new music.
Y/N shares how she took over her mother’s bookstore while being an editor on the side to make ends meet. She opens up about her limited social interactions and how she feels like she’s a bit too clingy and overbearing.
They talk about their childhoods and what they do to relax.
The two of them understand each other in such a deep, soulful way that should scare her but only gives her a sense of calm.
Y/N has even come up with a sort of table to help keep on top of the time difference when Roger is traveling. She glances quickly at the alarm next to her bed and is excited to see that Roger should be calling her in a few minutes.
She makes sure her tea is still warm as she fluffs her pillows, settling down on the bed while tucking herself into the blankets. She waits impatiently for the phone to ring and when it finally does, she grins brightly.
“Hello there, rockstar!”
It only takes hearing his voice to know that something is up. “What did they do this time?”
“Who says they did anything?” Roger knows he’s pouting and that his tone is a clear indication that his band mates did indeed do something wrong, but he doesn’t feel ready or willing to talk about it.
“Rog, please don’t.”
They’d done this before: one of them – usually Roger – is in a mood and takes it out of the other, making everyone involved feel like shit by the end of the call. Y/N isn’t sure if she has the energy for it today but has never and will never be truly able to ignore Roger when he’s clearly upset about something.
“I know something is bothering you and I’m almost certain it has something to do with your mates since you were fine before leaving for rehearsal.” There’s a brief pause and Y/n adds softly, “I worry about you.”
Roger sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’m fine.” He knows he’s being a bit too short with her and that nothing was her fault, but he can’t really help it. He doesn’t want to deal with it.
“Rog…I…” her mind can’t seem to form the right words to explain the thoughts running through it. She’s well aware of his temper and how it flares up around his mates; how he likes loads of sugar; how he can’t see without his glasses but still refuses to wear them.
Y/N knows that this time, something is different but she can’t really explain why or how without admitting that she feels more than friendship towards the drummer. And she isn’t ready just yet to wear her heart on her sleeve just yet.
She ends up settling for the next best thing. “If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine, I understand. But please, don’t lie to me. I know something is up and I will never force you talk about it.”
Roger sighs in relief, some of his anger evaporation as he finds himself smiling “Thank you. How was your day?”
It’s at times like this, with Y/N talking happily about her day, rambling on and on about things he doesn’t quite understand and people he doesn’t know that he questions how he got so lucky to have gotten a random number that led to having this amazing girl in his life.
“I still can’t believe that no one except Peter Pan warned me about how much it sucksbeing a grown up,” Roger can tell she’s pouting and it makes him laugh.
The laughter however is cut short when she tries asking about his day and the previous night’s concert. “I’m in a rock band. It goes as well as rock concert goes.”
Y/N blinks, surprised by the venom suddenly lacing his tone. “What kind of answer is that?” She tries to keep her tone neutral, not letting it show how affected she is.
“The one I’m giving you.”
They may have been talking for six months but she’s not sure she’ll ever be able to keep up or understand his mood swings. “Why are you taking your shit out on me?! What’s your problem?!”
As understanding as she may be, Y/N has never had much patience for people taking their anger out on innocent bystanders, who just happen to be at the right place for the wrong time.
“You’re my fucking problem!” Roger snaps, voicing raising as he continues, “You ask all these fucking questions and pester me worse than my mother ever has. You’re not her. You’re not even my girlfriend. You’re a stranger that just doesn’t know when to let go.” His chest is heaving as he sits forward on his bed, empty hand curled into a fist. “God, we haven’t even met are you’re already so fucking clingy –”
With tears in her eyes, Y/N hangs up the phone. She tries reasoning with herself. She knows he’s upset, that something got him in this horrible mood but she has nothing to do with that. He’s hurt and wants to hurt others around him and he did succeed, if you ask Y/N. He’d said the one thing that he knew would absolutely shake her confidence and make her feel like garbage. They’d talked about it, multiple times. Roger had even reassured her at every turn that she was absolutely not clingy and that he loved every second they got to spend on the phone together.
He'll apologize when he feels better.
He values you.
You’re his friend.
Y/N keeps repeating these mantras over and over again as she stands on shaky legs, heading towards her small bathroom.
The phone starts ringing but she ignores it. She lets the tears fall, turning on the faucet and splashing some cold water on her face. The phone stops ringing, just to pick up again a few seconds later, confirming her suspicion that it’s Roger trying to get hold of her.
Taking a deep breath, she slowly makes her way back to her bed, sipping on the now lukewarm cup of tea. She glares at the ringing phone, wanting Roger to feel what she’s feeling, even just a bit.
Almost thirty minutes go by before she feels as if she’s got her emotions under control and is ready to speak to Roger, who hasn’t stopped calling since she hung up.
With a deep breath, she closes her eyes and picks up the phone, placing the receiver against her ear.
“I’m so sorry, love!” Roger’s voice floods her system as he stumbles over his words. “I shouldn’t have said anything. Or, I mean I shouldn’t… it isn’t…”
He takes a stuttering breath, collecting himself before he attempts to explain himself again. “You had nothing to do with my shit mood and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I’m so very sorry. I didn’t mean anything that I said, I just knew that those were things that would hurt you and it isn’t an excuse and I understand if you’re angry and don’t want to talk to me for a while but please know that I am extremely sorry and that I will do whatever I need to for you to forgive me and I’m such an ass. I’m so fucking sorry Y/N. I’ll make it up to you, I swear!”
“Will you now?” He can tell that’s she trying to be upbeat and wants to make him feel better but that isn’t her job. Not this time.
“I swear it, Y/N. On my drumming career. I won’t ever hurt you like this again and whatever you need me to do to get your forgiveness, I will do it. Name your price. Whatever you want, it’s yours. I s–”
“Really? Absolutely anything?”
Roger nods and realising she can’t seem him, he vocalizes his answer.
“Even if I asked you to rob a bank?”
He laughs, tears of joy springing to his eyes. “Just tell me which one.”
The line goes quiet for a few seconds but Roger’s guilt crawls up his throat. “I really am so extremely sorry, Y/N.”
“I know. I forgive you,” her voice is so soft, full of kindness he doesn’t deserve and his heart does some funky fluttering in his chest.
Roger’s shoulders lose their tension as he melts into the hotel mattress. Knowing she isn’t to upset with him and that they’ll be able to jump back from this soothes his fears of losing her. He’s not sure he’d ever be able to get over it if it were to happen.
“I’m sorry too,” she whispers and he can hear how upset she is and if he could transport himself to London to sooth all her fears with a hug he would. His urge to book the first flight out is almost uncontrollable. “I didn't mean to make you feel like I was pushing you to talk about something you didn't want to. I just worry about you, and I can't do anything if not ask what's wrong.”
“You’ve nothing to apologize for love.” He shakes his head, clenching his hand against the comforter. Never before has he felt such a strong urge to hold a girl in his arms. His voice grows softer as he smiles gently, wishing her could be by her side. “You were just...just being a good friend. I should have seen that instead of the inside of my own ass.”
Y/N hums noncommittally. When she speaks again, her voice is a bit uncertain but sympathetic, “You've had a bloody terrible day, haven't you?”
“It wasn't exactly one for the books.” Roger can’t help the twinge of anger that laces his tone. He really doesn’t want to get into it, knowing full well he won’t be able to control his temper if he does.
“You're also tired.” It’s not a question. She knows. She always knows.
Roger smiles sadly, heart swelling in affection for the girl on the other side of the line “Yeah, I am.”
She sighs, frowning as she doesn’t want to let him go but knowing that he needs his rest “I should probably let you rest.”
“Please don't hang up.”
It’s Y/N heart’s turn to beat erratically as she grins ear to ear when she realizes that he cares for her as much as she does for him. “Okay.”
“Just for a little while, please.”
His voice is a whisper and she answer in the same tone, “As long as you want, rockstar.”
Roger lets his eyes drift shut, rolling onto his side as he holds the receiver tightly in his hands so he won’t accidentally drop it. He could never seem to get enough of her and he doesn’t even know what she looks like yet. What will happen when they finally meet? One thing he knows for sure is that he won’t be able to keep his hands to himself.
“I’d do just about anything to be with you right now”
Had he not been holding the phone tightly against his head, Roger would have missed it. She had spoken so softly, lovingly.
The blond smiles. “Really? Anything?”
She hums, fanning her heated cheeks as she thanks her lucky stars that he can’t see her. She hadn’t expected those words to slip out of her moth but they’ve been talking for so long and they’d just had their first fight.
“I'd swim across the bloody ocean if I could.” He means so much to her that she really would do anything to cross the distance separating them.
Roger blushes, eyes bright and cheeks hurting because of his blinding smile. She makes him so giddy, “All that work just for me?”
Y/N feels her cheek warming up even more, “You’re worth it.” She wonders how he doesn’t realize just how much he means to her or that she would do anything for him.
He hums to himself, grin never faltering as his minds comes up with all these different scenarios he’d love to make come true. Y/N laughs, almost as if she can read his mind, prompting him to ask what caused his favourite sound of the world.
“I think you might actually like me when we finally meet,” she admits finally, still laughing and it really is the best sound to ever reach his ears.
He feels a blush start to spread across his face as he realizes exactly what she said. Never being one to censor himself, he decides to push their carefully set boundaries. “You know, I sometimes imagine you’re here with me sometimes.”
“Yeah?” her laughter, just like her breath, is cut off abruptly. This is certainly not the turn she thought the conversation would be taking.
The drummer hums his assent, turning so he’s laying on his back, eyes locked on the ceiling as he imagines the girl of his dreams in bed next to him. “Yeah. I don't even have a picture of you in my head or anything...I know it doesn't make sense but –”
“No, it does!” She reassures. She never wants him to think that she doesn’t understand what was going through his mind.
He smiles, “Y/N?”
“What would you do if you were with me, right now?” because he knows exactly what he wishes they could be doing but he needs her to want and imagine the same thing.
“Why?” She has to put a hand over her mouth to stop the squealing his question brought to her lips. Why he makes her feel like a twelve-year-old girl with her first crush is beyond her but she wouldn’t give up this feeling for anything in the world.
“I don't know. It helps me picture you.”
She’s quiet for a second as she thinks over how much she’s willing to say out loud. “I'd make you tea...probably make sure you were all cozy, with plenty of blankets and pillows and the works. You deserve to be pampered.”
No one has ever cared about him as much as she does.
“Then what?” He’s aware he’s being greedy, but he can’t seem to help it.
YN swallows thickly, nervous as she forces herself to talk openly “I'd climb into bed with you. Hold you really close to me. I'd run my fingers through your hair –”
Roger moans, low and almost imperceptibly, at the thought. YN giggles, though she feels a warm ache forming below her stomach when she hears the sound. “You’d like that, huh?”
“Fuck yes.” His voice is hoarse and tired and it really isn’t doing much to help the situation between her legs. Y/N shifts on the bed, clenching her thighs while trying to concentrate on anything but the grovelling and sensual sound of his voice.
“What else?” He wants the conversation to take a specific turn but he’s beginning to get extremely drowsy and his voice betrays that.
Y/N smiles at the sudden sleepiness in his tone and her mouth goes dries as she tells him what has been on her mind for at least a few weeks now, maybe more. “I think...I think then I might have to kiss you, Rog.”
The line is strangely quiet and for a moment, she thinks she’s taken things too far and has completely misread the situation.
Roger gives a dopey, sleepy smile, hope filling his chest with a warm feeling. His voice is nearly a whisper in the receiver, “Where would you kiss me?”
She chokes back a sob, relief flooding her system as he doesn’t seem to mind the idea of her kissing him. In fact, she realizes with a start, he’s egging her on. “Maybe your shoulders...or your tummy.”
Roger hums wantonly into the phone as his mind conjures up the images she’s barely describing.
“Where would you want me to kiss you, Rog?”
The question is enough to wake him up. Roger groans, his voice huskier than a few moments ago “I can think of a few places.”
Y/N blushes, stuttering while trying to come up with a response while getting far too hot under the collar for her own good. Just as she’s opening her mouth, she hears a knock sounding through the phone.
Roger barely manages to hold back an angry curse as he gets up to open the hotel door, receiver still held against the side of his face. When he sees Brian, he rolls his eyes, “What do you want?”
Brian flinches at his friend's tone, holding up a tray of food as he grumbles “Fred wants to make sure you eat something before going to sleep.”
“Thanks, but I'm not hungry!” he responds before closing the door in the guitarist's face. He hears a faint mumble of "Whatever" as Brian heads back to his own room.
“Y/N –” he speaks, hoping against all odds that the mood hasn’t been completely lost. He needs to know what her answer is. Does she want to do to him all the things he wants to do to her?
“You should get some sleep, Rog.”
Roger wants to punch Brian for ruining what could have been the best night of his life so far. He was so close to getting somewhere with this amazing girl and that twat ruined his mood once again. He clears his throat, trying to not let tears of frustration gather in his eyes. “Y-Yeah...Yeah. You're right. I'll call you when I wake up?”
Y/N smiles warmly, quickly drying the single tear that had fallen at their lost moment, “I'll be here.”
Roger's chest buzzes. He whispers a faint 'Sweet dreams love' and waits for her reply before hanging up. He sighs, arm over his eyes.
One day, that girl will be his and he will be hers.
“So” her friend drags out the ‘o’, looking at Y/N with pursed lips, “You like him.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, bringing the fuming cup of tea to her lips. She knows she’s just buying herself a few seconds as she debates how to actually address this whole thing. She knew she’d regret telling her best friend about Roger and their unorthodox friendship – or is it a relationship? Y/N shakes her head, aware of the piercing stare locked on her. She also knew that talking to Winnie would be a double-edge sword but she really needs to talk to someone about this whole Roger thing, just to make sure that it isn’t all in her head and that he too feels something for her. And to make sure it isn’t just some fever dream her mind has conjured in answer to her stress levels being through the roof.
It's been over a year since their first conversation. Roger has travelled the world and made his way back to England just to leave again but they had yet to meet. Y/N is starting to think that he might be ashamed of her. That, or he’s hiding who he really is.
“So what if I do?” Her cheeks start to colour as she avoids looking at the person across from her.
Winnie scoffs, shaking her heard “It's worse than I thought.”
Y/N's jaw drops at the remark, chest feeling a bit tight. “What do you mean by that?”
Winnie rolls her eyes, “I haven't seen you blush this much since...Well, I've actually never seen you blush this much. You've gone completely pink.”
Y/N's eyes fall to the table. She can feel her cheeks growing even pinker and hates her friend for being right.
“Y/N/N…” Winnie says with a frown, “I've got to be honest, here. I don't like it. At all.”
Y/N’s heart sinks. She never thought her friend wouldn’t approve of Roger and the words are like a knife to the chest. Sure, she knew that Winnie would be a bit skeptical but she never thought she’d be so against the idea of Roger. “W-Why not?”
Winnie doesn’t want to be harsh or hurt Y/N in any way but she also doesn’t want her best friend to get her hopes up and then her heart broken by a complete stranger. She reaches her hand across to the table and covers her friend’s. “Y/N… Just think about it rationally for a moment. The bloke calls you in the dead of night. You have no idea where he got your number or who he is and he's already trying to get in your pants –” Y/N opens her mouth to argue but Winnie talks over her. “How do you know he's not 70, huh? He could be anyone, Y/N. He could be your dad, for Christ’s sake!”
YN cringes, holding her head in her hand as she rubbed her temples. She feels utterly defeated. And a bit naïve. Even if she explains every detail to Winnie, she wouldn’t understand.
Winnie sighs, “What if he's got nothing to offer?”
Y/N clenches her jaw, anger boiling in the pit of her stomach. She knows it isn’t fair to be mad at Winnie. That her friend is only trying to look out for her. Still, she feels the urge to protect Roger and their whatever-this-is. “When has that ever been a problem for me? And that's just it, Win. He does...He offers me so much every day and he never expects anything back. He's kind to me...and he's silly and warm and sweet and–”
Winnie's expression softens as she sees the tears burning in Y/N's eyes as she takes Y/N's hands in hers again. However, she doesn’t back down, “You don't even know his last name.”
Y/N sniffles, refusing to let a single tear roll down her face. She takes a deep breath. “I don't really see where the problem is in that.” Winnie's brows knit together and Y/N crosses her arms, “He doesn't know my last name, either. It's not like I'm asking him for anything, Win. He's just great to talk to. He's kind and funny.... he’s smart. Wickedly smart, but he doesn't know it.” Y/N laughs breathlessly, getting lost in her memories of all their conversations. “Acts like this tough, careless thing sometimes but he's so soft on the inside. So good to me. He has the sweetest little laugh, too...gets all croaky when he's tired.”
