#booh writes
butchdonne · 8 months
frankly if jim steinman were still alive i would just fucking. email him
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musical-dreamcasts · 2 years
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Moulin Rouge! - Jordan Lee Davies (he/him) as Harold Zidler, requested by @chaoticunorigionalstranger
Birthday: 1990/1991 (age 31/32)
Birth Place: London, England
Theatre credits include: Elder McKinley/Moroni (The Book of Mormon), Mary Sunshine (Chicago), Ian (Am Dram), Charlie/Marvin/Manfred (Sweet Charity), Krolocker/Dance Captain/Cover Tink/Ledoux (Bat Out of Hell), Swing/Cover Bamatabois (Les Misérables), Jack (Into the Woods), Ensemble (Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat)
(Pictured on the right is Clive Carter, who is currently playing the role in the West End production)
Credits: Jennie Scott, Matt Crockett
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I'm deep in a CM rewatch and just hit S08E01 which means - yay Blake, booh no Emily.
Also I was just reminded of how cringey Blake's first info-dump while they deliver a profile is. Like, I know procedurals don't always take a lot of care to get their science babble accurate, but they're trying so hard to make her this linguistics wiz and they fail so badly. Like, 0/10 points at making her sound... anything, really. We start with her claiming:
Unsub can't be mute because he knows IPA, which is kinda like saying if you can read sheet music you must be a good singer. Except even less logically connected.
Then a quick follow-up with:
Since he knows IPA he can't be deaf, which is maybe the soundest thing here but still mostly nonsense because deafness is a spectrum, you can lose your hearing later in life after having already learned IPA, and (depending a bit on what he actually writes about IPA) he could possibly just have some theoretical knowledge of it w/o practical experience of sounds.
Since he probably isn't deaf he can't be mute, which is just... she should know better.
and finally, and most nonsensically:
People who are smart enough to know IPA are "usually proficient in sign language", which is rather like saying people who are good at knitting are usually good at roller-skating. What the what? It just doesn't make sense as a statement or a logical conclusion. Like, sign language is a language. It's like saying "people who know IPA usually speak good French". Why? Why would they? Where's the connection?
Like, I get that they're trying to get the audience to lean toward the unsub being deaf and a signer, but that would've been so easily done by just saying "well, his writing shows he has the linguistic capacity to express himself well even though he doesn't speak, so it might be that he's deaf and the prison just didn't know that because he's a John Doe, and if he's deaf there's a decent chance he signs". Without all this nonsense. I feel like even laypeople must've raised eyebrows at that scene.
Anyway Blake deserved better fact-checking.
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otomiyaa · 2 months
Sweet Revenge
Sourin & Reigisa (Free!)
Collab with @ticklygiggles
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A/N: This Halloween collab was so much fun to write back then. The Free! nostalgia is real!
Summary: Reupload from 31 Oct. 2018 - It’s one pairing against the other in this fic: On Halloween’s night, Rei and Nagisa plan to prank Rin and Sousuke by scaring them to death…. (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 2.7K
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The night was dark and cold. Children were screaming and laughing, candies were scattered over the floor, pumpkins were lighting the way, and two guys were on their way… on a particular mission. Because it wasn’t just a night. It was Halloween’s night.
“Aaah so nice of Haru-chan to tell us about Sou-chan and Rin-chan’s horror night! Poor thing has no idea what bad news this means for them,” Nagisa said excitedly, snickering like an evil villain as he pulled his mask over his face.
“Well, I guess he did what he had to do to put that idea of pranking poor Makoto-senpai on Halloween’s night out of your evil head,” Rei replied.
“Heh, it’s not like I was really going to! But this is a great opportunity, I’ve always wanted to scare Rin-chan! And Sou-chan’s gonna be a big bonus.”
Nagisa was wearing a scary mask and carrying a backpack that was filled with gear to make this prank the best yet for in the Halloween prank hall of fame, if such a thing even existed.
“Hmm… I think it was here.”  They walked past a few apartments until they reached their destination where Haru had directed them to.
The curtains were closed, and Nagisa and Rei exchanged glances and shrugged. “It’s now or never!”
Nagisa took a gigantic fake chainsaw from his bag, as well as a bottle of fake blood which Rei used to splash over himself. It dripped from his face onto his shirt and he probably looked terrifying enough.
“Ready?” Nagisa asked, barely holding all the excitement inside that tiny body of his. When Rei nodded, Nagisa even jumped excitedly as he reached to knock on the door, well more like banging on it.
“Was that necessary, Nagisa-kun?” Rei whispered, raising an eyebrow and fixing his glasses.
“Just to be dramatic,” he giggled under his breath and banged on the door again.
“What is taking them so lo- AAH!” Rei flinched in surprise when the door suddenly opened and almost lost the opportunity to scream along with Nagisa to scare the living hell out of Rin or Sousuke or both, but, as he sees the unimpressed face and that sarcastic raised eyebrow on both Rin’s and Sousuke’s face, he’s not sure about this plan anymore.
“Are you guys serious right now?” Rei surrendered immediately, trying to hold on to the little bit of dignity still on him, but Nagisa kept on fighting and Rei watched how he lifted that weird fake chainsaw of his higher above Rin’s head, ready to attack him.
“Sousuke is even more scary when he’s angry,” Rin mocked and he grabbed Nagisa’s chainsaw with a single hand, snatching it from Nagisa’s hands and throwing it back into his masked face, making him let out a muffled squeak.
“Oi…” Sousuke mumbled, sending a glare to Rin. “So you guys decided to just interrupt us to trick or treat us or what?”
