#borderlands Kreig
gh0ulsh4rk · 7 months
I just watched the Borderlands movie trailer... wow.
I have a lot to say,
(TLDR: it's bad. I'm not excited. costumes = bad. writing = questionable. plot = stupid. casting = horrific)
let's start with casting and costume design. Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis isn't horrible IMO, but only if it was their last resort... and I have a feeling it wasn't. Costume wise? I'm a little confused as Tannis pretty much has the same aesthetic through the games, and yet they missed the mark pretty bad. Let's take her outfit from the 3rd game, since it's most recent. She's got this tan button up, long redish coat, jeans, boots and of course The Works (video game characters tend to have more Stuff on them, she's got a rope tied to her echo, giving her character something more to look at, it's cool!). In the movie, Jamie Lee wears this... what I can only compare to something you'd see in Star Trek, while it's the closest shade to red I'd like to see on Tannis, it's not even close to what she'd wear in game. I'm very nervous to see how they write her in this movie, she's a very close comfort character and I'd hate to see her bring absolutely butchered.
Jack Black as Claptrap... ok... Claptrap is my favorite Borderlands character, I have a pillow that has him and him in sum naughty shis, ok? he's my fucking cinnamon apple. They butchered him in the 3rd game, and they continued to butcher him in this fucked movie. while his movement LOOKS satisfying, I can't really complain accurately since there wasn't a ton of him in the trailer that I watched. 2/10 overall.
Kevin Hart as Roland... no. just... no..
Ariana Greenblatt as Tiny Tina. I am not familiar with her actress, no hate to her personally. Tina is a very specific character and yet? she's well written in every game she's in (IMO)! BUT. the actress they chose to play her is not who i would have picked, nor is the costume... Tina wears an apron with a little bunny dude, a pink shirt/vest underneath and what I can assume either a orange suit/orange T-shirt and pants under all of that. she has an arm sleevie and mismatched socks/shoes. . . I have seen better cosplays of Tiny Tina in the wild than I have in that trailer. to the point I thought the trailer was a joke. Either the costume design team got to see the characters for a second and had to work off of that or they just, completely missed the mark.. as someone who adores Tina, this is really disappointing! not to mention her writing seemed really off, which almost seems impossible to do.
Kreig? I kinda have no complaints here, other than- if Maya isn't here, why is he? Maya is the only reason Kreig joined the crimson raiders.. story wise it just doesn't make sense?
Lilith. *SIGH* I just,,, why? Lilith, while her writing is shabby imo, her character design is beautiful, Fire Hawk is beautiful! WHAT DID THEY DO TO HER IN THIS MOVIE???? WHAT IS SHE WEARING, WHY IS HER HAIR,,,, THAT,,,,,?????????? NO! JUST N O.
it is, laughably bad!!!
The story won't make sense nor does it follow canon. Brick and Mordecai are apparently just, gone? why was Mouthpiece there???? WHY WASN'T ELLIE IN THE TRAILER? If Roland is alive, is Jack alive??? Is he even in the movie??? ugh! it's reminding me of how the same director fucked up Uncharted (the movie), & it hurts.
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cwafurra · 1 month
So I got a question. Does Kreig know about Maya's death? I never thought about how Kreig lost her, too.
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deepslate · 2 months
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princeinsomniavoid · 2 months
Typing this in a goddamn cold sweat right now-
x reader writers *jingles keys* you paying attention? Ok before you start writing x reader fics about the borderlands movie *jingles keys* still with me? Before you start writing your x reader fics about the MOVIE adaptions of yhe characters *jingles keys* ok the MOVIE adaptions play or watch AT LEAST the second borderlands game ok? *jingles keys* i am excited for the movie too but i just know that mischaracherization is inevitable.
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Mmm yeah borderlands huh... ok shure I can roll with this yeah ok.
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datharlequinoni · 8 months
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Just thought i'd share this with ya'll.
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Already in the start 0:51 it starts to sound like pre-sequel jack or "john" and it says "if he said help me kill the president" who is the president of hyperion at that time? HAROLD TASSITER WHO HE HATED AND KILLED.
Then 1:05-1:56 it sound like borderlands 2 cause he got older and it sounds like it was from the vault hunters prospective too especially when they said "he tells me to be cautious" he was warning the vault hunters of getting hurt especially after they killed angel.
AND THEN 1:59-2:47 it sounds like it takes place in tftbl now but in rhys's perspective describing jack ESPECIALLY when said "when he talks I hear his ghost" sounding like ai jack who basically no one could see or hear except rhys ALSO he went through stuff like a ghost sooooo...
And then the ending was just like jack disappearing into the nothingness again and or being put into the gun in bl3...
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4e7her · 6 months
once again procrastinating on smth in the water because my brain refuses to shut up about something
this time it's bnha fics where izuku gets sucked into some game world for some reason or another and gets Very Traumatized
thinking about doing that with borderlands two
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gtds-ronin · 5 months
Whut? Where did this come from?
I didn't even know this was in production.
Tina steals the show (trailer)!!!
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biohazard-inevitable · 7 months
Axton what is wrong with you my boy I am holding you like a scrungly cat.