Winnie squeezes Y/N's hand comfortingly, giving her a sympathetic smile. Realizing that nothing she says is going to change Y/N’s mind, she says softly “Just take care of yourself. That's all I ask.”
Y/N’s responding smile is as bright as the sun, “He's good. I know it. I can feel it. I’m going to be fine as long as I have him.”
“I hope so for you, darling. You deserve some happiness.”
Y/N takes another deep breath, reaching for her cup of tea.
Winnie grins too, “Just know that if he hurts you, I'll have his head. I don't care how old he turns out to be.”
Y/N laughs, rolling her eyes. “Thank fuck I know you've got my back, Win.”
Roger is so lost in his thoughts that when John sits down beside him on the small sofa of the tour bus, he flinches, knocking over his beer. John laughs at him, passing him a dirty shirt from the floor to help clean the mess. Roger mumbles a quick "thanks mate" before trying to dry the small table.
“You okay mate?” Brian asks from his spot at the table. The guitarist is barely paying attention to his game of Scrabble with Freddie. For the past few days, he had been paying closer attention to his best friend because something is definitely off. He can’t put his finger on what but he sure as hell is going to find out.
“‘Course I am. Why'd you ask?” Roger is now working on the stain on his trouser, not really listening to his band mates.
Freddie frowns, waiting for Brian to place his next tile and nudges him with a foot under the table to get his attention. When Brian keeps ignoring him, the singer exchanges a quick glance with the bass player, both of them confused about what’s happening.
Brian shrugs, trying to act nonchalant and failing, “You've been acting weird lately.”
Roger's head whips up, eyes zeroing in on the guitarist “What'd you mean?” his tone came out too suspicious and the drummer has a feeling he knows exactly where this conversation was headed.
“You've been extremely well-behaved lately and you spend most of your time holed up in your hotel rooms. What's going on?” Brian decides that beating around the bush wasn’t going to work with the blond.
Roger rolls his eyes, doing his best to hide the smile threating to pull his lips up as he tries to dissuade his friends from asking too many questions or giving them more reasons to be concerned about him. “’S just talking to a friend. No need to get your panties in a twist, old chap.”
“A friend?” Freddie's amused and now feels the need to be part of this conversation, especially if it makes Roger a bit uncomfortable.
The drummer shrugs, his ears going pink as Brian rolled his eyes, already tired of vague answers. “What friend?”
Roger keeps himself busy by wiping the now fully absorbed beer from his pants. “Just a friend.”
John chuckles when he notices how much the lack of tangible information is bother Brian.
“You don't have friends that we don't know!” the guitarist points out.
Roger rolls his eyes, head falling backwards as he drops the shirt to the ground “I do too! We don't do everything together Brian.”
“What's her name, Rog?” Freddie decides to cut to the chase, use to seeing through all of Roger’s bullshit.
The drummer sighs, knowing that the more he tries to get out of this conversation, the more they will pry. He mumbles, “Y/N”
John smiles as Freddie's lights up like a child on Christmas morning. The singer sits forward and leans into the drummer’s line of sight. “And where did you happen upon this friend, hm?”
Roger's cheeks grow pink. He can’t and won’t even try to stifle the pleased smile forming on his lips. Brian’s face pinches in confusion: he's never seen Roger like this in his life. Roger hates when people get all warm and mushy; he always crinkles his nose up with displeasure when John rambles on about Veronica, and yet, here he is, looking as if he’s about to do the same thing.
“If I’m completely honest, I haven't exactly met her in person. Yet.” He confesses sheepishly.
Fred raises his eyebrows, the conversation already taking a turn he didn't expect. “Pardon?”
Roger sighs, rubbing his face as he tries to explain the whole situation as best he can. “We kind of met by accident. Before leaving for tour, I was talking to a girl in a pub back home and well... she gave me a fake number that turned out to be Y/N's.”
John nods, intrigued by the blond's story, “Is it safe to assume you called the number?”
“Yeah.” Roger grins, “Wasn't the bird from the pub, obviously. The girl on the line didn't have any clue who I was. She was pissed, to be honest.” Roger laughs thinking back to the night they met. “She's from London and with the fact that she hadn’t been out and about that night, I accidentally woke her up at one thirty in the morning. She put me in my place for it, too. We started talking after that, I guess.”
Deacy is happy to see his friend so smitten. “How long have you been talking?”
Roger takes a sip of someone's drink, stopping to think. “About a year, I reckon. Maybe a bit more.”
Brian chokes on his own saliva. “A year!? Really?” He looks to the other boys, and even John has his brows raised in surprise.
Roger looks confused, “What?”
“Rog, I don't think I've ever seen you talk to any girl for more than a few hours.” The bass player is quick to point out. “And even when you do, it’s because they’re a good shag.”
Roger frowns, a bit hurt by the comment. He knows he’s never had a serious relationship and that he loves sex but he isn’t some emotionless sex fiend. He is capable of being committed and in a monogamous relationship. He’s just never had the right motivation before. “Tt's not like that.”
Fred smirks, “So you're saying she’s just a friend?”
Roger stutters for a second before falling silent, his face going warmer. “I just… I think she's nice, and easy to talk to.” He knew he wouldn't be able to explain their bond eloquently enough for them to truly understand. It’s more that simple attraction or wanting a relationship. There’s something about Y/N and their bond that he will never be able to explain.
“You realize you broke up with Jo so you could spend more time with your drums? Rog, you're not exactly fantastic at commitment.” Brian feels the need to point out.
Roger’s heart sinks at the lack of support from his friends and wishes he hadn’t let any of this slip. “She's important to me, whether you understand us or not. I want to fly her out here so we can meet –”
Brian scoffs, arms crossing over his chest “You sure she's not just trying to sneak her hands in your pockets, mate?”
Roger is stunned into silence and his temper flares. “What?!”
“How can you be sure that she's not just trying to make a few bucks off you? We make good money now, Rog. People know that.” Again, Brian is pointing something out as if it’s the most obvious reason in the world for a girl to talk with him for so long. Why else would a girl want to spent a whole twelve months speaking to Roger, right?
Roger doesn’t even know where to start or how to respond. The fact that Brian would even imply that YN would ever think about doing something like that is infuriation.
“There are plenty of smart girls out there, mate.” The guitarist carries on, oblivious to the turmoil going through the drummer’s mind. “You've got a keep an eye out for the ones sniffing out gold –”
Roger sees red. “Don't fucking dare finish that sentence, Brian.”
The guitarist rolls his eyes, unimpressed by the drummer's outburst. “All I'm saying is you ought to be careful.”
“I know you think you're smarter than the rest of us but I'm perfectly capable of handling myself.”
Freddie rubs his temples exasperatedly, knowing that this is not going to be the end of the conversation and it’s going to end poorly for all parties involved.
“Roger, you're letting yourself fall in love with this girl and you don’t even know her! She's a complete stranger!” Brian raises his voice, “You've never bloody met her!”
“Fuck off, Brian. You have no fucking idea what or who you're talking about.” Roger slams the bottle against the table and storms off towards the back of the bus “Leave me the fuck alone for the rest of the day.”
Roger’s eyes blink open as soon as he registers the phone in his hotel room starts ringing. He scrambles for the receiver, nearly falling off the mattress in the process as the sheet tangle in his legs.
It's been nearly a fortnight since he's last spoken to Y/N. It seems the two have less and less time as the summer months have rolled around. There are interviews to do, books to edit, concerts to play, shelves to stock. All their work seems to be never-ending.
“Y/N?” Roger chimes, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He knows that the likelihood of it being anyone else is nonexistent but he always likes to make sure she knows that she’s always his first thought.
“Hi, Rog.” She smiles to herself. Hearing his voice always makes her days better.
Relief washes over Roger's body at the sound of her voice. “God, I've missed you.” He admits, chest aching happily. “Missed you so much. Every day. Fuck, you don't know how good it is to hear your voice.” Roger relaxes against his pillow, playing with the phone chord as his eyes close blissfully.
Tears well in Y/N’s eyes as she tries swallowing around the knot lodged in her throat. “I’ve missed you too, Rog.”
Roger's brow furrow. Her voice’s hoarse, as if she’s been crying. And tired. Immediately he can tell that something’s wrong but he tries clearing the thought from his head, trusting that she would tell him anything she wanted him to know.
“Had a dream about you last night.” He mumbles, smiling at the memory as he tries to make her smile. “I can't remember what you looked like in the dream but it couldn’t have been anyone but you. It felt like you.”
She smiles against the speaker.
Roger eyes furrow as he tries to recall if they’ve ever shared physical details of each other. He knows they’ve shared what’s in their hearts and minds but never have they spoken about what they look like. He needs to know. “How tall are you?”
Y/N doesn’t answer and Roger's worry comes back stronger than before. “Y/N?”
“Hm? What was that Rog?”
The drummer doesn’t like how tired she sounds. They’ve had had their share of bad conversations but she’s never ignored or not answered one of his questions. “How tall are you?”
“Oh... uhm... I guess /your height/.”
It took her too long to answer. Roger bites his lower lip before sighing, knowing that the only way for him to feel better is knowing that she’s okay. “There's something wrong.”
Y/N pauses, finally fully present in the conversation. Her heart beats a bit too quickly in her chest. “W-What?”
“You're not acting like yourself. Something's wrong.” Roger hates how certain of this he is.
She goes silent while trying to hold it all back, but it’s no use. Her face crumbles as she lets out a sob against the receiver. Calling him had been the best and worse decision she made today.
Roger's heart feels like it’s shattering as he fights helplessly to calm her from oceans away.
“Y/N...” He feels stuck. Someone he loves is sobbing and he’s a million miles away. “Y/N, my love, what’s wrong? What's happening?”
His mind is working a million miles a second. It’s been so long since they last spoke, that there are hundreds of things that could have happened. Is she hurt? Did someone she know get hurt? Has the press somehow found out about their conversations and been harassing her?
She chokes on her words, trying to explain as best as she could but her breathing is still too choppy and labored for her to be understandable.
Roger listens as she struggles to breathe and he doesn’t think he’s ever known fear before his moment. The sounds coming from the woman he loves sound painful and he wants nothing more than to hold her and soothe all her pain. “Y/N, my love, just breathe. Can you do that for me? Take deep breaths.” He does what he’s asking her to do so that she has something to mimic. “Just do what I am okay? I'm right here baby.” He keeps his breathing slow and steady, guiding hers until she settles. She wipes the tears from her cheeks, sniffling painfully. Roger wishes he could reach through the phone and scoop her up in his arms. He's trying to figure out how angry the boys – and the label – would be if he were to fly out to her for a few days.
“I had to fire them all.” She admits in a whisper.
His stomach drops, “Who love?”
“My employees... I couldn't pay them anymore.” She starts crying again, her voice breaking and he can barely make out the words tumbling from her lips.
Roger frowns, a thought he doesn’t like pushing to the front of his mind. “Who's been running the store when you aren't there?” Y/N cuts herself off abruptly and when she finally answers, he hates what he hears. “It's just been you. Oh, love, it's just been you all by yourself?”
Her sobs grow louder as Roger hushes her soothingly through the phone as he fights off his own tears. “Oh baby, I'm so sorry.”
“I-I didn't want to. I had to.” Y/N needs him to understand. She really has no other choice and she hates how powerless she is. She’s trying her best to ground herself but everything hurts.
“I know, sweetheart.” He reassures her, “They understand.”
“M-My landlord threatened to evict me and I've got no food in the pantry and I just didn't know what else to do.” She grabs her hair tightly as the pain in her chest increases.
Roger's throat tightens to the point where taking a breath is painful. “Why didn't you say anything, darling? I would have sent you mone–”
'No. No. I don't want to take money from you.” She states resolutely. “That's not fair and it’s not me. I will figure something out.”
He rolls his eyes at her stubbornness. “What's ‘not fair’ is that you're suffering, Y/N.” He pauses, “When's the last time you had a meal? Like, a whole meal, not just a snack.”
When doesn’t Y/N answer, Roger knows that it has been too long.
“I've been eating little things here and there.” She finally admits with a small, fearful voice, “I don't have time to sit and eat at work, anyway.”
“Y/N,” his tone doesn’t allow for any room for her not to answer, “when was the last time?”
She swallows thickly, “A week ago. I think.”
Roger feels like someone has punched him in the throat. His eyes burn as he fights off tears. Now is not the time for him to breakdown. He can do that once he knows she has some food in her system and she’s taken care of. He counts to five and takes a deep breath before speaking again. “Haven't been sleeping either, I bet. I can hear it in your voice. You're exhausted.”
Roger pauses and then add stubbornly, “I'm sending you money.”
Nothing she says is going to change his mind on this. She needs it, he has loads and he will never sit back and let her suffer when he can actively do something to make things easier for her.
“Roger, no.” She counters immediately, “Absolutely not!”
“Y/N, you need it! I want to help you. I need to help you. I need you to be safe and happy and healthy –”
“I can do it, Rog.” She guarantees, “I just need to work harder.”
She’s stubborn but so is he.
He sighs her name. Nothing he says will convince her to take the money. She’s too proud of that but there is nothing she can do to stop him from sending it anyway. Y/N doesn’t need to know until she gets it.
There is one thing that he can’t drop though. “Promise me, and I mean promise me you'll eat and you'll sleep. I want three meals a day and eight hours at night.” Y/N sighs, knowing that keeping that promise is going to be rough but Roger keeps speaking, “I know money is tight and it seems like it's hopeless right now but swear to me that you'll take care of yourself.”
Y/N's voice thickens as she whimpers pathetically. Never had she thought she’d be the kind of girl that needs a man to keep her together, but here she is. “I need you to hold me.”
Pain shoots through Roger's chest and this time, he can’t keep his emotions at bay. Hot tears roll down his cheeks as he tries to not sob too loudly. It hurts. It bloody hurts how badly he wants to be with her.
Roger moves the receiver away from his face, letting out a few sobs before he composes himself. He takes a deep, shuddering breath as his nose burns because of the tears he’s trying – and failing – to hold back. He does his best to keep his voice steady when he speaks to her again, “What if I fly out to you? Just for a few days. I could –”
Y/N’s tears start anew. “I want that, so badly but Rog, baby, you can’t. The tour –”
“To hell with the tour!” he says through gritted teeth, “I don’t care about the bloody tour! I care about you.”
Her breath catches in her throat. They’ve both tiptoed around their feelings, both making it clear that this is more than a simple friendship but never had either of them been so direct. It gives her hope and now, more than ever, she refuses to let him give up on his dream. She will get through this and knowing he’s willing to drop everything to help her is enough.
“I care about you too, Rog.” She admits softly, “But there are so many people counting on you. It’s your dream.”
“Maybe I have a new one” he mumbles. “Okay. If I can’t come to you then I can fly you out.” He needs to see her and make sure, with his own eyes, that she’s really doing better. He can’t lose her.
Y/N sighs wistfully, wanting nothing more than to accept his offer. “You know I can’t. Not right now, at least. The shop –”
Roger curses in frustration. “It’s not fair!”
“I know.”
Silence fills the line. Roger’s anger quickly dissipates and all he’s left with is unrelenting sadness. He feels so unlike himself; pitifiul and needy. He feels as if he needs Y/N more than he needs oxygen.
“Soon,” Roger’s voice breaks the silence, “Promise me. We’ll be together soon.”
Y/N smiles through the tears, “I promise.”
“And promise me you’ll eat and sleep. I need you to take care of yourself.”
“I promise, Rog. I will get as much sleep and food as I can stand.”
“Good.” He swallows thickly, “I… I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
She lets out a wet laugh, “Good thing is you’ll never have to find out.”
Roger finally relaxes a bit, breathing deeply. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let you out of my sights once we meet.”
“I don’t want to be anywhere else.”
Roger keeps his head down, with his visor of the baseball cap pulled down almost over his eyebrows as moves quickly through the city. He’s hoping that between his disguise and Queen still being relatively unknown in the US will help him avoid any run ins with the press. It had been hard enough leaving the hotel without being seen by his mates or any of the roadies. He really doesn’t need word of his morning excursion getting back to Brian.
With a grimace, Roger walks into the American branch of his bank and lines up to speak to a teller.
It takes longer than he would have liked to get all the documents set up and money withdrawn but Roger definitely feels lighter as he steps back out into the sunlit streets and heads to rehearsals. Luckily, he was careful enough that no one noticed his prolonged absence.