Nagisa took off his mask and cocked his head. “Eh… No. Just scare you?” he said, picking up his fake chainsaw to pull the string of it, and it made a couple more disturbing noises, but none seemed to affect the two males in front of them. Rin and Sousuke looked at each other again, smirked and looked back.
Rin flashed his trademark grin and mocked: “Ohh. Ah booh-booh. We are so scared,” he said, obviously sarcastic. Sousuke nodded, looking all stoic but with this tiny smirk on his face.
“Oh…” Nagisa said, looking down at his chainsaw, a bit flustered because of such a failure of a prank. He then smiled.
“Welllll, I guess we’ll be going again then! Enjoy your horror ni-”
He already turned around, but Rin’s big hand landed on his shoulder before he could make the full 180 degrees, stopping him.
“Ha, I think not,” Rin said, and Rei watched and yelled as Rin yanked his boyfriend into the dark hole that was the unfazed couple’s apartment.
Sousuke didn’t even need to do the same to Rei who immediately yelled “NAGISA-KUN!” as he jumped right in after him, but Sousuke did slam the door shut behind him, and from that moment it was as if they were kidnapped into the underworld.
The apartment was dark and decorated with anything Halloween’ish, from spiderwebs to skeletons and scary pumpkins. The coffee table was packed with snacks (also Halloween themed…), beers and a stack of empty beer cans next to it.
Horrifying screams of pain and slashing sounds were heard as a horror movie continued to play on the TV, and it was then that Rei realized: Wow. These guys are so into this. Now he understood why they weren’t affected at all by their cheap prank-attempt.
Nagisa whined and Rei found him lying rather ungracefully on the floor near the coffee table. He quickly helped him up to his feet. 
“So mean! This is kidnapping!”
“Mean, you say?” Rin arched one of his eyebrows and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“You guys were the ones that came to prank us…” Rei flinched when Rin looked directly at him, his maroon eyes seeming to glow in the dark like a real demon, Rei also looked at Sousuke, who was now standing at Rin’s side, and his eyes weren’t less mischievous than Rin’s.
“…and since it was a total failure…” Rei gulped, seeing that smirk grow on Rin’s face.
“I think we should put a suited punishment on you now, don’t you think, Sousuke?”
Sousuke hummed in agreement and before Rei or Nagisa could react, Rin launched forward, going for Nagisa. Rei couldn’t help but feel relieved, but Nagisa shrieked and fell back to the floor with Rin trying to wrestle him down.
What were they planning to do? A suited punishment? Halloween… Horror style? Like… Torture?
He desperately started to look around, trying to find any torture instruments in the room or even rope or tape, but the room was too dark and the light from the TV was just enough for him to see his surroundings.
“Rei-chan! Help!” Rei was fast to dive into action, but a sudden squeeze on his waist made him jump and choke on a giggle.
He stopped his movements and looked at his side, finding a hand latching onto him, it was Sousuke and he was wearing the most predatory smirk he had ever seen. Rei gulped. 
He stepped away a little, but felt yet another sharp squeeze and he jerked, the corners of his mouth trembled as he tried to keep a smile in check, but then Sousuke thought it would be a good idea to just keep squeezing him there over and over until it was almost impossible to hold it anymore.
Rei tried to escape but he just collapsed against the couch as he squirmed and bit his lower lip tighter than ever. Nagisa was able to look the scene over his wrestle-match with Rin. 
“Rin-chan! Don’t do this!” Rei was barely aware that Rin hadn’t started with Nagisa yet and he wondered if only he was going to be tortured- well, it was a better torture than others.
“Rei-chan! Don’t lau-” 
“Ahahaha!” It was too late, Sousuke had finally reached for Rei’s ribs and there was no way in hell to keep himself from laughing at that…
“I’m sohohohorry, Nagisa-kuhuhun!” …and as if on cue, Rin started to tickle Nagisa too, who lasted just one second before he broke into loud giggles.
Rei, on the other hand, already shrieked with laughter when Sousuke finally attacked with both hands. He tried to grab his attacker’s wrists to push them away, but Sousuke didn’t budge. It amazed Rei how strong Sousuke was, but the tickling he was inflicting on him felt unbearably gentle, making him want to jump out of his skin.
“N-Nohoho whyyhyyy!” Nagisa cried, flopping uncharmingly as he tried to flip himself on all fours, but Rin would easily wrestle him back down. A claw with wiggling fingers grabbed at his poor stomach, and Nagisa curled around Rin’s hand and giggled uncontrollably.
“Heh, because it’s like torture, isn’t it? And totally painless.”
How friendly. A painless torture as some punishment. Well, for your record, Nagisa’s eyes were almost dropping out of his head as his eyes widened when Rin’s relentless tickling moved towards his armpits. His stomach was hurting already from laughing like this as well. So much for ‘painless’.
“Hyaahahaa noooo!” he screeched.
Sousuke was still tickling Rei with ease, but when Rei managed to roll himself onto his front, he easily picked him up and threw him beside Nagisa to resume the torture over there. Both Nagisa and Rei were laughing their own and each other’s heads off, getting tickled to death by the stronger guys who absolutely looked like two evil devils towering over them.
They seemed to find all the good spots to make them cry. Nagisa thought it was obvious for Rin since they had had a few tickle fights through the years, but as he looked to his side and saw, through his blurry vision due to his tears, Rei laughing nearly in hysterics, head thrown back and body arching up as he desperately tried to escape, he thought that maybe Sousuke and Rin were actual demons that show their true powers during Hallow-
“Eek! Rin-chahahan! Not thehehere! Not there!” Nagisa howled with laughter as he felt Rin cupping his hand on one of his hips, Rin’s thumb finding the bone and digging into it.
“We’re sohohorry!” he cried.
“Are you now?” Rin teased and the sudden sound of Sousuke’s voice made him look up.
