nshtn · 2 months
@bootshivers @ohlookapan
I decided to make a server! It's a Heisenberg themed server, but it can be used as a chatterzone and RE:V/RE discussion area too! It has basic common sense as a rule and three Leon emojis.
It's an 18+ server, like my blog. I'll post all of my art there too, and I'll take Heisenberg/RE:V sketches there free to boost it... including OCs!! C:
I look forward to discussing fan works here. And if anyone who wrote a fanfic would like their own channel just let me know!
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lumine-no-hikari · 5 months
Hun your posts are really nice and cozy but can you also try to split them with a cut? It can make scrolling through the page feel very lengthy and filled up.
Ah, good thinking, friend! 😄
I tend to reserve cuts only for sad things, but I can see how the length of what I write might be overwhelming to some folks; sorry about that, goodness me! 😅
Have you any suggestion regarding about where I should put the cut? Perhaps after the first paragraph? Or the second, or the third?
And, to my other readers, like @aprimreaper, @bootshivers, @centzon, @conditionvarietysilence, @dragoninthelabratory, @darthvodkas, @freelanceexorcist, @heavenhistoria, @heraldofcrow, @prismaticpichu, @rottenpumpkin13, and @verysmolspams... what do you think? If you're willing to share, of course - no pressure! 💖💖💖
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bootshivers · 2 months
Ey I wrote this in a spark of inspiration while brushing my teeth at 1 am
Come look at this man fighting for his life against standards of amatonormativity and personal anxiety
For bonus content, listen to I'll Never Smile Again by Tommy Dorsey along with reading
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painted-bees · 2 years
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a full custom character design commission for @/bootshivers  on twitter! :D Had a blast with this one!
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doppiopinkman · 2 years
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I wanted to wait til my friend got to share this piece with Bill Butts to post this, I'm honestly thrilled thank you so much @bootshivers
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rogues-the-fanzine · 8 months
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Meet @bootshivers - a Finely-tuned shipwreck
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misslaamb · 8 months
aesthetic tag game
search your name + core on pinterest. Post six pictures, tag six people. I wasn't tagged but this seems like fun
Thank you for the tag @/videoplanchette!
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tagging: @mumpkins @bootshivers @princechrom @coyfox @ghostly-coats-art @umbran-legacy
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flsalazar · 1 year
Got tagged by @midnightsingvogel ❤️ such an honor, thank you! I can answer these now that I finally have time to go on my PC!
Rules: Tag 10 (or less) people you want to get to know better
relationship status: Starting off with the real personal stuff here, huh? I guess tumblr is as good a place as any to come out and say this. So I’ve been with my partner for about 9 amazing years, and we recently introduced polyamory into the mix. It’s had it’s ups and downs here and there, but I can definitely say that it’s made our love for one another grow stronger.
favorite color: I like darker, more muddled shades. Like... oh god, I’ve literally just blanked out on the name of every color I’ve ever known. My favorite is a nice mossy green though.
song stuck in my head: Toxicity - System Of A Down
three favorite foods: Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, Hot Dogs, Doritos. Those were my struggle foods growing up and I’m very fond of them. You ever make a hot dog sandwich? Or macaroni & hot dogs? Good shit.
last song I listened to: Lately I’ve honestly just been relistening to @roguespodcast while at work because I’ve lost control of my life and it helps me level out. But going through my Spotify history, the last things I listened to willingly were the Destiny OST (cuz I’m writing a Variks fic but we’re not going to talk about that), and Mrs. Hollywood - Go-Jo , because honestly it’s a bop and is giving summer time vibes.
dream trip: This is going to sound weird, but I’ve never really had a desire to travel. If I can’t be nice and comfy in my bed by the end of the night then I’m not interested. That being said, someday I would love to see the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul.
last thing(s) I googled: "Ravnica Guilds” because I just got some new MTG cards and was trying to organize the dual colored cards in alphabetical order by guild name and can never remember all of them.
Feel free to steal that post if I haven’t tagged you.
