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a-dauntless-daffodil · 10 months ago
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XD @borderlinesyberian u are so right
please picture hell princess Charlie Morningstar, bending almost double so she can (very inconspicuously) (extremely casually) nudge her tiny af girlfriend between the shoulders and gently remind Vaggie that a certain tall demon lady exists, is nearby, and wouldn't say no to a cuddle or two
bonus points if we imagine Vaggie (was counting down to the headbutt under her breath without look up from what she was doing) smiling and reaching back just as casually to tickle Charlie's cheek in closer, then spends the next 5 to 10 minutes being softly but steadily knocked in the side of the head by Charlie until she gives up, laughs, and finally turns to pay her girlfriend 100% of her attention
and it's sweet and fun, but for a long while it was also the ONLY way Charlie would try getting her attention. which Vaggie worried about
early days with Vaggie reminding her that "Charlie- you can just say something, sweetie. Say my name or just start talking, you don't have to be all shy about it." - "I don't wanna interrupt!" - "But you can and you should. You know I like getting interrupted by you." - "Hmmm."
Charlie, humming uncertainly and snuggling in closer, still several months away from feeling sure Vaggie won't leave, still a while out from shouting for her and waving excitedly whenever she wants Vaggie's attention
still doing the headbutt thing anyway, later
because it's fun and funny and she's finally noticed the way Vaggie is always braced for it, always ready to push back a little in turn- like she never loses track of Charlie, like she's always thinking of her
i ALSO think charlie should affectionately headbutt her smol gf with her horns- specifically when she gets excited about something- 100% forgetting that vaggie is in fact smol WILL get yeeted fully across the room by this
(not that she minds) (vaggie on the floor giving a thumbs up and adoring look at her demon gf as charlie rushes over to frantically administer first aid smooches of apology)
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takashi0 · 4 years ago
Hi. Long time lurker, first time asker. The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope is far from being a game about "Oh, but it was all just a dream!" It's a game about a man not being able to reconcile the loss of his family over three decades before in a house fire in the town of Little Hope. HIs guilt stems from not being able to do enough to save his entire family during that night, and he has carried that with him ever since. (1/?)
The setting is set in the town of Little Hope, which takes inspiration from the towns of Andover and Salem, of which the 1692 and '93 Witch Trials held most prominence in. In no way does the game ever disrespect the tragedy of these events, but it does use it as inspiration for the creature and atmosphere design. When compared to the previous installment in the Anthology, Little Hope is leagues above Man of Medan in many ways.
Not only is the story more interesting and compelling (Reincarnation? Stuck in Purgatory?), but the accessibility and controls of the game are a stark contrast to what was introduced in Man of Medan. If anything, I consider Little Hope it be a better game than its predecessor in every sense of the word. Instead of relying on others to explain the "faults" they saw in the game to you, play and judge it yourself.
Sorry for the long rant, but it bothers me when people boil Little Hope down to "Oh, it's just some guy and memories!" because it is so much more than that. It's about grief and loss and never, ever being able to rid yourself of those demons. The story isn't some surface-level horror game. It goes so much deeper than that, and I feel people don't bother to look at it close enough to see it that way. Anyway, have a good day and stay healthy.
Understandable have a good day. And thanks for the asks. 
Maybe lit was misinformed?
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vaulthunter426 · 6 years ago
Do you think the robotic attachments we see on FL4K's pets (particularly their Skag) allow them to see from the creature's perspective? Similar to a camera, while also providing the creature a higher sense of perception and clearer vision?
I’ve wondered about this! I’m hoping we will get some kind of confirmation as to what the purpose is when we see FL4K gameplay.
I’ve wondered if it’s some kind of function for FL4K to be able to see from their point of view, or if it’s tied to some other ability like buffing the strength or support capabilities of the pets.
We have seen some customization options for the pets, like the pack on the skag and the hat on the Jabber, so I’ve wondered if not only will we get customization but also the ability to add robotic enhancements to the pets if we spec down a certain tree, similar to Wilhelm in TPS.
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mmthemayoarts · 6 years ago
I have a very serious question. . . . How did you know the Calypso Twins were going to be HUGE Meme Lords™ before the Demo? What sources do you have on the inside?!
