#bonus: a bunch of people he knows are in the same room
draconisvesperi · 2 years
I head-canon that Wanderer, despite the Traveller giving him a name, never tells anyone else this name. Every time he meets someone new, he just says he's a nameless wanderer, and if they press, tells them to make up a name for him. And they do, and then he never tells anyone that name either.
Everyone he ever meets calls him something else and he never tells anyone else that name. All he ever calls himself is A Nameless Wanderer, whilst bearing the most names out of everyone who ever lived.
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trappolia · 8 months
GALLAGHER── while you were sleeping, i fell in love
he finds comfort in you in the waking world the same way people do in their dreams.
sleep comes easier in penacony. the reverie where locals and outlanders alike seek some semblance of escape from their truths and the hedonistic what-ifs that can become reality in the dreamscape is simply gallagher's "daytime" job ─ the meticulous dream-to-dream routine of maintaining peace and some semblance of order in a world where it is so easy for one's perceived reality to warp. those in the dreamscape prefer it to the rigid frame of the waking world, but gallagher knows all too well that the warping images of an illusion so easily influenced by the slightest shift of one's mood is anything but a utopia.
so, really, it's no surprise he finds such dear solace in your arms.
"you're back!" you beam, so sweet and darling when you catch sight of gallagher dragging his shoes past the drunken revelers ─ who will no doubt be stumbling back to their rooms where their dreampools lay, the portal to even more hedonistic pleasures and drunken revelries.
"that i am," he grunts, sliding onto an empty barstool just as you slide him his usual drink over the countertop. the gin burns through his throat, just enough to warm him up some. gallagher doesn't care how much dreamers fawn over the aesthetic of dreampools and the further bonus of their purpose. he's not fond of waking up in anything other than a bed, no matter how dreampools have been designed to offer the semblance of one. dreampools mean work, and he's had quite enough of that for the next 24 hours or so.
but stars know he won't be so lucky.
"tough time at work?" you offer him a sympathetic smile, wiping a glass with a clean rag. your customers at the bar had begun to dwindle, the few that remained idly chatting with their companions or indulging in their drink in personal quiet.
gallagher sighs ─ straightens his shoulders and tries to look less disheveled; he's here and out of work to enjoy some time with you, not to bitch and moan about his day. "sorry, darlin'. it wasn't that bad, 's just─"
he sighs again, not wanting to think about how the pillars that are supposed to uphold the dreamscape and his work seem to be crumbling every time he goes back to sleep. gallagher hasn't been on the scene yet, but he's heard reports of stuff that might be going on, and if they were true, then he was going to have a hell of a field day and a bunch of paperwork to do.
"i get it," you say, reaching over the counter to squeeze his hand. it's been hours since your shift started, and you smell of something akin to cinnamon and spice, the undertone of brandy and whiskey underneath. he thinks it fitting ─ you're so sweet, such a darling, so that must have translated into the drinks you brew even in the waking world, where the taste of one's mix relies simply on ingredient and skill.
gallagher manages a smile ─ one that doesn't strain at his lips and makes him feel like he's cosplaying in someone else's skin ─ and brings your hand up to his lips, kissing the soft skin of your knuckles. the metal of your wedding band is cool, but fills his blood with heat and his heart with warmth. "i don't deserve you, honestly."
"now i think that's just the gin talking," you tease, pinching his chin playfully.
"gah," gallagher feigns annoyance ─ badly, if the amused grin on his face is any indication but ─ and swats your hand away. "'s your shift ending soon?"
"mhm," you nod, giggling as you pull back from him and retreat back into your personal space ─ and gallagher misses you already. god, maybe the gin really is getting to him.
"what do you say we head back to our room and catch a nap after this?" gallagher asks, idly tracing his finger along the edge of his empty shot glass. the band on his finger ─ the mirror of yours ─ glints in the hazy yellow light of the bar. "or i can tell you about the day i've had and you can doze off because of how boring it is."
you give him a cheeky grin. "hard pass. your stories always keep me up at night. tell me about that masked fool who gave you a nightmare about me divorcing you."
"never again," gallagher deadpans, and when you burst into laughter, he's convinced that no sort of illusion a masked fool or xipe themself can conjure could ever compare to you ─ his very own dream come true.
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© trappolia 2024
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papil0nglegs · 10 days
Can I request tf2 mercs with a reader who is genuinely terrifying. Like there quiet, sneaky, uncanny, basically reader is kinda like the mercs very own cryptid. (Bonus points if reader is tall af<3)
Boo 🤍
A/n: Spy’s is a little short here 😣 I hope you weren’t too eager to see his lol. I got a little experimental with this one, not too much tho. Also I’ll be going on another break, I know I just finished one but I’m going through an unexpected rough time rn. So sorry guys, hope you enjoy <33
Warnings: Video used may be a spoiler for s2 of scream queens, Praying is used in a humorous light
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To start things off, you introduced yourself in the worst way possible. The bus that you were supposed to take got broken down so you had to find your way through the base without knowing where the entrance was. So what’d you do? Bang into a bunch of glass windows at 3am while it was RAINING. Some of the mercs were up trying to fix up the power generator and..
I saved that clip for weeks I’m so happy I have a reason to use it now
I know they’re all supposed to be big bad mercs but you scared the living FUCK out of them.
This man went running. He went all the way from the generator to the fucking bunks in the span of a minute! So what’d he do when he got to his room? He grabbed his cross necklace, got on his knees, and started PRAYING.
“Please god Jesus frickin’ Christ hear my prayers, save me-I’m sorry about all those magazines I keep under my bunk and I’m sorry that I told spy to go fuck himself when he told me I couldn’t pull bitches and I’m sorry I call girls bitches please just don’t let me friggin’ die dude!!”
He just kept chanting the same things until Miss Pauling found him cradling himself on his bed with a blanket wrapped around him.
“Scout what are you doing?”
“Oh, you mean y/n?”
‘Hi 👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️’
Yea he was pretty freaked out by you. To make it worse, you always just stare at him. He can’t remember a single moment where he looked at you and didn’t catch your tiny pupils locked onto him.
At first he’d just gently wave awkwardly while you did the same so freakishly. Eventually he decided to say something because it was scaring him, something he’ll never admit
“Yo you got a problem or somethin’, what’s with all the stares?”
“Nothing, I just like looking at you. Your structure pleases me.”
“..oh, well that’s actually-wait I thought-hold on do you really-pfft-Yeesh, I didn’t expect you out of everyone to haha.. Yknow”
Yeah he was blushing like crazy, such a straightforward compliment.
He’s still scared of you, but he uses you as his hype man every now and then. He’ll fish for compliments and WILL receive them
“Dontcha think I got some nice racks for a guy?”
He could literally walk up to you and threaten to kill you and your reaction is just “yuh go for it”
If you’re freakishly tall then he calls you tree. Cuz
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If you’re on the shorter side then he would just pick you up from the shoulders and kiss you on the forehead. He knows you won’t do shit, you’re literally just 🧍‍♀️
He didn’t even notice everyone else went running, he just kept on working on the electrical box. So when he stood up and saw you staring straight into the glass, he jumped a little but was mostly just confused
“What in the..”
