#bonding over cheap felt posters
marvelmaniac2000 · 1 year
The Riddler - (Edward x Reader) 💚 Ch.1
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 Summary: Edward can’t help seeing you struggle with your day to day life, if only there was a way to make it more tolerable.  
Subject: Deep! meaningful fluff, eventually will turn into smuts in upcoming chapters, desperation, submissive kink, savior kink, Being pampered/babied kink, stalking, minor depression,  
Words: 1.4k 
Characters: Edward Nashton x Reader (college fem! reader) 
Ch. 2 3
                                         ****   (Side notes) ****
Mannn I miss writing so much but coming up with something can be hard. Either way I think the riddler is such a guilty pleasure. He’s technically the perfect obsessive bf. 
  Will I ever catch a break? You listened to your alarm echo above your ear, reminding you of the vague world that you must come to terms with. Much of your back seemed a bit sore from the night before serving many customers at the cafe. You slowly rolled out of bed and turned your cheap fan off that cooled your room. Almost all of your hair stuck to your neck and face from the sticky temperature throughout the night. 
       You examine your face in the bathroom mirror before turning on the shower. Much of your problems and responsibilities come pouring into your mind to remind you of what needs to be done before you leave your mom’s house for the day. 
Being the age that you are didn’t make sense to why you still lived with your mother and was working multiple jobs to pay your bills. Between trying to find a career, working and life it seemed impossible to obtain. Who knew adulting was so hard... 
The steam from the hot shower hugged your skin. You grin in envy looking at your selection of body washes and shampoos you love buying. The body wash you choose for  the day smelled like pure coconut and vanilla bean cream. You enjoy the moment of complete serenity washing over you. 
    After then, you finish showering and getting ready for your shift. You handle the morning routine of tidying up the kitchen before heading out the door. If I lived in my own place I wouldn't have to worry about any of that crap unless I wanted to. Some days weren’t meant to have routine (That’s what Edward told me anyway) and since then your life became a little bit more tolerable. 
 You start making your way to your local cafe to start your shift for the day. You’ve worked here for quite some time and couldn’t believe how much time has passed by. The glass door is stained by small hand prints and plastered posters of today’s specials. You walk in with a deep breath ready to tackle the day ahead. 
 Edward was your favorite customer, he reminded you of the sweet nerdy boys that always gave the girls the love and respect they needed. Sometimes in the morning he liked walking past the cafe just to see you before he went to his own job. He knew your schedule by heart but he didn’t suspect you to be working for the seventh day straight. No human being should ever work so many hours. It would take such a toll on his lovely girl. So this time he made it his mission to come see you to fix whatever was going on in your life. 
   Edward quietly walked toward the counter and pushed the rim of his glasses up before meeting your gaze. “ Oh I see you working again huh?” you turned the oven on behind you and adjusted the tip jar on top of the counter. You gave out a huge sigh and turned to face your customer you loved dearly. “Yeah I might as well right? Time stops for no one” you looked at how adorable he was in front of you. From his baggy plaid jacket and big puppy brown eyes. 
The sunlight had not hit the sky just yet and only you and him were in this empty store. You felt so tired and exhausted but seeing him for some reason created this bond like no other. 
 “(Y/N) are you okay?” He gently leaned his arms against the counter. The bags under your eyes showed a different story but you weren’t going to tell him that. You didn’t want to be some pity party to a man you barely knew. You didn’t respond and instead gave him a free cookie and his usual coffee. Eddie furrowed his brows and watched you walk around the counter toward him. “I promise I’m okay Eddie but I need to ask you a favor” your voice  became a little low when it came to confrontation. 
  Edward hardly had conversations like this before with you but he knew how much he truly loved you. He already knew what your life was like and anticipated the very thing you yearned to have. Independence.  His mind raced thinking of you living together, watching your every move and being able to caress your body at night knowing you belong to him. But he couldn’t do that yet with you. You  were just a potential roommate but to him you meant much more. Edward’s face grew flush realizing the perverse things he couldn’t wait to do to you. But more than anything he can finally have you to himself. And no one else. 
   “I’m all ears” he composed himself ready to hear his love bun ask the very question. 
“Have you ever considered a roommate?” you dig your eyes searching for an answer.
“I never had one but if you need somewhere to stay I would be happy to live with you” Edward knew he was such a manipulator but he didn’t care. Whatever it takes to keep you near was the very thing he lived for. How can anyone deny those luscious eyes, and soft face you greeted him with everyday? Nothing will compare to how you made him feel. 
You beamed with excitement knowing this was your chance to finally gain some momentum into your adult life. 
“Are you being forreal? Are you sure? I don’t want to force it ya know?”  you began to ramble on until Edward cupped your soft cheeks into his hands. 
  “(Y/N) it’s okay, for now on I will be the one to take care of you” Edward felt something inside himself sparked a fury of determination knowing he would always be the one to protect you and be there for you. Your eyelashes flutter realizing how close your mouth was to his. 
Edward retracted his hands back realizing what he had done. “Sorry I didn’t mean to invade your privacy-”  “Noo please don’t apologize please” you desperately wanted him to touch you back more. You never experienced what it was like to have someone who actually liked you show such affection. You caressed his rosy red cheek and softly laid your lips onto his. Edward eagerly kissed you back wanting to taste every part of your mouth. 
You break the kiss and awkwardly look the other way. “Let me give you my phone number and then we can start from there right?” Edward took his phone out and handed it over to you.
You added your phone number with an emoji next to it. “I’ll text you and then we can start from there right?” Edward realized the time on his phone but didn’t want to part ways with you yet. 
 You stood there in awe with your hands tucked in your apron. “Yeah okay” you gently reassured him. How could someone be so innocent, and pure toward you. You wanted this feeling to last, but how could you? Something like this will never last forever you thought. “I’ll be back to come see you.. uh at what time do you get off?” Edward needed to know every detail, he wanted this move to be perfect. He wanted nothing to go wrong.  “Seven. I should be done” you gave him a smile and returned to your work. He tucked his hands in his sleeve, left the door and disappeared into the working crowd. 
A few moments later your foot crinkled on a piece of paper 
  “Wha..-” you squinted down and look at a note slipped wedged between  the doorway to the kitchen.
  You quiver just a bit but not enough to startle you. No this isn’t real. You look up and immediately crumple up the piece of paper.  that batman some freak recently has been going around Gotham sticking his nose in people’s business. Well lucky enough for you, you could care less. You toss the paper in the garbage and continue on your day. 
please! leave any feedback/likes/comments <3 Thanks to anyone who supports us lil fanfic writers. we do it for yall!
to be continued soon!
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synthetictorii · 1 year
His Favorite Dancer ✧ Hizashi Yamada
Pairing: Present Mic/Hizashi Yamada x reader Genre: fluff Summary: You frequent this club for a reason, but the reason in question is a busy man and you have no luck. Until tonight, that is. Word count: 4.5k A/N: ...obligatory old and cringey fic ahead warning...
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     The club was swarming with bodies moving to the rhythm of music blasting from huge speakers standing on the stage. The air was filled with smell of sweat and cigarette smoke. It was hot and dark safe for colourful lights drawing patterns across walls and the dancefloor illuminated by cerulean led lights. The walls were black, decorated by posters and edgy quotes written on them in fluorescing blue color.
  From his place behind the DJ set he saw all those anonymous faces having fun, drinking, dancing and laughing in ecstasy. Couples and complete strangers grinding on their partners, shameless in their affection. He lived for this. The heavy atmosphere mixed with bass and loud, almost deafening music. It helped him let go, to forget about the chaos of the world. He jumped in sync with the beats he was playing. Pearls of sweat were already rolling down his neck and spine. He paid little mind to it. He closed his eyes for a while and took a deep breath, his mind empty.
  How long has it been since he was last out partying like this? True, these past few months had been busy, even he had to go on patrols during the night while still teaching his classes and doing his weekly radio show. He simply didn’t have time to do fun things so he wanted to enjoy this night to its fullest. He was feeling extraordinarily playful today too.
  The song was ending. Time to have fun.
  You were shaking your hips to the rhythm, giving in to the music. Your body screamed for more. You denied yourself this pleasure for too long, it was time to make up for it. It hit you again how much you desired to be killing it on the dancefloor. And this place was just perfect. It had the best sound system, lighting , decoration, and the drinks were pretty cheap too. But you frequented this club for another reason, for him.
  The blond haired male currently jumping wildly to the music on the stage. You had to admit he looked even better this high up above everyone else. His blonde hair styled rather freaky swayed with every move of that lean body of his hidden under casual loose white tank top and black leather jacket with spikes on shoulders. His legs on the other hand were hugged by tight black jeans. You fell in love with him on your first ever night here.
  It happened years ago. It was Friday, your first college exams were over and you wanted to let out some steam. A friend of yours recommended this place so you thought ‘why not give it a try?’. You stepped into the building immediately noticing how dark it was in sharp contrast with the radiant blue everywhere. You loved it. Not to get started on the music. It was a wonder that your ears didn’t ascend into the heaven right there and then.
  You danced the whole night as if there was no tomorrow. And in the early morning hours when the party was ending you were finally down from your high enough to be interested in the person behind the music. You were completely speechless when it came to that aspect of the night; he had to be a fucking genius, playing all the right songs at the right time. It felt like he understood you, like you two had some kind of bond, it just couldn’t be coincidence that he’d hit your tastes like that. You swore to yourself you’d strut to that guy and kiss him on the spot once the club is closing. And then you turned around to look at him and your heart skipped a beat.
  It was a fucking pro hero, and one you admired since you first saw him on TV at that – Present Mic! He didn’t wear his trade mark hero outfit but more casual clothes, yet he still stood out. You stopped dead in your dance when you realized this. That single moment of stillness was enough for your eyes to meet – your [e/c] eyed gaze filled with energy and passion clashed with his lime eyed one. You saw the pure animalistic need to let go of everything and just live in his eyes. You never forgot that look. How could you possibly when with that one fleeting moment his gaze stole your heart.
  You didn’t get to kiss him that night, unfortunately. You became a regular though, even if it was rather rare for him to be there. Still you kept coming for the slim chance of sharing the space with him again.
    And his eyes were sporting the same animalistic look from before tonight as well. You were fully focused on your dancing and simply having fun but when one song ended and the next haven’t yet started, you couldn’t help but stare at the man. He was so handsome, strangely alluring. His very presence was like a drug to you. It always made you dance faster, experiment more boldly with your moves in hopes of him noticing. So far it didn’t work, not on him anyway, you were getting more than enough attention from other men and ladies though. Sadly for them, you weren’t interested. You were tempted to use your quirk more than once tonight but you managed to control yourself every time.
  But you started to seriously doubt you’d be successful any longer after his words suddenly replaced the music, now serving as quiet background to his heavenly voice. “Alright everybody! Are you having fun?!” He screamed and everyone cheered just as loudly. “Yeah, that’s what I wanna hear!” He smirked proudly and scanned the room; his eyes darkened you noticed.
  “Listen close everyone! I have a special proposal,” he shouted playfully. You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat after your eyes met again as he scanned the room with his gaze. You’d swear he stopped for a second when he saw you but it was surely just the work of your imagination.
  “Show me your moves and if you sweep me off my feet, I just might take you out for drinks,” he purred in his typical loud manner.
  The club got wild, cheering and shouting even louder than the music before. All those who wanted to give it a try walked to the middle of the dancefloor and made some space around them. You wasted no time hesitating and walked right to the center of it. You stood out quite a bit, dressed in black skin-tight jeans and white t-shirt with glowing blue stripes, matching the aesthetics of the club. Your hair was sticking to your sweaty scalp and neck yet looked wild enough to make others take a second look as you passed them. Once again you’d swear that Present Mic stared at you but refused to believe it. You gave everyone around you a fierce look, there was no way you’d let them win. Today was the day you’d let your quirk go wild.
  “Are you ready?” He screamed and the whole club collectively shouted “Yeah!” back at him. “Let’s get going then!” He pushed the button and the music blasted from the speakers, heavy bass shaking the place. You closed your eyes and let your quirk kick in, your body melting into the music and wild energy running through your veins.
  Beats Of Soul – quirk with little possible use, especially if one wanted to become a hero. But for you? It was perfect. Your quirk was able to take control of your body, if you allowed it, and move it according to the music you were listening to and your feelings – all based on your skills though. You were able to dance beautiful, expressive dances when you were sad or make the crowd wild and ecstatic when you felt passionate – just like you did now.
  It felt like you were in daze, you knew exactly what you were doing but it felt like a dream. You saw mouths of those who watched hanging open and heard the cheers. Your moves were fast, seductive but most of all, filled with desire for freedom. Just as him, you wished to let everything go and live in the moment and it manifested in your dance. With all your heart you wished one thing – that this night and feeling never stops.
  One last spin and swing of your hips and the song ended. Your quirk faded away, leaving you breathless. Your lungs couldn’t get enough oxygen and your body felt like it was on fire, not even the cold sweat helped. Suddenly you felt hands on your waist and before you could so much as yelp, they spun you around roughly to face them. There was impatience in the gesture, also need. You looked up to see who the mysterious person was.
  He looked at the hyped ocean of people on the dancefloor after the words left his mouth. Everyone was so excited, huh? Good, he smirked. He scanned the space and his eyes met a pair he remembered from somewhere. He hesitated for a split second before moving on and then it hit him. Those eyes… he’d never forget them. He saw them in the past and thought about them every time he stood on this stage. Those fierce orbs screaming passion, wild fire burning deep inside them. They nicely matched his he decided. He often dreamed that those mesmerizing jewels would once scream for him. And now he saw them again. It was hard to notice anything else about their owner in such crowded place. He tsked discontent. Well, hopefully you’d join what he’s planning.
  He announced his grand idea and the audience cheered, many brave boys and girls marched to the middle of dancefloor. He raised an eyebrow at that, he wouldn’t guess he was this popular. Then again, he is a pro hero. And finally he saw the one person he as looking for. He took in your appearance, glowing stripes of color on your shirt and hair. You sure were something. Hopefully you wouldn’t disappoint him.
  He let the music start and watched everyone trying their best to show him they have what it takes to impress him. There were many great dancers among the bunch but his eyes soon stayed fixated on you. He felt his heart race and his breath got stuck in his throat. Your moves were hypnotizing. Every single one of them blending into the next perfectly, you were very expressive and he loved it. You looked so stunning. He should feel guilty for not looking at others but the whole crowd was clearly cheering for you too.
  The song was coming to an end and he could no longer stay still. He waved for a regular host of these parties to take his place and marched through the dancefloor right behind the person who stole his attention all for themselves. He looked down at you; you were out of breath yet still so beautiful. He needed to finally see your face so he pushed all his nervousness aside for the time being. His hands found their way to your waist and turned you around. He noticed how your pupils dilated in shock and how your words died on your tongue when you realized who was so rude to scare you like this. Your face was so pretty, you had such a cute nose and cheeks, nice cheekbones and soft-looking lips. But most of all he loved your [e/c] eyes, shining like the brightest stars. “Looks like you’ve won,” he grinned at you and immediately loved the way you beamed at him after hearing the news. The crowd was dancing all around you again already, nobody paying particular attention to you two. “May I have the pleasure?” He extended his hand and watched amusedly how fast you grabbed it. He led you upstairs to the VIP section of the club where you’d have more privacy. You both sat down on the stools at the bar and ordered your drinks. He turned to you with lips formed into curious smirk. “So tell me about yourself, where did you learn to dance like that?” He asked, honestly interested to know.
  You let yourself be led and felt like in a dream second time that night. His hand was so smooth you noticed and blushed. You were holding hands with a pro hero! And your favourite one too! You sat on the stool next to him and ordered [fav drink]. You were afraid that awkward silence would follow as you were too nervous to think of a topic to talk about, luckily he saved you. “I attended dance schools and all kind of courses but I think that my attempts to copy every dance I saw on the TV ever since I was able to stand helped me more,” you laughed but then quickly blushed after realizing how you won, “but what you saw there was actually work of my quirk too.” You admitted, you were a bit worried if he will take it as cheating but seeing him chuckle suggested that won’t be the case. “I’d like to know more about it, if you don’t mind me asking,” he smiled and you shook your head. He was very polite and you felt at ease, something you didn’t expect. You explained how your quirk worked and enjoyed that you could freely look into those gorgeous lime eyes of his. “That’s pretty neat quirk you have there,” he exclaimed loudly, “it goes nicely with mine,” he winked at you, making you blush again. “W-w-what makes you think so?” You stuttered and looked away. “If I sang to you, you could dance to my songs, right?” He finger gunned you. You were so glad for the stool under your ass, you felt your knees get weak even in this position. Just the thought of him singing for you made you almost faint. Then again… “Wouldn’t you have to be far away? Like I don’t mean it badly but I like my ears not bleeding,” you decided not to be blushing mess if possible and mustered up all your courage to tease him a little. “Right, then I wouldn’t be able to see you and I just can’t let that happen,” he sighed and made some ridiculous over the top hand gestures, which at least made you laugh and averted your attention from the flustering part. “I know!” He shouted right after his first sentence. “You’ll be the main attraction of my parties!” He was really loud, making the bartender hurriedly finish your drinks and give them to you before disappearing in the back. You meanwhile had a hard time not breaking the promise of not letting your face turn red again under his intense green gaze. “I’d have you stand on the podium right in front of me, whaddya say!” He grinned widely. Well, if he really thinks so highly of your skills, maybe you could boast a little. “It would be a waste of my talent don’t you think,” you teased, he seemed to be taken aback by your statement so you quickly finished the sentence, “since you come here so little.” You explained with a chuckle and he visibly let out a sigh of relief. “Ah, it’s hard with all the other things,” he whined and dramatically gestured. “But maybe I’ll come more often if I you promise to meet me here,” he chuckled yet his eyes bore no sign of this being a joke. It almost seemed like he was seriously interested in you. “That would be nice, I come to this club so often only because I hope you’ll be the one playing,” you admitted sheepishly. Not that other DJs wouldn’t be great, you certainly had fun even if he wasn’t here it was just that others couldn’t compete with the blast you had on the nights of his parties. “Really?” He seemed genuinely surprised. You nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, I know it will sound foolish,” you chuckled before taking a deep breath, “but I always feel so strange when you play the music, like you made the playlist especially for me.” You admitted and rubbed the nape of your neck awkwardly, afraid to look at him.          
  He meant his offer very seriously even if he didn’t look like it. The boss of this establishment often tried to persuade him to get some dancers on the stage, that it would make his show more likeable. He refused every time but if it were you, he’d gladly obliged. Someone with your energy and skill would be a nice addition for him too, not to mention your looks. Your answer surprised him however which he didn’t managed to hide, luckily you explained the situation. True, he didn’t come here nearly as much as he’d like. Mainly because of the lack of time but he’d surely think of something if he knew you’d be waiting for him on the stage.  
  He watched you with bated breath as you explained why you loved coming here. His cheeks were now pink, no doubt about that. It made him all warm inside that his choice of music made someone feel like this, that all the effort he put into his playlists didn’t come in vain. It was much harder than one could think; to compile music for the night! He also usually put some of his favourite songs in there, making your confession all the more meaningful. He put a finger under your chin to make you look up. “Do you really mean it?” He asked, his voice quieter than normally, almost shy. “Yeah,” you nodded reassuringly, “you always somehow manage to play the song I’m hooked on at the moment.” Your laughter sounded heavenly to his ears, he was glad that the music wasn’t as loud here so he could enjoy it fully. You were so cute when you talked about music, it was obvious you loved to party just like him – and even had similar music taste, bingo! He felt good in your company, you were friendly and energetic; a nice change from tired and very much done Shouta. It was so long since you first caught his attention too. Maybe he could give it a try. But it was so long since he last asked someone for their number and he didn’t even know you, right? His nervousness was back at full force. He took a napkin from the table and borrowed a pencil from barman’s side. “Mind giving me your number?” He moved the objects towards you with a small smile. “Like I know it’s sudden but I still remember when I first saw you in the crowd and I think we could have so much to talk about and I’ll soon have to leave to get some sleep before my lessons and…,” his muttering and wild gesturing was stopped by your chuckle. “I remember too,” you smiled at him and returned him the napkin, signed and with your number. “By the way, I’m [y/n]. Nice to meet you,” you finally introduced yourself properly and extended your hand, making him chuckle and shake it.
  You talked for a while after that, you found courage to ask him about his hero life and some fights he fought in but you mainly talked about music and his radio show. He said the truth though when he said he’d have to leave soon. You walked with him down the stairs to the back exit for staff. Cold and fresh late night air hit you when you stepped outside. You smiled happily, normally you’d stay here for another few hours but leaving like this wasn’t bad at all. “So I’ll wait for you text?” You asked shyly with rosy cheeks. He shook his head and waved his hand disapprovingly. “No way I would let my favourite dancer go home alone in this darkness!” You gave him surprised look before turning away, it was so surreal! “T-this way then,” you motioned and suddenly felt something warm around your shoulders. “You must be cold,” he smiled, now only wearing his tank top. It was quite chilly but your shirt surely provided more protection against cold than his top. It was also distracting as you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. “I’m good, really, you must be freezing in that,” you protested and took of his warm jacket. You tried to put it on him but he quickly dodged you. “Na-ah,” he motioned with his finger, “I already decided you need it more than I.” You looked at him doubtfully, noticing the goosebumps on his arms. “You were nice to me enough for one day,” you whined and jumped at him again, only for him to swiftly move behind your back. “It’s after midnight so technically it’s a new day so hush now,” he argued with a grin. “Mic, pleaaaase,” you complained again and turned to attack him again, only your feet got tangled and you were falling to the ground.
  You squeaked before a pair of arms caught you by the waist for the second time tonight. “For such amazing dancer you’re quite clumsy, [y/n].” He chuckled and pulled you up, your back against his solid and warm chest. He didn’t make a move to remove his hands from your waist either. Even the tips of your ears were red. This was a game that two can play though and you noticed during your little chat in the club that he could also get flustered rather easily if you tried. You turned around in his hold and while at it you let the jacket fall on his shoulder, your hands now around his neck. You didn’t exactly think this through, didn’t think about where your hands would end up, so your face turned even redder. If someone told you before you went to the club that in few hours you’ll be trapped in Present Mic’s embrace, you’d think they were crazy. And yet here you were. Luckily you weren’t the only one with blushing problem, you looked up and saw that Mic’s face was a nice shade of pink as well. “I guess you’ve won again,” he looked away, obviously trying to compose himself. “The joke’s on you though,” he smirked – that couldn’t mean anything good, “I will gladly escort you home even like this.” He gave you a thumb up. You choked on a spit and started coughing. You were grateful he held you, without them you’d fall for sure. “Now now, I don’t want you to suffocate ‘cause of me,” he teased you, which gained him a punch to his shoulder. You didn’t care about the difference between in your social ranks right now.
When the coughing stopped, you wiped the tears away from your eyes and looked up. He still held you close, his amused gaze fixated on you. “It’s not funny, if I died you’d definitely lost your hero title,” you scoffed, trying to hide how nervous and excited at the same time you were. It was nice to be so close, his body was warm and frankly quite nice to touch and lean against. “I’d save you, I usually deal with bigger problems than choking, you know,” he assured you with a small laugh. “Thanks,” you murmured and slowly moved your hands from their awkward position between your chests to his sides, returning the hug. You laid your head on his chest, progressing slowly, testing if it’s okay with him. You felt his body tense under your touch but he quickly relaxed and chuckled. “Should I take it that you wanna walk like this to your home?” He teased, you pinched his side in return. “No fair, I just wanted to be a gentleman,” he whined.      
  He enjoyed having your body against his, suppling him with warm and comfort. It was so long since he last hugged and was hugged by someone. He moved one of his hands up to stroked your hair. So soft, he thought with a smile. The alley was quiet safe for your breathing but for once he didn’t mind the silence. He wondered if you heard his heartbeat and how fast it was, if it wasn’t scaring you.  He forgot how nice it was to have someone close and no amount of skinship with his college worked as a good substitute. He’d gladly stay still like this for hours but he really needed to get some sleep if he was to survive his classes tomorrow. He originally planned to be asleep by this time too. “We should go,” he said quietly, letting go of you. You made a discontented sound but also removed your hands. You were still blushing he noted, you also stayed in his personal space, soon he learned why was that. “Can I try something?” You asked and he nodded and was surprised when you took his hand and put it around your shoulders. “Now we can both have a bit of the jacket,” you smiled up to him. He shook his head with a soft chuckle and pulled you closer. “You’re absolutely right, now lead the way.”
