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bbqbastard · 2 years ago
Chili con Carne op de BBQ - Proef deze pittige smaaksensatie nu!
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atevegter · 2 years ago
2971 Koffie
We gaan gezellig barbecueën bij Niyv, de ouders van Joy. Piep en Joy zijn al twee jaar goeie schoolvriendinnen en zo gaandeweg hebben wij de ouders ook leren kennen. We kunnen lekker met ze kletsen en ook vanavond belooft het een gezellige avond te worden en we fietsen op ons dooie gemak naar de Zwaluwtong, want daar wonen ze. Het is goed en gezellig en minihond Moos keft naar elke voorbijgaande…
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jgthirlwell · 2 years ago
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Cosima Von Bonen Church of Daffy show at Petzel Gallery
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mealsivemadeforyou · 8 months ago
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surinamese bruine bonen. red kidney beans. onion. celery. tomato. chicken. sausage. paprika. white pepper. dash cayenne. sea salt. black pepper. secret spice. uncle ben’s.
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seizoenenblog · 8 months ago
Hoe kies je een cafeïnevrije koffie?
Hoe kies je een cafeïnevrije koffie? Voor veel koffieliefhebbers is het aroma van versgezette koffie de ochtendzon waar ze naar verlangen.
Hoe kies je een cafeïnevrije koffie? Voor veel koffieliefhebbers is het aroma van versgezette koffie de ochtendzon waar ze naar verlangen. Maar wat als u van deze ervaring wilt genieten zonder de stimulerende werking van cafeïne? Voor wie een cafeïnevrij leven een keuze is geworden, is het vinden van de perfecte cafeïnevrije koffie een avontuur op zich. Of je nu op zoek bent naar een rijke, diepe…
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doodleschmit · 2 years ago
I am a fan of these boney bois
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Hank Ultrakill Pixel Art Based on the Smoking Skeleton by Van Gogh
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wolfertinger666 · 10 months ago
"would you take it down a peg?"
ough my bonener!
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baby-tini · 6 months ago
hi! it's me again 🤣 i just reread M4S and realized that reader manipulated them by stealing drugs to have them capture her
how do you think bonten!mikey will react to finding out that his darling is manipulative?
like she feel inlove with him when she first saw him so she purposely went to same clubs as him and made scenarios to make him interested in her 😜 like accidentally toppling over him acting as if she's drunk etc. mikey kidnaps her bc he feel for her and then finds out she did those intentionally
im so sorry if this is so specific 😭 english isn't my first language so i wasn't sure if i relayed my thoughts properly
thank you so much for writing! I LOVE LOVE LOVE EVERYTHING 💖💖💖
The first time that he saw you in one of the clubs that he owns, he thought you were the prettiest little thing he's ever laid eyes on, so, he had one of his executives bring you over to him, and there, you proceeded too stay sat with him on a luxurious couch for hours Sipping on the most expensive alcohol you've ever had the fortune of tasting as he talked business with his executives. He had kept one of his hands on your thighs he talked to the other man, his hand was cold but it was still pleasant too have on your skin. His hand was soft as he dragged it up and down your thigh, glancing at you so often. He had taken you back to an expensive hotel that night and fucked you, you're more then willing too say that it was the best sex of your life and you wouldn't even be lying. From then on though, you were obsessed with him, maybe it was the sex or just that raw authority that surrounded him but you were hooked, dangerously hooked and you needed him, he was like a drug and you were hooked- so far gone that you paid no mind too anything else that wasn't him.
The second time you saw him was far from coincidental as you continued too frequent that club that you met him in, even getting a job as a waitress at said club so that you'd have access to the VIP room and you were so excited when his eyes met your but he turned away as he continues too conversate with another man and you knew from there on what you had too do. Because.. if you made it look like fate and you were everywhere he was... would he always look at you then? You had too give it a try as you bribed one of his security guards for his schedule for the next month as you proceeded too show up everywhere he was, even going as far too frequent the pastry shop that he always got the dorayaki from, learning how too make it and even trying it yourself so that you had something in common.. even if it was a little too sweet for your tastebuds. He seemed too like the color red so that's what you were constantly seen in when you would go to that club, of course you wanted too get closer but you knew that'd be impossible with constant security and his second in command.. his loyal mad dog; Sanzu Haruchiyo. You really didn't like Sanzu, he'd always watch you, like he knew what you were upto, he was smart, you'd give him that. You ignored him nonetheless, you wanted too be with Manjiro Sano and you would, so you'd dance in the club, you knew he saw you, because your eyes would meet dark obsidian as you danced away in the loud club.
Making sure too sway with the music as you pretended not too notice how invasive the eyes of the most dangerous man in all of Japan could be. He'd approach you more often ever since you started your little plan, and it would always unfortunately end the same way; with sex. While you're not complaining about it, you wanted too be closer, too have him closer. So that's exactly what you put your mind too, more then focused on getting into Bonten, so you started getting involved with shady people that owed Bonten something, money, drugs.. their life, you didn't care, you just wanted in. So when you had successfully been kidnapped by default of being surrounded by people that Bonen wanted dead, you knew you were in. Especially when the man himself, Manjiro Sano, pulled the blindfold down and your eyes fluttered open too meet onyx ones, the empty look in his eyes had filled with recognition before he told his lackeys too untie you.