“tap tap-Can you let me in?”
You’re lucky he didn’t go running like everyone else, you probably would’ve died from the flu if you spent another second outside in the freezing rain.
He puts a bell on you. He just had one laying around and tied it around the your wrist, it didn’t work because of how stiff your movements were so to ‘help’ you rang it against his ear.
“GOD DAMN IT- oh, y/n”
“Sorry, the bell wasn’t ringing how you wanted it to so I rang it myself”
“Uh-huh, thanks for the warning partner”
From my experience southern people love to make conversation, but you aren’t really familiar with that. So when he tries to flirt it gets pretty awkward
“How’s it goin’ sugar, I reckon your looking quite nice today”
“..you gonna say anythin’ back?”
“Oh, um.. I like your face.”
“Woah, alright then.”
He feels so embarrassed when he stands next to your tall ass, it makes him feel belittled. Especially when you actively have to look down just to make eye contact
But if you’re short then he loves it. Finally for once he doesn’t have to be reminded of his height when standing next to anyone.
He’s gone as soon as you show up. Like straight up disappears. He doesn’t like to show fear-makes him look weak
He’s convinced you could still see him though, cuz you happen to look in his direction even while he was invisible.
You don’t scare him as much as the others, if anything he took a bit of a liking to you because you stressed him out the least compared to the others. He always stood next to you + you were always his first pick for missions
You always make small talk with him. He doesn’t enjoy it but he still responds
“What is under your mask?”
“That is none of your business.”
“Why? Do you look like me?”
Spy doesn’t know if he should feel offended or annoyed
You don’t necessarily startle him like everyone else but you do make his heart jump slightly when you pop out of nowhere, you can see it in his pupils but never his body.
He just saw everyone running and went ‘oh okay we’re doing this now 🏃‍♂️’
But seriously, he fell in love with you at first sight. Your features felt so intricate to him, you always gave each other blank stares, zoning into each other’s eyes.
‘⚫️ ⚫️’
“👁️‍🗨️👁️‍🗨️ hi”
“⚫️ ⚫️ mmf”
You’re the only person who can fully understand him. No, not using his body language, you can actually tell what he’s saying. He aw’s at that, finally someone knows what he’s saying.
It makes him more self aware than how he was before, he’ll say some really petty shit and when you react he panics
“Mmph mmm”
“um pyro I need you to calm yourself”
Somehow you disturb HIM, you’ll point something out to him and talk to him like he’s crazy which makes him crazy
“Pyro, you reek of fire, it’s 30° outside, and it’s a cease day. Do you have any thoughts?”
“Mmmf mmm mph ☹️”
*plz leave me alone
Since you and him are so observant, the rest of the mercs are a little spooked by you guys. You’ll be in the corner with him watching and everyone is fairly weirded out.
“Mm mmmfmm mm”
“Pyro you’re hilarious.”
“What did thing say?”
“He said that if you were a littlest pet shop figure you’d be #508”
“..heavy is not sure what he expected”
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nikethestatue · 6 months
Chaotic Reading of the Azriel Bonus Chapter
So I meant to do this a while back, but just never got to it. Made my BF read Azriel's bonus chapter and the HOFAS bonus chapter.
(He knows names of characters--Elain, Azriel, Cassian and Nesta. He doesn't know who Gwyn is. He is generally only interested in Cassian, because 'he is strong and handsome' and looks like him. Doesn't exactly know who Rhys is, but knows the name and knows that he is in charge. Also he calls Rhys 'the main wizard'. For some reason he thinks that Fae are wizards. So here you go.)
Recorded reactions:
Oh, he depressed. Why? He didn't like his Solstice gifts?
Cassian is pounding Nesta, isn't he?
Oh, there she is! Who is she? Oh Elain! Hi pretty girl! Emo boi is into her for sure.
Is she into him? Because why? He is kind of boring. Is Cassian a one woman man?
Ohhh, he wants to tap that!
Oh, he really wants to tap that!
What the hell kinda weird gift is this? Babe (this is directed at me), don't give me ear plugs for Christmas.
Eat that pussy bruh!
Is he gonna bite her? he should bite her!
It's a cute gift. He could've gone a little flashier though. Maybe throw in a diamond and a ruby.
Oh, look, she is offering it on a silver platter!
Wait, why is this guy here?
Wait? he is not gonna eat that pussy?
Where. Is. The. Smut?
Bruh is a cock blocker on steroids. Wait, who is Lucien?
Why do we care about Lucien? (I explain briefly)
Blood Duel sounds rad.
Elain is stepping out with the emo Azriel on her mate. (laughs) They sound Australian! (proceeds to say 'mate' a lot in an Australian accent)
Is there gonna be a blood duel?
I feel like there is a lot of teasing in this chapter.
Oh, he is cold. He just went 'this was a mistake?!!" Yea, girls love hearing that.
Who is Mor? An ex? Oh, it's that chick you don't like. I feel you.
Babe (addressing me), this Azriel of yours has no game. This Rhys guy the Grand Wizard just told him to back off and he backed off? Who does that?! That pussy isn't gonna lick itself. Poor Elain. I hope she throws that necklace back in his face. Can I blood duel the shit out of him?
Don't like him at all!
(I correct him and tell him that Rhys is a High Lord not a Grand Wizard (that would be the KKK))
*mutters under his breath* He is acting like a Grand Wizard!
Yeah, be depressed emo boi! Who leaves a lady hanging like that?
Yeah, well, she is better off with Cassian anyway.
Does Elain have special powers? Can she burn him or something? Or Rhys? Rhys needs to mind his own business. Wait, back up. Lucien is in the same house? She doesn't like Lucien, does she? (laughs)
So if they kissed, they'd just do it in the living room for everyone to see? That's bold of them.
This chapter is very frustrating.
Emo boi needs self-esteem classes.
Who the hell is she?
Is he into her too?
Noooo, he is not into her! What bloody memory? Did they fight?
Why is she cutting the ribbon on Christmas?
Is she like a nun?
Wait, he lives in a convent with nuns?
Oh she is a priestess? Of what? Is she a nun?
(Explain to him that she is not a nun)
But he lives with a bunch of nuns?
(Explain the layout of the House of Wind)
He is into Elain, so I guess he doesn't care. Also, this setup is weird. Does he not have an apartment? Wait, he lives with Nesta and Cassian? Like roommates? Or is this a menage? No, it's not a menage, right? Because he wants to eat Elain out--and DIDN'T (kind of yelling at this point)
(Explain it's not a menage. But Nesta wouldn't mind if it were)
Okay, this conversation is boring.
He sings? Like in a band?
Oh, this is like "Kill Bill". Emo Azriel is Pi Mei. He is teaching her to kill people. I can respect that.
...This chapter is weird. Why is this part even here? Is she gonna cut the ribbon?
All I am imagining right now is Gwyneth Paltrow cutting a ribbon with a sword. (laughs)
Nope, she did not cut the ribbon.