  Your house was only few blocks walk and your way was quickly over. Neither of you talked much, he sometimes showed you a constellation if he happened to spot any he knew the name of but otherwise it was silent and peaceful. He walked you to the door of your apartment house and his arm fell down to your waist. “You’re safely home, that’s Present Mic for ya,” he grinned and tossed his hair. Your laugh took his breath away and he pulled you to him for one final hug. “Thank you, my hero,” he heard you say with a chuckle. “You can call me Hizashi,” he decided and nodded affirmatively when you questioned him. He pulled away just enough to look into your eyes. “Would it be alright if I texted you sometime soon?” He asked and moved a stray strand of hair from your face. “I’ll be waiting,” you smiled at him, making his knees weak. He nodded and let his chin rest on the top of your head. He let himself stay like this with you for couple minutes, both of you quiet again. “Good night, [y/n].” He moved his hand to your cheek and planted a soft kiss on your forehead. “Good night,” you turned your head to kiss his palm, soft giggle escaping his lips. He retracted his limbs from you and waited until you unlocked the front door. “Thanks for tonight,” you smiled before closing them and disappearing from his view. He sighed and smile to himself, taking his phone from his pocket along with carefully folded napkin.
  He typed the number the number and saved it before writing a short message:
To: [y/n]
Hey, see ya tmo at our place? ;)  The phone was put back into the pocket and he finally started walking in the direction of his own apartment, his favourite dancer on his mind.
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strawbrrydior · 2 years
Vance hopper headcanons
Vance has autism, really good at masking it but sometimes he gets overwhelmed and that’s where the big scary Vance hopper image comes from. He doesn’t like loud noises or flashing lights and he likes playing pinball because he can hit buttons and tap his fingers for hours on end without losing any desire to play.
His dad is an abusive dickhole that his mother really had to fight to leave but when he was 12 she started dating griffins dad and they moved into their house. Griffin was 10 at the time and they’re really close, griffin has adhd so they bonded over learning to accept what they are after spending so much time being scrutinized for it.
Pinball and Micheal myers are his 2 biggest hyper fixations. Something about Micheal myers has him going “he’s so me.” Everytime he sees him (something about the big scary misunderstood man story) he has his mask and a movie poster framed on his wall. He also has a mini cheap pinball machine griffin won him at an arcade once (he felt bad Vance couldn’t come because of all the lights and sounds) it’s really crappy but when he’s sick at home or smt he plays with it
He’s actually a pretty active reader, he steals from Bruce’s library on a weekly basis. They have their own mini book club whenever Bruce reads something and likes it hell shove the book into Vance’s hands and tell him to check it out and he always does.
He’s a really good story teller so long as it’s written down, he does a good job at summarizing stories and explaining them when he’s writing. He also really likes poetry but he’s to embarrassed to admit it
He’s really fond of finney but his instinct when he sees him is to be fondly mean. He’ll shove him but he’s always gentle about it and he’ll always glare at him but never actually say anything mean. Finneys gotten used to it and he doesn’t mind because he knows if someone else were to try him Vance would start barking
At school he’s really closed off and quiet, the only thing people notice about him is the way his face rests all bitchy and he taps his pencil against the table. His grades are pretty good but he still gets help from finney and Bruce for math and science respectively
Him and Robin work out a lot, also play fight which always freaks the other boys out but they get back up and laugh. Robin boxes and sometimes Vance goes to the gym with him because he feels more comfortable being there if robins there too. Robin brings his radio and they’ll listen to music they like and share it with the other (Vance will bring his new Iron Maiden tape and play it for them and at random points robin’ll go “oh this one’s good.” And he mentally cheers.)
He and Billy bonded over enjoying silence. (And Depeche Mode ironically enough.) Billy always waves at him when he’s delivering and Vance gives him that cool guy nod but really he appreciates being noticed and often leaves snacks in his mailbox for him (he says it’s his mom though liar!!) they sit next to eachother in history and Billy will whisper to him tiny translations on what they’re doing so he can understand it (Billy really likes history he’s super into old Hollywood conspiracy’s for some reason.)
His favorite movies are Halloween, rocky horror picture show, the stepford wives and clockwork orange. (He and Bruce share a love of the stepford wives but he doesn’t understand rocky horror and the other two scare him. Robin loves Halloween but the rest aren’t his style, finney likes stepford wives and rocky horror he saw both of those at the drive in with him, Billy likes the stepford wives book better and griffin solely likes action movies )
Vance would say if anyone asked that he’s the original og ONLY REAL FAN of paranoid by Black Sabbath and he would call people posers. He also bases his personality and vibe on dazed and confused - Led Zeppelin (he’ll lie and say he hates the movie when that comes out but he’s a liar and a fraud.)
He’s to scared to spend his money and lets it pile up. One day he pulls open a draw and exposes a stash of cash to which Bruce says “holy shit what the fuck.” And then convinces him to buy himself something nice and not make a big dent. He’s not used to being able to treat himself and Bruce helps him learn to do that occasionally (it’s usually him buying snacks for everyone even though Bruce keeps saying that’s not what he meant.)
The choker he wears his mom made him it was originally a bracelet she crocheted when he was a baby, she kept adding inches to it as his birthdays passed but on his 15 he told her she should leave it as it was and her wear it like a choker. He only takes it off to shower and sleep (and he wouldn’t do that if his mom hadn’t yelled at him about sleeping in it before)
He wears half his band shirts with the sleeves cut off and low down his ribcage but always has on something on top so no one ever noticed until he took his jacket off one day and griffin made the presence of his side very loud (“where’s the rest of your fucking shirt Vance?? Are you going through something-“ “no shut up just shut up it’s a STYLE!”)
He’s got 2 stick and pokes both on his forearm, they’re super sloppy but he really likes them. One’s a star and the others a really rough flower (Bruce drew it on the corner of one of his books and he was like yeah that’s it that’s the one)
If u play dream on around him he will hit the high note and then not make a single sound for the rest of the night
Really likes Billy’s dog, Roxy. He’ll pull up to his house and say “bring Roxy.” Pet her and then leave it’s a ritual now. If he passes the house he’s petting the dog. He’s more of a cat person though, Bruce has a black and white cat named sumi, whenever he’s over reading books in Bruce’s fathers office he’s holding her and petting her in a spinny chair like an evil villain
Sometimes In class he draws stick figure doodles of the boys in his notebook, they make him smile
On his more timid days where he’s easily explosive he tends to do his worst, if he’s overstimulated and you bump into him or shove him or say something he’ll lose it. He’s been trying not to do it but it’s hard because everything bubbles over into anger for him
He and griffins rooms are right across from eachother and 9/10 times HES sitting in griffins bed, he just likes his company.
Anytime he’s at finneys house Gwen asks to braid his hair and he always says yes and she’ll go on and on about how nice and silky his hair is but it’s only like that because Bruce made it his mission one year to get him on a routine and fix his curls. He was successful.
He’s good friends with Gwen and Amy and Donna, sometimes he’ll sit at their lunch table if Billy isn’t there (history is his lunch period) and scare off all the bullies, he always looks really small beside them because he feels safer being himself there. They tell him freshmen drama and he eats it up
Vance, very loudly: that’s the girl you told me-
Gwen, slapping a hand over his mouth: shut the fuck up??
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t4tower-of-t4terror · 2 years
Idia wasn't great with crowded places. He tended to shut down anywhere that was too loud or too populated. He often didn't even go out in person, preferring to interact using his tablet.
Seth knew this. Zae had started a relationship with Idia a few months ago. The two of them had bonded quickly in a forum for a video game series they both enjoyed. Idia loved the series passionately, as did Seth. They found comfort in each other and the lack of judgement towards their partner. It quickly developed into a relationship.
So when Seth suggested that they go into the middle of Sage Island on a weekend, Idia was confused. He knew Seth was aware of his social anxiety and how it affects him. He didn't understand why they would ask to go into town.
"It's a surprise!" Seth replied once Idia finally asked why they even considered the idea.
"Okay... I trust you," Idia said, watching how Seth's sharp teeth showed as he started to smile.
A few days later and they were off. Seth had called in a favor from Crowley that allowed the two of them to take the mirror into town, right around where they wanted to be.
Idia was stumped. He was standing in front of an ordinary mall with an almost empty parking lot.
"Where are we?" Idia asked, perplexed.
"Just wait! I swear it'll get good soon," Seth replied, taking Idia's hand and pulling him into the mall.
The stores were almost all shut down, save for a few. There was a restaurant and a bookstore. Yet the mall was almost entirely devoid of life. Of course there were employees and a few people wandering around. Idia was entirely unfamiliar with the place, but Seth seemed to know it like the back of zaer hand.
Idia stopped in front of a huge comic store. There were some arcade cabinets and pinball machines at the front. There were figurines and DVDs and manga and comics and games. His eyes practically sparkled from joy.
"See, I told you that you'd like it!" Seth said, softly nudging their boyfriend to go inside.
Idia adored the place. It had posters for his favorite movies and figures from his favorite games and little pieces of merchandise from almost every media he loved.
"Okay so should I get the Star Rogue figure or the blacklight Pumpkin Hollow poster? Because I haven't seen that poster anywhere before but the figure is super rare and really cheap here compared to how it would sell online," Idia was talking a mile a minute, but Seth kept up with every word.
"We can always come back!" zae said, smiling over at zaer excited boyfriend.
"True true," Idia replied, before settling on the figure and asking if maybe the employees could hold one of the posters for a week or two.
The two of them strolled out, Idia holding a plastic bag in one hand and Seth's hand in another.
"That was really cool, thanks." he said, the tips of his hair fading into a soft pink.
"It's not over," Seth replied, pulling Idia into the next store over.
The pair walked through a draped fabric curtain and into a small room packed to the brim with arcade cabinets. Stars and planets decorated the carpet, illuminated under blacklight. Seth walked over to a nearby machine and put 10 madol in, receiving a large handful of coins.
"Okay so I don't really remember how I found this place but I do know they just so happen to have a Star Rogue cabinet that's in and out of circulation. So I kinda had to drag you here," Seth fidgeted with his feather earring, purple tail swishing behind them.
And Idia could not hold back his grin as he grabbed a coin and pushed it into the slot of the game, listening to the theme music he cared for so dearly and watching the game start.
And Seth's bright yellow eyes were fixated on him. The way he deftly controlled the joystick and the way Idia's eyes focused on the screen. They were alone in the room and they felt like the only people in the world.
Idia beat it with the almost impossible skill that can only come from someone who's played the game a thousand times before. It felt like muscle memory to him.
"Holy shit! I cannot believe you found this! Do you have any idea how rare these cabinets are?" Idia was almost laughing. The joy in his eyes was like nothing Seth had ever seen.
"I did! So I knew you had to see it in the flesh," and zaer voice was tender. They knew everything Idia had been through. He knew how rare it was to see these moments of pure joy. So they savored it with everything in them
"Thank you," Idia replied, copying Seth in his softness. Soft like the pink of his long hair under the blue-purple light of the arcade.
Seth cupped Idia's face with one hand and brought him closer. Into a kiss holding all of the joy and the sweetness that Idia brought into his life.
They split after a few moments. The only sound was soft breathing and the calming cacophony of dozens of video game songs playing simultaneously, until Seth broke the silence.
"We still have like a bajillion tokens. You wanna watch me kick ass at Galaga?"
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messinwitheddie · 5 years
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Nny "Felt posters? Neat. I haven't seen one of these since elementary school."
Squee "They sell them at the dollar store sometimes. I like to color them in while I watch TV if I'm feeling too lazy to draw. I try to distract myself as much as possible when I sit still. My teachers hate it."
Nny "Distract yourself from what?"
Squee "My own thoughts mostly and my pare-- dad. The world around me, you included. Sorry... I try not to dwell too much on anything."
Nny "I used to draw to distract myself. I used to LOVE it. I mean, my drawings were literally the only friends or family I had growing up. I was actually good at one point... Relatively."
Squee "Really? Do you still draw?"
Nny "Sometimes I draw comics, but they're
Squee "Horrible as in a lack of skill or horrible as in content?"
Nny "Hm...both. The homeless wipe their ass with the pages after they read them and justifiably so. I haven't drawn anything worth half a shit since I was 19, maybe younger."
Squee "I highly doubt that's true. Let me see your drawings. I don't care if there's newd stuff."
Nny "I wish oversexualization was my biggest stylistic issue. No, trust me. My work is shit now. It's not worth dragging out into plain sight."
Squee "Why does it have to be "good"? If you love to draw, then draw."
Nny "If I'm not "good " at drawing then the only other talent I possess is-- HACK STAB MAIM KILL SLASH HACK STAB!!... I don't WANT to be that person; not forever. I'm trying to reclaim myself...you believe me, right? ... Squee?...You believe I DON'T want to be this person, RIGHT?"
Squee "Uh....I mean that guy from the shoe store is bleeding out under the floorboards right now and he's like, the sixth body I've watched you drag back here since you came home the other day so... I kind of DON'T believe you... or I believe you're not trying very hard to change?..."*squeaky nervous cough*
Nny "........"
Squee "Draw something for me. I really think you're just being hard on yourself."
Nny "I...I wish I could explain why, but I just can't draw anymore...Screw it. I can still color, I suppose. Hand me the Ninja Turtles one."
Squee *smiles*
Nny "Which turtle is your favorite?"
Squee "Leo."
Nny "Leo? Really? He's boring, besides the katana he carries."
Squee "I like Leo. Leo's the leader. He doesn't have the cinematic personality the other turtles have, but he's the level headed one. Master Splinter trusts him to be in charge of the team because when it counts, Leo puts his brothers first. They can rely on him to have their backs. That's the kind of person I want to be someday, if I ever actually have a real family."
Nny "A leader?"
Squee "No, just someone respectable and brave and dependable. I don't want to be a Squee my whole life either."
Nny "There's nothing wrong with being a Squee. Ooh! think I might have a box of usable markers somewhere; hold on!"
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silv3rswirls · 3 years
No one requested this I just really want bad boy Jungkook to ruin my life.
Lord save me I love the whole vibe of this Jungkook.
Summary: At a time like this, the last place you expected to be was some seedy bar downtown, but here you were drinking shitty beer and making eyes with the live band’s drummer. 
Warnings: Female reader, dirty talk/degradation, public sex (y’all fuck in an alleyway), alcohol, smoking/marijuana use, unprotected sex, slight strength kink, hair pulling, slight breeding kink? (not sure if this can qualify as that)
Word count: 4k
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When you and your boyfriend broke up, you had imagined yourself laying around at home and drowning your sorrows in take-out and sappy romance movies. That’s what you had planned at least, but your friends had other plans. They had come to your apartment with plans to go to some little bar downtown. A small underground place that had been the talk all around campus lately. They had cheap drinks, live music, and seemed to be the perfect party setting lately. You decided to go after they pestered you enough, encouraging that this is what you needed after the breakup.
It wasn’t that you hated going out to these kinds of things, you just weren’t much of a partier. Sure, you drank at times, but never really let yourself go like a lot of students did. You had never seen anything wrong with this, but apparently, your boyfriend had. He broke up with you and cited his biggest reason as being that you were just too boring to date. And he did it over text no less. This guy had been your high school boyfriend and the relationship had carried on into your college years, you really hadn’t thought you would break up at this point. You thought, maybe it was for the best. He seemed way more interested in spending his college years partying and hooking up anyways, but it didn’t stop the hurt you felt over the breakup.
You knew he was a bit of an asshole and maybe that’s what you had liked so much about him, but besides that, the two of you had been together for so long. He had been your first boyfriend and kiss, he had taken your virginity, the whole shebang. He had been your only boyfriend as well, so your experience with anyone else was next to nothing, and in a way it made you feel a bit nervous about getting back out there. 
But, your friends usually didn’t steer you the wrong way so you thought why not? Maybe going out would be fun like they said. You would be going to a bar single for the first time, exciting right?
Honestly, it wasn’t.
You were currently sitting at the bar alone while your friends had found others to distract them. You didn’t mind, just wished you weren’t the weirdo sitting alone like this. You were taking a break from dancing as your feet were beginning to hurt and the crowd left you a bit lightheaded. The bar hadn’t been what you envisioned when everyone told you about it. It was a small place, some kind of obscure dive bar or something. The walls were packed with signs and posters, neon lights illuminated them in color. The stage was towards the other end of the place, relatively small with lights shining onto the crowded- they were currently red, bathing the whole place in its hue. A few tables and chairs had been pushed more to the side, but a few people sat and talked, played cards, or snacked on the stale chips left out. Fans spun lazily above you, doing nothing in the way of cooling the stuffy place off. Smoke moved around the dance floor fluidly, mingled with the stench of alcohol and sweat as people danced and crowded at the stage in excitement. There was laughter and smiles all around the bar, some intoxicated and others conversing with vigor. There was a wall of muted bottles glittering behind the counter, stacked with dozens of things you hadn’t even heard of before. Some looked intriguing, but you were content with the admittedly watered-down and cheap beer. 
The bar may have been a little rundown, but it soaked in the ambiance of a night of rock music and mistakes. 
You held your head, nursing the small headache coming from the dozens of conversations being had over the bass of the live band- some group you had never heard of and couldn’t even remember their name. It was good music though, not necessarily what you thought you would be partying to tonight. They dominated the atmosphere as the young crowd, made mostly of university students like yourself you assumed. You took a bitter sip of your drink, not quite drunk, but feeling it enough to slip into your feelings. You wondered if your ex would find this boring or not. Maybe the fact that you were sitting alone instead of enjoying yourself was enough to prove you weren’t exactly the life of a party. If only your friends would come back, you thought before finishing your drink and hoping down from the bar. 
“Hey, come dance with us!”
A group of girls around your age called you to follow as they made their way back into the crowd. You thought for a moment, before smiling and tailing after them. One held your hand as you pushed your way through the crowd, muttering sorries you knew no one could hear as you bumped and pushed. They took you to the front of the crowd, laughing and giggling as they accepted you into their group without a thought. You couldn’t help but smile as well, looking up at the band as they played. It felt a little unreal to be so close to them, the music pounding in your ears and the lights blinding you and staining your whole being in a red hue. Music filled the air so easily, the sound reaching everyone in the bar. Some let go and listen while others continue chatting, but it speaks out to them all in some way. You didn’t know the words but sing anyway. You yelled, so loud and raw as you got lost in the feeling; the anger and upset you felt over your ex fueling your desire to let go and have fun. It felt right, that moment. Intense and freeing as the vibration of their playing made your head tingle and your body want to jump up and down with everyone else. 
As you let yourself get lost in the atmosphere your eyes drifted across the young men playing before you and you catch one of their eyes lingering on you and between the brief breaks between songs you spare him looks that are barely glances and it feels like he’s doing the same. By the time their set ends you feel some accidental bond lingering between your shared glances and disappointment drowns you when you realize it’s time he leaves. 
“I can’t believe this'' You mutter as you step outside into the cool night air. You couldn’t find a single sign of your friends, so you assume they left you behind. Maybe it was your fault spending your time at the front with a new group of girls, they probably hadn’t been able to find you. Checking your phone you found a few missed texts from them and sighed. They had been your ride back home, but it looked like you would be calling an uber instead. Pulling at the hem of your dress as the cold breeze nipped at your thighs, you walked down the street a bit in search of a bench or something you could sit at since the bar had kicked the remaining customers out.
You jumped slightly at the sudden flick of headlights turning on as you walked past the alleyway between the bar and some closed-down restaurant next to it. Squinting a bit you spotted the guys from the band loading the equipment up. “Looking for an autograph?” You mustered a nervous smile as one of them looked over at you, his eyes locking on yours as you had with the drummer on stage. You hadn’t gotten the best look at the drummer while he was performing, the lights had been blinding and you weren’t able to make any specific details out on him. But he looked similar enough.
“I mean, If you're offering one?” He matched your smile waltzing up to you with a Sharpie in hand. He scanned you up and down quickly before telling you to give him your arm, so you did and shuddered at the feeling of the sharpie dragging across your skin. You inspected the autograph, just two letters scribbled fancily on your forearm. “JK?” you asked.
“Jungkook actually, and you are?”
“Y/n” you replied, looking up from his writing.
“So Y/n, how does it feel to have such a famous rockstar’s autograph?” You laughed, “you don’t seem all that famous just yet.”
Jungkook simply smiled and went on, “you know, I saw you making eyes at me from the crowd.”
“Oh really?” You breathed, feeling a bit nervous as he brought it up.
He hummed, “It was hard to make out, but with how hard you were staring I could tell.” He teased.
“Lucky for you then.” You shivered as another cool wind blew through the alley attacked your exposed skin. Jungkook seemed to notice because he turned to look at his bandmates before offering to let you come inside with him. You chewed the inside of your cheek, normally you would never even of gotten so far into a conversation with a guy like this. Maybe it was the shitty beer or the high of the show, but you felt a bit daring and accepted. You and Jungkook sat down on the old, scratched-up leather sofa found in the back of the bar. It seemed the other members badly packed up most of their belongings, as one of them ran around the room grabbing what was left. “Shouldn’t you help?” You wondered aloud and Jungkook only shrugged as he handed you a beer.
“They’re fine, right Jimin?” The member looked over at you two, taking in your presence for a second before smiling.
“Of course, we’re done here. See you later Jungkook.” He threw a wink in your direction before grabbing the last bag and hurrying out. 
“Isn’t that your ride home?” You fiddled with your beer bottle as Jungkook opened his up and moved to take yours and do the same. 
“I have my own. Don’t worry so much Y/n.” You nodded and looked around the small back room. Pressed on the other side of the room were some boxes and storage space, a rack with some old clothing, and a small television set up on a counter that ran along the wall. There was a table riddled with empty and half drank bottles and glasses, from the band you presumed. The back door was cracked open with a brick, so the cold draft still hit you. The place smelled old and dusty, liquor lingering in the air as you listened to the shuffle of staff cleaning up in the front. You and Jungkook talked for a bit, mainly about the show and his band and you told him a little about yourself. How you were in university across town and were just trying to get out with some friends who ended up leaving you behind. At first, you hadn’t been sure how hanging out with him would go, unsure if you had enough in common to talk, but it turned out to be easy. Jungkook, despite all the tattoos and strong build, seemed pretty nice. Of course, deep down you kept yourself aware of why you were here. You were pretty positive that Jungkook hadn’t asked you to stay behind with him just to talk, there had to be other intentions. Hoping for a hookup you assumed and while you weren’t sure what exactly you were doing here, it felt oddly right.
“So, your boyfriend didn’t care that you came to such a shitty bar alone?” You watched Jungkook as he stood up and walked to the door. He kicked the brick out of place and opened it all the way, sitting down in the doorframe.
“I don’t have a boyfriend to be mad at me” you sighed, “broke up like a month ago.” 
“Seriously?” He looked back at you, brushing his dark locks away. “What dumbass would break up with you?” You laughed and got up to join him in the doorway, watching as he fiddled with something in his hands as you sat down. He pulled a lighter out and lit the blunt in hand, looking over at you before offering. “Want a hit?”
You stared at him for a second before smiling, “you first.” He complied, bringing it to his lips and inhaling. He glanced at you as he did so, holding it out for you next. You held his wrist to keep him from shaking against the cold and leaned to take a hit for yourself.
“You’ve never done this” he laughed, watching you sputter and cough, your face scrunching up at the unfamiliarity. 
“Kind of?” You laughed, swatting at him as he blew smoke into your face.
“So tell me about him.”
“What?” “Your ex, tell me about him. He break your heart?” You scoffed, looked up at the building that towered above the two of you and to the night sky. Jungkook kept up smoking beside you, following your gaze lazily as he waited for your response. The truth was; you weren’t sure if you were heartbroken or not. The two of you had been distant for a while before breaking up, but there was still a certain sadness that sat within you. He was your first love and maybe if he had ended things sooner you’d be more upset. You were upset, but you felt more anger towards him than anything. 