“I found a good spot,” Sousuke almost sing-sang as he clawed at Rei’s ribs with nimble fingers.
Rin shuddered. He had been under a tickle attack from Sousuke, so he felt almost bad for leaving him to torture Rei when he seemed to have a little less of stamina than Nagisa.
“We-We ahahahare!” Rei laughed out. “Sousu- sehehenpai!”
He gave up on saying Sousuke’s name completely, the laughter barely letting him talk.
“Please stohohop!”
“Learned your lesson now?” Rin asked, still glancing over at Rei while his own fingers wouldn’t stop poking and prodding at Nagisa’s twitchy body.
“Yehehehes! A-Ahhand i-it was Nahahagisa-kun’s ideaaaa!”
“Rei-chahahan traaaitaahaha!” Rin smirked.
Poor, poor Rei. Seemingly feeling sorry for Rei, being under such drastic Sousuke-assault, was becoming a serious emotion here. He smiled and looked at Nagisa who was whining and mewling beneath him. He knew Nagisa’s character from way back. Of course it was his idea.
“Hey Sousuke, come check this out,” he finally said.
Sousuke looked up and Rin demonstrated Nagisa’s super sensitive thighs by doing the exact same thing that made him shriek earlier.
“EYAHA!” Nagisa jerked and kicked, his flailing arms nearly hitting Rin in the face.
“Need help over there?” Sousuke asked. His hands on Rei’s poor wheezing body stilled, and Rin shrugged.
That’s when victim #1 was finally released from his torture as Sousuke got up and crouched down where Rin was.
“Hold these for me.” Rin handed Nagisa’s flailing arms over which Sousuke pinned gladly over his head and watched how Rin continued to dig into his thighs, seeking that master spot that would make the poor blond turn to jello.
“Rei-chahahahan!” Nagisa begged, shrieking when Rin brushed his fingers on that very sweet spot on the inside of his thighs.
“Help mehehehe!” he finally howled as Rin smirked and focused on said spot, squeezing it away with nimble fingers as Nagisa jolted with every touch and desperately tried to pull at his trapped hands.
Rei was barely getting his breath back when Nagisa was drowning in his own laughter. Rei put himself back together and shakily started to crawl to save his tiny and helpless boyfriend but stopped when Rin sent him a glare.
“Help Nagisa and you’ll be next, Rei,” he warned, and Rei gulped, not exactly wanting to be in Nagisa’s position.
But Nagisa’s face was starting to get a bit too red and his laughter was going all breathless and hoarse, and yet he was wearing the happiest smile ever. Rei had to sigh, of course Nagisa was enjoying himself. Regardless, he still thought that his face was red enough and that those were some unhealthily squeaky breaths, so he needed a break.
Almost without thinking about the consequences, he reached for this spot Nagisa once told him was a good spot on Rin (actually, he randomly said it one time when he was tickling Rei to pieces, claiming that they both shared that spot), right above the left hipbone. Rin barked out a laugh feeling the squeeze on his side and he immediately launched for Rei.
“You’re asking for this, aren’t you?”
“No, Rin-senpai!” he squeaked as Rin took a seat on Rei’s stomach.
“I think we both learned our lesson!” he tried. To no avail. Both demons’ attention were now officially on him, and ohhh lord…
“Hmm, I see.” Rin smirked.
“But I think it’s only fair if we get you as bad as Nagisa, don’t you think, Sousuke?” Sousuke smirked back and he fucking wiggled his fingers at Rei. Oh how Rei regretted this decision.
But then he glanced at Nagisa who was panting and wheezing breathlessly, with this somewhat cute relieved and thankful smile on his face, looking like the sweetest angel he absolutely wasn’t (heck, he was the guy who brought them into this shit in the first place).
But seeing him like that gave him courage, so Rei bravely brought his hand up towards his head and saluted his tired boyfriend. “Nagisa-kun! Don’t worry about me! I will be okay!” Aaand okay as in- laughing so much until his stomach hurt, but all for a good cause.
Nagisa took as much time recovering as it took Rin and Sousuke to tickle Rei to death, and by the time everyone stood on their feet again (Rei wobbling weakly and leaning against Nagisa), the horror movie that had been playing for Rin and Sousuke’s entertainment had already reached its credit roll.
“Well guys, now that that’s over with, why don’t you two join us for our next movie? It’s all about torture. The unpleasant one,” Rin said, a dirty smirk on his face. Rei wanted to go in discussion about how that could mean Rin would call their torture just now ‘pleasant’, but Nagisa already nodded excitedly. “Oh yes! Let’s watch it!”
Well somehow Nagisa was an angel after all, forgiving these two devils for tickling them to death like that, but then again… Rei smiled. They did deserve it, a little. Well at least, Nagisa did. Rei… not so much. “We’re in,” he said with a smile.
And the remainder of the night was spent on the couch, both couples enjoying a drink and a snack and some unnecessarily bloody movie that totally fit Halloween’s theme for real. Watching this, Rei almost felt bad calling their predicament earlier ‘torture’. He’d be able to live with ‘sweet revenge’.
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Epilogue (new)
Sousuke could barely hear Rin's voice due to the loud crunching noises as he enjoyed some tasty crisps.
"What did you say?" he asked with his mouth full. Rin rolled his eyes and repeated:
"Look at them. Can't believe they are like this." Sousuke looked to the side. Rei and Nagisa had both fallen asleep, and the movie hadn't even reached its best part yet.
"Probably tired from all that," Sousuke said.
Rin snickered. "All what?"
Sousuke glared at him. "You know what."
Rin shrugged. "No. I actually don't." He nudged Sousuke with his foot.
"Say it."