(proceeds to offer a lengthy explanation on how difficult it is to cut a ribbon like this. I am forced to listen.)
Azriel can cut a ribbon! I think SJM legit stole this whole training idea from 'Kill Bill'. Didn't the Bride have to cut a ribbon too?
(He is not wrong)
Okay, so..........now he just leaves? What was the point of this whole part with her? I don't get it.
Ahhhhh, my girl! She left that necklace for him to find! Yeah, you go girl, feminist queen!
Not even gonna ask about this snowball fight. Is this like a cutsey thing they do?
Ohh, who is Clotho? Is she like Fate? Why are the seven bells singled out? Does it mean something? She can't talk? Aww she feels bad for him. Well, she shouldn't! (said aggressively)
I feel like this necklace is more than just a necklace. Do they explain it later?
Okay, so he just gives it away? Oh god. Please don't say Clotho is going to give it to Gwyn!! No. No. That's weird.
So wait, that's it?
This is what you guys have been fighting over for three years? (laughs) That's stupid (he is not wrong) But what are you fighting over? That he should've beaten Rhys's ass?
(no, some say that he is into Gwyn because of the last line)
Like romantically? (asks incredulously) What are you fucking stupid?
As a man, I can tell you he is not into her. If you are gonna give a woman a gift, you don't go through others. You want to see her reaction. You want to see her smile. You want to put it on her. The first part did it right. Not sure what the purpose of the second part was, but I hope he and Elain get some kind of a resolution, but he needs to ask for forgiveness. And so does Rhys. Does Gwyn cut the ribbon at some point?
Good for her. Now she can go and start avenging shit, like the Bride.
Final question, does he eat Elain's pussy at some point?
She should ask Cassian. He'd do it. And do it well.
The End
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shattersstar · 1 year
ok but we need to hear more about college dick now👀👀
hehe ask and u shall receive because ohhh myyy dick in college is such a messsssssss but like so pretty it’s almost unfair
i love the idea of dick and a bunch of his friends getting a house together with the intent of being Normal for the first time in a while, which means being absolute menaces as most 20 smth yr old guys are
very much known for being a party house bordering a frat but all the guys r so nice that it’s rlly hard to think of them like that. it’s a space where he can let go, feel like himself and with the encouragement of his friends, dick puts the brakes on like relationship hunting and just has fun..
he’s been in pretty committed relationships since he was old enough to be and has always struggled with casual dating let alone sleeping with people he barely know. but when dick learns there r ppl out there looking for the same thing and not everyone wants to b the next future ex mr/mrs. grayson it makes it a lil easier to be his charming self with no bounds <33
and then he mets you and it’s the usual routine, flirting you to his bedroom which is in the basement—of course—well alllllmost doing so until you vanish out of his grasp for reasons dick cannot discern (you weren’t here for him silly)
and while he’s not like one of those oh i wanted to hit and couldn’t so im gonna chase you types, dick does have to reconcile with the fact your friends with roy and spend a lot of time at the house now
which also means he learns how cool you r and how goofy he feels for just tryna sleep with you
and despite his friends vouching for him you really only see (and have heard the numerous rumours) dick as a rich playboy and that’s not for you. plus he’s def a business or poli sci major……….but with a psych minor bc it feels the most practical despite how boring dick finds most of his classes
though when he realizes your both in a psych elective together he’s all toothy grins and obnoxious air which isn’t helping his case but of course he’s a decent student and when you mentioned hating statistics—you were stuck with the worse prof outta the two—dick jumped at the chance to help
you were sooooooo skeptical and even though agreed you kept brushing him off until dick just started helping you when you were over to hang out. he drops a textbook in your lap while sitting in roy’s bed or starts reviewing your notes and adding examples while your hanging out on the living room floor building lego sets with everyone else.
and dick did that a lot—sure it was his house and roy was his best friend along with all of his other housemates but dick never hesitated to insert himself into whatever you were doing when you came over. and it shouldn’t surprised you but everyone being so..unbothered by it had you confused. like maybe that’s how dick is but it spoke bounds to their closeness and was the First time you actually saw a little more to dick than just some campus hottie douchebag who threw parties to get laid
and while you weren’t about to tell dick that, you did start coming over with the intent of working on stats together. it usually meant dick having to re-lecture whatever your prof barely managed to explain and helping you with the page long equations needed for assignments
and dick keeps it as platonic as possible, on a mission to prove he’s not the person you think he is and not only because he wanted to be with you—well yeah he does—but because dick cares what you think about him. he knows his friends care about you and value what you have to say and he wants you to know it’s the same for him
and maaaybe you see that too but dick needs to suffer a little more
bonus: you talk to dick abt ppl you’re interested in at some point (either genuinely or to mess with him) when he insists on always hanging out with you and roy. and while he gives advice with a smile, still trying to prove his capacity for mature, platonic relationships, dick screams into his pillow later that night when he goes over the convo again and again and agai—
bonus bonus: he’s probably on the school’s gymnastics team <3
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emmitaaa4 · 8 months
I want to preface this little rant by saying that I am all for ship and let ship—at the end of the day none of this has any significance, and we should all get to enjoy our silly little ships to our heart’s content. Me personally I just want Elain to do whatever the hell she wants and be happy in the end. That being said, rn I just felt like getting something off my chest.
From what I have seen and understood, most of The Other Side believes that Azriel feels entitled to Elain. That he sees her as a sexual object, or at the very most as a rebound he doesn’t truly care for, nor respect; he does not think of her beyond what he can get from her sexually. They say his attitude towards her is toxic in its ‘possessiveness’; he doesn’t consider her an equal, for he sees her as a perpetual damsel in distress he must save; his attraction to her / feelings for her are a symptom of some twisted trauma response.
We know that they believe that. We’ve heard it. Over and over and over. Since 2021. Hell, everybody’s momma probably knows it, too, with the way that rhetoric is spread. But Elriels have made it plenty clear that we have a very different interpretation of the text and do NOT agree with those assessments of Azriel (nor half the things the poor man is diagnosed with, bless his fictional soul), considering what we do know of Azriel’s character and his relationship with Elain, based on the books--and yes, the bonus (see this, this, and this post). Otherwise—i.e. if we believed him an incel x fuckboy hybrid (probs the first of his kind!) who is only interested in getting her in is bed—we would obviously not be shipping them together: most of us (99% I’d say lol) care about Elain more than we do Az, or care about them both just as much.
So it is getting pretty tiring to see us shippers—the actual humans behind the screen—labelled as having a toxic/immature view of what love is, of being “too young/naive” to see the supposed red flags, of mistaking lust for love because we have not experienced a healthy relationship (?), of actually promoting toxic relationships & advocating for toxic masculinity (which someone told me on tiktok just now)(stay away from tiktok, folks). Those generalizations are wild to me, not only because they are wildly untrue and condescending, but because Elriels are a colorful bunch, you know—when you’re speaking of the fandom Villain™, you’re speaking of people of every demographic, speaking of daughters mothers grandmothers, depressed uni students (pardon the self-insert), etc... I need to get thicker skin, but those statements can get pretty hurtful in the long run. And I’m tired of feeling the need to justify myself as if we’re wrong for shipping two people who MUTUALLY want one another and lets be serious, no its not “just lust”.