“He, uh- he broke up with me because he thought I was too boring.” You laughed. “He was always more of a party animal, you know? I don’t even know how he managed to make me fall for him way back when...you know he did it over text?” 
“Shit, over text?” He raised his brows at you, a small grin curving his lips. “You must’ve been pissed.” He coughed through another hit. “So he thinks you’re boring? You don’t seem it. You should’ve seen yourself out there earlier, I thought you were wasted or something” he joked.
“Well, I don’t normally do this kind of thing. It was a last-minute decision to come.” You explained, taking a sip of your beer.
“I’m glad you did” Jungkook grabbed your hand to bring the bottle to his lips for a long swig. “You’re pretty cool.” You smiled, a bit taken back by the compliment. Jungkook held eye contact with you for a moment before his eyes drifted down to your lips and you can tell that he’s thinking about moving in closer, so you take the initiative and do it yourself. He’s just centimeters away from kissing you, his breath hitting your face, a mix of cologne, alcohol, and smoke hitting you. Before you know it his lips are on yours, cold and a bit rough upon touch. You can feel a swarm of butterflies eat at your stomach as you try to relax in his hold. His kiss is not at all the same as the ones you shared with your ex, it wasn’t inspired or felt like a chore; it was hot and a bit sloppily and sparks a new feeling of passion inside you.
Jungkook’s arm found its way around your waist, tugging your body closer to his while the other held the side of your face. His tongue finds its way inside your mouth and you feel a hand wander down to your thigh, resting a bit under the bottom of your dress as his chilled hands groped and pinched your flesh. Soon things begin to get more heated and you find yourself pulled into his lap while he kisses and sucks at your neck. You jump a little when you feel his hand slide down your waist and grab your ass. He smiles into your neck, breaking away to look at you. Your lips were shiny and red from the make out, your neck in a similar fashion as fresh hickies were making their mark. He looks at you intently, a desire behind his eyes that felt like had been forever since you experienced it. He’s practically undressing you with his eyes when he asks, “Is this okay?”
“Yes,” you nod immediately, living off the rush of hooking up with him- with anyone in so long. Jungkook grins and stands the both of you up, backing you against the wall and trapping you in another heated make-out session as his hands begin to wander over your body. Your back arches as he brushes over your chest, shuddering as he cups your breasts and squeezes firmly. His leg slips between your thighs, pressing against your pussy and rubbing the tiniest bit. You shifted under him, your face flushed as you felt yourself growing more and more worked up.
It felt like forever Jungkook continued playing and teasing you, but soon you felt his fingertips brush under your dress, fingers hooking around your panties and pulling them down. You reached to bunch your dress up farther for him, shivering as the cold air hit your sensitive skin. He squeezed your plush thighs, one hand slipping between your legs to touch you. “Cold?” He asked, amused as you squirmed under his touch, his fingers dragging up and down your slit a few times as he looked down at you, his eyes locked on yours as you merely shuddered and wiggled under him. His breath was hot against your skin as he went back to kiss at your neck, an air of neediness around the both of you as you moved your hips against his hand’s movements, hoping for some more attention rather than teasing. Jungkook’s forehead rested against your shoulder as he looked down at you, his face starting to flush in excitement as hard-on pressed against his jeans. Slowly he let two fingers dip into your pussy, taking in the feeling of you squirming and tensing slightly around him. You grabbed at his arm, panting and whimpering as he attacked your clit, rolling the bud between his fingers and pushing you to cum.
Feeling a bit impatient, Jungkook pulls away and ignores your whiny complaints. “Want me to fuck you?” He asks, not waiting for your answer as he works his jeans undone. “Turn around” he urges and you do so, your skin pressed against the rough of the bricks, leaving you to wince slightly, but ignore it as you feel his hands on your hips, pulling you closer to him. You glance back at him, anticipation clear on your face until you feel the head of his dick press against your thigh before he adjusts himself to press into you. You gasp, a small groan hanging in your throat as he slowly pushes in. He takes in the sight of you bent over for him, your thighs shaking and muscles tensing under his touch. “Fuck, that’s it,” Jungkook’s voice comes from behind you, teasing as the edges of his lips ghost over the shell of your ear. You can feel his body over yours big and strong as he grips your hips tight, effortless moving you to meet his thrusts.
“J-Jungkook” You moan, writhing in pleasure and slight disbelief you were actually fucking a guy you just met. Your head turned at the sound of people walking by on the street. Suddenly struck with panic and the realization you were letting him fuck you in an alleyway. “There’s people-”
“Shh” Jungkook smirked, “better be quiet unless you want someone to hear you getting fucked.” 
“But-” you gasped as he thrust into you again, snapping his hips rough and picking the pace up. You bit your bottom lip, trying to hold in the moans threatening to spill out of you. 
“Don’t want anyone to see what a needy slut you are?” You dropped your head with a shake, whimpering as he reached to find your clit again, rubbing circles around your hardened nub. “You’re not doing a very good job” he commented
“Jungkook,” you whisper, your voice shaking before you let out a sudden, loud moan. It is almost hard for you to recognize yourself due to the desperation laced in your tone, need clouding your mind as you ate up the pleasure he was giving you. It felt like it had been months since the last time you really got off and despite the somewhat unorthodox situation, you were reveling in just how much it turned you on. “Only w-want you to see how much of a slut I am-” Your words fell off towards the end, drowned in your whines.
Jungkook eats up your words, grunting and groaning quietly to himself as he fucked into you. “Quiet, baby.” he mocks with a tease in his voice. You buried your face into your arms, clenching around Jungkook as you came, your stomach tensing up and moans muffled. “You’re so hot” Jungkook groaned, his hand running up your back and into your hair, fingers lacing themselves in your locks before tugging your face up so you were looking up. You squealed as he kept thrusting into you, shaking at how sensitive you felt. “I didn’t think you’d be so easy,” he commented, “but look at you, bent over all pretty for me.” Jungkooks voice was growing shaky, nearing his orgasm as he let go of your hair. “Where should I cum baby?”
“You can inside if you want” you breathed, breathless as you felt another orgasm nearing. 
“Shit, really?” You could hear the grin in his tone as he pounded into you.
“I’m on the pill.” You moaned,  a shaky please falling from your lips.
“Don’t worry baby,” he grunts “gonna fill you up.” You let out one last moan as Jungkook’s grip tightens on your hips and he stills his movements, shooting his load into you as he closes his eyes with a soft moan. You pant, taking in the feeling of his cum inside you, leaving you a dripping mess when he pulls out. He stands over you for a moment, catching his breath and admiring his work. “Fuck, so pretty,” you hear him murmur.
Eventually, the two of you find your way back inside, finding the restroom to clean up and come down from the romp you just had. Jungkook thought quiet helps you clean up and fix your dress. You take a few minutes to sit down and relax, you were feeling tired from the long night you had and you were sure Jungkook must’ve been as well since he had performed on stage as well. “Let me give you a ride home?” He turns to you as you gulp down some water.
“Well, it’s the least you can do, right?” You tease and Jungkook just smiles and leads you back outside. “Of course you have a motorcycle” you snorted, laughing in slight disbelief as he joined you.
“What else?” He asked, waiting for you to get the situation and wrap your arms around him. It was cold, but you closed your eyes as he drove, taking in the chill of fresh air and the soft rustle of the city around you. He took you home, dropping you off in front of your complex. He stopped you before you could leave, pulling out the sharpie and handing it to you. “Give me your number” he urged, letting you scribble it down on his hand.
“Call me sometime?”
He merely grinned with a lazy shrug, “Maybe.”
You watched him ride off from inside the lobby, chewing your lip as you went over the events of the night. “Whose boring now?” You laughed to yourself, the sadness your ex had left long forgotten. 
You weren’t sure if Jungkook would call, but sure hoped he would.
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iwalc · 3 years
Take me home
Hi people! I hope you are all well! Here is a something I've worked on for a while. Uhm, I realise now that I have never posted anything I've written on here before, so I am a little nervouse, ngl. I've been into a horrible writersblock for over a year now and this is the firt piece I've even been able to finish, which also makes me kind of nervouse. Either way, here it is. I hope you'll like it, and if you do, pls let me know.
Wordcount: around 2500.
I haven't really proofread anything, so if there are anything that's a bit off, then I apologise.
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Damn it. I lost. Again. Here I am pissed drunk in a bar, far away from home. Or... what's supposed to be my home. Anger, love, confusion, roads that lead nowhere. As to lately, I don't know what has gotten into me. We all know life's a rollercoaster, ups and downs, downs and ups. This time I wasn't prepared. I've hit the ground. Hard. Everything happened so fast.
Almost a year ago I moved from home. It was sudden but necessary. I got into college in London and saw my opportunity to leave my abusive household. For years the mental abuse had just gradually gotten worse. Although I love my parents to bits, it was not a healthy surrounding and I needed a new perspective. I moved into a small apartment a few minutes from my college. The apartment wasn't really luxurious. But what could I expect with rent that cheap. It was alright. For me at least. Soon after the move classes started. The first few days were rough. A lot of new things, new people, new surroundings and I was all alone. You see, I am not a fan of new things. I'd rather be stuck with everything the same than have the winds of change knock everything I know to pieces. That's what I soon noticed. I didn't recognise anything anymore. Everything was to pieces. I've never felt so lost or scared.
After a while, these strange feelings of insecurity and fear decreased a bit. I started seeing people from my classes. We went to lunches, studied, went out on the weekends. For the first time in a long while it felt like my life was starting to get better. I felt alive, not only like I was just existing. I felt normal. I lived in a large city, in a tiny apartment, barely being able to pay rent, eating fish sticks and whatever else cheap food that Tesco happened to sell out, spending all money on weekends clubbing, listening to bands, laughing, getting shitfaced, having the time of my life.
On one of these nights, I met someone. Someone that would change my life drastically, and thank god it was for the better. It was an ordinary weekend. Me and the girls got ready for a night out, as usual. Only this time we were to meet Angela's boyfriend and his friends. Everyone was crazy excited. I tried to be, but as we have stated before, I'm not doing very well with breaking routines or new things, hence my increasing anxiety. To cut the chase, Angela's boyfriend had nice friends. Especially one of them. Brian. I don't really know what drew me to him. He just seemed so calm and safe. Somewhat on my level. The others, Angela, Jessica and Amanda, were all outgoing girls, finding it easy to talk and meet new people, having no trouble being in the centre of attention. I did not enjoy those types of things. I enjoyed letting others being in the centre of attention and them leading the way. I thrive in the shadows of other people and Brian seemed to be the same way. He was the quiet one, the one in the shadows. But he didn't seem shy. He sat comfortably in the booth, a beer in his hand, listening in to the conversations, taking part in them whenever it was needed. He seemed so calm, safe, secure. Something I craved. He was tall, green, welcoming eyes. Angela sat down beside her boyfriend, Roger, a blonde, seemingly handsome guy. Jessica was called over to Freddie, a dark-haired man, seemingly not afraid to stand in the centre of attention, he was very authentic and expressive. At first, I'd say he'd be a bitch, but he was so nice and welcoming. Such a sweetheart. Amanda sat down between Jessica and John and they got carried away with their conversation pretty quickly.
Me being me, trying to read the room, the new people, anxiously stood there, at the end of the table. My anxiety started to peak at this uncomfortable social situation. I had no idea what to do. I froze. The others seemed engulfed in their conversations and bonding and hadn't noticed my uncomfortable state. But Brian did. He seemed to understand and saw my anxiety. It was amazing how he just knew how to deal with it without scaring me off more. He redirected his attention towards where I stood. He calmly called my name. His voice. I've never ever felt more secure. After a few calls, and his hand gracing mine, I zoned in again and once again became aware of my surroundings. His touch. Warm. Soft. Peaceful. "Hey" he said softly, "would you like to sit down?" he asked as he carefully for a second took a hold of my hand, with me not showing any sign of uncomfort, he carefully guided me to sit down beside him, a soft smile gracing his lips. "I'm so sorry for zoning out like that, thank you" I quietly whispered. He once again took a soft hold of my hand, smiling, "Don't apologise, I understand". Something told me he did understand.
And ever since we met that night, at a pub in Kensington, he has made me feel at home. Safe. Comfortable. My pieces were glued together again. Brian was my everything. He still is. The last few months with him has been filled with such happiness and security I never ever thought I'd experience. I love him to bits. He understands me and my needs like no other. He knows how to take care of my anxiety attacks. He knows how to help me relax. He is my rock in a stormy ocean.
Until today. Earlier today, the pieces he glued together, fell apart, again. Today we moved in together. We figured it would help with our economic situation since we were both students. I mean, we love each other so why not. Well. This is why. I am once again falling apart. My pieces are flying away. I couldn't handle one more change. I've broken up with my family, moved away from home, started college, all in the period of 6 months. It was too much. And now this. I love him. But my world has been picked apart once more.
The whole day I've been feeling my anxiety increasing. Usually, Brian notices or I feel comfortable telling him, but this time I noticed how excited he was, I didn't want to hurt him with my bullshit. It's horrible feeling yourself falling apart but not be able to do anything about it. It was 7 pm and Brian was unpacking things in the living room while I sat on the sofa trying not to lose it. He kept talking about how happy he was and how this was a dream of his. How excited he was to share his life with me, to love me. All the while he was so happy babbling away, I was freaking out. To say the least.
My anxiety kept increasing and now I couldn't handle it anymore. I felt my breathing quickening, my hands and legs started to shake and tears started to stream down my eyes. I couldn't do this. What have I done? "Love? What do you think hanging this here?" Brian asked excitedly holding up a poster on the wall. I couldn't breathe. "Love?" Brian asked before he turned around. My knees were up to my chin, hands holding them in place, rocking back and forth, tears streaming down my eyes. Brian was shocked to see me in this state of mind but wasted no time. He hurried up to me on the sofa. He sat down on his knees in front of me, his hands on my cheeks. "Love, look at me" he pleaded with a calm voice. "Love" he said, more firmly this time. "Shh you're okay, love, I got you" he said as I lifted my head to look at him. I was frightened. His beautiful, angelic face that earlier always brought me peace and comfort were now triggering my anxiety. I ran. I ran out of the apartment, down the staircase and out of the building. Before leaving the building I heard Brian calling my name, running after me.
That's where I am right now. I ran to a pub, the pub we met at. I'm drunk. Anger, love, confusion, roads that lead nowhere. As to lately, I don't know what has gotten into me. We all know life's a rollercoaster, ups and downs, downs and ups. This time I wasn't prepared. I've hit the ground. Hard. Everything happened so fast. Wrapped up so consumed by all this confusion. With every thought I down a beer. "Could I get another one pls?" I slurred to the bartender. But no. No way I was going to drink more tonight. I don't know if it was intentional or not to go to the only pub in London where I'm recognisable since we go there all the time. Maybe I wanted to be found. The bartender declined and then went through a doorway to the kitchen. I heard him talking on the phone. He was talking about me. More than that I couldn't recognise and soon after my head hit the table and I was out.
I woke up in a bed. It took some time to locate where I was, but soon I noticed I was in our apartment. My head was killing me along with the anxiety and guilt. What the hell happened. I had no idea.
Soon enough Brian entered the room. I couldn't do anything. I barely dared to look at him. He looked exhausted. And there was something else, it shocked me that I couldn't decipher what it was.
"Hi" he calmly said as he strode to my side of the bed and set down a glass of water and aspirin.
"Hi" I vaguely answered.
The silence took over the room. I barely dared to move but did to take my aspirin and drink some well-needed water. Not letting my eyes of Brian, I watched as his tall body sat down on the side of the bed.
"How are you feeling?" he calmly asked as his hand strode closer to me but he didn't dare to touch me, probably confused by my signals yesterday.
I met him halfway and took a hold of his large and warm hand. As soon as he felt my hand on his he held mine tighter and let out a breath I didn't know he was holding.
"I don't know how to answer that" you answered honestly.
Brian hummed and stroked my hand with his thumb, looking at our locked hands.
"You scared me" he whispered. Tears threatening to leave his eyes.
That hurt.
"I'm so sorry" I panicked and sat up, only to regret it as my head almost pounded you dead. "Ow," I winced as my free hand went to hold my forehead.
"Careful" Brian voiced as calmly as ever. His eyes scanned around the room, trying to muster the courage for what he was to say next. He cleared his throat. "Can we talk about what happened?" he almost whispered, taking my hand in both of his, stroking it with his thumbs.
Of course, he wants to talk about it. There is nothing strange about that. However, I rather not. What am I supposed to say? That I panicked, that his face suddenly made me uneasy? That... I don't know. Suddenly I felt his hand upon my cheek. I must've zoned out.
"hey, it's alright"
I let out a loud sigh, catching Brians attention. "Brian, it is not alright. I'm a mess. What I did wasn't alright." Tears were now streaming down my cheeks. Burning like fire. Brians weight shifted as he crawled onto the bed, laying down behind me, embracing me like never before. His arms around my aching stomach and my arms. His leg over mine. His chin in the crook of my neck, whispering calming sentences while my tears shook my body. His body warming mine. It's always so calming.
How can I be so damn lucky? I ran away from home, from my love, I got piss drunk at a pub, and still, he took me home, taking care of me, holding me, loving me like no other. It's suffocating in the best way.
The tears calmed down. "Brian, I want to come home", I sniffed, crampingly grabbing onto his large, warm hand. "I'm hurting. I'm so lost. Confused. Angry." the tears were now rapidly streaming down my face again as I poured my aching heart out. "I really had to get away from home to live my life, to get better. When I first got here I felt cheated. It was so hard and I've never been worse my whole life. I've never felt more alone, left out, beaten up." I kept rambling on. "I know, love, I know." Brian cooed into my neck, stroking my arm. "But you don't Brian. I can't seem to find my way home. I'm so lost." I said as tears wrecked my body. Brian, holding me, securing me, hushing me, whispering sweet things. "I don't even know how you put up with me. I'm so broken. I came to you with a broken faith, and you gave me more than a hand to hold." The first time I voiced my fear and insecurity about how Brian feel about me. I'm so scared he'll leave me. He's all I've got. "Love, shh, It's ok. Hey, listen to me." he started as he turned me so I could look at him. "I understand that you feel like you're lost, I really do. Everything you've ever known has changed in less than a year. Space will eventually make it better, time will make it heal, and soon enough you won't feel like you're haunted. You won't be lost forever!" He praised as his hand stroked my cheek. Emphasizing the last sentence. I won't be lost forever.
"I'm so scared Brian"
"I know baby" he embraced me, "I know."
"I need you, Brian, don't leave me please, you're all I've got." I cried into his chest.
"Baby I won't. I never could. I love you! I will hold you. I will take you home. I'll be here every step of the way. I'll be your home." He said as my body once more broke down in tears.
I know there must be somewhere better because he always takes me there. Maybe I've found my home. I think he's my home.
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emhowling · 3 years
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e m m a   l o u i s e   v a n i t y
name: emma louise vanity. pronunciation: eh·muh loo·ease va·nuh·tee. meaning: emma- whole & universal. louise- famous warrior. birthday: august 13th. age: twenty-two. pronouns: she & her & they. sexuality: bisexual. siblings: heather, trey, & sage vanity. the pack. parents: darrell & darlene vanity. rosalyn & fenrir greyback. other family: the greyback pack. languages: english. romani. grunts. current residence: trailer in the greyback caravan. hometown: warwickshire.
wizard fun:
hogwarts house: slytherin. year of graduation: 1977. occupation: tattoo artist & piercer at markus scarr’s. pet: beta fish named nicole. blood status: muggleborn. species: werewolf. patronus: leopardess. leopards are graceful hunters. they symbolize elegance in spite of adversity and looming danger. they are great representations of warriors and hunters. it also symbolizes stealth and strength. both traits are good to have if you’re hunting or seeking something. sensuality and passion are usually attributed to them. additionally, they are considered symbols of privacy and secrets.  boggart: emma is very, very claustrophobic. she is always terrified of being locked into a small confined space or being chain up. amortentia:   blackberries. emma doesn’t necessarily love blackberries, but she does love anything that is blackberry flavored. blackberry pies, blackberry cobblers, blackberry jams, jellies, lollipops, and even blackberry wine is her favorite thing to have. they used to grow at the treeline of the playground behind the trailer where she was born. wildflowers. no matter where or what time if emma sees wildflowers growing, she’ll stop to enjoy them. they’ve always been a secret love of hers and frankly, she finds them far more beautiful than any curated flowers. they’re never the same thing twice, but they make everywhere smell infinitely better. whiskey. it isn’t even her drink of choice. if asked, emma would much rather be let loose with tequila. there is just something about the smell of high brow whiskey that reminds her of something happy. wand type: 9 1/3″, black walnut wood wand with a dragon heartstring core, stubborn and bouncy. less common than the standard walnut wand, that of black walnut seeks a master of good instincts and powerful insight. black walnut is a very handsome wood, but not the easiest to master. it has one pronounced quirk, which is that it is abnormally attuned to inner conflict, and loses power dramatically if its possessor practices any form of self-deception. if the witch or wizard is unable or unwilling to be honest with themselves or others, the wand often fails to perform adequately and must be matched with a new owner if it is to regain its former prowess. paired with a sincere, self-aware owner, however, it becomes one of the most loyal and impressive wands of all, with a particular flair in all kinds of charmwork. as a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. while they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. the dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the dark arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental. affiliation: de affiliated, loyalty only to the greybacks.
height: 5′. hair color: brown. eye color: brown. typical hair style: tied up into a bun on top of her hand with a scarf wrapped around it or braided in intricate patterns. fashion style: emma wears a little bit of this and a little bit of that. a lot of her clothes are acquired by just being near her and wearable. she goes through a lot of clothes given how tough she is on the fabric. there is a lot of layering, but there’s nothing emma hates more than being too hot so she had the tendency to shed them until she’d comfortable. [ fashion ] distinguishing features: emma has a lot of scars over her body, some full moon related and other not. she has a few small tattoos. her weight fluctuates somewhat wildly based on the lunar cycle, and sometimes she does look markedly pallid. notably when she smiles, she has deep set dimples.
positive traits: innovative. nimble. artistic. negative traits: combative. disorganized. tactless. theme song: hungry like the wolf by duran duran.
emma has been drawing for as long as she can remember. if there’s a pencil or pen or quill in sight, emma will pick it up and set to drawing something. her favorite medium is definitely charcoal since it’s the easiest to come by and use quickly.
fuck shoes. if given a choice, emma would literally go barefoot all of the time. she kicks off her shoes at any given opportunity, and especially likes to go running when she is barefooted.
emma is a small girl and perhaps an even smaller wolf. it’s easy to spot her on a full moon as she is particularly small and irritatingly fast on her feet. she’s been lovingly referred to as the runt of the litter more often than not.
Darrell and Darlene Vanity never intended to be absent parents. Truly they didn’t, but they were young, and they were poor. Four children weren’t cheap. It took a lot of extra shifts, saving, and scraping by to just afford the power and water in their little trailer at the very edge of the park where the fence didn’t quite meet ends. More often than not, they were all four left to fend for themselves. More often than not, there just wasn’t enough room in the confined little trailer. The parents slept in the large bed crammed in the small side room with the eldest two kids, but the youngest two had a kitchen table that converted down so a mattress could slide on top. Needless to say, Emma Vanity always felt a bit trapped in such mundane circumstances.
There was a big hole in the fence around the back that the kids could crawl through while no one was looking. Emma couldn’t remember the first time she snuck through that old rusted metal to the playground on the other side. If asked, she would tell you that it was the first day she learned how to toddle out the front door of the trailer. She would spend hours on the swings, the seesaw, the merry go round, and the slides. Most of the fixtures barely worked, but it was a good escape for the Vanity kids. It was where Emma made her first drawing. It was where she broke her arm for the first time. It was where she first met the Greybacks. 
Only eight years old at the time, and already far too keen to escape her surroundings. Emma skipped school more often than not, it felt like the trailer in too many ways. Small-minded and confined by the walls of a big prison where the adults yelled at you for needing to piss or drawing on your tests or running at full speed down the hall. It just wasn’t a place for someone like her, and she didn’t need to be any older to see it. There was more to her than the other snotty little kids around her. Even if no one else could see it from the trailer trash. She had been busy that day trying to repair the rusted chain of the old swing set with the little bit of that unexplained extra she possessed, which later Emma learned was the beginning of her magic slipping through, when she got caught.
