#borderlands movie spoilers
enigmatist17 · 1 month
So I did go see the Borderlands movie this morning, and holy cannoli, it was a flaming dumpster fire of a movie. Spoilers about below just FYI
Kevin Hart ended up being one of the saving graces when I thought he would be the worst of the lot! Sure, he doesn't physically embody Roland from the games, but performance and combat-wise, he was very solid! Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis was alright as well. She nailed a lot of Tannis' mannerisms to a T, and overall, unlike Lilith and Moxxi, I didn't mind her being aged up. Kreig was great despite being pretty much silent most of the game, and looked like he'd been quite literally pulled right out of the game and dropped into the movie.
Tina was very meh, it's like they wanted her to me more unhinged but restrained themselves at the last moment, and it doesn't work in the Borderlands world. They also had this thing where she's really a clone of a supposed "Daughter of Eridium", whatever the hell that means??? I think if it had been rated R or unrated like it should have been, Tina would have made more of an impact, but she just ended up being very meh.
Lilith was...well, I'm not sure. Most of the movie kinda centers around her backstory/her mom, which tbh is not what I wanted to see from a Borderlands movie? Like seeing some twists about Pandora/her being older was fine, but to have almost everyone fawning over her/her mother got old super quick, and they waited until the end for her to be the badass siren we all know and love??? I'm not the biggest Lilith fan, but Cate did her best with a script that couldn't decide if they wanted Lilith to be an asshole or sympathetic, which for an actor who's played/loves the games, has to suck :/
Jack Black was not great, and to find out he VA'd the Claptrap lines before they started filming makes his odd detachment make so much freaking sense. It always felt like Claptrap was just slightly removed from everything, and I couldn't nail down why until I googled that midway through the movie (which btw my sister, a friend, and I were the only ones in it lol). They should have just gotten the VA for him, Jack was not it :/
The CGI was either really good or really bad, and Lilith's wig did not blend in with any of it at all lmao. The sets/Pandora/costumes, aside from Tina's, were pretty damn good, but where it really shined was the guns. I could literally point out specific guns and their manufacturers despite all the motion of combat, and to be able to do that for even a casual gamer? Loved it.
Sadly though, despite them having been credited for months leading up tot he film, Hammerlock, Wainwright, Ellie and Scooter all got cut from the movie and it's a fucking travesty. I was kind of hoping Hammerlock would kick ass, but to get to the end and find out the asshat who ruined this movie said "oh they were gone for pacing" made me SO mad.
Overall, my score is a 1.5/10
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sightkeeper · 1 month
Went and saw the Borderlands movie! It was not good! I think the first half was good fun, lore inaccuracies and character weirdness aside. It was the nonsense I expect from a video game movie.
The second half where it tried to actually pull a heartfelt story out of its ass and have blockbuster emotional moments? Nah.
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emarie-stone · 1 month
Borderlands movie spoilers!
I didn’t like it!
I just keep thinking the bait and switch was… pretending Lilith wasn’t a siren??
Like. Sure, some fans noticed she didn’t have tattoos in the trailer. (I sure didn’t.) If you noticed that and knew they were going to change things up a bit, you might’ve believed the story’s premise of “Tina is the chosen one.”
But for everyone else? No I didn’t think for a second that Lilith wasn’t a siren. I did think, man, these action sequences would be a lot cooler if there was some phase walking going on, where are her powers?
So you have a movie that is trying not to betray fans of the game while still giving them a new story. And it just can’t commit to either premise and stay within its runtime, so many of the emotional moments fall flat.
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danielsarmand · 1 month
not the borderlands movie debuting with a 0% on rotten tomatoes AND the umbrella academy apparently getting the worst final season in television history just say you want me to die
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I didn't exactly have high hopes going into the film, my expectations were on the floor actually but somehow it still managed to be worse than I thought it would be.
In case anyone wants to watch the awful mess that is Borderlands, I'll put the rest under the cut and instead here's much needed eye bleach in the form of Krieg.
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The exposition! There's so much of it, which I knew there would be because you have to explain 5 games worth of lore in a 1:40hr movie.
Tannis basically exists as a character to insert that lore for the audience, usually in an awkward painful to watch manner. I wish I could say well, Tannis is an awkward character so Jamie Lee Curtis nailed it but we didn't get that funny, slightly deranged way of speaking and making people uncomfortable. We just got some really blah lines, delivered very deadpan. Having her in the movie brought nothing to it, you could have cut her out and still had the same product.