Alright, I’m going to attempt to tag people I haven’t seen tagged in this yet. And if you have been, sorry!
@bootshivers @jonathan-cranes-mistress-of-fear @ahostandaghost @thisaccountisshit621 @hugsforvillains @sonofapunk @lizard-hair @trellanyx @riflemikey @birooksun @smokedcapybara
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thedarkivistwrites · 2 years
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I posted 408 times in 2022
That's 408 more posts than 2021!
45 posts created (11%)
363 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 119 of my posts in 2022
#;;fe - 78 posts
#ferdibert - 72 posts
#;;tma - 7 posts
#reblogs appreciated - 7 posts
#fire emblem - 5 posts
#;) - 3 posts
#fe3h - 2 posts
#;;to be erased - 2 posts
#tma oc - 2 posts
#the magnus archives - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 126 characters
#i should make a new header but the truth is i greatly dislike coming to terms with the fact that i have no feeling for visuals
My Top Posts in 2022:
Dangerous Hours 4/6
Read on AO3
“I’ll let it slide this once,” Dorothea assured him with exaggerated magnanimousness, laughing. Then her expression softened: “I get it, heartbreak is rough. First time?”
Ferdinand blinked. “Pardon me?”
14 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
Dangerous Hours 3/6
Read on AO3
Hubert blew out the candle.
“Good night,” he said quietly.
A shaky intake of breath. “Wait.” The whisper that fell from Ferdinand’s lips seemed to startle them both. “There’s something on your mind, I can tell.”
15 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
Dangerous Hours 6/6
Read on AO3
In which Hubert makes a request.
18 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
A Tolerable Arrangement
Read on AO3
7064 words
humour & angst & pining
rated T
Ferdinand and Hubert are classmates, but they are bound by more than just that. It takes some time navigating a promise made on their behalf, without their input.
The ensuing silence was deafening. Linhardt watched as both men sank back into their seats, regarding each other with mute horror. He had never felt more awake in his entire life.
“I was under the impression we’ve agreed to keep this a secret,” Hubert hissed.
The classroom exploded in questions.
22 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Finer Things in Life
5 + 1 format
5863 words
Ferdibert, angst, humour, and a dash of pining
slowburn but every time Hubert pines it gets faster
Five times Ferdinand von Aegir surprised Hubert and one time they surprised each other.
“Is something the matter with you?” Hubert demanded of the noble, who was busy brushing the horse he had taken for a ride. For a couple of seconds, there was no reaction whatsoever. Then Ferdinand set down the brush and turned his gaze at the mage.
“Yes, as a matter of fact, there is,” he said quietly.
25 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thedarkivist · 2 years
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I posted 2,273 times in 2022
53 posts created (2%)
2,220 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,086 of my posts in 2022
#fire emblem - 238 posts
#;;cats - 186 posts
#the magnus archives - 136 posts
#;;friend's content - 92 posts
#;;fashion - 64 posts
#ferdibert - 54 posts
#our flag means death - 49 posts
#ace attorney - 30 posts
#;;promo - 23 posts
#hades - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 121 characters
#but i can't but wonder whether some people (yours truly included) wouldn't benefit from doing a little less introspection
My Top Posts in 2022:
Linhardt Has Questions
Feathers filled the horizon, whispering something he couldn’t decipher. The whispers echoed through the dark, until they ceased too. The grass under his cheek was slick with mud, and then with blood.
When he awoke, the feathers were still whispering, but their airy secrets were muted, because… because… ah yes, because they were stuffed into a cool, clean pillow. Of course. Satisfied with the observation, he fell asleep once more.
Linhardt didn’t have the time to sit by each individual patient’s bedside and hold their hand through the recovery. Even so, he caught himself checking on Hubert more often than what was strictly necessary, or efficient. It was rare for Edelgard’s shadow to end up in the infirmary with anything worse than a couple of bruises, and given the ugly hit he had taken in the last battle from a sneaky pegasus flyer, everyone worried.