I already had some Gearbox mutuals on twitter.......................  but they did not tell me shit. It was all intuition and wishing for the meme lords to be canon very hard.
Or..... maybe I do work for GBX and my job is to drop hints where people don’t expect it? hmmmmm?
JK, it’s def not that. Shit, I wish xD
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im-the-king-of-the-ocean · 6 years ago
Did you notice Aja and Krel changing from blue to gold mirrors Gunmar changing colors from blue to gold in Trollhunters when he absorbs the Hearthstone in Trollmarket?! Maybe this is a sign whatever Aja and Krel are witnessing is something bad or will lead to bad consequences!
Ooooh I hadn’t considered that, but I like that connection.  Like an upgrade that has super cool powers, but at a cost to them.
In another post, I’ve also seen it considered that they’re golden like that because they’re traveling into their parents’ minds/memories while the parents are still in the heal pod thingys.  So, it could be that whatever they learn from those memories is massive (and potentially bad).
Gold as a color signifying something bad (Gunmar, Morgana, the sun if we’re going from the perspective of the trolls) really intrigues me since usually it’s a color used for the good side.  I like that in ToA, that’s different.
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cole-saberhagen · 6 years ago
@borderlinesyberian replied to your post “Some streamer leaked a Borderlands 3 demo The Maliwan chests look nice...”
My guess is "Handling" means how much recoil will this gun have upon firing.
Recoil would be my guess as well, but other people are speculating that’s covered in the Accuracy attribute and that Handling is more to do with swap speed and mobility. 
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archaeopter-ace · 6 years ago
replied to your
It makes sense that Akiridions would say “life...
Maybe “life beings” also implies to other interplanetary life forms not from Akiridion-5, like Foo-Foo the Destroyer, the transit operator killed by the Zeron Brotherhood, and more?
yeah, I figure 'life beings' an inclusive term, like how the Star Wars universe uses 'sentients,' which allows them to differentiate between self-aware, language-using aliens and alien lifestock/animate plants/vermin/pets/etc. (which is actually an incorrect use of the word 'sentient,' they're confusing it with 'sapient,' but whatever). If you've got interplanetary travel, it's almost a necessity that you have some way to group people together
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miyku · 6 years ago
Horizon: Zero Dawn or God of War?
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punkasshunter · 8 years ago
borderlinesyberian replied to your post “Video game things I’m good at: Knowing every obscure scrap of lore...”
It's not that difficult at being bad in Left 4 Dead...
I’ve been bad at Left 4 Dead for 7 years thank u very much
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xdtathens · 8 years ago
A little thank you
Hey y'all.
So it’s been about three and a half years since I started this blog, and that’s crazy to think about. I joined in like August 2013 and I hardly ever used tumblr. It was just some funny website I went to every once in a while. Then, I dunno, I got some followers and after getting into The Walking Dead Game I fixed up my blog a bit and searched through some tags about The Walking Dead. I got real into it and met some nice folks, and in late 2014 I ended up getting Borderlands 2. It was a super fun experience and I fell in love with Krieg as a character, and the Borderlands 2 community as a whole. Then, in late 2015, I was invited to join an awesome blog dedicated to my favorite YouTuber, Northernlion! I had been watching NL since 2013, where I would come home from school, heat up some chicken in the microwave, and sit down to watch his newest Wrath of The Lamb video.
So what’s this have to do with anything? All these experiences with these different fandoms has helped me come out of my shell a bit, so I just wanted to reflect and say thank you. My Krieg RP blog is nearing it’s 1 year anniversary and that’s crazy to think about. I want to give huge shoutouts to @badgershite, the best Telltale blog I know. Seriously, go check them out! Then I want to thank @borderlinesyberian for always being an amazing blog and half the reason I got into Borderlands in the first place. Discussing headcanons with them has been so much fun, and they helped me out so so much in early 2016 when I was going through major depression issues. Such a wonderful person! I’d also like to thank @sm980 for inviting me to join the shitnorthernlionsays blog and for being a genuinely funny and laid back dude. His blog is a haven of shibes and shitposts and it’s wonderful. And to Jesse, for being my friend for nearly four years! To @xburntchildx and @white-bird-ripped-wings and @hyperions-angel and @cakeengland and @karalorade and absolutely anyone who has ever interacted with me on any of my RP blogs! I am honestly so lucky to have met all of you, and I’m so sorry that I don’t always talk to all of you as much as I would like to. All of you are wonderful! Thank you all so much for being in my life.