From the treeline, a woman stepped forward. She was perhaps the most beautiful person that Emma had ever seen. The first thing she did was tell Emma that she was special. Well they could definitely agree on that. The woman offered her more. More than a trailer and more than a rusted playground and distant school. More than parents who forgot her and siblings who didn’t notice her. Emma took her hand and never looked back. Frankly, she never even knew if her parents put up missing posters or not. It was probably a relief to have one less mouth to feed. 
Fenrir wasted no time biting her. That first transition was the hardest thing that she had ever had to go through. The pain of shedding her skin will be seared into the very core of her memory for the rest of her life. Yet, there was never any hesitation because she was a child or even any thought that she could not keep up with the rest of the pack. It was just expected that she would, and Emma lived for that independence. The Greybacks held to every promise made to her. They were far more parents to her than the Vanity’s had ever been. They raised her.
It was harder than she wanted to admit to leave them for Hogwarts, but ‘kids go to school’. So Emma went. It was confining at first. There was too much she wasn’t allowed to do again. It wasn’t easy to keep things under wraps, Emma had never been a very good secret keeper. Her first year, she certainly spent more time in detention than she ever did in class. She would spend hours drawing the intricate architecture of the castle and her classmates in various states of distress or joy. That is when she discovered Quidditch. She was hooked. The only reason she started to do her coursework was so that her marks would be good enough to play. A proper chaser in all regards. She even managed captain in her later years. It was likely the only reason she didn’t drop out in her fifth year like her parents had. That and a handful of good friends she wasn’t quite ready to lose. Besides, apparently the accommodations for werewolves had really improved in recent years. It wasn’t unbearable to tolerate the time. 
After graduation, Emma returned to her pack. Fenrir had made a deal with the devil, and that was just fine by her. It wasn’t as if she was particularly keen on a war, but it was always fun to have something to do. It kept her close enough to her school friends too. She trusted him with her life. That included what said life entailed. If he thought it was the right call, Emma would believe him. However, there’s been a building tension about just how right that call might be. In her spare time, she picked up a relatively flexible job at the local tattoo parlor as an artist and piercer, but there is a part of her that is screaming- what’s next?
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murkycran · 4 years
Summary: "First, there was never any proof that was even me, and secondly, I have a hatchback, Virgil, obviously any hypothetical opossums in cages would be stored in the back rather than on my leather seats." 
"I was literally sitting beside you when Remus asked you to help and you said yes-" --- It's pouring when they leave the movies, Remus does his best to get them all banned from the theatre, Virgil's ride canceled on him, and only three of them are wearing rain boots.
Rating: Teen
Relationships: Gen
Characters: Morality | Patton Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders, Logic | Logan Sanders, Deceit | Janus Sanders, Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders, Sleep | Remy Sanders
Tags: Friendship, Teenagers, Alternate Universe - Human, Fluff, Remus' brand of humor, Anxiety, Angst, very small angst where Virgil is having negative thoughts, But Nothing Too Bad
Words: 3410
Read on AO3!
As the end credits rolled and the lights of the theater brightened to allow guests to leave, the sudden lack of theatrical music revealed another sound.
"Is that rain?" Virgil asked, leaning forward in his seat to look at the others.
Remus was already out of his seat and hurriedly making his way...up? the theatre steps, rather than heading for the exit. Roman didn't appear to be paying attention at all, seemingly trying to reach down the back of his shirt for something while Logan checked his phone for missed notifications. Janus gave Virgil a dry look. "No, that's not rain at all. It totally sounded like that before the movie started."
As if punctuating his words, a rumble of thunder shook the building.
Patton hopped to his feet and dug around in his drawstring bag for a bit before emerging with a collapsible, lime-green umbrella clasped in his hand. "I hope everyone came prepared! I wouldn't want the weather to dampen the mood!"
Virgil completely missed the pun, because he, in fact, did not come prepared and was already dreading getting his clothes soaked. Janus at least remarked, "I'm not sharing my umbrella."
"Nor am I," Logan agreed, standing up as he put his phone away. "I told everyone in the group text earlier today to bring adequate rain gear, so no one is going to be able to use the excuse that they 'didn't know'."
Virgil sighed as he stood with the others and they began shimmying down the aisle towards the stairs. "Yeah, well, I kinda ducked out of the group text after Remus started threatening spoilers for the movie."
Speaking of. "HEY! Hey, guys, look!"
Virgil already felt a wave of mortification sweeping over him as not only their group but everyone else still in the theatre turned towards the projection booth at the top of the stairs. Remus was using his hands to make shadow puppets of dicks in front of the light coming from the projector.
"Oh my god," Virgil choked out, suddenly wishing the ground would swallow him up. Janus and Logan both wore unimpressed looks as Patton chuckled nervously and called back up to Remus. "Hey kiddo, maybe come back down? We don't want the movie theatre employees to ban you again."
"Patton, stop acting like we know him!" Virgil hissed. "Everyone's looking at us!"
"Normally I'd relish the attention," Roman spoke up as he finally stood, still shifting his shirt and jacket in an odd fashion, "but I have to agree with the Dark Knight on this one, padre. I'd rather we all not get banned because of my brother."
"Glad to see the everlasting, unbreakable bond of blood between brothers is still as strong as ever," Janus said.
Logan pushed his glasses up on his nose, raising an eyebrow at the tamer twin. "Roman, what are you doing?"
Roman's reply was cut off as Remus made a mad, cackling dash back down the stairs through the last of the people leaving the theatre as employees appeared from behind the projection booth door.
"We should leave quickly," Logan said. He was checking his phone again. "I'm getting flash flood warnings for our area."
Virgil groaned. "As if Remy's driving wasn't bad enough."
They all shared a wince. No one carpooled with Virgil twice after riding with Remy in the driver seat.
The remaining five - since Remus was no longer in sight - began making their way down the stairs. Roman lagged behind after every few steps, still tugging at his shirt behind his back. After reaching the bottom and glancing back to see the twin still struggling on the stairs halfway up, Patton finally asked, "Do you need help, bud?"
Roman huffed frustratedly. "Remus kept putting candy down the back of my shirt during the movie. I got the Twizzlers out, but I'm pretty sure he also dropped some Reese's Pieces down my collar. I think they're stuck to my back from sitting between me and the seat cushion."
"Oh, so that's what he was doing," Janus said. "I was wondering why he was moving around so much."
"Aw, what a waste of candy," Patton pouted.
"Dude, just go in the bathroom and take your shirt off to check," Virgil said.
"Yes, please do that," Janus agreed, eyeing Roman warily all of a sudden. "If you're going to be riding in my car there will be no melted candy left behind in the seats."
Roman sighed but finally stopped pulling at his shirt and jacket to follow them the rest of the way out. As they neared the bathrooms, Logan asked, "Why didn't you just stop him from doing it?"
The twin scoffed. "Uh, have you met my brother? It's Remus, you can't tell him to do anything, and it would've been exactly what he wanted: me making a scene in a dark theater. Besides, I got some revenge by shoving SourPatch Kids down his shirt, too." The last bit was said with a bit of pride.
Janus groaned dramatically as Roman left them outside the bathrooms. "Great, two people littering candy in my car." He sighed as he made his way to the benches against the wall opposite of the bathrooms and sat down, pulling his yellow, faux snake skin-patterned backpack into his lap and opening it.
Patton took a seat beside Janus and Virgil sat on Patton's other side, slouching down with his hands shoved in his pockets. Virgil said, "I know for a fact that you helped Remus smuggle possums into the guys gym at school two months ago using your car to back up to the back entrance. Yet you're worried about a few pieces of candy?"
Janus rolled his eyes as he pulled off his left shoe. "First, there was never any proof that was even me, and secondly, I have a hatchback, Virgil, obviously any hypothetical opossums in cages would be stored in the back rather than on my leather seats."
"I was literally sitting beside you when Remus asked you to help and you said yes-" Virgil started to argue, but Patton cut him off quickly, desperate to avoid the argument that was sure to start. "Janus, you brought rainboots, too?"
The teen in question had pulled two shiny yellow rainboots out of his backpack and already had one on. "Of course I did. My regular shoes are too nice to get wet. Plus, these keep water from getting on the cuff of my pants."
Logan was looking at the garishly yellow backpack somewhat dubiously. "How did you even fit those in there? You snuck in all the drinks in that bag."
"Please, I'm a very efficient packer. Carrying five bottles of soda in just because you all are too cheap to buy from the concession here was child's play, even with my boots."
"I wore my boots, too!" Patton excitedly stuck his feet out, proudly showing off his cat-patterned rainboots. "Why didn't you wear yours in? They're so cute!"
"What if it hadn't rained?" Janus asked as he packed away the shoes he'd originally been wearing, now sporting his yellow rainboots. "I would've looked like a fool."
Logan said, "There was a ninety percent chance of rain."
"Still didn't want to risk it."
"Risk what?" Roman interrupted, finally leaving the bathroom.
Virgil stood up, looking at his phone. "Janus ruining his hypothetical reputation."
The hoodie-clad teen missed the impressive glare Janus shot his way. "Excuse you-"
"Guys, where's Remus?" Roman once again interrupted (to the relief of Patton and Logan).
"I think he's outside," Logan said, pulling out his collapsible, navy blue umbrella. "He's probably waiting on us."
He was right. Sort of. Outside the rain was pouring down hard enough that a mist was being swept under the overhang of the theatre by the wind. The parking lot was visibly flooded with only a few cars left in sight. They found Remus using a sharpie to draw on one of the encased movie posters placed outside the building. "You guys are slower than corpses. I've already drawn on Shia LaBeouf's movie poster over there and remade it into a masterpiece. Want to see?"
Everyone was thankfully saved from answering by Virgil's strangled noise of frustration. "Guys, I have a problem."
As Patton held a hand out for the sharpie (which Remus turned over with only a slight pout), he asked, "What's wrong, kiddo?"
"Remy just said he can't pick me up. He thinks the tread on his tires wouldn't stand up against this much rain and he's worried we'd hydroplane."
Well, what Remy actually said was this:
Sleepy bastard: hey V, sorry but I can't pick u up tonite. it's raining 2 hard *sad face emoji*
Virgil: seriously? how am I supposed to get home?
Sleepy bastard: gee, idk, ask ur friends? call an uber? hey, I'll even pay for it bc this is kinda my fault
Virgil: what
Sleepy bastard: I keep forgetting 2 go get new tires and I'm afraid the tread wouldn't get any good traction with it raining this bad. can you imagine getting out in this like that, with MY driving? *horrified face emoji* one of ur friends is some rich kid, right? i bet he can afford tires, probably the BEST tires *several dollar sign emojis*
Virgil: oh my god
Virgil: youre my cousin and youre literally leaving me out in the cold
Sleepy bastard: gee, babe, it's almost like that driver's test u refuse 2 take might actually be worth taking now, huh?
Sleepy bastard: ok srry that was a low blow. but rlly i think u should try 2 get a ride with ur friend. not kidding about my tires being shit. college is sucking my bank account dry and i don't want 2 add a car repair bill, or worse, a hospital bill
Virgil: ...fine
Sleepy bastard: cool cool, I'll leave the lights on for u. lmk if u decide to spend the night at a friends house instead
Virgil almost would've laughed at that if he wasn't currently wondering how he was going to get home, because spending the night at one of his friends' houses, unexpected and uninvited? Yeah, right, like he'd do that. He needed at least two days' notice in order to psych himself up into talking to anyone else's parents, let alone inviting himself to their house unexpectedly.
Thankfully, he didn't have any reservations about asking his friends for a ride. "I need a ride. Can I go with one of you guys?"
The rest of the group shared a glance. Janus spoke up. "Well, technically I was driving everyone home... Roman and Remus were dropped off and Logan rode with me here from school since we had a debate team meeting after school. Patton had a GSA club meeting after school so he rode with me, too. My car only holds five people."
Virgil felt the first stirrings of panic winding up in his chest - he's such an inconvenience, if only he could make himself take the stupid driving test without freezing up - only for the fear to die as Remus suddenly scoffed. "Of course you can fit more than five people in that fancy car of yours, Dee, you're just not trying hard enough."
"Remus, you're not riding on the roof of the car again. We saw what happened last time," Logan said in a somewhat exasperated tone.
Patton paled. "Again?"
Roman waved off the cat-loving teen, unfazed. "Trust me, you didn't miss much. They were going so fast I didn't even get a good video out of it."
Patton made a choking noise, looking increasingly more worried. "Guys-"
Remus giggled, slapping a hand down on Patton's shoulder. "Don't worry, Dad, I was so pumped full of adrenaline I didn't even feel anything when I landed."
"You're going to give him a stroke," Virgil muttered, eyeing the increasingly paler Patton warily.
"The point is..." Remus cut in, "if the back cargo space is good enough for my opossum friends, then it's good enough for me. Problem solved."
"Hypothetical opossum friends," Janus hurriedly corrected. "But sure, we can try it."
"Cool, great, quick question though-" Roman said, staring out at the flooding parking lot. "Why the hell did you park so far away?"
All eyes turned to squint out through the virtual monsoon that was coming down. At the farthest end of the darkened lot sat golden Chevy Bolt, illuminated by the weak beam of a parking lot light pole.
"So people wouldn't park near me and risk scratching my car, obviously," Janus said, completely unbothered by the fact that his car was at least a good fifty yards away. "Unlike some people, I brought an umbrella and appropriate footwear. I can just pull back around and pick you all up so you don't drip in my car."
Completely disregarding his words, Remus suddenly shouted, "First loser to the car gets shotgun!", before taking off headlong into the pouring rain. Not to be outdone by his brother, Roman cursed before running after him, yelling, "NOT FAIR!"
The remaining four watched with varying reactions of dismay, amusement, and confusion.
"...Wouldn't the loser be the last one to the car? And I thought Remus was going to ride in the back...?" Logan asked.
Janus hummed. "He is. I'm pretty sure he just wanted to get wet."
Virgil once again regretted his life choices, looking down at his worn-out converses and tattered jeans. "This is gonna suck so bad. I'm going to be soaked the second I step out there."
"I don't know," Patton said with a smile, still watching Remus and Roman chase each other in the rain. "It looks kinda fun to me."
"Oh, please," Janus started, shooting a wide-eyed look at Patton, "don't tell me you're actually thinking about-"
The glasses-wearing teen shot Janus a bright smile. "Pleeeeease?"
The blonde teen stared hard at Patton, trying to resist. After a few moments, Janus finally crumbled with a put-out sigh and roll of his mismatched eyes. "Fine, go for it. Seems like everyone is out to ruin my car's interior tonight, you might as well join in."
With a gasp of delight, Patton leaped forward and put his arms around the shorter teen, exclaiming, "Thanks, Janus!"
Looking a bit like an indignant cat that didn't want to be held, Janus awkwardly patted his back. "Sure. Whatever."
Virgil was snickering to himself at the look on Janus' face, only to be startled out of it by Patton shoving his collapsible umbrella into his hands. "Here, Virge, you can have my umbrella since I won't be using it now!"
Then the cat-loving teen was laughing as he dashed out into the rain, ignoring Logan's call of, "Be careful!"
The last three friends watched as the others gleefully ran about the parking lot. Roman reached the car before his brother, but Remus just jumped on his twins' back and held on, making Roman shriek indignantly and stagger as he tried to adjust to the new weight. Patton was finding the deepest puddles of the parking lot and jumping in each one with giant splashes, his laughter echoing across the parking lot even in the rain.
Janus sighed once again and pulled out his umbrella. "Well, I suppose it was about time I had my car detailed anyways."
As Logan opened his own navy umbrella, he said, "I suggest we walk at a slower pace than the others to the car. Not only could we slip if we ran, but running in the rain causes you to get even wetter than if you walk because more droplets are hitting you as you increase speed."
Virgil hummed, taking note for the next time he had to go between classes when it was raining and opened the bright green umbrella Patton had lent to him. It popped open to reveal two eyes and a mouth resembling a frog's face on the green fabric. Cute, he thought to himself (but didn't dare say out loud; he had an aesthetic to maintain). Mumbling, he shot a "thanksforlettingmeridewithyou" in Janus' direction.
The blonde teen's mismatched eyes lit up and he grinned. "What was that, Virgil? I don't think I heard you. Speak up a little bit."
The hoodie-clad teen huffed. "You heard me, I'm not saying it again."
"Hm, rude."
All three of them stepped out into the downpour and began making their way through the flooded areas of the parking lot. Virgil's shoes were soaked in virtually seconds, but at least his hair and eyeshadow was dry. Patton had nearly made it to the car at this point as Remus chased Roman around the vehicle, going in circles while shouting at each other.
Janus twirled the keys in his hand but made no move to unlock the doors until he was standing at the driver's side door. Patton moved to get in the door behind the driver's seat. He was soaked to the bone and grinning as Virgil came to stand next to him and shared the umbrella with him (even though it wouldn't do much good at that point). Roman, thinking Janus was about to unlock the door, stopped running to stand and wait at the passenger seat door. "HA! I call shotgun."
Stopping turned out to be a mistake. Remus, still thoroughly engrossed in the chase, tackled his brother right into the wet asphalt with a triumphant cry. Logan deftly stepped in to take Roman's former spot and it was only then that Janus unlocked the car.
Everyone sans Roman and Remus quickly piled into the luxury hatchback that no high schooler had any right to be driving. As Janus cranked up the heat to full blast, a soaking wet Roman swung open the door to the backseat and dove into the last open spot behind Logan, grumbling. "Seriously, Remus, why? You just succeeded in getting us both completely wet. This jacket is probably ruined now, thanks to you."
Remus, who was already crawling into the cargo space behind the back seats via the back hatch, blew a raspberry. "Just get it dry-cleaned, you baby. Besides, some of us like getting wet, if you know what I mean." The comment was collectively ignored.
"I can already tell there's going to be scuff marks from the pavement," Roman said as he examined the fabric. "I hope those Sour Patch Kids I put down your shirt melted to your clothes when you got us both wet."
"Oh, I already ate those."
There were more than a few disgusted faces in the car at that particular statement. Roman looked horrified. "That's so disgusting- How are we even related?"
A question everyone had heard numerous times...
"The car isn't moving till everyone is wearing their seatbelt," Janus stated, sternly eyeing the backseat passengers in the rearview mirror. He and Logan were both already buckled.
Virgil scooted over a bit for Patton, who had taken the middle seat between Virgil and Roman, to reach his buckle. "But Remus doesn't have a seatbelt."
"Remus doesn't count," Janus said.
"Yeah, emo," Remus leaned forward to poke Virgil in the neck. "God herself couldn't kill me."
Virgil gave a full-body shudder at the poke - Remus' fingers were freezing - and leaned forward to get away from the offending hand. "I swear to god, Rem, if you keep that up-"
Patton paused in trying to wipe away at the water obscuring his glasses and turned in his seat, squinting. "Now kiddos, play nice-"
Roman snorted. "I don't think my brother even knows how to 'play nice'."
Remus jabbed freezing fingers into Roman's unprotected neck in gleeful retaliation.
Tuning out the less mature back seat passengers and setting the windshield wipers at full blast, Janus shifted into drive and began to slowly pull out of the nearly empty parking lot. Logan studied him out of the corner of his eye for a few moments before saying, "I would think you'd be more upset at the amount of water we tracked into your car, Remus and Roman especially."
Janus shot Logan a mischievous grin as he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. "Oh, I'm sure I'll find a way to collect on this favor with each of you at a later date."
"Of course you would," Logan sighed, already dreading the implications.
The blonde teen simply snickered, finally pulling out onto the road to begin the ordeal of dropping everyone off at their respective homes.
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whitecrossgirl · 5 years
Off Limits
AN: So I wanted to put a bit of a spin on the best friend’s sibling AU where instead of Tyrion and Brienne being friends first, she’s friends with Cersei first; Cersei may seem OOC but I’m also trying to do a modern, non-incest, mentally stable version of her. I hope you like it.
Best Friend’s Sibling AU
On the surface, they seemed like two of the least likely people to get along, never mind become friends. They were total and complete opposites; Cersei was loud, confident and more focused on partying and clubbing rather than her university studies. Brienne was quiet, shy and studious, more interested in pre-reading for the next lecture than pre-drinking for a night out. It seemed like the universe’s cruel idea of a joke; sticking them as the only two girls in a student halls flat with four boys. Outnumbered by two to one; they realised that they had to stick together.
As time passed, the two young women managed to get along. They banded together to make sure the boys; Jon, Tormund, Loras and Podrick did their share of the cleaning, taking out trash and dishes. Brienne helped to look after Cersei on the nights she got too drunk to take herself home. Cersei’s tough no-bullshit attitude meant that the bullying Brienne had had to deal with was non-existent. They bonded over hangovers, assignment stress and lazy days watching movies. Both of them had struggled to make friends in the past and still carried pain over losing their mothers at a young age; so having a friend who felt like a true friend was a comfort to them both.
Until Cersei’s brother Jaime came to their university in Kings Landing from his in Riverrun to celebrate their birthday together. After all, there was one cardinal rule between friendship and siblings.
A friend’s sibling was off limits.
Rules were also made to be broken.
“I need you to promise me something,” Cersei said as she curled Brienne’s hair in front of the mirror. They were getting ready to go out that night as part of Cersei’s birthday and Brienne was trying to mix her a drink without moving too much; a talent she had mastered after nearly two months of university.
“Make sure you don’t go home with Euron again?” Brienne suggested with a smile as she set the vodka and lemonade on the dresser. Cersei smirked as she took a drink. Euron had just been her Fresher’s Week fling who still thought he stood a chance with her. It wasn’t her fault that he caught feelings.
“It’s not that, it’s about Jaime.” Cersei said and Brienne shot her a puzzled expression in the mirror.
“What about him?” Brienne asked. She had spoken to Jaime before, when he would FaceTime Cersei but she had only met him for the first time today. He seemed to be likeable enough; fairly similar to Cersei; confident, loud and clearly eager to hit the nightclubs in the Capital.
“Promise me that you won’t flirt with him or get off with him.” Cersei said as she sprayed Brienne with hairspray. “I know that sounds like a weird thing to say but this always used to happen. Girls would claim to be my friend or want to hang out or invite me out; just to try and get close to him. I’m not saying to not speak to him; just, don’t shag him.”
“I wasn’t planning to,” Brienne retorted. She knew that it was one of the sore spots Cersei tried to hide, especially with the bitchy, ice-queen persona she adapted most of the time; the part of her that was insecure, insecure about her looks, her studies, her life; the insecurities predominantly caused from being raised by Tywin Lannister (who by the sounds of it demanded perfection and nothing less from his children.) “I don’t even think he’s my type anyway.”
“The two of you would definitely be good friends; he’s a History nerd like you, plus he listens to Oathkeeper and watches that dumb Clash of Crowns show that you marathon on days off.” Cersei said as she put the curling wand away and picked up her makeup kit.
“Oh no you don’t, I said you could do my hair. Not the make up.” Brienne said; that was where she drew the line. The last time Cersei tried to do her make up, Brienne swore she looked like a drag queen. Cersei pouted before taking another drink and turning back to the mirror.
Brienne’s promise to stay away from Jaime lasted all of five hours. In that time, they had gone to one of their favourite clubs in the city; one that was both close enough to walk to and was cheap enough for students. The music had been incredible and the three of them had spent the night drinking, laughing and messing about on the dancefloor. By the time it was closing time and the DJ was playing his third final song; Brienne saw Cersei walking out of the door, hand in hand with a Dornish guy Brienne vaguely recognised from the fifth floor of the student halls; leaving her alone with Jaime.
“Where’s she gone?” Jaime yelled in between chants for one more song and bouncers trying to shepherd the crowd out.
“She’s with some lad!” Brienne called back as they squeezed through the crowd onto the street. “He lives in halls too, she’ll be fine.”
After getting some food from a quickly filling chip shop and spending fifteen minutes looking for a taxi; Jaime and Brienne decided to walk back to the halls together. As they walked, the cold air seemed to begin to help sober them up slightly, although Brienne did have to stop Jaime from stumbling into a hedge at least twice before they got back to the student halls. As they walked inside, the unmistakable sounds from Cersei’s room made Jaime groan in frustration and cover his ears.