So far, Hubert had only woken up a handful of times, and only for a couple of minutes at most. That, in Linhardt’s personal opinion, wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. If the pegasus didn’t get to Hubert, the exhaustion would.
Linhardt checked the time. Midnight. His shift was ending, and Marianne was bound to show up any minute now. Hubert stirred in his bed. Linhardt sat down on a chair next to the bed, waiting for him to briefly return to the waking world.
It was a bit of a shock every time how sleep could transform some people. The most hardened of soldiers could sleep as innocently as children, their features defenceless and gentle. Hubert… was not one of those people. He could make even rest seem threatening.
Hubert’s eyes opened, but his expression stayed oddly unfocused. That gave Linhardt a pause, even though he knew that some confusion was to be expected after such a nasty injury.
“Now, do you think you could stay with me for a few minutes?” Linhardt asked softly. In the scant light, Hubert’s face seemed to shine through the darkness, not dissimilar to the face of one of those statues of saints that used to litter Garreg Mach. He’d abhor the comparison – Linhardt was sure of that.
Hubert watched him solemnly, as though he didn’t recognise the healer. That gave him a pause.
“All right, a couple of routine questions. Hold back any sarcasm for later, will you?” He tilted his head to the side. “Though I suppose that in your case sarcasm would be as good an indicator of your overall health as any. Who’s the current ruler?”
Hubert closed his eyes again, but replied without a trace of hesitation: “Her imperial majesty Edelgard von Hresvelg.”
“Great. Do you remember the current year?”
“That would be…” Hubert trailed off, his eyes still closed, and for a second Linhardt thought he’d dozed off again. “Eleven-something. I can’t recall at the moment.”
“I envy you.” Linhardt meant to sound nonchalant, but that was only to cover up his own sudden spike of anxiety. Physically, there was nothing wrong with Hubert, but if they were to have to bring him up to speed on the past few years… well, suffice it to say they didn’t have that kind of time.
“Excuse me?”
“Never mind. Your name?”
Hubert opened his eyes and stiffly propped himself up on his elbows. “Is this really necessary?”
Linhardt shrugged, holding back a yawn. “Humour me.”
Hubert sighed, then pinched the bridge of his nose as if trying to stave off a migraine. “I am Ferdinand von Aegir.”
Linhardt choked on air.
Well, shit.
10 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
Hiyah! Okay, how about this for a writing request? I wanna see your two fave DBH characters interacting. Just something short and innocuous, just discussing mundane things or talking about their days or whatever! Go wild, lol. ^_^
Connor himself didn't need to eat. He could consume things, but it was completely pointless. What he did like was feeling included - he enjoyed the social aspects of "getting lunch together", "talking things over coffee", and the likes. And, though he wouldn't volunteer that particular scrap of information, he liked things that crunched or fizzed in his mouth. The novelty of that sensation seemingly never wore off.
When Hank joined Connor for lunch, Connor made sure not to comment on Hank's food. A whole-grain sandwich and a salad. The salad was dripping with mayo, but in terms of healthiness, it was still leagues above Hank's usual fare. Connor was itching to say something, but if he had learnt anything, it was that Hank could get surprisingly defensive, even in the face of positive feedback - and so he stayed quiet.
The human sighed deeply, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "You're staring, boy."
"Sorry!" The android straightened up. "I only-"
"I know. Don't mention it. It's no big deal."
Connor smiled. "All right. I won't."
10 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
Wish I Could Fall for You
Hello! This is a gift for Angela Quindo for the 2021/2022 Toshinko Secret Santa ♥
The request was that Inko and/or Toshinori would be involved in a quirk accident and would deal with the aftermath, so I tried to make something very fluffy with this prompt. I hope you enjoy it, and that your 2022 is excellent, even with college assignments and everything! Merry Chrysler!
