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indigomistudies · 5 months ago
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reading crime and punishment in a nyc book themed bar 🕰️
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beaeschen · 2 years ago
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yourheartbeat · 1 year ago
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hello everyone. dusty is here to tell you all that i have posted my november tbr video. i hope you all enjoy it.
link: https://youtu.be/5PtZRUdqcLU
tags: #books, #booktube, #booktok, #tbr, #booksontumblr, #jellycat, #reading, #currentreads.
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resurrectedteleport · 2 years ago
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3m ago
Yes, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is a love story, but unlike any you have read before. Sam and Sadie—two college friends, often in love, but never lovers—become creative partners in a dazzling and intricately imagined world of video game design, where success brings them fame, joy, tragedy, duplicity, and, ultimately, a kind of immortality. Gabrielle Zevin’s X novel examines the multifarious nature of identity, disability, failure, the redemptive possibilities in play, and above all, our need to connect.Learn more
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aaknopf · 2 years ago
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“What is a game? It's tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow. It's the possibility of infinite rebirth, infinite redemption. The idea that if you keep playing, you could win. No loss is permanent, because nothing is permanent, ever.” ―from Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
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sublecturas · 2 years ago
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“Los colores del adiós”, de Bernhard Schlink
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theladyonfire · 5 years ago
I am mostly like, "I know a spot" and then go hunting in five thousand bookshops.
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aljonesauthor · 4 years ago
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Learn more: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08F3SBRHP/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_naoDFbJZ33TX1
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biblivio · 4 years ago
The Water Cure, Sophie Mackintosh
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Hamish Hamilton, 5/2018
In a world where men are literally toxic, three girls, Grace, Lia and Sky live on an island, a haven away from the contamination of the mainland with their domineering parents. After their father disappears one morning, three strange men wash up on their shores. Their mother is distrusting, but soon goes missing too. Grace, Lia and Sky must quickly learn how to adapt to the reality that used to be an ocean away. 
The Water Cure joins the likes of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and Naomi Alderman’s the Power in the ever-growing genre of feminist dystopian literature but does so in a quiet and almost poetic way. It takes what is normally discussed across a wider society and cloisters it to an insulated island where it’s never clear if men are literally toxic or if this group is living in a cult-like bubble. What is clear of this world, and the real one, is that it’s dangerous to be a woman, especially a sheltered one.
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The three sisters endure archaic cleansing rituals at the hands of their parents which are based on violent Victorian water-based therapies given to women believed to be “hysterical.” In these Mackintosh points to a history of misunderstanding, misrepresentation and misogyny that may not be overt in medical practice today but simmers right under the surface.
To say there is a water motif in The Water Cure feels like an understatement, but from the language used to the actual content, water is a constant. Water can be healing, life giving, peaceful and cleansing but at the same time massively destructive and deadly. The duality of water in this book feels emblematic of the duality of femininity—the societal expectation versus the primalness of its actuality. It also feels like it could speak to the complexity of sisterhood, both familial and found.
Laura Miller of The New Yorker described The Water Cure as having the “ahistorical atmosphere of a fairy tale,” and truly there is something fabilistic about the story. It could be happening 50 years in the future, past or right now and I tend to agree with Miller, is less about the potential pitfalls of our current behavior as so many dystopian novels are but a meditation on the historical power dynamics of human relationships.
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thebookblog · 7 years ago
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“A room without books is like a body without a soul.”
-Marcus Tullius Cicero
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goldfincher · 5 years ago
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indigomistudies · 5 months ago
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backlog of nyc posts incoming! 🌱
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beaeschen · 4 months ago
'Lämmerblut' behandelt ein kontroverses bioethisches Thema, das in der heutigen Wissenschaft und Medizin nach wie vor aktuell ist. Die Handlung dreht sich um die Verwendung von Lämmerblut für Bluttransfusionen im 19. Jahrhundert und zeigt die ethischen Grenzen wissenschaftlicher Experimente auf. Besonders brisant ist die Frage nach der Verwendung von Tieren in medizinischen Notfällen. Tiere werden wie Rohstoffe behandelt, und ihre Verwendung erinnert an eine Entmenschlichung der Medizin, die den moralischen Wert sowohl des tierischen als auch des menschlichen Lebens in den Hintergrund drängt.