I know I know, I am probably being dramatic. But it’s just weird to see a ship being so demonized and its shippers along with it, all because louder portions of the fandom disagree with our opinions and insist on toxifying ours. Just to be clear, I know that many have had unpleasant experiences/interactions with Elriels, just like many Elriels have had the same with Gwynriels and/or Eluciens. I condone none of the disgusting behaviour I’ve seen from some shippers, and in fact I abhor it. As everyone should.
To end this on a good note.
Elriels, I say we run with it. Az wants Elain for himself. He is jealous and his mind is plagued by thoughts of her. Her presence is too much to bear, for he can’t stand to be in the same room as her and pretend like he feels nothing. He is ready to beg on his knees for a chance to worship her, and it took Nesta one look to see it.
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The joke demon is here
And remember that Exsotica in the red light district that people make wild rumors that the most beautiful and enchanting oran is a kind yokai or something
Liked it started by one of the low rank ladies and as they where getting harassed by a costumer Exsotica open the sliding door without her veil/hat as it a rare for them to do and it scared the costumer out and made sure they are alright while giving them her ready made remedies out of her kimono sleeves; due to Exsotica keep on getting gifts she something share or give to the other girls ( Daki gets some nice hair ornaments and silks to be safe )
Some of the kids or servants who works around the area sometimes sneek to an area that the rumored Exsotica tends to go when she have free time and say if you hear her sing with bunch of cats with her you get good luck, say a poor traveler who hear her sing as they are there to get medicine for a love one and they got it the same day, or maybe someone hear her sing and they gotten some money bonus as they where struggling
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Exotica | Rumors
Rumors are bound to spread when you’re the talk of the town
Both the girls and the consumers that continue to fight for the chance to so much as get a glance at you
The girls may start it first, purposely spreading your medicinal and business prowess where many will hear
Is it kind of scummy
But it certainly helps when you happen to solve these problems
You can’t fix everything and the rumors of you being a yokai help with that
“Oh, Exotica must have been punishing you for something!”
But I doubt the girls would genuinely believe this 
Having access to you directly certainly changes their view of you
Some may think you’re a descendant or a reincarnation of some benevolent yokai
But for the most part, they gather that you’re just an immaculate human
Because despite your fame and accomplishments they see you’re humanity
The corners you continue to bang your hip against 
Or the flowers you like so much triggering allergies
They see you for you 
Admiring the things that you do even when no one is watching
But for those who look from the outside 
You can be anything yokai, angel, demon
Whether fantasizing about your singing, your dancing, painting, heck even your accounting
Your hobbies are a blessing for both those in the know and the ones who are left fantasizing from afar:
Rukia listened. Something she couldn’t help but do in a place as busy as the Yukaku District. It was exhausting to constantly hear every creak, every whisper, every scream while she was doing her job. The glorious occupation of being a handmaiden for The Exotica! It meant many things including hearing the various rumors and gossip stemming from the house you are in. 
“Did you hear Exotica gave that one guest a cure for their illness.”
“But that couldn’t be the medicine they produce? Its supposed to be a minor assistant in creating some much needed antibodies.”
“Shuuush! You’re so boring! Can’t you just let it be?It just makes people more eager to visit.”
“Why you–”
Hearing the girls giggle as they walked through the hallways Rukia also could hear the gasp of a client. Before watching the man scurry out the house, no doubt to share whatever he took from that. She shook her head continuing on her route to the linen closet, earlier she had been tasked with changing Exotica’s sheets. It was an honor to do something like this, especially since so many degenerates were willing to pay for them.
Passing by the various rooms tending to the guests that bled into the early morning, the whispers of your name were just about everything she could pick up. It was a normal occurrence that even guests who would pay for others would still ask about you, it was what exalted your name all the more. 
But it didn’t compare to seeing the real thing. The real (Y/n) behind Exotica being just as fulfilling. Speaking of, Rukia arrived to your room which was meant to be unoccupied only to find her master humming in the silence of the room. At a time where you should be preparing to rest you were humming. Letting your head sway to an unfamiliar tune just letting yourself run on the tired musings to let you go. 
Rukia decided she’ll stagger her steps if only to give you the moment to be yourself.
It's her greatest honor...to keep you happy.
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capsensislagamoprh · 7 months
Head cannon nonsence:
Shit two dork assed teenagers did at the onsen because they are idiots who respect there elders/ actually like Yuuri's parents.
Cleaned the gutters: Otabek cleaned them, Yuri mostly took the bags of stuff to where they needed to go.
Fell asleep on the roof: Victor was getting to Yuri. Otabek wanted to read in peace. He went to the roof. Yuri followed. Sleep happened.
Almost fell off the roof: See previous entry and know that Yuri almost rolled off. Fortunately, Otabek has great reflexes to make up for his lesser dexterity.
Cleaned out the storage room: Everyone else kept getting caught up in sentimental memories. Yuri was for burning it all, so Otabek actually did the sorting. This was great fun. Turns out Yuuri has a lot of old clothes he saved, and they found his poster collection. Victor is delighted.
Change light bulbs: Yuri standing on Otabek's shoulders makes them about teen feet tall-ish. Mari walked along with them. Yuri pulled out old ones, handed it to Otabek, who handed it to Mari. Mari handed Otabek a new light bulb, who handed it to Yuri, who put it in and closed the fixture where ever needed. Otabek's shoulders hurt after the whole onsen was done but wont say a word. Just rolls them a few times.
Dust the high places: Same dynamic as above, only with a feather duster and cloth. Otabek's shoulders need a break, but it's good stamina and weight lifting training.
Clean and polish the Katsuki's car: This was mostly to impress on Yuri how much time vehicle maintenance takes, but they gave the boy a hose and someone to turn it on, and if that someone happens to be very hot dripping wet and about to get vengeance, well that's just a bonus. You know once water gets involved, Victor and Yuuri get in there too because fun times will be had by all.
Accidentally on purpose teach a bunch of seagulls how to terrorize rude tourists for french fries: Look, Otabek is deviously patient, and once Yuri finds that out he will find a way to turn those traits to evil. Like asking Otabek how to get vengeance on someone who was rude to Mrs. Katsuki. Yuri wont stand for it. French fry lured seagulls, Otabek says with a straight face, because of course he does. What's that? Well, you lure seagulls one french fry at a time to the aria where rude tourists usually gather so they are haggard by said avian for food, thus giving them a shuddering terror of the birds every time they have a meal outside. Parking lots near coastal towns will never be the same.
Get told not to lure seagulls with french fries: they are amassing an army and it's starting to scare people.
Climb a lamp post: This is mostly a dare. Until Yuri can't get down. Otabek helps him, but they never speak of how long it took for Yuri to get back to ground level again because he was afraid to let go of the pole until he knew Otabek would catch him. It becomes an inside joke. May or may not be why the Russian skate team keeps trying to get Otabek to catch them. (Only Yuri is allowed this privileged.)