The green room is still empty when Roger enters, heading straight for the vanity against the opposite wall. Slipping off his hat, he removes all the bank documents from his back pocket and sits at the mirror. He slides the signed check and bills into the same envelope, setting it aside as he removes his jacket. He definitely feels a lot better knowing he’ll be able to help Y/N in a way that matters and that will make her life easier. It also helps that their conversations have returned to being a daily occurrence, helping him ensure that she is as well rested and fed as she can be. Although she’s doing much better with his support, Roger doesn’t miss the stressed tone or how her work load seems to be constantly growing.
Roger only wishes he had managed to get to a bank sooner though this way, since it’s been a bit over a month since he offered her the money, she shouldn’t suspect anything.
Roger digs around the vanity for a pen and when he finds none, he uses one of Freddie’s eye-pencils and a tissue to write a short message to his girl. He hesitates, casting a quick glance over his shoulder to make sure his friends aren’t going to barge in. He really doesn’t want to try explaining the money or check to them.
Roger sighs, mussing his hair as he tries to put pencil to tissue. There is so much he wants to say but he isn’t even sure where he should start. He knows that no matter what he says, she is going to rip into him so with a chuckle, he scribbles down one line before signing the tissues and placing it delicately inside the envelop with the money and check. He knows he’s doing the right thing, and even if she won’t happy about it, she’ll be grateful.
For once in his life, he’s grateful for his foresight of asking for her full name and address so that he could send small trinkets and post cards when calls aren’t enough.
“Morning, Rog.”
Roger nearly jumps out of the chair, quickly turning to see a confused looking John smiling at him, a cup of coffee in hand.
Roger exhales, laughing at his own reaction. “God, Deacy. You scared the living shit out of me. Didn’t hear you come in.”
John laughs too before sipping his coffee as he takes a seat on the couch. Roger turns back to the envelope, hiding it under his arm.
“Didn’t see you at breakfast this morning, I though you’d still be in bed.” John chimes, brow quirked.
Roger clears his throat, avoiding eye contact. “Just had to um...run some errands is all.”
John nods though he clearly doesn’t believe him. “What are you doing here so early?” The drummer desperately wants to change the subject before he gives himself away.
John shrugs, smiling “I tend to get here early to help the roadies with the amps. I built most of them from older models that'd been trashed so they can be a bit finicky.”
Roger hums in understanding, slipping the envelope into the pocket of his jeans as Brian and Freddie waltz in. The drummer nods at both, fighting back a yawn.
“Sleep well?” Freddie asks with a smirk.
“Not well enough.” Admits Roger, standing from his chair and lazily making his way over to the costume rack. He doesn’t notice the envelop slipping from his pocket when he bends down to look for his converse. Roger curses under his breath, “I’m going to see if I can track down my trainers. I could’ve sworn I left them here yesterday.”
Brian quirks his brow curiously as the drummer trots out the door, stepping forward to snatch the envelope off the ground. Freddie cranes on his tip toes to peek over his shoulder, curiosity lighting up his brown eyes, “What've you found?”
The envelope hasn’t been sealed yet so Brian doesn’t feel too guilty as he snoops. The guitarist runs his thumb over the hastily scrawled name and address, Y/N Y/L/N.
“What’s inside?” The singer asks, hoping it’s a love letter and that he can take the piss out of the usually emotionally constipated drummer.
Brian pulls back the flap of the envelop and frowns when he notices that there’s cash inside. He moves toward the couch where John is sat, quietly observing the situation as it unfolds. The guitarist clears off a small section of the coffee table and dumps the content of the envelop on it. A wad of cash falls with a small thud, as a tissue and slip of paper flutter down after it. He quickly counts the cash and his eye widen in shock. £500. And the piece of paper is a blank check that has been signed and dated with today’s date. The name on the check is the same of the envelop and it finally hits him: it’s the girl Roger had mentioned on the bus.
Don’t be too angry. R
Brian feels like his brain is going to explode. A blank cheque?! He’s sending her a blank cheque! Anger boils in his veins as he tries to comprehend how his best friend of years goes from dumbing his girlfriend of almost ten years in order to become a successful musician to blindly sending money and blank cheques to a complete stranger. Clearly, something has happened because not even Roger would be that stupid.
Brian grips the empty envelop tightly in his hand as Roger wanders back into the room, muttering about his missing shoes.
Brian walks up to Roger where he’s now lounging on the couch next to John and throws it at him. Roger eyes the envelop before his eyes fall to the coffee table.
The blond lets out a frustrated sigh, looking up into Brian's eyes. For this, his reaction angers Brian even more.
“Mind sharing with the group, Rog?” the curly-haired man asks condescendingly. “Mind explaining why your ‘friend’ who isn't taking advantage of you is getting direct deposits?!”
Roger does his best to swallow back all his annoyance, but apparently, Brian isn’t done digging into him. “A fucking blank cheque, Roger!? A blank cheque, really? Are you trying to get robbed?”
Roger can’t even get his explanation fully out of his mouth before Brian cuts him off. “She's lying, Roger! She's a con artist!”
“She's not!”
“And you're giving her exactly what she wants! She'll be laughing all the way to the bank!”
“SHUT UP!” Roger screams, raising to his feet and pushing Brian back. “You've all got spouses or children. I don't. I've got no one to take care of. Tell me what's so fucking criminal about sending some money to help someone I love.”
The three other people in the room are shocked into silence. Never before has the drummer tossed around the l-word so easily. Roger picks up the money and the check from the table, carefully tucking it back into the envelope and smoothing it out.
Roger heads for the door, turning to look back at the group one last time before he leaves.
“If you need me, I'll be buying stamps.”
“What the fuck, Taylor!?'
Roger chuckles into the receiver. “Well, hello to you too, darling.” He had been waiting for this call for about a week.
“Do not ‘darling’ me right now. I told you not to send money!” Y/N has rarely experienced such a mix of emotions. Anger, love, humiliation, sadness, helplessness, love. She whines into the phone, tears of frustration welling in her eyes. “Why didn't you listen? I'm not a charity case!” She hates feeling like a burden.
Most of all, she hates how loved and better she felt when she opened the envelope.
The blond frowns. It was never his intention to upset her, “Love, I –”
“Don’t you dare use your pet names on me right now, Roger Taylor!'’ Roger tries to hold back his laughter.
“I told you I can do this on my own!” she explodes, “I am perfectly capable of handling –”
“Oh, trust me, I know you are.” He interrupts. Roger toys with the phone chord, blowing some of his bangs away from his face. “You could run circles around me, darling. Just because you're able to do it on your own doesn't mean you have to.” He smiled softly to himself, “You don’t have to do everything on your own anymore. I can't physically be there for you, and I hate that. If it were up to me, I'd be stopping by the store to bring you food or help lug books around.” Y/N exhales, hand running through her hair. God-damnit. Why does he have to be so bloody perfect and far away? “And as much as I wish I could change it, I know I can't be there right now to hold you and promise it will all get better.”
“Rog–” There’s so much she needs to tell him.
“Let me do this, Y/N.” He begs, “Just this one thing to help you keep a roof over your head and eat and take care of yourself.”
Y/N gives up all hope of arguing with him about this. And just like that, she’s crying for a completely different reason. Her voice wobbles as she sobs into the phone, “You're so stupid, Roger. You're such a goddamn idiot.”
He laughs as he too starts crying, smiling lovingly to the empty room. “I thought we’d already established that.” She gives a breathy laugh, clutching the money and cheque to her chest like a security blanket. “Hasn't ever kept you from talking to me before, though.”
Y/N wipes her tears with her shirt sleeve, sniffling pitifully. She knows she’s never felt love like this before and she never will again. Not even her parents had shown interest in supporting her; she never thought any less of them because of that.
But here’s Roger. Sweet, stupid Roger forking over hundreds of pounds and sending it to her from worlds away without batting an eyelash. All because he wants to help in any way he can. She can hear him as he rambles on, still trying explain how it “really isn’t a big deal".
“Roger–” her voice’s is so soft that he misses it completely.
“–I just care about you and I wanted to help and–”
“Roger!” She yells with a laugh.
He stops, eyebrows quirking as he smiled. He hears her take a deep breath and waits impatiently for her to speak.
Y/N’s heart is beating like a hummingbird's. “I love you.”
“What?” Roger feels completely frozen until she repeats those three beautiful words to him.
There’s another long silence and panic set in YN's stomach as she bites her lip. She really doesn’t want to pressure him into saying it so it’s her turn to start rambling, “I'm not just saying that because of the money and I don't expect you to say it back but I just needed you to know because it’s true and –”
“I love you too.” He interrupts her panicked mumbles.
Y/N's whole body relaxes. She exhales, hands shakily holding the phone as she lets out a watery, “Thank Christ” that makes Roger laugh.
“God, I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you so fucking much.” Now that he can say it aloud, he doesn’t think he'll ever be able to stop.
Tears well in Y/N's eyes again, “I...I want you, Roger. I want you here.” She sounds selfish but she doesn’t care.
This is the moment she’s been waiting for. Now that it’s out in the open, she needs to see him, feel his body against hers. She wants to show him exactly how much she loves him.
His heart aches, “I know, my love. You have no fucking idea how much I want to be with you right now. Fuck, I'd fly out to you right this second if I knew you'd actually let me.”
Y/N chuckles, sniffling “It's really tempting.”
He grins, “Tempting enough to let me?”
She shakes her head, “I can't be the one to deprive the world of Roger Taylor. I know how that feels and it's too damn painful.”
He sighs, shaking his head. “Why can't you just be selfish once in a while?”
“I'm afraid I'm not as strong headed as my rockstar boyfriend.”
Roger smiles brighter than the sun, face red and heart full at her words. “Boyfriend, huh? I like the sounds of that.”
“Do you now?”
His smile seems to grow, “Love it, actually. 'Specially hearin' it from my girlfriend.”
Y/N giggles, loving his ability to make everything better with just a few, simple words. “Be careful saying that in front of all your groupies, might break their hearts.”
Roger scoffs, putting a hand to his chest in mock offense. “Groupies!? Who do you think I am?” Y/N laughs and it’s his favourite sound in the world “You're the only groupie I've got, darling. Take you with me everywhere.”
“That's my official title then?” She jokes, “Resident Groupie?”
“Yes. And it's a paid position so you have to accept the money I sent.”
Y/N gasps, grin on her lips “You absolute wanker!”
“You love me, really.” Her smile softens, “I really do.”
Roger's shoulders and hands ached as he plops down on his hotel bed. He winces at the contact between the sheets and the raw skin of his worn hands, biting his lower lip as he reaches for the phone. Hearing his girlfriend's voice always make it all worth it.
The line rings more times than Roger is used to and a very bad feeling sinks in his gut. Even more concerning is the fact that he goes to voice mail. The drummer frowns, setting the receiver back on the base before lifting and dialing again. Still no response. He tries a third time. Nothing.
Finally, on his fourth try, YN answers the line and relief washes over him.
“Hey, Rog.”
“Oh, thank god! I thought something had happened to –” He freezes, heart dropping when he realizes that she’s crying. “What's wrong my love?”
Y/N sniffles, hating herself for being the girl that cries at the sound of her boyfriend’s voice. She isn’t even sure what to do. If she tells Roger that his best friend called her and said she was a gold-digging whore, he’ll react rashly and she isn’t there to stop him from doing too much damage to the band or himself. On the other hand, these phone calls are all they have. Honestly is important, they both said so from day one and fuck, they’re in a relationship for crying out loud. She knows Roger loves her. He’s proven it more than enough times. It’s just that… If his best friend, the people he spends every waking moment with think that of her, maybe it’s because he’s said something. And she’s sure it isn’t only Brian thinking those things. They couldn’t have come to that conclusion on their own. Could they?
“Is it work? Did something happen?”
“No...” She hums, trying to gather herself. She’s not going to tell him.
Roger frowns, worry clawing at his chest. She isn’t tired of him, is she? “Talk to me, love. Please.”
His plea breaks some of her resolution and she fights hard to not start sobbing. She’s sick of crying every time they call. “It's nothing, just having a rough day.”
“No, it isn't.” Roger insists, brow furrowed determinedly. Something is gnawing at him to not trust her words.
Y/N swallows, mind running in circles. “Rog…You know I'd never lie to you, right? I'd never do anything to hurt you.”
Roger blinks in confusion, “Of course I do, sweetheart. Where's all this coming from?”
“Nowhere.” She lies, “I just want to make sure you know how much I love you.” She hesitates a moment. “Promise me you understand that, though. That when I talk to you...I'm never trying to get anything out of you. I'm not...digging for gold.”
Alarm bells ring loudly in Roger's head. Brian. Fucking Brian. “Did Brian call you?”
“No.” She answers too quickly.
“Brian called you, didn't he?” Roger is beyond furious as his voice raises along with the anger in his chest. “He called you and ran his fucking mouth, as he always does and hurt you. The fucking arse can’t accept that he’s not the smartest person in the room and wants to ruin everyone’s happiness because he’s a miserable bastard. Once I get my hands on him, I –”
Y/N sobs, “Don't fight with him! Please, don't. He was only trying to protect y– ”
Roger slams the receiver against the base, fists clenching as he tears through his door and down the hall towards the conference room turned music room, where he knows the lads are still rehearsing. He’ll apologize later to Y/N but right now, he needs to not be talked down. Brian deserves everything coming his way.
Roger slams the door open and as soon as he’s face-to-face with the guitarist, Roger punches him in the face.
Brian stumbles backwards as Roger keeps shoving his chest. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! What in the absolute fuck is wrong with you?!”
Brian's eyebrows furrow as he catches his balance, still trying to keep Roger at bay as he massages his sore jaw.
Roger's face is red, rage clear as day in his blue eyes as he spats his words at Brian, Freddie putting himself in the middle of the two. “Somehow, by the grace of fucking god, I'm happy for the first time in my miserable goddamn life and you have to go and try to fuck it up!” Tears welling in his eyes, Roger shoves his kit to the ground, cymbals crashing as pieces of set scattered across the floor. Freddie is grateful that it was just the four of them in the room, though the ruckus is sure to gather unwanted attention.
Brian rubs his bruising jaw, rolling his eyes at Roger's reaction. “I did it for your own bloody good, Roger! She was just going to keep leeching off you –”
“I don't fucking care, Brian!” Roger kicks his bass drum, foot going through the decal of his own face as he shoves Freddie away. “I don't fucking need it! I don't need any of it!”
Brian's eyes fall to his shoes as guilt filled his gut. Maybe he had been too rash and cruel. Maybe he should've given Y/N a chance to explain herself.
“What am I going to buy with all this money you've saved me, huh? Cars? Drugs?” Brian opens his mouth to argue but Roger cuts him off. “I love her, Brian! I don't care if she takes every fucking cent I have!”
Brian scoffs, guilt quickly being replaced by frustration at how idiotic his friend is acting. “Do you hear yourself? You've never met this person, Roger! You're being ridiculous! You're asking to get your heart broken!”
“I'm fucking grown, Brian! I can handle myself, you condescending prick! She's all I've got!”
The room goes eerily silent.
Brian clears his throat, pursing his lips. His voice is soft when he speaks again. “Since when don’t you have us?”
Roger stares right at Brian, daggers in his eyes. He scoffs sickly, “This? The band? The so-called friends that call up my girlfriend, making her cry and calling her a gold-digger?!” He gestures to the group, knowing that John and Freddie had done nothing to stop Brian from making the girl he loved question their whole relationship. “This is over. The second tour's finished, this is never happening again.”
Deacy knits his brows, “Roger–”
Roger takes a menacing step towards Brian, grabbing the front of his shirt in his tired and sore hands. “You ever speak to her again and I'll rip your fucking balls off.”
The blond turns from the group, retreating down the hall and back to his own room.
Brian, Freddie, and Deacy stand in shocked silence.
Brian sighs as he raises his fist to knock on Roger's door. He feels bad. He really does. And he doesn’t want the band to break up because of a girl. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t still think Roger was acting like a mad man.
The guitarist hopes that the few hours he had left Roger to wallow in his self pity has been enough for the drummer to calm down and reconsider the whole quitting nonsense.
“No, Y/N! I won't! I won't forgive him.”
Brian freeze, dropping his hand to his side. Why on earth would Y/N be defending him? Brian rests his ear against Roger's door, curiosity itching beneath his skin. There’s a pause as Roger listens to Y/N's response.