Sousuke sighed. "You know I don't like to say that word. Now watch the movie," he commanded, but Rin reached out and tickled his side.
"HNGh!" Sousuke jolted and threw his snack bowl all over Nagisa by accident. Nagisa kept sleeping.
"You tickled those two to death but can't even say the word. Come on, say it," Rin said, but Sousuke quickly grabbed him and pushed him backwards.
"I know something better," he said, and although he could Rei whine now that he Rin was falling on top of him, Sousuke still began to tickle Rin mercilessly.
"HEheheey! You're so- ahahaah!" On the screen, slasher movie sounds could be heard. On the couch, Rin's loud shrieky laughter could be heard, and under from under Rin, Nagisa and Rei's wails could be heard as well. Sousuke smirked. It truly was one remarkable night of Halloween!
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hauntedwitch04 · 2 years
Cute ghost
🎃Halloween party🎃  
Dad!Steve Harrington x Mom!Reader x daughter 
Words: about 1.1k words
Warning: fluffy and lovely at the beginning, smut in the bonus and you know smut + Steve Harrington it’s like fireworks 
Author’s note: Day 11 and we are still here. I really had fun writing this, hope you like it!
✒️:   “You are the cutest ghost I have ever seen.”
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At that scream you startle and turn suddenly to see the most beautiful thing your eyes have ever rested on, and in all honesty you are proud of that since it is largely your own doing. Your daughter seeing through the rather crudely made holes runs off laughing toward her room, closing the door. You can't help but smile and think how lucky you are before following her . 
"Oh my God, was that a ghost? I've never been so scared in my life. It really is the scariest ghost I've ever seen." You say with one hand on your chest in front of the closed door, and you hear her giggle as she slowly opens the door. You continue to smile and play along as you enter the room. 
"Are you here super scary ghost? Please don't hurt me." You say hiding your face with your hands. 
"Ha ha, I played a joke on you, I'm the ghost, mommy!" Yells your daughter taking off the blanket, and showing herself in all her glory and missing teeth. At the age of three she is already as much of a hooligan as her father, though at least she crawled the right way as a child. A few days ago she had decided that she was going to go on Halloween with her uncles-Dustin, Eddie and Robin, and you and your husband Steve-as well as she had decided everyone's costumes. To your friends and you she had imposed the Ghostbusters outfit, while she and Steve would dress up as ghosts. That blanket she had used for the scare was in fact the result of one of their costume fittings the night before. It was just an old sheet to which Steve had cut two eyeholes, but she loved it, like everything her daddy did after all. 
The affection between father and daughter was always obvious to everyone, from the first day where it was understood that you were going to play the role of the bad cop, since she had wrapped it around her little finger. 
"Is it really you? Oh my God and I thought that ugly ghost had eaten you. You gave Mama a big scare you know!" You say laughing and crouching down to her height, but your daughter misunderstanding your words leans forward and wraps her slender arms around your neck. 
"I'm sorry mommy, I won't do it again, I don't want to make you worry." 
"Don't worry sweetheart, I was joking I enjoyed your joke so much." You respond by hugging her. 
At that moment we hear a parking lot in the driveway and we both know exactly who it is. She immediately makes to run to greet her daddy, but I stop her first and with a finger point to the sheet now on the ground and give her a wink. She responds to me with the classic Harrington smile that so made me fall in love with her father, and runs to disguise herself as a ghost again, then goes running to hide behind the door. 
At that moment Steve enters, setting his keys down on the coffee table, and taking off his jacket.
"Girls, I'm home!" He shouts to announce his arrival. You walk up to him and kiss him, putting your arms around his neck, while he is still oblivious to the little ghost who is ambushing him. 
"Hi, honey." He greets you. 
"Hello love, glad to see you again." 
"Where's the baby? Usually she always comes before you to say hello. Is she hurt? Is she all right? Did something happen?" He asks anxiously once you break away from the kiss.
At that moment your daughter decides it's time to attack, and with her usual scream she makes her father jump in fear. He holds you close as he turns to see your daughter, and a smile can't help but arise on his lips. 
"You are the cutest ghost I have ever seen." He says, letting you go and hugging your daughter, who pulls him away and then removes the sheet a sullen, angry face. 
"I don't have to be cute daddy, I have to be scary, real ghosts are scary not cute." She shouts, looking at him evilly. 
"Casper is a ghost and he's cute." He countered. 
"Daddy!" Exclaims the little girl. 
"Okay, okay, you become more and more like your mother every day." At his words you give him a little slap on the back of his head. "Okay I get the cry. You are the scariest ghost I have ever seen." Your daughter smiles at his words, full of pride. 
"Now can I get a hug from my favorite girl?" Immediately your daughter hugs him, and you feel a warmth in your chest at that loving scene and realize how lucky you really are to have a family like this. 
BONUS (as always, hahahah) 
You finally managed to put the baby to bed, and you can breathe a sigh of relief. Steve is already in bed reading a book when you come out of the bathroom, getting ready for the last few things to finally go to sleep. 
Seeing you sitting on the bed, Steve places the book on the nearby nightstand and leans toward you, kissing you on the shoulder. 
You flinch, however, letting him fall into the gap. He widens his eyes not understanding your gesture so you turn toward him and with a fake pouty face look at him.
"What did you expect daddy? Since I am not your favorite girl, how can you expect anything from me." 
He snickers a little, before lowering his gaze and clenching the blanket in his fists because of the nickname you just gave him. 
"Honey, you can't call me that, you know it doesn't end well afterwards." 
"What is it daddy? Don't you like me calling you that? If I'm not mistaken, you liked it last night when you were inside me-" You are interrupted by his lips on yours. 