Discover Otabek is an absolute heater when he's asleep: Storms knock power out. Generator needed for fridge and such. It gets cold. Only room with heat? Yuri and Otabek's. Why? Because Otabek fell asleep hours ago, and radiates that pleasant sleepy warm like he was a small fusion star. Woke up wondering why he is surrounded by people laying on him, and questioning if he's allowed to move to go do morning things. Manages to find a way. Thirty minutes latter everyone else wakes up because all that heat dissipated quickly. It's okay. Powers back on a few hours latter.
Figure out exactly how many M&Ms Yuri can fit in his mouth: 37. He drools after that.
Discover Otabek's reading glasses actually make him hotter and that's an absolute fucking sin: look, he's just trying to do his homework, okay? Collage credits don't amass themselves.
Find out Otabek is a math dork: He and Yuri are watching ice skating play backs with Mari. Otabek is writing out equations absently mindedly as they do. When asked: it's the equations of the skaters jumps and spins. He's working out how to improve them per individual skater. For funzies. Yuri is both impressed and disgusted. No one should like math this much. And if they do, they shouldn't help the enemy. Otabek tells Yuri how to get higher on his quad and suddenly this is the best thing ever. Victor hears. Yuuri is impressed. Otabek winds up on the roof again, trying to escape. No, he is not going to school for maths.
Discover Yuri is actually a pretty good cook. Once he gets over the disgust of spots on vegetables, and figures out how to use a knife (thanks for that Mr. Katsuki, JJ is DOOMED), he's very methodical (perfectionist) so while it takes him longer, it turns out right most times.
Scare the living shit out of people: It's the three am five miles out, five miles back jog Otabek dose every day he can. Yuuri finds out and joins him. Makes breakfast taste better, they say. Yuri thinks they are nuts. Not for the running. For three am.
I got more, but honestly, I have so So SO much for these ice babies.
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eerna · 7 months
okay wait actually now that we're on the book-series-strengths-and-shortcomings-train what do you love most about tlt and tlc? (multiple answers bonus)
TLC: 1) Friendship not being secondary to romance!! The series' main theme is love. In the grand finale the big bad taunts the MC about love... but she doesn't use her boyfriend, no, she uses her best friend. This is made even more powerful because by all means, the best friend was meant to be the secondary love interest by all rules of 2012 YA, but NO he is JUST A FRIEND and it is not treated as "something less". 2) Team building!!!! Oh my god!!!! Building onto point 1, but it needs its own point. Rarely does a fictional team of main characters feel as natural as the Rampion Crew. This is even more impressive because the 9 of them don't appear in the same room until the end of the series. Even though the team consists of 4 couples and 1 single, everyone has a dynamic with everyone, they have arcs that aren't tied exclusively to their partner but also someone else on the team, they interact with each other freely. 3) The wide range of characters! I am a sucker for a "team of girls totally different from each other saves the world" setup, and TLC does it perfectly. I think this is one of the best YA series out there because of how much it empowers different kinds of girls. The guys are also easy to tell apart even at first read, and I sooo appreciate that at least one of them isn't conventionally attractive (anymore). 4) It's so funny. I love these books and how funny they are. They hit the perfect balance between a fun teen adventure and a heartfelt emotional story. 5) This is one of the least "Here's what REALLY happened" series I've read. A bunch of times major things influence characters' thoughts and opinions, but those things are fake and never revealed as fake, OR the characters never learn some big things that could change their opinions at all. Seeing how impacted Winter was when she realized Levana truly loved her father, when I KNOW what really happened, always shakes me to my core - and Winter never learns the truth!!! Everyone who could explain what really happened is dead!! Winter will forever go on thinking at least her father had a marriage of love!!! And why should she learn the truth, really, it would only serve as yet another sad plot twist that traumatizes her even deeper. 6) Levana. I am not usually a villain girlie, but Levana absolutely slaps. She is simultaneously disgusting, horrible, and pitiful. Usually if I like the villain it's because he has something smart to say, but Levana doesn't, I can't relate to her or see things from her perspective... But the leads can! Levana seems to carry all the trauma and complexes of our leads, but she crumbled under them, showing Cinder what she might have become if not for her loved ones.
TLT: 1) Isn't afraid of people not getting it!! Do you understand how refreshing this is to see in a mainstream popular series??? The book doesn't act like you are an idiot, it acts like you are some sort of a genius, and you feel illiterate until you realize NO ONE got it the first time around and you're gonna have to do lots of rereading and thinking to get it. This makes it impossible to get into for some people, but so what. So what!!! What matters is that it rewards those who stay and put in the work!! 2) Absolutely bonkers insane relationships. No one can be "just a friend" in these, we need 1000 different layers of trauma and tenderness surrounding everyone. 3) Pathetic women. These books are the epitome of all the worst parts of yourself laid bare. These characters act out the most shameful, horrible memories and impulses of your heart, all the while spouting poetics about the entire situation. And it is pure catharsis!! It is so rare to see female characters depicted this pathetic without it being torture porn. 4) Writing style. It's the perfect example of how realism doesn't matter if you're good with your words. No one in these books talks like a real life person, but they are all distinct from each other and filled with personality. Every book has several lines that have the power to reduce me a to a sobbing mess just from hearing them. Just. The writing style is so good that I even enjoy reading INTERVIEWS with the author, she has a way of speaking that keeps you engaged and makes her sound so smart. 5) Each book is its own thing, keeping you on your toes, but they all still feel cohesive. It also means that even if the final book sucks, I won't have any hangups about it, since I will just be able to reread the first 3. Honestly even if AtN never comes out, I won't feel like I wasted any time, because the books are so fantastic and so worth reading that the end of the journey doesn't even matter to me that much - and if you've been here a while, you'll know what a radical statement that is for me. It is so nice to relax and enjoy the ride instead of stressing over my thoughts and opinions aging badly.
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okimnerdy · 8 months
Trolls Headcannons (Royal Family Edition)
°Peppy suffers from some type of memory loss due to PTSD. It got to the point where he had to trust most of the older trolls to help him keep his mind as they all settled in the Pop Forest.
°Peppy started the chant of "No Troll Left Behind" after finding Viva's Hug Time Bracelet in the rubble. He made those who made it out swear to never mention Viva in order to give Poppy only happiness in this new chapter.
°Peppy became protective over his daughters after their mother was chosen as one of the first Trolls of Bergentown's first annual Trollstice. He became even more protective of Poppy after the split™ because of Viva's presumed death.
°Peppy's memory has started fading in and out, making him believe that he went on adventures that didn't happen or didn't happen as he remembered them.
°Viva is 15 years older than Poppy, being around 16-17 at the time of The Great Escape™ and around 37-38 at the time of their reunion.
°Viva was a huge fan of Brozone prior to the arrival of the Bergens. However, she didn't recognize Clay when he showed up with the rest of the Putt Putt Trolls. She didn't even know his name until they all settled in.