“I understand that he was trying to look out for me. I get that, but I'm a grown fucking man, Y/N. He thinks he's the smartest person alive and I'm sick of it! I could have lost you!”
Brian rolls his eyes. He doesn't think he’s smarter than Roger. He just thinks Roger is dumber than him.
“No, I'm quitting! Soon as tour's over I'm flying out to you and I-.... No, I'm not! I'm not being dramatic!”
Brian smirks, chuckling to himself. “I wouldn't miss them. Not for a second. I can play drums anywhere. I don't need them! ... It is not bullshit!”
Brian’s surprised. Impressed even. He never thought that this girl would be defending them after everything he'd said to her. “I don't want to talk to those wankers. They treat you like you're some conquest. They don't even see it. I'm not like that anymore, Y/N. I'm just not that person anymore. You need to know that.”
Something in his words give Brian pause. Roger’s right: it'd been ages since he'd heard any moans coming from the other side of Roger's door. The drummer barely showed up at after parties anymore. Hell, even when women throw themselves at him, he just smiled politely, signing whichever body part they present him and returns to his previous conversation with the lads or their entourage.
There’s so many things Brian was used to seeing Roger numb himself with. Booze. Drugs. Sex. Anything that would bring him any sort of temporary relief. It had all stopped suddenly. Roger is now more focused and plays better. He fights less. He even started apologizing for things. He smiles more. It’s as if a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders. No more dark circles under his eyes; no more empty bottles; no more smears of white powder left on tables.
Things are different now. They had been for a long time, he’d just been too conceited to notice. The changes seem to coincide with her sudden appearance in Roger’s life.
Brian bites at the inside of his lower lip, sighing as he knocks on Roger's door.
Roger curses, mumbling something to Y/N and brings the phone with him as he pries himself up off the bed and shuffles over to the door, flinging it open roughly.
“What the fuck do you want?” Roger spats. He’s vaguely aware of Y/N's voice in his ear, telling him to take it easy.
“To apologize.”
“Apology not accepted.” Roger tries to slam the door in his face but Brian’s quicker, smacking his hand against the hard wood.
“Really? I'm trying to be nice and you're going to bitch about it?” the guitarist can’t help but roll his eyes.
“Yep. That's the plan.” Roger is just about to try slamming the door shut again when he hears Y/N call his name loudly on the other line. He holds the receiver to his ear. “What did you say, love? ... No! Y/N, I don't want to hear anything he has to say.... Why should I?” The blond exhales angrily, eyes shooting daggers at Brian as he holds the receiver against his ear. “Come on in.”
The air is tense as Brian sits down next to Roger on his bed, biting at his thumbnail as Roger hits the speaker button on the base of the phone. “He can hear you now, love.” Roger mumbles. “Don't see why you're bothering with letting him apologize after he –”
“Just let him speak, Roger.” The voice from the speaker is crackly with static, sweet yet exasperated.
Brian smiles a little, feeling marginally better about things knowing she’s not too angry or hurt. “I, um...I wanted to say I'm sorry. I know I was wretched. I just got worried. Roger can be a bit of a dumbass sometimes and I –”
“I am not! You're the one that bloody –”
Y/N heaves an exasperated sigh, “For god’s sakes, Roger, just calm the fuck down and let him explain.”
Roger grumbles something under his breath. Brian can’t help but smirk. “Brian, I understand where you were coming from. You were only trying to protect him.”
Roger scoffs. “You're really going to side with Brian!?”
Y/N rolls her eyes, feeling a headache forming. Men. “You're being such a baby.”
Roger groans, crossing his arms over his chest as his jaw clenches.
Brian is starting to like this girl more and more. She knows how to put Roger in his place and he lets her. It’s refreshing, “I... I may have been wrong about you.”
Y/N smiles, “No shit!”
Roger can’t help but grin. That's my girl.
Y/N sighs, “But we'll get to you apologizing to me later. Right now, you two need to get your heads out of your asses and forgiving each other. Queen won't end because the two of you can't act like adults.”
Roger scoffs, “Fat chance.”
Brian shakes his head exasperatedly. “I swear, you're a child.”
“And you're a pompous asshole!”
“Just because I'm smart doesn't mean I'm pompous.”
“Oh, so now you don't think I'm smart?”
“Not when you act like a twat, I don't!”
“Piss off!”
“No! You –”
Y/N drops her phone back onto its base. Roger should have known she wouldn't sit there and listen to that crap. Roger and Brian go silent at the dial tone. The drummer curses, grumbling as he redials her number. It only rings once before she picks up.
“You two finished?” There’s silence and Y/N giggles. “I can't believe two grown men are being such babies.” Both of them open their mouths to argue in self defense but can’t before she’s laughing at them.
Brian sighs, “Rog, I'm sorry. I know you're not stupid and I –”
“You sure bloody act like it –”
Y/N exhales sharply, “Roger I swear to god if you don't stop interrupting, I won't pay my phone bill this month.”
Roger immediately goes silent and Brian laughs smugly. Roger flips him off.
Y/N shakes her head, “I wouldn’t laugh if I were you, Brian. You're already on thin ice.”
It’s Brian’s turn to go quiet and Roger’s to laugh smugly.
“Why do I feel like a mother scolding her two idiotic children?! Roger, Brian was just trying to look out for you. It was a shitty way of doing it but he loves you and wants you happy. Brian, Roger is hot headed, you know that better than me but because of you, I almost lost him and Roger was right in his reaction. You had no right to call me and call me a gold digger and an actress. You should have trusted your friend's judgment.”
Brian held out his hand, “I'm sorry, Roger.”
Roger takes it, giving it a reluctant shake. “I'm sorry, too.”
Y/N sighs in relief until Roger speaks again, “You need to apologize to Y/N as well. And you should know: she didn't ask for the money. I sent it to her without her knowledge and she yelled at me.”
Freddie walks by the open hotel room door, having heard their screams from the hall and leans against the post, observing the scene in front of him. Brian rubs his neck, cheeks turning red. “I'm sorry Y/N. I shouldn't have been so quick to judge.”
“You're right, you shouldn't have but I forgive you. I'm still hurt but I know it was done in good faith.”
Brian nods, guilt eating at him. “I understand completely. I... I wouldn't have forgiven me had I been in your shoes.”
Y/N smiles, glancing at the clock on her bedside table. “Lucky for you, I'm very forgiving and understanding. And as much fun as this is, I'm going to be late for a meeting.”
“Make sure to eat something, please.”
“Don't worry rockstar, I'm taking care of myself. I love you.”
Roger smiles sappily, “I love you too.”
After she hangs up, Freddie smiles and makes his way into the room and drops down next to Brian, “I like her.”
Roger grins, “Yeah, she's amazing.”
“I'm sorry I didn't stop Brian.”
The drummer shakes his head, “It's all good mate. You lot were just trying to look out for me. I was just angry because she was already hurting and you managed to make it worse. I hate hearing her cry.”
The two nod, realizing what a mess they had made. Freddie claps his hands, “Well, now that it's settled that you're not quitting the band and we're all friends again, we should celebrate! I won't take no for an answer, my darlings!”
Y/N’s pulled out of her thoughts as the phone rings at nine am. She knows it’s Roger: no one else calls her but she almost never gets calls from Roger this early in the day. There’s only a four-hour time difference, but it’s still rare for her to get a call before the middle of the night.
It’s nine and two minutes, meaning Roger is calling her at five in the morning his local time.
She picks up the phone in an instant, worried that something is wrong, “Rog? Are you ok?”
“Y/N? Y/N! It's me! It's Roger!”
She chuckles, realizing what’s going on. She can hear the smile in his voice as he basically screams across the distance separating them. “Hi, Rog. Sounds like you're having fun.”
He laughs drunkenly, stretching his legs across the couch he’s sitting on. “And you sound –” He groans longingly, “You sound so sexy, Y/N. So beautiful. Fucking gorgeous. Prettiest girl I've ever seen.”
Y/N giggles, face heating up at his words. “You've never seen me before, Rog.” She hears a few snickers from around him. “Am I on speaker phone?”
Roger nods, forgetting he was on the phone in his drunken state. He’s just happy to be speaking to his dream girl.
“Hello Y/N!” Brian calls, taking another swig from his nearly empty beer bottle. Y/N returns the greeting but Roger frowns, quickly switching her off speaker. “Brian doesn't get to ever talk to you ever.”
YN smiles sympathetically, “Aw, Rog. I told you I forgive him, so did you. He was just being friendly –”
“I don't have to see you to know you're pretty.” He interrupts, drunken mind already returning to the most important thing. “I just know it. I do.” He frowns, grumpy that she dares question how highly he thinks of her. “Prettiest girl in the universe.”
He yawns, rubbing at his eyes. “Wanna meet you so bad. I think...I think it's scary.”
YN hums, confused. “What's scary?”
“W-What'll I-...What is-...What if you don't think you like me as much? What'll I do then?”
Her heart stutters, “Oh Rog, of course I'll like you. I love you.”
“But you love hearing me but what about seeing me?” He croaks, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “What if you don't like seeing me?”
Y/N sighs, “Roger, I'd love you if even if you were bald with green skin.”
“What if it's worse than all that?”
Y/N laughs, “Worse than bald with green skin!?”
Roger hides his drunken smile, as if she was there to see it. “I'm serious! I'm being serious and you're laughing at me!”
“Aw, Rog, I’m sorry. I won't laugh anymore.” She speaks through her giggles. “I'm listening. Really...”
Roger sighs, self consciously looking down at his body. “I...I'm not big.”
Y/N quirks her brow, intrigued by where this conversation is going. “What?”
“I'm not so big and muscly! I'm skinny! I mean...well...My shoulders are ok but –”
She chuckles, “Roger, my love, I promise I'm going to love the hell out of you no matter how muscly you are.”
Roger groans, “You've got to stop that.”
She frowns, “Stop what?”
“Stop...Just stop being so goddamn perfect all the time.”
Y/N scoffs, “I'm far from perfect, Rog.”
He groans again, “You sound so goddamn sexy.”
She laughs at him, loving how his drunken mind seems to go in circles. “Is it my 'I just woke up and haven't spoken yet' voice?”
Roger moans, running his hands through his hair. “You're just teasing now! You have any idea the kind of things I want to do to you?”
“I might have a vague idea, yes.”
Roger let his eyes fall closed, mumbling. “God, I just want to suck on your tits.”
Y/N's jaw drops, “Roger!” She feels her face turn scarlet, knowing he’s just a few steps away from his band mates and they are absolutely listening in.
“I mean it!” He whines, “You make me so fucking hard –”
“Roger, I am not having this conversation with you in front of your mates.”
He whines again, “'m not asking for full on phone sex!” His lips turn up in a smirk, “Maybe I could just get you off? The boys aren't listening.” He glances at his friends but he’s too drunk to really see, “At least I think they’re not.”
Y/N buries her face in her hand, “They most definitely are, Roger.”
He frowns, not comprehending what the issue is, “But I love you.”
“I love you too, rockstar.” She smiles, “Do me a favor? Put an aspirin and a glass of water by your bed.”
Roger feels himself tear up, “Are you hanging up?”
She knits her brows sympathetically. “I've got work, baby.” The last thing she wants to do is hang up on him when he sounds so adorable and horny but she’s already running late.
“Call me?” he asks, “Once you get home? The minute you get home.”
She’s smiling, “I don't think you'll be awake.”
“Wake me up, then.”
She chuckles, “Ok, rockstar.”
Roger wakes up hours later, unsure on how he managed to get back to his room and with a pounding headache. He reaches for the aspirin and water he vaguely remembers putting on his bedside table, as requested by his amazing girlfriend.
While going to wash his face, he notices an envelope by the door. Reaching down to grab it, his heart flutters when he sees the name of the sender: YN LN. It’s priority mail, meaning she probably spent quite some money on it and it’s dated three days ago.
His hands shake as he tears the envelope open and tears filled his eyes as he finally knows what the girl of his dreams looks like.
Y/N makes her way into her small apartment, keys held in her teeth, a grocery bag in one hand and mail in the other. She stops in the kitchen, quickly putting her groceries away before sitting on the sofa and going through the mail.
As usual, there are a few store coupons, a reminder that her rent is due in two weeks and an envelope from Roger. She’s come to love and hate these: postcards are great, full of witty comments and loving remarks. Envelopes usually mean that he either sent her money or a small gift. Stupid, sweet Roger.
Y/N's heart is beating like a hummingbird's as she opens the letter from Roger. She pulls out a single photo, clipped from a magazine with a single word written across the bottom.
She smirks, sliding the photo back into the envelope and hurries to her room. She dials his number the minute she gets to the phone, sitting on the edge of her bed. It only rings once before he picks up. He doesn’t even get a chance to greet her. “You think you're so clever, don't you?”
Roger laughs, knowing exactly to what she’s referring to. “Yes, actually, I do.”
“You're such a wanker.” She’s laughing, shaking her head as she looks over the photo of Roger and his band mates.
He laughs, adjusting his pillow as he rubs his eyes, waking himself up a bit more, “Thought that was why you love me?”
Y/N smiles, kicking off her shoes as she lays back, “You want me to play that game? Fine, I'll play it, rockstar. I bet you twenty pounds I'll get it on the first try.”
“You really think you will?” Roger loves how confident she sounds. God, he loves this woman.
“Of course I will, drummer boy. I'd know you anywhere.” Her smile’s soft, the love she feels for the boy knew no limits.
He bit his lower lip, a grin breaking out on his lips 'You're on, sweetheart.'
YN pulls the photo closer, excitement rolling in her stomach. “Let's see...”
Every face in the picture is a beautiful one but she knows immediately that her Roger is the blond one but there’s no reason to make him aware of her discovery just yet.
She grins, the idea of making him sweat extremely amusing. “Suitor number one, here...Tall! He's got some legs on him, doesn't he? And just look at those curls! Gotta love a man with curls.”
Roger feels jealousy boiling in his stomach, but he does his best to ignore it, not wanting to give anything away. He starting to regret sending her a group photo. “Number two...Oh! that jacket is lovely. I like the silk. He knows how to dress, for sure.” Roger chuckles. Good old Fred.
“Number three...Number three looks like he's quite a sweetheart, doesn't he? So smiley! And that little striped vest!”
Roger purses his lips nervously, knowing she’s about to focus on him and talk about her first impression. What if she doesn’t find him attractive?
“Number four is this blond fellow.” Y/N smiles, her heart fluttering as she gazes at the man she loves. “Sparkly pink shoes, looks a bit tired. Might be drunk in this photo, actually. Stunningly handsome. Looks like he's got a bit of an attitude too.” She pauses for a moment, making Roger smile. She’d described all his friends perfectly and he can tell from her voice that she knows. He loves her even more for it.
“Yep, there's my Rog.”
Roger laughs, cursing his mind for doubting her even for a second. “I do not have an attitude!”
“You do!” She counters between laughs, “I would too if I wore pants that tight!”
He smirks, “I just wanted to show off my cute ass for you, love.”
YN grins, “Wait 'til you see mine, pretty boy. I can guarantee it's cuter.”
Roger's face goes red. The power this woman holds over him was astounding.
She hummed blissfully, head relaxing against her pillow as she admires the photo once again. “You're beautiful, Rog. Knew you would be...”
How she ended up being so lucky, she will never know but she will thank her lucky starts everyday from here on out.
Roger's heart stutters. He wants to ask her if she really means it but his heart knows she would never lie, especially about this. He looks over at her picture, propped against the base of the phone. He’s been carrying it in his wallet and keeps it next to his bed when they stop at hotels. His eyes scan her smiling face. “Do you have any birthmarks?”
She giggles, thrown but the sudden question. “What?”
“You know, birthmarks.” He realizes that it sounds random but he wants to know everything he can about her. At this point, he’s aware of her family history, of her interests and hobbies, and friends but he knows almost nothing about her body except for what he can make out from the picture. Roger wants to memorize every inch of her.
She quirks her brows, “I've got a little one on my back but it just looks like a mole. Why?”
“Just curious.” He admits, “What about scars? My hands and arms are covered in small ones because of the drumming and stupid fights.”
Y/N laughs at that, not at all surprised by his sheepish confession. “Mm... I have a scar on my left wrist. Got it when I was probably around five-ish. I was riding my bike and ran into my garage door. The glass window shattered on my arm. It both scared and scarred me.”
Roger smiles, imagining how her body looked liked, her scars and all. “Are you ticklish?”
“Depends on where you try it.”
Roger grins, “I can't wait to figure it out.”