13 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
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13 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
considering making a sideblog for my fics and writing
17 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wordswithkittywitch · 2 years
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I posted 4,839 times in 2022
202 posts created (4%)
4,637 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,624 of my posts in 2022
Only 46% of my posts had no tags
#doctor who - 600 posts
#dr. who - 596 posts
#fashion - 153 posts
#history - 114 posts
#star trek - 98 posts
#cats - 97 posts
#depressing world - 69 posts
#sixth doctor - 68 posts
#historical fashion - 63 posts
#eighth doctor - 62 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#the best part about not having thanksgiving with my extended family anymore is i will never be served a 'no thank you' helping of that monst
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Drawing Kravitz was so therapeutic, I decided to draw his reaper form as well. You can really turn your brain off working on textures.
50 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
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Inktober 5- Flame
Aubrey Little, AKA the Lady Flame from The Adventure Zone: Amnesty.
63 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
Prayer circle for Ncuti's Doctor costume to be completely unhinged.
65 notes - Posted December 8, 2022
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See the full post
90 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I was going to add this to a post about demisexuality but it read a lot like a derailment, so it gets its own post.
If someone tells you about an identity and your reaction is, “But everyone is like that!” you should consider two things. One, nothing is universal. Not everyone is like anything. Two, if you feel like that yourself maybe you’re one of the number who are like that.
259 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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waynewhack · 2 years
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I posted 223 times in 2022
That's 223 more posts than 2021!
52 posts created (23%)
171 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 78 of my posts in 2022
#riddler - 37 posts
#edward nygma - 12 posts
#jonathan crane - 7 posts
#bookmark - 7 posts
#twiddler - 7 posts
#dc - 6 posts
#scarecrow - 6 posts
#batman - 6 posts
#two face - 5 posts
#arkhamverse - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 54 characters
#i love poison ivy but lets not act like shes a villian
My Top Posts in 2022:
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scriddler college professor au based off of this
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19 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
The Riddler likely wouldn’t see his father under the effects of scarecrows fear toxin
I always see in fan fiction where the riddler is under the effects of fear toxin he always sees his dad. Which to me is kinda overplayed and bland. I don’t think the riddler is scared of his dad, sure he hates him but he isn’t scared of him. 
Edward is insanely selfish so I don’t even think he would really see anything, his world relies entirely on himself. Of course he has childhood trauma but it is very unlikely he would be scared of it. He is more likely angry about it. 
I instead feel like his fears rely more on not being seen. He wants the attention he lacked from his childhood. He is constantly chasing a rush of adrenaline and the thrill of a game. Under the effects of fear toxin it would likely be a nightmare of not having anyone able to see him, akin to a ghost. Or quite literally nothing. Being trapped in a black void, no games no puzzles to be had. Nothing to stimulate his ever racing mind, just trapped with nobody but himself and his thoughts.
That being said Jon 100% gives Edward a taste of his toxin whenever Ed gets a bit too arrogant for his liking, just to knock him down a few pegs.
21 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
yuh, i got bored in group therapy and had a single peice of paper and a limited selection of music
27 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
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the moment you are just tryna sleep and your monster boyfriend wont leave you alone
30 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i imagine when Edward gets sick he gets SICK. Like just competly chained to his bed unable to even move, need somebody with him 24/7 and nothing he says makes sense
jonathan: *checking edwards temp*
edward (delirious): tell my wife i love her....
jonathan: edward you dont have a wife, you have never been married
edward: ohhhhhh,,,,,
edward: (starts sobbing)
69 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
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lumine-no-hikari · 9 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #8
Today I am at my favorite bubble tea shop, working on the various derpy little things that I like to do.
I haven't been back here consistently in a few weeks, actually; between the hubbub of the holidays and getting briefly sick, I've mostly been home, trying to recoup. But under ordinary circumstances, I'm at a place called Eggcellent, writing, working on a music box, planning an acapella, weaving wire trees with gemstone leaves, or some combination thereof.
I don't work on my things at home mostly because I have five cats who seem to need to be on me or near me all the time, haha! To be sure, ordinarily this isn't a problem, but it's hard to get anything done when Hunter is trying to nap on my keyboard, Hoshi is trying to chew on my wires, Mogwai is trying to nestle himself into my lap (sometimes I think the poor thing is trying to attempt fusion, like the Crystal Gems, haha…), Arremo is playing with my feet, and Momma is demanding snacks! Ahahaha~!!