Kevin Hart played Kevin Hart in a beret.
I actually stopped thinking of him as Roland and instead as a random 'Crimson Lance' soldier and you know what? It was more enjoyable that way.
Lillith, well yeah. The biggest sin here was her not being a siren? Not until the very end of course, which is so obvious as being the film's end game that I found myself checking the time wondering when would we be getting that 'big' reveal. Of course they don't actually use the word siren, they say Daughter of Eridia instead. Tannis does use the word siren exactly once near the end but it's pretty quickly muttered and never referenced again.
Speaking of sirens, Tina's whole back story is a chaotic mess. For some reason she has siren-like powers because why not I guess? Instead of her actual tragic back story, they kind of spliced her with Angel's instead. A controlling father who uses her powers for his own gain, except Atlas isn't her father because she was made in a lab with eridian blood.
Yeah the whole thing is a lot to follow and I know the lore, so I have no idea what casual movie goers thought of this.
The worst thing about this movie is Tina actually and that sucks to say because she's a great character but not in this. Her lines are delivered without any of that crazy, fun spark. Her jokes aren't funny and don't land and she's just... irritating. We're supposed to care for her, we're supposed to believe that lillith comes to care for her but it's a little hard to swallow.
Claptrap is well Claptrap, which is actually not that bad. His lines are very on point and visually he looks good. However he's a very annoying character and that's the whole point of course but in the games you just bump into him now and again and can generally get away from him, in this movie you are stuck with him and he very quickly grates on your nerves.
My beloved Krieg, at least you looked good. Another character who was really kind of pointless and didn't make any sense being there. Why was Atlas keeping psychos in space jail? Why did Tina know his name and why were they so comfortable with each other. We'll never know and the film didn't think it relevant to tell us.
Surely if Tina needed a bodyguard, the obvious answer would have been Brick? Did nobody working on this film play the games at all?
There's probably a lot that I've already forgotten and I don't intend to watch this film again to remember any of it but the main thing that stuck out to me was
Nobody laughed
At any of it, not a single chuckle was heard throughout the entire film and there must have been at least 15 people in my screening.
It was a painfully unfunny film and I'm now going to play Borderlands 2 and try to wipe it from my memory.
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So I’ve been thinking about this for a month or so now, about whether or not I want to voice my opinion on this. I try to keep my personal opinions off of here as I don’t want to throw them at others who never asked and I don't want the trouble that might come from doing so. However, I’m going to say what I think anyways because I can't help but feel really strongly about this...
If any of you were thinking about seeing the Borderlands movie…
I will NEVER recommend it to someone who is a fan of the series. I don't really recommend it as something to watch even if you’ve never played a single game in the franchise either.
Slight spoilers below
It has very few actual gun fights (which are a staple to the Borderlands franchise). Most of the fights devolve into shaky cam fist fights. The twists are obvious and aren't subtle at all. The producers/actors absoulutely miss casted and poorly portrayed the characters and the relationships between them. It 100% feels like they spent every cent of the budget they could on hiring the biggest name actors and actresses they could to try to sell the movie and it was NOT worth it. Those are just a few of my grievences.
Jack Black voicing Claptrap was about the only decent thing in the movie as he seemed to be the only one that cared about being in the movie. Scenes with him were the only time I got a chuckle out of the film.
Overall, I agree with the ratings that it is one of the worst movies made this year, possibly one of the worst movie adaptations ever really.
Just really wanted to share this to hopefully save some other fans of the franchise some time.
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New Nisha lore ❤️❤️❤️
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angeltannis · 2 months
Honestly fuck Debt or Alive for showing me a glimpse of how good Borderlands’ writing Could be
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lilthsspacesstuff · 21 days
!Sapphic spoiler thoughts on the Borderlands Movie!
Giving Cate Blanchett Mommy issues and then making her the sweetest adoptive mum in cinema? Both full circle experience and therapeutic af. Cute little movie, had fun :)
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i'm watching more and more of this shit and i got fucking whiplashed. the borderlands movie really said tina was an alien clone
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kasperzinfected · 1 month
the borderlands movie released today in ireland, i was able to go and watch it and oh...... oh my god..... they made claptrap sooo autistic coded.... he did the dinosaur arms... the autism stance... oh my god........