They settle for a moment, letting the familiar silence wash over them. Words hang unspoken in the air and Roger decides to through caution to the wind. “I wish I could touch you. Just explore you. Every inch of your gorgeous body.” He’s wanted to say these words for so long.
Y/N smiles, a warm feeling washing over her. Roger can’t help but imagine her sitting in her room, holding the receiver to her ear. He hums, picturing his hands running down the smooth skin of her stomach. He swallows thickly, arousal pooling in the pit of his stomach. “Have you got a soft spot?” God, he wants to be with her so bad it’s a physical pain.
She smirks, her voice lowering a bit and taking on a sultry tone, “Why ever would you asking Rog?”
He chuckles, pants tightening at her tone and implications but two can play at that game. “Think you know why, love.”
She feels heat pool in her stomach, “Maybe you should wait and find it yourself.”
He groans in frustration, “What if I don't want to wait? What if I want to hear you moan my name right now?”
Y/N clenches her thighs, biting her lip to hold back any sounds that might escape her lips. Roger isn’t done though. “If you like that, just wait till I get my hands on you. I'll ruin you in the best ways. You'll be screaming my name.”
YN's head falls back, hitting the wall with a small thud as she moaned, panties growing wetter by the word. “Is that so drummer boy?”
Roger nearly moans, “Well, you know what they say about drummers, don't you?”
Y/N bites her lip. “What do they say?”
He smirks, “They do it harder.”
The silence is pregnant. Roger's boxers are tented and he’s feeling too hot under the hotel blanket so he throws it to the side before speaking again. “I had a dream about you last night.” His tone leaves little to guess about the nature of said dream.
“Lucky you,” She’s breathless, mind buzzing and body aflame.
Roger chuckles huskily, “And you said I have an attitude. What I am to do with you?”
Y/N smirks, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. “Are you taking requests?”
Roger moans shamelessly, boxers too tight to be comfortable as he rearranges himself. “I wouldn't mind having you under me.”
It’s her turn to whimper, legs rubbing together to alleviate some of the building pressure in her core. “I wouldn't mind having you on top of me.”
Roger closes his eyes, imagining the scene and wishing it was currently reality. “You won't get anything if you keep talking back.”
Y/N giggles, “You didn't think I'd go down without a fight, did you rockstar?”
God, he loved her. He can’t wait to fuck the attitude right out of her. “Honestly, I thought I'd be the one going down...”
Roger doesn’t expect the moan that comes out of Y/N's mouth and he wishes he could hear it in person. He smirks, “I bet you're an absolute mess right now.”
“You're welcome to come over here and find out.”
Roger wants nothing more, “That's tempting, sweetheart.”
She smirks, “It was meant to be.”
“You're such a brat.” He loves it.
“You didn't know that?” She’s playing coy, riling him up and Roger is soaking up each word.
“You've got quite the mouth on you.”
She bites her lip, “You'll love it even more once you feel what I can do with it.”
Roger moans, palming himself over his briefs. “I'm so bloody hard right now. All because of that mouth of yours, you minx.”
Y/N whimpers, “What do you want me to do about it?”
Roger squeezes himself, hips canting up from the bed. “I can think of a few things, actually.”
She palms her breast, bra getting in the way and she quickly rids herself of it. “Yeah? Want to know how wet I am for you? Would you like me to touch myself? Let you hear as I moan your name?”
Roger's breath comes out in pants, hand slipping beneath the elastic of his briefs to grip his cock. “That'd be a great start.”
She smirks, loving how worked up he sounds. “Bet I can finish too.”
Roger laughs breathlessly, “Damn right you will, love.”
Her underwear is soaked, fingers itching to remove them and get some relief and her mouth works faster than her brain. “What are you doing right now?”
Roger swallows around the knot in his throat, “I'll give you three guesses.”
“What if I get it wrong?”
Roger smirks, “Don't find out.”
Y/N has always loved a challenge, “What it I want to?”
“It might involve you not getting to cum, so I'd think about it real hard.”
“Is that a hint, lover boy?”
Roger moans, finally slipping his cock out of his boxers and slowly starting to run his hand up and down his shaft.
“That sure was pretty, rockstar. Let me hear it again.”
“You first, love.” He pants, “Touch yourself for me. Let me hear those pretty little sounds I know you make.”
Y/N lets her hand slip past the band of her panties, fingers teasing herself as she slowly circles her clit. She moans, making Roger speed up his movements as he smirks. “So you can follow directions.”
She moans again, applying more pressure to her clit. “Only you for.”
Roger can’t get enough of the sounds coming from the phone. “You sound so sexy. I can’t wait to taste you baby.”
Y/N slides her finger lower, teasing her entrance as Roger continues speaking, “I’ve had some many dreams about you, baby. Dreamt about watching your face as you clench around my cock.”
Y/N moans loudly, the images in her head and the words spoken in her ear driving her mad. “Roger”, she whimpers, fingers sinking into her slick core, “want your cock in my mouth, Rog. Want to feel it against the back of my throat.”
Roger curses, hips bucking wildly as he pumps himself. “God, the sounds you make will be the death of me.” He closes his eyes, holding the receiver close to his ear to make sure he won’t miss a single sound, “I'm so hard baby. Leaking all over my hand.”
Roger swipes his thumb over the tip, gathering the precum and using it to aid his hand. “Wish it was your hand.”
Y/N whimpers, fingers pumping her heat faster and faster. “Feels so good, Roger. I need you so bad.”
Roger curses again, “How'd you want me, love? You want my face buried in your cunt? That make you feel good?” The more he speaks, the closer she gets to her release. “Or would you want me inside you? I'd fill you up so good, baby.”
It’s Y/N's turn to curse, closing her eyes as she pictures his blond hair between her thighs. “I bet you'd look beautiful between my legs, rockstar. I want you so bad. Need to feel every inch of you stretching me. Fuck, Rog.”
She lets out a pathetic whimper, phone held between her shoulder and ear so both her hands are free, one to tweak her pert nipple and the other rubbing her clit furiously. “So close.”
Roger places the receiver on his shoulder, using his now free to cup his balls as the other increases the speed of his strokes. “hat's right love, cum all over your pretty fingers. Let me hear you.”
His vision goes fuzzy, chest warm as he lets himself cum while listening to Y/N whimpers and moan his name as she orgasms.
Roger whimpers as he finally lets got of his cock, breath coming out unevenly. He can hear Y/N's own sounds reducing, breath steadying. Never in his life has he felt such a strong need for aftercare. Through the years, he'd humor the stranger in his bed, playing with their hair or kissing them before they finally left. He never saw the point in pretending that the night of passion they shared was going to lead anywhere but he wasn't a complete jackass.
For the first time in his life, Roger wishes he could hold this amazing girl in his arms, kiss her lips as she relaxes against him. Maybe even clean her up, if she'd let him.
“Rog?” her voice sounds tired yet satisfied, and it makes him smile.
“Yes, my love?”
“I love you.”
Roger feels complete. “I love you too.”
“Are you excited the tour is ending tonight?”
Roger sighs, a smile on his face. “You have no idea! No more sharing a tour bus with those three wankers, I get to sleep in my own bed and eat food that isn't prepared in a restaurant or that comes in a take-out container.”
Y/N grins, putting a pillow behind her knees as she gets comfortable in the sofa, “Sounds like a dream.”
Roger hums, not completely agreeing. His dream is now something more domestic. “And the record label said we'll be in London for a while.”
The unsaid words hang in the air. Roger desperately wants to ask her to meet in person. They’ve been together for a bit over a year, speaking for almost three. If he’s honest with himself, he’s scared shitless. So much could go wrong and he needs her in his life.
“Oh.” Y/N isn’t sure on how to reply. She wants to meet him, hug him, see the way his eyes sparkle when he laughs or how cute his face is when he pouts. She’s scared but she knows she needs him in her life and it’s time she feels his arms around her. “Maybe we could grab a coffee?”
Roger grins, voice full of emotion. “Yeah? You sure you want to hang out with a rockstar?”
“You sure you want to hang out with a book worm?”
Roger laughs wetly, heart beating furiously in his chest. “I wouldn't want it any other way.”
Every corner he turns, Roger can’t help but let his eyes drift over the crowded streets, searching for that familiar face. He keeps a hand in his pocket, thumbing over his photo of Y/N like a security blanket as he trails behind the rest of the boys. He unwraps another strawberry sweet, popping it in his mouth as Freddie grabs John's arm, leading them all into another women's clothing store.
Roger has been back in London for almost a month now, and both him and Y/N have yet to find the time or courage to meet in person. It’s an odd, nervous game each time he goes out now, like a "Where's Waldo" from hell. What if he’s right beside her and he doesn't even know it? He shakes the thought from his mind immediately: he would know her face anywhere.
“C’mon Rog,” John sigh, an arm wrapping around the drummer’s shoulders as Freddie digs through a rack of leather pants. He pulls a pair off the rack, holding them up to Brian but they fall about mid shin against his outrageously long legs, making the guitarist scrunch his nose in annoyance. “You’ll meet her soon enough, mate. You don't have to go searching every time you're out.”
The blond groans, letting his head fall back against his friend’s arm. “You have no idea how hard this is, John.”
The bassist frowns, “Sure I do. I've got a family. I miss 'em more than anything when I'm gone.”
Roger sighs as Deacy gives him a firm pat on the back. “But it's not the same, though. Yeah, you miss Veronica and the kids when we’re away but...but at least you know what it feels like to hold her. Kiss her... All I have is that one photo of her. You get to go home, to a house full of life and love. I went home to an empty flat.” His hand hovers over his coat pocket where said photo sat, tucked away.
Freddie gives a sympathetic look as he folds his arms over his chest. “It’s going to happen darling. You just have to be patient. The universe is waiting for just the right moment to spring her on you!” He winks, grinning brightly.
Roger rolls his eyes, “Fuck the universe.” He doesn’t care if he sounds like a child. He’s waited long enough. “It's been three bloody years. I'm tired of waiting.”
Brian smiled softly, “I'm sure she’s just as eager as you are, Rog.”
Roger wanders outside the shop, tired of their optimism. He just wants to meet the girl of his dreams. Is that too much to ask for? He ends up flipping through a little rack of postcards set up next to the door. He chuckles to himself, trying to figure out how funny it would be if he sends Y/N a 'London' one.
He pulls her photo out of his pocket, admiring it as his eyes wander about the crowd. He knows he'd recognize her in an instant. The moment he sees her, there will be not doubt in his mind. No other smile in a crowd of people could be as bright as hers. He’s so busy people watching that he barely notices it, tucked away on the street corner.
Author’s attic.
He freezes, heart speeding like a train as his eyes fixate on the store on the opposite side of the road. It’s a quaint little shop. Vines climb up the side of it, nearly obscuring the sign. It'd clearly been painted ages ago and cracks had long since riddled the letters. Roger feels like he can’t move a single muscle. It can’t be that simple, can it?
Roger pays the boys no concern, abandoning them in the shop as he forces his feet to move from their spot glued to the pavement. He stumbles across the street, eyes locked on the store as his heart sits in his throat.
Please, let this be the right place.
A small bell chimes as he allows the door to close behind him. The place is exactly the way he'd imagined: books lining every available surface, books piled by the register, books stacked beneath a potted plant. There are even books arranged beside a small armchair under the front window. It smells of coffee and old paper, and it feels welcoming and homey.
“I’ll be right with you!”
Roger feels like he’s stopped breathing: he would recognize that voice anywhere. Tears gloss his eyes, his hand trembles as he reaches into his pocket, fingers grazing over his worn picture of her.
He turns towards her when she buzzes into the main room, arms full of thick story books.
“Sorry to keep you waiting!” She chirps, eyes not leaving her work as she flits around her desk, putting things in their right place. “Things have been so busy around here lately.” She chuckles, “I've barely been able to keep my own head on my shoulders!”
He watches her with a smile, tears threatening to fall. He blinks them back quickly, refusing to let her see him cry. His throat tightens with emotion and he can feel his palms starting to sweat. He wants to say something suave, something that’ll make him sound poetic and well-educated. Something that won’t make him sound like the love-struck idiot he is, but his mind seems to only hold her name. “Y/N...”
She turns around so fast he fears she might get whiplashed. Her eyes are wide as she meets his blue ones. The room spins for a second, and she can't quite tell if she’s imagining it or if it’s real. Her rockstar. Home after all this time. Seeing him here, in her world of books, with his messy blonde locks. He’s even prettier than any photo she’s ever seen.
His name is a breath on her lips, “Roger.”
She drops the books in her arms to the side, stumbling over her own feet as she runs to him, falling into his arms. She presses her face against his neck, her arms lock tightly around his shoulders. She can’t even try to contain the sobs that wrack her body. He smells of cigarettes and wood. He smells like home.
Roger can't believe how perfectly she fits in his arms; how normal it feels. He wraps an arm around her waist while his other hand buries in her hair, crushing her tightly against him. Her hair smells amazing, something sweet he can't quite place.
He sniffles, kissing the crown of her head as tears stream down his cheeks. His voice is weak and pitiful when he speaks, “It's so nice to finally hold you.”
Y/N gives a watery laugh, lips pressed against the warm skin of his neck. “You're home.”
Roger moves his hand down to the nape of her neck, making her pull back to look at him as he moves his hands to cradled her cheeks. Never had he seen such beautiful eyes, so expressive and full of love. Roger's thumb grazes her cheek, soothingly. His voice’s barely a whisper. “Knew I was right. You're the prettiest girl I have ever laid eyes on.”
Y/N laughs, head thrown back. She kisses his cheek, making him grin like a child on Christmas morning. “You're so beautiful, Rog.” She admires him, tucking some hair behind his ears. “Don't even need muscles.”
He tickles her sides, and she giggles, nose scrunching as he pulls her close again. Her laughter trails off as he smiles down at her, forehead resting against hers. He feels her hand rest on his chest, right above his heart as she clutches his shirt.
His eyes linger on her lips before locking with hers again. Her breath stalls. Roger is slow in cradling her face, indulging in her as he runs his thumb over her skin. His hand drops to hold the back of her head, tilting her into him as her nose nudges against his. Their lips graze.
A bell rings.
They jump apart, heads turning to the door to find his three friends staring at them. Brian and Deacy’s eyes are wide with shock and confusion: they turn their backs on Roger for five minutes and here he is, nearly making out with a store clerk after bitching about not being able to meet the girl he loves. Freddie just looks amused.
Roger groans, failing to hide the smile on his face. “God damnit Brian! Why do you always have to ruin everything?!”
Y/N burst out laughing, her head lulling back as Roger's hands holds her hips. Once she cracks, he can't hold back his laughter any longer, her smile infectious. His grin widens at Brian's confused expression. Freddie gives them a knowing smile, waiting to see if Brian could figure it out.
The singer knew who she was the moment he'd seen the two: Roger's protective stance, the starry-eyed look he has in his eyes, the way they are so comfortable with each other. It’s more than enough to hint at the girl's identity. Not to mention that he'd seen Roger fall asleep on the tour bus couch multiple times, still clutching her photo in his hand.
Freddie glances at Brian, chuckling as he decides Brian wasn't getting any smarter about the situation. The singer takes a step forward, lifting his sunglasses off the bridge of his nose. He gives Roger a wink, “So this is the girl you love?”
Roger goes red as Brian's eyes light up with realization, a grin on his face as Freddie smiles knowingly. “What did I tell you, darling? Trust the universe.”
Roger rolls his eyes, unable to keep the corners of his mouth from tugging up in a smile.
Brian finally pipes up, “Wait a second, so you're –”
“The actress trying to get in to your best friend's wallet.” She gives an amused smirk, extending her hand to shake his. “It's a pleasure.”
Brian blushes. Honestly, he had hoped that when they finally met, she wouldn't bring up the horrible things he had said to her. Without making eye contact, he timidly shakes her hand, “It's nice to meet you. Again, I want to apologize fo –”.
Brian feels two slender hands rest on his cheeks. He slowly lifts his eyes, meeting hers.
Y/N wears a kind smile on her lips as she speaks, “I'm just teasing. It's all good, Brian. You were just trying to be a good friend.”
The guitarist nods, unsure in his smile as Roger wraps his arm around her waist once again, pulling her towards his body. Brian observes how connected the two seemed to be: their movements are almost synchronized, and although they had just met in person, they somehow work perfectly together, like a couple who had grown up together.
John smiles at the group, “As much as I would love to get to know you, I think it's best to leave you and Roger alone for a bit. You deserve some time to get acquainted.”