“Urgh, I did not need to hear that.” Jaime complained before remembering something obvious. “Shit; I was meant to sleep in there tonight.”
“Look, my room’s furthest away from her bedroom. Hers is next to the kitchen and that wall is as thin as paper. You can crash in there if you want.” Brienne offered and Jaime nodded; his hands still clasped over his heads; although it did little to block out the sounds he was hearing.
There were just some things that siblings shouldn’t hear.
“Thanks,” Jaime said as he walked into Brienne’s room and sat at her desk chair. Brienne pulled a bundle from the top of her wardrobe and handed it to him. “What’s this?”
“A sleeping bag,” Brienne said and pointed to the door next to the wardrobe. “There’s a bathroom in there if you need it.”
“Thank you,” Jaime said, quickly darting in and using it. Afterward, he unfurled the sleeping bag and tried to find a comfortable piece of floor. As he did, Jaime glanced around and spotted one of the posters on her wall. “No way, you listen to Oathkeeper too?”
“Yeah, I saw them in concert during the summer. It was amazing.” Brienne said from the bathroom.
“No way, I wanted to go but no one would go with me.” Jaime said. “Their song Sapphire Eyes, is like my favourite song.”
“Me too, that and Dreamed of You.” Brienne said as she emerged from the bathroom and Jaime glanced at her in her shortie pyjamas and felt his brain short circuit for a moment. He knew that she was tall but those legs. Finally, his brain re-engaged itself and began to work again.
“Same,” Jaime said, trying not to stare as Brienne lay on her bed and propped herself up by her elbow. “Thanks for letting me stay in here; I could have crashed in the kitchen.”
“Its fine. Like I said, the kitchen wall is stupidly thin and the chairs in there are more uncomfortable than the floor.” Brienne said as she reached behind her and tossed Jaime a pillow. “I take it, this wasn’t how you expected your birthday would end.”
“Crashing on a stranger’s floor? No, not really. No offence.” Jaime said, still trying to not focus on the thin strap that was slipping slightly off of her shoulder. Bad thoughts. Brienne was a kind person, his sister’s best friend and he had made a promise.
“None taken.” Brienne said as they heard a door slamming and loud jeering and comments being made. “Hang on a second.”
Jaime watched as she slid off her bed and walked to the door. He could assume by the noises that the rest of her flatmates were home and clearly more drunk than any of them. However, it seemed that all it took was a few short, sharp words from Brienne and a series of slamming doors had sent them all to their beds. As Brienne shut and locked the door, Jaime smiled at her.
“So you do run this flat?” Jaime teased and Brienne smiled slightly.
“Someone has to.” Brienne replied. “Then again, it’s probably only because I’m the sober one.”
“Me too; I’m not drunk anymore and I’m not even tired anymore.” Jaime said as Brienne switched on some fairy lights and turned off the main light; giving the room a soft glow.
“Are you comfortable down there?” Brienne asked and Jaime smiled.
“I’m fine. Just not tired.” Jaime replied as Brienne reached for her laptop. “What are you doing?”
“If I can’t sleep, I usually put on a movie or Clash of Crowns; it helps me sleep.” Brienne explained as Jaime sat up.
“You watch Clash of Crowns too? Who’s your favourite character?” Jaime asked quickly. “Your answer will decide my judgement of you.”
“Thanks,” Brienne laughed. “It’s either Gwendella or Ser Nikolas and I seriously ship it; so if you prefer Nikolas and Cerena; you can sleep in the hall.”
“Alright this is getting weird. Same taste in music, same favourite TV show, same favourite characters in that show. Are you sure that you’re not actually my twin?” Jaime quipped as Brienne rolled her eyes.
“I’m sure. Do you have an episode preference?” Brienne asked and Jaime shook his head. Reckless confidence made Jaime get out of the sleeping bag and sit up on her bed, draping a blanket around his shoulders as she started the most recent episode she had been up to. As they watched the show, both of them were half paying attention to it; half trying to ignore how they felt for the person sitting on the bed beside them. They had so much in common and had had such a fun night out. It felt like now, they were just trying to put off the inevitable. Both of them could feel the attraction and tension between them but neither was brave enough to do anything about it.
“I forgot that he gives her the sword in this episode,” Jaime said quietly. He had been a firm shipper of the two of them from the start. It was obvious to him that the two characters were either in love or going to fall in love. Even if the majority of the fandom disagreed and claimed that Ser Nikolas was actually in love with Lady Cerena; which was total rubbish.
“They’re so in love. Hopefully in the next season they do something about it.” Brienne added. “I’ve been calling it since the bathtub scene.”
“Call me Nikolas,” Jaime quoted, slumping dramatically over Brienne’s lap; mimicking the end to the famous scene, where a poisoned Ser Nikolas collapses in Gwendella’s arms. Jaime made the mistake of looking up into Brienne’s eyes and swallowed quickly, sitting up straight again. “Sorry,”
“Don’t be,” Brienne replied quietly. The tension slipped again between them. They’d reached the inevitable. “I made a promise.”
“So did I, but to be honest; I didn’t know that we would have so much in common or that I’d like you so much. Because I do like you, a lot. And I know we made a promise but I know how I feel and I can feel this between us and,” Jaime was cut off by Brienne’s hand resting over his.
“I know, I really like you too.” Brienne admitted honestly. She’d never felt this way about anyone before and if she was honest, the fact that Jaime was off limits did add to his appeal. As she was certain she did for him.
“She’ll kill us, won’t she,” Jaime said finally, with an air of someone having accepted his fate.
“Most likely,”
“It would be worth it,”
“Let’s find out.” Jaime decided as he kissed her. Brienne hesitated before kissing him back. Brienne broke the kiss and smiled at him, feeling a sudden rush of confidence and recklessness.
“Since we’re already dead, we may as well earn that sentence.” Brienne suggested. Jaime laughed and kissed her again. Harder. Deeper.
If this was how he was to die; in the arms and bed of Brienne Tarth; well, then he would die a happy man.
Cersei smiled proudly at herself as she shut the front door behind the Dornish guy she had brought home. Not a bad conquest, if she said so herself. As she walked into the kitchen, her smile faltered at the sight of the messy kitchen. She had assumed that Jaime would have crashed in the kitchen last night. Cersei turned and walked down the hall to Brienne’s bedroom, deciding to ask her if she had seen Jaime and to have one of their post-night out sharing sessions.
“Have you seen Jai-“ Cersei began but trailed off at the sight of Brienne, wrapped in her dressing gown. However the dressing gown didn’t cover the several love bites that covered her neck and collarbone. Jaime was nowhere to be found in the flat and Brienne was covered in hickeys that she didn’t have the night before. “Are you fucking kidding me?!”
“Would it help if we said that we were sorry?” Brienne asked as Jaime walked up behind her, shirtless and wrapped his arms around her waist. Cersei looked at the two of them and shook her head with a wry laugh.
“You know what, I’m too hungover for this shit. I’m going back to bed. Do what you like but keep the noise down.” Cersei said finally.
“Why? You didn’t.” Jaime teased as Brienne playfully slapped his arm and Cersei flashed him a dangerous look before flipping him the bird and heading back to her room.
Normally, she would have gone mad at the fact her brother and best friend had broken the promise they had made her but this seemed different. Maybe it was the remnants of Sambuca and tequila she could still feel coursing in her veins but she actually thought there seemed to be more between the two of them than a one night stand. There was something in the way the two of them looked at one another, held onto each other, that seemed different. Clearly what had happened was more than just sex. Maybe it was the beginning of something special.
But Jaime was still going to pay for that last comment.
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madtealeaf · 6 years
Bumbleby fanfiction - Lost and Found
A RWBY fanfiction I wrote to get out of my emotional downward spiral. Yes, I am not a native speaker, it WILL sound awkward, it WILL be angsty trash. I wanna put it up anyway, just to tell myself “I did something today.”
It’s mostly about Yang and Blake after Volume 6. They just talk and spend time with each other, something I really want to see in the show itself. It’s lovey-dovey, angsty and all that good stuff. Here we go. *control-v*
Lost and Found
The sleeping quarters were by no means welcoming looking, but Ruby and Weiss definitely welcomed the heating and shelter provided by them. The freezing outside was not in view from the corridor the two young huntresses walked through. No windows, no decorations, just functional colorless space with doors, leading to the bedrooms; well deserving of that name since, besides a small desk, there was nothing but two beds in each room. The safety these facilities promise was a harsh, military one, but safety nevertheless, for now.
Ruby dragged her feet, looking at the tiles slowly go by at a leisurely walk’s pace. “Our place in Argus was much nicer...”, she complained under her breath.
“You can be grateful, we don’t have to sleep in some inn, worrying who might find us there.”, Weiss answered sternly. “General Ironwood was nice enough to take us in, provide us with shelter and anything else we need. And most importantly… not telling my father...” The heiress was interrupted by her partner’s shoulder bumping into her gently.
Ruby sighed, “I know, I know… We have more important things to worry about. Some plants or posters just would kinda brighten this whole place up. Couldn’t hurt, right?” Her voice was soft, as was her her expression towards her partner. Weiss smiled lightly in relief, being remembered that she wasn’t alone in this hostile environment. Team RWBY would not leave her side for a second here in Atlas, the place that caused her so much grief.
“I guess they could have paid more attention to the interior design.”, she conceded, looking at Ruby. She learned which battles to pick with her team leader. Besides, shes was just glad to have her here. “The decision for double rooms though? You have to wonder about the need to cut corners with the kind of funding Atlas provides its military.”, she added in her usual, more imperious tone.
“Blake and Yang don’t seem to mind.” The silver eyed girl raised her head, looking puzzled at the high ceiling. Weiss huffed slightly. “Oh, I wonder why...”
The provided nightwear, like everything in this place was practical and sufficient; a long grayish white dress that reminded its wearer of a hospital. Still, Yang vastly preferred these over the dirty clothes, she was in for so long now. Just like the room they were staying in; white walls, two squeaky beds, a desk and chair… but the highlight was a simple window, granting view on the spectacular sight that was Atlas. Distant lights from the buildings, snow capped mountains behind them and the somberly shining fractured moon above. It would be easy to forget what danger looms over the city.
Not that the blond huntress had a single thought left for that right now. All her focus was on the girl lying in her arms. Even the beautiful moonlight seemed to have but one purpose: to envelop the black haired beauty, augmenting her peaceful allure.
Yang had her arms around Blake, hugging her tenderly from behind. The slightly curly black hair was flowing over the pillow, barely touching the blonde’s face. What should have smelled like cheap, bland shampoo, provided by the Atlesian military, had the most enticing yet calming scent… It didn’t make sense, none of her feelings right now were quite identifiable for her. She wanted to get a grasp on these elusive emotions but didn’t want to stop for a second to rationalize them. All that existed in that moment was the goldenly locked girl and the mesmerizing faunus she was spooning.
“I can’t believe you punched that jerk literally out of the bar.”, Blake giggled softly.
“It’s not like I haven’t given him fair warning.” Yang only saw her partner’s face partially from the side but was happy to make out a smile over the stories she told. Things were so busy and… difficult, they hadn’t have much time to catch up and just talk about all the little things that happened. Now they were just cooped up in bed, telling each other all the stories they wanted to share with each other for so long.
“I’m just glad he was dumb enough to lead me directly to my mom...”, she added before shaking off the memories of Raven for now.
“At least something good came out of that.” Blake took hold of her left hand caringly. She couldn’t help but stop and think how nice it felt to be caressed by the person she missed so much for so long.
Yang’s right hand was firmly planted under the girl in her arms for a while now. One advantage, as small as it may have been, was that the robotic arm couldn’t fall asleep.
She pressed herself against Blake from behind, hugging her tightly. She forgot how much she needed this comfort, that holding a loved one offers.
Hugging her so exuberantly, Yang rolled a little over Blake, and now almost being on top of her, she enjoyed this heartily show of affection as she pretty much squished the object of said affection. Both were laughing freely, cuddling like this in bed.
“Stop it! You’re crushing me!”, Blake barely manages to get out between laughing and gasping for air.
Yang rolled back on her side of the bed, the second one obviously unused, and went back into the light hug from behind. Her free left hand slowly started roaming up to her partner’s shoulder, softly stroking it. As her touch became softer and the caress more intimate, the two turned silent. Yang heard Blake’s every breath and could feel how each of her strokes affected the girl in her arms. Tracing her neck under her hair with just the fingertips intensified her breathing, while stroking her head with the palm calmed it.
Yang couldn’t see her partner’s face but at that moment felt like their bond almost materialized. She wanted to explore how every slight adjustment of her touch would affect her lover. Her fingertips made their way through the black hair, ever so gently pulling on them, kept going up till they reached her cute black cat ears. Unfamiliar with how sensitive they might or might not be, but too curious to stop there, Yang lightly put them between her thumb and her index finger, tentatively rubbing one. They were warmer than she expected with soft short hair in the back.
“Does this feel nice?”, she asked the faunus girl, breaking the silence with the faintest, most sensual voice. A deeply relaxed half-giggle, half-sigh answered “Mhm… Yea, it does...” Invigorated by that reaction, Yang kept going.
“I… can’t remember ever being so at peace from just a touch.”
Yang, very satisfied and growing more confident with her caress, smiled. “You never were with me before after all.”
Again, both let out soft chuckles.
“Adam certainly never w...” Blake didn’t finish that sentence. All movement stopped as quick as a crack formed in breaking glass. Yang pulled her hand away from the soft cat ear involuntarily, yet immediately. From her position she could only just make out the widened eyes of Blake, who seemed to have stopped breathing entirely. That name cut deep. But what cut even deeper at this moment was seeing the one she loved in such horror. An inconceivable amount of thoughts shot through Yang’s head and she was unable to grasp, let alone articulate, any of them. All she could muster was a faint “Blake… It… it’s ok...”
But it seemed the damage was done. Her partner lifted herself up suddenly, both feet thumped on the ground and with a shaky “I’m sorry...” she stood up and headed for the door.
Yang lifted herself up by her robotic arm, her mind racing, lips shaking, desperately trying to find the words to keep Blake here with her; to stop her.
“Blake...”, she whispered, it was almost just a breath. Not even the faunus girl could hear it. She reached the middle of the room, and kept walking. Her silhouette darkened as she got farther away from the window. Yang’s thoughts raced so fast they felt like they batted her from all directions. Seeing her love leave, there was only one that screamed louder than all the others. Yang leaned forward raising her hand towards Blake and just yelled out that one thought that overtook her:
“Blake, don’t leave!”
The cat girl stopped walking immediately. Her head hung low.
That little gesture, her standing still, was all Yang needed. She jumped out of bed, ran the short distance and almost tackled her partner, clasping her from behind in loving, yet tight embrace. She simply couldn’t let her go again.
Yang, still firmly clinging to Blake, pushed her face into the back of her head, letting herself slowly down to her knees while dragging her partner with her to the floor. A little moment they stayed like that, as she felt the erratic breathing of the one in her arms through her chest.
“I-I’m sorry...”, Blake stammered, obviously crying. “I’m so, so sorry...”
Yang loosened her grip on her and put one hand on her shoulder, gently trying to turn her around. Her partner hesitantly complied, and while still looking down, her body now faced the blonde. Both sat there in the middle of the room, on their knees. Yang took Blake’s crying face in her hands, with her left thumb wiped away a few tears and rested her forehead on that of her partner.
“You hurt me a lot when you left me…”, she said. Blake’s body twitched in reaction to that.
“But I’m not mad anymore. I don’t hold a grudge. You don’t have to apologize anymore, Blake.”
Her girlfriend raised her head, looking not sad but scared. Big crying eyes met Yang’s now calm ones. The blonde continued: “I love you. And that really is all that matters now. Please, trust me… Trust me when I say that I don’t resent you. Trust me when I say I believe in you.”
Blake’s brows slowly rose as she was hearing these words and as soon as the sentence was finished, she embraced Yang again, hugging her tightly and pushing her face into her neck.
“I love you too, Yang.”, she answered clearly through her tears that dampened the golden locks. “I… I just still feel like there’s so much I have to work out.”
“And you will.”, Yang assured her. “We have time to work it all out together now.”
“I shouldn’t have mentioned his name… I don’t know why I did! I just… He’s still in my head. Even now…”, Blake continued, spilling these words out like a dam broke, releasing pent up emotions.
“I don’t expect you to be over it, Blake. I don’t demand anything from you. I just want you to know that I am here for you, always.”, Yang encouraged her.
The two paused for a bit, sharing the hug, giving each other strength.
Blake proceeded: “I… I felt relieved, you know? When we… when we killed him… And now...”, she sopped for a moment before managing to continue. “I feel guilty because I was so relieved watching him die...” She choked up again, grasping her girlfriend tighter.
Yang tried to find the right words. “I can’t tell you what to feel about Adam… Or his death. I can’t tell you what’s right or wrong.” She took Blake’s head gently and pushed her just away far enough so they could look into each other’s eyes again. “But my love is not dependent on anything concerning him. We can’t let him control us anymore.”
They sat there for a while longer before going back to bed.
They were not okay. They weren’t over it. But falling asleep together that night, they both knew, they would eventually get there. For the first time, in a long time, they could truly heal.
They finally could stop searching, stop running, because they found each other.
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Bucky x Reader
Content: Fluff I guess
Warning: There may be a body bag somehwere in here
Word count: so much that my editor on the phone said it couldn’t take it anymore. so...sorry about that.
PS: This is just experimentation. Is this a one-shot or a series, I don’t know that yet, but if it does get some attention, I’m definitly writing smut for this one. *sharp exhale* About time I stepped deeper into the water.
^J.B.B., ^Part 2, ^Part 3, ^Part 4, ^Part 5, ^Part 6, *Part 7, !Part 8, ^Part 9, ^Part 10, !Part 11, ^Part 12, Part 13
"How can you love someone like that?" You looked at your recently made friend, Gina, from work, thinking whether to invest your time in all the possibly great explanations or to stick to the shorter version of it. "Because loving is far easier to deal with than hate. Hate makes you feel bad." You scrunched your nose as both of you walked past the poster of the Frankenstein remake as Gina rolled her eyes at you. "You do know that's not true, right? Commitment sucks babe. It sucks real hard." You giggled as her curls bounced so gracefully even as she moved her head in colourful disgust. "I don't know, man. I've never really found anyone 'relationship-worthy' yet." "Really?" She sounded surprised, "How many people have you dated?" You shrugged your shoulders and raised your hands in approximate gestures, "uhh...two." Gina stopped in the middle of the street and looked at you, her head tilted in question. "Girl, what is a beautiful woman like you doing in your free time if not making out with someone?" "Hanging out with a crazy friend," you responded nonchalantly, breaking into a smile on seeing Gina's surprise turn into her signature smug face. "Alright you cocky angel. Looks like I'll have to play your wingwoman. I'll be taking details on Monday. Bye babe." You waved as she crossed the road and skipped towards her home while you walked straight ahead. You turned towards your street, bumping into a wall. "Oof!" Or so you thought. You tried to find a footing as your legs retrieved from the huge structure standing right in the middle of the sidewalk. And of course, you failed miserably, landing on the hard tiles with a sad groan while your groceries spilled everywhere. "Apologies, ma'am." A man at least six feet tall, with a built that could put all Greek Gods to shame, kneeled before you, bringing forward his right hand for you to sit up and began collecting the scattered plums and putting into your paper bag quickly. You were not able to get a good look at his face covered under a cap. But you did not miss his sharp jaw or his long brown hair playing near his neck. You would’ve never stopped looking at him had he not turned his clear ocean eyes back at you. "Sorry, I uhh didn't see where I was going," you apologised, too embarrased to look at him, and moved towards the bread loaf lying beside you. You picked up the loaf to find what looked like a journal. It didn't have anything written over it, just tiny initials on the inside of the cover page- J.B.B. You turned around to find your groceries neatly standing in the paper bag with no sign of the human form of the Alps. You turned again to look around the corner. No one. No sign of even the shadow of a man. Just a lingering scent of his, letting you know that you hadn't dreamt it. Putting the journal in your bag with the thought of returning it to its owner, you started walking to your destination, with a really interesting incident to overthink about for the day.