Make no mistake, there isn't a darned thing about this that I would change. But I do occasionally need to set boundaries, and since cats don't typically respect boundaries (hahaha!), I have to adjust myself to suit their somewhat limited neurobiology. :) Rest assured that I do everything I can to make up for lost time with them when I return home. ;P
One of the nice things about being at Eggcellent is that the people who own and run the shop are genuinely some of the kindest people I've ever met. It's one of the few public spaces where I don't have to mask ("masking" is what it's called when autistic people pretend to be normal in public so that others aren't uncomfortable about the fact that we exist - it's exhausting, and I have a funny feeling that you might know at least a little bit about what this is like to have to do…). I can just be myself, drink yummy bubble tea, put on a playlist, and work on my things in peace. In between my random things, I like to watch various other people come into the shop tired and stressed, and walk out with a smile because the kindly shopkeeps made them something delicious and beautiful. I am blessed to be able to witness the way that the ripples of the kindly shopkeeps' existence make the world around them just a little bit brighter in the subtle way that it does.
Ya know… there's a lot of beauty to be found in the world, tucked away and hidden within various simple things like these, I think. You just gotta know to look for it. You gotta keep your eyes open. You gotta keep awake to it all.
For now, my favorite thing to get from this shop is their iced matcha with rose syrup, tea jelly, and cream cheese foam. I wish I could share it with you; it's very delicious. I'm aware that the scent of roses is one of your favorites; I'd love to see your response to the realization that roses also work well as a flavoring for sweets and teas. I can't help but wonder what it would be like to bear witness as an expression of curiosity and uncertainty on your face blossoms into surprise and joy. What a marvelous and delightful privilege it would be to see such a thing…
Alas, I can't share it with you. But I can enclose a picture of what my time in this space normally looks like. Here:
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My space in this place doesn't look like that exactly right now, ahaha… I mean… I do have my laptop out and my roll of music box paper is in my lap. But at the moment, I am writing this letter to you. I had intended to work on a music box for a person in my social circle; I'll maybe explain why later. I am not working on it now because today I received a most unexpectedly wonderful interruption to the general flow of my existence.
Do you remember the letter I wrote in which I wished I could share a cup of my homemade broth with you? Well, some wonderful person on the internet named @bootshivers saw it, and then drew a picture of you drinking a cup full of the broth I made! They drew such a happy, peaceful expression on your face. Even beyond that, the intentions behind the rendered image were some of the most beautiful I have ever seen. And just like that, any water I managed to get from the bubble tea I drank ended up instead pouring out of my eyes as gratitude and joy, ahahaha~! It was a beautiful, wonderful feeling - one that will help sustain the courage that I need to continue to create things for you; I am not going to forget this anytime soon, believe me.
If you needed proof that there are lots of people in my world who care about you, please look no further. I am not the only one here who wishes for peace, safety, and healing upon you. I'll continue to wish for the same things upon you, always, come what may.
I will get working on the music box now. Please remember that you are very loved and that you're not as alone as you think you are. Please also remember to open your eyes and witness the beauty that surrounds you, even if things seem bleak right now. I'll be right here, cheering you on in whatever ways I can.
Please stay safe. Please be mindful of the condition of your mind and body as you do your various things, taking breaks and asking for help as necessary. Don't be afraid. Or, rather… be afraid, and then take the hands that are outstretched to you for courage and support, and do the thing you're scared of anyways.
Til soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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moxtoons · 4 years
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💛Commission of Jareth the Gobiln King, for @bootshivers​💛
Reblogs are appreciated please don’t Repost
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darkwingsnark · 4 years
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Let’s give a big ol’ HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my buddy, @bootshivers. Quiz, I hope you enjoy how your special gal turned out-- because I had fun drawing her!
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Wayne Tech Incorporated
Would like to extend wholehearted congratulations to Mister Luke Suerte ( @bootshivers ) for winning the raffle auction item ‘home espresso machine’.
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