Roger grins, kissing Y/N's temple. The girl smiles, her hands resting on the drummer's. “I like that idea. Rog, want to grab that coffee?”
“Sorry for the mess Rog! I didn't think I'd be having any visitors today.” Y/N bites her lips as she moves around the messy living room, trying to clean up a bit but Roger wraps his arms around her from behind, making her stand straight. He gently moves her hair to the side, placing a gentle kiss where her neck meets her shoulder.
“I don't care about the mess,” his voice is as soft as his touch, “All I care about is being here, with you.” Y/N hums, relaxing in his arms with her eyes closed as she enjoys the warmth emanating from his body. “It's all I've cared about for a while.”
Roger chuckles, content to stay like this forever. He can’t get enough of her. Her smile, her hands on his, her smell filling his nostrils. If this is a dream, he never wants to wake.
“Did you really keep all the post cards I sent you?” Roger isn't sure why he asked, but he needs to know if those pieces of cardboard were just as important to her as they are to him.
Y/N nods, gently taking one of his hands in hers and silently makes her way through the flat. The drummer lets his eyes wander, taking in as much as he can. She leads him to her bedroom and it feels oddly reassuring to be here. He had imagined this room so many times; he had pictured her laying on that same bed so many times, playing with her hair as she talked to him.
It's surreal. It’s almost exactly like he imagined it to be in his head: soft and warm and homey. He loves it. Every inch of it screams her name. It’s cozy. A big patterned rug covered the wooden floor, and her bed’s made up with a pretty knitted blanket. And there, right above the bed, hangs a little bulletin board, holding every post card he'd ever sent her.
She smiles as she watches him wander around her room, a grin on his face. She stops herself from apologizing for the mess once again, as she moves to her bed to remove some papers and books from it.
Roger runs his index finger over the leather-bound spines of the books lining the few shelves on her walls. She must have hundreds. Her walls are lined with them and still, she doesn't have enough room for them all.
Roger pulls a small red one from the bedside table. The Velveteen Rabbit. He smiles a little to himself, flipping through the brightly illustrated pages. Y/N walks over to him, arms wrapping around his middle from behind as she kisses his shoulder before resting her head against it.
“My mum used to read this to me all the time, especially when I was sad.” He mumbles quietly, stopping on a drawing of the little boy holding the plush rabbit. “It was my favorite.”
Y/N's heart grows a few sizes at the image of a young Roger seated in his mother's lap as she read to him.
Roger's heart stutters as he flips through the pages, recounting the story of the little plush bunny, turned real by love. A knot forms in his throat as he admires the book's last illustration: the rabbit, sitting by a raspberry bush in the little boy's garden, visiting the one who had brought him to life.
Y/N feels Roger stiffen a little, and she meets his glossy eyes as he turns in her arms, “What's wrong, rockstar?”
Roger laughs breathlessly, her gentle touch calming him immensely. “Nothing. It's just...” He shakes his head a little, refusing to let his voice go watery. “It's just that I never really got it until now.”
Confusion knits her brow, “Got what?”
Roger smiles a little, looking back down at the book and then at the girl holding him. “I guess...well...Sometimes it takes being loved by someone to finally make you feel alive.”
Y/N's heart feels full of so much love she doesn’t know what to do with it. She stands there for a moment, unsure of how to respond. She does the only thing she feels she can do: she tightens her arms around his waist, giving him the biggest, warmest hug, he'd ever received. His arms wrap around her, stroking up and down her back.
“I love you.” Roger whispers against her ear. It feels amazing to be able to tell her as he holds her in his arms.
“I love you too.”
Their foreheads meet as Roger's nose nudges hers, heat building slowly between them. Y/N takes a little step backwards, knowing if she inches any closer, she'd want to jump his bones more than she already does.
Roger smirks, taking a step forward. She goes a bit breathless, smiling playfully as she takes another step back, only for her back to be pressed flush against her bookcase.
He chuckles, toying with a loose strand of her hair. “Caught you.”
Y/N tries to steady her breathing as his hand cradle her face. He runs his thumb over her lower lip. “What're you going to do now?”
Her eyes trail to his lips subconsciously, “I'm going to wait for you to kiss me, rockstar.”
He grins, pressing into her. He thinks back to that night he first called her. He thinks over every moment he had been so desperate to hold her in his arms.
The moment he kisses her, Roger is brought to life.
Her lips are softer than anyone's he'd ever kissed before. The kiss is gentle, her hand moving to cradle Roger's face as they melt into one another. He tastes of sweets.
Her skin smells of cinnamon and it reminds him of the tea Freddie would drink in the morning.
Roger inhales the sweet, spicy scent as he deepens the kiss. Her fingers laced in his hair, soft and fine between her fingers, and he hums a moan against a sensitive spot below her ear, her eyes fluttering shut in bliss.
Y/N feels overwhelmed in the best way. This is what she had craved for over two years and now that it’s finally happening, she’s afraid she won't be able to commit to memory all the feelings. Roger's lips moving against her own, the rapid beating of their hears. The feeling of his breath on her neck as he lays gentle kisses on it. It’s enough to make her mind spin.
She lets his hands grip her thigh tightly as she gives in to the urge to grind against him. He refuses to let his hands leave her body: some small part of him still afraid she'll disappear at any moment.
Roger pulls her closer, keeping an arm against the wall as he grabs at her ass, rutting against her clothed heat. She lets out a whine, thoroughly enjoying the friction as wetness pools between her legs.
Y/N wants more. Craves it. Needs his hands all over her. Needs his red-stained tongue against every inch of her body. She pulls away from his lips, panting as he drags his eyes over the curve of her hips and breasts. He takes one step back, eyes locking with hers as he pulls his shirt off. Her eyes roam his chest, mouth still ajar as she tries to catch her breath. He holds her loosely in his arms, pecking her lips. He will never get enough of her sweet taste. Roger will never get enough of her.
“Rog, I...” Y/N fumbles over her words. “I...” She needs him to know. She needs him to know how much she loves him. She needs him to know how uncomfortably wet her panties are becoming. He chuckles, meeting her eyes, as she tries to remember English. Roger feels a thread of concern build in his chest. Has he made her nervous? Has he gone to far?
He presses a sweet kiss on her forehead, “What's wrong, love?”
Timidly, she takes a step away from the bookshelf, moving so that Roger is now the one with his back to it. His brow quirks with confusion. Her eyes are locked with his, cheeks flushed and hair messy. Roger swallows thickly, heart racing in his chest as he watches her slowly drop to her knees in front of him.
Her hands tremble as she unbuttons his jeans, tugging down the zipper and pulling them down off his hips. Roger has to force himself to grab her wrists, pausing her movements. “You sure?”
Y/N doesn't say a word. Instead, her eyes stay locked with his as she leans forward, mouthing at his cock through his boxers. Roger gives a whimper, his hand lacing in her hair as his head tips back against the wall. He curses under his breath at the feeling of her hot mouth on his cock.
Roger has been sucked off before. In fact, Roger has been sucked off a lot, but never once has it ever felt as good as it does right now and he isn't sure if it’s because he’s in love with her, and he's been dreaming of seeing her pretty lips around his cock for months now, or if it’s the way she’s taking him into the back of her throat, dragging her tongue over his shaft, but he can barely remember his own name. He knows e should be embarrassed by the sounds passing his lips, but he can't find it in himself to care.
Roger hadn't even realized how long it'd been since he'd had physical sex with someone. He'd forgotten how good it could feel.
He whines her name hoarsely, his fingers itching to be against her skin. “Y/N, you've got to stop, love. I won't last.”
He watches as she pulls off of him, kissing the head of his cock one last time before Roger pulls her up to meet his lips again. He has her on the bed in seconds, nearly tripping as he finishes shedding his jeans and boxers. He mounts her, wasting no time in grabbing the waist band of her pants and pulling them down over her ass, taking her panties with them. He wants to tease her. He really does but the moment he sees her cunt, all soaked and ready for him, he loses all coherent thoughts.
Her jaw drops open, seeing stars as he flattens his tongue, dragging up slowly over her sensitive folds. His mouth is hot and wet against her as he circles her clit with the tip of his tongue, sucking it expertly as her back arches off the mattress.
Roger has never been more grateful that he’s experienced. It’s as if every girl he's ever been with, had been a practice run for Y/N. He knows where to suck, where to prod and lick and devour to make her squirm and buck into his mouth. He watches her face intently as she moans and ruts against his face, the arousal from her inner thighs smearing across his cheeks. He loops his arms around her thighs, her hands clutching the bed sheet like a vice. She gasps loudly as he shoves his tongue inside her, fucking her with it as he explores the inside of her hole. She cries out, head pressing into her pillow as her legs start trembling. He can feel her clit throbbing as he returns his mouth to it, pushing two fingers inside her to replace his tongue. She screams hoarsely, and Roger smirks against her heat as he fucks her harder, crooking his fingers inside her.
“Roger, I'm cumming. Don't stop, Rog, please don't stop!” She gasps, hips rolling as she rides his face, a numbing, warm pleasure washing over her. She gives a breathy sob as Roger works her through her high with his fingers, face still buried in her cunt.
She squirms beneath him as she grows sensitive, overstimulation setting in. She whines as he presses his thumb to her clit, rubbing circles over it as he sucks at her folds. “R-Rog you can stop –”. She whimpers as he hums in response, continuing his tongue's assault on her pussy.
“Rog...” She groans again, her hips settling as the discomfort begins to melt into pleasure. God, she’s so sensitive. It’s so much. So much at once. How is she already this close? Roger chuckles against her, watching her face as his lips finds her clit again. She lets out a high-pitched moan as the pleasure begins to build again, warmth tingling till the tips of her toes. The fire in her belly increases and she grips his hair tightly as she comes on his tongue again with a silent scream. He brings her back to earth, resting his chin against her stomach as she finds her bearings, cheeks pink and chest heaving.
“Want to go again?” Smug bastard.
Y/N fights to catch her breath, “Jesus, Rog, if you go again, you'll bloody kill me.”
Roger laughs, crawling up to meet her lips. She groans, tasting herself against his tongue. “Taste like fucking candy, don't you?” His voice is thick with lust.
Y/N peels off her shirt, leaving her wearing nothing but a thin bra. Roger hooks his finger under one of the straps, pulling it down so that he can roll her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, making her moan and arch into his touch.
Y/N wraps her hand around his cock, pumping him slowly and Roger curses, eyes rolling back as he grinds against her hand. His name slips from his lips breathlessly. Heat bubbles in Roger's veins and without a second thought, he rips her bra down the center, exposing her tits. Y/N gasps at the sudden movement, breasts heaving as Roger kneads one in his palm, mouthing at the other. She barely notices his other hand sinking lower until he has two fingers pressed up inside of her.
Y/N whines, sobbing breathlessly as he fingers her. She’s wet and tight around his fingers, clenching as he hits her g-spot with ever movement of his talented fingers. Roger groans, the idea of his cock buried inside her nearly bringing him over the edge.
“I love you.” She moans, his name like a prayer falling from her kiss-bruised lips.
Roger curses, cock twitching in her hand at the wet sounds her cunt makes against his knuckles. He nuzzles his face in the crook of her neck, sucking dark bruises into her skin.
“I need to be inside you.” His voice is desperate and hoarse. “Please, I need to fuck you.” He’s desperate with the need to be buried inside of her, to be connected totally and completely.
Y/N pulls his face up to hers so she crashes her lips to his, cradling his face as he kissed her desperately.
“Ruin me.” She whispers, hands tangled in his hair.
Roger has to grip his cock roughly to stop himself from cumming. He whimpers, lining himself up with her entrance. Y/N cries out as he sinks into her.
“Tight fucking cunt. Shit.” Roger groans into her neck. “Love you so fucking much.”
Tears of emotion well in her eyes. “I love you too.”
Y/N’s breath comes up in short pants, back arching as pleasure flows through her body. “I love you, Rog. You feel so good inside me, baby.”
Y/N bucks into him as he fucks her, the head of his cock hitting her sweet spot with every smack of his hipbones against hers. His left hand finds hers, fingers lacing between her own. He squeezes her hand lovingly, thrusting harder against her. His eyes stay locked with hers as he kisses her forehead, her nose, her lips. “My gorgeous girl.”
He moans as her free hand finds his hair. “You fuck me so good, Rog. Oh god.”
She can feel him throbbing inside her as he watches himself disappear inside of her again and again. Tears stream down Y/N's face, “I'm close Rog.” Her eyes screw shut with pleasure.
“No, look at me, baby. Look at me while you cum. I want to watch you cum on my cock,” He kisses her jaw, releasing her hand so that he can rub her swollen clit, “I've got you, sweetheart. Cum. Cum for me.”
Y/N's eyes lock with his as her body trembles, her stomach pulsing with heat and pleasure as wave after wave of bliss overwhelm her. She sobs hoarsely, clenching around him again and again.
Roger buries his face in the crook of her neck as she tightens around him, letting her pull him over the edge with her. He whimpers into her neck, biting at it to muffle his moans as he spills inside her. Her legs wrap around his hips, heels pressing into his lower back as he relaxes against her, trembling. He kisses her long and hard, emotions pouring through the simple contact.
Y/N's leg go lax, releasing Roger from her grasp but as he tries to get out of bed, she latches onto his arm, forcing him to lay on his back so she can rest her head against his chest, legs tangling with his.
Roger smiles fondly down at her, an arm behind his head as the other wraps around her shoulders, pulling her as close as he possibly can. “I was going to grab a wash cloth to clean you up, but I think you may have other ideas.”
YN nods, placing a gently kiss over his heart. She turns her face upwards, eyes drinking him in. “I just got you, I don't want you going anywhere so soon. Sheets can be washed and we can shower later. I need this moment with you.”
Roger has never felt so happy or content his whole life. He places the hand under his head on her cheek, urging her to move her face closer to his. He closes his eyes as he gently places a kiss to her swollen lips, feeling completely at peace.
Roger never believed in fate or in soulmates. Not until he met Y/N. It had been Fate that had given him her number, it had been their destiny to meet and fall in love. She completes him, understands him and his crazy lifestyle like no one ever could. He wants this moment to last forever.
Roger wants to wake up everyday beside Y/N, kiss her whenever he wants. He wants to see her in the crowd of every single one of his shows. He wants to be the one she calls when she needs help moving around books or shelves in her store.
Roger wants a life with Y/N.
“Marry me.” He wants to spend the rest of his life getting to know every single facet of her body and soul.
“What?” her heart had just returned to normal and now it’s beating erratically again, eyes wide as saucers as she looks at his angelic face.
“Marry me.” There’s no doubt in his mind that this is what he needs to bet truly happy for the rest of his days. “It doesn't have to happen right away. You're it for me. There will never be anyone else. You're the love of my life, Y/N. I want to spend every waking and sleeping moment with you.”
Nothing about their relationship has been normal. Not the way they met or how they fell in love. She never wants to spend another moment away from him.
Distance really did make the heart grow fonder.
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borhapparker · 3 years ago
ben hardy and soulmate + teacher au?
let's do this!! im back baby!
request here! | (UPDATED) list of characters | masterlist (NEW)
fyi: some links wont work as i am actively working on reworking my blog so please bare with me as i remake everything and publish things repeatedly (:
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Soulmates were not for everyone, and some considered them to be folk tales. Not everyone had someone out there for them, and most would never meet them. Yet, there was something about knowing you were tethered to someone out there that made it all possible. Anything you ever dreamed of seemed real when the prospect of having another half to share it with was real.
Yet, life didn't stop when finally found the one. And it definitely didn't stop while you were actively looking for one either.
The coffee maker in the kitchen beeped, as you walked over, clad in socks to prepare your warm coffee, which you would end up drinking cold anyway. The teaching lesson you had prepared the night before was on the counter, ready to be taught to your class as you began to slip on your vans, a signature piece in all your teaching outfits. There was something about commandeering the classroom in vans that made you feel invincible, especially when you were teaching high school alone for the first time.
When the principal, your good friend Robbie Andrews approached you about being a solo teacher, after years of working with a partner, you took up the opportunity quickly. It had been something you dreamt about for a long time, and you were finally there.
But now the nerves were showing, your hands slightly shaking at the thought of having to reel in a bunch of 9th graders in the subject of English and Writing.
Your phone pinged from the living room, as you crossed the kitchen, disconnecting your phone from the charger attached to the wall. The screen was lit with a text from your best friend, the person who had been teaching Math for as long as you had.
'Ready as I'll ever be, I guess. What about you?'