Im browsing tumblr and you start telling the grimmest things as your idle lines-
“I heard a story about one guy stationed on a planet who got so bored he shot his own foot to break up the monotony. I dunno why that comes to mind.”
Like dude- calm down its been 5 minutes
Hes like an impatient toddler
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cwafurra · 1 month
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gaygatsbyy · 2 years
One of my mutuals and I started a borderlands 2 play through on PC if anyone wants to join us!
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hyperius · 2 months
The horrible borderlands movie has me worked up and I just can't help but imagine a timeline where it's better.
It should have just been about the first game so that we could have seen more of the story and how the vault hunters actually met and interacted with eachother.
Steele could have been such a good villain for it too! The could have set it up like she's a trained siren fighting against Lilith who is a bit of a hot headed novice, this could have really connected her and Roland too and have him seen as a bit more than a stoic leader.
AND BRICK AND MORDECAI! I really feel like Tina and Kreig were just included because Gearbox LOVES making merchandise of those two along Lilith and Claptrap.
It's such a missed opportunity, we could have gotten an actual flesh out of the first game but instead we got hot garbage.
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enigmatist17 · 2 months
So I did go see the Borderlands movie this morning, and holy cannoli, it was a flaming dumpster fire of a movie. Spoilers about below just FYI
Kevin Hart ended up being one of the saving graces when I thought he would be the worst of the lot! Sure, he doesn't physically embody Roland from the games, but performance and combat-wise, he was very solid! Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis was alright as well. She nailed a lot of Tannis' mannerisms to a T, and overall, unlike Lilith and Moxxi, I didn't mind her being aged up. Kreig was great despite being pretty much silent most of the game, and looked like he'd been quite literally pulled right out of the game and dropped into the movie.
Tina was very meh, it's like they wanted her to me more unhinged but restrained themselves at the last moment, and it doesn't work in the Borderlands world. They also had this thing where she's really a clone of a supposed "Daughter of Eridium", whatever the hell that means??? I think if it had been rated R or unrated like it should have been, Tina would have made more of an impact, but she just ended up being very meh.
Lilith was...well, I'm not sure. Most of the movie kinda centers around her backstory/her mom, which tbh is not what I wanted to see from a Borderlands movie? Like seeing some twists about Pandora/her being older was fine, but to have almost everyone fawning over her/her mother got old super quick, and they waited until the end for her to be the badass siren we all know and love??? I'm not the biggest Lilith fan, but Cate did her best with a script that couldn't decide if they wanted Lilith to be an asshole or sympathetic, which for an actor who's played/loves the games, has to suck :/
Jack Black was not great, and to find out he VA'd the Claptrap lines before they started filming makes his odd detachment make so much freaking sense. It always felt like Claptrap was just slightly removed from everything, and I couldn't nail down why until I googled that midway through the movie (which btw my sister, a friend, and I were the only ones in it lol). They should have just gotten the VA for him, Jack was not it :/
The CGI was either really good or really bad, and Lilith's wig did not blend in with any of it at all lmao. The sets/Pandora/costumes, aside from Tina's, were pretty damn good, but where it really shined was the guns. I could literally point out specific guns and their manufacturers despite all the motion of combat, and to be able to do that for even a casual gamer? Loved it.
Sadly though, despite them having been credited for months leading up tot he film, Hammerlock, Wainwright, Ellie and Scooter all got cut from the movie and it's a fucking travesty. I was kind of hoping Hammerlock would kick ass, but to get to the end and find out the asshat who ruined this movie said "oh they were gone for pacing" made me SO mad.
Overall, my score is a 1.5/10
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vaulthunting · 1 year
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all gifs on my profile are by flou (artstation)
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vaulthunting is a blog run by @deepslate where i reblog as much borderlands stuff as i can :) see below for tag navigation!!
also sorry if this appears in a search :( just ignore it
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Borderlands Borderlands the Presequel Borderlands 2 Borderlands 3 Tales from the Borderlands Tiny Tina's Wonderlands New Tales from the Borderlands
Borderlands Movie
Lilith the Siren Roland the Soldier Mordecai the Hunter Brick the Berserker
Athena the Gladiator Nisha Kadam the Lawbringer Wilhelm the Enforcer Claptrap Timothy Lawrence the Doppelganger Aurelia Hammerlock the Baroness
Maya the Siren Axton the Commando Salvador the Gunzerker Zer0 the Assassin Gaige the Mechromancer Kreig the Psycho
Amara the Siren Fl4k the Beastmaster Zane Flynt the Operative Moze the Gunner
Rhys Strongfork Fiona the Con Artist
Angel Alistair Hammerlock Buttstallion Captain Scarlett Clay Dr Zed Ellie Hodunk Felicity Rampant Handsome Jack Janey Springs Katagawa Jr Lor(elei) Mad Moxxi Mr Torgue Patricia Tannis Sasha the Kid Sister Scooter
Shade (Tiny) Tina Tyreen Calypso Troy Calypso Wainwright Jakobs
art gif image text post
designs cosplay ships (relationships) au (alternate universe) oc (original character)
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false-cowboy · 2 months
I am going to eat kreig from borderlands
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