Das Hauptproblem besteht darin, dass die Rettung menschlichen Lebens die ethischen Bedenken hinsichtlich des Missbrauchs von Tieren in den Schatten stellt. Diese Praxis führt zu einem bioethischen Dilemma: Wie weit darf man gehen, um Menschenleben zu retten, wenn die Methoden unklar sind und auf Kosten unschuldiger Tiere gehen? In einer Zeit, in der wir ständig mit neuen medizinischen Technologien konfrontiert werden, spiegelt sich hier das Ringen um die Vereinbarkeit von Fortschritt mit moralischen und ethischen Grundsätzen wider. Ähnlich wie heute, wo bei Tierversuchen oft die Frage gestellt wird, ob das Leiden der Tiere durch den möglichen Nutzen für den Menschen gerechtfertigt werden kann.
Eine interessante Parallele lässt sich zur modernen Kunst ziehen, insbesondere zu Skulpturen und Installationen, die menschliche Körper mit Tierköpfen darstellen. Diese Werke, die in Galerien und Ausstellungen zu sehen sind, regen zum Nachdenken über die Vermischung von Mensch und Tier an. Solche Kunstwerke spiegeln eine Verschmelzung von Identitäten wider und laden dazu ein, über die Vermenschlichung von Tieren und die Tierisierung von Menschen nachzudenken. Sie werfen ähnliche Fragen auf wie Lämmerblut: Wo liegen die ethischen Grenzen, wenn wir in den Bereich des Transhumanismus und der genetischen Vermischung vorstoßen?
Diese Darstellungen in der Kunst führen uns zurück zu den Grundfragen: Was macht uns Menschen aus und was sind wir bereit zu opfern, um das Leben zu verlängern oder zu verbessern? Wie weit darf das Spiel mit Natur und Schöpfung gehen? Solche Gedankenexperimente und die Verschmelzung von Mensch und Tier sind tief verwurzelt in den Ängsten und Hoffnungen der modernen Gesellschaft, die sich in Eschens Werk und in der zeitgenössischen Kunst widerspiegeln.
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mybooksworldsblog-blog · 5 years ago
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Hallo 🙋🏼‍♀️ ja ich lebe auch noch. Es tut mir auch leid das so lange nichts kam. Naja das nichts von mir kam lag überwiegend an meiner Faulheit. Nun wie ihr auf dem Bild erkennen könnt ist auch ein Notizbuch mit drauf. Ich möchte nächstes Jahr ein Buch über den @wreaders_vlg veröffentlichen. Dafür muss ich erstmal genug Ideen haben und deswegen habe ich mir ein Notizbuch zugelegt. Die Bis(s) Bücher sind mit drauf weil ich sie abgöttisch liebe und zur Zeit auch wieder lese.
#Q: Habt ihr Bücher die ihr nie weggeben würdet?
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kylielmcgovern · 6 years ago
Part One - Sixteen
Chapter One
“Some friends meet and grow up together. Or they grow up and drift apart. But true friendships will always continue growing somehow, providing a shelter in the storm of life.”
Cassidy considered the framed quote, tapping her pen absent mindedly on her to do list. Out of all the pictures with quotes she’d had framed and hung on the wall above her desk, this one was her favourite. Not only because the quote spoke to her – they all did – but because the picture used in it was with her favourite person; her best friend Lina. Lina had also been the one to give it to her, to add to the collection Cassidy herself had created. They all had the exact same white frames, except the one Lina had gifted her, which had a slightly different white frame.
Cassidy thought her OCD would kick in and she’d be bothered by it when Lina had given it to her, but it had almost immediately become her favourite and had the central spot on her wall. Cassidy looked back down at her to do list, chastising herself for getting distracted. It was a Saturday morning, early, and she had things to do. Too early for a teenager to be awake, she knew that - but really - that was the beauty of being up early. She had plenty of quiet to get things done while her brother and sister slept. It also meant that once she was done with her list of things, she had the whole weekend to enjoy. She looked down at her ‘to do’ list:
- Clean room
- Wash and curl hair
- Wash clothes
- Nails
- Do Homework
The ticks next to the first three items meant she only had two things left – and giving her nails a manicure was next. As she pulled out the basket that she kept her nail polish and nail tools in, she heard loud laughter coming from outside her window.
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aaknopf · 2 years ago
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Yes, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is a love story, but unlike any you have read before. Sam and Sadie—two college friends, often in love, but never lovers—become creative partners in a dazzling and intricately imagined world of video game design, where success brings them fame, joy, tragedy, duplicity, and, ultimately, a kind of immortality. Gabrielle Zevin’s X novel examines the multifarious nature of identity, disability, failure, the redemptive possibilities in play, and above all, our need to connect.
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