'I'm already on campus, teacher meeting before class starts. Hurry up, teach!'
"Shit," you cursed out loud as you grabbed your bag, making sure everything was inside as you spilled your coffee on the floor. "Dammit!"
Placing a towel over it, you quickly cleaned it up before grabbing your keys and running out the door, going into your car, and driving as quickly and safely as you could to campus. Immediately parking, you ran across the lot to the auditorium where all the teachers were waiting, the meeting barely beginning. Skidding into a seat next to Ben, you glared at him.
"Seriously? You forgot to remind me?"
"Nah," he smirked, "I figured you wouldn't remember so I just wanted to surprise you."
The meeting went on as you took mental notes about protocols and welcomed the new staff for the year. As the meeting was about to conclude, the principal called everyone's attention to Ben and yourself, as he congratulated both of you on another year at the campus. Dismissing everyone, you and Ben walked to your respective classes, across the way from each other as you gave him a hug.
"You ready?" you asked him as he nodded and smiled.
"Hey, where's your coffee?" Ben asked as you frowned. "Dropped it again?"
Nodding, he sighed before smiling.
"I'll get you another, just text me your order."
"Thanks, Ben." you smiled before you both walked into your classrooms.
Sighing, you placed your items on the desk, and picked up the whiteboard marker, writing your name on the board for everyone to see. Remembering that you had made a schedule of the day, your hands pushed the pieces of paper on your desk as you gripped the schedule before beginning to write it out on the board.
That had been a suggestion you had received from a former student, and you took it to heart, knowing some students get anxious not knowing what was next on the agenda for the day.
The commotion was heard outside your classroom, as you connected your phone to the speakers, playing your favorite songs, and your laptop to the projector, as the presentation was projected for the first day.
"Let's do this."
The day had progressed rather quickly, as you got to know your new students in the first and second periods, having the third period to relax before getting your homeroom students, where you organized a game to play with everyone. Lunchtime couldn't come faster, as you and Ben headed over to the fast food place across the way, grabbing lunch and settling back into your classroom, making room on your now messy desk.
"So, how has it been?" he asked as you smiled.
"Good! Seems like I am connecting with them better than I was last year, that's for sure." he laughed as he remembered an incident with a student last year. "Please don't-"
"Remember when you got pied in the face that one time while you were giving the lecture on Charles Dickens?" Ben's laugh filled your classroom as you chucked a tiny container of salsa at him, as it missed and landed on the floor. "That was a classic."
"I couldn't get the whipped cream out of my cardigan after that! I think they dyed it because it only turned all my socks pink instead of cleaning it after I washed it."
"Well, at least you won't have that happening anymore." he sighed as he frowned. "Hey, have you heard anything from your soulmate recently?"
You shook your head as Ben mirrored your actions. "He's been quiet recently." sighing, you undid your ponytail and let your hair hang loose, "Maybe he stopped being such a daredevil and is being safe now, considering all the injuries I got while he was out doing some crazy stuff."
He nodded, a pondering look on his face, as he shrugged. "Mine has been quiet, she hasn't been doing much recently. But something happened today that was odd."
Tilting your head, you took a bite from your tacos as he continued.
"I could hear music in the distance and it sounded a lot like Metallica, which was odd considering the last thing I heard them play was Whitney Houston."
"Clearly, their music taste is amazing." you laughed as he nodded with a sad smile.
"I really want to see them already."
"Me too."
Your fourth period came around, as the students piled inside, everyone taking a seat wherever they wanted as you opened up the same presentation you did in your last classes.
"Good afternoon everyone!" they echoed your welcome as you smiled, "Alrighty, who's ready to play a game?"
They cheered as you opened up Kahoot, a classic classroom game that clearly hyped up their energy as the classroom erupted into louder cheers.
As everyone signed in, you began the game, everyone cheering and arguing when it came to certain rounds. Suddenly, your classroom door opened as you looked up, noticing a certain blonde in the doorway, holding two coffees directly from your favorite coffee shop.
"Lifesaver! Thank you!"
He smiled as you gave him a half-hug before he waved at the students and walked into his classroom.
"Miss Y/n?" a student raised their hand as you nodded, walking back to your desk and pausing the game. "Is Mr. Hardy your boyfriend?"
You chuckled and smiled, "No he isn't, we're just good friends. We've been teaching here together for a few years now."
A chorus of oohs was heard across the classroom as a blush enveloped your cheeks.
"Look! Miss Y/n is blushing!"
"Wait, guys! What about Mr. Hardy being her soulmate?" one student yelled out as everyone began agreeing, trying to connect the dots between your friendship as you watched in amusement, a blush coating your cheeks.
"Alright, alright! Let's get back to Kahoot! I have donuts for the winners!"
The chatter slowly died down, not going away completely as everyone's attention was turned back to the game, some still talking about the friendship between the two teachers.
Your mind began to wander, as the students kept playing, their words echoing in your mind. All those times you felt pain and anguish from your soulmate, Ben had mentioned getting hurt in small incidents at home, wether that be with his skateboard or practicing his drums in the music room. They seemed really distant in the moment, but looking back, you realized it was a possibility.
Having mentioned that he heard Metallica and Whitney Houston being played, you remember playing two distinct songs for your game in first period, realizing the connection was getting bigger the more you began digging into memories with Ben.
What if your best friend was your soulmate? There was only one way to find out.
They mentioned that soulmates have tattoos on their body that their other half mirror and both people share one image on their bodies. This made everyone unique from other partnerships, and you had never shown Ben yours.
Finishing the class, you dismissed everyone as the bell rang for the end of the day, everyone now piling out of classroom and into thier cars to begin the journey home, as you stayed behind, wanting to have everything organized for the next day.
"Y/n?" Ben called out as you smiled and let him come inside your class. "You ready to go?"
"Almost," you sighed as you finished placing the notebooks on the shelf you made for your students, each with their own name and class period so you can remember which one is which without needing to read chicken scratch on the front.
"Hey, Ben?" he tilted his head, "Do you still have your soulmate tattoo?"
He nodded, "Haven't seen it go anywhere just yet."
"Can I see it?"
Shocked, he gulped, before nodding. Grabbing the end of his flannel, the slipped it off his shoulders, exposing the black t-shirt adorning his torso. He sighed shakily, before pulling up the shirt, and turning around, as you let out an audible gasp.
There it was, the mirror to your own tattoo.
He turned his head and locked eye contact over his shoulder.
"It's me."
Your words did not register in his mind immediately, as his eyebrows furrowed in concentration before realization hit. Eyes widening, he let the shirt drop, as he placed his hands on your waist.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, as he smiled.
"We are soulmates?"
All you could do was nod, as he wrapped his arms around you, bringing you into a hug as you placed yours on his back, pulling him closer.
"God, I love you."
"I love you too."
Unbeknownst to you, your students had been standing outside the classroom, peering in through the window as they cheered silently, knowing their plan had worked.
Soulmates were hard to find, and some never end up finding their own pair, living in the world without another half.
Yet, yours was right next to you, for the last 8 years.
You couldn't ask for more.
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laminy · 1 year ago
I was tagged by @onehelluvamarine. I’ve done this before but I’m too lazy to go see what my answers were so if you’ve already read this before oh well lol.
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. I'm breathing in the chemicals (Teen Wolf)
2. and you know you don't have to go (Ted Lasso)
3. Fear and Self-Loathing in Beacon Hills (Teen Wolf)
4. you're the sunflower (Ted Lasso)
5. into the blue and sunny morn' (BoRhap Actor RPF)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
For sure! People took the time to comment and I really appreciate it so I always reply.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
None of my fics have angsty endings! I’ll do all the angst in the story itself, I’ll make them cry and be angry and break up and whatever but there’s gotta be a happy ending.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
When all the endings are happy, it’s kind of hard to compare, but probably a new life grows. It was the last part of ITBASM so its ending had to some up years of me writing and years of their fictional lives and put them all in a fantastic place.
Do you write crossovers?
I wrote a couple Midsomer Murders x 6 Underground fics.
Have you received hate on a fic?
I’ve gotten some rude anons. I didn’t realize until I was almost done posting ITBASM (the original story) that I didn’t have asks open on here. I imagine I would’ve gotten a lot of hate about one chapter if I had. Back when I was first posting fanfic (like, almost twenty years ago) I found out that people in some private group were making fun of a fic that I’d posted. that was great.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I certainly do. For the longest time, just m/m, and that’s all I’ve ever posted. But for my original novel I’m working on now, it’s my first m/f and it is an experience lol I find it more awkward to write at times but it’s fun too. I’ve had to get used to writing wet a lot. And clit. And cunt. A whole new world!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also not that I know of.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I find it hard to comprehend writing as a team event.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I genuinely don’t think I could ever pick. There are so many I’ve read over the years. Some I will never touch again, some I will probably still be reading on my death bed lol. Favourite ever??? No way.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I wrote a 6 Underground fic with Four and Seven that had a couple parts. I intended it to have another, but I don’t think that’s going to happen.
Same with the Midsomer Murders x 6 Underground fic (I guess I gave up on Four lol), I still have the exact scene that I want to write in my mind, I picture it, but I doubt it will ever go anywhere. Unless I just write that one scene.
What are your writing strengths?
I love writing dialogue so I hope it’s a strength. Also, way too much research and detail and background stuff that will never make it onto the page, it’s just for me.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Overwriting, and flat description, A couple years ago I took a writing course and I submitted the first chapter of a fic I had written (one name changed lol), and they really hated it and it was really demoralizing. They said it read more like a screenplay instead of a book because there was no emotion, no thought, it was just “he did this and this and this.” I’ve tried improving since then, I hope I have.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I have done it! to varying levels of success. I wish I knew Egyptian Arabic so I could have included it more in ITBASM. I only ever include small bits in other languages, and I don’t bother to translate. I assume based on context people can figure it out or check for themselves.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Friends, in the fifth grade. it was handwritten in a notebook, which is possibly still somewhere in my parents’ house, but not with me.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I would still like to finish one of my Gran Turismo fics but I don’t know if that will happen.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
ITBASM as a whole. I know that by the end I was pretty much doing it for me and a handful of other people and I don’t know if it’s as good as it could’ve been but I felt really proud of it and what I did manage to accomplish. It felt more mine than other fics I’ve written.
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blueeyedheizer · 4 years ago
hotel room - four/billy (smut)
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REQUEST: Billy or frank fake dating?? Maybe fluffy and a bit smutty?? Haha love your stuff💙
A/N: there isn't much fake dating but I tried to keep it fluffy and smutty. Thank you for requesting !
"One room please." you smiled at the receptionist, feeling Four's hand on your waist pulling you closer. Taken aback by the sudden gesture, you had to fight the startled look on your face as you were forced to make eye contact with the woman in front of you.
"Would you like a single or a double room?"
Your eyes widened and you gave a discreet yet harsh kick to Four's foot, side-eyeing him with a cold glare.
"We'll take a single room. Thank you." Fortunately, the receptionist only chuckled as she typed on the computer, seemingly not finding your disagreement suspicious.
"Under what name?"
"Jones." you blurted out randomly. The receptionist then reached behind and grabbed a key off the wooden shelf before handing it over to you.
"Here's your key; room 305, second floor. Enjoy your stay!" you both thanked her and made your way to the stairs, Four's hand leaving your waist as soon as you were out of sight.
"Two rooms, are you serious?" you whisper-yelled.
"Hey, we never discussed that!"
"We're supposed to be a married couple, of course we're taking a single room!" you exclaimed, rolling your eyes as you reached your room. Four opened it and cautiously looked around to make sure no one was around before locking the door behind you.
You tossed your bag on the bed and rubbed the heel of your hand against your forehead in frustration. Four watched your reaction and let out an amused scoff.
"She's just the receptionist, Eight, it's not that big of a deal."
With one last glance his way and a tut you fell on the bed, sighing loudly. You were glad it had a decent amount of room for you both.
"We're inside. Room 305" Four spoke through his mic.
"Alright. Two and Three are room 280. I'm going in with Five." One's voice answered on the other side. There was a pause. "Hey, Four?"
"Don't have too much fun."
"Oh, fuck off." he mumbled, rolling his eyes before turning the mic off and tossing it on the bedside table. A slight tint of pink began to color his cheeks and he cleared his throat, trying to brush the thoughts that accompanied One's words from his mind.
"This has to be the worst idea One has come up with so far. Who the hell decides to spend a night in a hotel where some crazy psychopath is planning his next attack?!" you complained, rubbing your hand over your face and sighing loudly.
"Are you afraid?" Four asked and you stayed silent for a moment, sighing softly as you turned so that your back was facing him.
"Of course i'm afraid." you admitted. There was no point in denying it. "Who knows what he might do while everyone's asleep?" You felt Four sit on the bed and closed your eyes, dreading the conversation awaiting you. You hated showing your vulnerable side, especially now that you had joined the Underground; there was no room for weakness. But after all you were still human and very much alive, avoiding your fear wasn't the easiest part of the job.
"He's not going to do anything. We're tracking him, we know his every move. One gets an alert every time he leaves his room."
You shrugged in response, pouting as your hands hands slipped under your head on the pillow. You inhaled then exhaled deeply, trying to calm your nerves as you still weren't fully convinced.
"Hey, you're safe here. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." you turned to lay on your back again and gave him a small smile, mentally apologizing for snapping at him.
"Promise you won't help him murder us in our sleep?" you joked and he let out a laugh, moving to lay down next to you.
"I'll spare your life, promise." he teased. You scrunched your nose at him, feigning a mocking expression before raising your eyes back to the ceiling, smiling. A couple of seconds went by and you felt him tentatively poke a finger into your side, causing you to jump.
"Don't even think about it, Four."
"What? You're ticklish?" he tried again and you slapped his hand away, biting down on your lips to try not to let any giggle out of your mouth.
"Fuck off!"
"You're ticklish."
Without warning he climbed over you, his legs on either side of you and pinning you to the bed as his fingers dug into your sides. You squealed and immediately burst out laughing, tears quickly forming in your eyes as you tried to push his hands away, squirming underneath him.
"Stop!" you shout between laughs as you tried to push him off, punching his chest with both hands. "I can't— breathe!"
"What? Isn't that what happy married couples do?"
"Fuck off! Stop, please!" He laughed at you and his hands eventually stilled, allowing you to catch your breath. But he didn’t move from his position, body hovering yours as he looked down at you with a grin. Your laughter gradually died down, both your smiles fading and cheeks heating up quickly as you suddenly became very aware of the proximity.
Four's eyes searched yours for a moment, looking for a sign that you and him both wanted the same thing. Your gaze darted back and forth between his eyes and his lips and you answered his unspoken question with a gentle nod, giving him your consent. Within the next seconds he leaned forward and pressed your lips together in a soft kiss, letting out a sigh of relief when you lips touched. You leaned up into the kiss, enjoying the feel of your lips moving in sync against each other, your breathing coming out slowly through your nose as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
By the time you parted from the kiss you were both panting, foreheads still pressed against one another as you smiled sweetly, a slight blush tinting your cheeks. Then Four leaned down again, kissing you once more before letting his lips move down to your jawline and neck.
You tilted your head back, capturing your bottom lip between your teeth when he nibbled on a particular spot, a soft moan leaving your mouth as your hands tangled in his hair.
"Can I touch you?" Four asked almost shyly, pulling back enough to look into your eyes. Your lips tilted up into a smile and you nodded your head, whispering the word "yes". Then you leaned your head up to close the gap between you again, your hands soon leaving his neck to unbutton and unzip your jeans just enough for him to slide his hand down into them.
"Shit..." you moaned out in a whisper, closing your eyes as his hand came in contact with your center, his fingers beginning to rub circles over your clit. Your hands moved behind his neck in response and your hips started to move, seeking more friction as you panted softly against his lips. Four tilted his head down to nip at your ear as he slipped his hand past your underwear and glided two fingers into you, effortlessly angling them just right and pumping them at the perfect pace, drawing a soft gasp out of you. You managed to tug your pants and underwear lower to give him easier access to your body, moaning as he pushed his fingers deeper in response.
It felt euphoric, the pleasure rapidly spreading to every nerve of your body. The coil in your stomach tightened embarrassingly fast, but you couldn’t care less at this point.
"Four, I— fuck." you tried to speak but all you could manage were whimpers and moans as your mind blurred with pleasure, your body tensing up as your right hand came to grip his hair while the other fisted onto the sheets. It didn't take long for you to continuously gasp and moan in the rhythm of his movements, and with a couple more thrust of his fingers you came with a drawn out cry, mouth falling open and head thrown back against the pillow, back arching while your fingers gripped the sheets. Four guided you through it all, whispering words of praise in your ear, kissing down your neck and only removing his fingers once you were completely finished.