Thank you to every single one of my followers too, even if we aren’t mutuals! I’m so happy to know all of y'all and honestly so honored you followed this little blog! And now I’d like to say thank you to my wonderful, amazing s/o Reece. I am so, so happy I met you. You make me smile every single day and every time I read your messages my heart flutters and I feel so incredibly happy. I love you, so so much.
I guess just reflecting on everything, I realize how lucky and thankful I am to have such great friends. I hope everyone who reads this has an amazing day. Thank you so much!
Much love, Jakob
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borderlore · 4 years ago
Random Fact
Jeffrey Damien Blake is currently the President of Mercenary Relations and Tourism in Hyperion.
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EDIT (1/10/21): Previously, the name listed was “James Blake” instead of “Jeffrey Damien Blake”. However, with the help of @boomingsmile​, this was rectified. Apologies for the confusion, and please thank them for helping fact-check this Random Fact.
- @borderlinesyberian​
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mollymerula · 6 years ago
borderlinesyberian replied to your photoset: I WAS PLAYING THE TORGUE DLC LAST NIGHT AND FOUND...
How and where?!
It’s perched on a pharmacy sign in the Beatdown!
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vaulthunter426 · 5 years ago
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VaultHunter426 | Borderlands 3 Discord!
If you want an invite to join a discord for Borderlands discussion reply to this post, or send a message to me, @brdrlnds , or @borderlinesyberian !
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vaxieon · 6 years ago
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Because of this comment on my last enemy swap post @borderlinesyberian. All loaders in the Badlands changed to Saturn
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parsoleathi · 5 years ago
@borderlinesyberian: Exactly, thank you!
Jack was a grown up man. Of course this doesn't make you immune to traumas but it puts you into the position and responsibility to seek help, make a therapy (yes, it exists in BL) and overcome it. It always seemed like he blamed Angel for his wife's death and to him it justified what he did to Angel.
I'm frankly sick of people downplaying or trivializing Jack's role in Angel's suicide. He kept her locked up, abused her powers, hurt her physically and mentally, blamed her for her mothers death, wasn't there for her as a father, never helped her overcome the loss which must've been horrible for Angel too and ultimately drove her to suicide. Her last words were full of hate for her "father".
Long story short: Jack was an adult, Angel was a child. It was his responsibility to seek help for himself and his child + caring for her the way a doting father would instead of caging and abusing her for years...
Angel in Borderlands 3
So I was playing the Mission Childhoods End and after all I can still say that I love Jack with all my heart. I know that what he did to Angel is definitely wrong but neither him or Angel got help after the traumatic accident with her mother/his wife. It happened in seconds and there was nothing he could do about it or change it. Angel was way to young to understand what happened and has to life with the fact that she killed her own mother. Jack couldn’t help himself and didn’t has the time to do so. Hyperion wasn’t as big as later and his programming job was what he spends most the time with. Guess Angels mum cares for her most of the time so he had to care for her now. For him it was just to overwhelming getting his job done, taking care of Angel and try to live with the fact that his wife died and he couldn’t save her. But in the end he doesn’t gave Angel the fault for the death of his wife. In the end it was the bandits fault and that’s the reason why he is killing all the bandits.. I‘m so sorry, that I couldn‘t save you. Neither you or Jack and that I couldn’t change what happened. I love you.
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thestonedpope · 8 years ago
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@ncrbitch RACHEL LISTEN HUN. I found a mod...makes it so you dont have to give a fuck about shaun it gives you a different path on how to beat the gAME. trust me AND THERES ALSO. a mod that turns everything dusty and sandy and rocky like the mojave it gives it that exact feel of the firdt time i fallen in love. trust me. @borderlinesyberian that is true although ive yet to play it so i have no opinion on it just yet but itnlooks cool and ive never heard any complaints abiutnit aside frok pc players. im very much lookin forward to play it one day but i have to say fallout 4 is the best game on the market from 2016
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