°Viva quickly took up the role as the leader of this new tribe due to her royal training, but was scared. Thankfully, Clay was there to be an amazing assistant and friend. No one will admit it, but she thinks of him as a co-ruler rather than an advisor or an overseer and gives him the same power as her.
°Viva braided her hair out of anxiety, needing something to fidget with in the early days of separation. She also took up knitting and crocheting, making a majority of hers and Clay's clothes.
°Viva is still wary around Bergentown due to all the trauma and mental scarring they put on her. As much as she wants to go with Poppy, she just volunteers to kingdom-sit for however long they'll be gone.
°Poppy essentially started ruling at a young age due to her dad's decline in health, being around 10 years old when people started turning to her over her dad. They never really asked for much, but it was quite overwhelming.
°Poppy started scrapbooking after her dad's memory started to go. The little pictures remind him of the history he told her as she grew up, and ultimately became Pop Village's main collection of history books. She did have help editing them after the World Tour.
°Poppy credits most of her big personal changes to being because of Branch. He has been her voice of reason since the beginning, but never really listened until they both gave each other chances.
°Poppy was around 1 or 2 during the Great Escape™, making her around 21 or 22 during the events of the first film and around 22 or 23 during WT and BT.
°Poppy didn't discover Brozone until the Return to the Troll tree where she found a bunch of their records in what she assumed was meant to be her old room. She later found out it was Viva's old room and collection.
Bonus: Ladies' Night
°Brandi, Poppy, & Viva get together once in a while to just escape the pressures of their jobs. They'll usually stay on Vacay Island, but have gone to Mount Rageous on several occasions. Poppy still keeps in contact with Crimp for visits like these.
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First up, Pepperman and The Vigilante!
(( Why both at once? Cause they're constantly together anyway, it'd be a shame to split them apart.
More or less I wanted to lean into the personalities they have already, but to crank em up a bit.
They're two of the five strongest creations in the tower, as well as close friends of P. his leads them both to be rather simply manipulated by him, especially given how gradual it was.
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Pepperman is a loud and proud figure, constantly boasting about his mastery of the arts and his determination and perseverance to never half-ass any of his creations was there for everyone to see.
Thus, P started taking advantage of that.
P would constantly commission Pepperman. At first it was in reasonable quantities, maybe a painting every so often, maybe a little statuette here and there. But the amount and speed that P started demanding became absurd.
Pepperman deep down could tell that he was accepting more work than he can handle, but his pride wouldn't listen. He kept staying up longer and longer to finish the pieces, to the point where if you were to ask, he probably wouldn't even remember the last time he painted or even sketched for himself. Or when he last slept.
That's the state our protagonists would hind him in; very very overworked.
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Rather unfinished first encounter with Pepperman^ (Check alt text if anything is hard to understand)
And here's a bunch of miscellaneous art of him (explanations in alt):
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Vigilante is a serious and gruff fellow who puts his farm and the people he cares about before himself. He used to be a Vigilante until he got promoted to the Sheriff not too long ago. Now he just wears the name cause he's used to it. No outlaw can escape his wrath, as he's very handy with a gun and loves practicing using it in sparring matches.
This is where P ruins that for him.
P used to just have fun little matches with Vigi, fighting fair and often allowing him to win as just a thanks for spending time with him. But, as time went on, it became relentless.
P would constantly attempt to catch Vigi off-guard to "test his reflexes", not quite to the point of keeping him awake, but rather just making him paranoid and fearful of each minute he's awake. His hand was constantly on the trigger of his gun to feel at least a little in control. And P doesn't go easy on him either. He's left actual dents and errors in the cheese, wounds that shouldn't even be possible.
But Vigilante doesn't know how to stop it. If he were to say stop, he'd be angering his boss and more importantly friend. He cares about the time they've spent together, but knows at the same time that this is becoming far too much for him to handle.
And that's how you meet him, high-strung, worried about disappointing P.
I never finished the intro to him, but it would've taken place not along after Pepperman's. In fact, in the same room, like, canonically like ten minutes apart. He'd go in there to discuss about getting ready for P's big event and just casually reveal to Peppibow about them being a clone, which would lead to quite a bit of tension as well as the proper in color introduction to P.
Misc art of Vigi:
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Their relationship would be up in the air. They were gonna be written as friends, but could be read as whatever the reader wants.
Vigilante would often drag Phil (as he calls Pepperman, since it's his real name), to Noisette's Cafe as a way to relax whenever he was pushing himself too hard.
Pepperman would be there to hear Vigi discuss his situation and give advice, which more or less fell on deaf ears, but were appreciated nonetheless.
They've been friends as long as they can remember, to the point that they can't even remember ever meeting, just that they always knew eachother.
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Comic of Vigilante pulling Phil away from his work to take a break^ (I was gonna originally make a better digital version but haven't gotten to it)
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First refs of them^
Bonus info:
Pepperman's final design doesn't have a bow, since its colors would've been decided by askers. Thus it would've been added after the votes were in.
Vigi was originally gonna have a cheese pattern bow that would work similar to the patterns do in Chowder.
All of Fun Farm is Vigilante's farm.
Pepperman would be on the spectrum.
I forgot that Pepperman's small form exited while making him, so he has nothing to do with that.
Vigilante was planned to die in one of the drafts after revealing to Peppibow that they're a clone, as P had specifically told Vigi and the other bosses not to do that, and thus gets angered. P would pop his hand through a portal, crush the life out of him and then drag him away, leaving Pepperman and everyone else in the room horrified. And that was one of planned introductions to P. I decided against it, as Vigi didn't really do anything to deserve that fate and plus it would've been rather anti-climactic in general.
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tealmaskmybeloved · 13 days
What's your headcannons for Kitakami duo and loyal three (plus Pecharunt)
This can be for your au if u want!!^^
For the Kitakami siblings!
- Kieran puts a bunch of toppings and whatnot on his sandwiches (turkey, ham, cheese, lettuce, pickles, tomato, peppers, cucumbers, basically has my sandwich preferences) while Carmine just puts tomato and mayo on it and calls it a day
- During Mochi Mayhem, the two wear more casual outfits that aren't their school uniforms (like yall are on a break WEAR SOMETHING ELSE)
- Kieran helps out a bit at Apple Hills and it's where he met his Dipplin, although it was an Applin when he met it. He was able to catch it with Carmine there for emotional support.
- Kieran's Sentret was his first Pokémon and the two met when Sentret stumbled into his room by accident. Carmine technically caught it but she gave it to Kieran.
- Carmine found her Poltchageist in an antique shop and the two became friends ever since.
For the Loyal 3 and Pecharunt!
- Okidogi had Guard Dog before it met Pecharunt, and originally was a part of a pack of unknown dog Pokémon. He met Pecharunt when the former's pack was attacked and he was seperated
- Munkidori had Frisk as his ability before meeting Pecharunt, and he used to be a scout of sorts, but others of his kind abandoned him after telling him to go find an item that didn't exist. When Munkidori got Toxic Chained, he got his revenge.