Your neighborhood didn't have much to speak about except the different hues of white on every apartment and an abandoned building right opposite the one you had begun calling home. The rent was cheap, thanks to the abandoned heap of bricks in front of your apartment-that for some people was too much to look at- and the facilities were good. You'd found a job of an assistant manager at a local bookshop that was, for you, unusually large and filled with content you'd never even heard about. Gina worked in the maintenance section for the 'limited copies' and 'local history' area and your curiosity had been the reason you two had met and bonded over your love for all the pages that smelled old and dusty. Your apartment was small- the door taking you straight into the hallway with a couch and TV that was at one foot distance from the kitchen, that stood opposite your bedroom- but you'd made it pretty cozy for yourself. You went straight into your routine once you were home. Keeping your belongings on 'the chair' in the bedroom, you opened the bathroom door while putting on a playlist according to your mood- randomizing when you felt daring- and came out of your clothes to get under the shower. Today the mood list was sensual and the water pressure was strong. You liked it cold, sometimes lukewarm when the cold European winter made you miss home. The shower would be followed by making dinner and snacks- the latter being the supper for cats and kittnes that would visit you or the ones that had inhabited the building opposite yours. Their company was the best. They loved anything and everything you brought for them and they ate it till there was nothing left or they experienced food coma. You wanted to keep a cat but your apartment was too small-according to you- and you'd rather they have their freedom than be cooped up in a small space for the entirety of their life. You picked up the basket full of mildly roasted bread smothered in butter and all the Tupperware containing milk and your dinner along with a small mat and made your way to your little friends. "Aah! No wonder they've been crying so loudly. They must have smelled the delicious bread." "I still don't know how they do that Mr Kline. It's like an inbuilt clock that tells them exactly when I'm home." "They do, actually. But for them it's less of a biological clock and more of a 'Y/N has come home-let's party' clock upon hearing your arrival." Mr. Kline was the handy serviceman of the building. Even though he was a reputed professor of world history at the local college, he preferred to be simply known as the building's caretaker. You hadn't understood why a man as wise as him would chose to work for a building he practically owned with his husband and not be standing in a lecture hall somewhere talking about all the knowledge he had gathered in half a century. His well-kept golden brown hair and his soft personality towards the people he liked made him look younger than he was, never giving away the sass and the wisdom that was kept at the edge of his tongue for the ones who thought they knew it all. He'd been the one to recommend you for the job at the library and you made sure to thank him this wonderful man with whatever little unpopular knowledge you could share with him about your birthplace. You shared a greeting with him as you left the building and crossed the street towards the unkept one. The building, like any other in this town, was quite sturdy. It still had wallpapers over the corridors and stairs from the previous owners. Almost everything was intact- the stairs, the apartment doors, nearly all the windows, even some punk rock poster wall in one apartment. Some walls had been grafitti-ed on with memes and uplifting messages, others had weird symbols drawn on them. Some walls had been taken down on various floors for whatever had been the plans for this place before they were dropped. So, yeah, nearly everything was intact. The only thing that you knew was not, was the heating. You climbed up to the second floor and turned to the apartment space to your left. The places where the walls and door were supposed to be, had been taken down on both sides. It was nearly an open space except for the bedrooms and bathrooms. Turning on the working lightbulb in the apartment space you announced your presence. "Hey my little furballs!" You were met by half a dozen of meows and tails standing straight up in the air on seeing you. The cats and kittens, cuddled into each other over the heating pad Kline had put up for them, got up and came over to you, rubbing themselves with your legs and purring. One of them, with black fur that shined blue under the lights like a clear night sky, stood up on his two feet and looked you with his big green eyes before meowing loudly. "Yes, Panther, I've got your buttered toasties. Come on, Nina. You too, Sakura." Everyone looked at you with the same curiosity as you put down their share of milk and bread in a line. You watched them eat and drink with such excitement in your heart as you opened your dinner and sat down on your mat. You were about to dig into your vegetables when you heard a tiny creak from the wooden floors. You turned around to look at the dark space opposite to where you and your furballs were. The apartment next door was only lit by the glow of street lights from the sidewalk outside. Only silence clad the darkness there. You were about to go back to your dinner when a reflection in the window of that apartment caught the corner of your eyes. You turned back but there was nothing there. Alright, Y/N, you thought to yourself, you've been coming here for quite some time now and nothing like this has happened before. So there is definitely someone or something here. You stood up, your hand slowly moving to your back as you took careful steps towards the space next door. Moving your grey T-shirt up, you felt the cold metal side on your fingers before they found the wooden handle and took out the knife. The cats were too busy in their food to notice you enter the space next door. The floor creaked as you moved in. This apartment was covered in yellow wallpaper everywhere with patterns of what looked like green coloured plants. The kitchen counters had gathered dust everywhere except one tiny spot at the side that faced you. You positioned yourself and hovered the edge of your right palm over it, finding the similarity in the imprint on the dust. Someone was here. And they had been watching you. And the only places where they could have disappeared to were the cold outside through the sealed windows or behind the bathroom and bedroom wall. Everything rational inside you told you to get out of here. And like any person outside a horror movie, you heard your reasonable brain and slowly backed away from the who or the what you could not see. "The building looks empty boss." You heard voices, moving around below you. "Go look upstairs. I don't want the body to be found before at least a month." Fear eroded your senses for five seconds. Just as the sixth came, you gathered yourself and removed your shoes- thanking whatever force made you buy these no laces loafer looking things- and went across the space to turn off the lights. You could here footsteps approach the floor below you. "This one's empty t-oh look, there's a punk rock wall here!" The cats looked at you in confusion as you frantically looked around for a place to hide before turning back to the only wall standing there staring at you. "Fuck," cursed under your breath. "Okay, okay, I'll check upstairs but I'm telling ya I want something like that in my room too." Oh screw it, you thought, running on your toes towards the door standing in the wall with your hand tightly gripping your knife, I'd rather be scared by a ghost than end up in a body bag. Quietly opening the door, your entered inside the room and closed the door cautiously just as the footsteps announced themselves on the floor. "What the hell? Where the walls at?" You jumped at hoarse voice reverberating throughout never letting your eyes leave where you came from as you moved away from the door. "Well, I'll be damned. Look, boss, there are little furries purrin' over here." Oh no! The cats! Oh no your tupperware you idiot, your brain shouted, so much for being cautious. A pair of footsteps thumped up the stairs making you move further back into the room and wanting to dissolve in the wall behind you. And that's when you noticed the wall closet. "John, there's food here," a deep voice hissed. "Yeah the cats gettin' hungry." "You thick bamboo of a head! There's plastic everywhere. Look! It's warm. Someone's here," the cold voice declared. It didn't take you more than ten seconds to open the closet and climb inside. You had your shoes huddled close to your chest with one hand while the other had the knife at ready. "Check that fucking room, John!" You tried to steady your wavering breath, inching away from the closet door that had tiny slits letting in the already filtered light coming from the window. Your back came in contact with the wall in a single step. The space was smaller than you'd thought. The curses grew louder as reluctant heavy footsteps came near the bedroom's door. Suddenly your senses noticed a vague familiarity around you. Like a blink-and-miss memory. Your mind walking away from the danger lurking outside and entering this dark square space, noticing a scent. A familiar scent. The one you'd come in contact with this morning. The wall behind you getting warmer in your back. Chilling electricity passed throughout your body at the realisation as your defense system took over and tried to turn around, only to me stopped by a pair of strong, ripped arms wrapping themselves around your mouth and your hand that held the knife. "Shh shh shhh." You heard a familiar voice whisper in your ear before both of you heard the door click open. "Yello'. Is there anybody there?" You froze at the creepy voice that called out from the entrance of the room. "It's okay I won't hurt you. I promise," the man behind you persuaded, "I can't say anything about the men outside." Your arms ached at the position it was being held at but you did not want to move it for letting the shady men outside know about your presence. And as much as the claustrophobic space was killing you besides a complete stranger, you didn't let go of your knife. The stranger's breathing was frustratingly normal as his chest rose and fell behind you so languidly. His heart beat too never showed any signs of panic whatsoever. "I'm taking away my hands now, okay?" Came a pleading whisper of a question. You nodded just as a tear fell off from your cheeks onto the back of his palm. His body remained motionless behind you, never feeling the urge to move away from you, if there was space to move away, that is. "I'm sorry," he muttered under his breath as he loosened his grip around your mouth calculatingly, his fingers grazing your lips as they moved away. The other hand, gloved, just left your arms as if it wasn't putting any effort in keeping you from stabbing him. "Hey boss!" The loud voice made you jump, making the man behind you grab your waist gently as he whispered, "Move behind me." You shook your head, turning your knife, making it graze along the skin on your wrist while your thumb rested on the top of the handle. You had one way of getting out of here and you were not compromising it. You could have sworn you felt his breath get stuck in his lungs in surprise at your choice. "What?" The 'boss' entered the room as well. "I think we can dump the body here. The cats can eat 'em up and no one gon's ta know." The tensed air inside the entire room went silent for a moment as three humans questioned the sanity of the fourth one. "Keep talking like that and I'll bury you too, John. Now come with me to the basement. No one's going to go there anytime soon. Faster John! We are not getting paid by the hour by that Russian!" The footsteps receded downwards and you waited for a moment to let go of your breath and move towards the closet door when the arms still wrapped around you stopped you. "No, they're still here." The whisper now turned into a mumble, allowing you to hear his actual voice. Nearly five minutes passed when the warm body towering from behind you finally shifted, letting go of your waist. "Okay they're gon-ghh" You drove the knife through his thigh and dash out of there, nearly breaking the closet door off the hinges, never looking back at the door, the cats, the tupperware, stopping only when you had climbed up two storeys, opened your apartment door and bolted all latches. Your breathless state and the nausea caught up as the rush receded, making you fall down on to the ground.
It took a while for you to collect your thoughts as you got up and stared outside the window overlooking the building you'd just run out from. The same windows that had lit up the dark space stared right at you, sitting in silence until you saw a shadow move. The vibration of your phone forced out a small scream. By the time you turned back, the shadow had disappeared. "Hello?" You tried to smoothen out the tremble in your voice. "Hey Y/N, quick question- beer or whiskey?" "Huh?" "Pick one." You looked back at the window. "Uhh...Whiskey." "Nice! Netflix or Local Cable?" "Uhh...I don't... Gina can we do this tomorrow?" "..." "Hello?" "Are you with someone right now?" A cold pain ran through your heart as your eyes went back to the building, searching for shadows. "N-no." "It's okay, darling. We'll catch up tomorrow." "Yeah." It took you a while to finally look away from the building and draw up all the curtains in your house and double check all the windows. Turning off all the lights, you picked up a knife from the kitchen and took to your bedroom, planting it under your mattress- just in case- before allowing your body to melt down into the sheets, smacking your head in frustration at the fact that this was not what you had planned to overthink about while going to bed, knowing full well you weren't going to sleep that night as well anyway.
What you did not know was that the world's deadliest assassin had seen you cross the street to enter the leftover of an apartment building with your hands full while searching for his journal. He'd followed you inside from the backdoor and had curiously but cautiously seen you from the shadows as you mingled with a bunch of stray cats. He'd tried to move closer to get a good look of this smile you had on your face when the floor gave away his presence, making him turn around the corner and into the room. He'd expected you to give up on searching the source of the noise like any rational human being who knew fear would but he'd seen the pair of scruffy men enter the building from the window, with a huge suspicious duffel bag that he was too familiar with. He was about to warn you when he felt your light footsteps approach the door, making him retrieve into the closet. Standing still as you searched around for a place to hide had been difficult for him. He could see the fear in them as you hugged your shoes close to your chest while the knife was kept away from your body like someone who knew how to use it but only for defense. What had been more difficult was the wave of panic that seared through him as he saw you open the closet door and stand right in front of him, your heated body touching his. The familiar slight scent of sweet oranges filled his nostrils as your hair brushed his stubble. He could feel himself relax as his senses started taking your presence in. He had seen you go stiff for a moment and he knew. Without wasting any time, his reflexes took over, wrapping his arms around you. He had felt your tear on his hand, wanting to apologise as many times as he could once you two were out of this mess. He had felt your heavy breaths waiting to get out of the closet. How he wished to help you calm down. And as soon as the threat had passed, he had wished to apologise and ask for his property back before you stabbed him in his thigh and ran away. For a flash of a second his anger had known no bounds. But something changed. Just as he saw you standing in the building opposite him, looking out in his direction, his anger broke, giving way to something new. He took out the knife from his leg and sat down beside the cats, who looked at him with pure judgement in their eyes. "Mwerr," Panther said angrily while Sakura meowed in question. You had left quite a deep cut in him. He estimated it may take the entire night to heal and had slumped down into your mat. "I'm sorry," he whispered into the air around him. He felt the pain. He felt your knife in his hand. He felt a smile creep onto his face after ages. "Brave gal."
The alarm made your sleep deprived head pound in frustration. You got up and welcomed the warm morning sun rays until last night's incident crept back into the bed with you. Pushing it away, you moved up and to the door to go and tell Kline that you wanted to get your door locks changed. As you opened it, you were welcomed by all your Tupperware, now clean and neatly stacked up at your doorstep with a note. I apologise for yesterday. Here's your property. I hope I can have mine back. I’ll wait in the City Park for you. -J.B.B.
^J.B.B., ^Part 2, ^Part 3, ^Part 4, ^Part 5, ^Part 6, *Part 7, !Part 8, ^Part 9, ^Part 10, !Part 11, ^Part 12, Part 13
@greenarrowhead @magiclolipopqueen @choke-me-sweet-pea @classy-swiftt @smexylemony @hazzastyles2471 @lokis-lady-death
(Send me an ask if you’d like to be tagged. Feedback is forever welcome.xx)
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littlemisssquiggles · 6 years
Imagine Cordo going down and everyone is happy but then sudden laser beam and Oscar is shot, which takes everyone by surprise. Ruby freaks out (everyone does) and that’s when Oscar sees Ozpin. Causing ep 13 (since ep 12 is probably gonna be fighting) to be focused on Oscar and Ozpin?
That’sone way of doing it. While I share your hunch on Oscar possibly being downed during the finale and ending up either in the Dreamscape(meaning his own mind) or the Realm between Realms to reunite with Ozpinand the God of Light, I don’t personally want Oscar to go down so soon meaningthat I’m actually hoping he survives the Cordo boss battle.
Apart of me hopes thatif Oscar is to go down, it’ll probably be during a daring moment of protecting Ruby.That’s why I’m waiting for the events of V6 C11 to playout because I’m curious to know if Neo and Cinder are going to show up for thefinale alongside Adam.
Ifwe’re getting the fated rematch boss fight between Adam versus Blake and Yangthen supposed we’ll get another parallel rematch battle between the Fire and Ice-creamduo and the Rosebuds.
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IfNeo and Cinder show up then the hunch I have is that we’ll get to see a tag team rematchbattle of Cinder versus Oscar and Neo versus Ruby.
I want Neo to have her duel with Ruby basedon what Cinder promised her in V6 C7.
“…Help me getto Atlas. Help me find her and the rest is up to you…”
Cinder told Neo that if she helped her findRuby then she will be allowed to deal with her how she saw fit. I know she saidAtlas but…what if the Writers decide to retcon that detail and have Cinder andNeo change their plans to go to Argus instead especially when they meet up withAdam who informed them that the group are in Argus or something like that.
I want a Neo and Ruby confrontation because Ifeel like it can mirror the fight she had with Torchwick which is the fightthat made Neo have her vendetta in the first place. And Cinder vs Oscar sinceCinder was the one who fought Ozpin and killed him so a second go like thiswould be interesting to watch; albeit a little unfair on Oscar’s part since,though Oscar has improved as a fighter, I’m not sure if he’s ready to go upagainst a Maiden of Magic. But it is worth seeing him try and give it hisall especially if Oscar, on his own, uses his own wit to outsmart the cockyCinder and disarm her.
If Neo and Ruby have their dual, then mytheory is that at some point Neo willoverpower Ruby. Seeing Ruby down, this gives Cinder theopen window to deal her final blow to Ruby. Even though Cinder promised Neo shecan have her revenge, knowing Cinder’s personality, I feel like she’s morelikely to doublecross Neo and take a cheap shot at Ruby while Neodistracts and weakens the girl for her.
While Ruby is distracted with Neo, Cindertakes this as a chance to kill Ruby. Or…perhaps Cinder does surprisingly keep her word to let Neo kill Ruby but stilltakes a cheap shot at Ruby. Like imagine…Cinder directs her attention fromOscar to blindside Ruby with an attack from afar and as Ruby spins to counterCinder’s attack, Neo takes this distraction as a moment to deal the killingblow to Ruby.
I keep hearing word of Neo committing a heinous action that will upsetthe fandom .  So whatif…Neo ends up killingOscar? What if…Neo takes a stab at Ruby only for Oscar to jump in front of the SilverEyed Girl, shielding her from the blow as Neo’s weapon goes right through theboy’s chest. So instead of killing Ruby, whatif…Neo technicallykills Oscar who dies saving Ruby right in front of her very eyes. I say technically because I don’t think the CRWBY Writers will actively kill off Oscar.
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I feel like if Oscar is going to reunite withOzpin, it’ll probably be in the Realm betweenRealms and why I want it to be that as opposed toOscar’s mind is because it’s a chance for Oscarto parallel Ozma’s experience and meet the God of Light (or God of Darkness)face to face.
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And as shown by Ozma, the only way for one toend up in the Realm between Realms is through death so I’m slowly starting to think that everything that’s been subtly foreshadowed about Oscar since the V6 poster has been leading to him possibly dyingthis season and coming back from the dead.
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I know a plot point like this could upset myfellow Pineheads however speaking as proud Pinehead myself; I actually would like to see this become canon if possible.
Oscar dyingto protect someone he cares about is something Ican definitely see him having the bravery to do. It doesn’t necessarily have to be Ruby that Oscar dies or gets seriously injured to the point of death tryingto protect. Though Ruby is the obvious firstchoice, I can also see Oscar dying to protect Jaune for one) thatnod to Pyrhha’s sacrifice at sending Jaune off to safety while she went off tofight Cinder alone and two) to establish a bond between Oscar and Jaune whichcould aid later when Jaune eventually asks Oscar to join JNR. There have been too many signs this season.
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  Having Jaune have tension with Oscar so that he can learn to appreciate the value of having Oscar on the team.
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“…Don’tworry. We’re not leaving for Atlas without him.”“This teamjust isn’t the same without you, Oscar.”
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Bringing up Pyrhha so that JNR could finally have closure for their fallen friend and former teammate and move on anew. 
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I know that Oscar’s justification for incorporating red into his combat outfit theme is different from JNR’s but I like that it’s in there not just to symbolize Oscar’s admiration for Ruby but to also give him a colour that connects him to JNR. Just look how good these four looking next to each other. Look how Oscar fits in with JNR. 
And of course, my favourite moment from C11 to signal JNPR’s potential revival with Oscar on the team---the fact that Oscar is making the same reaction to Jaune as Nora and Ren---that felt like such team moment. Like three team members being amused over their dorky leader. I’m just waiting for the show to make it official already.  
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That JNPR revival is coming guys! It’s getting stronger with every new episode. Now all I need is for Oscar to fight alongside JNR for the finale and like a hacker, he’ll be in for sure.
Plus I like this idea because it couldpotentially lead into my theory on Oscarbecoming immortal---resetting the reincarnation cycle byasking the God of Light to grant him immortality so that he may carry out themission of stopping Salem without having to force Ozma, the Past Wizards or anyfuture Wizards from this curse.
I think something like this could be cool ifturned canon…but I dunno. Not sure if Writers would do something like this.
Going back on your point anon,C13 is the seasonfinale episode. It’s the verylast episode of V6. Waiting to have Oscar meet Ozpin at thevery end. Giving everyone their development throughout the season while waitingto drop Oscar’s at the very end---I dunno. That might not sit well with somePineheads who were hoping it would’ve come sooner y’know. I know it’s just yourtheory anon-chan but I actually think you could be correct in that assumption.
If I were to interpret the narrative of thenext three episodes, I could assume that all three episodes will involve big fightsso I’m expecting C11-13 to be very action and combat heavy. We already got a taste of it fromthe C11 teaser clips.
If I had to guess, I feel like C11 will focusheavily on the Adam vs Bumblebee fight while cutting back and forth between the Cordo boss fight with JNR_QROW.I actually don’t think the mecha battle is the main fight. By the end of C11,we’ll probably get some reveal of a major twistto suggest that Adam was only the decoyto a much bigger scheme.
In C8, Ruby brought up Cinder Fall after Maria mentioned her ‘trial by fire’. Thisis why I’m waiting to see if Cinder and Neo show up. An interesting way to end C11is on a cliff-hanger where Grimm arrive to attack Argus along with Fire and Ice-cream.
By the end of C11, it would be cool if Neo andCinder were revealed to be working with Adam again and arrive with an army of Grimm to rain down on the unsuspectingcitizens of Argus---perhaps an army comprised of the Grimm we’ve seen all volume like the Manticoreand the Sphinx, maybe even some Apathy or just the generic cannon fodder Grimmlike the traditional Ursas and Beowolves.
Then in C12, we get the heroes splitting up to tackle the enemy while evacuating thecitizens to the Argus Atlesian Military Base since it’s probably the mostwell-protected safe haven in the entire city. This is why I don’t want Cordo tobe defeated because I’d like to see a temporarycease fire as Cordo redirects her attention to helping the heroes protect the citizens.
Maybe we can even have Maria assist from the air by evacuating people with her ship?
One thing I’ve been hoping to see for thefinale is Oscar fighting with JNR. Like we get to see Oscar, Jaune, Nora and Ren work together and pulloff team attacks coordinated by Jaune to take down an enemy horde to furtherhint at Oscar potentially joining up with them to revive Team JNPR. If C12 is along episode then we could get to see the Neo versus Ruby and Cinder versusOscar rematch go down and since the CRWBY like to toss in cliff-hangers…imagine if the episodeends with my theory of Neo killing Oscar while he tried protecting Ruby andthat’s how the episode just ends.
Then in C13, we get the reunion of Oscar and Ozpin. The only way I’ll accept itbeing like this is if the 90% of the episode is focused on just Oscar and Ozpinreuniting in the Realm between Realms or the Dreamscape or where the Writersdecide to toss their reunion.
No offense to the writers but they have skimpedon Oscar’s development this season which is disappointing since the posteralluded to it so…I’m hoping C11-C13 will make up for it and be our freckled farm boy’s crowning moments toshine like the golden boy he is.
But we shall see. In the meantime, these are justmy thoughts and theories and I hope they answered your question anon-chan. I plan ongoing more in depth in some of the stuff I talked about like Oscar’s potentialimmortality or even my ideas for how V6 could end in upcoming RWBY Musings. But asI said, I’m waiting to see how C11 goes because for me that will determine thekind of finale we’re going to get. So let’s see tomorrow!
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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morkmywords · 6 years
Strawberries and Cream | Soulmate au | Bts | Jungkook
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Length: 5.5k
Note: So i write for bts as well
Warnings: none
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Summary: Imaging living life with everything in grayscale, no colours at all. The only way you can ever see colour is if you make eye contact with your soulmate but things don’t always go as they’re supposed to.
The freezing temperatures of Korean winters really weren’t doing you any favours as you trailed behind your older sister. This morning she insisted on going to a traditional market to shop around and your parents would only let her go if you went along as well which was how you ended up squeezing through various stalls of market vendors and freezing your buns off. It was your annual family vacation and this year it was your sister’s turn to pick, last year your step-dad picked a winery tour in the south of France which you didn’t really mind since most of the vineyard’s had extensive art collections which were on display. This year, however, your sister decided going to South Korea in the middle of winter was an amazing idea and your sister was hell-bent on seeing at least one of her favourite kpop idols while she was there. Due to this, you were being dragged around a famous marketplace instead of going to a traditional dance performance with your mom and step-dad which you would have much preferred with its heating and all.
It was mid-morning and you had yet to eat anything as you followed your sister through the sea of people and past all the delicious smelling foods.
“If I don’t eat something soon I think I’m going to die.” You whined as your sister finally stopped in front of a small jewelry stand. She seemed to be able to run on nothing and have loads of energy which was probably a leading factor in why she was thin and beautiful while you weren’t. She was born first with all the charms and beauty that attracted people like bees to a flower. You, however, got the leftovers, you weren’t skinny or pretty or bubbly but instead, you were on the chubby side with nothing particularly special in the looks department and you preferred to keep to yourself and read. But not everything was better for her, she didn’t have a soulmate system yet and you did. Soulmate systems were almost as confusing as rocket science, there were thousands of different variants and they could develop at any different point in your life. Some people were born with their soulmate system and some people never found theirs which you knew was the source of a lot of your older sister’s stress. You developed your soulmate system when on the day you turned four years old and you got one of the least desirable systems, especially for a child. You couldn’t see colour until you looked into the eyes of your soulmate, as a child you remember crying for days when you learned you couldn’t see colour but eventually you got used to it and the grayscale of the world around you made you forget what colours had once looked like. Nowadays you tended to avoid eye contact unlike others you knew who stared into the eyes of everyone they meet in hopes of finding a soulmate, you preferred to go unnoticed.
“C’mon Y/n you’re always hungry.” She pouted as you refused to move.
You felt your cheeks go pink as she once again reminded you of your shortcomings. “I guess we can keep going for a while but only if you promise to pay.” You whisked as you retreated back into your giant winter coat.
“Deal!” She giggled before heading off again. You followed her around as she headed in and out of shops, she bought a few different things but you just followed only purchasing a bookmark and some random knick-knacks you thought were pretty. You were spending your last few days exploring Seoul after you spent the first part of your trip just travelling to famous landmarks around the country and gaining ‘cultural knowledge’ as your mom liked to call it and Kate, your sister, couldn’t stay still as she was finally in the Kpop capital of the world.
“Here how about we get waffles and ice cream?” She asked as she dragged you over to a vendor selling what looked like exactly what she described. You read each of the different flavours as best as you could with your limited knowledge of Korean but ended up having to resort to your sister who of course knew Korean.
“Can I have the strawberries and cream flavoured one?” You whispered to your sister and she nodded before ordering. You waited next to her as your sister chatted with the vendor in broken Korean as you waited for your waffles. When it was finally ready you both took your food and said a quick thank you before you continued on, you looked at a few more stalls before deciding to go farther into the city. You pulled out your travel guide and decide to head to a park which wasn’t too far away so you decided to walk after a lot of convincing from your sister.
You munched on the waffle as you headed down the street and did your best to eat the ice cream that you were already thinking twice about agreeing to eat. You did your best to eat but your fingers got cold whenever they were outside of your sleeves, you were crossing through a particularly busy part of town with giant crosswalks and huge buildings covered in LEDs, billboards, and posters. You were trying to keep your sister on track as she got distracted by pictures of idols and actors or some kpop songs that sounded familiar. You pulled your sister across the crosswalk before the light changed without getting hit by a car and losing her in the crowd, you sighed once you were in the clear but you felt your heart speed up as you caught a glimpse of somebody’s nose and lips flashing across a billboard. You didn’t know why but something compelled you to stay and see if the person would come across the billboard again but you were pulled away again by your sister who wanted to keep exploring.
The two of you wandered around the park and the rest of the city until you had to meet your parents for lunch. The entire time as you listened to her chat you couldn’t get the man’s face out of your head, you had never really been interested in boys before like your sister or classmates and you were utterly dumbfounded. You were so lost in thought that you were sure you wouldn’t have made it to the restaurant without your sister, whether it be by missing your train or getting hit by a car. You finally let yourself relax once you were seated, you quickly looked over the menu you were handed before settling on just getting the same thing as Kate. The restaurant was definitely not a cheap place, the whole aura around it was fancy and expensive which was fine with you since they had some interesting sculptures and things. You half paid attention to what your family members were talking about as you desperately tried to remember anything about the man that wasn’t his nose, lips, or his chin. When the food arrived you stayed quiet and ate as you listened to your mom animatedly talk about how beautiful the dancer’s costumes were. Everyone knew that your mom wanted to be a costume designer with all her heart but decided to become a secretary to support you and your sister after your biological father left her. You listened to her rave on and on about the colours and materials that were used and you couldn’t help but smile at how excited she was.
