#bookish tuff
messers-moony · 3 years
Puzzle Pieces | W.S
Paring: Young!Remus Lupin X Young!Sirius Black
Summary: Sirius Blacks personality is rather contradictory to his personality.
Word Count: 1.1K
Inspiration: Click
Sirius Black. He was possibly one of the most reckless, arrogant, and careless seventh-year Hogwarts had ever seen. Everyone had heard of Sirius Black and what he had done through his years at Hogwarts. Every prank, every change, every shag, every snog, and definitely every new fashion obsession. 
On the first day of his fifth year getting onto the Hogwarts Express, he had done a complete three-sixty from the previous year. He had grown a couple of inches over the summer, now taller than Peter but still inches below James and Remus. Not only that, but his hair was longer now. The silky, inky, tuffs of hair now reached his shoulders, and it framed his defined face beautifully. Not only that, but his black skinny jeans outlined his longish legs perfectly, Remus’ had to withhold from staring. A new leather jacket was wrapped around his torso and gave off I-don’t-give-a-fuck-vibes. 
Poor bookish Remus was salivating at his new and improved boyfriend. He felt subconscious in his plum cable knitted sweater, baggy jeans, and Doc Martens, but he couldn’t help but stare at Sirius. 
Remus was beautiful inside and out. He had a heart of gold and would help anyone around him. He read books for fun, studied constantly, and his idea of fun was watching a muggle movie on the telly with a cuppa. Sirius partied all night long. He was a Quidditch beater for the Gryffindor team, a bloody good one at that. Sirius Black was the complete opposite of Remus Lupin, yet they fit together like puzzle pieces. 
Needless to say, Sirius’ new get-up scared the newcomers to Hogwarts.
Sirius would approach the train with complete and utter confidence, but in her peripheral vision, he would see the petite eleven-year-olds cower at the taller boy. He felt saddened by the sudden reaction. Sirius wasn’t a bad person. He just came from a bad background. He longed for people to see the real him indeed. The loyal to the end, Sirius, the I’ll go to the ends of the earth and back, Sirius, the I turned into an animagus for my best friend, Sirius. 
He would curse his parents forever for making these kids afraid of him.
Regardless he opened the compartment door with a bright smile, “Miss me, lads?”
“Of course, we did!” James Potter’s smile had never been brighter.
Remus swallowed, wishing the seat would consume him whole, “You- You look different.”
“You like it?” Sirius winked, plopping beside the sandy blond-haired boy, “Thought I’d see how mad I could make mum.”
James narrowed his eyes, “Not too much trouble, I hope?”
“You know me.”
“Be careful, alright, mate?” James questioned with care lacing his voice, “I don’t want anything getting you into too much trouble.”
Sirius waved him off, “I’ll be fine.”
Remus had gotten away with not answering Sirius’ question, but he couldn’t take his eyes off his boyfriend. His hair looked so incredibly soft, and Remus wanted to run his finger through the strands. He wondered how the leather would feel against the pads of his fingertips. Remus allowed his eyes to travel further down; curiosity got the better of him thinking about how difficult getting those tight jeans off Sirius’ legs would be. 
“Moony?” Sirius snapped him out of his reverie, “Alright, love?”
“Mhm,” Remus could feel the blush crawling up his neck, “Absolutely perfect.”
Sirius smiled. Remus’ stomach did flips, and his heart raced. He couldn’t help himself. His arm went around Sirius’ shoulders, pulling him close to his side. The leather was cool beneath Remus’ arm, and it was smooth. Sirius nuzzled his head beneath the werewolf's jaw, breathing in the cologne Remus had sprayed earlier in the morning. A mixture of lavender, mint, cedarwood. The scent felt like Sirius’ home, and he wouldn’t change it for the world. 
James and Peter talked of their adventures during the summer. According to James, he had finally been to Italy, and Peter had ventured into the realm of Germany. James had been very enthusiastic about how beautiful the city was and how much Remus would’ve enjoyed it. Sirius had already been to Italy, but James had invited him anyway. Still, Sirius would never be allowed to leave Grimmauld Place, especially with a blood traitor such as James Potter.
Arriving at Hogwarts was the best part. Approaching the castle always seemed like such a surreal experience, and Sirius relished finally being home. Grimmauld Place was torture, and it was seemed gloomy even on the sunniest of days. At least at Hogwarts, he could hide if things got rough, or he could take refuge in his friends. At least here, Sirius didn’t have to worry about being hit with the crucio curse.
Within the first month of school, Remus had already collected his study group again with tons of new members. It was an assortment of people in every year at Hogwarts, with recent first years joining at the beginning of every term. Remus had the patience of a saint, and it amazed Sirius that even on full moons, he could control his frustration with the most stupid questions being asked. 
