#bone flutes
prose2passion · 1 year
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yoursghouly · 1 year
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Text: The Silent Woods were a dangerous place to meet a stranger, but his only weapon was a porcelain flute. “It calls stray bones home,” he said, “before something worse can make good use of them.”
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sixofcrowdaydreams · 8 months
Wylan and his flute may have survived his swim through the canal, but his comb and hairbrush certainly did not.
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what an ICON. and he’s trending on twitter♥
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oh-dameron · 1 month
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The Yiling Wei sect: their colours are red and black, their sect symbol is a blood red drop: for the guidao cultivation of their patriarch, for the medical cultivation they practise, for the tears and pain it took to be free. Both a petal from the lotus of the Jiang and a ray from the Wen sun, the blood drop symbolises the identity they forged together in the Burial Mounds.
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chemdoodles · 2 years
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Picture too cute. Had to draw.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 2 months
What would a Disney adaptation of the Singing Bone be like?
Oh they wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole! But thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about one of my favourite tragic fairy tale motifs: Reincarnation as musical instrument (E632).
There are multiple ways a murder may be revealed by supernaturally speaking or singing bones, plants or objects, but the instrument that sings of the heinous murder is my favourite. It’s so deeply, darkly capital R Romantic. Most of all in the English and Scottish ballad The Twa Sisters and it’s prose counterpart Binnorie:
Two sisters (often princesses) are wooed by a knight, and while he betrothes with the eldest, he loves the youngest better. So the elder sister drowns her sister out of jealousy. A (blind) musician comes across the drowned sister’s remains and either makes an instrument from her bones or strings his violin or harp with her golden hair. As soon as the fiddle is played, usually at the king or the knight’s court, it mournfully sings how she was cruelly drowned by the bride. Most versions end there. In some the instrument breaks in two after singing its song. In some the sister is punished.
The Grimm’s The Singing Bone is less Romantic, but equally tragic:
Two brothers set out to kill a dangerous boar to earn a reward from the king. The youngest succeeds, so the eldest kills him and claims the princess’ hand in marriage instead of him. A shepherd finds a little snow white bone on the spot where the young man was killed and carves it into a mouthpiece for his horn. When he blows on it, it sings of the murder of the brave young man. The shepherd takes the wonderful horn to the king’s court, where the murder is revealed and the elder brother put to death.
In some versions the story is about which royal child will inherit the crown. Like in the Spanish tale The Blue Lily (where the murdered prince miraculously survives being buried alive and having his finger bone turned into a flute that sings of his fate), the Sicilian tale The Singing Bagpipe, or in the Swiss tale The Dead Girl’s Bone:
A king dies and leaves behind the queen and two children. One day they ask their mother who will get the throne. The queen tells the children that whoever finds a certain flower in the woods will be the one to rule. The princess finds the flower, but the prince murders her and takes it from her. Years later a shepherd boy finds one of the girl’s bones and makes it into a flute. When he plays it, it sings mournfully of the horrible murder. A knight hears the boy play the flute and buys it. He plays it wherever he goes. At last the old queen hears its song, removes her son from the throne, and mourns the rest of her life.
Some of the stories take out the rather gruesome detail of making an instrument out of human bone or hair and make it so that reeds or bamboo grow near the place where the victim was killed, so the instrument can be made out of them, like in the Russian tale The Silver Plate, the Indian tale The Magic Fiddle and the Dutch tale The Golden Spinning Wheel. In these versions the murder victims are resurrected and get to live happily ever after. Which is definitely the kind of ending I’d prefer to tell to children, but not where I think the true strength of this type of story lies. Some folklore is just poetic horror, and that can be its own kind of beautiful.
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lpa6zn · 2 months
a normal night looking for what movie to watch on Max...
Oh, hi Jack!🥰
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mtg-smash-or-pass · 3 months
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you and I must make a pact
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simplydifficultme · 2 years
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Wesper Orchestra/Modern AU!
Thx for this suggestion goes out to @wylans-flute ;3
So I ended up interpreting this differently than I originally thought. My utter lack of knowledge of the actual functions of an orchestra made me sketch this out very loosely in my mind 😅 I suppose they are both at the same college or something. Jesper just joined the orchestra but Jesper does as Jesper does 👀😏 so one will have heard about him in one way or the other around campus.
Feel free to give me your thoughts (everyone) :33 I always love indulging in AU ideas and fleshing them out was more detailed than they have any reason to be.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 9 months
thinking about lan xichen's life post-canon again
rather than spilling a bunch of digital ink on the subject, which i've already done at length, i figured i'd just drop a link to my ultimate post-canon 'lan xichen slowly emerging from seclusion' song
never have the words "long life and another good year" sounded so painful to me.
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bookworm-center · 2 years
Bro, the second the flute music for Wylan in s2 comes out, I will be learning it, ten billion percent. I'm not the best flute player but I don't even care I'm going to learn it and play it in Wylan cosplay.
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sixofcrowdaydreams · 9 months
Wylan's Flute
Don't know about you, but I'm so curious about Wylan's flute (and it's ability to survive being submerged in a canal and all of the other instrument trauma (water/freezing temperatures/transporting it without a case) it survives in the story.
It's not stated specifically in the books what type of material Wylan's flute is made from. Most of us probably assume he plays a Western concert flute because that's probably the most familiar flute to us. Quick google searches say that Western concert flutes are often made from nickel, silver, or brass. Or solid silver, gold, and sometimes even platinum (source: Wiki), but it's doubtful Jan Van Eck, as wealthy as he is, would drop money on any of Wylan's interests.
However in the showverse, Wylan plays a wooden flute. This is mostly likely because actor and musician Jack Wolfe bought an antique flute and taught himself how to play it.
But we know that Western concert flutes exist in the Shandow and Bone universe because we can see one being played in the background of the Winter Fete in season one.
So why does Wylan play a wooden flute instead of a Western concert flute?
Was the wooden flute his choice? Was it a family heirloom (from his mother)? Does he just like the sound or aesthetic? Can he also play a Western concert flute?
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more of WHY having Jack is so special in this post:
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