“Everyone, I have an announcement.” Your step-dad announced once everyone had pretty much finished eating. “In honour of Kate finishing her exams with some of the highest scores in all her classes……. WE GOT YOU BTS CONCERT TICKETS!”
You were sure you’d gone deaf from the shriek that your sister let out in the almost silent restaurant. You mother, step-dad, and sister were all practically jumping with joy while you felt a blush rising to your cheeks and tried to melt back into your sweater.
“These are for tomorrow! How did you get these? I’m so excited!” That was only a small part of what you heard your sister squeal to your parents before you drifted back to the man on the billboard. Was he in BTS? They were really big now and you knew people all around the world loved them, could it be-
“Y/n? Are you paying attention?” Kate asked.
You shook your head a bit in an attempt to wake yourself up. “I’m sorry I guess the jet lag is getting to me.” You let out a nervous laugh before Kate started talking again.
“As I was saying, I’ll have to make sure you know all the members, and the fan chants, OH! And you can borrow some of the BTS shirts I have since you’re the one coming with me!” She spoke so fast you almost couldn’t understand.
“Wait, so I’m the only one coming with you?” You were panicking a little at the thought of going to a concert alone with your sister, “what about you two?”
You parents shared an uncomfortable glance. “Well sweetie, we tried to get enough tickets for all of us to go but those two were the only ones we could nab before they all sold out.” Your mom said as she reached out and rubbed your shoulder with a small smile.
“Besides, you wouldn’t want two old farts like us crashing your party.” Your step-dad joined in, “You two should have some sister bonding time before you both head off to university and never come home to see each other anymore.”
You could feel all the eyes at the table focused on you so you reluctantly agreed. The rest of lunch was spent with Kate chattering in about her favourite member, who you remembered was some guy named Sugar, and your parents chatting about some sort of traditional medicine class they were going to next. Before you knew it the bill was paid and you were parting ways again, at least until later that night.
It was afternoon now and that meant the streets were packed with people going in every direction. Kate dragged you through endless shops and stalls, all full of different products that people happily browsed through. Two hours later you were hauling thousands of bags back to your hotel, the bags were filled with all sorts of things but they were mostly your sister’s. She bought tons of different clothes and you had seen a few things you liked but ultimately deciding not to get any because one-size things made you nervous, she also bought a ton of makeup and skincare products which you didn’t have any interest in since it was too much work to wear makeup and have it match skin tone and all when you couldn’t see colours.
Your feet were sore from all the walking you had done and you were ready for a nap when you were crossing the intersection on the way back to your hotel. You were keeping your eyes on the changing lights as usual when you heard your sister start squealing.
“Y/n, Y/n look! It’s BTS!” She exclaimed before pointing to a video clip that was playing in the side of a building. “Aren’t they so handsome, AND WE’RE GOING TO SEE THEM LIVE TONIGHT!”
You looked up to see what your sister was swooning over when you saw the familiar nose and lips on the screen. You suddenly felt as though there was something in your eyes, you brought your head down and rubbed your eyes with the palm of your hands, blinking a few times before opening them up again.
Everything fell from your hands when the grays, blacks, and whites that used to make up your vision were replaced with colours. Your mouth fell open as you saw colours for what seemed like the first time in your life, you felt like crying and shouting with joy at the same time. You looked back up to see the man on the billboard that you had locked eyes with, you found your soulmate but you didn’t see him in person.
“What colour are my shoes?” You whirled around and asked your sister who was admiring all the bright now coloured displays.
“Red, why? Did you find your soulmate?” She asked suddenly excited. You should have told her but you couldn’t, your soulmate was one of the most popular people in the whole world and you weren’t even sure he was your soulmate.
“N-no!” You exclaimed. “I just didn’t remember when you told me this morning.” She seemed wary of your answer but didn’t bring it up again as you made your way back to the hotel. You stared in wonder at the suddenly colour filled world and asked so many not so subtle question that you were sure Kate wanted to knock your teeth out.
The door finally clicked signalling it was unlocked and you rushed inside, dripping all the bags to begin feverishly researching on your phone.
The van lurched to a stop which woke Jungkook up from his much-needed nap, they had very busy schedules for the past few days but it was just the staff of it. He squeezed his eyes shut tighter as an attempt to go back to sleep but a few moments later he gave up, his brain was already awake again so he might as well do something productive. He opened his eyes only to be greeted by the bright coloured hat Taehyung was wearing in front of him. The brightness of the hat wasn’t really the problem but the fact that he could see colour was, his ability to see colour disappeared so long ago that he couldn’t even remember what red looked like.
As a teen he resented the idea of soulmates with all his heart, why did he have to be stuck with the stupid system where he couldn’t see colour? It was like not being able to see half of the world but he eventually got over it and accepted in for what it was. Being an idol and all they didn’t talk about their soulmates or soulmate paths whatsoever but it didn’t stop his group from sharing their issues between themselves, they helped him through all the sticky situations you can get in when you can’t see colour.
“Wake up!” He shouted as he elbowed Namjoon Who was sleeping next to him in the stomach. The older man groaned and clutched his stomach but made no protest as he was more interested in knowing what was so urgent and why the boy beside him was almost in tears.
“What’s happened this time?” Hoseok asked between yawns as the rest of the group focused their attention on the youngest.
Jungkook looked lost as his eyes stayed trained on Taehyung’s hat. “I can see.” He whispered.
“We already knew you could see Jungkook, is that really all that you woke us up for?” Yoongi asked with an unamused expression.
“You don’t get it,” he insisted, “I can see!”
“You don’t mean-“ Hoseok started but trailed off before he could finish his sentence.
“You can see colour?” Namjoon said, asking the question everyone in the van was thinking.
The boy only nodded in response before a crocodile tear rolled down his cheek.
“Oh, Jungkookie! That so exciting, who’s  your soulmate is?” Jimin asked excitedly.
“I don’t know.”
“How can you not know?” Jin cut in. “You wouldn’t be able to see colour if you hadn’t made eye contact with your soulmate.”
“I didn’t make I contact with anybody though!” Jungkook exclaimed as more tears gathered in his eyes. “When we got in the car and before I went to sleep everything was normal but when I woke up suddenly there was colour.”
Namjoon wrapped his arm around Jungkook who was shaking next to him. “Maybe you didn’t see them, but what if they saw you?” He asked.
There were multiple shouts of confusion from the boys surrounding him before somebody shut them all up to let him continue. “A friend told me that sometimes with these kind of eye contact systems the eye contact doesn’t necessarily have to be in real life.”
“What do you mean?” Hoseok prompted as he turned around in his seat. “Like if kookie’s soulmate saw a poster or something?”
“Exactly! I’ve heard about it happening although it’s very, very rare. Your soulmate probably saw a poster or music video where you made eye contact with the camera that triggered the connection.” Namjoon finished explaining.
“So does that mean Jungkookie won’t be able to find his soulmate for sure?”  Jimin asked as he shifted nervously in his seat.
Namjoon let out a soft hum before answering. “Everything I’ve read says that usually the effects of a bond being made are only partially there and when you do meet your soulmate in real life you get the full effects.”
“So I’m only seeing some colours?” Jungkook asked.
“Probably,” Namjoon replied. “Now you just have to actually meet your soulmate.”
The sigh seemed to escape on its own when you came to your conclusion, after an hour of searching through every blog, news article, and website you could find the verdict was that he was most definitely your soulmate. During that time you also decided that under no circumstances would you ever meet him in real life, he was an idol and had an image to uphold that you being his soulmate would only ruin and besides, he was probably just happy that he could finally see some colour. At that moment Kate burst out of the bathroom and dragged you over to the desk where she had set up her computer.
“Now it is time for you to learn all about BTS!” she exclaimed before pulling you down next to her and hitting the play button. You watched every music video there was and listened to all the albums, watched theory videos and crack videos, you even listened to her talk about how much she loved Sugar, who you know knew was Suga, for an entire twenty minutes.
“Uhm, could you tell me more about the boy with the pink hair?” you asked once it seemed like she was finished.
“Ooooo, somebody has a little crush on Jungkook!!” she squealed before tickling you. You burst out into a fit of giggles which easily disguised the embarrassed blush on your cheeks until she launched into a full on lecture about Jeon Jeongguk. Twenty minutes later you were even more certain on what you had decided before, your soulmate who was amazing at everything he tries and had the voice of an angel could never be with you.
“Are you girls ready to go?” your mom called as she burst into your hotel room with your step-dad on her heels. “Y/n why aren't you ready?” she asked once she saw you curled up in your cocoon of blankets and your favourite pyjamas.
“I feel really sick and I don't think I can go.” you whispered as the rest of your family gathered by the door. “I think I ate something bad this morning but you should go with mom.”
Your family shared an uncomfortable look before your mom walked over and perched on the bed next to you. “Are you sure you’ll be fine?” she asked as you retreated farther into your blankets.
“Yeah you go have fun, I’ll just take some medicine and go to sleep.” You tried to reassure the rest of your family members without seeming too suspicious.
She sighed and walked back over to where your step-dad and Kate were standing. “Well if you’re sure you’re going to be alright, Dave will be next door and you can call room service if you’re feeling better.” You nodded as they grabbed jackets and shoes, “Call us if you need anything, Bye!” your mom called before she shut the door and you fell back onto the bed. You switched on the television to some random game show in an attempt to drown out your own thoughts and distract yourself although it didn’t really work and you eventually fell asleep.
You faked sick in order to stay in the hotel room until the last day of your trip, as much as you wanted to go out exploring with your family you were far too paranoid about possibly running into BTS on the streets as silly as that sounds. You weren’t too upset because you got to watch a lot of Korean dramas even if you hardly understood anything they were saying. Your parents brought you back tons of souvenirs and such, Kate was kind enough to buy you a buttload of Jungkook things just to tease you though nobody else knew he was your soulmate.  It was finally time to leave and you dragged your bags into the cab before it sped away
You hung around in the back with your sister as your parents went to get the tickets, you were there definitely earlier than you needed to be so you could take as much time as you needed.
“What if we see BTS here?” Kate asked and you froze, “I read somewhere last night that they were going to be going somewhere abroad today, why do you look like you saw an alien?”
You quickly shook out of your trance and were itching to go, you heard a few high pitched screams and the clicks of cameras and knew something was happening.
“Let’s go.” You said as you grabbed your sister and almost ran to where your parents were waiting with the tickets, you practically shoved your family through the security in a mad dash to get to the gate and away from disaster. By the time you finally got to the gate you parents were fed up and dumped you to go shopping and find some food while you stayed tucked by an outlet at your gate. You were incredibly anxious as you watched people pass by, you tried to stay there but eventually, your stomach started gurgling and you had no choice but to go find food.
You gathered your bags and wandered around until you found a small convenience like store that was relatively close to your gate, you wandered around a bit before grabbing some sort of sandwich, a way overpriced bottle of water, and a novel in English that looked relatively interesting. You were heading back after shoving everything in your bag, there was about half an hour left till your flight was supposed to start boarding so you decided to stop at the washroom before going back to the gate.
When you emerged from the bathrooms a few moments later you were treated with a stampede of people being held back by bodyguards and you immediately knew what was going on. Without thinking about anything other than getting away from the mob following BYS through the airport you dove head-on into the crowd like a fish trying to swim upstream. You quickly realized how stupid you were as you started to get shoved around and eventually landed on your butt in front of somebody’s very expensive shoes. You didn’t even realize a hand reach down in front of your face before you smacked into it amidst your own panic to get away. You froze when you got to your feet and met eyes with the member you recognized as V standing right in front of you, a mumbled apology in bad Korean fell out of your mouth before you ran into the crowd again, eager to get away.
When you finally got back to the gate the boarding had already started as you waddled up to your family who was anxiously waiting.
“Where were you?” Your step-dad asked as you took your places in the line.
“I just got caught up and forgot about the time.” You said before the staff member took your ticket and passport to check you in.
The flight back home was about as pleasant as a plane ride could be with you dodging your family’s well thought out questions about why you were being so odd lately, it was like walking on eggshells or herding cats. It wasn’t until you reached for your forgotten food in your bag that you realized you had lost the little keychain you bought in one of the markets you went to, it probably fell off in the crowd of people. You were disappointed in the fact you wouldn’t ever see it again but drifted off to sleep on the long flight.
“What’s that?” Jungkook asked Taehyung who was sitting beside him examining something intently.
“Ah, remember that girl who fell at the airport earlier?” He said and Jungkook nodded. “She dropped this and I was going to give it back to her if I saw her again but I guess it's too late for that now.”
Jungkook got a better view of the small keychain as Taehyung moved his hands out of the way, he also remembered the girl who dropped it. He felt drawn to her for some reason but before he could even catch a glimpse of her face she disappeared back into the crowd.
“Can I keep it?” He asked his bandmate.
Taehyung gave him an odd look before nodding and passing it over to him. “I don’t know why you’d want it but sure.” He smiled as the younger one took it from his hand.
Upon closer inspection, Jungkook figured out it was a little pink strawberry on a cloud like thing that he didn’t really know what to call. He smiled at the stomach-churning cuteness of it before tying it onto his bag and going back to staring out the airplane window.
You were exhausted and glad to be home but it was different now that you could see colour like you knew that your room was always yellow but you never really remembered what yellow looked like until now. You also knew some basic things about how you looked, like the colour of your eyes and the colour of your hair but you ended up avoiding mirrors and pictures since you started seeing colour. Know you knew who your soulmate was and you tried avoiding everything about him for about a month but it was impossible, you could feel your heart slowly chipping away as you sat at home ignoring his entire existence.
Just because you couldn’t meet your soulmate doesn't mean you couldn't learn about him, right?
Kate was obviously a little weirded out when you asked her to teach you Korean, it seemed like kind of an out of the blue thing to her but you managed to cover it up by saying it was because of your recent trip to South Korea. In the meantime you started getting into BTS on your own, starting from their debut and working your way up until where they were now. You knew they were big but you never actually realized how big they were until their collaborations with some of the biggest artists from around the world came into your view.
The months passed and along with learning more and more about your soulmate you also ended up moving out into your own place in the next city over. Your parents were emotional as always but were a little reassured since your sister actually lived in the same building. It’s definitely not like your family planned that without you because that would just be crazy. Aside from that, your life was picking up, you decide to switch your major and become a linguist because after learning Korean for a year you started picking up different languages and got interested in the science behind it. You even ended up getting out of your shell a bit more and made a few friends as you settled into your new house, you were ready to call it a night when your sister burst into your apartment.
“Y/n!!” she called as your door banged open and she ran into your place.
“What are you doing?!” you screeched from your spot on the floor after you fell off the couch in surprise.
“You’ll never guess what’s happening!” she exclaimed, completely ignoring your position on the floor.
You sighed and got up before sitting back on the sofa. “I’m definitely not going to be able if you don't tell me.” you said.
“Bts are having a world tour, and they’re coming here!”
“What?!” you exclaimed.
“The tickets just went on sale and I managed to get one!” Kate squealed as she came to sit on the couch next to you. “I just can't believe I have to wait for 2 months until they come.”
You sighed with relief since they were not coming anytime soon before Kate began to blabber on and on about how excited she was. The thing that occupied your mind was that your soulmate would be in the same city as you in 2 months.
It had been two months since Kate burst into your room screaming about the concert and you honestly forgot it was even happening. Exams were coming up so you threw yourself into your studies basically becoming a hermit in your own room, Kate had texted you earlier in the day about it but of course, you gave it no mind as she never referred to it as more than just ‘the concert’. You had been studying for 12 hours straight and decided you deserve a break, at least until tomorrow morning since it was currently 1 am. You tucked your books to the side and dragged your feet to your bed where you flopped down, not even bothering to curl under the blankets. You were very intent on falling asleep but your stomach had other plans as it let out a large grumble before the pain of hunger overtook you. A loud groan was your response before you pulled yourself up from the bed, threw on a giant sweater and some shoes, and headed out the door. You were in no mood to take the stairs so you waited for the elevator while you texted your sister to see if she needed anything since she just came back from a concert, the ding signalled the elevator was there and you left. The convenience store that was two blocks away from your apartment was open 24/7 so that's where you were headed to find food since your fridge was currently as empty as the streets were while you made your way there. You pushed open the door and headed down the rows filled with food in search of something to eat, you ended up grabbing a premade sandwich and some trail mix before heading to the coolers at the back to look for the drinks your sister wanted. You didn't pay attention to the bell on the door ring as you looked through the shelves upon shelves of beverages, you continued on browsing until you recognized a couple of familiar voices speaking Korean and you turned around to see 7 familiar guys. You spun back around and found your sister’s drink as soon as possible before rushing up to the cashier to pay, you were itching to hurry as the employee seemed to ring your items up as slow as possible. You heard the chatter and 7 pairs of feet behind you so as soon as you were handed your receipt you grabbed your things and ran out the door. You were about to cross the street before you heard footsteps and somebody calling after you.
“You forgot your wallet!”
You turned around and immediately froze when you locked eyes with the familiar pink haired boy and even more colours exploded in your vision. You both froze and stared back at each other for a few moments until there were more footsteps and you saw the 7 other boys come up behind him. The crosswalk chirped and you turned to leave but were stopped by somebody grabbing your arm, you turned to see Jungkook standing behind you.
“Wait, you’re my-”
“Soulmate.” You cut him off.
“You saw me before?” he asked in broken English while still holding your arm to make sure you didn't try to leave again.
“In Korea on a poster.” You explained in Korean so he could understand.
He obviously did because he answered right away. “You speak Korean?”
You shuffled your feet nervously and looked down in embarrassment. “I learned when I figured out you were my soulmate.”
The silence was deafening before somebody called out from behind Jungkook
“You’re the girl that fell at the airport!” Taehyung exclaimed and everyone looked back at you in confirmation. You nodded before Jungkook started digging abound in his pockets frantically until he finally found what he was looking for.
“This is yours.” He said.
You looked at his outstretched hand to see the small keychain you lost a year ago laying in his palm, you grabbed the little strawberry from him before throwing your arms around his neck and hugging him.
“Thank you.”
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transboygenius · 6 years
SE4SON: Chapter 10
Deep in the vicinity of space, in a planet far beyond astronomical reach, there dwells a man. A man who possesses the super strength of 10 Stomp Grompers, a sir that can leap higher than the average Boarbaw, a guy that is truly ultra in every way. The habitation in which he lives in is being undertaken by the wretched vilenesses that feed off of the planet's resources and tranquility. The only way to take back home is to fight for it! With these powers and highly advanced weaponry he is blessed with, he soars to still greater heights as he conquers the forces of evil, and protecting the helpless in need! No job is too tough to make our hero quit! He brings the chills, the spills, and the thrills! He is...
"...the one and only, and nobody else could never, Ultra-Lord! Da, da da da da, daaaa da, da da da-" "Sheen, what are you doin'?" "Oh, just reciting the narration to the Ultralord season 1 opening intro, Libster! I just couldn't help but get excited looking at that atmosphere out there. Doesn't it just pull you in?" "Yeah. Now that you've mentioned it, I guess it is kinda pretty. But we're not here to admire the galaxy, we're here for-" "It reminds me of the time I traveled to and landed on the planet Zeenu. I made a lot of friends there, and with a talking monkey too. Did I mentioned the citizens there also worshiped me?" "You never even traveled to a planet named Zeenu. Don't you remember? You hopped aboard on that rocket Jimmy tried to keep you out of, failed to pilot it, crashed landed, then fell into a coma for three months. Besides, the day you become royal advisor is the day dinosaurs are revived from extinction." "Huh. It seemed so real, though. Well, that explains it! I would never think about leaving you for some blue skinned gladiator girl who knows how to yodel better than anyone else I know! (Well... That depends...)"
Judy, Sheen, and Libby were cruising through outer space in an old worn out McSpanky's restaurant, courtesy to the three alien brothers; Zix, Travoltron, and Tee. Sheen brought his Ultralord mask for the occasion, and some of his figurines so that he could educate his new lizardy friends on the franchise. Libby immediately notified the concept to Mrs. Neutron after it hit her at The Ramen Bowl. Since none of them have any experience piloting Jimmy's rocket, Libby had Sheen contact his good ol' buddy, Tee. Hugh would've joined them, but Judy gave him a job, on Earth, planting those Missing posters all over Retroville. Carl refused to accompany them since he was busy with another magic show. Although, when he turned down their offer, he sounded like he had a little grief in his voice.
"It was nice of you gentlemen to give us a lift in your.... ...ship to help us find my son." Said Judy. "No problem, human mistress! Anything to fulfill a friend's request! Even though I take a dimview on the lad and would be much delighted to dismantle him instead, judging by our history." Replied Zix. "Pardon?" "I said, by using a sample of the hair strand you provided us with, we could be able to navigate his impulse connected to his DNA. See that beeping light on the panel, ma'am? The closer we reach him, the faster the light blinks, and then the frequency will increase in volume! That way, in case you're asleep or tuned out by headphones, you will be alarm!" "Oh, thank you, thank you! With your help, what do we have to loose?"
Judy was so eager in rescuing her son, she don't dare peeling her eyes away from that beeping light, despite the fact that Zix mentioned the sound would alarm her. Meanwhile, after getting Sheen off her back, Libby walked around the ship for a bit. McSpanky's may be in terrible shape, from both inside and out, but it still looked the same like how she remembered it. The Ramen Bowl is good and cheap, but she longed for some fast veggie burgers and fries. Thanks a lot, Neutron. While Libby continued to walk around the burnt out eatery, she met with something that made her wanna end her exploration. It was a human being, frozen in solid carbonite. They looked oddly familiar to her, and pretty much the nametag soon gave it away. Hello, My Name Is Skeet. Meanwhile, Sheen was bonding with Travoltron over his Ultralord action figures.
"I'm confused, human buddy. Is Alltralewd suppose to be a television show, or a profitable toyline?" "'Ultralord,' not 'Alltralewd.' Second, it originally began as a toyline from around the late 70s'! Commercial sales weren't doing too good, so a comic book was published in 1982 to help promote their toys, which is still running to this day! Unfortunately, kids were too lazy to read, so then they decided to air a TV show by the time the 90s' hit! I don't know why other so-called fans are sleeping on the comic series. There's a lot of juicy stuff in there that my father would never let me see! I'm talkin' TV-14, by the way." "Okay, got it. And this tiny character is suppose to be his son?" "That's Ultralord's faithful sidekick, ToyBoy! He's like a son to him, but Ultralord doesn't have any kids! At least not until the release of the 'Ultralord And Vespagirl: I Do' comic. Now, ToyBoy was this little orphan kid named Bradley Hasbro with a obsessive compulsion with computers, and because of that, nobody came for his adoption. Ultralord, however, saw the boy had potential in him, so he not only raised him but trained him into a skilled mecha warrior! Pretty soon, he learned there is more to life that's far important than the internet and digital gaming! Sadly, he got killed off in the twelfth episode of the fifth season, just for the sake... *Sniff, sob* the company wanted to make room for new toys." "I'm sorry to hear that, human buddy. You have my sympathy. May he rest in peace." "And Godspeed to his legacy or whoever still remembers him!"
The two then hugged it out. Tee began to notice, and mistook it as comfort for the loss of Jimmy. Tee walked over to Sheen.
"Awwwww, no need to get all emotional, little man! I'm sure he's out there somewhere!" "Yes; In a better place." "Now don't say that, Sheen! If you like, I'd be happy to take his place for you!" "Nobody could replace him. He was one in a million." "I think somebody needs a hug." "Wha--No, NOOO!"
Tee opened his arms wide, preparing to envelope his sad friend into a big hug. Getting a hug from Tee is like getting squeezed by a grizzly bear until your eyeballs pop out. Sheen declined his offer, but that didn't stop Tee in attempting to make his friend feel good. Sheen began to back away without looking where he was going. Because of being so careless, he crawled up on the control panel, and accidentally sat on a button. When Zix noticed, he threw Sheen off the panel.
The button had activated the ship's sublight thrusters, and then, with everyone inside, McSpanky's blasted into hyperspace.