"Did you close the door?" He asks panting between kisses, and you can't help but nod, since you can't even find the strength to search for words anymore in your mind too clouded with pleasure. 
"Good, because it's time to show Daddy's favorite woman how to behave." He says as his kisses descend on your breasts, since he had already removed your pajamas in zero time.
"My favorite mommy." Kissing your belly. 
"My favorite whore." Kissing your pussy. 
I'd say it's shaping up to be an eventful evening for the older members of the Harringoton family, and who knows, maybe it will give birth to a new member of the clan.
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tinderbox210 · 11 months
Trying to distract myself on my lunch break from not being able to watch the musical episode yet by giving some thoughts to the Spocklaan alien abduction AU story i'm trying to write. If anyone's interested to know a bit more about the plot:
It's an modern AU (i know booh, no one wants modern ST AUs) and it's a bit of a twist on the First Contact with the Vulcans. In the story the Vulcans are close to extinction, so they come Earth to study the humans to find out if humans and Vulcans are compatible for reproduction.
So Spock comes to Earth and abducts La’an because her genetic anomaly (augmentation) makes her the best candidate, and things get steamy between them (there's actually more to their story that I'll to include but haven’t completely figured out yet).
The really fun part will be La’an giving Spock a few lessons in human love, like teaching him how to kiss like humans etc.
Please don't look for rhyme or reason in my stories, there’s usually very little in them.
Now you might ask, can't Spock just get a genetic sample and leave again? And the answer would be, do you want smut in the story or not?
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emmanuellececchi · 8 months
Nano update - booh yah...
And boom... I made it to 80% of my text. I haven't much left to go until I finish my challenge.
I am not doing this to prove I am better than everyone else. I began this challenge because I saw one of my mutuals begin it and I wanted to do something in support. Then, I realized I could also do it for myself.
I wanted to prove to myself I could do it. I want to prove to myself that I can persevere, even when it's not working, even when the challenge seems insurmountable.
I want to become a writer. Some can say, but you alredy are. But I want more. It's foolish but sometimes, we let go of dreams because we think we are not good enough.
This is what it is all about. I am giving myself the okay to become a writer. I am proving to myself that I am good enough, that I deserve to become a writer, that I can pursue this dream, and catch it.
Sometimes our worst ennemy is within. Our own doubts, our fear. With this challenge, I am punching them in the face.
On the technical side: rather than continue fighting with my rewriting, I decided to write the chapters that followed, those that are slowly guiding me to the end of the story. The message that I received from Nanowrimo last night was clear: I don't need a perfect text, it's just the start... of a wonderful adventure!
So, let's go writers. we can do this. wWhatever your goals and dreams, even if its just a few words here and there. We can do this. We go this.
I love you all, my fellow writers!
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boohnana · 10 months
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✨🌻Warm Afternoons🌻✨
Welcome to my lil safe space on the internet. I’m Booh, I like to read, write, paint and bake, which I hope I’ll be able to share on here with a few interested people if I’m lucky enough to catch their attention. If I have done so successfully, welcome to my blog, I look forward to you reading my entries, and looking at my (sometimes basic) photography, or try out my weird but surprisingly tasty baking recipes!
Until then,
💛 B
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bitbrumal · 1 year
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                                HEADCANON                         / ‘the god of love is lonely’  ↩            ↤ khioniya :: ‘aggressively chill’
khioniya, smirking just the tiniest bit as she comfortably lowers herself to the floor- does she feel the slightest bit Beneath Rosalyn ( @lalohefalter​ ) even in sexy ways no khioniya's not very good at feeling that but she's very content to let her queen make her queenly moves. if she'd like to step on a godqueen then go off girlboss-        helpfully provides opportunity for one of her fave pastimes.      does that ruin it? hm.
help i should write a hc abt this it's so funnyds fjskafjdskj she cannot feel lesser than anyone or -thing. it's illogical & alien to her. everything's equal; this here tree gets to punch me in the face if i give it due cause & vice versa c'mon now we're all fine. what is all this weird classist bullshit. bitch i became a god & decided we’re all equal anyway so how are u lot still being this wild about ur own inferiority complex--                    cuz i felt this way before becoming a god           so i’m js what are u being weird & weak for. tsk.
does she deem people / orgs / instances beneath her due to their personal choices? fuck yeah, that’s there - it’s not that she doesn’t judge like anyone else, she just... shuns the idea of better inherently just because the value of a living being or thing is not understood by the one doing the judging.           ---but people who are beneath her aren’t beneath her, they just don’t classify as ‘good enough at being a person to be considered one themselves’. if you can’t leave ppl the fuck alone unless you need to fuck their shit up, you don’t get air. booh, bitch. die.
it’s part of why she doesn’t... do all the classist things as a ruler? like, you can’t step out of line, she’ll keep you well in there- but the line isn’t calling her majesty or bowing or giving her more space than you would anyone else, or letting her do shit you don’t want, or not giving your honest opinions on the proceedings.
                 I JUST WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW that i write a god who embodies all the.. ‘higher being cradling lesser beings to its chest & protecting it with higher powers just bc ur smol i’m big + divine territoriality’... but resolutely refuses to be aware of her position as a thing that is honestly terribly imposing to almost anyone, because.         :’c she doesn’t like when ppl keep their distance so much. pls she doesn’t bite unless ur mean. ( she didn’t become a protector to be lonelier, so why is this how it’s turned out-? ) in an actually shit or at least not entertaining way ( she’s desperate she’ll take it. come be mean then, as long as it’s honest. refreshing. ) c’mon. come play? booh. she’s lonely-
ppl:  gasp! a god. gotta be plastic abt this khioniya:  well then i just won’t talk. at all. guess whether i’m mad i’m not gonna give you a clue until you apply normal people rules to me-
so it’s both a) genuinely too self-possessed, confident, & kind-hearted to see things as a hierarchy of importance. of power? value to a specific cause? sure! but not as generally inherently more deserving of consideration than others. b) yeah she’s not making that weird behaviour worse. ( except that she is. pls just tell them you want them to act normal- but the whole point is she doesn’t want ppl to do what they think she wants them to :c just be real ffs.               & since real means distance to almost all of them...          she has accepted this. )
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hatchzed · 1 year
The real potential of small Ai agents.