You smiled as you calmed down from your high, your hands coming up to rest on his cheeks. Then you pulled him closer to you and reconnected your lips with his for a passionate kiss. His hand that wasn't holding him up above you went down to his belt, undoing it before pulling it off all while never breaking the kiss.
But before this could go any further, you were interrupted by three knocks on the door. You cursed under your breath, eyes growing wide in panic as you quickly pushed him off your body to get dressed. Four's expression mirrored your panicked one as he pulled his pants up and fixed his hair, trying his best not to look suspicious in case someone from the team was behind the door.
Then you ran to the bathroom and locked yourself there, running the shower water while Four answered the door.
About a minute later your heard the door close and cracked the bathroom door open, carefully peeping through the small gap before walking out.
"What was it?" you frowned, noticing the blush that was forming on Four's cheeks.
"Someone complained about the noise."
you froze, jaw dropping and gaping at him with wide eyes.
"But I— I..." you paused, unable to find a good combination of words. Then you let out a breath you were holding before speaking again. "...please tell me you're joking."
Four gave you a half amused, half apologetic smile as he shook his head which caused you to curse and hide your face in embarrassment. With a smile, he walked up to you and removed your hands from your face, chuckling before placing a soft kiss to your forehead.
"Do you think they believe in the married couple thing now?"
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mercurymilkshakes · 4 years ago
Enchanted | Joe Mazzello
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: joe mazzello x gn! reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): idk how award shows work lmao is that warning worthy?
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: joe never had trouble feigning polite smiles while at events like these. It is a welcome relief, though, when he meets you- and doesn’t have to fake those smiles.
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓(𝐒): enchanted by taylor swift
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Award shows were fun for the most part. They were chances to make major connections and meet big names in whatever industry the awards were for; which, in this very particular case, was film.
Joe didn’t necessarily hate these events- more so mildly disliked them. He was an extrovert, of course, and was kind and genuine with every new person that greeted him and shook his hand- but tonight seemed particularly lonely and insincere, for no other reason than he felt as if every smile sent his way was fake and plastered on as a way to pass as polite.
That’s how people were at events such as these, and having gone to the show alone, Joe hadn’t seen a single person that he could have a genuine conversation with.
As Joe forced a laugh at another lame joke from the actor who’d attempted to strike up a chat with him, his eyes wandered among the crowd, searching for a familiar face that could be his saviour.
Then, just as he was about to give up hope on the task altogether, his eyes met yours from across the room.
He’s never met you before, he was sure he’d remember standing across from eyes like yours, but he did happen to recognize you.
You smile at him, dazzling, kind, and real.
He’s enchanted. Seeing you on the big screen could never do justice to seeing you in person, even when you were standing near the other side of the room.
You begin walking towards him, offering gentle nods and pats of the arms when you crossed paths with a friendly face.
Joe’s hands begin to shake, so he plays with the corner of the tablecloth in front of him, only mildly paying attention to the actor at his side as he stares at his plate.
He hears your voice before he meets your eyes, your tone playful and warm.
“Weren’t you that kid from Jurassic Park?” You ask, a teasing smile pulling at your lips as Joe stands to meet you.
He returned the look of mirth as he squinted and tilted his head, “Weren’t you that adult in Jurassic World?”
Joe reaches out to pull out a chair for you, thanking whatever gods he could think of that his hands had calmed their nervous trembling.
He offered the seat to you, which you graciously took as Joe sat back in his own- not even bothered when he noticed the man who’d been talking at him for the past seventeen minutes had finally moved on to someone else.
You and he spoke softly, Joe chuckled at every joke and watched the way your eyes captured the reflection of the lights all around. He was enchanted by your voice, by your words- every breath you took was another wave of awe flooding his mind.
Even as the show properly started, you continued to whisper amongst yourselves- like children at the back of a classroom.
You shared stories, talked about your most recent projects, you teased and joked about dinosaurs.
Joe couldn’t remember a time he’d had so much fun at an event like this. It was relieving, like a breath of fresh air after years of being locked away. You brought out a side of him he loved, a side he couldn’t get enough of.
He was captivated.
Joe hadn’t had a single sip of the champagne they offered that night, but he felt like your presence was a better intoxicator anyway.
The night continued, the lights sparkled, the cheers were loud and electric. It was the same as any award show, but somehow the atmosphere was different. It was you, Joe knew, that was making him see it this way. It was magic.
He had been enchanted by you, and he kicked himself all the way to his car thinking about how he didn’t take the opportunity to ask you out.
Joe drove home, alone, mulling over and recalling the conversations you’d had, and the quip’s you shared.
He was still a bit red faced, he noticed, as he thought of you, and he knew your smile wouldn’t soon leave his mind.
Oh god, why hadn’t he asked for your number?
This thought didn’t leave his head. How could it? No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop thinking about you.
Joe wondered what your favourite colour was, and your favourite warm beverage. He wondered if you preferred chocolate or vanilla, cats or dogs, fries or salad.
He wondered if you loved someone. He wondered if he even had a chance with someone like you.
That night he got home and his mind was reeling at the thought of you- so much so that he didn’t even change out of his suit before laying atop his bed sheets.
Staring at the ceiling, he cursed himself yet again for not saying more, for not asking you more questions when he had the chance.
As these thoughts permeated his mind, he loosened his tie and glanced at his phone as it lit up on the mattress next to him.
Joe brought the phone to his face, ready for another scam notification from his emails or announcement that someone he followed on Instagram had posted.
Instead, his heart stopped when he read the name that had been running through his head since he left the venue earlier that night.
It was a WhatsApp message from a friend of his who was also in the business of acting- and who, as Joe could recall, had worked with you before.
‘Y/N L/N is asking me for your contact, would you mind if I sent it?’
Despite being the picture of poetic discussion in person, Rami always had been very ‘to the point’ over text.
Joe tried not to seem eager in his response of ‘Yeah, sounds good!’
For the second time that night, his hands shook as he waited- for what, he wasn’t completely sure.
Then it happened.
An unknown number appearing in his messages, a giddy greeting, another corny dinosaur joke.
Joe laughed at that, adding your name to his contacts, returning the playful banter, and thanking his lucky stars that you seemed just as enchanted by him as he had been by you.
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The way I did not re read this, oop. Anyway, joe could run me over and I wouldn’t even be mad. and for that matter so could taylor swift, enchanted is such a vibe -♠️
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yournotsolocalcryptid · 4 years ago
Just Someone You Used to Know
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part 1/? | from this ask
NEXT (Lost In Thought and Lost In Time)
Summary: Your childhood friend Billy (whom you thought was dead) turns up at a hospital and you get a call about it.
pairing(s): Billy/Four x Gender Neutral!Reader
Warnings/authors notes: the request was for Hurt/comfort and while there's not a ton of that in this chapter there will be elements of it and also a lot of other things. angst, fluff, a lot of emotions going on here. swearing. poor writing skills, barely proofread/edited. this will be a multi-part fic, tho I don't know how many yet.
word count: 2.3k
Your phone lit up with a call from an unknown number which you promptly ignored and continued with your day as you figured If it was important they’d leave a message, which they did. When you had a free moment you grabbed your phone clicked on the message.
“Hello, is this Y/N?” said a voice you didn't recognize “I’m a nurse and a man was just brought in having sustained some injuries. when we asked him if there was anyone we could call to be with him he said your first name and listed this number. He had no forms of identification but he said his name was Billy.”
This made you stop cold. The nurse continued but you weren’t quite hearing what she said. Your mind was reeling. Billy? Your Billy? Surely not, you must’ve misheard or maybe the nurse did, or maybe the nurse misspoke and had really said “willy” or the man just spouted random numbers in a delirium caused by his injuries that happened to make up your number. That must be it because Billy is dead. Your Billy died several years ago. You attended his funeral and had mourned him with your whole being every day since.
You relistened to the voicemail to clarify you hadn’t misunderstood and there it was clear as day Billy. You ran a hand over your face and tried to focus as the voice continued, stating the name and address of there they were as well as what floor and wing of the hospital which you wrote down. You stared at the address. The rational part of you said not to go. Not to get your hopes up because Billy will not be there. Billy is in the cemetery a few miles from where you were and yet... and yet everything else in you was screaming at you to go. You knew he wouldn’t be there and you’d be heartbroken all over again but there was a man, an injured man who may not be your Billy but who needed someone nonetheless. After staring at the address for what felt like an eternity you stood abruptly, put your shoes on, grabbed your things and swept out the door.
When you arrived at the hospital you went to the desk in the correct wing and on the correct floor (you triple-checked) you stated your name and explained how you got a call about a man named Billy. The woman at the desk checked a few things and clarified your name before directing you to the waiting room. You made your way to a chair and sat on the edge of it bouncing your leg and fiddling with your fingers. You were anxious, very anxious, and your mind was racing. After a few minutes, a nurse walked in and called your name, you stood and went to her. She leads you down a hallway and stopped outside a room.
She turned to you and said, “He has a fractured wrist, face lacerations, lots of bruising, and we had to take him to surgery to stop some internal bleeding. He’s probably still asleep from the procedure but he should be all right and should no complications arise he should be about to go home within the next few days” you nodded, your eyebrows knitted together “would you like me to come in with you?” she asked and you shook your head, no. she nodded briefly and said, “I’ll be at the nurse’s station we just passed should you need anything and please press the ‘call nurse’ button when he wakes up” then she smiled warmly and went on her way.
You turned to face the door and placed a shaking hand on the handle. You took a deep breath and opened the door.
The first thing you saw when you opened the door was the beautiful blond man you’d once known lying in the hospital bed, covered in cuts and bruises and unconscious. You went to his bedside unsure of what to feel. Your heart swelled a little when you saw him, but you were also scared and hurt and confused and angry. You reached out a hand and brushed some hair out of his face, almost as a way to confirm his existence, to confirm he was actually there and you hadn't lost your mind.
As your fingertips made contact, your eyes dropped shut and your lip quivered. You retracted your hand and collapsed onto the floor as sobs tore through your body, your mind swirling with questions. How was he alive? Why did he tell them to call you of all people? Where has he been this whole time? How could he have faked his death? How could he have put you through that? How was he back?
After a while, the sobbing and tears subsided and a certain numbness took over you as the questions faded to be replaced with memories. Memories of Billy danced through your mind as you sat on the floor, cheeks streaked with the tears you hadn’t bothered to wipe away. Billy was your best friend and your first… everything really. First kiss, first love, first sexual partner, first heartbreak, first death of a loved one- or so you’d thought anyway, the first person you’d ever mourned and now, the first person you’d ever known to somehow return from the dead. Billy and you had what seemed like a complicated history, friends to lovers back to friends but he had been your person in every way. He was the one you went to about everything and you were his. His “death” had crushed you. But now, he was just someone you used to know.
You were brought back to reality by shifting in the bed before you and the sound of a sharp intake of breath. You glanced up and saw Billy looking at you, his face twisted in pain and his casted hand holding his ribs. He had clearly tried to sit up on his own. You stood and pushed him back down. With one hand still on his chest, you reached for the button to call the nurse. As you did you felt his unharmed hand cover yours and you froze. You could feel him looking at you but you couldn't get yourself to look back. You heard the doorknob rattle and you pulled away from him, wiping your face on your sleeve and turned to see the same nurse as before entering the room. You gave her a quick, tight smile and sat in one of the chairs near the bed. Over the next several minutes as the nurse checked in with Billy you sat numbly. You saw Billy glance your way once or twice but you paid no attention. You just zoned out. When the nurse turned to leave you shot her another quick smile.
Once the door closed behind her, you saw Billy open his mouth to speak up you held up a hand to stop him. The two of you sat in silence for a long while as you wrestled with your emotions. Your heart telling you to go to him, be happy he’s back and love him, your mind telling you to scream, yell, chew him out because how very dare he hurt you like that? and your body was telling you to just break down again.
After a long while, choosing your words very carefully, you said, “did you have a good reason?”
Billy gulped, knowing exactly what you were referring to “yeah, love. but I-” you held up a hand again and he stopped again instantly
“I am so pissed at you right now. I can’t-” you took a deep breath “I accept that you had a reason but I lost my best friend, my-” you paused “I lost everything when I lost you and now you’re here. And I’m so fucking angry but also… you’re here. You’re actually fucking here and shit… I’m so mad at you. How fucking dare you”
Billy was silent, staring at his lap
You sat in silence again. Both unsure of what to say or do or feel. Both aching for each other, having missed the other dearly. As upset as you were, Billy was actually here. He was right there, just a few steps away and you just couldn’t help yourself. You stood and his head whipped toward you. You went to his bedside and gestured for him to scooch over, which he did with a puzzled look on his face, and you lay on your side next to him, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I missed you” you whispered as you gently played with his fingers on his non-injured hand.
Billy leaned over, placed a kiss on your forehead, and said “I missed you too, love”
Before long you had both dozed off and you slept more peacefully than you had in a long while. Since Billy’s death actually, but you couldn't bring yourself to remember that just yet.
After a while, you weren’t sure exactly how long, you were woken up by Billy poking at your forehead and whispering your name. You batted his hand away and glared at him
“I need to wee and you’re on me”
You sighed, swung your legs over the side of the small bed and sat up. You stretched and stood. Ben groaned behind you and you turned to find him struggling to sit up as he had before and once again you went to him but this time you helped him up. As he went about his business you decided to head to the nurses station for a stretch and to see if the nurse you’d spoken to before was still here. She was and for that, you were grateful as you had some questions.
You spoke to her about Billy and his injuries and care. She said he seemed to be doing well when she saw him earlier, that his injuries were not too extensive and the surgery for the internal bleeding was as minimally invasive as was possible and that while he would be good to leave the hospital very soon (tomorrow or the day after depending on her next check-in with him) he would need to be released into someone else’s care to keep an eye on his recovery and so on. Then she said,
“I assume that would be you”
You gulped and took a form she was holding out to you. Taking care of Billy... Living with Billy through his healing process… as much as you’d missed him and as much as your heart ached for him you were so afraid he’d leave again. What if he used your help then bailed? No, not Billy. You told yourself. Yes he left before but he’s not a user and he said he had a good reason for what he did, and because it was Billy, you believed him.
“You’ll both need to sign it agreeing that he is in your care for the hospital to feel good about letting him leave this early but of course we can’t make you guys sign it or technically make him stay”
You nodded “I’ll talk to him” and you started to drift off to his room still staring at the form
“I’ll be in shortly before the end of my shift and again tomorrow morning”
You nodded again even though you were nearly at his door already and it was unlikely she could see such a subtle movement of your head from there.
You stepped back into his room and found him back in bed.
“What’s that?” he asked pointing at the paper in your hand
“A form” you said still lost in thought and drifting toward his bed. When you got close enough he reached out and snatched it from your hands.
“Release form?” He questioned his eyebrows scrunching together “I, the undersigned, agree to be released into the care of..” he stopped reading and looked at you “what is this?”
“They think you’ll be all ready to leave the hospital possibly as soon as tomorrow providing you have someone to keep track of you, which they assume will be me”
“Well, yeah. why wouldn’t it be you?”
You opened your mouth to speak but couldn’t find the words to express everything going on in your head.
Billy set the form down and reach out to you with both hands. You took his hands in yours and he pulled a bit so you tipped onto the bed and he pulled you into a tight hug. “I’ll explain everything, where I was, what happened to me, why I-" he paused "everything. I promise. But not here, not now. I fucked up by not telling you about all this as it happened and I’ve regretted it every day since”
You pulled away from him and grabbed the - now slightly crumpled- form from where he’d placed it on his lap and left the room. Billy watched as you left, confused and scared but then you swept back into the room, with a pen in hand and you signed the form. You handed Billy the form and the pen and said, “I’ve gotta go home, see you tomorrow” and you left again leaving Billy in a bit of a daze.
When you got back to the small place you called home, you got nervous. Billy had been your best, well… everything for so many years, he’d seen you at your worst and your best and he’d seen your home in greater disarray than it was now and yet you were nervous about him seeing your life like this. So you cleaned and tidied until you couldn’t think of anything else to dust or move and when you finally went to bed that night you dreamt of Billy. A mix of fact and fiction intertwined in your brain as you slept fitfully. Happy turned to sad, sad turned to confusing and confusing turned to scary until you awoke with a jolt.
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