[*Hours earlier; Medieval times*]
After a big, hearty breakfast, it was time to get to work. Diana followed them behind. She was going to harvest some crops and then plant new ones. Just when Jimmy was about to touch the stuff in the wheelbarrow, Diana stopped him with a loud WAIT! She took the stuff back into the shed, organizing everything back to where it was neatly.
"I get fussy when things are disorganized." Said Diana. "Thanks, so can we have the stuff now?" Asked Jimmy. "The pleasure is yours." "And those wooden planks; Do you mind if we 'break' those? Our home depends on it." "Wellllllllll... Ah, why not? If it'll get you home, then do as you must. I could always just steal new ones! You're lucky this isn't King Jason's palace. If he finds one scratch or fingerprint on his merchandise, you'd get hanged. And by the way, are we still on that deal that you boys will visit us occasionally?" "Sure! We do owe you after all."
Diana dropped her gardening tools, then embraced both Jimmy and Nick into a big hug. Jimmy thought hugs from Tee were bad. Even while she was using little strength as possible, it still felt like she could break their bones in a matter of minutes. After releasing them, she went on with her gardening chore, while Jimmy and Nick took time to recover on the ground. After that, they got up and gathered whatever Jimmy insisted they needed. A few planks, a wagon wheel, a weather vane, twine, and some other stuff. Luckily, the shed was also equipped with some tools and a box of tacks. Though they don't require power to run, Jimmy can still makeshift with them. They used the wheelbarrow to carry the stuff to a clear area perfect enough to build their time machine. Nick suggested he should help.
"I've got this, Nick. Don't worry." "No, I insist! You look like you could use all the help you could get." "You don't have to, ya know. We're not handcuffed anymore." "But I want to. I really want to. We're friends, right? Friends help each other. Besides, there's nothing to do around here."
At that moment, Jimmy was speechless. Nobody has ever lend Jimmy a hand with constructing, and if he asks, they'll either say "no" or "nah." Whenever he pulls out a hammer or a power drill, his friends do nothing but sit and watch. Just because he can manage, doesn't mean it's easy. Some of the gear he uses are heavy and call for upper body strength. Doing it alone takes longer to finish. His friends probably feel it's too complex for their position, so he gives them easier jobs instead. That could be the reason why Jimmy is used to working on his own. He rarely relies on teamwork. The boy genius never asked for anyone's help, not even from Cindy. The explanation has nothing to do with pride. Perhaps a little. Not like they would've been interested, anyways.
He would've decline again, but Nick was actually the first to actually ask if he could assist Jimmy on an invention. Nick is doing so much for him, the boy genius has no clue why he deserves it. Nick apologized for his brass behavior. He opened up secrets to him. He shown concern for his future. He even cooked him a delicious breakfast. Now, he wishes he could volunteer because he wants to. All that, and never asked for anything in return. Nick is different from his other friends back home. VERY, very different. He is so ridiculously considerate, it set Jimmy's heart pounding, although he tried to pass it on as a sign of stress or confusion. Maybe Jimmy does need his help. Maybe Nick could make himself useful. After all, the time would be done faster if they worked together. Without speaking a word, he placed a mallet-like hammer in Nick's hand, then gave him a single nod, followed by a grin.
With Jimmy's directions, Nick was set in the right path. Thanks to Nick's strength, the job was more bearable to take. Jimmy arranged the measurements, and left the sawing to Nick. Both of them did the hammering. Nick carefully lined a tack at the bottom of a plank board. Watching his fingers, he pounded the tack in. ...and then the top of the plank hit him in the face.
Meanwhile, Diana was already at her gardening. She had just finished the harvesting, now is about time for the planting. Throwing aside the shovel, she punched holes in the dirt, leading the ground to shake slightly.
Back to the boys, Nick acted as Jimmy's human ladder so that he'd help his short friend work to heights far beyond his reach. On with the hammering again. Jimmy gave Nick the honor of hammering two planks together. Just like the accident from before, the plank hit Jimmy in the face. To make up for that mistake, Nick purposely hammered a plank just to hit himself in the face. Both then had a good laugh out of that.
Diana finished planting the seeds, now on to pulling out the dead weeds. When she got to the sixth weed, it seemed to be stuck in the ground tight. Putting in her best strength, she tugged the weed with all her will. To her surprise, out came a whole willow tree. Turns out that weed had been a root all along.
Down to more hammering, the boys stood apart from each other, as Jimmy was prepared to pound in another tack. This time they made sure to stay out of the way so neither of them get hit in the face again. Unfortunately, he set the plank board flying and it hit Benson in the face, who was just about to serve them refreshments.
Within 3 hours, they were finished at that time. The new time machine was just a simple three wall box with a wagon wheel and vane on top, but it was more than that through Jimmy's eyes. It's the thought that counts. ...and getting home. Nick was happy him and Jimmy got to do something together.
"Can this thing really take us back home?" Asked Nick. "Not precisely. All we need now is some hypothetical earthbound, such as quartz of any type, and a strike of lightning to charge electricity into the machine, consequently granting it enough power to transport us back home. Which is why I took the liberty of making this! Just one bolt will do the trick!" Said Jimmy, holding up a handmade kite. "That's cool, Jim! But how will we know when a thunderstorm will come up?" "Usually cumulonimbus clouds early in the day and developing throughout the day can mean greater chances of severe weather. I suggest looking after the sky for any cumulus activity. In other words, watch out for dense-looking gray clouds."
Jimmy decided to head back into the barn where he can keep his kite safe, while Nick followed. Suddenly, Benson stopped them.
"Don't you dare take one more step!" Scold Benson. "You're still angry about the plank incident, aren't you?" Asked Nick. "No! But my nose detects a wretched odor around here! At which hour wast the last time thee two bathed?" "Oh, about four days." Replied Jimmy. "For me, five." replied Nick. "Four days? Five days?! MY WORD!!!"
Benson ran into the house at super speed, then came back outside with a few things. An empty bucket with a bar of soap, and two towels. He also held two robes and two pairs of slippers.
"Foulness is not tolerated around here! If't be true you wish to stay as our guest, thee must compel in personal hygienes! It's important for your health!"
Nick called for Diana to see if it's actually necessary.
"Yo Di! Do we even have to?!" Shouted Nick. "To me, it's completely optional. But then again, he'll just continue to pester you unless you follow his demand." "Hmph. Well, looks like we have no other choice if this bearded housewife is gonna slow us down. My hair is getting oily anyways." "You know, you could never get away with walking freely around the village with your stench carrying over, otherwise King Jason's guards will have you hanged." "We never asked, but thank you for sharing that info with us, Diana." Said Jimmy.
Both of them took a robe and a pair of slippers. Benson was kind enough to point them to the water well. He also advised that they should take turns using the bucket and soap. Jimmy and Nick had to remove their clothes so that Benson could wash them. The boy genius headed inside the barn to change, while Nick went behind the shed. Getting inside the house would've been better, but he feels rather uncomfortable getting naked in the same place with that freaky Rodent Girl. After that, Benson took out a scrub brush and a bar of soap.
"Where are you, Oona?"
[*Fifty minutes later*]
Jimmy and Nick were sitting on separate stools. They were shivering cold from the water they rinsed off with. Jimmy's hair was wrapped in a towel. They sat around a tight wire, where their clothes were hanging to dry. The boys were wearing nothing but their robes and fuzzy slippers.
"Hey Nick, mind if I ask a simple question?" "Yeah, what is it?" "Yesterday, you mentioned about being in a relationship with someone whose always hurt you." "I'd rather not talk about it." "But Nick, you could spare me all the details if you like. You even have the right to have this person's name withheld. Please? We're friends. I swear, I will never peep a word about this to anyone. And when we get home, I could probably erase my memory for you! What are you afraid of?" "That you won't believe me?" "You've been entirely honest with me. What's there not to believe?"
Nick refuses to explain his life further on, but Jimmy gave him the option to explain very little if he wants to. Jimmy is curious, but he's not pressuring Nick to confess. Could he be returning concern for him? Heck, why not? He's already fallen victim to those big, blue, twinkling eyes. Those eyes were begging him to show 'n tell. Dammit, why does he have to be so cute? He just needs to keep it short and simple. He can't say it was his dad, because he already told him he never knew him.
"Okay; If it's flustering to you, I'm sorry for butting in. It is your personal life, after all." Said Jimmy. "It was a family member." Replied Nick. "What? Huh?" "A family member. A relative that lived with us for quite some time long ago, from my 'father's' side. I don't feel like giving out a name or gender. Let me tell ya, they were a grade A a-hole. They gave me these painful scars. Not physical scars, but mental. Ohhhhhhhh, how I hated them. This relative felt I was the epitome of imperfect. They ridiculed everything about me; the way I act, talk, and dress. If there's a problem I can't fix, I'm suppose to take care of it myself to prove I'm man enough. Every time they have a problem of their own, I was to be blamed for. My poor mom couldn't do anything about it, cuz she was just as weak minded as I was. After they left, I didn't feel relief. In fact, I actually believed what they said about me was true. That's why I adapted this cool, slick, biker gang wannabe image. To prove them wrong." "I'm sorry to hear that, Nick. Whatever they have said about you, I know they are wrong. You're a real good friend. Possibly the nicest guy I've ever known. I don't know what is there about you to make a creep out of." "Thanks. You've been a good friend yourself. So far, you've been my first, and real friend." "I don't have to be your 'only.' You could always join me and the gang, where the fun is really at!" "Are you saying we should be more open about our friendship?" "Of course! We are best friends now, aren't we?" "I don't know about it. I mean, like I've told you before, I'm still weak minded." "And like I'VE told you, you we're not what that scum made you out to be! Didn't you also tell me you hated your life just how it was before? You're the one who told me how this 'Mr. Popularity' position made you miserable! If you're afraid people won't accept the real you, well I accept! I accept you to infinity! Where's your self-respect?" "I-I I'm sorry, but it's just that I've climbed so high to reach up to that torch, I don't think I'm ready to back out now. I don't want to disappoint my fans." "*Sigh* Nick... There's something you oughta know."
Jimmy confronted Nick about the downfall he is completely oblivious to. He used to be the top dog, but after breaking his leg far too many times, nobody took him seriously anymore. The more Nick goofed on a stunt, the smaller his crowds became. He was still handsome, but girls were too embarrassed to have an open crush on some skateboard loser. The weaker, nerdier kids weren't afraid to make fun of him. The boys that have claimed themselves as Nick's supportive friends have been talking smack behind his back. They always laugh at him under his breaths. Whenever Nick falls into another injury, they always say they'll get help, only to be gone for about 5 hours, or until it gets dark. He refuses to acknowledge that. He wanted to believe he was still cool, and he kept trying. The problem is, the more he tried, the more he hurt himself. Quitting is always an option, but that would just bring his entire popularity to waste. He sacrificed his childhood to get on that pedestal. His father would be right about him; He is a failure. People like him were only born out of a mistake.
Nick sat with his head hanging down low. Jimmy didn't need to tell. He knew he was becoming a has-been, but he didn't wanna accept it. All he wanted was to be loved. Admired. Not get hurt. Be the opposite of what Dan saw him as. On the other side of the coin, Nick has never felt so happy in his life. He has lived the worst twelve years in his life. Before and after he became cool, he never had the casualty of experiencing a real childhood. Jimmy was right. He was miserable to how things were before. If he keeps trying to be someone he's not, he's just gonna continue being that way before he dies. Hanging out with Jimmy gave him the opportunity to reveal his true self. He was a caterpillar trapped in a cold cocoon, now he bursts free like a butterfly. The boy genius never mocked him or laughed at him. He has found the comfort zone he's been desiring for. Standing by his true love's side had been his dream, but does he really want to retire?
Before Jimmy was ready to say anything, Nick placed a hand on his lap.
"I'll think about it."
Nick smiled at Jimmy, then Jimmy smiled back. Unfortunately, the moment then died down when they saw that Mitzi had returned from work, giving the boys a twitchy eye from seeing them in their robes together, with Nick's hand on his friend's lap.
"Don't get the wrong idea! I'm not even ready for that!" Nick got up and snapped. "Nick Nick Nick Nick, Nick. Calm down." Said Jimmy. "(I see that twitchy eye! I SEE IT!)" "Pardon us, ma'am, but there's a logical explanation. We were requested, or commanded, to wash up, and we are currently waiting for our laundry to dry. Apologies for our appearances."
Mitzi looked like she wasn't buying it.
"You two can come up with a better excuse than that."
She turned around and headed back into the house. Both of Nick's fists were balling, and he was ready to strike. However, Jimmy was able to calm him down afterwards.
Jimmy and Nick gotten back into their clothes after they were fully dried, then Nick prepared a special dinner that night. He fixed some Brazilian-styled fried chicken with a kale salad on the side, also Brazilian. He also baked a batch of fluffy, sweet bread rolls. Not Brazilian, by the way. Diana and Rodent Girl loved Nick's pancakes so much, they begged him to make a gourmet dinner for them. Lucky for them, Nick loves to cook. Everyone was pleased with their meal, except Mitzi. She was the last one to try the food, as if she thinks it's poisoned. Not to mention, she didn't compliment his cooking like everyone else. Nick would've let her starve if she weren't friends with a 6'3 bodybuilder.
After dinner, the dishes were left with Benson, and the two boys went back to their barn suite for a goodnight's sleep. They used the leftover planks to seal off the windows, and they let Butterscotch sit in front of the door, just to keep a certain rat lady out. Nick grabbed a blanket and hopped onto his hay bed. When Jimmy was about to get his blanket ready for slumber, he found that a cow was chewing it. He tried to retrieve the blanket by pulling, only to tear it to sheds in the process. Poor Jimmy will have to sleep cold tonight.
"Here; Have mine."
Nick offered Jimmy his only blanket. Jimmy just refused. He couldn't take Nick's offer cuz he's already done so much for him.
"I couldn't, Nick. You deserve it." "C'mon, little man. I would never let a friend sleep in the cold." "Yeah, but I'd be more happier if you took it. You've done a lot for me, and it's the least I can do in return." "Wait! Why not we improvise?"
And with that, Nick undid the zipper and buttons on his black leather jacket, and then put it over Jimmy's shoulders. The boy genius was so tiny, the jacket was able to cover him like a blanket, and it was fairly warm too. Thanking Nick, then giving him a hug as a goodnight, Jimmy crawled up on the hay and drifted off. Nick took one quick glance on Jimmy before laying down. He's so precious to him, he'd be damned if he just let him sleep out in the cold. Even though Jimmy said so himself that he doesn't have to keep doing all this nice stuff for him, Nick can't help himself. He loves Jimmy too much.
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unholyhelbig · 6 years
Mitchsen Prompt-Aubrey Posen has always had her life planned out for her. Go to college, get a degree with the highest accomplishments, go to law school and become a lawyer. It’s the Posen way, and Posens will always want to be the best of the best. But when Beca Mitchell ask what Aubrey wants in life, not what the Posen want but just Aubrey as a person. Aubrey can’t help but feel lost. And as Aubrey ponders, she makes some revelations. One involving the DJ
[A/N: This has been a long time coming. But I loved writing it!]
The old room was desolate. There were not posters littering the cold brick walls. Not lights hung around a tacky cork board that had the memories tacked into the malleable material. There wasn’t even a rug against the tiled floor- just a drab grey duvet that looked like it had never been slept on, a book (that looked like it was by Rudyard Kipling) And a reading lamp.
It’s what Beca imagined prison to be like, without the wires of course, but the closest thing to it. There was nothing personal about the small room in the New York City apartment. And she wasn’t much of a decorator herself- but one could figure some interests from the large amount of mixing equipment she always had close by, and the picture of her girls that rested in a frame crafted during a bonding exercise. But this? This was sad.
“She doesn’t really talk to any of us,” the stranger that had let Beca into the apartment spoke. She looked like a nice enough girl; brunette and snide. If anything, she reminded the Dj of an eel with dark placid eyes. She said something about being a classmate of Aubrey, sharing a few conversations with her. “She’s neat and pays rent on time, so we don’t ask any questions.”
“Yeah,” Beca nodded softly, turning to face the girl. She was leaning heavily on the doorframe, stare occasionally scanning over the woman’s frame. She had her arms crossed over her chest almost like she was studying her for something. Law Majors. Beca thought bitterly. “That sounds like Aubrey.”
And it did. At least the neurotic parts of the girl hadn’t shifted since she informed the group that she had given up on the retreat. It wasn’t what her father wanted her to do with her life. She was wasting good potential and was better suited for a life in the city. This didn’t’ look like the best fit to Beca. All she saw was a sad gloomy room where houseplants came to die. She had even noticed that most of the woman’s boxes were unpacked, and it had been almost eight months. This wasn’t home by a long shot.
“Hmm,” The stranger nodded with absence, “Well, she usually comes home around five from class, but the rain might be keeping her… feel free to crack a book.” She hesitated “Well, one book.”
“Thank you,” Beca stated. What else was she to say? The woman had her own things to attend to, letting the door close simply behind her. It left the brunette to stand in the middle of the room- almost afraid to move like she was in an art exhibit. A man with a yardstick would come over at any moment and tell her not to touch the art, it was only an installation piece to be looked at.  
She was lucky she wasn’t dripping grimy rainwater all over the floor. She was careful to shake herself out before she even knocked on the door to the apartment. The thick scent of must was still in the air- almost like it clung to her black pea coat. It did, at this point, a bad cold to shake. One that rocked her to her core and ate away at her stomach. Maybe it was better this way. Better than getting a dosage of Aubrey’s signature scent. The kind that warmed her in an almost opposite effect.
It was vanilla. Not like the cheap stuff that you could buy at a craft store to mask an odor for a few minutes. The kind with glitter and shine laced into the liquid. No, this was something that reminded Beca of the cooking extract. Picked clean from the trees and condensed into a little amber bottle with a rubber dropper that looked like an old medicinal tool from the 1800’s. Aubrey always smelled sweet and dark at the same time- a library with hundreds of novels just waiting to be dusted off. A little diner in the middle of the night riddled with mysterious characters. An evening spent in curled up by the fire while snow collected at the window sills.
Yeah, the rain was better. Less painful.  
She eventually settled for lowering herself against the corner of the bed, not exactly sitting, but not standing either. She smoothed her palm over the centered wrinkles her added weight created. It shattered the illusion that she wasn’t’ really here. That her eyes didn’t’ begin to flash over the bricks and count them by two’s.  
It was only when she heard the creak of the bedroom door that she pulled herself from her memories. Her midnight eyes flashed towards the offending object. She stood quickly, not sure if she should shove her hands in her pockets or let them hang to the side awkwardly. She wouldn’t dream of crossing them over her chest- as if not to scare the blonde away.
The Aubrey that she saw in front of her was anything but composed. It wasn’t the same confident woman that was at the retreat or the one that looked so elegant sitting across from her in a dimly lit restaurant that was too expensive for its own good. It wasn’t the woman who sat around in her sweatpants and cried over weddings in cheesy lifetime movies. It was someone broken, and tired.
Her hair was damp from the rain, usually, forest eyes faded to a dull grey. Her skin had paled from winters hand, a leather bag hanging off her shoulder. It was weighted down with a laptop and textbooks, no doubt. She had to stop herself from dropping it, fingers wrapping with haste around the strap.
She didn’t know what to say, so Beca spoke first.
“Your roommate let me in.”
Beca licked her lips. They tasted earthy, cold from the weather. Aubrey simply herded herself into the room, shutting the door carefully behind her as she let her bag hit the floor with a dull thud. Her chest was heaving, no doubt from the many flights of stairs that she had to climb. Maybe from the way, Beca stared at her now. If this room at access to a fire escape, she wasn’t entirely sure Aubrey wouldn’t bolt.
“I think she would have questioned me more if she wasn’t so curious about the type of people that you know.” She said. “Knew.”
Aubrey nodded, sniffing. It sounded like she had a cold, or maybe it was just the rainwater that still dripped off her features. The way she had that determined stare that made Beca’s heart warm in a way that she hadn’t felt in a long while. She almost yearned for the woman’s touch again. Completely forgetting about past arguments that lead to why they were in this situation now.
It was the Posen way. That brought the young lawyer to New York in the first place. She left behind her business, her friends, her family- and the love of her life. Or at least, that’s how Beca regarded herself by how often Aubrey had said it. How often she thought she meant it. She was her father’s daughter, and nothing about his demanding future struck Aubrey as odd. It clouded her, and now that was all Beca had come to realize.
Aubrey didn’t think herself was good enough for anyone because that was the household she was brought up in. It caused her to drop everything in Atlanta to go back home- to work at her family’s firm. There was no time for love or loss. She hadn’t allowed herself to feel anything towards the situation. And it had all come rushing back to both girls.  
“I had to ask you a few questions,” Beca stated.
“The phone works well.”
“You wouldn’t have answered.”
No, she wouldn’t have. They both knew that. After a few months, Beca had stopped trying altogether. She knew when she wasn’t wanted. The brunette had her own career to focus on, part of the reason she had flown to the city in the first place. It was just the devils’ hand and the cruel sting of curiosity that brought Beca to ask Chloe for her ex-lover’s current address. The ginger reluctantly gave it up.
Aubrey nodded with care, not pulling herself away from the door. She was scanning Beca, almost like the roommate, but this time, it sent an undeniable wave of pleasure through the woman. She cursed herself, wishing her body wouldn’t betray her the way it had- a form of wetness drumming up between her legs. Her heartbeat pounding with more intent.
She ignored it.
“Are you happy?” It wasn’t the question that Beca had intended to lead with, not in a malice or ill-intended way, either. She was curious. Because this? This certainly didn’t look like the room of someone who enjoyed what they were doing in life. “You know, here, in your new shiny life.”
Aubrey scoffed, her life was far from shiny. It was clouded over and scared her shitless, but part of her didn’t’ want Beca to know that. To know that the rash decision to move with loomed with the desire to pull the younger woman into her arms once more and breathe in her scent.
“No,” Aubrey didn’t have to lie, she was sure that Beca knew she had a tell. It was one of the things neither could forget. No matter how comprised Aubrey was, she couldn’t’ lie. Not to Beca. The corner of her lip would twitch in the slightest of ways. It was almost endearing, how observant he girl was about her. “But is it about happiness?”
“If it’s not, then what could be driving you?” She shot back with another question, gaining more of a nerve. “Your father’s approval? Your five-year plan?”
No matter how much she hated to admit it, she was not apart of that plan. Beca knew that Aubrey had her quirks: the way she left crumbs on the butter that rested in the fridge, the way she would lose her lunch the second things grew too stressful, and the way she had the meticulous five-year plan about her feature. The one that was skewed the second Beca had embraced her after a shouting match between the two. It was the best sex they had ever had, to this day. Passionate and a mix of rage and love. Painful and relinquishing all at once. Almost like they gave up a part of themselves that night. Settled for just being in each other’s arms in bliss.
“Are you asking me what I want?” Aubrey finally settled her breathing, pulling herself away from the door. Her muscles cried in pain, mixing of the temperatures telling her body to relax and tense up at the same time. She stared Beca down.
Beca swallowed, she wasn’t sure. “It clearly isn’t this.”
“I am supposed to be here, Beca.” She said “I make money here. I’ll own the firm one day-“
“I’m not asking what General Posen wants.” It took everything in the smaller girl not to add a twinge of jealousy into her voice. The man clearly had blinding power in the situation that she didn’t possess herself. Her voice was raised, heat in her cheeks. “What do you want?”
With each word, she jammed her finger into Aubrey’s collarbone. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt her, maybe just a bit irritating. Each time her skin made contact with Aubrey’s her heart seemed to grow louder, deafening as the rain picked up past a cloudy window.
The kiss should have come out of nowhere, it should have shocked Beca into complying and letting her tense feelings melt away. Instead, it was completely expected and heavenly. Aubrey clasped her hands gently into Beca’s damn brown locks, pressing her cold nose against her cheek as soft lips met in the middle. The kiss was filled with passion, dear god, that passion.
Beca nipped back lightly, her heart so dominating at that point. It wasn’t an answer, it wasn’t something that she could lull over. Something that made her think more about how the woman in her embrace let her go with so much delicacy. No doubt, crying on the plane as Beca curled into the silk sheets they once shared. Yearning for that vanilla scent- something she felt now. Something she pushed herself flush against.
The answer was clearly and simply put. “You”
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