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I recently conducted an experiment using a small AI model and fine-tuned it on a high-quality dataset of instructions and dialogue from a large model.
The goal was to explore the potential of AI beyond traditional coding work and share my findings with you.
For this experiment, I used the Opt-335M model and removed all questions related to programming and code blocks from the dataset to make it more general , and while the model's performance didn't meet my initial expectations, it was still a significant step forward in showcasing what can be accomplished if we expand our perspectives.
Although I trained the model on only about 40MB of dialogue, instructions, and questions from a 500MB dataset, it was exciting to see it generate content and reason.
More training data would have improved the results, but time and resource constraints meant this was the best I could do. Nevertheless, the model performed remarkably well given the limited data.
My primary goal was to develop an AI model that could run on any device, without the need for massive GPUs or M1 MacBooks. I aimed to explore AI capabilities, generate content, and gain inspiration without API restrictions and safety layers while having fun instructing the model.
“emma” during training evaluation , notice “speaker=emma>” is the Ai turn. it remembered the instructions and the job assigned to it.
Do you really need OpenAi? | Do you really need Alpaca 7B? | Do you really need vicuna 13B?
Keep. things. simple.
In the age of large language models with billions of parameters, we often overlook the fact that AI can also be helpful in everyday tasks like writing emails or generating ideas. It begs the question: do we really need such massive models for simple tasks?
While the open-source community has made great strides in making AI accessible, I believe there is still more work to be done. Instead of creating more specialized models that are distilled from ChatGPT to write code or perform specific tasks, we should focus on making AI capabilities available to everyone.
Overall, my experiment showed that with the right perspective and training data, we can expand the potential of AI and make it more accessible to everyone. However, we must also acknowledge the challenges and limitations that come with this field and work towards addressing them.
The idea behind this experiment is to develop an AI model with a size range of 355M-1B, This would make it possible to use the model on personal computers without the need for massive GPUs or extensive datasets.
By removing safety layers and guidelines, this model would allow for greater exploration of AI's true potential in everyday tasks, such as chatting, generating ideas, editing text, and writing emails.
Moreover, with the rise of AI personas, we can create more engaging and interactive experiences for users. However, we are currently wasting valuable dataset tokens on coding prompts and answers, which could be better utilized in expanding the scope of AI's capabilities.
Entrepreneurs! — GPU! — BOOH!
I believe that the real potential of AI is being hidden from individuals and small businesses, as they often assume that such capabilities require expensive resources and powerful models like ChatGPT and GPT-4. However, as demonstrated by this experiment, even with limited resources and a small dataset, a smart and helpful AI agent can be developed and used to organize folders, assist with scheduling, and even psychoanalysis.
While larger models like ChatGPT and GPT-4 have their benefits .. it's essential to remember that they are not the only means of achieving AI capabilities , by exploring the possibilities of smaller models, we can unlock the limitless potential of AI in our daily lives.
In conclusion,
This experiment was a fun and exciting exploration of the possibilities of AI beyond coding. By developing accessible and helpful AI models, we can empower individuals and businesses with new tools to improve their productivity, creativity.
AI doesn't have to be complex or require massive datasets or GPUs. By creating accessible and helpful AI models, we can all explore the possibilities of creating our own personal AI sidekick. With the right training data and perspective, anyone can develop an AI model that can assist with everyday tasks.
We should all be looking towards creating the next big thing, which could be the combination of You and AI. By embracing the potential of AI and exploring its possibilities beyond coding, we can create new and exciting solutions to everyday problems, and improve our overall quality of life.
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emcon-ocs · 2 years
FIC WRITING: I know you're focused on Teenage Wasteland right now (LOVE THE POSTERS AND EDITS BTW, YOU'RE AN ACTUAL LEGEND) but what can us mutuals expect after? Will you continue on Willow's journey or will you be focusing on other projects? Can't wait to hear your thoughts 😊
Sorry it takes me forever to respond to these sometimes, I always save them for when I'm feeling especially excited about my stories and just wanna gush about them!!!
FIRST THANK YOU!!! MAKING THOSE POSTERS AND EDITS WERE SO FUN!!!! if you have any ideas/want to see other kinds of stuff, let me know!!
After Teenage Wasteland, BOOH will be on a break, but there is a part 3 and 4 planned before Willow's personal story of growth and change comes to a close. After that, the MCU still has Infinity War and what follows, but Willow's journey in that is slightly more static.
Part 3 dives heavily into Willow's past and mostly follows her path of healing from that, while Part 4 focuses on Willow taking back her life, and taking down the Panoptes Foundation once and for all.
I'll likely do a little writing on some of my Star Wars OCs during the break, and perhaps some additional building on other OCs.
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yahboobeh · 3 years
Miss Independent
Spring really was the perfect season, Tenten mused. The climate was ideal for training, and even the sweet scent of hydrangeas managed to poke through the odors of sweat, weapons polish, and upturned dirt. There were no hydrangeas in the fall. 
She would never admit to Lee and Guy just how much she loved a good spring day for fear she would never hear the end of it. 
Above her, the sky was clear and blue. The breeze rustled the leaves, and birds sang, darting across the horizon. 