He had taken you in his office and you had cried to Mikey, the tears were fake, but.. he didn't need too know that as you explained to him that you were in danger because people were after you, your father drowning in debt and your only option was too surround yourself with people that could protect you and that's what you did. You saw his usually empty eyes soften as you spewed lie after lie to him, even going as far as too get on your knees and blabber out meaningless apologies, stating that if you knew just who those people, you would've never hung out with them. He had listened to you, watching as you put on a show, over-dramatizing and lying straight to his face. You hoped your performance was good enough and you knew it was when he nodded and made a phone call, it was too quiet for you too hear anything but you just continued your false sobbing, feeling his eyes burning into you as you just continued your show. You knew you had won though, when he put the phone down and had you come sit down at his desk and asked you too explain just what exactly happened and who your father was in debt with, deciding too give him the name of a gang that Bonten hated and you watched his eyes narrow in distaste as he promised you protection just until that gang was eradicated, you knew Mikey was only doing this out of spite of the other gang but you didn't care, you were confident that you could have him wrapped around your finger before that even came too fruition.
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silly-billy-skilly · 8 days ago
Artblock kicking me in the butt rn so have a quick doodle of my fursona bonen
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Hes tired like me
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noellevanious · 7 months ago
em banaan met-...uh. bonen❔
Tyler the Makker.
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peppinospaghteti2 · 5 months ago
Take the C H E E S E
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funnyboxman · 9 months ago
hrnnngngngnnnnnnn mmcmruchmmmm bonens i lorvme crumching bomnesmmmsmasmdasmsdjfnsadfjnsdfjnsdajfnsajfhgsdbhfgsbahfdbashdbfhsuabfshuadbfuhsabfhsdbfhsajdbfshjadfbshajdbfwyafbawshdfbasnkdfbashdkfbsadkjf anyways goodnight for now
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thevampirecrow · 29 days ago
baked beans in dutch (gebakken bonen) sounds a lot like the name barack obama. so i always mishear my mum when she asks me about baked beans
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computersucker · 1 year ago
i've touched a skull before. not that big a deal #BoneNation reblog if you're a true #Boner
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banono · 5 months ago
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fransopdefiets · 8 months ago
11-6 Viborg
Gisterenavond dacht ik nee, niet alweer pizza. Maar wat was het alternatief? Juist, kebab met patat en knoflooksaus. Ik had ook zelf kunnen koken, dat geef ik toe, maar het was koud, ik had nog geen boodschappen gedaan en ik geloofde het wel.
Ik ben altijd een keer wakker als de vogels beginnen, dat is hier rond vier uur. Dan draai ik me nog maar eens om, maar om kwart over zes riep de kebab, ik ben verteerd! Dat werd nog een sprintje op de fiets naar het verderop gelegen toiletgebouw. Op deze camping staan er drie toiletgebouwen naast de receptie en het trekkersveldje is daar zo’n 300 meter vandaan.
Terwijl ik onder dreigende grijze luchten zit te ontbijten met het brood dat ik 3 juni in Geeste kocht en maar niet wil beschimmelen, stuurt Mayke zonnige foto’s uit Cagliari met de subtiele verzuchting dat ze zomaar ineens jarig geworden is. O ja, dat is waar ook en ik zing een verjaardagslied voor haar.
Ik ben nauwelijks vertrokken of het eerste buitje valt, een heel licht miezerig buitje met een hoop wind. Dat zal de hele dag zo doorgaan, dus uiteindelijk hou ik mijn rainlegs maar gewoon aan.
Wat ik me niet meer herinner van de vorige keer, is die krankzinnige helling die je direct vanaf de camping moet beklimmen om op de route te komen. Met koude spieren en knieën is dat geen pretje. Maar als ik dan boven ben, is de beloning een 20 kilometer lang fietspad over een oude spoorlijn naar Silkeborg. Het is een hele lange gestage klim door de bossen en het is er doodstil. In Silkeborg drink ik koffie in een koffiebar waar je je bonen uit mag kiezen, doe mij maar de Italian roast, zeg ik, bij gebrek aan kennis op dit vlak.
Eerder schreef ik dat ik dit keer niet langs Kragelund zou komen, maar hoe ik daar nu op gekomen ben? Vanaf Silkeborg is het alweer een steile klim langs de provinciale weg daar naar toe. Onderweg koop ik nieuwe kaas (de oude uit Zaandijk was te erg beschimmeld), yoghurt, sinaasappels en pruimen. Geen bananen, hoewel veel afstandsfietsers daarbij zweren, vind ik ze onderweg nooit zo lekker. Natuurlijk bezoek ik het kerkje nog een keer, maar dit keer oefent er niemand op het orgel.
Er blijven maar buitjes overkomen met koude windvlagen, volgens mij is het niet meer dan een graad of tien. De wind blijft meer van opIj dan van achter, maar omdat ik veel door het bos fiets, meek ik er niet zoveel van. Maar dan gebeurt er toch een wonder, als ik in de buurt van Viborg kom, waaien de wolken langzaam uiteen en komt er steeds meer zon tevoorschijn.
Eerlijk gezegd, vond ik vandaag de zwaarste dag tot nu toe. Niet vanwege de afstand, maar vanwege de vele steile klimmen. Maar als ik het mij goed herinner, kom ik nu langzaamaan in vlakker gebied.
Afstand: 76,8 km
Tijd: 6 uur
Afstand tot de Noordkaap langs een rechte lijn: 1.813 km
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