One morning Remus’ study group started just after breakfast, and Remus had woken up late, allowing no time for him to get breakfast. The tables in the library were pushed together to make one extremely long table. The sunlight was gleaming onto the oak tables, warming them up perfectly. The sky was blue with specks of white fluffy clouds. Remus was sitting at the end of the table when an incredibly gorgeous Sirius Black approached the table, causing the younger years to recoil into their books.
He placed a plate on Remus’ right, and the lycanthrope looked up from his Potions book to see his boyfriend smiling down at him, “What’re you doing here, Siri?”
“I know you slept in late,” Sirius began, slightly flustered, “so I wanted to bring you breakfast.”
Remus smiled and stood up to hug his boyfriend. Sirius was so easily tucked under Remus’ chin due to his height. It was adorable and made some of their friends coo at them. Sirius ‘punk-rock’ Black stood onto his tippy toes to kiss Remus on the lips. Remus’ arms quickly went around Sirius’ waist, and Sirius’ arms went around his boyfriend's neck. The first years were utterly shocked. Their jaws were on the floor. 
The boys pulled back, albeit reluctantly, and parted ways. Remus began to eat the breakfast without another word, ignoring all the flabbergasted first year's faces. 
Perhaps Sirius Black wasn’t as scary as they thought; maybe he was just a complete softy for his boyfriend, Remus Lupin.
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raevenlywrites · 5 years
Cassius came to Tybee with cupped hands. It wasn’t unusual for the Crafter to bring new projects to his Lord—god, he still loved the way that sounded to him now—but something about Cassius’s posture made Tybee sit up, set aside the book he was reading, and give Cassius his full attention.
“Yes, Cassius? Can I help you?”
Mirabella hunched on Cassius’s shoulder, tail wrapped tightly around his neck, ears flat to her head. Tybee hadn’t even seen the ‘goyle at first, she was so hunkered down and muted. No, not muted… drained.
Tybee stood, crossing the space and hovering around the pair, attention darting from the ‘goyle to the cupped hands, hands fluttering like agitated birds.
“What is it? What’s happened?”
Cassius looked shell shocked. The normally reserved man was absolutely mute, his only answer was to open his hands.
Within lie what looked like a crumpled paper—until it opened its wings.
Large, dark eyes blinked up at him, a tiny, felid muzzle peeking out of the tuffs of fur around the cheeks and ears, ears as big as the head they perched on. Little rodent-like paws gripped the tufted tail, and tiny pinprick fangs showed as the little creature yawned. Delicate veins of blues, greens, and pinks waved across the wrinkly flesh, blooming and bleeding like-- like watercolor on wet paper.
Tybee boggled, staring at Cassius with eyes as wide as he’d come in with. His voice was a whispered breath, as if afraid to dispell the ephemeral little creature in Cassius’s hands.
“What is it?”
Cassius seemed troubled by the question. He stared down at the little creature in his hands.
“I… I think it’s a gargoyle.” His voice was rough.
Mira hissed, but it wasn’t her usual acid tone. She was frightened, and that unsettled Tybee more than he could say.
“Mira and I were trying to make more birds.” Cassius held the new creature to face level, examining it with just as much horror as awe. “We wanted them to move with more spontaneity than the metal ones do. I thought… I thought the motion, in Lia’s sketches...”
Tybee peered at the creature, indeed recognizing the iridescent paints from one of Lia’s pallets. The gemstone set he’d gotten her for her birthday, if memory served. It was the only time she let him buy her truly expensive presents—and pigments mixed with actual crushed precious stones hadn’t come cheap.
The baby yawned again—and it was becoming clear it was an infant, the membranes of its wings still wet and wrinkly as they clung damply to the support structure underneath—and curled up, clutching its little tail to itself like a teddy bear. Mirabella danced nervously on Cassius’s shoulder, looking ready to snatch it up and either cradle it to her chest, or tear it limb from limb. Tybee reached up and took the ‘goyle, hugging her to him and stroking her between the ears in the way that used to soothe her when he’d crossed her as a boy.
“I take it you didn’t mean to make a ‘goyle.”
It was a stupid statement, but in times of crisis, Tybee liked to get his facts straight.
“No.” Cassius’s answer was immediate. “I didn’t think I could. I still… I thought it would take more effort.”
That last sounded almost helpless, not something Tybee associated with the Crafter.  
The ‘goyle in his arms rumbled, and Tybee increased his efforts to calm her. He didn’t like that she wasn’t talking, didn’t look right. That was something to sort out once he got Cassius calmed, though.
“She’s awfully small for a ‘goyle. Maybe the smaller the creature, the less effort.”