Below her, the grass was lush and green, pockmarked with weapons spent from her arsenal. 
And on top of her prone form was Neji, claiming victory over their spar, a confident smirk splayed across his face. 
He said nothing before settling into his reward - their reward - for a successful training session. 
Neji kissed Tenten on her lips, her face, her jaw. She gasped and rolled her head to the side, exposing more of her neck. 
She both loved and hated this part of their relationship. 
Tenten hadn’t truly realized the extent of her feelings for Neji until she’d almost lost him on the battlefield. 
In everything he did, Neji was practical and diligent. Tenten was unsurprised that he approached love with the same careful dedication. Each part of her that Neji touched or kissed was with a purpose as if he’d deliberately planned out each caress beforehand. Even something as simple as holding hands seemed to be weighted with consideration. 
Tenten loved it.
Neji somehow managed to transform his practical nature into intense bouts of passion that left Tenten’s knees weak. He paid attention to what she liked, whether it was her favorite foods, training exercises, or places to kiss, Neji seemed to know it all. He studied her reactions, how she liked to be touched and where; quelling the parts of her that burned for his touch. 
She was wholly and utterly consumed by him, and that was the problem.
Tenten felt any remaining tendrils of control slowly slip away. He was slowly stripping her bare of the walls she had built. Tenten hated the woman she became whenever Neji turned his attention to her.
She tried to resist the urge to be consumed, staring at a kunai sunk partway into the ground. It jutted out, the cool grey steel harsh against the lush green grass as Neji’s hand started its journey under her skirt to cup her bottom. 
The sound that Tenten made was something between a moan of pleasure and a frustrated grunt. 
“Wait!” she gasped, surprising herself. 
Neji stopped, pulling away from her neck to look down at her, brows wrinkled with concern. 
“Is something wrong?”
Moments ago, Neji’s voice had been low and dripping with desire. Now, it was lighter, speckled with concern. Tenten looked up at his perfect face. His jawline was somehow both sharp and soft. The crinkle in his brow would smooth away with the slightest press of her fingers. And his eyes told her all of his secrets. His emotions passed freely across them, but somehow only Tenten could pluck them out and give them a name. 
Love. Worry. Desire. 
She saw them all. 
His hair tickled her cheek, and between the press of Neji’s body against her own, Tenten could confirm the speck of desire she’d seen. 
Everything about him was perfect. This moment was perfect. 
The problem wasn’t Neji; it never would be. 
Her name on his lips made her entire body buzz. Her heart pounded unevenly, and she felt light-headed. 
“I have a problem.”
Tenten tried to state this as delicately as possible while guiding Neji’s hand off of her bottom. 
She saw a flash of anxiety before Neji sat back on his knees, giving her space. 
“Did I do something wrong?” 
Tenten’s body felt heavy, like moving was more effort than it was worth. She stayed on her back, her legs open to him. 
She managed to shake her head.
“No, you’re amazing. Perfect even. Jerk.”
A cocky smile flashed briefly across his face. 
“What’s bothering you?”
Tenten sighed, trying to find the right words to describe her struggle best. How could she continue on her own while feeling like she was obsessed?
“I’ve always thought one of the greatest weaknesses of my fellow kunoichi was their obsession with boys.”
Neji cocked an eyebrow at her, waiting for her to elaborate. 
“I mean, how could Sakura, Ino, and Hinata achieve their potential when they were always so distracted? It’s annoying. Be more independent!”
“I’m not sure I understand where this is going, Tenten.”
“Towards an existential crisis!” she said with a frustrated huff. “I mean, how can I call myself independent or a feminist when all I can think about is your stupid, perfect face?”
Neji laughed at her, earning a sharp glare. 
“I’m serious, Neji! I feel like all I think about is you! ‘What’s Neji doing right now? Does he really like me? When can we have sex again?’ It’s driving me insane!”
Neji curled back over Tenten, kissing her softly before looking into her eyes. He pushed a stray bang back into place while he picked his next words. 
“Do you think that our relationship takes away some of your own agency?”
“I don’t know… Sometimes I do. I don’t feel like an adult in a relationship. I feel like a hormone-fueled teenager with an unhealthy obsession.”
Neji considered her statement for a moment before speaking. 
“I feel similar.”
Tenten’s brows shot up.
“You do?”
“Do I come across as the type of person who would have sex in an open field in the middle of the day?”
Tenten laughed.
“No, not at all.”
“And yet, here we are.”
“But you still go home and do your own thing. You’re still your own person.”
She felt her eyes burn and resisted the urge to cry. She felt Neji’s thumb swipe across her cheek, a soothing gesture of affection he reserved just for her.
“So are you, Tenten.”
Tenten scoffed. 
“I think that it’s normal for people to experience so much infatuation at first.”
“I don’t know, Neji. Maybe, but it feels like so much more. When I thought you were… I-I couldn’t do anything.” One tear, two tears, and then the stream. She wept freely under him. “I was so pathetic, a shell of a person. My existence stopped when I thought yours did.”
Neji kissed her forehead and diligently wiped away her tears. He let her cry uninterrupted until she had calmed down enough to listen.
“Tenten, that’s not an obsessive crush, that’s grief. They’re different.”
“I felt like I couldn’t live without you.”
“I know. I’m sorry. But grieving doesn’t make you weak or less independent.”
Tenten looked away, fiddling with the collar of his shirt. 
“Listen to me, Tenten. Feeling like your whole world has been turned upsidedown... like you’ll never be happy again, that’s normal. It’s part of the process.” 
Neji wiped away another tear.
“You know everything,” she teased.
“I wish this was something I didn’t know. You feel helpless at first. It’s normal. I promise.” 