- Fezandipiti had Technician before meeting Pecharunt. He used to be female and was unable to find a mate, so he wished to be beautiful. (Came with bonus transition. Trans rights everyone)
- The Loyal 3 did have their abilities before they got Toxic Chained, but they were below average or even miniscule compared to the others of their kind.
- Okidogi and Pecharunt lived in the same region and Okidogi even lived with the old couple aside with Pecharunt.
Toxic Consequences AU Stuff
- Dokutaro looked more like a Pecha Berry before his descent into villainy. The changes first started when he gave his caretakers the Binding Mochi
- Dokutaro only really opens up in his shell around the Loyal 3 and Kieran.
- The shopkeepers at Peachy's knew a bit about Dokutaro's wish granting power, and the ancestor who started the shop wished for the store to be successful. Whether or not Dokutaro made the store successful or if it is just a coincidence is unknown.
- TC!Fezandipiti sounds like Alex Beckham's Mettaton in Undertale the Musical (only difference is the lack of robotic sound effects for Fezandipiti)
- TC!Munkidori sounds like Alex Rybitski's voice for Berdly in Deltarune the (Not) Musical
- TC!Okidogi I imagine to sound like Alex Beckham's voice for Daruk.
(Yes I listen to a lot of Man On The Internet how did you know /silly. Also I don't have a voice idea for TC!Dokutaro)
- After the Kitakami siblings make amends, Kieran's eyes are a mix of yellow and pink.
- Kieran eventually apologizes to Ogerpon for all that he did, and even makes her a new mask.
- The Festival of Masks gets new masks after the whole ordeal, now showing Ogerpon as the hero and the Loyal 3 as villains. (Ogre Oustin is changed as well, with the Loyal 3 and Dokutaro instead)
- Mossui Town isn't the first place the Loyal 3 and Dokutaro raided. On their adventure to get Ogerpon's masks, the group went after towns they saw on the way, stealing goods and attacking the people.
- The Loyal 3, Dokutaro and Kieran live in the Dreaded Den temporarily after Ogerpon went with Carmine.
- Ogerpon wears Kieran's old Ogre Mask during the Festival of Masks.
- Dipplin wished to evolve after seeing how Kieran wanted to get stronger, so Dokutaro granted that wish.
- Our favorite Chained bandits are at first confused (and hysterical) at the people of Kitakami believing they're heroes, but they go along with it for the attention and the masks.
- The Loyal 3, Dokutaro, and Kieran have an immense fear of Amarys due to her Steel-Type Pokémon. Okidogi usually has to help em out due to his Fighting Type.
- Kieran's Pokémon go back to their normal forms after being unchained.
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1960z · 1 month
turnabout time traveler is definitely a case designed to facilitate a story that gets a bunch of legacy characters in the same room again to capitalise on original trilogy nostalgia BUT what I think really elevates it above a typical fanservice case is the way nostalgia and living in the past is baked in its themes.
the core message this case is trying to send is that while nostalgia can be nice, if you only live in the past and refuse to move forward, it will be your downfall. we see this primarily with pierce who is obsessed with making the people around him relive his own trauma and grief surrounding his fiancee's death which leads him to causing more pain and tragedy. and to a lesser extent with sorin who, while he can't help that he has ef a tale of memories syndrome (sorry idk what else to call it lmao) still burdens himself with secrets and guilt barely even allowing him to focus on the new memories he's writing down. they're both referred to as "time travelers" for this reason because, time has simply moved on without them.
and as much we might want them to, our main characters can't stay static either. they're moving on too. there are so many moments in this case where maya, just by virtue of being herself, reminds phoenix of mia which makes sense, because she's literally now in the same age range mia was when she died. them working together like this for the first time in who knows how long really forces phoenix to grapple with that she really isn't 17-20 anymore. sure, she may still have a similar outward facing weirdgirl personality but she has also truly matured in a lot of ways and gained a lot of wisdom from all her experiences over the years that she didn't have previously. which yes, has made her a lot like her sister in a lot of ways. and it's an emotional, beautiful experience to see a close friend go through that. even if your friendship isn't the same as it once was, it's evolving for the better.
there are also just little elements of this case's story which make you reminisce about cases previous which really hammers home the feeling of nostalgia for a time past. the whole sibling car accident then subsequent surgery plot line is extremely turnabout reunion. the murder plot planned by a person other than the guy who was supposed to carry it out felt very turnabout goodbyes-esque.
and of course, the murder weapon is a weird novelty clock that you wouldn't even believe is a clock just by looking at it.
it's a case that's both really fun and has a surprising amount of depth. it made me emotional in a lot of ways I wasn't expecting. it was a lovely little end bonus
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captainmortuem · 9 months
SWTOR Secret Santa 2023
My giftee was @tiredassmage
I know you said you were in love with the Agent, but I fell in love with the idea of the relationship between your Knight and Warrior. I tried my best to get their personalities based off of the tagged posts and character bios, as well as playing into a bit of that in-between from begrudging alliance to blossoming friendship that (as far as I could tell from all the posts I was reading) would take place right around the time of Shadow of Revan. Not as cold as Ilum may have been, but not yet so devoted as during the KotXX story. Like seriously, I spent three hours looking at their character tags to try and figure them out.
Bonus for some of my own SWTOR OCs thrown in there, and a few of yours who don’t really take to the foreground. I sincerely hope you enjoy all 1,134 words.
The hideout on Rishi had become… crowded. To put it nicely. Barring the fact that four, or more apt would be “three and some broken up metal pieces of a droid” of their group was out galavanting around the planet while the notorious pirate captain of the Red Hulls sat in this one room that had been deemed “safe” by their Imperial and Republic associates. Six of the eight incarnations of this “captain” sat performing various leisurely tasks while the remaining two, Tyr and Evek’fezen, patrolled the outside to make sure nobody got too wise about what this mismatched group of Jedi, Sith, Spies, Troopers, and Criminals were doing boarded up in the same hut as one another. Slumo’cet’lezu and Ipah’fezen were playing a game of Sabaac off to one side, using a crate as a table and discarded baskets as chairs, and only a few times had they drawn blasters on one another with accusations of cheating. Darth Occlus and Satia sat in the corner sharing history and culture with one another, comparing and contrasting the planets they’d been to and the people they’d met in their respective empire’s spheres of influence, each thankful that the other seemed keen to avoid political banter and the usual shortcomings that topic brings. But the most curious of the bunch was the Hero of Tython and the Emperor’s wrath, not bickering or sparring with one another as one would expect with the Shield of the Republic and the Sword of the Empire so close together, instead the two seemed keen on just enjoying one another’s company. There was a kinship to be had between warriors, different banners they may wear, but of a kind all the same. The Knight had Kira standing beside him, strangely tense and the room could feel it, but the proximity to so many Sith was still a bit jarring for the Jedi after having only recently killed the Sith emperor. Plenty of reasons for tensions to be a lot higher than they seemed to be, barring the Sabaac game off to one side, but neither of them seemed to care further than their credits could get them.
“Strange how circumstances keep bringing us back together like this. It was Ilum first, yes?” Rhyst spoke up first, sitting across from Savosta in one of the few intact chairs in the room.