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galaxyostars · 1 month
Oh boy, the Borderlands movie. It's not great, but it's certainly not absolutely awful. I'm whelmed. Here are spoilers and thoughts.
Tiny Tina as the "daughter" of Atlas. Atlas is not a compelling villain in the slightest and the Crimson Lance are just kinda there. Not sure why Knox was really around.
Krieg really could've been Brick and nothing would've much changed. Psycho dialogue lacks.
The Heavy make their obligatory appearance in the soundtrack.
Promethea! But only briefly.
The vault keys are, like, the size of Tina's hand. It's rather comical. Lilith finds one in a toolbox and when asked how, responds quite literally with "just lucky, I guess."
Interesting application of game mechanics. Pleasantly surprised by their use. Easy to identify guns by their sound effects, and BL3 customisation heads show up. Would've liked closer looks at the guns as they are an integral part of the games, but twas not to be.
Tina created with iridian blood. It's heavily implied she's a clone here, but there's no visual evidence to back up the evidence of other Tina's.
Kevin Hart is a good Roland. I'm surprised. Minimal typical Kevin Hart bullshit which is nice. He was actually a positive here. I'm so shocked I nearly swallowed my own tongue.
Lilith as an old person, acknowledged and laughed at in the movie. I just... *Sigh* this really doesn't work with the mommy issues plot.
Everything is too clean in this environment that's meant to be Pandora the trash heap.
Some special effects are unfinished. There's a shot of Lilith driving where her head clearly clips through the roll cage of the vehicle.
Jamie Lee Curtis brings a nice portrayal of Tannis' personality, but I question the story change of her being Lilith's caretaker. This Tannis has no background in common with the games Tannis outside of being a "whacky scientist". The trauma has been replaced with... whimsy, I guess.
I think I'll go back to play BL1 again to cleanse my palette.
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bootdork · 1 year
Is Ariana Greenblatt like the only child actor left in Hollywood what is going on
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carmillatism · 1 year
just finished the borderlands and??? it was actually insane. i really liked the look into faith and religion. it didn't use a lot of cheap jumpscares, but still made me scared as hell. i also loved the relationship the main two characters created and then the look into the mentalities of all the characters. the ending was a little eh just due to it being a bit overplayed and easy to see coming, but the acting was really good. freaked me out so def good lmao i love finally getting into horror movies since i never really grew up on them. (if you want to watch this movie, please look up trigger warnings before watching.)
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freddos616 · 2 years
me wrestling with the insatiable, uncontrollable urge to compare alice in borderland, spiderman nwh and teen beach 2
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orphancookie69 · 1 month
Now Watching: Borderlands...THE MOVIE!
Can you believe that this homebody went to the movie theatre again? Well I did. ITS FINALLY HERE! BORDERLANDS THE MOVIE!
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Honestly, the movie looked like it was going to be really good before one went to the movies. I before watching it loved the cast and the visuals.
So I saw the movie opening weekend, I meant to see it the opening day but life loves to tell you when you have free time right? But loved it. That theatre should have been more packed. But seats are much more comfortable than they used to be when I was younger.
This movie got a lot of flack but I think its easy to forget to consider the target market of anything that is being sold. This was made for the fans. Cast was excellent, visuals were amazing. The borderlands universe came to life. So many easter eggs.
"10/10" - OrphanCookie69
Story was more like cinematic fan fiction. You have more of the elements of the first game but the story was in the universe but not the game story. Which opened up doors to let the story do things the game story did not. But I loved that movie. I would see it again and buy it.
There is something I usually say is the first movie of any set of movies has a lot of work to do. A movie based on the second or third game would be a killer movie, but you can't jump to movie two without doing movie one, ya know?
The other thing to consider is that, this is a movie adaptation of a video game that took 10 years to hit mainstream. This is for the fans. Before this, I recently watched the movie based on World of Warcraft and it was pretty good for a movie based on the game. It did not do well with critics, but you look at reviews and gamers loved it.
My partner's family is very into movies and they kept telling me "Your movie isnt doing well with critics" and "That movie looks bad I am not excited for it" and honestly-until you watch it-don't judge it. If you don't like it, that's cool. For someone who has tattoos from the game, I had a "first date at disneyland" goofy smile on my face. If you like the game, you will like the movie.
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