Neji kissed her briefly on the lips.
“As for our current situation, tell me; if you were asked to go on a mission without me, would you?”
Tenten nodded. 
“Of course.”
“Do you still go home and work on your scrolls? Do you research new weapons and techniques?” 
Another nod.
“And even though you claim to think about me all day, are you still doing your normal routine?”
“And do you still know your goals? Your dreams?”
“I think so.”
“I don’t think being infatuated with someone makes you any less independent. And you’re definitely the strongest, fiercest, most independent woman I know.”
Tenten’s heart fluttered. She touched his cheek and smiled.
“Thanks, Neji.” She smiled up at him. “But you better not just be saying that to get me out of my dress.” 
He frowned. 
“It was genuine, besides,” he pressed a series of kisses to her neck, and she giggled, “I don’t need to go out of my way with compliments for you to take your clothes off.”
Her laughs melted into gasps. She struggled to hold onto any sense of reality. 
“You arrogant-”
He cut her off with a deep and needy kiss. 
“Stop talking,” he whispered between kisses.
Tenten pushed him off of her. Neji rolled over and onto his back, and she quickly climbed on top of him, swelling with triumph and pride over her small victory. 
She leaned forward and kissed him, pressing her hips back to extract a well earned gasp from her partner. 
“Fine, I’ll stop talking,” she said between kisses, “but not because you want me to.”
Neji grinned up at her, hands reaching for her waist, pulling her in closer.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
 FFN | AO3
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itjustwontquit · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Bat Out Of Hell: The Musical - Steinman Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blake/Valkyrie (Bat Out Of Hell Musical) Characters: Blake (Bat Out Of Hell Musical), Valkyrie (Bat Out Of Hell Musical) Additional Tags: Fluff, Snapshots, literally just fluff, i spite wrote this because of an ask, blake and valk are soft and also absolute dicks Series: Part 2 of Snapshots Summary:
Blake should know better than to tell Valkyrie he's bored.
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wickedjaime · 4 years
First - the first two sentences of a current project.
My current project is an update to Purple Lions Dancing. The first two lines aren’t that exciting, so I’ll give you a bit more:
The misting steam hazed like dragon’s breath. Rhaella closed her eyes, sank further in the water. Scalding, as it always was, but it did not burn, only soothe. We dragons love heat, just as it loves us, her grandfather had told her, when she was a happy, unmarried child, and he had still loved her. We are fire made flesh, my Hatchling. 
And yet, you still burned, Grandpapa. It was only a thought—not said aloud, never aloud—but within the depths of the fortress her ancestors built, she thought he could hear her, somehow. In the stone, there was nothing but ghosts.
No Excuses Writing Meme
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muchadoaboutm · 5 years
That feeling when you've read all 15 of the fanfics on ao3 for your latest obsession
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esther-dot · 2 years
I kind of want to feel bad for targ stans and how the finale made them feel...but then I remember how vicious they were (and continue to be) against Sansa fans, Elia fans, Aegon is real fans, etc.
Did the heroic music in her scenes duped them? Did they miss the H*tler cam shots during her “badass” moments? Booh, booh, let me get the smallest violin 🎻 out.
Honestly, tons of bloggers in this hell site, Kelsey and others on Quora said for years she was headed this way...and they wouldn’t listen. They mocked everyone, specially Jonsas, and when the last episode came instead of being ashamed of their ignorance and inability to read the clues in the story they doubled down on it and attacked Stark fans, Dorne fans, and everyone else viciously. They harrased the actors irl (specially Kit and Sophie) for something a fictional character had done and signed a petition asking for a reshoot. 🤡
Now they have all these “hot takes” where they find Martin’s writing to be subpar and r*cist and misogynistic but if their fav had won they would be praising him to the skies.
Sorry, but I thank D&D for fooling them and exposing them as the tyranny apologists that they are. 🤷🏽‍♀️
I still remember one of their “theories” was Sansa would die a horrible death at the hands of her own sister and that’s why I reserve my sympathy for the side of the fandom that was actually paying attention to the narrative and minding their own business.
The North is free. Ding dong the witch is dead.
(about my tags on this reblog)
The North is free. Ding dong the witch is dead.
lmaoooooo. I do like that! I didn’t mean to say let’s forget everything what happens/happened in the fandom because yes, the Dany stans were awful. Kelsey wasn’t into shipping and she made very good arguments for Dark Dany for years and suffered horrible abuse. She finally spoke out after s8 and said that Targ stans were far and away the worst part of the fandom and had sent all kinds of threats to her and she had to delete all personal accounts because of doxing fears etc. And I know Sansa fans and Jonsas have received the same kind of treatment. It’s appalling and no one should ever harass people online, let alone send rape and death threats which at one point were routine in this fandom. So I certainly don’t want to minimize that, and I’m not suggesting we pretend that didn’t/doesn’t happen. I have hate sitting in my inbox right now even though I have hundreds of accounts blocked. They’re relentless. That part of the fandom is beyond the pale.
I simply meant, I was blindsided by what D&D did to a favorite character too.
I grieve too.
So, I do not understand or condone their behavior, but I do understand their feelings regarding the finale. Bewilderment, disgust...I felt it for totally different reasons, but I did feel that way too. I understand the rage, and reading posts by nontoxic fans, what Dany meant to them as survivors of abuse, well, it made me more disgusted with D&D’s choice to mislead the audience than with the fans who didn’t think too deeply and weren’t reading metas that explained the visual story that D&D repeatedly undermined with their dialogue.
Anyway, I’m not saying anyone needs to feel differently about the rest of the fandom. I’ve said recently I find everyone else except our corner pretty abhorrent, but in this, in my anger about the finale, I relate to them. 
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