“Correct, Ilum was the first instance of us working together. It was a welcome reprieve when you showed the sense to assist in the destruction of Malgus.”
“It was the best choice any of us had. He was a threat to the Republic and the Empire both. Since then we’ve become… friends?”
“It is perhaps too soon to define our working relationship with words like “friendship.” A partnership, similar to that of our respective selves and the spies from either side.”
“Lana and Theron, you mean. What’s your take on them?” Rhyst asked, sitting up a bit straighter in the chair.
“You wish for a tactical assessment? They exceed where they have trained, subterfuge and deceit. Unsightly skills, but ones they see fit to use for what seems to be a great good. If there is such a thing.” Savosta sat back in his chair, fingering the edges of the lightsaber blade in his palm. The experience on Rishi had been, enlightening, if not clouding his mind further the more he thought of his supposed antithesis sitting across from him. There was a respect; respect for duty, respect for expectations, respect for somebody who has lived through battle after battle, and a strangely begrudging respect for the man that had killed his emperor. Rhystyl was a dangerous man, an oddity, how could Savosta share so much with a man who is ideologically opposed to everything he stands for?
“I don’t mean a tactical assessment, they’re both accomplished spies. I mean their relationship to one another. They are working toward the same goal, but something still doesn’t sit right. I have a feeling something is going to happen soon, something big, and I don’t know if waiting here is the right way to prepare for it. Revan is still alive, and we’ve got six of the ten people in the galaxy who could stop him just sitting in a room playing cards and talking philosophy. Does that seem right to you?”
“It is not a question of right or wrong. The spies are playing their game, let them play. A sword or a blaster is no good without a target. When we know where to go, and who to destroy, then we will go there and destroy them. If you’ll excuse me, I am going to get some air, as fetid as the air in this cove may be.” Savosta stood from his chair, bowing his head ever so slightly as a sign of respect to the Jedi before making his way outside. There was a section of the building they stayed in that was relatively flat up on the roof, and Savosta climbed his way up there to ruminate on all that had happened since Ilum, Manaan, and now the events on Rishi.
It was only a few moments before Savosta could feel another presence, one that made no effort to be hidden from him, his companion and member of the Dark Council, Darth Occlus.
“Tire of philosophy with the Jedi?” He asked, not looking up from his view over the cove and all the people within who went about their piracy and private lives without so much as a thought to what lay outside the walls of their home.
“Quite the opposite, she’s been an unusually engaging partner. But my interests currently lie with you, your conflict is more than apparent to somebody attuned to the force, like both myself and my previous conversation partner.”
“Do not presume to read me, councilman. My thoughts lie on our next steps, where we will go from here.”
“You know as well as I that I do not have a say in whether or not you are “read”, Wrath. I would be executed for saying this, but these Jedi may present an opportunity. Not for scheming and backstabbing, nor conquest and decimation.”
“Then what?”
“Unity. A potential for peace. If nothing else, at least an end to the status quo. The Galaxy cannot war with itself forever, but this small step towards an alliance could be a wind that douses the flame the Empire and Republic seem keen to keep lit. Malgus was right in his thoughts, if not wrong in his actions. The Empire needs to change, the Galaxy needs to change. These companions we make now and the bonds that are being formed, those will be the seeds for a bright and unusual future for everybody.”
“But first Revan.”
“And many more, Wrath. Many, many more after.”
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aceinspaceart · 1 year
Do you want silly Star Wars fan fiction ideas? Boy do I have a list for you.
I have a bunch of Star Wars fanfic ideas that are just sitting in my notes app that will probably never get written so I think I'm going to start posting them here. If anyone uses these ideas/prompts please lmk! I would love to read them
(also credits to my friend who has helped come up with basically all of these and is equally keen to see them written)
Feel free to reblog this with other ideas/prompts you wish to add!
Obi-wan and Anakin from the end of the war time-travel back to the start of the war (like right after Geonosis) but never cross paths with their younger selves. But not in the way them being in different parts of the galaxy, more like them being on the same ship. Like old Anakin walks out one door and young Anakin walks into the room from a different door. If anyone has seen that one episode of Doctor Who with the adipose (S4E1 I believe), it's like that. The clones and Ahsoka are very confused by this development. Bonus points if both Anakin's just kept force-throwing Rex around the battlefield.
Echo time-travels back from his bad batch era to the start of the war and gaslights everyone into thinking he always had his cybernetics as they can all tell that it is the Echo they know and love. Can decide if rookie Echo is there or not.
And for one that is not time travel: Fox drinks too much caff and starts to see ghosts. Can be actual like force ghosts, ghosts of clones, just random other people, you decide!
I'll keep reblogging this with the prompts as I go as I do have quite a few written down. (and yes time travel will come up pretty often)
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hannahlovesluca · 11 months
Hello hello! Heard you do nijisanji match ups, i was wondering if i can have one too :DD
(Preferably Male, but Female is fine too!)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Omnisexual (basically like pansexual but yeah, it's hard to explain😭)
Zodiac: Aries
Appearance: 5'6/5'7, chubby, medium lenght wavy hair, tanned skin, dark brown eyes
Mbti: INFJ/INFP (took the test multiple times, these are the two i get always)
Personality: energetic, likes to joke around (in the right time of course), friendly, kind of smart? (My brain is confusing👁👁), sometimes soft spoken, gets easily irritated when im forced to multitask.
Likes: music, food, movies, nature, photography, cooking, playing games, doodles, late night talks
Dislikes: bitter food, when people ask the same question over and over again,
Love Language;
Giving: Acts of Service, Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Gift Giving
Receiving: Acts of Service, Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch
Extra: i tend to tap my foot nervously, i hum whenever i cook sometimes or put on a vod in youtube and watch while i do chores.
(That's all! Let's see if i can get my oshi, thank you for this! Hope you have a wonderful day!)
I pair you with…
Ike Eveland !
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hear me out…
• no seriously like making a bunch of heart doodles on his hands 🫶🫶🫶
• he overworks himself a lot and if you pull him out of his trance he will melt melt melt
• srsly if u worry about his health hes going to be wrapped around your pretty little finger
• he dates for marriage; not for fun. so if youre not up for a serious relationship he will probably end things even if it hurts him
• someone needs to match me up w him fr
• anyway, will hum you to sleep as well if you have trouble sleeping. its the sweetest thing ever.
• omg imagine coming home one day and the first thing you hear from his streaming room is his metals screams LMAOO
• he knows your introverted and he is too so he’ll probably take you on dates to restaurants every now and then, but most of the time he’ll set up at home dates
• imagine him setting up a fort of blankets, pillows, etc and having netflix on the TV (bonus points if youre watching Thirteen pls that is my most favorite movie of all time..)
• okay end of rant i love him too much
• if youre sick he might EMPHASIS ON MIGHT sing you to sleep
• will actually ask if caviar toast would help you if youre sick
• in his eyes caviar toast makes everything better
RUNNERS UP: Hex Haywire, Selen Tatsuki
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