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syberstock · 4 years
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COORDINATOR TUFF ON ORGANIZATION. WHAT IM GOING TO DO  CANT NOTHING HOLD ME IM LOOSE . . #findyourthing/ #rbandme/ #bugeyedart - #pintrest - . https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/70218578?utm_source=rb-native-app&utm_campaign=share-work&utm_medium=android  . #coordinator "by  Bugeyedart " rbandme findyourthing sports #bookish #study time #work hard #students lettering header #Tshirts #bijouaspiration homedecor #artcollector #sharethispost.. https://www.instagram.com/p/CK-kZOqpSeY/?igshid=nvgztact18b4
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dearbookshelves · 4 years
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🌼Among the Beasts and Briars🌼 . “I always thought that gardeners’ daughters couldn’t thrive where our roots didn’t grow. But maybe we were like dandelion tuffs.” . This recently released YA fantasy is about a girl named Cerys who lives in Aloriya. Aloriya is peaceful and picturesque but the woods surrounding the kingdom are cursed. Cerys’ mother and friends were taken by the woods and when the woods come for her remaining friend on the day of her coronation, Cerys, with the help of a fox named Fox, must figure out how to save the kingdom. . What I liked: I really loved the atmosphere in this book. It’s definitely the strongest part for me. The creepy forest crawling with zombie-esque creatures cursed by the woods themselves really made for strong imagery that was fun to read about. The description of the main threat, the Ancient, also painted a creepy picture and I’d really like to see some fanart of him. I also like the softer side of the atmosphere. Cerys has magic that, among other things, allows her to use her blood to grow plants. Descriptions of a streak of moss or healing plants that seem to be cursed are both vivid and beautiful. . What I didn’t like: Unfortunately, not much else about this worked for me. I think the pacing was a bit off. I kept zoning out and skimming especially in the middle section. I just wasn’t hooked. The ending was very exciting but was over so quickly; I wanted more of that energy. I also think this is a young YA book. That’s not the book’s fault - this just isn’t for me. I can’t say what really bothered me for the bulk of the book without spoiling it but I’ll just say there is some *very* specific about the romance that I just couldn’t get into. I do think this would be good for a younger audience especially if they’re new to fantasy. . #amongthebeastsandbriars #fantasy #yafantasy #bookreview #bookrecommendations #bookblogger #bookblog #bookishcommunity #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #bibliophile #bookishlovegroup #bookishlove #readersofinstagram #reader #books #book #bookworm #bookish #booknerd #instabook #booksofinstagram #bookphotography #read #booklove #booksbooksbooks #instabooks #igreads #bookcommunity (at Wilmington, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK4LbcggrRh/?igshid=18sznfz0oekmv
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#Repost @buoni_amici_press with @get_repost ・・・ 🔥Love Under Siege🔥 Eight Brand NEW Sizzling Full-Length Novels featuring Military Heroes by acclaimed authors who know how to bring the Heat, Action and Suspense! • Pre-order for 99¢ today with the link in my bio. • Featuring: Tuff Enough by @samanthacoleauthor While security operative Jason ���Tuff” Tanner lives for dangerous assignments, he likes his downtime in his quiet neighborhood too. But that peacefulness is suddenly interrupted when his new next-door neighbor becomes a target for someone hell bent on revenge. Canine rescuer Concetta “Chet” Suarez brings all his protective instincts to the surface, along with feelings he’s never experienced with any other woman. Will he lose her before he ever gets a chance to make her his? • • • #militaryromanceboxset #militaryromancesale #romanticthrillers #romancesuspense #preorder #bookworm #booklover #booknerdigans #bookish #bookstagrammer #bookaddict #bookaholics #bookclubs #igreads #booknerd #epicreads #instareader #goodreads #paperback #readingtime #bookrecommendation #99cents #booksonsale #limitedtimebooksale #LoveUnderSiege
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#ampersandfeb17 - 22. platonic - 'but from that moment on, Hermione Granger became their friend. Because there are somethings you can't go through in life and become friends, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them.' - - Harry and Hermione. - Throughout the series they have a brother sister type relationship, best friend which argue but make up when times are tuff. - Even though Ron's jealously when he thinks something is going on between the two is adorable. - - Who's your favourite platonic relationship between? - - #FebuaryBookChallenge #FebuaryBookChallengeDay22 - - - - - - - - - #harrypotterandthephilosophersstone #harrypotterandthechamberofsecrets #harrypotterandtheprisonerofazkaban #harrypotter #jkrowling #YABooks #GirlsWhoRead #Bookish #YA #BookLove #BookLife #Bibliophile #Bookish #BookAddict #Bookworm #Bookagram #BookLove #AssassinsReader
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